Referral Program 2

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Dearest Wise Brother peeps:

My name is Natasha and I am Wise Brother Media’s Marketing Director. I want to

take this opportunity to introduce myself and tell you about a HUGE new
promotion we are offering where you can personally earn up to $3,000 for
referring a single new client to us.

Here’s the deal: We know you're extremely busy, so we’ve come up with a referral
promotion that will actually make it worth your time.

Here’s all you need to do:

 Email, call, text, Tweet, or Facebook your friends at other radio stations and tell them they have
to get on a free trial of The Complete Sheet and Delicious Audio by Wednesday, June 22nd,

 To start their free trial, they just call Robert Alan, VP of Affiliate Relations, at 877-710-WISE
(9473) Ext. 501. When they call, they need to tell Robert that they were referred by you.

Here’s what you’ll get:

 If your friend becomes a client, and remains a client for at least six months, we’ll cut you a sweet
check. The exact amount depends on the market size of the station you referred. BUT WAIT!
There’s more. . .

 If the station you referred is the highest rated station in its market / format (e.g., the highest
rated country station in Los Angeles), we’ll give you “BONUS BUCKS” too! And THAT’S NOT ALL!

 If they sign up for BOTH The Complete Sheet and Delicious Audio, you get DOUBLE the bucks!
Check out the chart below to see what all this means in dollars. Bottom line, if you refer the
highest rated station in its market/format in a top 5 market and they become a TCS and DA
client, we’ll mail you a check for $3,000. There is NO LIMIT on the number of stations you can
get money for (though stations cannot be current clients, or stations already on trial).

Referral BONUS Total Possible: Total Possible:

Bucks Bucks TCS OR DA BOTH Services
Markets 1-5 $ 750 750 $ 1,500 $ 3,000
Markets 6-20 $ 500 250 $ 750 $ 1,500
Markets 21-30 $ 350 150 $ 500 $ 1,000
Markets 31-50 $ 250 150 $ 400 $ 800
Markets 51+ $ 150 50 $ 200 $ 400
That’s it! Remember, this offer is only through May 13th, so be sure to talk to your friends soon. If you
have ANY questions, don’t hesitate to email me at



The fine print:

 Referred stations cannot be current clients or stations already on trial as of May 13, 2011.

 Referral checks will be mailed within 30 days after the referred station has been a client for six
months (the six months do not include time on trial).

 In order to get credit for the referral, the referred station must tell Robert they were referred by
you at the time of requesting the trial. All referred trials must be started by phone in order to
ensure proper credit.

Again. . . here’s all you need to do:

 Email, call, text, Tweet, or Facebook your friends at other radio stations and tell them they have
to get on a free trial of The Complete Sheet and Delicious Audio by Wednesday, June 22nd,

 To start their free trial, they just call Robert Alan, VP of Affiliate Relations, at 877-710-WISE
(9473) Ext. 501. When they call, they need to tell Robert that they were referred by you.

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