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AX-IT International, Inc.


714-730-1155 Office 714-730-1195 Fax

This Requirements Contract is entered into this ________day of ______________

2007, by and between AX-IT International, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as

("Collector")_____________________________, (hereinafter referred to as "Supplier")
(collectively hereinafter referred to as the "parties") and in consideration of the mutual
promises set forth below, the parties agree as follows:

WERERAS Collector or desirous of obtaining from Supplier all the used cooking oil
("Product") of Supplier.

WHEREAS Supplier is desirous of disposing of all Product for which Supplier has no
further use for and is currently having pay third parties to retrieve, transport and/or
dispose of said Product.


1. Collector agrees to collect all of its' Product from Supplier on a monthly basis and
at a mutually agreeable time and in a mutually agreeable manner.

2. Supplier agrees to supply Collector with all its' Product free of charge in exchange
for Collector appearing at least once a month (or at a different frequency as determined
by the parties) and transporting and disposing of said Product free of charge to Supplier.

3. Supplier agrees that it will supply all of its' Product to Collector and will not
divert any of its Product to any third party unless so agreed to in writing by Collector.
The parties agree that this disposal arrangement is new to the industry and that the needs
of Collector may fluctuate from time to time. In view of this fluctuation, Supplier agrees
to supply Collector will all of its Product, until such time, if any, Collector notifies
Supplier of any change in such requirements.

4. Supplier agrees to provide all its' Product to Collector free of all charges.

5. Supplier and Collector agree that the terms of this agreement shall be for 2 years.
6. Supplier understands and acknowledges that from time to time it may produce
more Product than anticipated by Collector and shall notify Collector of that situation. In
the event Collector cannot use the increased production of Product of Supplier, Supplier
is free to dispose of or transfer any unwanted Product to any third party until so notified
by Collector.

7. The parties agree to cooperate fully with each other and to provide the other with
all reasonable notice regarding any significant increase or decrease either in the need for
Product or the increase or decrease in the supply of Product.


8. Collector agrees that there is not warranty on said Product other than that the
Product is as defined by the industry.

9. All risk of loss shall revert to Collector at the time Collector takes possession of
said Product.

10. This Agreement shall expire at the end of two years from the date set forth above
unless mutually terminate by the parties.

11. In the event of a dispute between the parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled
to reasonable attorney's fees and costs.

12. In the vent of a dispute between the parties, jurisdiction shall be the County of
Orange, State of California.

13. Any promises, covenants, representations or other terms or provisions not

contained herein shall be null and void.


Date:_____________________ ___________________________________


Date:______________________ AX-IT International, Inc.


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