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01 Student’s Biodata 2

02 Acknowledgement 4

03 Task 1 – Grammar Quiz 6

04 Task 2 – Role Play 8

05 Task 3 – Graphic Organizers 11

06 Task 4 – Essay 24

07 References 27




Date Of Birth : 19hb DECEMBER 1994

IC No. : 941219-12-5313

Adress : Kg. Malangang Baru Kiulu,

P.O.B 372 89257 Tamparuli, Sabah.

Telefon No. : 019 - 821 6984

E-mail :

Unit : PISMP Sains (SK) Ambilan Jun 2015



I am deeply grateful to my lecturer, Madam Tan Mee Chin, for her guidance,
patience, and support. I consider myself very fortunate for being able to work with a very
passionate, considerate and encouraging lecturer like her.

Besides, I would like to thank the authority of Teacher Education Institute of Kent
Campus for providing me with a conducive learning environment and facilities such as a
Research Library and internet connection to complete this project.

Finally, an honourable mention goes to my families and friends for their

understandings and supports. Without helps from the individuals mentioned above, I would
have faced many difficulties to complete this project.

TASK 1 –


Role Play

Situation: Meeting an old friend at the bus stop.

Joca was sitting on the bench of the bus stop then out of nowhere Khalid went in…

Khalid : Oh My God! Joca, is that you? Long time no see. How has it been? We haven’t
meet almost a decade.

Joca : Who are you? Do I even know you?

Khalid: It’s me, Khalid. Don’t you remember me?

Joca: Khalid? Which Khalid?

Khalid: Well, Khalid that is always sits behind the class. I think there is only one Khalid in
IPG Kent.

Joca: You are in the same class with me? In IPG Kent? Let me recall first. Oh yeah, you sits
beside me in the first semester of PISMP. Now I remember you clearly. So, how’s life?

Khald: Life’s good. When I think about it, maybe too good. Sometimes we need tragedy in
our life to keep is going forward but my life is just plain. How’s yours?

Joca: Mine? Kinda boring. As we both know, becoming a teacher, life is all about repeatition.
After Monday. comes Tuesday. Then Wednesday, Thursday, thanks god it’s Friday,
weekend and there comes Monday blues. Hmmm hmmm hmmmm. Just like that.

Khalid: Wow! Seems like you hate being a teacher. Why? Is it because of the childrens?

Joca: Typical Malaysian, only talk about the bad. I didn’t mention about hating my profession
, I just, just….feel that becoming a teacher is like a circle. The start and the end are on the
same spot. About the students, they are fun and enjoyable. Different kids have their own

Khalid: I know right? I’m a teacher too.

Joca: So, do you have your own family? Or still dating?

Khalid: Unfortunately, still dating. I am still trying to find the right one. It’s hard finding a good
woman these days. *sigh* How about you?

Joca: Me? I am a married man. Look at this. *showing ring* Lucky me!

Khalid: Wah! Who is that unlucky lady?

Joca: With the lady next door when I was studying abroad.

Khalid: Your children must be handsome and pretty. How many are they?

Joca: A lot. Joking. So far, four. Two sons and two daughters. My sons are twins.

Khalid: So lucky! Next time I’ll beat you! HAHHAHA

Joca: Have you contacted anyone of our classmate?

Khalid: Yeah. Still remember Amirah?

Joca: The most pretty in class? Yeah, I remember her. How about her?

Khalid: Don’t you know she is a principle now?

Joca: Like seriously? I need to see her.

Khalid: Oh! By the way, are you still an ordinary teacher or now some kind of really important

Joca: Ordinary teacher, yes and important person, no. I’m only assign as a class teacher.
Too much things to handle can make my pimples pop here and there. How about you?

Khalid: Well, aside from some odd-works, I am still your ordinary day-to-day teacher.

Joca: Don’t you wanna expands you wings a bit?

Khalid: No, there’s too much works to do.I’m happy where I am.

Joca: I knew it. You are just the Khalid that I used to know before.

Khalid & Joca: *LAUGH*

Khalid: Oh man! I missed my bus.

Joca: I think I missed my bus too. Let’s take a cab, shall we?

Khalid: We shall.

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solving and
Great value
to economy
Music brain

better Higher
developed perception of
skills life

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Score given
Involved with
Musical language and
training reasoning

Wire the
brain’s circuits
in specific Problem solving and
ways physically stronger

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Development of certain
part of the brain

Higher Children exposed to

Music music or exposed to
affected the
intelligence music instrument
brain through creative better than who
thinking don't

early child's reading age,
higher IQ

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Higher perception of life

 Positive attitude
 Strong desire to achieve

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Better developed skills

discipline study skill

higher self

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Growth in
business. value to Increases
Musical our tax based


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into our

Spiritual Healing Energy

attunement music boost


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Tapping into intermost feelings

Sound dynamics make the music comes to live

Example: The movie “Jaws” is not the same

without daunting, low, repetitive sound that
scares you.

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Helps us to

Music for
an energy
Energise us
Relax in the
in the

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make ours stress gone (stress-
slow don heart rate

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Task 4 required us to write a story entitled, “Never let others influence you against
true friend”. This statement shows us that a true friend will always be your true friend in good
and bad day. No one that can bring down a true friend friendship in a blink of eyes. My story
starts when…

I stand beside my room’s window. The rain is falling like cats and dogs from the dark
and gloomy sky followed with the echo sound of the rainstorm. The weather as reported was
not going to be good. At that time I could not stop myself from thinking someone who used to
be an important person in my life. Tears of sadness kept filling my eyes and not showing any
sign to stop. His face kept on appearing in my mind.

Brandon is someone who I cared so much. He is truly my best friend. Even though we
only knew each other during middle school but it seemed like we have known over a long
period time. Everyone in my school called us brother because we were always together and
has never been apart. Even though we came from a different level but we never bothered
about it. Brandon always told me that he would study hard so that he could support his
family. He has to take all his family’s responsibilities because he is the first child in his family.
I really envy her because he has never shown any despair about her family’s difficulty. I
hope that that I can be just like him who I have always known as a strong boy. He always
said, “We must never give up in our lives and we must always move forward.” Brandon and I
have the same ambition. We wanted to be a teacher when we grow up so we can teach
children for better future of the country.

A few months ago everything had changed. Brandon started to change. He avoided
me from meeting and talking and whenever he saw me; his face would showed a sign of
depression. At first, I was kind of dumbfounded with her attitude. I kept questioning myself,
“What’s wrong with him? Does he has a problem or have I done something wrong to him?” I
did not give much thought because I thought that he would be having a family problem. So I
just let him be. But it happened for almost a week and we still didn’t communicate among
each other. One of our friends, Bunny tried to stone fire us. She said that Brandon have told
her that I am such a jerk spending money just like that causing Brandon to be jealous. When
I asked him, he just kept her mouth shut without any answers. Without compromising, I took
it as a “Yes! He is just very jealous towards me”. I was feeling outrageous. My heart was full
with anger. From that moment, we stopped contacting each other.

After that, I started to hang out with a bunch of troublesome kids in my school. We
played truant and broke school’s rules and regulations and since then it became my bad
habits. My parent advised me not to make friend with them but I ignored them. During
weekdays, we decided to hang out at the shopping mall near my house. On our way, I met

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Brandon and both of us were stunned. When he saw me, she quickly ran towards me and
without hesitation he punched on my stomach. Obviously, I was very angry. I tried to do the
same towards him but when I saw his teary eyes I decided to hold my hand. We have a big
quarrel at the roadside. So he told me to stop hanging out with a bunch of troublesome kids.
But I just answered him not to lay his finger in my life anymore. All his advises just fell on my
deaf ears. I left him in disgust crossing the road like nothing happened.

Suddenly there was a red car driven at high speed and moving towards me. It did not
show any sign of slowing down. I could not move my legs because it happened too fast and I
felt my legs were stucked. I could hear Brandon’s voice screaming my name at the top of his
voice. When I saw that car approached me, my legs kept shaking and my forehead was full
of sweat. I could not do anything at that time and I just closed my eyes tightly and waited for
a death to pick me up. My mind could not stop thinking about my mistakes with my parents
and also towards Brandon. At that moment I felt like my back had been pushed from behind
and my body was moved to the front. When I turned my head, I saw Brandon was flying in
the air and his body was thrown up about 5 metres from the car. Without hesitation, I ran
towards him and I held his right hand. I can saw fresh blood flowing profusely from his
forehead and mouth. His face still showed a pale smile and my ears can hear his words,
“You are my best friend forever!”. That was the last time I heard his voice and I knew that he
had left me forever.

During Brandon’s funeral, his parents gave me a letter that was written by Brandon.
Everything was revealed at that time. Brandon actually had a leukaemia stage 3 and the
doctor who treated him already told that he would never have any chance of recovering.
Brandon knew that he would die so he concealed about his illness. He also stayed himself
away from me so, I would not feel sadness from losing him. I cursed myself for my stupidity
because I left her when he needed me. I was just a selfish person who didn’t know how to
understand a friend’s feeling but it was too late to regret. Tears of sadness flowed down my
cheeks. Now I realised the value of a true friend.

In a nut shell, as an imperfect friend, we must not easily jump into a conclusion without any
researches and proves to our stupidity. It can only cause the other side hurts badly. So, think
before you act and remember that never let others influence you against true friends.

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Droscher. E. (n.d.). Music Education benefits. Retrieved on 10 th September, 2015 from

Kaiser S. E.. (1998). Music articles – What is healing music? Retrieved on 13 th September,
2015 from

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