The Sanitary Void of Soybeans As A Measure To Control Asian Rust and The Importance of Official Plant Health Defense Actions in This Context

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and

Science (IJAERS)
Peer-Reviewed Journal
ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
Vol-8, Issue-12; Dec, 2021
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The sanitary void of soybeans as a measure to control

Asian rust and the importance of official plant health
defense actions in this context
Sílvia Vollino Libman Luft1, Emerson Shirota1, Carlos Eduardo Bitencourt Cardozo1,
Carlos Matheus de Souza Sobrinho1, Cristiane Navarrete Néris1, Danilo Furtado dos
Santos1, Luís Felipe Charbel1, Nelson Caleffi Del Corona1, Kelcilene Azambuja
Martinez1, Pedro Kadjaoglanian M Molina1, Samuel Carvalho de Aragão2, Jorge Granja
de Oliveira Junior1, Márcio Teixeira Oliveira3, Sônia Maria Salomão Arias4, Gisele
Garcia de Sousa1, Paulo Eduardo Ferlini Teixeira5, Matheus Bornelli de Castro2, Bruno
Toríbio Lima Xavier2, Priscila Gonzales Figueiredo2

1StateAgency for Animal and Plant Sanitary Defense - IAGRO, Campo Grande-MS, Brazil
2Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso do Sul - IFMS, Campus Naviraí-MS, Brazil
3Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso do Sul - IFMS, Campus Três Lagoas-MS, Brazil
4Ministry of Agriculture, Cattle and Supplying - MAPA, Campo Grande-MS, Brazil
5Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso do Sul - IFMS, Campus Nova Andradina-MS, Brazil

Corresponding Author Email :

Received: 01 Oct 2021, Abstract— In Mato Grosso do Sul agribusiness accounts for 30%
Received in revised form: 28 Nov 2021, of gross domestic product - GDP, being the 5th largest soybean
producer in the country and the 4th in corn production. According
Accepted: 10 Dec 2021,
to the state government, the 2020/21 soybean crop exceeded
Available online: 16 Dec 2021 forecasts and reached 13.305 million tons, a volume 17.8% higher
©2021 The Author(s). Published by AI Publication. than that of the 2019/2020 crop. Asian rust is one of the diseases
This is an open access article under the CC BY that most affect and compromise soybean production. The
license( causative agent is the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, which is
biotrophic, polycyclic and has a large amplitude of hosts, which
Keywords—IAGRO, Mato Grosso do Sul, Sanitary
gives it the ability to survive from one agricultural year to another,
Empty, Soy.
due to "green bridges". Asian rust, which was rapidly softened
every year, was so severe in the 2005/2006 crop that there was a
mobilization among those involved in the production chain, to try
to standardize the activity and reduce the problem in the following
harvests. This joint effort, with forums and meetings, came the
creation of a state legislation based on the prevention and control
of Asian Soybean Rust in Mato Grosso do Sul. Its initial milestone
was State Law No. 3,333, of December 21, 2006, whose purpose
was to implement the sanitary void of soybeans and make it
mandatory to control raccoon plants after harvest. To make the
effects of the sanitary void more effective, State Law No. 5025, of
July 19, 2017, prohibited the cultivation of soybeans after Page | 186

Sílvia Vollino Libman Luft et al. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(12)-2021

soybeans, in the same area and in the same agricultural year. Then,
the Secretary of State for The Environment, Economic
Development, Production and Family Agriculture - SEMAGRO
published Resolution SEMAGRO No. 648, from August 15, 2017,
establishing the soy sowing calendar from September 16 to
December 31. In order to characterize the plant health defense
actions related to the supervision and application of legislation
dealing with the sanitary void, for the purpose of maintaining the
control of Asian soybean rust in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, it
was carried out the survey of information of inspection actions with
the state agency, from 2009 to 2021, stored in the IAGRO database.
The information showed that, after the soybean sanitary void law,
fiscalization and sanitary education work positively influenced
compliance with the legislation and few producers deliberately
violated it, especially with regard to sowing during the sanitary
void period. The greatest number of infringements was due to the
lack of registration of the planting areas, followed by the non-
control of spontaneously growing soybean plants.

I. INTRODUCTION However, there has been an advance in grain planting

Brazil is one of the main exporters of agricultural areas in some traditionally livestock regions, in which
products in the world, serving more than 180 countries, soybean areas have been increasing in place of pasture
having as main buyers China, MERCOSUR countries, the areas, especially where they present some degree of
European Union and the United States. The main degradation [4].
exportsegments of products from Brazilian agribusiness Asian rust is one of the diseases that most affect and
are the soybean complex (36.9% share); meat (19.2% compromise soybean production, which can cause losses
share); forest products (11.5% share); cereals, flours and of up to 90% in untreated areas [5]. In the 2001/2002
preparations (8.6% share) and sugar-alcohol complex crop, Asian rust reached about 60% of the Brazilian
(8.4% share), which had an 84.5% share in the total soybean area. In Mato Grosso do Sul, São Gabriel d'Oeste,
exports of August 2021 [1]. Chapadão do Sul and Costa Rica were the most affected
It should be noted that all agricultural production is municipalities, recording income losses ranging from 30 to
carried out in about 30% of the Brazilian territory, being 75% in the last two [6].
only 7.8% for agriculture as a whole and only 4% destined The severity of the disease in the 2005/2006 harvest
for soybean planting [2], which proves the country's was aggravated by two causes: favorable climatic
commitment to sustainable production and environmental conditions, which allowed the early emergence of the
preservation. disease, still in the vegetative stage and also by control
In Mato Grosso do Sul, in 2018, agribusiness failures, because the applications were timed, starting in
accounted for 30% of gross domestic product – GDP, flowering, but delayed to that context [7]. The severe
constituting the main segment of the state's economy[3]. In situation caused those involved in the soybean production
2020, the state's Gross Production Value – VBP increased chain to mobilize to seek the standardization of the activity
by 29%, reaching R$70.9 billion. The State is the 7th in and reduce the problem in the following harvests. This
the Brazilian agribusiness production ranking and joint effort, with forums and meetings, came the creation
agriculture has been standing out year by year. While the of State Law No. 3,333, of December 21, 2006, based on
VBP of livestock production totaled R$ 17.7 billion in the prevention, control and eradication of Asian Soybean
2020 and grew 14% compared to 2019, the VBP of crops Rust in Mato Grosso do Sul.
increased by 34.4% in this period, reaching R$ 53 The main pillar of this law is the control of soybean
billion[4]. sowing, which in Mato Grosso do Sul, is allowed soon
Soybean is grown throughout the state of Mato Grosso after the end of the soybean sanitary void, and the sowing
do Sul, except for the Pantanal biome region, with calendar from September 16 to December 31, is
emphasis on the northern region (Chapadão do Sul) and established, according to SEMAGRO Resolution no. 648,
the southern region of the state (Maracaju, Dourados). from August 15, 2017. Page | 187

Sílvia Vollino Libman Luft et al. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(12)-2021

Thus, this study had as general objective to b) The expansion of soybean cultivation to the
characterize the actions carried out by IAGRO in relation Midwest and North of the country
to the sanitary void of soybean in the control of Asian rust. In the late 1960s, commercial soybean production
a) Origin, domestication and dissemination of became a strategic necessity. The country intended to
soybeans in the world increase the production of pigs and poultry, generating
The oldest literary reference about soy would be demand for soybean meal. Soybean planting then emerged
the one contained in the Pen Ts'ao Kang Mu herbarium, as a summer option in succession to wheat. In the early
written by the Chinese Emperor Sheng Nung, in imprecise 1970s more than 80% of the volume produced was
date, between the years 2838 and 2383 BC. However, concentrated in the three states of the Southern Region.
Chang & Watson (no / d) cited by Bonetti (1981), suggest During this period, the valorization of soybeans in the
that only dates recorded in history after 814 AD are international market sharpened the attention of farmers and
accepted as the most correct [8]. According to Hymowitz the Brazilian government [1] and the expansion of the
(1976), the emergence of soybeans as a domestic plant crop became of interest to both.
took place in the 19th century. XI BC., in the northern half Given the different edaphoclimatic conditions of the
of China, which is the main center of origin of the species country, the pioneering spirit of the producers and the
and assumed that the first crops occurred during the Shang possibility of expanding the cultivated area in Brazil, with
Dynasty, between 1500 and 1027 BC. From the 17th the leadership of the Brazilian Agricultural Research
century to the 19th century, it was introduced in several Company - EMBRAPA and participation of several
countries and was taken from Japan to Europe (1712). In universities and private companies, there were investments
the United States it was introduced in 1804, where it in technological research in several areas of agronomy
acquired importance only in the year 1880, as forage. In such as: genetic improvement, agrometeorology, fertility
1890, many experimental agricultural stations had and land use, phytosanitary defense, etc. to adapt culture
experiments with soybeans, but it was only in 1941 that to the various Brazilian conditions and ecosystems.
there was significant expansion of the area for grain According to FERREIRA and SILVA (2019), in the
production in that country.In Brazil, according to the late 1970s the Brazilian Midwest was considered a barn of
history established by Bonato & Bonato (1987), soybeans opportunities for the expansion of the agricultural frontier
were initially brought to Bahia in 1882 for varietytesting. and many factors encouraged migration from the south to
In 1892, the first studies were initiated in São Paulo, at the the west center of the country. The land was low cost, had
Agronomic Station of Campinas (current IAC). In Rio good conditions of relief, flat in large part, and well-
Grande do Sul, in 1901, the first performance data of the defined dry and rainy weather. And also the special credit
species were obtained, but the official introduction of lines that were opportunistic by the Government,
culture in the State is attributed to Professor F. G. Graig, facilitated investments. This encouraged the occupation of
from the School of Agronomy and Veterinary Of the large "empty spaces" in central Brazil, although the lands
Technical University (now UFRGS), in 1914. Only had yet to be cleared, demanding a lot of persistence,
between 1946 and 1950, variety crops were started for determination and a lot of work.
behavior observation in several regions of Brazil: PR, SP,
Thus, the Midwest emerged as a new productive option
MG and RS.
as research in the area of soils and fertility, mechanization
Outside the experimental fields, the first plantations for and genetic improvement of soybeans intensified, seeking
consumption in food were made in 1908 by Japanese cultivars more adapted to the conditions of the cerrado,
immigrants in the State of São Paulo [8]. Soybean previously considered a poor soil, but which came to be
cultivation on a commercial scale began in Rio Grande do seen with a new look. From the constant insertion of
Sul in 1941, the year also of the construction of the first technology making the soil fit for the practice of
soybean processing plant. Initially, the cultivation aimed at agriculture, allied to a geopolitical condition that favors
the production of forage and grains for the rooting of pigs. production, the Midwest has achieved, each year,
With the expansion of crops, in 1949 the first export of increasingly higher production rates [14].
Brazilian soybeans occurred, of about 18,000 tons, when
The achievement of good results of the research
Brazil began to appear in international statistics as a
provided and continues to provide the expansion of the
soybean producer[11].
agricultural frontier to the northern region of the country
(Fig. 1) and excellent productivity. Page | 188

Sílvia Vollino Libman Luft et al. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(12)-2021

Fig. 1: Expansion of the soybean plantation area in Brazil from 1970 to 2003.
Source: Agrolink-a, (2021).

c) Soybeans in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul decades [16]and soybean production, in the last 20 years,
The expansion of agricultural areas in Brazil and, has grown 320%, keeping the state in the position of 5th
mainly, soybean cultivation in the Midwest, was largest producer of grain in the country [17]. Thus,
consolidated as a result of stimuli and economic soybeans play a major role in the command of territorial
advantages combined with the warming of the structuring, with the production of large-scale agricultural
international market [12]. An advantage for the State of commodities for export as the economic base of the
Mato Grosso do Sul in the process of geographical State[12].
expansion for soybean production, towards the Cerrado, In Brazil, exports of basic products from the primary
were the large dimensions of the land, as evidenced by sector (fig. 2), with little or no added value, such as those
Faccin (2017) and Ferreira & Silva (2019), when of the soybean complex (crushed soybean and soybean oil
presenting the fact as one of the variables involved in the meal and residues), represented 11.9% of the value of the
regional competitiveness of the State. Thus, the structuring products exported by the country in 2018. Similarly, the
and specialization of the south-mato-grossense territory exporting matrix of the stateof Mato Grosso do Sul (fig. 3),
occurred in order to meet the demand of the compared to exports from Brazil, it portrays the same
sojicultorsector[12][15]. composition, in which soy complex products occupied the
In Mato Grosso do Sul, the significant increases in the first position, with 37.4 % of the value of exportedproducts
production of the soybean agro-industrial complex are the [18].
result of the agricultural modernization acquired in recent Page | 189

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Fig. 2: Overview of exported products: participation in relation to the value exported in 2018.
Source: Comex Vis/MDIC Reproduction (2019).

Fig. 3: Mato Grosso do Sul: Overview of products exported in 2018.

Source: Comex Vis/MDIC Reproduction (2019).

The soybean chain is among the activities that form the services derived from primary products, created for the
basis of the South Mato Grosso economy, contributing to implementation of the few main activities.
the maintenance of the industry sectors and also the The use of precision technology in agriculture
combined with rural management comes year after year, Page | 190

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providing increased productivity. Agricultural research in Family Agriculture - SEMAGRO, which, according to
Mato Grosso do Sul generates technologies that, when Law No. 4,640 of December 24, 2014, is the body
incorporated into production systems, ensure their responsible for supervising the activities of the Agency,
viability, with consistent technological bases [19]. which has legal personality of public law, own assets,
According to data from SEMAGRO (2021), in Mato technical, administrative and financial autonomy, and
Grosso do Sul, in the 2020/21 harvest soybean production indefinite duration, under the law, being the body
reached an all-time high, when 13,305 million tons of responsible for operationalizing and implementing the
soybeans were produced in an area of 3,529 million standards of the Unified System of Attention to
hectares[17]. The productivity of 62.8 bags/ha exceeded Agricultural Health - SUASA.
expectations and the volume produced was 17.8% higher Purposes of the State Agency for Animal and Plant
than that harvested in the previous harvest, which contrasts Sanitary Defense:
with the increase of only 4% in the planted area. Among 1.Implement public policies in the areas of
the municipalities with little agricultural tradition and inspection, inspection, health education and
which has been growing in the planted area of soybeans, health, with the objective of promoting,
are Campo Grande and Bandeirantes (fig. 4), these in maintaining and recovering animal and plant
recent years, have replaced pastures, mostly presenting health, the quality of its products and by-
some degree of degradation, by the cultivation of legumes. products, through health defense, control,
Also other municipalities, besides those already inspection and inspection of products and by-
mentioned, such as Jaraguari, Camapuã, Itaquiraí, Paraíso products of agricultural origin, inspection of
das Águas, Nova Andradina, Anaurilândia, Naviraí and agricultural products and biosafety activities,
Ribas do Rio Pardo are having their cultivated areas to ensure human health.
significantly increased[19].
2. Comply with and enforce the obligations
delegated by the Executive Branch, with regard
to legislation governing the protection of animal
and plant health and the control and inspection
of agricultural products, goods and services,
processes and technologies achieved by the
system of attention to agricultural health.
IAGRO is the agricultural defense authority of the
State of Mato Grosso do Sul and prioritizes promoting,
maintaining and recovering the health of animals and
vegetables, as well as the quality of agricultural products,
Fig. 4: Evolution of soybean cultivated area in some their derivatives, especially in relation to harmlessness,
municipalities of Mato Grosso do Sul. acting in prevention with a view to quality and the defense
Source: CONAB, 2021 of the diffuse rights of consumers. Decree No. 15,519, of
October 14, 2020, assures IAGRO the other prerogatives
necessary for the proper exercise of its duties.
d) State Agency for Animal and Plant Sanitary
In addition to implementing actions to meet mapa's
Defense - IAGRO
federal programs, it also implements actions not covered
With the creation of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul in by these programs, but which are of strategic and
1977, it was necessary to implement the inspection and economic importance to the state, due to the need to
health defense service in the new state and then, under preserve public health, animal and plant health, or due to
Decree-Law No. 9 of January 1, 1979, the Department of compliance with rules established by international
Agricultural Inspection and Defense of Mato Grosso do organizations such as the OIE, CIPV and Codex
Sul - IAGRO was created. Subsequently, through Law No. alimentarius, or to meet the demands of the Public
2,152, of October 26, 2000, the agency received the Prosecutor's Office.
current name: State Agency for Animal and Plant Sanitary
IAGRO's work in relation to agricultural production
Defense, maintaining the old acronym.
goes beyond inspection, surveillance and inspection. From
IAGRO is an autarchy, with its head and fore in the these actions, problems and failures in the productive
State Capital. It is bound by the Secretary of State for The system are often found that can harm both the health of the
Environment, Economic Development, Production and general population, as well as the finances of producers, Page | 191

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municipalities and the state. As an example is the recent highest incidence is observed due to the formation of a
introduction in south-mato-grossense territory of the microclimate favorable to infection. Shading and higher
bacterium causing HLB disease in citrus and cases of humidity are factors that give protection to spores against
misuse of pesticides, which can leave residues in food, not the effects of UV radiation and direct solar radiation,
meeting the requirements of the PNCRC - National Plan which have a deleterious effect on their survival [21].
for Control of Waste and Contaminants, harming The onset of the disease occurs when uredospores
consumers and also international trade, subjecting the (spores) germinate and begin colonization in the host
country to commercial retaliation, in addition to causing tissues. The first symptoms are the appearance of tiny dark
damage to the environment. scores (1 mm), greenish to greenish-gray on the leaf. With
Many of the problems of health defense can be the evolution of the disease, lesions (2 to 5 mm) of light
minimized in the long term, provided that health education brown color with darkened spots appear. On the abaxial
work is continuously developed that, together with the face of the leaves are the uredias (breeding structure),
sanctions provided for in the laws governing agricultural which break and release the uredospores, which are
activities, will consciously and lastingly promote a change transported by the wind and which restart the cycle [20].
in behavior in producers and others involved in production After infection by the fungus, the leaves become chlorotic,
processes. dry and early dehiscence occurs. This will impact the
The work of health education and awareness carried photosynthetic rate, which will be lower. Therefore, the
out by IAGRO is based on the National Program of earlier there is infection and defoliation, the smaller the
Sanitary Education in Agriculture - PNESA, created by size of the grains with greater loss of yield and quality
The Normative Instruction MAPA no. 28, of May 15, [22].
2008, meeting the other national health defense programs The first record of Asian rust in Brazilian crops
of MAPA and other topics of interest to health defense, in occurred in 2001, in Paraná, from there, in the following
order to bring preventively to the target public the harvests, it spread throughout the other producing regions.
technical knowledge and requirements of sanitary The evolution of the disease throughout Brazil was very
legislation, in order to make you aware of the production rapid and in the 2001/2002 harvest, it reached about 60%
of safe food. Educational actions are developed, assuming of the Brazilian soybean area, according to a study by
that all those involved in production processes should be Yorinori et al. (2005) cited by Godoy et al. (2020) [21]. In
aware of their responsibility in relation to animal and plant this harvest, in Mato Grosso do Sul the most affected
health defense and the use of agricultural insumuins. municipalities were: São Gabriel d'Oeste, Chapadão do Sul
e) Characterization of soybean rust and its and Costa Rica with a record of income losses ranging
occurrence in Brazil, the Midwest and Mato Grosso do from 30% to 75% in the last two [6].
Sul Characteristics of the pathogen are very important in
Asian rust, caused by the fungus Phakopsora the maintenance and persistence of the disease. According
pachyrhizi, is among the main diseases of soybeans and to Hartman et al. (2015) and Godoy et al. (2016),
has greater potential for crop damage in the country. Early mentioned by Godoy et al. (2020), the reproductive
defoliation is the main damage caused by Asian rust, structures of the fungus are miniature and easily
which causes a decrease in photosynthetic and disseminated by the wind. In addition, the presence of
photonatorates, preventing the complete formation of soybeans for most of the year in the producing regions that
grains, with consequent reduction of productivity [20]. have a favorable climate for the development of the
disease, were essential for the rapid expansion of Asian
The level of damage that the disease reaches and the
rust in Brazil[21]. In this sense, Yorinori et al. (2004)
damage caused will depend on what stage of growth the
stated that soybean cultivation in the off-season
plants are in when the fungus begins the colonization of
(June/July) led to the early onset of the disease in the
leaf tissues and also that the climatic conditions are
2003/2004 crop, mainly in the Midwest and North regions
favorable to the multiplication of the pathogen, which can
of Brazil, being detected in 2004 in all soybean producing
reach 70% [16]. In studies conducted by Sumitomo
regions in Brazil, except in Roraima, in the Boa Vista
Chemical Brasil (2021)[5], it was found that, if not
controlled, because it is an aggressive microorganism,
Asian rustcan cause losses of up to 90% in soybean crops. The vertiginous spread of the disease led to the created
in 2004 the Antiferrugem Consortium, which is a network
At any stage of development, soybean plants can be
of laboratories, researchers from public and private
infected by Asian rust, but the fungus attack becomes more
institutions and cooperative trials for fungicide tests,
intense from the closure of the crop canopy, when the Page | 192

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distributed in all Brazilian regions in order to monitor the implanted in order to reduce the pressure of inoculum at
occurrence and generate up-to-date information about the the beginning of the following crop [23].
disease [1]. Data from the Antiferrugem Consortium show that in
Because Asian rust is a polycyclic disease, capable of Brazil, as in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, the number
completing several cycles and spreading for long periods, of outbreaks of the disease increased rapidly from the
it is that even after the end of the commercial harvest, the 2005/2006 harvest, peaking in the 2006/2007 crop (Fig. 5).
fungus continues to survive and reproduce in alternative On the other hand, the historical series of Asian rust
hosts and raccoon soybean plants [5] that form the so- records in MS shows a 4-year fall in records after the
called "green bridge", essential for maintaining the implementation of State Law No. 3,333 of December 21,
inoculum source at high levels at the beginning of the next 2006, establishing the sanitary void of soybeans as a tool
crop. This situation is aggravated by the cultivation of in disease control. This makes evident the importance of
soybean scum. In Brazil, between 2006 and 2007, due to phytosanitary measurement in the control of the disease,
the severity of the disease and difficulty in control, which which combined with the awareness of rural producers and
caused many problems for sojicultores, the sanitary void of the use of preventive measures have achieved satisfactory
soybeans (period of absence of soybeanin the field) was results in grain production.

Fig. 5: Occurrences of Asian rust in Brazil. Source: Antirust Consortium/2021.

Also according to data from the Antirust Consortium, converged on the need to discipline the activity of
in the current crop (2021/2022), until the beginning of sojiculture in theState [6].
November, there is the report of only one focus of Asian Aiming at strengthening the agricultural production of
soybean rust in the state of Roraima-RR registered in mid- legumes and mitigating economic risks to producers, joint
September, probably due to the agricultural calendar in phytosanitary strategies for the prevention, control and
Roraima being different from the calendar of the rest of the eradication of the disease were instituted through specific
country (the state is located in the northern hemisphere, in legislation. The strategies were supported by the research,
which planting usually takes place in April and June). In the participation of the productive sector, representatives
Brazil, in the 2020/2021 harvest, 377 foci of Asian rust of the public sector and other invited relevant entities or
were recorded, of these 25 occurred in the state of Mato bodies [24].
Grosso do Sul.
The initial milestone in Mato Grosso do Sul was State
f) Legislation applied to asian rust control Law No. 3,333, of December 21, 2006, which established,
In studies conducted by Yorinori et al(2004), they for any areas of the state, regardless of type or location, the
found the increasing incidence and wide dissemination sanitary void of soybeans, which is the period in which
throughout The Brazilian territory of Asian Soybean Rust there should be total absence of soybean plants, whether
from the 2001/2002 harvest. That is why in Mato Grosso planted or raccoons, from 15 June to 30 September [25]
do Sul, entities linked to the sector and producers date which was subsequently amended. It also determined
the control of raccoon plants, those from grains abandoned Page | 193

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or lost in the soil at the time of harvest or during grain The other was the setting of June 14 as a date until the
transport. control of the non-control of spontaneously growing
Another action that was implemented as mandatory for soybean plants, already mandatory by Law 3333, by the
soybean producers is a declaration of soybean planting respective legal guardians, in any public or private areas
areas, which should be done annually, through registration where they have germinated, including rural properties,
on the IAGRO website, whose deadline was set in later roads, warehouses, etc. and even in urban areas, and all
law. It also stipulated that it is the responsibility of the voluntary soybean plants, must be controlled and
sojicultor to always follow up during the conduction of the destroyed before the start of the sanitary void [27].
crop, which is the monitoring of plants for detection of the The most recent complement ation was made by Law
disease and realization, when due, and according to the No. 5,025 of July 19, 2017, which prohibited the planting
prescriptions of its technical responsible, chemical, and cultivation of soybeans succeeding soybeans in the
biological or mechanical control of prevention or fight of same area and agricultural year, the popular soybean
the disease [25]. safrinha. It also instituted the planting calendar for
In the same law, the State Committee for the Control of soybean cultivation, which is allowed from September 16
Asian Soybean Rust was created. The Committee, to December31. It should be noted that soybeans cannot be
assertively, due to the robust technical staff, was sowing before September 16, even if seedling emergence
responsible for employing dynamism to the sojiculture of only happens after the start date of the sowing calendar.
the State, even though the measures it deliberated became The government of Mato Grosso do Sul, through
inflexible legal instruments. Developments in agricultural SEMAGRO, published RESOLUTION SEMAGRO no.
production have triggered the modernisation of legislation, 648, of August 15, 2017, which ratified the existing state
which can be updated over time, by appropriated legal legislation, in addition to meeting the determinations of the
instruments so as not to hinder rural progress [24]. new PNCFS[29].
The current fixed members of the Committee are: the At the federal level, the Ministry of Agriculture,
State Agency for Animal and Plant Sanitary Defense - Livestock and Supply (MAPA) was initially established,
IAGRO; the Agrarian Development and Rural Extension initially the National Program for the Control of Asian
Agency - AGRAER; Association of Soybean Producers of Soybean Rust (PNCFS) by Normative Instruction No. 2 of
the State of Mato Grosso do Sul - APROSOJA/MS; January 29, 2007 [30], which is currently repealed and
Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of Mato replaced by the new PNCFS of Ordinance No. 306 of May
Grosso do Sul - CREA/MS; Foundation for Agricultural 13, 2021 [31] . In it, mapa establishes phytosanitary
Research Support of Chapadão - Chapadão Foundation; measures for pest control and competencies to the State
MS Foundation for Research and Dissemination of Organs of Plant Sanitary Defense.
Agricultural Technologies - MS Foundation; Brazilian The current PNCFS, established that the period of
Agricultural Research Company - West Agricultural sanitary void must have a minimum duration of 90 days,
Research Center - EMBRAPA/CPAO [26]. with annual occurrence, be published annually by MAPA,
On November 24, 2008, State Decree No. 12,657 with the decision taken together with the State Organs of
entered into force, regulating State Law No. 3,333.[ Later, Plant Sanitary Defense, and that the dates of coverage of
it was necessary to make some updates of this legislation each Unit of the Federation, can be established in a
through the changes and insertions of instruments regionalized manner, with different dates, within the same
promoted by other laws. Law No. 3,606, of December 19, Federation Unit. It also implemented the sowing calendar,
2008, among other changes, instituted the socio- which was defined as the single period of up to 110
educational measure, which allows the conversion of the consecutive days, for the start and end dates of soybean
fine due to the lack of registration of planting areas sowing. The new PNCFS also made mandatory the
participating in a lecture on the sanitary void of soybeans registration of soybean planting areas and delegates the
and relevant legislation. This law also set the period of competence of receiving it to the State Organs of Plant
regular registration of soybean planting areas in the state, Sanitary Defense [1].
which is from September 1 to January 10 and should be The entire legal framework in force can be translated,
doneannually on the IAGRO website[26]. to Mato Grosso do Sul, in some phytosanitary measures
Two important changes were made by Law No. 4,218 that must be taken together by all producers,
of July 11, 2012. One was the anticipation of the end date concomitantly.
of the sanitary void from 30 to September 15, Any disagreement with legal phytosanitary measures
standardizing the calendar with that of neighboring states. will cause the offender to receive administrative sanctions, Page | 194

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such as fines, destruction or elimination of irregularly pustules of this. However, despite the promising results,
cultivated crops and voluntary plants or socio-educational there are some limitations, such as leaf wetting necessary
measures. for the development of hyperparasite species, which hinder
g) Asian rust control strategies in soybeans and limit their use, even if associated with other control
Asian soybean rust is a disease that requires planning
and use of different management strategies, including Rust management is mainly done by the use of
before planting and, to achieve control results, as efficient chemical control, however, the high number of
as possible, it is mandatory to integrate preventive cultural applications evidenced in recent years, results in loss of
measures. As a strategy in the management of the disease, fungicide efficiency and development of resistance, since
Embrapa recommends the absence of soybean sowing and the characteristic of being polycyclic, favors adaptation to
the elimination of voluntary plants in the off-season active ingredients, due to a series of mutations that
through the sanitary void to reduce the fungus inoculum. accumulate in the genome of the fungus, as reported by
Schmitz et al. (2014); Klosowski et al. (2016); Simões et
Another technique adopted as a disease escape strategy
al. (2018) apud EMBRAPA, 2020[1]. Converging with
is the use of early cycle cultivars and soweds at the
these conclusions, Reis et al, (2018) observed that the use
beginning of the recommended season, according to
of fungicides impacts on the cost of production
agroclimatic zoning and also the use of fungicides in a
andincreases the risk of selection of resistant fungal lines
preventive manner. These measures aim at preventing the
and both factors are dependent on the number of sprays
disease from leakage in relation to the presence of the
and that no scientific criteria is adopted to define when to
pathogen and/or the environmental conditions more
make the first application[33]. This process is cyclical,
favorable to its development Embrapa (2017) or Godoy et
especially if strategies to combat resistance are not adopted
al., 2017[1][22].
[32] as the use of fungicides with different mechanism of
The occurrence of Soybean Rust is closely related to action.
weather conditions. Thus, meteorological information
There are three main groups of active ingredients
obtained with the monitoring of temperature and relative
recommended for chemical control of Asian soybean rust
humidity, and other climatological variables (rainfall, dew
and recorded in mapa: Demethylation Inhibitors (MDI) –
point and leaf wetting) are used as a subsidy in the
"triazois"; External Quinone inhibitors (IQe) –
prevention and control of the disease. According to
"strobilurines" and Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors
Sentelhas (2004), the duration of the leaf wetting period
(ISDH) – "carboxamides". In addition to these, there are
(PMD) is one of the most important factors that influence
multisite or protective fungicides (mancozeb,
the propagation and severity of plant diseases caused by
chlorothalonil, copper-based fungicides) which are the
fungi and bacteria, because the presence of water in liquid
combination of more than one active ingredient in the
form on the surface of plants allows the germination and
formulation [21].
penetration of phytopathogenic agents in leaf tissues. In
this sense, the predictions about the time for the near In general, among the control alternatives for diseases,
future are important for decision-making about the genetic resistance is a solution that requires a long period
treatment with fungicides in relation to the installation of development, but which becomes an excellent form of
and/or evolution of soybean rust. disease management. In the case of soybean rust, the plant
reaction will interfere with the degree of the injury caused
It also influences the development of the disease the
by the pathogen and the viability of its reproduction in the
microclimate that forms inside the crop canopy, because it
is related to the spacing between the planting lines, which
influences the ventilation between them and the dispersion The fig. 6 demonstrates the differences between the
of moisture. Maldalosso et al., 2010, apud Lemes & degrees of resistance to soybean rust. Resistant plants do
Gavassoni (2015), observed that greater spacing between not present lesions (A); plants with partial resistance
the lines (60cm) provided lower values of accumulated present RB-type lesions, where the pathogen develops the
disease and higher productivity[32]. lesion, with reduced urenian production and size (B);
susceptible plants present TAN-type lesions, which show
Regarding the biological control of the fungus
full reproduction of the pathogen and are indicative of
Phakopsora pachyrhizi, Goellner et al. (2010), apud Lemes
susceptibility (C).
& Gavassoni (2015) report that there are few alternatives
studied: two species of hyperparasite fungi Lecanicillium
psalliotae and Simplicillium lanosoniveum, which develop
in leaves already infected by P. pachyrhizi, reducing the Page | 195

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Fig. 6: The three types of qualitative response of soybean to P.pachyrhizi infection: immunity or complete resistance (A),
RB lesions or incomplete resistance (B) and TAN lesions indicative of susceptibility (C). Source: Pionner, 2016

With regard to specific resistance to P. pachyrhizi, planting for a period of 60 to 90 days and requires the
seven dominant genes were identified: Rpp1 [34], Rpp2 eradication of guaxs soybean plants, or spontaneous
[35], Rpp3 [37], Rpp4 [38], Rpp5 [29], Rpp6 [37] and growth, whether in the crop, on the roadside, preventing
Rpp7 [40]. However, these genes confer resistance to or minimizing "green bridges". However, in the case of
some biotypes, but are not effective against all populations this sanitary measure, it must be respected collectively. If a
of the pathogen. farmer does not respect the sanitary void of soybeans, it
Cultural Control - Soy Sanitary Void in Mato Grosso do can endanger the health of neighboring crops. Another
Sul important consequence of the sanitary void of soybean is
the reduction of the possibility of selection of p. pachyrhizi
The most important and ancient phytosanitary measure
populations resistant to fungicides available in the market.
taken and being almost unanimous among researchers,
public sector and producers is the sanitary void of The occurrence of Asian rust in the 2005/2006 crop,
soybeans, which was established by legislation as a which had a great economic impact on the soybean
defined and continuous period in which one cannot sothe production chain, promoted or stimulated efforts for the
or maintain live plants of a plant species in a given area, participants of the chain to promote discussions to mitigate
with the aim of reducing the inoculum of diseases or the impacts of the fungus on crops, which worsened each
population of a given pest, as stated in Ordinance No. 306 crop.
of May 13, 2021 [41]. Thus, the implementation of measures to prevent and
One of the paradigms of phytopathology is the disease control Asian soybean rust in the State of Mato Grosso do
triangle, in which the conditions for a disease to settle are Sul began to be discussed on May 4, 2006, when a rural
formed: susceptible host, virulent pathogen and favorable union meeting of Chapadão do Sul was held with the
environment. And by eliminating one of these presence of about 70 participants among producers,
components, the disease cannot settle. The logic of the technicians and researchers, together with representatives
sanitary void is to make the establishment of the disease of IAGRO. Similar meeting took place in the municipality
unfeasible due to the lack of host, since the interaction of of Maracaju. It was the beginnings of state legislation that
pathogen, host and environment factors is essential for the is the basis for prevention, control and eradication of Asian
occurrence of diseases in plants [42]. Soybean Rust in Mato Grosso do Sul, which has been
described earlier, whose initial landmark was State Law
This is the biological basis for the adoption of the
No. 3.333.333.
sanitary void of soybeans, which is a mandatory and very
effective management measure, which prohibits soybean Page | 196

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At the time the law came into force, to clarify conducts, the care with the management of the crop that
producers about the new legal requirements, the Health became mandatory and also how the inspections would be
Education Division, together with the Division of Plant carried out and what sanctions would be imputed to
Sanitary Defense and in partnership with rural unions and producers in case of commit of infractions.
inPEV - National Institute of Empty Packaging Processing, Other states, before the MS, had already adopted the
held a series of lectures for producers, in the main sanitary void of soybeans and others adopted it later,
soybean producing regions of the state, to present the new including the neighboring country Paraguay, in 2011, as
law and the technical foundations that guided the new shown in fig. Six, six.

Fig. 6: Periods of sanitary vacuum in Brazilian states and Paraguay, established by regulations in their respective
phytosanitary defense agencies. Source: Embrapa, 2020

During the period of the soybean sanitary void (June 15 the sanitary void of soybeans aiming at maintaining the
to September 15) IAGRO inspectors make visits to rural control of Asian rust in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul.
properties in order to inspect the cultivation area and other II. MATERIAL AND METHODS
adjacent areas regarding the destruction of soybean crop
a) Research Design
residues (raccoon, rebolded or planting).
In this work, a survey of the supervisory actions of the
This worksees you as objective to characterize the
state agricultural inspectors agronomists of IAGRO related
health defense actions carried out by IAGRO regarding the
to the conduct of activities to control Asian soybean rust in
supervision and application of legislation that deals with Page | 197

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the State of Mato Grosso do Sul was carried out. Data registered properties, the FEA responsible, after thorough
were searched for the period from 2006 to 2021, both in analysis, plans with the IAGRO coordination the field
the former Phoenix system and in the current one, e- inspection actions. In the inspections, it is verified whether
Saniagro. the producer has fulfilled the soybean void period, with the
Data were used regarding fines for lack of registration, destruction of irregular plantings, or of plants that were
for non-control of plants and due to planting during the born spontaneously from grains lost during harvest or
period of the sanitary void. It was also determined the transport.
number of participants and the number of Socio- The quantitative execution of inspections is based on
educational Seminars held for lack of registration of the resources made available through a federal agreement
soybean plantation, soybean planting areas registered, with MAPA and resources of the Government of the State
areas inspected in the harvests and amount of infringement of Mato Grosso do Sul. The amount of resources available
notices drawn up each period of inspection of the sanitary is adjusted together with the IAGRO board server team.
void are stored in the computerized systems of IAGRO. In case of non-compliance with current legislation,
b) Data collection at IAGRO penalties are applied according to the violation observed.
The State Agricultural Inspectors (FEA) - agronomists Cash penalties are fixed in the State Reference Tax Unit of
carry out annually, during the sanitary void of soybeans, Mato Grosso do Sul - UFERMS, whose value is indexed in
on-site inspections in soybean producing properties in national currency (Reais) and is often adjusted. Table 1
order to ensure compliance with the legislation for the presents the value in UFERMS corresponding to the main
control of the disease. infractions to the legislation of the sanitary void of
Inspections are based on planning according to the data
obtained from the registration of soybean plantations
(required by law) for the current crop. From the listing of
Table 1: Violations of the Law of The Sanitary Void of Soy and amount of the fine. Source: e-Saniagro, IAGRO/MS
Violations of the Soy Sanitary Void Law and corresponding penalties
Infraction Basic amount of fine in UFERMS
Lack of registration of the planting area 100 UFERMS
Non-disposal of raccoon plants 200 UFERMS
Non-compliance with the sowing schedule, with graduation according
to size of irregular area
Not performing any type of disease control 400 UFERMS
Soybean planting in succession to soybean (safrinha) with graduation
according to irregular area size
Planting during the period of the sanitary void 1000 UFERMS
Value of UFERMS in November 2021: R$42.56

The inspection reports feed IAGRO's data storage areas in the MS, these have been periodically supervised to
systems, along with the mandatory registrations made by verify compliance with the legislation. To optimize the
the producers, informing the planting areas that they will actions, several technological tools are used for data
carry out in the current harvest. With the evolution of the analysis, being possible to achieve an optimization of the
system, the data stored between 2009 and March/2017 staff of the servers and a better assertiveness, prediction
(Fênix System) were migrated to the official system and resolution of irregularly identified events. The
database, currently in use, the e-Saniagro. dynamicity, an intrinsic characteristic of agriculture,
reinforces the need for constant evolution of legal
instruments. The implementation of new legislation causes
much resistance and questioning on the part of producers
After the implementation of the period of sanitary void and members of the chain who are affected by the
and the mandatory registration of planting of soybean measures. Page | 198

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In order for any implementations or changes in held in the modality of videoconference, due to the
legislation to be disseminated and clarified, with a view to pandemic of Covid 19. The fine for failure to register,
compliance by those involved in the production chain, which is classified as a minor infraction, is 100 UFERMS
IAGRO relies on the Health Education Division, which is and can be converted entirely into a socio-educational
responsible for preparing and conducting interactive measure, as stated in Law 3.606/2008. The lectures
lectures that are held in the field, to clarify producers, address the cycle of the fungus of Asian rust, the
develop educational support material, such as folders and biological principles for the adoption of the sanitary void,
flyers, in addition to preparing and disseminating legal all relevant legislation and the importance of sanitary
deadlines in various communication channels. defense for the country. In all, 664 employees have
To specifically meet the legislation of the Soy Sanitary benefited from registering soybean areas. Table 2 presents
Void, the Division of Sanitary Education holds socio- the data by municipality where the socio-educational
educational seminars, composed of two lectures, for the seminars were held.
lack of registration of soybean planting areas since the
year 2010, and since December 2020, the seminar has been

Table 2. Socio-educational seminars held for employees due to lack of registration.

Des/DDSV Socio-Educational Seminar
Plant Sanitary Defense and Soybean Sanitary Void Law
Number of
#1 Municipality Date Total
First Campo Grande 17.12.2010 39 39
2nd Campo Grande 12.06.2011 63 63
Campo Grande 1st.12.2011 7
Third 40
Golden 02.12.2011 33
Campo Grande 22
Golden 36
4th 26.04.2012 86
New Andradina 17
Ponta Porã 11
Campo Grande 12
Costa Rica 6
Cushion 1
5th 06.12.2012 56
Golden 19
New Andradina 3
Ponta Porã 15
Campo Grande 16
Costa Rica 3
6th 28.11.2014 41
Golden 18
New Andradina 4
Campo Grande 22
7th 18.03.2016 26
New Andradina 4
Campo Grande 38
8th 18.11.2016 74
Costa Rica 5 Page | 199

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Golden 20
Naviri 3
New Andradina 8
Campo Grande 9
Cushion 3
9th 08.06.2017
Golden 10 33
Naviri 1
New Andradina 10
10th Campo Grande 7 19
Costa Rica 1
Golden 07.12.2017 4
Naviri 3
New Andradina 4
Campo Grande 9 28
Costa Rica 4
Golden 6
11th 08.06.2018
Naviri 1
New Andradina 7
Ponta Porã 1
Campo Grande 26 60
12th Golden 06.12.2018 19
N. Andradina 15
Campo Grande 6 23
13th Golden 14.06.2019 1
N. Andradina 16
Campo Grande 7 18
14th Golden 05.12.2020 4
N. Andradina 7
15th Campo Grande - On Line 03.12.2020 14 14
16th Campo Grande - On Line 19.03.2021 15 15
17th Campo Grande - On Line 25.08.2021 12 12
18th Campo Grande - On Line 01.09.2021 17 17

In thefig. 7 data from estimated planting areas (IBGE),

areas registered in IAGRO and inspected areas in the
2006/07 harvests to 2014/15 are demonstrated. Page | 200

Sílvia Vollino Libman Luft et al. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(12)-2021

Fig. 7: Estimated planting areas (IBGE), areas registered in IAGRO and areas inspected in the 2006/07 harvests to 2014/15.

Through a survey in the IAGRO database, from 2009 increase in the planted area of soybean, with even in
on, it was observed that, after the entry into force of the regions that had livestock as the main activity [1], in this
Soybean Sanitary Void Law and the inspection activities case, producers beginning in the activity, may not have
of the planting areas, soybean crops during the lifetime of knowledge about the legal requirement to register the
the sanitary void were few. In addition to having been areas. It is observed that there were few assessments for
widely disseminated the legislation in the media, at the non-compliance with the sanitary void, and there was an
time of its entry into force, lectures were also held to increase in the 2014/15 crop and then 5 cases in the
clarify the new legal requirements and on the biological 2019/20 crop, There was also an increase in the occurrence
foundations for the empty sanitary adoption. Thefig. 8 of fines for not controlling raccoon plants in the 2017/18
shows the number of assessments that occurred during the crop, followed by two harvests with this fall parameter and
2009/10 harvests until 2020/21. The largest amount was a new increase in the 2019/20 20 2020/21 harvests. As for
due to the lack of registration of soybean planting areas, fines for lack of chemical, biological or mechanical control
and in the 2020/21 crop there was an increase of 177% in of soybean rust already installed, in this period analyzed,
the cases. This may be related to the fact that there was an there were only 4 assessments. Page | 201

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Fig. 8: Infraction notices in the 2009/07 to 2020/21 harvests. Source: e-Saniagro/IAGRO.

In relation to the inspectors who act to curb the agricultural year. Even with all preventive measures and
non-compliance with the sanitary legislation, from the year with farmers having already become aware that this period
2020, there was a reduction in the number of staff, which of sanitary vacuum must be respected, all care is not
may cause some difficulty to meet the inspection targets, if sufficient, because this pathology has as characteristic the
the trend of increase in soybean areas in the state of Mato propagation through the action of air currents and even if
Grosso do Sul persists. excellent management is carried out in the off-season, it
will still occur, with greater or lesser intensity, depending
on weather conditions.
All this is reason to further promote the actions of
In the state's production matrix, soybean
awareness of producers, through educational actions and
cultivation has become a master activity of the South Mato
thus giving support to the strict control made by inspection
Grosso economy due to its connection with the industrial
actions, after all, the aim is to maintain the sanity of our
sector and partly with the service sector. Thus, negative
crops, the safety of the food we produce and safeguard the
variations in productivity may affect the state's production
market, since soybeans is a product with great importance
chain and economy.
for the economy of the state and Brazil.
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the face of Asian soybean rust, it is known that its control
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