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Submitted to Fullfil One of Requirements of English Course Subject

Lecturer : Dra. Nurhasanah, M.Ed.
CS Id : 196702171991032003
Lecturer Code : 2277

Created by: Group 7

Ariz Najib ( 2108638 )


Drug Abuse Among Teenagers
By. Ariz Najib

Narcotics are substances or drugs that are natural, synthetic, or semi-synthetic which cause a
decrease in consciousness, hallucinations, and excitability. Meanwhile, according to the
Narcotics Law Article 1 paragraph 1 states that narcotics are artificial substances or those
derived from plants that have hallucinatory effects, decrease consciousness, and cause addiction.
These drugs can cause addiction if used excessively. The use of these substances is as a
painkiller and provides peace of mind. Misuse can be subject to legal sanctions.
Adolescence is a time of transition between childhood and childhood adult life characterized
by biological growth and development and psychological. Biologically characterized by growth
and development of primary sex and secondary sex while psychologically characterized by
attitudes and feelings, desires and unstable or erratic emotions. Hurlock (1990) divides the
adolescent phase into: early adolescence with ages between 13-17 years and late adolescence
between the ages of 17-18 year. Early and late adolescence according to Hurlock has different
characteristics because in late adolescence the individual has reached a developmental transition
that closer to adulthood.

Many factors can cause a person to start abusing drugs, which can eventually lead to
dependence. Some of the factors that because drugs include:

1. Personality factor

Some of the things that are included in personal factors are genetic, biological, personal, health
and lifestyle that have an influence on teenagers falling into drugs.
Lack of Self Control
People who try to abuse drugs usually have little knowledge about drugs, the dangers they pose,
and the laws against drugs.

Individual/Emotional Conflict
Unstable People who experience conflict will experience frustration. For individuals who are not
used to dealing with problems solving problems using drugs, they think wrongly that the excess
caused by the conflict can be reduced by consuming drugs.
Accustomed to Happy / Luxurious Life
People who are accustomed to living in luxury often try to avoid more complicated problems.
They mostly solve problems instantaneously, practically, or require a short time so they will
choose simple ways that can provide pleasure, usually which can give an excessive sense of

2. Family Factor

Lack of family control

Parents are too busy so they rarely have time to control family members. Children who are less
attentive than people who seek attention outside, usually they are also looking for busyness with
their friends.

Lack of application of discipline and responsibility

Not all drugs are done by teenagers in broken homes, all children have the same potential to be
involved in drugs. The application of discipline and responsibility to children will reduce
children's trapping in drugs. Children who are responsible for themselves, their parents and
society will consider several things before trying to use drugs.

3. Environmental Factors

Individualistic Society
The individualistic environment in big city life tends to be less concerned with other people, so
that everyone only faces their own problems without caring about the people around them. As a
result, many individuals in society are less concerned with drugs which are increasingly
widespread among teenagers and children.

Peer Influence
The influence of friends or groups also plays an important role in drug use. This is due, among
other things, to being a condition of youth to be accepted by group members. Groups or Genk
have the same habits among fellow members. So it's not strange that this gathering habit also
directs the same behavior to consents
4. Educational Factor

Education about the dangers of drug abuse in schools is also a form of anti-drug abuse campaign.
The lack of knowledge possessed by students about the dangers of drugs can also contribute to
the spread of drug abuse among students.

5. Community Factors and Social Community

Factors that include and affect the social conditions of a teenager include the loss of values in a
family and a relationship, loss of attention to the community, and difficulty adapting well (it can
be said to feel like an alien, alienated)

6. Vulnerable Population Factors

Today's teenagers live in a big circle, where some teenagers are in an environment that is at high
risk for drug abuse. Many teenagers start experimenting with drugs, such as amphetamine-type
stimulants (including alcohol, tobacco and drugs taken without a prescription or prescription
from a doctor, as well as psychoactive drugs) causing various kinds of problems in the end.

The characteristics of drug abusers:

1. Changes in daily physical and environmental conditions, staggering, stooped appearance,

slurred speech, red eyes, emaciation and bone pain.

2. Psychological changes are restless, confused, apathetic, daydreaming, and absent-minded.

3. Changes in social behavior avoiding direct eye contact, like to fight, easily offended, found
drugs, syringes in the room / bag, likes to lie, likes to skip school, lazy to study, likes to lock
himself in his room.

Effects of drugs Dependence on drugs both physically and psychologically if it lasts for a long
time will cause a very large state of addiction. So drug abuse has a dangerous and wide-ranging
negative impact. Drug abuse has a dangerous impact on the physical, psychological and social
environment. The following are some of the dangers of drugs: The physical effects of drugs
1. Causing addiction or dependence. Mentally disturbing
2. Disrupting health. Damage to the function of the central nervous system (brain)
3. Tend to become criminals, resulting in death
4. Disrupting faith and piety

The effects of drugs on the psyche include:

1. Being unstable, fast
2. rebellious
3. Closed (introverted) and full of secrets
4. Often lying and stealing
5. Being sensitive, rude and impolite
6. Having excessive suspicion of everyone
7. Being lazy and learning achievement decreases
8. Common sense does not play a role, thinking irrationally

So that teenagers do not fall into drug abuse, they can do tips or tips to avoid drug abuse.
Here are tips to avoid drugs:
1.Strengthen yourself with faith and piety as well as noble character
2. Get used to a healthy lifestyle
3.Refuse persuasion to abuse drugs
4. Study hard. Fill your spare time with more useful activities. Avoid useless actions

So in conclusion, adolescence is a period where we need attention, recognition, and

guidance so that we don't go wrong in our steps. At that time the family environment, the
gardening environment was very influential for his development in determining the direction of
his life goals. As much as possible, teenagers are always in a positive environment to avoid
negative things

BNN, O. H. (2019, 1 7). Pengertian Narkoba Dan Bahaya Narkoba Bagi Kesehatan. Retrieved
Hidayati, K. B. (2016). Konsep Diri, Adversity Quotient dan Penyesuaian Diri pada Remaja., 1.
Putri, A. S. (2020, 2 1). Penyalahgunaan Narkoba: Alasan, Gejala, Tanda, Ciri dan Bahaya.
Retrieved from
Analysis Sentences

Narcotics are substances or drugs (Anis)

The use of these substances is as a painkiller and provides peace of mind (Together)

teenagers are in an environment that is at high risk for drug abuse (Ariz)

Parents are too busy so they rarely have time to control family members (Fadilla)

People who are accustomed to living in luxury often try to avoid more complicated
problems (Together)

Description :
Aux verb
Singular noun

1. What are Drugs?

2. What is Teenagers?
3. What are the main causes of drug abuse?
4. What are the consequences of drug abuse?
5. How do you prevent yourself from falling for drugs?

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