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Dear students,

Welcome to Day 2 Final Examination of English Intensive Course.

In this part of the test, you are required to write a short essay and an invitation letter.

1. Choose one of the provided topics below.
2. Write a short essay using the topic you chose on the Google Docs. The link will be
provided later in the exam hour.
3. Finish your works on Google Docs not later than Wednesday, 22 Dec 2021, by 4 PM.
4. Before submitting the works, read the assessment guideline.

Topics for short essay:

Write a short essay telling your experiences about:
1. having your first mobile phone.
2. dealing with the hardest financial difficulties you or your family had.
3. doing the most challenging or difficult assignment during the first semester study at
4. your volunteering or doing charity in natural disaster mitigation or natural preservation.
5. joining a traditional ceremony or festival held by your community.

Assessment guideline for a short story

Component 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Ideas  The opening  The opening  The opening lines  The opening
lines vividly lines present the vaguely present lines do not
present the story's main the story's main present the
story's main conflict and conflict or story's main
conflict and characters. characters. conflict or
characters. characters.

 Significant,  Most details are  More details and  Details and

descriptive relevant in examples are examples are
details reveal the revealing the needed. irrelevant or are
setting and setting and missing.
characters. characters.

 The writer uses  The writer often  The writer  The writer does
strong dialogue uses dialogue to occasionally uses not use dialogue.
to show the show the dialogue.
characters' characters'
personalities. personalities.
Organization  The writer sets  The writer  The writer hints  The writer does
the scene by unclearly at the characters, not set up what
introducing the presents the setting, or action. the story is
characters, characters, about.
setting, or action setting, or
in a memorable action.
 The ending  The story begins
resolves the  The ending  The ending does and ends in a
conflict resolves the not bring the confusing way.
satisfactorily. conflict. conflict to a
 The sequence of conclusion.
events is clear  The sequence of  The sequence of
and engaging. events is mostly events is
clear. sometimes
 The story has a confusing.
clear beginning,  The story has a  The story has a
middle, and beginning, beginning,
ending. middle, and end, middle, and end,
but the action is but the action is
not always easy hard to follow.
to follow.
Word choice and  Sentences have a  Sentences  Some sentences  Repetitive
sentence fluency pleasing variety mostly have a have a variety of sentence
of structures. variety of structures. structures and
structures. lack of dialogue
 Use of  Use of  Use of make the writing
incomplete and incomplete and incomplete and difficult to
too long too long too long follow.
sentences in sentences in sentences in
dialogue is dialogue is dialogue is not
deliberate and thoughtful. always
thoughtful. thoughtful.
Conventions  Spelling,  Spelling,  Spelling,  Common words
capitalization, capitalization, capitalization, are misspelled
and punctuation and punctuation and punctuation and almost all
are correct. are sometimes are sometimes punctuation is
incorrect. incorrect. missing or
 Grammar and  Grammar and  Grammar and  Grammar and
usage are usage do not usage errors usage mistakes
correct. distort meaning distract from are frequent and
but are not meaning. distort meaning.
always correct.
 Paragraphing  Paragraphing is  Paragraphing is  Paragraphing is
tends to be attempted but is irregular or too missing.
correct. not always frequent.
1. Choose one of the provided topics below.
2. Write an invitation letter using the topic you chose.
3. Finish your works and submit it on the Google Classroom not later than Wednesday, 22
Dec 2021, by 4 PM.
4. Before submitting the works, read the assessment guideline.
5. You are recommended to be as CREATIVE as possible with the invitation letter. You may
use any applications to make your letter more appealing.

Topics for invitation letter:

Write an invitation letter about:
1. a housewarming invitation letter
2. a graduation party of you/your siblings
3. a high school reunion
4. a baby shower
5. a gender reveal

Assessment guideline for an invitation letter

Components 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Organization  Mention all the  Missing one part  Missing two  Missing three or
parts of an of an invitation parts of an more parts of an
invitation letter letter. invitation letter. invitation letter.
addresser, the
event, date and
time, place,
Conventions  Spelling,  Spelling,  Spelling,  Common words
capitalization, capitalization, capitalization, are misspelled
and punctuation and punctuation and punctuation and almost all
are correct. are sometimes are sometimes punctuation is
incorrect. incorrect. missing or
 Grammar and  Grammar and  Grammar and  Grammar and
usage are usage do not usage errors usage mistakes
correct. distort meaning distract from are frequent and
but are not meaning. distort meaning.
always correct.
 Paragraphing  Paragraphing is  Paragraphing is  Paragraphing is
tends to be attempted but is irregular or too missing.
correct. not always frequent.
Creativity  Using  Using fairly  Using  Using no
appropriate and balanced fonts, unbalanced appropriate and
balanced fonts, colors, images, fonts, colors, balanced fonts,
colors, images, and other images, and colors, images,
and other relevant features other relevant and other
relevant features of invitation features of relevant features
of invitation letter. invitation letter. of invitation
letter. letter.

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