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A safe, healthy working environment is a crucial factor in the individual’s quality of life and is also

a collective concern. Member State governments across the EU recognise the social and
economic benefits of better health and safety at work.

According to the LFS ad hoc module 2007, 3.2% of the workers aged 15 to 64 had an accident at
work in the past 12 months in the EU27. This corresponds to approximately
6.9 million persons in the EU27. In line, data from the ESAW showed that 2.9% of the
workers had an accident at work with more than three days of sickness absence in 2007. In
addition, 5580 workers died in a fatal accident in 2007.Accidents at work occurred more often in
men, younger workers, and in workers with a low educational level.
Highly skilled manual workers and workers in the sectors ‘construction’, ‘manufacturing’, and
‘agriculture, hunting and forestry’ more often reported an accident.
Approximately 70% of the non-fatal accidents resulted from loss of control, a fall, or body
movement under stress. Wounds and superficial injuries and dislocations, sprains
and strains were the most common type of injury. In fatal accidents, multiple injuries were most
often registered. In the EU27, 8.6% of the persons aged 15 to 64 that work or
worked previously reported a work-related health problem in the past 12 months according to the
LFS ad hoc module 2007. This corresponds to approximately 23 million persons. In total, 2.1% of
the persons had two or more work-related health problems.
Musculoskeletal problems were most often reported as the main work-related health problem
(60%), followed by stress, depression or anxiety (14%). This was supported by
data of the EWCS 2005, in which backache, muscular pain, and stress were often reported by

he key to employee productivity is to keep them motivated. Employees can remain

motivated if they feel safe and happy at their workplace. This says a lot about the
importance of workplace safety. Workplace safety is important for the very reason of
improved productivity. It is only when the employees feel safe at work that they can
invest the fullest of their capacities and exploit the best of their potentials to work.

Workplace safety is the employer's and management's responsibility. It involves the

formation and implementation of safety programs. Employee insurance schemes and
employee safety policies help cover the risk an employee might suffer at work. Jobs,
which require the employees to travel or stay out of their city or country, should cover the
risks involved in the journey and the on-site stay. Certain jobs require the employees to
engage in life-risking work; they require the employees to be part of dangerous industrial
processes. Jobs, which put the safety of their employees at stake, should also provide the
employees with the safety costs.

Workplace safety involves training programs that are meant to teach the employees to
handle risks. Employees need to be trained to react to impending dangers, if any. They
should be trained to fight risks and deal with accidents at work in case they occur. It is
important for the management of a company to cater to the safety needs of its employees
through risk covers as well as training programs aimed at minimizing risk costs.

At the time of the formation of a company, its safety goals, safety programs, policies,
plans and procedures need to be documented. The management should ensure the health
and safety of the employees by the means of safety education programs. The importance
of office safety can be promoted through the formation of a safety committee that is
given the responsibility of employee safety. Safety committees are helpful in increasing
employee involvement in the process.

Violence at workplace gives rise to serious issues pertaining to office safety. Acts of
violence eclipse the atmosphere in the organization and can leave a permanent scar on the
company's image. Violence at the workplace is sure to lead to frustrated employees in
turn leading to a decline in their productivity. The management should implement strict
measures to prevent acts of violence at work. It should implement policies that safeguard
the employees against harassment, torture or ill-treatment from other employees.
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