Welcome To New Hethlon: Hierophantess Angela Dawn

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Welcome to New Hethlon

Located in the northern parts of the East Coast, New Hethlon is a large
city with a vibrant Defiant society. New Hethlon is a place with traditions,
and though some claim it's past its prime, thanks to the Defiant creative
forces and passions, it is now reinvigorated and booming with life.

The Domain has had its share of turmoil after almost thirty years of
peace and harmony. Traitors from cursed House Kamael used their vile
influence on the former Hierophant and led the Defiant on the dark path.
Many Lords and Ladies couldn't stand the sins of the old regime. Two
years ago, they stood against the treacherous Angels and fought bravely
to restore the right order. The Sephira chose a new ruler, Hierophantess
Angela Dawn, who introduced new Commandments. Thanks to her, New
Hethlon is a powerful and safe Domain once more, although it will take
some time until the old wounds heal.
City districts
New Hethlon consists of 9 districts. The most prestigious
neighborhoods from the mortal perspective are Bridgewood, with the
historic old town and numerous tourist attractions, West Greendale with
University and College campuses, and Fort Hill, where the wealthiest
citizens live in their luxurious mansions. Denway, Northbank, and Berton
are less prominent. Denway is a poor, post-industrial neighborhood,
Northbank has a still-functioning industry with factories and river harbor,
and Berton is a large district built around Berton Refinery.
East Greendale is the busy city downtown, Pineview is known as a quiet
residential area with single-family houses, and Brook Park is a green
district lying on the outskirts of Brook National Park.
From the Defiant point of view, the most esteemed districts are
Bridgewood, where most Princepses supported the new Hierophantess,
Brook Park, belonging in the majority to the revered House Zeruel and
West Greendale, which retained most of their privileges after the civil
war was over.

The districts which suffered the most during regime change are East
Greendale, which stood on the wrong side of the barricade, and many
Lords still refuse to let go of the old ways and Denway, torn by internal

Other districts have their own flavors. Berton Provinces belong almost
exclusively to Leviathans, many from House Shemesh. Fort Hill Royalty
focuses more on satisfying Sephira's needs than on Defiant politics.
Northbank Provinces tend to have harsh rules and strict Princepses.
Pineview is a peaceful place, but cautious towards outsiders. There's
also the Portsbee Isle, where the Hierophantess and most of the retired
Royals reside.
The Commandments
There are three Commandments that every Defiant in New Hethlon
must obey. There are three Defiant Executors, tasked with enforcing one
of the Commandments each. Their job is to monitor how Defiant adhere
to the Commandments and punish those who fail to do so.

The First Commandment:

"Make an example of those who stray from the path."
This law was introduced after the actions of cursed House Kamael led
to a civil war among the Defiant. It is interpreted mostly in two ways.
First of all, no trespass can go unpunished. Second of all, members of
House Kamael should repent for what they have done. Angels of Grace
have lost most of their titles and privileges and are now treated harshly
by other Defiant.

The Second Commandment:

"Those of pure intentions do not cower from view."
Many view secret machinations of House Kamael as the crucial element
that led to corruption and the ultimate downfall of the old regime. That's
why Defiant in the Domain are supposed to treat secrets with the
utmost suspicion. Why conceal your actions if you are not doing
anything wrong? If you keep mostly to yourself, what is it you are trying
to hide? Defiant know that it's not enough to simply refrain from keeping
things clandestine. You have to prove your innocence and loyalty by
being transparent and keeping as much of your affairs in the open as
The Third Commandment:
"Revel in the Domain reclaimed."
To give the Sephira enough power to protect the city and keep everyone
safe, Defiant need to forget about the troublesome past and enjoy their
lives. The Third Commandment seems to stress that out further: there's
no time for mourning or holding grudges, the Defiant should instead
celebrate everything that they've achieved through their sacrifice. They
should forget about the recent conflicts and animosities between
Houses. It is time to party, have fun, love, dance, drink, and play. The
Royals should enjoy life to the fullest, rather than focusing on the
problems of the past.

The Authority
The Archoness of Peace, Seriana Zeruel is a noble, gracious angel, who
takes her duties seriously. She formed the High Guard, comprising the
best warriors in the Domain. Her job is to thwart any threats to the peace
and security of the Domain. Uncovering a secret Apocalyptic Cult,
finding proof of Horsemen activity, or discovering an identity of Defiant
conspiring against the Authority would all surely pick her interest.

The Archoness of Justice, Menethea Hariel, is a divisive persona. She

treats most Defiant justly but sometimes lets her desires influence her
decisions. Some say she is being controlled by her husband, whom she
enjoys a powerplay relation with. As the Archoness of Justice, she
passes judgments in the cases too important to be left to the
Princepses or revises their rulings after being summoned by disgruntled

The Archon of Blessings, Ismil Sekh, carries his duties from a

magnificent gladiator arena. His petitioners can count on favorable
treatment, as long as they acknowledge his great project. He assigns
unclaimed Bloodborn to Courts, has the final say on giving new Holdings
to Royals, grants special privileges, and oversees the handling and
situation of the members of the fallen House Kamael.

The Executor of the First Commandment Alexander Dawn is a strict,

unforgiving Infernal, who lost everyone he held dear during the civil war.
He believes in severe punishments for trespassers.

The Executor of the Second Commandment Charissa Kyrios is an

extravagant celebrity, known in the whole Domain because of her
presence in a local reality TV show and her vibrant presence in social

The Executor of the Third Commandment Aghara Melquart doesn't like

to hear about failures and problems. She wants everything to be perfect,
Defiant to behave, and the celebrations to continue without end.
The Province of Bridgewood Boulevard
Bridgewood Boulevard lies in the Bridgewood district, in the most
tourist-oriented part of the city, with the beautiful landmarks and Old
Town buildings. The main street, called the Boulevard, runs through the
historic center of New Hethlon, through pleasant plazas with lovely
fountains and statues. There are many restaurants, cafes, and shops
along the Boulevard, as well as small but elegant hotels. The Boulevard
then leads to the riverbank and makes for a beautiful promenade,
decorated with flowers and trees.

The reign of Amathea Zeruel

Amathea Zeruel has been the Princepsa of Bridgewood Boulevard for
many years, and the Province thrived under her rule. Almost a year ago,
however, a great tragedy changed her situation dramatically. Princeps
Consort Roderick Dawn was found dead on the outskirts of the city.
Nobody knew what happened to him. His passing broke Amathea's
heart, as the two were very close. She hasn't recovered from these
disastrous events since, and the Province's wellbeing suffered as a

As time passed, more and more candidates to Princepsa's hand began

to arrive in Bridgewood Boulevard, trying to win Amathea's heart. Still
mourning the passing of her husband, she hasn't chosen a new spouse
as of yet, giving numerous Defiant from prominent families a reason to
maintain their efforts.

The Province law

Shortly after the death of her beloved husband, lady Amathea introduced
a new Province law: "Love brings only despair." Losing someone close to
her heart made Princepsa realize that true love is not a source of joy, but
rather a cause for endless sorrow. The Province law requires that
relationships between Defiant are kept casual and non-exclusive.
Who is who in Bridgewood Boulevard
The Royalty of Bridgewood Boulevard may not see eye to eye on every
matter, but they are neighbors, and the Province wellbeing is in their
common interest. They frequently meet at parties, compete in various
tournaments, gossip, flirt and occasionally clash with each other.

Princepsa Amathea Zeruel

Residing in the impressive halls of the New Hethlon Museum of Arts,
and ruling over the whole Province, Princepsa Amathea Zeruel has yet to
come to terms with the loss of her beloved husband. She used to be an
outgoing, friendly person who ruled her Province with confidence and
authority. However, the death of her husband, Roderick Dawn, took a
hard toll on her. She doesn't leave her Holding as often as she used to,
and she rarely holds any large parties. It's difficult to gain an audience
with her.

Lord Avatron Hariel

Lady Consort Electra Kyrios
Apart from being two of the most active Royals in Bridgewood
Boulevard, Lord Avatron and Lady Electra seem to have little in common.
Even their Holding is split into two separate parts, to better suit their
personal needs. Lord Avatron is widely known for his extravagant style
and exceptional parties, held in a trendy Club Vice. Lady Electra is, first
and foremost, a politician and organizes formal banquets and splendid
balls in her elegant establishment.

Lord Raghan Shemesh

Lady Consort Khaemira Hadad
Few wander the halls of New Hethlon Opera House without even a shred
of fear. Though rarely seen nowadays, Lord Raghan Shemesh is known
as a powerful Defiant, and it is said that terrible fate awaits those who
dare cross him or one of his Sacred Companions. Lady Khaemira is also
not a person to be trifled with, generous to the people she favors, but
cruel and unforgiving for anyone who falls out of her grace.

Lady Vessariana Melqart

Lord Consort Benedict Dawn
Like an ancient dragon, Lady Vessariana Melqart seems to have lived in
her decadent mansion on Park Avenue forever. Alliances shift, leaders
rise and fall, new Royals come and go, but she remains a constant,
always looking for new ways to satisfy her hunger, mostly through
experimenting with an extensive collection of elixirs. Lord Consort
Benedict Dawn manages the everyday operations of the Court and looks
over the couple's decadent, demoralized children.

Lord Menariel Aratron

Lady Consort Jessica Black
If you wish to take a moment of rest from the cutthroat politics,
dangerous standoffs, and intense romances, you might want to visit the
aptly named Bridgewood Revelry Center. Lord Menariel is a go-to person
for those seeking advice, as he is wise and knows how to listen,
although often requires some kind of atonement for one's misdeeds.
Lady Jessica is a good, caring person, always looking after the mortals,
Lowborn and Courtiers, dividing her time between managing the
Holding's commercial center and hosting charity events for mortals and
Defiant alike.

Lady Menefer Sekh

Lady Consort Sethenea Hariel
There's something eerie about the Metropolitan Library and its hostess.
Many thought that Lady Menefer will be forever lost to her books and
occult scrolls, but her young wife seems to have made her enjoy life in
all its aspects once more. Sethenea Hariel is a young and curious Lady
Consort, full of potential and hungry for everything the world has to offer,
but also completely spoiled by her wife.

Lord Tenoch Achto,

Lady Consort of the Night Vivianne Joy
Lord Consort of the Day Lionel Joy
The rivalry between Vivianne and Lionel Joy is legendary among the
residents of Bridgewood Boulevard. To become a friend or an ally of one
of the siblings is to gain a powerful enemy in the other. Many wonder
what was the young Lord Tenoch thinking when he chose them both as
his spouses. He has only recently inherited his Holding in a luxurious
Portsbee Marina Hotel, along with unimaginable wealth.

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