Applications With Surface Waves Extracted From Ambient Seismic Noise

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Applications with Surface Waves Extracted

from Ambient Seismic Noise

Signals of fundamental mode surface waves can be easily reconstructed from cross-
correlations of the ambient seismic noise. This gives rise to a large class of methods
that can be regrouped under a generic name of “ambient noise surface-wave tomog-
raphy” and that are used to image the structure of the Earth’s shallow layers (from
top hundreds of meters to hundreds of kilometers). This chapter gives an overview
of main approaches that have been recently developed for the seismic noise-based
surface-wave imaging that continues to be a very dynamic field of research with
some first-order issues on which we need to work.

7.1 Introduction
Seismic imaging is a class of inverse problems that exploits measurements made
from seismic waves travelling through the Earth to infer the mechanical proper-
ties of the Earth’s interior. The most traditional approach is to invert travel times
of P and S body waves whose behavior in terms of arrival times and amplitudes
can be described with ray tracing methods based on the eikonal equation. Other
methods use surface waves, amplitudes, full waveforms, and even the part of the
signal composed of scattered waves that can be inverted with a variety of theoretical
Traditional ways of solving seismic imaging inverse problems are based on
signals from sources with well-known properties, i.e., their locations, mech-
anisms, and time histories. Artificial sources, mostly used in seismic explo-
ration, are designed to have these fully controlled properties, and traditional
passive seismology is mostly based on records from earthquakes whose contri-
bution can be described by deterministic functions and well determined from

Applications with Surface Waves Extracted from Ambient Seismic Noise 219

Methods based on the deterministic description of seismic sources are very pow-
erful. However, they are limited by the availability of such sources. Human-made
sources are often too expensive, not energetic enough or difficult to implement,
and earthquakes occur only in tectonically active areas and are relatively rare.
Background vibrations of the Earth’s surface often (and rather erroneously) called
“seismic noise” represent a different kind of seismic signal that is excited by
sources that cannot be described deterministically.
Theory of the seismic noise cross-correlations is described in Chapter 4 (Fichtner
and Tsai, 2018). Its cornerstone is the “noise cross-correlation theorem” that states
that in a linear system with a weak attenuation the time derivative of the cross-
correlation of random wavefield recorded at two positions converges to the system
Green’s functions (e.g., Gouédard et al., 2008). It can be written as:

lim C AB (t) = F(t) ∗ [G AB (t) + G B A (−t)] (7.1)
T →∞ ∂t

where C AB (t) is the cross-correlation of signals recorded in locations A and B

computed in a window of length T , G AB (t) is the Green’s function between these
two locations, G B A (−t) is its reciprocal, and F(t) is a time-domain function that
accounts for the noise spectrum characteristics (e.g., Weaver and Lobkis, 2001;
Snieder, 2004; Wapenaar, 2004; Roux et al., 2005; Campillo, 2006; Gouédard
et al., 2008). In particular, F(t) is a Dirac function for a pure white band noise.
In other words, by computing noise cross-correlations between sufficiently long
records at all available receivers, every receiver may be converted in a virtual
source emitting a wavefield represented by noise correlation functions. During the
last decade, application of this principle in seismology resulted in a new paradigm
when the deterministic wavefields reconstructed from noise cross-correlations are
used for imaging the Earth’s interior instead of signals from earthquakes or from
artificial seismic sources.
The idea to use random seismic noise for imaging the subsurface was first
introduced to seismology by Aki (1957) and to seismic exploration by Claerbout
(1968). However, a full exploitation of the potential of application of the noise
cross-correlation theorem could only be achieved in the era of digital seismol-
ogy when long digitally recorded seismic time series became available for massive
analysis. Extraction of deterministic waves from correlations of passive seismic
noise records was first demonstrated by Shapiro and Campillo (2004) and Sabra
et al. (2005a) and immediately led to first applications of the noise-based seismic
tomography (Shapiro et al., 2005; Sabra et al., 2005b).
The noise cross-correlation theorem is valid in the ideal case of a perfectly
random and equipartitioned noise wavefield. However, the properties of the real
seismic noise within the Earth are different from this ideal case. Seismic noise is
220 N. M. Shapiro

mainly generated as a result of coupling of the solid Earth with the oceans and the
atmosphere (e.g., Ardhuin et al., 2011, 2018). At high frequencies (> 1 Hz) anthro-
pogenic noise sources may become very important (Chapter 1 [McNamara and
Boaz, 2018]). In both cases, the resulting noise wavefield is not stationary in space,
in time, and in the frequency domain. Strong seismic sources of tectonic origin such
as earthquakes and volcanoes contribute to the strong non-stationarity of the con-
tinuous seismic time series. As a consequence, the noise cross-correlation theorem
cannot be directly applied to the seismological data.
The possibility to extract deterministic waves propagating between pairs of sta-
tions’ noise cross-correlations requires presence of enough noise sources in the
zones of constructive interference (e.g., Snieder, 2004; Roux et al., 2005). There
is a strong difference between the configuration of these zones for surface waves
and for body waves, with the latter mainly lying far from the surface at depth (Fig-
ure 7.1). This difference combined with the fact that most of the noise sources are
located at the Earth’s surface results in dominant reconstruction of surface waves
(and mainly of their fundamental modes) from the noise correlation functions.
Detailed conditions and applications for body-wave correlations are discussed in
Chapter 8 (Nakata and Nishida, 2018). The inhomogeneous distribution of the
noise at the Earth’s surface leads to non-symmetric cross-correlations even for
reconstructed surface waves (examples are shown in Chapter 5 [Ritzwoller and
Feng, 2018]) and prevents correct measurements of their amplitudes (e.g., Stehly
et al., 2006).
As described in Chapter 5 (Ritzwoller and Feng, 2018), the continuous seis-
mic records must be pre-processed to reduce the effects of the non-stationarity
of noise records and of inhomogeneous source distribution. However, even with
the pre-processing, the real noise correlation functions are not exact equivalents
of the Green’s functions. Therefore, most of the existing imaging applications
based on noise cross-correlations do not use exactly the noise correlation theorem.

constructive interference zone A B

constructive interference zone

Figure 7.1. Schematic representation of zones of constructive interference for

surface (light shading) and for body (dark shading) waves. Solid black line shows
the ray for a refracted body wave connecting the two receiver locations A and B.
Dashed lines show continuation of this ray in the regions behind the receivers.
Applications with Surface Waves Extracted from Ambient Seismic Noise 221

Garnier and Papanicolaou (2009) have shown that the travel time of waves can be
effectively estimated when the ray joining the two sensors continues into the noise
source region, even when the full Green’s function cannot be reconstructed.

7.2 Ambient Noise Travel Time Surface Wave Tomography

As explained in the previous section, the travel times of surface waves is the type of
information that is most easily extracted from cross-correlation of ambient seismic
noise. Therefore, one of the main applications based on noise cross-correlations
is the ambient noise surface wave tomography (ANSWT) (e.g., Ritzwoller et al.,
2011). This method is particularly advantageous when used with networks of seis-
mographs. By computing cross-correlations of seismic noise from long enough
time series between all pairs of stations, each of these stations can be converted
into a virtual source emitting surface waves with travel times measured at all other
stations. For a network composed of N stations, this provides us with travel times
measured along N (N − 1)/2 paths connecting N collocated sources and receivers.
This ensemble of surface-wave travel times measured from noise cross-correlations
can be inverted with “standard” methods similar to measurements obtained from
Surface waves are called so because they propagate along the surface and their
amplitude vanishes below a certain depth. The simplest expression for a surface
wave at a single frequency propagating in direction X can be written as:
u sw (x, z, t, ω) ≈ ξ(z, ω)ex p[i(ωt − k(ω)x)] = ξ(z, ω)ex p[iω(t − x/C(ω))],
where t is time, ω is frequency, z is depth, u is the displacement vector, k is the
wavenumber, and ξ is the eigenfunction describing the decay of the wave amplitude
with depth (Figure 7.2). C is the phase velocity:
C(ω) = . (7.3)

λ(ω) exp[i(ωt-k(ω)x)]


Figure 7.2. Schematic illustration of a surface wave as described in equation

222 N. M. Shapiro

For such a wave, one can define a horizontal wavelength λ:

λ(ω) = . (7.4)
An important property of seismic surface waves in the Earth is their so-called
“dispersion” with their wavenumbers k depending on frequency ω (e.g., Levshin
et al., 1989). A simple physical meaning of this dispersion can be described as
follows. The energy of a surface wave is concentrated in a near-surface layer
where the value of its eigenfunction ξ(z, ω) is large (Figure 7.2). Typically, this
thickness is close to a half wavelength. This implies that high-frequency (small-
wavelength) surface waves are sensitive to very shallow parts of the structure, while
at lower frequencies (longer wavelengths) they become sensitive to deeper lay-
ers. On average, the Earth’s material becomes more rigid with depth and its wave
speed increases. Therefore, surface wave phase velocity generally increases with
the increasing wavelength or decreases with frequency. An important consequence
of this is that the “dispersion” of surface waves reflects changes of elastic properties
with depth. Therefore, measurements of surface wave phase and group velocities
at different frequencies can be used to constrain the depth-dependent model of the
underlying media.
In addition to the phase velocity C(ω) we can define the group velocity U (ω):
∂k(ω) −1
U (ω) = . (7.5)
Phase velocity appears naturally in equation (7.2). At the same time, the energy or
information is conveyed along a wave with the group velocity (e.g., Biot, 1957).
In this sense, the former is more “physical.” So far, if we want to estimate a time
required for a surface wave to travel along a certain distance, we need to use the
group velocity. The two velocities are simply interrelated:
U (ω) = ω ∂C(ω)
. (7.6)
1− C(ω) ∂ω

Note that this relationship includes partial derivatives over frequency. As a result,
group velocities cannot be easily computed from phase velocity measurements
at a discrete set of frequencies and must be measured independently. Moreover,
the depth sensitivity of the phase and the group velocities is different (e.g., Ritz-
woller et al., 2001). Therefore, the information obtained with these two types of
measurements is complementary.
Traditionally, in the surface wave the “dispersion” is described as a function
of period (T = 1/ f = 2π/ω) rather than frequency. Therefore, in many examples
shown in this and other chapters, phase and group velocities and other surface wave
properties are described as functions of period.
Applications with Surface Waves Extracted from Ambient Seismic Noise 223

Finally, for a single source-receiver path, more than one travel time mea-
surement can be made. Surface wave travel times (or velocities of propagation)
measured at different periods form so-called dispersion curves. There are two
main types of surface waves, Rayleigh and Love, and two types of propagation
velocities, phase and group. Therefore, for a given source-receiver path and for a
single mode of surface waves, it is possible to measure four types of dispersion
Measuring the dispersion curves of a particular mode of surface waves requires
isolating the signal corresponding to this mode from other waves present in the
waveform. For this goal, the frequency time analysis (e.g., Levshin et al., 1989)
is used. Details of this method are described in section 3.5 (Ritzwoller and Feng,
2018). Also, it can be directly used to measure group and phase velocities (e.g.,
Lin et al., 2008), as illustrated in Figure 5.11.
Rayleigh and Love waves are characterized by different polarizations, with the
former observed in vertical (Z) and radial (R) components of the ground motions
and the latter on the transverse (T) component. When computing cross-correlations
between three-component records, the full correlation tensor contains 6 indepen-
dent components (Figure 5.10). As described for example by Lin et al. (2008), to
separate Rayleigh and Love waves, the cross-correlation tensor should be rotated
to radial and transverse directions of motion based on azimuth and back azimuth
measured when considering one of the stations as source and another as receiver.
After such rotation, for components of the cross-correlation tensor, ZZ, RR, RZ,
and ZR can be used to extract information about Rayleigh waves, and the TT com-
ponent corresponds to Love waves. The mixed RT and TT cross-correlations are
expected to vanish in isotropic media with reasonably homogeneous noise source
distributions. Strong amplitude on these components can indicate either strongly
inhomogeneous noise source distributions or a presence of anisotropy in the media
(e.g., Durand et al., 2011).
Each individual cross-correlation contains signals on the positive (causal) and
the negative (anti-causal) sides. In a case of perfect reconstruction, these two
sides should be perfectly symmetric, as stated by the cross-correlation theo-
rem. In reality, the symmetry in amplitudes is almost never achieved because of
inhomogeneous distribution of the noise sources. When this source distribution
inhomogeneity is not too strong, it results in differences in signal amplitudes on
positive and negative sides, while travel measured from these two sides remain
very similar. A significant difference of travel times measured from positive and
negative sides indicates that the source distribution is really strongly heteroge-
neous and likely biases the travel time estimations. Therefore, a comparison of
these travel time (dispersion) measurements obtained from positive and negative
sides of cross-correlations can be used for quality control.
224 N. M. Shapiro

The most standard set of steps for the ANSWT can be described as follows:
1. Pre-processing continuous seismograms.
2. Computing cross-correlations between all available pairs of stations and com-
3. Measuring frequency-dependent phase and/or group travel times from negative
and positive parts of ZZ, RR, RZ, and ZR correlations for Rayleigh waves and
of TT correlations for Love waves (t p,g (ω)).
4. Quality control and final selection of measured phase and group travel times.
5. Regionalization of the measured dispersion curves with a 2D surface-wave
tomography: construction of frequency-dependent phase and or group velocity
maps for Rayleigh and Love waves (C, U R,L (ω, x, y)).
6. One-dimensional depth inversion of regionalized dispersion curves at every
geographical location (x, y) to construct final 3D model of the media
(VS (x, y, z)).
A detailed description of the methods used for data pre-processing and for mea-
suring surface-wave dispersion curves is given in Chapter 5 (Ritzwoller and Feng,
2018). In a case of “sparse” networks with the interstation distances being larger or
comparable to wavelengths of used surface waves, regionalization of the dispersion
curves can be formulated as a 2D tomographic problem, i.e., as a linear (or itera-
tive linearized) inversion of measured phase and/or group travel times. In the case
of “dense” networks with interstation distances smaller than the used wavelengths,
the local phase velocities can be estimated directly from the spatial derivatives of
the measured travel times.
The depth inversion of the surface wave dispersion curves for a 1D velocity
profile is one of the most widely used inverse problems in seismology and can be
solved with a multiplicity of methods. It can be formulated in a following way. The
regionalization step produces at a particular geographical point the local dispersion
curves that are used as input data:

d = C R (ω), C L (ω), U R (ω), U L (ω) , (7.7)

where C and U denote phase and group velocities, respectively, and indices R
and L describe Rayleigh and Love waves. These dispersion curves are assumed to
result from a locally one-dimensional model:

m = ci, j,k,l (z), ρ(z), Q(z) , (7.8)

where z is depth, ci, j,k,l is the elastic tensor, ρ is density, and Q is the quality factor.
The forward problem can then be written schematically as:

d = F(m) (7.9)
Applications with Surface Waves Extracted from Ambient Seismic Noise 225

and can be solved with a number of algorithms such as that of Herrmann (2013)
for the flat-layer approximation and that of Woodhouse (1988) for the spherical
The information contained in the surface-wave dispersion curves is not sufficient
to constrain the full set of elastic parameters present in equation (7.8). Surface-
wave travel times are mostly sensitive to the shear-wave velocities in the media
(e.g., Dahlen and Tromp, 1998). Therefore, in most surface-wave dispersion inver-
sion algorithms the model is parameterized in terms of VS (z), and other parameters
are commonly fixed or set to scale in some way with shear-wave velocities.
Inversion of equation (7.9) can be done with different approaches. One family
of methods is based on computing linearized sensitivity kernels of surface wave
phase and group velocities relative to elastic parameters of the media (e.g., Her-
rmann, 2013). The 1D depth inversion of the dispersion curves is a relatively
low dimensional inverse problem and it therefore can be solved with Monte-Carlo
type methods based on statistical exploration of the model parameters space (e.g.,
Shapiro and Ritzwoller, 2002; Yang et al., 2008; Moschetti et al., 2010). This
approach consists in random generations of many models m (velocity profiles
VS (z)) followed by computation of dispersion curves based on equation 7.9 and
their comparison with the data d to select an ensemble of models that fit well the
observations. This family of methods became very popular in recent years with the
increase of computing power that allows us to apply these methods based on solv-
ing many millions of forward problems. An example of Monte Carlo inversion of
group velocity dispersion curves is provided in Figures 7.3c–d.

7.2.1 Ambient Noise Travel Time Surface Wave Tomography

with “Sparse” Networks
The most standard 2D travel time tomography is based on ray approximation for
surface waves (e.g., Woodhouse, 1974; Wang and Dahlen, 1995). With using this
approximation, the forward problem for surface-wave tomography consists of pre-
dicting frequency-dependent travel times from a set of 2D phase or group velocity

t (ω) = , (7.10)
p v(ω, x, y)

where ω is the frequency, x and y are coordinates of a surface position, t (ω) is a

phase or group travel time for Rayleigh or Love waves, v(ω, x, y) is the respec-
tive velocity map, p is the ray path, and s is the distance along the ray. For N
interstation paths and a particular velocity type at one frequency, this gives a sys-
tem of N equations that can be inverted to find v(ω, x, y) based on N travel time
226 N. M. Shapiro
a) b) c) d) 0

group velocity (km/s)

3 3

depth (km)
2.8 2.8 3.0

2.6 2.6 2 2.6

2.4 2.4 2.2 20

4 8 12 16 2.0 3.0 4.0
e) f) 0
2.3 2.3 3.2

group velocity (km/s)


depth (km)
2 2 2.8
Rayleigh 15 s 10
Love 15 s

98.2 98.4 98.6 98.8 99 99.2 98.2 98.4 98.6 98.8 99 99.2 2.4

–20 –10 0 10 20
2.0 20
dU/U (%) 4 8 12 16 2.0 3.0 4.0
period (s) S-wave velocity (km/s)

Figure 7.3. Ambient noise surface wave group velocity tomography revealing
strong radial anisotropy beneath the Toba caldera (Jaxybulatov et al., 2014).
(a) Group-velocity map of Rayleigh waves showing a strong negative anomaly
beneath the caldera. Black triangles show positions of used seismic stations.
(b) Group-velocity map of Love waves showing a much weaker anomaly beneath
the caldera. (c and d) Inversion of the regionalized dispersion curves in location
1 (shown in (b)) for an isotropic 1D shear velocity model. (c) Observed and pre-
dicted dispersion curves with solid and dashed lines, respectively (dark grey (blue
in the plate section) for Love waves, light grey (green in the plate section) for
Rayleigh waves). Error bars of 200 m/s are estimated as average standard devi-
ations of group velocity measurements. Gray lines, dispersion curves predicted
from 1000 best-fitting 1D profiles (darker colors correspond to better misfits). (d)
Predicted shear velocity profiles. The best-fitting isotropic 1D profile is shown
with the thick solid line. (e and f) Inversion of the regionalized dispersion curves
in location 2 (shown in (a)) for a radially anisotropic 1D shear velocity profile.
Best-fit VSV and VS H velocity models are shown with light and dark grey solid
lines (green and blue solid lines in the plate section), respectively, in (f). (A black-
and-white version of this figure appears in some formats. For the color version,
please refer to the plate section.)

measurements. As for most tomographic problems, this inversion involves addi-

tional regularization constraints to stabilize the solution (e.g., Barmin et al., 2001).
The ray approximation tends to break down in the presence of heterogeneities
whose length scale is comparable to the wavelength of the wave and is, therefore,
considered to be a high-frequency approximation. However, at the relatively short
periods at which the ANSWT is mostly used, the finite-frequency effects in the
2D tomography are rather weak (e.g., Ritzwoller et al., 2002). Another approxi-
mation often used in the ANSWT and in the surface wave travel time tomography
in general is that the nonlinearity related to the ray bending is often ignored. In
most cases, the effects of the ray bending are indeed small. To take it into account,
the tomographic problem must be solved iteratively by tracing 2D rays based on
phase (and not group) velocity (e.g., Yoshizawa and Kennett, 2002; Rawlinson
Applications with Surface Waves Extracted from Ambient Seismic Noise 227

et al., 2008). When only phase velocities are used, the travel time tomography is
purely 2D. Combining group-velocity measurements with accounting for the ray
bending would require re-computing the 2D phase velocity maps from the 3D mod-
els at avery iteration. When the ray bending is ignored, the 2D tomography can be
efficiently solved as a regularized linear inverse problem (e.g., Barmin et al., 2001).
The above-described approach to the ANSWT has been extensively used during
the recent decade in many regions of the Earth to study the structure of the crust and
the upper mantle at different scales. The ANSWT has been applied at a global scale
(e.g., Nishida et al., 2009; Haned et al., 2016). Some of the most spectacular results
of application of the ANSWT have been obtained with large-scale networks like
in North America (e.g., Lin et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2008; Moschetti et al., 2010;
Spica et al., 2016; Shen and Ritzwoller, 2016), in Europe (e.g., Yang et al., 2007;
Stehly et al., 2009; Molinari et al., 2015), and in China (e.g., Yao et al., 2006, 2008;
Liu et al., 2016; Shen et al., 2016). Also, this method turned out to be very effi-
cient when using relatively short-period surface waves to study shallow subsurface
and has been successfully applied to study many volcanic systems (e.g., Brenguier
et al., 2007; Jaxybulatov et al., 2014; Mordret et al., 2015; Spica et al., 2017) and
started to be applied with industrial data (e.g., Mordret et al., 2013a). Examples
of group velocity maps for relatively short periods (15 s, wavelengths ∼ 50 km)
Rayleigh and Love waves are shown in Figures 7.3a and b.

7.2.2 Noise-Based Surface Wave Applications with “Dense” Arrays

Many modern seismic networks are so dense that they sample the surface waves at
the sub-wavelength scale. In this case, the travel time information can be used to
measure the local properties of the wavefield, resulting in more accurate inferences
about the wave propagation and, in consequence, about the underlying media.
For example, a beamforming analysis (e.g., Rost and Thomas, 2002) with a sub-
wavelength scale network can be used to measure simultaneously the local speed
and the local direction of propagation of the surface waves. A large network can
be then divided into many sub-arrays. The beamforming analysis of all possible
noise cross-correlations results in a set of inter sub-array measurements of wave
azimuths. Then a joint inversion of travel times and azimuths can be performed
(Boué et al., 2014). A systematic application of double beamforming between dif-
ferent sub-arrays also makes it possible to better separate surface waves from the
noise and body waves and to increase the amount and improve the accuracy of the
travel time measurements (Roux et al., 2016; see also Chapter 8).
With a dense sub-wavelength sampling, an ensemble of waveforms extracted
from interstation cross-correlations can be considered as a coherent wavefield (Fig-
ure 7.4b), and surface-wave travel time measurements across a large network can
228 N. M. Shapiro
a) c) 11 e) 11
10 10 10
371 595
9 9

Phase velocity (m/s)

8 8

Northward (km)
Northward (km)

7 7

Northward (km)
6 6 6
5 390 5
4 4 4
3 3
2 2 5%
2 370
1 1
0 360 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Eastward (km) Eastward (km) Eastward (km)

b) d) 500
–30 480

Phase velocity (m/s)

–20 460
Time (s)

10 380
20 360
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 300
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Distance (m)
Azimuth (deg)

Figure 7.4. Ambient noise surface wave phase velocity tomography at Valhall oil
field (Mordret et al., 2013c) revealing strong azimuthal anisotropy (Mordret et al.,
2013b). (a) Map of the Valhall LoFS network. Each dot is a 4C sensor. The dis-
tance between the sensors is 50 m and is 300 m between the lines. In the inset, the
location of the Valhall field is shown by the star. (b) Vertical-vertical component
correlations between station 595 (position shown in (a)) and all other stations of
the Valhall network filtered between 0.6 and 3 s and sorted with increasing inter-
station distance. (c) Phase velocity map at 0.7 s obtained with the “Helmholtz
tomography” based on equation (7.14). (d) Azimuthal distribution of the phase
velocity at 0.7 s for the cell containing station 371 (position shown in (a)). The
small gray dots are the phase velocity measurements for individual station pairs.
The large black dots with error bars are the phase velocity averaged over 20◦ . The
thick black curve is the fitted azimuthal variation for the averaged velocity mea-
surements. (e) Fast directions and amplitudes of the azimuthal anisotropy at 0.7
s inferred from the “Helmholtz tomography” based on equation (7.14). (A black-
and-white version of this figure appears in some formats. For the color version,
please refer to the plate section.)

be used to estimate local travel time gradients. In a media with a smooth lateral
heterogeneity, surface-wave phase travel times can be described with a ray-theory
approximation (e.g., Woodhouse, 1974; Wang and Dahlen, 1995). In this case, an
approximate 2D Eikonal equation can be used to estimate both the local phase
velocity and the direction of wave propagation based on the local gradient of the
phase travel times:
k̄(r )
= ∇τ (ω, r ), (7.11)
C(ω, r )
Applications with Surface Waves Extracted from Ambient Seismic Noise 229

where r is the position, τ is the phase travel time, C is the phase velocity, ω is the
frequency, and k̄ is the unit vector describing the local direction of wave propa-
gation. This gave rise to the Eikonal tomography (Lin et al., 2009) that has been
used to infer the phase velocity distribution and the related azimuthal anisotropy at
different scales and in many various settings (e.g., Lin et al., 2011a, 2013; Mordret
et al., 2014). An example of regional-scale Eikonal tomography with the USArray
data is shown in Figure 5.16.
Dense networks sample noise cross-correlations in time and space. This dense
space sampling can be explored to measure local phase velocity based on the phase
of the spectral correlation function (or spectral coherence function). This approach
was first suggested by Keiiti Aki in 1957 with introduction of his well known SPAC
method (Aki, 1957; see also Chapter 10). The idea of this method is that the spectral
correlation function CC(ω) of a noise wavefield dominated by surface waves is
related to the phase velocity C at frequency ω as:
CC(ω) = J0 r , (7.12)

where r is the interstation distance and J0 is the zeroth-order Bessel function of the
first kind. With a dense network, a range of distances (including those smaller than
the wavelength) can be sampled and the phase velocity can be retrieved by equating
the zero crossings of the real part of the spectrum of the noise cross-correlations
with the zero crossings of the corresponding Bessel function. This approach has
been successfully applied to the USArray data (Ekström et al., 2009) and to some
smaller networks (e.g., Calkins et al., 2011).
A similar idea can be formulated slightly differently with so-called focal spot
imaging (Hillers et al., 2016) that exploits the analogy between the noise cross-
correlations and time reversal experiments (e.g., Derode et al., 2003). In this
approach, amplitudes of the zero-lag time cross-correlations are interpreted as
the focal spot of surface waves and its size is related to the local phase velocity.
When applied to large and dense networks, this method can be used to estimate the
phase-velocity maps.

7.2.3 Studies of Seismic Anisotropy Based on the Ambient Noise Surface Wave
While surface wave dispersion curves are primarily sensitive to study isotropic
distributions of shear wave speed for crust and upper mantle applications, they
can also be used to infer the information about the anisotropy. There are two
main approaches to observing seismic anisotropy with surface waves. First, mea-
surements of velocities of surface waves propagating in different directions can
230 N. M. Shapiro

reveal the azimuthal anisotropy (Montagner and Nataf, 1986). This principle can
be applied very efficiently in a case of travel times measured from interstation
cross-correlations computed for large networks when the azimuthal distribution is
well sampled. An example of such measurement at the Valhall oil field (Mordret
et al., 2013b) is shown in Figure 7.4d. The local phase velocity clearly varies as
a function of the azimuth θ in the form of an even-order sinusoid with 180◦ peri-
odicity, as predicted by theoretical approximation for a slightly anisotropic media
(e.g., Smith and Dahlen, 1973). This type of analysis can be applied at all stations
of a large network to infer spatial variations of fast directions of propagation and
of amplitudes of the azimuthal anisotropy (Figure 7.4e).
Another approach is to measure the “discrepancy” between the dispersion curves
of Rayleigh and Love waves when they cannot be simultaneously explained with a
simple isotropic model. This type of observation reflects the presence of the radial
anisotropy that is the difference in speeds between the vertically and horizontally
polarized elastic waves (e.g., Ekström and Dziewonski, 1998). In this case, the
model velocity profile (equation (7.8)) is parameterized as:

m = VSV (z), VS H (z) , (7.13)
where VSV and VS H are velocities of vertically and horizontally polarized S-waves,
respectively. An example of radial anisotropy inferred from the inversion of
Rayleigh and Love wave group velocities beneath the Toba caldera in Indonesia
(Jaxybulatov et al., 2014) is shown in Figures 7.3e–f.
The ANSWT has been widely used to study seismic anisotropy. The main dif-
ference of the noise-based studies compared to those based on earthquakes is that
relatively short-period surface waves extracted from the ambient noise are sensitive
to the crustal structure. Therefore, the ANSWT provided new information about the
crustal anisotropy that has been difficult to study with earthquake-based methods.
Examples include large-scale studies of the crustal anisotropy in the United States
(e.g., Moschetti et al., 2010; Lin et al., 2011a) and China (e.g., Huang et al., 2010;
Liu et al., 2016; Xie et al., 2017). At smaller scales, the ANSWT has been used
to reveal the seismic anisotropy within volcanic systems (e.g., Jaxybulatov et al.,
2014; Mordret et al., 2015) and within the overburden of oil and gas reservoirs
(e.g., Mordret et al., 2013b; Tomar et al., 2017).

7.3 Using Surface-Wave Amplitudes and Waveforms Extracted

from Seismic Noise
A direct interpretation of the noise correlation theorem when the noise cross-
correlation is considered as a fully reconstructed Green’s function would suggest
that its amplitude could also be used to infer the properties of the Earth’s crust and
Applications with Surface Waves Extracted from Ambient Seismic Noise 231

mantle. An important parameter, whose estimation requires measuring amplitudes,

is the wave attenuation (quality factor). A few attempts to use noise correlations
(or coherences) to estimate the distribution of the surface-wave attenuation have
been made (e.g., Prieto et al., 2009; Lawrence and Prieto, 2011). At the same time,
many studies demonstrated that the estimations of the attenuation from the noise
cross-correlations could be very strongly biased by the unknown distribution of
the noise sources (e.g., Cupillard and Capdeville, 2010; Lin et al., 2011b; Weaver,
2011; Stehly and Boué, 2017).
The direct interpretation of the noise correlation theorem also leads to the idea
of directly inverting the extracted surface-wave waveforms based on their compar-
ison with synthetic Green’s functions computed in 3D Earth’s models (e.g., Chen
et al., 2014). This type of inversion is based, however, on an assumption that noise
cross-correlation waveforms can be interpreted as signals emitted by well-localized
force-like sources. This approximation can be acceptable when the corresponding
misfit functions are based on waveform phases and when the amplitude information
is ignored. A more accurate inversion of the noise correlation waveforms would
require knowing the noise source distributions. In principle, a joint inverse prob-
lem for the media properties and the distribution of density of noise source can
be formulated (e.g., Tromp et al., 2010; Fichtner et al., 2017; Sager et al., 2018).
However, in many practical situations with most important sources of the noise
contributing to cross-correlations lying outside the regions covered by the network,
this kind of inverse problem remains poorly constrained.
Despite the difficulties with the methods based on the direct interpretation of
the noise correlation theorem and/or with the inversion of the correlation wave-
forms and of their amplitudes, in some situations the amplitudes of the surface
waves extracted from noise cross-correlations can be reasonably interpreted. One
approach is to use the ellipticity of the Rayleigh waves. This ellipticity depends
on frequency and is related to the local structure below the site where it is mea-
sured (e.g., Tanimoto and Rivera, 2008). A simple technique based on this idea
has been introduced by Nakamura (1989) to study the site amplification of seis-
mic waves when the horizontal to vertical spectra ratio (H/V) is measured directly
from the noise (Chapter 10 [Hayashi, 2018]). However, with an arbitrary mixture
of Rayleigh and Love waves in the noise, interpretation of such measurements
becomes difficult (e.g., Bonnefoy-Claudet et al., 2006). This difficulty can be over-
come by using noise cross-correlations of three-component records that allow us
to separate Rayleigh and Love waves (e.g., Workman et al., 2017). Systematic
application of this type of measurement to data of a dense network generates
complementary information that can be added to travel times and helps to better
constrain parameters such as density and Vp/Vs ratios (e.g., Lin et al., 2014) and
the azimuthal anisotropy (Lin and Schmandt, 2014).
232 N. M. Shapiro

Although in the case of arbitrary source distribution the noise cross-correlations

cannot be interpreted as media Green’s functions (i.e., the response to a point force-
like source), they still can be considered as representing a wavefield emitted by a
virtual source with an unknown size and mechanism. An important property is that
in a case of smoothly varying media this cross-correlation wavefield locally satis-
fies the wave equation. When the Earth’s noise is dominated by surface waves, the
behavior of corresponding cross-correlations can be approximated with a 2D wave
equation (e.g., Lin et al., 2013). With dense networks, the phase and amplitudes
of this virtual wavefield can be interpreted simultaneously based on the full 2D
Eikonal equation with the amplitude term (Lin and Ritzwoller, 2011):
1 ∇ 2 A(ω, r )
= |∇τ (ω, r )| 2
− , (7.14)
|C(ω, r )|2 A(ω, r )ω2
where r is the position, τ is the phase travel time, C is the phase velocity, ω is
the frequency, and A is the amplitude. On one side, this approach results in a
more accurate interpretation of phase travel times with accounting for finite fre-
quency effects. Examples of a phase velocity map and of a distribution of azimuthal
anisotropy across the Valhall oil field inferred with the “Helmholtz” tomography
based on equation (7.14) are shown in Figures 7.4c–e. Additionally, equation (7.14)
provides us with a consistent framework for the interpretation of noise correlation
amplitudes and makes it possible to infer information about their attenuation and
local site amplification (Lin et al., 2012; Bowden et al., 2015).

7.4 Some Concluding Remarks

During the last decade, the Ambient Noise Surface-Wave Tomography (ANSWT)
has been very rapidly developed and has become one of the most widely used
approaches for seismic imaging at different scales. At the same time, the ANSWT
is far from becoming a “standard” and “routine” method. As discussed in this chap-
ter, the ANSWT regroups many possible approaches that can be applied depending
on the properties of the seismic network used and on the distribution of noise
sources. Overall, the ANSWT continues to be a very dynamic field of research
with some first-order issues on which we need to work.
As in the case of all noise-based methods, the improvement of the ANSWT will
require a better knowledge of the nature and of the distributions of noise sources.
To advance in this direction, we need to work on further developing both the phys-
ical models describing mechanisms of the noise generations and the methods to
determine the effective source distributions from the analysis of seismic records.
The next issue is the data pre-processing. We need to continue to improve the
pre-processing methods and also to develop a better understanding of how they
Applications with Surface Waves Extracted from Ambient Seismic Noise 233

impact the final cross-correlations and the measured surface wave parameters.
Most of the pre-processing methods used up to the current time were applied on
records at individual stations and components and do not explore the internal coher-
ences of different waves contained in the noise. These wavefield coherences can be
explored with the array-based methods (e.g., Gallot et al., 2012; Carrière et al.,
2014; Seydoux et al., 2017).
Finally, new schemes for the manipulation of the virtual wavefields and for the
inversion of the surface waves reconstructed from noise cross-correlations will
continue to emerge.

Supported by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Fed-
eration (grant N 14.W03.31.0033). I would like to thank Nori Nakata and two
anonymous reviewers for their comments, which greatly improved this chapter.

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