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Ordinances and Policies

The presence of child welfare related ordinances champion the rights of the child. These
ordinances and the policies not only protect CICL and CAR from untoward elements in the
society but also promote and protect their welfare.

Weaknesses identified are weak follow-through or poor execution, compartmentalized Brgy

Tabuco, and weak flow of information across the members of BCPC organization.

Only threat identified is the persisting traditional belief that children involved in pretty offenses
should feel the full brunt of the law.

Programs and Services

The Barangay Tabuco is rich with the programs and projects that promote the welfare of
children: (1) the EduCare program that introduce basc arithmetic and English to kindergarten
classes; (2) the SANGGAWADAN Program that allocates ½ kilo of rice/child/school day
attendance (plus the provision of free school supplies); (3) the participation rate is higher than
100 percent (this is due to the influx of migrants from neighboring towns); (4) High knowledge
and skills with regard to responsible parenthood (through the City Population and Nutrition
Office’s Hearts and Minds Progarm); (5) provision of Alternative Learning System for Out-of-
School Youths; (6) QUEEN program.

Weaknesse indentified are: (1) limited capability-building opportunities for all personnel
involved in CAR/CICL – related programs; (2) weak data collection and management
system,weak data analysis in support of policy formulation/management decision; (3) lack of
participation of som e parents during meetings; (4) tendency to depend on LGU.

Opportunities are: (1) sustained education ; (2) increase awareness on parenting; (3) prevent
further abuse.

Only threat is the tendency of child welfare programs to be politicized or used by politicians for
their own interests.

The existence of Brgy Tabuco Children’s Home and the women’s VAWC desks in help boost the
image as protectors of CICLs and CARS. The Brgy Tabuco Children’s Home helped decongest
the brgy of wandering streetchildren while the women’s help desks in the barangays serve as
primary response to children who are victims of domestic violence and abuse.

Community Mechanisms
Brgy Tabuco has a very effective referral mechanism (to CSWDO, PNP, to courts) which readily
responds to concerns of CICLs/CARs. The steady flow of referral system makes the processing of
cases fast and efficient. This in turn makes the chance of settlement between offender and
victim slimmer.

If the CICL is under the custody of the CSWDO, their basic needs are met: food,clothing and
shelter. The Naga City Childrens’s Home is more than ready to attend to CICL/CARs’ needs.
The presence of functional VAW desk in the barangays takes the response time at a shorter
rate. Victims of domestic violence and abuse are easily attended to at the community level.

Awareness on the status of CICL in the community level is heightened with the use of accurate
data collection.

On the other site ,referral system might delay the resolution of the case, if bureaucracy and red
tape gets in the way, under the CSWDO custody, children might be abused by adult offenders.
DSWD personnel should take caution or much better separate children from adult offenders by
providing separate rooms.

Descrepancy of data may be evident or even bloated data may be possible I data collection is
left unchecked or not validated by concerned personnel.

The barangay Tabuco should conduct fora on Childs Protection Assembly to clarify roles of
different agencies in the maintenance of effective referral system, thereby doing away from
bureaucracy and red tape.

IEC on childrens rights should be institutionalized to promote level of awareness on Children

Protection and Development. This should be coupled with education values formation trainings


Barangay Tabuco is more than adequate with is PNP personnel , with active women and
children help desk in the barangays. The women and childrens desks in the barangay provide
first hand response to victims of violence against women and children.

Only drawback is that some tanods are not trained on protection of children and are not
oriented on CICL/CAR. This restricts them from proper execution of the law.


The composition and membership in Barangay Council Welfare for the Protection of Children is
mandated by law. ALL Agencies and Barangays involve have mandate of protecting the
advancing the welfare of children. Funding is taken from the barangay fund where allocation for
childrens programs and projects are clearly specified.

Thee members of the Tabuco Barangay Council for the Welfare and Protection of Children are
well known in the City as champions of childrens rights. The functionality of the council is
proven by its monthly meetings.

However, the availability of council members remains a concern. Due to the multiplicity of
functions and heavy workload, some members find difficulty in attending the meetings. Some of
the members lack technical known how on the rights of child and referral system.

All barangays have BCPCs all are functional. It should be the duty of the City of DILG to provide
technical assistance to these BCPCs in discharging their responsibilities.

Opportunities identified are: (1) inclusion of all children’s concern

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