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Wireless-Tag Technology Co., Ltd. V1.0.

8ms Blockly Manual


Dec 25, 2020

Wireless-Tag Technology Co., Ltd.

About this document

This document provides users with a manual for the Blockly part of the 8ms visual development platform.

Document version
Wireless-Tag Technology Co., Ltd. V1.0.0

Please visit Wireless-Tag’s official website to download the latest version of the document.

Revision history

Please go to the document revision history page to view the revisions of the document.

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Information in this paper, including URL references, is subject to change without prior notice.

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Copyright © 2020 Wireless-Tag Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Due to product version upgrade or other reasons, the contents of this manual may be changed. Wireless-Tag Technology Co., Ltd

reserves the right to modify the contents of this manual without any notice or prompt. This manual is only used as a guide.

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Wireless-Tag Technology Co., Ltd. V1.0.0

Document Revision History

No. Version Changes Change (+/ -) description Author Date

1 V1.0.0 C First release Zhang Guangxing Dec 25, 2020

*Changes: C--Create, A--Add, M--Modify, D--Delete

Document approval information:

Author: Zhang Guangxing Date: Dec 25, 2020

Format review: Date:

Content review: Date:

Approval: Date:

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1. Process/Event.................................................................................................................................................... 6

1.1 UI....................................................................................................................................................................8

1.2 IOT............................................................................................................................................................... 11

1.3 Hardware...................................................................................................................................................... 12

2. Base................................................................................................................................................................. 13

2.1 Codec/Decode.............................................................................................................................................. 13

2.2 Loops............................................................................................................................................................14

2.3 Math............................................................................................................................................................. 14

2.4 Text...............................................................................................................................................................15

2.5 Logic.............................................................................................................................................................16

3. UI Controls......................................................................................................................................................18

3.1 Widgets Variables........................................................................................................................................ 18

3.2 Object Base.................................................................................................................................................. 18

3.3 Label.............................................................................................................................................................19

3.4 Button........................................................................................................................................................... 20

3.5 Image............................................................................................................................................................21

3.6 MessageBox................................................................................................................................................. 21

3.7 Switch...........................................................................................................................................................22

3.8 Slider............................................................................................................................................................ 23

3.9 Drop-down List............................................................................................................................................ 23

3.10 Widgets Anime.......................................................................................................................................... 24

3.11 Checkbox....................................................................................................................................................25

3.12 Gauge......................................................................................................................................................... 25

3.13 Process bar................................................................................................................................................. 26

3.14 Led..............................................................................................................................................................27

3.15 List..............................................................................................................................................................27

3.16 Roller..........................................................................................................................................................28

3.17 Textarea......................................................................................................................................................29

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4. IOT.................................................................................................................................................................. 30

4.1 HTTP............................................................................................................................................................30

5. Base Peripherals.............................................................................................................................................. 31

5.1 BLE.............................................................................................................................................................. 31

5.2 Serial.............................................................................................................................................................31

5.3 GPIO.............................................................................................................................................................32

5.4 PWM............................................................................................................................................................ 33

5.5 ADC............................................................................................................................................................. 34

5.6 WIFI............................................................................................................................................................. 34

6. Extension Hardware........................................................................................................................................ 36

7. System Status.................................................................................................................................................. 36

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1. Process/Event

Figure 1 Process/Event

 "1" Boolean statement fragment---The calculation result of the input fragment is a Boolean value used for
if condition judgment.

 "2" Add code fragment---It can implement personalized functions with the interface provided by the
platform; You can click "{ } Code" to view the added code fragment.

 "3" Number statement fragment---The calculation result of the input fragment is a numeric value.

 "4" When Boot---It is generally used to perform widgets and peripherals initialization, as shown
inFigure 2.

Figure 2 Boot

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 "5" Loop Forever, as shown inFigure 3.

Figure 3 Loop Forever

 "6" Timer duration, as shown inFigure 4.

Figure 4 Timer duration

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 Click "{ } Code" to view the corresponding code, as shown inFigure 5.

Figure 5 view the corresponding code

1.1 UI

Figure 6 UI

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 "1" When "i" Button clicked or long clicked--- Change "i" to the button widget id and bind the widget, as
shown inFigure 7.

Figure 7 utton clicked or long clicked to Change

 Code Analysis

Figure 8 Code Analysis

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 "2" When Checkbox "i" value change---Change "i" to the Checkbox widget id and bind the widget.

 "3" When Drop-down List "i" value change---Change "i" to the Drop-down list widget id and bind
the widget.

 "4" When List "i" clicked---Change "i" to the List widget id and bind the widget.

 "5" When MessageBox "i" button pressed---Change "i" to the MessageBox widget id and bind the

 "6" When Roller "i" value change---Change "i" to the Roller widget id and bind the widget.

 "7" When Slider "i" value change---Change "i" to the Slider widget id and bind the widget.

 "8" When Switch "i" value change---Change "i" to the Switch widget id and bind the widget.

 "9" When Textarea "i" value change---Change "i" to the Textarea widget id and bind the widget.

 Note: Click "{ } Code" to view the code generated by the corresponding widget.


 Function: Click the button, the progress bar displays a random value ranging from 1-100;

 Control selection: HMI -> Button, Dynamic->Bar

 Layout(Hybrid)-Blockly building process:

 Note: Button and Bar widgets need to exist on the canvas in advance, otherwise there is no id to

 Button: Process/Event->UI->When "i" button, then select target button id.

 Bar: UI Controls->Process bar->Set process bar->Choose UI objects(select target bar

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id)->Base->Math->random integer from "1" to "100" to replace value "50".

1.2 IOT

Figure 9 IOT

 "1" http callback---http response callback

 "2" wifi connected---When the wifi connection is successful


Please refer to "Intelligent Weather" (used with 2. Base->Codec/Decode and 4. IOT), as shown in Figure

Figure 10 Intelligent Weather

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1.3 Hardware

 (to be implemented)

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2. Base

2.1 Codec/Decode

Figure 11 Codec/Decode

 "1" Delete json

 "2" Get json value by key ""

 "3" Initialize json

 "4" If key "" in json


It provides test interface:

Json data:




{"date":"2020-11-28","wea":"cloudy","weaImg":"yun","weekDesc":"Saturday","wendu":"14~2 4°C" },


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{"date":"2020-11-30","wea":"cloudy","weaImg":"yun","weekDesc":"Monday","wendu":"16~2 3°C"} ]

You can get the temperature from the json data string on the 8ms platform:

"3" Initialize json->"2" get json value by key "wendu" -> display it on the label.

2.2 Loops

Figure 12 Loops

 "1" Break out of loop.

 "2" The variable "i" counts from "1" to "10" and increases by "1" each time.

 "3" Repeat 10 times.

 "4" Repeat while.

2.3 Math

Figure 13 Math

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The values in the Math section can be modified.

 "1" "1"+"1"

 "2" Remainder of "64" ÷ "10"

 "3" "123"

 "4" Random integer from "1" to "100"

 "5" Round 3.1

 "6" Square root "9"

 "7" Sin "45"

2.4 Text

Figure 14 Text

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You can customize the text content, such as "".

2.5 Logic

Figure 15 Logic

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 "1" If-do

 "2" "true"

 "3" "="

 "4" "not"

 "5" "null"

 "6" "and"

 "7" Compare string with

 "8" Test if true/if false

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3. UI Controls

3.1 Widgets Variables

Figure 16 Widgets Variables

Widgets Variables such as "1", "2" and "3" are the widgets and screens created in the Designer.

3.2 Object Base

Figure 17 Object Base

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 "1" Enable widget clicked as "true" of "false"---Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose and bind the
corresponding widget id to bind the widget id; the status is "True" or "False" depending on the actual

 "2" Choose "Display" or "Hidden" depending on the actual needs; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose
the corresponding widget id to bind the widget.

 "3" Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the widget.

 "4" Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the widget; You can click
"50" to modify the values of x and y coordinates to the values you need, but do not exceed the canvas

 "5" Delete dynamic screen; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the
widget; You can click "50" to modify the width and height values you need, but do not exceed the canvas

 "6" Display screen; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the widget.

3.3 Label

Figure 18 Label

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Example: Click Basic->Text in the Designer to create a text widget, then click UI Controls->Label in the
Blockly to choose Label id and set label content.

3.4 Button

Figure 19 Button

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 "1" Set Button content; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the
widget; Click " " to set your custom text content.

 "2" "Enable" or "disable" a button; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to
bind the widget.

3.5 Image

Figure 20 Image

 "1" "Start" or "stop" Image widget animation; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding
widget id to bind the widget.

 "2" Set Image widget to ""; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the

3.6 MessageBox

Figure 21 MessageBox

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 "1" Get selected Button text (for Message Box in event function).

3.7 Switch

Figure 22 Switch

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 "1" Read switch status; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the

 "2" Toggle switch; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the widget.

3.8 Slider

Figure 23 Slider

 "1" Read Slider value; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the

 "2" Set Slider value; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the widget;
Modify the value "50" to the slider widget value you need.

3.9 Drop-down List

Figure 24 Drop-down List

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 "1" Get the currently selected item in the Drop-down List; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the
corresponding widget id to bind the widget.

 "2" Set Drop-down List index; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind
the widget; Modify the value to set the order of the list items.

3.10 Widgets Anime

Figure 25 Widgets Anime

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 "1" Arc Anime---Set anime time, start angle, end angle and end with hidden items; Click "Choose UI
Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the widget.

 "2" Bar Anime---Set anime time and end with hidden items; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the
corresponding widget id to bind the widget.

 "3" Count Anime---Set hour, minute, second and end with hidden items; Click "Choose UI Objects" to
choose the corresponding widget id to bind the widget.

3.11 Checkbox

Figure 26 Checkbox

 "1" Read checkbox status; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the

 "2" Choose "Select" or "Unselect" depending on the actual needs; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose
the corresponding widget id to bind the widget.

3.12 Gauge

Figure 27 Gauge

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 "1" Read Gauge value; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the

 "2" Set Gauge value; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the

3.13 Process bar

Figure 28 Process bar

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 "1" Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the widget.

 "2" Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the widget. You can click
"50" to modify the value ranging from 0 to 100.

3.14 Led

Figure 29 Led

 "1" Set LED status; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the widget;
The status is "True" or "False".

 "2" Set LED brightness; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the
widget; You can modify the brightness to any integer value from 0-255.

 "3" Switch LED status; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the

3.15 List

Figure 30 List

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 "1" Get list item content selected; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to
bind the widget.

3.16 Roller

Figure 31 Roller

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 "1" Read Roller value; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the

 "2" Set Scroll Roller direction to "up" or "down"; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding
widget id to bind the widget.

3.17 Textarea

Figure 32 Textarea

 "1" Show keyboard and select textarea; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id
to bind the widget.

 "2" Read Textarea value; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the

 "3" Set Textarea value; Click "Choose UI Objects" to choose the corresponding widget id to bind the

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4. IOT

4.1 HTTP

Figure 33 HTTP

 "1" http callback.

 "2" Request http page.

 "3" http init.

Please refer to Intelligent Weather demo in the application market.

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5. Base Peripherals

5.1 BLE

Figure 34 BLE

 "1" Initialize Blufi for network configuration

 "2" Blufi switch "open" or "close" options.

 Blufi is used to achieve ESP32-WIFI network configuration. Please refer to Intelligent Weather demo in
the application market.

5.2 Serial

Figure 35 Serial

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 "1" uart init.

 "2" Read uart datas.

 "3" Serial port- write data.

5.3 GPIO

Figure 36 GPIO

 "1" Read GPIO. "GPIO0" is for reference, it needs to be selected according to the actual situation.

 "2" Set GPIO level. "GPIO0" level is set to "0" for reference, it needs to be set according to the actual

 "3" Initialize GPIO mode. "GPIO0" mode is set to "output" for reference, it needs to be set according to
the actual situation.

Figure 37 ESP32-SC01 Pin Diagram

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5.4 PWM

Figure 38 PWM

 "1" Initialize PWM.

 "2" Set PWM channel and duty value.

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5.5 ADC

Figure 39 ADC

 "1" Set ADC parameters.

5.6 WIFI

Figure 40 WIFI

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 "1" WIFI callback again.

 "2" Initialize WIFI.

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6. Extension Hardware

(To be implemented.)

7. System Status

(To be implemented.)

Copyright © 2020 Wireless-Tag Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


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