Is Ncommended. For Heavy Fuel

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Summary of marine fuel oil properties

(mean values, as delivered)

Propertles Marine Cas Oit Marlne Diesel 011 lntermediate Bunker Fuel OI1
Fuel Oils


a1 lS°C gfml 0.82 . . . 0.87 0.85 . . . 0.92 0.90 . . . 0.991 up to 1.010


a1 40 OC mm2/s (la) 2 ... 7 4 . . . 17

at 50 “C mm2/s (GSI) - 30 . . . 420 up 10 700

a1 100 OF (38 “c) (sec.RW 1) 200 . . . 4000 up to 7000

High viscosity fuels must be heated to reduce the viscosity to the recommended value a1
engine entry.

Pour point OC -25 . . . -7 -18 0 . . . 20

. . . -10 bis 30
The fuel cari no longer be pumped in the vicinity of the pour point an heating devices are
necessary for tanks and pipes at corrsponding ambient temperatures.

Sulphur % 0.2 . . . 1.8

0.2 . . . 1.8
1 ... 5

During combustion sulphur is converted into ita oxides which form acids in the presece of
I 1 ... 5

water. These acids may cause corrosion and fouling, partictiarly on engine components of
lower temperatures.
The effect of high sulphur content un Iargely be overcome by the use of an appropriate lubri-
tant particularly by means of a cylinder lubricant of sufflcient alkalinity cari have unfavourabl
The engine builder should be consulted if a fuel with a sulphur content of less than 0.4% is

Conradaon carbon
restdue CCR
% 0.01 . . . 1.5
I 0.01 . . . 1.5
I 1.5 . . . 17

A higb Conradson figure shows that the fuel tends to form deposits dudng combustion. and
up to 22

thus favoun tbe fouling a nozzles, piston ring grooves, gas outlet ducts and scavenge ports.

Ash % 0 . . . 0.01
I 0 ... 0.02
I 0.01 . . . 0.15 up 10 0.2

Ash grinds piston rings. cylinders and valves, and cari also promote fouling and bum-off
especially with a high vanadium and sodium content. The sodium content should be less than
113 of the vanadium content.

Water % 0 . . . 0.1 0 . . . 0.25 0.1 . . . 1 up to 2

Ignitlon quallty 50 . . . 40 40 . . . 20 40 . . . 20 l

Eatane numberlindex
Low spced engines are not very sensitive to ignition quallity and cari operate tith a Cetane
’ related to the light number of down to 25. For engtnea with normal operating speeds in excess of about
:omponent 400 revlmin., a bthtitm Qme nukr of 40 is ncommended. For heavy fuel oll no
strndardised metbod exists COdetermtne the ignition quality, 50 that a Cetan numbcr cari
no1 be dedfinated.

1Flash point OC Min. 60 (or as specified by law)

1Yote: This summary gives only a survey of available fuel oüs but does not indicate their suitability.
It is not necessarily complete, other promes may also influence the engine performance.
Marine Diesel Oil cari be pure distillates or may be blended. Some properties of blended oil may exceed
the fuel quality requirements for specifïc engine types.

A ZA40


Quality requirementsof heavy fuel oil as supplied

for Z 40-Engines

Test Method

Density at 15OC g/ml max 0,991 'ASTM D 1298

Viscosity ASTM D 445
at 5Q°C -* mm2/s(cSt) max 460
(at lQQ°F) sec RW max appro4500
Conradson carbon 2)
residue (CCR) % wt max 15 ASTM D 189
Sulfur 3, % wt max 490 ASTM D 2622
Ash content 4) %wt max 0;l ASTM D 482
Vanadium ') mg/kg (PPm) max 200 l

Sodium 4, mg/& (mm 1 max 4) l

Aluminium5) mg/& (ppm) max 30 I)

Water content % vol 1,O ASTM D 95
Flash point 7) OC min 7) ASTM D 93
Pour Point OC min 8) ASTM D 97

1) ... 8) see page 0356~3au. 3b

l NO generallyagreed test method available at pr6SeDt.

Specified properties of fuel as delivered to the ship/installation.Some

values such as viscosity, water and aluminium content must be further re-
duced prior to entering engine.


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