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Issue No.1 Issue Date: 15th Sep’2017

Rev No 0 Rev Date
Driver Management SOP
Issued By: Manager S&D Approved By:
SMA/RT/SOP/02 I/C – HoD (S &D)
Recommended By: HSSE Head


1. Objective:

Tank truck drivers are the last line of defense for road transport safety. The aim of driver
management is to inculcate driving safety behaviour to avoid any incident. The control is a
joint process of haulier and SMA to achieve the goal zero. A structured process of driver
induction, training, counselling & applying consequence management will lead to
inculcating safety culture in the system.

2. Scope:

The scope of the driver management process applied by SMA covers all road transport drivers
who are engaged by the c o m p a n y , third-party contractors/haulier’s for the transportation
of the aviation fuel thru tank trucks. List of drivers and database is maintained by haulier’s always,
with respective compliance tracker for driver management. As best practice, it is advised that haulier
shall also have driver welfare, incentive and CARE programs as part of Driver management.

3. Reference:

This document refers to section 7.2 of the Haulier Management Process Document
(SMA/RT/SOP/01) & RT HSSE MS (SMA/RT/MS/01) as a pre-requisite.

4. Responsibility:

Manager S & D shall be responsible for preparation, revision & implementation of this SOP.

5. Process:

The four major elements of the driver management are:

Driver Induction
Driver Training & Counselling
Driver performance review
Driver Recognition & Reward

5.1 Driver Induction:

5.1.1 RTCC shall ensure pre-requisites as mentioned in Section 7.2.1 to 7.2.9 of

haulier management process are complied with.
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Issue No.1 Issue Date: 15th Sep’2017

Rev No 0 Rev Date
Driver Management SOP
Issued By: Manager S&D Approved By:
SMA/RT/SOP/02 I/C – HoD (S &D)
Recommended By: HSSE Head

5.1.2 Haulier shall produce all the records related to driver induction as per 5.1.1
to RTCC for scrutiny
5.1.3 RTCC shall ensure that the driver has successfully completed DDT training
by SMA authorized trainer/agency.
5.1.4 RTCC shall ensure that the driver has gone thru “Driver Mentoring
training” by haulier’s experienced driver for a minimum of 15 days
5.1.5 RTCC shall ensure that the driver has, as minimum, successfully undergone
the below training & certificates are provided by the haulier’s. LSR rules JMP/RHM of all routes IVMS violations tracking and consequences Arrive Alive programme, fatigue, rollover prevention, MSDS ROTA A, ROTA B programme Emergency procedure training (preferably attend one ERP drill) Attend at least 3 TBMs/LFI sessions One safety meeting of haulier Loading/unloading procedures Any other training as deemed fit for haulier/RTCC
5.1.6 RTCC shall ensure that records showing successful completion of trainings
as laid down in 5.1.5 is submitted which is duly signed by Haulier Safety in
charge and/or Haulier’s Location manager in an appropriate format
5.1.7 RTCC shall collect & scrutinize all the relevant documents for each of the
drivers including driving license, hazardous license inducted by haulier’s and
make himself satisfied with the completion of scrutiny, induction,
mentoring and other trainings,
5.1.8 RTCC shall conduct a verbal test of understanding of all the
trainings/HSSE procedure
5.1.9 TMC shall conduct an “In CAB assessment” test to confirm adherence to
Defensive driving techniques & close out of deficiencies as found in DDT
training as per section 5.1.3 and submit a report to RTCC.
5.1.10 RTCC shall issue a formal report of all compliance after he is satisfied that
all the above processes are followed & sign of the driver induction checklist
& submit to manager- S & D.
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Issue No.1 Issue Date: 15th Sep’2017

Rev No 0 Rev Date
Driver Management SOP
Issued By: Manager S&D Approved By:
SMA/RT/SOP/02 I/C – HoD (S &D)
Recommended By: HSSE Head

5.1.11 M a n a g e r S & D may randomly conduct a verbal interview to conform the

competencies and finally sign off the driver induction checklist a f t e r
due diligence about the authenticity of documents
p r o v i d e d t o h i m . (referAppendix-1)

5.2 Driver Training & Counselling:

5.2.1 Post induction, RTCC shall ensure that haulier impart all the trainings as
mentioned in section 7.2.10 of the haulier management process document
5.2.2 SIC shall ensure consequence management arising out of IVMS events has
been taken by the haulier; driver remedial training is conducted post
incidents or issues.
5.2.3 In case adequate action as per consequence matrix (Appendix 4 of haulier
management process document) is not taken, the truck shall not be loaded
until instructed by Manager S & D
5.2.4 SMA shift in charge (SIC) shall be supporting on for pre-trip & post- trip
dialogue, however the responsibility lies with haulier supervisor
5.2.5 SIC shall ensure that FTW process including alcohol check followed by the
haulier before driver is sent for loading.
5.2.6 SIC shall carry out visual “fit for duty” check and in case of any doubt
shall perform alcohol check.
5.2.7 SIC shall impart TBM, LFI & any other training as instructed by Manager-
S & D to the driver before releasing the tank truck (haulier to ensure that
no driver shall start the journey till his pre-trip dialogue and basic TBM is
5.2.8 TMC ( Transport M a n a g e m e n t C e n t r e ) s h a l l i m p a r t T B M , L F I , JMP
trainings as per calendar jointly agreed between SMA and TMC.
5.2.9 DDT refresher is conducted by accredited agency once a year.
5.2.10 TMC shall perform in-cab assessment for close out of DDT
training/refresher training observations.
5.2.11 RTCC shall ensure all refresher training as mentioned in 7.2.16 of haulier
management process and 5.1.5 of this document are carried out by the
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Issue No.1 Issue Date: 15th Sep’2017

Rev No 0 Rev Date
Driver Management SOP
Issued By: Manager S&D Approved By:
SMA/RT/SOP/02 I/C – HoD (S &D)
Recommended By: HSSE Head

5.3 Driver Performance Review:

5.3.1 Driver performance shall be reviewed periodically by the haulier based on IVMS events (40 %) Participation in TBM/LFI/Safety meeting sessions (20 %) In-cab assessment performance (20 %) Number & quality of NM/PI (10 %) Non-involvement in any incidents (10 %) Any driver involved in LSR violation shall be debarred from
award/recognition programme

5.3.2 Depending upon the performance parameter as mentioned in 5.3.1 the

haulier shall submit driver grading matrix as indicated below Drivers getting > 85% shall be graded as excellent, between 75 to 84%
shall be Very good and below 74% shall be rated as good

5.4 Driver Recognition & Reward

5.4.1 Haulier shall have a suitable reward & recognition policy based on driver
Grading/Performance rating
5.4.2 In addition, SMA may consider recognition/reward.

5.4.3 Additioanlly haulier shall also have driver care and welfare programme in place
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Issue No.1 Issue Date: 15th Sep’2017

Rev No 0 Rev Date
Driver Management SOP
Issued By: Manager S&D Approved By:
SMA/RT/SOP/02 I/C – HoD (S &D)
Recommended By: HSSE Head


Checklist for driver induction SMA ID no:

Driver Name: Haulier Name:

Driver License No & date of issue:

Date of introduction: Date of certification:

S.No. Description Yes/No Haulier RTCC Remarks

Sign Sign
1 Haulier has completed due diligence
of driver profile check, screening
and recruitment including
compliance to legal requirement
2 Haulier has completed all the
verification of all statutory
3 Driver has completed DDT training
& certificate (driver rating not
below “B”)
4 Driver has completed minimum of
15 days mentor training by haulier’s
mentor trainer
5 Haulier has imparted all the
trainings as mentioned in sections
5.1.5 & records submitted
6 RTCC scrutinizes all the relevant
statutory and training documents
7 TMC has completed in-cab
assessment and certified the
driver to be competent for
8 RTCC conducted verbal test and
found fit for induction
Found the driver fully trained and competent induction: Yes/No
Signature of haulier manager Date:
Signature of RTCC manager Date:

Approved by Manager- S & D Date:

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