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NAME : Al Hadid Rahma Maulana

NIM : 232021010068

CLASS : 21 B

Daili Activities At Home

I woke up at 5 am. Then I got up to take Subuh prayer. Afterward I tidied up my bathroom such as
opening the window, turning off the lamp, sweeping the floor and arranging my pillow and bolsters and
folding my blanket.

After that I went outside my house to work out. I did jogging around my house then I pushed up and sit
up to build my muscle. After doing sport, I took a rest for a while. Then I took bath on my bathroom and
brushed my teeth. Next I got dress my school uniform and looked to the mirror. I took my comb then I
combed my hair.

While I prepared to go to University Muhammadiyah Kudus , my mother made me a breakfast in the

kitchen. Then my mother called me to have a breakfast and then I went out from my bedroom to have a
breakfast. I saw my father reading a newspaper in the living room so I asked my father to have a
breakfast together.

We had a breakfast at 7.30 am. After having breakfast, my mother gave me a glass of milk so I drank the
milk. Afterwards, I helped my mother to clean the dishes. Next I used my shoes and prepared my
motorcycle from the garage. Before I went to University Muhammadiyah Kudus, I asked permission to
my mother and my father and shook their hands. Then I turned on my motorcycle and went to
University Muhamdiyah Kudus.

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