Age, Growth and Reproduction of The White Seabream Diplodus Sargus Sargus (Sparidae) Off Eastern Coast of Algeria

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Age, growth and reproduction of the white seabream Diplodus sargus sargus
(Sparidae) off eastern coast of Algeria

Article  in  Journal of Applied Ichthyology · February 2013

DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2012.02057.x


26 927

2 authors:

Wafa Benchalel Hichem Kara

Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University


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Journal of
Applied Ichthyology
J. Appl. Ichthyol. (2012), 1–7 Received: January 10, 2011
© 2012 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin Accepted: February 7, 2012
ISSN 0175–8659 doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2012.02057.x

Age, growth and reproduction of the white seabream Diplodus sargus sargus
(Linneaus, 1758) off the eastern coast of Algeria
By W. Benchalel and M. H. Kara
Marine Bioresources Laboratory, University of Annaba – Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, Alge´ria

Summary Part of a broader research programme devoted to coastal

The objective of this study was to determine the basic popu- sparids from Algeria (Chaoui et al., 2005, 2006, 2009; Derbal
lation-specific parameters necessary for fish stock assessment and Kara, 2006, 2008; Derbal et al., 2007; Benchalel and
in the area and to compare these with data from other Medi- Kara, 2010; Benchalel et al., 2010), aim of the present study
terranean regions. White seabream Diplodus sargus sargus was to identify several key parameters of Diplodus sargus sar-
(n = 449) were caught along the Algerian coast between gus needed for stock assessment (sex ratio, spawning cycle,
December 2005 and December 2006. Total length ranged size at first maturity, age distribution and growth) off the
from 12.2 to 34.6 cm, representing age classes between 0 and eastern coast of Algeria while also comparing the data with
10 years. Validity of the otolith readings for estimating age studies in other areas of the Mediterranean.
and growth was supported using the back-calculation
method. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters for all fish
Materials and methods
were calculated as: TL = 36.3 cm, k = 0.154 year 1, t0 =
0.488 year. The growth performance index (φ) showed a Samples of white seabream were collected monthly from
relatively slow growth of the local population. The length- December 2005 to December 2006 along the Algerian East-
weight relationship showed an isometric growth (b = 2.98; ern coasts (Fig. 1) via the wholesale fish merchants and fish-
r = 0.98). Subspecies Diplodus sargus sargus was character- mongers in Annaba town from catch of trawls and gill nets
ized as being a proterandric hermaphrodite. Overall ratio of of 45 mm stretched mesh. Total length (TL) was measured
males to females was 1 : 1.4, with males predominant in the to the nearest mm and total weight (TW) recorded to the
smaller size intervals and females in the larger ones. The nearest mg. Sex and maturity stages were determined macro-
reproductive season extended from January to May, with a scopically, and gonad weight (GW) was recorded to the near-
March–April peak in spawning activity. Fifty per cent matu- est mg. Stages of maturation were classified as: Stage
rity of the tested cohort was reached at a total length of 1 = inactive (resting) (very thin translucent tubes); Stage
20.2 cm for males and 20.0 cm for females. 2 = developing (ovaries are swollen with orange tubes, eggs
are visible to the naked eye, testes are white and show some
thickening); Stage 3 = ripe (ovaries are very large, translu-
Introduction cent eggs are visible, testes are very large and white, sperm is
The white sea bream, Diplodus sargus sargus (Linnaeus found in the testicular tissue and the main sperm duct); and
1758), is an important demersal commercial sparid found Stage 4 = post spawning (ovaries are flaccid, bloodshot and
throughout the Mediterranean Sea (Fischer et al., 1987), small in size, testes are smaller in size and pinkish-grey in
especially inhabiting rock, sand and seagrass beds (e.g. Posi- colour) (Mann and Buxton, 1998). Otoliths sagittae were
donia oceanica) (Harmelin-Vivien et al., 1995; Sala and Bal- removed, cleaned and stored for later analysis.
lesteros, 1997; Vigliola and Harmelin-Vivien, 2001; Louisy, Age was estimated by interpreting growth rings on 241
2005). Commonly occurring at depths of ca 40–180 m (maxi- otoliths from 98 females (TL: 15.4–34.6 cm; TW: 53.5–560 g)
mum 420 m; Bauchot, 1987), they congregate in schools of 5 and 143 males (TL: 11.2–33.0 cm; TW: 19.0–595 g). Whole
–50 individuals and feed mainly on molluscs (Rosecchi, 1987; otoliths were fully immersed in sesame oil and read using a
Benchalel et al., 2010). Juveniles often live in coastal lagoons compound microscope provided with a micrometer piece
and estuaries (<2 m) (Quignard and Man-Wai, 1983; Macph- (magnification 94), using reflected light by following standard
erson, 1998). Seabream is primarily a species of the artisanal techniques. Readings were made by three independent investi-
fishery that uses fixed gear (trammel and gillnets). gators; the otoliths were used in subsequent analyses only
Age, growth and reproduction of D. sargus sargus in the when all three readings were in agreement. Marginal incre-
Mediterranean Sea were studied by several authors (El ment analysis was used to validate annual growth increment
Maghraby et al., 1981a,b, 1982; Man-Wai and Quignard, formation (Beamish and McFarlane, 1983). The monthly
1982, 1984; Quignard and Man-Wai, 1983; Man-Wai, 1985; mean marginal increment (MI) was calculated using:
Gordoa and Moli, 1997; Mouine et al., 2007); however, their MI = (R Rn)/(Rn Rn 1) (R, Rn and Rn 1 are, respec-
investigations were performed in the north-western and tively, the radius, the radius of the last and the next-to-last
south-eastern areas of the Mediterranean. On the North growth rings). Existence of a linear relationship was first tested
African coasts, only Mouine et al. (2007) focussed on the between the radius of the otolith and the total length. Next,
reproductive biology, while Benchalel and Kara (2010) and the age-length relationship was back-calculated using Lee
Benchalel et al. (2010) studied the morphology and diet of (1920). Lengths at different ages were compared with the
this species, respectively. back-calculation results. Growth parameters of the von
2 W. Benchalel and M. H. Kara


n = 47
1.3 n = 18
n = 10 n = 22
1.1 n = 26 n = 13
n = 22
n = 17

AM (mm)
n=6 n = 10
0.7 n = 10 n = 25
n = 15


D 2005 J F M A M J J A S O N D 2006
Fig. 1. Map of study area showing geographical limits of Diplodus Fig. 2. Monthly evolution of marginal increment for all Diplodus
sargus sargus fishing sites (▼), eastern coast of Algeria. Arrows indi- sargus sargus otoliths. n: monthly sample sizes
cate geographical limits of fishing zones

Bertalanffy growth equation were estimated (Ricker, 1975): with a predominance of age classes of 3–5 years in the catch
TL = L∞ (1 e k(t t0)), where L∞ is the ultimate length that an (74.2% individuals). The oldest female was estimated at
average fish would achieve if it continued to live and grow, k 10 years; the oldest male estimate was 9 years. However, it
is the growth coefficient which determines how fast the fish has to be taken into account that the size ranges covered
approaches L∞, and t0 is the hypothetical age for TL = 0. The may be limited by the mesh sizes employed by the fishermen.
software FISAT II (version 1.2.2) (Gayanilo et al., 1996) was Back-calculated lengths obtained by Lee’s equation are given
used to estimate length-weight relationship and growth in Table 1. The estimated parameters of the von Bertalanffy
parameters. The relation of TW to TL was calculated applying model and the growth performance index Φ are given in
the exponential regression equation: W = aLb (Ricker, 1973). Table 2. Length-weight relationships show isometric growth
The growth performance index Φ = Log (k) + 2Log (L∞) for females (Wg = 2.720.10 5 L2:945
t , r = 0.980), males (Wg =
(Pauly and Munro, 1984) was estimated in order to compare 1.900.10 5 L3:009
t , r = 0.980), and both sexes combined
growth parameter values obtained in the present paper with (Wg = 2.240.10 5 L2:987
t , r = 0.980).
those reported for other D. sargus subspecies. A total of 449 fish were examined for their reproductive
A total of 449 specimens were examined for their reproduc- state, of which 178 (39.5%) were females (TL = 15.4–
tive biology. The numeric proportions of sexes were expressed 34.6 cm; TW = 51–746 g), and 262 (58.3%) males (TL =
as male to female ratio, and tested with a chi-square 11.2–33.5 cm; TW = 19–600 g), while 173 fish (38.5%) were
test (Dagnelie, 1975). The spawning season was determined by immature (TL = 11.2–24.0 cm; TW = 20–191 g) and 9 (2%)
analysing the temporal evolution in the relative frequency of were hermaphrodites (TL = 19.7–24.2 cm, TW = 115–211 g).
maturity stages and the gonado-somatic index (GSI) = (weight The total number of males sampled monthly was greater
of the gonades/gutted weight of fish 9 100, Anderson and Gu- than that of females (Fig. 3). Overall sex ratio was 1 : 1.4;
treuter, 1983). Monthly values of GSI were compared using a thus deviating from 1 : 1 (v2 = 16.03; P  0.001). Males
one-way ANOVA test, completed by a multiple sample compari- predominated in the smaller size classes compared to females;
son of means (Dagnelie, 1970). Length at maturity was calcu- intersexual individuals were intermediate in size between
lated by determining the proportion of reproductively active males and females (Fig. 4).
fish (stage 3). Length at first maturity was estimated as the Males and females with ripe gonads (stage 2) were recorded
length at which 50% of the fish had become mature (Lt50) (Ri- between January and April, being dominant in February; ripe
khter and Efanov, 1976). The interval of sexual maturity ‘Im’ and running males and females (stage 3) appeared in January
is defined as the interval of size corresponding to the pubescent and became dominant in February; spent males and females
transformation (Loubens, 1980). (stage 4) were recorded in April (Fig. 5). The highest GSI val-
ues occurred between January and May, with a maximum in
March–April, and a resting period from May to December
Results (Fig. 6). A one-way ANOVA applied to mean values of GSI indi-
Among the 241 individuals of D. sargus sargus used for age cated their significant heterogeneity (males: F = 13.6; females:
study, 98 (40.6%) were females and 143 (59.3%) were males. F = 10.4; P  0.001). The curves of the GSI monthly values
Comparing successive monthly mean marginal increment val- showed that D. sargus sargus reproduced only once a year.
ues of otoliths (Fig. 2) using mean comparison tests showed Male gonadic activity started in January and reached a maxi-
a significant difference (F = 3.03; P < 0.05) between May and mum in April. The female gonadosomatic index was the high-
June. Thus, the rings were considered to be annual incre- est in March, 1 month earlier than males. The spawning
ments. Minimum values of marginal increment were recorded period starts in March; in May or June the majority of fish are
in June, which is the time of annulus formation for D. sargus post-spawners. Size at first maturity (L50) was estimated as
sargus in the study area. The equation expressing the linear 20 cm for females and 20.2 cm for males (Fig. 7). There was
relationship between total length (TL) and the otolith radius no significant difference in length at 50% maturity between
(R) is: TL = 66.9 R 18.1 (r = 0.9; P  0.001). The ordinate sexes (tobs = 4.4; P  0.01). According to the otolith reading
to the origin of this equation (18.1 mm) corresponds to the of the concerned length classes, this size corresponds to an age
theoretical size of the fish at the time of formation of the of 4 years. Thus, 39.2% of fish sampled do not reach the first
first otoliths. Age range of the sampled fish was 1–10 years, maturity length.
Age, growth and reproduction of the white seabream 3

Table 1
Diplodus sargus sargus back-calculated sizes-at-age, eastern coast of Algeria sampling campaign December 2005 to December 2006

Age 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

n 98 98 95 61 33 16 10 8 6 2
M (cm) 10.4 14.2 17.3. 19.9 22.4. 24.3 25.8 26.9 27.9 30.1
SD 13.1 17.6 16.7 15.1 14.7 12.3 18.2 18.9 10.8 22.1
n 143 139 119 79 43 19 13 7 2 –
M (cm) 10.4 14.0 17.3 19.7 22.2 24.2 25.6 27.0 28.3 –
SD 14.2 17.2 17.5 15.7 13.9 10.8 15.4 20.6 22.3 –
All fish
n 241 237 214 140 76 35 23 15 9 2
M (m) 10.4 14.1 17.3 19.8 22.7 24.5 25.7 27.4 28.7 30.1
SD 13.8 17.4 17.1 15.4 14.5 12.3 16.7 19.8 18.6 22.1

n, number of fish; M, mean length by age class; SD, standard deviation.

Table 2
Comparison of von Bertalanffy growth parameters and growth performance indexes (Φ), Diplodus sargus subspecies in different areas: all, all
fish; m, males; f, females; L∞, asymptotic length; k, growth rate; t0, theoretical age at length zero; Φ, growth performance index

Source Location Subspecies Method L∞ k t0 Φ

Man-Wai and Quignard (1982) NW Mediterranean D. sargus sargus Otoliths 46.70 0.12 1.63 2.42
Martinez-Pastor and Cantabrian Sea D. sargus sargus Otoliths all 48.4 0.18 0.58 2.63
Villegas-Cuadros (1996) m 52.9 0.13 3.73 2.56
f 57.6 0.10 5.33 2.52
Gordoa and Moli (1997) NW Mediterranean D. sargus sargus Otoliths 41.70 0.25 0.08 2.64
Mann and Buxton (1997) South Africa D. sargus capensis Otoliths 30.94 0.25 1.05 2.38
Pajuelo and Lorenzo (2002) Canary Islands D. sargus cadenati Otoliths all 47.3 0.14 1.97 2.49
m 45.9 0.14 1.91 2.46
f 49.4 0.15 2.05 2.56
Pajuelo and Lorenzo (2004) Canary Islands D. sargus cadenati Otoliths all 46.7 0.14 2.48 2.48
m 44.7 0.14 1.89 2.45
f 49.9 0.12 2.23 2.47
Abecasis et al. (2008) S. Portugal D. sargus Otoliths 40.93 0.18 1.28 2.49
Scales 39.55 0.15 1.87 2.37
Present study E. Algeria D. sargus sargus Otoliths all 36.39 0.15 0.49 2.30
m 35.14 0.16 0.43 2.29
f 35.41 0.16 0.60 2.30

Males Females Hermaphrodites

n = 34 n = 15 n = 49 n = 71 n = 40 n = 38 n = 29 n = 17 n = 34 n = 44 n = 7 n = 40 n = 31


Frequency (%)



D 2005 J F M A M J J A S O N D 2006
Fig. 3. Seasonal variation in sex ratio of Diplodus sargus sargus during study period (December 2005–December 2006). n: monthly sampling

Discussion otoliths with hyaline edges observed at the end of the winter
Otolith marginal increment values suggest that only one and the beginning of spring could be related to physiological
growth ring is formed in June. The high percentage of stress during the spawning season (January–May).
4 W. Benchalel and M. H. Kara

Males Females Hermaphrodites

n=5 4 3 9 15 11 16 37 34 77 31 14 31 32 16 26 8 17 6 15 12 4 3 2
Frequency (%) 60
Length interval (cm)
Fig. 4. Sex ratio of Diplodus sargus sargus as a function of total length. n: monthly sampling sizes

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

(a) n = 18 11 28 47 21 15 15 11 21 18 4 13 22



Frequency (%)







2005 2006

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

(b) n = 13 4 17 23 19 22 14 6 13 16 3 17 9



Frequency (%)







2005 2006
Fig. 5. Maturity stages of Diplodus sargus sargus: (a) males; (b) females. Stage 1: inactive (resting); Stage 2: developing; Stage 3: ripe; Stage
4: post-spawning. n: monthly sampling sizes

Nevertheless, because these rings are present in juveniles as January. The high percentage of otoliths with an opaque ring
well as adults, they should also be related to the lowest val- during summer, which was attributed to a fast growth
ues of sea temperature with an annual minimum of 11°C in period, could be due to temporal variation in the food
Age, growth and reproduction of the white seabream 5

Males Females

GSI (%) 5



D2005 J F M A M J J A S O N D2006
Fig. 6. Monthly variation in Diplodus sargus sargus gonadosomatic index (GSI), males (April peak, n = 21) and females (March peak,
n = 23), eastern coast of Algeria. Error bars: standard deviations

100 may result in the deposition of additional rings in the

Males Females otoliths, by which the ages might be overestimated. Age esti-
mation in South African sparids has moreover proved to be
75 difficult as a result of the phenomenon of stacking of growth
zones towards the otolith margin, particularly in older fish
% mature

(Buxton and Clarke, 1989, 1991, 1992; Smale and Punt,

50 20 cm 1991; Mann, 1992).
20.2 cm The von Bertalanffy parameters calculated in this study
show that white seabream is a relatively slow-growing fish
compared to other similar subspecies (Man-Wai and Quig-
nard, 1982; Martinez-Pastor and Villegas-Cuadros, 1996;
Gordoa and Moli, 1997; Abecasis et al., 2008) such as
D. sargus capensis (Mann and Buxton, 1997) and D. sargus

cadenati (Pajuelo and Lorenzo, 2002) (Table 2). Similarly,

the growth performance index (φ) is the lowest compared to
Length interval (cm)
those from other areas (Table 2) showing a relatively slow
Fig. 7. Diplodus sargus sargus male and female sexual maturity growth in the local population.
curves as a function of total length. Arrows indicate total length at
which 50% of fish are sexually mature The allometry coefficient of the length-weight relationship
for all fish: b = 2.98; P  0,01; r = 0.98) indicates isometric
growth. The same conclusion (b = 3.05) was reached by
abundance (Benchalel et al., 2010) and the high sea tempera- Mouine et al. (2007) in the Gulf of Tunis, Man-Wai and
ture (24°C), as was also observed with D. cadenati (Pajuelo, Quignard (1982) in the Gulf of Lion (b = 3.09), and Morato
1997). Different findings have been recorded in studies on et al. (2001) in the Azores (b = 3.05, females; b = 3.03, males
other sparids in South Africa (Hecht and Baird, 1977; and 3.18 for both). However, variations may occur through
Nepgen and De, 1977; Buxton and Clarke, 1986; Pulfrich the influence of fishing gear, sample size and size ranges cov-
and Griffiths, 1988; Mann, 1992; Buxton, 1993). Marginal ered in the studies.
increment analyses indicate that the opaque deposition, Hermaphrodites (2.0%) are few when compared to those
which is representative of discontinuous growth, coincides observed in the Gulf of Tunis (6.4%) for the same species
with the peak in gonad maturation. (Mouine et al., 2007) and in northern Spain (5.6%) (Marti-
The highest age estimated in this study was 10 years for nez-Pastor and Villegas-Cuadros, 1996). Combining the mac-
females and 9 years for males. These values compare well roscopic appearance of gonads and histological sexing,
with those reported for other subspecies in the Mediterra- hermaphrodites accounted for 23% of D. sargus along the
nean and the Cantabrian Sea. Gordoa and Moli (1997) and Egyptian coasts (El Maghraby et al., 1981a,b, 1982) and
Martinez-Pastor and Villegas-Cuadros (1996) examined 10- 50% in the Gulf of Lions (Man-Wai, 1985).
and 12-year-old specimens of D. sargus sargus in the Medi- The presence of individuals with well-formed testes and res-
terranean and D. sargus cadenati of the Canary Islands. This idues of degenerated ovaries (between 19.7 and 24.2 cm) and
indicates that the species has a relatively long life span the predominance of females in larger sizes generally confirm
(12 years) (Pajuelo and Lorenzo, 2004). However, for D. sar- a protandrous development of the local population. However,
gus capensis in South African waters of the Indian Ocean, a the presence of males in the larger size classes could confirm
maximum of 21 years was reported (Mann and Buxton, that sex inversion does not occur in all fish. Sexual succession
1997). This difference may be due to insufficient and biased takes place mainly between 2 and 5 years of age. In the
sampling due to the limited artisanal fishing gear employed; Mediterranean Sea, a rudimentary hermaphrodism with a
also overfishing may be a major reason that certain areas facultative protandry was also observed (D’Ancona, 1949;
always catch smaller fish. Otherwise, strong upwelling events Tortonèse, 1965; Lissia-Frau, 1968; Man-Wai, 1985). Even in
6 W. Benchalel and M. H. Kara

Table 3
Spawning period and duration of Diplodus sargus as reported in various areas of the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic and Indian oceans
Source Location Latitude Spawning period (months)

Man-Wai (1985) Gulf of Lion, France 43°N April–May 3

Joubert, 1981; Kwazulu-Natal, So. 30°S May–November 7
Martinez-Pastor and Asturias, Spain 43°N April–June 3
Villegas-Cuadros (1996)
Morato et al. (2003) Azores, Portugal 38°N March–June 4
F.J.O. Almada, unpubl. data Lisbon, Portugal 38°N February–May 4
University of Açores, unpubl. data Algarve, Portugal 37°N January–May 5
Mouine et al. (2007) Gulf of Tunis,Tunisia 36°N March–May 3
El Maghraby et al. (1982) Egyptian coasts 31°N January–April 4
Abou-Seedo et al. (1990) Kuwait 29°N November–March 5
Mann and Buxton (1998) South-east, So. Africa 34°S August–March 8
Mann and Buxton (1998) Eastern Cape, So. Africa 34°S June–December 7
Present study East Algerian coast 37°N March–May 3

captivity an optional protandry is argued (Micale and Perdi- Anderson, R. O.; Gutreuter, S. J., 1983: Length, weight, and associ-
chizzi, 1994). However, for all others subspecies (D. sargus ated structural indices. In: Fisheries techniques. L. A. Nielsen,
and D. L. Johnson (Eds). Am. Fish. Soc., Bethesda, MD, pp.
capensis of South Africa, D. sargus kotschyi of the Persian 283–300.
Gulf and D. sargus cadenati of northern Spain and the Bauchot, M. L., 1987: Poissons osseux. In: Fiches FAO d’Identifica-
Azores), the observation of both primary and secondary tion pour les Besoins de la Pêche (Rev. 1). Méditerranée et mer
females is explained by the digyny (Buxton and Garratt, Noire. Zone de pêche 37. Vol.2. W. Fischer, M.-L. Bauchot,
1990; Mann and Buxton, 1998). and M. Schneider (Eds). CCE & FAO, Rome, pp. 891–1421.
Beamish, R. J.; McFarlane, G. A., 1983: The forgotten requirement
Reproduction takes place between January and May, and for age validation in fisheries biology. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc.
spawning extends from March to May with a peak in March– 112, 735–743.
April. In the Gulf of Tunis (36°N), reproduction takes place in Benchalel, W.; Kara, M. H., 2010: Biométrie et dimorphisme sexuel
the same period (Mouine et al., 2007) and it extends for a du sar commun Diplodus sargus sargus des côtes de l’Est algér-
ien. Bull. Soc. Zool. France 135, 149–162.
month (March–June) in the Azores, Portugal (38°N) (Morato Benchalel, W.; Derbal, F.; Kara, M. H., 2010: Régime alimentaire
et al., 2003). As the latitude decreases, the spawning period du sar commun Diplodus sargus sargus (Sparidae) des côtes de
begins earlier and the duration increases from 3 to 5 months, l’est algérien. Cybium 34, 231–242.
as shown in Table 3. These regional dissimilarities have Buxton, C. D., 1993: Life history changes in exploited reef fishes on
already been noted and correlated with changes in thermal the east coast of South Africa. Environ. Biol. Fishes 36, 47–63.
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regimes (Morato et al., 2003). The size at first maturity (L50) is blue hottentot Pachymetopon aeneum (Pisces: Sparidae) with
estimated as 20 cm at an average age of 4 years; thus among notes on reproductive biology. S. Afr. J. Zool. 27, 21–32.
the 449 sampled fish 39.20% do not reach the first maturity Buxton, C. D.; Clarke, J. R., 1989: The growth of Cymatoceps nusu-
length, which is probably related to the method of fishing. The tus (Teleostei: Sparidae), with comments on diet and reproduc-
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size at first maturity is close to that reported in the Gulf of Buxton, C. D.; Clarke, J. R., 1991: The biology of the white mussel-
Tunis (21 cm at 4 years) by Mouine et al. (2007) and in the cracker Sparodon durbanensis (Pisces: Sparidae) on the Eastern
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Cuadros (1996). This size is lower than in South Africa Buxton, C. D.; Clarke, J. R., 1992: The biology of the bronze bream,
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(23 cm, females; 20 cm, males) (Man-Wai and Quignard, Buxton, C. D.; Garratt, P. A., 1990: Alternative reproductive styles in
1984) but is higher than in the Azores (16.7 cm) (Morato seabreams (Pisces: Sparidae). Environ. Biol. Fishes 28, 113–124.
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Acknowledgements Biol. Mar. 46, 221–225.
Chaoui, L.; Kara, M. H.; Quignard, J. P., 2006: Growth and repro-
The authors are thankful to the Algerian Ministry of Supe- duction of gilt-head seabream Sparus aurata (L.) in extensive
rior Education and Scientific Research, which financed this rearing in Mellah lagoon (North-East Algeria). Sci. Mar. 70,
study within the framework of the National Research Fund 545–552.
Chaoui, L.; Kara, M. H.; Quignard, J. P.; Faure, E.; Bonhomme, F.,
(NRF). 2009: Forte différenciation génétique de la daurade Sparus aura-
ta (L., 1758) entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée occidentale.
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