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Project Plant Pals | SMART Goals

January 5

Goal One: “Office Green wants to increase brand awareness.”

SMART Goal One: “Office Green wants to increase brand awareness by growing
the customer base by at least 15% with the new marketing and sales strategy
(including a redesign on the website), and increasing customer satisfaction rate from
85-90% to 95% by the end of the year (4th quarter), by offering the service (Plant
Pals) to existing customers as well.”

What makes this goal specific? Does it provide enough detail to avoid
Response: yes, It provides details of what we want to achieve with the Plant Pals project and

What makes this goal measurable? Does it include metrics to gauge success?
Response: yes, you can see exactly how will you measure that you reached the goal, which
percentage corresponds to what is expected, and which strategies will be the main focus.

What makes this goal attainable? Is it realistic given available time and
Response: yes, because the growing 15% of the customer base is basically 1% each month,
and customer’ satisfaction rate has been between 85 to 90% the past 5 years, increasing it to
95% it’s a little challenging but achievable and it can make employees motivated. In addition,
by offering the service to existing customers we seize an opportunity window presented by the
surveys (85% of the existing customer expressed interest in Plant Pals).

What makes this goal relevant? Does it support project or business objectives?
Response: yes, it is in synch with the business objective of increasing revenue by 5% by the
end of the year. It supports and even boosts the chances of achieving it.

What makes this goal time-bound? Does it include a timeline or deadline?

Response: yes, because it should be achieved by the end of the year, the end of the 4th

Goal Two: “Office Green wants to raise the customer retention rate.”
SMART Goal Two: “Office Green wants to increase the retention rate from 80% to
92% by the end of the fourth quarter, by focusing on an operations and training plan
to improve customer service standards, and boost efficiency.”

What makes this goal specific? Does it provide enough detail to avoid
Response: yes, because it shows precisely what is expected and the strategy to get it.

What makes this goal measurable? Does it include metrics to gauge success?
Response: Yes, it shows the metric to be considered the success of it (retention rate) from 80
to 92%, that’s very accurate.

What makes this goal attainable? Is it realistic given available time and
Response: Yes, it is, because from 80 to 92% it represents an increase of 1% each month
(12% in total), so it’s not so stressful for the staff involved, and it also brings incentive.

What makes this goal relevant? Does it support project or business objectives?
Response: Yes, it is, because it supports the increase of revenue. When you increase your
retention, you have to spend less money on getting new customers, and satisfied clients
generally spread a good word about the company. We know that a person is more likely to
buy something recommended by a friend or someone they trust other than marketing
campaigns, so this can really boost sales recommendations among the clients.

What makes this goal time-bound? Does it include a timeline or deadline?

Response: Yes, it has a deadline: by the end of the fourth quarter (end of the year).

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