Hydraulics Notes3

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ea: sam Sa a a as A veohuary meter wrth o jsemee diameter at inley aod poomm af throut fs laid with its ads horizontal o ta use For méasureng ithe Plea ioP och $e. 20m. The al parcury défferentyal manomety chews a dauge difference of 00mm. Amsune coefecienc oF the ending O08 2.94. atlemiate the dischage in Lrmra! Given, dhe bs0m— 83» “100% cd one 2 0:18 + Ole hs 20000 © O-om Area of inlet £ fee? 2 00176 0 ! Area of throat s 5 (o.'P 2 0.00785 Ditfevent of pressure head + ’ (2 baw yb @ eit ~pidb- O11) 8 0-9 Crea 4 Ht 28am @ + ed ava, Ja5n 47-0) + 0:98 * 9.01% #0.00785 Jana tix 3.92 3.091610 = 9.616295 I0~ = 453589 1107" « 16438 (248x108)? 10,0703 ¥1074 o a14 © 639.19 fo" rio® Lat 2 ONO. 74 eet! Let 2 ETL EIO EY bo Lminm! =~ ATI bo wakad - 34 Leon 3b ve by beans Q- A | veotuary medey ye gommected to aj. horixootial pepe Of Se0mm, The da-0F fhe th¥pad t 2t0mm. Coleulate the digchoge of water Lam! to dhe”pipe. Ita preamure ce the tmiet fan filet of venture mete 14.4 OF water meter enefheesent: 'o 0-97 ' ' ’ t Arsen, dy» 500mm fooo » oO 4m a4» Fcosh dys 260m~ f1000 - 0.380 a cd + 0.47 = 8 iNbee? Hoe am On > & (easy By using a 0049 m* Q@ +_e4 92 Je at -ar GQ + 2-92 "0 2 910. fas 9 ele fom? = aonat: Q@> 2. 0093 «2-85 Jo-03¢ - 0.003% Qs 29923 \ O-1 ake @ = 24361 05- & 1000 oia/7lay Ornfree meter An owFice meter fe use to. measure the diseh ta CQ) 1N a pipe. An owiPree meter in its simplest foym conai'si of a plate having a Shaped edged coreula; of Lnowe as an displeyd this plate 5 fin snside the pipe a3 shown in the below dragrars Al mercury manometer te inserted brow dhe dtiteranee of pressure between the poe and the thregh coriPee) C= CoefFreient OF ovPice meter = ava of (Cecvova sechonal) of saled a2 + Cross gections| area of 0 HPice &~ Dreharge H+ OnPree head h + Reodeng Of the mercury manometer Types__of ors Free There are many typer of owficen depending upon theve Sire , Shape and nature oP discharge But the Foltowing ave Important form the Subject point of vrew o According to oie @) Small orsPice and by Lange 9 According te shape a) Crreuler on Fite b) Rectangulor os Free ©) Trongelar onFree @. According te 4h- Shape of cage a Sharp edged oniPree b) Bell mouth ors Pice ou Recording do the dy matune of diachange @) Fully Submerged ors fice b) Partially suberged otice 38 An ovifiee meter consistrng of come did Office 250mm deo pipe has coeFPecienee equal te o-os The pipe- delivers ol C4. p.@_ + 9-@) The pressure defPerence on the 2 sides oF the owPree plate vs measures by # mercary | orl differential manometer if the deferential goguge rede 80 mem of mercury. Calculate the rate of Plow in £o-!. given di. Own + 0-1 m a © E004), o.o07bsi = Teo m = fo ore 225m 03» KE (0087s 0-045 00) h. fom . 0.08m yo08 @ + Caas fon ro Q@ + obs o 00785 © 0.049 Jona4i e128 @-e49F - (0- 00706)? | @ > 2.s0x ot Jos, Hs Gap -6) yh a 3 2 +401 40? ~ o.0b15 407) Hoe 1b-o8 5 og a=s= es! 5 Gs 2.50x107* » son n ares 2.9994 8 Oo Q> 12.5015 «10% so” 0 OMe3 Gs 289.208 w0~4 mg Qos 389-908 R074 B10? bs-t @>_as-qse8 fe 2 ee ft [a4 Tet of | water The contrnous stveem of a quid» thad comes out or Flows out of on owfiee # known as the jet of water DeFi nvtone o1)_Velecity of approc! 7 ae se Tos is the velerty oF bud with whieh c+ veathes the orsPice 1 \ | o) Tet of Wourd or water Iniquid pasees S44 of vessel true an oviBrce tn the Fore of 8 Stream. This stream of Vqueed is known as jed of \queed. %) Veoa conbactar Th has alvendy been ahated that when water comes ‘aut of an erPree i} area fs contracted. "his eontvachion conbinteus te Gerjan dittance equal to half the diameter of jet. (Plane of ofree) Wheve (F becomes meamum aPler thed 14 aqoro expanded — The, sectron whewe the area fg minimum ts called véma contracha. as shtwn by sectien f-€. Ad this secdton al stream Wines ave perailed to cach othey and are herizental. Hydrauhe — Coe FEreyeb ts The fellewag 4 Coe rcren}: are knten as hy drautres coefFicrents ot Omfrce cofedeicients. Wed CocFficien! of contrachion Cte) - > = Vebety — 60¥) = * * Dieehage CCgdF, we 8 4 Nearskance Gey) 4 oO Coefficients of contraction |, C Cie) The vate GE) cece: dastiene! quae oF get at vena contracta , 4o dhe avea of abe ovFree is Koousa ag corPflevents of contractor, Mathamatycally evefhicien b +f con traction owas sectional area ot Ce + = seelmnal area of yet obj vens twee da dechens| area of ovtPree Tha values of Ge varies From © 6) do 0-60 depeodin upos He head © trquid availoble acre and ahep of the avPree. Avarage valve OP Ce fox srt ovetres ig taken fo by. on) CowfFycienta of WVelocrhy Cv) ‘The valve oF actual velocity of the jel at Vena conhacta , #0 the dheoryheal velocity (s knew a5 cocMyerengs of weleesdy. Mathematicaly coeFFrecent? ot velovdy (Cv) j Cy + Betual velocity of the Jed at vena Contracta Theowhiesl velocity of jet cy = we Ve ’ Theorehcot veberly xv, + dagH foe sow? 5 Vege ¢ } H- head oF water under whith the Flow 43 taleng place to the onfrce The theovtecal velecihy of jel at vena centacka 13 giver by relatront Ma * Cu © sgn, ( { Value 6@ Cy depends i upon the shape of obec and the bead CH) fever the Flew. TF vanes Pram 0-43- 0-295: The Average valle of Cy \iis taleen a9 OAT ii The Following table gruen the values oF Cy fer a0 afer cf 10mm diameter mis the tornéspooding head ar given by weegt Julms Wersbach was a germon engineer . “ 2000) Soom cy | °-957| 0-967] a) CoeFlicients oF Discharge (Ca) The ratio of ‘a actual drscharge saves orice do the theoritieal dygchorge (s —Ienown «as coePPrerents of dischange: Mathematrcaly Ca €, + Aedus| dischnge o as Theevittcal dretharge . ay + Actual veloerty » Aatual area Theorrlical Ve leerly » Theowbresl s7a8 The value of coefPictenls discharge Yartes wrth values of Ce and Cv, and average of cote PEyerends oF deethay { ©-b0 -— O-bh- 2ot1. oF 04 0s) CoeFEierents of vresistanee CCy) The ratro of = tof of head fn the orifice te the head of water ovailable atthe east of the otifice 1% brome ag coefPicients of resistance. Methemahesl y coePPivests oP ressstance tof of heeds Cy + bess of heade in the on Free Wead of water 4a | The Jona. of head fw the omPyed take place because dhe walle of fhe ovifee offex gome resistance to the iyi 83 ib tomes out. The codBicvend oF tessehan fs g@oetall, neglected whvle selveing numerical problenr Burmary : CocFFicients oF (Ce) « Area of I¢4 04 vena contaochae. contrachon Area OF orifice Coefficients velrsty (Cy) 3 Actas! velocity oF the vena notre J ee (v1. + Jes") TheoviHienl velocity (Yj) CoehFicrent of descharge (C,) > tual deichasgg a3 Theowbea!l divchaqe C@q,) o> [& isitelne, CocPFreveol oF resistor Cty) = toss of head fn 2iPiee +¥* Head of wate, 2 eq, A jel of moter sssus From on ori Pree of dreneder 20mm under a head of one “Bdtiae. Whed (3 the eoFivert of discharge Foy the ontics . The actual dishorge 0-65 bs4 Coelicienl of discharge (C4) = Actual discharge Gee | Theorilical discharge (Gy, Actual discharge = 0-85 Theorstioal dirchangte = Qy, V, * foon @ ‘am 2 AY Ps + c Be forte ve Cy 8 * e.00%1 th a » 0-05 ast ’ eats * 0.0013 x10 2 bade pied @- Find the dischnge through a shape Jee cope crest onfice jomm dia under a ‘consteard Mdad Sm. « tf canes ok discharge o-b2 hel will be the! velocity hea Cy + ode Given , ds 30mm , 0.03m Cyt ob? wee Cy «= 6-94 ae we 2 - 2, om a # + 004k 4s > 7 07 H1074 E> cy = _Acdual ve locrby (Ve Ve = CV %_, —O Theorrtvce! velecthy CM) Y, » ‘gn Yae 7 2944 9-9 mh oJaeatias 8. 9, 906 ms » 9Iams-! a 7 AVey, 2 Lalor 140% = 6949 #104 wis zon let G. bowm dia okies meter 62 discharging under a head of 9~ cakulale the actual diocharge through the obra sn Lfe ond actual veloedy of dhe ged to Lhe ad vere combvocto: TE cdr obs ce 946, Ge bomm , A Lis 2 Vac She 2 ye Ca - @ @ woserua G,. + Cat &, —@ AY, aa Ae we? 2 Waleed? 4 o-eerant We Vay Varo ered +1120 mis G+ 9 0nae iat we me aye die From ) Qigg 2 2 bar BATT eh + 28.47 My Cy me My, os Va as Va + tgi me Espersmenlal — Methed for Hydroube Cock yeiend sinker Pepi Consider a took contanuy water at a conctand level maintain by a constand supply at shoun tn Pure above let be Water Flow oud of the fink Mrocgh on crfice Filded in an? side oF the tanle. consider a particete of water in the geb abe lek the section ce present the poiel oF vena cntrata, Led - Consteod water head = Honssntal divtance betacen e-c and p Vertreal distance bebwece c-c and p ~ Wetocity oP the fed dime taken in secands by the pichicle bo veach From c-c be t a Hal? —— B Cohen oy ax the qrasitaternat arte % 4° %9C8)? Ss oo! ave y) s 4n? 39 We alss know that, theonbea! velocity of @ parlenl Yi, * SH t. ContPicerd of ve locity Cy = Vaetuat Visesos hed cy + fae = [gx y , 4guH Tae oy + fe aan oy qn 7 Cyan afta ‘The simples! method of determining the cd re CeadFrtuel dicehorye) by measuring the actual guoodily of discharge Ahrough ovifice io the giver hme periad. This actual discharge may thea be devided “by the theoritical dischage it will required value of cd. TH the volume af toler vs ‘Vv and bine Inken *L* ca * Gace aa a, * % @. Ma 7 oe age Ce via a eyH ra Ce ean be candy shtaye by the relahow of es Cy Q- Water discharge at the rate of wo ef themugh Damm do Merdicul| SMR GMa drifim unde 6 denpheed heed eh Ms, A pete, 90 Hy jel a.m hericontal oe ver treed Pred the Milee Ga, Gy. c: OF the ors Fice Giseny 199 bie MSA, Seow H.W), As ispnm cy ‘= * ae 2 0.97¢ 2uing 2 Jiro Fs Gace | ca © 0, bog | & + ecb weit/oalia ROVe Eaom popes 06) ¥) Whel ts the name given Fev the tate Ag tual Tear nevgr > | nL darelenye Coefheeal of ditehome 21) 1) Difine the Following caeklerent Cased om Pte treange ae tel te telatrod Vo Mae theotient Fo actunt Flue OF mene aN Ceeftnenl 8F" velerly ») 9 ? Continent ay Wd) The actual dischorge through an antPice. o-6 Cube /ml mn” under a head OF bom Coleulnie the-dis € crerF.oP des with the dia. oP onifice as me WD One OF the practical opplieahan oF bernal theorem is pepame, another practical application ti wy b W Water i towing devet Sopcpe uacform dio. ‘under presune of akg cmm* the veloerty of Flow ams-'. Caltulade the o heod if dhe potentiol head « am whal is the total head

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