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The MOTORBUS Company: Que Sera Sera is a route of bus from Manila via

Isabela. Que Sera Sera means “What will be, will be”. Engineer Hermogenes Ancheta

has just received his appointment papers from his new immediate superior, the

Vice-President for Operations; he has been promoted from Assistant Manager to

Manager of the Maintenance Department. After congratulating him from his

promotion, his boss gave him a verbal directive that he should put some order in

his department and make and make it work in the most effective and efficient

manner as possible without incertitude.

Engineer Ancheta has just passed the board examination for Mechanical

Engineering when he joined Motorbus Company in 1993. By June 1995, he informed

his former classmates at the University of Santo Tomas that he has

promoted as Assistant Manager for Maintenance. He had promoted from

Assistant Manager to Manager when Engineer Gaudencio Inductivo, who in turn to be

at 62 years old. After the approval from VP for operations, the next day after the

approval of Engineer Inductivo retirement, Engineer Ancheta received an

appointment papers promoting him to be a manager.

By the time on his duty as a manager he inspects the storage room and he

found the uneven supply of parts. Some parts were in excessive quantities and some

important ones were inadequately stocked and the corner room contains a big volume

of obsolete parts. The problem now is that how he handle the operation most

effectively when he’s just new to his job, while there are 50 more buses

added in the route for 100 buses will servicing the various routes assigned

to Motorbus Company.

According to Engr. Laila Contreras, for Engineer Ancheta since he’s just

new on the job as appointed Manager, he must think carefully on focusing in the

operations of the Motorbus Company to be good enough to work with it efficient and

more effective bus servicing through the Philippines. As a manager he must

need to know the employee under his supervision like mechanic, assistant

that they might work with no other reasons for them to give their support to the

company. This is just giving him the idea that he needs a better employee which

has no other alternatives just to work with the company with their full time

basis. For that reason they may work efficiently if they work together in helping

each other in the company to support their needs to have a better foundation of

Motorbus business infrastructure.

While according to Ms. Jhen Gatdula, the company must conduct an

additional training for the new employees that they may hire,

just to make sure that the bus route will do a better service

in travelling back to back to its destinations. The mechanic

should have their support as maintenance that every unit must

be checked before they move on to their destinations. Once the

unit is damaged, the driver of the motorbus should take

responsibility to immediately approach the mechanic for the

checking so that the damage must be checked for immediate

diagnose of the automotive system to prevent it from over

damage and for immediate purchasing of the parts for the

replacement. In purchasing the parts needed for replacement,

the list must check thoroughly so that there are no excessive

quantities and only the needed parts are to be purchased.


According to Engr. Contreras, , when Engineer Ancheta is appointed as a new

Manager, he’s now on his way to make a decision like a real boss of the company,

for that case his order is the way that the President of Operations will be

respected. For the President knew that he is an honest manager to be appointed to

handle the operations pertaining with the Maintenance Department. Furthermore, I

recommend that they must need another hired of new employee since the addition of

a 40 new buses to be added on the route assigned to Motorbus Company. No one

should be able to quit, that he must need to convince his employee under his

supervision as a result of a good performance in the part of a workforce. Since

the company will be fielding an additional 50 new buses in the month, there is a

need of additional employee in his department like what Ms. Gatdula said.

Additional employee must be sufficient to what is needed by the new buses. As soon

as it is settled, there is no need for another additional employee because if they

only work efficiently and effectively and plan ahead of time, the work in the

motorbus company will operate smoothly.


Engr. Laila Contreras

Engineer 2 at DPWH

Ms. Jhen Gatdula

Supervisor at Japan Homes Centre

Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

College of Engineering

Motorbus Company:

Que Sera Sera

(case study 3)

Submitted By:

Mariel S. Sevilla


Submitted to:

Engr. Ermino Enriquez

Subj. Professor

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