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12, DECEMBER 2016

Design and Microwave Measurement of a Novel

Compact TE0n /TE1n  -Mode Converter
Guo Liu, Yan Wang, Youlei Pu, and Yong Luo

Abstract— A novel method to generate a TE0n (n = 1, 2, 3) the designed gyro-TWTs. General requirements for such con-
(C is circular for short) or TE1n (n = 2, 3, 4) mode via a verters have to guarantee a high mode conversion efficiency,
(R) a wide bandwidth, and short conversion length [12], [13].
TEm0 (m = 2n or m = 2n − 1) (R is rectangular for short)
mode generator is proposed in this paper. Two main components,
Except the aforementioned applications in gyro-devices [14],
(R) (R) the converters also can be widely used in high-power
including a TE10 –TEm0 mode converter with multiple coupling
(R) (C) (C) microwave transmission lines [15], radar rotary joints [16],
apertures and matching steps and a TEm0 –TE0n or TE1n
RF multimode systems [17], [18], microwave/plasma [19], and
mode converter, were, respectively, demonstrated. Two novel
(C) antennas systems [20].
compact mode converters, respectively, exciting the TE01 and
In the applications of gyro-devices, many different tech-
TE13 modes at Q- and W -band based on the aforementioned niques to excite the TE modes have been reported in the
methodology were designed and analyzed. In the TE01 mode previous literature. Several types of coupling methods [12]
converter design, symmetric cylindrical ridges were introduced to for the mode converters/launchers have been classified as the
improve the mode purity and suppress the unwanted TE21 mode sidewall coupler, serpentine or corrugated structures, coax-
by cutting off its surface current on the metal wall. Such a mode ial couplers, and the multiaperture coupler [21]. A W -band
converter operating at Q-band was manufactured and vector sidewall coupler designed for a gyro-TWT with HCWs con-
network analyzer measurements showed excellent S-parameter verting a TE(R) (C)
10 mode into a TE11 mode was reported by
performance (port reflection <−12 dB) and mode purity (>90%),
which agreed very well with our simulation. Besides, as an Zhang et al. [22], which can operate at 90–100 GHz. For
(C) (C)
expansion of the TE01 mode converter, the designed results the TE01 mode usually adopted in DL gyro-TWTs, a coaxial
(C) coupler is proposed due to its significant advantages of higher
of a high-order TE13 mode converter excited by a similar
methodology were also presented. conversion efficiency and purer mode content [5], [6]. How-
ever, its bandwidth is quite limited because of the resonant
Index Terms— Cylindrical ridges (CRs), gyrotron
cavities and existence of unwanted modes, which can lead
traveling wave tube (gyro-TWT), microwave measurement, mode
converter. to serious mode competition problems. In order to broaden
the operating bandwidth, another sidewall coupling mode
I. I NTRODUCTION converter built by Y-type power dividers [12], [13] instead
of coaxial cavities was proposed. The Y-type converters can
G YROTRON traveling wave tubes (gyro-TWTs) have
been proved to be high-power, high-efficient, and broad-
band operating microwave and millimeter sources. In a gyro-
effectively excite the TE(C) (C) (C)
21 , TE01 , and TE41 modes with
wideband properties. However, for other higher order modes
TWT design, different beam–wave interaction configurations (HOMs) used in gyro-devices, such as the TE1n (n = 2, 3 or
such as a dielectric-loaded (DL) circuit [1]–[7], helically cor- 4) mode [14], it is not easy to generate using this scheme.
rugated waveguide (HCW) [8], [9], confocal waveguide [10], For the gyro-TWTs, research was carried out at
and photonic band gap [11] have been explored. Usually, it is the University of Electronic Science and Technology of
(C) (C)
very important to know the properties of the interaction circuits China [5]–[7], [14], and HOMs such as TE01 and TE13 have
or to excite a desired electromagnetic mode to complete the been utilized to achieve the beam–wave interaction in a DL
beam–wave interaction. Therefore, a necessary component to circuit. Thus, a mode converter testing the DL performance
generate a waveguide mode, which is desired or undesired in is very necessary. This converter can convert the standard
our investigation and experiment, has to be designed. A mode waveguide TE(R) 10 mode into our desired modes. Different
generator is usually used to excite the modes depending on from the input couplers [5], [6] inside the gyro-TWTs, high
power capability is not necessary for the low-power test.
Manuscript received November 10, 2015; revised February 1, 2016,
July 10, 2016, July 14, 2016, and August 15, 2016; accepted However, higher mode purity, compact dimensions, and flat
August 17, 2016. Date of publication September 29, 2016; date of current transmission response have to be satisfied over our frequency
version December 7, 2016. range focused on, which can contribute to the ohmic loss,
The authors are with the School of Physical Electronics, University
of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China phase and dispersion measurements of the RF circuit and
(e-mail: loading dielectrics. Due to the requirements mentioned above,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available (C)
online at
a novel methodology to excite TE0n (n = 1, 2, 3) and
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2016.2608770 TE1n (n  = 2, 3, 4) modes via a TE(R)
m0 (m = 2n or

0018-9480 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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m = 2n  − 1) mode is proposed in this paper. Table I presents

the properties of the proposed converter compared with those
of the previously reported ones. The proposed topology can
effectively achieve relatively compact structural dimensions
and a moderate operating bandwidth. In addition, it is very
easy to excite different kinds of HOMs such as the TE(C) 0n ,
(C) (C)
TE1n , and TE2n modes (n = 1, 2, 3) with a similar topology.
In this paper, as an example, novel and compact mode
(C) (C)
converters, respectively, exciting a TE01 and TE13 mode
were optimized, manufactured, and measured at microwave
frequencies. In order to suppress the unwanted modes, cylin- (C)
drical ridges (CRs) with different radii and tapered waveguides Fig. 1. Diagram of the novel TE01 -mode converter, which is constructed
(R) (R) (R) (C)
are introduced into our design. They can effectively weaken by a TE10 –TE20 mode converter (first section) and a TE20 –TE01 mode
converter (second section). Two groups of symmetric CRs are located in the
the surface currents and electric field of the unwanted modes second section to suppress the unwanted modes.
and therefore improve the mode purity. The methodology can
also be used to generate other HOMs such as the TE12 , (R) (C)
converting the overmoded TE20 mode into a TE01 mode has
(C) (C) (C) (R)
TE02 , TE13 , and TE03 modes via the overmoded TE30 , to ensure a purer mode and a higher mode conversion effi-
TE(R) (R) (R)
40 , TE50 , and TE60 modes. The rest of this paper is
ciency. In order to achieve this goal, two groups of symmetric
as follows. Section II demonstrates the principle of HOMs CRs with different radii and local positions are proposed to
excitation. Section III presents the designed results of the cut off the surface currents of the unwanted modes on the
(C) metal wall so that their electric field or mode pattern cannot
TE01 mode converter with two groups of symmetric CRs.
As an application of other HOMs excitation, Section IV be successfully generated. The CRs have been validated to be
demonstrates the simulated results of a W -band TE(C) 13 mode
an effective method to suppress the unwanted modes in the
converter. Section V gives the cold test results and mode mode converter design of SLAC [23].
purity performance of the back-to-back measurement. A brief For the first TE(R) (R)
10 –TE20 converter, the input microwave
summary for this paper is given in Section VI. will couple to the orthogonal overmoded waveguide through
a rectangular aperture and a high-order TE20 mode will be
II. HOM M ODE E XCITATION P RINCIPLE excited due to the magnetic coupling properties. The coupling
aperture shown in Fig. 1 could induce an equivalent electric
Fig. 1 presents the 3-D schematic of the novel mode dipole moment Pe (proportional to the normal electric field En )
converter to excite the TE(C) (R)
01 mode via a TE20 mode. The and an equivalent magnetic dipole moment Pm (proportional
proposed mode converter is constructed by two separate
(R) (R)
to the tangential magnetic field Ht ) [12]. Pe and Pm are as
parts: a TE10 –TE20 converter (first section) and a high-order follows:
(R) (C) 
TE20 –TE01 converter (second section). Here, a standard
Pe = en αe ε0 E n δ(x − x i ) (1)
waveguide mode TE(R) 10 is injected into wave port 1, as shown
(R) i
in Fig. 1. Then, an overmoded TE20 mode is excited at the 
exit of the first converter section, which is mainly contributed Pm = −h t αm Ht δ(x − x i ) (2)
by the magnetic dipoles formed in the multiple apertures.
A shorted waveguide and multistaged matching steps are where x and xi are the positions of the observing points and
applied to improve the ports reflection performance and the i th aperture, respectively, and i is the number of coupling
enhance the mode purity. For the second section, a transducer apertures. en and ht are the unit vectors of normal electric

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Fig. 3. E-field distributions of the wanted and unwanted modes might

be excited in the exit of the second section. (a) TE01 mode (wanted).
(C) (C) (C)
(C) (C) (R) (b) TE11 mode (unwanted). (c) TE21 mode (unwanted). (d) TE31 mode
Fig. 2. HOM (TE0n and TE1n  ) conversion via a transition TEm0 mode (unwanted).
(m = 2n or m = 2n  − 1).

and TE(R) (C) (C)

70 modes can, respectively, excite the TE12 , TE13 ,
field and tangential magnetic field, respectively. αe and αm and TE(C)14 modes. From our intensive investigation, we find
are constants depending on the shape and dimensions of the out that the proposed configuration of CRs to suppress the
coupling apertures. ε0 is the vacuum permittivity. According (C)
undesired modes in TE01 mode converter is not very suitable
to the coupling properties of the apertures, En is zero, but for much HOM excitation, because the adjustment of the CRs
Ht is nonzero. From (1) and (2), we know that only a magnetic dimensions cannot satisfy the suppression condition very well
dipole moment Pm is excited. Therefore, an equivalent electric for all other spurious modes. Thus, the conversion type of the
polarization current J and a magnetic polarization current M second section has to be improved. In Section IV, a tapered
are, respectively, rectangular-circular waveguide is used to obtain the high-order
(C) (C)
TE13 -mode and suppress the excitation of the unwanted TE32
J =0 (3) (C)
 and TE71 modes. The designed converters possess tremendous
M = − j ωμ0αm Hz δ(x − x i ). (4) potential applications in the area of gyro-devices [14] and
i electron accelerators [17].
Here, we assume the electromagnetic field is sinusoidal time
dependent. μ0 is the vacuum permeability and Hz is the III. TE(C)
amplitude of tangential magnetic field. A. Mode Pattern Analysis
For the second converter, E-field amplitude in the middle In order to measure the performance of the dielectric
of the exciting TE20 mode is zero but opposite phase (vector ceramics and transmission lines of the gyro-TWT in [5], a
field) on the sides of the overmoded rectangular waveguide Q-band TE(C) 01 mode converter was designed. Fig. 3 shows the
along the width exists, which is consistent with the field
(C) E-field patterns of the TE(C) (C) (C) (C)
01 , TE11 , TE21 , and TE31 modes.
pattern of the TE01 mode. Besides, CRs can effectively cutoff (R) (R) (C)
When a TE20 mode is injected into the TE20 –TE01 mode
the surface current of the spurious TE(C) (C)
11 and TE21 modes. converter (second section in Fig. 1), not only our expected
Therefore, this scheme can successfully achieve our desired
01 mode is stimulated but also other three unwanted modes
mode content.
will be excited, because they also possess similar electric field
Fig. 2 shows five HOM conversion processes. Similar to
contour plots at the position of coupling apertures. From the
the design and analysis of the TE(C)
01 mode, we can predict
that if we increase the number of coupling apertures, then properties of the TE(R)
20 mode, we know the E-field amplitude
(R) in the middle is zero, but it has opposite phase (vector field)
much higher order rectangular modes such as the TE30 ,
(R) (R) (R) on the sides of the overmoded rectangular waveguide along
TE40 , TE50 , and TE60 modes can be obtained based on the
(R) the width. Hence, the conversion to the TE(C) 11 mode remains
same schemes. For a TEm0 mode converter, (m − 1) coupling (C)
at a relatively low level. For the TE31 mode, we can optimize
apertures are needed to connect the multistaged matching
(R) (R) the waveguide radius to increase its cutoff frequency, so that it
steps and the orthogonal waveguide. Even TE20 , TE40 , and exists only outside the frequency band we require. Therefore,
TE(R) (C) (C)
60 modes can be used to generate TE01 , TE02 , and the most potential competing mode is the TE(C)
(C) (R) (R) 21 mode. In our
TE03 -mode, respectively. Meanwhile, the odd TE30 , TE50 , design, the radius of the final output cylindrical waveguide

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conversion S21 bandwidth is in the range of 45.2–52.1 GHz.

A minimum peak of ∼49.5 GHz is formed because the best
matching condition is satisfied with the optimized structural
dimensions. The TE10 mode injected from the standard WR22
waveguide (Q-band) excites the desired TE(R)
20 mode with an
average mode purity of over 97%.

(R) (C)
C. TE20 –TE01 Mode Converter
Fig. 5 demonstrates the schematic dimensions, E-field
distributions with/without CRs, and simulated S-parameters
(R) (C)
(S11 and S21 ) of the optimized TE20 –TE01 mode con-
verter. In the design, another matching step between the
rectangular and cylindrical waveguides is utilized to balance
the impedance and to improve the port reflection properties.
Fig. 4. (a) Schematic and (b) simulated S-parameters and E-field contour A circular waveguide with a radius of 5.0 mm is first used
plots after optimization.
to obtain the mode we need and then a taper connects it
with the final required radius R = 4.04 mm. Two groups of
is 4.04 mm, which is the same as the inner radius of the orthogonal CRs (symmetric in the transverse plane) in the first
dielectrics [5]. smooth cylindrical waveguide (r = 5.0 mm) are introduced to
suppress the unwanted modes mentioned above by destroying
(R) (R) their electric field distribution and cutoff the surface currents.
B. TE10 –TE20 Mode Converter (C)
Potential existing competition modes might be the TE11 ,
Based on the schematic described in Fig. 1, a TE(R) 10 –TE20
(R) (C) (C)
TE21 , and TE31 modes. From our previous discussion, the
mode converter constructed by multistage stepped waveguides, (C)
TE21 mode is the most serious. Table III demonstrates the
shortened waveguides, and a coupling aperture is studied. Its
optimized structural parameters of this converter.
diagram is shown in Fig. 4(a). Here the multistage matching
In Fig. 5(b), the −3-dB transmission (S21 ) bandwidth is
steps are adopted to improve the port reflection performance.
(R) in the range of 46.1–51.4 GHz and the port reflection (S11 )
An orthogonal overmoded waveguide to form a TE20 mode (C)
is connected to the multistaged waveguide by a rectangu- is <−10 dB over 46.2–50.4 GHz. Mode purity of the TE01
lar coupling aperture. The aperture can be equivalent as mode is very excellent and conversion from the TE(R)
20 mode
(R) (C)
a magnetic dipole [12] to excite the TE20 mode. In our to the TE21 mode is under −25 dB. Combining the simu-
simulation, a genetic algorithm is first used to obtain the global lation and E-field contour plots of Fig. 5, we can know the
parameters and then an interpolated quasi-Newton algorithm is conversion efficiency of the TE(C) (C)
01 and TE21 modes, which
adopted to optimize the local structural dimensions. The final are averagely 53% and 44% without the CRs loaded. The
optimized structural dimensions are given in Table II. Fig. 4(b) conversion efficiency is improved to >98% and <1% after
demonstrates the simulated S-parameters and E-field contour loading the CRs. That indicates that CRs can enhance the
plots viewed in perspective after optimization. The simulation conversion efficiency and mode purity effectively.
results indicate that the reflection (S11 ) of port 1 reaches up In our design, we found that the radii of CRs play an
to −40 dB at the frequency of 49.5 GHz and the −3-dB important role in improving the conversion efficiency and

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(R) (C)
Fig. 6. Conversion (S21 of the TE20 to TE01 mode) and suppression (S21
(R) (C)
of the TE20 to TE21 mode) contour plots versus the changing of r1 or r2
over the operating frequency band. (a) and (b) Conversion contour plots. (c)
Fig. 5. (a) Schematic and dimensions of the second converter. (b) E-field
and (d) Suppression contour plots. All the units of the legend are in decibels.
contour plots with the optimized dimensions with symmetric CRs (left) and
without symmetric CRs (right). (c) Simulated S-parameters.

have a relatively weak influence on the converter performance.

When the radii of CRs are far away from the optimum
mode purity and also in suppressing the unwanted modes. dimensions obtained from Fig. 6, a larger radius will destroy
Fig. 6(a)–(d) present the conversion contour plots of the the electric field, cause other spurious modes, and then lead
(R) (C) (C)
TE20 –TE01 mode and suppression of the TE21 mode to the decreasing of the mode purity. In comparison, a smaller
versus r1 or r2 and the operating frequency, respectively. radius is not strong enough to suppress the unwanted modes,
With the increase of r1 , the transmission −3-dB bandwidth so that the conversion efficiency of the desired mode decreases
decreases from 6 to 5 GHz. Suppression of the TE21 mode as well.
[Fig. 6(c)] at a single frequency is becoming worse. As for
comparison, the transmission −3-dB bandwidth first increases
D. TE(R) (C)
10 –TE01 Mode Converter
from 4.5 to 5.6 GHz and then decreases to 5.3 GHz while
increasing r2 in the range of 1.0–2.0 mm. The suppression With the optimized results and dimensions discussed
tailed when increasing r2 and it has an optimum radius of above, the whole structure for converting the TE10 into
r2 = 1.66 mm. From the analysis, we also know CRs with a TE01 mode is simulated. Fig. 7 demonstrates the E-
radius of r2 mainly determine the converter performance, i.e., field contour plots and S-parameters of the final designed
the reflection and transmission, but CRs with radius of r1 version. The simulation returns that a pure TE01 mode has

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Fig. 8. E-field pattern at the converter exit and simulated S-parameters

without the CRs loaded.

55.2% TE(C) (C)

01 mode and 35.3% TE21 mode. We also can
predict from the S-parameters that the average transmission
(C) (C) (C)
to the TE01 , TE21 ,and TE11 modes are –3 dB, –5 dB and
<−25 dB, respectively, between 47.0 and 51.0 GHz. The
compared results well verify that the loading CRs have an
excellent performance to improve the desired mode purity and
suppress the competition modes.

E. TE13 Mode Converter
(R) (C)
Fig. 7. E-field contour plots of the optimized TE10 –TE01 mode converter. Based on the similar methodology mentioned above, a
(a) Perspective view. (b) Simulated S-parameters. (C)
W -band HOM converter to generate a TE13 mode is also
designed and simulated. The optimized structural dimensions
been excited in the output port and the unwanted modes are
have been given in [25, Table I]. The schematic and optimized
effectively filtered by loading CRs. The −3-dB transmission
E-field contour plot of the HOM converter are shown in
bandwidth is in the range of 46.0–51.4 GHz and the port
Fig. 9(a) and (b), respectively. This converter is for the
reflection S11 < −15 dB is from 46.2 to 50.0 GHz. Conversion
performance characterization of the TE(C)13 mode gyro-TWT
of the TE(C) (C)
21 and TE11 modes are <−15 dB and <−25 RF circuits [14]. In order to reuse the lossy ceramic adopted
dB, respectively, in the operating band. Different complex
in our previous designed Q-band gyro-TWTs [5], the center
structures such as steps, apertures, and CRs can form many
frequency of the HOM converter is shifted to 100 GHz. For
kinds of resonators, which greatly limit the improvement of the (R) (R)
the first TE10 –TE50 mode converter, four identical coupling
bandwidth and mode purity. In order to overcome these issues,
apertures are used. For the second converter, different from
more CRs with optimized radii, loading lossy dielectrics [14],
the TE(C)
01 mode converter, CRs cannot suppress the unwanted
or axial grooves along the cylindrical waveguide [24] can (C) (C)
also be used to suppress the unwanted modes. In addition, a TE32 and TE71 modes very well. Therefore, an overmoded
tolerance study has been carried out involving the dimensions rectangular-to-circular tapered transducer is introduced. It has
of the CRs and their locations, matching steps, and coupling been proved that the transducer can effectively excite the
(C) (C)
apertures within the range of our CNC machining tolerance TE01 and TE12 modes [17], [18]. For the taper geometry
0.02 mm. The investigation shows that the performance of and detailed design, one can refer to [25].
the converter is not obviously affected with such a machining Fig. 9(c) demonstrates optimized S-parameters including
tolerance. the port 1 reflection S11 , transmission plot of TE10 to
(C) (C)
In order to compare the converter performance with and TE13 mode, and suppression of the TE32 and TE71(C)
without CRs loaded, CRs utilized in Figs. 5 and 7 are modes. The simulated results indicate that the maximum
removed. The mode pattern at the exit (port 2) and calculated conversion efficiency to the TE13 mode is 94.6% and the
S-parameters are, respectively, shown in Fig. 8. Obviously, −1 dB and −3 dB bandwidths are, respectively, 7.8 and 9.8
the input mode has been transferred into two different modes: GHz. The mode percentages of the competition TE(C) 32 and
(C) (C) (C)
TE01 and TE21 . In the frequency band, maximum mode con- TE71 modes are lower than 3.0% and 1.0%, which reveals a
(R) (C)
version efficiency from TE10 mode is 90.5%, which includes pure TE13 mode satisfying our goal.

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Fig. 10. (a) Complete microwave measurement setup and manufactured and
assembled TE01 mode converters. (b) 3-D modeling diagram of back-to-
back measurement. θ changes from 0 to 180° and measurement is performed
every 90°.

flange planes. Because of the properties of the TE(C) 01 mode,

we can predict that the transmission will be the same when
changing θ from 0 to 180°. In our measurement, θ changes
from 0 to 180° and data are recorded every 90°.
Fig. 11 plots the ports’ transmission S21 and reflection
S11 obtained from VNA measurements and simulations with
θ = 0°, 90°, and 180°. Simulated results (θ = 0°) are
obtained with the OFHC conductivity setting as σ = σCu /5
(σCu = 5.8 × 107 s/m). The average transmission loss from
the VNA measurement is −0.8 dB in the operating band,
which is only 0.3 dB lower than our simulated results. The
total transmission loss includes ∼35% reflection loss and the
Fig. 9. (a) TE13 HOM converter geometry. (b) 3-D E-field contour plot. other ∼65% loss is due to the OHFC ohmic circuit loss
(c) Corresponding simulated S-parameters.
caused by poor manufacturing and assembly tolerance. The
measured −1 dB bandwidth (46.2–50.0 GHz) is over 3.8 GHz.
(C) Because the VNA can only be calibrated up to 50 GHz with
F. TE01 Mode Converter Cold Test
the standard Q-band waveguide, the real bandwidth should be
Two identical TE01 mode converters designed in Section III much wider (∼5.0 GHz) than the results we measured. Due to
are fabricated with oxygen-free high-conductivity (OFHC) the properties of the TE(C)
01 mode, S-parameters (S11 and S21 )
copper. Due to the limit of CNC milling cutters, the symmetric for θ = 0°, 90°, and 180° are plotted together and the
CRs radii are replaced by 0.8 and 1.66 mm instead of our comparison shows that they are nearly the same, indicating
original design, but the expected converter performance from that a pure TE01 mode has been excited at the converter
our simulations is nearly the same. Fig. 10 shows the final exit. The microwave measurements also show several peaks
assembled identical converters, microwave measurement setup, around 48.2 GHz in the S21 -parameter. They have a narrow
and the back-to-back measurement diagram. A vector network operating bandwidth, which is caused by the resonant cavities
analyzer (VNA) (working from 0 to 67 GHz) is used to formed between two identical converters. In order to verify
measure the converter S-parameters. In order to distinguish this phenomenon, when changing the distance of the identical
the TE(C)
01 mode purity, an angle θ between the identical converters step by step, we can find out that the resonant peaks
converters A and B is defined in Fig. 10(b), referred to as the are also shifting.

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Fig. 13. Results of different cases: with both CRs A and B, only
with CRs B, and only with CRs A. (a) Measurement. (b) Simulation.
Fig. 11. Comparison of the simulation and measurement with θ = 0°, 90°,
and 180°. (a) Transmission S21 . (b) Reflection S11 .

the x-axis. Obviously, these two components agree very well,

which turns out that a pure TE01 mode has been successfully
achieved. Fig. 13 presents the calculated and measured results
of different cases: both with CRs A and B, only with CRs A,
and only with CRs B. When CRs A are removed, the
S-parameters are not affected too much, but the transmission
gets lower a little bit (∼0.1 dB) at the higher frequencies
(48.5–50.0 GHz). However, once we removed CRs B, the
E-field distribution is destroyed seriously and unwanted modes
will be excited. That is why a poor transmission is observed
in Fig. 13. This also indicates that the contribution to the
improvement of the transmission and mode purity is mainly
from CRs B.
Fig. 12. Measured E x and E y components along the x-axis.
To obtain the field pattern accurately, a 2-D scanning In this paper, a novel and compact methodology via a
platform is used to measure the E x and E y component dis- transition mode TEm0 (m = 2n or m = 2n  − 1) to generate
(C) (C)
tributions. Fig. 12 presents the E x and E y components along an HOM TE0n (n = 1, 2, 3) or TE1n (n  = 2, 3, 4) is studied

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