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Code of Conduct



Letter from the Chief Executive Officer Intellectual Property
Third-Party Property and Information
Our Culture Values Confidential Information and Trade Secrets
Introduction Insider Trading and Tipping
Our Shared Responsibilities
Read Thoroughly Anti-Corruption
Seek Guidance Improper Payments
Speak Up Expediting Payments
Everyone Must Comply Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
Our Leaders’ Responsibilities Meals, Gifts and Entertainment
Making Reports Travel And Entertainment Expenses
Retaliation is Wrong
Our Competitive Activities
Training, Confirmation and Disclosures
Competitor Information
Our Commitment to Respect Sales and Advertising
Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity Antitrust
Favoritism Contacts with Competitors
Workplace Safety and Health Contacts with Customers and Vendors
Drugs and Alcohol
GBT and the Greater Good
Violence in the Workplace
Corporate Social Responsibility
Arrests During Employment
Communicating with the Public about GBT
Standards of Work-Related Behavior
Public Advocacy or Testimony
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest External Inquiries
Outside Positions GBT Political Activities
Business Opportunities Personal Political and Community Activities
Outside Investments Contributions
Disclosure of Conflicts GBT Community Activities
Hiring Vendors
Accurate Books and Records Message from the Chief Risk & Compliance Officer
Financial Statements and Accounts
Maintenance of Documents and Records GBT Ethics Helpline
Relationships with Auditors and Government Glossary
Investigators or Regulators
Related Policies
Protection of Property and Information
Physical Property and Systems Contacts
Export of Encryption Items Important Note


Dear Colleague, If you prefer, you can confidentially or anonymously contact

the GBT Ethics Helpline. Our Company will treat reports
At American Express Global Business Travel (GBT), of Code violations confidentially, and no one who reports
we’ve built strong, lasting relationships with our a suspected Code violation in good faith will be subject to
customers and business partners by earning their retaliation for making such a report.
trust, providing outstanding service and being
committed to acting with integrity in all that we do. Please join us in renewing our commitment to protecting
This is more important now than ever before, as we and strengthening our Company’s most important
continue our journey as a stand-alone business travel attribute — our integrity.
and meetings management company. Thank you,
Our Company’s success depends on ensuring
that we continue to hold ourselves to the highest
ethical standards. The GBT Code of Conduct
helps us to do this. It provides guiding principles
to show you how to conduct business and contact
information to help you seek advice. Doug Anderson
Chief Executive Officer
The principles of the Code apply to everyone at GBT,
regardless of job function, location or seniority.

Please read the Code carefully and thoroughly, as it

has been updated to reflect our unique business. You
will be asked to formally acknowledge that you have
read the Code, understand it and agree to abide by it.

Each of us must do our part to prevent or correct

violations. We encourage you to speak up and discuss
with your leader or any other leaders identified in the
Code any questions or concerns you may have about
the Code or any activity at our Company.


We are agile and We collaborate to drive We are accountable for our actions We stay focused and We put our customers, travelers
get things done right the best outcome and empower each other work smart to deliver results and employees first

The Result
By acting according to these values, we will inspire the loyalty of our
customers, maintain our leadership position in our business, attract and
retain a highly talented and engaged workforce and provide a superior
return to our shareholders. This, in turn, will enable us to achieve our
vision of becoming the world’s most respected business travel and
meetings management company.


As GBT continues to use the American employees worldwide. It also applies to the
Express brand, we are committed to employees of all controlled subsidiaries and
upholding the American Express reputation. joint ventures, i.e., where GBT owns more
That reputation is a priceless asset. Built up than 50% of the stock or equity of the entity.
over 150 years, it attracts the company’s GBT expects its suppliers, consultants,
customers and business partners to do professional firms, contractors and other
business with us, and the best talent to join us. service providers to act ethically and in a
By following the high standards of business manner consistent with our Code. If you
ethics set forth in Our Culture, Our Code, we retain a service provider, you should take
each protect and maintain this reputation. reasonable steps to ensure that provider has
We must uphold these standards in all of our a reputation for integrity and ethical conduct
policies conflict with this Code of Conduct,
dealings with each other, our shareholders, and that they understand their obligation
the Code of Conduct shall govern. Subject to
our customers, our vendors, our suppliers and to act in a manner that reflects the highest
applicable law, rule or regulation this Code
other business partners. ethical standards.
replaces any prior code of conduct or policy
Throughout the Code, you’ll find reference to GBT employs people and conducts business on the same subject matter.
important GBT Management Policies. These all around the world. Many of our employees
If you need help finding or understanding a
policies are available on UConnect. In some are citizens of different countries, and,
policy, please speak with your leader, the
instances, individual departments or regions as a result, our operations are subject to
Risk & Compliance Office or the General
may issue more specific guidance about many different laws, customs and cultures.
Counsel’s Office (GCO).
certain business practices. Although our values will not change, some
interpretations of the Code may vary from No waivers or exceptions to the Code will be
This Code of Conduct applies to all officers,
one country to another to ensure compliance made under any circumstances for anyone
managers and employees regardless of
with applicable law. Unless otherwise working on GBT’s behalf, regardless of job
date of hire or association through merger
required by law, to the extent any subsidiary function or role.
or acquisition. This Code applies to all


Read Thoroughly Everyone Must Comply

The Code applies to all GBT employees. We are Our Board of Directors, officers, leaders, vendors
all expected to read, understand and comply with and other business partners are also expected to
the Code and all Company policies. uphold our Company’s ethical standards.

Seek Guidance Our Leaders’ Responsibilities

We must conduct business in accordance with Leaders are expected to serve as ethical role
all applicable laws and regulations at all times. If models for all employees at all times. They
you find yourself in a situation where customary also must lead by example to communicate
conduct is at odds with the Code, Company the importance of complying with the Code
policy or applicable laws or regulations, comply and engaging in ethical conduct. Leaders must
with the more stringent standard. If you’re unsure strive to create a positive work environment in
which rule to follow, seek guidance from your which employees feel comfortable asking for
leader, the Risk & Compliance Office or the GCO. help and raising concerns about compliance
with the Code. Leaders also must be alert to any
situations or actions that may violate the letter
Speak Up or spirit of the Code or Company policy, or may
If you know about or suspect a violation of damage our Company’s reputation. When leaders
the Code, Company policy or an applicable receive a report of a situation that is unethical
law or regulation, you are required to promptly or potentially damaging to our Company’s
report your concerns to your leader, the Risk reputation, or suspect that one exists, they must
& Compliance Office or anyone listed in the promptly notify the Risk & Compliance Office and
Resources page of the GBT Ethics Helpline, work to resolve the issue. Leaders who know, or should know, about misconduct and do not

act promptly to report the situation to the misconduct will be treated confidentially,
Risk & Compliance Office will be subject to to the extent allowed by applicable law.
disciplinary action. Employees are expected to participate,
when asked, in any investigations of
misconduct. If the persons to whom you
Making Reports report a violation are not responsive,
If you need to ask for help or voice a concern, then you should contact one of the
your leader is likely the best person to speak to other resources.
We are agile and We c
because he or she knows your department and The Company will take appropriate action get things done right th
your situation. However, you are always welcome to ensure that the rights of individuals to
to contact any of the following resources to seek file complaints will be respected and not
guidance or report your concerns: interfered with in any manner.
• The Risk & Compliance Office For more information, see Reporting Ethical
• Your department’s Human Resources Violations and Whistleblower Reports,
Management Policy GBTMP 13 and
Business Partner and/or a member of the
Investigations, Management Policy GBTMP 32.
Training, Confirmation
Employee Relations Group (ERG)
and Disclosures
• The General Counsel’s Office GBT will provide annual training on the Code.
Retaliation is Wrong
• The Ethics Helpline, Following the completion of the training, you
or go to We will not tolerate retaliation against any are required to confirm, either in writing or
DOC-1965 to access a list of global employee who in good faith reports a concern electronically, that you have read and under-
telephone numbers or a violation of the Code. “Good faith” means stood the Code, and that you will comply with
the employee has provided all the information it. Throughout the Code you will notice several
You may contact the GBT Ethics Helpline
he or she has and believes the information to provisions that require you to disclose certain
anytime to report a possible violation or to
be true. In addition, an employee will not face events or circumstances, if applicable. You
ask a question.
retaliation due to his or her participation in an are required to update your Code of Conduct
The Company will investigate employee investigation of a report or if the employee is disclosures to the Risk & Compliance Office
concerns and when appropriate will take otherwise closely related to someone who has whenever changes to your personal circum-
steps to remedy the situation. Reports of made a report. stances occur that would require a disclosure.


We must treat each other and backgrounds, opinions and talent enriches our
anyone with whom we interact on Company and helps us achieve success. We
make all employment decisions based on job-
behalf of our Company with respect
related qualifications and without regard to race,
and dignity. ethnicity, gender, gender expression, disability,
We are committed to respecting human rights religion, sexual orientation, marital status,
wherever we operate. Our conduct in our citizenship, age or any other legally protected
global operations is consistent with the spirit characteristic or status in each of the countries
and intent of: the United Nations Universal in which we operate. In addition, subject
Declaration of Human Rights; the International to law, GBT will reasonably accommodate
Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on known disabilities of employees unless such
Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, accommodation would impose undue hardship
where applicable to business; the UK Modern on the Company’s operation.
Slavery Act 2015; the Voluntary Principles
This policy relates to every aspect of
on Security and Human Rights; and other
employment including recruitment, testing,
applicable international principles.
selection, compensation, benefits, training and
development, promotion, transfer, termination
Diversity and Equal and all other privileges, terms and conditions
of employment.
Employment Opportunity
To achieve a positive work environment,
We are committed to diversity and equal
we must take steps to ensure that it is
employment opportunity.
free from harassment. “Harassment” is a
GBT seeks to develop and retain a diverse form of discrimination. It occurs when you
workforce. We recognize that a mix of treat someone differently because of their

protected characteristic or conduct in such include but are not limited to: another, or who are otherwise engaged in a
a manner that it:
• Abusive, insulting or offensive language close personal relationship

• Interferes with their ability to do their job • Excluding, isolating or ignoring a colleague • Decline to hire or employ Relatives or close
• Violates their dignity • Threats of punishment not based upon
personal friends of executives who are at
the level of Vice President or above for any
• Creates an offensive, intimidating or hostile work performance full-time position
work environment
Reasonable management action such as If you believe you or someone else has been
Such conduct will be considered harassment feedback on performance, setting and harassed, bullied, discriminated against or
regardless of whether it’s physical or verbal, enforcing job expectations, disciplinary subjected to favoritism, you should report the
whether it’s in person or by other means action, conflict and personality clashes, situation to your leader or Human Resources.
(such as harassing notes or emails), whether implementing organizational change and
it is directed at an individual or overheard fairly allocating work time is not considered
and whether it’s sexual in nature or bullying or harassment. Workplace Safety and Health
otherwise inappropriate. We work together to promote a safe and
healthy workplace.
Potentially offensive behavior includes Favoritism
but is not limited to unwelcome sexual We are committed to the highest standards
advances or remarks; unwanted physical To avoid perceptions of favoritism, claims
of safety and employee protection. Each
conduct or “horseplay”; and sending or of lack of objectivity toward subordinate
of us has a responsibility to meet this
displaying material that is pornographic. job performance and complaints of sexual
commitment by following all Company safety
It may also include slurs; racist, sexist, harassment, or even the appearance of
and security procedures, as well as applicable
homophobic, ageist or other inappropriate impropriety, we must not be influenced by or
laws and regulations. In so doing, we avoid
jokes or disparaging comments; derogatory favor any employee on the basis of personal
risk to ourselves and those around us. If
or stereotypical remarks about a particular friendship or relationships.
you are aware of or suspect unsafe working
ethnic or religious group or gender; offensive We reserve the right, in our sole discretion and conditions, even if you are located on-site
emails; text messages or social media subject to compliance with local labor laws, to: at a customer’s place of business, report
content or mocking, mimicking or belittling
• Decline to hire or employ Relatives who
the situation to your leader immediately.
a person’s disability. If you become injured in the workplace,
would work as managers or subordinates
Bullying is also unacceptable at all times promptly report the injury to your leader and
to one another, either directly or
during employment. “Bullying” is repeated participate in any investigation that may be
indirectly, or would work in the same
and unreasonable behavior directed toward initiated to understand and remediate the
department or function
an individual or group that creates a risk to cause of the injury.
their health or safety. Unacceptable behaviors • Require the transfer or resignation of one
or both employees who are dating one

Drugs and Alcohol Violence in the Workplace Unless otherwise permitted by law, and
properly registered with law enforcement
We are expected to conduct business We do not tolerate any form of violence. and the Company, weapons and
for GBT free from the influence of any Violence includes threats or acts of violence, explosives are absolutely prohibited from
substance that could impair our job intimidation of others or attempts to instill all Company premises.
performance. This includes alcohol, illegal fear in others. This includes advocating,
drugs, controlled substances and, in certain promoting or otherwise encouraging violence In connection with enforcement of this
instances, prescription medication. In against any government, organization, group, policy, and where permitted by applicable
addition, employees may not sell, possess, individual or property, or providing instruction, law, the Company reserves the right to
manufacture or distribute illegal drugs in our information or assistance in causing or conduct searches of employees on Company
workplace. These rules apply to all persons carrying out such violence. property or in Company facilities with or
on Company premises or on the premises of without notice. The searches may include
Since protection of all employees is our employee briefcases, packages, property and
our customers at all times. If you are taking
paramount concern, any person who engages other parcels, including vehicles parked on
prescribed medication that may interfere
in or threatens to engage in violence on Company property.
with your ability to exercise good judgment
Company (or customer) property or using
in the performance of your job, report this to
Company systems will be removed from the
your leader or to Human Resources, so that
premises as quickly as safety permits, and Arrests During Employment
the Company may take appropriate action to
will be suspended pending the outcome of an Employees who are arrested while working for
address the situation.
investigation. Should the investigation confirm the Company, even if the arrest occurs outside
Where permitted by law, we may require that a violation of this policy has occurred, the workplace or outside working hours, must
that an employee who is suspected of GBT will initiate a decisive and appropriate disclose the arrest to the Company. While
violating this policy submit to a screening response. If you know of actual or potential the Company reserves the right to suspend
test. Refusal to submit to a drug or alcohol workplace violence, you should immediately or terminate the employment of an individual
screening test at the Company’s request may report your concerns to your leader or Human based on the arrest, not all arrests will result
result in discharge. Resources. If you believe someone is in in suspension or termination. The Company
immediate danger or has been the victim of will take into consideration all the facts and
For assistance with substance abuse issues,
violence, please contact building security or circumstances surrounding the arrest.
please contact the Employment Assistance
the local authorities first and then report the
Program (EAP) at (855) 337-7323 or
situation to Human Resources.

Standards of Work-Related depending upon the circumstances. In • Insubordination (refusal to comply with reasonable
all cases, the Company will decide what business instructions) or failure to perform
Behavior disciplinary action is appropriate, and reasonable duties as assigned
To maintain the highest standards of
• Indecent or inappropriate conduct in the
whether to impose progressive discipline.
integrity, we must dedicate ourselves All discipline will be applied in a manner
workplace or at a Company-related business
to complying with our Code, Company consistent with our Company’s policies,
meeting or function
policies and procedures and applicable procedures and practices, as well as local
laws and regulations. In addition, we always labor laws. In addition, applicable regulatory • Failure to disclose an arrest during employment
should conduct ourselves in a manner authorities may impose fines and criminal
that is consistent with protecting the or civil penalties against at-fault individuals. • Conviction of a crime that compromises the
integrity of the business or is otherwise related to
Company’s good name and reputation.
Examples of more serious conduct which the employee’s job duties
If an individual’s behavior interferes with
may result in immediate termination
the orderly and efficient operation of a
include, but are not limited to, the following: • Disruption of employee work time due to
department or any part of the Company, solicitation for non-work-related matters
whether on Company property (or on the • Dishonesty or misrepresentation such as memberships, funds, purchases or
premises of a customer), traveling on
Company business or simply in dealing • Theft, fraud or unlicensed gambling charitable organizations

with co-workers, we will take action • Threatening or intimidating conduct, • Any action which negatively affects a customer
to address and correct that behavior. or our relationship with any individual customer
(including fighting, horseplay or
Individuals who fail to comply with the practical jokes) that adversely affects • Any violation of our Anti-Corruption policies
Code or who do not conduct themselves operations, damages Company or
appropriately will be subject to disciplinary Customer property or endangers • Violation of the Code or any other Company policy
action up to and including termination from persons on the Company’s (or a
employment. Action short of termination customer’s) premises, or any other
may include other discipline such as conduct which the Company
an oral or written warning, suspension, deems improper, unprofessional
demotion, reassignment or reduction or unbusinesslike
in compensation or bonus eligibility


We must avoid all real or potential interfere with your ability to do your job. Your
job with GBT must always be your first priority.
conflicts between our personal
In addition, before you accept employment
interests and those of GBT. from or otherwise provide services to any
We are all expected to act in the best interests of vendor, business partner or competitor, you
GBT and to exercise sound judgment when working must obtain prior written approval from the
on the Company’s behalf. This means that business Corporate Secretary’s Office.
decisions should be made free from any conflict
You may not serve as a director, trustee, officer,
of interest. A conflict of interest occurs when your
advisory board member or consultant or in a
outside activities or personal interests conflict or
similar paid or unpaid position, other than with
appear to conflict with your responsibilities to GBT.
GBT, without prior approval from the Corporate
A conflict also may arise if you have a personal
Secretary. This rule does not apply to political,
or other business relationship with a government
non-profit, religious or social organizations or
official, vendor, supplier, competitor or another
to residential boards whose activities do not
employee. Even the appearance of a conflict
conflict with our Company’s interests.
can damage your reputation or that of GBT or
American Express. You may not join industry or trade associations
unless it is with the approval of the Corporate
The following are examples of potential conflicts
Secretary and the Vice President of your
of interest.
department. Any trade association participation,
including attendance at trade show events,
Outside Positions must be reported to and approved by the
Corporate Secretary and must comply with
In general, you may take positions outside the antitrust laws.
Company as long as the outside position does not

Business Opportunities or related matters, unless you have been

designated an official company spokesperson or
You may not accept business opportunities, such participation is reviewed and approved in
Disclosure of
fees, commissions or other advantageous advance by the GCO. The above applies whether Conflicts
financial arrangements from a customer, you are offered compensation or not. If you are in
vendor, competitor or business partner of GBT. doubt about whether this applies to an invitation Many real or potential
If a client offers to provide additional incentive you receive, contact the Risk & Compliance conflicts of interest can be
compensation for services provided, such Office or the GCO. resolved. Accordingly, you
compensation must be reported to GBT and
must promptly disclose
payment arranged through the Company payroll.
all conflicts or potential
In addition, you may not purchase for personal Outside Investments
conflicts of interest to the
use the goods or services of our vendors on Generally, you may freely invest in publicly Risk & Compliance Office.
terms other than those that are available to the traded companies. Ownership of less than GBT reserves the right
general public or established by Company policy. one percent (1%) of a publicly traded company to address such conflicts
If you have any questions whether a situation generally does not present concerns. in the manner that most
is permissible, you should contact the Risk & However, you should be careful in the case benefits the Company, such
Compliance Office. of investments that could affect or appear to as layering supervision over
You may not take personal advantage of any affect your decision-making on behalf of GBT. an account, removing an
corporate opportunities unless our Company This is especially true if you have discretionary employee or directing the
has had an opportunity to evaluate it, and has authority in dealing with a company you seek employee to terminate an
explicitly indicated it has chosen not to pursue it. to invest in. Such instances should be reported external relationship.
to the Risk & Compliance Office. You may not
You may only accept an invitation from an make or hold a significant investment in a The Conflict of Interest rules
“expert network” group to consult on matters private entity that competes with, does business also apply to your Relatives.
relating to our business and industry if the with or is seeking to do business with GBT
invitation is approved in advance by the GCO or without the approval of the Risk & Compliance
the Risk & Compliance Office. These invitations Office. An interest is considered “significant” if
may ask you to participate in telephone it could impair, or reasonably appear to impair,
consultations, in-person meetings or educational your ability to act solely in the best interests of
events for the clients of those networks. GBT. If you hold such an investment, notify the
In addition, you are not permitted to engage Risk & Compliance Office.
in any other form of external consultation
arrangements as it relates to our industry

Note that these restrictions on outside

investments do not apply to mutual funds or
similar investments in which you do not have
direct or indirect control over the particular
investments included in the fund.

You may not accept any offer to participate

in an initial public stock offering from a firm
doing, or seeking to do, business with GBT. If
you have any further questions, consult the
Risk & Compliance Office.

Hiring Vendors
You may not retain or hire a vendor or
contingent worker who is a relative or with
whom you have a close personal relationship. If
you believe that the services of such vendor or
contingent worker would benefit the company,
you must disclose the relationship to your
supervisor and remove yourself from making, or
otherwise influencing, the decision to engage the
services of that vendor or contingent worker.


We must ensure that GBT’s Financial Statements

accounting and financial records and Accounts
meet the highest standards of
We must report all financial transactions
accuracy and completeness. accurately, completely, fairly and in a timely and
Reporting accurate, complete and understandable understandable manner. We also must ensure that
information about GBT’s business, earnings and the data we provide for the preparation of financial
financial condition is one of our most important statements, regulatory reports and publicly-filed
duties. You must never make any false or documents is reasonably detailed and complies
artificial entries in our books and records, even with all applicable accepted accounting principles
when reporting time or submitting travel and and our internal control procedures.
expense receipts. Transactions with no economic Never make a payment or transfer of Company
substance that serve only to accelerate, delay or funds or assets that is not authorized, properly
otherwise manipulate the accurate and timely recorded and clearly accounted for on the
recording of revenues or expenses are similarly Company’s books. You may not make or approve
prohibited. If you have reason to believe any of a payment or transfer Company funds or assets
our books or records are being maintained in a with the intention or understanding that any part
fraudulent, inaccurate or incomplete manner; if of such payment or transfer is to be used in any
you feel pressured to prepare, alter, conceal or manner other than as specified in the supporting
destroy documents in violation of our policies; or transactional documents. For more information,
if you are aware of or feel pressure to circumvent consult External Expenditure Approvals,
any internal GBT policies, procedures or controls; Management Policy GBTMP 01.
report your concerns immediately to Internal
Audit or the Risk & Compliance Office, or contact
the GBT Ethics Helpline.

Maintenance of Documents Relationships with Auditors

and Records and Government Investigators
All documents and business records must or Regulators
be retained in accordance with our Global We are expected to cooperate fully with
Records, Management Policy GBTMP 08. To internal and external auditors and government
appropriately retain electronic documents, investigators or regulators in connection with
store them securely in the appropriate any audit or review of our Company. This
databases or network storage. We are agile and We collaborate to drive We are accountable for our actions We
get things done right means that we must provide
the bestaccurate
outcome and and empower each other work sm
It is important that you take special care complete information to these parties.
to retain all documents that relate to If a government investigator asks you to take
any imminent or ongoing investigation, part in an investigation of our Company or a
lawsuit, audit or examination involving our colleague, you must notify the GCO before
Company. This means, in part, that you complying with the request.
may never destroy, conceal or alter any In conjunction with the GBT Audit Committee,
documents or records in order to impede, only the Chief Financial Officer is authorized to a misleading, incomplete or false statement
or that would have the effect of impeding, approve a relationship with an auditing firm. to an accountant, auditor, attorney, regulator
a governmental investigation, lawsuit, audit We must not attempt to improperly influence or government investigator in connection
or examination. Engaging in such activity any auditor, regulator or investigator reviewing with our Company, you must report this
may expose individuals or GBT to criminal our Company’s financial statements, nor immediately to the Risk & Compliance Office,
liability. We must comply with all applicable encourage anyone else to do so. Examples or you may contact the GBT Ethics Helpline.
litigation hold instructions immediately and of improper influence include providing For more information, consult Engagement
consistently. If you have any questions about misleading information, offering anything of of and Relationship with Accounting Firms,
whether you are subject to a hold instruction, value or tying incentives to the outcome of the Management Policy GBTMP 21.
contact the GCO. audit. If you believe that someone has made

We must protect GBT’s property, GBT’s computers; telephones, voicemail, copy
machines, storage and printing devices, facsimile
which includes all tangible and
machines, wireless devices, video conferencing
intangible assets. facilities and other external links, whether on-site,
GBT trusts us to respect and care for its property mobile or remote. The business systems and the
to the best of our ability. We must work together data that reside on them are the property of GBT.
to prevent theft, destruction or misappropriation
Unless otherwise authorized by applicable law,
of Company property, including physical property,
employees should not have any expectations of
confidential information and intellectual property.
personal privacy with respect to their use of GBT
systems or the data resident on them.
Physical Property and Systems 1. Business Use – We provide access to our
Our physical property and systems include, but business systems and information to authorized
are not limited to funds, facilities and equipment. individuals for the purpose of conducting
Our physical property and systems also include Company-related business. The systems and
host or server computers (whether stand-alone data that reside on them are our exclusive
or networked), desktops, laptops, software, property, regardless of authorized use. While
mobile phones, tablets and other hand held personal use of GBT business systems is to be
devices; any communications devices; all internal avoided, such personal use may be permitted
and external communications networks (for where reasonable. You should not give anyone
example, Internet, Intranet, commercial online access to any other employee’s business system
services, email systems, electronic public folders without permission or authorization, and then
or USB devices and instant messaging programs) only in accordance with GBT’s policies.
that may be accessed directly or indirectly from

2. Strict Prohibitions – We strictly prohibit server or account the user is not authorized • Duplicating Company purchased
the use of our business systems and to access and licensed software for unlicensed
information for any of the following activities:
• Interfering or attempting to interfere, in business or personal use, or otherwise

• Purposes contrary to our Code or contrary an unauthorized manner, with the use or
violating the terms of any applicable
software licensing agreements of or to
to law, including those laws governing operation of GBT’s websites, systems or
which GBT has, in advance, been notified
advertising, alcohol, antitrust, child applications, or with service to any user,
and agreed to comply
protection, drugs, encryption, exportation, host or network (including by use of any
food, financial services, firearms, gambling, program, script, command or otherwise). • Any non-GBT related commercial venture
importation, information systems, This includes “denial of service” attacks,
3. Security – You are responsible for all
intellectual property, obscenity, privacy, “flooding” of networks, deliberate attempts
business system resources assigned to you,
securities, telecommunications and tobacco to overload a service or to burden
and for all information assets that you have
excessively a service’s resources and
• Disrupting users, services or equipment at attempts to “crash” a host
been authorized to use. You are expected to
GBT locations or any other site (including use all security mechanisms and procedures
third-party sites) accessible from GBT • Introducing viruses, worms, harmful code, that have been provided.
locations, systems or equipment Trojan horses and/or other contaminants
4. Passwords – Passwords to our business
into GBT’s websites, systems or applications
• Removing, installing or modifying any systems should be chosen and maintained in a
software or programs without prior • Sending or promoting the distribution of secure manner in accordance with our policies.
Company authorization unsolicited and unnecessary “junk mail” or User IDs and passwords should not be shared,
“spam” (e.g. chain letters, pyramid schemes,
• Attempting to circumvent or subvert advertisements or other communications)
unless otherwise approved by Information
Security, and must be kept confidential. You
system or network security (i.e.,
authentication) mechanisms, or probing the • Allowing others to gain access to the are responsible for all activity associated with
your assigned User IDs and passwords. If you
security of any system, network or account Company’s information technology systems
have any reason to believe that your password
or environments through the use of your
• Intercepting or viewing information password or other security codes other than
or the security of a Company computer,
traversing our network unless explicitly system, database or communication resource
as expressly permitted by the Company
authorized to do so has been compromised, you must change your

• Accessing or attempting to access files, • Attaching executable software files (.exe) to password immediately and report the incident
electronic mail messages where GBT does to Information Security.
data, systems networks or accounts to
not hold the copyright, and therefore does
which express authorization has not been 5. Electronic Mail – All electronic mail
not have legal right to transfer ownership or
obtained, including accessing data not messages, including instant messages
license to the software
intended for the user, or logging into a (IMs), are the property of GBT. While GBT
recognizes that personal communication

among co-workers is a natural outgrowth

Intellectual Property
You should not have any GBT’s intellectual property (IP) is among its
expectations of personal privacy most valuable assets. We must protect and,
with respect to any message sent, when appropriate, enforce GBT’s IP rights. “IP”
received or stored on our business refers to creations of the human mind that are
systems, or with respect to any use protected by law. This includes copyrights,
of the Internet from or through our patents, trademarks, trade secrets, design
business systems. rights, logos, know-how, inventions, works of
authorship and other intangible intellectual,
industrial or commercial property.

To the extent permitted by law, you agree

8. Reporting Violations or System Breaches to assign and hereby do assign all rights,
– All suspected security incidents or title and interest to all IP -- whether or not
breaches involving GBT facilities, equipment patentable or protectable by copyright, trade
with family members or other external or systems, or theft of material containing secret or trademark -- to GBT (if such transfer
associates occasionally occurs during personal, confidential or legally privileged has not already occurred by operation of law).
working hours, users should make every information must be reported promptly to If you are an employee this is true of any IP
effort to limit personal communications using Information Security. or materials created on GBT’s time and
GBT’s electronic mail systems. expense or within the scope of duties
6. Internet and Other External Access performed for GBT; if you are a contractor,
Export of Encryption Items you likewise agree to assign and hereby do
– Access to any external network such as
the Internet from any GBT system must We must comply with U.S. and international assign all rights, title and interest to all IP as
be through GBT’s approved technology laws regarding the export (or movement) of described above. You shall protect against the
infrastructure/network. GBT resources may encryption technology from one country to improper or unauthorized use of such GBT
not be concurrently connected to the GBT another. All encryption technology must be property by others.
network and an Internet dial-up connection. tracked using appropriate Export Control
You agree to reasonably cooperate to
Compliance Number (ECCN) classifications
7. System Monitoring and Filtering help GBT obtain and perfect its IP rights,
as well as the Commodity Classification
– Subject to law, we reserve the right to including disclosing inventions, helping
Automated Tracking System number (CCATS)
monitor, retrieve and filter all activity on the with patent applications and executing
and the provider’s Encryption Registration
computer and telecommunication systems assignment documents.
Number (ERN). For more information, refer to
in order to respond to discovery requests in Encryption Export Compliance, Management For more information, refer to Intellectual
litigation, or for other investigations. Policy GBTMP 31. Property, Management Policy GBTMP 09.

Third-Party Property • Client lists and client or customer contact

and Information information (including phone numbers and
postal and email addresses)
We must respect the intellectual property
of third parties, and must never knowingly • Advertising, marketing or pricing plans,
infringe upon the rights of others. Be especially cost structures or strategies
cautious when preparing advertising or
promotional materials, using the name or • All analyses, compilations, studies or other
printed materials of another company or documents, whether or not prepared by
operating a software program on a Company you, which contain or otherwise reflect
computer. Only software properly licensed by business information
our Company is permitted on our computers. • Software, risk models, tools and other
Never use or disclose the confidential system or technology developments
information or trade secrets of others, • Company policies, procedures
including your former employers. If anyone or guidance
at GBT asks or pressures you to do so, you
should report the situation. You should not Information relating to the Company, including
or development of new products, procedures or
use or share any information divulged to information relating to any shareholder or
inventions related to the Company, whether or
you by a third party (whether intentionally affiliate of the Company, must be kept secure,
not it is the subject of a copyright or patent, is
or unintentionally) unless you know it is not used solely as authorized by the Company and
considered confidential and proprietary and is
confidential or a trade secret. If you are unsure must not be given to unauthorized outsiders
the sole property of GBT.
how to use information you hold or have or used for personal interest or profit. Even
Common examples include: internally, such information should be shared
received, contact the GCO.
• Proposed or advance product plans only on a need-to-know basis. If you have even
the slightest doubt as to whether information
Confidential Information and • Projected earnings, proposed dividends, about our Company and its business, or about
Trade Secrets important management or organizational its past, present or prospective customers,
changes, information about mergers or suppliers and employees, is confidential, you
During the course of our work, we may learn acquisitions and any other information should ask your leader or contact the GCO.
confidential information about GBT that is not related to the foregoing
known to the general public or our competitors. You may not disclose confidential
Some of this information may constitute trade • Product or service design and development information or trade secrets to anyone
secrets. “Trade secrets” give us a competitive or or training outside our Company, including to family
economic advantage over our competitors. All • Computer software and systems developed or friends, without a business need. If a
business need exists, you must first obtain
information obtained or created in the design by, for or unique to the Company’s business

authorization to disclose the information discovery or disclosure based on legal rules, Insider Trading and Tipping
from the GCO. You must be particularly such as attorney-client communications,
Even though GBT is a privately held joint
careful not to disclose any confidential attorney-work product or, under certain limited
venture, our relationship with American
information or trade secrets when you circumstances, self-critical analysis. The
Express and our business partners may give
are approached by a market research unauthorized disclosure of legally privileged
you access to material nonpublic information
company, or even a student or academic, information may cause the waiver or loss of
or you may become privy to nonpublic
to discuss our Company or general the privileged qualities of that information or
information belonging to our customers.
industry developments. communication. Employees who have access
Material nonpublic information (also known
to legally privileged information should not
Where there is a business need, you may as “inside information”) is information about
share that information with anyone who does
disclose Company confidential information a company that is not known to the general
not have a need to know. However, employees
and trade secrets to a third party only public and that could influence a typical
should consult with GCO before marking
after an appropriate confidentiality or investor’s decision to buy, sell or hold that
documents as legally privileged.
non-disclosure agreement is put in place. company’s securities.
Please contact the GCO for assistance with
Buying or selling securities of a company while
such agreements.
you possess material nonpublic information
Do not discuss confidential information These confidentiality requirements (otherwise known as “insider trading”) is a
or trade secrets in places where you can continue even after employment criminal offense in many countries and is
be overheard, such as taxis, elevators, has ended with the Company. In prohibited. Similarly, if you reveal material
cafeterias and breakrooms or restaurants. the event of a violation of these nonpublic information to anyone, including
In addition, do not communicate or transmit requirements after termination family or household members, and that person
confidential information or trade secrets of employment, we may take then buys or sells securities (or passes the
by nonsecure methods, such as nonsecure action to enforce this policy, information on to someone else who buys or
email and hotel faxes. These obligations including making contact with sells securities), you may be liable for “tipping.”
apply both during and after the end of your your new employer, seeking both
This applies to stock, shares, options, debt
employment with GBT. When you leave our injunctive relief and/or monetary
securities or any other securities of American
Company, you must return any and all of damages as appropriate. For
Express or another company. If you have any
the Company’s confidential information or more information, see External
doubt whether nonpublic information you
trade secrets in your possession. Communications & Disclosures, possess is material, do not trade on or pass
You must similarly protect legally privileged Management Policy GBTMP 18. along that information. Rather, seek guidance
information that may be protected from from the GCO.

Privacy employee personal information. It provides Before you release personal information to
guidance on: third parties, make sure that the recipient is
Privacy is important to us and it is essential to
• Creating products and campaigns that
authorized to receive it for a legitimate business
our customers and our employees.
reason. Never share personal information with
collect and use personal information
We treat with care all personal information friends and family. Also make sure the right
– that is, any information that could be used contracts are in place to authorize the transfer
to identify, locate, contact, profile or single • Launching internal programs and and protect the information.
out an individual. Personal information facilities that collect and use employee
Our privacy program is guided by certain
includes things as simple as a name or email personal information
other operating requirements. Many countries
address, and may also include more complex
information that could be attached to an
• Treating personal information with care in have legal requirements governing the use
the course of client engagement, service of personal information. As a company under
individual. Some examples are:
and support the American Express brand and its privacy
• An employment profile or score • Disposing of personal information
programs, we operate in compliance with their
Data Protection & Privacy Principles. Our
• A travel record or itinerary appropriately when it is no longer necessary
Global Privacy Team is here to support and
• A meal or seat preference • Providing individuals with meaningful advise on those requirements.
choices about how we collect and use their
• A credit card number and purchase history information – especially when marketing to
When things go wrong, report it immediately.
If we have a breach of personal information
Our business depends on our ability to provide them – and respecting those choices
– that is, if GBT data is received by an
our services to customers with the utmost unauthorized party or used in an unlawful
Privacy is the responsibility of everyone
care, and protecting and respecting the way – we have certain obligations to
in GBT. In doing your job, you may make
personal information they’ve entrusted to us. respond. We may have to notify customers,
decisions about or use personal information
Failure to appropriately respect and protect individuals or regulators, and take other
relating to employees, travelers or other
personal information loses the trust of our actions to remedy the harm. If company
individuals. We collect, use or share personal
customers and employees. devices (laptops or phones) are lost or
information only if we have a legitimate
Our privacy program governs the systems, business need to do so. We always treat stolen, or if you suspect a breach, report it
processes and procedures controlling the traveler information in accordance with the immediately to Information Security.
collection, use and sharing of traveler and GBT Global Privacy Statement. We treat
More detail about our privacy program and
employee and other GBT individual personal
the ways we operate under it can be found
information in accordance with our employee
on Privacy in Risk and Compliance.
and contractor privacy statements.


We may not offer or accept Improper Payments

any improper payments, We must be especially cautious to avoid bribery when
gratuities or gifts that are dealing with government officials, including officials of
given (or may appear to international organizations and political parties, as well as
be given) with the intent to employees of state-owned companies. This can include
obtain or retain business or employees of companies and joint venture partners that
secure services. have been nationalized or have significant government
ownership stakes. We will not offer or promise anything of
Bribery harms not only GBT, but value to influence the actions or decisions of, or to obtain
also the communities where we do any improper advantage with, government employees or
business. Governments are taking the government bodies they may influence. If you have any
steps to combat bribery, and many questions about improper payments to government em-
of the countries in which we operate ployees, contact the Risk & Compliance Office or the GCO.
have stringent laws against it. For
these reasons, GBT has adopted a zero
tolerance policy for bribery, regardless Expediting Payments
of where we are located. This means we Expediting payments (also known as “facilitating” or
will not engage in any form of bribery, “grease” payments) are payments made to speed up or
including offering, soliciting or accepting secure the performance of a routine government action,
anything of value, directly or indirectly, such as visa processing or customs clearance. Many
that is given with the intent to obtain or countries around the world treat these payments as illegal
retain business or secure services. It is bribes. We are prohibited from making any expediting
important to remember that engaging in payments to government employees, no matter where For more information, refer to Global
bribery, or even appearing to engage in we are doing business. This is true regardless of local Anti-Corruption, Management Policy
such activity, can expose you and GBT customs in the locations where we do business. GBTMP 06.
to criminal liability.

Money Laundering and to any situation that seems inappropriate

or suspicious. If you are approached by a
Terrorist Financing government agency concerning a money
We must actively guard against the use of laundering or terrorist financing investigation,
our brand, products and services for money contact the Risk & Compliance Office or the
laundering and the financing of terrorism. GCO immediately.

GBT is committed to the fight against money

e are agile and We collaborate
laundering and terrorist financing,
things done right
which to drive
the best outcome
Meals, Gifts and Entertainment
We are accountable for our actions
and empower each other
We stay focused and
work smart to deliver results
We put o
continues to be the focus of considerable
We must not solicit, accept or give gifts that
attention by governments, international
may influence business decisions.
organizations and law enforcement agencies
around the world. This is an issue that we We must be cautious when giving gifts
take extremely seriously. We are also required or entertainment to, or accepting gifts or
to take reasonable steps to choose business entertainment from, anyone who does or
partners that will not use our brand, products seeks to do business with GBT. Doing so may
or services to engage in illegal activities. influence, or appear to influence, our ability to You may accept business-related meals,
make objective business decisions. In addition, entertainment, token gifts or favors that do
“Money laundering” is the process by which
you may not solicit any gifts or entertainment not have significant value and do not create a
criminal funds are moved through the financial
from current or potential customers or other real or apparent sense of obligation. This rule
system in order to hide all traces of their
business partners. You may never accept or also applies to any gifts and entertainment
criminal origin. “Terrorist financing,” among
offer gifts that are: given to your family members or a charity
other things, refers to the destination and use
you support. If you are ever uncertain about
of funds that may come from legitimate or • Cash or monetary equivalents, such as gift the appropriateness of a gift or entertainment,
criminal sources. It is important that we know cards or vouchers please contact your leader.
and comply with all laws and regulations aimed
to halt money laundering and terrorist financing. • Objects that have significant value, or may
appear significant to others
We must familiarize ourselves with all aspects
of our Company’s program. It is also our • Indicative of preferential treatment All benefits given and received,
including meals, gifts, entertain-
responsibility to know and understand Global
Anti-Money Laundering Policy, Management In addition, you may never accept or offer ment, events, transportation, lodg-
Policy GBTMP 04. entertainment that is: ing, sponsorship and donations,

We must be vigilant and exercise good • Excessive in value must be reported into the
ComplianceDesktop® Gifts Travel
judgment when dealing with unusual • Not business-related Entertainment Database.
customer transactions. Alert your leader
• In an inappropriate setting

You may never offer gifts or entertainment to Acceptance of Travel Expenses

government officials with which we do business GBT employees may accept transportation,
or are seeking to do business. In addition, since lodging and meals provided by a GBT
government agencies, directly or indirectly, supplier or other third party if the trip is
regulate all aspects of our Company’s for business purposes and is approved in
business, this strictly limits our ability to give advance by the Risk & Compliance Office.
or accept gifts.
Providing Travel
For more information, refer to Global Anti- Unless prohibited by law or the policy
Corruption, Management Policy GBTMP 06. of the recipient’s organization, provided
advance approval is obtained from the Risk
Travel and Entertainment & Compliance Office, GBT may pay the
transportation, lodging and meal expenses
Expenses incurred by governmental customers,
Travel and Entertainment expenses must be agents or suppliers, if for a legitimate
reasonable and substantiated by receipts business purpose.
as required by the GBT Travel and Expense
For more information, refer to Global Travel
Reimbursement Guidelines.
& Expense, Management Policy GBTMP 26
or contact the Risk & Compliance Office.


All of our competitive activities must • Misrepresent our identity or intent in

obtaining information regarding
be done with honesty and integrity.
a competitor

Competitor Information • Attempt to influence another person to

breach an agreement of confidentiality
Our Company needs to know what our (including former employees of
competitors are doing in order to effectively competitors or customers of competitors)
compete. However, we may not gather
confidential nonpublic information from or
• Contact journalists directly or indirectly
for any reason, unless authorized by the
about our competitors (such as pricing,
External Communications office
competitor lists, product developments or
We must take care to ensure all disclosures
strategic plans) using deception, theft or other For more information, consult Conducting
are written in a manner that is easily
illegal or unethical means. In addition, we may Competitive Intelligence Activities,
understood by the intended audience.
not retain a third party to do so on our behalf. Management Policy GBTMP 03.
We must be particularly careful not to request In addition, we must never make disparaging
information from new hires about their former remarks about our competitors or make unfair
employers. We also must exercise caution Sales and Advertising comparisons between a competitor’s products
when conducting market research (including We compete vigorously and effectively, but and services and our own. You should
benchmarking), directly or through our vendors. never unfairly. Honesty must be our guide in be familiar with the sales, marketing and
We may gather publicly available information all of our sales, marketing and advertising. We advertising review procedures that apply to
about our competitors by using any channels must make only complete, factual and truthful your work. With new laws and regulations, as
by which such information is available to the statements about our Company and its prod- well as increased political and media focus, it
public. We also may gather information about ucts and services. All advertising and market- is critical that you know the latest requirements
a competitor when the competitor invites the ing claims must be substantiated and must on disclosures and other legal constraints in this
general public to request such information. include all information and disclosures neces- area. If you have any questions, please consult
However, we may never: sary to make them accurate and complete. your leader or the GCO.

Antitrust • Agree on the prices we will charge customers

We must comply fully with the letter and
spirit of laws designed to preserve free and
• Agree to divide customers, markets, territories
or countries
open competition.
GBT strongly supports vigorous yet fair competition.
• Boycott certain customers, vendors
or competitors
We must all abide by competition laws (also referred
to as “antitrust,” “monopoly” or “cartel” laws), which Certain agreements between competitors, such as
are designed to preserve free and open competition. joint ventures and joint We are agile arrangements,
purchasing and We collaborate to drive We are a
get things done right counsel.
may be lawful if properly guided by legal the best outcome and
These laws vary across the world, but their common
goal is to promote a competitive marketplace that If you intend to pursue such arrangements,
provides consumers with high-quality goods and ser- contact the GCO in advance.
vices at fair prices. Failure to comply with these laws
Even where there is no formal written agreement,
can have serious and far-reaching consequences for
the mere exchange of information can create the
our Company and each one of us.
appearance of a common understanding among
For more information, see Antitrust Compliance, competitors, creating potential antitrust and fair
Management Policy GBTMP 07. competition risk. Be cautious when interacting Contacts with Customers
with competitors at conferences and other similar and Vendors
events. In addition, industry trade associations may
Contacts with Competitors create increased antitrust risk, so be cautious when Competition law issues also may arise when we
joining such organizations. If a competitor attempts deal with customers, vendors and others who are
We must avoid even the appearance of agreeing
to discuss any of the above topics with you, stop not our competitors. Consult with the GCO before:
with a competitor to limit how we compete with one
another. It is also important that we comply with all the conversation immediately, even if this requires
being rude or abrupt. Then, immediately report the
• Entering into an exclusive agreement with a
applicable competition laws when interacting with customer or vendor
our vendors, customers and other business partners incident to the GCO.
that may compete with us. You should never If you need guidance regarding any aspect of
• Setting the price or terms under which our
customers or licensees resell our products
discuss the following with competitors: competition laws, please reference Antitrust
or services
• Pricing or pricing policy, costs, marketing or Compliance, Management Policy GBTMP 07 or
contact the GCO. • Charging different customers different prices
strategic plans
for the same product or service
• Any nonpublic, proprietary or competitively
We are also subject to strict rules and regulations
sensitive information
regarding our ability to condition sales, or “tie” our
Nor should you enter into any agreement, written products together. Consult the GCO for advice on
or oral, formal or informal, that appears or may applicable competition law restrictions.
appear, to:


Corporate Social Responsibility available on UConnect and our external

corporate website.
We take great pride in our commitment to
corporate social responsibility. As a leading
provider of travel and related services Communicating with the Public
worldwide, we have a unique opportunity to about GBT
positively impact our environment and the
lives of our stakeholders. Our CSR program is To protect our information and ensure
focused on five key areas: it is released to the public accurately
and consistently, only official Company
• Governance & Ethics – we operate with spokespeople can communicate on behalf
the highest ethical standards and lawful of GBT. This includes communications in
business practices all media, including traditional channels as
views are your own, and not those of the
• Employees – we create a difference well as online social media channels such as
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. Company. For more information and related
through people
Social Media Do’s and Don’ts, consult Social
• Customers – we offer responsible and Do not respond to or comment on posts about
our businesses, products or services on behalf
Media, Management Policy GBTMP 56.
value-added products and services
of GBT or using your GBT email account. Such
• Community – we invest in the communities posts may be made by bloggers, reporters or Public Advocacy or Testimony
where we live and work consumers on websites, discussion boards
You should not appear as a witness, give
• Environment – we embrace our and social media sites. They also can be found
on any other publicly available online network
testimony or sign a statement advocating
responsibility to minimize our impact on a position at the request of outside parties,
or platform as well.
the environment except as required by law, or lobby before
If you do discuss the industry in your personal any government, legislative, judicial or
More information about our commitment
social media accounts, you must disclose administrative body without specific, prior
can be found in our annual Corporate Social
your affiliation with GBT and state that the approval from the GCO.
Responsibility report, a copy of which is

External Inquiries You are encouraged to support the wellbeing

of our communities by participating in the
• Any questions, inquiries or media contacts community, charitable, political and religious
regarding external communications organizations and causes of your choice, as
must be referred to the GBT External long as you make it clear that your views and
Communications office actions are not those of the Company. Our
• Any legal request for Company information outside activities must not interfere with job
performance. While the Company encourages
such as a subpoena or government inquiry
collaborate to drive
must be referred toWetheare
GCO us to support the causes
accountable for our actions in which
We stay weand
focused believe, We put our customers, travelers
e best outcome and empower each other we may not pressure workanother
smart toemployee
deliver results
to and employees first
• All inquiries of any nature concerning express a view or to contribute to a political,
current or former employees of the religious or charitable cause that is or may be
Company must be referred immediately contrary to his or her personal belief.
and directly to the HR Service Center or the
Employee Relations team GBT does not allow any campaign or
candidate to use any Company funds or
assets, including facilities, equipment or
GBT Political Activities trademarks. In addition, we should never use our employees to make contributions of their
our Company’s name while taking part in own through our company-administered
From time to time, GBT may host policy program, Give for a Better Tomorrow.
these activities.
forums with candidates or elected officials on While no employee is required to participate,
Company property. by using the program, employees will be able
We must never use our position of authority Contributions to see the power of our collective activity.
to make another employee feel compelled GBT has a long standing tradition of giving For more information, see Contributions,
or pressured to participate in any way in back to our communities, whether through Management Policy GBTMP 22.
any political event or cause, or for any donations or volunteerism, and we are
political purpose. committed to maintaining that legacy
by continuing to encourage and support GBT Community Activities
community service where our employees and
Personal Political and customers live and work.
From time to time, GBT will sponsor
community activities to which GBT employees
Community Activities will be invited to participate. Employees are
Under the direction of the Executive
Our involvement in personal, political and Leadership team, the Office of Corporate entirely free to choose to participate or not,
community activities must be at our own Social Responsibility handles all charitable and no employee will experience retaliation for
expense and on our own time. giving on behalf of GBT. In addition, we invite his or her decision not to participate.


While we each strive to act ethically at all times, it is not always clear how we
should do so. At times, we may face situations in which we must make tough
decisions about what is ethical and proper. These dilemmas don’t always have
obvious answers. While this Code and the resources it provides will help us
make the right choice, they may not always answer all of our questions. Before
acting or making a decision, ask yourself:

• Is it legal?
• Is it consistent with the Code?
• How would I feel if my friends and family found out about it?
• How would I feel if it were broadcast on the nightly news?
• Could it be viewed or interpreted as inappropriate, unethical or threatening?
If you are still uncertain about what to do after asking yourself these questions,
always seek guidance from your leader, the Risk & Compliance Office or anyone
listed on the Resource page of the GBT Ethics Helpline.


Dear Colleague, you can contact your manager, your Human Resources
Business Partner or the Risk & Compliance Team at
Now that GBT has celebrated its 100th year, it is You may also
a good time to take note once again of the trust voice your concerns anonymously by reaching our
and loyalty that our clients, business partners and confidential Ethics HelpLine via phone or online:
employees have invested in us. Find out how at
We earn that trust and loyalty by providing In addition, you can always contact me directly with
outstanding service and committing to always do the questions or concerns regarding the Code of Conduct
right thing. Every employee at GBT plays a part in and GBT’s standards for ethics and compliance.
building the culture and values that are the foundation
of our reputation. It is my responsibility as Chief Risk It’s our reputation, let’s all work together to protect it.
& Compliance Officer to help you understand the rules Sincerely,
and regulations we operate under and the high ethical
standard we hold ourselves to.

Our Code of Conduct explains the policies and

Si-Yeon Kim
guidelines that can help you make the right choices.
Chief Risk & Compliance Officer
But from time to time, you may need to talk about American Express Global Business Travel
a situation or make an anonymous report. If you
need to talk about an issue of compliance or ethics,


At any time, you can speak informally and

confidentially, or even anonymously, with the
GBT Ethics Helpline.

All reports of violations of the Code will be

treated confidentially, to the extent possible.

No one who suspects a violation and reports it in

good faith will be subject to retaliation for making
such a report.


Antitrust – Laws that regulate agreements Conflict of interest – A situation in which a violation of law or our Company policies
and practices that restrain free trade (for conflict exists between an employee’s personal, and that you’re not deliberately making a
example, price fixing and boycotting). These financial or professional interest and his/her false report.
laws also prohibit anti-competitive practices; obligation to the company.
pricing intended to drive a competitor out of Harassment – Unwelcome behavior that is
business; harassment, misrepresentation or Discrimination – Workplace decisions that are improperly based on race, ethnicity, religion,
disparagement of a competitor or its products; improperly based on race, ethnicity, religion, color, age, gender, sex or sexual orientation,
theft of trade secrets; kickbacks and bribery. color, age, gender, sex or sexual orientation, national origin, marital status or other
national origin, marital status or other protected status.
Assets – Anything owned by a company protected status.
including physical property, technology, Insider trading – Using material, nonpublic (i.e.,
financial and information technology, financial Embezzlement – Deliberate deception to obtain “inside”) information, or tipping someone else
information, intellectual property and good will. unfair or unlawful personal gain, including theft to use it, to buy or sell stock in a company.
or diversion of funds by falsifying documents
Books and records – Any document that or accounting records. Integrity – Honesty; an uncompromising
reflects an action of the Company, including adherence to high ethical standards.
but not limited to any financial or non-financial Ethics – A set of principles, beliefs and rules
of behavior that define a culture and the way Internal information – Any information that is
document, contract or report (time-keeping
things are done. When we say an “ethical not approved for general circulation outside
records, expense records, personnel records,
culture,” we mean the kind of workplace where of our Company, where its unauthorized
invoices, etc.).
honesty, fairness and respect are valued. disclosure would inconvenience our Company,
Bribery – Giving, offering to give, promising but is unlikely to result in significant financial
to give or authorizing to give anything of Fraud – Activities that directly or indirectly loss or serious damage. This can include any
value to someone outside of our Company, falsify financial reporting, misappropriate information such as internal memos, policies
for an improper purpose or to influence a assets or otherwise take something improperly and standards, internal project reports, minutes
business decision. from the company, a client, a supplier, a vendor of meetings, unreleased press releases,
or an individual. unpublished marketing materials, competitive
Confidentiality – Ensuring that all information analysis, internal non-proprietary policies,
classified as non-public, trade secrets, Good faith – Honestly believing in what processes or procedures.
proprietary, privileged or personal is protected you’re doing. Sharing a concern “in good faith”
from unauthorized disclosure. means that you honestly believe that there’s a


Material, nonpublic (or “inside”) information – Privacy – The programs and processes Social media – Forms of electronic
Information about a publicly-held company that we implement to ensure the fair, legal and communication through which a community
hasn’t been widely disseminated to investors or transparent use of personal information. Privacy creates and shares information, ideas and
to the public, but would influence a reasonable rules apply whenever we do anything with other content.
investor’s decision to buy, sell or hold stock personal information – like collect, use, access,
in that company. It could include things like share or delete it. Speaking engagement – Includes speaking
budgets, sales or marketing forecasts, changes at industry events, professional associations,
in leadership or information about gaining or Reputation risk – A threat or danger to the conferences and other business gatherings
losing a major customer or supplier. good name, brand or good standing of the or functions where you are speaking as a
business. Reputational damage might be representative of our Company.
Money laundering/Terrorist financing – “Money the result of actions of the company itself;
laundering” is the process by which criminal indirectly due to the actions of an employee or Substance abuse – The unlawful use,
funds are moved through the financial system employees; or tangentially through peripheral possession, manufacture, dispensing
in order to hide all traces of their criminal parties, such as joint venture partners, suppliers or distribution of a controlled substance
origin. “Terrorist financing,” among other things, or relatives. on company premises or while on
refers to the destination and use of funds that company business.
may come from legitimate or criminal sources. Relative – Includes spouse or domestic partner,
child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, Theft – Taking something for yourself (e.g.,
When entering into a new relationship with a
mother/father-in-law, sister/brother-in-law, money, equipment, technology, materials,
client or customer, all correct due diligence
daughter/son-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, supplies, etc.) that belongs to someone else.
must be conducted for identifying money
laundering or terrorist risks. first cousin or any relative who supports or is Workplace violence – An expression (through
supported by the employee. statements or actions) of the intention to inflict
Operational risk – The risk of not achieving
Retaliation – Verbal, physical or written injury, or the act of inflicting injury or damage
business objectives due to inadequate or failed
discriminatory or harassing behavior toward to a person or their property in the workplace,
process, people or information systems, or
an individual because that individual has on work premises or in work vehicles.
the external environment, including failures to
comply with laws and regulations. made a good faith report regarding an ethics
or compliance issue or engaged in other
Personal information – Anything that can be protected conduct.
used to identify a specific person, like a name,
home address, email address, phone number,
credit card number or birth date.


Alphabetical List of Links Referenced in the Code External Communications and Disclosures,
Management Policy GBTMP 18
Note that this is not an exhaustive list of policies, all of which can be
accessed on Uconnect.
External Expenditure Approval, Management Policy GBTMP 01

GBT Ethics Helpline,

Antitrust Compliance, Management Policy GBTMP 07
Global Anti-Corruption, Management Policy GBTMP 06
Contributions, Management Policy GBTMP 22
Global Anti-Money Laundering, Management Policy GBTMP 04
Code of Conduct, Code of Conduct
Global Equal Employment Policy, Global Equal Employment Policy
Conducting Competitive Intelligence Activities,
Management Policy GBTMP 03 Global Records Management, Management Policy GBTMP 08

Corporate Social Responsibility Report, Global Travel and Expense, Management Policy GBTMP 26

Data Protection Principles, Data Protection & Privacy Principles Intellectual Property, Management Policy GBTMP 09

Entertainment Database, ComplianceDesktop® Gifts Travel Investigations, Management Policy GBTMP 32

Entertainment Database
Reporting Ethical Violations and Whistleblower Reports,
Encryption Export Compliance, Management Policy GBTMP 31 Management Policy GBTMP 13

Engagement of and Relationship with Accounting Firms, Risk and Compliance Privacy, Privacy in Risk and Compliance
Management Policy GBTMP 21
Social Media, Management Policy GBTMP 56

Need help? Start by talking to your leader or your local HR Business Partner. There are others who can help, too.

Contact: For Help With: Contact Information:

Employee Relations Policy or ER related questions

HR Service Center Any issue, question or concern relating to employment HR Service Center Contact Numbers

Issues, concerns or inquiries regarding violations of law,

GBT Ethics Helpline
policies or company standards

Questions or concerns about our Code, management policies

Risk & Compliance
or compliance-related training

Legal issues, confidentiality and privilege, antitrust,

General Counsel (GCO)
anti-corruption, competitive activities
and Corporate Secretary
and conflicts of interest

Inquiries regarding information on security policies, standards

Information Security and supporting content developed to protect the confidentiality,
integrity and availability of information resources

Other Resources: For Help With: Contact Information:

Employee Assistance (855) 337-7323

Personal, family or work-related issues
Program (EAP) or

Internal Communications Internal company communications

External Communications
External company communications
and Public Relations


This document does not create a contract

of employment or a contract for any specific
term or condition of employment between
American Express Global Business Travel
(“GBT”) and an employee. GBT reserves the
right to make changes in or discontinue its
policies, compensation plans, benefits and
programs as it deems appropriate, and these
changes may be implemented even if they
have not been communicated in this (or by
change to this) document or otherwise.

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