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Of Mice and Men Chapter 1 Crossword Clues

Salinas The name of the river that runs deep and green?

Soledad The name of the nearest town that is a few miles from the river

Jungle-up "…and beaten hard by tramps who come wearily down from the
highway in the evening to ___ near water." (Hyphenated word)

Scummy "I ain't sure it's good water," he said. "Looks kinda __."

George The small clever man with restless eyes and sharp, strong features?

Lennie The huge dim-witted man?

Imitated Lennie, who had been watching, __ (copied) George exactly.

Workcard The item that Lennie thinks he has lost? George is actually holding it;
a __ __? (2 words)

Mouse What Lenny has in his pocket; a dead __?

Horse Lennie bends down to drink from the pond like this animal; a __?

Remembering Lenny has a hard time doing this?

Cave Where Lenny suggests he sleeps after George yells at him; in a __?

Fourmiles How far away the bus dropped the men? (2 words)

Weed The town that George & Lenny got run out of?

Ranch Where the men are going to work; on a __?

Beans What the men had to eat that night?

AuntClara She used to give Lenny mice to pet? (2 words)

Rabbits What Lenny wants to pet instead of mice?

Irrigation The kind of ditch that they hid in after Lenny grabbed something he
shouldn't have
Dress The bad thing Lenny did; he grabbed a lady's __?

JohnSteinbeck The Author of the story? (2 words)

Depression The historical economic time period that this story takes place in; the
Great __?

Migrant The main characters were __ workers who traveled from place to
place to find work.

Personification The shade climbed up the hills toward the top, is this kind of
figurative language?

Simile On the sand banks the rabbits sat as quietly as little gray sculptured stones,
is this kind of figurative language?

Bear The animal George thinks Lenny might be mistaken for; a __?
Donttalk George’s simple job interview instructions to Lenny; __ __? (2 words)

Bindle The kind of small blanket roll each man carried; a __?

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