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The University of Wisconsin


New York Chichester
Brisbane Toronto
To my family:
Parents, Wife, and Daughters

Copyright © 1977, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:

Hill, Charles G 1937-
An introduction to chemical engineering kinetics
and reactor design.

Bibliography: p.
Includes indexes.
1. Chemical reaction, Rate of. 2. Chemical
reactors—Design and construction. I. Title.
QD502.H54 660.2'83 77-8280
ISBN 0-471-39609-5
Printed in the United States of America

20 19 18
Board of Advisors, Engineering

A. H-S, Ang Civil Engineering—Systems and Probability

University of Illinois

Donald S. Berry Transportation Engineering

Northwestern University

James Gere Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics

Stanford University

J. Stuart Hunter Engineering Statistics

Princeton University

T. William Lambe Civil Engineering—Soil Mechanics

R. V. Whitman
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Perry L. McCarty Environmental Engineering

Stanford University

Don T. Phillips Industrial Engineering

Texas A & M

Dale Rudd Chemical Engineering

University of Wisconsin

Robert F. Steidel, Jr, Mechanical Engineering

University of California—Berkeley

R. N. White Civil Engineering—Structures

Cornell University

One feature that distinguishes the education of the chemical engineer from that of
other engineers is an exposure to the basic concepts of chemical reaction kinetics
and chemical reactor design. This textbook provides a judicious introductory level
overview of these subjects. Emphasis is placed on the aspects of chemical kinetics
and material and energy balances that form the foundation for the practice of reactor
The text is designed as a teaching instrument. It can be used to introduce the novice
to chemical kinetics and reactor design and to guide him until he understands the
fundamentals well enough to read both articles in the literature and more advanced
texts with understanding. Because the chemical engineer who practices reactor
design must have more than a nodding acquaintance with the chemical aspects of
reaction kinetics, a significant portion of this textbook is devoted to this subject.
The modern chemical process industry, which has played a significant role in the
development of our technology-based society, has evolved because the engineer has
been able to commercialize the laboratory discoveries of the scientist. To carry out
the necessary scale-up procedures safely and economically, the reactor designer must
have a sound knowledge of the chemistry involved. Modern introductory courses in
physical chemistry usually do not provide the breadth or the in-depth treatment of
reaction kinetics that is required by the chemical engineer who is faced with a reactor
design problem. More advanced courses in kinetics that are taught by physical
chemists naturally reflect the research interests of the individuals involved; they do
not stress the transmittal of that information which is most useful to individuals
engaged in the practice of reactor design. Seldom is significant attention paid to the
subject of heterogeneous catalysis and to the key role that catalytic processes play
in the industrial world.
Chapters 3 to 7 treat the aspects of chemical kinetics that are important to the
education of a well-read chemical engineer. To stress further the chemical problems
involved and to provide links to the real world, I have attempted where possible
to use actual chemical reactions and kinetic parameters in the many illustrative
examples and problems. However, to retain as much generality as possible, the
presentations of basic concepts and the derivations of fundamental equations are
couched in terms of the anonymous chemical species A, B, C, U, V, etc. Where it is
appropriate, the specific chemical reactions used in the illustrations are reformulated
in these terms to indicate the manner in which the generalized relations are employed.
Chapters 8 to 13 provide an introduction to chemical reactor design. We start
with the concept of idealized reactors with specified mixing characteristics operating
isothermally and then introduce complications such as the use of combinations of
reactors, implications of multiple reactions, temperature and energy effects, residence
time effects, and heat and mass transfer limitations that ari often involved when
heterogeneous catalysts are employed. Emphasis is placed on the fact that chemical
reactor design represents a straightforward application of the bread and butter tools
of the chemical engineer—the material balance and the energy balance. The

viii Preface

fundamental design equations in the second half of the text are algebraic descendents
of the generalized material balance equation '
Rate of _ Rate of Rate of Rate of disappearance {p ..
input ~~ output' accumulation by reaction
In the case of nonisothermal systems one must write equations of this form both for
energy and for the chemical species of interest, and then solve the resultant equations
simultaneously to characterize the effluent composition and the thermal effects as-
sociated with operation of the reactor. Although the material and energy balance
equations are not coupled when no temperature changes occur in the reactor, the
design engineer still must solve the energy balance equation to ensure that sufficient
capacity for energy transfer is provided so that the reactor will indeed operate
isothermally. The text stresses that the design process merely involves an extension
of concepts learned previously. The application of these concepts in the design
process involves equations that differ somewhat in mathematical form from the
algebraic equations normally encountered in the introductory material and energy
balance course, but the underlying principles are unchanged. The illustrations in-
volved in the reactor design portion of the text are again based where possible on real
chemical examples and actual kinetic data. The illustrative problems in Chapter 13
indicate the facility with which the basic concepts may be rephrased or applied in
computer language, but this material is presented only after the student has been
thoroughly exposed to the concepts involved and has learned to use them in attacking
reactor design problems. I believe that the subject of computer-aided design should
be deferred to graduate courses in reactor design and to more advanced texts.
The notes that form the basis for the bulk of this textbook have been used for
several years in the undergraduate course in chemical kinetics and reactor design at
the University of Wisconsin. In this course, emphasis is placed on Chapters 3 to 6
and 8 to 12, omitting detailed class discussions of many of the mathematical deriva-
tions. My colleagues and I stress the necessity for developing a "seat of the pants"
feeling for the phenomena involved as well as an ability to analyze quantitative
problems in terms of design framework developed in the text.
The material on catalysis and heterogeneous reactions in Chapters 6, \%, and 13
is a useful framework for an intermediate level graduate course in catalysis and
chemical reactor design. In the latter course emphasis is placed on developing the
student's ability to analyze critically actual kinetic data obtained from the literature
in order to acquaint him with many of the traps into which the unwary may fall.
Some of the problems in Chapter 12 and the illustrative case studies in Chapter 1'3
have evolved from this course.
Most of the illustrative examples and problems in the text are based on actual
data from the kinetics literature. However, in many cases, rate constants, heats of
reaction, activation energies, and other parameters have been converted to SI units
from various other systems. To be able to utilize the vast literature of kinetics for
reactor design purposes, one must develop a facility for making appropriate trans-
formations of parameters from one system of urtits to another. Consequently, I have
chosen not to employ SI units exclusively in this text.
Preface ix

Like other authors of textbooks for undergraduates, I owe major debts to the
instructors who first introduced me to this subject matter and to the authors and
researchers whose publications have contributed to my understanding of the subject.
As a student, I benefited from instruction by R. C. Reid, C. N. Satterfield, and
I. Amdur and from exposure to the texts of Walas, Frost and Pearson, and Benson.
Some of the material in Chapter 6 has been adapted with permission from the course
notes of Professor C. N. Satterfield of MIT, whose direct and indirect influence
on my thinking is further evident in some of the data interpretation problems in
Chapters 6 and 12. As an instructor I have found the texts by Levenspiel and Smith
to be particularly useful at the undergraduate level; the books by Denbigh, Laidler,
Hinshelwood, Aris, and Kramers and Westerterp have also helped to shape my
views of chemical kinetics and reactor design. I have tried to use the best ideas of
these individuals and the approaches that I have found particularly useful in the
classroom in the synthesis of this textbook. A major attraction of this subject is that
there are many alternative ways of viewing the subject. Without an exposure to
several viewpoints, one cannot begin to grasp the subject in its entirety. Only after
such exposure, bombardment by the probing questions of one's students, and much
contemplation can one begin to synthesize an individual philosophy of kinetics. To
the humanist it may seem a misnomer to talk in terms of a philosophical approach
to kinetics, but to the individuals who have taken kinetics courses at different schools
or even in different departments and to the individuals who have read widely in the
kinetics literature, it is evident that several such approaches do exist and that
specialists in the area do have individual philosophies that characterize their ap-
proach to the subject.
The stimulating environment provided by the students and staff of the Chemical
Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin has provided much of the
necessary encouragement and motivation for writing this textbook. The Department
has long been a fertile environment for research and textbook writing in the area of
chemical kinetics and reactor design. The text by O. A. Hougen and K. M. Watson
represents a classic pioneering effort to establish a rational approach to the subject
from the viewpoint of the chemical engineer. Through the years these individuals
and several members of our current staff have contributed significantly to the evolu-
tion of the subject. I am indebted to my colleagues, W. E. Stewart, S. H. Langer,
C. C. Watson, R. A. Grieger, S. L. Cooper, and T. W. Chapman, who have used
earlier versions of this textbook as class notes or commented thereon, to my benefit.
All errors are, of course, my own responsibility.
I am grateful to the graduate students who have served as my teaching assistants
and who have brought to my attention various ambiguities in the text or problem
statements. These include J. F. Welch, A. Yu, R. Krug, E. Guertin, A. Kozinski,
G. Estes, J. Coca, R. Safford, R. Harrison, J. Yurchak, G. Schrader, A. Parker,
T. Kumar, and A. Spence. I also thank the students on whom I have tried out my
ideas. Their response to the subject matter has provided much of the motivation for
this textbook.
Since drafts of this text were used as course notes, the secretarial staff of the
department, which includes D. Peterson, C. Sherven, M. Sullivan, and M. Carr,

deserves my warmest thanks for typing this material. I am also very appreciative
of my wife's efforts in typing the final draft of this manuscript and in correcting the
galley proofs. Vivian Kehane, Jacqueline Lachmann, and Peter Klein of Wiley were
particularly helpful in transforming my manuscript into this text.
My wife and children have at times been neglected during the preparation of this
textbook; for their cooperation and inspiration I am particularly grateful.

Madison, Wisconsin CHARLES G. HILL, Jr.

Supplementary References
Since this is an introductory text, all topics of potential interest cannot be treated
to the depth that the reader may require. Consequently, a number of useful
supplementary references are listed below.
A. References Pertinent to the Chemical Aspects of Kinetics
1. I. Amdur and G. G. Hammes, Chemical Kinetics: Principles and Selected
Topics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966.
2. S. W. Benson, The Foundations of Chemical Kinetics, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1960.
3. M. Boudart, Kinetics of Chemical Processes, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
N.J., 1968.
4. A. A. Frost and R. G. Pearson, Kinetics and Mechanism, Wiley, New York,
5. W. C. Gardiner, Jr., Rates and Mechanisms of Chemical Reactions, Benjamin,
New York, 1969.
6. K. J. Laidler, Chemical Kinetics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965.
B. References Pertinent to the Engineering or Reactor Design Aspects of Kinetics
1. R. Aris, Introduction to the Analysis of Chemical Reactors, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1965.
2. J. J. Carberry, Chemical and Catalytic Reaction Engineering, McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1976.
3. A. R. Cooper and G. V. Jeffreys, Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design,
Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1971.
4. H. W. Cremer (Editor), Chemical Engineering Practice, Volume 8, Chemical
Kinetics, Butterworths, London, 1965.
5. K. G. Denbigh and J. C. R. Turner, Chemical Reactor Theory, Second
Edition, Cambridge University Press, London, 1971.
6. H. S. Fogler, Tlw Elements of Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Calculations,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1974.
7. H. Kramers and K. R. Westerterp, Elements of Chemical Reactor Design and
Operation, Academic Press, New York, 1963.
8. O. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second Edition, Wiley,
New York, 1972.
9. E. E. Petersen, Chemical Reaction Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
N.J., 1965.
10. C. N. Satterfield, Mass Transfer in Heterogeneous Catalysis," MIT Press,
Cambridge, Mass., 1970.
11. J. M. Smith, Chemical Engineering Kinetics, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1970.

C. G. H., Jr.
Preface vii
1 Stoichiometric Coefficients and Reaction
Progress Variables 1
2 Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions 5
3 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination
of the Reaction Rate Expression 24
4 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Molecular
Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena 76
5 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions 127
6 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis 167
7 Liquid Phase Reactions 215
8 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal
Reactor Models 245
9 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the
Design of Isothermal Reactors 317
10 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors 349
11 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions 388
12 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 425
13 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design 540
Appendix A Thermochemical Data 570
Appendix B Fugacity Coefficient Chart 574
Appendix C Nomenclature 575

Name Index 581

Subject Index 584
1 Stoichiometric Coefficients
and Reaction Progress Variables
1.0 INTRODUCTION of chemical kinetics in the development of
profitable manufacturing processes.
Without chemical reaction our world would be Chemical engineers have traditionally ap-
a barren planet. No life of any sort would exist. proached kinetics studies with the goal of
Even if we exempt the fundamental reactions describing the behavior of reacting systems in
involved in life processes from our proscription terms of macroscopically observable quantities
on chemical reactions, our lives would be such as temperature, pressure, composition,
extremely different from what they are today. and Reynolds number. This empirical approach
There would be no fire for warmth and cooking, has been very fruitful in that it has permitted
no iron and steel with which to fashion even the chemical reactor technology to develop to a
crudest implements, no synthetic fibers for point that far surpasses the development of
clothing, and no engines to power our vehicles. theoretical work in chemical kinetics.
One feature that distinguishes the chemical The dynamic viewpoint of chemical kinetics
engineer from other types of engineers is the may be contrasted with the essentially static
ability to analyze systems in which chemical viewpoint of thermodynamics. A kinetic system
reactions are occurring and to apply the results is a system in unidirectional movement toward
of his analysis in a manner that benefits society. a condition of thermodynamic equilibrium.
Consequently, chemical engineers must be well The chemical composition of the system changes
acquainted with the fundamentals of chemical continuously with time. A system that is in
kinetics and the manner in which they are thermodynamic equilibrium, on the other hand,
applied in chemical reactor design. This text- undergoes no net change with time. The thermo-
book provides a systematic introduction to these dynamicist is interested only in the initial and
subjects. final states of the system and is not concerned
Chemical kinetics deals with quantitative with the time required for the transition or the
studies of the rates at which chemical processes molecular processes involved therein; the chem-
occur, the factors on which these rates depend, ical kineticist is concerned primarily with these
and the molecular acts involved in reaction issues.
processes. A description of a reaction in terms In principle one can treat the thermodynamics
of its constituent molecular acts is known as of chemical reactions on a kinetic basis by
the mechanism of the reaction. Physical and recognizing that the equilibrium condition
organic chemists are primarily interested in corresponds to the case where the rates of the
chemical kinetics for the light that it sheds on forward and reverse reactions are identical.
molecular properties. From interpretations of In this sense kinetics is the more fundamental
macroscopic kinetic data in terms of molecular science. Nonetheless, thermodynamics provides
mechanisms, they can gain insight into the much vital information to the kineticist and to
nature of reacting systems, the processes by the reactor designer. In particular, the first
which chemical bonds are made and broken, step in determining the economic feasibility of
and the structure of the resultant product. producing a given material from a given reac-
Although chemical engineers find the concept tant feed stock should be the determination of
of a reaction mechanism useful in the corre- the product yield at equilibrium at the condi-
lation, interpolation, and extrapolation of rate tions of the reactor outlet. Since this composition
data, they are more concerned with applications represents the goal toward which the kinetic
Stoichiometric Coefficients and Reaction Progress Variables

process is moving, it places a maximum limit on monoxide oxidation reaction in our notation as
the product yield that may be obtained. Chem-
ical engineers must also use thermodynamics to 0 = 2CO 2 - 2CO - O 2
determine heat transfer requirements for pro- instead of in the more conventional form, which
posed reactor configurations. has the reactants on the left side and the products
on the right side.
2CO + O 2 - 2CO 2

1.1.1 Stoichiometric Coefficients This second form is preferred, provided that

one keeps the proper sign convention for the
Consider the following general reaction. stoichiometric coefficients in mind.
bB + cC + : SS + tT + (1.1.1)
o2 = -1
co2 = 2
= v v

where b, c, s, and t are the stoichiometric co- Alternatively, the reaction could be written as
efficients of the species B, C, S, and T, respec-
tively. We define generalized stoichiometric o = co 2 - co - io 2
coefficients vt for the above reaction by rewriting with
it in the following manner.
vCo = - = 1
0 = vBB -f vcC +
' vsS + vTT
(1.1.2) The choice is a matter of personal convenience.
where The essential point is that the ratios of the
vB = -b Vc = S
stoichiometric coefficients are unique for a
given reaction {i.e., v co /v O2 = ( —2/—1) =
vc = —c VT = t
[ —1/( —1/2)] = 2}. Since the reaction stoich-
The generalized stoichiometric coefficients are iometry can be expressed in various ways, one
defined as positive quantities for the products must always write down a stoichiometric equa-
of the reaction and as negative quantities for tion for the reaction under study during the
the reactants. The coefficients of species that are initial stages of the analysis and base subsequent
neither produced nor consumed by the indicated calculations on this reference equation. If a
reaction are taken to be zero. Equation 1.1.2 consistent set of stoichiometric coefficients is
has been written in inverted form with the zero used throughout the calculations, the results
first to emphasize the use of this sign convention, can be readily understood and utilized by other
even though this inversion is rarely used in workers in the field.
One may further generalize equation 1.1.2 1.1.2 Reaction Progress Variables
by rewriting it as
In order to measure the progress of a reaction
0 = X vtAi (1.1.3) it is necessary to define a parameter, which is a
measure of the degree of conversion of the
where the sum is taken over all components Ai reactants. We will find it convenient to use the
present in the system. concept of the extent or degree of advancement
There are, of course, many equivalent ways of of reaction. This concept has its origins in the
writing the stoichiometric equation for a reac- thermodynamic literature, dating back to the
tion. For example, one could write the carbon work of de Donder (1).
1.1 Basic Stoichiometric Concepts

Consider a closed system (i.e., one in which a variable that is simply related to the extent of
there is no exchange of matter between the reaction. The fraction conversion of a reactant
system and its surroundings) where a single At in a closed system in which only a single
chemical reaction may occur according to reaction is occurring is given by
equation 1.1.3. Initially there are ni0 moles of
constituent At present in the system. At some r = ni - nt = 1 - ^ (1.1.7)
later time there are nt moles of species At present. "iO n
At this time the molar extent of reaction is
defined as The variable / depends on the particular species
chosen as a reference substance. In general, the
~ (1.1.4) initial mole numbers of the reactants do not
constitute simple stoichiometric ratios, and the
This equation is valid for all species Ah a number of moles of product that may be formed
fact that is a consequence of the law of definite is limited by the amount of one of the reactants
proportions. The molar extent of reaction £ present in the system. If the extent of reaction is
is a time-dependent extensive variable that is not limited by thermodynamic equilibrium
measured in moles. It is a useful measure of the constraints, this limiting reagent is the one that
progress of the reaction because it is not tied determines the maximum possible value of the
to any particular species At. Changes in the extent of reaction (£max). We should refer our
mole numbers of two species j and k can be fractional conversions to this stoichiometrically
related to one another by eliminating £ between limiting reactant if / is to lie between zero and
two expressions that may be derived from unity. Consequently, the treatment used in
equation 1.1.4. subsequent chapters will define fractional con-
versions in terms of the limiting reactant.
nJ0) (1.1.5) One can relate the extent of reaction to the
fraction conversion by solving equations 1.1.4
and 1.1.7 for the number of moles of the limiting
If more than one chemical reaction is possible, reagent nUm and equating the resultant ex-
an extent may be defined for each reaction. If pressions.
£k is the extent of the kth reaction, and vki the
stoichiometric coefficient of species i in reaction
/c, the total change in the number of moles of
species At because of R reactions is given by or

k= R and £max = (1.1.9)

~ n
i0 = (1.1.6)
In some cases the extent of reaction is limited
Another advantage of using the concept of by the position of chemical equilibrium, and
extent is that it permits one to specify uniquely this extent (£e) will be less than £max. However,
the rate of a given reaction. This point is in many cases £e is approximately equal to
discussed in Section 3.0. The major drawback £max- I n these cases the equilibrium for the
of the concept is that the extent is an extensive reaction highly favors formation of the products,
variable and consequently is proportional to and only an extremely small quantity of the
the mass of the system being investigated. limiting reagent remains in the system at
The fraction conversion / is an intensive equilibrium. We will classify these reactions as
measure of the progress of a reaction, and it is irreversible. When the extent of reaction at
Stoichiometric Coefficients and Reaction Progress Variables

equilibrium differs measurably from £max, we tions, one then arrives at a result that is an
will classify the reaction involved as reversible. extremely good approximation to the correct
From a thermodynamic point of view, all answer.
reactions are reversible. However, when one is
analyzing a reacting system, it is often conve- LITERATURE CITATION
nient to neglect the reverse reaction in order to j . D e Donder, Th., Lemons de Thermodynamique et de
simplify the analysis. For "irreversible" reac- Chemie-Physique, Paris, Gauthier-Villus, 1920.
2 Thermodynamics of
Chemical Reactions
2.0 INTRODUCTION various species in the reaction mixture. If r
reactions may occur in the system and equilib-
The science of chemical kinetics is concerned
rium is established with respect to each of these
primarily with chemical changes and the energy
reactions, it is required that
and mass fluxes associated therewith. Thermo-
dynamics, on the other hand, is concerned with = 0 k = 1, 2,. . . , r (2.0.2)
equilibrium systems . . . systems that are under-
going no net change with time. This chapter
These equations are equivalent to a requirement
will remind the student of the key thermo-
that the Gibbs free energy change for each
dynamic principles with which he should be
reaction (AG) be zero at equilibrium.
familiar. Emphasis is placed on calculations of
equilibrium extents of reaction and enthalpy AG = Y^t^i = 0 at equilibrium (2.0.3)
changes accompanying chemical reactions.
Of primary consideration in any discussion
of chemical reaction equilibria is the constraints
on the system in question. If calculations of
equilibrium compositions are to be in accord The activity at of species i is related to its
with experimental observations, one must in- chemical potential by
clude in his or her analysis all reactions that
occur at appreciable rates relative to the time . = tf + RT En a{ (2.1.1)
frame involved. Such calculations are useful in where
that the equilibrium conversion provides a R is the gas constant
standard against which the actual performance T is the absolute temperature
of a reactor may be compared. For example, if
the equilibrium yield of a given reactant system fii° is the standard chemical potential of species
is 75%, and the observed yield from a given i in a reference state where its activity is taken
reactor is only 30%, it is obviously possible to as unity
obtain major improvements in the process The choice of the standard state is largely
yield. On the other hand, if the process yield arbitrary and is based primarily on experimental
were close to 75%, the potential improvement convenience and reproducibility. The tempera-
in the yield is minimal and additional efforts ture of the standard state is the same as that of
aimed at improving the yield may not be the system under investigation. In some cases,
warranted. Without a knowledge of the equili- the standard state may represent a hypothetical
brium yield, one might be tempted to look for condition that cannot be achieved experi-
catalysts giving higher yields when, in fact, the mentally, but that is susceptible to calculations
present catalyst provides a sufficiently rapid giving reproducible results. Although different
approach to equilibrium. standard states may be chosen for various
species, throughout any set of calculations it is
The basic criterion for the establishment of
important that the standard state of a component
chemical reaction equilibrium is that
be kept the same so as to minimize possibilities
I yifk = 0 (2.0.1) for error.
Certain choices of standard states have found
where the fit are the chemical potentials of the such widespread use that they have achieved
Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions

the status of recognized conventions. In parti- changes in the enthalpy and Gibbs free energy
cular, those listed in Table 2.1 are used in cal- of the system. The enthalpy change on reaction
culations dealing with chemical reaction equili- provides information that is necessary for any
bria. In all cases the temperature is the same as engineering analysis of the system in terms of
that of the reaction mixture. the first law of thermodynamics. It is also useful
in determining the effect of temperature on the
Table 2.1 equilibrium constant of the reaction and thus
Standard States for Chemical Potential Calculations on the reaction yield. The Gibbs free energy is
(for Use in Studies of Chemical Reaction Equilibria) useful in determining whether or not chemical
equilibrium exists in the system being studied
State of and in determining how changes in process
aggregation Standard state variables can influence the yield of the reaction.
In chemical kinetics there are two types of
Pure gas at unit fugacity (for an ideal
gas the fugacity is unity at 1 atm
processes for which one calculates changes in
pressure; this is a valid approx- these energy functions.
imation for most real gases). 1. A chemical process whereby reactants, each
Liquid Pure liquid in the most stable form at in its standard state, are converted into
1 atm
products, each in its standard state, under
Pure solid in the most stable form at
1 atm. conditions such that the initial temperature
of the reactants is equal to the final tem-
perature of the products.
Once the standard states for the various 2. An actual chemical process as it might occur
species have been established, one can proceed under either equilibrium or nonequilibrium
to calculate a number of standard energy conditions in a chemical reactor.
changes for processes involving a change from
One must be very careful not to confuse
reactants, all in their respective standard states,
actual energy effects with those that are asso-
to products, all in their respective standard
ciated with the process whose initial and final
states. For example, the Gibbs free energy
states are the standard states of the reactants
change for this process is
and products respectively.
AG° = (2.1.2) In order to have a consistent basis for
comparing different reactions and to permit
where the superscript zero on AG emphasizes the tabulation of thermochemical data for var-
the fact that this is a process involving standard ious reaction systems, it is convenient to define
states for both the final and initial conditions enthalpy and Gibbs free energy changes for
of the system. In a similar manner one can standard reaction conditions. These conditions
determine standard enthalpy (AH0) and stan- involve the use of stoichiometric amounts of
dard entropy changes (AS0) for this process. the various reactants (each in its standard state
at some temperature T). The reaction proceeds
by some unspecified path to end up with com-
plete conversion of reactants to the various
products (each in its standard state at the same
Since chemical reactions involve the formation, temperature T).
destruction, or rearrangement of chemical The enthalpy and Gibbs free energy changes
bonds, they are invariably accompanied by for a standard reaction are denoted by the
2.2 Energy Effects Associated with Chemical Reactions

symbols AH0 and AG°, where the superscript called the enthalpy (or heat) of formation of the
zero is used to signify that a "standard" reaction compound and is denoted by the symbol AH°f.
is involved. Use of these symbols is restricted Thus,
to the case where the extent of reaction is 1 mole
Ai/? veralI = AiJ°walert/, + A//°propvlene - AiJ°propanoI(/,
for the reaction as written. The remaining
discussion in this chapter refers to this basis. (2.2.3)
Because G and H are state functions, changes
in these quantities are independent of whether AGo°verall = AG°walert/) + AG°propyIenc - AG°propanol(/l
the reaction takes place in one or in several (2.2.4)
steps. Consequently, it is possible to tabulate
data for relatively few reactions and use this where AG° refers to the standard Gibbs free
data in the calculation of AG° and AH0 for other energy of formation.
reactions. In particular, one tabulates data for This example illustrates the principle that
the standard reactions that involve the forma- values of AG° and AH0 may be calculated from
tion of a compound from its elements. One may values of the enthalpies and Gibbs free energies
then consider a reaction involving several of formation of the products and reactants. In
compounds as being an appropriate algebraic more general form,
sum of a number of elementary reactions, each AH0 = YJvi AH°fJ (2.2.5)
of which involves the formation of one com- i

pound. The dehydration of n-propanol ACJ = > Vj ACJJ- i yZ.l.b)

CH3CH2CH2OH(/) ->
CH3CH=CH2(<7) When an element enters into a reaction, its
standard Gibbs free energy and standard en-
may be considered as the algebraic sum of the thalpy of formation are taken as zero if its state
following series of reactions. of aggregation is that selected as the basis for

CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 OH(0 3C(£ graphite) + 4H2(#) AH° AG?

3C(j3 graphite) + 3H2(g) CH 3 CH=CH 2 (#) AH°2 AG?.
H2O(/) AH°3 AG?
CH3CH2CHOH(0 -> H2O(/) + CH3CH=CH2(#) AH0 AG°

For the overall reaction, the determination of the standard Gibbs free
energy and enthalpy of formation of its com-
AH0 = A//? + AH°2 + AH°3 (2.2.1) pounds. If AH0 is negative, the reaction is said
AG° = AG? + AG°2 + AG^ (2.2.2) to be exothermic; if AH0 is positive, the reaction
is said to be endothermic.
However, each of the individual reactions It is not necessary to tabulate values of AG°
involves the formation of a compound from or AH0 for all conceivable reactions. It is
its elements or the decomposition of a com- sufficient to tabulate values of these parameters
pound into those elements. The standard en- only for the reactions that involve the formation
thalpy change of a reaction that involves the of a compound from its elements. The problem
formation of a compound from its elements is of data compilation is further simplified by the
Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions

fact that it is unnecessary to record AG°f and related to AG°/T and that equation 2.2.8 is
AH°f at all temperatures, because of the rela- useful in determining how this parameter varies
tions that exist between these quantities and with temperature. If one desires to obtain an
other thermodynamic properties of the reactants expression for AG° itself as a function of tem-
and products. The convention that is commonly perature, equation 2.2.7 may be integrated to
accepted in engineering practice today is to give AH0 as a function of temperature. This
report values of standard enthalpies of formation relation may then be used with equation 2.2.8
and Gibbs free energies of formation at 25 °C to arrive at the desired relation.
(298.16 °K) or at 0 °K. The problem of calculat- The effect of pressure on AG° and AH0
ing a value for AG° or AH0 at temperature T thus depends on the choice of standard states em-
reduces to one of determining values of AGJ ployed. When the standard state of each com-
and AH° at 25 °C or 0 °K and then adjusting ponent of the reaction system is taken at 1 atm
the value obtained to take into account the pressure, whether the species in question is a
effects of temperature on the property in ques- gas, liquid, or solid, the values of AG° and AH0
tion. The appropriate techniques for carrying refer to a process that starts and ends at 1 atm.
out these adjustments are indicated below. For this choice of standard states, the values of
The effect of temperature on AH0 is given by AG° and AH0 are independent of the system
pressure at which the reaction is actually carried
out. It is important to note in this connection
that we are calculating the enthalpy change for
(2.2.7) a hypothetical process, not for the actual process
as it occurs in nature. This choice of standard
where C°pi is the constant pressure heat capacity states at 1 atm pressure is the convention that is
of species i in its standard state. customarily adopted in the analysis of chemical
In many cases the magnitude of the last term reaction equilibria.
on the right side of equation 2.2.7 is very small For cases where the standard state pressure
compared to AH%9%A6. However, if one is to be for the various species is chosen as that of the
able to evaluate properly the standard heat of system under investigation, changes in this
reaction at some temperature other than variable will alter the values of AG° and AH0.
298.16 °K, one must know the constant pressure In such cases thermodynamic analysis indicates
heat capacities of the reactants and the products that
as functions of temperature as well as the heat
of reaction at 298.16 °K. Data of this type and
techniques for estimating these properties are
contained in the references in Section 2.3. (2.2.9)
The most useful expression for describing
where Vt is the molal volume of component i in
the variation of standard Gibbs free energy
its standard state and where each integral is
changes with temperature is:
evaluated for the species in question along an
isothermal path. The term in brackets represents
the variation of the enthalpy of a component
T AH0 with pressure at constant temperature (dH/dP)T.
dT It should be emphasized that the choice of
standard states implied by equation 2.2.9 is not
In Section 2.5 we will see that the equilibrium that which is conventionally used in the analysis
constant for a chemical reaction is simply of chemically reacting systems. Furthermore,
2.4 The Equilibrium Constant and its Relation to A(7°

in the vast majority of cases the summation term The following references contain techniques for
on the right side of the equation is very small estimating thermochemical data.
compared to the magnitude of AH°,dim and,
1. R. C. Reid and T. K. Sherwood, The Properties of Gases
indeed, is usually considerably smaller than the
and Liquids, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York,
uncertainty in this term. 1966.
The Gibbs free energy analog of equation 2. S. W. Benson, Thermochemical Kinetics, Wiley, New
2.2.9 is York, 1968.
3. G. J. Janz, Estimation of Thermodynamic Properties of
AGg = AG? atm + (2.2.10) Organic Compounds, Academic Press, New York, 1958.

where the integral is again evaluated along an 2.4 THE EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT AND
isothermal path. For cases where the species
involved is a condensed phase, Vt will be a very
small quantity and the contribution of this The basic criterion for equilibrium with respect
species to the summation will be quite small to a given chemical reaction is that the Gibbs
unless the system pressure is extremely high. free energy change associated with the progress
For ideal gases, the integral may be evaluated of the reaction be zero.
directly as RT In P. For nonideal gases the
integral is equal to RT In / ? , where / ? is the AG = = 0 (2.4.1)
fugacity of pure species i at pressure P.
The standard Gibbs free energy change for a
reaction refers to the process wherein the
2.3 SOURCES OF THERMOCHEMICAL reaction proceeds isothermally, starting with
DATA stoichiometric quantities of reactants each in its
Thermochemical data for several common spe- standard state of unit activity and ending with
cies are contained in Appendix A. Other useful products each at unit activity. In general it is
standard references are listed below. nonzero and given by
1. F. D. Rossini, et al., Selected Values of Physical and AG° = £ v^ 0 (2.4.2)
Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrocarbons and Related i
Compounds, Carnegie Press, Pittsburgh, 1953; also loose-
leaf supplements. Data compiled by Research Project 44 Subtraction of equation 2.4.2 from equation
of the American Petroleum Institute. 2.4.1 gives
2. F. D. Rossini, et al., "Selected Values of Chemical
Thermodynamic Properties," National Bureau of Stan- AG - AG° = X MfjLt - /i?) (2.4.3)
dards, Circular 500 and Supplements, 1952. i

3. E. W. Washburn (Editor), International Critical Tables, This equation may be rewritten in terms of the
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1926.
activities of the various species by making use of
4. T. Hilsenrath, et al., "Thermal Properties of Gases,"
equation 2.1.1.
National Bureau of Standards Circular 564, 1955.
5. D. R. Stull and G. C. Sinke, "Thermodynamic Properties
of the Elements," Adv. Chem. Ser., 18, 1956. AG - AG° = RT X vf In at = RT In (]J a]*
6. Landolt-Bornstein Tabellen, Sechste Auflage, Band II,
Teil 4, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1961.
7. Janaf Thermochemical Tables, D. R. Stull, Project Direc- where the \\ symbol denotes a product over i
tor, PB 168370, Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and i
Technical Information, 1965. species of the term that follows.
10 Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions

For a general reaction of the form of the influence of temperature changes is

readily obtained by combining equations 2.2.8
and 2.4.7.
the above equations become:
AG - AG° = RT £n (2.4.6) T Rd In Kt AH0
abBacc • (2.5.1)
dT dT
For a system at equilibrium, AG = 0, and
AG° = -RT In 4-^ = ~RT tn K
'd In Ka\ AH0
dT RT2
where the equilibrium constant for the reaction
(Ka) at temperature T is defined as the term in dlnK AH0
brackets. The subscript a has been used to R
emphasize that an equilibrium constant is
properly written as a product of the activities
raised to appropriate powers. Thus, in general, For cases where AH0 is essentially indepen-
a =
1 1 Qi ~ e
(Z.4.0) dent of temperature, plots of ta Ka versus \jT
i are linear with slope — (AH°/R). For cases
As equation 2.4.8 indicates, the equilibrium where the heat capacity term in equation 2.2.7
constant for a reaction is determined by the is appreciable, this equation must be substituted
temperature and the standard Gibbs free energy in either equation 2.5.2 or equation 2.5.3 in order
change (AG°) for the process. The latter quantity to determine the temperature dependence of the
in turn depends on temperature, the definitions equilibrium constant. For exothermic reactions
of the standard states of the various components, (AH0 negative) the equilibrium constant de-
and the stoichiometric coefficients of these creases with increasing temperature, while for
species. Consequently, in assigning a numerical endothermic reactions the equilibrium constant
value to an equilibrium constant, one must be increases with increasing temperature.
careful to specify the three parameters men- For cases where the standard states of the
tioned above in order to give meaning to this reactants and products are chosen as 1 atm,
value. Once one has thus specified the point of the value of AG° is pressure independent.
reference, this value may be used to calculate Consequently, equation 2.4.7 indicates that Ka
the equilibrium composition of the mixture in is also pressure independent for this choice of
the manner described in Sections 2.6 to 2.9. standard states. For the unconventional choice
of standard states discussed in Section 2.2,
equations 2.4.7 and 2.2.10 may be combined to
give the effect of pressure on Ka.
Equilibrium constants are quite sensitive to
temperature changes. A quantitative description where the Vt are the standard state molal
2.6 Determination of Equilibrium Compositions 11

volumes of the reactants and products. However, If all of the species are gases, combination of
this choice of standard states is extremely rare equations 2.6.1, 2.6.2, and 2.6.4 gives
in engineering practice.


The basic equation from which one calculates
the composition of an equilibrium mixture is The first term in parentheses is assigned the
equation 2.4.7. symbol Ky, while the term in brackets is assigned
the symbol Kf/P.
AG° = -RT lnKn The quantity Kf/P is constant for a given
temperature and pressure. However, unlike the

(S) (2.6.1)
equilibrium constant Ka, the term Kf/P is
affected by changes in the system pressure as
well as by changes in temperature.
In a system that involves gaseous components, The product of Ky and ps + t~b~c is assigned
one normally chooses as the standard state the the symbol KP.
pure component gases, each at unit fugacity
(essentially 1 atm). The activity of a gaseous KP = s+t_6_c _
species B is then given by

aB = (2.6.2) since each term in parentheses is a component

B,SS J partial pressure. Thus
where fB is the fugacity of species B as it exists = Kf/PKP (2.6.7)
in the reaction mixture and fBSS is the fugacity For cases where the gases behave ideally, the
of species B in its standard state. fugacity coefficients may be taken as unity and
The fugacity of species B in an ideal solution the term KP equated to Ka. At higher pressures
pf ga'ses is given by the Lewis and Randall rule where the gases are no longer ideal, the KfjP
term may differ appreciably from unity and
(2.6.3) have a significant effect on the equilibrium
composition. The corresponding states plot of
where yB is the mole fraction B in the gaseous
fugacity coefficients contained in Appendix- B
phase and fB is the fugacity of pure component
may be used to calculate Kf/P.
B evaluated at the temperature and total
In a system containing an inert gas / in the
pressure (P) of the reaction mixture. Alterna-
amount of nr moles, the mole fraction of reac-
tant gas B is given by
n n n
B + C + l
where {f/P)B is the fugacity coefficient for pure
component B at the temperature and total Combination of equations 2.6.5 to 2.6.7 and
pressure of the system. defining equations similar to equation 2.6.8 for
12 Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions

the various mole fractions gives:

K K (2.6.9)
cj \nB + nc + nnTT
ris -r -f

This equation is extremely useful for cal- 264.2 atm. Assume that the only significant
culating the equilibrium composition of the chemical reaction is
reaction mixture. The mole numbers of the
various species at equilibrium may be related to H2O(g) + C 2 H 4 (0) ^ C 2 H 5 OH(#)
their values at time zero using the extent of Use only the following data and the fugacity
reaction. When these values are substituted into coefficient chart.
equation 2.6.9, one has a single equation in a
single unknown, the equilibrium extent of re-
action. This technique is utilized in Illustration Compound Tc (°K) Pc (atm)
2.1. If more than one independent reaction is
occurring in a given system, one needs as many H2O(g) 647.3 218.2
equations of the form of equation 2.6.9 as there C2H4(g) 283.1 50.5
are independent reactions. These equations are C 2 H 5 OH(#) 516.3 63.0
then written in terms of the various extents of
reaction to obtain a set of independent equa-
tions equal to the number of unknowns. Such a
system is considered in Illustration 2.2.
Compound AGj 298 16 (kcal) A//? 298 . 16 (kcal)

H2O(g) -54.6357 -57.7979


Problem The standard state of each species is taken as

the pure material at unit fugacity.
Calculate the equilibrium composition of a
mixture of the following species.
N2 15.0 mole percent
H2O 60.0 mole percent Basis: 100 moles of initial gas
C2H4 25.0 mole percent In order to calculate the equilibrium compo-
sition one must know the equilibrium constant
for the reaction at 527 °K.
The mixture is maintained at a constant tem- From the values of AG°f and AH°f at 298.16 °K
perature of 527 °K and a constant pressure of and equations 2.2.5 and 2.2.6:
2.6 Determination of Equilibrium Compositions 13

AG° 98 = 40.30) + (-1)(16.282) + ( - (-54.6357) = -1.946 kcal/mole

AH°298 = 56.24) + (-1)(12.496) + ( - (-57.7979) = -10.938 kcal/mole

The equilibrium constant at 298.16 °K may be rewritten as

determined from equation 2.4.7.
AG° = -RT In Ka [
i s OH
= 3.28 f\ If
The equilibrium constant at 527 °K may be
found using equation 2.5.3. The fugacity coefficients {f/P) for the various
0 species may be determined from the generalized
AH chart in Appendix B if one knows the reduced
R temperature and pressure corresponding to the
species in question. Therefore,

Reduced temperature at Reduced pressure at

Species 527 °K 264.2 atm f/P

H2O 527/647.3 = 0.815 264.2/218.2 - 1.202 0.190

C2H4 527/283.1 = 1.862 264.2/50.5 = 5.232 0.885
C 2 H 5 OH 527/516.3 = 1.021 264.2/63.0 = 4.194 0.280

If one assumes that AH0 is independent of From the stoichiometry of the reaction it is
temperature, this equation may be integrated to possible to determine the mole numbers of the
give various species in terms of the extent of reaction
and their initial mole numbers.

= ni

For our case, Initial moles Moles at extent <

10,938 ( \ 1 N2 15.0 15.0

£n Xfl>2 - 3.28 == - H2O 60.0 60.0 -
1 ^ y (^-^ - —
C2H4 25.0 25.0 -
= -8.02 C 2 H 5 OH 0.0
Total 100.0 100.0 -
Knl = 8.74 x 1 0 " 3 a t 5 2 7 ° K
The various mole fractions are readily deter-
Since the standard states are the pure mate- mined from this table. Note that the upper limit
rials at unit fugacity, equation 2.6.5 may be on £ is 25.0.
14 Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions

Substitution of numerical values and expres- 2.7.1 Effect of Temperature Changes

sions for the various mole fractions in equation A
The temperature affects the equilibrium yield
primarily through its influence on the equilib-

100.0 - (0.280) 1
;.74 x 10~ 3 = •
/ 60.0 - A / 25.0 - (0.190)(0.885) (264.2)
\ 100.0 - U 1100.0 -

£(100.0 -
(60.0 - 0(25.0 _

This equation is quadratic in £. The solution is rium constant Ka. From equation 2.5.2 it follows
£ = 10.8. On the basis of 100 moles of starting that the equilibrium conversion is decreased as
material, the equilibrium composition is as the temperature increases for exothermic reac-
follows. tions. The equilibrium yield increases with in-
creasing temperature for .endothermic reactions.
Temperature changes also affect the value of
Mole numbers Mole percentages
Kf/p. The changes in this term, however, are
N2 15.0 16.8 generally very small compared to those in Ka.
H2O 49.2
C2H4 14.2 15.9 2.7.2 Effect of Total Pressure
C 2 H 5 OH 10.8 12.1
Total 89.2 100.0 The equilibrium constant Ka is independent of
pressure for those cases where the standard states
are taken as the pure components at 1 atm. This
case is the one used as the basis for deriving equa-
tion 2.6.9. TJie effect of pressure changes then
Equation 2.6.9 is an extremely useful relation for appears in the terms Kf/P and _p + t+-••-*-*•-^
determining the effects of changes in process The influence of pressure on KffP is quite small.
parameters on the equilibrium yield of a given However, for cases where there is no change in
product in a system in which only a single gas the total number of gaseous moles during the
phase reaction is important. It may be rewritten reaction, this is the only term by which pressure
as changes affect the equilibrium yield. For these

a nc ns (2.7.1)
nbBncc K f/p

Any change that increases the right side of cases the value of Kf/P should be calculated
equation 2.7.1 will increase the ratio of products from the fugacity coefficient charts for the sys-
to reactants in the equilibrium mixture and thus tem and conditions of interest in order to deter-
correspond to increased conversions. mine the effect of pressure on the equilibrium
2.8 Heterogeneous Reactions 15

yield. For those cases where the reaction pro- agent above that which would be obtained with
duces a change in the total number of gaseous stoichiometric ratios of the reactants.
species in the system, the term that has the
largest effect on the equilibrium yield of products 2.8 HETEROGENEOUS REACTIONS
is Ps + t+ b-c--\ Thus, if a reaction produces a
decrease in the total number of gaseous com- The fundamental fact on which the analysis of
ponents, the equilibrium yield is increased by an heterogeneous reactions is based is that when a
increase in pressure. If the total number of gas- component is present as a pure liquid or as a pure
eous moles is increased by reaction, the equilib- solid, its activity may be taken as unity, provided
rium yield decreases as the pressure increases. the pressure on the system does not differ very
much from the chosen standard state pressure.
2.7.3 Effect of Addition of Inert Gases At very high pressures, the effect of pressure on
solid or liquid activity may be determined using
The only term in equation 2.7.1 that is influenced the Poynting correction factor.
by the addition of inert gases is nl. Thus, for
reactions in which there is no change in the total p V dP
number of gaseous moles, addition of inerts has RT
no effect on the equilibrium yield. For cases
where there is a change, the effect produced by where V is the molal volume of the condensed
addition of inert gases is in the same direction as phase. The activity ratio is essentially unity at
that which would be produced by a pressure moderate pressures.
decrease. If we now return to our generalized reaction
2.4.5 and add to our gaseous components B, C,
S, and T a pure liquid or solid reactant D and a
2.7.4 Effect of Addition of Catalysts
pure liquid or solid product U with stoichio-
The equilibrium constant and equilibrium yield metric coefficients d and u, respectively, the re-
are independent of whether or not a catalyst is action may be written as

bB(g) + cC(g) + dD (/ or s) + •sS(g) + tT(g) + uU(/ or s) (2.8.2)

present. If the catalyst does not remove any of The equilibrium constant for this reaction is
the passive restraints that have been placed on
the system by opening up the possibility of addi- (2.8.3)
tional reactions, the equilibrium yield will not 4«C«B
be affected by the presence of this material.
When the standard states for the solid and
liquid species correspond to the pure species at
2.7.5 Effect of Excess Reactants
1 atm pressure or at a low equilibrium vapor
If nonstoichiometric amounts of reactants are pressure of the condensed phase, the activities of
present in the initial system, the presence of the pure species at equilibrium are taken as unity
excess reactants tends to increase the equilib- at all moderate pressures. Consequently, the gas
rium fractional conversion of the limiting re- phase composition at equilibrium will not be
16 Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions

affected by the amount of solid or liquid present. present at equilibrium. All of these reactions
At very high pressures equation 2.8.1 must be must be considered in calculating the equilib-
used to calculate these activities. When solid or rium composition.
liquid solutions are present, the activities of the In order to arrive at a consistent set of relation-
components of these solutions are no longer ships from which complex reaction equilibria
unity even at moderate pressures. In this case may be determined, one must develop the same
one needs data on the activity coefficients of the number of independent equations as there are
various species and the solution composition in unknowns. The following treatment indicates
order to determine the equilibrium composition one method of arriving at a set of chemical reac-
of the system. tions that are independent. It has been adopted
from the text by Aris (1).*
If R reactions occur simultaneously within a
system composed of S species, then one has R
stoichiometric equations of the form
The treatment of chemical reaction equilibria
outlined above can be generalized to cover the
situation where multiple reactions occur simul- £ v ^ . = 0 fc= 1 , 2 , . . . , / * (2.9.1)
i= 1
taneously. In theory one can take all conceivable
reactions into account in computing the com- where vki is the stoichiometric coefficient of
position of a gas mixture at equilibrium. How- species i in reaction k.
ever, because of kinetic limitations on the rate of Since the same reaction may be written with
approach to equilibrium of certain reactions, different stoichiometric coefficients, the impor-
one can treat many systems as if equilibrium is tance of the coefficients lies in the fact that the
achieved in some reactions, but not in others. In ratios of the coefficients of two species must be
many cases reactions that are thermodynami- identical no matter how the reaction is written.
cally possible do not, in fact, occur at appreciable Thus the stoichiometric coefficients of a reaction
rates. are given up to a constant multiplier X. The
In practice, additional simplifications occur equation
because at equilibrium many of the possible re-
actions occur either to a negligible extent, or £ foktA, = 0 (2.9.2)
else proceed substantially to completion. One
criterion for determining if either of these condi- has the same meaning as equation 2.9.1, pro-
tions prevails is to examine the magnitude of vided that X is nonzero. If three or more reactions
the equilibrium constant in question. If it is many can be written for a given system, one must test
orders of magnitude greater than unity, the re- to see if any is a multiple of one of the others and
action may be said to go to completion. If it is if any is a linear combination of two or more
orders of magnitude less than unity, the reaction others. We will use a set of elementary reactions
may be assumed to go to a negligible extent. In representing a mechanism for the H 2 — Br2
either event, the number of chemical species that reaction as a vehicle for indicating how one
must be considered is reduced and the analysis is may determine which of a set of reactions are
thereby simplified. After the simplifications are independent.
made, there may still remain a group of reactions
whose equilibrium constants are neither very * Rutherford Aris, Introduction to the Analysis of Chemical
small nor very large, indicating that appreciable Reactors, copyright 1965, pp. 10-13. Adapted by permis-
amounts of both products and reactants are sion of Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
2.9 Equilibrium Treatment of Simultaneous Reactions 17

Br2 -> 2Br In the present example the revised coefficient

Br + H 2 -> HBr + H matrix becomes
H + Br2 -> HBr + Br (2.9.3) 1 - 2 0 0 0
H + HBr -+ H 2 + Br 0 - 1 -1 1 1
2Br -> Br2 0 - 1 0 - 1 1 (2.9.9)
0 1 i _ i _ i
If we define
0 0 0 0 0
^ = Br2 A2 = Br /43 = H 2 The next step is to ignore the first row and
A4 = H A5 = HBr (2.9.4) the first column of this matrix and repeat the
then the above reactions may be written as above reduction on the resultant reduced matrix
containing R — 1 rows. Thus, equation 2.9.9
-Ax+ 2A2 =0 becomes
1 - 2 0 0 0
=0 (2.9.5) 0 1 1 - 1 - 1
0 0 1 - 2 0 (2.9.10)
Ax- 2A2 =0 0 0 0 0 0
To test for independence, form the matrix of 0 0 0 0 0
the stoichiometric coefficients of the above re- This procedure may be repeated as often as
actions with vki in the fcth row and the ith column. necessary until one has l's down the diagonal as
far as possible and zeros beneath them. In the
- 1 2 0 0 0
present case we have reached this point. If this
0 - 1 - 1 1 1 had not been the case, the next step would have
-1 1 0 - 1 1 (2.9.6) been to ignore the first two rows and columns
0 1 1 - 1 - 1 and to repeat the above operations on the re-
sultant array. The number of independent reac-
1 - 2 0 0 0
tions is then equal to the number of l's on the
Next, take the first row with a nonzero ele- diagonal.
ment in the first column and divide through by Once the number of independent reactions has
the leading element. If v n / 0, this will give a been determined, an independent subset can be
new first row of chosen for subsequent calculations.


This new row may now be used to make all other PRESENCE OF SIMULTANEOUS
elements of the first column zero by subtracting REACTIONS [ADAPTED FROM
vkl times the new first row from the corre- STRICKLAND-CONSTABLE (2)]
sponding element in the fcth row. This row then Consider a system that initially consists of 1 mole
becomes of CO and 3 moles of H 2 at 1000 °K. The system

0 Vi Vfc3 - Vkl - Vfcl ' (2.9.8)

18 Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions

pressure is 25 atm. The following reactions are The values of KP for reactions A and B are
to be considered. given by
2CO + 2H 2 ^± CH 4 + CO 2 (A)
p2 p2 ,,2 ,,2 p2
CO + 3H 2 - CH 4 + H 2 O (B) r
CO 2 + H 2 ^ H 2 O + CO (C)
• p p3
When the equilibrium constants for reactions CO H

A and B are expressed in terms of the partial The mole fractions of the various species may
pressures of the various species (in atmospheres), be expressed in terms of £A and £B so that the
the equilibrium constants for these reactions
above expressions for KP become
have the following values.
KPA = 0.046 KPB = 0.034
4 - 2^ - 2 4 - 2^ -
Determine the equilibrium composition of the


The first step in the analysis is to determine if the

chemical equations A to C are independent by
applying the test described above. When one ( *-
(,4-2 ~ 2 ^ - 2c^B/)
does this one finds that only two of the reactions
are independent. We will choose the first two UA-ZB V3 \3p2
for use in subsequent calculations. Let the vari- (,4-2 1
ables £A and £B represent the equilibrium de-
grees of advancement of reactions A and B,
respectively. A mole table indicating the mole
numbers of the various species present at equilib- Substitution of numerical values for F, KPyA
rium may be prepared using the following form and KP B gives two equations in two unknowns.
of equation 1.1.6. The resultant equations can be solved only by
trial and error techniques. In this case a simple
n. = ni0 + vAi£A + vBi£B
graphical approach can be employed in which
one plots £A versus £B for each equation and
Initial mole Equilibrium notes the point of intersection. Values of £A =
Species number mole number 0.128 and £,B = 0.593 are consistent with the
CO 1 1 - 2^ - SB
H2 3 3 It
CH 4 0 Species Mole number Mole fraction
CO 2 0
H2O 0 ZB CO 0.151 0.059
Total 4 4 - 14A - KB H2 0.965 0.377
CH 4 0.721 0.282
CO 2 0.128 0.050
The fact that none of the mole numbers can H2O 0.593 0.232
ever be negative places maximum values of 1/2
Total 2.558 1.000
on £A and 1 on I
Problems 19

2.10 SUPPLEMENTARY READING Tabulate the effects of the changes below on:
REFERENCES (a) Reaction velocity.
(b) Equilibrium constant.
The following texts contain adequate discussions
(c) Equilibrium degree of conversion.
of the thermodynamics of chemical reactions;
(d) Actual degree of conversion obtained in a
they can be recommended without implying
very short time interval at the start of the
judgment on others that are not mentioned.
1. K. G. Denbigh, The Principles of Chemical Equilibrium, Variables:
Third Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
(1) Increase in temperature.
(2) Increase of pressure.
2. O. A. Hougen, K. M. Watson, and R. A. Ragatz, Chemical
Process Principles, Part I, Material and Energy Balances
(3) Substitution of a less active catalyst.
and Part II, Thermodynamics, Second Edition, Wiley, (4) Dilution with argon at constant total
New York, 1954, 1959. pressure.
3. I. Prigogine and R. Defay, Chemical Thermodynamics, (5) Increase in the Reynolds number of the fluid
translated by D. H. Everett, Wiley, New York, 1954. in the reactor.
4. F. T. Wall, Chemical Thermodynamics, Second Edition, Appropriate tabular entries are: (increases), (de-
W. H. Freeman, San Francisco, 1965. creases), (no effect), (indeterminate).
5. K. S. Pitzer and L. Brewer, revision of Thermodynamics,
by G. N. Lewis and M. Randall, McGraw-Hill, New 2. Consider the ammonia synthesis reaction
York, 1961. being carried out at 450 °C and 101.3 MPa.
6. M. Modell and R. C. Reid, Thermodynamics and Its
Applications, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1974. IN2 + | H 2 - NH 3
The feed stream consists of 60 mole percent
LITERATURE CITATIONS hydrogen, 20% nitrogen, and 20% argon. Calcu-
1. Aris, R., Introduction to the Analysis of Chemical Reactors, late the composition of the exit gases, assuming
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N J , copyright © 1965. equilibrium is achieved in the reactor. Make
Used with permission. sure that you take deviations from the ideal gas
2. Strickland-Constable, R. F., "Chemical Thermodynam- law into account. The equilibrium constant ex-
ics," in Volume 8 of Chemical Engineering Practice, pressed in terms of activities relative to standard
edited by H. W. Cremer and S. B. Watkins, Butterworths,
London, 1965. Used with permission.
states at 1 atm may be assumed to be equal to
8.75 x 10" 3 . Thefugacity of pure H 2 at 450 °C
PROBLEMS and 101.3 MPa may be assumed to be equal to
136.8 MPa.
1. In the presence of an appropriate catalyst, ac-
etone reacts with hydrogen to give isopropanol. 3. A new process for the manufacture of acety-
lene has been proposed. The process will involve
CH3COCH3 + H 2 ^ CH3CHOHCH3 the dehydrogenation of ethane over a suitable
catalyst (yet to be found). Pure ethane will be
Standard enthalpies and Gibbs free energies of
fed to a reactor and a mixture of acetylene,
formation at 25 °C and 101.3 kPa are as follows.
hydrogen, and unreacted ethane will be with-
drawn. The reactor will operate at 101.3 kPa
AH°f (kJ/mole) AG°f (kJ/mole) total pressure and at some as yet unspecified
temperature T.
Acetone (g) -216.83 -152.61 The reaction
Isopropanol (g) -261.30 -159.94
C 2 H 6 -> C 2 H 2 2H 2
20 Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions

may be assumed to be the only reaction occur- is obtained, what is the composition of the
ring in the proposed reactor. The following data effluent mixture? The reactor may be as-
on the heats of formation of ethane and acety- sumed to operate isothermally at 101.3 kPa
lene are available. total pressure. Neglect any other reactions
that may occur.

AG/298 AHf2Q8
(kJ/mole) (kJ/mole)
4. As a thermodynamicist working at the Lower
Slobbovian Research Institute, you have been
Ethane -32.908 -84.724 asked to determine the standard Gibbs free en-
Acetylene 209.340 226.899 ergy of formation and the standard enthalpy of
formation of the compounds ds-butene-2 and
£raws-butene-2. Your boss has informed you that
The standard states of these materials are taken the standard enthalpy of formation of butene-1 is
as the pure components at 298 °K and a pressure 1.172 kJ/mole while the standard Gibbs free
of 101.3 kPa. The following data on the absolute energy of formation is 72.10 k J/mole where the
entropies of the hydrocarbons at 298 °K are standard state is taken as the pure component
available. at 25 °C and 101.3 kPa.
Your associate, Kem Injuneer, has been
testing a new catalyst for selective butene isom-
erization reactions. He says that the only re-
(J/mole • K)
actions that occur to any appreciable extent over
Ethane 229.65 this material are:
Acetylene 200.95
butene-1 ^ ds-butene-2
ds-butene-2 ^ trarcs-butene-2
(a) What is the standard Gibbs free energy
change at 25 °C for the reaction as written? He has reported the following sets of data from
(b) What is the standard enthalpy change at his system as being appropriate for equilibrium
25 °C for the reaction as written? conditions.
(c) What is the absolute entropy of gaseous
hydrogen at 25 °C and a pressure of 101.3 Run I
kPa? Use only the above data in evaluating Reactor pressure 53.33 kPa
this quantity. Reactor temperature 25 °C
(d) What is the equilibrium constant for the Gas composition (mole percent):
reaction at 25 °C? butene-1 3.0
(e) If the standard enthalpy change may be as- cis-butene-2 21.9
sumed to be essentially independent of tem- trans-butene-2 75.1
perature, what is the equilibrium constant
for the reaction at 827 °C? Run II
Reactor pressure 101.3 kPa
(f) If we supply pure ethane at 827 °C and a
Reactor temperature 127 °C
pressure of 101.3 kPa to the reactor de-
Gas composition (mole percent):
scribed above and if equilibrium with respect butene-1 8.1
to the reaction cis-butene-2 28.8
trans-butQnQ-2 63.1
C 22 H 6 C2H2 2H 2
Problems 21

Kem maintains that you now have enough data

Component Mole percent
to determine the values of AGf° and AHf° for
the two isomers of butene-2 at 25 °C. O2 0.10
Proceed to evaluate these quantities. State so 2 0.12
specifically what assumptions you must make so 3 78.18
in your analysis and comment on their validity. Helium 21.60
Use only the above data.
(a) What is the equilibrium constant for the
5. Hydrogen can be manufactured from carbon reaction at 25 °C and 1.013 kPa?
monoxide by the water gas shift reaction (b) What is the equilibrium constant for the
H2 reaction at 227 °C and 1.013 kPa?
CO + H 2 O ^± CO 2
(c) What is the standard enthalpy change for the
At 900 °F the equilibrium constant for this re- reaction if it is assumed to be temperature
action is 5.62 when the standard states for all independent?
species are taken as unit fugacity. If the reaction (d) Will the equilibrium constant for the re-
is carried out at 75 atm, what molal ratio of action at 25 °C and 101.3 kPa be greater
steam to carbon monoxide is required to pro- than, equal to, or less than that calculated in
duce a product mixture in which 90% of the part (a)? Explain your reasoning.
inlet CO is converted to CO 2 ?
8. A company has a large ethane (C 2 H 6 ) stream
6. (a) What is the composition of an equilib- available and has demands for both ethylene
rium mixture of N O 2 and N 2 O 4 at 25 °C (C 2 H 4 ) and acetylene (C 2 H 2 ). The relative
and 101.3 kPa? It may be assumed that amounts of these two chemicals required varies
the only chemical reaction involved is: from time to time, and the company proposes to
build a single plant operating at atmospheric
N2O4(</) - 2NO2(g) pressure to produce either material.
(b) Calculate values of the Gibbs free energy (a) Using the data below, calculate the maxi-
of mixtures of these two substances at mum temperature at which the reactor may
25 °C and 101.3 kPa for several different operate and still produce essentially ethylene
compositions from 0 to 1.0 mole fraction (not more than 0.1% acetylene).
N 2 O 4 . Base your calculations on a mix- (b) Calculate the minimum temperature at
ture containing 2 gram atoms of nitrogen. which the reactor can operate and produce
Plot the results versus composition. Com- essentially acetylene (not more than 0.1%
pare the composition at the minimum ethylene).
with that determined in part (a). (c) At what temperature will one produce
equimolal quantities of acetylene and
7. At 25 °C the standard Gibbs free energy ethylene?
change for the reaction Data and Notes: Assume that only the following
reactions occur.
so2 so 3 C2H6 H2
is — 70.04 kJ/mole where the standard states are
taken as the pure components at 101.3 kPa and
Neglect the effect of temperature on AH0.
25 °C. At 227 °C and a total system pressure of
1.013 kPa, the following equilibrium compo- 9. A gas mixture containing only equimolal
sition was determined experimentally. quantities of CO 2 and H 2 is to be "reformed" by
22 Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions

flowing it over a powerful catalyst at 1000 °K 11. Methanol may be synthesized from hydro-
and at various pressures. Over what range of gen and carbon monoxide in the presence of an
pressures may carbon deposit on the catalyst? appropriate catalyst.
Over what range of pressures will it not deposit?
CO + 2H 2 ^± CH 3 OH
Note. Assume that only the reactions given in
the table occur, and that equilibrium is attained. If one has a feed stream containing these gases in
stoichiometric proportions (H 2 /CO = 2) at 200
X atm and 275 °C, determine the effluent composi-
tion from the reactor:
3.16 (a) If it operates isothermally and equilibrium
C + 2H 2 O ^ CO 2 + 2H 2 5.01 is achieved.
CO 2 + C ^ 2CO 2.00 (b) If it operates adiabatically and equilibrium
CO + H 2 O ^ C O 2 + H 2 1.58 is achieved. (Also determine the effluent
For an initial ratio of CO 2 to H 2 of unity, what Data:
must the pressure be if exactly 30% of the carbon (1) AH0 = -17,530 - 18.19T + 0.0141T2 for
present in the feed can precipitate as solid AH0 in calories per gram mole and T in
carbon? degrees Kelvin.
The equilibrium constants are based on a (2) Molal heat capacities at constant pressure
standard state of unit fugacity for the gaseous H2 Cp = 6.65 + 0.00070 T
species and on a standard state corresponding CO Cp = 6.89 + O.OOO38 T
to the pure solid for carbon.
CH3OH Cp = 2.0 + 0.03T
10. Butadiene can be produced by the dehydro- for Cp in calories per gram mole-degree
genation of butene over an appropriate catalyst. Kelvin.
C4H8 (3) Equilibrium constant expressed in terms of
H2 C4H6
In order to moderate the thermal effects asso-
ciated with the reaction, large quantities of 3835
Kf = - 9.150 l o g 1 0 T
steam are usually injected with the butene feed.
Steam/butene ratios of 10 to 20 are typical of the
+ 3.08 x 10" 3 T + 13.20
conditions employed in many industrial reac-
tors. If equilibrium is achieved within the reactor, (4) Note that in part (b) a trial and error solu-
determine the effluent composition correspond- tion is required. (Hint. The effluent tempera-
ing to the conditions enumerated below. ture will be close to 700 CK.)

Effluent temperature 820 K

Effluent pressure 101.3 kPa
Feed composition (mole percent)
Steam (H2O) 92%
Thermodynamic data at 800 °K AG°f (kJ/mole) AH°f (kJ/mole)
H 2 O (g) -203.66 -246.53
Butene (g) 207.04 -21.56
Butadiene (g) 228.10 97.34
0 0
Problems 23

12.* In a laboratory investigation a high-pres- From these experimental data and the physi-
sure gas reaction A ^ 2B is being studied in a cal properties listed below:
flow reactor at 200 °C and 10.13 MPa. At the end (a) Calculate the composition of the gas stream
of the reactor the gases are in chemical equilib- before the sampling valve.
rium, and their composition is desired. (b) Are the gases at, near, or far from chemical
Unfortunately, to make any analytical mea- equilibrium after the sampling valve? (Show
surements on this system, it is necessary to bleed definite proof for your answer.)
off a small side stream through a low-pressure Data and Allowable Assumptions:
conductivity cell operating at 1 atm. It is found (1) Heat of the reaction, AH = 29.31 kJ/mole of
that when the side stream passes through the A reacting, independent' of temperature.
sampling valve, the temperature drops to 100 °C (2) Heat capacities: 58.62 J/mole-°K for A
arid the conductivity cell gives compositions of and 29.31 J/mole-°K for B, independent of
yA = 0.5 and yB = 0.5 (mole fractions). temperature.
(3) The gas mixture is ideal at all pressures,
temperatures, and compositions.
: (4) The flow through the sampling valve is a true
Adapted from Michael Modell and Robert C. Reid,
Thermodynamics and Its Applications, copyright © 1974. Joule-Thompson expansion.
Reprinted by permission of Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood (5) Assume no heat loss in the sampling line or
Cliffs, N. J. across sampling valve.
Concepts in Chemical

3 Kinetics—Determination of the
Reaction Rate Expression
3.0 INTRODUCTION metric system of units, (e.g., mole/liter • sec or
This chapter defines a number of terms that are
Changes in the mole numbers nt of the various
used by the chemical kineticist and treats some
species involved in a reaction are related to the
of the methods employed in the analysis of
extent of reaction by equation 1.1.4
laboratory data to determine empirical rate ex-
pressions for the systems under investigation. P =
^ (3.0.2)
It is convenient to approach the concept of
reaction rate by considering a closed, isothermal, Differentiation of this equation with respect to
constant pressure homogeneous system of uni- time and substitution in equation 3.0.1 gives
form composition in which a single chemical
reaction is taking place. In such a system the rate
of the chemical reaction (r) is defined as:
If one defines the rate of increase of the moles
r (3.0.1) of species / as
V dt
r,= - V~dt (3.0.4)
V = system volume then
£ = extent of reaction r
i = (3.0.5)
t = time :itivp for nrr»Hn<M c anr\

Several facts about this definition should be negative for reactants, and since the reaction rate
noted. r is intrinsically positive, the various rt will have
the same sign as the corresponding vf and dnjdt
1. The rate is defined as an intensive variable. will have the appropriate sign (i.e., positive for
Note that the reciprocal of system volume is products and negative for reactants).
outside the derivative term. This considera- In the analysis of engineering systems, one
tion is important in treating variable volume frequently encounters systems whose properties
systems. vary from point to point within the system. Just
2. The definition is independent of any parti- as it is possible to define local temperatures,
cular reactant or product species. pressures, concentrations, etc., it is possible to
3. Since the reaction rate almost invariably generalize equations 3.0.1 and 3.0.4 to define
changes with time, it is necessary to use the local reaction rates.
time derivative to express tfye instantaneous In constant volume systems it is convenient
rate of reaction. to employ the extent per unit volume £*
Many sets of units may be used to measure
reaction rates. Since the extent of reaction is b
expressed in terms of moles, the reaction rate has
and to denote the rate in such cases as
the units of moles transformed per unit time per
unit volume. The majority of the data reported (3.0.7)
in the literature is expressed in some form of the V dt dt

3.0 Introduction 25

In terms of molar concentrations, Q = nJV,

and equation 3.0.3 becomes lm (3.0.11)
W dt
1 dQ
rv = — = — (3.O.! (3.0.12)
V,- dt V dt
The rate of reaction at constant volume is thus where yv and V are the weight and volume of
proportional to the time derivative of the molar the solid particles dispersed in the fluid phase.
concentration. However, it should be emphasized The subscript and superscript emphasize the
that in general the rate of reaction is not equal to definition employed.
the time derivative of a concentration. Moreover, The choice of the definition of the rate to be
omission of the l/\\ term frequently leads to used in any given situation is governed by con-
errors in the analysis and use of kinetic data. venience in use. The various forms of the defini-
When one substitutes the product of concentra- tion are interrelated, and kineticists should be
tion and volume for nt in equation 3.0.3, the capable of switching from one form to another
essential difference between equations 3.0.3 and without excessive difficulty.
3.0.8 becomes obvious. Many process variables can affect the rate at
which reactants are converted into products. The
conversion rate should be considered as a
V dt dt dt phenomenological property of the reaction sys-
In variable volume systems the dV/dt term is tem under the given operating conditions. The
significant. Although equation 3.0.9 is a valid nature of the dependence of the conversion rate
one arrived at by legitimate mathematical on macroscopic or laboratory variables cannot
operations, its use in the analysis of rate data is be completely determined on an a priori basis.
extremely limited because of the awkward nature On the contrary, recourse to experimental data
of the equations to which it leads. Equation on the reaction involved and on the relative rates
3.0.1 is preferred. of the physical and chemical processes involved
Many reactions take place in heterogeneous is almost always necessary. Among the variables
systems rather than in a single homogeneous that can influence the rate of conversion are the
phase. These reactions often occur at the inter- system temperature, pressure and composition,
face between the two phases. In such cases it is the properties of a catalyst that may be present,
appropriate to define the reaction rate in terms and the system parameters that govern the
of the interfacial area (S) available for reaction. various physical transport processes (i.e., the
flow conditions, degree of mixing, and the heat
and mass transfer parameters of the system).
(3.0.10) Since several of these variables may change from
location to location within the reactor under
The double prime superscript is used to em- consideration, a knowledge of the relationship
phasize the basis of unit surface area. between these variables and the conversion rate
In many cases, however, the interfacial area is needed if one is to be able to integrate the
is not known, particularly when one is dealing appropriate material balance equations over the
with a heterogeneous catalytic reaction in- reactor volume. It is important to note that in
volving a liquid phase and a solid catalyst. many situations of practical engineering impor-
Consequently, the following definitions of the tance, the conversion rate is not identical with the
reaction rate are sometimes useful. intrinsic chemical reaction rate evaluated using
26 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

the bulk fluid properties. The conversion rate rium, the rate expressions can generally be
takes into account the effects of both chemical written in the form
and physical rate processes. The intrinsic rate
r = /c0(Q) (3.0.13)
may be thought of as the conversion rate that
would exist if all physical rate processes occurred where </>(Q) is a function that depends on the
at infinitely fast rates. concentrations (Q) of the various species
Chapter 12 treats situations where both present in the system (reactants, products,
physical and chemical rate processes influence catalysts, and inhibitors). This function (j){Ci)
the conversion rate; the present chapter is con- may also depend on the temperature. The
cerned only with those situations where physical coefficient k is called the reaction rate con-
rate processes are unimportant. This approach stant. It does not depend on the composition
permits us to focus our concern on the variables of the system and is consequently indepen-
that influence intrinsic chemical reaction rates dent of time in an isothermal system.
(i.e., temperature, pressure, composition, and the 5. The rate constant k generally varies with the
presence or absence of catalysts in the system). absolute temperature T of the system accord-
In reaction rate studies one's goal is a pheno- ing to the law proposed by Arrhenius.
menological description of a system in terms of a
k = Ae'E/RT (3.0.14)
limited number of empirical constants. Such
descriptions permit one to predict the time-
E is the apparent activation energy of the
dependent behavior of similar systems. In these
studies the usual procedure is to try to isolate the
R is the gas constant
effects of the different variables and to investigate
A is the preexponential factor, sometimes
each independently. For example, one encloses
called the frequency factor, which is as-
the reacting system in a thermostat in order to
sumed to be a temperature independent
maintain it at a constant temperature.
Several generalizations can be made about the
6. Very often the function </>(C;) in equation
variables that influence reaction rates. Those
3.0.13 is temperature independent and, to a
that follow are in large measure adapted from
high degree of approximation, can be written
Boudart's text (1).
1. The rate of a chemical reaction depends on
the temperature, pressure, and composition
where the product f| is taken over all com-
of the system under investigation.
ponents of the system. The exponents /?£ are
2. Certain species that do not appear in the
the orders of the reaction with respect to each
stoichiometric equation for the reaction
of the i species present in the system. The
under study can markedly affect the. reaction
algebraic sum of the exponents is called the
rate, even when they are present in only trace
total order or overall order of the reaction.
amounts. These materials are known as
7. If one considers a system in which both for-
catalysts or inhibitors, depending on whether
ward and reverse reactions are important, the
they increase or decrease the reaction rate.
net rate of reaction can generally be expressed
3. At a constant temperature, the rate of reaction as the difference between the rate in the for-
generally decreases monotonically with time ward direction f and that in the opposite
or extent of reaction. direction f.
4. If one considers reactions that occur in
systems that are far removed from equilib- r = r — r (3.0.16)
3.0 Introduction 27

3.0.1 Reaction Orders consumed by reaction is negligible compared to

the total amount present. Under these circum-
The manner in which the reaction rate varies
stances, its concentration may be regarded as
with the concentrations of the reactants and
remaining essentially constant throughout the
products is indicated by stating the order of the
course of the reaction, and the product of the
reaction. If equation 3.0.15 is written in more
reaction rate constant and the concentration of
explicit form as
this species raised to the appropriate order will
r = kCpAACpBBCpcc (3.0.17) also be constant. This product is then an ap-
parent or empirical pseudo rate constant, and a
the reaction is said to be of the pAth order with
corresponding pseudo reaction order can be
respect to A, pBth order with respect to B, etc.
determined from the new form of the rate
The overall order of the reaction (m) is simply
= PA + PB + Pc + (3.0.18)
3.0.2 The Reaction Rate Constant
These exponents /}f may be small integers or
fractions, and they may take on both positive The term reaction rate constant is actually a
and negative values as well as the value zero. In misnomer, since k may vary with temperature,
many cases these exponents are independent of the solvent for the reaction, and the concentra-
temperature. In other cases where the experi- tions of any catalysts that may be present in the
mental data have been forced to fit expressions of reaction system. The term is in universal use,
the form of equation 3.0.17, the exponents will however, because it implies that the parameter k
vary slightly with temperature. In these cases is independent of the concentrations of reactant
the observed correlation should be applied only and product species.
in a restricted temperature interval. The reaction rate is properly defined in terms
It must be emphasized that, in general, the of the time derivative of the extent of reaction. It
individual orders of the reaction (/?,-) are not is necessary to define k in a similar fashion in
related to the corresponding stoichiometric order to ensure uniqueness. Definitions in terms
coefficients vf. The individual pt's are quantities of the various rt would lead to rate constants that
that must be determined experimentally. would differ by ratios of their stoichiometric
It is important to recognize that by no means coefficients.
can all reactions be said to have an order. For The units of the rate constant will vary de-
example, the gas phase reaction of H 2 and Br2 pending on the overall order of the reaction.
to form HBr has a rate expression of the follow- These units are those of a rate divided by the mth
ing form: power of concentration, as is evident from
fc(H2)(Br2)1/2 equations 3.0.17 and 3.0.18.
r = (3.0.19)
1 + (r) (moles/volume-time)
(Br2) (k) = (3.0.20)
(CT ~ (moles/volume)m
where k and k' are constants at a given tempera-
ture and where the molecular species contained
in brackets refer to the concentrations of these (k) =.time ^moles/volume)" (3.0.21)
species. This rate expression is discussed in more
detail in Section 4.2.1. For a first-order reaction, the units of k are
When one reactant is present in very large time" 1 ; for the second-order case, typical units
excess, the amount of this material that can be are m3/mole-sec.
28 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

3.1 MATHEMATICAL CHARACTERIZATION to the condition that £* = 0 at t = 0 gives

Although the reaction rate function can take on
a variety of mathematical forms and the reaction Thus
orders that one observes in the laboratory are
not necessarily positive integers, a surprisingly (3.1.5)V
large number of reactions have an overall order
that is an integer. This section treats the mathe- The species concentrations at various times
matical forms that the integrated rate expression can now be determined from the reaction
will take for several simple cases. The discussion stoichiometry.
is restricted to irreversible reactions carried out
isothermally. It provides a framework for sub- Ct = Ci0 = Ci0 + ^
sequent treatment of the results that are ob-
served in the laboratory. We start by treating (3.1.6)V
constant volume systems that lead to closed
form solutions and then proceed to the compli- If one is interested in the time dependence of
cations present in variable volume systems. We the concentration of species A and if the stoichio-
have chosen to place a "V" to the right of certain metric coefficient of A is equal to —1, this
equation numbers in this section to emphasize to relation becomes
the reader that these equations are not general, Q = CAOe-b (3.1.7)V
but are restricted to constant volume systems.
The use of £*, the extent of reaction per unit or
volume in a constant volume system, will also = -kt (3.1.8)V
emphasize this restriction.
In graphical form, these two relations imply
3.1.1 Mathematical Characterization of that for first-order reactions, plots of in CA
Simple Constant Volume Reaction Systems versus time will be linear with a slope equal to
( — k) and an intercept equal to £n CA0. Since First-Order Reactions in Constant Vol- this type of plot is linear, it is frequently used in
ume Systems. In a first-order reaction the re- testing experimental data to see if a reaction is
action rate is proportional to the first power of first order.
the concentration of one of the reacting sub- A great many reactions follow first-order
stances. kinetics or pseudo first-order kinetics over cer-
tain ranges of experimental conditions. Among
r = kCA (3.1.1) these are many pyrolysis reactions, the cracking
For a constant volume system of butane, the decomposition of nitrogen pen-
toxide (N 2 O 5 ), and the radioactive disintegra-
CA = CA0 + vA£* (3.1.2)V tion of unstable nuclei.
Combination of this equation with equations
3.0.7 and 3.1.1 gives Second-Order Reactions in Constant Vol-
ume Systems. There are two primary types of
= fc(cA0 (3.1.3)V second-order reactions: for the first the rate is
proportional to the square of the concentration
Separation of variables and integration subject of a single reacting species; for the second the
3.1 Mathematical Characterization of Simple Reaction Systems 29

rate is proportional to the product of the con- For Class II second-order rate expressions of
centrations of two different species. the form of equation 3.1.10, the rate can be
2 expressed in terms of the extent of reaction per
Class I: rr —
— kC
K^A (3.1.9)
unit volume as
Class II: r = kC4CR (3.1.10)
For Class I second-order rate expressions, rv = ^ = k(CA0 + v A£*)(C +
combining equations 3.0.7, 3.1.2, and 3.1.9 gives

When the stoichiometric coefficients of species

= k(C
dt A0 A and B are identical and when one starts with
equal concentrations of these species, the Class
Integration of this equation subject to the
II rate expression will collapse to the Class I
initial condition that £,* — 0 at t = 0 gives
form because, under these conditions, one can
1 1 always say that CA = CB.
= kt (3.1.12)V Separation of variables and integration of
equation 3.1.16 leads to the following relation.
1 ~(C n (CA = (CAOvB - CBOvA)kt
= -v>r
c7 cAO (CB0
A0 + (Co)
The concentrations of the various species can
then be determined by solving equation 3.1.12 or
CAO{1 - - CBOvA)ki]}
for £* and employing basic stoichiometric
relations. C AO
vA Qxp[(CAOvB - CBOvA)kt] - vB

= C = Ci
i0 - vAkCAOt
Since two of the terms within the brackets in
equation 3.1.17 are the residual reactant con-
If vA is equal to — 1, equation 3.1.13 becomes centrations at time t or extent £*, it is often
useful to rewrite this equation as
1 1 mis)v
CA " CA0 " C \ IC \~1
7^ 7^ = ( C ^ o V B - CB0VA)kt
In testing experimental data to see if it fits this
type of rate expression, one plots 1/CA versus t.
If the data fall on a straight line, the rate expres- or
sion is of the form of equation 3.1.9, and the
slope and intercept of the line are equal to
— vAk and 1/CAO, respectively.
Many second-order reactions follow Class I (3.1.20)V
rate expressions. Among these are the gas-phase These equations are convenient for use in de-
thermal decomposition of hydrogen iodide termining if experimental rate data follow Class
(2HI -• H 2 + I 2 ), dimerization of cyclopen- II second-order kinetics in that they predict a
tadiene (2C 5 H 6 -> C 1 0 H 1 2 ), and the gas phase linear relationship between ln(CB/CA) and time.
thermal decomposition of nitrogen dioxide The y intercept is ln(CB0/CA0) and the slope is
(2NO 2 -* 2NO + O 2 ). {CAOvB - CBOvA)k.
30 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

Class II second-order rate expressions are one Class II Third-Order Rate Expression:
of the most common forms one encounters in the
laboratory. They include the gas phase reaction 1 1 1 '
of molecular hydrogen and iodine (H 2 -f I 2 -• ^AO r r
2HI), the reactions of free radicals with mole-
cules (e.g., H + Br2 -> HBr -f Br), and the hy-
= (CAOvB - CBOvA)kt (3.1.26)V
drolysis of organic esters in nonaqueous media.
In this case one obtains an expression for <!;* Third-Order Reactions in Constant Vol- that cannot be manipulated to yield a simple
ume Systems. Third-order reactions can be algebraic form. However, if the concentration
classified into three primary types, according to of one species is known as a function of time, the
the general definition. concentrations of all other species may be deter-
Class I: (3.1.21) mined from the definition of the extent of reac-
tion per unit volume; that is,
Class II: r = kC\CB (3.1.22)
Class III: r = kCACBCQ (3.1.23) Ci - Ci0
If one uses reactants in precisely stoichio-
metric concentrations, the Class II and Class III Hence,
rate expressions will reduce to the mathematical
form of the Class I rate function. Since the mathe- J = CJo + ~(Ci - Cl0) (3.1.28)V
matical principles employed in deriving the re-
lation between the extent of reaction or the Class III Third-Order Rate Expression:

- vBCQ0) In

vB(vACQ0 - vQCA0) = kt(vACB0 - vBCA0)(vACQ0 - vQCA0)(vQCB0 - vBCQ0) (3.1.29)V


concentrations of the various species and time The last equation has extremely limited
are similar to those used in Sections and utility and is presented more as a subject of, we will list only the most useful results. academic interest than of practicality.
Gas phase third-order reactions are rarely
Class I Third-Order Rate Expression:
encountered in engineering practice. Perhaps
1 1 the best-known examples of third-order reac-
2 = -2vAkt (3.1.24)V tions are atomic recombination reactions in the
presence of a third body in the gas phase and
the reactions of nitric oxide with chlorine and
CAO oxygen: (2NO + Cl 2 -* 2NOC1; 2NO + O 2 -»
- 1 (3.1.25)V
2NO 2 ).
3.1 Mathematical Characterization of Simple Reaction Systems 31 Fractional and Other Order Reactions in Unfortunately, when one combines this rela-
Constant Volume Systems. In chemical kinet- tion with the rate functions for various reaction
ics, one frequently encounters reactions whose orders, the situation is entirely different from
orders are not integers. Consider a reaction that which prevails in the constant volume case.
involving only a single reactant A whose rate One cannot develop explicit closed form expres-
expression is of the form sions for the extent of reaction as a function of
time for all the cases treated in Section 3.1.1.
= kCA = k(C (3.1.30)V Since the only common case for which one can
dt A0 develop such a solution is the first-order reac-
tion, we will start by considering this case. Since
Systems composed of stoichiometric propor-
tions of reactants also have rate expressions that 140
will often degenerate to the above form. C - UA
- (3.1.33)
Except for the case where n is unity, equation ~V~
3.1.30 can be integrated to give the first-order rate expression becomes

1 1 = (1 n)Vjikt (3.1.34)
VAQ " c^ " V dt
Solution of this equation subject to the
or condition that £ = 0 at t = 0 gives
n-i rn-i ~ (1 n)\Akt
±A (3.1.35)
Among the reactions whose orders are not or
integers are the pyrolysis of acetaldehyde (3.1.36)
(n = 3/2), and the formation of phosgene from
CO and Cl 2 [r = fc(Cl2)3/2(CO)]. For reaction orders other than unity, one
must treat the various reactions on an individual
3.1.2 Mathematical Characterization of basis and be able to express the total volume of
Simple Variable Volume Reaction Systems the mixture as a function of the composition,
temperature, and pressure of the system. In
From the viewpoint of an engineer who must
many cases of interest in kinetics, one is inter-
design commercial reactors to carry out gaseous
ested in reactions that occur at constant pressure
reactions involving changes in the total number
and temperature. In such situations one can say
of moles present in the system, it is important to
recognize that such reactions are usually ac-
companied by changes in the specific volume of V = V(nl9n29-")= V(nj) (3.1.37)
the system under study. These considerations
are particularly important in the design of If the functional form of this relation is known
continuous flow reactors. For these systems one (e.g., if one is dealing with a gaseous system that
must employ the basic definition of the reaction behaves ideally), this relationship can be com-
rate given by equation 3.0.1. bined with equation 3.0.1 and the appropriate
rate function to obtain a differential equation,
(3.0.1) which can then be integrated numerically or in
V dt explicit form. If we consider a generalized rate
32 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

expression of the form place at constant pressure under conditions such

that deviations from the ideal gas law are negli-
gible. The total volume of the system is then
given by
one can combine this relation with equation
3.0.1 to give
V = "total-7T (3.1-42)

The various mole numbers can be expressed l>total(at/i = 1) - Hto = 0)]
in terms of the extent of reaction and the initial SA =
mole numbers. If the functional form of V is RT
known (e.g., ideal gas behavior), one obtains a
differential equation that can be integrated even = 1) - - 0)
if it is necessary to resort to numerical methods
«total(at/i = 0)
to do so.
In the analysis of experimental rate data taken (3.1.43)
in variable volume systems it is possible to If one starts with a mixture consisting of 2
develop another expression for the rate of moles of hydrogen, 4 moles of ethylene, and 3
formation of species i that is more convenient moles of inert gases, the following mole table
to use than equation 3.1.39. This alternative may be established.
approach has been popularized by Levenspiel
(2). It involves the use of fraction conversion
rather than concentration as a primary variable Moles fA= 1
and is applicable only to systems in which the
volume varies linearly with the fraction con- H2 2 0
version. C2H4 4 2
C2H6 0 2
V = K0(l + SAfA) (3.1.40) Inerts 3 3
The fraction conversion is based on the limiting Total 9 7
reagent, in this case assumed to be species A. The
parameter 5A is the fraction change in the volume In this case the hydrogen is the limiting re-
of a closed reacting system between zero con- agent and equation 3.1.43 gives
version and complete conversion. As such it may
take on both positive and negative values. Hence 7-9 2
~ ~~9 ~~ ~ 9
If 2 moles of ethane were present in the origi-
nal mixture used in the last example, the value of
This parameter takes into account the pres- 3A becomes —(2/11). The reader should verify
ence of inerts, the use of nonstoichiometric quan- this point.
tities of reactants, and the presence of one or If one is dealing with a gaseous system in
more of the reaction products in the original which deviations from ideality are negligible, one
system. To illustrate this point, let us consider as may take variations in the absolute temperature
an example the isothermal gas phase hydrogena- and the absolute pressure into account by a
tion of ethylene (C 2 H 4 + H 2 -• C 2 H 6 ) taking slight modification of equations 3.1.40 and
3.2 Experimental Aspects of Kinetic Studies 33

3.1.41. In this case, which one need not be concerned with consecu-
tive reactions. The assumption is also valid for
V= F0( ^1 ^ r
(3.1.44) many nonisothermal condensed phase systems.
For nonisothermal or variable pressure gaseous
with systems a modification of the form of equation
3.1.44 is more appropriate for use.
To develop expressions for the reaction rate
in variable volume systems, one need only return
(3.1.45) to the fundamental definition of the reaction
where the temperature T and the pressure P rate (3.0.1) and combine this relation with equa-
correspond to a given fraction conversion fA. tions 3.1.40 and 3.1.48.
To determine the concentration of the limiting n
A0 "JA
reagent at a given fraction conversion one need
sAfA v4 dt
only note that
nA = nA0(l - fA) (3.1.46)
and that at constant temperature and pressure,
For variable volume systems equation 3.1.51 is
^4 = nA0{\ - fA) " fA) much simpler in form and easier to use than
= CA equation 3.0.9.
V V0(l + 5AfA) SAfA)
(3.1.47) 1 dC, Ci_d_V_
= (3-0.9)
The concentrations of the other species pres- V; dt
ent in the reaction mixture may be found by The 6A concept will prove to be particularly use-
using the extent concept. From equation 1.1.9, ful in the design of tubular reactors for gas phase
-nAOfA (3.1.48)

= n = ni0 - (3.1.49) The chief significance of reaction rate functions

is that they provide a satisfactory framework for
The concentration of species i is then given by the interpretation and evaluation of experimen-
tal kinetic data. This section indicates how a
chemical engineer can interpret laboratory scale
ni0 ~ ~ nAOfA
r - H
- kinetic data in terms of such functions. Emphasis
Ci (3.1.50)
~v~ VO{1 + SAfA) is placed on the problems involved in the evalua-
tion and interpretation of kinetic data.
Equations 3.1.47 and 3.1.50 express the rela- One should be very careful to distinguish be-
tion between system concentrations and the frac- tween the problem of determining the reaction
tion conversion for variable-volume systems rate function and the problem of determining
that satisfy the linearity assumption of equation the mechanism of the reaction. The latter in-
3.1.40. This assumption is a reasonably unre- volves a determination of the exact series of
strictive one that is valid for all practical pur- molecular processes involved in the reaction. It
poses in isothermal constant pressure systems in is by far the more difficult problem. From the
34 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

viewpoint of the chemical engineer, who is in- reaction. Even though the reaction under investi-
terested in the design of commercial scale re- gation may be reported in textbooks, isolation
actors, a knowledge of the reaction mechanism and identification of the products should be
is useful, but not essential. Such individuals are carried out with the products of the reaction run
more concerned with the problem of determin- under the conditions of the rate measurement.
ing reaction rate expressions for use in design Errors exist in the literature, and one may have
calculations. Since this function must be deter- components present in his or her system that
mined experimentally, we now turn our atten- may promote side reactions and/or inhibit the
tion to some of the points to be considered in reaction that one thinks is being studied.
obtaining kinetic data. Are Side Reactions Important? What is
3.2.1 Preliminary Questions to be Answered the Stoichiometry of the Reaction? When a
in Experimental Kinetics Studies mixture of various species is present in a reaction
vessel, one often has to worry about the possibil-
Since the proper design of chemical reactors ity that several reactions, and not just a single
requires a knowledge of the reaction rate expres- reaction, may occur. If one is trying to study one
sion for the system under consideration, it is particular reaction, side reactions complicate
essential that the chemical engineer thoroughly chemical analysis of the reaction mixture and
understand the methods by which these empiri- mathematical analysis of the raw data. The stoi-
cal functions are determined. One should be chiometry of the reaction involved and the rela-
extremely careful in experimental work to ob- tive importance of the side reactions must be
tain a valid rate expression by taking appro- determined by qualitative and quantitative anal-
priate precautions in the laboratory and in the lysis of the products of the reaction at various
interpretation of the data. Since many kinetic times. If one is to observe the growth and decay
data in the literature are in error in one impor- of intermediate products in series reactions,
tant respect or another and since many experi- measurements must be made on the reaction
enced chemists and chemical engineers have system before the reaction goes to completion.
erred in carrying out kinetics experiments, it is
crucial for the beginning student to be aware of Are the Conditions of the Experiment
some of the pitfalls. The sections that follow Properly Specified? All kineticists should re-
treat several aspects of kinetic experimentation cognize the importance in experimental work of
that must be considered if one is to obtain using pure materials, of controlling and mea-
meaningful data. The discussion is patterned suring temperatures accurately, and of recording
after Bunnett's (3) treatment in Technique of times properly. Nonetheless, it is very common
Organic Chemistry. for individuals to "save time" by using reactants
or solvents that are not properly purified. Is the Reaction Under Study Properly The first tendency of the chemist involved in
Identified? It may seem ridiculous to ask the experimental kinetics work might well be to say
experimenter whether the reaction whose ki- that one should purify the reagents and solvents
netics are being studied is actually the reaction as much as possible. On the other hand, the first
he or she thinks it is. Nonetheless, the literature tendency of a practicing engineer would be to use
contains many examples of the incorrect identi- a minimum of purification procedures, particu-
fication of reactions. One cannot always rea- larly if the ultimate goal is to design a commer-
son that the products of a reaction are the cial scale reactor that will use a relatively impure
corresponding analogs of a well-characterized feedstock. In practice, what one does is to accept
3.2 Experimental Aspects of Kinetic Studies 35

reagents and solvents at a certain degree of initiating, or for quenching a reaction is likely to
purification as being conditionally satisfactory introduce larger uncertainties in the rate mea-
subject to the reservation that preliminary ex- surement than is inherent in the performance of
periments might indicate the need for further a good timer. One generally determines the value
purification. These preliminary experiments may of the reaction rate constant by plotting some
also indicate that the chemical engineer will function of the instantaneous concentrations
have to allow for purification of the feedstock in versus time and determining the slope of the
the design of the commercial scale facility.- straight line that results. Since this slope is deter-
The reason for stressing the importance of mined by differences between the time points and
working with relatively pure reagents and sol- not by their absolute values, it is not essential in
vents is that the rates of many reactions are most cases to know these absolute values of
extremely sensitive to the presence of trace im- time. However, a word of caution is appropriate
purities in the reaction system. If there is reason when one is concerned with the analysis of con-
to suspect the presence of these effects, a series of secutive reactions. In such cases a knowledge of
systematic experirrlents may be carried out to the true zero of time is required. (See Section 5.3.)
explore the question by seeing how the reaction
rate is affected by the intentional addition of Does the Analytical Method Properly
impurities. In many cases, lack of reproducibility
Represent the Extent of Reaction ? One should
between experiments may be an indication that
trace impurity effects are present. test the analytical procedure by analyzing mix-
tures of known compositions that are similar to
Temperature control for most reactions in
those expected for samples from the reaction
solution can be provided by immersion of the
vessel. Even if this test gives an excellent check,
reactor in a liquid constant temperature bath
one must still face the possibility that the pri-
that can be controlled to ±0.1 °C or better,
mary reaction under investigation may be ac-
depending on the desired degree of control. For
companied by unexpected side reactions that
gas phase reactions, particularly those that occur
consume reactants or produce products in such
at high temperatures, the reactor can be im-
a way as to distort the meaning of the analytical
mersed in a fluidized sand bath. The fact that
results. One general approach that provides a
these thermostatted baths can be held at a con-
measure of protection against being misled by
stant temperature for prolonged periods of time
analytical information is to follow the progress
may lead to such a sense of complacency on the
of the reaction by two or more different and
part of the experimenter that he or she fails to
independent analytical methods. Where possi-
record the temperature at periodic intervals. One
ble, each of these methods should involve analy-
of the laws of experimental work ("If anything
sis for a different species.
can go wrong, it will") dictates that the investi-
gator adhere to a strict timetable for recording
the system temperature. When the kinetic data of Is the Experiment Properly Planned to
different laboratories disagree, the failure to cali- Provide Significant Data ? One cannot directly
brate temperatures properly is often at fault. measure a reaction rate. One is restricted to
Consequently, it is wise to calibrate periodically measurements of the concentrations of various
the device used to record the bath temperature. species or of a physical property of the system as
Although some precautions must be observed a function of time. Thus one must plan the ex-
in timing a reaction, the direct measurement of periments so as to obtain significant differences
time seldom affects the accuracy of a rate deter- in the quantities that are observed in the labora-
mination. The time required for sampling, for tory. In a properly planned experiment the
36 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

kineticist chooses experimental techniques that Such numbers are usually adequate to allow
provide differences between successive samples curvature to be distinguished from linearity, even
that are many times greater than the expected when one needs to reject one or two points
error in the measurement. This procedure per- because of scatter of the data.
mits the kineticist to derive a meaningful rate
constant from the original measurements. Are the Data Reproducible ? If experi-
One decision that the kineticist must make in mental results are to be accepted as meaningful
planning experiments is the number of observa- by the scientific community, they must be capa-
tions to be made during a run and the times at ble of being reproduced by investigators in other
which these observations are to be made. One laboratories as well as by the original investiga-
usually tries to work up the data in a form such tor. An individual should assure this reproduc-
that a plot of some function of the concentra- tion by replicating the experiment.
tions in the reaction vessel versus time gives a There are several sources of irreproducibility
straight line. The reaction rate constant is then in kinetics experimentation, but two of the most
derived from the slope of this line. The question common are individual error and unsuspected
then becomes, "How many points does it take to contamination of the materials or reaction ves-
establish the linearity and slope of the line?" Two sel used in the experiments. An individual may
points are adequate to determine a straight line, use the wrong reagent, record an instrument
but they are not sufficient to establish linearity of reading improperly, make a manipulative error
data. Any number of curved lines could be drawn in the use of the apparatus, or plot a point in-
through two points. Various functional forms correctly on a graph. Any of these mistakes can
4>{Ci) corresponding to different reaction orders lead to an erroneous rate constant. The prob-
could be used as the ordinate in these plots, and ability of an individual's repeating the same
one could not distinguish between them on the error in two successive independent experiments
basis of two experimental points. The straight is small. Consequently, every effort should be
line joining these points will not give any indica- made to make sure that the runs are truly inde-
tion of whether or not other experimental points pendent, by starting with fresh samples, weighing
would lie on the same straight line. Moreover, these out individually, etc. Since trace impurity
this approach to determining a rate constant effects also have a tendency to be time-variable,
cannot reveal any of the experimental defects or it is wise to check for reproducibility, not only
complications that are often called to one's at- between runs over short time spans, but also
tention by curved or scattered plots. between runs performed weeks or months apart.
If one has three or four completely accurate It is commendable experimental procedure to
points, an adequate test of the linearity of the repeat each run in duplicate and to be satisfied
assumed concentration function could be made. if the two results agree, but this is expensive in
However, one cannot be sure whether departures terms of the labor costs involved. Moreover,
from linearity are the result of scatter of the data, repetition of each run is not always necessary.
of a slowly curving function, or of some combina- For example, if one is studying the effect on the
tion of these circumstances. When one further reaction rate of a variable such as temperature or
recognizes that one or two points in a set of data reactant concentration, a series of experiments
may be in error as a result of an experimental in which the parameter under investigation is
mishap and that these points may deviate sub- systematically varied may be planned. If a plot
stantially from the line established by the rest of of the results versus this parameter yields a
the data, one comes to the conclusion that it is smooth curve, one generally assumes that the
desirable to have eight to ten data points per run. reproducibility of the data is satisfactory.
3.2 Experimental Aspects of Kinetic Studies 37

In addition to worrying about the reproduc- General Reactor Types. In planning ex-
ibility of the data, one should also take care to periments the chemist is most apt to think in
insure that the calculations are reproducible by terms of closed systems and has traditionally
an independent calculation by a colleague. The used some form of batch reactor. The chemical
literature contains numerous values of mis- engineer, on the other hand, is accustomed to
calculated rate constants. One has the usual dealing with open systems and the eventual
problem of conversion of units and the problem design of large-scale continuous processes. Con-
of conversion from natural logarithms to com- sequently, the chemical engineer will often
mon logarithms. Thus, even though one's raw choose some form of flow reactor for laboratory
data might be highly accurate, the calculated scale investigations. The discussion in this chap-
results may be off by a large multiple. If a ter is restricted to batch reactors, but the
colleague uses the raw data, determines the rate relations developed in Chapter 8 may be used to
constant for a particular experimental run with analyze kinetic data from flow reactors.
reference only to first principles, and obtains
the same rate constant as the original investi- Methods of Following the Course of a
gator, one has a good indication that a system- Reaction. A general direct method of measur-
atic error in calculations has not been made. ing the rate of a reaction does not exist. One can
only determine the amount of one or more
3.2.2 Experimental Techniques and product or reactant species present at a certain
Apparatus time in the system under observation. If the
In order to determine reaction rate constants composition of the system is known at any one
and reaction orders, it is necessary to determine time, then it is sufficient to know the amount of
reactant or product concentrations at known any one species involved in the reaction as a
times and to control the environmental condi- function of time in order to be able to establish
tions (temperature, homogeneity, pH, etc.) dur- the complete system composition at any other
ing the course of the reaction. The experimental time. This statement is true of any system whose
techniques that have been used in kinetics studies reaction can be characterized by a single re-
to accomplish these measurements are many and action progress variable (£ or fA). In practice it
varied, and an extensive treatment of these is always wise where possible to analyze occa-
techniques is far beyond the intended scope of sionally for one or more other species in order
this textbook. It is nonetheless instructive to to provide a check for unexpected errors, losses
consider some experimental techniques that are of material, or the presence of side reactions.
in general use. More detailed treatments of the In more complex cases when several reactions
subject are found in the following books. are occurring simultaneously in the system
under observation, calculations of the composi-
1. R. B. Anderson, Experimental Methods in Catalytic
Research, Academic Press, New York, 1968.
tion of the system as a function of time will
require the knowledge of a number of indepen-
2. H. W. Melville, and B. G. Gowenlock, Experimental
Methods in Gas Reactions, Macmillan, New York, 1964. dent composition variables equal to the number
3. S. L. Freiss, E. S. Lewis, and A. Weissberger, Technique of of independent chemical equations used to
Organic Chemistry, Volume VIII, "Investigation of Rates characterize the reactions involved.
and Mechanisms of Reactions," Parts One and Two, In principle one can use any of the many tools
Second Edition, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1961.
and methods of the analytical chemist in carry-
4. A. Weissberger, Techniques of Chemistry, Volume VI,
"Investigation of Rates and Mechanisms of Reactions," ing out these determinations. In practice analy-
Parts I and II, Third Edition, Wiley-Interscience, New tical methods are chosen on the basis of their
York, 1974. specificity, accuracy, ease of use, and rapidity of
38 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

measurement. For our discussion these methods It is useful at this point to consider briefly the
may be classified into two groups: physical and relative merits of chemical and physical methods
chemical. Regardless of the method chosen, for monitoring the course of a reaction. A
however, it must meet the following criteria. chemical method involves removal of a portion
of the reacting system, inhibition of the reaction
1. It must not disturb the system under investi-
occurring within the sample, and subsequent
gation by affecting the kinetic processes
analysis of the system composition. This anal-
occurring therein.
ysis may be carried out using conventional wet
2. The measurement should be representative
chemistry techniques, a spectroscopic method, or
of the system at the time it is made, or at the
any one of a variety of other analytical tech-
time the sample analyzed was taken.
niques. The essence of the chemical method,
3. The method must provide a true measure of
however, lies in the fact that it requires removal
the extent of reaction.
of a sample from the reacting system. Chemical
In the choice of an analytical technique for methods give absolute values of the concentra-
following the course of a reaction, it is important tions of the various species present in the re-
to recognize that no aspect of the measurement action mixture. However, it should be stressed
should affect the kinetic processes occurring in that even the most precise of these methods has
the system. For example, a solution conductivity an accuracy that is no better than the accuracy
method that uses platinized electrodes should of the standard analytical procedure that was
not be used in the study of a reaction that is used to calibrate the method. Another disad-
catalyzed by platinum black. vantage inherent in the use of chemical methods
Perhaps the most obvious method of studying is that the sampling procedure involved does not
kinetic systems is to periodically withdraw provide a continuous record of the reaction pro-
samples from the system and to subject them to gress. It is impossible to study very fast reactions
chemical analysis. When the sample is with- using these methods.
drawn, however, one is immediately faced with Physical methods involve the measurement of
a problem. The reaction will proceed just as a physical property of the system as a whole
well in the test sample as it will in the original while the reaction proceeds. The measurements
reaction medium. Since the analysis will require are usually made in the reaction vessel so that
a certain amount of time, regardless of the the necessity for sampling with the possibility
technique used, it is evident that if one is to of attendant errors is eliminated. With physical
obtain a true measurement of the system com- methods it is usually possible to obtain an
position at the time the sample was taken, the essentially continuous record of the values of the
reaction must somehow be quenched or inhi- property being measured. This can then be
bited at the moment the sample is taken. The transformed into a continuous record of reactant
quenching process may involve sudden cooling and product concentrations. It is usually easier
to stop the reaction, or it may consist of elimina- to accumulate much more data on a given re-
tion of one of the reactants. In the latter case, action system with such methods than is possible
the concentration of a reactant may be reduced with chemical methods. There are certain
rapidly by precipitation or by fast quantitative limitations on physical methods, however. There
reaction with another material that is added to must be substantial differences in the contribu-
the sample mixture. This material may then be tions of the reactants and products to the value
back-titrated. For example, reactions between of the particular physical property used as a
iodine and various reducing agents can be measure of the reaction progress. Thus one
quenched by addition of a suitably buffered would not use pressure measurements to follow
arsenite solution. the course of a gaseous reaction that does not
3.2 Experimental Aspects of Kinetic Studies 39

involve a change in the total number of moles in ful calibration curves relating the property being
the gaseous phase. measured to the extent of reaction or species
It is always wise to calibrate physical methods concentrations.
of analysis using mixtures of known composition
under conditions that approximate as closely Physical Methods that have been Used
as practicable those prevailing in the reaction
to Monitor Reaction Kinetics. In this section
system. This procedure is recommended because
some physical property measurements of general
side reactions can introduce large errors and
utility are discussed. One of the oldest and most
because some unforeseen complication may
useful techniques used in kinetics studies in-
invalidate the results obtained with the tech-
volves the measurement of the total pressure
nique. Ivor example, in spectrophotometric
in an isothermal constant volume reactor. This
studies of reaction kinetics, the absorbance that
technique is primarily used to follow the course
one measures can be grossly distorted by the
of homogeneous gas phase reactions that involve
presence of small amounts of highly colored
a change in the total number of gaseous mole-
absorbing impurities or by-products. For this
cules present in the reaction vessel (e.g., the
reason, when one uses indirect physical methods
hydrogenation of propylene).
in kinetic studies, it is essential to verify the
stoichiometry of the reaction to ensure that the H i f^ LJ C^ TU (1 T 1 \
products of the reaction and their relative mole 2 + <-3"6 —• <-3ri8 p.Z.lj
numbers are known with certainty. For the same Pressure measurements can be accomplished by
reason it is recommended that more than one any one of a number of different types of
physical method of analysis be used in detailed manometric devices without disturbing the sys-
kinetic studies. tem being observed. Another type of reaction
In principle, any physical property that varies system that can be monitored by pressure mea-
during the course of the reaction can be used to surements is one in which one of the products
follow the course of the reaction. In practice one can be quantitatively removed by a solid or
chooses methods that use physical properties liquid reagent that does not otherwise affect
that are simple exact functions of the system the reaction. For example, acids formed by
composition. The most useful relationship is that reactions in the gas phase can be removed by
the property is an additive function of the con- absorption in hydroxide solutions.
tributions of the different species and that each From a knowledge of the reaction stoichio-
of these contributions is a linear function of the metry and measurements of the total pressure as
concentration of the species involved. This a function of time, it is possible to determine the
physical situation implies that there will be a extent of reaction and the partial pressures or
linear dependence of the property on the extent concentrations of the various reactant and
of reaction. As examples of physical properties product species at the time at which the measure-
that obey this relationship, one may cite elec- ment is made. Illustration 3.3 indicates how
trical conductivity of dilute solutions, optical pressure measurements can be used to determine
density, the total pressure of gaseous systems a reaction rate function.
under nearly ideal conditions, and rotation of The various forms of spectroscopy find wide-
polarized light. In sufficiently dilute solutions, spread application in kinetic studies. They are
other physical properties behave in this manner usually well suited for application to in situ stud-
to a fairly good degree of approximation. More ies of the characteristics of the reaction mixture.
complex relationships than the linear one can be The absorption by a reacting system of electro-
utilized but, in such cases, it is all the more magnetic radiation (light, microwaves, radio-fre-
imperative that the experimentalist prepare care- quency waves, etc.) is a highly specific property
40 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

of the system composition and the dimensions tion of a reactant or product as a function of
of the reaction vessel. Both the magnitude of the time, how does one proceed to determine the
absorption coefficient and the wavelengths at reaction rate expression?).
which absorption maxima occur are character- The determination of the reaction rate expres-
istic of the absorbing compound and, to a lesser sion involves a two-step procedure. First, the
extent, its physical state. By appropriate choice concentration dependence is determined at a
of the wavelength of the incident radiation, one fixed temperature. Then the temperature depen-
is able to take advantage of the remarkable dence of the reaction rate constant is evaluated
specificity of the various forms of spectroscopy to give a complete reaction rate expression. The
to monitor the progress of the reaction. Among form of this temperature dependence is given by
the various forms of spectroscopy that can be equation 3.0.14, so our present problem reduces
used in in situ kinetic studies are visible, ultra- to that of determining the form of the concentra-
violet, infrared, microwave, nuclear magnetic tion dependence and the value of the rate con-
resonance, and electron spin resonance spectro- stant at the temperature of the experiment.
scopy. For treatments of the limitations and Unfortunately, there is no completely general
uses of spectroscopic techniques, consult trea- method of determining the reaction rate expres-
tises on analytical chemistry. sion or even of determining the order of a re-
In addition to spectrophotometric or spectro- action. Usually one employs a trial-and-error
scopic measurements, there are a number of procedure based on intelligent guesses and past
other optical measurements that can be used to experience with similar systems. Very often the
monitor the course of various reactions. Among stoichiometry of the reaction and a knowledge
the optical properties that can be used for these of whether the reaction is "reversible" or "ir-
studies are optical rotation, refractive indices, reversible" will suggest the form of the rate equa-
fluorescence, and colorimetry. tion to try first. If this guess is incorrect, the
There are several electrical measurements that investigator may then try certain forms that are
may be used for analysis of solutions under in suggested by assumptions about the mechanism
situ conditions. Among the properties that may of the reaction. Each reaction presents a unique
be measured are dielectric constants, electrical problem, and success in fitting a reaction rate
conductivity or resistivity, and the redox poten- expression to the experimental data depends on
tial of solutions. These properties are easily the ingenuity of the individual investigator.
measured with instrumentation that is readily The discussion below is largely confined to
adapted to automatic recording operation. How- irreversible reactions with simple rate expres-
ever, most of these techniques should be used sions of the form of equation 3.0.17.
only after careful calibration and do not give
r = kCpAACiBCpcc (3.0.17)
better than 1% accuracy without unusual care in
the experimental work. but the methods developed are more generally
applicable. We have chosen this course to keep
the discussion as simple as possible and to pre-
sent the material in a manner that avoids the
introduction of more complex rate expressions.
In Section 3.1 the mathematical expressions that Most of the methods presented below are appli-
result from integration of various reaction rate cable, regardless of the mathematical form of the
functions were discussed in some detail. Our rate expression, and they may be readily ex-
present problem is the converse of that con- tended to cover the rate expressions that will be
sidered earlier (i.e., given data on the concentra- encountered in subsequent chapters.
3.3 Techniques for the Interpretation of Reaction Rate Data 41

The techniques used to determine reaction from a knowledge of the concentration of one of
rate functions may be broken down into three the reactants or products at some time r, the
general categories. initial composition of the system, and the reac-
tion stoichiometry (from which dA may be deter-
1. Integral methods based on integration of the
mined), it is possible to use equation 3.1.47 or
reaction rate expression. In these approaches
equation 3.1.50 to determine the fraction con-
one analyzes the data by plotting some func-
version of the limiting reagent at this time.
tion of the reactant concentrations versus
Equation 3.1.51 may then be used to determine
the reaction rate at this conversion level.
2. Differential methods based on differentiation
of experimental concentration versus time ^ A 1
data in order to obtain the actual rate of reac- r = (3.1.51)
1 + dt
tion. In these approaches one analyzes the
data by postulating various functional rela- Thus, for both variable and constant volume
tions between the rate of reaction and the systems, one can manipulate concentration ver-
concentrations of the various species in the sus time data to obtain values of the reaction
reaction mixture and tests these hypotheses rate as a function of time or as a function of the
using appropriate plots. concentrations of the various species present in
3. Methods based on simplification of the re- the reaction mixture. The task then becomes one
action rate expression. In these approaches of fitting this data to a reaction rate expression
one uses a vast excess of one or more of the of the form of equation 3.0.13.
reactants or stoichiometric ratios of the re-
actants in order to permit a partial evaluation r = k<KCt) (3.0.13)
of the form of the rate expression. They may Since data are almost invariably taken under
be used in conjunction with either a differ- isothermal conditions to eliminate the tempera-
ential or integral analysis of the experimental ture dependence of reaction rate constants, one
data. is primarily concerned with determining the con-
Each of these general categories is discussed in centration dependence of the rate expression
the subsections that follow. [0(Q)] and the rate constant at the temperature
in question. We will now consider two differ-
ential methods that can be used in data analysis.
3.3.1 Differential Methods for the Treatment
of Reaction Rate Data
3.3 J.I Differentiation of Data Obtained in the
In experimental kinetics studies one measures Course of a Single Experimental Run. If one
(directly, or indirectly) the concentration of one has experimental results in the form of concen-
or more of the reactant and/or product species tration versus time data, the following general
as a function of time. If these concentrations are differential procedure may be used to determine
plotted against time, smooth curves should be 4>(Ci) and k at the temperature in question.
obtained. For constant volume systems the re-
action rate may be obtained by graphical or 1. Set forth a hypothesis as to the form of the
numerical differentiation of the data. For vari- concentration dependent portion of the rate
able volume systems, additional numerical ma- function, 0(Q).
nipulations are necessary, but the process of 2. From the experimental concentration-time
determining the reaction rate still involves differ- data, determine the reaction rate at various
entiation of some form of the data. For example, times.
42 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

3. At the selected times, prepare a table listing chiometric ratios of the reactants. One must also
the reaction rate and the concentrations of assume that the rate expression is of the form of
the various species present in the reaction equation 3.3.1 with the pt for all species other
mixture. Calculate 0(C/) at each of these than reactants taken as zero.
points. From the use of a stoichiometric feed ratio,
4. Prepare a plot of the reaction rate versus
4>(Ct). If the plot is linear and passes through "AO 'lB0 nCo
the origin, the form of 0 is consistent with the
experimental data. Consequently, insofar as From the definition of extent of reaction,
the accuracy of the data is concerned, the
form of the rate expression is satisfactory for i = ^_nAo. ^= _B^n_Bo. a n d ^n_c_n_c*
subsequent use in design calculations. The V A
slope of this straight line is the reaction rate (3.3.4)
constant. If the plot is not linear or does not
From equations 3.3.3 and 3.3.4, one can see
pass through the origin, one must return to
that at all times, with a stoichiometric feed ratio,
step 1 and hypothesize a new form for the
concentration dependence of the reaction
rate. 5 d = nJL = *L (3.3.5)

In its application to specific kinetics studies

this general procedure may take on a variety of CA
forms that are minor modifications of that out- (3.3.6)
lined above. One modification does not require
an explicit assumption of the form of 0(Q) in- since all species occupy the same volume. Con-
cluding numerical values of the orders of the sequently, equation 3.3.1 may be written in the
reaction with respect to the various species, but form
merely an assumption that the rate expression is
of the following form. r = k n c?< = * ( — ) P l n (v/< - kfcAm
reactants \ V^ / reactants
r = (3.3.1) (3.3.7)
The reaction rate r and the various Ct may be where we have defined a new rate constant k! to
determined from the experimental data. Taking include the effect of the stoichiometric coeffi-
the logarithms of both sides of this equation: cients and have replaced the overall order of the
log r = log k + pA log CA + pB log CB reaction (Xireactants A) by m.
If one now takes the logarithm of both sides
log Cc (3.3.2) of this expression, the following expression
Data may be fitted to this equation by the method results.
of least squares in order to determine values of log r = log k' + m log CA (3.3.8)
the constants log k9 pA, pB, etc. The goodness of
fit may be shown in graphical form by using the The constants k! and m may be determined from
values of fii determined in this manner to cal- a log-log plot of the rate versus CA. This proce-
culate (fiiCi). A plot of the reaction rate versus dure leads to a value for the overall order of the
this function should then meet the criteria of reaction. Experiments with nonstoichiometric
the general method outlined above. ratios of reactants can then be used to determine
A second common modification of the general the orders of the reaction with respect to each of
method is that which ensues when one uses stoi- the individual species.
3.3 Techniques for the Interpretation of Reaction Rate Data 43

Differential procedures are illustrated sche- some sort of graphical procedure to analyze the
matically in Figure 3.1. The first diagram in- data. From such plots one may see that certain
dicates how the rate may be determined from points are seriously in error and should not be
concentration versus time data in a constant weighted heavily in the determination of the
volume system; the second schematic illustrates reaction rate function. The consistency and pre-
the method just described. The third diagram cision of the data can also be evaluated by eye by
indicates the application of our general differ- observing its deviation from a smooth curve
ential method to this system. (ideally its deviation from a straight line).
It is always preferable to use as much of the The following example illustrates the use of
data as possible to determine the reaction rate the differential method for the analysis of kinetic
function. This often implies that one should use data. It also exemplifies some of the problems

Log concentration

Figure 3.1
Schematic representation of the application of the differential method
for data analysis.
44 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics;—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

one has in attempting to utilize a differential Solution

approach in his analysis. Two differential approaches to the analysis of
the above data will be presented. The first of
ILLUSTRATION 3.1 USE OF A these is based on the similarity of equation A to
DIFFERENTIAL METHOD TO DETERMINE A equation 3.3.7. The second is the general ap-
PSEUDO REACTION RATE EXPRESSION proach outlined earlier.
FOR THE IODINE CATALYZED In logarithmic form equation A becomes

log - = log k + m log CBr2 (B)

Neyens (4) has studied the bromination of meta- dt
xylene at 17 °C. The reaction is carried out by
introducing small quantities of iodine and bro- The term in parentheses on the left side of
mine into pure liquid xylene and following the equation B may be determined from the data in
rate of disappearance of bromine by titrating several ways. The bromine concentration may be
samples removed from the liquid to determine plotted as a function of time and the slope of the
their bromine content. The iodine serves as a curve at various times determined graphically.
catalyst for the reaction. Since the concentra- Alternatively, any of several methods of numeri-
tions of xylene and catalyst remain essentially cal differentiation may be employed. The sim-
unchanged during the course of the reaction, it plest of these is used in Table 3.1.1 where dC/dt
may be assumed that the rate expression is of is approximated by AC/At. Mean bromine con-
the form centrations corresponding to each derivative are
dCBr2 also tabulated.
r = /cCg r2 = - (A) Figure 3.2 is a plot of reaction rate versus
mean bromine concentration using logarithmic
where k is a pseudo rate constant that will de- coordinates. The slope of this plot (m) is 1.54,
pend on the iodine and xylene concentrations. which is approximately 1.5. Neyens concluded
Use a differential method to determine the order that the reaction was 3/2 order in bromine.
of the reaction and the reaction rate constant. The rate constant can be determined from the
value of the rate corresponding to a bromine
Data concentration of 1 mole/liter. Thus k = 1.0 x
10" * (liters/mole)1/2 min" 1 . The value reported
by Neyens was 0.91 x 10" 1 based on the use
Bromine Bromine of an integral method for the analysis of the
Time, t concentration Time, t concentration
data. However, slight shifts in the slope of the
(min) (moles/liter) (min) (moles/liter)
straight line in Figure 3.2 could bring about
0 0.3335 19.60 0.1429 rather large changes in the intercept. It should
2.25 0.2965 27.00 0.1160 also be obvious from this figure that the fit of
4.50 0.2660 30.00 0.1053 the data to the straight line is not nearly as
6.33 0.2450 38.00 0.0830 good as one would like. One frequently en-
8.00 0.2255 41.00 0.0767 counters problems of this type in attempting to
10.25 0.2050 45.00 0.0705 use differential methods for the analysis of data
12.00 0.1910 47.00 0.0678 taken in a batch reactor. Some of the scatter
13.50 0.1794 57.00 0.0553 could probably be removed, however, if one
15.60 0.1632 63.00 0.0482 prepared a concentration versus time plot and
17.85 0.1500
determined the slope graphically.
Table 3.1.1
Data Workup for Illustration 3.1

Time, t concentration - ^ X 103
C C15
(min) (moles/liter) At (moles/liter) (moles/liter)15

0 0.3335
2.25 16.44 0.3150 0.1762
4.50 13.56 0.2812 0.1491
6.33 11.48 0.2555 0.1291
8.00 11.68 0.2353 0.1141
10.25 9.11 0.2153 0.0999
12.00 0.1910 8.00 0.1980 0.0881
13.50 0.1794 7.73 0.1852 0.0797
15.60 0.1632 7.71 0.1713 0.0709
17.85 0.1500 5.87 0.1566 0.0620
19.60 0.1429 4.06 0.1465 0.0561
27.00 •0.1160 3.64 0.1295 0.0466
30.00 0.1053 3.23 0.1107 0.0369
38.00 0.0830 2.79 0.0942 0.0289
41.00 0.0767 2.10 0.0799 0.0226
45.00 0.0705 1.55 0.0736 0.0200
47.00 0.0678 1.35 0.0692 0.0182
57.00 0.0553 1.25 0.0615 0.0153
63.00 0.0482 1.18 0.0518 0.0118


0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40

Mean bromine concentration (moles/liter)

Figure 3.2
Log-log plot of reaction rate versus bromine concentration for
illustration 3.1.
46 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

The second method that will be used for the

solution of the problem posed in this illustration
is the general procedure outlined at the begin-
ning of this section.
1. Assume that the concentration dependent
portion of the rate function (/>(Q) is equal to
r l.5
2. From the experimental concentration-time
data, determine the reaction rate at various
times. (See Table 3.1.1.)
3. Calculate values of C#r52 at those times for
which the reaction rate has been determined.
(See Table 3.1.1.)
4. The reaction rate is plotted versus C^r\, as
shown in Figure 3.3. The plot is reasonably
linear and passes through the origin. I have
also plotted the rate versus CBr2 and C\X2.
Both of these plots show marked curvature,
particularly at the points corresponding to
high bromine conversions or low bromine
concentrations. One plot is concave and the
other convex. From the linear relationship
that exists for the 1.5 order case, one may
conclude that this order is approximately
correct. Again, however, one should note the 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20
fact that there is appreciable scatter j n the Concentration 15 , C 1 ' 5 (moles/liter) 15
data when one attempts to apply this method.
Figure 3.3
The value of the pseudo reaction rate constant
Plot of reaction rate versus C1Br5 to determine
may be determined from the slope of the reaction order in illustration 3.1.
straight line in Figure 3.3. This value is 9.2 x
10~ 2 (liters/mole)1/2 min" 1 . This number is
consistent with the value determined by Neyens ously in that lower conversions are used and each
(9.1 x 1(T 2 ). rate measurement involves a new experiment.
In an initial fate study, one focuses on the
conditions that prevail at the start of the
reaction. Since the concentrations of the various Initial Rate Measurements. Another species do not undergo large changes during
differential method useful in the determination this period (varying by 10% at the most), one
of reaction rate expressions is the initial rate may characterize these concentrations by initial
approach. It involves a series of rate measure- or average values that can then be substituted
ments at different initial reactant concentra- directly into the trial rate expression. One may
tions but restricted to very small conversions of determine the values of the reaction rate corre-
the limiting reagent (5 to 10% or less). This sponding to zero time by measuring the initial
technique differs from those discussed previ- slopes of concentration versus time curves in
3.3 Techniques for the Interpretation of Reaction Rate Data 47

constant volume systems or by measuring the be simple integers or half-integers. When this is
initial slope of a fraction conversion versus time the case, one should note that the values of ft
curve and using equation 3.1.51 to calculate the that fit the data may not have mechanistic
initial reaction rate. Numerical calculations significance. Instead, they merely provide ex-
could also be used. In either event, for each run ponents for a reasonable mathematical approx-
one obtains a value of the initial reaction rate imation to the true rate expression, which itself
r 0 at a given mixture composition. If the reac- may be a much more complex mathematical
tion rate expression is of the form function.
One advantage of the initial rate method is
r0 = = k (3.3.9) that complex rate functions that may be ex-
tremely difficult to integrate can be handled in
one may determine the order of the reaction a convenient manner. Moreover, if one uses
with respect to an individual component (e.g., initial reaction rates, the reverse reactions can
A) by making a rate measurement at two be neglected and attention can be focused solely
different initial concentrations of this species on the reaction rate function for the forward
while holding all other concentrations constant reaction. More complex rate functions may be
between the two runs. If we denote the two tested by the choice of appropriate coordinates
observed rates by r 0 and r 0 and the corre- for plotting the initial rate data. For example, a
sponding initial concentrations by CA0 and reaction rate function of the form
C'A0, equation 3.3.9 may be written for these
runs as kCA
o = (3.3.13)
r0 = (fcCfeC£§ • • -)CA-0 (3.3.10) k'CA
and may be tested by plotting the reciprocal of the
(3.3.11) initial rate versus the reciprocal of the initial
Division of equation 3.3.10 by equation 3.3.11 concentration of species A. Since
and solution of the resulting expression for f}A 1 1 k'
gives (3.3.14)
this plot should be linear with an intercept equal
(3.3.12) to k'/k and a slope equal to 1/fc.
3.3.2 Integral Methods for the Treatment
By varying the initial concentration of each
of Reaction Rate Data
component of the reaction mixture in turn, it is
possible to determine the order of the reaction When integral methods are used in data analysis,
with respect to each species. After this has been measured concentrations are used in tests of
established, equation 3.3.9 may be used to proposed mathematical formulations of the
determine the reaction rate constant. reaction rate function. One guesses a form of
If one has initial rate data available at several the reaction rate expression on the basis of the
different concentrations of species A and at the reaction stoichiometry and assumptions con-
same initial concentrations of all other species, cerning its mechanism. The assumed expression
a more accurate value of f}A may be determined is then integrated to give a relation between the
from a log-log plot of equation 3.3.10. In many composition of the reaction mixture and time.
cases orders determined in this fashion will not A number of such relations were developed in
48 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

Section 3.1. The present section indicates how

experimental data are tested for consistency
with these relations. Several methods based on
integration of the reaction rate expression are
i A General Integral Method for the ' J Slope = k
Analysis of Kinetic Data—Graphical Procedure.
The general integral technique for the deter-
mination of reaction rate functions consists of
the following trial-and-error procedure.
1. Set forth a hypothesis as to the mathematical
form of the reaction rate function. Time, t >-

Figure 3.4
(3.3.15) Test of reaction rate data by the integral
method of analysis.
2. Separate variables and integrate.

(3.3.16) 4. Plot the calculated values of ^(Q) versus t

as shown in Figure 3.4.
In order to evaluate this integral it is neces- 5. If the data yield a satisfactory straight line
sary to express all terms on the right in terms passing through the origin, the reaction rate
of a single variable. For isothermal systems expression assumed in step 1 is said to be
k is a constant, and this equation can be consistent with the data and may be accepted
written as as a basis for subsequent work in the same
temperature-concentration regime of oper-
ation. The slope of this line is equal to the
reaction rate constant L If the data do not
Since our present goal is the determination fall on a satisfactory straight line, one must
of 0(Q), we will restrict the subsequent return to step 1 and assume a new mathe-
discussion to isothermal systems. If the inte- matical form of the reaction rate expression.
gral is represented by Slight modifications of the above procedure
are often employed to reduce the numerical
kt = (3.3.18)
calculations required. For example, the value
3. From experimentally determined values of of iA(Cj) corresponding to a Class II second-
the various concentrations, or from the value order rate expression is
of a single measured concentration and the
reaction stoichiometry, calculate the value 1
kt = In
of \l/(Ci) at the times corresponding to these ovB — CBOvA
measurements. In some cases it may be nec- (3.3.19)
essary to resort to graphical integration to
determine A plot of this function versus time should be
3.3 Techniques for the Interpretation of Reaction Rate Data 49

linear in time with a slope equal to the rate con- taken at 80%, 90%, or higher conversions of the
stant k. However, it is more convenient to limiting reagent.
rearrange this equation as Perhaps the most discouraging type of de-
viation from linearity is random scatter of the
In [ ^ ] = In (CAOVB - CBOvA)kt data points. Such results indicate that something
cAO, is seriously wrong with the experiment. The
(3.3.20) method of analysis may be at fault or the reac-
and plot the left side versus time. One still tion may not be following the expected stoichio-
requires the data plot to be linear, but the metry. Side reactions may be interfering with the
restriction that the line pass through the origin analytical procedures used to follow the progress
is modified so that the Y intercept becomes of the reaction, or they may render the mathe-
ln(CB0/CA0). matical analysis employed invalid. When such
The graphical approach to the analysis of plots are obtained, it is wise to reevaluate the
kinetic data has several advantages. The best entire experimental procedure and the method
straight line through the experimental points used to evaluate the data before carrying out
can often be found by inspection (i.e., by moving additional experiments in the laboratory.
a transparent straight edge until it appears to Another form of deviation from linearity that
fit the data with a minimum of deviation). Since is often encountered in plots of \l/(Ct) versus
the errors in the concentration measurements time is curvature of the data, as shown in
are usually much greater than those in the time Figure 3.5. If the assumed order is greater than
measurements, in estimating the best straight the true order of the reaction, upward curvature
line through a series of points one should think will be observed. If the assumed order is less
of the residuals as parallel to the concentration than the true order, downward curvature will
axis (i.e., vertical), not as perpendicular to the result.
line. The graphical method readily shows trends
and deviations from linear behavior. Scattered
points that are obviously in error can be
recognized easily and eliminated from further
consideration. In those rare cases where the
accuracy of the data exceeds that obtained in
plotting on a reasonable scale, one should use
the numerical methods described in Section
Since the integral method described above is
based on the premise that some rate function
exists that will lead to a value of i/KQ) that is
linear in time, deviations from linearity (or A = Positive curvature
curvature) indicate that further evaluation or B = Negative curvature
interpretation of the rate data is necessary.
Many mathematical functions are roughly linear
Time, t >-
over sufficiently small ranges of variables. In
order to provide a challenging test of the Figure 3.5
linearity of the data, one should perform at Observation of curvature in tests of reaction
least one experimental run in which data are rate data.
50 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

In some cases one attempts to cause a Initial C2H4Br2 concentration:

simplification of the rate expression by using 0.02864 kmole/m3
stoichiometric ratios of reactants. For example,
a mixed second-order rate expression (r =
Time, t Fraction dibromide
kCACB) becomes a Class I second-order rate (ksec) reacted
expression (r = kCA2) if a stoichiometric mix-
ture of A and B is used. If, by mistake, a non- 29.7 0.2863
stoichiometric mixture is used, positive or 40.5 0.3630
negative deviations can be observed, depending 47.7 0.4099
on which species is present in excess. 55.8 0.4572
If a reaction is reversible and if one has 62.1 0.4890
assumed a rate function that does not take the 72.9 0.5396
reverse reaction into account, one observes a 83.7 0.5795
downward curvature. As equilibrium is ap-
proached, the slope of this curve approaches Solution
zero. Another cause of curvature is a change in
temperature during the course of the experiment. The stoichiometry of the reaction is of the form
An increase in temperature causes an increase A + 3J5 -> Products
in the reaction rate, leading to an upward
curvature. Bunnett (3) has discussed a number Assume that the rate expression is of the
of other sources of curvature, including changes form
in pH and ionic strength, impurity effects, d
autocatalysis, and side reactions. ^ - kC C (A)
Illustrations 3.2 and 3.3 are examples of the
use of the graphical integral method for the The instantaneous concentrations CA and CB
analysis of kinetic data. can be expressed in terms of the initial values
and the extent of reaction per unit volume.
— CA0 — CB — CB0 —
R. T. Dillon (5) has studied the reaction between
ethylene bromide and potassium iodide in 99% Separation of variables and integration gives
kt = r
C2H4Br2 + 3KI A C 2 H 4 + 2KBr + KI 3 Jo (CA0 - S*)

Given the data in the table below, determine CBO ~~ (CA0 - C

the second-order reaction rate constant. B0

Data The fraction dibromide (A) reacted is given by

Temperature: 59.72 °C
fA = ~- (Q
Initial KI concentration: 0.1531 kmole/m3
3.3 Techniques for the Interpretation of Reaction Rate Data 51

Elimination of £,* between equations B and

C gives
- 3 /
1 c CAP
kt = In
- 3CAO (i - /) c^j
If the reaction is second order, it is evident
from equation D that a plot of
20 40 60 80 100
ln{[_(CB0/CA0) - 3/]/(l - / ) } Time (ksec)

versus time should be linear with a slope equal Figure 3.6

to l(CB0 - 3CA0)k]. The results of the cal- Plot for determination of rate constant in Illustration
culations necessary to determine the logarithmic 3.2
term are given below.
^ - 3 /
Time, t Hinshelwood and Askey (6) have investigated
- 3 /
(ksec) - / the gas phase decomposition of dimethyl ether
according to the following reaction.
0 0 1 5.346
29.7 0.2863 0.7137 4.4868 6.260 CH3OCH3 -> CH 4 + CO + H 2
40.5 0.3630 0.6370 4.2567 6.682
47.7 0.4099 0.5901 4.1160 6.975 E^ B + C + D
55.8 0.4572 0.5428 3.9741 7.321 The following data were recorded in an isother-
62.1 0.4890 0.5110 3.8787 7.590 mal (552 °C) constant volume reactor.
72.9 0.5396 0.4604 3.7269 8.095
83.7 0.5795 0.4205 3.6072 8.578
Time, t (sec) Pressure (mm Hg)

From a plot on semilogarithmic coordinates 0 420

of {[(CB0/CA0) - 3/]/(l - / ) } versus time 57 584
(Figure 3.6) it may be determined that 85 662
114 743
(CB0 - 3CA0)k = 5.69 x 10 - 3 ksec" 145 815
182 891
Thus 219 954
k = 5.69 x 1(T 3/0.0672 261 1013
= 8.47 x 10 " 2 m3/kmol-ksec 299 1054

In more conventional units this is 0.305 liters/

mole-hour which is comparable to the value of Use a graphical integral method to determine
0.300 liters/mole-hour reported by Dillon. the order of the reaction and the reaction rate
52 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics;—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

Solution RT
+ 20 - no]
7T - 7T0
Assume that the reaction follows first-order
kinetics. The integral form of the reaction rate ^00 - ^0 RT 2n0
expression is given by equation 3.1.8. (3n0 - H0) —

Cf or
= -kt (A)
n — n0 \ ( n
n0 3TT 0 - TTO \ TT0
At the temperature and pressures of this exper-
iment, ideal gas behavior may be assumed. Thus
The mole fraction ether at time t is given by
r - RT
n0 - n0
where n is the total pressure in the system. y* = (E)
Combination of equations A and B gives
= -kt (Q Combination of equations D and E gives

If the mole fraction ether (E) can be expressed — 71

in terms of the total pressure of the system, it can YF =
n 2TC
be used in conjunction with equation C to give
an integral equation against which the data can 7C0

be tested. In order to develop this relation, it is Substitution of this relation in equation C

helpful to prepare a mole table.

Time, t 0 t oo
This last equation is one against which the
Mole data can be tested to see if the assumption of
number first-order kinetics is appropriate. The data are
CH3OCH3 n0 n0 - £ 0 worked up below.
CH 4 0 £ ^ = n0
H2 0 £ {00 = *o
Time, t (sec) Pressure (mm Hg) 3TT0 - n
CO 0 = «0

0 420 840
57 584 676
moles no n0 + 2^ 3«0
85 662 598
114 743 517
Pressure no 7T IT. = 3TT0
145 815 445
182 891 369
219 954 306
261 1013 247
Now, from this table and the ideal gas law, 299 1054 206
it is evident that
3.3 Techniques for the Interpretation of Reaction Rate Data 53

1000 Some of these procedures are of doubtful utility,

while others are widely used because they are
800 - embodiments of techniques for the statistical
analysis of experimental data. All of these pro-
cedures are based on the calculation of k from
the integrated form of a reaction rate expression
such as equations 3.1.8, 3.1.15, 3.1.19, etc. Fora
detailed evaluation of the various averaging
procedures that can be employed in the calcula-
tion of k, see the works of Livingston (7) and
Margerison (8). They have been used as the
basis for the present discussion. Regardless of
the averaging procedure employed, it is good
practice to arrange the computed values of k in
order of increasing time or to plot k versus time
so that systematic trends may be observed. Such
trends indicate significant departures from the
assumed rate law.
The long-interval and short-interval methods
are simple computational procedures that the
100 200 300 350 budding kineticist might be tempted to use. They
Time, t(sec) avoid the subjective weighting of the various
Figure 3.7 experimental points that is inherent in any
Graphical test of data for illustration 3.3. graphical method, but they have the common
disadvantage of weighting the points in arbi-
trary, illogical fashion.
The last column is plotted versus time using The long-interval method involves the cal-
semilogarithmic coordinates in Figure 3.7. The culation of k using the initial values of reactant
fact that the data fits a straight line is indicative concentrations successively with each of the
of first-order kinetics. The reaction rate constant other values of the measured concentrations and
may be determined from the slope of this plot. times. If there are (n + 1) measurements of the
concentrations of interest (including the initial
£n907-£n264\ value), the procedure yields n values of k. The
dt 0-250 ) "average" value of k is then taken to be the
n-3 arithmetic average of these computed values.

W i= i Integral Methods for the Analysis of
Kinetic Data—Numerical Procedures. While where kOti is the value of the rate constant com-
the graphical procedures discussed in the pre- puted using the concentration value determined
vious section are perhaps the most practical and at time tt. For a Class I, second-order reaction
useful of the simple methods for determining (vA = —1) taking place in a constant volume
rate constants, a number of simple numerical system, the several values of the rate constant
procedures exist for accomplishing this task. may be determined from equation 3.1.15.
54 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

different. The greatest weights are placed on

CAO the inital and final measurements (which in
practice are often the least accurate), and re-
k - l
(3.3.22) latively small, varying weights are placed on the
If one does not desire to employ elaborate
statistical methods for determining a rate con-
CAO stant, there is one good, simple method for
The arithmetic mean of these values is: determining k that depends on careful planning
i= n j of the experimental work. The essence of the
E - (3-3.23) experimental method is as follows.
i = 1 t: One makes a series of (n + 1) measurements
This method assigns a much greater weight to of the concentrations of interest at times 0,
the first point than to any succeeding one. More- tu 2tu 3tu nt1. The total time interval (nt^ is
over, as the time interval increases, the contribu- taken to be less than the time for 50% conver-
tion of the corresponding concentration term sion of the limiting reagent (T 1 / 2 ). After a known
to the average rate constant becomes less and period of time A that is as large as or larger than
less, so that k is essentially determined by the T 1 / 2 , one makes a second series of (n + 1) mea-
early concentration observations and the heavily surements of the concentrations at times that
overweighted initial value. It is reasonable to differ by the constant increment tx.
employ this method of computation only in cases One then proceeds to calculate a value of the
where the initial concentration is known much rate constant for each pair of points separated
more accurately than any of the succeeding by a time A [i.e., a value is calculated from the
values. This condition is achieved in practice points corresponding to (0 and A), ti and (A +
when the initial reaction mixture can be made r j , 2t1 and (A + 2^), etc.]. The arithmetic
up exactly, the time of mixing is short compared mean of these values is a good representative
to the interval between experimental data points, value of the rate constant. In this technique each
and the analytical determinations of CAi are data point is used once and only once, and the
relatively inaccurate. More often the standard probable errors of the quantities that are aver-
deviation of CA0 is approximately equal to those aged are all of the same order of magnitude. For
of the C^. the first-order case it is apparent from equation
In the short-interval method, one computes a 3.1.8 that the average value of the rate constant
value of the rate constant (fcf_u) for each suc- is given by
cessive pair of data points. The arithmetic 1
average of the rate constants computed in this k =
(n I C'A
manner is assumed to be a representative value
of the rate constant. However, it can be shown where CAi and C'Ai are the concentrations of the
that when the time interval between experimental species of interest at times itx and A + ifl5
observations is constant, the short-interval method respectively.
for computing k is equivalent to rejecting all but This approach can be used with other simple
the first and the last measurements! The inter- rate expressions in order to determine a repre-
mediate observations might just as well have sentative value of the reaction rate constant.
not been made. Moreover, the experimental plan on which this
When the time intervals are approximately, technique is based will provide data over such a
but not exactly, equal, the result is not much range of fraction conversions that it is readily
3.3 Techniques for the Interpretation of Reaction Rate Data 55

adapted to various graphical techniques. Illus- Many computer libraries contain programs that
tration 3.4 indicates how this approach is used perform the necessary statistical calculations
to determine a reaction rate constant. and relieve the engineer of this burden. For
Orre may also use the methods of the statis- discussions of the use of weighted least squares
tician to determine average rate constants (e.g., methods for the analysis of kinetic data, see
the standard unweighted least squares pro- Margerison's review (8) on the treatment of ex-
cedure). perimental data and the treatments of Kittrell
The unweighted least squares analysis is based et al. (9), and Peterson (10).
on the assumption that the best value of the rate
constant k is the one t,hat minimizes the sum of Integral Methods for the Analysis of
the squares of the residuals. In the general case
Kinetic Data—Fractional Life Methods. The
one should regard the zero time point as an
adjustable constant in order to avoid undue time necessary for a given fraction of a limiting
weighting of the initial point. An analysis of this reagent to react will depend on the initial con-
type gives the following expressions for first- centrations of the reactants in a manner that is
and second-order rate constants determined by the rate expression for the re-
action. This fact is the basis for the development
First order: of the fractional life method (in particular the
half-life method) for the analysis' of kinetic data.
T Zfo *n CAi) - [£> t -)(I In CAi)/ri] The half-life, or half-period, of a reaction is the
\2 i ~\ v =r ~2
l) /"] - 2Ji time necessary for one half of the original re-
Second order: actant to disappear. In constant volume systems
it is also the time necessary for the concentra-
tion of the limiting reagent to decline to one
CM C half of its original value.
k = (3.3.26)
The fractional life approach is most useful as
a means of obtaining a preliminary estimate of
the reaction order. It is not recommended for
These expressions apply to constant volume the accurate determination of rate constants.
systems in which vA = — 1. The sums are taken Moreover, it cannot be used for systems that do
from i = 1 to i = n. Although the use of these not obey nth order rate expressions.
equations is somewhat laborious for hand cal- If one combines the definition of the reaction
culations, they are easily handled by even the rate in variable volume systems with a general
simplest types of computers. nth-order rate expression, he finds that the time
While the unweighted least squares method of necessary to achieve a specified fraction con-
data analysis is commonly used for the deter- version is given by
mination of reaction rate constants, it does not
yield the best possible value for k. There are two dfA (3.3.27)
principal reasons for this failure. Jo VkC\ -vAVkCnA
1. All points are assigned equal weights. or, using equations 3.1.40 and 3.1.47,
2. Functions of the measured concentrations
must be used in the equations defining the
Statisticians have developed general calcula- This relation indicates that for all values of
tion procedures that avoid these difficulties. n, k, vA, and 5A, the fractional life is inversely
56 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

proportional to the initial concentration raised For first-order reactions,

to the {n - 1) power. A given fractional life is
independent of initial concentration for first-
f/ = (3.3.30)V
order reactions. It increases with CA0 for n less kvA
than 1, and it decreases with CA0 for n greater
than 1. with
For constant volume conditions SA = 0 and
for - -1
1 1 I
vA(l - n). -/r Equations 3.3.28 and 3.3.29 indicate that plots
(3.3.29)V of log tf versus log CA0 are linear, and reaction
with orders may be determined from the slopes of
such plots (slope = 1 — n). For constant vol-
tl,2 = (3.3.29a)V ume systems there is another method based on
- n) equations 3.3.29 and 3.3.30 by which one can
when n ^ 1. obtain preliminary estimates of the reaction

Table 3.1
Fractional Life Relations for Constant Volume Systems

order rc: 0 1 2 3

Partial reaction time Useful relationships

1 CA0 ( €n(4/3) 1 1 7 1 (4/3)"" 1 - 1

4vAk 3 vAkCA0 18 i (1 - n)v
€n(3/2) 1 1 5 1 (3/2)"" 1 - 1
3 v^/c 2 v^/cC^o 8v, (1 — n)v'AkCTo1
£n2 1 3 1
h/2 k (1 — n)v
2v A k 4/CC^o

2 ;
f f A0 //(I - / ) (2/ - / ) l(1l - -r,
J ) -•
l f
vAk k 2(1 - f)2vAkCA0
2""' -- 1
tll2/tl/4- 2.000 2.409 3.000 3.857
(4/3)"~l _ j

h/i/h/3 1.709 2.000 2.400

(3/2)"- 1 - 1
( 1
V "-r 1 - /') (1 - f'f r) -1
€n(l - / " )
J (1 - f'f /"(2 - /") (^ » y-,
3.3 Techniques for the Interpretation of Reaction Rate Data 57

order. From the data of one experimental run that

or from different runs using the same initial
composition, one may determine the times
necessary to achieve different fraction conver- and
sions. The ratio of these times (tfl and tf2) is
given by ft =?™[ev*
- 1] (3.3.33)
1 where nA0 need not be known. Subtraction of
- 1
(1 - /i)
for n # 1 equation 3.3.33 from equation 3.3.32 gives
- 1 (3.3.31)V
(1 ~ fi)
and Rearrangement of this equation yields

tfl £n(l -
for n = 1 - ft) - = In
tf2 - f2

The value of this ratio is characteristic of the Similar equations are valid at times t2, t3, etc.
reaction order. Table 3.1 contains a tabulation In all cases, however^ the right side of these
of partial reaction times for various rate expres- equations will be a constant, since the time
sions of the form r = kCA as well as a tabulation increment A is a constant. Thus, at time th
of some useful ratios of reaction times. By using
ratios of the partial reaction times based on ex- - Q = vAktt + constant (3.3.36)
perimental data, one is able to obtain a quick
A plot of tn(£ — £') versus t will therefore give
estimate of the reaction order with minimum
a straight line with a slope equal to vAk for first-
effort. Once this estimate is in hand one may
order kinetics.
proceed to use a more exact method of deter-
This technique is readily adaptable for use
mining the reaction rate parameters.
with the generalized additive physical approach
discussed in Section It is applicable to Integral Methods for the Analysis of systems that give apparent first-order rate con-
Kinetic Data—Guggenheim's Method for First- stants. These include not only simple first-order
Order Reactions. Guggenheim (11) has devel- irreversible reactions but also irreversible first-
oped a special method that is useful in obtaining order reactions in parallel and reversible re-
the rate constant for a first-order reaction when actions that are first-order in both the forward
an accurate value of the initial reactant concen- and reverse directions. The technique provides
tration is not available. It requires a series of an example of the advantages that can be ob-
readings of the parameter being used to follow tained by careful planning of kinetics experi-
the progress of the reaction at times tl9t2,t3, etc. ments instead of allowing the experimental
and at times t1 + A, t2 + A, t3 + A, etc. The design to be dictated entirely by laboratory
time increment A should be two or three times convention and experimental convenience.
the half life of the reaction. If we denote the Guggenheim's technique has been extended
extent of reaction at times tx and rx + A by ft to other order reactions (12, 13), but the final
and ft, respectively, equation 3.1.36 indicates expressions are somewhat cumbersome.
58 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression


Equation 3.3.36 indicates that the natural loga-
rithm of the difference in extents of reactions at
times t and (t + A) should be linear in t.
Taking the difference between the extent of
reaction at times t and (t + A) gives
Ciapetta and Kilpatrick (14) have used a dilato-
metric technique to investigate the kinetics of h-W
the hydration of isobutene in perchloric acid
solution at 25 °C.
Combination of equations A and 3.3.36 gives
CH 3 CH,
- h
C H 3 — C = C H 2 + H 2 O -• CH 3 —C—OH ln(h - h!) = vAkt + constant

CH 3
If one notes that vA = — 1 and that the
The dilatometer readings (h) listed below are quantity In^h^ - /i0)/^oo] i s itself a constant
given in arbitrary units and are arranged in
pairs taken at a fixed interval of 2 hr. They are £n(/i — h') — —kt + a new constant (B)
related to the extent of reaction by Note that k can be determined from the slope
g = *- K of a plot of the left side of equation B versus time
and that this plot can be prepared without a
1. Use Guggenheim's method to determine the knowledge of the dilatometer readings at times
pseudo first-order rate constant. zero and infinity. The data are worked up below
2. Given the additional fact that the reading at and plotted in Figure 3.8.
"infinite" time is 12.16, use a numerical
averaging procedure to determine the re- Time, t (min) h — ti
action rate constant.
0 5.34
Data 4.56
Initial concentrations (moles/liter): 20 4.00
30 3.51
HC1O4 = 0.3974; C 4 H 8 = 0.00483. 40 3.06
50 2.69
Dilatometer Dilatometer 60 2.38
Time, t reading reading 70 2.07
(min) at time t at time t + 2 hr

0 18.84 13.50 From the slope of the plot,

10 17.91 13.35 5.26
20 17.19 13.19
30 16.56 13.05 k - 1.34 x lO^min" 1
40 16.00 12.94 70
50 15.53 12.84
This value compares favorably with the litera-
60 15.13 12.75
70 14.76 12.69 ture value of 1.32 >c 10" 2 min" 1 , which is based
on much more data.
3.3 Techniques for the Interpretation of Reaction Rate Data 59

/.u I I tI I I I CAi - h
4. (from 1 and 3)
6.0 - -
5.0 - Thus the average value of the reaction rate
constant can be calculated numerically from
4.0 ^ < -
1 - ft;
k =
(n + 1)A ^ o - ft;
where n is the number of pairs of data points.
Numerical calculations indicate that

2.0 -
N k =
(12.768) = 0.0133 min"

This value is consistent with that obtained above.

3.3.3 Techniques for the Analysis of

1.0 I I I I I I Reaction Rate Data that are Suitable for
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Use with Either Integral or
Time, £(min)
Differential Methods
Figure 3.8
Use of a semilogarithmic Guggenheim plot to Use of Excess Concentrations—The Iso-
determine first-order rate constant. lation Method. The method of isolation for
elucidating the form of the reaction rate expres-
sion is based on the simplifications that occur
The half-life of this reaction is given by when the concentration of one or more of the
reactants appearing in the rate expression is
0.693 0.693 much greater than that called for by the stoi-
tl/2 = = 51.7 min
1.34 x 10 - 2 chiometry of the reaction.
Consider a reaction rate expression of the
The time A between readings is thus greater
than the reaction half-life, and the numerical
averaging procedure leading to equation 3.3.24 r = kCAACpBBCpcc (3.3.37)
could be used for the analysis of these data if an If one now plans an experiment such that
estimate of the reading at infinite time can be CBo » CA03,ndCC0 » CA0, the only concentra-
obtained. In order to manipulate this equation tion that will change appreciably during the
to a form that can make use of the available data, course of the experiment is that of species A.
several points must be noted. This situation implies that the above rate expres-
sion will simplify to the following form.
1. — =
1 - r = (3.3.38)
ft-fto (3.3.39)
ftoo " ft0
We thus have a pseudo $A th-order reaction and
ftoo - f t an effective rate constant k'. The methods dis-
ft™ - ftn cussed in Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 may now be
60 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics;—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

used to determine k' and fiA. It should be noted t may be expressed in terms of the extent of
that this technique should always be used in reaction per unit volume £*.
conjunction with other methods of determining
the rate expression, because it forces the data to t = Ci0 (3.3.43)
fit equation 3.3.37 when, in fact, the rate expres- The experimental variable X may now be written
sion may be more complex. If one observes that in the following manner.
the exponents f}t are nonintegers that vary con-
tinuously with temperature or pressure, this is an X = XM 4- XA + XB + Xz (3.3.44)
indication that the rate expression is more com-
plex than equation 3.3.37. where XM includes the contribution of the solvent
or medium in which the reaction is carried out
as well as the contributions of any inert species
3.33.2 Use of Physical Property Measurements that are present. It also includes any contribu-
as a Measure of the Extent of Reaction. The tions arising from the reaction vessel itself. Com-
most useful physical properties for use in kinetics bination of equations 3.3.41 and 3.3.44 gives
studies are those that are an additive function of
the contributions of the various constituents, X = XM + gA + hACA + gB + hBCB + gz + hzCz
the contribution of each species being a linear (3.3.45)
function of its concentration. Total pressure, ab-
sorbance, optical rotation, and the electrical con- If the initial property value is denoted by Xo,
ductivity of dilute solutions are all properties Xo = XM + gA + hACA0 + gB + hBCB0 +gz + hzCZ0
of this type. This section indicates how such (3.3.46)
physical property measurements may be simply
related to the extent of reaction per unit volume. The change in the value of the property X
Consider some physical property X that results between time zero and time t is given by:
from the contributions of the various species X - Xo = hA(CA - CA0) + hB(CB - CB0)
present in the reaction mixture
+ hz(Cz - Czo) (3.3.47)
A = (3.3.40) or
X - Xo = hAvAZ* + hBvB£* + hzvz£* = £* X M i
where X is the experimentally measured quantity i

and Xt is the contribution of the fth species. (3.3.48)

Furthermore, for the derivation presented be-
low, it is necessary that the contribution of a As equation 3.3.48 indicates, the change in X
species be a linear function of the concentration is directly proportional to the extent of reaction
of that species per unit volume. Similarly, the change in X
between times zero and infinity is given by
Xt = (3.3.41)
- Xo = (3.3.49)
where gi and ht are constants characteristic of
species i. The constants gt are normally zero. The ratio of the extent of reaction at time t to
If one now considers the following general that at equilibrium is then
vAA + vBB + vzZ = 0 (3.3.42)
£-=-*_li!L (3.3.50)

the concentrations of the various species at time Equation 3.3.50 is an extremely useful relation
3.3 Techniques for the Interpretation of Reaction Rate Data 61

that is applicable to a very large number of Data

physical properties. The value of £* can easily
be determined from the equilibrium constant for Time, t Solution conductivity x 104
the reaction if the reaction is reversible. If the (sec) (O^cm"1)
reaction is irreversible, it may be determined
0 negligible
from the initial concentration of the limiting 27 0.352
reagent. 48 0.646
r 55 0.732
y* Mim,0 /^ ^ ri\
Coo p.J.Mj 62 0.813
70 0.900
The concentrations of the various species 79 0.969
present in the reaction mixture can be deter- 86 1.07
mined by combining equations 3.3.50 and 3.3.43. 93 1.12
100 1.21
A —
= Ci0 (3.3.52) 105 1.26
114 1.33
120 1.40
These concentrations may be used in the
various integral and differential methods for the
10,800 3.50
analysis of kinetic data that have been described
in previous sections. An example of the use of this
approach is given in Illustration 3.5. Solution

Since a vast excess of methanol is used, the con-

ILLUSTRATION 3.5 USE OF CONDUCTIVITY centration of methanol is essentially invariant,
and it is appropriate to assume a rate expression
of the form r = k'C^.
Since the conductivity of the solution is a
Biordi (15) has studied the methanolysis of property that is an additive function of contri-
benzoyl chloride at 25 °C in methanol solution. butions that are linear in concentration, the



Conductivity measurements were used to generalized physical property approach may be

monitor the progress of the reaction. used:
Under the conditions of the experiment, it K -
is known that the reaction may be considered as (A)
irreversible. From the data below determine the
order of the reaction with respect to benzoyl where K^ is taken to be the reading at 10,800 sec.
chloride and the pseudo reaction rate constant The integral form of the expression for a first-
under these conditions. order reaction is given by equation 3.1.4.
62 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

If one has data on the reaction rate constant

(B) at several temperatures, this equation provides
C .40 c.40 the basis for the most commonly used method
Combination of equations A and B gives for determining the activation energy of a re-
action. If E is temperature invariant, a plot of
-kt = ln\l-(K-«*)] = &(««> -" In k versus the reciprocal of the absolute tem-
perature should be linear with slope — (E/R). A
or typical plot is shown in Figure 3.9 for the re-
ln(KoD - K) = ln(KaQ - K0) - kt (C) action H2 + I2 -+ 2HI. The slope corresponds
to an activation energy of 44.3 kcal/mole.
If a plot of the left side of equation C versus
time is linear, the reaction is first order, and the
slope of this plot is equal to — k. A plot of the
data indicates that the reaction is indeed first
order with respect to benzoyl chloride. From the
slope of the line the pseudo first-order rate con-
stant is found to be 4.3 x 10" 3 sec" 1 .
3.3.4 Determination of the Activation Energy

This section focuses on the problem of deter-

mining the temperature dependence of the
reaction rate expression (i.e., the activation
energy of the reaction^. Virtually all rate con-
stants may be written in the Arrhenius form:
k = Ae-E/RT (3.3.53)
E is the activation energy
A is the frequency factor for the reaction 10-5 =-
R is the gas constant
T is the absolute temperature
The variation of k with temperature may be 10"
determined by differentiating the logarithmic
form of this equation.
dink Figure 3.9
dT RT2 Arrhenius plot of the rate constant for the reaction
H2 + l2 -> 2HI {16).
Since virtually all known activation energies
are positive quantities, this relation indicates
that the reaction rate constant will almost al- A somewhat less accurate method for deter-
ways increase with temperature. mining the activation energy involves integra-
A useful alternative form of this relation is: tion of equation 3.3.55 over the interval between
two data points, assuming that E is constant.
^ . - ^ ' ^ ,,3,6)
R \T
3.3 Techniques for the Interpretation of Reaction Rate Data 63

When more than two data points are avail- If one assumes that the errors in the four
able, the graphical method is much better to use quantities tu f2, CA1, and CA2 are independent
than common averaging techniques. It gives one and that n is a known constant, the expected
a visual picture of the fit of the data to 3.3.55. If random error in the rate constant Ak may be
one has several data points and estimates of the expressed as follows.
uncertainty in each point, a weighted least
squares fit of the data would be appropriate. A/c \2 dink
T d In tly
3.3.5 Precision of Rate Measurements
d In k\2
for Simple Irreversible Reactions
d £n tj
In order to obtain a feeling for the major sources
of uncertainty and error in the calculation of dink
reaction rate constants, it is useful to consider d lnCA CA1
the nature of the errors inherent in the measure- dink &cA2
ment of these parameters. dlnCA cA2 Precision of Reaction Rate Constants. (3.3.59)
A reaction rate constant can be calculated from or
the integrated form of a kinetic expression if one AkV At,
has data on the state of the system at two or more
different times. This statement assumes that ~k t2 ~ h
sufficient measurements have been made to (n -
establish the functional form of the reaction rate
expression. Once the equation for the reaction cA1
rate constant has been determined, standard /AC A2
techniques for error analysis may be used to 'A2
evaluate the expected error in the reaction rate (3.3.60)
In the general case of a dependent variable For the case of n = 1, the corresponding
y = /(x l5 x2, x 3 , . . . , xw), which is a known equation is
function of the m independent variables xl9 x2, /A/c
x3,...,xm, the expected relative error in y due
to the relative errors in x l5 x2, x 3 ,. . . , xw is
given by

Equation 3.1.32 applies to a constant volume
system that follows nth-order kinetics. If we
take vA = — 1 it can be rewritten as

k =
n - l)(t2 -
To illustrate the use of equation 3.3.60 for
where CA2 and CA1 are the concentrations of A estimating the relative uncertainty in the reac-
present at times t2 and t l9 respectively, and where tion rate constant, consider an example where
n # 1. n = 2, (t2 — r j = 100 sec, the uncertainty in
64 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

each measurement (A^ and At2) is 1 sec, CA2 = centration measurements. Benson (17) has pre-
0.9 CA1 (10% reaction), and the relative un- sented a useful table that summarizes the
certainty in each concentration measurement is converse of the problem we have just considered
0.01 (1%). Substitution of these values into (i.e., what precision in analytical capability is
equation 3.3.60 gives required to measure k to a given degree of
accuracy). It is reproduced here as Table 3.2.
Afc 1 1
Benson states that the analytical error is about
T 100 100 the same for orders of reaction from zero to
0.9 four and is primarily dependent on the extent
(0.01)2 of reaction occurring between the two points
1 - 0.9
chosen. Inspection of this table illustrates the
dilemma the kineticist faces in planning exper-
iments. In order to measure k to within 1%
accuracy he or she must be able to analyze for
= 1O"4 + 1O~4
his or her reactants with a precision of approx-
+ 81 x 1O~4 + 100 x 10~ 4 imately 0.1% at a conversion level of approx-
= 183 x 10" 4 imately 15%. If higher precision in k is desired,
much higher analytical precision must be
Thus, the relative uncertainty in the rate con-
obtained and higher degrees of conversion must
stant is
be used.
Afc = (183 x 10" 4 ) 1/2 = ±13.7 x 10" The situation is significantly changed if it is
possible to monitor the appearance of products
instead of the disappearance of reactants. The
= ±0.137
mathematics of the situation lead one to the
The major sources of error are the concen- general principle that whenever possible it is
tration measurements and attempts to improve advantageous to monitor the products during
the accuracy of the rate constant should focus the initial stages and the reactants during the
on trying to improve the accuracy of the con- final stages of the reaction.

Table 3.2
Errors in Calculated Rate Constants Caused by Analytical Errors

Percent change in reactant species monitored

1 5 10 20 30 40 50

precision (%) Error in k (%)

+ 0.1 14 2.8 1.4 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3

+ 0.5 70 14 7 3.5 2.5 2 1.5
+ 1.0 >100 28 14 7 5 4 3
+ 2.0 MOO 56 28 15 10 8 6

Valid for a rate expression of the form — - = — kCA {n = 0, \, 1 , . . . , 4)

From The Foundations of Chemical Kinetics by S. W. Benson. Copyright
© 1960. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Literature Citations 65 Precision of Activation Energy Mea- At room temperature the relative uncertainty
surements. The activation energy of a reaction in measuring E over 10 °C temperature intervals
can be determined from a knowledge of the is generally about ±5% for gas phase reactions
reaction rate constants at two different tempera- and about ± 3% for liquid phase reactions.
tures. The Arrhenius relation may be written in
the following form.

? (3.3.62) 1. Boudart, M., Kinetics of Chemical Processes, Chapter 1,

Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., copyright© 1968.
Used with permission.
If errors in each of the experimental quantities 2. Levenspiel, O., Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second
ki>k2, Tt and T2 are random, the relative error Edition, Wiley, New York, 1972.
in the Arrhenius activation energy is given by 3. Bunnet, J. F., "The Interpretation of Rate Data" in
Investigation of Rates and Mechanisms of Reactions,
A£V Volume VIII, Part I of Technique of Organic Chemistry,
edited by S. L. Freiss, E. S. Lewis, and A. Weissberger,
Y T2- T,
Interscience, New York, copyright © 1961. Used with
/A7V 2 permission.
4. A. Neyens, Unpublished results cited on page 88 of
T2 - TJ V "Cinetique Chimique Appliquee" by J. C. Jungers,
1 J. C. Balaceanu, F. Coussemant, F. Eschard, A. Giraud,
M. Hellin, P. Le Prince, and G. E. Limido, Societe
£n des Editions Technip, Paris, 1958. Table VII, p. 88, from
U the book Cinetique Chimique Appliquee by J. C. Jungers
et al., published in 1958 by Editions Technip, 27, rue
Ginoux, 75737 Paris Cedex 15, France.
From this equation it can be seen that the rela- 5. Dillon, R. T., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 54 (952), 1932.
tive error in the activation energy is strongly 6. Hinshelwood, C. N., and Askey, P. J., Proc. Roy. Soc.
dependent on the size of the temperature (London), All5 (215), 1927.
interval chosen. Decreases in the size of the 7. Livingston, R., "Evaluation and Interpretation of Rate
temperature interval greatly increase the un- Data," in Investigation of Rates and Mechanisms of
Reactions, Volume VIII, Part I of Technique of Organic
certainty in E because they not only increase the
Chemistry, edited by S. L. Freiss, E. S. Lewis, and
contributions of the first two terms but also A. Weissberger, Interscience, New York, 1961.
simultaneously increase the contribution of the 8. Margerison, D., "The Treatment of Experimental Data"
last term, since the term £n(/c2//c1) in the denom- in The Practice of Kinetics, Volume I of Comprehensive
inator approaches zero as k2 approaches kv Chemical Kinetics, edited by C. H. Bamford and C. F. H.
In order to measure E over a 10 °C tempera- Tipper, Elsevier, New York, 1969.
ture interval to within ±0.5% one generally 9. Kittrell, J. R., Mezaki, R., and Watson, C. C , Ind. Eng.
requires temperature uncertainties of less than Chem., 58 (50), May 1966.
±0.03 °C and rate constant uncertainties of 10. Peterson, T. I, Chem. Eng. Sci., 17,(203), 1962.
0.3%. As Table 3.2 indicates, the latter require- 11. Guggenheim, E. A., Phil. Mag., 1 (538), 1926.
ment will in turn necessitate analytical precision 12. Roseveare, W. E., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 53 (1951), 1931.
of ±0.1% over an extended range of concentra- 13. Sturtevant, J. M., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 59(699), 1937.
tion changes. These numbers indicate the diffi- 14. Ciapetta,F.G.,andKilpatrick, M.,J.Am. Chem.Soc, 70
culty one must face in attempting precise mea- (641), 1948.
surements of the activation energy and why it is 15. Biordi, J. C , J. Chem. Eng. Data, 15 (166), 1970.
so difficult to observe the variation of E with 16. Moelwyn-Hughes, E. A., Physical Chemistry, p. 1109,
temperature. Pergamon Press, New York, 1957.
66 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination t)f the Reaction Rate Expression

17. Benson, S. W., The Foundations of Chemical Kinetics, Determine the reaction order and rate constant
McGraw-Hill, New York, copyright © 1960. Used with for the reaction by both differential and integral
methods of analysis. For orders other than one,
C o will be needed. If so, incorporate this term
PROBLEMS into the rate constant.
1. Moelwyn-Hughes (Physical Chemistry, page
1109, Pergamon Press, New York, 1957) has 3. The data given below are typical of the poly-
tabulated the following values of the rate con- merization of vinyl phenylbutyrate in dioxane
stant for the reaction solution in a batch reactor using benzoyl per-
oxide as an initiator. The reaction was carried
N 2 O 5 -> N 2 O 4 + \O2 out isothermally at 60 °C using an initial mono-
mer concentration of 73 kg/m 3 . From the fol-
Temperature lowing data determine the order of the reaction
T (°K) k( sec - 1 ) and the reaction rate constant. Note that there is
an induction period at the start of the reaction so
288.1 1.04 x 1(T 5 that you may find it useful to use a lower limit
298.1 3.38 x 10" 5 other than zero in your integration over time.
313.1 2.47 X 10" 4 The reaction order may be assumed to be an
323.1 7.59 X 10" 4
338.1 4.87 X 10" 3

If the rate constant is of the form of equation Time, t (ksec) Monomer concentration (kg/m3)
3.0.14, determine the parameters A and E.
7.2 40.6
10.8 23.2
2. The decomposition of hexaphenylethane to
14.4 13.3
triphenylmethyl radicals in liquid chloroform 18.0 7.4
has been studied at 0 °C. 21.6 4.16
25.2 2.32
(C 6 H 5 ) 3 CC(C 6 H 5 ) 3 -> 2(C 6 H 5 ) 3 C 28.8 1.30
32.4 0.74
The following results were obtained.

Time, t (sec) C/Co for hexaphenylethane 4. Huang and Dauerman \Jnd. Eng. Chem. Pro-
duct Research and Development, 8 (227), 1969]
0 1.000 have studied the acetylation of benzyl chloride in
17.4 0.941 dilute solution at 102 °C.
35.4 0.883
54.0 0.824
NaAc + C 6 H 5 CH 2 C1 ->
174.0 0.530
209 0.471 C 6 H 5 CH 2 Ac Na + + Cl
313 0.324
367 0.265
Using equimolal concentrations of sodium ace-
434 0.206
584 0.118
tate and benzyl chloride (0.757 kmole/m 3 ), they
759 0.059 reported the following data on the fraction benzyl
chloride remaining unconverted versus time.
Problems 67

6. Dyashkovskii and Shilov [Kinetics and Ca-

Time, t (ksec) (C6H5CH2C1)/(C6H5CH2C1)O
talysis, 4 (808), 1963] have studied the kinetics of
10.80 0.945 the reaction between ethyl lithium and ethyl
24.48 0.912 iodide in decalin solution.
46.08 0.846
§4.72 0.809 C2H5Li + C2H5I •2C 2 H 5 +LiI
69.48 0.779 2C2H5- • butane, ethane, and ethylene
88.56 0.730
109.44 0.678 The following data are typical of those
126.72 0.638 observed by these authors at 20 °C. They
133.74 0.619 correspond to initial ethyl lithium and ethyl
140.76 0.590 iodide concentrations of 2.0 and 1.0 kmoles/m3,
Determine the order of the reaction and the
reaction rate constant at this temperature. Time, t (sec) CLiI (kmoles/m3)

5. Dvorko and Shilov [Kinetics and Catalysis, 600 0.167

4 (212), 1964] have studied the iodine catalyzed 1200 0.306
addition of HI to cyclohexene in benzene 1800 0.412
solution. 2400 0.498
3000 0.569
HI +

H I (a) What rate expression is consistent with these

The reaction is believed to be first order in data? What is the reaction rate constant at
each reactant and second order overall. The fol- 20 °C?
lowing data were reported for their experiments (b) Using a 10:1 ratio of ethyl iodide to ethyl
at 20 °C using an iodine concentration of 0.422 x lithium, the data below were reported at 22
10"3 kmoles/m3. and 60 °C. What is the activation energy of
the reaction? The initial concentration of
ethyl lithium was 0.5 kmole/m3 in both
Time, t (sec) HI concentration (kmoles/m3) instances.
0 0.106
150 0.099
480 0.087 Time, t (sec) CLiI (kmoles/m3) Temperature
870 0.076
1500 0.062 1200 0.0169
2280 0.050 2400 0.0327
3600 0.0495
3900 0.0536
The initial cyclohexene concentration was
600 0.162
0.123 kmole/m3. 900 0.219
Are these data consistent with the proposed 60 c
1200 0.269
rate expression? If so, determine the reaction 1500 0.31
rate constant.
68 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

7. The following initial rate data [-d(B 2 H 6 )/ What does the fact that the final observed
dt] were reported for the gas-phase reaction of pressure is 124.1 kPa imply?
diborane and acetone at 114 °C.
B2H6 + 4Me2CO -> 2(Me2CHO)2BH
9. The reaction rate constant for the gas phase
decomposition of ethylene oxide is 0.0212 min~ *
Initial pressure (torr) at 450 °C.
TnitiPil ratp s\v IKJ
J.1I1L1CX1 l u l C
Run B2H 6 Me 2 CO (torr/sec)
CH2 - CH2(g) CO{g)

1 6.0 20.0 0.5

2 8.0 20.0 0.63 At time zero, pure ethylene oxide is admitted to a
3 10.0 20.0 0.83 constant temperature, constant volume reaction
4 12.0 20.0 1.00 vessel at a pressure of 2.0 atm and a temperature
5 16.0 20.0 1.28 of 450 °C. After 50 min, what is the total pressure
6 10.0 10.0 0.33 in the reaction vessel? Ideal gas behavior may be
7 10.0 20.0 0.80
8 10.0 40.0 1.50
9 10.0 60.0 2.21
10 10.0 100.0 3.33
10. Chawla et al. [J. Am. Chem. Soc, 89 (557),
1967] have studied the bromination of a hy-
If one postulates a rate expression of the form: drated amine complex in aqueous solution at
— hpn pm 25 °C.
(Complex) + Br2 -»(Complex Br) + Br~ + H +
determine n, m, and k. Be sure to express k in
appropriate units. The initial bromine concentration was 72.6
mmoles/m3, while the initial complex concentra-
8. The following data are typical of the pyrolysis tion was 1.49 moles/m3. The reaction may be
of dimethylether at 504 °C. considered to be essentially irreversible. The fol-
lowing data were reported.
CH3OCH3 -> CH4 + H2 + CO
The reaction takes place in the gas phase in an
Time, t (sec) Br2 concentration (mmoles/m3)
isothermal constant volume reactor. Determine
the order of the reaction and the reaction rate 0 72.6
constant. The order may be assumed to be an 432 63.6
integer. 684 58.9
936 55.3
Time, t (sec) P (kPa) 1188 51.6
1422 48.1
0 41.6 1632 45.2
390 54.4 2058 39.8
111 65.1 2442 35.1
1195 74.9
3155 103.9
00 124.1 (a) If the stoichiometry of the reaction is as
indicated above, what is the percent change
Problems 69

in the complex concentration during the time Determine the order of the reaction and the re-
interval studied? action rate constant. The order is an integer.
(b) What is the order of the reaction with respect
to Br2 concentration? What is the product 13. When one makes use of the assumption that
of the true rate constant and the term cor- the volume of a system is linear in the fraction
responding to the dependence of the rate conversion
on complex concentration (pseudo rate V = V0(l + df)
constant)? the parameter 3 is based on the limiting reagent.
11. Svirbley and Roth [J. Am. Chem. Soc, 75 Calculate 3 for the following gaseous reactions
(3106), 1953] have reported the following data and the feed concentrations given. / refers to the
for the reaction between HCN and C 3 H 7 CHO concentration of inerts in the feed stream.
in aqueous solution at 25 °C. (a) C 2 H 5 OH -> H 2 O + C 2 H 4
Initial concentration ratios
HCN C 3 H 7 CHO C 2 H 5 OH:H 2 O:C 2 H 4 :/ =o= 1:1:1:2
Time, t (sec) (moles/m3) (moles/m3) (b) CH 3 CHO + H 2 -> CH 3 CH 2 OH
Initial concentration ratios
166.8 99.0 56.6 C H 3 C H O : H 2 : C H 3 C H 2 O H : / ^ 1:2:0:1
319.8 90.6 48.2 (c) CH 3 CHO + H 2 -• CH 3 CH 2 OH
490.2 83.0 40.6 Initial concentration ratios
913.8 70.6 28.2
C H 3 C H O : H 2 : C H 3 C H 2 O H : / - 2:1:0:0
1188. 65.3 22.9
oo 42.4 0 (d) C 2 H 6 + Cl2 -> HC1 + C2H5C1
Initial concentration ratios
C 2 H 6 :C1 2 :HC1:C 2 H 5 C1:/ =0= 1:2:1:0:3
Determine the order of the reaction and the
(e) C H 2 = C H — C H = C H 2 + 2H2 -> Q H j
reaction rate constant.
Initial concentration ratios
12. Baciocchi, et al. [J. Am. Chem. Soc, 87 v^±l 2 —v^rl—\^rl—^rl 2 . r l 2 . \^ 4 rl j
(3953), 1965] have investigated the kinetics of 2:1:1:0
the chlorination of several hexa-substituted ben- 2N 2 O 5 -> 2N 2 O 4 + O 2
zenes. They have reported the following data for Initial concentration ratios
the chlorination of dichlorotetramethylbenzene N 2 0 5 : / : N 2 0 4 : 0 2 o 1:0:0:0
in acetic acid solution at 30 °C.
Initial concentrations: 14. The reaction of cyclohexanol and acetic acid
C 6 (CH 3 ) 4 C1 2 = 34.7 moles/m 3 in dioxane solution as catalyzed by sulfuric acid
was studied by McCracken and Dickson \_Ind.
Cl 2 = 19.17 moles/m 3 Eng. Chem. Proc. Des. and Dev., 6 (286), 1967].
The esterification reaction can be represented by
Time, t (ksec) Fraction conversion the following stoichiometric equation.
0 0
48.42 0.2133 A + B : C + W
85.14 0.3225 acetic cyclo- cyclo- water
135.3 0.4426 acid hexanol hexyl
171.3 0.5195 acetate
222.9 0.5955
The reaction was carried out in a well-stirred
batch reactor at 40 °C. Under these conditions,
70 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

the esterification reaction can be considered as (b) If acetic acid exists primarily as a dimer
irreversible at conversions less than 70%. (C2H4O2)2 in solution at 40 °C, postulate a
set of mechanistic equations that will be con-
sistent with this rate expression.
The following data were obtained using identical 15. The saponification of the ester phenylace-
sulfuric acid concentrations in both runs. tate by sodium phenolate has the following
Run 1 : Co = Ceo = 2.5 kmoles/m 3
H2O + CH3COOC6H5 + Na +
CB (kmoles/m3 Time, t (ksec) CH 3 COO"Na 2C6H5OH
2.070 7.2 The reaction takes place in aqueous solution.
1.980 9.0 Equimolal concentrations of the ester and the
1.915 10.8
phenolate are used. These concentrations are
1.860 12.6
1.800 14.4
equal to 30 moles/m3. By the time the sam-
1.736 16.2 ples are brought to thermal equilibrium in the
1.692 18.0 reactor and efforts made to obtain data on ester
1.635 19.8 concentrations as a function of time, some sa-
1.593 21.6 ponification has occurred. At this time the con-
1.520 25.2 centration of ester remaining is 26.29 moles/m3,
1.460 28.8 and the concentration of phenol present in the
reactant mixture is 7.42 moles/m3. The rate ex-
Run 2: CA0 = 1 kmole/m 3 pression for the reaction is believed to be of the
Cflo = 8 kmoles/m 3 form
tester ^phenolate
CA (kmoles/m3) Time, t (ksec) Rate =
0.885 1.8
0.847 2.7 Determine the reaction rate constant from the
0.769 4.5 following data.
0.671 7.2
0.625 9.0 Time, t (ksec) Ester concentration (moles/m3)
0.544 12.6
0.500 15.3 0 26.29
0.463 18.0 0.72 22.00
2.16 18.30
4.32 15.29
(a) Determine the order of the reaction with 8.64 12.15
14.34 9.99
respect to each reactant and the rate constant
20.64 8.50
for the forward reaction under the conditions 27.24 7.30
of the two runs. The rate constant should
differ between runs, but the conditions are
such that the order will not differ. The indi- Be very careful to note the appropriate stoi-
vidual and overall orders are integers. chiometric coefficients for use in your analysis.
Problems 71

16. Consider a gas phase dehydrogenation re- 18. Daniels (Chemical Kinetics, page 19, Cornell
action that occurs at a constant temperature of University Press, 1938) has carried out a series of
1000 °K. investigations of the N 2 O 5 decomposition re-
action. The following data are typical of the time
RCH2OH(#) -> RCHO(#) + H2{g) for 50% decomposition of a given initial charge
At this temperature the reaction rate constant is of N 2 O 5 in a constant volume reactor at various
equal to 0.082 liters/mole-min. If the reaction temperatures. It may be assumed that the initial
takes place in a constant pressure reactor, starting concentration of N 2 O 5 is the same in all cases
with pure gaseous alcohol at a pressure of 2 and that each run is carried out isothermally.
atm, find the time necessary to reach 20%
decomposition: Temperature, T (°C) Half-life (sec)
(a) In the sense that the number of moles of
alcohol in the reactor decreases by 20%. 300 3.9 x 10~5
(b) In the sense that the concentration of alcohol 200 3.9 x 10~3
150 8.8 x 10" 2
in the reactor decreases by 20%. 100 4.6
Ideal gas laws may be assumed in both cases. 50 780

17. Hinshelwood and Burk [Proc. Roy. Soc,

106A (284), 1924] have studied the thermal de- What is the activation energy of the reaction?
composition of nitrous oxide. Consider the fol-
19. The gas phase dimerization of trifluoro-
lowing "adjusted" data at 1030 °K. chloroethylene may be represented by

Initial pressure of N 2 O Half-life CF2—CFC1

2CF ? =CFC1
(mm Hg) (sec)
82.5 860 The following data are typical of this reaction at
139 470 440 °C as it occurs in a constant volume reactor.
296 255
360 212
Time, t (sec) Total pressure (kPa)

(a) Determine the order of the reaction and the 0 82.7

reaction rate constant. 100 71.1
(b) The following additional data were reported 200 64.0
300 60.4
at the temperatures indicated.
400 56.7
500 54.8
Temperature, T Initial pressure Half-life
(mm Hg) (sec) Determine the order of the reaction and the re-
1085 345 53
action rate constant under these conditions. The
1030 360 212 order is an integer.
967 294 1520
20. Daniels (Chemical Kinetics, page 9, Cornell
University Press, 1938) has reported the follow-
What is the activation energy for the reaction? ing data on the rate of decomposition of N 2 O 5
72 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression

in the gas phase at 45 °C. The reaction takes Determine the apparent order of reaction and
place in a constant volume system. the apparent rate constant in suitable units.
(1) The resistance is inversely proportional to
Time, t (min) PN2o5 (mm of Hg)
the conductance of the solution. The latter is
0 an additive property of the contributions of
10 247 the various species in the solution. The re-
20 185 action order is either 0, 1, or 2. Note that the
30 140 concentrations of nitroethane and pyridine
40 105 are much greater than that of the iodine.
50 78 (2) Show that the extent of reaction at time t
60 58 relative to the extent at time infinity is given
70 44 by
80 33
90 24 =
100 18 \~R R~\ R

and make use of this fact in your analysis.

The pertinent stoichiometry is:
2N 2 O 5 -> 2N 2 O 4 + O 2 22. NMR is an analytical technique that has
been applied to the studies of chemical reactions
Use both integral and differential approaches to with promising results. The chemical shift para-
determine the order of the reaction and the re- meter may be used as a measure of the relative
action rate constant. The order is either 0,1, or 2. proportions of different species that are present
in solution. These shifts are measured relative to
21. Frost and Pearson have indicated that the
a standard reference sample.
following data are typical of the reaction.
Benzhydryl bromide (BHB) undergoes solvol-
C 2 H 5 NO 2 + C 5 H 5 N + I2 -+ ysis in aqueous dioxane to produce benzyhydryl
C 2 H 4 INO 2 + C 5 H 5 NH + + I" alcohol (BHA) and hydrogen bromide.

BHB + H 2 O -> BHA + H + + Br~ (A)

Original concentrations Time, t (sec) (Q)
The rate of formation of hydrogen ions can be
determined by observing the chemical shift for
Nitroethane 100 moles/m3 0 2503 the water molecules in the solution. Since the
Pyridine 100 moles/m3 300 2295 rate of protonation is very rapid compared to a
Iodine 4.5 moles/m3 600 2125 typical NMR time scale, the chemical shift may
Qnn 1 Q8H
be said to be a linear combination of the contri-
Temperature 25°C 1200 1850 butions of the protonated water molecules and
Water-alcohol-solvent 1500 1738 the unprotonated water molecules. That is,
1800 1639
oc 1470

Adapted from Kinetics and Mechanism, 2nd edition, where

by A. A. Frost and R. G. Pearson, copyright © 1961.
Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc. d is the observed chemical shift
Problems 73

dU2O is the chemical shift that would be ob- have been corrected to allow for heat losses from
served in the absence of unprotonated the system (i.e., adiabatic operation of the batch
species reactor may be assumed). The reaction was
5H + O is the chemical shift that would be ob- carried out in diethyl ether solution using initial
served if all species were protonated concentrations of C 2 H 5 MgBr and pinacolin of
403 and 10 moles/m 3 , respectively. The stoi-
X is the fraction of the water molecules that
H2O chiometry of the reaction may be represented as
are not protonated
XH + O is the fraction of the water molecules that A + B -+ C
are protonated Changes in the potentiometer reading may be
It may be assumed that all the protons formed by assumed to be proportional to the temperature
reaction immediately react to form protonated change of the reaction mixture. Determine the
water molecules. The following chemical shifts order of the reaction with respect to pinacolin
were observed as a function of time. and the apparent reaction rate constant.

Time, t (sec) 6 Time, t (sec) Potentiometer reading

240 40.1 10 65.0

480 27.0 20 96.5
720 19.3 30 107.6
960 14.8 40 114.2
1200 12.3 50 116.2
1440 10.9 60 117.5
1680 10.1 70 118.2
oc 9.0 280 118.5

[Data taken from article by Horman and Unfortunately, the potentiometer reading at
Strauss, J. Chem. Education, 46 (114), 1969.] If time zero is uncertain.
reaction (A) may be considered as an irreversible
reaction, what is the order of this reaction with 24. Pannetier and Souchay* have reported the
respect to BHB? The initial concentration of data below as an example of the application
BHB is 360 moles/m3. The water is present in of dilatometry to kinetics studies.
sufficient excess that its concentration may be The hydration of ethylene oxide
considered to be essentially constant. What is the
reaction rate constant? CH 2 OH
CH 2 —CH 2 H2O
23. Tuulmets {Kinetics and Catalysis, 5 (59),
1964] has studied the kinetics of the reaction of
was studied in aqueous solution at 20 °C using
ethyl magnesium bromide with pinacolin. He
an initial oxide concentration of 120 moles/m 3
used a calorimetric technique to monitor the
and a catalyst concentration of 7.5 moles/m3.
progress of the reaction. The overall temperature
increase of the reaction mixture was less than a * Adapted from Chemical Kinetics by G. Pannetier and
degree. Mixture temperatures were determined P. Souchay, p. 68, copyright © 1964. Used with permission
with a sensitive potentiometer. The data below of Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company.
74 Basic Concepts in Chemical Kinetics—Determination pf the Reaction Rate Expression

26. Marvel, Dec, and Cooke [J. Am. Chem.

Time, t (ksec) Height of capillary level (cm)
Soc, 62 (3499), 1940] have used optical rotation
0 18.48 measurements to study the kinetics of the poly-
1.80 18.05 merization of certain optically active vinyl esters.
3.60 17.62 The change in rotation during the polymeriza-
5.40 17.25 tion may be used to determine the reaction order
7.20 16.89 and reaction rate constant. The specific rotation
14.40 15.70 angle in dioxane solution is a linear combination
23.40 14.62 of the contributions of the monomer and of the
oo 12.30 polymerized mer units. The optical rotation due
to each mer unit in the polymer chain is inde-
What is the order of the reaction and the re- pendent of the chain length. The following values
action rate constant? The reverse reaction may of the optical rotation were recorded as a func-
be neglected. The volume of the solution as de- tion of time for the polymerization of d-s-butyl
termined by the height of the meniscus in the a-chloroacrylate
capillary may be assumed to be a measure of the
fraction conversion (i.e., the volume change is
proportional to the extent of reaction). Time, t (ksec) Rotation
25. Burkhart and Newton [J. Phys. Chem., 73
(1741), 1969] have studied the kinetics of the 0 2.79
3.6 2.20
reaction between vanadium (II) and neptunium
7.2 1.84
(IV) in aqueous perchlorate solutions 10.8 1.59
Np(IV) + V(H) -> Np(III) + V(III) 14.4 1.45
18.0 1.38
The reaction may be considered as irreversible. 1.27
The progress of the reaction was monitored by
observing the absorbance of the solution at 723
nm where Np(IV) is the principal absorbing
species. From the data below determine the re- Determine the order of the reaction and the
action rate constant for this reaction if the reac- reaction rate constant if the initial monomer
tion is first order in both Np(IV) and V(II). concentration is M o .
Temperature = 25.2 °C
Initial Np(IV) concentration = 0.358 mole/m3
27. The data below have been reported for the
Initial V(II) concentration = 1.30 moles/m3 decomposition of diazobenzene chloride.

Time, t Time, t C6H5N2C1 CJH.Cl + N9

(sec) Absorbance (sec) Absorbance
The reaction was followed by measuring the
0 0.600 520 0.150 nitrogen evolved from the liquid mixture.
80 0.472 600 0.128
The initial concentration of diazobenzene
160 0.376 680 0.109
240 0.301 760 0.094
chloride was 5.0 kg/m3. The reaction is believed
320 0.244 840 0.081 to be first order and irreversible. Determine if
440 0.180 00 0.000 the reaction is indeed first order and evaluate
the reaction rate constant.
Problems 75

Time, t (sec) N2 evolved (cm 3 at STP) A + B -+ C

360 19.3 The initial composition is as follows (mole
540 26.0 percents).
720 32.6
840 36.0 A 0.40
1080 41.3 B 0.40
1320 45.0 C 0.11
1440 46.5 Inerts 0.09
1560 48.4
1800 50.4 The reaction takes place in an isothermal re-
00 58.3 actor that is maintained at a constant pressure of
1 atm. If the reaction is first-order in A and first-
order in B, and if the value of ki is 2 liters/mole-
28. The following addition reaction takes place min, how long will it be before the mole fraction
in the gas phase at 400 °C. C reaches 0.15?
Basic Concepts in Chemical

4 Kinetics—Molecular Interpretations
of Kinetic Phenomena
4.0 INTRODUCTION available experimental data, representing a sug-
gestion as to the sequence of molecular events
This chapter treats the descriptions of the molec- that occur in proceeding from reactants to pro-
ular events that lead to the kinetic phenomena ducts. It does not necessarily represent the actual
that one observes in the laboratory. These events events that occur during the reaction process,
are referred to as the mechanism of the reaction. but it must be consistent with the available ex-
The chapter begins with definitions of the vari- perimental facts. Often there will be more than
ous terms that are basic to the concept of re- one mechanism that is consistent with these
action mechanisms, indicates how elementary facts. The problem of designing an experiment
events may be combined to yield a description that will eliminate one or more of the competing
that is consistent with observed macroscopic mechanisms is a challenging problem for the
phenomena, _and discusses some of the tech- kineticist. In some cases it is an impossible task.
niques that may be used to elucidate the mecha- Implicit in the use of the term "sequence of
nism of a reaction. Finally, two basic molecular molecular events" is the idea that the chemical
theories of chemical kinetics are discussed—the transformation that one observes in the labora-
kinetic theory of gases and the transition state tory is not the result of a single molecular process
theory. The determination of a reaction mecha- but is the end result of a number of such pro-
nism is a much more complex problem than that cesses. If one considers reactions such as
of obtaining an accurate rate expression, and
the well-educated chemical engineer should have C 7 H 16 + 11O2 -> 7CO2 + 8H2O
a knowledge of and an appreciation for some of
the techniques used in such studies.
There are at least two levels of sophistication 5SOJ + 2IO3- + 2H -+ 5SO^ + I2 + H2O
at which one may approach the problem of pro- (4.0.2)
viding a molecular description of the phenomena
that occur during the course of a chemical re- it should be evident from a purely statistical
action. At the first level the sequence of molec- viewpoint that there is virtually zero probability
ular events is described in terms of the number that the number of molecular species involved
and type of molecules and molecular fragments in these reactions would simultaneously be in
that come together and react in the various steps. spatial and electronic configurations such that
The second level of description contains all of more than a few chemical bonds could be broken
the elements of the first but goes beyond it to and/or made in a single step. These equations
treat the geometric and electronic configurations merely describe the stoichiometry that is ob-
of the various species during the different stages served in the laboratory. Nonetheless, they do
of the reaction sequence. For this textbook, the reflect the conversion of reactant molecules into
first level of description is adequate. The second product molecules. It is quite plausible to assume
level is more appropriate for study in courses of that the events that occur on a molecular level
physical organic chemistry or advanced physical are encounters at which atomic rearrangements
chemistry. occur and that the observed reaction may be
The mechanism of a reaction is a hypothetical interpreted as the sum total of the changes that
construct. It is a provisional statement based on occur during a number of such encounters. This

4.0 Introduction 77

assumption is the foundation on which all stud- stoichiometric chemical equation remains valid
ies of reaction mechanisms are based. The major when multiplied by an arbitrary factor, a mecha-
justifications for its use lie in the tremendous nistic equation loses its meaning when multiplied
success it has had in providing a molecular inter- by an arbitrary factor. Whereas stoichiometric
pretation of kinetic phenomena and the fact that coefficients and reaction orders may be integers
it has been possible to observe experimentally or nonintegers, the molecularity of a reaction is
some of the intermediates postulated in se- always an integer. The following examples indi-
quences of elementary reactions. cate the types of rate expression associated with
Each elemental process contributing to the various molecularities.
overall mechanism is itself an irreducible chemi-
cal reaction. The elementary reactions may also Unimolecular: A-+B + C r = kxCA
be referred to as simple reactions, mechanistic (4.0.3)
reactions, or reaction steps. The superposition
in time of elementary reactions leads to the ex- Bimolecular: M + N ^ P r = k2CMCN
perimentally observed reaction. Since each step (4.0.4)
in the mechanism is itself a chemical reaction
and is written as such, the equation representing Termolecular: R + 2S ^ T + U r = k3CRCj
an elemental process looks the same as an equa- (4.0.5)
tion that represents the stoichiometry of a chemi-
cal reaction. The mechanistic equation, however, Note that for the last reaction the stoichiometric
has an entirely different meaning than the stoi- coefficients require that
chiometric equation. It is only from the context rs = -2k3CRCJ (4.0.6)
of their use that the reader knows which type
of equation is being used, and the beginning Each elementary reaction must fulfill the fol-
kineticist must be sure to distinguish between lowing criteria.
their meanings in his or her thinking.
1. On a molecular scale the reaction occurs
The number of chemical species involved in a
exactly as written.
single elementary reaction is referred to as the
2. The simple reaction should break or form as
molecularity of that reaction. Molecularity is a
few bonds as possible. Normally only one
theoretical concept, whereas stoichiometry and
bond is made and/or broken. Occasionally
order are empirical concepts. A simple reaction
two bonds are broken and two new ones made
is referred to as uni-, bi-, or termolecular if one,
in a four-center reaction. Only very rarely do
two, or three species, respectively, participate as
more complex processes occur.
reactants. The majority of known elementary
3. The simple reaction must be feasible with
steps are bimolecular, with the balance being
respect to bond energies, atomic geometry,
unimolecular and termolecular.
and allowed electron shifts.
Since an elementary reaction occurs on a
molecular level exactly as it is written, its rate In all but the simplest cases, the mechanism of
expression can be determined by inspection. A a reaction consists of a number of steps, some of
unimolecular reaction is ^ first-order process, which involve reacting species that do not ap-
bimolecular reactions are second-order, and ter- pear in the overall stoichiometric equation for
molecular processes are third-order. However, the reaction. Some of these intermediate species
the converse statement is not true. Second-order are stable molecules that can be isolated in the
rate expressions are not necessarily the result of laboratory. Others are highly reactive species
an elementary bimolecular reaction. While a that can be observed only by using sophisticated
78 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

experimental techniques. These reaction inter- orderly manner, the thought processes leading
mediates are sometimes referred to as active to these results involve elements of experience,
centers. intuition, luck, knowledge, and guesswork.
Among the various intermediate species that An individual who has started work on a
may participate in a reaction sequence are stable kinetics research project will usually have some
molecules, ions, free atoms, free radicals, car- preconceived ideas about the mechanism of the
banions, carbonium ions, molecular and ionic reaction being investigated and will usually
complexes, and tautomeric or excited forms of know the major products of the reaction before
stable molecules. If the intermediate is, indeed, a starting any kinetics experiments. As a result of
stable substance, then its presence can be de- a literature search, the kineticist often has a
tected by any of the standard techniques of knowledge of experimental rate expressions and
chemical analysis, provided that the interme- proposed mechanisms for similar reactions. As
diate can be isolated (i.e., prevented from partici- the kineticist proceeds with the experimental
pation in the processes that would normally work and determines the complete product
follow its formation). If isolation is impossible, distribution, the order of the reaction, and- the
then the techniques available for the study of effects of temperature, pressure, solvent, etc., on
stable intermediates are the same as those for the reaction rate, his or her ideas relative to the
the study of highly reactive species. For a de- mechanism will evolve into a coherent and
tailed discussion of appropriate experimental logical picture. Along the path, however, the
techniques, consult the references listed in Sec- preliminary ideas may be shuffled, added to,
tion 3.2.2 or the review by Wayne (1). discarded, broadened, or refurbished before
they can be manipulated into a logical sequence
4.1 REACTION MECHANISMS of events that is consistent with all of the
available facts. Each mechanism study evolves
At first glance the problem of "finding the
in its own fashion as the investigator designs
mechanism" of a reaction may appear to the
experiments to test provisional mechanisms that
beginning student as an exercise in modern
have been postulated on the basis of earlier
alchemy. Nonetheless, there are certain basic
experiments. These experiments constitute a
principles underlying the reasoning that inter-
more or less systematic attempt to make mecha-
venes between experimental work in the labora-
nistic order out of what may appear to the
tory and the postulation of a set of molecular
uninitiated observer to be a random collection
events that give rise to the chemical reaction
of experimental facts. By the time the experi-
being investigated. This section is a discussion
mental research is completed and the results are
of the nature of the problem, the means by
ready for publication, the investigator will have
which one derives a rate expression from a
resolved his or her ideas about the mechanism
proposed sequence of reactions, and some tech-
into a fully coherent picture that can be pre-
niques that are useful in the elucidation of
sented in a systematic and rational manner.
reaction mechanisms.
Since this end result is all that is published for
the judgment of the scientific community, the
4.1.1 The Nature of the Problem
uninitiated observer obtains the false impression
The postulation of a reaction ^mechanism is that the research work itself was actually carried
the result of inductive rather than deductive out in this systematic and rational fashion. In
thinking. Even though the kinetics researcher the actual program there may have been many
may present the ideas and experiments that false starts and erroneous ideas that had to be
lead to a proposed mechanism in a logical overcome before arriving at the final result. To
4.1 Reaction Mechanisms 79

a fellow kineticist, however, the investigator's of its constituent elementary reactions. The
systematic and logical rendering of the experi- fundamental principle from which one starts is
mental facts is an efficient means of communi- that the rate of an elementary reaction is pro-
cating the results of the research. portional to the frequency of collisions indicated
The problem of determining the mechanism by the stoichiometric-mechanistic equation for
of a chemical reaction is one of the most in- the reaction (i.e., to the product of the concentra-
teresting and challenging intellectual and experi- tions indicated by the molecularity of the re-
mental problems that a chemical engineer or action). In addition, one usually bases the
chemist is likely to encounter. Even for relatively analysis on one or more of the following
simple mechanisms, it is occasionally difficult to simplifications in order to make the mathematics
determine from the assumptions about the amenable to closed form solution.
elementary reactions just what the exact form First, one often finds it convenient to neglect
of the predicted dependence of the rate on re- reverse reactions (i.e., the reaction is considered
actant concentrations should be. In many cases to be "irreversible"). This assumption will be
the algebra becomes intractable and, without valid during the initial stages of any reaction,
an a priori knowledge of the magnitudes of since the number of product molecules available
various terms, it may be difficult or even im- to serve as reactants for the reverse reaction will
possible for the theoretician to make simplifica- be small during this period. If the equilibrium
tions that will permit these predictions to be constant for the reaction is very large, this
made. Many chemical reactions are believed to assumption will also be true for intermediate
have mechanisms involving a large number of and later stages of the reaction.
elementary steps [e.g., the mechanism of re- Second, it may be convenient to assume that
action between H 2 and O 2 contains at least 26 one elementary reaction in the sequence occurs
steps (2)], and it becomes an extremely formida- at a much slower rate than any of the others.
ble task to manipulate the corresponding mathe- The overall rate of conversion of reactants to
matical relations to predict the dependence of products may be correctly calculated on the
the rate on the concentrations of stable mole- assumption that this step governs the entire
cules. How much more formidable is the process. The concept of a rate limiting step is
problem that our investigator must tackle—that discussed in more detail below.
of deriving such a mechanism consistent with Third, it is often useful to assume that the
all available experimental data! concentration of one or more of the intermediate
Since the problem of deriving a rate expression species is not changing very rapidly with time
from a postulated set of elementary reactions is (i.e., that one has a quasistationary state situa-
simpler than that of determining the mechanism tion). This approximation is also known as the
of a reaction, and since experimental rate ex- Bodenstein steady-state approximation for inter-
pressions provide one of the most useful tests mediates. It implies that the rates of production
of reaction mechanisms, we will now consider and consumption of intermediate species are
this problem. nearly equal. This approximation is particularly
good when the intermediates are highly reactive.
Fourth, one often finds it convenient to as-
4.1.2 Basic Assumptions Involved in the
sume that one or more reactions is in a quasi-
Derivation of a Rate Expression from a
equilibrium condition (i.e., the forward and
Proposed Reaction Mechanism
reverse rates of this reaction are much greater
The mechanism of a chemical reaction is a than those of the other reactions in the sequence).
microscopic description of the reaction in terms The net effect is that these other reactions do not
80 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

produce large perturbations of the first reaction If one of the times (say ^ L S ) in the denomina-
from equilibrium. tor of equation 4.1.3 is very much larger than
In the sequence of elementary reactions any of the others, then this equation becomes
making up the overall reaction, there often is
one step that is very much slower than all the 1
— r
RLS (4.1.5)
subsequent steps leading to reaction products. L
In these cases the rate of product formation
where the subscript RLS refers to the rate
may depend on the rates of all the steps pre-
limiting step.
ceding the last slow step, but will not depend on
If some of the processes prior to the rate
the rates of any of the subsequent more rapid
limiting step are characterized by times com-
steps. This last slow step has been termed the
parable to that of the rate determining step,
rate controlling, rate limiting, or rate determining
equation 4.1.4 may be rewritten as
step by various authors.
In a mechanism consisting of several consecu- 1
tive elementary reaction steps, fragments of the r = (4.1.6)
1 1 1
initial reactant pass through a number of inter-
mediate stages, finally ending up as the products
of the reaction. The total time necessary to where terms corresponding to events beyond
produce a molecule of product is simply the the last slow step in the process have been
sum of the discrete times necessary to pass dropped. Kinetic events preceding the last slow
through each individual stage of the overall step can influence the overall reaction rate, but
reaction. Where a reversible reaction step is subsequent steps cannot.
involved, the net time for that step is necessarily
increased by the "feedback" of intermediate
4.1.3 Preliminary Criteria for Testing a
accompanying that step. The mean reaction
Proposed Reaction Mechanism—
time (rmean) is thus
Stoichiometry and Derivation of a
Lean = h + t2 + £3 + ' ' ' + tn (4.1.1) Rate Expression for the Mechanism
where the tt represent effective times necessary There are two crucial criteria with which a
on the average to accomplish each step. proposed mechanism must be consistent.
The overall reaction rate r may be defined as
1. The net effect of the elementary reactions
the reciprocal of this mean reaction time.
must be the overall reaction and must explain
1 the formation of all observed products.
r == (4.1.2) 2. It must yield a rate expression that is con-
Thus sistent with the kinetics observed experi-
r = (4.1.3) In the case of relatively simple reaction
+ t2 + U + + mechanisms, the net or overall effect of the
The rates of each individual step are given by elementary reactions can be determined by
analogs of equation 4.1.2. Thus adding them together. For example, the stoi-
chiometric equation for the decomposition of
r = (4.1.4) nitrogen pentoxide is
1 1 1 1
— + — + — + ••• H 4NO, (4.1.7)
4.1 Reaction Mechanisms 81

A mechanism that might be proposed to Mechanism B

explain this reaction is
2NO ^ N 2 O2 (fast) (E)
N 2 O 5 ^ NO 2 + N O 3 (4.1.8) kA

N 2 O 2 + H2 ^ N 2 + H2o2 (slow) (F)

NO, N O 3 -> NO + O 2 + N O 2 (4.1.9)
NO + N O 3 4 2NO 2 (4.1.10) H 2 O 2 + H 2 k-X 2H 2 O (fast) (G)
If one multiplies equation 4.1.8 by two and Show that both of these mechanisms are con-
adds the result to equations 4.1.9 and 4.1.10, sistent with the observed rate expression and
equation 4.1.7 is obtained. the stoichiometry of the reaction.
For mechanisms that are more complex than
the above, the task of showing that the net effect Solution
of the elementary reactions is the stoichiometric
First consider mechanism A. Addition of re-
equation may be a difficult problem in algebra
actions C and D gives reaction A, so the stoi-
whose solution will not contribute to an under-
chiometry of the mechanism is consistent.
standing of the reaction mechanism. Even
Reaction C is the rate limiting step, so the
though it may be a fruitless task to find the
overall reaction rate is given by
exact linear combination of elementary reac-
tions that gives quantitative agreement with the
observed product distribution, it is nonetheless
This rate expression is consistent with the ob-
imperative that the mechanism qualitatively
served kinetics, so this combination of a slow
imply the reaction stoichiometry. Let us now
termolecular step with a rapid bimolecular step
consider a number of examples that illustrate
is a plausible mechanism based on the informa-
the techniques used in deriving an overall rate
tion we have been given.
expression from a set of mechanistic equations.
Now consider mechanism B. Addition of
ILLUSTRATION 4.1 DEMONSTRATION OF reactions E, F, and G again yields equation A.
THE FACT THAT TWO PROPOSED Thus the stoichiometry is consistent. The second
MECHANISMS CAN GIVE RISE TO THE step in the mechanism is the rate controlling

The stoichiometric equation for the reaction rN2 = /c 5 [N 2 O 2 ][H 2 ] (I)

between nitric oxide and hydrogen is: This expression contains the concentration
2NO + 2H 2 -> N 2 + 2H 2 O (A) of an intermediate species N 2 O 2 . It may be
eliminated by recognizing that reaction E is
The overall rate expression is third order.
essentially at equilibrium. Hence
rN2 = /c[NO] 2 [H 2 ] (B)
/c 3 [NO] 2 = /c 4 [N 2 O 2 ] (J)
Two different mechanisms have been pro-
posed for this reaction. They are described The concentration of the intermediate is
below. given by

Mechanism A [N 2 O 2 ] = y [ N O ] 2 = X e [ N O ] 2 (K)
2NO + H 2 ^ N 2 + H 2 O 2 (slow) (C)
where Ke is an equilibrium constant for reaction
H 2 O 2 + H 2 ^ 2H2O (fast) (D) E.
82 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

Substitution of this expression for the N 2 O 2 is a classic reaction in kinetics because it was
concentration in equation I gives the first gas phase, first-order reaction to be
reported (3).
[NO] 2 [H 2 ] = The reaction has been studied by a number
of investigators, and the following mechanism
(L) is the one that appears to give the best agreement
These equations are consistent with the ob- with the available experimental facts.
served kinetics if we identify k as ^.
k = (M)
+ NO 2 -*NO + O 2 (slow) (C)
Thus mechanism B, which consists solely of
bimolecular and unimolecular steps, is also (D)
consistent with the information that we have In reaction C the N O 2 itself does not react
been given. This mechanism is somewhat simpler but plays the role of a collision partner that may
than the first in that it does not requite a ter- effect the decomposition of the N O 3 molecule.
molecular step. This illustration points out that The N O 2 and N O 3 molecules may react via the
the fact that a mechanism gives rise to the two paths indicated by the rate constants k2
experimentally observed rate expression is by and k3. The first of these reactions is believed
no means an indication that the mechanism is to have a very small activation energy; the
a unique solution to the problem being studied. second reaction is endothermic and conse-
We may disqualify a mechanism from further quently will have an appreciable activation
consideration on the grounds that it is incon- energy. On the basis of this reasoning, Ogg (4)
sistent with the observed kinetics, but consis- postulated that /c3 is much less than k2 and that
tency merely implies that we continue our reaction C is the rate controlling step in the
search for other mechanisms that are consistent decomposition. Reaction D, which we have
and attempt to use some of the techniques dis- included, differs from the final step postulated
cussed in Section 4.1.5 to discriminate between by Ogg.
the consistent mechanisms. It is also entirely
Derive an expression for the overall reaction
possible that more than one mechanism may be
rate based on the above mechanism.
applicable to a single overall reaction and that
parallel paths for the reaction exist. Indeed,
many catalysts are believed to function by open-
ing up alternative routes for a reaction. In the The rate of the overall reaction is given by
case of parallel reaction paths each mechanism either of the following expressions.
proceeds independently, but the vast majority
of the reaction will occur via the fastest path. 4o 2 ]
dt dt
The second is more useful for our purposes,
since oxygen is produced in only one step of
the mechanism and that step is the rate con-
trolling step. Thus
The thermal decomposition of nitrogen pent- r = rRLS = /c 3 [NO 3 ][NO 2 ] (F)
oxide to oxygen and nitrogen dioxide Equation F contains the concentration of an
2N 2 O 5 -> O 2 + 4NO 2 (A) intermediate (NO 3 ) that does not appear in
4.1 Reaction Mechanisms 83

the overall stoichiometric equation. This term step. From the equilibrium condition,
may be eliminated by means of the Bodenstein
steady-state approximation.

- /c 2 [NO 2 ][NO 3 ] - /c 3 [NO 3 ][NO 2 ] - /c 4 [NO][NO 3 ] = 0 (G)

Thus where the subscript PE is used to indicate the

pseudo equilibrium concentration. As above,
[NO 3 ] SS = (H)
/c 2 [NO 2 ]+/c 3 [NO 2 ] r = rRLS = /c 3 [NO 3 ][NO 2 ] (N)

The subscript ss refers to a steady-state value. By combination of equations M and N,

Equation H also involves the concentration
of a reaction intermediate [NO]. If we make r = ^ [N 2 O 5 ] (O)
the steady-state approximation for this species,

= * 3 [NO 2 ][NO 3 ] - £ 4 [NO][NO 3 ] = 0 (I)

or This expression is the same as that obtained

by the steady-state approach if one makes the
(J) assumption that k2 » fc3.
Combination of equations H and J gives
The previous examples indicate how one
employs the assumptions that are frequently
[NO 3 ] M = (K) made in the derivation of a reaction rate
/c2[NO2] + 2/c3[NO2]
expression from a proposed mechanism. Addi-
This relation may now be substituted in tional examples involving the use of these
equation F to obtain an expression for the assumptions are presented in conjunction with
overall rate of reaction that contains only the the discussion of chain reactions in Section 4.2.
concentrations of species that appear in the
stoichiometric equation 4.1.4 From Stoichiometry and Rate
Expression to Reaction Mechanism

(L) To the uninitiated student, the task of postu-

lating a suitable mechanism for a complex
This expression is consistent with the first- chemical reaction often seems to be an exercise
order kinetics that are observed experimentally. in extrasensory perception. Even students who
Instead of using the steady-state approx- have had some exposure to kinetics often cannot
imation in the manipulation of the individual understand how the kineticist can write down a
rate expressions, the same result may be reached series of elementary reactions and avow that the
by assuming that a pseudo equilibrium condi- mechanism is reasonable. Nonetheless, there is
tion is established with respect to reaction B and a set of guidelines within which the kineticist
that reaction C continues to be the rate limiting works in postulating a mechanism. Since these
84 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

working principles are known to experienced Guideline 3. All of the elementary reactions
kineticists, they are able to make implicit involved in a mechanistic sequence must be
chemical judgments so automatically that they feasible with respect to bond energies. Compared
often cannot see the problem from the student's to the average density of molecular energies in
viewpoint. These principles are seldom stated a reacting mixture, the energies required to
explicitly in the literature. Edwards et al. (5) break interatomic bonds in a molecule are quite
have assembled perhaps the most extensive large. Because of this, elementary reactions will
collection of guidelines. Those that are presented normally involve relatively simple acts in which
below permit a kineticist to judge the reason- few bonds are involved. Complicated rearrange-
ableness of a proposed mechanism. Often they ments consisting of a series of concerted motions
will permit the elimination of a proposed must be viewed with skepticism in the absence
sequence of reactions as being unreasonable in of strong supporting evidence.
the light of available experimental data. Bond energy considerations also lead to the
Guideline 1. The most fundamental basis for conclusion that highly endothermic elementary
mechanistic speculation is a complete analysis of reactions will be slow processes because of the
the reaction products. It is important to obtain a large activation energies normally associated
complete quantitative and qualitative analysis with these reactions.
for all products of the reaction. Inasmuch as Guideline 4. A number of elementary reactions
many chemical reactions give a complex array sufficient to provide a complete path for the
of products, the relative proportions of which formation of all observed products must be
change as the time of reaction increases, it is employed.
very useful to carry out a complete analysis for
the shortest possible reaction time and for Guideline 5. All of the intermediates produced
successively longer periods. In this manner one by the elementary reactions must be consumed
can differentiate between primary products by other elementary reactions so that there will
formed directly from the reactants and sec- be no net production of intermediate species.
ondary products formed by subsequent reaction
Guideline 6. The great majority of known ele-
of the primary products. Such analyses can give
mentary steps are bimolecular, the remainder
valuable clues as to the identity of reaction
intermediates. being unimolecular or termolecular. Any reac-
tion where the stoichiometric coefficients of the
Guideline 2. The atomic and electronic structure reactants add up to four or more must involve
of the reactants and products may provide a multiplicity of steps. The ammonia synthesis
important clues as to the nature of possible reaction is known to occur by a number of
intermediate species. The degree of atomic and steps rather than as
electronic rearrangement that takes place will
often indicate which portions of the reactant N , + 3H, 2NH, (4.1.11)
molecules participate in the reaction act and Guideline 1. A postulated mechanism for a reac-
which would be involved in elementary reac- tion in the forward direction must also hold for
tions leading to the formation of reaction the reverse reaction. This guideline is a conse-
intermediates. The structural arrangement of quence of the principle of microscopic reversi-
atoms in the molecules that react must corre- bility. (See Section Three corollaries of
spond at the instant of reaction to interatomic this guideline should also be kept in mind when
distances appropriate for the formation of new postulating a reaction mechanism. First, the
species. rate limiting step for the reverse reaction must
4.1 Reaction Mechanisms 85

be the same as that for the forward reaction. Guideline 9. When the overall order of a reac-
Second, the reverse reaction cannot have a tion is greater than three, the mechanism probably
molecularity greater than three, just as the has one or more equilibria and intermediates
forward reaction is so limited. Consequently, prior to the rate determining step.
the ammonia decomposition reaction
Guideline 10. Inverse orders arise from rapid
2NH 3 -> N 2 + 3H 2 (4.1.12) equilibria prior to the rate determining step. In
order to illustrate this point, consider the
cannot occur as a simple bimolecular process. oxidation of arsenious acid in an aqueous
Third, if the reaction rate expression for the solution.
forward reaction consists of two or more
independent terms corresponding to parallel H 3 AsO 3 + I3 + H 2 O = H 3 AsO 4 31" + 2H +
reaction paths, there will be the same number (4.1.13)
of independent terms in the rate expression for
the reverse reaction. At equilibrium not only is
The experimentally observed rate expression is
the total rate of the forward reaction equal to
the total rate of the reverse reaction, but the /c[H 3 AsO 3 ][I 3 ]
forward rate by each path is equal to the r= (4.1.14)
reverse rate for that particular path.
Guideline 8. Transitory intermediates (highly re- and two proposed mechanisms are based on the
active species) do not react preferentially with following sequence of elementary reactions.

H3AsO3 ^ 2 3 (Equilibrium constant K J (4.1.15)

I" + H 2 O ^ ± 2 r + H2OI + (Equilibrium constant K2) (4.1.16)

H 2 O I + + H 2 AsO 3 " -• H 2 A s O 3 I + H 2 O (Slow step for mechanism I)
(Equilibrium constant K3 for mechanism II) (4.1.17)

(Fast step for mechanism I)

(Slow step for mechanism II) (4.1.18)

H2AsO3+ + H 2 O ^ ± H 3 A s O 4 + H+ (4.1.19)

one another to the exclusion of their reaction For the first mechanism the overall reaction
with stable species. The concentration of these rate may be taken to be that of the rate limiting
intermediates is usually so low that the number step.
of encounters an intermediate may undergo r = /c / [H 2 OI + ][H 2 AsO 3 ] (4.1.20)
with other intermediates will be very small
compared to the number of encounters it will With the use of the equilibrium steps 4.1.15
undergo with stable molecules. and 4.1.16, this expression may be converted to
86 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

a form consistent with the experimental rate Guideline 13. / / the order of a reaction with re-
expression spect to one or more species increases as the con-
centration of that species increases, it is an
= kK1K2 -12
(4.1.21) indication that the reaction may be proceeding
[I"] by two or more parallel paths. Liebhafsky and
since the solvent concentration is just another Mohammed (6) have reported that for the re-
constant. action between hydrogen peroxide and iodide
For the second mechanism, equation 4.1.18 ion, the order with respect to hydrogen ion in-
is the rate controlling step, and the arrows in creases from zero to one as the pH is decreased.
parentheses indicate the assumptions made
r = /c 2 [H 2 O 2 ][H + ][r]
regarding the reversibility of reactions 4.1.17
and 4.1.18. The overall reaction rate is now (4.1.24)
r = /c"[H2AsO3I] (4.1.22) Such expressions are typical of many acid and
base catalyzed reactions. (See Section 7.3.1.)
With the use of the equilibrium expressions for
the first three reactions, equation 4.1.22 may be Guideline 14. If there is a decrease in the order of
converted to the following form, a reaction with respect to a particular substance
as the concentration of that species increases, the
[H3AsO3][l3-] dominant form of that species in solution may be
[H+][r]2 undergoing a change brought about by the change
which is also consistent with the experimental in concentration. A decrease in reaction order
rate expression. with respect to hydrogen ion concentration with
In both cases the negative reaction orders increasing acidity has frequently been observed
arise from equilibria that are established prior for reactions involving weak acids.
to the rate controlling step. A final rate expres- The guidelines enumerated above are by no
sion depends only on equilibria that are estab- means complete, but they do provide a starting
lished by elementary reactions prior to the rate point for the beginning student. Further details
determining step. Subsequent equilibria (e.g. are available in publications by Edwards et al.
4.1.19) do not influence its form. (5) and King (7).
Guideline 11. Whenever a rate law contains non-
integer orders, there are intermediates present in 4.1.5 Additional Methods and Principles
the reaction sequence. When one observes a frac- used in Investigations of Reaction
tional order in an empirical rate expression for a Mechanisms
homogeneous reaction, it is often an indication
Although reaction rate expressions and reaction
that an important part of the mechanism is the
stoichiometry are the experimental data most
splitting of a molecule into free radicals or ions.
often used as a basis for the postulation of re-
Guideline 12. If the magnitude of the stoichio- action mechanisms, there are many other experi-
metric coefficient of a reactant exceeds the order mental techniques that can contribute to the
of the reaction with respect to that species, there elucidation of these molecular processes. The
are one or more intermediates and reactions after conscientious investigator of reaction mecha-
the rate determining step. Before applying this nisms will draw on a wide variety of experi-
rule, one must write the stoichiometric equation mental and theoretical methods in his or her
for the reaction in a form such that all coefficients research program in an attempt to obtain infor-
are integers. (See Illustrations 4.1 and 4.2.) mation about the elementary reactions taking
4.1 Reaction Mechanisms 87

place in the system of interest. Some useful and Gowenlock (9), Anderson (10), Friess, Lewis,
techniques are described below. The information and Weissberger (11), Lewis (12), and Hammes
that they supply may provide a basis for choice (13).
between two or more alternative mechanisms, or
it may provide additional circumstantial evi- Isotopic Substitution Techniques. If one
dence that a proposed mechanism is-, indeed,
correct. can discover where the various portions of
reactant molecules end up in the product mole-
cules, a great deal of insight into the mechanism Studies of Reaction Intermediates. In of the reaction can be gained. By isotopically
the past two decades the most fruitful progress in labeling a functional group or atom in a mole-
experimental studies of reaction mechanisms has cule and examining the distribution (or lack
come about through the development of instru- thereof) of the tagged species after reaction, it is
mental techniques for detecting and identifying possible to determine which bonds are broken
the trace amounts of active intermediates pro- and formed. In studies with radioactive and sta-
duced in complex reaction systems. Suchistudies ble isotopes it is generally assumed that the
place a mechanism on a much firmer basis than kinetic behavior of a labeled atom is essentially
exists in those cases where the identity of inter- the same as that of an unlabeled atom. The im-
mediates can only be surmised. portant exceptions are studies involving deu-
A stable species that is suspected to ^ct as an terium and tritium.
intermediate in a complex chemical reaction can There are three basic types of mechanistic
often be added to a reaction mixture and its information that are derived from isotopic
effects observed. If the appropriate products are experiments.
formed at a rate no less than that of the "un-
1. A knowledge of which bonds are broken and
interrupted" or "original" reaction, this is strong
thus give rise to intramolecular or inter-
evidence that the reaction proceeds through the
molecular rearrangements.
intermediate that has been isolated. This evi-
2. A knowledge of whether the reaction pro-
dence is, however, not unequivocal. Similarly,
ceeds in an isolated molecule or requires the
the failure of other presumed intermediates to
participation of more than one molecule.
give the correct products under appropriate re-
action conditions will cause a kineticist to, revise 3. A knowledge of which products are the pre-
his or her ideas concerning the mechanism of cursors of others.
the reaction being investigated. For example, As an example, consider the thermal and
i photochemical decomposition of acetaldehyde
the Clemmensen reduction of carbonyl (C=O)
i '
groups to methylene (CH2) groups, using zinc CH3CHO -> CH4 + CO (4.1.25)
amalgam and hydrochloric acid, cannot proceed One proposed mechanism involved an in-
i tramolecular rearrangement, while a second
through the corresponding carbinol (HCOH), involved a free radical chain mechanism com-
since the carbinols themselves are not generally posed of the following sequence of elementary
reduced by the same combination of reactants reactions:
(8). CH 3 CHO^CH 3 +CHO- (4.1.26)
For detailed treatments of the experimental
methods used in studies of reaction interme- - CHjCHO-^CH4 + CH 3 O (4.1.27)
diates, consult the works of Wayne (1), Melville CH 3 CO-^CH 3 +CO (4.1.28)
88 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

where reactions 4.1.27 and 4.1.28 occur many, an equal flow in the opposite direction. This
many times for each time that reaction 4.1.26 implies that the reaction path established as most
occurs. If one uses a mixture of CH 3 CHO and probable for the forward direction must also be
CD 3 CDO to study this reaction, the first mecha- the most probable path for the reverse reaction.
nism predicts that only CD 4 and CH 4 will be This consequence is also known as the principle
formed, while the second predicts that a mixture of detailed balancing of chemical reactions. Its
of CD 4 , CH 4 , CH 3 D, and CD 3 H will be formed. relationship to the principle of microscopic re-
The fact that the statistically expected distribu- versibility has been discussed by Denbigh (18).
tion of the latter methane species was observed If we consider a substance that can exist in three
experimentally (14-16) is taken as evidence that intraconvertible isomeric forms, A, B, and C
the major path for this reaction is the chain (e.g., frans-butene-2, ds-butene-2, and 1-butene),
reaction sequence. there is more than one independent reaction that
occurs at equilibrium. The conditions for ther- Stereochemical Methods. Many or- modynamic equilibrium would be satisfied if
ganic reactions involve reactants that can exist there were a steady unidirectional flow at the
in stereoisomeric forms. If an optically active molecular level around the cycle
reactant yields a product that is capable*of ex-
hibiting optical activity, but that does not exhibit
such activity, it is usually assumed that the re-
action must involve an intermediate that is not
optically active (e.g., a carbonium ion interme-
diate). If it can be determined that the configura-
tion of an optically active product differs from
or is similar to that of the optically active re-
actant, one gains information about whether
there is an inversion of configuration. Retention such that the concentration of each species re-
of configuration might imply a two-step process, mains constant. However, this flow would not be
the first step turning the molecule "inside out," in accord with the principle of microscopic re-
and the second step turning it "outside in" again. versibility. If this principle were not applicable,
It could also mean that none of the bonds of the then the concentrations of the various species
optically active carbon atom are broken in the would show oscillations if one started with a
reaction. nonequilibrium system and allowed it to ap-
proach equilibrium. Several attempts have been The' Principle of Microscopic Reversi- made to observe oscillatory phenomena of this
bility. The principle of microscopic rever- type, but they have not led to definitive results.
sibility is based on statistical mechanical One concludes that each of the reactions should
arguments and was first formulated by Tolman be balanced individually.
(17) in 1924.
In a system at equilibrium, any molecular process
and the reverse of that process occur on the aver-
age at the same rate.
The most "significant consequence of the prin-
ciple for kineticists is that if in a system'' at
equilibrium there is a flow of reacting molecules
along a particular reaction path, there must be
4.1 Reaction Mechanisms 89

The requirement of detailed balancing has where the reaction is again written in the
implications with regard to the relationships exothermic direction, the activation energy is
that must exist between reaction rate constants 28% of the sum of the AB and CD bond
and equilibrium constants. It requires that at strengths. For the reverse endothermic re-
equilibrium each reaction must be balanced in action, the activation energy is the sum of the
the forward and reverse directions; that is, standard energy change for the reaction and
fcj[A] = fc_![B] (4.1.31) the activation energy for the exothermic
fc2[B] = fc_2[C] (4.1.32)
/c3[C] = fc_3[A] (4.1.33) These rules provide only very crude estimates
or of activation energies and are not sufficiently
sensitive to show differences in a series of related
^-=P^ = K1 (4.1.34) reactions.
Semenov (20) has suggested that for exother-
C mic abstration and addition reactions of atoms
= K, (4.1.35)
J k- and small radicals, the following relation is
A useful.
= K? (4.1.36) E = 11.5 - 0.25^ (4.1.37)
The principle of detailed balancing provides where q is the heat evolved in the reaction ex-
an automatic check on the self-consistency of pressed in kilocalories and E is also expressed in
postulated reaction mechanisms when equilib- kilocalories. For the endothermic case,
rium can be approached from both sides. E = 11.5 + 0.15q (4.1.38) Activation Energy Considerations. Ac- Other theoretical approaches to the problem
tivation energy considerations can provide a of predicting reaction activation energies exist
basis for eliminating certain elementary reac- (21-23). For our purposes, however, it is suffi-
tions from a sequence of reactions. Unfor- cient to recognize that "ball-park" estimates are
tunately, the necessary activation energy data is the best one can expect. Such estimates are often
seldom available, and one must estimate these adequate for purposes of differentiating between
parameters by empirical rules and generaliza- alternative mechanisms on the basis of a compar-
tions that are of doubtful reliability. ison of predicted and actual activation energies.
Activation energies for bimolecular reactions
have been correlated with bond energy data by Families of Reactions. Research in
the use of the Hirschfelder rules (19). chemical kinetics can be influenced in several
ways by similarities in reactivity among com-
1. For a simple displacement reaction involving pounds having similar chemical structures. Con-
atoms or radicals, such as A + BC -• AB + sequently, one of the first steps in a kinetics
C, where the reaction is written in the exo- investigation should be a careful study of the
thermic direction, the activation energy is published literature on related reactions. While
5.5% of the dissociation energy of the bond one may occasionally be led astray by tentative
which is broken. For the reverse endothermic conclusions drawn from a survey of the litera-
reaction, the standard energy change of re- ture, the possibility of achieving large savings in
action must be added to this quantity in order time and laboratory effort is so much more likely
to obtain the activation energy. that it should be considered a must. Such a
2. For an exchange reaction such as survey furnishes a large bank of tested ideas and
AB + CD -+ AC + BD hypotheses about elementary reactions on which
90 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

the investigator may draw for inspiration and ciple is named for the fourteenth-century philos-
stimulation. They provide a framework against opher William Ockham (William of Occam),
which one can orient and test ideas about the who was famous for his hardheaded approach to
mechanism of a specific reaction. problem solving. He believed in shaving away
The fact that compounds having similar chem- all extraneous details—hence the term Occam's
ical structures often react in similar ways implies Razor. In essence his axiom states that when
that they follow corresponding mechanisms in there are several possible solutions to a problem,
proceeding from reactants to products. One the right one is probably the most obvious.
must have a very sound basis in experimental Therefore one should not postulate or accept
fact to be able to defend successfully a proposed mechanisms that are more complex than neces-
reaction mechanism that contains elementary sary to explain all observed experimental facts.
reactions that represent a major departure from
those accepted by the scientific community as
being a proper mechanistic interpretation of re-
lated reactions. On occasions such departures The reaction mechanisms treated thus far have
are necessary, and they themselves may provide involved the conversion of reactants to products
the key to an improved understanding of the by a sequence of elementary reactions proceed-
common family of related reactions. ing in simple stepwise fashion. Once these se-
quences have been completed, all of the reaction Occam''s Razor—A Rule of Simplicity. intermediates haye disappeared and only stable
Another principle occasionally used as a basis product molecules remain. These types of re-
for choice between two alternative mechanisms action are classified as open sequence reactions
is the rule of simplicity that is derived from a because they always proceed in the stagewise
more general philosophical principle known as fashion with no closed reaction cycles wherein a
Occam's Razor. The kineticist resorts to this rule product of one elementary reaction is fed back to
when all of the experimental and theoretical react with another species in an earlier elemen-
information that has been brought to bear on the tary reaction. (Reversible reactions are, however,
problem of determining the mechanism of a re- permitted in open sequence mechanisms.) This
action leaves two (or more) mechanisms, both section deals with closed sequence or chain re-
consistent with the facts. In this case one assutoes action mechanisms in which one of the reaction
that nature prefers the simple to the complex and intermediates is regenerated during one stage of
that the reaction follows the simplest path. In the reaction and is fed back to an earlier stage
many cases a serious question may exist as to to react with other species so that a closed loop
which mechanism is simpler but, »in others, the or cy<fle results. The intermediate species are
investigator may decide that one mechanism is thus periodically renewed by reaction, and the
more likely because it involves only bimolecular final products are the result of a; cyclic repetition
steps and no termolecular processes, or because of the intervening processes. Because chain re-
it involves a smaller change in chemical structure actions play such an important role in systems of
than an alternative mechanism. Complicated practical industrial significance, it is important
atomic rearrangements that occur Hn a jingle thAt the chemical engineer understand their
step are regarded with suspicion, and simpler basic nature. Failure to comprehend the impli-
stepwise processes are generally considered more cations of chain reaction processes can lead to
probable. hazardous explosions.
Occam's Razor states that "multiplicity ought To illustrate the nature of chain reactions, we
not to be posited without necessity." This prin- will consider a classic example—the formation
4.2 Chain Reactions 91

of hydrogen bromide from molecular hydrogen actions that do not involve the formation of
and bromine in a homogeneous gas phase species capable of maintaining the chain; for
reaction. example,
H 2 + Br2 ^± 2HBr (4.2.1) Br- + Br- + M -> Br2 + M (4.2.7)
This stoichiometric equation does not give any where M represents a third body or molecule
indication of the complex nature of the mecha- capable of soaking up and carrying away the
nism by which this reaction proceeds. energy released by the formation of a Br-Br
In certain highly energetic collisions with any bond.
molecule M in the system, a bromine molecule Bond energy considerations indicate that the
may be dissociated in a homolytic split of the initiation reaction (4.2.2) should be quite slow
bond joining two bromine atoms. because its activation energy must be quite high
(at least equal to the bond dissociation energy).
Br2 + M -> Br- + Br- + M (4.2.2) If one were dealing with an open sequence reac-
tion mechanism, such a step would imply that
The collision must be sufficiently energetic
the overall reaction rate would also be low be-
that enough energy is available to break the
cause in these cases the overall reaction becomes
chemical bond linking the two bromine atoms.
approximately equal to that of the rate limiting
This type of reaction is called an initiation reac-
step. In the case of a chain reaction, on the other
tion because it generates a species that can serve
hand, the overall reaction rate is usually much
as a chain carrier or active center in the following
faster because the propagation steps occur many
sequence of elementary reactions.
times for each time that an initiation step occurs.
Br- + H 2 -+ HBr + H- (4.2.3) The chain length of a reaction is defined as
the average number of cycles in which a chain
H- + Br2 -+ HBr + Br- (4.2.4) carrying species participates from the time that
^ + H- (4.2.5) it is first formed until the time that it is destroyed
in a termination reaction. Depending on the
H- + Br2 -• HBr + Br- (4.2.6) relative rates of the propagation and termina-
tion steps, a chain may involve only a few links
etc. or it may be extremely long. For example, a
chain length of 106 has been determined for the
Equations 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 are the elementary gas phase chain reaction between hydrogen and
reactions responsible for product formation. chlorine. Chain length represents a statistical
Each involves the formation of a chain carrying concept; some cycles will terminate before and
species (H- for 4.2.3 and Br- for 4.2.4) that propa- others after the average number of propagation
gates the reaction. Addition of these two rela- steps. This fact leads to a distribution of molecu-
tions gives the stoichiometric equation for the lar weights in the polymers formed by chain re-
reaction. These two relations constitute a single actions. In terms of quantities that can be
closed sequence in the cycle of events making up determined in the laboratory, we find it con-
the chain reaction. They are referred to as propa- venient to define the chain length by the follow-
gation reactions because they generate product ing ratio.
species that maintain the continuity of the chain.
_ rate of disappearance of reactants
The chain carriers need not all react with
reactant molecules in chain propagation reac- rate of chain carrier formation by initiation
tions. Some will disappear in termination re- (4.2.8)
92 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

In the case of the hydrogen-bromine reaction, 4.2.1 The Reaction between Hydrogen and
each of the elementary propagation reactions Bromine H2 -h Br2 ^ 2HBr
led to the formation of a single chain carrier.
In 1906 Bodenstein and Lind (24) investigated
This type of reaction is said to be a straight or
the gas phase homogeneous reaction between
linear chain reaction. Some mechanisms involve
molecular bromine and molecular hydrogen at
elementary propagation reactions in which more
pressures in the neighborhood of 1 atm. They
than a single chain carrier is formed by the
fitted their experimental data with a rate expres-
reaction. This type of reaction is known as a
sion of the form
branching reaction. Examples of such reactions
are 4HBr] /c[H2][Br2] 1/2
and • OH + O
where k! is a constant independent of tempera-
Both of these reactions involve the production ture and k follows the normal Arrhenius form
of two active centers where there was only one for a reaction rate constant with an activation
before. When reactions of this type occur to a energy of 40.2 kilocalories per mole.
significant extent, the total number of active In 1919 Christiansen (25), Herzfeld (26), and
centers present in the system can increase very Polanyi (27) all suggested the same mechanism
rapidly, since a multiplication effect sets in as the for this reaction. The key factor leading to their
chains propagate. The growth of chain carriers in success was recognition that hydrogen atoms
a branched chain reaction is pictured below. and bromine atoms could alternately serve as
chain carriers and thus propagate the reaction.
By using a steady-state approximation for the
concentrations of these species, these individuals
were able to derive rate expressions that were
consistent with that observed experimentally.
Their original mechanism consists of the fol-
lowing elementary reactions.
Br9 2Br- (4.2.11)
When chain termination processes are opera- k2
Br- - H- -f - HBr (4.2.12)
tive such that they destroy chain carriers at a
rate that makes the average net production of H- -+ B r 2 ^ Br- -f HBr (4.2.13)
chain carriers unity, one has a situation corre- k4
H- + HBr -> H 2 -f- Br- (4.2.14)
sponding to a nuclear power reactor generating
energy at steady-state conditions. The effect of Termination:
the destruction processes is to cause the chain
2 B , ^ Br. (4.2.15)
branching process to degenerate to a straight
chain process. On the other hand, as the sketch Other reactions need not be considered on
indicates, there can be a multiplication of chain the basis of the arguments presented below. Re-
carriers. In physical terms this can lead to the action 4.2.14 is the reverse of reaction 4.2.12 and
chemical analog of a nuclear explosion. (See is responsible for the inhibition of the reaction
Section 4.2.5.) by HBr. Steps 4.2.12 to 4.2.14 all produce one
4.2 Chain Reactions 93

chain carrier to replace the chain carrier de- This relation expresses the fact that under
stroyed by the reaction. The sharp-eyed observer steady-state conditions, the rate of the initiation
may have noted that the initiation and termina- reaction is equal to the rate of the termination
tion reactions proposed by these individuals reaction, and the steady-state bromine atom
differ slightly from those discussed previously. concentration is equal to that which would arise
The reasons for this are dealt with later. from the equilibrium Br2 ^± 2Br; that is,
From these equations, the overall rate oTfor- l/2
mation of HBr is given by [Br]ss = [^ [Br2] (4.2.20)

+ *3[H][Br2] Equation 4.2.20 may be combined with the

dt steady-state form of either equation 4.2.17 or
fc4[H][HBr] (4.2.16) 4.2.18 to give

[H 2 ] - (fc3[Br2] + /c4[HBr])[H] = 0 (4.2.21)

As it stands, this expression is awkward and which, in turn, may be solved for the steady-state
inconvenient to test because it contains the concentration of atomic hydrogen.
concentrations of bromine and hydrogen atoms, 1/2
parameters that are not easily measured. In [H2]
principle these quantities could be eliminated by
solving this equation simultaneously with the [H],, = /c 3 [Br 2 ] + /c4[HBr]

differential equations for each of these species.

Equations 4.2.20 and 4.2.22 may be combined
with equation 4.2.16 in straightforward algebraic
- * 3 [H][Br 2 ] manipulation to yield an expression for the
overall rate of formation of HBr.
- /c4[H][HBr] (4.217)

4Br] = 2/c^Br,] - fc [Br][H ] + fc3[H][BrJ 4HBr] _

2 2
dt (4.2.23)
dt k
i i *
+ fc4[H][HBr] - 2fc5[Br] (4.2.18)
k [Br2]
However, the complete solution of these three Equation 4.2.23 has the same form as the
simultaneous differential equations is difficult empirical rate expression and will agree with it
to obtain and is no more instructive than the quantitatively if
approximate solution that can be obtained by
means of the steady-state approximation for
intermediates. If one sets the time derivatives and (4.2.24)
in equations 4.2.17 and 4.2.18 equal to zero and
adds these equations, their sum is found to be Recognition that the kinetics of this reaction
could be explained on the basis of the chain
2/q[Br2] - 2/c5[Br]2 = 0 (4.2.19) reaction mechanism presented above was one
94 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

of the major breakthroughs in the evolution of others based on studies of various atomic recom-
the theory of chemical reaction mechanisms. bination reactions imply that the "correct"
Since the mechanism was first published, modi- initiation and termination reactions are not
fications in the initiation and termination steps reactions 4.2.11 and 4.2.15 but reactions 4.2.25
have been required as additional experimental and 4.2.26 (28).
facts have been established by subsequent in- The next step in analysis of the mechanism is
vestigators. It is enlightening to consider these to indicate why we have limited the number of
modifications and the rationale underlying the elementary reactions in the mechanism to five.
omission of certain elementary reactions from To one uninitiated in the task of dealing with
the mechanism. reaction mechanisms, it is difficult to see why
Because the steady-state assumption leads to elementary reactions such as
the equilibrium relation for the bromine atom H 2 + Br2 -> 2HBr (4.2.27)
concentration (4.2.20), it does not matter what
mechanism is assumed to be responsible for H2 + M • 2H + M (4.2.28)
establishing this equilibrium. Alternative ele- HBr + M • H + Br + M (4.2.29)
mentary reactions for the initiation and termina- Br + HBr • Br 2 + H (4.2.30)
tion processes, which give rise to the same
equilibrium relationship, would also be consis- H + Br + M • HBr + M (4.2.31)
tent with the observed rate expression for HBr H + H + M • H2 + M (4.2.32)
formation. For example, the following reactions were rejected on an a priori basis and what con-
give rise to the same equilibrium: siderations led to their rejection. We will see
Initiation: Br2 + M -i 2Br + M (4.2.25) that they may be eliminated from consideration
through the use of some of the concepts of
Termination: M + 2Br 4 Br2 + M (4.2.26) probability and the bond energy requirements
where M is a third body. It represents any avail- outlined previously. If any of these reactions
able molecule that is capable of supplying to were important, the rate expression for the
bromine molecules the energy necessary for dis- revised mechanism would have a different math-
sociation of the Br-Br bond and of carrying ematical form than the empirical rate expression.
away enough energy in the termolecular re- Equation 4.2.27 may be rejected even if it
action so that the Br-Br bond does not immedi- provides a parallel path competitive with the
ately dissociate. mechanism described above because its pre-
If equations 4.2.25 and 4.2.26 are substituted sence would require a second-order term in the
for equations 4.2.11 and 4.2.15, respectively, in experimental reaction rate expression.
the mechanism described above, the effect is to The initiation reaction is the dissociation of
replace kx by fc'^M] and k5 by fc'5[M] every- molecular bromine rather than the dissocia-
where that they appear. Since these quantities tion of molecular hydrogen because the energy
appear as a ratio in the final rate expression, the necessary to dissociate the latter is much greater
third body concentration will drop out and than that required to dissociate the former. This
(/Ci/fcs) becomes identical with (k\/k'5). The ne- fact is evident from a consideration of the
cessity for the use of the third body concentra- standard enthalpies of reaction.
tion thus is not obvious in kinetic studies of the Br2 + M -> 2Br + M AH, = 46.1 kcal/g-mole
thermal reaction. However, from studies of
photochemical reaction between hydrogen and
bromine, there is strong evidence that the ter- H 2 + M -> 2H + M AH n = 103.4 kcal/g-mole
mination reaction is termolecular. This fact and (4.2.34)
4.2 Chain Reactions 95

Since the activation energy of an endothermic If the preexponential factors of these rate con-
elementary reaction cannot be less than AH, the stants are comparable in magnitude, further
reaction with the significantly lower activation simplification is possible.
energy will occur much more frequently, other
9-(E2-E3)/RT (4.2.39)
factors being equal. Similar arguments permit
one to eliminate the HBr dissociation reaction [Br]
from consideration. If the estimation techniques discussed in
The Br + HBr reaction will be unimportant Section are employed, one finds that E3
in competition with the Br + H 2 reaction be- is equal to 2.5 kcal. From 4.2.36, E2 is equal to
cause energy considerations again dictate that 17.6 kcal. At 540 °K the ratio of atomic con-
the former will have a much higher activation centrations is thus of the order of 10"6. Conse-
energy than the latter. quently, the reaction between atomic hydrogen
and atomic bromine is only one millionth as
Br + HBr-+Br2 + H AHIV = 41.2 kcal/g-mole likely as a reaction between two bromine atoms
(4.2.35) and that between two hydrogen atoms is only
Br + H 2 ^ H B r + H EA = 17.6 kcal/g-mole 1/1012 as likely. Although the atomic hydrogen
(4.2.36) concentration is extremely low under reaction
conditions, it has been estimated to be four
Both reactions are endothermic, but the inter- orders of magnitude greater than that which
action of bromine atoms with HBr is much more would be in equilibrium with molecular hydro-
so than the interaction with molecular hydrogen. gen. The excess hydrogen atom concentration
Consequently, the former reaction will occur over that which would exist at equilibrium is
much less frequently than the latter. "paid for" by the energy liberated by the reacting
Equations 4.2.31 and 4.2.32 represent radical mixture. This feature is a general characteristic
recombination reactions that might be con- of chain reactions. Superequilibrium steady-
sidered as alternative termination reactions. state concentrations of highly reactive inter-
Since these reactions and reaction 4.2.26 are rad- mediates can be produced as a result of the
ical recombination reactions, they will all have energy released by reaction.
very low activation energies. The relative rates The reaction between hydrogen and bro-
of these processes will then be governed by the mine illustrates many of the general features of
collision frequencies and thus the concentrations straight chain reactions. This reaction system
of the reacting species. The relative concentra- has been studied by many investigators, and
tions of hydrogen and bromine atoms can be the body of accumulated experimental data
determined from the steady-state form of equa- represents as nearly a consistent and complete
tion 4.2.17. collection of data as is available for any reaction
in the literature.
[Br] 4.2.2 Chain Reaction Mechanisms—
If we consider this ratio during the initial General Comments
stages of the reaction when the HBr concentra-
tion is extremely low and when the concentra- The essential characteristic of a chain reaction
tions of hydrogen and bromine are nearly equal, mechanism is the existence of a closed cycle of
this expression reduces to reactions in which unstable or highly reactive
intermediates react in propagation steps with
[H] k2 stable reactant molecules or other intermediates
[Br] ~ T3 and are regenerated by the sequence of reactions
96 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

that follows. The mathematical methods and presence of such mechanisms may be recognized.
approximations used to express the overall rate Not all chain reactions will exhibit all of the
of reaction in terms of the individual rate con- characteristics enumerated below, but the pre-
stants and the concentrations of stable species sence of several of them should be a strong
are merely extensions of those discussed earlier. indication to the investigator that a chain re-
The elementary reactions comprising the action is probably taking place. The absence of
chain reaction mechanism are generally classi- any of these criteria should not be regarded as
fied as initiation, propagation, or termination particularly significant.
reactions. In the initiation reaction an active Some pertinent criteria for recognizing the
center or chain carrier is formed. Often these are presence of a chain reaction are:
atoms or free radicals, but ionic species or other
intermediates can also serve as chain carriers. 1. An induction period is present.
In the propagation steps the chain carriers inter- 2. Extremely large increases or decreases in the
act with the reactant molecules to form product reaction rate occur when relatively small
molecules and regenerate themselves so that the amounts of other substances are added to the
chain may continue. The termination steps reaction mixture. These materials may act
consist of the various methods by which the either as initiators or inhibitors of the reac-
chain can be broken. tion, depending on whether they participate
The key assumption that permits one to pro- in the reaction as initiators or terminators of
ceed from mechanistic equations to an overall the chain.
rate expression is that the steady-state approxi- 3. Small changes in pressure, temperature, or
mation for intermediates is valid. One is also composition can markedly affect the overall
usually required to make the long-chain approxi- reaction rate or cause an explosion.
mation (i.e., the by-products resulting from the 4. In gas phase reactions an increase in the sur-
initiation and termination reactions are assumed face to volume ratio of the reaction vessel may
to represent only a very small fraction of the reduce the reaction rate, while addition of
total products). The reaction then will remain "inert" gases may increase the reaction rate.
stoichiometrically simple to within an approxi- (See Section 4.2.5.)
mation that improves with increasing chain 5. Abnormally high quantum yields may occur
length. It is also sometimes necessary to make in photochemical reactions. Einstein's law of
the additional assumption that at steady state photochemical equivalence is the principle
the rate of the initiation process must be equal to that light is absorbed by molecules in discrete
the rate at which the various chain breaking amounts as an individual molecular process
processes are occurring. Otherwise, the concen- (i.e., one molecule absorbs one photon at a
tration of chain carriers would depend explicitly time). From optical measurements it is pos-
on time. Often this equality is obvious from the sible to determine quantitatively the number
algebraic equations resulting from the use of the of photons absorbed in the course of a reac-
steady-state approximation. When there are two tion and, from analyses of the product mix-
or more alternative termination reactions, the ture, it is possible to determine the number of
algebraic relations may be so complex that the molecules that have reacted. The quantum
equality is not apparent. yield is defined as the ratio of the number of
In any attempt to elucidate the mechanism of molecules reacting to the number of photons
a chemical reaction, it is very important to deter- absorbed. If this quantity exceeds unity, it
mine at an early stage whether or not a chain provides unambiguous evidence for the exis-
reaction is occurring. Consequently, we now tence of secondary processes and thus indi-
note some of the characteristics by which the cates the presence of unstable intermediates.
4.2 Chain Reactions 97

While yields greater than unity provide evi-

dence for chain reactions, yields less than = -*[C1 2 ] 1 / 2 [O 3 ] 3/2
unity do not indicate the absence of a chain
reaction. Quantum yields as high as 106 have The following chain reaction mechanism has
been observed in the photochemical reaction been proposed for this reaction.
between H 2 and Cl 2 .
Initiation: Cl 2 + O 3 -
6. Complex rate expressions or fractional reac-
tion orders with respect to individual re- (C1O 2 -+ O 3 C1O 3 - O2
actants are often indicative of chain reaction Propagation:
mechanisms. However, other mechanisms [C1O3- + O 3 C1O 2 - 2O 2
composed of many elementary reactions may
f C 1 0 3 + C 1 0 3 ^ C 1 2 + 3O 2
also give rise to these types of rate expressions, Termination: < k5
so this criterion should be applied with [ C1O- + C1O-->C12 + O 2
What rate expression results from this mecha-
Because of the variety of chain reaction mech- nism? Is this expression consistent with the
anisms that exist, it is difficult to develop com- experimentally determined rate expression?
pletely general rate equations for these processes.
However, some generalizations with regard to Solution
the overall rate expression can be made for
The processes by which ozone will disappear are
certain classes of reactions.
reactions 1, 2, and 3. We will subsequently make
Some of these are considered in Section 4.2.3.
use of the fact that the amount of ozone dis-
Illustration 4.3 indicates the techniques used in
appearing via the initiation step will be negligible
the derivation of a reaction rate expression from
compared to the amount that is consumed by
a chain reaction mechanism.
the propagation steps. The overall rate of dis-
appearance of ozone is given by:
= -*I[C12][O3] - /C2[C1O2-][O3]
This expression contains the concentrations
The following rate expression has been deter- of two intermediate free radicals, C1O2- and
mined for the low temperature chlorine cata- C1O3\ These terms may be eliminated by using
lyzed decomposition of ozone. the Bodenstein steady-state approximation.

- fc2[ClO2-][O3] + /C3[C1O3-][O3] « 0 (B)


= /C2[C1O2-][O3] - /C3[C1O3-][O3] - 2/c 4 [ClO 3 -] 2 « 0 (C)


Adding equations B and C gives

* I [ C 1 2 ] [ O 3 ] = 2/c 4 [ClO 3 -] 2 (D)
98 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

//c 1 [Cl 2 ][O 3 ]
[CIO 3 -L = (E)
' 2k,
Substitution of this expression into equation B gives

*I[C12][O3] - /c2[C!O2-][O3] + k = 0 (F)


/c 1 [Cl 2 ]+/c 3
[C1O 2 ] SS = - (G)

Substitution of the steady-state concentrations of the two intermediates into the equation for the
rate of disappearance of ozone gives

= -/c1[Cl2][O3]-/c2 («)

The first term in equation I refers to ozone of ozone, a mechanism using this equation as
consumption via the initiation step. This term a termination step would give a rate expression
is negligible compared to the second. Thus, of the same form as that described above.

4.2.3 Rice-Herzfeld Mechanisms

The thermal decomposition reactions of many
This form is consistent with the experimen- organic compounds obey relatively simple rate
tally determined rate expression. laws. Consequently, it was assumed for many
Even though this reaction mechanism meets years that they are simple elementary' pro-
the requirements imposed by experimental rate cesses. It was not until the middle of the 1930s
data and the stoichiometry of the reaction, it is that it was recognized that free radicals play an
not consistent with all of our principles because essential role in these reactions. Rice and
the reverse of termination reaction 4 would re- Herzfeld (29) have postulated some general
quire a molecularity of four. Consequently this principles that are applicable to pyrolysis re-
reaction may be regarded as suspect. An alter- actions and have proposed detailed mechanisms
nate termination reaction might be for several reactions. They recognized that free
radical chain reaction mechanisms could give
C1O3 C1O3 Cl 2 2O 3
rise to simple rate expressions that would be
Since the propagation reactions are the only integer or half-integer order with respect to the
ones that significantly affect the concentration material being pyrolyzed. This fact had not
4.2 Chain Reactions 99

been recognized previously because earlier chain presented in Section, this initiation re-
reaction mechanisms had led to rate expressions action will shift to a bimolecular process at low
that were more complicated than those normally pressures.
associated with organic pyrolysis reactions. This particular mechanism assumes that Rx
The basic premises on which Rice-Herzfeld and Ri are different radicals and that the latter
mechanisms are based are as follows. do not participate in the propagation reactions.
Initiation: In the more general case the radical R\ can
1. Free radicals are formed by scission of the participate in propagation reactions analogous
weakest bond in the molecule. to reactions (2) and (3). These propagation steps
Propagation: consist of a bimolecular hydrogen abstraction
2. One or both of the radicals formed in the ini- reaction followed by a unimolecular decomposi-
tiation step abstracts a hydrogen atom from tion reaction.
the parent compound to form a small satu- The three possible termination reactions have
rated molecule and a new free radical. been written as combination reactions when, in
fact, disproportionation reactions may also oc-
3. The new free radical stabilizes itself by split-
cur. Under a given set of experimental con-
ting out a simple molecule such as an olefin
ditions, only one of the three chain breaking
or CO.
steps (4a), (4b), or (4c) can be expected to be
RCH2 - CH2- -> R- + CH2 = CH2 (4.2.40) important.
With this general sequence of reactions as our
proposed mechanism, we are now prepared to
4. The chain is broken by a combination or
use the corresponding rate expressions and our
disproportionation reaction between two
standard assumptions to show that rate expres-
sions with reaction orders of 1/2, 1, and 3/2 can
These basic premises go a long way in cor- be derived. The form of the rate expression that
relating and tying together the extraordinary results is an indication of the nature of the chain
complexity of many pyrolysis reactions. In breaking process.
terms of mechanistic equations, they may be A first-order rate expression results when the
written as termination process involves the dissimilar radi-
cals, Rx and R2. That is, reaction (4b) is the
chain breaking step.
(1) Mk-X R 1 + R 1 (4.2.41) Based on the set of mechanistic equations set
Propagation: forth above, the rate of disappearance of reac-
tant M is given by:
(2) Ri + M k-i • R 2 + R1H (4.2.42)
(3) R2 ^ R, -I- F (4.2.43) - /c 2 [Rj[M] (4.2.47)
Termination: For long chain reactions the amount of reac-
(4a) R, + R, p2 (4.2.44) tant undergoing decomposition via the ini-
tiation reaction is small compared to that
(4b) R, + R 2 ; p3 (4.2.45) decomposed by the propagation reactions (i.e.,
(4c) R2 + R 2 ' p4 (4.2.46) ^ [ R i ] » ^I- Thus, to a good approximation,
The initiation step has been written as a
= -k 2 [R!][M] (4.2.48)
unimolecular reaction. In terms of the theory dt
100 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

The concentrations of the chain carriers Rx Arrhenius form,

and R2 may be determined by the use of the
stationary state assumption for each species. kJ±±±Ye
2A 4 b

fc3[R2] - (4.2.49)

- /c 3 [R 2 ] - (4.2.50)

Adding these two equations and rearranging, and it is apparent that the overall activation en-
we find that ergy of the reaction is given by
- E4 b
(4.2.51) E = (4.2.56)
The average chain length i f is given by the
Substitution of this relation into equation following ratio.
4.2.50 gives
rate of disappearance of reactants
_, (4.2,2) rate of initiation process

On the basis of our earlier statement that

fe2[Ri] » ^IJ the last term is negligible. (4.2.57)
1/2 Thus the chain length S£ is given by

k3 V / 2 (4.2.58)
Substitution of this relation into equation
4.2.48 gives an expression that is independent of the initial
reactant concentration.
[M] (4.2.54) The following mechanism has been proposed
2/c,4 b
for the decomposition of ethane into ethylene
which is a first-order rate expression. If each of and hydrogen. The overall rate expression is
the individual rate constants is written in the first order in ethane.

c2 H 6 ^2CH3 (4.2.59)
Chain transfer: CH 3 HH C 2 H 6 ^ C H 4 -f C 2 H 5 (4.2.60)
Propagation: c2 H5 - C 2 H 4 + H (4.2.61)

H -HC2 H 6
r H 2+
H -h C 2 H 5 ^ C 2 H 6
C2H5 (4.2.62)
4.2 Chain Reactions 101

Since these equations are of the same form

as those discussed above, you should be able to
show that

4C 2 H 6 ] 1
•[C 2 H 6 ] (4.2.64)
2k, 2k,

which is a first-order rate expression. Physical Substitution of this result into equation
arguments indicate that kl/k3 must be very small 4.2.67 leads to a relation for [ R j .
compared to unity {k1/k3 « 1). Thus equation 1/2
4.2.64 becomes: (4.2.70)
2kd [M] 1/2
[C 2 H 6 ] (4.2.65) Combination of equations 4.2.66 and 4.2.70
A reaction rate expression that is proportional
to the square root of the reactant concentration
results when the dominant termination step is dt
reaction (4c), that is, the termination reaction (4.2.71)
occurs between two of the radicals that are in-
volved in the unimolecular propagation step. Since the first term on the right side of this
The generalized Rice-Herzfeld mechanism con- equation merely represents twice the rate of
tained in equations 4.2.41 to 4.2.46 may be em- initiation, it is negligible compared to the
ployed to derive an overall rate expression for second term. Hence
this case. d[W] 1/2
As before, the time rate of change of reactant = -fc, A [M] 1/2 (4.2.72)
concentration is given by dt 2k4c
and one has half-order kinetics.
-/c2[Rj[M] (4.2.66) In order for the overall rate expression to be
3/2 order in reactant for a first-order initiation
The steady-state approximation may be used process, the chain terminating step must involve
for each of the chain carrying species. a second-order reaction between two of the
radicals responsible for the second-order prop-
dt agation reactions. In terms of our generalized
(4.2.67) Rice-Herzfeld mechanistic equations, this means
that reaction (4a) is the dominant chain breaking
= *2[Ri][M] - /c3[R2] - 2/c4c[R2]2 « 0 process. One may proceed as above to show that
(4.2.68) the mechanism leads to a 3/2 order rate expres-
Adding these two equations and rearranging, For Rice-Herzfeld mechanisms the mathe-
one finds that: matical form of the overall rate expression is
strongly influenced by the manner in which the
R2 l ,42.69,
" 2k4c J chains are broken. It can also be shown that
102 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

changing the initiation step from first order to additive that slows down a reaction is called an
second order also increases the overall order of inhibitor.
the reaction by 1/2 (30). These results are easily In the case of chain reactions a mere trace of
obtained from the equations derived previously inhibitor can reduce reaction rates by orders of
by substituting k\ [M] for kl everywhere that magnitude. Such inhibitors break the chain,
the latter term appears. Since k1 always appears perhaps as a result of a reaction in which a
to the 1/2 power in the final rate expressions, relatively nonreactive free radical is formed.
the exponent on M in the existing rate expres- Another manner in which an inhibitor may act
sion must be added to 0.5 in order to obtain the is by combining with a catalyst and rendering
overall order of the reaction corresponding to it inoperative.
the bimolecular initiation step. In like manner, Other additives can promote chain reactions
shifts from bimolecular to termolecular termi- by acting as initiators of the chain. These
nation reactions will decrease the overall order compounds are materials that can be more
of the reaction by 1/2. readily dissociated than the primary reactants.
Although the above Rice-Herzfeld mecha- For example, benzoyl peroxide has often been
nisms lead to simple overall rate expressions, used to initiate the polymerization of olefinic
do not get the impression that this is always the monomers because of the ease with which it
case. More detailed discussions of these types dissociates.
of reactions may be found in textbooks (31-34) In many cases complex chain reactions are
and in the original literature. characterized by an induction period (i.e., a
period at the beginning of the reaction during
4.2.4 Inhibitors, Initiators, and which the rate is significantly less than that
Induction Periods which subsequently prevails). This period is
often caused by the presence of small amounts
Since the complex decomposition reactions of inhibitors. After the inhibitors are consumed,
considered in the previous section are propa- the reaction may then proceed at a much faster
gated by a series of elementary steps, it might be rate.
expected that they and other chain reaction
processes will show an unusual sensitivity to 4.2.5 Branched Chain Reactions
any substance or physical condition that inter- and Explosions
feres with the propagation of the chain. It is
therefore not surprising to find that the rates of Chain reactions can lead to thermal explosions
such reactions can be markedly reduced either when the energy liberated by the reaction
by the presence of trace quantities of certain cannot be transferred to the surroundings at a
chemical substances or by changes in the sufficiently fast rate. An "explosion" may also
physical condition of the surface of the vessel in occur when chain branching processes cause a
which the reaction is being studied. The latter rapid increase in the number of chains being
changes include both variations in the surface/ propagated. This section treats the branched
volume ratio of the reactor brought about by chain reactions that can lead to nonthermal
adding spun glass or some other high surface explosions and the physical phenomena that
area material to the reactor and variations in are responsible for both branched chain and
the nature of the surface itself through the use thermal explosions.
of Teflon, syrupy phosphoric acid, or other A chain branching reaction is one that leads
coatings. The reduction in the rate may occa- to an increase in the number of chain carriers
sionally be referred to as negative catalysis, but present in a reacting system (e.g., 4.2.9). When
it is more commonly known as inhibition. An such reactions occur to a significant extent, the
4.2 Chain Reactions 103

total number of radicals present in a reacting propagation and termination steps are written
mixture can increase rapidly so that steady-state as first-order processes, but this is not essential
conditions are no longer maintained. The re- to the argument that follows.
action proceeds at a very high velocity and, The rate expressions have been written in
since the associated release of chemical energy generalized fashion with the terms fp, fb9 fst, and
is also extremely rapid, the viewer sees this fgt containing the reaction rate constants, sto-
phenomenon as an explosion. ichiometric coefficients, and concentrations of
The generalized mechanism by which the various stable species present in the reaction
branched chain reactions proceed provides a mixture. If one also wished to consider bi-
basis for a semiquantitative understanding of molecular radical processes, these could also be
explosions resulting from chain branching.* lumped into the / parameters.

Initiation: r; = (4.2.73)


Product formation R -> P + R (4.2.74)


Chain branching R —• aR rh = (4.2.75)



Chain breaking at R -• ? (4.2.76)
solid surface dt
Chain breaking in R -• ? (4.2.77)
gas phase

where R represents the various active centers or In terms of the above rate expressions, the
free radical chain carriers involved in the re- Bodenstein steady-state approximation for free
action, and the detailed chemistry of the various radical intermediates gives:
steps is unspecified. The number of radicals
formed in the chain branching step per radical = 0 (4.2.78)
that reacts is assigned the symbol a. All of the
Note that this equation does not contain a
Adapted from Chemical Kinetics by K. J. Laidler. Copy- term corresponding to the straight chain step in
right © 1965. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill which the primary products are formed. This
Book Company. step does not have any net effect on the total
104 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

concentration of free radicals. Thus

ft + fgt ~ /*(« - 1)
The overall rate of reaction is therefore Steady

(4.2.80) Explosion
fst + fgt ~
Since the branching parameter a is greater
than unity (usually it is 2), it is conceivable that
under certain circumstances the denominator of
the overall rate expression could become zero.
In principle this would lead to an infinite re-
action rate (i.e., an explosion). In reality it
becomes very large rather than infinite, since
the steady-state approximation will break down Total pressure
when the radical concentration becomes quite
large. Nonetheless, we will consider the condi- Figure 4.1
tion that fb((x — 1) is equal to (fst -f fgt) to be The rate of the hydrogen-oxygen reaction as a
a valid criterion for an explosion limit. function of the total pressure. (Adapted from
Chemical Kinetics by K. J. Laidier. Copyright
Because there are two positive terms in the
© 1965. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill
denominator of equation 4.2.85 (either of which
Book Company.)
may be associated with the dominant termina-
tion process), this equation leads to two explo-
sion limits. At very low pressures the mean free semiquantitative arguments can be used to
path of the molecules in the reactor is quite explain the phenomenon known as the second
long, and the radical termination processes explosion limit. At these pressures the dominant
occur primarily on the surfaces of the reaction processes by which chains are terminated will
vessel. Under these conditions gas phase colli- occur in the gas phase. The increased pressure
sions leading to chain breaking are relatively hinders the diffusion of radicals to the vessel sur-
infrequent events, and fst » fgt. Steady-state faces and provides a number density of gas phase
reaction conditions can prevail under these radicals that is sufficient for radical recombina-
conditions if fst > fb(a — 1). tion and disproportionation processes.
As the pressure in the reaction vessel increases, If the pressure in the reaction vessel is now
the mean free path of the gaseous molecules will decreased, the rate at which chains are broken
decrease and the ease with which radicals can will also decrease. Eventually the pressure will
reach the surfaces of the vessel will diminish. reach a point at which the rates of the termina-
Surface termination processes will thus occur tion processes will become equal to the rate at
less frequently; fst will decline and may do so which the radical concentration is increasing
to the extent that fst + fgt becomes equal to because of the chain branching process; that is
fb(oc — 1). At this point an explosion will occur.
This point corresponds to the first explosion
limit shown in Figure 4.1. If we now jump to At this point an explosion will occur cor-
some higher pressure at which steady-state re- responding to the second explosion limit in
action conditions can again prevail, similar Figure 4.1.
4.3 Molecular Theories of Chemical Reaction Kinetics 105

There is a third explosion limit indicated in the sequence of molecular events that occur
Figure 4.1 at still higher pressures. This limit is during the course of a chemical reaction. Re-
a thermal limit. At these pressures the reaction action mechanisms should not be regarded as
rate becomes so fast that conditions can no experimental facts. They are plausible explana-
longer remain isothermal. At these pressures the tions of experimental data that are consistent
energy liberated by the exothermic chain reac- with the data, but that are subject to revision
tion cannot be transferred to the surroundings as new data are obtained. Even if one proposed
at a sufficiently fast rate, so the reaction mixture mechanism gives agreement with all available
heats up. This increases the rate of the process experimental facts, this is no sign that the
and the rate at which energy is liberated so one mechanism is unique and that other mechanisms
has a snowballing effect until an explosion could not give such agreement.
It should be evident from this discussion that 4.3 MOLECULAR THEORIES OF
the first explosion limit will be quite sensitive CHEMICAL REACTION KINETICS
to the nature of the surface of the reaction vessel
A "complete" theory of reaction kinetics would
and its area. If the surface is coated with a
provide a basis for calculating the rate of an
material that inhibits the surface chain termina-
elementary reaction from a knowledge of the
tion process, the first explosion limit will be
properties of the reacting molecules and their
lowered. Inert foreign gases can also have the
concentrations. In terms of the present state of
effect of lowering the first explosion limit, since
our theoretical knowledge, a "complete" theory
they can hinder diffusion to the surface. If some-
can be regarded as a goal that is far, far down
thing like spun glass or large amounts of fine
the road. Existing theories are extremely un-
wire are inserted, one can effect an increase in the
satisfactory. Nevertheless, chemical engineers
first explosion limit by changing the surface/
must be cognizant of the primary features of
volume ratio of the system.
these theories.
4.2.6 Supplementary References 4.3.1 Simple Collision Theory
Our discussion of chain reaction processes is Before a chemical reaction can occur, energy
necessarily incomplete. For more detailed treat- must be available and localized in such a way
ments consult the following references. that it is possible to break and make certain
1. C. H. Bamford and C. F. H. Tipper (Editors), Compre- chemical bonds in the reactant molecules. More-
hensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume II, The Theory of over, the participants in the reaction must be
Kinetics, Elsevier, New York, 1969. in a spatial configuration such that it is possible
2. G. J. Minkoffand C. F. H. Tipper, Chemistry of Combus- for the atomic and electronic rearrangements to
tion Reactions, Butterworths, London, 1962. occur. The most common means by which such
3. N. N. Semenov, Some Problems in Chemical Kinetics and redistributions of energy and changes in geome-
Reactivity, Volumes I and II, Princeton University Press,
tric configurations can occur are molecular
Princeton, N.J., 1958, 1959.
collision processes. In this sense all theories of
reaction are collision theories. However, we will
4.2.7 Cautionary Note on
use this term in a more limited sense. We restrict
Reaction Mechanisms
its use to the theory that links chemical kinetics
It is appropriate to conclude our discussion of to the kinetic theory of gases by the use of the
reaction mechanisms on a note of caution. A theoretical expression for bimolecular collision
mechanism is merely a logical hypothesis as to frequencies.
106 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena Rates of Bimolecular Reactions. For other books dealing with kinetic theory (35-39).
purposes of chemical reaction kinetics the pri- Different authors may write equations 4.3.1 and
mary result of the kinetic theory of gases is that 4.3.4 in slightly different forms because of differ-
the total number of collisions between A mole- ent assumptions involved in their derivations
cules and B molecules per unit volume per unit and the degree of mathematical rigor that they
time is given by ZAB. choose to use. They may precede these expres-
sions by some numerical factor that will not
AB = n'An'Bno2AB (4.3.1) differ appreciably from unity. Such differences
are insignificant for purposes of chemical kine-
where tics. From a practical viewpoint the uncertainties
involved in predicting reaction rates do not
n'A and n'B are the number densities of molecules
justify using anything more complex than the
A and B, respectively
simple hard sphere model of the kinetic theory.
T is the absolute temperature
Bimolecular processes are the primary vehicle
kB is the Boltzmann constant
by which chemical change occurs. The frequency
oAB is the arithmetic average of the hard
with which these encounters occur is given by
sphere diameters of molecules A
equations 4.3.1 and 4.3.4. However, only an
and B
extremely small number of the collisions actually
OA + On lead to reaction; for predictive purposes one
needs to know what fraction of the collisions
are effective in that they lead to reaction.
and \xAB is the reduced mass of the system ex- Since chemical reactions involve the making
pressed in terms of the molecular masses mA and breaking of chemical bonds with their as-
and mB as sociated energy effects and geometric require-
mAmB ments, it is not unreasonable to assume that
VAB = (4.3.3)
mA mR these factors play an important role in deter-
mining the probability that a bimolecular colli-
If A and B are identical, then mA = mB = ra, sion will lead to chemical reaction. In addition
\i = m/2, GA = oB = oAB = a, and n'A = n'B = to these factors there are restrictions on bi-
n'. To avoid double counting of collisions, an molecular combination or association reactions
additional factor of 1/2 must also be introduced and quantum mechanical requirements that can
into equation 4.3.1 to obtain an expression for influence this probability.
the number of collisions between identical mole- For complex organic molecules, geometric
cules per unit volume per unit time. considerations alone lead one to the conclusion
that only a small fraction of bimolecular colli-
ZAA = (n')2~a sions can lead to reaction. One can represent
the fraction of the collisions that have the proper
geometric orientation for reaction by a steric
= 2(n')V (4.3.4) factor (Ps). Except for the very simplest reactions,
this factor will be considerably less than unity.
For a typical gas at standard conditions, ZAA On the basis of simple collision theory, it is not
and ZAB are both of the order of 10 28 collisions possible to make numerical estimates of Ps9
per cubic centimeter per second. although it may occasionally be possible to
Derivations of the above expressions are con- make use of one's experience with similar re-
tained in most physical chemistry texts and actions to determine whether Ps for a given
4.3 Molecular Theories of Chemical Reaction Kinetics 107

reaction will be large or small. This failure to provides the surprisingly simple result that the
be able to predict values of Ps is one of the fraction of the collisions that will involve at least
major weak points of the collision theory. It an energy sc directed along the line of centers is
results from the inability of the theory to con- given by e~£c/kBT or e~Ec/RT. If the steric factor
sider the individual geometric shapes of various defined previously is introduced, the rate of re-
reactant molecules. Since Ps must be determined action between unlike molecules becomes
empirically, it may be considerably in error
because it will contain all pf the errors asso- e — KnAnB
rAB = Psn'An'B™2AB\
ciated with the assumption, of hard sphere
molecules as well as any quamtmi mechanical (4.3.7)
restrictions on the reaction in question.
Of all the factors that determine the effective- Comparison of this equation with the Ar-
ness of a collision, the energy requirement is by rhenius form of the reaction rate constant reveals
far the most important. Reaction cannot occur a slight difference in the temperature dependence*
unless sufficient energy is provided and localized of the rate constant, and this fact must be ex-
so that the appropriate bonds can be broken plained if one is to have faith in the consistency of
and new bonds formed. It is reasonable to the collision theory. Taking the derivative of the
suppose that there will be a threshold energy natural logarithm of the rate constant in equa-
requirement below which these processes can- tion 4.3.7 with respect to temperature, one finds
not occur. It is usually assumed that a collision that
is effective for reaction purposes only if the rl Pn h 1 V
+ (4.3.8)
relative kinetic energy along the line of col- dT IT RT2
lision centers is greater than or equal to this
threshold value. Kinetic energy associated with while the Arrhenius form is given by equation
motion perpendicular to this line corresponds 3.3.54.
to a sideswipe that leads to changes in rotational dlnk EA
levels but cannot be expected to be effective in (4.3.9)
dT RT2
promoting reaction.
The principles of kinetic theory may be used These last two equations can be reconciled
to arrive at an expression for the number of only if the experimental activation energy is tem-
collisions whose relative kinetic energy along perature dependent in such a way as to accom-
the line of centers is greater than sc. The result modate the variation in collision frequency with
is the following expression for the number of temperature; that is,
such collisions per unit volume per unit time. RT
EA = Ec (4.3.10)
— AnBn(JAB
Usually the last term on the right side of equation
4.3.10 is only a very small fraction of the total.
If this equation is now written in terms of energy
For example, if the observed activation energy
per mole instead of per molecule, it becomes
(EA) is 10 kcal at 500°K, the RT/2 term is only
i 1
/ 2 0.5 kcal or 5%. Such discrepancies are usually
(4.3.6) within the scatter of the data.
Illustration 4.4 indicates how collision fre-
an expression that becomes identical with equa- quency calculations are used to obtain a reaction
tion 4.3.1 if we set Ec equal to zero. Equation 4.3.5 rate expression.
108 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

ILLUSTRATION 4.4 COMPARISON OF To convert from number densities of mole-

EMPIRICAL RATE EXPRESSION WITH cules to reactant concentrations in kilomoles per
At 700 °K the rate expression for the decomposi- w.
CA =
tion of HI,
2HI -> H 2 + I 2 where No is Avogadro's number.
is given by (40) A similar conversion is necessary to measure
rAA in kilomoles per cubic meter per second.
r = 1.16 x 10~ 3 [HI] 2 kmoles/m 3 -sec In these units
when [HI] is expressed in kilomoles per cubic
rAA = 6.35 x 10"31(6.023 x 1023) x 103PsC2A
meter. Compare this reaction rate expression
with that predicted by the analog of equation = 3.83 x 10~ 4 P s Ci
4.3.7, which corresponds to collisions of the If the steric factor is comparable to unity the
type A- 4. calculated rate is within an order of magnitude
of the experimental value of 1.16 x 10~ 3 [HI] 2 .
Authors of other textbooks have reported even
M m = 127.9 <rH, = 2.0 x 1 0 - 1 0 m better agreement between experimental values
of this reaction rate expression and those cal-
The measured activation energy is equal to 186.1
culated from collision theory. Changes in the
, kJ/mole.
values used for the activation energy of the re-
Solution action and the molecular diameter are often
sufficient to bring the calculated values into
Using equation 4.3.4, the A-A analog of equa- much closer agreement with the experimental
tion 4.3.7 is values. Since measurements of different proper-
ties lead to significant differences in calculated
rAA = Ps2(n'A)2G2A -ECIRT values of hard sphere molecular diameters, these
quantities are not accurately known. Moreover,
or uncertainties of several percent in reaction acti-
vation energies are not at all unusual.
rAA = Ps2{n'A)22^o2 e~Ec/RT
Consideration of a variety of other systems
leads to the conclusion that very rarely does the
From equation 4.3.10, using Rr = 8.31 J/mole-°K, collision theory predict ratd constants that will
be comparable in magnitude to experimental
Ec = 186100 - 8.31(700)/2 = 183 200 J
values. Although it is not adequate for predic-
In SI units MA = 0.1279 kg/mole. If n'A is mea- tions of reaction rate constants, it nonetheless
sured in molecules per cubic meter and rAA in provides a convenient physical picture of the
molecules per cubic meter per second, the last reaction act and a useful interpretation of the
equation becomes concept of activation energy. The major short-

rAA = Ps2(riA)2(2JQ X 1 0 " 1 0 ) 2 ^ 183200/8.31(700)

= 6.35 x 10- 3 1 P s (^) 2
4.3 Molecular Theories of Chemical Reaction Kinetics 109

comings of the theory lie in its failure to relate One may estimate the relative frequency of
the steric factor and the activation energy to bimolecular and termolecular collisions using
molecular parameters from which a priori pre- equations 4.3.1 and 4.3.11.
dictions can be made.
1 1 Termolecular Reactions. If one at-

tempts to extend the collision theory from the
treatment of bimolecular gas phase reactions to If A, B, and C have similar molecular weights,
termolecular processes, the problem of how GBC is of the order of 2 A (2 x 10~ 10 m), and the
to define a termolecular collision immediately gas is at atmospheric pressure so that ric =
arises. If such a collision is defined as the simulta- 3 x 10 25 molecules/m3, then
neous contact of the spherical surfaces of all :
three molecules, one must recognize that two - = (9[4(n)(2x x 1(T1O)(3 x 1025)
hard spheres will be in contact for only a very
short time and that the probability that a third = 0[1O~ 3 ] (4.3.14)
molecule would strike the other two during this so that in a gas at standard conditions there are
period is vanishingly small. approximately 1000 bimolecular collisions for
In order to have a finite probability that ter- every termolecular collision.
molecular collisions can occur, we must relax When the fact that ternary collisions are rela-
our definition of a collision. We will assume that tively rare occurrences is combined with the fact
the approach of rigid spheres to within a dis- that there will probably be severe geometric
tance / of one another constitutes a termolecular restrictions on such reactions, one concludes
collision that can lead to reaction if appropriate that these reactions must have relatively low
energy and geometry requirements are met. This activation energies or else their reaction rates
approach is often attributed to Tolman (41). The would be yanishingly small. This expectation
number of ternary collisions per unit volume per is confirmed by experimental data on such
unit time between molecules A, B, and C such reactions.
that A and C are both within a distance t of B Termolecular reactions are quite rare and the
is given by ZABC. best-known examples are the recombination re-

nAnBnc (4.3.11)

where the symbols correspond to those used actions of small atoms and radicals (e.g., H +
previously and / is a somewhat indefinite para- H + M -> H 2 + M).
meter that should have a value typical of the
length of a chemical bond (i.e., t = 1 A). If one Vnimolecular Reactions. Experimen-
assumes that the same considerations that gov-
tal evidence for unimolecular processes posed
ern the efficiency of bimolecular collisions are
a dilemma for early kineticists. They observed
relevant to termolecular processes, then the re-
that several species that appeared to be stable at
action rate of these processes is given by
low temperatures underwent first-order decom-
r = ZABCP«e -E/RT (4.3.12) position or isomerization reactions at higher
110 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

temperatures. For reaction to take place, mole- I. Activation by collision:

cules have to possess sufficient energy to permit
the necessary rearrangement of chemical bonds. A + Ak-X A* + A (4.3.15)
If this energy is not supplied in the form of II. Deactivation by collision:
electromagnetic radiation from external sources,
the source of this energy can only be molecular A + A (4.3.16)
collisions. It was difficult for early workers to
reconcile the fact that collisions are most fre- This process is the reverse of the previous one.
quently bimolecular processes with the fact that It is expected to occur at the first collision of A*
the reactions of interest were first-order. In 1922, after it has been formed. The rate constant k2
however, Lindemann (42) resolved this dilemma will be much greater than ku since it is not
by showing how collisional processes can give restricted by the large energy requirement asso-
rise to first-order kinetics under certain circum- ciated with the activation process.
stances. He proposed a mechanism that was III. Unimolecular decomposition:
supported by several experiments suggested by
his hypothesis. His mechanism is the basis for B + C (4.3.17)
all modern theories of unimolecular reactions, Since collisional processes occur so rapidly,
although several impo/tant modifications and the concentration of the A* molecules builds up
additions to the theory have been made since to its steady-state value in a small fraction of a
1922. second and the steady-state approximation for
According to Lindemann's theory, at any A* is appropriate for use.
given time a small fraction of the reactant mole-
cules possess enough energy distributed among 4A*] - /c2[A][A*] - /c3[A*] « 0
their various degrees of freedom so that it is pos- dt
sible for them to be converted directly to product (4.3.18)
molecules without receiving additional energy
from any other molecules. This process does, Thus
however, require localization of sufficient energy A* = (4.3.19)
in the appropriate vibrational degree of freedom /c2[A] + /c3
for reaction to occur. This fraction is referred to
The rate of trie overall reaction is identical
as "activated" or "energized" molecules. Linde-
mann assumed that decomposition of the acti- with the rate of formation of B.
vated molecules is not instantaneous at the d[B]
mpment the energizing collision occurs, but that = *3[A*] = (4.3.20)
dt fc2[A]
a certain time is required for the energy to re-
distribute itself among the different vibra- This equation shows that the reaction rate is
tional modes of motion. When the energy in a neither first-order nor second-order with respect
certain vibrational mode of motion exceeds the to species A. However, there are two limiting
bond strength, the bond breaks and reaction cases. At high pressures where [A] is lar£e, the
occurs. bimolecular deactivation process is much more
If the stoichiometric equation for ^ unimolec- rapid than the unimolecular decomposition
ular reaction is A —• B + C, and if the energized (i.e., /c2[A][A*] » fc3[A*]). Under these condi-
molecules are denoted by ^4*, the Lindemann tions the second term in the denominator
mechanism consists of the following sequence of of equation 4.3.20 may be neglected to yield a
events. first-order rate expression.
4.3 Molecular Theories of Chemical Reaction Kinetics 111

quantitative viewpoint, and certain important

[A] (4.3.21) modifications have been made in the years since
Lindemann set forth this mechanism. The in-
However, as the pressure is decreased, one terested reader may wish to consult textbooks
eventually reaches a point where the rate of the that emphasize gas phase reaction kinetics (43-
decomposition reaction becomes much larger 50).
than the collisional deactivation process, so that One aspect of extensions of the theory is
k3 » /c2[A]. In this situation the overall rate particularly worthy of note. In a bimolecular
expression becomes second-order in A. reaction, the act of bond breaking must occur at
d[B] the instant of collision. Consequently, the dis-
(4.3.22) tribution of energy at that instant must be exactly
that required for reaction. In a unimolecular
The lifetime of the energized molecule relative reaction, however, the entire time interval be-
to the time between collisions determines the tween the activating collision and the next colli-
reaction order. If the lifetime is short compared sion is available for the energy in the activated
to the time between collisions, virtually all ener- molecule to be redistributed and cause bond
gized molecules will react before they can be breaking. This argument retains the "go-no go"
deactivated by subsequent collisions. In this case concept that reaction will or will not occur,
each energizing collision will lead to reaction, depending on whether or not a minimum energy
and the rate limiting step in the overall reaction requirement is met as a result of a collision, but
is the rate of activation by collision, a second- it predicts higher rates than the conventional
order process. On the other hand, if the lifetime kinetic theory approach.
of the energized molecule is long compared to Hinshelwood (51) used reasoning based on
the time between collisions, practically all of the statistical mechanics to show that the energy
energized molecules become deactivated by sub- probability factor in the kinetic theory expres-
sequent collisions without reacting. A quasi- sions (e~E/RT) is strictly applicable only to pro-
equilibrium situation will exist between the cesses for which the energy may be represented
concentrations of energized and "normal" mole- in two square terms. Each translational and
cules. The concentration of the former will be rotational degree of freedom of a molecule corre-
proportional to that of the latter. Since the re- sponds to one squared term, and each vibra-
action rate is proportional to the concentration tional degree of freedom corresponds to two
of energized molecules, it will also be propor- squared terms. If one takes into account the
tional to the concentration of normal molecules energy that may be stored in S squared terms,
(i.e., first-order). the correct probability factor is
As the system pressure is decreased at con- e-E/RTE(S/2)-ldE
stant temperature, the time between collisions
will increase, thereby providing greater oppor- * '^-l)!(RTp
tunity for unimolecular decomposition to occur.
Consequently, one expects the reaction rate ex-
To a very good approximation when S/2 is
pression to shift from first-order to second-order
an integer and when E » RT, the integral
at low pressures. Experimental observations of
this transition and other evidence support Linde- e~E/RT / g \(S/2)-l
mann's theory. It provides a satisfactory quali-
tative interpretation of unimolecular reactions,
but it is not completely satisfactory from a
112 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

For the case where 5 = 2 this expression energy values near the top of this minimal bar-
reduces to the simple exponential form of Ar- rier is referred to as the activated complex. The
rhenius. For values of S greater than 2, it yields region in hyperspace corresponding to this con-
a much larger probability of reaction than one figuration is referred to as the transition state.
would obtain from the normal Arrhenius form. Progress along the path corresponding to the
The enhancement may be several orders of series of positions occupied by the system as it
magnitude. For example, when S = 10 and moves from reactants to the activated complex
E/RT = 30, the ratio of the probability factor and on to the final product is measured in terms
predicted by Hinshelwood's approach to that of distance along the reaction coordinate. If this
predicted by the conventional Arrhenius method quantity is used as a measure of the progress of
is (30)4/4! = 3.375 x 104. The drawback of the reaction, it is possible to convert the multi-
approach is that one cannot accurately predict dimensional potential energy diagram into a
S a priori. When one obtains an apparent steric two-dimensional free energy diagram, one form
factor in excess of unity, this approach can often of which is shown in Figure 4.2. Such figures
be used in interpretation of the data. emphasize the commonly used analogy in whfch
the reaction and its energy requirements are
compared to the movement of a sphere across
4.3.2 Transition State Theory
hilly terrain in the presence of a gravitational
The transition state theory provides a useful field.
framework for correlating kinetic data and for In terms of the transition state theory the rate
codifying useful generalizations about the dy- of reaction is controlled by the rate of passage
namic behavior of chemical systems. This theory through the region at the top of the energy
is also known as the "activated complex theory," barrier. This passage may correspond either to
the "theory of absolute reaction rates," and movement over the top of the barrier or, in some
"Eyring's theory." This section introduces chem- cases, to quantum mechanical tunneling through
ical engineers to the terminology, the basic the barrier. Several approaches to formulating
aspects, and the limitations of the theory. the reaction rate in terms of such movements
The transition state theory differs from col- have been described, but we will employ the one
lision theory in that it takes into account the utilized by Eyring and his co-workers (52-54).
internal structure of reactant molecules. It de- The basic hypothesis on which Eyring's formu-
scribes a reaction in terms of movements on a lation is based is that an equilibrium exists
multidimensional surface in which the potential between certain activated complex species and
energy of the system is depicted as a function of the reactants. This equilibrium determines the
the relative positions of the nuclei constituting number of activated complexes corresponding
the participants in the reaction. The progress of to specified reactant concentrations, regardless
the reaction is characterized in terms of move- of whether or not an overall chemical equilib-
ment along the surface. Although one may en- rium exists between reactant and product spe-
vision an infinite number of paths linking the cies. This equilibrium hypothesis also permits
points corresponding to the original reactants formulation of the rate expression either in terms
and the final products, certain of these paths will of the characteristic partition functions of sta-
require significantly smaller gross energy inputs tistical mechanics or in terms of pseudo ther-
to surmount the energy barrier for the reaction. modynamic parameters.
The minimum energy requirement is related to The task of expressing the energy of a system
the activation energy for the reaction. The comprised of a number of nuclei and electrons
atomic configuration corresponding to potential as a function of their spatial configuration is
4.3 Molecular Theories of Chemical Reaction Kinetics 113


Energy barrier for

reverse reaction

Energy barrier
for forward reaction

Difference in ground
state energies

Reaction coordinate

Figure 4.2
Schematic representation of reaction progress in terms of the
reaction coordinate.

obviously a complex problem. In fact, it is one to depict the potential energy surface in three
that is not amenable to exact solution for even dimensions, as shown in Figure 4.3.
the simplest possible chemical reaction. How- Certain qualitative and semiquantitative as-
ever, theoretical physicists have attacked this pects of potential energy surfaces are conve-
problem with diligence during the past several niently illustrated using this figure. The vertical
decades, and a number of useful approximate elevation represents the potential energy of the
methods have been developed. In principle they system as a function of the two internuclear
permit one to generate multidimensional poten- distances rxy and ryz. Such surfaces may be gen-
tial energy surfaces linking reactants and erated using the techniques of the theoretical
products. physicist. They correspond to two valleys linked
Consider a reaction involving three atoms. by a saddle-shaped pass or col. One side of each
valley corresponds to a very steep hill, said
X + YZ -> XY + Z (4.3.23)
terrain arising from the strong dependence of the
In general three position variables will be needed repulsive component of interatomic forces on
to specify the potential energy of the reaction separation distance. The opposite sides of the
system. These may be the X-Y, Y-Z, and X-Z valley rise less steeply and eventually lead to a
internuclear distances or two internuclear dis- plateau at large values of both internuclear
tances and the included angle. Even in this separations. The valleys do not join except by
relatively simple case, four dimensions would be way of a pass or saddle point near K and L.
required for generation of the potential energy If a plane is passed perpendicular to the rxy
surface. However, if we restrict our attention to axis at a sufficiently large value of this parameter,
linear configurations of these atoms, it is possible the cross section of the potential energy surface
114 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena


© © ©

Figure 4.3
Schematic representation of the potential energy of a system comprised
of three atoms in a linear configuration as a function of the internuclear
separation distances. The dashed line represents the reaction X + YZ —*
XY+ Z.

one obtains is essentially the potential energy the potential energy curve characteristic of the
curve governing the formation of the YZ mole- formation of XY from its constituent atoms.
cule whose constituent atoms exert both attrac- Point M on the figure corresponds to a Z atom
tive and repulsive forces. At smaller values of and an X Y molecule. At point N both rxy and ryz
rxy, atom X interacts with atoms Y and Z to are large, so atoms X, 7, and Z are well sepa-
perturb the shape of the potential function so rated and no molecules are present. At points
that the depth of the potential well is less. Point K and L both internuclear distances are small,
J is located on the floor of one of the valleys and as in a collision between an X atom and a YZ
has a large value of rxy and a very small value for molecule (point K) or between a Z atom and an
ryz. It corresponds to an X atom far removed XY molecule (point L). The region in the neigh-
from a YZ molecule. borhood of these points is referred to as the
Similarly, it can be shown that a cross section transition state, and the configuration assumed
perpendicular to the ryz axis at large ryz gives by the atoms in this state is referred to as the
4.3 Molecular Theories of Chemical Reaction Kinetics 115

activated complex. We shall denote this complex figure, the system can obviously achieve reaction
by the symbol XYZ%. with significantly lower energy requirements. In
The reaction X + YZ -> XY + Z will corre- physical terms the process of forming the X-Y
spond to motion from point J in one valley to bond continuously contributes to the energy
point M in the second valley. For this reaction to requirement for breaking the original Y—Z
take place with a minimum amount of energy bond.
the system will travel along the floor of the first For reactions involving more than three at-
valley, over the col, and down into the second oms the number of "dimensions required to
valley. This path is indicated by a dashed line. depict the potential energy surface exceeds hu-
Energy considerations dictate that the majority man capacity for visualizing the surface. Thus
of the reaction systems will follow this path. The it may be more convenient to consider such
elevation of the saddle point above the floor of reactions as taking place between various moi-
the first valley is thus related to the activation eties that play the same role as the atoms X, Y
energy for the reaction. and Z in the discussion above.
Another common representation of the pro- The semiempirical nature of the methods used
gress of the system as it moves from reactants to to construct multidimensional potential energy
products is that shown in Figure 4.2. Here the surfaces makes the quantitative validity of the
potential energy of the system is plotted versus results questionable. Hence the present state of
distance along the dashed line shown in Figure the theoretical calculation of activation energies
4.3. This variable is referred to as the reaction is unsatisfactory.
coordinate. In both figures the energy differences The development of reaction potential energy
between the transition state and the reactant and surfaces was an essential precursor to the formu-
product states are related to the activation lation of the transition state theory. The first cal-
energies for the forward and reverse reactions, culation of reaction rates in terms of a specific
respectively. Energy differences between the re- potential energy surface is attributed to Pelzer
actant and product states are related to the and Wigner (55), who studied the reaction be-
normal thermodynamic energy functions char- tween atomic and molecular hydrogen. Eyring
acteristic of the reaction. For exothermic reac- and his co-workers (52-54) later developed and
tions the potential energy of the products lies extended the basic concepts, leading to codifica-
below that of the reactants, and for endothermic tion of the theory and thereby forging the close
reactions the relative elevations are reversed. link between his name and the theory. At about
Thus, Figure 4.2 indicates an endothermic re- the same time Evans and Polanyi (56-58) pre-
action. sented a somewhat similar formulation of the
It is important to recognize that the mecha- problem. These and other analyses of the prob-
nism indicated by the figures is quite different lem lead to very similar conclusions. The chem-
from one corresponding to an initial complete ical engineer should be familiar with these
dissociation of the YZ molecule followed by conclusions, even if he or she does not choose to
combination of the X and Y atoms. This latter become acquainted with the analytical details.
mechanism corresponds to movement from one In Eyring's formulation of the problem he
valley at J up to the plateau at N and back assumes that an "equilibrium" exists between
down to the second valley at M. The activation the activated complex species and the reactant
energy for the latter mechanism would be equal molecules. This "equilibrium" is said to exist at
to the energy required to dissociate the YZ all times, regardless of whether or not a true
molecule. By moving along the valley as in the chemical equilibrium has been established be-
mechanism indicated by the dashed line in the tween the reactants and products. Although the
116 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

basic assumption is not unreasonable, neither complex, h is Planck's constant, and (XYZX) is
does it lend itself to simple verification. It does, the total concentration of activated complexes.
however, lead to results that are consistent with Combination of equations 4.3.24 to 4.3.26 gives
those obtained by procedures that do not require
one to assume equilibrium between reactants r = -(XYZX) (4.3.27)
and the activated complex. h
The reaction rate is then taken to be the Thus the effective frequency with which acti-
product of the frequency at which activated vated complexes are transformed into reaction
complexes cross the energy barrier and their con- products is kBT/h. At a temperature of 300 °K,
centration at the top of the barrier. If (Cx)' repre- this group has a value of 6 x 10 12 sec" 1 , which
sents the concentration lying within a region of is comparable in magnitude to normal molecular
length Sx at the top of the barrier (see Figure 4.2) vibration frequencies.
and if vx is the mean speed at which molecules If one describes the equilibrium between re-
move from left to right across the barrier, the actants and the activated complex by
rate is given by
{C )'v x Kx = (4.3.28)
(4.3.24) (X)(YZ)
r = 5X then
These activated complexes differ from ordi- (4.3.29)
r = h
nary molecules in that in addition to the three
normal translational degrees of freedom, they which is a second-order form.
have a fourth degree of translational freedom The problem of predicting a rate constant thus
corresponding to movement along the reaction reduces to one of evaluating Kx. There are two
coordinate. This degree of freedom replaces one basic approaches that are used in attacking this
vibrational degree of freedom that would other- problem: one is based on statistical mechanics
wise be observed. and the other on thermodynamics. From statis-
The motion of activated complexes within the tical mechanics it is known that for a reaction of
transition state may be analyzed in terms of the type X + YZ^XYZ1 the equilibrium
classical or quantum mechanics. In terms of constant is given by
classical physics, motion along the reaction
coordinate may be analyzed in terms of a one- Kx = iXYZ (4.3.30)
dimensional velocity distribution function. In QxQ YZ
terms of quantum mechanics, motion along the where the g's are molecular partition functions
reaction coordinate within the limits of the tran- for the various species and Eo is the energy
sition state corresponds to the traditional quan- increase accompanying the reaction at absolute
tum mechanical problem involving a particle in zero when 1 mole of activated complex is formed.
a box. Combination of equations 4.3.29 and 4.3.30
Such analyses lead to the conclusions that indicates that the second-order rate constant is
11/2 given by
8* = % (4.3.25)
2nm \
This relation indicates that the rate constant
(Cx)f = (XYZx)j(2nmxkBT)1/2 (4.3.26) can be determined from a knowledge of the parti-
tion functions of the activated complex and the
where mx is the effective mass of the activated reactant species. For stable molecules or atoms
4.3 Molecular Theories of Chemical Reaction Kinetics 117

the partition functions can be calculated from An equilibrium constant is simply related to
experimental data that do not require kinetic a standard Gibbs free energy change, as indi-
measurements. However, they do require that cated by equation 2.4.7.
molecular constants such as the vibrational fre-
quencies and moments of inertia be evaluated AGX = -RT (4.3.33)
from spectroscopic data. Evaluation of the parti- Hence, the reaction rate constant can be
tion function for the activated complex {QXYZ%) written as
presents a more difficult problem, since the
required moments of inertia and vibrational
frequencies cannot be determined experimen-
tally. In principle theoretical calculations would
permit one to determine moments of inertia Since the factor (kBT/h) is independent of the
from the various internuclear distances and nature of the reaction, this approach to the
vibrational frequencies from the curvature of transition state theory argues that the free
the potential energy surface in directions normal energy of activation (AGJ) determines the re-
to the reaction coordinate. In practice one would action rate at a given temperature.
seldom (if ever) have available a sufficiently The free energy of activation can also be
accurate potential energy surface for the reac- expressed in terms of an entropy and an enthalpy
tion whose rate constant is to be determined. of activation in conventional thermodynamic
Moreover, QXYZ$ is a partition function from fashion.
which the degree of freedom corresponding to AG+ = AHX - TAS* (4.3.35)
motion along the reaction coordinate has been
removed. The contribution of this motion has These quantities provide another manner of
already been taken into account in the analysis expressing the rate constant in thermodynamic
leading to equation 4.3.27. Readers who wish to terms.
acquaint themselves with the manner in which
partition functions are calculated are encour-
aged to consult standard texts in physical chem-
If k is expressed in liters per mole per second,
istry and statistical mechanics.
the standard state for the free energy and entropy
Although equation 4.3.29 refers to a second-
of activation is 1 mole/liter. If the units of k
order reaction between an atom X and a mole-
are cubic centimeters per molecule per second,
cule YZ, the theory is readily generalized to
the corresponding standard state concentration
other reaction stoichiometries. An expression
is 1 molecule/cm3. The magnitudes of AG* and
characterizing the equilibrium between reac-
AS* reflect changes in the standard state, so it
tants and the activated complex is used to
is not useful to say that a particular reaction is
eliminate the latter from equation 4.3.27, and
characterized by specific numerical values of
the desired result is obtained.
these parameters unless the standard states
Instead of formulating the reaction rate ex-
associated with them are clearly identified.
pression in terms of molecular partition func-
These standard states are automatically deter-
tions, it is often convenient to employ an
mined by the units chosen to describe the re-
approach utilizing pseudo thermodynamic func-
actant concentrations in the phenomenological
tions. From equation 4.3.29, the second-order
rate expressions.
rate constant is given by
In terms of the collision theory a bimolecular
reaction rate is written as
k = ^ K ' (4.3.32)
r = P<ZA ,-E/RT (4.3.37)
118 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

where Ps is the steric factor, ZAB is the collision degree of order (large entropy decrease) neces-
frequency, and E is the activation energy of the sary to obtain the proper molecular configura-
reaction. In terms of the thermodynamic formu- tion for complex formation.
lation of the transition state theory a bimolecular The thermodynamic formulation of the transi-
reaction rate is given by tion state theory is useful in considerations of
reactions in solution when one is examining a
r = eAStlRe-AHt/RT{A)(B) (4.3.38) particular class of reactions and wants to extra-
polate kinetic data obtained for one reactant
Comparison of these expressions indicates that system to a second system in which the same
the activation entropy is related to the steric function groups are thought to participate (see
factor for the reaction. One may interpret the Section 7.4). For further discussion of the predic-
steric factor in terms of the degree of order of tive applications of this approach and its limita-
molecular configurations required to bring tions, consult the books by Benson (59) and
about the reaction, and this viewpoint is gener- Laidler (60). Laidler's kinetics text (61) and the
ally regarded as more satisfactory from an in- classic by Glasstone, Laidler, and Eyring (54)
tellectual viewpoint than is that which regards contain additional useful background material.
Ps as an a posteriori correction factor neces- Although the collision and transition state
sary to obtain agreement between theory and theories represent two important methods of
experiment. attacking the theoretical calculation of reaction
Experimental values of AS* are readily cal- rates, they are not the only approaches available.
culated from measured values of reaction rate Alternative methods include theories based on
constants and activation energies. These experi- nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, stochastic
mental values provide significant insight into the theories, and Monte Carlo simulations of chemi-
nature of the transition state and the structure cal dynamics. Consult the texts by Johnson (62),
of the activated complex. Loosely bound com- Laidler (60), and Benson (59) and the review by
plexes have higher entropies than tightly bound Wayne (63) for a further introduction to the
ones. A positive entropy of activation implies theoretical aspects of reaction kinetics.
that the entropy of the complex is greater than The various theories can provide useful in-
that of the reactants. More often there is a de- sight into the way in which reactions occur, but
crease in entropy associated with formation of we must again emphasize that they must be
the activated complex. For bimolecular reactions regarded as inadequate substitutes for experi-
the complex is formed by association of two mental rate measurements. Experimental work
molecules, and there is a loss of three trans- to determine an accurate reaction rate expres-
lational and at least one rotational degree of sion is an essential prerequisite to the reactor
freedom. Hence AS* is usually negative and, in design process.
some cases, is not too different from the overall
entropy change conventionally associated with LITERATURE CITATIONS
the reaction. In these cases for reactions of the
type A + B -• AB, it indicates that the activated 1. Wayne, R. P., "The Detection and Estimation of Inter-
mediates" in Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Volume
complex closely resembles the product molecule I, The Practice of Kinetics, edited by C. H. Bamford and
in its structure. For a long time such reactions C. F. H. Tipper, Elsevier, New York, 1969.
were regarded as abnormal because they had 2. Gardiner, W. C , Jr., Rates and Mechanisms of Chemical
unusually low steric factors. However, the tran- Reactions, W. A. Benjamin, New York, 1969.
sition state theory clearly indicates that these 3. Daniels, F., and Johnston, E. H., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 43
low steric factors are merely a result of the large (53), 1921.
Literature Citations 119

4. Ogg, R. A., J. Chem. Phys., 15 (337), 1947; 18 (572), 22. Semenov, N. N., op. cit., Chapter I.
1950. 23. Laidler, K. J., Chemical Kinetics, Chapter 3, McGraw-
5. Edwards, J. O., Greene, E. F., and Ross, J., J. Chem. Hill, New York, 1965.
Education, 45 (381), 1968. Adapted with permission. 24. Bodenstein, M., and Lind, S. C , Z. Physik. Chem., 57
6. Liebhafsky, H. A., and Mohammed, A., J. Am. Chem. (168), 1907.
Soc, 55 (3977), 1933. 25. Christiansen, J. A., Kg I. Danske Videnskab. Selskab.,
7. King, E. L., in Catalysis, edited by P. H. Emmett, Mat.-Fys. Medd., 1 (14), 1919.
Volume 2, Part 2, pp. 337-456, Reinhold, New York, 26. Herzfeld, K. F., Ann. Physik, 59 (635), 1919.
27. Polanyi, M., Z. Elektrochem., 26 (50), 1920.
8. Gould, E. S., Mechanism and Structure in Organic
Chemistry, p. 136, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New 28. Jost, W., and Jung, G., Z. Physik. Chem., B3 (83), 1929.
York, 1959. 29. Rice, F. O., and Herzfeld, K. F., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 56
9. Melville, H. W., and Gowenlock, B. G., Experimental (284), 1934.
Methods in Gas Reactions, Macmillan, London, 1963. 30. Goldfinger, P., Letort, M., and Niclause, M., Contribu-
10. Anderson, R. B., Experimental Methods in Catalytic tion a I'etude de la structure moleculaire, Victor Henri
Research, Academic} Press, New York, 1970. Commemorative Volume, p. 283, Desoer, Liege, 1948.

11. Friess, S. L., Lewis, E. S., and Weissberger, A., Editors, 31. Laidler, op. cit., Chapters 7 and 8.
Investigation of Rates and Mechanisms of Reactions, 32. Frost, A. A., and Pearson, R. G., Kinetics and Mecha-
Volume VIII, Parts I and II of Technique of Organic nism, Second Edition, Chapter 10, Wiley, New York,
Chemistry, Second Edition, Interscience, New York, 1961.
1961, 1963. 33. Benson, op. cit., Chapter XIII.
12. Lewis, E. S. (Editor), Investigation of Rates and Mecha- 34. Dainton, F. S., Chain Reactions, Methuen and Co.
nisms of Reactions, Third Edition, Volume VI, Part I of London, 1956.
Techniques of Chemistry, Wiley, New York, 1974.
35. Kennard, E. H., Kinetic Theory of Gases, McGraw-Hill,
13. Hammes, G. G. (Editor), Investigation of Rates and New York, 1938.
Mechanisms of Reactions, Third Edition, Volume VI,
36. Present, R. D., Kinetic Theory of Gases, McGraw-Hill,
Part II of Techniques of Chemistry, Wiley, New York,
New York, 1958.
37. Guggenheim, E. A., Elements of the Kinetic Theory of
14. Morris, J. C , / . Am. Chem. Soc, 63 (2535), 1941; 66
Gases, Pergamon Press, New York, 1960.
(584), 1944.
38. Golden, S., Elements of the Kinetic Theory of Gases,
15. Zemany, P. D., and Burton, M., J. Phys. and Colloid
Addison Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1964.
Chem., 55 (949), 1951.
39. Kauzmann, W., Kinetic Theory of Gases, W. A. Ben-
16. Wall, L. A., and Moore, W. J., J. Phys. and Colloid
jamin, New York, 1966. .
Chem., 55 (965), 1951; / . Am. Chem. Soc, 73 (2840),
1951. 40. Moelwyn-Hughes, E. A., Physical Chemistry, p. 1109,
Pergamon Press, New York, 1957.
17. Tolman, R. C , Phys. Rev., 23 (699), 1924; The Principles
of Statistical Mechanics, p. 163, Clarendon Press, 41. Tolman, R. C , cited in Frost and Pearson, op. cit.,
Oxford, 1938. pp. 68-69.
18. Denbigh, K. G., The Thermodynamics of the Steady 42. Lindemann, F. A., Trans. Faraday Soc, 77(598), 1922.
State, pp. 31-38, Methuen and Co., London, 1958. 43. Benson, op. pit., Chapter 11.
Adapted with permission. 44. Laidler, op. cit., pp. 143-175.
19. Hirschfelder, J., J. Chem. Phys., 9 (645), 1941. 45. Wayne, op. cit., pp. 256-289.
20. Semenov, N. N., Some Problems in Chemical Kinetics 46. Bunker, D. L., Theory of Elementary Gas Reaction
and Reactivity, Volume I, pp. 29 and 64, translated by • Rates, pp. 48-74, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1960.
M. Boudart, Princeton University Press, Princeton,
N.J., 1958. 47. Johnston, H. S., Gas Phase Reaction Rate Theory, pp.
263-297, Ronald Press, New York, 1966.
21. Benson, S. W., Thermo chemical Kinetics, Methods for
the Estimation of Thermochemical Data-and Rate Param- 48. Kondratiev, V. N., Chemical Kinetics of Gas Reactions,
eters, Second Edition, Wiley, New York, 1976. pp. 2'83-321, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1964.
120 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

49. Gardiner, op. cit., pp. 111-135. (b) Since these investigators carried out their
50. Slater, N. B., Theory of Unimolecular Reactions, Cornell study in a stirred flow reactor, they were able
University Press, Ithaca, N. Y., 1959. to measure the reaction rate directly as a
51. Hinshelwood, C. N., The Kinetics of Chemical Change, function of ethyl nitrate concentration. They
p. 81, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1940.
have reported the following data.
52. Eyring, H., J. Chem. Phys., 3 (107), 1935.
53. Wynne-Jones, W. F. K., and Eyring, H., / . Chem. Phys., Rate Ethyl nitrate concentration
3(492), 1935.
(moles/m3 • ksec) (moles/m3)
54. Glasstone, S., Laidler, K. J., and Eyring, H., The Theory
of Rate Processes, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1941. 13.4 0.0975
55. Pelzer, H., and Wigner, E., Z. Physik. Chem., B15 (445), 12.2 0.0759
1932. 12.1 0.0713
56. Evans, M. G., and Polanyi, M., Trans. Faraday Soc, 31 23.0 0.2714
(875), 1935. 20.9 0.2346
57. Evans, and Polanyi, op. cit., 33 (448), 1937.
58. Polanyi, M., / . Chem. Soc, 1937, 629. Is the proposed mechanism consistent with
59. Benson, S. W., Thermo chemical Kinetics, Wiley, New this data? What are the order of the reaction
York, 1968. and the rate constant that they observed
60. Laidler, K. J., Theories of Chemical Reaction Rates, experimentally?
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969.
61. Laidler, op. cit., Chapter 3, 1965. 2. Under appropriate conditions the decom-
62. Johnston, H. S., Gas Phase Reaction Rate Theory, position of ethyl bromide may be explained by
Ronald Press, New York, 1966.
the following mechanism.
63. Wayne, R. P., in Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics,
Volume 2, The Theory of Kinetics, edited by C. H. Bam- Initiation:
ford and C. F. H. Tipper, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1969.
C 2 H 5 Br ^ C 2 H 5 - + Br- £fl§1
PROBLEMS Propagation:

1. Houser and Lee [J. Phys. Chem., 71 (3422), Br- + C 2 H 5 Br ^ HBr + C 2 H 4 Br- Eati
1967] have studied the pyrolysis of ethyl nitrate
using a stirred flow reactor. They nave proposed C 2 H 4 Br- '-I C 2 H 4 + Br- £flf3
the following mechanism for the reaction.
Br- + C 2 H 4 Br- ^ C 2 H 4 Br 2 EaA
C 2 H 5 ONO 2 ^ C 2 H 5 O + N O 2
(a) Derive an expression for the rate of disap-
pearance of ethyl bromide.
C 2 H 5 O ^ CH 3 - + CH 2 O (b) What is the apparent order of the reaction?
(c) What is the apparent activation energy for
CH 3 - + C 2 H 5 ONO 2 ^ CH 3 NO 2 + C 2 H 5 O
the reaction in terms of the activation en-
Termination: ergies of the individual steps?
Note that the amount of ethyl bromide that
2 C 2 H 5 O k-X CH 3 CHO + C 2 H 5 OH
disappears by the initiation reaction is small
(a) What rate expression is consistent with this compared to that which disappears via reac-
mechanism? tion 2.
Problems 121

3. Khan and Martell [J. Am. Chem. Soc, 91 What is the resultant expression for the overall
(4668), 17, 1969] have reported the results of a rate of consumption of oxygen in terms of the
kinetic study of the uranyl ion catalyzed oxida- individual rate constants and the concentrations
tion of ascorbic acid. The stoichiometric equa- of stable species? Experimentally, the reaction
tion for this reaction mav be represented as kinetics follow the expression:
H2A + O 2 ^ A + H2O2 d(O2)
= /c(CH 3 CHO) 3/2 (Co + + + )
The rate expression for this reaction is of the dt
form. Note that the overall stoichiometry requires
d(H2A) [d(O2)/dt] = [d(CH3CHO)/dt~]. What assump-
= £[H 2 A][H + ][O 2 ][UO 2 ++ ] tions are necessary to make the postulated
mechanism agree with the observed kinetics?
Is the following mechanism consistent with the
experimentally observed rate expression?

H2A ^ H A ~ + H fast, equilibrium constant
+ +
HA" + UO^" ^± UO2HA fast, equilibrium constant K2
UO2HA+ + H+ ^UO 2 H 2 A + + fast, equilibrium constant K3
UO 2 H 2 A ++ + H + ^UO 2 H 3 A + + + fast, equilibrium constant KA
UO2H3A+ + + + O2 ^UO 2 H 3 A(O 2 ) + + + fast, equilibrium constant
UO2H3A(O2)+ + + ^ UO 2 H 3 A(O 2 ) + + + slow, rate constant k6
UO 2 H 3 A(O 2 ) + + + ^UO 2 + + + H 2 O 2 - 1- A + H + fast, rate constant k-,

4. Havel [Sb. Ved. Praci, Vysoka Chem. Tech- 5. The following mechanism has been proposed
nol, Pardubice 1 (83), 1965] has suggested the for the oxidation of nitric oxide.
following chain reaction mechanism for the
NO + O2 ^ NO 3 equilibrium constant Kc
Co + + + catalyzed oxidation of aldehyde to
peracetic acid. NO 3 + N O ^ N O 3 - N O
NO 3 + NO ^ 2NO2
NO + NO3-NO k-X 2NO2 + NO
O2 + NO 3 NO k-X 2NO + 2O2
CH3CO-H-O2^CH3CO3- Derive a rate expression that is consistent with
CH 3 CO 3 +CH 3 CHO^CH 3 CO 3 this mechanism. Treacy and Daniels [J. Am.
Chem. Soc, 11 (2033), 1955] have determined
Termination: that the orders of the reaction with respect to
2CH3CO3-^inactive products oxygen and nitric oxide are one and two, respec-
tively, at high pressures and less than one and
3- + CH3CO-^inactive products
greater than two at low pressures. Is the pro-
2CH3CO-4inactive products posed mechanism consistent with this data?
122 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

6. It is thought that the fluorination of both cis- actor operating at 60 °C starting with an
and trans-perfluorobutene-2 may proceed by the initial tetraborane pressure of 14.13 kPa.
mechanism shown below.
Initiation: Tetraborane concentration
Time, t (sec) (moles/m3)
«1 o '
0 4.83
C 2 F 4 = C 2 F 4 -+• F 2 —> C 2 F 4 — C 2 F 4 + F* 1800 3.68
3600 3.38
Propagation: 5400 2.91
7200 2.46
F 9000 2.18
C 2 F 4 = C 2 F 4 + F-k4 C 2 F 4 - C 2 F 4
F What is the experimentally observed order of
C 2 F 4 - C 2 F 4 + F 2 Z C 2 F 5 - C 2 F 5 + F- the reaction? Under what circumstances is the
proposed mechanism consistent with the experi-
Termination: mentally observed rate expression? The order is
equal to n(l/2) where n = 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.

2C 2 F 4 — C 2 F 4 -> minor products 8. The following mechanism has been proposed

for the oxidation of ammonia in the presence
What rate expression for the overall reaction is
of CIO.
consistent with this mechanism?
NH 3 + CIO ^ NH 2 + HOC1
7. Bond and Pinsky [J. Am. Chem. Soc, 92 (32),
1970] have proposed the following mechanism NH 2 O2 NO + H 2 O
for the decomposition of tetraborane. O2 HNO + OH
NH 2
B 4 H 10 -» B 3 H 7 + BH 3 2HNO -> H 2 O + N 2 O
B 3 H 7 -> BH 2 + B 2 H 5
(a) Derive an expression for the rate of for-
-D2ii5 —> -Drl2 + BH 3 mation of N 2 O that contains only the con-
centrations of O 2 , NH 3 , and CIO and the
BH 2 + B 4 H 1 0 ~^ B4.H9 + BH 3
reaction rate constants.
B4H9 B2H5 + B2 (b) What are the limiting cases of this expression
B2H4 solid + H 2
(1) k2 » fc3?
2BH 2 (2) k3 » fc2?
(c) Discuss the relative rates of formation of
H 2 O and N 2 O in the two limiting cases
(a) The stable products of the reaction are B 2 H 6 , mentioned in part (b). Be as quantitative
H 2 , and the solid. Derive the equation for as possible.
the rate of disappearance of tetraborane.
(b) These investigators obtained the data below 9. Two alternative mechanisms have been pro-
in an isothermal constant volume batch re- posed to explain the formation of gaseous
Problems 123

phosgene (COC12) from carbon monoxide and what change occurs in the order of the
chlorine and the decomposition of phosgene reaction? What does the overall activation
into these species. energy become?
(d) The chain length is given by the ratio of the
Mechanism I: rate of chain propagation (reaction 3) to
Cl 2 ^ 2C1 equilibrium constant K1 that for termination (reaction 5). What is the
Cl + CO ^± COC1 equilibrium constant K2 chain length in this case?

COC1 + Cl 2 ^ COC12 + Cl 11. The gas phase decomposition of ozone is

ci + coci 2 -X c o c i + ci 2 catalyzed by nitrogen pentoxide. Two mecha-
nisms that purport to explain this process are
Mechanism II: given below. Can relatively simple kinetic mea-
surements be used to eliminate one of the
Cl 2 ^ 2C1 equilibrium constant Kx proposed mechanisms from further considera-
Cl + Cl 2 ^ Cl 3 equilibrium constant K3 tion? Explain.

ci3 c o k-X coci 2 ci Mechanism A:

ci + coci 2k-X ci 3 + c o N2O5 ^ NO2 NO3
k - 1

Derive expressions for d(COC\2)/dt for both NO 2 O3 NO3 + O2

mechanisms. Can simple kinetic measurements
be used to determine which mechanism is NO3 O3 2O 2 + N O 2
"correct"? If not, what might be done experi- Mechanism B:
mentally to determine which mechanism is
preferred? N2O5 ^ NO2 • NO3

10. The following mechanism has been pro- NO 2 + O 3 NO3 + O2

posed for the thermal decomposition of acetone. NO3 + NO3 O 2 + 2NO 2

Initiation: CH3COCH3 - • C H 3 CH 3 CO- Ea = 84 kcal

CH 3 CO ^ CH 3 - + CO Ea = 10 kcal

Propagation: CH 3 - + CH 3 COCH 3 -> CH 4 + CH 3 COCH 2 Ea = 15 kcal

CH 3 COCH 2 - -> CH 3 - + CH 2 CO Ea = 48 kcal

Termination: CHv + CH.COCH, E= 5 kcal

(a) Express the overall rate in terms of the individual rate constants and concentrations of stable
(b) What is the overall activation energy?
(c) If reaction 1 is second-order, that is,

CH 3 COCH 3 + CH 3 COCH 3 -> CH 3 COCH 3 + CH 3 - + CH 3 CO

124 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

12. Experimental studies of the catalytic de- approach. He proposed the following mech-
composition of ozone in the presence of nitrogen anism.
pentoxide follow a rate expression of the form
Ni(CO) 4 ^ Ni(CO) 3 + CO
r = /c(O 3 ) 2/3 (N 2 O 5 ) 2/3 k2i

A colleague has proposed the following mecha- Ni(CO) 3 ^ Ni(CO) 2 + CO


nism as an explanation for these observations.

Ni(CO) 2 ^ Ni(s) + 2CO
N2O5 + M ^ N 2 O f + M
Under what conditions are the two mecha-
N 2 O* ^ NO 2 NO3 nisms equivalent?

NO3 O3 NO 2 + 2O 2 14. Many polymerization reactions proceed by

free radical mechanisms. We may characterize
NO2 O3 O2 + N O 3 certain of these reactions by the following se-
quence of elementary reactions
where N 2 Of is an excited nitrogen pentoxide
(1) Dissociation of initiator (I) into two radical
molecule and M is any molecule. Show whether
fragments fc
this mechanism is or is not consistent with the
/ ^2R-
experimentally observed rate expression. If it is
not, can you suggest an alternative mechanism (2) Addition of initial monomer (M) unit
including reactions 1 to 4 and 6 that will be
R- + M ^ RM-
consistent? (Note: It will not be necessary to
introduce any chemical species in addition to (3) Chain propagation
those used above. Consider only bimolecular
RM- + M H RMM-
RMM- + M ^ RMMM-
13. Garratt and Thompson [J. Chem. Soc, 1934, etc.
524, 1817, 1822] have studied the photochemi-
cal and thermal decomposition of nickel tetra- (4) Chain termination
carbonyl. Later work by Day, Pearson and (a) Radical combination
Basolo [J. Am. Chem. Soc, 90 (6933), 1968]
confirmed that the rate law postulated by
Garratt and Thompson was obeyed for the (b) Radical disproportionation
homogeneous process. The mechanism postu- R(M)m- + R(M)n- -+ saturated polymer
lated by both groups is: + unsaturated
Ni(CO) 4 ^ Ni(CO) 3 + CO
For these reactions kp, ktc, and ktD are indepen-
Ni(CO) 3 " Ni + 3CO dent of the molecular weight of the radical.
Show that the rate of polymerization in the
(a) What rate law is consistent with this absence of mass transfer limitations in a homo-
mechanism? geneous system is given by
(b) Callear [Proc. Roy. Soc. A265 (71), 1961]
has also investigated the decomposition of
Ni(CO) 4 , but he used a flash photolysis dt
Problems 125

where Chain transfer:

is the rate of polymerization of H- + RSH RS-
dt monomer Propagation:
[M] is the monomer concentration
RS- + CH 2 =CHR' ^ RSCH2—CHR7
[I] is the initiator concentration
/ is the fraction of initiator radicals RSCH2—CHR' + RSH ^ RS- + RSCH2CH2R'
reacting with monomer Termination:
Note that high molecular weights may be ob- 2RS- -• RSSR
tained in 1 to 10 sec. Also note that some of (a In terms of the usual Bodenstein steady-
the initiator fragments are effectively excluded state approximation, derive an expression
from consideration by reacting with impurities, for the net rate of disappearance of thiol
etc. State explicitly any additional assumptions (RSH) in terms of the concentrations of
that you make. Are the following data for the stable species and the various rate constants.
polymerization of methyl methacrylate in ben- Reactions 3 and 4 occur at rates that are
zene with azodiisobutyronitrile initiator con- much greater than those for the other
sistent with the derived model? reactions.
(b) The following data have been reported for
the Co 60 irradiation of an equimolar solu-
d[W] tion of RSH and CH 2 =CHR' using a con-
[M] [I] dt stant dose rate.
(kmoles/m3) (moles/m3) (moles/m3 • sec)

9.04 0.235 0.193 Thiol concentration

8.63 0.206 0.170 Time, t (sec) (kmoles/m3)
7.19 0.255 0.165
6.13 0.228 0.129 0 0.874
4.96 0.313 0.122 300 0.510
4.75 0.192 0.0937 600 0.478
4.22 0.230 0.0867 900 0.432
4.17 0.581 0.130 1280 0.382
3.26 0.245 0.0715 1800 0.343
2.07 0.211 0.0415 3710 0.223

Note that the overall stoichiometry of the

15. The following mechanism has been pro- propagation steps is:
posed to explain the kinetics of the radiation
RSH + CH 2 =CHR' -• RSCH2—CH2R'
curing process for elastomeric polyurethanes
and polythio ethers. Is this data consistent with the mechanism
proposed in part (a)?
RSH + hv -+ RS- + H- 16. From viscosity measurements, the diameter
of the N2O molecule has been found to be
reaction rate = /ql (RSH) where I is the in- 0.33 nm. If the thermal decomposition of N 2 O
tensity of the incident radiation follows second-order kinetics at 930 °K and at
126 Molecular Interpretations of Kinetic Phenomena

an initial pressure of 39.46 kPa, determine the (b) The average number of HC1 molecules
collision frequency. If the activation energy for formed per entering chlorine atom.
the process is 243 kJ, what is the apparent (c) The probability that a collision between a
second-order reaction rate constant? The exper- chlorine atom and a hydrogen molecule
imental rate constant is 0.0404 (m3/mole-ksec). leads to reaction.
On the basis of this approach, what is the steric
factor? Comment. It may be assumed that each reaction of the
Cl + H 2 -> HC1 + H
17. Rodebush and Klingelhoefer [J. Am. Chem.
Soc, 55 (130), 1933] have studied the reaction is immediately followed by the much faster
of atomic chlorine with molecular hydrogen. reaction:
Chlorine atoms were formed by partial disso-
H + CU -* HC1 + Cl
ciation of molecular chlorine in an electrodeless
discharge. A stream of this gas was then mixed Data
with a hydrogen stream and passed through a
thermostatted reaction vessel. At the far end of <JH2 = 2.39 A a cl = 2.97 A
the vessel the reaction was effectively quenched
by using a piece of silver foil to catalyze the Hydrogen flow rate 6.3 cm3 (STP)/min
recombination of chlorine atoms. The products Chlorine flow rate (as Cl2) 9.1 cm3 (STP)/min
of the reaction were determined by freezing out Fraction Cl 2 dissociated 11°/
1 1
Volume of reaction vessel
the Cl 2 and HC1 in liquid air traps and titrating
Pressure in vessel 10 cm3
samples with standard thiosulfate and alkali 0.340 mm Hg
Temperature in vessel
respectively. On the basis of the data and as- Length of run 0°C
sumptions listed below, determine: Thiosulfate titre of products 10 min
(a) The average number of collisions that a solution
Alkali titre of products
chlorine atom undergoes with hydrogen 9.1 cm3of0.1N
molecules in the reaction vessel. solution
5 Chemical Systems Involving
Multiple Reactions
r - $ % - , - (M.1,
The chemical composition of many systems can
be expressed in terms of a single reaction pro-
In this section we discuss the mathematical
gress variable. However, a chemical engineer
forms of the integrated rate expression for a few
must often consider systems that cannot be
adequately described in terms of a single extent simple combinations of the component rate ex-
of reaction. This chapter is concerned with the pressions. The discussion is limited to reactions
development of the mathematical relationships that occur isothermally in constant density
that govern the behavior of such systems. It systems, because this simplifies the mathematics
treats reversible reactions, parallel reactions, and and permits one to focus on the basic principles
series reactions, first in terms of the mathemati- involved. We will again place a "V" to the right
cal relations that govern the behavior of such of certain equation numbers to emphasize that
systems and then in terms of the techniques that such equations are not general but are restricted
may be used to relate the kinetic parameters of to constant volume batch reactors. The use of
the system to the phenomena observed in the the extent per unit volume in a constant volume
laboratory. system (£*) will also serve to emphasize this
restriction. For constant volume systems,


r = at = r - r (5.1.2)Y
Reversible reactions are those in which appre-
ciable quantities of all reactant and product Several forms of the reaction rate expression
species coexist at equilibrium. For these reac- will now be considered.
tions the rate that is observed in the laboratory
is a reflection of the interaction between the rate
at which reactant species are transformed into Opposing First-Order Reactions A ^± B.
product molecules and the rate of the reverse The simplest case of reversible reactions is that
transformation. The ultimate composition of in which the forward and reverse reactions are
the systems in which such reactions occur is both first order. This case may be represented
dictated not by exhaustion of the limiting re- by a rate expression of the form
agent, but by the constraints imposed by the
thermodynamics of the reaction. r = (5.1.3)

Equation 5.1.3 can be rewritten in terms of

5.1.1 Mathematical Characterization of the extent of reaction per unit volume as:
Simple Reversible Reaction Systems

The time dependence of the composition of a

system in which a reversible reaction is occurring
is governed by the mathematical form of the
rate expressions for the forward and reverse (5.1.4)V
reactions, the net rate of reaction being the
difference between these two quantities. Separation of variables and integration subject

128 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

to the constraint that £,* = 0 at t = 0 gives

t = --, (5.1.5)V

or Equations 5.1.6 and 5.1.9 may be combined

to give
1 ^~(ki + k- i)t /r
—— = 1 — 6 [J.
Expressions for the time dependence of reactant or
and product concentrations may be obtained in £n(l - £*/£*) = -(fci
the usual fashion
This expression is useful in analyzing kinetic
Ct = Ci0 + v£f* (5.1.7)V data using the technique developed in Section
Equations 5.1.5 and 5.1.7 may be combined to for certain types of physical property
give measurements.
Is f Is t I At equilibrium equation 5.1.3 becomes
-(/Ci + k- = In
k c A _^ c
= In CBe
" r CB = K (5.1.13)
Subtraction of equation 5.1.12 from 5.1.3 gives
Equations 5.1.5, 5.1.6, and 5.1.8 are alternative r = k,{CA - CAe) - k^(CB - CBe) (5.1.14)
methods of characterizing the progress of the
reaction in time. However, for use in the analysis
of kinetic data, they require an a priori knowl-
edge of the ratio of kt to k-v To determine -~-
the individual rate constants, one must either
carry out initial rate studies on both the forward - (cB0
and reverse reactions or know the equilibrium
constant for the reaction. In the latter connection Simplification gives
it is useful to indicate some alternative forms in
which the integrated rate expressions may be
rewritten using the equilibrium constant, the
equilibrium extent of reaction, or equilibrium
Integration leads to 5.1.10. The form of this equa-
species concentrations.
tion indicates that the reaction may be con-
From the requirement that the reaction rate
sidered as first order in the departure from equi-
must become zero at equilibrium, equation 5.1.4
librium, where the effective rate constant is the
indicates that the equilibrium extent of reaction
sum of the rate constants for the forward and
per unit volume (£*) is given by
reverse reactions.
klC Equations 5.1.13 and 5.1.8 may be combined
a = T ~ k-lC"° (5.1.9)V
to give other forms that are sometimes useful in
5.1 Reversible Reactions 129

the analysis of kinetic data where Ao, Bo, Ko, and So refer to the initial
concentrations of the various species. As in the
= ln\ previous section, one may separate variables
—C and integrate to obtain an expression for £* as
a function of time. However, the resultant
CAe expression is of extremely limited utility for
= In purposes of analyzing kinetic data.
- cBO A somewhat more useful approach is to con-
sider the relations that should exist between the
extent of reaction per unit volume at time t and
In the analysis of kinetic data from reactions the extent at equilibrium. At equilibrium equa-
believed to be first-order in both directions, the tion 5.1.19 becomes
equation that is most suitable for use depends
on the pertinent equilibrium data available. - ^ - K(Ro
Equations 5.1.17 and 5.1.11 are perhaps the most
useful, but others may be more appropriate for
use in some cases. The integrated forms permit This equation may be rewritten in terms of the
one to determine the sum (k1 + fc-J, while equi- equilibrium constant by recognizing that
librium data permit one to determine the equilib-
rium constant K = ki/k^1. Such information K = ^ (5.1.22)V
is sufficient to determine fcx and k^v
0 = K(A0 - g)(B0 - ^) - (Ro + e ) ( 5 0 + ^ Opposing Second Order Reactions (5.1.23)V
A + B^R + 5. ^* is the root of the quadratic expression that
kr corresponds to physical reality (i.e., it does not
From a mathematical standpoint the various give rise to a reactant or product concentration
second-order reversible reactions are quite sim- that is negative). The equilibrium concentrations
ilar, so we will consider only the most general of all species may be evaluated using stoichio-
case—a mixed second-order reaction in which metric relations of the form
the initial system contains both reactant and
product species. Cie = (5.1.24)V
r = kfCACB - krCRCs (5.1.18) At any time the concentrations of the various
In a constant volume system the rate may be species are given by relations of the form
written in terms of the extent per unit volume as Q = Ci0 + v££* (5.1.25)Y

= kf(A0 - £*)(fl0 - Combining equations 5.1.24 and 5.1.25 gives

Ci = Cie + v£(«* - # ) (5.1.26)V
- kr(R0 + i;*)(S0
Substitution of expressions of this form into
or equation 5.1.18 gives

= {kfA0B0 - krR0S0)
dt ^
- [kf(A0 + Bo) + kr(R0 + S o )]£*
+ (kf - kr)£*2 (5.1.20)Y (5.1.27)V
130 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

which may be rewritten as The quantity £* — £* is simply related to

reactant concentrations by equation 5.1.26, so
= kfAeBe - krReSe if the concentration of one reactant is known at
dt various times, it is possible to evaluate the left
- (£* - &)[kf(Ae + BJ + kr(Re + SJ] side at these times. Alternatively, if the data take
the form of physical property measurements of
+ (kf - kM* - C)2 (5.1.28)V
the type treated in section, equation 3.3.50
The first two terms on the right side represent may be used to relate £* — £* to the property
the net reaction rate at equilibrium, which must values.
be zero. Hence,
= -(£* - g)lkf(Ae + fij + kr(Re +
(kf - kM* - £ ) (5.1.29)V (5.1.35)V
In either event one should be able to plot the
(5.1.30)V left side of equation 5.1.34 versus time and obtain
a straight line with a slope related to the rate
Hence, equation 5.1.29 becomes constants for the forward and reverse reactions.
Equation 5.1.22 gives another relation between
these parameters, which permits us to determine
each rate constant individually.

- £*
= dt
{(kf - kr)(Z* ~ a) - [kf(Ae + Be) + kr(Re +
Integration gives
~{(kf - kM* ~ 4*) - \kf{Ae + Be) + kr{Re
t = In
kf(Ae + Be) + kr(Re + Se) - £*){(kf - K)g + kf(Ae Se)} J
If one again employs the relation between the equilibrium constant and the reaction rate constant
(5.1.22), equation 5.1.32 can be written as

- [K(Ae + Be) + (Re + SJ]}f* "| r/w t A , D N , ,, , D , a yif

From thermodynamic data it is possible to evaluate the equilibrium constant and all of the equilibrium
concentrations in the above equation, reducing it to the following form.
= [kf(Ae + B.\ + kr(Re + Sjjt (5.1.34)V

where M t and M 2 are known constants.

5.1 Reversible Reactions 131 Second-Order Reaction Opposed by First- General Techniques for the Interpreta-
kf tion of Reaction Rate Data for Reversible
Order Reaction A + B ^ R. For a rate ex- Reactions. The determination of the mathe-
pression of the form matical form of a reaction rate expression is
generally a two-step procedure. One first deter-
r = kfCACB - krCR (5.1.36)
mines the dependence of the rate on the con-
the procedures employed in Sections and centrations of the various reactant and product lead to the following relation for the time species at a fixed temperature and then evaluates
dependence of £*. the temperature dependence of the various rate

B) - En (5.1.37)V
- In
K(A0 + Bo) + 1 + y/K2(A0 - B0)2 + 2K(A0 + Bo + 2J?T

From thermodynamic data it is possible to constants appearing in the rate expression. For
evaluate all quantities pertaining to equilibrium reversible reactions, at least two rate constants
in equation 5.1.37, reducing it to the form will be involved and the Arrhenius relation
must be used to analyze data on the temperature
[kf(Ae + Be) + kr~\t dependence of each rate constant individually
in order to determine the influence of tempera-
ture changes on the overall reaction rate.
Approaches to the determination of the
where Ml and M 2 are numerical constants. This concentration-dependent terms in expressions
equation is of the same form as 5.1.34 and may for reversible reactions are often based on a
be handled in the manner outlined previously. simplification of the expression to limiting cases.
By starting with a mixture containing reactants
alone and terminating the study while the reac-
5.1.2 Determination of Reaction Rate
tion system is still very far from equilibrium, one
Expressions for Reversible Reactions
may use an initial rate study to determine the
The problem of determining the mathematical concentration dependence of the forward reac-
form of the rate expression for a chemical reac- tion. In similar fashion one may start with
tion is one that involves a combination of careful mixtures containing only the reaction products
experimental work and sound judgment in the and use the initial rates of the reverse reaction
analysis of the data obtained thereby. In many to determine the concentration dependence of
cases the analytical techniques discussed in this part of the rate expression. Additional sim-
Section 3.3 are directly applicable to studies of plifications in these initial rate studies may arise
reversible reactions. In other cases only minor from the use of stoichiometric ratios of reactants
modifications are necessary. and/or products. At other times the use of a vast
132 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

excess of one or more of the reactants may give Temperature: 22.9 °C

rise to simplifications. Approaches involving Initial H 2 SO 4 concentration: 5.50 kmoles/m 3
initial rates in which one focuses on one or the Initial (C 2 H 5 ) 2 SO4 concentration:
other of the two terms comprising the rate ex- 5.50 kmoles/m3
pression are the differential methods that are
most appropriate for use with reversible reac-
C 2 H 5 SO 4 H
tions. When both terms are significant, one needs concentration (kmoles/m3)
Time, t (sec)
a knowledge of the numerical value of the ther-
modynamic equilibrium constant at the temper- 0 0
ature in question in order to be able to employ 1680 0.69
the general differential approach outlined at the 2880 1.38
start of Section 4500 2.24
It is also possible to use integral methods to 5760 2.75
determine the concentration dependence of the 7620 3.31
reaction rate expression and the kinetic param- 9720 3.81
10800 4.11
eters involved. In using such approaches one
12720 4.45
again requires a knowledge of the equilibrium
16020 4.86
constant for use with one of the integrated forms 19080 5.15
developed in Section 5.1.1. 22740 5.35
The generalized physical property approach 24600 5.42
discussed in Section may be used together
with one of the differential or integral methods, After 11 days the C 2 H 5 SO 4 H concentration
which are appropriate for use with reversible is approximately equal to 5.80 kmoles/m3.
reactions. In this case the extent of reaction per These individuals have suggested that the rate
unit volume at time t is given in terms of expression for this reaction is of the form
equation 3.3.50 as
r = /c / [(C 2 H 5 ) 2 SO 4 ][H 2 SO 4 ]
k ~
(5.1.40)V - ^[C2H5SO4H]2
~~ 0
= kf(A)(B) - kr(R)2 (A)
where /, / 0 , and k^ are the property measure-
ments at times t, 0, and oo, respectively. Are the above data consistent with the proposed
Illustration 5.1 indicates how one may deter- rate expression? If so, what are the values of the
mine kinetic parameters for a reversible reaction. rate constants at 22.9 °C


The first thing to note is that stoichiometric
quantities of reactants were used in this investi-
gation. Because the reaction rate expression
Hellin and Jungers (1) have reported the data simplifies when stoichiometric quantities of re-
below as being typical of the reaction between actants are used, the equations developed earlier
sulfuric acid and diethyl sulfate. in this chapter cannot be applied directly in the
solution of this problem. Thus we will have to
H 2 SO 4 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 SO 4 : 2C 2 H 5 SO 4 H derive appropriate relations in the course of our
A + B: 2R analysis.
5.1 Reversible Reactions 133

Each of the reactant concentrations is given Expansion and the use of equation 5.1.30 gives
by Alt* _
A = B = A,o —- <•> = kfA2e - krR2e -

while the concentration of the product is given

R = 2£*
The first two terms on the right represent the net
The long time data may be used to determine
the equilibrium concentrations of all species and rate of reaction at equilibrium which must be
the equilibrium constant for the reaction. zero. Hence

Re = 2£f = 5.80 kmoles/m 3 **' = -(2kfAe + 4krRM* - # )

Hence (kf - 4k
4* = 2.90 kmoles/m 3 Separation of variables and integration gives

\kf - 4K (2kfAe + 4krRe)

t =
2kfAe (f* — F*

Ukf - 4fc,)(-ff) ~ (2kfAe


and Combination of equations B and E and re-

arrangement gives
Ae = Be = 5.50 - 2.90 = 2.60 kmoles/m 3

The equilibrium constant for this reaction is 1

t= £n
given by kr(2KAe

*' R
' < 5 - 8 *2 4.98 (B) (F)
kr AeBe (2.60) -4)(-&)- (2KAe + 4Re)

Hence Now
kf = 4.98/c, (Q
2KAe + 4Re = 2(4.98)(2.60) + 4(5.80)
Equations of the form of 5.1.26 may now be = 49.10 kmoles/m 3
written for each species.
Substitution of numerical values in equation F
B = A = Ae-(Z*-g) R = Re + 2(Z*-&) (D) gives
Substitution of these relations into equation A
gives 49.10/cr ) \2.90
(4.98 - 4)(g* - 2.90) - 49.10
L((4.98 - 4)(-2.90) - 49.10
134 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

fast rates, having half-lives of the order of a

fraction of a second or less, the methods that
we have previously discussed for the determina-
tion of reaction rates are no longer applicable.
Instead, measurements of the response of an
equilibrium system to a perturbation are used
to determine its relaxation time. The rate at
which the system approaches its new equilibrium
condition is observed using special electronic
techniques. From an analysis of the system
behavior and the equilibrium conditions, the
0 6,000 12,000 18,000 24,000 form of the reaction rate expression can be
Time, t(sec)
Figure 5.1 To illustrate how relaxation methods can be
Data plot for Illustration 5.1. used to determine reaction rate constants, let
us consider a reaction that is first-order in both
the forward and reverse directions.
((2.90) (51.94 + 0.98^*) A^ B (5.1.41)
49.1M = 1
j(51.94) (2.90 - £*)
The analysis is very similar to that employed in
1 /53.00 proceeding from equation 5.1.12 to equation
18.28 VV 2.90 - £* 5.1.16, but the physical situation is somewhat
different. The reaction is first allowed to come
Hence a plot of £n[(53.00 + £*)/(2.90 - f *)] to equilibrium with Ae and Be representing the
versus time should be linear if the data are to equilibrium concentrations of species A and B,
be consistent with the proposed rate expression. and £* the equilibrium extent of reaction per
The experimental data are worked up in this unit volume in a constant volume system. Under
manner and plotted in Figure 5.1. these conditions the net rate of reaction is zero.
The data appear to be consistent with the
proposed rate expression. The slope of the 'd?
plot is equal to [(5.67 - 2.90)/(24000 - 0)], = 0 = - k.tBe (5.1.42)V
or 1.154 x 10" 4 sec" 1 . It is also equal to
49 Akr kmoles/m 3 . Hence Now suppose that the temperature of the sys-
1.154 x 1Q- tem is suddenly altered slightly so that it is no
= 2.35 x 10~ 6 m3/kmole-sec longer at equilibrium. The net rate of reaction is
now given by
From equation C,
kf = 4.98(2.35 x 10" 6 ) r =
= 1.17 x 10~ 5 m3/kmole-sec
From equation 5.1.26, Use of Relaxation Techniques to Study A - Ae = - ( £ * - £*) (5.1.44)V

Rapid Reversible Reactions. If one is interested and
in the kinetics of reactions that occur at very B - Be = f* - C (5.1.44a)V
5.1 Reversible Reactions 135

If we denote the deviation from equilibrium the equilibrium constant for the reaction one
conditions by can determine the ratio of these rate constants
(k1/k- J . Such information is adequate to deter-
A£* = f* - & (5.1.45)V
mine the individual rate constants k1 and k-v
For certain types of reversible reactions it is
= Ae- A£*, B = Be (5.1.46)Y necessary to use only slight perturbations from
equilibrium so that the differential equations
and resulting from the analysis are amenable to in-
tegration. The theoretical treatment in these
dt dt cases varies slightly from that presented above
and indeed varies slightly with the orders of the
Combining equations 5.1.43, 5.1.46, and 5.1.47
forward and reverse reactions. Consider the
reaction represented by the following second-
order mechanistic equations.
A + B ^ C +D (5.1.53)
= M.-fc-A-(fei+fc-i)A^* The reaction is assumed to occur in a constant
(5.1.48)V volume system. A relaxation analysis of the type
employed for the first-order reaction leads to
Combination of equations 5.1.42 and 5.1.48 the following analog of 5.1.49.
-\_kl(Ae + Be) + fc_i(Cc + De)1 A£*
- ( / q + fc_i)A^* (5.1.49)V dt

Integration subject to the condition that A£* =
(A£*)o at t = 0 gives If the displacement from equilibrium is small,
the term involving (A£*)2 is small compared to
= (fcx + /c_t)r (5.1.50)V the term involving A£*. This condition implies
that the terms (Ae + Be) and (Ce + De) are both
very much greater in magnitude than A£*. Under
The relaxation time (£*) for the chemical re-
these conditions equation 5.1.54 becomes
action is denned as the time corresponding to
In = 1 (5.1.51)V dt
The relaxation time is thus the time at which which, after integration, becomes
the distance from equilibrium has been reduced
to the fraction l/e of its initial value. From €n Be)
equation 5.1.50, it is evident that
t* = (5.1.52)V
From the basic definition of the relaxation
time it is evident that
Consequently, if one can experimentally deter-
mine the relaxation time of a system, the sum 1
t* = (5.1.57)V
of the rate constants (ki + /c_ x) is known. From Be) De)
136 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

As before, the constants kx and k^1 can be Consider an arbitrary reaction, which we may
separated by making use of the fact that /ct//c_ x write in the form
is the equilibrium constant. Alternatively, the
rate constants can be separated by measuring a A + bB ^± rR + sS (5.1.58)
t* at various values of (Ae + Be) and (Ce + De). Suppose that under conditions where the
Chemical engineers should be aware of the concentrations of species JR and S are very small,
existence of relaxation techniques for studies of experimental evidence indicates that the initial
very fast reactions. However, since relaxation reaction rate is of the form
time measurements call for sophisticated ex-
perimental equipment and techniques, they are rf = k[Af[By[R]p[SY (5.1.59)
seldom made outside of basic research labora-
tories. where the various orders may be positive, nega-
tive, or zero. We would like to know what
thermodynamics has to say about permissible
5.1.3 Thermodynamic Consistency of forms of the concentration dependence of the
Rate Expressions reverse reaction. It is logical to expect that the
form of the reverse reaction rate will also be
For reversible reactions one normally assumes
a product of powers of concentrations, for
that the observed rate can be expressed as a
difference of two terms, one pertaining to the example,
forward reaction and the other to the reverse rr = k'[AY[BY[RY[SY (5.1.60)
reaction. Thermodynamics does not require that
the rate expression be restricted to two terms or Our problem is that of determining the allowable
that one associate individual terms with intrinsic reaction orders in the last equation.
rates for forward and reverse reactions. This The net rate of reaction is given by
section is devoted to a discussion of the limita-
tions that thermodynamics places on reaction
rate expressions. The analysis is based on the (5.1.61)
idea that at equilibrium the net rate of reaction Hence, at equilibrium, one requires that
becomes zero, a concept that dates back to the
historic studies of Guldberg and Waage (2) on
the law of mass action. We will consider only = lAeY
cases where the net rate expression consists of
two terms, one for the forward direction and one where the subscript es indicate any set of con-
for the reverse direction. Cases where the net centrations at which equilibrium exists. The rate
rate expression consists of a summation of constants k and k! and thus their ratio are in-
several terms are usually viewed as corres- dependent of the system composition and
ponding to reactions with two or more parallel depend only on temperature. In an ideal solution
paths linking reactants and products. One may thermodynamics indicates that the equilibrium
associate a pair of terms with each parallel path constant expressed in terms of concentrations
and use the technique outlined below to deter- (Kc) is also a function only of temperature. Con-
mine the thermodynamic restrictions on the sequently the ratiofc/fc'must be a function of Kc.
form of the concentration dependence within
each pair. This type of analysis is based on the (5.1.63)
principle of detailed balancing discussed in
Section Now, for equation 5.1.58, the equilibrium con-
5.1 Reversible Reactions 137

stant can be written as Obviously if one knows the complete form of

the rate expression in one direction and the
(5.1.64) order of the opposing reaction with respect to
one species, this information is sufficient to
Combining equations 5.1.62 to 5.1.64 gives determine n uniquely and thus determine the
complete form of the rate expression for the
opposing reaction.
l"[Beyb[RenSeY} (5.1.65) The following illustration indicates one ap-
This equality will be satisfied for all positive plication of the principle of thermodynamic
values of the concentrations of the various consistency.
species if the function in question is a power
{ [ R e Y [ S e - ] r (5.1.66) PROCESS

and if (a' - a), (/?' - /?), (pf - p\ and (a' - a) Denbigh and Prince (4) have studied the kinetics
are each the same multiple of the corresponding of the absorption of gaseous N O 2 in aqueous
stoichiometric coefficient (3), nitric acid solutions. The following stoichio-
metric relation governs the process.

—b r s H2O 3NO 2 (or f N 2 O 4 ) ^ 2HNO 3 + NO

The exponent n may take on any positive
value, including fractions. They postulated that the rate limiting molecular
In more general terms for an arbitrary re- processes involved in absorption might be
action and rate expression the orders of the N2O4 H 2 O -> H N O 3 HNO 2
forward and reverse reactions must obey the or
relation 2NO 2 H2O
w -> H N O 3 HNO 2

n = (5.1.68) If both these reactions occur simultaneously in

aqueous solution, it would be expected that the
where jSf and /?• are the orders with respect to absorption rate could be written as
species i for the forward reaction and reverse
reaction, respectively, and vf is the generalized rf = (B)
stoichiometric coefficient for species i. Hence, where we have incorporated the water con-
if the concentration dependence is known for centration into the reaction rate constants.
one direction, one may choose different values However, the equilibrium between NO 2 and
of n and use equation 5.1.68 to determine the N 2 O 4 is established very rapidly so the two
orders of the opposing reaction that are con- species concentrations are related by
sistent with this value of n. The resulting rate
expressions will then be thermodynamically _ N2O4
consistent, and the relation between the rate 1
~ (NO 2 ) 2
constants and the equilibrium constant will be
Hence equation B may be written as
given by
j f = K"c (5.1.69) rf = fc}(N2O4) where k'f =
+ -f-
138 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

This type of rate expression provides a good On the basis of their experimental studies and
correlation of the experimental data for dilute a search of the literature, Denbigh and Prince
aqueous solutions. indicated that the correct choice of n is 1/2. They
If it is assumed that in more concentrated found that the data could be fitted by an ex-
solutions the rate of the forward reaction con- pression of the form
tinues to follow this rate expression, what forms
of the reverse rate are thermodynamically con- r = - C[N 2 O 4 ] 1/4 [NO] 1/2
sistent in concentrated acid solution? Equili- where the "constant" C depends on the acid
brium is to be established with respect to concentration. (In very concentrated solutions
equation A when written in the N 2 O 4 form. It one must worry about the extent of dissociation
may be assumed that the dependence on NO 2 of HNO 3 , s o some difficulties arise in the HNO 3
and N 2 O 4 concentrations may be lumped to- term.)
gether by equation C.

In addition to its constraints on the concentra-

Solution tion dependent portions of the rate expression
At equilibrium we require that the net rate of thermodynamics requires that the activation
reaction be zero. If we postulate a net rate energies of the forward and reverse reactions be
expression of the general power function form related to the enthalpy change accompanying
reaction. In generalized logarithmic form equa-
r = /c}[N2O4] - fc;[ tion 5.1.69 can be written as
At equilibrium, Ink - Ink' = n In Kc (5.1.70)
Differentiation with respect to reciprocal tem-
k'f _ [ N 2
= Kn perature and use of the Arrhenius and van't
K [N 2 O 4 ] Hoff relations gives
EA - E'A = n AH0 (5.1.71)
where EA and E'A are the activation energies for
Thus we require that the forward and reverse reactions, respectively
and AH° is the standard enthalpy change for
the reaction.


Thermodynamically consistent forms may be
obtained by choosing different values of n. The term parallel reactions describes situations
The following table indicates the reaction in which reactants can undergo two or more
orders corresponding to different values of n. reactions independently and concurrently. These
reactions may be reversible or irreversible. They
include cases where one or more species may
n a P y react through alternative paths to give two or
more different product species (simple parallel
1 -1/2 1 2
2/3 0 2/3 4/3 reactions),
1/2 1/4 1/2 1 C+D
0 1 0 0 (5.2.1)
5.2 Parallel Reactions 139

as well as cases where one reactant may not be Simple Parallel Reactions. The sim-
common to both reactions (competitive parallel plest types of parallel reactions involve the
reactions). irreversible transformation of a single reactant
+B into two or more product species through
reaction paths that have the same dependence
on reactant concentrations. The introduction
of more than a single reactant species, of
In this section we will consider the kinetic reversibility, and of parallel paths that differ in
implications of both general classes of parallel their reaction orders can complicate the analysis
reactions. considerably. However, under certain condi-
tions, it is still possible to derive useful mathe-
5.2.1 Mathematical Characterization matical relations to characterize the behavior
of Parallel Reactions of these systems. A variety of interesting cases
are described in the following subsections.
When dealing with parallel reactions, it is
necessary to describe the time-dependent be- Irreversible First-Order Parallel Reac-
havior of the system in terms of a number of tions. Consider the irreversible decomposition
reaction progress variables equal to the number of a reactant A into two sets of products by
of independent reactions involved. When one first-order reactions.
tries to integrate the rate expressions to deter- (5.2.3)
mine the time dependence of the system com- A
position, one finds that in many cases the algebra (5.2.4)
becomes unmanageable and that closed form
For the first reaction,
solutions cannot be obtained. On the other
hand, it is often possible to obtain simple rela-
tions between the concentrations of the various dt if (5.2.5)V
species, thereby permitting one to determine the
fractions of the original reactants transformed and, for the second,
by each of the reactions. The technique of
eliminating time as a dependent variable is an SI (5.2.6)V
invaluable asset in the determination of these
relations. It enables one to determine relative where £? and £ | are the extents per unit volume
values of reaction rate constants while at the of reactions 1 and 2, respectively. These two
same time circumventing the necessity for ob- differential equations are coupled and must be
taining a complete solution to the differential solved simultaneously. In the present case,
equations that describe the reaction kinetics. We division of the first by the second gives
will use this technique repeatedly in the sections
that follow. We will start by describing the
mathematical behavior of simple parallel re-
actions and then proceed to a discussion of
=dM = r (5-2.7)v
competitive parallel reactions. Throughout the
discussion we will restrict our analysis to con-
Integration gives
stant volume systems in order to simplify the
mathematics and thereby focus our attention on
the fundamental principles involved. (5.2.8)V
140 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

Combination of equations 5.2.6 and 5.2.8 gives reaction is immeasurably fast, it is still possible
to determine relative values of the rate constants
by measuring the increments in species concen-
trations and using equation 5.2.15.

Separation of variables and integration leads Reversible First-Order Parallel Reac-
to tions. This section extends the analysis devel-
k2 oped in the last section to the case where the
*] (5.2.10)V reactions are reversible. Consider the case
where the forward and reverse reactions are
Combination of 5.2.8 and 5.2.10 gives all first-order, as indicated by the following
mechanistic equations.

R (5.2.16)

The concentrations of the various components

may now be determined from basic stoichio-
S (5.2.17)
metric principles.

R = Ro + v«ft In this case the differential equation governing

the first reaction may be written as
^ [ i -
(5.2.12)V dt
T = To

= Ao
(5.2.14)V Similarly,

The increments in product concentrations

are in constant ratio to each other, independent = k2(A)-k_2(S)
of time and of initial reactant concentration.
= k2[(A0) - £? - ) + ft]
R - (5.2.20)V
~ To k2
This result ife generally applicable to all parallel
reactions in which the alternative paths have ^ = k2(A0) - k.2(S0) - fc2ft - (k2
the same dependence on reactant concentra-
tions. Also note that even in cases where the (5.2.21)V
5.2 Parallel Reactions 141

Elimination of time as an independent vari- and, at equilibrium,

able between equations 5.2.19 and 5.2.21 gives
= k-,Re (5.2.29)
k2(A0) - fe-2(S0) - /c2ft - (k2 Thus

(5.2.22)V <*(Aft) = _ +/c

dr 1 - 1
which is not a useful result, since this equation (5.2.30)V
is not readily solvable.
In this case it is more convenient to rewrite Similarly, it can be shown that
equations 5.2.19 and 5.2.21 in terms of equilib-
rium concentrations and extents per unit vol- d(Aft) = fc A,*_(/c fc
ume. From basic stoichiometric principles dt 2 1 2 - 2

(5.2.23)V This pair of differential equations may be

and solved by differentiating the first with respect to
= Ao - fte - E *e (5.2.24)V time and eliminating Aft and d(A£f )/dt between
the derived equation and the two original equa-
where the subscript e denotes an equilibrium tions in order to arrive at a second-order dif-
value. These equations may be combined to give ferential equation with constant coefficients.

A = Ae-(tf- fte) " (ft - fte)

= Ae- (Aft) - (Aft) (5.2.25)V dt2 dt
+ (fc^-2 + fc.^2 + /c_i/c_ 2 )Aft = 0
where Aft and Aft refer to the differences
between the extent per unit volume at time t and (5.2.32)V
the extent at equilibrium for reactions 1 and 2,
respectively. The solution contains two exponential terms
Similarly, it may be shown that and may be written as
R = Re + Aft and S = Se + Aft Aft = de 1 " 1 ' + C2em2t (5.2.33)V
where mx and m2 are the roots of the quadratic
Substitution of these relations into equation equation
5.2.18 gives
m2 /c2 + /c_2)m
^[(Ae) - Aft - Aft] - fc_ i[(Re) + Aft]
dt _!fc_2) = 0 (5.2.34)V

Both roots will be negative.

(5.2.27)V Now, at t = 0,
A£* = R0-Re and Aft = (5.2.35)V
These relations may be used to evaluate the
dt dt constants C\ and C 2 in equation 5.2.33. The
142 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

result is

•[-(/?„ - Re)(m2 + fci + fc-j) - fci(S0 - S J ] (5.2.36)V

m, — m
— m2
K ~ ^o)[( m 2 + fei + /c_!)e mir - (m1 4- ki
— m2
(Sc - S 0 )(M ' - kx
m, — ra?
= Re +
q + L J ^ ^ - (m,
= Re +
m1 — m2

mx — m2
In order to evaluate A£f and hence 5(0 one need only substitute the relation for , into equation
5.2.31 and solve the differential equation. The result is:
(Se - S 0 ) * - (m 2 + fc2
S = Se +
m2 —


The time dependence of the various species do not fit the categories discussed in the last
concentrations will depend on the relative mag- two subsections. Of particular interest are the
nitudes of the four rate constants. In some cases reactions between different chemical species to
the curves will involve a simple exponential give two or more different products (e.g. the
rise to an asymptote, as is the case for irrevers- formation of otho-, meta-, and para- derivatives
ible reactions. In other cases the possibility of of an aromatic compound. This section is de-
overshoot (exists, as indicated in Figure 5.2. voted to a discussion of the mathematical
Whether or not this phenomenon will occur relations that govern such reactions. Consider
depends on the relative magnitudes of the rate the following two stoichiometric equations as
constants and the initial conditions. However, representative of this class of reactions.
the fact that both roots of equation 5.2.34 must
be real requires that there be only one maximum
in the curve for R(t) or S(t). A + B -• R + •
5.2.1. J.3 Higher-Order Irreversible, Simple Par-
allel Reactions. Many simple parallel reactions (5.2.41)V
5.2 Parallel Reactions 143

R - Ro
The fractional yield of product R is given by

Ao- A
O —
Ao - A + k2
Time, t
Thus the fractional yields of the different prod-
Figure 5.2 ucts are independent of time and of the orders
Concentration versus time curves for reversible of the reaction. If the increments in the products
parallel reactions indicating the possibility of a can be determined (in many cases Ro and So
maximum in the concentration of one product will be zero), then it is possible to evaluate the
species. ratio kl/k2. Moreover, for this case,
r (5.2.48)V
A +B = k2{A)m2{Bf2 dt
and the methods developed in Chapter 3 may
be used to evaluate m1? nl and (k{ + fc2). The
The form of the solutions that one obtains for last result together with a knowledge of the
reactions of this type is dictated by the relative ratio k1/k2 permits one to determine individual
values of the four reaction orders. For some values of these parameters.
choices of these orders it is not possible to
obtain simple closed form solutions to these Case II. The Orders with Respect to Each of the
rate equations unless one places additional re- Constituents Are Different, but the Total Order
strictions on the initial composition of the (m + n) of Each Reaction Is the Same.
reaction mixture. The three possible- cases are In this case elimination of time as an indepen-
discussed below. dent variable gives
Case I. The Orders with Respect to Each of the
Reactants Are Equal (m2 = mx and n2 = nt).
In this case elimination of time as an indepen-
dent variable gives or
d£% _kx # j|tmi _
(5.2.43)V \Do si Qi)
which leads to (5.2.50)V

Only in the case where Ao = Bo is it pos-

sible to obtain a closed form solution to this
144 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

differential equation. In this particular instance In this case separation of variables and inte-
gration leads to
]M = Y (5.2.51)V k,
1 + — Ao
and the equations involved in the solution
become identical with those of Case I. 1+ l -(« + «)]
In the more general case, the product dis-
tribution is strongly influenced by the manner (5.2.55)V
in which the reaction is carried out—in partic- In order to evaluate the relative values of the
ular the manner of contacting and the type of reaction rate constants one need only plot
reactor used. (£* + £*) versus ^f and take the slope at the or-
igin. From equation 5.2.54 this slope is equal to
Case III. The Total Order is Not the Same for 1 + (kJk2)A0 when [m1 + nl - (m2 + n2)~\ = 1.
Both Reactions. From the slope one can determine k1/k2. This
In this case mx + n1 differs from m2 + n2 and ratio and the relation between £f and £f given
there are a variety of possible forms that the by equation 5.2.55 may be used with either of
rate expression may take. We will consider only the original rate expressions 5.2.41 and 5.2.42 to
some of the more interesting forms. In this case obtain individual values of kx and k2 for specified
elimination of time as an independent variable values of m1 + n1 and m2 + n2.
leads to the same general result as in the previous In this subsection we have treated a variety
case (equation 5.2.50). As before, in order to of higher-order simple parallel reactions. Only
obtain a closed form solution to this equation, by the proper choice of initial conditions is it
it is convenient to restrict our consideration to possible to obtain closed form solutions for
a system in which Ao = Bo. In this specific case some of the types of reaction rate expressions
equation 5.2.50 becomes one is likely to encounter in engineering prac-
tice. Consequently, in efforts to determine the
kinetic parameters characteristic of such sys-
h; = ir(Ao-£* ~ £*) (5.2.52)V
tems, one should carefully choose the experi-
mental conditions so as to ensure that potential
The relationship that must exist between £? and simplifications will actually occur. These simpli-
£f is most readily obtained by noting that fications may arise from the use of stoichiometric
ratios of reactants or from the degeneration of
(5.2.53)V reaction orders arising from the use of a vast
excess of one reactant. Such planning is particu-
or, using equation 5.2.52, larly important in the early stages of the re-
search when one has minimum knowledge of the
system under study.
a<;2 Competitive Parallel Reactions. Com-
(5.2.54)V petitive parallel reactions are those in which two
A closed form solution to this equation exists or more reactant species compete for yet another
for all values of \_(m1 + nx) — (ra2 + n 2 )]. How- reactant; for example,
ever, the resultant function will depend on this C
difference. One case that occurs often is that in (5.2.56)
which the difference is unity. D
5.2 Parallel Reactions 145

If the kinetic parameters for the upper reaction In the case where n1 and n2 are both unity,
are denoted by the subscript 1 and those for equation 5.2.59 becomes
the lower reaction by the subscript 2, the appro-
priate rate expressions for constant volume (5.2.60)V
systems may be written as d£* k2 (B'o - fj)
Separation of variables and integration gives

(5.2.57)V or
and (5.2.62)V

= k2(A)m2(B')"2
dt Thus, from simultaneous measurements of the
unreacted fractions of the two competing species,
= k2(A0 - £* - one may readily determine the ratio of reaction
(5.2.58)V rate constants.
The general relationship between £? and £f In order to indicate the types of complications
may be determined by eliminating time as an involved in proceeding from this point to equa-
independent variable in the usual fashion. tions that indicate the time-dependent behavior
of the various species concentrations, it is in-
d£X k1 p^mi-m2 (^o ~ ^l)" 1 structive to consider the following rate expres-
x 2
dE>* k2 ° (Bf0 — £f)"2 sions.
(5.2.59)V dtF*

The complexity of this relation depends on lit

the reaction orders involved. Generally, one
finds that it is not easy to arrive at expressions 0 - ft) (5.2.63)V
for the time dependence of the various species and
concentrations. However, it is often possible to
obtain relations for the relative extents of re- = k2(A)(B')
action that are useful for design purposes. In dt
Chapter 9 we will see the implications of such = k2(A0 - ft - ft (5.2.64)V
relations in the selection of reactor type and
modes of contacting. Now equation 5.2.61 can be rearranged to
Equation 5.2.59 simplifies greatly when m1 = give the following expression.
m2 (i.e., both reactions are the same order with
respect to A) because it is then possible to
separate variables and integrate each term di-
" VJr) J(51 165|V

rectly. Reactions of this type are the only ones Substitution of this result in equation 5.2.63
that we will consider in more detail. gives

dt -»,{..-«-*[.-(^)~}d, (5.2.66)V
146 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

In general this equation must be solved using stants that are sufficiently accurate for purposes
numerical methods. Once £? has been related to of reactor design.
time in such fashion, equation 5.2.65 may be The first point to be established in any experi-
used to evaluate £f as a function of time. Basic mental study is that one is dealing with parallel
stoichiometric principles may then be used to reactions and not with reactions between the
determine the corresponding concentrations of products and the original reactants or with one
the various product and reactant species. another. One then uses data on the product dis-
When m1 = m2 and n1 and n2 are both two, tribution to determine relative values of the rate
equation 5.2.59 can be integrated to give constants, employing the relations developed in
Section 5.2.1. For simple parallel reactions one
1 1 1 1 then uses either the differential or integral meth-
ods developed in Section 3.3 in analysis of the
(5.2.67)V data.
There are few short-cut methods for analyzing
or simple parallel systems. One useful technique,
( however, is to use stoichiometric ratios of reac-
k2\B' tants so that the ratio of the time derivatives of
the extents of reaction simplifies where possible.
When m1 equals m2 and n1 and n2 are one For higher-order irreversible simple parallel
and two, respectively, integration of equation reactions represented by equations 5.2.41 and
5.2.59 gives 5.2.42, the degenerate form of the ratio of
reaction rates becomes
1 1
In (5.2.69)V h
w2) (5 2 70)V
Equations 5.2.62, 5.2.68, and 5.2.69 indicate
that simultaneous measurements of the concen- For these conditions the product distribution
trations of the competitive species permit one is time independent when the overall reaction
to determine the relative values of the two rate orders are identical. However, when (rax + nx) >
constants using plots appropriate to the rate (m2 4- n2\ the product distribution changes as
expressions in question. time proceeds with the ratio of the product
formed by reaction 1 to that formed by reaction
2, declining as the reaction proceeds. Conversely,
5.2.2 Techniques for the Interpretation
if (m2 + n2) > {m1 + wj, this ratio will in-
of Kinetic Data in the Presence of
crease. Experiments of this type can provide
Parallel Reactions
extremely useful clues as to the form of the
In general an analysis of a system in which non- reaction rate expression and as to the type of
competitive parallel reactions are taking place experiments that should be performed next.
is considerably more difficult than analyses of Another technique that is often useful in studies
the type discussed in Chapter 3. In dealing with of these systems is the use of a large excess of one
parallel reactions one must deal with the prob- reactant so as to cause a degeneration of the
lems of determining reaction orders and rate concentration dependent term to a simpler form.
constants for each of the individual reactions. In the case of competitive parallel reactions
The chemical engineer must be careful both in one has the option of studying each reaction
planning the experiment and in analyzing the independently by varying the composition of
data so as to obtain values of the kinetic con- the initial reaction mixture. If a chemical species
5.2 Parallel Reactions 147

is absent, it obviously cannot react. What is value that permits one to convert the relative rate
more interesting from the viewpoint of the kine- constants into absolute values for each
ticist is the possibility of using reactions of this parameter.
type to gain information about complex reaction Illustrations 5.3 and 5.4 indicate how one
systems. If one reaction is well characterized utilizes the concepts developed'in this section
on the basis of previous work and if another in the determination of kinetic parameters for
reaction is very rapid and not amenable to competitive parallel reactions.
investigation by conventional techniques, com-
parative rate studies can be very useful. In such ILLUSTRATION 5.3 DETERMINATION OF
cases it is convenient to "starve" the system with RELATIVE RATE CONSTANTS FOR
respect to the species for which other reactants COMPETITIVE PARALLEL SECOND-
compete by providing less than a stoichiometric ORDER REACTIONS (FIRST-ORDER IN
amount of this species for any of the reactions EACH SPECIES)
involved. One lets the competitive parallel When a mixture of benzene (B) and benzyl
reactions go to completion and analyzes the chloride (C) are reacted with nitric acid (A) in
resultant product mixture. Since the equations acetic anhydride solution, the products are
resulting from the elimination of time as an in- nitrobenzene (NB) and nitrobenzyl chloride
dependent variable are applicable to the final (NC).
product mixture, compositions of such mixtures
may be used to determine relative values of the A + B -> NB + H 2 O (A)
rate constants involved.
A + C + H2O r 2 = k2(A)(C) (B)
Relative values of the rate constants are useful
in themselves; by measuring such values for the The data below are typical of this reaction at
reactions of a series of compounds with the same 25 °C when both B and C have initial concen-
reactant, one is able to determine the rank order trations of 1 kmole/m 3 (5). The data were
of reactivity within the series. Such determina- recorded after very long times so all the nitric
tions are useful in the development of correla- acid present initially was consumed. What is the
tions of the effects of substituent groups on the value of k2/ki<?

Nitrobenzene Nitrobenzyl
Initial concentration chloride concentration
HNO 3 after complete after complete
Run (kmoles/m3) reaction (kmoles/m3) reaction (kmoles/m3)

1 0.228 0.172 0.056

2 0.315 0.235 0.080
3 0.343 0.257 0.086
4 0.411 0.307 0.104
5 0.508 0.376 0.132

rates of a given class of reactions. By measuring Solution

a series of rate constant ratios, one eventually is
able to arrive at one reaction that is amenable These reactions are competitive parallel reac-
to investigation by conventional procedures. A tions that are each first-order in the competitive
study of this reaction provides the key numerical species. Equation 5.2.61 is applicable.
148 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

We will use a numerical averaging procedure

(Q to evaluate the ratio of rate constants. Thus

As originally derived, equation 5.2.61 is not

restricted to use at infinite time (complete reac- Run - NB 1 - NC kjk2
tion) but, if one applies it at this time, he or she
must be careful that species A is not in stoichio- 1 0.828 0.944 3.28
2 0.765 0.920 3.21
metric excess with respect to either reaction. In 3 0.743 0.914 3.30
such a case either B or C would be completely 4 0.693 0.896 3.34
consumed at some point, thereby invalidating 5 0.624 0.868 3.33
the analysis. Average 3.29 + 0.05
Rearrangement of equation C gives:

€n[l - (£?/B0)] = ^ n [ l - (^f/C0)] (D)

From the reaction stoichiometry £* is numeri- REACTION RATE CONSTANTS FOR
cally equal to the nitrobenzene concentration COMPETITIVE DIELS-ALDER REACTIONS
and £f is equal to the nitrobenzyl chloride con-
centration. Since Bo and C o are each unity, Pannetier and Souchay (6) have indicated that
equation D may be written as when an equimolar gaseous mixture of buta-
diene and acrolein is allowed to react for 40 min
£n(l - NB) = (^ - NC) at 33O°C and 1 atm, 78.7% of the initial butadiene
and 64.9% of the acrolein have been consumed.

X X CH 2 CH 2
CH 2 CH 2
CH 2 —CH


(2/1 -> C) rt = ktCA2 (A)


CH 2 CH 2
CH2=CH2 CH 2 —CH 2

(A + B - • D) r2 = k2CACB (B)
5.2 Parallel Reactions 149

For the conditions cited, what are the numer-

ical values of the two rate constants?

This first-order linear differential equation may

be solved using an integrating factor approach
The form of equations A and B differs from the to give
competitive parallel reactions considered in
Section It will be necessary to derive « =
appropriate equations for use in the course of 2r -
our analysis.
which can be rewritten as
From the indicated data and basic stoichio-
metric principles,
2r -
-1-4 (E)
CA — C/io(l ~~ 0.787) = CA0 — 2£* — ft C
CA cA0.
(Q This transcendental equation must be solved
and for r using the indicated numerical values and
CB = CBO(1 - 0.649) = CB0 -ft = CA0 - ft recognizing that 0 < r < 1 for the product
distribution cited.
where we have noted that CA0 = CB0. Hence 0.069 = [1 - 0.649 - (1 - 0.649)2']
2r - 1
ft = 0.649C^0
and The result is
ft = [(0.787 - 0.649)/2]Q 0 = 0.069CAO.
= ~ = 0.123
In the present case elimination of time as an
independent variable between equations A and In order to evaluate each of the rate constants
B gives individually it is necessary to obtain another
J £& 1 / ^ 2 I /^i relation between k1 and fe2. This will involve
integration of one of the rate expressions. From
equations B to D,
or, using equations C and D,
dt ft)
_zi — x ^ A0
~ ^1 ~ ^2^
dft 2 CAO ~ £* Rearrangement and integration gives

0 649
The product distribution thus changes as the c t- -
reaction proceeds.
^AO ^AOy
Rearrangement gives
Equation E relates ft and ft, so ft may be
d(CA0 - ft) k7
evaluated at various values of ft using the value
If we let x = CA0 — ft and r = k1/k2. of r determined above.
150 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

v2 ( 0 . 1 2 3 ) - 1
1 - 1 - 1 -
CA0 2(0.123) - 1 cAO
= 0.163 ( 1 - 1 - —
cAO. c,10.
Using the values of ^yCA0 determined from this product species will be present during the normal
relation, it is possible to integrate equation F course of the reaction. The general scheme for
numerically. The result is these reactions may be represented as
k2CAOt = 2.37 [A . • •] _+ [ B • • •] ^ [ C • • •] (5.3.1)
The initial reactant concentration may be where the quantities in brackets may denote
determined from the ideal gas law. more than one molecular species. Among the
many general types of reactions that fall into
this category are those leading to mono-, di-,
RT (0.082)(603) tri-, etc. substituted products, sequential partial
= 1.01 x 10" 2 moles/liter oxidation reactions, multiple cracking reactions,
and polymerization reactions.
This section discusses the kinetic implications
2.37 of series reactions. We will be concerned only
^2 -
(1.01 x 10"2)(40) with those cases where the progress of the various
stages of the overall transformation is not in-
= 5.86 liters/mole-minute fluenced by either parallel or reverse reactions.
Consequently, The discussion will again be limited to constant
volume systems.
fci = (jA k2 = (0.123)(5.86)
5.3.1 Mathematical Characterization of
= 0.72 liters/(mole-minute) Series Reactions
These values of the reaction rate constants Consecutive First-Order Reactions. The
differ from those cited by Pannetier and Souchay simplest case of series reactions is that in which
(6) because these individuals erroneously treated every reaction in the sequence obeys first-order
the two reactions as if they were of the simple kinetics. It may be represented in terms of the
parallel type instead of as if there were a com- following sequence of mechanistic equations.
petition between the acrolein and butadiene k.2 kj,
molecules for other butadiene molecules. A B -> C -> D (5.3.2)
The classic example of "reactions" of this type
is a sequence of radioactive decay processes that
5.3 SERIES OR CONSECUTIVE result in nuclear transformations. The differential
REACTIONS—IRREVERSIBLE equations that govern kinetic systems of this
The term "series reactions" refers to those type are most readily solved by working in terms
reactions in which one or more of the products of concentration derivatives. For the first
formed initially undergoes a subsequent reac- reaction,
tion to give yet another product. Significant
— = -M (5.3.3)V
amounts of both the intermediate and the final
5.3 Series or Consecutive Reactions—Irreversible 151

•2 0.6 -


2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Dimensionless time, k^t

Figure 5.3
Time dependence of species concentrations for the consecutive reactions
A S B ^> C ^> D for k2 = 0.5 Jr, and k3 = 0.9 k,.

Thus and B. Figure 5.3 indicates the type of behavior

A = Aoe~ (5.3.4)V to be expected for the case where Bo = 0, while
Figure 5.4 indicates two modes of behavior for
where Ao is the initial concentration of reactant
Bo = 0.5A0.
A. The concentration of A decreases with time
The time corresponding to a maximum con-
in a fashion that is not influenced by subsequent
centration of species B may be found by dif-
ferentiating the last equation with respect to
For species B,
dB _ 1.0
- k2B
It "
B/Ao for k2= 0.5 &, and Bo = 0.5 A
= Mo*"*1' - M (5.3.5)V
This equation is linear first-order and may be § 0.5
solved in a variety of fashions. One may use an
integrating factor approach, Laplace transforms,
or rearrange the equation and obtain the sum
of the homogeneous and particular solutions.
The solution is 0.0
1 2 3
Dimensionless time, kyt
B = B0e~k2t -(e~kl< - e"*2') (5.3.6)V
k2 - Figure 5.4
Schematic representation of the time dependence
The form of the equation for B is dependent of the concentration of the first intermediate in a
on the relative values of the reaction rate con- series of first-order reactions. Initial intermediate
stants and the initial concentrations of species A concentration is nonzero.
152 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

time and setting the derivative equal to zero. One may clearly extend the technique to
The result is include as many reactions as desired. The irre-
versibility of the reactions permits one to solve
the rate expressions one at a time in recursive
fashion. If the first reaction alone is other than
(5.3.7)V first-order, one may still proceed to solve the
system of equations in this fashion once the
The conditions under which the maximum can initial equation has been solved to determine
exist may be determined by examination of the A(t). However, if any reaction other than the
initial slope. When it is positive, a maximum will first is not first-order, one must generally resort
occur; if it is negative, there will be no maximum. to numerical methods to obtain a solution.
From equation 5.3.5, When one is dealing with a finite series of
dB reactions, it is possible to use stoichiometric
— klA0 k2B0 (5.3.8)V principles to determine the concentration of the
final species. For example, if only four species
Hence there will be a maximum when kxA0 > (A, B, C, D) are involved in the sequence of
k2B0. When k2B0 > fc^o, the curve for B starts equation 5.3.2, then
out with a negative slope and decreases mono-
tonically to zero at infinite time, as shown in
Figure 5.4. (5.3.1O)V
In order to arrive at an equation for the time
dependence of the concentration of species C, The concentration of species D a t a particular
one may proceed in a similar fashion. The result time may then be determined using this relation
is and the equations for species A, B, and C derived

C p

k2e~k2t k2e~k*
C = k3 - K2 (5.3.9)V

- kj (k3 - k2)(k3 -

Obviously the curve depicting the time- Consecutive Reactions that are other than
dependent behavior of the concentration of First-Order. For consecutive reactions that are
species C can take on even more forms than that not first-order, closed form analytical solutions
for species B. The shape of the curve is dependent do not generally exist. This situation is a con-
on the initial concentrations of the various sequence of the nonlinearity of the set of dif-
species and the three reaction rate constants. ferential equations involving the time derivatives
Figure 5.3 depicts the time-dependent behavior of the various species concentrations. A few two-
for the specific case where only species A is member sequences have been analyzed. Un-
present initially. fortunately, the few cases that have been
5.3 Series or Consecutive Reactions—Irreversible 153

analyzed are seldom encountered in industrial ble for the destruction of the intermediate. The
practice. For the most part one must resort to process involves taking differences in the slopes
approximate methods or to initial conditions of two concentration versus time curves (or a
that cause a degeneration of the reaction rate simple combination thereof). Since these dif-
expression to a more simple form (e.g., using a ferences may be very imprecise, this method is
stoichiometric ratio of reactants or a large often inappropriate for use.
excess of one species). In some cases one is able to start with the
One general technique that is often useful in stable intermediate and determine the rate at
efforts to analyze the behavior of these systems which it disappears using conventional methods.
is the elimination of time as an independent For first-order and pseudo first-order reac-
variable. tions of the series type several methods exist for
determining ratios of rate constants. We will
consider a quick estimation technique and then
5.3.2 Techniques for the Interpretation
describe a more accurate method for handling
of Kinetic Data in the Presence of
systems whose kinetics are represented by
Series Reactions
equation 5.3.2.
The first point that must be established in an The first approach is based on equation 5.3.7
experimental study is that one is indeed dealing and makes use of the fact that the time at which
with a series combination of reactions instead of the maximum concentration of the intermediate
with some other complex reaction scheme. One B is reached is a function only of the two rate
technique that is particularly useful in efforts of constants and initial concentrations. For the
this type is the introduction of a species that is case where no B is present initially, equations
thought to be a stable intermediate in the reac- 5.3.7 and 5.3.6 can be written as
tion sequence. Subsequent changes in the dy-
namic behavior of the reaction system (or lack
thereof) can provide useful information about
the character of the reactions involved. and
If one monitors the rate of disappearance of
the original reactant species the general differ- Bw
ential and integral approaches outlined in Ao K - 1
Section 3.3 may be used to determine the rate
expression for the initial reaction in the sequence. where
Once this expression is known one of several
other methods for determining either absolute (5.3.13)
or relative values of the rate constants for sub-
sequent reactions may be used. Combination of these relations and further
If the data are sufficiently accurate, one may algebraic manipulation gives
use a general differential approach in which the
expression for the net rate of formation of a K/il K)
stable intermediate is postulated and tested = K - (5.3.14)V
against experimental data. The difference be-
tween the rate of formation by the initial reaction This equation indicates that the maximum
for which the kinetics are known and the actual becomes more pronounced as k2/k1 becomes
net rate of formation is tested against the pro- smaller. If k1 is known and the maximum con-
posed rate expression for the reaction responsi- centration of intermediate is measured, k2 may
154 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

be determined from this equation. If £max is manipulated to show that

known sufficiently accurately, equation 5.3.14
(2K -
may be used to determine K and 5.3.11 to deter- 50 <5* = 50 2 +
mine kv For meaningful results this approach 1 - K
requires that one accurately determine the maxi- (5.3.16)V
mum concentration of the intermediate species
B and the time at which this maximum is reached. If we let tx and t2 represent the times corre-
Swain (7) has discussed the general problem sponding to reaction progress variables (5* and
of determining rate constants from experimental <5f, respectively, the time ratio t2/tl for fixed
data of this type and some of the limitations of values of 8f and <5f will depend only on the ratio
numerical curve-fitting procedures. He suggests of rate constants K. One may readily prepare a
that a reaction progress variable for two con- table or graph of d* versus kxt for fixed K and
secutive reactions like 5.3.2 be defined as then cross-plot or cross-tabulate the data to
obtain the relation between K and kxt at a fixed
B + 2C B + 2{A0 - A - B) value of (5*. Table 5.1 is of this type. At specified
d* = (5.3.15)V values of b\ and b\ one may compute the dif-
ference Iog(k102 ~~ l°g(^iOi ? which is identical
so that 50 5* is a measure of the percent of the with log t2 — log t1. One then enters the table
total irreversible reaction that has taken place using experimental values of t2 and tx and reads
(i.e., 5* = 2 corresponds to complete conversion off the value of K = k2/k1. One application of
to C). Equations 5.3.4, 5.3.6, and 5.3.13 can be this time-ratio method is given in Illustration 5.5.

Table 5.1
Series First-Order Reactions. Time-Percentage Reaction Relations for Various
Relative Rate Constants

K (M) 15 (M35 <M)70 Iog(r35/r15) log(t70/*13) lOg(Wt33)

100 0.168 0.436 1.21 0.415 0.858 0.443

50 0:172 0.441 1.21 0.407 0.847 0.440
20 0.188 0.457 1.23 0.385 0.815 0.430
10 0.209 0.484 1.26 0.366 0.781 0.415
5 0.236 0.536 1.32 0.356 0.748 0.392
2 0.277 0.664 1.54 0.367 0.745 0.378
1.5 0.289 0.686 1.65 0.376 0.757 0.381
1.1 0.300 0.734 1.80 0.388 0.779 0.391
0.9 O.308 0.766 1.93 0.395 0.796 0.401
0.7 0.315 0.806 2.11 0.409 0.826 0.417
0.5 0.324 0.863 2.41 0.425 0.871 0.446
0.2 0.342 0.999 3.81 0.465 1.047 0.582
0.1 0.349 1.078 6.19 0.490 1.249 0.759
0.05 0.353 1.132 11.10 0.506 1.497 0.991
0.02 0.355 1.173 26.55 0.519 1.874 1.355
0.01 0.356 1.188 52.09 0.524 2.166 1.642

Adapted from Kinetics and Mechanism 2nd edition, by A. A. Frost and R. G. Pearson.
Copyright ©1961. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
5.4 Complex Reactions 155


TIME-RATIO METHOD 5.4.1 General Comments
The hydrolysis of 2,7-dicyanonaphthalene has Many industrially significant reactions do not
been studied by Kaufler (9). follow any of the types of rate expressions dis-

R >R
R + NH,
\ H2O s
k2 fast


The kinetics observed are typical of two first- cussed previously. There are a great number of
order reactions in series. possible combinations of parallel, series, and
The following data represent the progress of reversible reactions that we have not considered,
the reaction as reported in Swain's (7) analysis but that may occur in nature in chemical pro-
of Kaufler's work. cessing operations. Benson (10) has described
this situation in an apt fashion: "Kinetic systems
Percent reaction (5O<5*) Time, t (hr) when investigated in detail display an anarchistic
tendency to become unique laws unto them-
15 0.367 selves." In this section we turn our attention to
35 1.067
these more complex systems.
70 4.200
It is extremely difficult to generalize with
regard to systems of complex reactions. Often it
Use the time ratio method to determine is useful to attempt to simplify the kinetics by
kjk2. using experimental techniques which cause
a degeneration of the reaction order by using a
Solution large excess of one or more reactants or using
From the data indicated it is possible to arrive stoichiometric ratios of reactants. In many cases,
at three time ratios and their logarithms. We however, even these techniques will not effect a
will evaluate K using each of these ratios and simplification in the reaction kinetics. Then one
average the results. From the ratios and Table must often be content with qualitative or semi-
5.1: quantitative descriptions of the system behavior.
log(f7oA15) = 1-0586 KX = 0.194 This text has not treated all the mathematical
descriptions of reacting systems that have ap-
log(r7oA35) = 0.5951 Ku = 0.193
peared in the literature. Indeed, such coverage
Ais) = 0-4635 KIU = 0.196 goes far beyond the scope and spirit of this text.
The average value of fe2/fe1 is thus 0.194. For material of this type, consult the kinetics
156 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

5.4.2 Competitive Consecutive There are two other limiting forms of these
Second-Order Reactions equations that are also of interest. If kx » fc2, the
first step is very rapid compared to the second,
Competitive consecutive reactions are com-
so that it is essentially complete before the latter
binations of parallel and series reactions that
starts. The reaction may then be treated as a
include processes such as multiple halogenation
simple irreversible second-order reaction with
and nitration reactions. For example, when a
the second step being rate limiting. On the other
nitrating mixture of HNO 3 and H 2 SO 4 acts on
hand, if k2 » kl9 the first step controls the
an aromatic compound like benzene, NO 2
reaction so the kinetics observed are those for a
groups substitute for hydrogen atoms in the
single second-order process. However, the anal-
ring to form mono-, di-, and tri-substituted nitro
ysis must take into account the fact that in this
case 2 moles of species A will react for each mole
Since many reactions of this type involve a
of B that is consumed.
series of second-order processes, it is instructive
For the more general case of arbitrary rate
to consider how one analyzes systems of this
constants, the analysis is more complex. Various
sort in order to determine the kinetic parameters
approximate techniques that are applicable to
that are necessary for reactor design purposes.
the analysis of reactions 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 have
We will follow a procedure described previously
been described in the literature, and Frost and
by Frost and Pearson (11). Consider the follow-
Pearson's text (11) treats some of these. One
ing mechanistic equations.
useful general approach to this problem is that
of Frost and Schwemer (12-13). It may be re-
garded as an extension of the time-ratio method
discussed in Section 5.3.2. The analysis is pre-
C + A^D + Z' (5.4.2)
dicated on a specific choice of initial reactant
These reactions may be regarded as parallel concentrations. One uses equivalent amounts of
with respect to species A and series with respect reactants A and B (Ao = 2B0) instead of equi-
to species B, C, and D. Only species A and B are molal quantities.
present at time zero. A material balance on species A indicates that
The equations for the time derivatives of
Ao - A = C + ID (5.4.6)V
certain species concentrations are given by
while a balance on species B gives
~k XBA - k2CA (5.4.3)V
dt Bo = B + C + D (5.4.7)V

dB Elimination of D between equations 5.4.7 and

~k XBA (5.4.4) V 5.4.6 gives
It ~
Ao - A = C + 2(B0 - B - C) (5.4.8)V
7, kxB k2CA (5.4.5)V
Ao - 2B0 = A - IB - C (5.4.9)V
By the use of a large excess of A one may
cause these equations to degenerate to a pseudo For the specified choice of initial reactant
first-order form. The analysis for these condi- concentrations, this last equation requires that
tions is then equivalent to that presented in
Section 5.3. C = A - IB (5.4.10)V
5.4 Complex Reactions 157

With this substitution equation 5.4.3 becomes In this case equation 5.4.17 becomes
dA fiK
= (2/c2 - kx k2A2 B R l - 2K)$ I Ac
dt dx* Bo L 2(1 - K) ' 2(1 - K)J Bo
Elimination of time as an independent vari- (5.4.19)V
able between equations 5.4.4 and 5.4.11 gives
Recognition that Ao/Bo = 2 leads to

"(1 - )8K + 1 1 (5.4.20)V

1 - K 1-icJ
This equation may be solved using the
substitution Separation of variables and integration gives
A = Bcj) (5.4.13)V


Combination of equations 5.4.12 to 5.4.14 (5A21)V

In principle this integral may be evaluated in
closed form for any value of K that is a rational
number (i.e., a ratio of integers). In other cases
(5.4.15)V numerical integration is necessary. This integral
will degenerate to the limiting forms mentioned
Solution of this linear differential equation earlier for K values of zero and infinity. The
by separation of variables and subsequent integral also simplifies for K = 1/2. If we let a =
mathematical manipulation leads to A/Ao, the limiting expressions for equations
5.4.16 and 5.4.21 become:
A _ 1 - 2K (B% 1 BY
To " 2(1 - K) \BOJ " 2(1 - K) \B0J For K = 0 or (k1 » k2):
* f1 d
P v I H- 1
where K = k2/k1. a =
If this result is substituted into equation 5.4.4,
one obtains (5.4.22)V

For K = \ or (k1 = 2k2):

dB l - 2K) B 1 B\K
* 1 P dp 1
(5.4.17)Y 2JP p-3/2 ol/2

This equation may be rewritten in terms of a (5.4.23)V

dimensionless time T* and a dimensionless con-
centration for species B if we let For K = oo or (k1 « fc2):

T* = ktBot and p = — (5.4.18) a = P (5.4.24)V

158 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

Frost and Schwemer have developed a time- kv This value and the value of K then may be
ratio technique based on equations 5.4.21 and combined to evaluate k2. The following illustra-
5.4.16 in order to facilitate the calculation of tion indicates the application of this technique.
second-order rate constants for the class of re-
actions under consideration. Data for A/Ao ver-
sus T* at various values of K are presented in ILLUSTRATION 5.6 DETERMINATION OF
Table 5.2, and time ratios are given in Table 5.3. REACTION RATE CONSTANTS FOR
The latter values may be used to determine K COMPETITIVE CONSECUTIVE SECOND-
by using various time ratios from a single kinetic ORDER REACTIONS
run if one recognizes that (if/rf) = (tjt2). Once
K has been determined, Table 5.2 may be used to Burkus and Eckert (14) have studied the kinetics
determine the T* values at a given A/Ao and K. of the triethylamine catalyzed reaction of 2,6-
Equation 5.4.18 may then be used to determine tolylene diisocyanate with 1-butanol in toluene

Table 5.2
i* as a Function of K and AIA0 (11)

A/Ao = 0.8 A/Ao = 0.7 A/Ao = 0.6 A/Ao = 0.5 A/Ao = 0.4
20% 30% 40% JU/ O 60%
reaction reaction reaction reaction reaction

2.0 0.2500 0.4286 0.6667 1.000 1.500

3.0 0.2599 0.4564 0.7305 1.133 1.770
4.0 0.2656 0.4741 0.7756 1.239 2.011
5.0 0.2693 0.4865 0.8098 1.327 2.235
6.0 0.2720 0.4957 0.8368 1.404 2.449
7.0 0.2740 0.5028 0.8589 1.471 2.657
8.0 0.2755 0.5085 0.8773 1.531 2.862
9.0 0.2768 0.5131 0.8929 1.586 3.066
10.0 0.2778 0.5170 0.9064 1.637 3.270

Table 5.3
Time Ratios as a Function of K (11) (f60//20 is the ratio of the time for
60% A reacting to the time for 20% reaction, or where A/Ao = 0.4
and 0.8, respectively)

1/fC ho/ho ho/ho ^60/^40 *6oA5O ho/ho f

5o/ f 3O

2.0 6.000 3.500 2.250 1.500 4.000 2.333

3.0 6.812 3.878 2.423 1.562 4.362 2.483
4.0 7.571 4.241 2.592 1.623 4.666 2.614
5.0 8.297 4.593 2.760 1.684 4.928 2.728
6.0 9.003 4.940 2.927 1.745 5.161 2.832
7.0 9.698 5.285 3.094 1.806 5.369 2.925
8.0 10.388 5.629 3.263 1.869 5.558 3.012
9.0 11.078 5.975 3.434 1.933 5.731 3.091
10.0 11.772 6.325 3.607 1.998 5.892 3.166
5.4 Complex Reactions 159

solution. The reactions may be represented as

CH 3

r ??
+ C4H9OH -> O C N _ ^ Y _ N — C — O C 4 H 9

5 + A -• C (A)

CH 3 H O
:-OC4H9 fc2 || | • ' "
+ C 4 H 9 OH -> C 4 H 9 O — C ^ N N—C—OC 4 H 9

C + A (B)

A titrimetric method was used to follow the Solution

progress of the reaction. On the basis of the data
The time-ratio method of Frost and Schwemer
given below what are the values of the reaction
(12-13) may be used in the solution of this prob-
rate constants, k1 and fc2?
lem, since equivalent amounts of reactants were
employed {Ao = 2B0). From Table 5.3 the fol-
Data lowing values of 1/K may be determined at the
Temperature: 39.69 °C time ratios indicated.
Initial concentration of 2,6-tolylene diisocya-
nate: 53.2 moles/m3 3 282
teo/t5O = T7^= 1-759 = 6.21
Initial concentration of 1-butanol: 106.4 moles/ 1.000
3 282
Catalyst concentration (triethylamine): 31.3 t60/ho = TTT2 2941
moles/m3 1.116 =
1116 V« = 6.08

Time, t (ksec) Percent 1-butanol reacted teo/ho = = 4.995 1/K = 6.16

0.360 20 3 282
0.657 30 9 117
= - « = 6.16
1.116 40
1.866 50
3.282 60 = 2-840 1/K = 6.09
tso/ho =
160 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

ics - Homogeneous Reactions, translated by R. Kondor,

= 5.183 1/K = 6.11 p. 215, Wiley, New York, 1973.
6. Pannetier, G., and Souchay, P., Chemical Kinetics,
Average: 1/K = 6.13 translated by H. D. Gesser and H. H. Emond, pp. 177 —
The values oft* that correspond to the various 178, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1967. Adapted with permis-
conversion levels and l//c = 6.13 may be found
in Table 5.2. The rate constant kx may then be 7. Swain, C. G., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 66 (1696), 1944.
calculated from equation 5.4.18. Hence, 8. Frost, A. A., and Pearson, R. G., Kinetics and Mecha-
nism, Second Edition, pp. 170-171, Wiley, New York,
copyright © 1961. Used with permission.
/<! = T*/Bot
9. Kaufler, F., Z. physik Chem., 55 (502), 1906.
Percent conversion (m 3 /kmole • ksec)
10. Benson, S. W., Foundations of Chemical Kinetics, p. 27,
20 0.2722 14.21 McGraw-Hill, New York, copyright © 1960. Used
30 0.4966 14.21 with permission.
40 0.8397 14.14 11. Frost, A. A., and Pearson, R. G., op. cit., pp. 178-84.
50 1.413 14.23 Used with permission.
60 2.476 14.18
12. Frost, A. A., and Schwemer, W. C , J. Am. Chem. Soc,
Avera^ ;e 14.19 74(1268), 1952.
14.19 13. Schwemer, W. C , and Frost, A. A., / . Am. Chem. Soc,
Thus k2 = i 2.31 m 3 /kmole • ksec
"kl " 6.13 " 75(4541), 1951.

14. Burkus, J., and Eckert, C. F., / . Am. Chem. Soc, 80

(5948), 1958.

1. Hellin, M., and Jungers, J. C , Bull. Soc. Chim., 1957
(386). 1. One of the classic examples of a reversible
2. Guldberg, C. M., and Waage, P., Etudes sur les affinites reaction that is first-order in both directions is
chimiques, Br0gger and Christie, Christiania, Oslo, the conversion of y-hydroxybutyric acid into its
1867. lactone in aqueous solution.

CH.OH—CH?—CH5 -COOH ^ H2O j—CH2—CH2—C = O

o 1

3. Denbigh, K. G., The Principles of Chemical Equilibrium, In aqueous solution the water concentration
Second Edition, p. 445, Cambridge University Press, may be considered constant, so the reverse re-
action follows pseudo first-order kinetics. The
4. Denbigh, K. G., and Prince, A. J., J. Chem. Soc, 1947 data below on this reaction have been taken
from Emanuel and Knorre. Use them to deter-
5. Emanuel', N. M., and Knorre, D. G., Chemical Kinet- mine the values of both first-order rate constants.
Problems 161

Data Initial pressure

Temperature: 25 °C (mm Hg) Time, t (sec) Fraction reacted
Initial acid concentration: 182.3 moles/m3
11.8 1008 0.226
119 1140 0.241
Time, t (ksec) Lactone concentration (moles/m ) 113 3624 0.598
155 1800 0.360
0 — 189 1542 0.307
1.26 24.1 205 1896 0.371
2.16 37.3
3.00 49.9
3.90 61.0 Do these data fit the proposed rate expression?
4.80 70.8 If so, what are the rate constants for the forward
6.00 81.1 and reverse reactions?
7.20 90.0
9.60 103.5 3. The data recorded below are typical of a
13.20 115.5 study of the mutarotation of 7r-bromonitrocam-
169.20 132.8
phor in chloroform solution at 14 °C. The re-
From Chemical Kinetics—Homogeneous Reactions by action obeys the kinetics indicated by
N. M. Emanuel' and D. G. Knorre. Copyright © 1973.
Reprinted by permission of Keter Publishing House
Ltd. The initial concentration of B is zero. From the
data below, calculate the quantity k1 + fc_ 1#
2. Kistiakowsky and Smith [J. Am. Chem. Soc,
56 (638), 1934] have studied the kinetics of the Time, t (ksec) Polarimeter reading (degrees)
cis-trans isomerization of isostilbene. The reac-
0 189.0
tion is believed to be pseudo first-order in
10.8 169.0
both the forward and reverse directions under 18.0 156.0
the experimental conditions used by these 25.2 146.0
investigators. 86.4 84.5
259.2 37.3
oo 31.3
isostilbene stilbene
The optical rotation is an additive property of
These authors reported the following values for the various species present in solution.
the equilibrium constant for this reaction.
4. Under certain conditions acetaldehyde de-
composes into methane and carbon monoxide
Temperature, T(°K) Equilibrium constant K in a second-order reaction.
593 14.62 CH3CHO ^ CH4 + CO
614 11.99 For a constant volume reactor the rate of the
forward reaction is given by
Starting with pure isostilbene, the authors re-
ported the following data at 574 °K. dt
162 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

Give two possible rate laws for the reverse (Note. The absorbance could be measured only
reaction. to the nearest 0.5 unit.)

5. In an unpublished study, Grieger and Hansel 6. Ziman et al. [Kinetika i Kataliz, 9 (117), 1968]
have used absorbance measurements to monitor have studied the kinetics of the catalytic oxida-
the progress of the reaction forming an enzyme- tive dehydrogenation of various butene isomers
substrate complex of imidazole (S) and metmyo- to form 1,3-butadiene. Over a Bi-Mo catalyst
globin (E) at high pressures. Formation of the the following reactions are important.
enzyme-substrate complex (ES) may be repre-
sented by the following equation 1-butene ^ trans-2-butene

E + S ^± ES 1-butene ^ ds-2-butene
where the forward reaction is first-order in
each component (second-order overall) and the trans-2-butene ^± ds-2-butene
reverse reaction is first-order. Since the equilib-
rium is rapidly established, a relaxation ap- 1-butene ^± 1,3-butadiene + H 2
proach was used to investigate the reaction
rrans-2-butene ^± 1,3-butadiene + H 2
kinetics. The data below are typical of the re- kg
action at 103.42 MPa and 19.5 °C. What is the ds-2-butene ^ 1,3-butadiene + H 2
relaxation time characteristic of these condi-
At 396 °C these authors have reported the fol-
tions? What additional experiments must be
lowing values of the reaction rate constants in
performed in order to determine the individual
units of inverse seconds.
reaction rate constants?

Data 9.0 k6 13.0

k? 6.0 19.0
Initial imidazole concentration: 70.0 moles/m 3 k^ 11.0 1.0
Initial myoglobin concentration: 0.114 mole/m 3 k4 7.0 k9 3.0
(Initial conditions refer to those used in pre-
paring the system for study, not those at the
moment the equilibrium is perturbed.) A value of k5 was not reported because of the
large uncertainty in this parameter. Use the prin-
ciple of microscopic reversibility to determine
Time, t (msec) Absorbance (arbitrary units)
a value of k5 at this temperature for this catalyst.
40 35.0
80 29.0 7. The catalytic synthesis of ammonia
120 25.5
160 24.0 N2 3H 2 ^ 2NH 3
200 21.5 is believed to occur by the following mechanism
240 21.0
280 21.0
N, 2N(a) (1)
320 20.0
360 20.0
400 20.0 2H(a) (2)
Problems 163

N(a) + H(a) ^ NH(a) (3) The allo-ocimene may undergo subsequent re-
k action to form a- and /?-pyronene and a dimer
of aZZo-ocimene.
NH(a) + H(a) ^ NH 2 (a) (4) Fuguitt and Hawkins have reported the data
below as typical of these reactions. The reported
data have been modified somewhat for the pur-
NH 2 (a) + H(a) ^ NH 2 (5) poses of this problem. By summing the amounts
of dimer, a- and /?-pyronene, and aZZo-ocimene
The symbol (a) denotes an adsorbed species.
present in the final mixture, one may determine
If all steps are at equilibrium and if the second
the total amount of aZZo-ocimene formed in the
step is believed to be rate controlling, what rela-
initial reaction. These investigators have postu-
tion must exist between the overall equilibrium
lated that all three of the parallel reactions are
constant and the observed rate constants? The
first-order. Is the data consistent with this hy-
rate of the forward reaction is to be taken as
pothesis? If so, what are the values of the three
/c2CH2 where fc2 is the rate constant observed for
first-order rate constants?
the forward reaction. Start by determining the
appropriate form of the rate constant observed
for the reverse reaction in terms of the kt values
used above. Reaction of a-Pinene at 204.5 °C

Time, t Percent a-pinene Percent a and Percent Percent Percent Percent

(ksec) unreacted /?-pyronene a/fo-ocimene dimer JZ-limonene racemized

26.4 85.9 0.4 4.1 0.6 8.2 0.8

49.5 74.3 0.8 6.8 1.6 15.6 0.9
72.0 65.1 1.0 7.7 3.4 21.5 1.3
90.0 58.6 1.2 8.4 5.0 25.5 1.3
122.4 48.1 1.6 8.5 8.2 31.9 1.7
183.6 32.1 2.0 8.2 13.5 42.0 2.2
363.6 11.2 2.7 6.9 21.9 54.7 2.6

Reprinted with permission from J. Am. Chem. Soc, 69 (319), 1947. Copyright by the American Chemical

8. When optically active a-pinene is heated 9. Schmid and Heinola [J. Am. Chem. Soc,
above 200 °C in the liquid phase, it becomes 90 (131), 1968] have studied the liquid phase
optically inactive. Initially, the reaction pro- reactions of 1-phenylpropyne (A) and 2,4-di-
cesses may be written as nitrobenzenesulfenyl chloride (B) in chloroform
solution at 51° C. The primary products of the
d-pinene -• dZ-limonene reaction are: l-phenyl-£raHS-l-chloro-2-(2, 4 di-
nitrophenylthio) propene (C) and 1-phenyl-
d-pinene -> aZZoocimene tr<ms-2-chloro-l-(2, 4-dinitrophenylthio) pro-
pene (D). The reaction-stoichiometry may be
d-pinene -» dl pinene
164 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

represented as: concentration of ascorbic acid that will be ob-

tained? How long does it take to achieve this
B -> C maximum?

B - > £>
11. In carrying out an enzyme assay it may be
convenient to introduce an auxiliary enzyme to
Using equimolal concentrations of reactants A the system to effect the removal of a product
and B, the authors obtained the following data. produced by the first enzymatic reaction.
McClure [Biochemistry, 8 (2782), 1969] has
described the kinetics of certain of these coupled
Time, t (ksec) A (kmoles/m3) enzyme assays. The simplest coupled enzyme
assay system may be represented as
0.0 0.181 k2
16.2 0.141 B
21.6 primary enzyme auxiliary enzyme c
32.4 0.119 If the first reaction is regarded as zero-order
37.8 0.111 irreversible (i.e., the enzyme is saturated with
86.4 0.0683 substrate), and the second reaction is first-order
99.0 0.0644 in the product JB, determine the time-dependent
108.0 0.0603
behavior of the concentration of species B if no
B is present initially. How long does it take to
reach 98% of the steady-state value if kx =
It may be assumed that the rate expressions for 0.833 mole/m3-ksec and k2 = 0.767 sec" 1 ?
reactions 1 and 2 are identical except for the What is this steady-state value?
values of the rate constants. If the reaction order
is an integer, determine the overall order of the
reaction and the rate constants k1 and k2. 12. Debande and Huybrechts [Int. J. Chem.
Kinetics, 6 (545), 1974] have studied the gas
phase Diels-Alder additions of propylene (P)
10. Regna and Caldwell [J. Am. Chem. Soc, 66 to cyclohexa-1, 3-diene (Chd) to give the exo-
(246), 1944] have studied the kinetics of the acid- and endo-isomers of 5-methylbicyclo (2,2,2)
catalyzed transformation of 2-ketopolyhydroxy oct-2-ene (MBO). The initial reaction rates were
acids into ascorbic acids and other products.
both found to be of the mixed second-order
k2 type with
^endo and r
exo — ^ e
where K is a 2-ketohydroxy acid, A is the corre-
sponding ascorbic acid analog, F is the furfural
formed by the decomposition of the ascorbic and
acid, and P is the polymerized furfural. At log/c e n d o = - 5 6 9 8 / T + 5.74
59.9 °C, the reaction of 2-keto-i?-gluconic acid log/cexo = -6577'/T + 6.66
follows pseudo first-order kinetics with ki =
2.53 10 - 3 mm - 1 and k, = 4.91 x 10" where T is expressed in degrees Kelvin and k in
1 cubic meters per kilomole per second.
min . If one starts with a solution that is 0.05
molar in both 2-keto-JS?-gluconic acid and its The following biradical mechanism has been
ascorbic acid derivative, what is the maximum proposed for this reaction.
Problems 165


(Chd) (P) (R:)

6 Q


(a) Does this mechanism give rise to a rate where both reactions are second-order. From
expression that is consistent with the initial the data below determine the two rate constants
rate data? if the reaction of 127.3 mg of p-chlorophenyl-
(b) If the reverse Diels-Alder reactions are faster silane and 198.2 mg of benzyl alcohol in the
than the isomerization reaction between the presence of metallic copper liberates hydrogen
exo- and endo-forms, what does the rate gas as follows.
expression reduce to?
(c) If the endo-form is the desired product, do
you recommend operation at the high or Time, t (sec) 62 116 198 396 878
low end of the temperature range 512 to cm 3 H 2 8.12 12.18 16.24 20.30 24.36
638 °K? Determine the product distribution
for 30% conversion of cyclohexadiene at
The initial silane concentration is equivalent to
your specified temperature.
0.5 kmole/m 3 .
13. The reaction of p-chlorophenylsilane with
benzyl alcohol may be characterized as follows. 14. Eldib and Albright [Ind. Eng. Chem., 49
k (825), 1957] have indicated that the main reac-
RSiH 3 + R'OH -X RSiH 2 OR' + H 2
tions in the catalytic hydrogenation of cotton-
RSiH 2 OR / + R'OH ^ RSiH(OR) 2 + H 2 seed oil are

ds-oleic acid (B) .

linoleic acid (A) *3 stearic acid (D)
* iso-oleic acid (C)
166 Chemical Systems Involving Multiple Reactions

If each of these reactions is regarded as ir- kx = 0.0133 min" 1 /c4 = 0.0024 m m " 1
reversible pseudo first-order, derive equations ^ = 00108 min-i ^ = 00080 min-i
for the time dependence of each species in terms . _1
3 min
of the initial concentrations and the appropriate ~~ '
rate constants. If O ne were to start with pure linoleic acid,
For run 3, the following parameter values sketch the time dependent behavior of all species
were estimated. in terms of normalized concentrations {CJCA0).
6 Elements of
Heterogeneous Catalysis
6.0 INTRODUCTION a source of scientific theory, many of the con-
cepts that we would now interpret as catalytic
Since the chemical, petrochemical, and petro- in nature played a key role in scientific "theory."
leum industries rely heavily on catalytic pro- The "Philosopher's Stone" was a hypothetical
cessing operations, chemical engineers must be substance that could turn base metals into gold
cognizant of the fundamental and applied as- and could promote good health and long life.
pects of catalysis. In 1964 it was estimated that The chemical action of the "Philosopher's
18% of the total wholesale value of manufactured Stone" required that a small quantity of this
goods produced in the United States directly substance could bring about a large change, an
involved catalytic technology (1). Some com- idea inherent in the modern view of catalysis.
mercially significant catalytic processes are listed The aura of mysticism that is associated with
in Table 6.1. Chapter 6 discusses the chemical catalytic phenomena reaches back to the days
aspects of heterogeneous catalytic phenomena. of the alchemist. Only in recent years has
Chapter 12 is devoted to the engineering aspects catalysis been regarded more as a science than
of catalytic phenomena which are involved in an art. Indeed, much art still remains, and our
the design of commercial scale reactors. imperfect understanding of catalysts has long
When philosophical and metaphysical ideas been reflected in the manufacturing processes
enjoyed precedence over experimental facts as employed to produce commercial catalysts.

Table 6.1
Typical Industrial Catalytic Reactions (2, 3)

Type of reaction Reactants Catalysts Products

1. Ammonia synthesis N2 + H2 Iron promoted NH 3

with A12O3 and K
2. Ammonia oxidation NH 3 + O 2 Pt-Rh NO used in manufacture of
3. Oxidation of sulfur dioxide SO 2 + O 2 V 2 O 5 or Pt SO 3 used in manufacture of
oleum and sulfuric acid
4. Hydrogenation of fats and H 2 + unsaturated oil Ni Saturated oil
edible oils
5. Cracking Various petroleum Silica, alumina, and Wide range of compounds
fractions combinations with
molecular sieves
6. Polymerization Ethylene Aluminum alkyls Polyethylene
and Ti Cl 4
MoO 3 or CrO 3 on
7. Dehydrogenation Ethylbenzene Iron oxide or Styrene
chromia alumina

In this list, the first five processes are among the most important commercial catalytic processes in terms of total
processing capacity.

168 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

In 1835 Berzelius coined the term catalysis process. The ratio of metal to oxygen in an oxide
to describe the influence of certain substances on catalyst will frequently change with changes in
the nature of diverse reactions, the substances temperature and in the composition of the fluids
themselves apparently being unchanged by the with which it is in contact. Pure metal catalysts
reaction. He imbued these materials with a will often change in crystal structure or surface
catalytic force capable of awakening the poten- roughness on use. Many commercial catalysts
tial for chemical reaction between species that are gradually deactivated by poisoning reactions
would normally be nonreactive at a given that accompany the main reaction process. The
temperature. In more modern terms the fol- catalysts used to initiate free radical polymeriza-
lowing definition is appropriate. tion reactions end up as an integral part of the
polymer formed by the reaction and are thus
A catalyst is a substance that affects the rate or consumed. In neither case does a stoichiometric
the direction of a chemical reaction, but is not whole number relationship exist between the
appreciably consumed in the process. amount of the catalyst consumed and the
amounts of reactants converted to products.
There are three important aspects of the The number of moles of reactants converted is
definition. First, a catalyst may increase or orders of magnitude greater than the number of
decrease the reaction rate. Second, a catalyst moles of catalyst consumed.
may influence the direction or selectivity of a For reversible reactions the principle of
reaction. Third, the amount of catalyst con- microscopic reversibility (Section indi-
sumed by the reaction is negligible compared cates that a material that accelerates the forward
to the consumption of reactants. reaction will also catalyze the reverse reaction.
Catalysts that decrease reaction rates are In several cases where the catalytic reaction has
usually referred to as inhibitors. They usually been studied from both sides of the equilibrium
act by interfering with the free radical processes position, the observed rate expressions are con-
involved in chain reactions, and the mechanism sistent with this statement.
differs from that involved in accelerating a Catalytic reactions are often classified as
reaction. The most familiar example of the use homogeneous or heterogeneous. True homo-
of inhibitors is the addition of tetraethyl lead to geneous catalysis takes place when the catalyst
gasoline to improve its antiknock properties. and the reactants are both present in the same
A catalyst cannot change the ultimate equili- fluid phase. Acid and base catalyzed reactions
brium point set by thermodynamics, but it can in aqueous solution are reactions of this type.
affect the rate at which this point is approached. Reactions that occur between a gas and a liquid
However, it can facilitate approach to equili- or between two liquid phases are also generally
brium with respect to a desired reaction while considered to fall in this category. Although the
not influencing the rates of other less desirable mass transfer characteristics in these cases differ
reactions. In optimizing yields of desired prod- from those where the reaction takes place in a
ucts, chemical engineers are very concerned with single phase, the reactants are mobile in both
the selectivity or specificity of a catalyst. For phases. The characteristics of these reactions
commercial applications, selectivity is often are much more similar to those of reactions
more important than activity per se. occurring in a single fluid phase than they are
The idea that a catalyst remains unaltered by to those of reactions occurring at a fluid-solid
the reaction it catalyzes is naive and misleading. interface. The term heterogeneous catalysis is
Physical and chemical changes can and do occur generally restricted to catalytic phenomena in-
either during or as a result of the catalytic volving a solid catalyst and reactants in a gas
6.1 Adsorption Phenomena 169

or liquid phase. These phenomena are some- involving permanent dipole, induced dipole,
times referred to as contact catalysis. and quadrupole interactions. It involves van der
Catalysts may be employed in solid, gaseous, Waals or secondary valence forces. It is akin to
or liquid form. However, the overwhelming condensation. Chemisorption, on the other
majority of industrial catalytic processes involve hand, involves a chemical interaction with
solid catalysts and gaseous reactants. In many attendant transfer of electrons between the
cases it is possible to develop useful new catalysts adsorbent and the adsorbing species (adsorbate).
on the basis of analogies drawn between the The adsorbed species are held to the surface by
behavior of certain chemical systems in the valence forces that are the same as those that
presence of heterogeneous or homogeneous hold atoms together in a molecule.
catalysts. For example, reactions that take place In practice one can usually distinguish be-
in the presence of strong' acids in liquid solution tween chemisorption and physical adsorption
are often catalyzed by acidic solid catalysts such on the basis of experimental evidence. However,
as silica-alumina. In some cases inorganic salts it is frequently necessary to consider several
or metal complexes that have catalytic activity criteria in making the classification.
in aqueous solution will exhibit activity for the The most important criterion for differen-
same reaction when deposited on a solid sup- tiating between physical and chemical adsorp-
port. For example, an aqueous solution of cupric tion is the magnitude of the enthalpy change
chloride and palladium chloride can be used as accompanying the adsorption process. The
a catalyst for oxidizing ethylene to acetaldehyde energy evolved when physical adsorption occurs
in the Wacker process (2). These same materials is usually similar to the heat of liquefaction of the
can be deposited on a solid support to obtain a gas (i.e., approximately 2 to 6 kcal/mole). Like
heterogeneous catalyst for this reaction, al- condensation, the process is exothermic. For
though this is not done in the current commer- physical adsorption the heat of adsorption often
cial process. lies between the heat of vaporization and the
heat of sublimation. The enthalpy change
accompanying chemisorption is significantly
greater than that for physical adsorption and,
This section treats chemical and physical ad- in some cases, may exceed 100 kcal/mole. More
sorption phenomena in order to provide neces- often it will lie between 10 and 50 kcal/mole.
sary background material for the discussion of In practice chemisorption is regarded as an
catalytic reaction mechanisms in Section 6.3.1. exothermic process and, in the past, the view
Adsorption is the preferential concentration of was frequently expressed that endothermic ad-
a species at the interface between two phases. sorption cannot occur. However, if a molecule
Adsorption on solid surfaces is a very complex dissociates on chemisorption and the dissocia-
process and one that is not well understood. The tion energy of the molecule is greater than the
surfaces of most heterogeneous catalysts are not energy of formation of the bonds with the
uniform. Variations in energy, crystal structure, surface, then the process can be endothermic.
and chemical composition will occur as one Since the Gibbs free energy change accom-
moves about on the catalyst surface. In spite of panying any spontaneous process must be
this it is generally possible to divide all adsorp- negative, the only cases in which endothermic
tion phenomena involving solid surfaces into adsorption can be observed are those for which
two main classes: physical adsorption and there will be a large positive entropy change.
chemical adsorption (or chemisorption). Physi- The dissociative chemisorption of hydrogen on
cal adsorption arises from intermolecular forces glass is endothermic and is an example of this
170 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

relatively rare phenomenon. More often dis- room temperature is often used as a quick test
sociative chemisorption is exothermic, like other for determining the nature of the adsorption
chemisorption processes. process.
A second criterion that is frequently used to A third empirical criterion is based on the
differentiate empirically between chemical and effect of temperature on the amount adsorbed.
physical adsorption is the rate at which the For physical adsorption the amount of gas ad-
process occurs and, in particular, the tempera- sorbed always decreases monotonically as the
ture dependence of the rate. For physical ad- temperature is increased. Significant amounts of
sorption of a gas on a solid surface, equilibrium physical adsorption should not occur at tem-
is usually attained very quickly and is readily peratures in excess of the normal boiling point
reversible. The activation energy of the process at the operating pressure. Appreciable chem-
is usually less than a kilocalorie. Physical ad- isorption can occur at temperatures above the
sorption usually takes place so fast that the boiling point and even above the critical tem-
observed rate is limited by the rate at which perature of the material. Because chemisorption
molecules can be transported to the surface in- can be an activated process that takes place at
stead of by the adsorption process itself. Chem- a slow rate, it may be difficult to determine the
isorption may occur at rates comparable to amount of chemisorption corresponding to true
those of physical adsorption, or it may occur at equilibrium. Moreover, the process may not be
much slower rates, depending on the tempera- reversible. It is also possible for two or more
tures involved. Most types of chemisorption are types of chemisorption or for chemical and
characterized by a finite activation energy and physical adsorption to occur simultaneously on
thus proceed at appreciable rates only above the same surface. These facts make it difficult to
certain minimum temperatures. This type of generalize with regard to the effect of tempera-
phenomenon is referred to as activated chem- ture on the amount adsorbed. Different behavior
isorption. However, in some systems, chemi- will be observed for different adsorbent-
sorption occurs very rapidly even at very low adsorbate systems.
temperatures and has an activation energy near The experimental procedure for measuring the
zero. For example, chemisorption of hydrogen extent of adsorption generally involves admit-
and oxygen occurs on many clean metal surfaces ting a gas to a chamber that contains the sample
at liquid nitrogen temperatures. These cases are and waiting for a fixed period of time, during
described as nonactivated chemisorption. It is which "equilibrium" is supposedly achieved.
often observed that for a given adsorbent and Figure 6.1 indicates one common type of beha-
adsorbate, the initial chemisorption is non- vior that can be observed if physical adsorption
activated, while subsequent chemisorption is and one type of activated chemisorption are
activated. present. At low temperatures, physical adsorp-
Another aspect of rate measurements that is tion processes dominate and the amount of
useful in discriminating between the two types chemisorption is insignificant. The amount of
of adsorption involves studies of the rate of material physically adsorbed decreases as the
desorption. The activation energy for desorption temperature increases. Within the time scale of
from a physically adsorbed state is seldom more the normal adsorption experiment, the amount
than a few kilocalories per mole, whereas that of material adsorbed via the chemisorption
for desorption from a chemisorbed state is process will increase as the temperature in-
usually in excess of 20 kcal/mole. Consequently, creases in the low temperature range. Conse-
the ease with which desorption occurs on quently its contribution to the total will become
warming from liquid nitrogen temperature to more and more significant as the temperature
6.1 Adsorption Phenomena 171

Range of potential Figure 6.1 until rate considerations again be-

~ catalyst activity come significant. Beyond this point the experi-
mental curve will again lie below the true
equilibrium curve.
\ Equilibrium Another characteristic that can be used to
\ chemisorption
differentiate between chemical and physical
adsorption is the degree of specificity in the
gas-solid interaction. Physical adsorption is
nonspecific. It will occur on all surfaces for a
given gas, provided that the ratio of the adsor-
bate partial pressure to its saturation vapor
pressure is sufficiently large. Since chemisorp-
Rate limited^ tion is a chemical reaction confined to the
surface of a solid and since the possibility of
chemical reaction is highly specific to the nature
Temperature, T ^ of the species involved, chemisorption can take
Figure 6.1
place only if the adsorbate is capable of forming
Effect of temperature on amount adsorbed for a chemical bond with the adsorbent. Moreover,
simultaneous physical adsorption and activated because it requires a chemical interaction, chem-
chemisorption. (Adapted from Chemical Engineer- isorption is limited to a maximum of one layer
ing Kinetics by J. M. Smith. Copyright © 1970. of molecules on the surface (a monolayer). It
Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Com- frequently involves lower coverage. The valence
pany.) forces holding the molecules on the surface fall
off very rapidly with distance and become too
rises, and one eventually reaches a point at small to form chemical bonds when the distance
which the decrease in physical adsorption with from the solid surface exceeds normal bond
increasing temperature is more than offset by distances. Chemical and physical adsorption can
the increase in the amount of material that can occur together, but any adsorbed layers beyond
be chemisorbed in the time period involved. the first must be physically adsorbed.
Consequently, the total amount adsorbed will Physical adsorption is a readily reversible
increase with increasing temperature over a process, and alternate adsorption and desorp-
limited temperature range. At higher tempera- tion stages can be carried out repeatedly without
tures the rate of desorption from the chemi- changing the character of the surface or the
sorbed state begins to be important, and the adsorbate. Chemisorption may or may not be
curve will go through a local maximum and then reversible. Often one species may be adsorbed
decrease. At the highest temperatures equili- and a second desorbed. Oxygen adsorbed on
brium can be established with respect to the charcoal at room temperature is held very
chemisorption process. Note that the above strongly, and high temperatures are necessary
discussion and the solid curve in Figure 6.1 to accomplish the desorption. CO and/or CO2
apply to the situation where one starts at a low are the species that are removed from the surface.
temperature and continuously increases the Chemical changes like these are prima facie
temperature. If we start at a high temperature evidence that chemisorption has occurred.
and move in the direction of decreasing tem- Although there is no single definitive test that
perature, we would not retrace the solid curve is available to characterize the type of adsorption
but, instead, would follow the dashed line in that takes place in an arbitrary system, the
172 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

general criteria discussed above, taken collec- engineer, who is interested in the design of
tively, provide a suitable basis for discrimina- heterogeneous catalytic reactors: chemisorption
tion. Table 6.2 summarizes these criteria. because it is an essential precursor of the reac-
One of the basic tenets of virtually all mecha- tion, and physical adsorption because it provides
nistic approaches to heterogeneous catalysis is a means of characterizing heterogeneous cata-
that chemisorption of one or more reactant lysts in terms of specific surface areas and the
species is an essential step in the reaction. Be- distribution of pore sizes within a porous
cause of the large changes in activation energies catalyst.
that are observed when shifting from a homo-
geneous reaction to one that is heterogeneously 6.2 ADSORPTION ISOTHERMS
catalyzed, energetic considerations indicate that Plots of an amount of material adsorbed versus
chemisorption must be involved. The forces pressure at a fixed temperature are known as
involved in physical adsorption are so small adsorption isotherms. They are generally classi-
relative to those involved in chemical bonding fied in the five main categories described by
that it is hard to imagine that they can distort Brunauer and his co-workers (4). In Figure 6.2
the electron clouds around a molecule to such adsorbate partial pressures (P) are normalized
an extent that they have an appreciable effect by dividing by the saturation pressure at the
on its reactivity. Many heterogeneous catalytic temperature in question (Po). Type I is referred
reactions take place at temperatures above the to as Langmuir-type adsorption and is charac-
critical temperatures of the reactants involved terized by a monotonic approach to a limiting
and, presumably, physical adsorption cannot amount of adsorption, which presumably cor-
occur under these conditions. Chemisorption responds to formation of a monolayer. This
has, however, been observed in many such cases. type of behavior is that expected for chemisorp-
This section has treated the qualitative fea- tion.
tures of chemisorption and physical adsorption No other isotherms imply that one can reach
processes. Both are important to the chemical a saturation limit corresponding to completion

Table 6.2
Comparison of Chemisorption and Physical Adsorption

Parameter Chemical adsorption Physical adsorption

Bonding forces Primary valence forces Secondary valence forces

(intramolecular forces) (intermolecular forces)
Coverage Monolayer Multilayer
Adsorbent Some solids All solids
Adsorbate Chemically reactive vapors All gases below critical temperature
Reversibility May be reversible or irreversible Readily reversible
Rate May be fast or slow, depending on the Rapid, may be limited by diffusion
Temperature dependence May be complex—see Figure 6.1 Decreases with increasing temperature
Enthalpy effect Virtually always exothermic, similar Always exothermic, similar in
in magnitude to heats of reaction magnitude to heats of condensation
Uses of adsorption studies Determination of catalytically active Determination of specific surface areas
surface area and elucidation of and pore size distributions
reaction kinetics
6.2 Adsorption Isotherms 173

pore condensation are often, but not always,

encountered in this type of system. They arise
from the effects of surface curvature on vapor
Types III and V are relatively rare. They are
typical of cases where the forces giving rise to
monolayer adsorption are relatively weak. Type
V differs from Type III in the same manner that
Type IV differs from Type II.
There are three approaches that may be used
in deriving mathematical expressions for an
adsorption isotherm. The first utilizes kinetic
expressions for the rates of adsorption and de-
sorption. At equilibrium these two rates must
be equal. A second approach involves the use of
statistical thermodynamics to obtain a pseudo
equilibrium constant for the process in terms
of the partition functions of vacant sites, ad-
sorbed molecules, and gas phase molecules. A
third approach using classical thermodynamics
is also possible. Because it provides a useful
physical picture of the molecular processes in-
volved, we will adopt the kinetic approach in
our derivations.
The Langmuir adsorption isotherm provides
a simple mechanistic picture of the adsorption
Figure 6.2 process and gives rise to a relatively simple
Five types of isotherms for adsorption according mathematical expression. It can also be used to
to Brunauer, Deming, Deming, and Teller (4). obtain a crude estimate of specific surface areas.
More important, from the viewpoint of the
chemical engineer, it serves as a point of depar-
of a monolayer. Type II is a very common ture for formulating rate expressions for hetero-
example of the behavior normally observed in geneous catalytic reactions.
physical adsorption. At values of P/Po ap-
proaching unity, capillary and pore condensa- 6.2.1 The Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm
tion phenomena occur. Point B, the knee of the
Virtually all theoretical treatments of adsorption
curve, corresponds roughly to completion of a
phenomena are based on or can be readily
monolayer. A statistical monolayer is built up
related to the analysis developed by Langmuir
at relatively low values of P/Po (0.1 to 0.3).
(5,6). The Langmuir isotherm corresponds to a
Type IV behavior is similar to Type II
highly idealized type of adsorption and the
behavior except that a limited pore volume is
analysis is predicated on the following key
indicated by the horizontal approach to the
right-hand ordinate axis. This type of curve is
relatively common for porous structures of 1. Gas phase molecules are adsorbed at dis-
many kinds. Hysteresis effects associated with crete points of attachment on the surface that
174 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

are referred to as adsorption sites. Each site a monolayer can cause an extremely dis-
can accommodate only a single adsorbed proportionate reduction in catalytic activity.
species. 2. Heats of chemisorption usually decrease
2. The energy of an adsorbed species is the markedly as adsorption proceeds and the
same anywhere on the surface and is in- surface becomes covered.
dependent of the presence or absence of
In using the Langmuir adsorption isotherm
nearby adsorbed molecules. This assumption
as a basis for correlating heterogeneous catalytic
implies that the forces between adjacent ad-
rate data, the fact that the heat of chemisorption
sorbed molecules are so small as to be
varies with extent of adsorption is less significant
negligible and that the probability of adsorp-
than would appear at first glance. Molecules
tion onto an empty site is independent of
adsorbed on high-energy sites may be bound so
whether or not an adjacent site is occupied.
strongly that they are unable to serve as inter-
This assumption usually implies that the
mediates in the catalytic reaction. On the low-
surface is completely uniform in an energetic
energy sites the energy change on adsorption
sense. If one prefers to use the concept of a
may be insufficient to open up the catalytic
nonuniform surface with a limited number of
path for the reaction. It is possible that only
active centers that are the only points at
those sites of intermediate energy are effective
which chemisorption occurs, this is permis-
in catalysis.
sible if it is assumed that all these active
centers have the same activity for adsorption Derivation of the Langmuir Equation
and that the rest of the surface has none. Adsorption of a Single Species. The kinetic ap-
3. The maximum amount of adsorption that is proach to deriving a mathematical expression
possible is that which corresponds to a for the Langmuir isotherm assumes that the rate
monolayer. of adsorption on the surface is proportional to
4. Adsorption is localized and occurs by colli- the product of the partial pressure of the ad-
sion of gas phase molecules with vacant sites. sorbate in the gas phase and the fraction of the
5. The desorption rate depends only on the surface that is bare. (Adsorption may occur only
amount of material on the surface. when a gas phase molecule strikes an uncovered
site.) If the fraction of the surface covered by an
For physical adsorption processes the third adsorbed gas A is denoted by 6A, the fraction
assumption is the poorest of these assump- that is bare will be 1 — 9A if no other species
tions. For the case of chemical adsorption the are adsorbed. If the partial pressure of A in the
worst of these assumptions is the second. There gas phase is PA, the rate of adsorption is given by
is a significant amount of experimental evidence
' adsorption A(\ VA) (6.2.1)
that is contradictory to this assumption. Taylor
(7) was the first to emphasize that adsorption where k may be regarded as a "pseudo rate
sites may vary in energy. He noted that atoms constant" for the adsorption process.
at peaks on the surface and along crystal edges The rate of desorption depends only on the
will be in high-energy states and will be the number of molecules that are adsorbed. Thus
points at which adsorption first occurs. Other
evidence for the lack of surface uniformity in- Tdesorption (6.2.2)
cludes experimental data indicating that: where k' may be regarded as a pseudo rate
constant for the desorption process.
1. Adsorption of a catalyst poison to an extent At equilibrium the rates of adsorption and
that represents only a very small fraction of desorption are equal.
6.2 Adsorption Isotherms 175

kPA(l - (6.2.3) on the low pressure points, which are most

susceptible to error.
The fraction of the sites occupied by species
A is then p 1 P
- (6.2.8)
(6.2.4) v vmK vm
"A k' + kPA
If Type I adsorption behavior is obeyed, a plot
If one takes the ratio of the pseudo rate con- of PA/v versus PA should be linear with slope
stant for adsorption to that for desorption as l/vm. Once the volume corresponding to a mono-
an equilibrium constant for adsorption (K), layer has been determined, it can be converted
equation 6.2.4 can be written as to the number of molecules adsorbed by dividing
by the molal volume at the reference conditions
and multiplying by Avogadro's number (No).
KPA When this number of molecules is multiplied in
KPA turn by the area covered per adsorbed molecule
1 +
k (a), the total surface area of the catalyst (S) is
obtained. Thus,
The fraction of the sites that are occupied is
also equal to the ratio of the volume of gas
S = (6.2.9)
actually adsorbed to that which would be ad- reference conditions
sorbed in a monolayer (vm).
Specific surface areas are then obtained by
6A = ^ (6.2.6) dividing by the weight of catalyst employed in
the experiments in question. It should be pointed
out, however, that it is the BET adsorption
Both volumes are measured at standard con-
isotherm that is the basis for conventional de-
ditions or at a fixed reference temperature and
terminations of catalyst surface areas. (See
Section 6.2.2.)
The last two equations can be combined to
give a relation between the pressure of the gas The Langmuir Equation for the Case
and the amount that is adsorbed.
Where Two or More Species May Adsorb. Ad-
sorption isotherms for cases where more than
v = (6.2.7) one species may adsorb are of considerable
significance when one is dealing with hetero-
A plot of v versus PA is of the same form as geneous catalytic reactions. Reactants, products,
the Type I adsorption isotherm. At low values and inert species may all adsorb on the catalyst
of PA the term KPA is small compared to unity, surface. Consequently, it is useful to develop
and the amount adsorbed will be linear in generalized Langmuir adsorption isotherms for
pressure. At high pressures the term KPA is multicomponent adsorption. If 0t represents the
large compared to unity, and the surface cover- fraction of the sites occupied by species i, the
age is nearly complete. In this case v will ap- fraction of the sites that is vacant is just 1 — £ 0 ;
proach vm. where the summation is taken over all species
Equation 6.2.7 may be transformed into that can be adsorbed. The pseudo rate constants
several expressions that can be used in analyzing for adsorption and desorption may be expected
experimental data. However, the following form to differ for each species, so they will be denoted
is preferred because it avoids undue emphasis by kt and k'h respectively.
176 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

The rates of adsorption and desorption of or

each species must be equal at equilibrium. Thus:
For species A : +
kApA(i - A-eB-ec->-) = k'AeA Thus

For species B: — kB6B

For species
k Pci\ C:-o
c A-eB-ec---) = k'cec KAPA + KBPB + KCPC
where Pt is the partial pressure of the ith species
in the gas phase. KOPT,

If these equations are solved for the fractions KAPA + KBPB KCPC
occupied by each species, (6.2.17)

Note that at low surface coverages where

A = K
PA(i e A e B e c ) (1 + KAPA + KBPB + • • •) « 1, the fraction of
the sites occupied by each species will be propor-
= KAPA(\ -eA-eB-ec---) tional to its partial pressure.

oB = ^pB(i -eA-eB-ec---) The Langmuir Equation for the Case

= KBPB(I -eA-eB-eC Where Dissociation Occurs on Adsorption.
There is evidence that certain chemical adsorp-
= ~Pc(l ~0A-eB-6c tion processes involve dissociation of the ad-
c sorbate to form two bonds with the adsorbent
= KCPC(1 -0A-OB-9C surface. On many metals hydrogen is adsorbed
in atomic form.
(6.2.11) In this case the kinetic approach to the deri-
vation of the Langmuir equation requires that
where the adsorption equilibrium constants Kt the process be regarded as a reaction between
have been substituted for the ratios of kt to k\. the gas molecule and two surface sites. Thus the
If the expressions for 6t are added,

- '){KAPA + KBPB + KCPC (6.2.12)

or adsorption rate is written as

£0* = (1 - (6.2.13)
Adsorption = kAPA(l ~ 9A)2 (6.2.18)

Solving for ^6h where we have assumed that only one species
is adsorbed.
The desorption process must involve a reac-
+ tion between two adsorbed atoms to regenerate
6.2 Adsorption Isotherms 177

the gas phase molecules. Consequently, it may mett, and Teller (8). It takes multilayer adsorp-
be regarded as a second-order reaction between tion into account and is the basis of standard
two surface species: methods for determining specific surface areas
of heterogeneous catalysts. The extended form
v = k'AG2A (6.2.19)
' desorption ^* ^ of the BET equation (4) can be used to derive
At equilibrium all five types of isotherms as special cases.
The BET approach is essentially an extension
- 0 A ) 2 = k'A92A (6.2.20) of the Langmuir approach. Van der Waals
forces are regarded as the dominant forces, and
the adsorption of all layers is regarded as
(6.2.21) physical, not chemical. One sets the rates of
adsorption and desorption equal to one another,
Solving for 9A, as in the Langmuir case; in addition, one re-
quires that the rates of adsorption and desorp-
(6.2.22) tion be identical for each and every molecular
1 + layer. That is, the rate of condensation on the
At low pressures where the surface is sparsely bare surface is equal to the rate of evaporation
covered, the fraction of the sites occupied by of molecules in the first layer. The rate of evapo-
fragments of species A will be proportional to ration from the second layer is equal to the rate
the square root of the gas phase partial pressure. of condensation on top of the first layer, etc.
If several species can adsorb but only species One then sums over the layers to determine the
A dissociates, it is easily shown, using the type total amount of adsorbed material. The deriva-
of analysis employed in Section, that tion also assumes that the heat of adsorption of
each layer other than the first is equal to the
heat of condensation of the bulk adsorbate ma-
KCPC terial (i.e., van der Waals forces of the adsorbent
are transmitted only to the first layer). If it is
assumed that a very large or effectively infinite
and that
number of layers can be adsorbed, the following
result is arrived at after a number of relatively
KBPB + KCPC elementary mathematical operations
v = (6.2.25)

6.2.2 The BET Isotherm

Inasmuch as the Langmuir equation does not where c is a constant exponentially related to
allow for nonuniform surfaces, interactions the heats of adsorption of the first layer and the
between neighboring adsorbed species, or mul- heat of liquefaction, and P o is the saturation
tilayer adsorption, a variety of theoretical ap- pressure.
proaches that attempt to take one or more of This equation can be rearranged to give a
these factors into account have been pursued somewhat more familiar form.
by different investigators. The best-known al-
ternative is the BET isotherm, which derives its + x (6.2.26)
v(l - x) vmc
name from the initials of the three individuals
responsible for its formulation, Brunauer, Em- where x is the normalized pressure (P/Po)-
178 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

If one plots the left side of this equation versus the steps that occur on a molecular scale in the
x, a straight line should result, with following manner.
1 1. Mass transfer of reactants from the main
(6.2.27) body of the fluid to the gross exterior surface
slope + intercept
of the catalyst particle.
Equation 6.2.9 may then be used in determining 2. Molecular diffusion and/or Knudsen flow of
the specific surface area of an adsorbent. Alter- reactants from the exterior surface of the
native arrangements of equation 6.2.25 are catalyst particle into the interior pore
possible, but they have the inherent disadvan- structure.
tage of placing undue emphasis on the low- 3. Chemisorption of at least one of the reac-
pressure data points that are most susceptible tants on the catalyst surface.
to error. 4. Reaction on the surface. (This may involve
If one restricts the number of layers of ad- several steps.)
sorbate that may be stacked up, as would be 5. Desorption of (chemically) adsorbed species
the case in the very narrow capillaries of a from the surface of the catalyst.
porous catalyst, the BET analysis must be 6. Transfer of products from the interior cata-
modified to allow for this. If n is the number of lyst pores to the gross external surface of the
permissible layers, it can be shown that the catalyst by ordinary molecular diffusion
adsorption isotherm becomes: and/or Knudsen diffusion.
vmcx[\ - (n 7. Mass transfer of products from the exterior
v - (c - - cxn+1] surface of the particle into the bulk of the
Several of these steps are shown in schematic
When n = 1, this equation reduces to the
fashion in Figure 6.3. Of course, if the catalyst
Langmuir form. Since x is always less than
is nonporous, steps 2 and 6 are absent. Steps 1,
unity, it does not take very large values of n to
2, 6, and 7 are obviously physical processes,
approach the limiting form indicated by equa-
while steps 3 to 5 are basically chemical in
tion 6.2.25. By appropriate choice of the param-
character. The rates of the various steps depend
eters in equation 6.2.28, it is possible to generate
on a number of factors in addition to the con-
the five types of curves shown in Figure 6.2.
centration profiles of the reactant and product
Many individuals have developed more
elegant theoretical treatments of adsorption
Steps 1 and 7 are highly dependent on the
processes since Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller
fluid flow characteristics of the system. The
published their classic paper. Nonetheless,
mass velocity of the fluid stream, the particle
the BET and Langmuir isotherms are the
size, and the diffusional characteristics of the
most significant ones for chemical engineering
various molecular species are the pertinent
parameters on which the rates of these steps
depend. These steps limit the observed rate only
when the catalytic reaction is very rapid and
the mass transfer is slow. Anything that tends
When a heterogeneous catalytic reaction oc- to increase mass transfer coefficients will en-
curs, several physical and chemical processes hance the rates of these processes. Since the
must take place in proper sequence. Hougen rates of these steps are only slightly influenced
and Watson (9) and others have broken down by temperature, the influence of these processes
6.3 Reaction Rate Expressions for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 179


1. Mass transfer through 2. Diffusion into pores

external boundary layer

3. Chemisorption 4,5 Reaction and desorption

of products

Fluid /
boundary /
l a y e r /

6. Diffusion of products 7. Mass transfer back to

out of pores bulk fluid

Figure 6.3
Schematic representation of heterogeneous catalytic reaction on a porous

on the overall conversion rate will vary as the in which one measures the conversion achieved
temperature changes. Their influence is often as a function of the ratio of the weight of cata-
negligible at low temperatures, but may be quite lyst (W) to the molal feed flow rate (F). One
significant at higher temperatures. then repeats the experiments at a different linear
There are two commonly used techniques for velocity through the reactor (e.g., by changing
determining the range of process variables where the length-to-diameter ratio of the catalyst bed
these steps influence conversion rates. The first in a tubular reactor). The data are then plotted
approach involves carrying out a series of runs as shown in Figures 6.4a and 6.4b. If the two
180 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

curves do not coincide as shown in Figure 6Ab, with caution; Chambers and Boudart (10) have
mass transfer resistances are significant, at least shown that it often lacks sensitivity under con-
in the low-velocity series. If the curves coincide ditions commonly employed in laboratory scale
as shown in Figure 6.4a, mass transfer effects studies. Heat and mass transfer coefficients are
probably do not influence the observed con- not strongly dependent on fluid velocity for
version rate. This diagnostic test must be applied Reynolds numbers below 50. (The characteristic
length dimension is taken as the pellet diameter.)
Consequently, at low Reynolds numbers, the
conversion will not change significantly with
fluid velocity at constant W/F, even though
heat or mass transfer limitations may be present.
The scatter in the experimental data will be
Curves for both series coincide
sufficient to mask these effects for many reac-
W/F tions. Thus, when the experimental diagnostic
test indicates that mass transfer limitations are
probably not present, one's conclusions should
be verified by calculations of the sensitivity of
the test to variations in fluid velocity. The
Low velocity
series methods developed in Sections 12.4 and 12.5
may be used for this purpose.
W/F •
The second approach involves simultaneous
variation of the weight of catalyst and the molal
flow rate so as to maintain W/F constant. One
then plots the conversion achieved versus linear
velocity, as shown in Figures 6.4c and 6Ad. If
the results are as indicated in Figure 6.4d, mass
Linear velocity at constant W/F transfer limitations exist in the low-velocity re-
(c) gime. If the conversion is independent of ve-
locity, there probably are no mass transfer
limitations on the conversion rate. However,
this test is also subject to the sensitivity limita-
tions noted above.
Linear velocity at constant W/F
When fluid velocities are high relative to the
solid, mass transfer is rapid. However, in stag-
nant regions or in batch reactors where no
Figure 6.4 provision is made for agitation, one may en-
Tests for external mass transfer limitations on counter cases where mass transfer limits the
conversion rates, (a) External mass transfer prob- observed reaction rate. We should also note
ably does not limit conversion rate, (b) Mass that in industrial practice pressure drop con-
transfer limitations are present, (c) External mass
straints may make it impractical to employ the
transfer probably does not limit conversion rate.
exceedingly high velocities necessary to over-
(d) Mass transfer limitations are present at low
velocities. Adapted from Chemical Engineers' come the mass transfer resistance associated
Handbook, Fourth Edition, edited by R. H. Perry, with highly active catalysts.
C. H. Chilton, and S. D. Kirkpatrick. Copyright c For porous catalysts the external gross surface
1969. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book area of a particle often represents only an in-
Company.) significant fraction of the total surface area that
I a strong rate of c
182 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

6.3.1 Rate Expressions for obtained. The latter two individuals were re-
Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions Limited sponsible for analyzing a number of possible
by the Rates of Chemical Processes reaction mechanisms in these terms (11, 12) and
for popularizing this approach to analyzing
In the treatment of rate expressions for het-
catalytic reaction rate data. For simplicity the
erogeneous catalytic reactions the definition of
term "Hougen-Watson models" will be used
local reaction rates in terms of interfacial areas
throughout the remainder of this text.
(3.0.10) is appropriate.
In addition to the assumptions implicit in
the use of the Langmuir isotherm the following
r (6.3.1)
~ sdt assumption is applicable to all Hougen-Watson
where S is the surface area of the solid catalyst. models: the reaction involves at least one species
If an attempt is made to fit heterogeneous chemisorbed on the catalyst surface. If reaction
catalytic reaction rate data to a rate expression takes place between two adsorbed species, they
of the form must be adsorbed on neighboring sites in order
for reaction to occur. The probability of reaction
r" = (6.3.2) between adsorbed A and adsorbed B is assumed
to be proportional to the product of the fractions
it is often found that the reaction orders are not
of the sites occupied by each species (0A6B).
integers, that the orders depend on temperature
Similar considerations apply to termolecular
and perhaps on concentration, and that the
reactions occurring on the surface.
observed activation energy may depend on
In addition to the aforementioned assump-
temperature. Such expressions are of rather
tions, one normally elects one of two mutually
limited use for design purposes and can be used
incompatible assumptions as a basis for his or
with confidence only under conditions that
her analysis. These two limiting cases are as
closely resemble those under which the experi-
mental data were recorded. The basic reason
this sort of approach often gives rise to such Category I. Adsorption equilibrium is maintained
difficulties is that it assumes that the driving at all times, and the overall rate of reaction is
force for reaction is the concentrations of the governed by the rate of chemical reaction on the
species present in the fluid phase. A more logical surface. The expressions developed for 9t in
approach is to use the surface concentrations of Section 6.2 can be used in this case.
the adsorbed species in an expression analogous
Category II. The rate of chemical reaction on
to equation 6.3.2; that is,
the surface is so rapid that adsorption equilibrium
r" = (6.3.3) is not achieved, but a steady-state condition is
reached in which the amount of adsorbed material
where 0t is the fraction of the surface covered
remains constant at some value less than the
by species i. If the various 9{ can be related to
equilibrium value. This value is presumed to be
bulk fluid phase concentrations, one has an
that corresponding to equilibrium for the surface
appropriate mathematical form to use in testing
reaction at the appropriate fractional coverages
a proposed reaction rate expression. The basis
of the other species involved in the surface reac-
for most analyses of this type is the Langmuir
tion. The rate of adsorption or desorption of one
isotherm. When expressions for the various Qt
species is presumed to be much slower than that
in terms of the appropriate partial pressures
of any other species. This step is then the rate
involved in the Langmuir isotherm are substi-
limiting step in the overall reaction.
tuted in equation 6.3.3, a Langmuir-Hinshel-
wood or Hougen-Watson rate expression is We will treat Category I models first.
6.3 Reaction Rate Expressions for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 183 Hougen-Watson Models for the Case of the sum in the denominator. If the product R is
Equilibrium Adsorption. This section treats strongly adsorbed, equation 6.3.6 provides a
Hougen-Watson mathematical models for cases basis for explaining inhibition of the reaction
where the rate limiting step is the chemical by that material. For example, if the dominant
reaction rate on the surface. In all cases it is term in the denominator is KRPR, the appro-
assumed that equilibrium is established with priate approximation for the rate expression is
respect to adsorption of all species.
Case I. Irreversible Reaction (Unimolecular) r = (6.3.7)

Consider the following mechanistic equation

The decomposition of ammonia on platinum
for a reaction occurring on a catalyst surface.
has a rate expression of this form. The reaction
R (6.3.4) is first order in ammonia and inverse first order
in hydrogen.
where both A and R are adsorbed in appre-
The temperature variation of heterogeneous
ciable amounts. In this case the reaction rate is
catalytic reaction rates can be quite complex.
proportional to the fraction of the surface
The apparent activation energy can in many
occupied by species A.
cases be related to the activation energy of the
r" = k6A (6.3.5) surface reaction and the enthalpy changes ac-
companying the adsorption of various species.
This fraction is given by equation 6.2.16, the
If one of the terms in the denominator of the
Langmuir adsorption isotherm for the case
right side of equation 6.3.6 is very much larger
where several species may be adsorbed. Thus
than any of the other terms, this is possible. If
kKAPA not, one cannot relate the apparent activation
r" = (6.3.6) energy to these parameters. The dependence of
the adsorption equilibrium constants on tem-
There are a number of limiting forms of the perature is given by
rate expression depending on the magnitudes
of the various terms in the denominator relative dtnK -AH
to unity and to each other. Any species that is (6.3.8)
weakly adsorbed will not appear in the denomi-
nator. If species R undergoes dissociation on
adsorption, the term KRPR must be replaced by where AH is the enthalpy change accompanying
^/KRPR according to the discussion in Section chemisorption. Consequently, the apparent ac- If an inert specie^ / is also capable of tivation energies corresponding to some limiting
adsorption, the term KJPJ must be added to forms of equation 6.3.6 are as given below.

Dominant Limiting form Apparent Apparent

term in of rate rate activation
denominator expression constant energy

1 r" = kKAPA kKA E + Ai^

KAPA r" = k k E
184 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

where E is the activation energy of the surface For the case of bimolecular reaction between
reaction and AHt is the enthalpy change accom- two adsorbed A molecules, similar arguments
panying chemisorption of species i. In the last lead to the following rate expression.
case, the relative magnitudes of the heats of
adsorption of A and R will determine whether r = (6.3.12)
the apparent activation energy will be greater KAPA + KRPR + KSPS)2
than or less than that of the surface reaction.
Case III. Irreversible Bimolecular Reactions Be-
Case II. Irreversible Bimolecular Reaction Be- tween Species Sorbed on Different Types of Sites
tween Adsorbed Species on the Same Type of With certain types of catalysts it is easy to
Site postulate that more than one type of chemisorp-
Consider the following irreversible bimolecular tion site may exist on the solid surface. For
reaction, which takes place between two species example, in the case of metal oxide catalysts,
adsorbed on a catalyst surface. one might speculate that certain species could
chemisorb by interaction with metal atoms at
A + B -+ R + S (6.3.9) the surface, while other species could interact
In this case the reaction rate is assumed to be with surface oxygen atoms. Consider the possi-
proportional to the product of the fractions of bility that species A adsorbed on one type of
the sites occupied by species A and B. site will react with species B adsorbed on a
second type of site according to the following
r" = k0A0B (6.3.10) reaction.
In the general case where all species may be
adsorbed on»the same type of surface site equa- 1 site) + ^(Type 2 site) (6.3.13)
tions 6.2.16 and 6.2.17 may be used for 0A and
For this mechanism the rate expression is given
6B. Thus
kKAKBPAPB r" = k0A1dB2 (6.3.14)
KAPA KBPB KRPR KSPS)2 where 0Ai is tfre fraction of the sites of Type 1
(6.3.11) occupied by species A and 6B2 is the fraction of
There are severaLiimiting forms of this rate the sites of Type 2 occupied by spef ies B. If the
expression, depending on which species are Langmuir adsorption isotherm equation is writ-
strongly or weakly adsorbed. ten for each type of site, if only species A is
If all partial pressures except that of one re- adsorbed on sites of Type 1, and if only species
actant, say species A, are held constant and the B is adsorbed on sites of Typte 2,
partial pressure of species A is varied, trje rate
will go through a maximum. The rate increases r" = k (6.3.15)
initially with increasing partial pressure of re-
actant A as the fraction of sites occupied by Rate expressions of this type have been pro-
species A increases. However, as this fraction posed to correlate the data for the reaction
increases, the fraction occupied by species B between hydrogen and carbon dioxide on
declines as B molecules are displaced by A tungsten.
molecules. Eventually one reaches a point where ^ Since adsorption occurs independently on
the decline ip the value of 0B more than offsets each type of site and displacement of one species
the increase in 6A and the product 6A0B goes by another does not occur, this type of reaction
through a maximum. will not exhibit a maximum of the type noted in
6.3 Reaction Rate Expressions for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 185

Case II. Instead, the rate will increase with in- maximum as the concentration of a reactant is
creasing pressure of one reactant, eventually increased at constant values of other species
approaching an asymptotic limit corresponding concentrations.
to saturation of the type of site in question. If the surface is nearly covered (0A « 1) the
reaction will be first-order in the gas phase re-
Case IV. Irreversible Bimolecular Reactions Be- actant and zero-order in the adsorbed reactant.
tween an Adsorbed Species and a Fluid Phase On the other hand, if the surface is sparsely
Molecule covered (8A « KAPA) the reaction will be first-
order in each species or second-order overall.
The first three examples consider cases where Since adsorption is virtually always exothermic,
only adsorbed species participate in the reaction. the first condition will correspond to low
The possibility also exists that reaction may temperature and the second condition to high
occur between a gaseous molecule and an ad- temperatures. This mechanism thus offers a
sorbed species. This mechanism is referred to as ready explanation of a transition from first-
a Rideal mechanism. If species A refers to the to second-order reaction with increasing tem-
adsorbed species and species B to a gas phase perature.
molecule, one form of this bimolecular reaction
may be written as
Case V. Reversible Reactions Between Adsorbed
A + B{g) ^R + S (6.3.16) Species (Change in Number of Moles on Reaction)
with a rate expression given by Consider the reaction
r" = k6APB (6.3.17) + S (6.3.20)
If we consider the general case where all species where all species are adsorbed on surface sites.
may be adsorbed, 9A is given by equation 6.2.16, It is assumed that an adsorbed A molecule re-
and the rate becomes acts with a vacant site to form an intermediate
that then dissociates to form adsorbed R and S
r = species. This implies that the number of sites
KAPA KBPB KRPR KSPS involved in a reaction obeys a conservation
(6.3.18) principle.
The rate of this surface reaction can be
If species B had been adsorbed rather than
written as
species A, the corresponding rate equation
would be r" = kx0A9v - k-tOzOs (6.3.21)
, , k K B P A P B where 0v is the fraction of the sites that are
r KAPA KRPR KSPS vacant. This quantity is given by
(6.3.19) 0v = 1 - (0A + 6R + 9S) (6.3.22)
Both equations have the same mathematical or
form. In these case's there will not be a maximum A?A + KRPR + KSPS
0,, = 1 -
in the rate as the pressure of one species varies. KAPA + KRPR + KSPS
Instead, the rate will approach an asymptotic 1
value at high pressures. Consequently this type (6.3.23)
of mechanism can be excluded from subsequent KAPA + KRPR + KSPS
consideration if it can be shown that the ex- Substitution of this result into equation 6.3.21
perimentally observed rate passes through a together with the appropriate expressions for
186 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

the fractional coverages of other species gives Driving Force Term: In all rate expressions
the driving force must become zero when thermo-
r = dynamic equilibrium is established. The "equi-
+ KAPA + KRPR +• KSPS)2 librium" constant K appearing in equation
(6.3.24) 6.3.29 can be regarded as the appropriate ratio
or of partial pressures for the overall reaction.
K = (6.3.31,)
r =
Kx -r KAPA + KRPR + KSPS) In the general case the value of K appearing in
(6.3.25) the driving force term is the product of the
where Kr is the equilibrium constant for the equilibrium constant for the surface reaction
surface reaction. Kr and the product of the adsorption equilib-
rium constants for the reactants divided by the
Kr -
K (6.3.26)
product of the adsorption equilibrium constants
for the reaction products.
If we let Kinetic Term: The designation kinetic term
k == k1KA (6.3.27) is something of a misnomer in that it contains
both rate constants and adsorption equilibrium
constants. For the cases where surface reaction
K= (6.3.28) controls the overall conversion rate it is the
product of the surface reaction rate constant
equation 6.3.25 can be rewritten as for the forward reaction and the adsorption
equilibrium constants for the reactant surface
kd ~ A
K )
species participating in the reaction. When
V p ^2
adsorption or desorption of a reactant or
"(1 + KAPA + KRPR + K s^s) product species is the rate limiting step, it will
(6.3).29) involve other factors.
Adsorption Term: When all reactants, prod-
ucts, and inerts are adsorbed without dissocia-
The cases discussed above represent only a
tion such that adsorption equilibrium prevails,
small fraction of the surface reaction mecha-
the adsorption term is given by
nisms which might be considered. Yang and
Hougen (12) have considered several additional (1 + KAPA + KBPB + KRPR + KSPS + KtP,r
surface reaction* mechanisms and have devel-
where Kr and P 7 are the adsorption equilibrium
oped tables from which rate expressions for
constant and the gas phase partial pressure of
these mechanisms may be determined. They
inerts, respectively. When dissociation of a
approached' this problem by writing the rate species occurs, the term KtPi must be replaced
expression in the following form. by ^KiPi as long as adsorption equilibrium
(kinetic term) x (driving force) holds for all species. When adsorption equilib-
Rate = rium is not maintained, other modifications in
(adsorption term)"
the adsorption term are necessary.
The exponent n on the adsorption term is
Let us examine each of the terms in this formu- equal to the number of surface sites participating
lation of the rate expression. in the reaction, whether they hold adsorbed
6.3 Reaction Rate Expressions for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 187

reactants or participate as vacant sites. If more The rates of adsorption and desorption of
than one site is involved, we assume that the species B are equal. Hence,
sites must be adjacent for the surface reaction
— K-1BUB (6.3.35)
to occur.
where 6V is the fraction of the sites that are
6.3 J.2 Hougen-Watson Models for Cases where vacant, and klB and k_ 1B are the rate constants
Adsorption and Desorption Processes are the for adsorption and desorption of species B.
Rate Limiting Steps. When surface reaction Solving for 0B,
processes are very rapid, the overall conversion
rate may be limited by the rate at which ad- 0B = ^ ^ = KBPB6V (6.3.36)
sorption of reactants or desorption of products
takes place. Usually only one of the many species A similar analysis is applicable to other
in a reaction mixture will not be in adsorptive species that attain adsorptive equilibrium. Thus,
equilibrium. This generalization will be taken
as a basis for developing the expressions for OR = KRPROV and 6S = KSPSOV
overall conversion rates that apply when ad- (6.3.37)
sorption or desorption processes are rate lim- The sum of the fractions of sites occupied by
iting. In this treatment we will assume that the various species and the fraction vacant must
chemical reaction equilibrium exists between be unity.
various adsorbed species on the catalyst surface,
even though reaction equilibrium will not pre- I = 0A + 0B + 0R + 0s + 0v (6.3.38)
vail in the fluid phase. Combination of equations 6.3.34 and 6.3.36
Consider the reversible surface reaction to 6.3.38 gives
A + B R (6.3.32) 6V =

in which we presume that species A is not in rKB PB

adsorptive equilibrium and that the rate lim- (6.3.39)
iting step in the overall conversion process is
the rate of adsorption of species A. When A Since the rate limiting step in the overall pro-
molecules are adsorbed, the chemical reaction cess is the rate of adsorption of species A, the net
equilibrium existing between surface species rate of reaction is equal to the difference between
is disturbed, and adsorbed A molecules must the rates of adsorption and desorption.
then react. The reaction occurs so rapidly that r" = k1APJv - k.1A6A (6.3.40)
adsorptive equilibrium for species A cannot be or
established, and 0A is determined by surface
reaction equilibrium constraints. " = k1A PA8V --±) (6.3.41)
Since the surface reaction is at equilibrium,
Combining equations 6.3.34, 6.3.36, 6.3.37,
(6-3.33) 6.3.39, and 6.3.41 gives
Thus k (p KRKSPRPS
lA\rA is i, z, n
(6.3.34) r — •
where Kr is the equilibrium constant for the rKB PB
surface reaction. (6.3.42)
188 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

This Hougen-Watson model for the case tive equilibrium; that is,
where the adsorption of a single species is rate
limiting is of the same mathematical form as
eA = KApAev eB = KBPBOV es = KSPSOV
equation 6.3.30. In this case the kinetic term is (6.3.47)
merely the rate constant for the rate controlling The reaction on the surface is also assumed to
adsorption process. The driving force term will be at equilibrium.
depend on the stoichiometry of the surface
reaction, which is presumed to be at equilibrium. Kr9A6B
The adsorption term must also be modified in
these cases, the change occurring in the element
in the summation corresponding to the species The sum of the various types of fractional
that is not at adsorptive equilibrium. This term coverage is unity.
will also depend on the nature of the surface l=0A + 0B + 0R + 0s + 0v (6.3.49)
reaction involved.
Extension of the analysis developed above to Combination of equations 6.3.47 to 6.3.49 and
cases where the stoichiometry of the surface rearrangement gives
reaction differs from that considered is relatively
simple and straightforward. An interesting case a- 1
is that where the overall conversion rate is . , KrKAKBPAPB
limited by adsorption of a species that disso-
ciates on adsorption. Consider a reaction whose (6.3.50)
stoichiometry can be represented by
The conversion rate is equal to the net rate of
A2 — R + S (6.3.43) desorption of species R. Hence,
where dissociation of the A2 molecule occurs
on adsorption. The mechanism of the reaction r" = k-1ROR-klRPROv=k-1R(0R-KRPR6v)
on the catalyst surface is represented by
2A R + S (6.3.44) Combination of equations 6.3.47, 6.3.48,
6.3.50, and 6.3.51 gives
In this case the above procedure can be used
to show that KrKAKBPAPB
P — r =-
r" =-
(6.3.45) The analyses developed in this section are
readily extended to reactions with different
Now consider the case where the controlling
stoichiometries. Regardless of whether an ad-
step is the rate of desorption of a product species
sorption or a desorption process is rate limiting,
R for a reversible surface reaction of the form
the resulting rate expressions may be written in
A + B^ R + S (6.3.46) the typical Hougen-Watson fashion represented
by equation 6.3.30. A comprehensive summary
All other species are presumed to be in adsorp- of such relations has been developed by Yang
6.3 Reaction Rate Expressions for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 189

and Hougen (12). Illustration 6.1 indicates the The following mechanistic equations for
development of a Hougen-Watson model in an chemisorption and reaction are appropriate.
attempt to fit rate data for a catalytic reaction.
P + a (A)
FOR A HETEROGENEOUS CATALYTIC Ku^ = adsorption equilibrium constant for
REACTION hydrogen
Oldenberg and Rase (13) have studied the Pff + 2H a - ka + 2a (C)
catalytic vapor phase hydrogenation of pro-
pionaldehyde over a commercially supported K eq = equilibrium constant for surface reaction
nickel catalyst. Their data indicate that the A, - A + a (D)
mathematical form of the reaction rate at very
low conversions and 150 °C can be expressed 1/XA = reciprocal of adsorption equilibrium
quite well in the following manner. constant for alcohol
The rate of the overall reaction is equal to
that of the rate controlling step.

where the subscript P refers to propionaldehyde

- fc_1Pu0
1P P
and the subscript H 2 to molecular hydrogen. where 0v and 0P are the fractions of the sites
It has been suggested that the rate limiting that are vacant and occupied by propionalde-
step in the mechanism is the chemisorption of hyde, respectively.
propionaldehyde and that the hydrogen under- From equation B,
goes dissociative adsorption on nickel. Deter-
mine if the rate expression predicted by a
Hougen-Watson model based on these assump-
tions is consistent with the experimentally
observed rate expression. From equation C,

K = or (G)
It is convenient to assign the following symbols From equation D,
before proceeding to a discussion of the mecha-
nism proper.
or v (H)
P = propionaldehyde
A = propanol The expressions for 0A and 0H may now be
a — surface site substituted into equation G to give
PCT = adsorbed propionaldehyde—surface cov- KAPAOV
erage = 0P (I)
Ha — atomically adsorbed hydrogen—surface
coverage = 6H The sum of the fractional coverages must be
unity. Hence,
Aa = adsorbed alcohol—surface coverage =
190 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

Substitution of equations F, H, and I into 3 may be applied to data from catalytic reac-
equation J and rearrangement gives tions, (i.e. one postulates a rate expression and
then uses an integral or differential method to
determine if the data fits the rate expression).
Because of the complexity of Hougen-Watson
rate models, it is often convenient to use an
Substitution of this result into equation E initial rate approach to analyze the data. The
gives remainder of this section is (jievoted to a dis-
cussion of the use of this approach to determine
r ,, = k1PPP-(k_1PKAPJKeqKH2PH2) reaction rate expressions.
Studies of the influence of total pressure on
the initial reaction rate for pure reactants present
in stoichiometric proportions provide a means
For an initial rate study, PA « 0, and the last of discriminating between various classes of
equation becomes Hoi^gen-Watson models. Isolation of a class of
„ k1PPP probable models by means of plots of initial
reaction rate versus total pressure, feed com-
position, and temperature constitutes the first
If the second term in the denominator is step)in developing a Hougen-Watson rate model.
large compared to unity, Hougen (14) has considered the influence of
total pressure for unimolecular and bimolecular
surface reactions; the analysis that follows is
adopted from his monograph.
In initial rate studies no products need be
iJnder these conditions the Hougen-Watson present in the feed, and the terms in the rate
model is consistent with the experimentally expression involving the partial pressures of
observed rate expression. these species may be omitted under appropriate
experimental conditions. The use of stoichiome-
tric ratios of reactants may also cause a simpli-
6.3.2 Interpretation of Experimental Data
fication of the rate expression. If one considers
The problem of determining which, if any, of a reversible bimolecular surface reaction be-
the Hougen-Watson models developed in the tween species A and B,
previous section fit- experimental data for a
A + + S (6.3.53)
heterogeneous catalytic reaction is generally
more complex than the corresponding problem an analysis of the type employed in Section
for a homogeneous phase reaction. Usually indicates that if the surface reaction is
many possible controlling steps must be exam- controlling, the conversion rate is given by:
ined. Physical limitations on the overall reaction
rate must first be eliminated by operating in a i KAKBPAPB -
turbulent system and using sufficiently small
r =
catalyst pellets. The multitude of Hougen- + KAPA + KBPB + KRPR + KSPS)2
Watson rate expressions for the cases where (6.3.54)
adsorption, desorption, and reaction on the
surface are rate limiting is then considered. The If an equimolar feed of species A and B is used,
trial-and-error procedures developed in Chapter the dependence of the initial rate on total pres-
6.3 Reaction Rate Expressions for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 191

sure (P) is given by In the case of a Rideal-type mechanism

(equation 6.3.16) a similar analysis indicates
that for the case where the surface reaction is
rn = (6.3.55) rate limiting, the initial rate starts out propor-
1 + (KA + KB) - tional to the square of the pressure and increases
indefinitely with increasing total pressure. At
high pressures it is linear in the total pressure.
In this case the initial rate increases as the square
In like manner one can treat cases where the
of the pressure at very low pressures and ap-
rate controlling step is adsorption or desorption
proaches a constant asymptotic limit at high
of some species. Hougen (14) has considered the
effect of total pressure on initial reaction rates
If the reaction proceeds by a mechanism re-
for several cases where these processes are rate
quiring dissociation of one of the reactants (A2)
on adsorption, the expression for the reaction
Studies of the effect of pressure on initial rates
rate is given by
limit the possible Hougen-Watson rate expres-
sions to certain classes. Subsequent studies
ktKA2KB PA2PB - using nonstoichiometric feeds and inerts and
product species in the feed mixture further serve
to determine the exact form of the reaction rate
(6.3.56) expression.
This expression assumes that the reaction on In determining the constants involved in a
the surface is the rate limiting step with r" = rate model it is often convenient to invert the
k,e2AeB. rate expression to obtain a form that is suitable
If stoichiometric quantities of A2 and B are for data analysis. For example, equation 6.3.11
can be rearranged to give
used, the dependence of the initial rate on total

KAPA + KBPB + KRPR + KSPS) (6.3.58)

pressure is given by so a least squares analysis can be used to deter-

' p\2 mine the five constants involved. Proper control
k\KAlKB I— of the nature of the experimental data can greatly
(6.3.57) simplify the problem of determining these
parameters. However, this example illustrates
one of the key difficulties involved in deter-
mining rate expressions for heterogeneous
In the low-pressure limit the rate will increase as catalytic reactions, and we must temper any
the square of the pressure, but at very high enthusiasm that we may have developed for
pressures it will fall off in a manner proportional Hougen-Watson rate models with a recognition
to the reciprocal of the pressure. Consequently, of the situations one faces in the real world.
the initial rate increases at first, goes through The fact that various specific models can be
a maximum, and then declines. proposed, each leading to a corresponding
192 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

mathematical formulation (which is not neces- formulation and preparation technique will
sarily unique), tempts one to try to correlate produce a material that is suitable for industrial
experimental data by each of a variety of such applications. The magnitude of the surface area
mathematical forms and then to "conclude" that alone is insufficient to predict the efficacy with
the one which best fits the data is the "true" which a given mass of catalyst promotes a given
kinetic mechanism. Considerably more judg- reaction. For fast reactions, the greater the
ment than this is required and, although a given amount of catalyst surface open to easy access
mathematical expression may provide a good by reactant molecules, the faster the rate at
fit of the data, it does not necessarily imply that which reactants can be converted to products.
the presumed mechanism is indeed the "correct" If we are to be able to develop useful predictive
one. For rate expressions of the form of equation models of catalyst behavior, we must know
6.3.58, there are five adjustable constants; when something about the interior pore structure of
reversible reactions, the possibility of adsorption the catalyst and the facility with which reactant
of inerts, or reactions in parallel or series are and product species can be transported within
considered, still more constants are introduced. catalyst pellets.
With the flexibility given by these constants it This section discusses the techniques used to
is not hard to get a good fit of data to a mathe- characterize the physical properties of solid
matical expression. In the words of one of my catalysts. In industrial practice, the chemical
colleagues, "With six constants you can fit a engineer who anticipates the use of these cata-
charging rhinoceros." lysts in developing new or improved processes
Furthermore, one often finds that "best" fits must effectively combine theoretical models,
of data may give rise to negative adsorption physical measurements, and empirical informa-
equilibrium constants. This result is clearly im- tion on the behavior of catalysts manufactured
possible on the basis of physical arguments. in similar ways in order to be able to predict
Nonetheless, reaction rate models of this type how these materials will behave. The complex
may be entirely suitable for design purposes if models are beyond the scope of this text, but
they are not extrapolated out of the range of the principles involved are readily illustrated by
the experimental data on which they are based. the simplest model. This model requires the
We should also point out that the adsorption specific surface area, the void volume per gram,
equilibrium constants appearing in the Hougen- and the gross geometric properties of the cata-
Watson models cannot be determined from lyst pellet as input.
adsorption equilibrium constants obtained from The specific surface area is usually deter-
nonreacting systems if one expects the mathe- mined by the BET technique discussed in
matical expression to yield accurate predictions Section 6.2.2. For the most reliable BET mea-
of the reaction rate. One explanation of this fact surements the adsorbate gas molecules should
is that probably only a small fraction of the be small, approximately spherical, inert (to
catalyst sites are effective in promoting the avoid chemisorption), and easy to handle at the
reaction. temperature in question. For economy, nitrogen
is the most common choice with measurements
usually made at 77 °K, the normal boiling point
of liquid nitrogen. Krypton is another material
The ease with which gaseous reactant molecules that is frequently employed.
achieve access to the interior surfaces of a The remainder of this section is devoted to a
porous substance is often of crucial significance discussion of the experimental techniques used
in determining whether or not a given catalyst to determine the other physical properties of
6.4 Physical Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts 193

catalysts that are of primary interest for reactor determine the volume occupied by the helium
design purposes, the void volume and the pore (VHe). This volume is equal to the sum of the
size distribution. volume exterior to the pellets proper and the
void volume within the pellets (Kvoid). The helium
6.4.1 Determination of Catalyst is then pumped out, and the chamber is filled
Void Volumes with mercury at atmospheric pressure. Since the
mercury will not penetrate the pores of most
The simplest method of determining the void
catalysts at atmospheric pressure, the mercury
volume or the pore volume of a given catalyst
will occupy only the volume exterior to the
sample is to measure the increase in weight that
pellets proper {VHg). Hence:
occurs when the pores are filled with a liquid of
known density. Water, carbon tetrachloride, and ^void - Kie " (6.4.2)
various hydrocarbons have been used success-
fully. The procedure involves boiling a known and the void volume per gram (Vg) is
weight of dry catalyst pellets in the liquid for K
20 to 30 min to displace the air in the pores. (6.4.3)
After the boiling fluid is replaced with cool w
liquid, the pellets are placed on an absorbent This method determines the pore volume cor-
cloth and rolled to remove the excess liquid. responding to pore radii below 75,000 A. By
They are then weighed. The difference: between varying the pressure on the system, it is possible
the wet and dry weights (Wwet — Wdry) divided to force the mercury into some of the pores and
by the density of the imbibed liquid (pL) gives determine the void volumes corresponding to
the void volume. The void volume per gram of different pore radii. We will pursue this point
catalyst (Vg) is obtained by in the next section.
The porosity of the catalyst pellet (sp) is
w —w defined as the void fraction.
Vn = rK
wet rK
d (6.4.1)
_ void volume of catalyst particle
Jp (6.4.4)
This technique will determine the total volume total volume of catalyst particle
of the pores with radii between approximately
10 and 1500 A. It is limited in accuracy by the For a particle of mass mP,
fact that it is difficult to dry the external surface mPVn
of the particles without removing liquid from (6.4.5)
the large pores. Some liquid also tends to be mPVg mP
retained around the points of contact between
particles. These two sources of error offset one where p ske i etal is the true density of the bulk
another. Any air retained within the pores after solid and where the second term in the denom-
boiling will lead to erroneous results. inator is the volume occupied by the solid
A much more accurate method of determining proper. Many commercial catalysts have po-
the pore volume of a catalyst sample is the rosities in the neighborhood of 0.5, indicating
helium-mercury method. One places a known that the gross particle volume is about evenly
weight of catalyst (W) in a chamber of known split between void space and solid material.
volume. After the chamber has been evacuated, Significantly higher porosities are not encoun-
a known quantity of helium is admitted. From tered in commercial catalysts because of the
the gas laws and measurements of the tempera- problems of achieving sufficient mechanical
ture and pressure, one may then proceed to strength at these porosity levels.
194 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

The total pore volume can also be determined while the surface area per particle is given by
from adsorption measurements if one knows
the volume of vapor adsorbed under saturation mPSg = np(2nrL) (B)
conditions. For high surface area catalysts the where we have neglected the area at the end of
amount of material adsorbed on particle ex- the cylinder, since L » 7 for virtually all systems
teriors will be negligible compared to that of interest. Division of equation A by equation
condensed in the pores. Hence the liquid phase B and rearrangement gives
volume equivalent to the amount of gas ad-
sorbed is equal to the pore volume. The liquid 2Va
density is assumed to be that corresponding to r = (Q
the saturation conditions in question. This
technique is less accurate than that described
For a monodisperse system this result is in
good agreement with the values obtained from
Illustration 6.2 indicates how void volume
pore size distribution measurements, but it can
and surface area measurements can be combined
be significantly in error if one is dealing with a
in order to evaluate the parameters involved in
bimodal pore size distribution (see Section
the simplest model of catalyst pore structure.
To evaluate the average pore length, it is
ILLUSTRATION 6.2 EVALUATION OF necessary to recognize that the porosity sp will
PARAMETERS IN A MATHEMATICAL represent not only the volumetric void fraction
MODEL OF POROUS CATALYSTS but also at any cross section the fraction of the
area occupied by the pore openings. If the
To develop analytical models for processes average open area associated with each pore is
employing porous catalysts it is necessary to assumed to be n~r2, the definition of the porosity
make certain assumptions about the geometry indicates that
of the catalyst pores. A variety of assumptions
are possible, and Thomas and Thomas (15) mPVa
have discussed some of these. The simplest
model assumes that the pores are cylindrical
where Vp and Sx are the gross geometric volume
and are not interconnected. Develop expres-
and geometric surface area, respectively.
sions for the average pore radius (7), the average
Substitution of equation A into equation D
pore length (L), and the number of pores per
particle (np) in terms of parameters that can be
measured in the laboratory [i.e., the apparent nJnT2)L np7ir2
particle dimensions, the void volume per gram
(Vg), and the surface area per gram (Sg)~\. which can be rearranged to give

Solution L-V»
We will start by developing an expression for
For a spherical catalyst pellet of radius R,
the average pore radius?. If we denote the mass
of an individual catalyst particle by mP, simple R
geometric considerations indicate that the void L = 2
volume per particle is given by
4nR T
The number of pores per particle may be
mPV = nJnr2L) (A) obtained by solving equation D for np and
6.4 Physical Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts 195

using equation C to eliminate r volume of mercury contained within the pores

as a function of applied pressure.
The smallest pores that can be observed using
this approach depend on the highest pressure
where ep is determined from equation 6.4.5. to which the mercury can be subjected in a
particular piece of equipment. Volumes corre-
sponding to pore radii as small as 100 to 200 A
can be measured with commercially available
6.4.2 Determination of Pore
equipment. Beyond this point the pressures re-
Size Distributions
quired to fill up the capillaries with smaller
Scanning electron microscopy and other exper- radii become impractical for routine use. Unfor-
imental methods indicate that the void spaces tunately, there are many catalysts of industrial
in a typical catalyst particle are not uniform in significance where these very small capillaries
size, shape, or length. Moreover, they are often contribute substantially to the specific surface
highly interconnected. Because of the com- area. Special research grade mercury porosi-
plexities of most common pore structures, meters capable of measurements down to 15 A
detailed mathematical descriptions of the void radii have been developed but, for routine
structure are not available. Moreover, because measurements, the desorption approach de-
of other uncertainties involved in the design of scribed below is more suitable.
catalytic reactors, the use of elaborate quanti- The desorption isotherm approach is the
tative models of catalyst pore structures is not second generally accepted method for deter-
warranted. What is required, however, is a mining the distribution of pore sizes. In principle
model that allows one to take into account either a desorption or adsorption isotherm
the rates of diffusion of reactant and product would suffice but, in practice, the desorption
species through the void spaces. Many of the isotherm is much more widely used when
models in common use simulate the void hysteresis effects are observed. The basis of this
regions as cylindrical pores; for such models approach is the fact that capillary condensation
a knowledge of the distribution of pore radii occurs in narrow pores at pressures less than the
and the volumes associated therewith is re- saturation vapor pressure of the adsorbate. The
quired. smaller the radius of the capillary, the greater
There are two well-established experimental is the lowering of the vapor pressure. Hence, in
techniques for determining the distribution of very small pores, vapor will condense to liquid
pore radii. They are the mercury penetration at pressures considerably below the normal
technique and the desorption isotherm method. vapor pressure. Mathematical details of the
The mercury penetration approach is based analysis have been presented by Cranston and
on the fact that liquid mercury has a very high Inkley (16) and need not concern us here.
surface tension and the observation that mercury The size of the largest pores that can be
does not wet most catalyst surfaces. This situa- determined by this technique is limited by the
tion holds true for oxide catalysts and supported rapid change in meniscus radius with pressure
metal catalysts that make up by far the over- as the relative pressure P/Po approaches unity.
whelming majority of the porous commercial This limit corresponds to pore radii in the neigh-
materials of interest. Since mercury does not borhood of 150 to 200 A, corresponding to a
wet such surfaces, the pressure required to force relative pressure of 0.93 in the former case. The
mercury into the pores will depend on the pore smallest pore radii that can be observed by this
radius. This provides a basis for measuring pore technique are those near 10 A. Although mea-
size distributions through measurements of the surements may be reported corresponding to
196 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

smaller pore sizes, such results are suspect would expect to be most significant from a
because the molecular diameter of the adsorbate catalytic viewpoint. Some other industrial cat-
molecules is comparable in magnitude to the alysts are deliberately fabricated with a macro-
pore radius in this regime. Moreover, the anal- pore-micropore structure in order to minimize
ysis assumes that the properties of the condensed or eliminate pore diffusion limitations on the
phase in the capillaries are the same as those of reaction rate. The macropores serve as express-
bulk liquids, yet the concepts of surface tension ways that facilitate reactant transport to the
and a hemispherical surface become hazy or internal surface area of the catalyst.
unrealistic below radii of 10 A, and perhaps
even at larger radii. In the regions where the
mercury penetration approach and the desorp-
tion method overlap, they agree reasonably well. The task of developing a suitable catalyst for
However, in many cases of practical significance, commercial applications involves many consid-
it is necessary to employ both techniques to erations, ranging from obvious factors like
cover the entire range of pore sizes (10 to catalyst activity and selectivity to variables like
10,000 A) that may be present. This is particu- the catalyst shape and the composition of the
larly true of catalysts like pelleted alumina in binder used in a pelletizing process. This section
which one has a bimodal pore size distribution is devoted to a discussion of these considerations
of the type discussed below. and of the techniques involved in manufacturing
The catalysts employed in commercial fixed industrial catalysts.
bed reactors often exhibit a bimodal pore size Figure 6.6 illustrates some of the requirements
distribution, sometimes referred to as bidisperse to be kept in mind when developing a catalyst
or macro-micro distributions. In these systems for industrial applications. The art of catalyst
the bulk of the catalytic reaction occurs in pores formulation involves reconciling conflicting de-
with radii below 200 A, since this is where the mands that may be imposed by such require-
bulk of the surface resides. However, the tran- ments. The keystone of the arch is a material
sport of reactants to these small pores occurs that has high intrinsic activity and selectivity
primarily through macropores with radii rang- for promoting the reaction of interest. This
ing from 200 to 10,000 A. These catalyst pellets material may be used in bulk form or, more
are prepared by compacting fine porous pow- commonly, it will be supported on a carrier
ders. The micropore region arises from the pore material that may or may not have catalytic
structure within each of the particles of the activity of its own. The activity per unit volume
original powder, while the macropores are is of practical significance because process eco-
formed by the passageways around the com- nomics are often strongly dependent on the cost
pacted particles. As the pelleting pressure is of packed reactor space. Consequently, the cata-
increased, the macropores become successively lyst should have a high specific surface area,
reduced in size, but the micropores remain un- and it should have a pore structure such that
affected unless the crushing strength is exceeded. reactants can gain easy access to the inner sur-
Most commercial forms of alumina catalysts faces of the catalyst pellet. The first of these
exhibit this type of bimodal pore size distribu- requirements follows directly from the fact that
tion. For example, Rothfeld (17) has observed the reaction takes place at the fluid-solid inter-
two peaks, one centered at a radius of 6250 A face, while the requirement for an appropriate
and the other at 60 A. The micropores accounted pore structure follows from a desire to avoid
for about 99% of the surface area and 65% of diffusional limitations on chemical conversion
the void volume. It is these pores that one rates. (See Chapter 12.)
6.5 Catalyst Preparation, Fabrication, and Activation 197


x • ^
Resistance to \
\ activity
and / Appropriate^^

/\ V
poisoning \
\ fouling
selectivity / pore size / > v
/ distribution/ N.
/ /Proper f l u i d \
structure \ J

/ flow
/characteristics^/ \
\ ^ -
/ Reproducible N. ^v X Low \
/ in its ^ \y^ cost \
yt^ behavior

/ Appropriate ^ 7 V^*^ Appropriate \

/ mechanical / \ thermal \
properties / properties

Figure 6.6
Requirements for industrial catalysts.

The lifetime of a catalyst is another factor ponents into a structure that is not greatly
that plays a key role in determining process weakened or changed by sintering during use.
economics. This lifetime is the period during Very seldom does an industrial catalyst con-
which the catalyst produces the desired product sist of a single chemical compound or metallic
in yields in excess of or equal to a designated element. Most often a catalyst formulation
value. The life of a catalyst may terminate be- consists of a multitude of components, each of
cause of unacceptable changes in activity and/or which performs an essential task in the creation
selectivity, because of physical attrition, or of a commercially viable catalyst. Figure 6.7,
because of unacceptable changes in mechanical
properties arising from thermal cycling or other
factors in the process environment. Resistance
to poisoning and fouling as well as to other
catalyst deactivation processes is an attribute to
be preferred in commercial catalysts.
Mechanical and geometric properties also
play a strong role in determining if a given
formulation will give rise to a commercially
viable catalyst. Catalyst pellets must be suitably
shaped so that the reactant fluid can pass
through a packed bed without excessive pressure
drop or maldistribution of the flow. The finished
catalyst must also be mechanically robust to
avoid attrition during handling and loading
and to avoid crushing under sustained loads
during fixed bed operation. The requirements Figure 6.7
of high strength and a stable structure depend Components of industrial catalysts. (Ownership of
on a firm welding together of the catalyst com- this diagram is by ICI)
198 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

adapted from the Catalyst Handbook (18), in- of quality, and cost of manufacture. The two
dicates that the components commonly found most commonly used techniques for catalyst
in industrial catalysts can be classified as cata- preparation are the only ones we will consider.
lytic species, catalyst supports, and catalyst
1. Precipitation or gel formation of the active
stabilizers. The support may be a ceramic matrix
component or components through the inter-
bound together by a hydraulic cement. The
action of aqueous solutions of two or more
support gives body and strength to the catalyst
chemical compounds.
granule and is frequently used to decrease the
2. Impregnation of a carrier using a solution
concentration of the usually more expensive
containing a compound of the desired cata-
catalyst proper. The catalytic agents consist of
lyst component.
the catalyst proper together with any materials
added to promote or modify the active surface. Precipitation is frequently used in the prep-
Stabilizers may be present in the form of gross aration of single- and multiple-component cata-
crystals readily seen under the scanning electron lysts. If possible, the catalyst precursor is
microscope, or they may be present in highly precipitated as a compound that will undergo
dispersed form. They prevent sintering and some chemical change before it is converted into
loss of active surface area through diffusional the substance that actually functions as the
merging of contiguous small crystals and crys- catalyst. Dehydration of a hydrated precipitate
tallites. Catalysts in which the active constituent may be sufficiently drastic to accomplish this
is a metal with a relatively low melting point purpose. The nature of the impurities occluded
normally are stabilized through the use of or adsorbed on the precipitate must be con-
refractory materials such as alumina, chromia, sidered in making up the starting solutions.
and magnesia, which act as spacers between Experience has indicated that the use of dilute
the readily sinterable metal crystals. Since com- solutions, nitrates or sulfates of the metal
mercial catalysts are complex multicomponent elements, and ammonia or ammonium salts as
mixtures, it is appropriate to describe in broad the precipitating agents generally facilitates the
terms some of the procedures used in the prep- removal of impurities. In these cases subsequent
aration of these materials. heat treatment often suffices to drive off the
impurities in volatile form. Significant variations
6.5.1 Catalyst Preparation in catalytic activity have been observed for
Natural products and common industrial chem- precipitates of the same material formed under
icals in massive form are seldom useful as different conditions. When preparing multicom-
catalysts because they have low specific surface ponent catalysts by coprecipitation techniques,
areas, may contain various amounts of im- the process variables must be manipulated to
purities that have deleterious effects on catalyst produce a uniform product. By adding a solu-
performance, do not usually have the exact tion of two metal salts to an excess of the
chemical composition desired, or are too ex- precipitating counter ion (carbonate, sulfide,
pensive to use in bulk form. The preparation of hydroxide, etc.) simultaneous precipitation of
an industrial catalyst generally involves a series both species is obtained. If the addition is
of operations designed to overcome such prob- carried out in the reverse order there is a pref-
lems. Many catalysts can be produced by several erential precipitation of one metal salt relative
routes. The actual choice of technique for the to the other because of differences in solubility
manufacture of a given catalyst is based on products.
ease of preparation, homogeneity of the final One of the simplest, most commonly used
catalyst, stability of the catalyst, reproducibility techniques for preparing a catalyst involves dis-
6.5 Catalyst Preparation, Fabrication, and Activation 199

persing an active component (or components) 200-mesh screen. Catalysts employed with gas-
on a support material. Normally one impreg- eous feeds in fixed bed reactors are most
nates the carrier material with a solution of a frequently used in the form of pellets, granules,
soluble precursor of the catalyst and then or extrusions, whereas those used in fluidized
converts this precursor to the desired product beds are usually ground to pass through a 60-
by oxidation, reduction, thermal decomposi- mesh screen. With cylindrical pellets the ratio
tion, or some other suitable step. Where appro- of length to diameter is usually kept below 3:1,
priate, it is preferable to use a granular support so that the pellets will not pack parallel to one
instead of a powder, since it eliminates the another and thus lead to excessive pressure
necessity for pelleting or extrusion in order to drop or excessive bypassing, channeling, or
obtain the final product. maldistribution of the flow. The ratio of the
In many cases drying operations are critical diameter of the reaction vessel to a characteristic
to the production of successful commercial pellet dimension is also significant, since it is
catalysts. Close control of the drying process almost impossible to achieve uniform packing
is necessary to achieve the proper distribution if this ratio is less than 5:1.
of the catalyst precursor within the pore struc- More detailed treatments of catalyst manu-
ture of the support. Drying also influences the facturing processes are available in the literature
physical characteristics of the finished catalyst (19-22).
and the ease with which subsequent pelleting or
extrusion processes may be carried out. 6.5.2 Catalyst Supports, Promoters,
In general all materials used to catalyze and Inhibitors
reactions of a vapor phase feed are calcined or It is very seldom that a commercial catalyst
activated at temperatures above 400 to 500 °F. consists of only a single chemical compound or
This heat treatment may accomplish one or element. Often the active constituent is sup-
more of the following tasks. ported on a carrier material that may or may
1. Reduce the moisture content to a level con- not possess catalytic activity of its own. En-
sistent with the temperature at which the hanced catalytic activity, selectivity, or stability
catalyst will be employed. may also be achieved by the addition of other
2. Decompose salts containing the catalyst pre- materials referred to as promoters or inhibitors.
cursors such as metal nitrates, formates, Early workers viewed carriers or catalyst
oxalates, or acetates. (Oxides are the usual supports as inert substances that provided a
products of the decomposition process.) means of spreading out an expensive material
3. Form metal catalysts by reduction of metal like platinum or else improved the mechanical
oxides with hydrogen. strength of an inherently weak material. The
4. Increase the strength of the finished pellet primary factors in the early selection of catalyst
or extrudate. supports were their physical properties and their
5. Influence the initial activity and stability of cheapness; hence pumice, ground brick, char-
the catalyst. coal, coke, and similar substances were used.
No attention was paid to the possible influence
The form in which the catalyst is employed of the support on catalyst behavior; differences
is strongly dependent on the reaction involved, in behavior were attributed to variations in the
the scale of the process, the specific nature of the distribution of the catalyst itself.
catalyst, and the type of reactor. Catalysts used However, it is now recognized that the cata-
for reactions carried out with a liquid feed are lyst carrier does more than provide a physical
usually ground so as to pass through a 100 to framework on which the catalyst is supported.
200 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

In many cases there is an interaction between 8. Inert to attack from components of the feed-
the carrier and the active component of the stream and product stream and any com-
catalyst so that the character of the active sur- ponents present in any regeneration streams
face will change. For example, the electronic to which it may be exposed.
character of the supported catalyst may be 9. Noncatalytic with regard to any undesirable
influenced by the transfer of electrons across side reactions.
the catalyst-carrier interface. In some cases the
carrier itself has a catalytic activity for the The average pore size and the pore size dis-
primary reaction, an intermediate reaction, or tribution should be such that physical limita-
a subsequent reaction, and a "dual-function" tions are not placed on the conversion of
catalyst is thereby obtained. Materials of this reactants to products. The particle size of the
type are widely employed in reforming processes. carrier must also be suitable for the purpose
There are other cases where the interaction of intended (i.e., small for fluidized bed reactors and
the catalyst and support are much more subtle significantly larger for fixed bed applications).
and difficult to label. For example, the crystal The types of materials used commercially as
size and structure of supported metal catalysts catalyst supports can be categorized as having
as well as the manner in which the metal is high or low specific surface areas. The low sur-
dispersed can be influenced by the nature of the face area (up to 1 m2/g) materials are generally
support material. ceramic materials like silica or alumina. They
One should distinguish between true catalyst are often formed by high-temperature fusion
supports and diluents. A catalyst support (or (2000 °C) in electric furnaces. The product of
carrier) is a material on which a thin layer of this operation is crushed, sieved, and fabricated
catalyst is deposited; a diluent is an inert into various shapes (spheres, granules, rings,
material thoroughly mixed with the catalyst to cylindrical annuli, or irregular shapes). Partial
enhance the binding properties of a powdered sintering is then accomplished by firing at
catalyst or to assist in pelleting or extrusion temperatures in the neighborhood of 1400 °C.
fabrication procedures. The resultant products are stable mechanically
An ideal carrier is one that is: and are easily impregnated with a variety of
catalyst precursor solutions. The final product
1. Inexpensive. is quite porous with pore sizes typically in the
2. Available in large quantities of uniform range of 20 to 100 microns. Low surface area
composition. carriers are used where the need for a high
3. Sufficiently porous to permit dispersion of activity per unit mass of finished catalyst is less
catalyst on its interior surfaces. important than other factors like catalyst cost
4. Free of any components that may poison the or selectivity.
catalyst. The high specific surface area supports (10 to
5. Stable under operating and regeneration 100 m2/g or more) are natural or man-made
conditions. materials that normally are handled as fine
6. Strong enough to resist any thermal or me- powders. When processed into the finished cat-
chanical shocks that it is likely to suffer as alyst pellet, these materials often give rise to
well as any disruptive action arising from pore size distributions of the macro-micro type
fouling material that may be deposited in its mentioned previously. The micropores exist
pores. within the powder itself, and the macropores
7. Resistant to attrition. are created between the fine particles when they
6.6 Poisoning and Deactivation of Catalysts 201

are compressed together in a pellet press. Dia- step in the reaction. In this sense it may act
tomaceous earth and pumice (or cellular lava) as one component of a dual function catalyst.
are naturally occurring low-cost materials that 3. The promoter may slow down, or otherwise
are representative of this class of catalyst sup- influence crystal formation and growth, or
port. Among the synthetic carriers that can be produce lattice defects. These effects may
created by modern technology are those derived lead either to a higher activity per unit area
from clays, bauxite, activated carbon, and or to a higher specific surface area.
xerogels of silica gel and alumina gel.
Promoters may influence selectivity by poi-
Although a carrier is often the major con-
soning undesired reactions or by increasing the
stituent of a catalyst pellet, one often finds that
rates of desired intermediate reactions so as to
there are materials that are added in small
increase the yield of the desired product. If they
amounts during catalyst preparation in order
act in the first sense, they are sometimes referred
to impart improved characteristics to the fin-
to as inhibitors. An example of this type of action
ished catalyst. These materials are referred to as
involves the addition of halogen compounds to
promoters. They may lead to better activity,
the catalyst used for oxidizing ethylene to
selectivity, or stability. The manner in which
ethylene oxide (silver supported on alumina).
promoters act is not well understood, although
The halogens prevent complete oxidation of the
a number of plausible explanations have been
ethylene to carbon dioxide and water, thus per-
set forth. They remain one of the reasons for
mitting the use of this catalyst for industrial
the "black magic" aura of catalysis.
In 1920 Pease and Taylor (23) proposed a
Another example of catalyst promotion is the
definition of promoter action that is still appro-
use of additives to inhibit loss of active surface
priate today. Promotion occurs in those "cases
area during operation. Since this effect enhances
in which a mixture of two or more substances
catalyst stability, such additives are often called
is capable of producing a greater catalytic effect
stabilizers. These promoters may inhibit sin-
than can be accounted for on the supposition
tering of active sites on the surface or growth of
that each substance in the mixture acts inde-
microcrystalline regions. They may form solid
pendently and in proportion to the amount
solutions with higher melting points than the
present." Hence "better" catalyst performance
active agents alone, thus permitting a reaction
implies an improvement beyond that expected
to be carried out at a higher temperature than
from a simple additive rule. The phenomenon
would otherwise be possible. Alumina is used in
is often characterized by a steep rise in activity
the manufacture of iron-based ammonia syn-
to a sharp maximum at a low concentration of
thesis catalysts for this purpose.
promoter followed by a decline to a lower or
In commercial catalysts it is often useful to
zero level of activity, depending on whether or
employ a multiplicity of promoters, each of
not the promoter alone is capable of acting as a
which serves a particular function or acts in
conjunction with other constituents to produce
Some hypotheses that have been offered in an a more desirable catalyst.
effort to explain promotion effects are:
1. The promoter may change the electronic
structure of the solid in such a way that the
activity per unit area is increased. Since the earliest days of heterogeneous cataly-
2. The promoter may catalyze an intermediate sis, decreases in activity during use have been
202 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

observed. The rates at which catalyst deactiva- activity. This process is referred to as reactiva-
tion processes take place may be fast or slow. In tion. If the preferential adsorption of the poison
some cases the decline in activity is so rapid that cannot be readily reversed, a more severe chemi-
the catalyst ceases to function effectively after a cal treatment or complete replacement of the
few minutes or hours of exposure to a reactant catalyst may be necessary.
feedstream. On the other hand, there are cases In addition to fouling and poisoning, there is
where the deactivation processes occur so slowly a third catalyst deactivation process that is com-
that the catalyst may function effectively for monly encountered in industrial practice. This is
months or years. In the design of commercial the phenomenon referred to as aging. It involves
catalytic processes, one obviously must take a loss in specific activity due to a loss in catalyst
these factors into account so as to allow for surface area arising from crystal growth or
periodic replacement or regeneration of his sintering processes. This process becomes more
heterogeneous catalyst. rapid as the temperature increases. It may also
If the deactivation is rapid and caused by the be increased by the presence of certain com-
decomposition or degradation of reactants or ponents of the feedstream or product stream or
products on the catalyst surface, the process is of trace constituents of the catalyst. In some
termed fouling. In this case a deposit is formed cases a flux or glaze capable of blocking catalyst
on the surface or in the pores that physically pores may be produced.
blocks a portion of the catalyst and prevents it Various schemes have been proposed for
from catalyzing the reaction. Such fouling is classifying poisons, but the one that is perhaps
particularly rapid with silica-alumina cracking the most convenient for chemical engineers in-
catalysts and in this application, the design of a terested in reactor design is the classification in
unit for catalyst regeneration is as important as terms of the manner by which the poison affects
the design of the reactor proper. An example of a chemical activity. In these terms one can dis-
cracking reaction leading to fouling might be tinguish between four general but not sharply
C 1 0 H 2 2 -+ C 5 H 1 2 + C 4 H 1 0 + C (solid on cat- differentiated classes.
alyst surface). The carbon deposit may be burned
off with oxygen and/or steam to regenerate the 1. Intrinsic Activity Poisons. These poisons de-
catalyst so that the active surface is no longer crease the activity of the catalyst for the
covered. primary chemical reaction by virtue of their
If the activity of the catalyst is slowly modified direct electronic or chemical influence on the
by chemisorption of materials that are not easily catalyst surface or active sites. The mecha-
removed, the deactivation process is termed nism appears to be one that involves coverage
poisoning. It is usually caused by preferential of the active sites by poison molecules, re-
adsorption of small quantities of impurities moving the possibility that these sites can
(poisons) present in the feedstream. Adsorption subsequently adsorb reactant species. Com-
of extremely small amounts of the poison (a mon examples of this type of poisoning are the
small fraction of a monolayer) is often sufficient actions of compounds of elements of the
to cause very large losses in catalytic activity. groups Vb and VIb (N, P, As, Sb, O, S, Se, Te)
The bonds linking the catalyst and poison are on metallic catalysts.
often abnormally strong and highly specific. 2. Selectivity Poisons. These poisons decrease
Consequently, the process is often irreversible. the selectivity of the catalyst for the main re-
If the process is reversible, a change in the tem- action. In many cases impurities in the feed-
perature or the composition of the gas to which stream will adsorb on the catalyst surface and
it is exposed may be sufficient to restore catalyst then act as catalysts for undesirable side re-
Literature Citations 203

actions. The classic examples of poisons of deactivation processes, consult the article by
this class are heavy metals such as Ni, Cu, V, Butt (26).
and Fe, which are present in petroleum stocks
in the form of organometallic compounds LITERATURE CITATIONS
such as porphyrins. When these feedstocks
1. Haensel, V., Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 57
are subjected to catalytic cracking, these (6), p. 18, 1965.
organometallics decompose and deposit on
2. Thomas, C. L., Catalytic Processes and Proven Cata-
and within the catalyst. The metals then act as lysts, Academic Press, New York, 1970.
dehydrogenation catalysts. The product dis- 3. Thomson, S. J., and Webb, G., Heterogeneous Cata-
tribution is markedly affected with lower lysis, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1968.
yields of gasoline and higher yields of light gas, 4. Brunauer, S., Deming, L. S., Deming, W. E., and Teller,
coke, and hydrogen. Very small poison con- E., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 62 (1723), 1940.
centrations suffice to produce large changes 5. Langmuir, I., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 38 (221), 1916.
in selectivity. In cases where a large number 6. Langmuir, I., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 40 (1361), 1918.
of parallel and series reactions are involved, 7. Taylor, H. S., Proc Roy. Soc, A108 (105), 1925.
the adsorbed poison is thought to change the
8. Brunauer, S., Emmett, P. H., and Teller, E., J. Am.
activation energy barrier for some of the com- Chem. Soc, 60 (309), 1938.
petitive intermediate steps, resulting in in- 9. Hougen, O. A., and Watson, K. M., Chemical Process
creased rates of undesirable side reactions Principles, Part 3, Kinetics and Catalysis, pp. 906-907,
relative to that of the primary reaction. Wiley, New York, copyright © 1947. Used with per-
3. Stability Poisons. These poisons decrease the mission.
structural stability of the catalytic agent or of 10. Chambers, R. P., and Boudart, M., J. Catalysis, 6 (141),
the carrier by facilitating recrystallizations 1966.
and other structural rearrangements. Steam 11. Hougen, O. A., and Watson, K. M., Ind. Eng. Chem.,
acts as this type of a poison for silica-alumina 35(529), 1943.
gel catalysts. It acts not so much by reducing 12. Yang, K., and Hougen, O. A., Chem. Eng. Prog., 46
the intrinsic activity per unit surface area, but (3), p. 149, 1950.
by reducing the active area, thus decreasing 13. Oldenburg, C. C , and Rase, H. F., AIChE J., 3 (462),
the activity per unit weight of catalyst. The
temperature at which the reactor operates has 14. Hougen, O. A., "Reaction Kinetics in Chemical Engi-
neering," Chem. Eng. Prog. Monograph Series, No. 1,
a marked effect on stability poisoning. Sinter- 47, Chapter 5, copyright © 1951. Adapted with
ing, localized melting, and recrystallization permission.
occur much more rapidly at high tempera- 15. Thomas, J. M., and Thomas, W. J., Introduction to the
tures than at low temperatures. Principles of Heterogeneous Catalysis, pp. 206-211,
4. Diffusion Poisons. This phenomenon is Academic Press, New York, 1967.
closely akin to catalyst fouling. Blockage of 16. Cranston, R. W., and Inkley, R A., Adv. Catalysis, 9
pore mouths prevents full use of the interior (143), 1957.
surface area of the pellets Entrained dust par- 17. Rothfeld, L. B., AIChE J., 9 (19). 1963.
ticles or materials that can react on the cat- 18. Catalyst Handbook, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1970.
alyst to yield a solid residue give rise to this 19. Ciapetta, F. G., and Plank, C. J., "Catalyst Prepara-
type of poisoning. tion," Chapter 7 in Catalysis, Volume I, edited by
P. H. Emmett, Reinhold, New York, 1964.
20. Ciapetta, F. G., Helm, C. D., and Baral, L. L., "Com-
Many reviews listing specific poisons for spe-
mercial Preparation of Industrial Catalysts,"'Chapter 2
cific catalysts are available in the literature (23- in Catalysis in Practice, edited by C. H. Collier, Rein-
25). For a more up-to-date review of catalyst hold, New York, 1957.
204 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

21. Innes, W. B., "Catalyst Carriers, Promoters, Accelera-

tors, Poisons, and Inhibitors," Chapter 6 in Catalysis,
Volume I, edited by P. H. Emmett, Reinhold, New
York, 1954.
22. Anderson, J. R., Structure of Metallic Catalysts, Aca-
demic Press, New York, 1975.
23. Pease, R. N., and Taylor, H. S., / . Phys. Chem., 24
(241), 1920.
24. Maxted, E. B., J. Soc. Chem. Ind., (Lond.) (57(93), 1948.
25. Maxted, E. B., Adv. Catalysis, 3 (129), 1951.
26. Butt, J. B., "Chemical Reaction Engineering," Adv.
Chem. Series, 109 (259), 1972. 0 1000 2000 3000
Time, (min)

Figure 6P.1
Typical adsorption rate curve for the adsorption of
1. The data below were recorded at constant hydrogen on zinc oxide at 1 atm pressure. The
temperature for the adsorption of nitrogen on curve to the left of A applies to 0 °C; at A the tem-
silica gel at — 196 °C. Prepare both a Langmuir perature is raised to 111°, at B to 154°, at C to
184, and at D to 218°. [Reprinted with permission
and a BET plot using coordinates that would be
from J. Am. Chem. Soc, 69 (1306), 1947. Copyright
expected to give rise to linear plots. What specific by the American Chemical Society.]
surface areas are predicted in each case? The
area covered per molecule of adsorbed nitrogen
is 0.162 nm2. The normal boiling point of liquid
nitrogen is — 196 °C. 3. Figure 6P.2 contains the Raman spectra of
Comment on your results. pyridine adsorbed on silica gel at three tempera-
tures as reported by Schrader and Hill [Rev. Sci.
lustrum, 46 (1335), 1975]. Four bands are ap-
Pressure Volume adsorbed per gram of sample parent at 991, 1006, 1032, and 1069 cm" K If the
(kPa) (cm3 at STP) band intensities are proportional to surface con-
centrations and if each band is associated with
0.8 6.1 one vibrational degree of freedom of an adsorbed
3.3 12.7
species, what is your interpretation of these data?
18.7 17.0
30.7 19.7
38.0 21.5 4. Restelli and Coull [AIChE J , 12 (292), 1966]
42.7 23.0 have studied the transmethylation reaction of
57.3 27.7 dimethylamine in a differential flow reactor
67.3 33.5 using montmorillonite as a catalyst. They
measured initial reaction rates under isothermal
conditions for this heterogeneous catalytic pro-
2. Taylor and Liang [J. Am. Chem. Soc, 69 cess. Steady-state operating data were recorded.
(1306), 1947] have studied the extent of adsorp- The initial reaction is represented by the fol-
tion of hydrogen on zinc oxide at a constant gas lowing stoichiometry.
pressure and at successively increasing tempera-
tures. A typical curve of the amount adsorbed as 2(CH 3 ) 2 NH^(CH 3 ) 3 N + CH 3 NH 2
a function of time is shown in Figure 6P.1.
Interpret these data. The feedstream consisted of essentially pure di-
Problems 205

10.0 1 1
1 1 ' 1
D~ 0.50 atm C -

> 8.0 -

-cr ° °-
^ - * —
1 4.0-
278.8° c _

:* 2.0 -

, | . 1 . 1 1 . 1
100 200 300
Mass velocity, G (g/hr—cm2)

Figure 6P.3
Initial rate versus mass velocity. [Reprinted with
permission from AlChE., 12 (292), 1966.]

three curves correspond to three different

operating temperatures.
(b) A series of experiments involved measure-
ment of reaction rates for different catalyst
1090 950 sizes, maintaining all other variables con-
stant. The measured rate was found to be
Figure 6P.2 constant for catalyst particle sizes from
Pyridine adsorbed on silica gel as a function of - 100, + 120 to - 3 0 , +40 mesh, a fourfold
temperature (°C). P = 1.86 x 10~2bar. (Reprinted variation in average particle diameter. These
with permission from Review of Scientific Instru- experiments were carried out at mass veloci-
ments, 46 (1335), 1975. Copyright by the American ties corresponding to the asymptotic por-
Institute of Physics.) tions of the curves in Figure 6P.3.
(c) Several additional series of experiments were
also carried out at mass velocities correspon-
methylamine. What is your interpretation of the ding to the asymptotic portions of the curves
data presented below? In your discussion place shown in Figure 6P.3. Initial rates were mea-
particular emphasis on the various physical and sured as a function of the dimethylamine
chemical processes that can affect the rate of a pressure for the four temperatures indicated.
chemical reaction. The data are summarized in Figure 6P.4.
(a) Using a catalyst size — 50, + 60 mesh with a These data may be fit by an expression of the
feed pressure of 0.5 atm, the data reproduced form r0 = kDP°D523, where PD is the di-
in Figure 6P.3 were reported. G is the mass methylamine pressure.
velocity under steady-state operating condi-
tions in grams per hour per square centi- 5. Hinshelwood and Burk [J. Chem. Soc, 127
meter and r 0 is the initial reaction rate in (1105), 1925] have investigated the decomposi-
grams per hour per gram of catalyst. The tion of ammonia on tungsten and platinum
206 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

7.01—,—|—r- 6. Mardaleishvilli, Sin-Chou, and Smorodin-

293.0°C skaya [Kinetics and Catalysis, 8 (664), 1967]
6.0 have studied the catalytic decomposition of
ammonia on quartz. The following initial rate
^ 5.0
data were obtained by these investigators at
951 C

Initial rate Initial ammonia

(arbitrary units) pressure (mm Hg)

0.0033 20
0.0085 50
0.0140 90
0.0236 140

What is the order of the reaction with respect to

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 ammonia?
Dimethylamine pressure, PD (atm)
7. Hinshelwood and Burk [J. Chem. Soc, 127
Figure 6P.4 (1105), 1925] have studied the decomposition of
Initial rate versus dimethylamine pressure. [Re- ammonia over a heated platinum filament at
printed with permission from AlChE J., 12 (292), 1138° C. The reaction stoichiometry is
2NH3 -* N 2 + 3H2
Initially, pure NH 3 was present in the reaction
surfaces. The data below were reported for the
vessel. The data on page 207 are representative
decomposition of ammonia on an electrically
of the kinetics of thp reaction. The reactor vol-
heated tungsten wire at 856 °C. What conclu-
ume is a constant.
sions can you draw from these data relative to
the rate expression and surface coverages for the
decomposition of ammonia on tungsten? It is not
necessary to determine a reaction rate constant!

Initial mixture composition

mi™ XTTT 13.3kPaNH3 3 „ , *n XTU

13.3kPaNH 3 1 3 3 k P a H 2 26.6kPaNH 3

Time (sec) kPa of ammonia decomposed

100 1.80 1.87 1.87

200 3.13 3.27 3.60
300 4.47 4.60 5.07
400 5.67 5.87 6.47
500 6.80 7.00 7.87
Problems 207

Time, t (sec) Total pressure (kPa) (a) In many previous studies of the catalytic
oxidation reaction it has been found that the
0 26.7 reaction is first-order with respect to carbon
10 30.4 monoxide.
60 34.1 r = -kPco
120 36.3
240 38.5 Determine if the data obtained by Brittan,
360 40.0 Bliss, and Walker are consistent with this
720 42.7 type of rate expression.
(b) On the basis of their experimental data,
It has been postulated that the rate expression Walker, Bliss, and Brittan proposed the fol-
for the reaction is of the form lowing mechanism for this reaction.

CO + Oa ^ O J C O ) slow

CO + Off ^ CO2<T fast

Is the experimental data consistent with this
rate expression? If so, what is the value of the Off(CO) ^ CO 2 + o fast
rate constant? What type of Hougen-Watson
model gives rise to this form for the rate i O 2 k-X CO 2 + Oa

8. Brittan, Bliss, and Walker [AIChE J , 16 Oa = atomically adsorbed oxygen

(305), 1970] have studied the catalytic oxidation
of carbon monoxide, o = vacant catalyst site
OCT(CO) = complex formed on surface of
CO + CO 2 catalyst
using a hopcalite catalyst (a mixture of oxides of
Assuming that the adsorption of CO is rate
manganese and copper and small quantities of
controlling, derive the kinetic expression
other oxides). They used a batch circulation reac- for the rates of change of the concentrations
tor (constant volume) and obtained the follow- (partial pressures) of CO, O 2 , and CO 2 .
ing data for one of their runs. Note that the reaction does not proceed
stoichiometrically in that the hopcalite may
System temperature 40 °C act as a source or sink for the oxygen. Hence
separate rate expressions are required for
Time, t Partial Pressures (kPa) each component.
(ksec) CO o2 CO 2
(c) Determine whether the expression obtained
0.0 13.6 14.5 1.2 from this mechanism for the disappearance
0.12 12.1 13.7 2.8 of carbon monoxide agrees with the exper-
0.30 10.3 13.1 4.3 imental results.
0.60 8.0 12.3 6.3
1.20 5.7 10.8 8.4 fcj + k2 = 0.00737 (min" 1 ) (mm Hg" 1 )
1.86 3.9 10.3 10.3 O° = 11.81 equivalent mm Hg
2.58 2.7 9.5 12.0 (initial level)
3.48 1.3 8.5 13.1
4.98 0.3 8.3 13.9 a0 = 0.95 equivalent mm Hg
(initial level)
208 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

kx = 0.00732 (min" 1 ) (mm Hg)" 1 mechanisms considered in part (a) consistent

/c3//c4 = 3.13(mmHg) 1/2 with these data?
fc5 - 0.0085 (min" 1 ) (mm H g ) - 1 10. The water gas reaction takes place on a
platinum catalyst in a batch reactor at 1000 °C.
9. Corrigan et al. [Chem. Eng. Prog., 49 (603),
The reaction is
1953] have investigated the catalytic cracking of
cumene over a silica-alumina catalyst at 950 °C. CO 2 + H 2 -> H 2 O + CO
No products other than H 2 O or CO are formed.
Cumene -> Propylene + Benzene In a series of experiments in which the initial
C -• P + B CO 2 pressure was held constant (and in sub-
They indicated that both single- or dual-site stantial excess over hydrogen), the rate of
formation of CO was found to be directly
mechanisms could be postulated as follows.
proportional to the pressure of H 2 . In another
series of experiments the initial partial pressure
Single site Dual site of H 2 was held constant at 100 mm Hg, and the
(1) C -^ C (4) C. + a ^ Ca
following partial pressures of CO were found
(2) Co (5) Cff + <r ^ B a after a reaction time of 120 sec.
(3) B. +a (6) B a ^ B + a
(7) P a -P + a CO pressure after
Initial pressure CO 2 120 sec
(mm Hg) (mm Hg)
(a) Assuming that the reaction is reversible and
that steps 2 and 5 are rate limiting for the 25 3.8
single- and dual-site mechanisms, respec- 50 7.0
tively, derive Hougen-Watson rate expres- 75 10.0
sions for these mechanisms. 100 12.4
(b) These investigators reported the initial rate 125 14.4
data shown in Figure 6P.5. Is either of the 150 16.2
175 17.5
200 18.0
225 17.8
M I ' I ' I ]X\ ' I
250 17.3
300 15.4

The CO was found to have a negligible retarding

influence on the rate of reaction. In all runs the
water formed was removed immediately by
condensation in a dry ice trap.
(a) Derive the general Hougen-Watson rate
1 i 1 i I expression that applies to this kind of
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 reaction.
7r — Total pressure, atm
(b) What is the simplest form to which the
Figure 6P.5 general equation reduces that still adequate-
Data plot for problem 9. n/r0 versus pressure at ly fits both series of experiments?
950 °F. [Used with permission. From Corrigan et al., (c) Why does the rate go through a maximum
Chem. Eng. Prog., 49 (603), 1953.] with an increase in the initial pressure of
Problems 209

CO2? Explain qualitatively, in terms of the nickel catalyst. Instead of using a more complex
mathematical model, and in mechanistic Hougen-Watson model for the kinetic equation,
terms. they used an equation of the following form to
correlate the data.
11. An addition reaction of the type
A + B -+ C r0 =
is being carried out over a relatively inactive
metal catalyst at 400 °K. At this temperature r0 = initial reaction rate, g-moles
the rate appears to be first-order in the gas propionaldehyde/ksec-g unreduced
phase concentrations of both A and B. catalyst
r = kPAPB Pa, Ph = partial pressures of propionaldehyde,
hydrogen, kPa.
In studies of the temperature dependence of
the reaction, the rate goes through a maximum m,n = exponents in rate equation
(at fixed PA and PB) at a temperature near For their runs at approximately 150 °C, the
400 °K. How do you interpret these facts in unreduced catalyst weight was 0.7961 g and the
terms of the Hougen-Watson framework? following data were obtained.

Partial pressures
(kPa) Space velocity
2-moles nronionaldehvde/ Percent
propionaldehyde Hydrogen ksec-g unreduced catalyst conversion

68.9 68.9 0.697 2.00

103.4 103.4 0.697 2.63
137.9 137.9 0.697 3.04
155.1 155.1 0.697 3.20
172.4 172.4 0.697 3.37
189.6 189.6 0.697 3.48
206.8 206.8 0.697 3.60

112.4 94.5 0.819 2.47

99.3 107.6 0.819 2.23
88.9 117.9 0.819 1.85
76.5 130.3 0.819 1.57
67.6 139.3 0.819 1.33
112.4 94.5 0.819 2.47
104.8 102.0 0.358 5.45
106.2 100.7 1.106 1.77
109.6 97.2 1.958 0.92

12. Oldenburg and Rase [AIChE J , 3 (462), Determine the values of fc, m, and n in the
1957] studied the catalytic vapor phase hydro- simplified rate equation. Assume that the cata-
genation of propionaldehyde by making low lyst activity change is negligible over the course
conversion runs on a commercial supported of the experiments.
210 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

Hint 1. The reactor can be treated as a For a Dual-Site Mechanism

differential reactor, since the conversions are so (h) Adsorption of sulfur dioxide
low. controlling,
Hint 2. There is a way of using all of the data (i) Desorption of sulfur trioxide
to obtain these three constants by taking each controlling,
of the two sets of data and plotting the appro- (j) Surface reaction between chemisorbed
priate straight line for each. Round off your sulfur dioxide and gaseous oxygen
values of m and n to the nearest half integer. controlling.
13.* Yang and Hougen [Chem. Eng. Progr., 46
I. Derive equations relating the initial reaction
(146), 1950] have suggested that initial rate data
rate (r0) to the total pressure (n) for each of the
can be analyzed in terms of total pressure to
above cases when the sulfur dioxide and oxygen
facilitate the acceptance or rejection of a mecha-
are initially present in equimolar amounts. Do
nism. For their analyses, experimental condi-
this using the Hougen-Watson mechanistic
tions are set such that the two reactants are
models. Show your derivations.
present in constant composition (often equi-
Hint. For the single-site mechanism assume (as
molar amounts).
Mathur and Thodos did) that the surface reac-
Mathur and Thodos [Chem. Eng. ScL, 21
tion step can be written as :
(1191), 1966] used the initial rate approach to
analyze the kinetics of the catalytic oxidation of
SO2TT + ( i O2)gas SO3-<r
sulfur dioxide. They summarized the most plaus-
ible rate controlling steps for the reaction as: F o r the dual-site mechanism assume (as M a t h u r
1. For sulfur dioxide chemisorbed, oxygen dis- and T h o d o s did) that the reaction step can be
sociated and chemisorbed, sulfur trioxide written as:
(a) Adsorption of oxygen controlling. SO2<7 (|O 2 ) g a s -> SO 3 <7 + G
(b) Adsorption of sulfur dioxide controlling.
(c) Desorption of sulfur trioxide controlling. II. Using the data on page 211, prepare plots of
(d) Surface reaction between sulfur dioxide r 0 versus n for each temperature.
and atomic oxygen controlling. Reject any mechanisms that are grossly in-
2. For sulfur dioxide chemisorbed, oxygen in adequate by qualitative reasoning. Do not
gas phase and not adsorbed, sulfur trioxide attempt to do a complicated quantitative or
chemisorbed. statistical analysis.
For a Single-Site Mechanism
(e) Adsorption of sulfur dioxide Hint L Although sulfur dioxide and oxygen
controlling. do not appear to be present in equimolar
(f) Desorption of sulfur trioxide amounts for several of the data points, you may
controlling. assume, as Mathur and Thodos did, that they
(g) Surface reaction between chemisorbed are close enough for the purposes of this
sulfur dioxide and gaseous oxygen qualitative analysis.
controlling. Hint 2. Look for the presence or absence of
* Adapted from G. P. Mathur and G. Thodos, Chem. Eng.
a maximum. Assume that the data have been
Sci., 21 (1191) copyright @ 1966. Used with permission taken over a wide enough range for a maximum
of Pergamon Press, Ltd. to show up if it were going to.
Problems 211

Superficial mass velocity

Initial rate
Total (lb-moles/hr-ft2)
lb-moles SO 2
Temperature, T Grams
atm SO 2 o2 hr-lb catalyst catalyst

1.54 1.14 1.33 0.0322 649 3.145

2.36 1.84 2.04 0.0489 649 3.145
3.72 2.61 2.92 0.0541 649 3.145
7.12 4.93 4.99 0.0757 649 3.145
9.84 4.29 6.01 0.0585 649 3.145
1.68 1.29 1.31 0.0320 649 2.372
2.36 1.83 1.90 0.0532 649 2.372
3.72 2.59 2.90 0.0642 649 2.372
7.12 4.87 4.94 0.0642 649 2.372
9.71 4.21 5.95 0.0514 649 2.372

1.54 1.13 1.32 0.0202 701 3.145

2.36 1.84 2.04 0.0904 701 3.145
7.12 4.94 4.98 0.0496 701 3.145
1.54 1.23 1.32 0.0289 701 2.372
2.36 1.83 1.90 0.0688 701 2.372
3.04 2.10 2.48 0.0845 701 2.372
3.72 2.59 2.90 0.0894 701 2.372
7.12 4.85 4.94 0.0520 701 2.372

1.54 1.13 1.33 0.0578 752 3.145

2.36 1.85 2.04 O.0620 752 3.145
3.72 2.62 2.93 0.0659 752 3.145
5.08 3.05 2.88 0.0817 752 3.145
7.12 4.93 4.99 0.0947 752 3.145
1.68 1.29 1.31 0.0459 752 2.372
2.36 1.83 1.90 0.0592 752 2.372
3.72 2.59 2.90 0.0679 752 2.372
5.08 3.04 3.88 0.0852 752 2.372
7.12 4.89 4.93 0.1031 752 2.372

14. The kinetics of the irreversible reaction number of gram moles of A converted per
A -» B + C has been studied in a laboratory minute per gram of catalyst.
scale recycle reactor. A nonporous solid catalyst
is being used to obtain an appreciable reaction (a) What is your interpretation of these data
rate. The data reported by your technician are in terms of the Hougen-Watson models?
shown in Figure 6P.6. Each of the sets of data (b) How would you replot these data in order
was recorded holding the partial pressures of to determine the rate constants and ad-
the other species constant. The homogeneous sorption equilibrium constants involved in
gas phase reaction may be neglected. The the model you propose in part (a)? These
reaction rate is expressed in terms of the plots are to be straight lines.
212 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

15.* In a discussion of catalyst testing proce-

)( X X X X dures5 Dowden and Bridger [Adv. Catalysis, 9
Rate Rate (669), 1957] have reported the effect of particle
size and mass velocity on the rate of oxidation
Partial pressure of A, PA Partial pressure of C, Pc
of SO 2 to SO 3 . They studied this reaction at
400 and at 470 °C using commercial catalyst
pellets (5.88 mm diameter) and two sizes of
crushed pellets (2.36 and 1.14 mm diameter).
In all runs the feedstream composition was kept
Rate constant.

* This problem has been contributed by Professor C. N.

Partial pressure of B, PB
Satterfield of MIT.
Figure 6P.6
Rate versus partial pressure plots.


Particle Bed vol . (cm3)

Diam. (mm) 20 10
5.88 o D
2.36 c D
1.14 • •

50 100 150 200

W/F, (g catalyst - hr/mole SO2)

Figure 6P.7
Effect of particle size and linear velocity on conversion.
[Reprinted with permission from the contribution of D. A.
Dowden and G. W. Bridger to Advances in Catalysis, 9 (669).
Copyright © 1957, Academic Press.]
Problems 213

The effect of mass velocity on the conversion Catalytic surface

S" (nonporous)
rate was studied by using a tube of fixed diam-
eter that was filled with a sample of a given Inlet _ Product
catalyst diameter to give beds with volumes of gas " " mixture
either 10 or 20 cm3. At a constant ratio of
catalyst weight to reactant feed, this method of
varying the bed volume has the effect of varying Figure 6P.9
the mass velocity through the bed. Schematic diagram of reactor.
The data in Figure 6P.7 indicate the conver-
sion achieved for different operating conditions. The pressure range investigated was 20 to
What is your interpretation of these data? 200 mm Hg. In some of the 5.0 mm total pressure
runs Ar, He, and CO were added to the feed-
16. Carlton and Oxley [A.I.Ch.E. J., 13 (86), stream. In none of the studies did the conversion
1967] have studied the heterogeneous catalytic of the inlet Ni(CO) 4 exceed 8%.
decomposition of nickel tetracarbonyl over the The effect of temperature on the decom-
temperature range from 100 to 225° C. position rate is shown in Figure 6P.10. In
Ni(CO) 4 -* Ni + 4 CO Figure 6P.11 the effect of various additives to
the inlet stream is shown. In all cases shown
The equilibrium conversion for this reaction in this figure, a constant mass flow rate of
is shown as a function of temperature and
pressure in Figure 6P.8. The conversion is
expressed in terms of the percent nickel tetra- Temperature, C
200 175 150 125 100
carbonyl decomposed at equilibrium. 1.0
A schematic diagram of the system used in
this kinetic study is shown in Figure 6P.9. 0.5

0.2 -

0.1 -

0.05 -


0.01 I I I \
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 T,°K
Temperature, °C
Figure 6P.10
Figure 6P.8 Effect of temperature on decomposition rate at a
Equilibrium decomposition of nickel tetracarbonyl. Reynolds number of about 15 and a pressure of
[Reprinted with permission from AlChE J., 13 (86), 20 torr. [Reprinted with permission from AlChE J.,
1967.] 13 (86), 1967.]
214 Elements of Heterogeneous Catalysis

I I 1 1 I

T = 225 C C^^°
2.0 -
^ ^
c o
.2 1 1.0 . — • — — • • —
~ - — •

II = 175°C

S 0.5
0.2 1 1 | I I
10 20 50 100
Reynolds number

Figure 6P.12
Effect of flow rate on nickel deposition at 50 torr
total pressure. [Reprinted with permission from
AlChEJ., 13 (86), 1967.]

40 60 100 Ni(CO)4 was used. In yet another series of

Diluent, mole ' runs the effect of the gas Reynolds number on
Figure 6P.11 the decomposition rate was studied. These data
Effect of diluent on deposition rate of nickel at 50 are shown in Figure 6P.12.
torr total pressure. [Reprinted with permission Interpret the data shown in Figure 6P.8 and
from AlChE J., 13 (86), 1967.] Figures 6P.10 to 6P. 12.
7 Liquid Phase Reactions

7.0 INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses the aspects of the ki-

netic behavior of reactions in liquid solutions
The dynamic behavior of reactions in liquids that are most germane to the education of a
may differ appreciably from that of gas phase chemical engineer. Particular emphasis is placed
reactions in several important respects. The on catalysis by acids, bases, and enzymes and a
short-range nature of intermolecular forces useful technique for correlating kinetic data.
leads to several major differences in the macro- Solvent molecules may play a variety of roles
scopic properties of the system, often with con- in liquid phase reactions. In some cases they
comitant effects on the dynamics of chemical merely provide a physical environment in which
reactions occurring in the liquid phase. encounters between reactant molecules take
The various effects are often classified as place much as they do in gas phase reactions.
physical or chemical, depending on the role Thus they may act merely as space fillers and
played by solvent molecules in the course of the have negligible influence on the observed re-
elementary reaction acts. The effects associated action rate. At the other extreme, the solvent
with the presence of solvent molecules are molecules may act as reactants in the sequence
chemical in nature when the solvent molecules of elementary reactions constituting the mecha-
themselves (or fragments thereof) participate in nism. Although a thorough discussion of these
the microscopic reaction acts that comprise the effects would be beyond the scope of this text-
reaction mechanism. In some cases the solvent book, the paragraphs that follow indicate some
molecules are regenerated by the sequence of important aspects with which the budding ki-
reactions and, like catalysts, do not enter into neticist should be familiar.
the overall stoichiometry of the reaction. In The most important physical effects asso-
other cases there may be a net increase or de- ciated with the presence of the solvent are elec-
crease in the amount of solvent present. How- trostatic in nature. The production of ions from
ever, in the majority of the situations likely to be neutral species in the gas phase involves a large
encountered in industrial practice, the changes energy requirement (a few hundred kilocalories/
in solvent concentration arising from its parti- gram mole). Consequently, ionic species are
cipation in the reaction stoichiometry will not seldom involved in gas phase reaction mecha-
be appreciable. When solvent molecules play a nisms. In solution the interaction energy be-
chemical role, this effect is superimposed on a tween the solvent molecules and the ions may
number of physical effects arising from the inter- often be of the same order of magnitude as the
play of intermolecular forces in liquid solution. energy required for formation of ions from their
The most significant of the physical effects is neutral precursors. The interactions between
ionization, which affords the possibility of alter- reactant and solvent molecules thus may be
native reaction mechanisms to those normally strong enough to stabilize a charge on a frag-
occurring in vapor phase reactions, with con- ment of a reactant molecule. Ionic species are
comitant changes in the energy requirements for then more likely to be present in much higher
the molecular processes constituting the reaction concentrations in the liquid phase than in the
mechanism. The net energy requirements for the vapor phase and are much more likely to be
conversion of reactants to products, however, involved as reaction intermediates in liquid
remain unchanged. phase reactions.

216 Liquid Phase Reactions

Electrostatic effects other than ionization are actant molecules. These encounters will differ
abo important. Interactions between reacting appreciably from gas phase collisions in that
ions depend on the local electrical environ- they will occur in close proximity to solvent
ment of the ions and thus reflect the influence molecules. Indeed, in liquids any individual
of the dielectric constant of the solvent and the molecule will always be interacting with several
presence of other ions and various solutes that surrounding molecules at the same time, and the
may be present. In dilute solutions the influence notion of a bimolecular collision becomes rather
of ionic strength on reaction rates is felt in the arbitrary. Nontheless, a number of approaches
primary and secondary salt effects (see below). to formulating expressions for collision fre-
Another important physical effect arising quencies in the liquid phase have appeared in
from the presence of solvent molecules is the the chemical literature through the years. The
efficiency of energy transfer. In condensed phases simplest of these approaches presumes that the
the rapid energy transfer in the abundant colli- gas phase collision frequency expression is
sions between reactant and solvent molecules directly applicable to the calculation of liquid
maintains vibrational thermal equilibrium at all phase collision frequencies. The rationale for
times. Other solvent effects on reaction rates and this approach is that for several second-order
mechanisms include effects arising from the gas phase reactions that are also second-order
acidity of the medium; effects of selective solva- in various solvents, the rate constants and pre-
tion by one component in a mixed solvent or of exponential factors are pretty much the same
different degrees of solvation by different in the gas phase and in various solvents. For
solvents of the reactants, reaction interme- further discussion of the collision theory ap-
diates (including activated complexes), and re- proach (o reactions in liquids, consult the
action products; effects-arising from hydrogen monograph by North (3).
bonding; effects of changing from a protic sol- There is another aspect of collisions in liquid
vent (one that may be regarded as a hydrogen solution that is of particular interest with regard
bond donor, such as H 2 O, NH 3 , and alcohols) to chemical reactions. Collisions in solution are
to a dipolar aprotic solvent (not a hydrogen often repeated, so that multiple collisions of the
bond donor, such as acetone, SO 2 , or nitroben- same two molecules occur. Consider the mole-
zene); and cage effects. The various solvent cules labeled A and B in Figure 7.1. Each
effects may, of course, be superimposed or over- molecule is surrounded by several neighboring
lap one another such that they are inextricably molecules. In view of the short-range order
linked. The magnitude of these solvent effects typical of liquids, the neighboring molecules
may range from insignificance to several powers will all be located at approximately the same
of ten. For example, at 25 °C the reaction distance from the molecule in question. This
CH3I + c r ^CH 3 CI + r distance will be somewhat larger than a typical
occurs more than 106 times as fast in dimethyl- hard sphere molecular diameter, but consider-
acetamide as in acetone (1). On the other hand, ably less than twice this diameter. Consequently,
the decomposition of nitrogen pentoxide in geometric and molecular force considerations
several different solvents is characterized by rate indicate that the passage of any specified refer-
constants that lie within a factor of two of the ence molecule between any two neighbors will
gas phase rate constant (2). be restricted by the repulsive portion of the
Since the forces giving rise to the formation intramolecular potential. To escape from the
of chemical bonds are very short-range forces, "cage" formed by the surrounding molecules,
reactions in liquid solutions will require some the reference molecule must surmount the
sort of encounter or "collision" between re- energy barrier presented by the repulsive forces.
7.1 Electrostatic Effects in Liquid Solution 217

energy requirements (e.g., free radical recom-

binations). Such reactions will occur at virtually
every collision. For these reactions the rate is
limited by diffusional processes within the liquid
phase in that virtually every collision between
reactants leads to reaction. Since these reactions
have negligible activation energies, their reaction
rate constants are expected to be inversely
proportional to the time elapsing between sets
or groups of collisions.
The cage effect described above is also referred
to as the Franck-Rabinowitch effect (5). It has
one other major influence on reaction rates
that is particularly noteworthy. In many photo-
chemical reactions there is often an initiation
Figure 7.1 step in which the absorption of a photon leads
Schematic representation of the cage effect. to homolytic cleavage of a reactant molecule
with concomitant production of two free radi-
This molecule will undergo many collisions with cals. In gas phase systems these radicals are
its nearest molecules before it escapes from the readily able to diffuse away from one another.
cage. In the case of two solute molecules hemmed In liquid solutions, however, the pair of radicals
in by solvent molecules, multiple collisions will formed initially are caged in by surrounding
occur before one or both of the solute molecules solvent molecules and often will recombine
can diffuse out of the cage. In liquid solution before they can diffuse away from one another.
then, the total number of collisions is com- This phenomenon is referred to as primary re-
parable in magnitude to the number of gas phase combination, as opposed to secondary recom-
collisions, but repeated collisions are favored bination, which occurs when free radicals
over fresh collisions. combine after having previously been separated
It has been estimated (4) that in most common from one another. The net effect of primary
solvents at room temperature two reactant recombination processes is to reduce the photo-
molecules within a cage of solvent molecules chemical yield of radicals formed in the initiation
will collide from 10 to a 1000 times before they step for the reaction.
separate. The number of collisions per encounter
will reflect variations in solvent viscosity, molec-
ular separation distances, and the strength of
the pertinent intermolecular forces. High viscosi- In dilute solutions it is possible to relate the
ties, high liquid densities, and low temperatures activity coefficients of ionic species to the com-
favor many collisions per encounter. position of the solution, its dielectric properties,
The tendency for liquid phase collisions to the temperature, and certain fundamental con-
occur in groups or sets does not have a very stants. Theoretical approaches to the develop-
large effect for ordinary reactions that involve ment of such relations trace their origins to the
a significant activation energy, since no individ- classic papers by Debye and Huckel (6-8). For
ual collision within the set is more likely to detailpd treatments of this subject, refer to
lead to reaction than any other. On the other standard physical chemistry texts or to treatises
hand, some reactions have zero or minimal on electrolyte solutions [e.g., that by Harned
218 Liquid Phase Reactions

and Owen (9)]. The Debye-HUckel theory is the Debye-HUckel limiting law is applicable.
useless for quantitative calculations in most of The slope of such lines is nearly equal to the
the reaction systems encountered in industrial product of the ionic charges of the reactants
practice because such systems normally employ
concentrated solutions. However, it may be There are three general classes of ionic reac-
used together with the transition state theory to tions to which these equations may be applied.
predict the qualitative influence of ionic strength
1. Reactions between ions of the same sign
on reaction rate constants.
{zAzB is positive) for which the rate constant
For a bimolecular reaction between species A
increases with increasing ionic strength.
and B, the analysis gives an equation of the form
2. Reactions between ions of opposite sign
(zAzB is negative) for which the rate constant
k = k( (7.1.1) decreases with increasing ionic strength.
3. Reactions between an uncharged species and
where k0 is the rate constant in infinitely dilute an ion that this equation predicts to be in-
solution and yA, yB, and yAB are the activity co- dependent of ionic strength (zAzB = 0)
efficients of species A, B, and the activated
complex, respectively. Several tests of the validity of the last equation
If limiting forms of the Debye-HUckel expres- have been made through the years. Figure 7.2,
sion for activity coefficients are used, this taken from Laidler (10), indicates the variation
equation becomes of log(/c//c0) with ionic strength for a variety of
reactions. All factors considered, the agreement
of theory and experiment are quite remarkable
for a great many reactions. Note that the bulk
In k = In k0 + 2zAzBS[~\x
2(kBTD)3'2 of the data are reported in a range of ionic
(7.1.2) strengths that would normally be expected to be
where outside the range of validity of the Debye-
zA and zB represent the number (and sign) of HUckel limiting law (below yfjl = 0 . 1 for 1:1
charges on the ions A and B electrolytes and below yfji = 0.03 for higher
q is the charge on an electron valence ions). Equation 7.1.2 appears to be
No is Avogadro's number capable of extrapolation to much higher ionic
kB is the Boltzmann constant strengths for the reactions indicated. Also note
T is the absolute temperature that the magnitude of the effect can be quite
D is the dielectric constant of the medium significant, particularly for reactions that involve
\i is the ionic strength of the solution ions with multiple charges. Even in the case of
reactions where zAzB = ± 1 , the use of "inert"
H = iCLQzf) (7.1.3) salts to increase the ionic strength can cause the
where C, is the molar concentration of species i. rate to increase or decrease by as much as 50%.
In dilute aqueous solution at 25 °C Equation 7.1.2 characterizes what is known
as the primary salt effect (i.e. the influence of
log k = log k0 + 2zAzB^Ji(0.509) (7.1.4) ionic strength on the reaction rate through the
This equation is known as the Br0nsted- activity coefficients of the reactants and the
Bjerrum equation. It may be-derived in several activated complex). Much early work on ionic
ways. It predicts that a plot of log k versus the reactions is relatively useless because this effect
square root of the ionic strength should be was not understood. Now it is common practice
linear over the range of ionic strengths where in studies'of ionic reactions to add a considerable
7.2 Pressure Effects on Reactions in Liquid Solution 219

.A addition of substances that do not appear in

the stoichiometric equation for the reaction.
0.6 -
However, it is preferable not to regard it as a
form of catalysis, since added salts affect the
0.4 / rate by changing the environment in which the
/ y* reaction occurs through their influence on elec-
0.2 trostatic forces instead of by opening up alterna-
tive reaction paths.
For more detailed treatments of ion-molecule
reactions in liquid solution, consult the books
by Amis (11), Amis and Hinton (12), and the
-0.2 o
review article by Clark and Wayne (13).
1 1
0.1 0.2 0.3
Square root of ionic strength,
The effect of external pressure on the rates of
\iA, (moles/liter)72
liquid phase reactions is normally quite small
Figure 7.2 and, unless one goes to pressures of several
Plots of log10 (k/k0) against the square root of the hundred atmospheres, the effect is difficult to
ionic strength, for ionic reactions of various types. observe. In terms of the transition state ap-
The lines are drawn with slopes equal to zAzB. (10) proach to reactions in solution, the equilibrium
The molecular species involved in the rate con- existing between reactants and activated com-
trolling steps are as follows. plexes may be analyzed in terms of Le Chatelier's
A Co(NH3)5Br2+ + Hg24 (zAzB = 4) principle or other theorems of moderation. The
B S2O82 + I (zAzB = 2) concentration of activated complex species (and
C CO(OC 2 H 5 )N:NO 2 + OH (zAzB = 1) hence the reaction rate) will be increased by an
D (Cr(urea) 6 ) 3+ + H2O (zAzB = 0) increase in hydrostatic pressure if the volume of
(open circles) the activated complex is less than the sum of
CH3COOC2H5 + OH (zAzB = 0)
the volumes of the reactant molecules. The rate
(closed circles)
of reaction will be decreased by an increase in
E H + + Br + H2O2 (zAzB = - 1 )
external pressure if the volume of the activated
F Co(NH3)5Br2+ + OH (zAzB = - 2 )
G Fe 2 + + Co(C 2 O 4 )r (zAzB = - 6 )
complex molecules is greater than the sum of
(From Chemical Kinetics by K. J. Laidler. Copyright the volumes of the reactant molecules. For a
c 1965. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book decrease in external pressure, the opposite would
Company.) be true. In most cases the rates of liquid phase
reactions are enhanced by increased pressure,
but there are also many cases where the converse
excess of inert salt (e.g., NaCl) to the reaction situation prevails.
mixture. This practice ensures that the ionic In order to properly account for the effect of
strength does not vary substantially during the pressure on liquid phase reaction rates one
course of the reaction as it might if pure water should eliminate the pressure dependence of the
were used. To the uninitiated observer, the concentration terms by expressing the latter in
primary salt effect might appear to be a form terms of mole ratios. It is then customary to
of catalysis, since the rate is affected by the express the general dependence of the rate
220 Liquid Phase Reactions

constant on pressure as 7.3 HOMOGENEOUS CATALYSIS IN

dink AVX
3P ~RT A catalyst has been defined previously as a
substance that influences the rate or the direction
where AV% is the volume of activation for the of a chemical reaction without being appreciably
reaction. If pressure-dependent concentration consumed. Another definition of a catalyst that
units (e.g., moles per liter) are employed to is particularly appropriate for reactions in
determine the rate constant, this equation must liquid solution is the following: "A substance
be corrected by a term accounting for the com- is said to be a catalyst for a reaction in a homo-
pressibility of the solution. In many cases the geneous system when its concentration occurs
correction term is negligible, but this situation in the velocity expression to a higher power than
does not always prevail. Nonetheless, much of it does in the stoichiometric equation" (15). In
the high-pressure rate constant data available the overwhelming majority of cases, catalysts
in the literature do not take this factor into ac- influence reaction rates by opening up alter-
count, and a good design engineer must properly native sequences of molecular reactions linking
evaluate the validity of the reported values the reactant and product states. Catalyst species
before using them in calculations. Since high participate in elementary reaction steps, forming
pressures usually enhance reaction rates, activa- reaction intermediates that, in turn, react to
tion volumes are negative for most reactions. yield eventually the reaction products and re-
Equation 7.2.1 implies that the rate constant generate the original catalyst species.
for a reaction increases with increasing pressure Homogeneous catalytic processes are those
if AVX is negative, which is the most common in which the catalyst is dissolved in a liquid
situation. In this case the transition state has a reaction medium. There are a variety of chemical
smaller volume than the initial state. On the species that may act as homogeneous catalysts
other hand, pressure increases bring about a (e.g., anions, cations, neutral species, association
decrease in the reaction rate if the formation of complexes, and enzymes). All such reactions
the activated complex requires a volume in- appear to involve a chemical interaction between
crease. the catalyst and the substrate (the substance
Substitution of typical numerical values of undergoing reaction). The bulk of the material
AV% into equation 7.2.1 indicates that at room in this section will focus on acid-base and
temperature AVt/RT ~ 10" 3 atm" 1 , so that enzyme catalysis. Students interested in learning
one needs to go to pressures of several hundred more about these subjects and other aspects of
or several thousand atmospheres to observe homogeneous catalysis should consult appro-
significant effects or to obtain accurate values priate texts (11-12, 16-29) or the original
of AVX from plots of In k versus pressure. literature.
Activation volumes may be used to elucidate
the mechanisms of classes of reactions involving
the same functional groups, and changes in 7.3.1 Acid-Base Catalysis
activation volumes can be used to characterize
the point at which a change in reaction mecha- In acid-base catalysis there is at least one step in
nism takes place in a series of homologous the reaction mechanism that consists of a
reactions. generalized acid-base reaction (a proton trans-
For a detailed treatment of the kinetics of fer between the catalyst and the substrate). The
reactions at high pressures, consult the review protonated or deprotonated reactant species or
article by Eckert (14). intermediate then reacts further, either with
7.3 Homogeneous Catalysis in Liquid Solution 221

another species in the solution or by a decom- Early studies of the catalytic hydrolysis of
position process. esters indicated that in many cases, for strong
The relative ease with which proton transfer acids, the observed rate constants were inde-
is accomplished is responsible for the impor- pendent of the anion, and it became generally
tance of the generalized acid-base concept in accepted that the active catalyst was a hydrogen
solution chemistry. The Br0nsted concept of ion. In other reactions, it became necessary to
acidity is most useful in this respect. Br0nsted consider the effects of the hydroxide ion con-
defined an acid as a species that tends to give up centration and also the rate of the uncatalyzed
a proton and a base as a species that tends to reaction. The result was a three-term expression
accept a proton. In this sense any proton for the apparent rate constant:
transfer process having the general form
Apparent = K +
HX + Y -> HY + X (7.3.1) (7.3.2)

may be regarded as an acid-base reaction where the first term corresponds to the un-
between a Br^nsted acid HX and a Br0nsted catalyzed reaction, the second to catalysis by
base Y to form a conjugate base X and a hydrogen ions, and the third to catalysis by
conjugate acid HY. The various species involved hydroxide ions. The three rate constants ap-
in these reactions may be ions or neutral pearing in this expression vary with temperature
molecules. and with the nature of the reaction involved.
The unique properties of the proton have been Depending on the reaction conditions and
attributed by some authors to the fact that it has the reaction involved, one or two of these terms
no electronic or geometric structure. The ab- may be negligible compared to the other(s).
sence of any electron shell implies that it will When only the hydronium ion is effective in
have a radius that is about 105 times smaller catalyzing the reaction, the process is referred
than any other cation and that there will be no to as specific acid catalysis. When only hydroxide
repulsive interactions between electron clouds ions are effective, the process is classified as
as a proton approaches another reactant species. specific base catalysis. When both terms are
The lack of any geometric or electronic structure significant, the catalysis is characterized as
also implies that there will not be any steric specific acid and specific base catalysis.
limitations with regard to orientation of the Although the concepts of specific acid and
proton. However, it still must attack the other specific base catalysis were useful in the analysis
reactant molecule at the appropriate site. of some early kinetic data, it soon became
The small size of the proton relative to its apparent that any species that could effect a
charge makes the proton very effective in proton transfer with the substrate could exert a
polarizing the molecules in its immediate vi- catalytic influence on the reaction rate. Conse-
cinity and consequently leads to a very high quently, it became desirable to employ the more
degree of solvation in a polar solvent. In general Br0nsted-Lowry definition of acids and
aqueous solutions, the primary solvation process bases and to write the reaction rate constant as
involves the formation of a covalent bond with * = ^o + /cH+ (H 3 O + ) + fco
the oxygen atom of a water molecule to form a
hydronium ion H 3 O + . Secondary solvation + X kHXi(HXx) + X kXj(Xj)
of this species then occurs by additional water
molecules. Whenever we use the term hydrogen
ion in the future, we are referring to the H 3 O + where HXt and X} represent all other acid and
species. base species present in the solution apart from
222 Liquid Phase Reactions

H 3 O + and OH . Reactions that are dependent beyond the scope of this text. Consult the books
on the concentrations of HXt and Xj are by Bell (22, 23), Frost and Pearson (20), Laidler
categorized as involving general acid and general (16), Bender (17), and Hine (31) for a further
base catalysis. Table 7.1, adapted from Ashmore introduction to this topic.
(30), indicates a number of catalytic reactions Since the rates of acid and base catalyzed
of the specific and general acid-base types in reactions are sensitive to variations in the
order to provide some orientation as to the types solution pH, it is instructive to consider the
of reactions in the various categories. A thor- types of behavior that can be observed in
ough discussion of these reactions is obviously aqueous solution in the laboratory. The disso-

Table 7.1
Examples of Acid and Base Catalysis in Aqueous Solution (30)

Type of
catalysis Brief title of reaction Equation of reaction

Specific acid Inversion of cane sugar C 1 2 H 2 2 O n -f - H 2 O = C 6 H 12 O 6 + C 6 H 12 O 6

Hydrolysis of acetals R 1 CH(OR 2 ) 2 4 H 2 O
Hydration of unsaturated C H 2 : C H C H O 4 H 2 O = CH 2 OHCH 2 CHO

Specific base Cleavage diacetone-alcohol CH 3 COCH 2 C(OH)(CH 3 ) 2 = 2(CH 3 ) 2 CO

Claisen condensation C 6 H 5 C H O + CH 3 CHO - C 6 H 5 CH:CHO + H 2 O
Aldol condensation 2RCH 2 •CHO = RCH 2 CH(OH)CHRCHO

Specific acid Hydrolysis of y-lactones CH 2 C H 2 C H 2 C : O 4- H 2 O - CH 2 OHCH 2 CH 2 COOH

and base 1
o '
Hydrolysis of amides R C O N H 2 4- H 2 O - RCOONH 4
Hydrolysis of esters R1 COOR2 4 H 2 O

General acid Decomposition of acetaldehyde CH 3 CH(OH) 2 = C H 3 C H O + H 2 O

Hydrolysis of o-esters HC(OC 2 H 5 ) 3 + H 2 O H COOC 2 H 5 + 2C 2 H 5 OH
Formation of nitro-compound CH 2 :NO 2 " + acid C H 3 N O 2 + base"

General base Decomposition of nitramide NH 2 NO 2 N2O + H2O

Bromination of nitromethane CH 3 NO 2 + Br2 CH 2 BrNO 2 + HBr
Aldol with acetaldehyde 2CH 3 CHO CH3CH(OH)CH2CHO

General acid Halogenation, exchange, R C O C H 3 f X2 = RCO CH2X + XH

and base racemization of ketones
Addition to carbonyl R 1 COR 2 + NH 2 OH = RXR2- COHNHOH

Reprinted with permission from Catalysis and Inhibition of Chemical Reactions by P. G. Ashmore. Copyright
1963, Butterworths.
7.3 Homogeneous Catalysis in Liquid Solution 223

ciation constant for water may be written as

Combining equations 7.3.4 and 7.3.2 indicates
that in aqueous media for specific acid-base

k = k (7.3.5)
^apparent 0
-pH -pH

k — k 4- (7.3.6)
^apparent ^0 '
-pH -pH
In many cases one or two of the three terms
on the right side of these equations is negligible
compared to the others. In a 0.1N strong acid,
for example, the second term is /cH+ x 1CT1,
while the last term is /cOH- x 10~ 13 , since -pH

Kw ~ 10~ 14 . Consequently, unless the ratio

(kOH/kH+) is 109 or more, the third term will be
negligible compared to the second. This large a
ratio is not often encountered in practice. By -pH
the same sort of argument, it can be shown
that in a 0.1 N strong base, catalysis by hydrogen Figure 7.3
ions will usually be unimportant relative to Schematic representation of log /c-pH profiles for
catalysis by hydroxide ions. Normally one finds various types of acid-base catalysis.
that there will be a lower limit on hydrogen ion
terms of one or more of the various forms of the
concentration, above which catalysis by hydro-
specific acid-base catalysis equation (equation
xide ions may be regarded as insignificant.
7.3.2). Skrabal (32) has classified the various
Similarly, there is usually a range of pH values
possibilities that may arise in reactions of this
in the high pH region where catalysis by hydro-
type, and Figure 7.3 is based on this classifi-
gen ions will be negligible and the hydroxide
cation. The various forms of the plots of log k
ions will be responsible for the catalytic effect.
versus pH reflect the relative importance of
Within the pH range where the hydrogen ions
each of the various terms in equation 7.3.2 as
are solely responsible for the catalytic effect,
the pH shifts. Curve a represents the most
the apparent rate constant will be linear in the
general type of behavior. It consists of a region
hydrogen ion concentration. Consequently, it
where acid catalysis is superimposed on the
is a straightforward task to determine kH + from
noncatalytic reaction, a region where neither
a plot of the apparent rate constant versus
acid nor base catalysis is significant, and a
hydrogen ion concentration. Within the pH
region where base catalysis is superimposed on
range where hydroxide ions are solely respon-
the spontaneous reaction. At low pH, the bulk
sible for the catalysis, one may use an analogous
of the reaction may be attributed to the acid
procedure to determine /cOH-.
catalyzed reaction and
There are several types of pH-dependent
kinetic behavior that can be interpreted in ^apparent
~ /cH+ [ H 3 O + ] (7.3.7)
224 Liquid Phase Reactions

Thus We have indicated how to determine the vari-

ous kinetic constants appearing in the expression
log Apparent = ^ g fcH + + log[H 3 O + ]
for specific acid and base catalysis. Let us now
= log/cH+ - pH (7.3.8) consider how to evaluate the various contribu-
The slope of the left arm of curve a is thus — 1. tions to the rate constant in the case of general
At intermediate pH values, the rate is inde- acid-base catalysis. For reactions of this type
pendent of pH, so k0 may be determined in a solution of a weak acid or base and its
directly from kinetic measurements in this pH corresponding salt, the possible catalysts indi-
regime. At high pH the only significant contri- cated by equation 7.3.3 are the hydronium ion,
bution to the rate constant is that arising from the hydroxide ion, the undissociated weak acid
specific base catalysis. In terms of equation (or base), and the conjugate base (or acid). In the
7.3.5, case of acetic acid the general acid would be the
neutral CH 3 COOH species and the conjugate
(7.3.9) base would be the acetate ion (CH 3 COO~). In
this case the apparent rate constant can be
or written as
log /c apparent = \og(kOH-Kw) - log H 3 O +
= log(fcoH-Kw) + P H
^apparent = ^0 + fcH + +
+ fcHA(HA) + fcA-(A-) (7.3.11)
Hence, at high pH, the slope of the log /capparent The five constants appearing in this expression
versus pH plot is +1. may be determined by a systematic variation of
The various other forms of the log rate con- the experimental conditions so as to make one
stant versus pH plots may be analyzed in similar or more of the contributing terms negligible
terms. In curve b the horizontal portion of the within a given set of experiments. By carrying
curve is missing, indicating that the spontaneous out experiments in the absence of acetate ions
reaction at no time contributes significantly to and acetic acid, it is possible to determine the
the observed reaction rate. If either kH+ or kou~ constants k0, fcH + , and fcOH- using the procedure
is sufficiently small, the contribution to ^ apparent outlined previously for specific acid and specific
from the catalytic effect in question will be negli- base catalysis. Strong acids and strong bases
gible, and the corresponding arm of the curve whose corresponding anions and cations are
will be missing. Hence, curve c reflects a com- known to exhibit no catalytic activity are used
bination of specific base catalysis and the in- as the source of hydronium and hydroxide ions.
trinsic reaction, while curve d represents a One may then proceed to determine the con-
combination of specific acid catalysis and the stants characteristic of generalized acid and base
intrinsic reaction. If the horizontal region and catalysis by using a buffer solution of the weak
one arm of the curve are missing, one has the acid and its conjugate base. In a series of buffer
degenerate forms of the rate constant expression solution experiments the absolute concentra-
indicated by equations 7.3.7 and 7.3.9. Curve e tions of undissociated acetic acid species and
corresponds to specific acid catalysis and curve/ acetate ions may be varied while maintaining a
to specific base catalysis. More complex depen- constant ratio (q) of these concentrations. In
dencies of log k on pH have also been observed these experiments the ionic strength should also
in the laboratory and, in these more complicated be maintained constant in order to ensure that
systems, considerable ambiguity may arise in the the activity coefficients of the various species do
interpretation of the kinetic data. not change. From a consideration of the dis-
7.3 Homogeneous Catalysis in Liquid Solution 225

sociation equilibrium, it is evident that ionic strength of the solutions in which they
take place. There are two types of salt effects
(H + ) = Kaf^- = Kaq (7.3.12) that are significant in acid-base catalysis. The
first of these is the primary salt effect, discussed
where Ka is the dissociation constant for the in Section 7.1. This effect is significant for reac-
acid. The hydrogen ion concentration will not tions in solution involving ionic species. It
vary if the ratio (HA)/(A~) is maintained con- operates by influencing the activity coefficients
stant. Thus the first three terms on the right side of the reactants and the activated complex. The
of equation 7.3.11 may be represented by a con- second effect is referred to as the secondary salt
stant fcx under these conditions. The equation effect. It operates by changing the actual con-
may then be rewritten as centrations of the catalytically active ions. It
may cause either an increase or a decrease in the
Apparent = K + (HA)(^HA + kA-/q) (7.3.13) rate constant, and it may be either larger or
By plotting the measured rate constant versus smaller than a primary salt effect. In some
the undis'sociated acid concentration, one ob- instances both effects occur simultaneously, and
tains for this type of catalysis a straight line with a cancellation of effects can make the reaction
intercept ki and slope OL1 = (/cHA + kA-/q). If rate appear to be independent of ionic strength.
the procedure is repeated for other ratios, The secondary salt effect is important when
enough information is obtained to permit eval- the catalytically active ions are produced by
uation of kHA and kA-. The hydrogen and hy- the dissociation of a weak electrolyte. In solu-
droxide ion concentrations corresponding to a tions of weak acids and weak bases, added salts,
given ratio q may be determined from equation even if they do not exert a common ion effect,
7.3.12 and the dissociation constant for water. can influence hydrogen and hydroxide ion con-
It should be evident that the calculations and centrations through their influence on activity
the necessary experimental program are simpli- coefficients.
fied if one or more of the contributions is If one considers a reaction catalyzed by
negligible under appropriate conditions. In a hydrogen ions formed by the dissociation of a
relatively simple system in which either fcHA or weak acid HA, the hydrogen ion concentration
kA- is zero, the existence of general acid or is governed by the following relation:
general base catalysis may be deduced from the
pH dependence of the reaction. Ka = (7.3.14)
A reaction catalyzed by undissociated acid 7HA (HA)
will have the dependence of log k on pH shown where Ka is the equilibrium constant for the
in Figure 13g. Specific acid and specific base reaction and the y/s are the activity coefficients
catalysis are presumed to be absent. If specific of the various species. Taking logarithms and
and general acid and base catalysis are both rearranging gives
operative, one is able to obtain a variety of
interesting log k versus pH curves, depending
log(H + ) = log Ka + log C^) + log
on the relative contributions of the different
\A )
terms in various pH ranges. Curves i and j of
Figure 7.3 are simple examples of these types.
Since specific acid and specific base catalysis The concentration of hydrogen ions depends
and generalized acid and generalized base cata- on the ionic strength through the ratio of
lysis by cations and anions all involve ionic activity coefficients appearing in the dissociation
species, these processes are influenced by the equilibrium expression. Any change in ionic
226 Liquid Phase Reactions

strength affects the y terms and thus the hydro- ciently large that any variations caused by the
gen ion concentration. Consequently, if a reac- progress of the reaction will be negligible. This
tion is catalyzed by hydrogen (or hydroxide approach is similar to the method of excess
ions), the rate becomes dependent on ionic concentrations discussed in Chapter 3. It is
strength through this secondary salt effect. particularly useful in attempts to determine the
For the range of concentrations where the rate expression for reactions that would involve
Debye-Huckel theory is applicable it is possible significant changes in ionic strength if carried
to place the theory of the secondary salt effect out in the absence of extraneous ionic species.
on a more quantitative basis by using Debye- Unfortunately, the rate constants determined in
Huckel relations for the various activity coeffi- this fashion may be quite different from those
cients appearing in equation 7.3.15 or its more in highly dilute solutions. Nonetheless it is good
general analog. For an acid of charge z and its laboratory practice to add small quantities of
conjugate base of charge (z — 1), the analogous electrolytes to those reaction systems believed
equation is to involve ionic species in order to determine
the possible presence of ionic strength effects.
HAg Some judgment must be used in the selection
log(H + ) - \ogKa + log
of the added ions in order to choose species that
are noncatalytic in themselves and thus influence
+ log - (7.3.16) reaction rates only through the charges resulting
from electrolytic dissociation.
If the Debye-HUckel limiting law is used to
evaluate the various activity coefficients in 7.3.2 Catalysis by Enzymes
aqueous solution at 25 °C, the last equation
becomes Enzymes are protein molecules that possess
exceptional catalytic properties. They are essen-
HAZ) tial to plant and animal life processes. Enzymes
log(H + ) = \ogKa + log
are remarkable catalysts in at least three re-
spects : activity, specificity, and versatility.
z - 1) (7.3.17)
The high activity of enzymes becomes ap-
In the most common case z = 0, and the parent when the rates of enzyme catalyzed
secondary salt effect implies that the hydrogen reactions are compared to those of the corre-
ion concentration will increase with increasing sponding nonenzymatic reaction or to the same
ionic strength. However, the direction of the reaction catalyzed by an inorganic species. Rate
effect is determined by the sign of the quantity enhancements on the order of 108 to 10 11 are
(z - 1). not unusual in the presence of enzymes. Enzyme
The existence of the primary and secondary efficiencies are often measured in terms of turn-
salt effects indicates the importance of main- over numbers. This number is defined as the
taining control over ionic strength in kinetics number of molecules that are caused to react
studies. One may choose to keep the ionic in 1 min by one molecule of catalyst. For many
strength low so as to minimize its effects, or common reactions the turnover number is in
one may make a series of measurements at excess of 103 and, in some cases, it may exceed
various ionic strengths in order to permit extra- 106. High enzyme turnover numbers are largely
polation to the limit of infinitely dilute solution. the result of greatly reduced activation energies
Another useful alternative is to maintain the for the enzymatic reaction relative to other
ionic strength constant at a value that is suffi- modes of effecting the reactions in question.
7.3 Homogeneous Catalysis in Liquid Solution 227

Enzymes are often considered to function by the substrate, thereby producing a reaction
general acid-base catalysis or by covalent cata- intermediate in the sequence of steps leading to
lysis, but these considerations alone cannot product formation. The detailed configuration
account for the high efficiency of enzymes. of the enzyme molecule—including the con-
Proximity and orientation effects may be par- formation of the protein in folds or coils as well
tially responsible for the discrepancy, but even as the chemical structure near the active site—
the inclusion of these effects does not resolve is quite important, and it is said that the geo-
the disparity between observed and theoretically metric configuration is such that only molecules
predicted rates. These and other aspects of the with certain structural properties can fit. This
theories of enzyme catalysis are treated in the is the famous "lock and key" hypothesis for
monographs by Jencks (33) and Bender (34). enzyme activity that dates back to the work of
Enzyme specificities are categorized in terms Fischer in 1894. More sophisticated models that
of the manner in which enzymes interact with purport to explain enzyme specificity have been
various substrates. Some enzymes will cause proposed through the years, but the basic con-
only a single substrate to react. This type of cept that specificity results from steric or geo-
specificity is known as absolute specificity. An metric considerations remains unchanged.
example is urease, which catalyzes only the The third remarkable aspect of enzyme cata-
hydrolysis of urea. Other enzymes will react lysis is the versatility of these species. They
only with substrates having certain functional catalyze an extremely wide variety of reactions—
groups in certain positions relative to the bond oxidation, reduction, polymerization, dehydra-
to be attacked. This situation is called group tion, dehydrogenation, etc. Their versatility is a
specificity. An example of enzymes of this type reflection of the range and complexity of the
is pepsin, which requires an aromatic group to chemical reactions necessary to sustain life in
be present in a certain position relative to a plants and animals.
peptide linkage in order to effect its hydrolysis.
Reaction specificity is the least specific type of Rate Expressions for Enzyme Catalyzed
enzyme catalysis. It requires only that a certain Single-Substrate Reactions. The vast majority
type of bond be present in the substrate. En- of the reactions catalyzed by enzymes are
zymes such as the lipases will catalyze the believed to involve a series of bimolecular or
hydrolysis of any organic ester. Many enzymes unimolecular steps. The simplest type of en-
exhibit stereochemical specificity in that they zymatic reaction involves only a single reactant
catalyze the reactions of one stereochemical or substrate. The substrate forms an unstable
form but not the other. Proteolytic enzymes, complex with the enzyme, which subsequently
for example, catalyze only the hydrolysis of undergoes decomposition to release the product
peptides composed of amino acids in the L species or to regenerate the substrate.
configuration. Reaction rate expressions for enzymatic reac-
Enzyme specificity is often explained in terms tions are usually derived by making the Bo-
of the geometric configuration of the active site denstein steady-state approximation for the
of the enzyme. The active site includes the side intermediate enzyme-substrate complexes. This
chains and peptide bonds that either come into is an appropriate assumption when the substrate
direct contact with the substrate or perform concentration greatly exceeds that of the enzyme
some direct function during catalysis. Each site (the usual laboratory situation) or when there is
is polyfunctional in that certain parts of it may both a continuous supply of reactant and a
hold the substrate in a position where the other continuous removal of products (the usual
parts cause changes in the chemical bonding of cellular situation).
228 Liquid Phase Reactions

The "classic" mechanism of enzymatic cata- Combining equations 7.3.21 and 7.3.23 gives
lysis can be written as
V = (7.3.24)
E -f - S^ES (7.3. 18)
Since most kinetic studies of this type involve
F<\ —• F -4- P (7.3. 19) initial rate experiments, it is usually necessary
where to rederive this expression in terms of the initial
concentrations and the initial rate. From ma-
E represents the enzyme terial balance considerations
S represents the substrate
(£0) = (E) + (ES) (So) = (S) + (ES)
ES represents the enzyme-substrate complex
P represents the product of the reaction
For the conditions commonly encountered
The stoichiometry of the reaction may be in the laboratory, So » Eo. Since ES cannot
written as exceed Eo, this implies that So « S.
S -> P (7.3.20) Solving equation 7.3.25 for E and substituting
In a sense this mechanism is akin to Linde- this result into equation 7.3.22 gives

d(£S) = /
o) - (ES)](S0) - k2(ES) - k3(ES) ^ 0 (7.3.26)

mann's picture of unimolecular decomposition or

reactions (see Section An initial reaction
produces a reactive intermediate that subse- (ES) = (7.3.27)'
quently decomposes irreversibly to yield pro-
ducts or is reversibly decomposed into enzyme Note the similarity of this expression to that
and substrate. for 9A, derived by the Langmuir adsorption
The net rate of an enzymatic reaction is isotherm. (ES)/(E0) plays a role analogous to
usually referred to as its velocity and is assigned 9A, while 5 0 plays a role akin to the gas pressure.
the symbol V. In this case Although the expression is formally similar, we
do not mean to imply that the two types of
catalytic reactions proceed by similar molecular
(7.3.21) steps.
This last result may be substituted into
The concentration of the complex can be equation 7.3.21 to give
obtained by making the usual steady-state
approximation = MalEoKSo) (7J_28)

= kx(E)(S) - k2(ES) - k3(ES) « 0 This equation predicts that the initial rate
will be proportional to the initial enzyme con-
(7.3.22) centration if the initial substrate concentration
or is held constant. If the initial enzyme concen-
k,(E)(S) tration is held constant, the initial rate will be
(ES) = (7.3.23)
k2 + k3 proportional to the substrate concentration at
7.3 Homogeneous Catalysis in Liquid Solution 229

low substrate concentrations, and substantially Equation 7.3.31 gives rise to what is known as
independent of substrate concentration at high an Eadie or Hofstee plot, while equation 7.3.32
substrate levels. The maximum reaction rate is gives rise to a Hanes plot. The Eadie plot has
equal to k3E0, and this product is often assigned the advantage of spreading the points out more
the symbol Vmax. The group (k2 + k3)/k1 is evenly and of determining K and Fmax separately.
often assigned the symbol K and is known as The three types of plots are shown schematically
the Michaelis constant. Equation 7.3.28 can be in Figure 7.4. The Lineweaver-Burk and Eadie
written in terms of these parameters as plots are the ones used most frequently in data
(7.3.29) Although the Michaelis-Menten equation is
applicable to a wide variety of enzyme catalyzed
reactions, it is not appropriate for reversible re-
The Michaelis constant is numerically equal to
actions and multiple-substrate reactions. How-
the value of the initial substrate concentration
ever, the generalized steady-state analysis re-
that gives an initial velocity that is half that
mains applicable. Consider the case of reversible
of the maximum.
decomposition of the enzyme-substrate complex
Although equation 7.3.28 and, in particular,
into a product molecule and enzyme with
equation 7.3.29 are known as Michaelis-Menten
mechanistic equations.
rate expressions, these individuals used a some-
what different approach to arrive at this E + S^±ES^±E +P (7.3.33)
mathematical form for an enzymatic rate ex-
pression (35). In this case the net rate of reaction is given by
In attempting to determine if a given set of d(P)
experimental data is of the same mathematical V = = k3(ES) - k4(E)(P) (7.3.34)
form as equation 7.3.29, there are three routes
The steady-state approximation for the inter-
that permit the graphical determination of the
mediate complex is
parameters Vmax and K. The most frequently
used plot is known as a Lineweaver-Burk or
reciprocal plot. It is based on rearrangement of 0 « ^ ~ = fci(£)(S) - k2(ES)
equation 7.3.29 into the following form.
- k3(ES) + kt(E)(P)
1 1 K (7.3.35)
If the conservation equation for total enzyme
If the data fit this model, a plot of 1/VO versus concentration (7.3.25) is employed, the last
1/(SO) should be linear with a slope K/Vmax and equation becomes
intercept 1/Knax- It 1 S analogous to that used in fci[(£0) - ES](S) - k2(ES) - k3(ES)
determining the constants in the Langmuir
equation for adsorption on solid surfaces. Other + /c4[(E0) - (ES)~](P) ^ 0 (7.3.36)
forms that may be used to prepare linear plots or
are UE0)(P)
(7 137)
UP) -
V — V — K (7.3.31)
y /v
0 ~~ 'max (So) Combining equations 7.3.25, 7.3.34, and 7.3.37
and gives
(So) (So) ^ k - k2kA(E0){P)
"o "max "max k2 /c4(P)
Reaction velocity, Vo


CD Substrate concentration/reaction velocity, (SQ/VQ)


Reciprocal velocity, ~y~


m 3

Q. Q-

s *h
O 3
7? N

•o o

I °-
D) - i
3 CD
(0 O
7.3 Homogeneous Catalysis in Liquid Solution 231

If one defines the following enzyme reaction A comparison of equations 7.3.43 and 7.3.38
parameters, shows that they are of the same mathematical
form. Both can be written in terms of four
(7.3.39) measurable kinetic constants in the manner of
equation 7.3.40. Only the relationship between
K.= the kinetic constants and the individual rate
constants differs. Thus, no distinction can be
the four kinetic constants (Vx max, F 4 m a x , X s , and made between the two mechanisms using steady-
Kp) can be determined from initial rate studies state rate studies. In general, the introduction
of the forward and reverse reactions. Equation of unimolecular steps involving only isomeriza-
7.3.38 can be rephrased in terms of these param- tion between unstable intermediate complexes
eters as does not change the form of the rate expression.

KsKp + Kp(S) + KJLP) Inhibition Effects in Enzyme Catalyzed
At equilibrium the net reaction velocity must Reactions. Enzyme catalyzed reactions are
be zero. In terms of the enzymatic kinetic con- often retarded or inhibited by the presence of
stants, equation 7.3.40 then indicates that species that do not participate in the reaction in
question as well as by the products of the re-
(7.3.41) action. In some cases the reactants themselves
(S) can act as inhibitors. Inhibition usually results
where Keq is the thermodynamic equilibrium from the formation of various enzyme-inhibitor
constant for the overall reaction. Equation 7.3.41 complexes, a situation that decreases the amount
is known as the Haldane relation. It indicates of enzyme available for the normal reaction
that the enzymatic kinetic parameters are not sequence. The study of inhibition is important
all independent, but are constrained by the in the investigation of enzyme action. By deter-
thermodynamics of the overall reaction. mining what compounds behave as inhibitors
In the above example the enzyme combined and what type of kinetic patterns are followed,
with either the substrate or the product to form it may be possible to draw important conclu-
the same complex. This assumption is not realis- sions about the mechanism of an enzyme's
tic, but it still leads to the correct form of the action or the nature of its active site.
rate expression. Inhibitors may act reversibly or irreversibly,
The following mechanism for a reaction of but this classification is not particularly useful.
identical stoichiometry introduces a second It may even be misleading, because it suggests
complex into the sequence of elementary re- that reversible and irreversible inhibitors act in
actions. different ways when, in fact, both act by com-
bining with the enzyme to give inactive com-
E + S^ES^±EP^E + P (7.3.42)
k2 k4 ke plexes, but with quite different "dissociation
where ES and EP are enzyme-substrate and constants." The irreversible inhibitors give
enzyme-product complexes, respectively. complexes that have very small dissociation
For this mechanism, the steady-state rate constants; the reversible inhibitors have signifi-
equation is: cantly higher dissociation constants.

•V = (7.3.43)
(k2k5 + k2k4 + k3ks) ks)(S) + k6(k2
232 Liquid Phase Reactions

A much more useful classification of inhibitors These rules can be used in conjunction with
can be made on the basis of the mechanisms by experimental inhibition studies to assess the
which they act. Competitive inhibitors combine plausibility of possible enzymatic mechanisms.
with the enzyme at the same site as the substrate
does, thus blocking the first step in the sequence. The Influence of Environmental Factors
Noncompetitive inhibitors combine with the
on Enzyme Kinetics. Because enzymes are pro-
enzyme at some other site to give a complex
teins, they are unusually sensitive to changes in
that can still combine with the substrate, but
their environment. This is true not only with
the resultant ternary complex is unreactive. Un-
regard to variations in inhibitor concentrations,
competitive inhibition results when the inhibitor
but also with respect to variations in pH and
and substrate combine with enzyme forms as in
temperature. Most enzymes are efficient cata-
the following mechanism.
lysts only within relatively narrow ranges of
E + P (7.3.44) pH and temperature.
When the rate of an enzyme catalyzed re-
EA + / ^ EAI no reaction (7.3.45) action is studied as a function of temperature,
k5 it is found that the rate passes through a maxi-
These three classes of inhibition can be dis- mum. The existence of an optimum temperature
tinguished by virtue of the effect of variations can be explained by considering the effect of
in inhibitor concentration on the slopes and temperature on the catalytic reaction itself and
intercepts of reciprocal plots. For competitive on the enzyme denaturation reaction. In the
inhibition only the slope varies. For uncompeti- low temperature range (around room tempera-
tive inhibition only the intercept varies, while ture) there is little denaturation, and increasing
for noncompetitive inhibition both the slope and the temperature increases the rate of the catalytic
the intercept vary. reaction in the usual manner. As the tempera-
If more than one substrate participates in an ture rises, deactivation arising from protein
enzymatic reaction, the kinetic effects of an denaturation becomes more and more impor-
inhibitor can be quite complex. In this case, tant, so the observed overall rate eventually will
rules formulated by Cleland (36) are useful in begin to fall off. At temperatures in excess of
gaining a qualitative picture of the inhibition 50 to 60 °C, most enzymes are completely
patterns to be expected of a given mechanism. denatured, and the observed rates are essentially
1. If the inhibitor combines with an enzyme zero.
form different from one with which the Enzyme activity generally passes through a
variable substrate combines, the vertical maximum as the pH of the system in question
intercept of the corresponding reciprocal is varied. However, the optimum pH varies with
plot will be affected. substrate concentration and temperature. Pro-
2. If the inhibitor combines with an enzyme vided that the pH is not changed too far from
form that is the same as or is connected by the optimum value corresponding to the maxi-
a series of reversible steps to the same form mum rate, the changes of rate with pH are
with which the variable substrate combines, reversible and reproducible. However, if the
the slope of the corresponding reciprocal plot solutions are made too acid or too alkaline, the
is affected. activity of the enzyme may be irreversibly
3. These effects can occur separately, in which destroyed. Irreversible deactivation is usually
case the inhibition is either competitive or attributed to denaturation of the proteinaceous
uncompetitive; or they can occur jointly, enzyme. The range of pH in which reversible
resulting in noncompetitive inhibition. behavior is observed is generally small and this
7.4 Correlation Methods for Kinetic Date—Linear Free Energy Relations 233

behavior is almost certainly due to changes in itself. The development and improvement in
the amounts and activities of the various ionic these quantitative correlations for reaction rate
forms of the enzyme, the substrate, and the and equilibrium constant data has been one of
enzyme complex. The maximum in the activity the most striking developments in the evolution
of the enzyme is a reflection of the maximum in of physical organic chemistry. In the area of
the concentration of the catalytically active kinetics these relationships constitute a suitable
species. framework for the extrapolation and interpola-
tion of rate data, and they can also provide a
7.4 CORRELATION METHODS FOR useful insight into the events that take place on
KINETIC DATA—LINEAR FREE reaction at the molecular level.
ENERGY RELATIONS It is instructive to consider the rationale
underlying the various linear free energy corre-
A primary objective of the practicing kineticist
lations and to indicate in qualitative fashion
is to be able to relate the rate of a reaction to
how substituents may influence reaction rates.
the structure of the reactants. Although the
The relation between an equilibrium constant
collision and transition state theories provide
and the standard free energy change accom-
useful frameworks for the discussion of the
panying a reaction is given by
microscopic events involved in chemical re-
actions, they do not in any meaningful way AG° = -RTlnKa (7.4.1)
permit one to predict reaction rates on an a
priori basis for even relatively simple reactions. Since the transition state formulation of a
However, chemical engineers should be aware reaction rate expression treats the activated
that methods exist for correlating empirical rate complex as being in equilibrium with the
data for homologous reactions. These correla- reactants, the resultant expression for the reac-
tions attempt to describe quantitatively the tion rate constant depends similarly on the free
influence of variations in chemical structure on energy difference between reactants and the
rate constants for a series of reactions involving activated complex. In this case equation 4.3.34
the same functional groups. This section briefly can be rewritten as
describes the most useful correlation method in kBT
order to indicate to beginning kineticists an AGX = -RT\ Ink - In
empirical approach which has given good results
in the past. The useful correlation methods are
based on what are referred to as linear free where the second logarithmic term is constant
energy relations. These relations presume that at a fixed temperature. Thus, estimates of
when a selected molecule undergoes reactions reaction rate and equilibrium constants may be
with two different homologous compounds, the regarded as equivalent to estimates of free
activation energy changes associated with the energy differences between different species.
rate processes will be influenced in a similar If one examines a series of reactions, differences
fashion by the changes in structure. In essence in £n k or In K are then simply related to
one treats the molecule as if its structure can be differences in the associated free energy changes.
arbitrarily broken up into a reaction center X Consider two molecular processes involving
and a nonreacting residue with structural ele- the reaction of structurally similar reactants
ments that can influence the rate of reaction at with a common reagent; for example,
X. Similar treatments are used in the correlation
of free energy changes associated with reaction Y1NXl + A ^ Y,NX2 + B (7.4.3)
equilibria and hence of the equilibrium constant Y2NXX + A k-X Y2NX2 + B (7.4.4)
234 Liquid Phase Reactions

where Y1 and Y2 are monovalent substituent energy of our representative Y1NX1 mole-
atoms or groups; Xx and X2 are monovalent cule will include terms due to the individual
atoms or groups that may be regarded as the yl5 JV, and Xx groups and terms arising from
reactant and product group, respectively; N is the interactions of these groups. For a represen-
the core of the molecule that links the substituent tative molecule the standard free energy under
groups to the reactant and product groups; these conditions may be written as
and A and B are other reactant and product
molecules. A specific example of the above
pair of generalized reactions is the following. (7.4.8)

H CH2C1 + KI ==± H CH2I + KC1 (7.4.5)

CH, CH2C1 + KI — C H 3 ^ ^ v CH 2 I + KC1 (7.4.6)

where where the singly subscripted variables refer to

X, = Cl X2 = I individual group contributions, the GYlN and
GXlN terms to interactions between the sub-
yx = H Y2 = CH 3
stituent group and core group and between the
A = KI 5 = KC1 reactive group and the core group, respectively,
When one looks at the general reaction and GYlXl» represents the interactions between
systems from the standpoint of the kineticist, the substituent and reactive groups through
species YNX1At would represent the transition the molecular core.
state configuration. In this case equation 7.4.2 The standard free energy change for reaction
indicates that 7.4.3 is given by
fk \ ? = G°Yl °B-G°A- G°Y (7.4.9)
RT in [~- ) = AG| - AG\ (7 A.I) NX2 YlNXl
\ 2/
Substitution of equation 7.4.8 and analogous
Now the standard free energy content of a equations for other compounds into equation
molecule has often been expressed as the sum 7.4.9 and simplification gives
of a number of contributions from the consti-
tuent parts of a molecule plus various contri- ? = GX2N G°B-G°A
butions arising from the interactions of the GXl)
parts with each other and with surrounding (7.4.10)
molecules (e.g., those of the solvent). Inasmuch
as each chemical species represents a structurally If we derive an analogous equation for reac-
unique combination of its constituent groups, it tion 7.4.4, we find that
is possible to correlate standard free energies AG°2 = GXlN GY2x2» + ( 2 + G°B- G°A
and many other thermodynamic properties for
v + GYIXIN GXl) (7.4.11)
all known compounds by using a sufficiently
large number of contributing parameters. Under Two equations of the form of equation
a given set of standard conditions the free 7.4.1 can be used with equations 7.4.10 and
7.4 Correlation Methods for Kinetic Date—Linear Free Energy Relations 235

7.4.11 to show that interference with internal rotations, steric

compressions or strains, etc.
= YiX2
These various effects combine to result in
different rate and equilibrium constants for
homologous reactions. The substituents in-
(7.4.12) fluence these parameters in part by displace-
which implies that the ratio of the equilibrium ments of electron density of the first two types
constants for the two different reactions in- and in part by geometric effects of the last type.
volving the same functional group but different When some of the possible complications are
substituents depends only on the terms for the considered, it is not surprising that there is no
free energy of interaction between the substi- generally useful method for correlating the GYXN
tuent and reactant groups. In similar fashion terms with satisfactory accuracy. However, there
one may write for the ratio of reaction rate are a number of special cases in which useful
constants correlations can be developed. This is particu-


It is generally thought that the interaction lady true for those cases where N is a relatively
energies of groups that are not directly bonded rigid group, such as an aromatic ring. In this
to one another result from the following effects. case the various X and Y groups will be the
same distance apart in the species involved in
1. Inductive or polar effects. These effects in-
reactions 7.4.3 and 7.4.4. Furthermore, if the X
volve electron displacements that are trans-
and Y groups are sufficiently far apart that there
mitted along a chain of atoms without any
are no direct steric interactions and no direct
reorganization of the formal chemical bonds
resonance interactions between the X and Y
in the molecule. For example, the introduc-
groups, only the polar interactions contribute
tion of a methyl group in a pyridine ring
significantly to the GYXN terms. This situation
involves a displacement of electrons to the
occurs in many meta and para substituted ben-
nitrogen atom from the methyl group. This
zene derivatives. In this case GYXN can be as-
effect falls off rapidly with separation dis-
sumed to be proportional to the product of
parameters for the substituent group Y and the
2. Resonance or electromeric effects. Certain
reactant group X. These parameters are referred
molecular structures are characterized by the
to as polar substituent constants GYN and GXN.
possibility of having two or more compatible
The proportionality constant depends on the
electronic structures and the molecules exist
solvent, the temperature, and the nature of the
in a resonance state intermediate between the
core group N linking the substituents. It pro-
several extremes. These effects are particu-
vides a measure of how effectively the influence
larly characteristic of aromatic structures and
of one group is transmitted to the other. This
other molecules containing conjugate double
proportionality constant may be written as
( — TNRT In 10), so that the interaction term
3. Steric effects. These effects arise as a con-
can be written as
sequence of the molecular geometry of the
species involved in the reaction. They include GYXN = -(TNRT In 10)(JYN(TXN (7.4.14)
236 Liquid Phase Reactions

Combining equations 7.4.13 and 7.4.14 then the second class permits one to obtain estimates
gives of the rate constants for reactions involving the

In I — I — (7.4.15)

or, on simplification, various substituted compounds. As we will see

in the next subsection, if equations like equation
TN[{(TYlN ~ (TY2N)((TX2N ~ (JXIN)~] 7.4.19 are to be appropriate for use, they require
that a certain free energy difference or free energy
(7.4.16) contribution be a linear function of some prop-
Within a specific sequence of reactions in- erty of a substituent group. Consequently, these
volving the same groups Xx and X2 and for equations are referred to as linear free energy
uniform conditions of solvent, temperature, etc., relations.
the value of TN(GX2N — OXIN) will be a constant
(P XI X 2 N), which characterizes the functional 7.4.1 The Hammett Equation
group interactions involved. Hence The Hammett equation is the best-known and
2N - CJXIN) (7.4.17) most widely studied of the various linear free
energy relations for correlating reaction rate and
and equation 7.4.16 becomes equilibrium constant data. It was first proposed
Gr) =
to correlate the rate constants and equilibrium
^N~GY^ (7A18) constants for the side chain reactions of para
and meta substituted benzene derivatives.
Since only differences between cr's for the sub- Hammett (37-39) noted that for a large number
stituents are involved, one may arbitrarily set of reactions of these compounds plots of log k
the absolute value of one sigma value without (or log K) for one reaction versus log k (or
loss of generality. Normally one chooses a log K) for a second reaction of the corres-
hydrogen atom as a reference substituent for ponding member of a series of such derivatives
which a is defined as zero. All other rate con- was reasonably linear. Figure 7.5 is a plot of
stants may then be compared to the one charac- this type involving the ionization constants for
terizing the reaction of the reference substance phenylacetic acid derivatives and for benzoic
(k0). In these terms equation 7.4.18 becomes acid derivatives. The point labeled p-Cl has for
its ordinate log Ka for p-chlorophenylacetic
U ) = ^^N(J^N (7A19
> acid and for its abscissa log Ka for p-chloroben-
zoic acid. The points approximate a straight line,
A corresponding equation exists for the ratio of which can be expressed as
equilibrium constants. The utility of equations
log KA = p log K'A + C (7.4.20)
of this form lies in the fact that the p value is
characteristic of a particular reaction of func- where KA and K'A are the ionization constants
tional groups, while the o value is characteristic for substituted phenylacetic and benzoic acids
of the nonreactive functional groups. Once a with a given substituent, p is the slope of the
values have been determined for one class of line, and C is the intercept. This relation may
reactions, they may be used for another class of be used for any substituent including the refer-
reactions. Hence a knowledge of k0 and p for ence substituent, normally taken as a hydrogen
7.4 Correlation Methods for Kinetic Date—Linear Free Energy Relations 237

1 1 1 1 1 I

-4.0 -

m-\° N.
-4.2 p-ClV

- H
°\. p-Me

p-Eta3 p-MeO
-4.4 p-i-Pro \ —
p-t-Bu \
1 1 1 1 1 1
-3.6 -4.0 -4.4
log K' for benzoic acids
Figure 7.5
Log-log plot of ionization constants of benzoic and phenyl-
acetic acids in water at 25°. (From Physical Organic Chemistry
by J. S. Hine. Copyright © 1962. Used with permission of
McGraw-Hill Book Company.)

atom. If the reference substance is denoted by stant G was then defined as

the subscript zero, then
= log (7.4.23)
log Ko = p log K'o + C (7.4.21) Kn
where Ko and K'o are the ionization constants This constant characterizes the ionization of a
of phenylacetic and benzoic acids, respectively. particular substituted benzoic acid in water at
Elimination of the intercept C gives 25 °C relative to that of benzoic acid itself. This
definition reduces equation 7.4.22 to
log — = p log —^ (7.4.22)
l o g — = P<TA (7.4.24)
Equations of this type can be written for any
pair of the many reactions for which linear log- which is of the same form as the general linear
log plots could be made. Consequently, it is free energy relation introduced earlier in equa-
convenient to choose a reference reaction to tion 7.4.19, although it predates the latter by
which others can be compared. The large many years. From this equation and from the
amount of accurate data on the ionization of definition of a, it is evident that p is taken as
benzoic acid derivatives at 25 °C made this re- unity for the standard reaction (i.e., the ioniza-
action an appropriate choice, and a new con- tion of substituted benzoic acids in water at
238 Liquid Phase Reactions

25 CC). The value of o may be determined from of a and p values are available (37, 41-45). Note
its definition in terms of the ionization constant that one requires different o values for meta and
if the appropriate benzoic acid derivative has para substituents, but that only one p value is
been measured. Such a values may then be used required. Typical a values range from about — 1
to determine p values for other reactions, and to +2, while p values range from —6 to +4.
these p values in turn lead to the possibility of Hence the Hammett equation may be used to
determining new er values. Equation 7.4.24 im- correlate data covering several orders of magni-
plies that a plot of log KA or log kA versus oA tude in the rate and equilibrium constant values.
should be linear for a given series of reactions Illustration 7.1 involves the use of Table 7.2 to
involving the same reactive groups. Extensive estimate a reaction rate constant.
experimental evidence attests to this relation. The substituent constants have also been as-
Table 7.2 contains some values that have been sociated with the ability of the substituent group
reported in the literature. Extensive tabulations to alter the charge density at the reaction site.

Table 7.2
Hammett Substituent Constants (46)

a 0

Substituent Meta Para <Substituent Meta Para

CH 3 -0.069 -0.170 O~ -0.708 -1.00

CH 2 CH 3 -0.07 -0.151 OH + 0.121 -0.37
CH(CH 3 ) 2 -0.068 -0.151 OCH3 + 0.115 -0.268
C(CH 3 ) 3 -0.10 -0.197 OC 2 H 5 + 0.1 -0.24
QH5 + 0.06 -0.01 OC 6 H 5 + 0.252 -0.320
C 6 H 4 NO 2 -p + 0.26 OCOCH3 + 0.39 + 0.31
C 6 H 4 OCH 3 -p • -0.10 F + 0.337 + 0.062
CH 2 Si(CH 3 ) 3 -0.16 -0.21 Si(CH3)3 -0.04 -0.07
COCH 3 + 0.376 + 0.502 PO3H- + 0.2 + 0.26
COC 6 H 5 + 0.459 SH + 0.25 + 0.15
CN + 0.56 + 0.660 SCH 3 + 0.15 0.00
co 2 - -0.1 0.0 SCOCH 3 + 0.39 + 0.44
CO 2 H + 0.35 + 0.406 SOCH 3 + 0.52 + 0.49
CO 2 CH 3 + 0.321 + 0.385 SO 2 CH 3 + 0.60 + 0.72
CO 2 C 2 H 5 + 0.37 + 0.45 SO 2 NH 2 + 0.46 + 0.57
CF 3 + 0.43 + 0.54 SO3- + 0.05 + 0.09
NH 2 -0.16 -0.66 S(CH3)2 + + 1.00 + 0.90
N(CH 3 ) 2 -0.211 -0.83 Cl + 0.373 + 0.227
NHCOCH3 + 0.21 0.00 Br + 0.391 + 0.232
N(CH 3 ) 3 + + 0.88 + 0.82 I + 0.352 + 0.276
N2 + + 1.76 + 1.91 IO 2 + 0.70 + 0.76
NO 2 + 0.710 + 0.778
(Note that 0 values for charged substituents may be particularly solvent
( dependent.)

From Physical Organic Chemistry by J. S. Hine. Copyright © 1962. Used with

permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.
7.4 Correlation Methods for Kinetic Date—Linear Free Energy Relations 239

The groups with positive o values are regarded and those for another must exist if the Hammett
as electron withdrawers, while those with nega- equation is obeyed.
tive cr's refer to electron donor substituents. Re-
actions involving a transition state with a highly ILLUSTRATION 7.1 USE OF THE HAMMETT
electron deficient center would be expected to EQUATION FOR THE DETERMINATION OF
be sensitive to the stabilizing effect of substi- A REACTION RATE CONSTANT
tuents able to donate charge to the center. The
Kindler [Ann., 450(\\ 1926] has studied the
opposite situation exists for reactions involving
alkaline hydrolysis of the ethyl esters of a
a reaction center with an excess electron density.
number of substituted benzoic acids. The m-
In this case the stabilizing effect occurs in the
nitro compound was found to have a rate
presence of substituents that act to withdraw
constant 63.5 times as fast as the unsubstituted
charge from the center. Reactions with positive
compound. What relative rate constant is
p values are accelerated by electron withdrawal
predicted for the reaction of p-methoxybenzoate
from the ring (positive cr), while those with
by the Hammett equation? The value based on
negative p values are retarded by electron
experimental results is 0.214.
In its original form the Hammett equation
was appropriate for use with para and meta
substituted compounds where the reaction site From Table 7.2 the o value for the m-nitro
is separated from the aromatic group by a non- group is 0.710. Substitution of this value and
conjugating side chain. Although there have the ratio of reaction rate constants into equation
been several extensions and modifications that 7.4.19 gives
permit the use of the Hammett equation beyond
these limitations, it is not appropriate for use log 63.5 = p(0.710)
with ortho substituted compounds, since steric or
effects are likely to be significant with such p = 2.54
species. The results obtained using free radical for the alkaline hydrolysis of ethyl benzoates.
reactions are often poor, and the correlation is For p-methoxy substitution, Table 7.2 indicates
more appropriate for use with ionic reactions. that a = -0.268. In this case equation 7.4.19
For a detailed discussion of the Hammett equa- becomes
tion and its extensions, consult the texts by
Hammett (37), Amis and Hinton (12), and - ) = 2.54(- -0.268) = -0.681
Johnson (47).
Before terminating our discussion of the
Hammett equation, we should note that the
existence of linear correlations of the type indi-
cated by equation 7.4.20 implies a linear free
K) - ° 209
energy relationship. The rate or equilibrium This value compares quite favorably with the
constants can be eliminated from this equation experimental results.
using equation 7.4.1; that is,
7.4.2 Other Correlations
- C (7.4.25)
2303RT 2.303RT
In order to correlate rate constant data for
Thus a linear relationship between the free aliphatic and ortho substituted aromatic com-
energies for one homologous series of reactions pounds, one must allow not only for the polar
240 Liquid Phase Reactions

effects correlated by the Hammett equation but 14. Eckert, C. A., Ann. Rev. Physical Chem., 23 (239), 1972.
also for resonance and steric effects. Taft (48-49) 15. Bell, R. P., "Acid-Base Catalysis," p. 3, Oxford Uni-
has shown that it is possible to extend the range versity Press, Oxford, copyright © 1941. Reprinted
with permission.
of linear free energy relations significantly by
assuming that the polar, steric, and resonance 16. Laidler, K. J., op. cit., 1965.
effects may be treated independently. Other 17. Bender, M. L., Mechanisms of Homogeneous Catalysis
from Protons to Proteins, Wiley Interscience, New York,
useful extensions of the Hammett equation in-
clude those of Swain and Scott (50-51), Edwards
18. Jencks, W. P., Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology,
(52-53), Grunwald and Winstein (54), and McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969.
Hansson (55). In order to obtain substituent
19. Ashmore, P. G., Catalysis and Inhibition of Chemical
values for the parameters appearing in the Reactions, Butterworths, London, 1963. ,
various equations, consult the text by Wells (41), 20. Frost, A. A., and Pearson, R. G., Kinetics and Mecha-
the original references, or texts in physical nism, Second Edition, Wiley, New York, 1961.
organic chemistry. The practicing design engi- 21. Moelwyn-Hughes, E. A., The Chemical Statics and
neer should be aware of these and other cor- Kinetics of Solutions, Academic Press, New York, 1971.
relations in order to minimize the experimental 22. Bell, R. P., "Acid-Base Catalysis," Oxford University
work necessary to generate required kinetic Press, Oxford, 1941.
parameters. 23. Bell, R. P., The Proton in Chemistry, Methuen, London,
LITERATURE CITATIONS 24. Laidler, K. J., The Chemical Kinetics of Enzyme Action,
1. Parker, A. J., Adv. Phys. Org. Chem., 5 (192), 1967. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1958.
2. Laidler, K. J., Reaction Kinetics, Volume 2, Reactions 25. Plowman, K. M., Enzyme Kinetics, McGraw-Hill, New
in Solution, p. 2, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1963. York, 1972.
3. North, A. M., The Collision Theory of Chemical Re- 26. Gould, R. F., Editor, "Homogeneous Catalysis: Indus-
actions in Liquids, Methuen, London, 1964. trial Applications and Implications," ACS Adv. in
4. Rabinowitch, E., and Wood, W. C , Trans. Faraday Chem., 70, Washington, 1968.
Soc.,32(\m), 1936. 27. Schrauzer, G. N., Transition Metals in Homogeneous
5. Franck, J., and Rabinowitch, E., Trans. Faraday Soc, Catalysis, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1971.
30(120), 1934. 28. Jones, M. M., Ligand Reactivity and Catalysis, Aca-
6. Debye, P., and Hiickel, E., Phys. Z., 24 (305), 1923. demic Press, New York, 1968.

7. Debye, P., and Hiickel, E., ibid., 25 (145), 1924. 29. Basolo, F., and Pearson, R. G., "Mechanisms of In-
organic Reactions," Wiley, New York, 1960.
8. Debye, P., and Hiickel, E., Trans. Faraday Soc, 23 (334),
1927. 30. Ashmore, P. G., op. cit., pp. 30-31.

9. Harned, H. S., and Owen, B. B., The Physical Chemistry 31. Hine, J. S., Physical Organic Chemistry, Second Edition,
of Electrolytic Solutions, Third Edition, Reinhold McGraw-Hill, 1962.
Publishing, New York, 1958. 32. Skrabal, A., Z. Elektrochem., 33 (322), 1927.
10. Laidler, K. J., Chemical Kinetics, p. 221, McGraw-Hill, 33. Jencks, W. P., Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology,
New York, 1965. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969.
11. Amis, E. S., Solvent Effects on Reaction Rates and 34. Bender, M. L., Mechanisms of Homogeneous Catalysis
Mechanisms, Academic Press, New York, 1966. from Protons to Proteins, Wiley Interscience, New York,
12. Amis, E. S., and Hinton, J. F., Solvent Effects on 1971.
Chemical Phenomena, Academic Press, New York, 1973. 35. Michaelis, L., and Menten, M. L., Biochem. Z., 49
13. Clark, D. and Wayne, R. P., in Comprehensive Chemical (333), 1913.
Kinetics, Volume 2, The Theory of Kinetics, pp. 302-376, 36. Cleland, W. W., Biochim. Biophys. Ada, (57(188), 1963.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1969. Adapted with permission.
Problems 241

37. Hammett, L. P., Physical Organic Chemistry, Second The influence of ionic strength on the two rate
Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970. constants was noted to be as follows.
38. Hammett, L. P., Chem. Rev., 77(125), 1935.
39. Hammett, L. P., Trans. Faraday Soc, 34 (156), 1938.
40. Hine, J. S., op. cit., p. 85. jj, (kmoles/m 3 ) (m 3 /kmoles-sec) (m 6 /kmoles 2 -sec)
41. Wells, P. R., Linear Free Energy Relationships, Aca-
demic Press, New York, 1968. 0.000 0.658 19.0
42. Gordon, A. J., and Ford, R. A., The Chemist's Com- 0.0207 0.663 15.0
panion, pp. 145-149, Wiley, New York, 1972. 0.0525 0.670 12.2
0.0925 0.679 11.3
43. Jaffe, H. H., Chem. Rev., 53 (191), 1953.
0.1575 0.694 9.7
44. McDaniel, D. H., and Brown, H. C , J. Org. Chem., 23
0.2025 0.705 9.2
(420), 1958.
45. Leffler, J. E., and Grunwald, E., Rates and Equilibria of
Organic Reactions, Wiley, New York, 1963. Are these data consistent with the results
46. Hine, J. S., op. cit., p. 87. predicted by equation 7.1.4?
47. Johnson, C. D., The Hammett Equation, Cambridge
University Press, London, 1973.
2. The reaction of the nitrourethane ion with
48. Taft, R. W., Jr., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 74 (2729, 3120),
1952; 75(4231), 1953.
hydroxide ions can be written as
49. Taft, R. W., Jr., in Steric Effects in Organic Chemistry, NO 2 =NCOOC 2 H 5 " + OH" ->
M. S. Newman, Editor, Chapter 13, Wiley, New York,
N2O + C2H5OH
50. Swain, C. G., and Scott, C. B., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 75 Near room temperature the reaction is essen-
(141), 1953. tially irreversible and second-order. In the
51. Swain, C. G., Mosely, R. B., and Brown, D. E., J. Am. limit of zero ionic strength at 293 °K, k =
Chem. Soc, 77(3731), 1955. 2.12m3/kmole • ksec. Determine the initial reac-
52. Edwards, J. O., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 76 (1540), 1954. tion rate in a solution that is 0.05 kmole/m3 each
53. Edwards, J. O., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 78 (1819), 1956. in potassium nitrourethanate, NH4OH, and
54. Grunwald, E., and Winstein, S., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 70 KC1. The ionization constant for NH 4 OH at
(846), 1948. 293 °K is 1.7 x 10"5 kmoles/m3. The effect of
55. Hansson, J., Svensk, Kern. Tidskr., 66 (351), 1954. the slight ionization of NH 4 OH on ionic
strength and the variation of activity coefficients
PROBLEMS with temperature between 293 and 298 °K may
be neglected.
1. The oxidation of iodide ions by hydrogen
peroxide 3. The following reaction takes place in aqueous
H 2 O 2 + 2H + + 21 2H2O + I2
[Co(NH3)5Br] + + + OH" -»
has been studied by Bell et al. \_J. Phys. Chem., [Co(NH3)5OH] + + + Br-
55 (874), 1951]. At 25 °C the reaction appears to it may be regarded as bimolecular and irre-
proceed by two parallel paths so that the ob-
versible. Determine the ratio of the reaction rate
served rate expression is of the form
in a system initially containing 10 moles/m3
r = k1(H2O2)(r) + /c2(H2O2)(I-)(H+) [Co(NH3)5Br](NO3)2,100 moles/m3 NH4OH,
242 Liquid Phase Reactions

and 50 moles/m3 KNO3 to the rate in a system

k x 103
that initially contains 100 moles/m3 NH 4 OH Solution (min" 1 )
and 100 moles/m3 [Co(NH3)5Br](NO3)2.
Take into account both primary and second- 1.0 x 10~ 4 NHClO 4 5.20
ary salt effects, but neglect the contributions 1.0 x KT 4 N HC1 5.31
to the ionic strength of species resulting from 1.0 x 1O~5NHC1 5.23
the dissociation of NH4OH. Distilled water (contaminated by 5.42
CO 2 from the air)
4. Chen and Laidler [Canadian J. Chem., 37 1.0 x 1 0 ' 4 N H C l O 4 + O . l N N a C l 5.25
(599), 1959] have studied the reaction of the 1.0 x 10" 4 N HC1O4 + 0.2N NaCl 5.24
1.0 x 10~4N HC1O 4 + 0.05M Ba(NO3)2 5.43
quinoid form of bromphenol blue with hy-
1.0 x 10 3 NHC1O 4 5.42
droxide ions to give the carbinol form of the 2.0 x 10~ 2 NHClO 4 8.00
dye. The following values of the second-order 4.0 x 10" 2 NHClO 4 11.26
rate constant at 25 °C were reported. 3.85 x 10~2N HC1O4 10.80
2.50 x 10~2N HC1O4 + 0.2N NaCl 8.89
Pressure (psia) k x 104 (liters/mole-sec)

14.7 9.298
Since the spontaneous reaction term dominates
4000 11.13 in the pH range 4 to 6, studies of the reaction
8000 13.05 in this range are particularly suitable for mea-
12000 15.28 suring the small catalytic effects of weak acids
16000 17.94 and weak bases. If one employs the more gen-
eral expression for k involving contributions
from the undissociated acid and the anion re-
What is the activation volume for this sulting from dissociation, determine the coeffi-
reaction? cients of these terms from the data below.
5. Bronsted and Guggenheim [J. Am. Chem.
Soc, 49 (2554), 1927] have studied the mutaro- Hydrogen
tation of glucose as catalyzed by acids and bases. Sodium Propionic Ion
The reaction takes place slowly in pure water, propionate acid concentration /cxlO 3
is weakly catalyzed by hydrogen ions, and is normality normality (kmoles/m3) (min" 1 )
strongly catalyzed by hydroxide ions. When 0.010 5.65
strong acids and bases are employed as cata- 0.040 0.020 6.53
lysts, the apparent first-order rate constants can 0.050 0.050 6.81
be written as 0.075 0.075 7.57
0.100 0.100 8.21
0.125 0.125 9.15
where kOH/kH+ is of the order of several thou- 0.150 0.150 9.85
sands. In the pH range 4 to 6, the contribution 0.040 0.020 0.00001 6.53
of the spontaneous reaction dominates, since 0.040 0.060 0.00002 6.60
both catalytic terms are negligible in this region. 0.040 0.110 0.00006 6.76
In dilute solutions the primary salt effect is not 0.040 0.160 1.00010 6.77
applicable to solutions of strong acids and bases.
On the basis of the data below determine the 6. Bell and Baughan \_J Chem. Soc. 1937, 1947]
parameters k0 and kH+ at 18 °C: have investigated the generalized acid-base
Problems 243

catalysis of the depolymerization of dimeric 7. The kinetic data below were reported for an
dihydroxyacetone. In terms of the general enzyme catalyzed reaction of the type E + S ^
formulation of the first-order rate constant ES ^± E + P. Since the data pertain to initial
reaction rates, the reverse reaction may be
fcOH (OH-) neglected. Use a graphical method to determine
+ /cA(A) + kB(B) the Michaelis constant and Vmax for this system
where k0 is the rate constant for the water at the enzyme concentration employed.
catalyzed reaction and kx is the catalytic
constant for species x. This equation can also be Initial substrate Initial rate
written as concentration (M) (jumoles/liter-min)
k = k" + OL(B)
where 2 x 10" 3 150
2 x 10" 4 149.8
k" = k0 2 x 10~5 120
and 1.5 x 10" 5 112.5
1.25 x 10~6 30.0

For the reactions in question no term may be

neglected and it was necessary to carefully plan What would the initial rate be at a substrate
the experimental program to facilitate evalua- level of 2.0 x 10" 5 M if the enzyme concen-
tion of all five kinetic parameters. On the basis tration were doubled? At a 2 x 10" 3 M sub-
of the data below determine these parameters strate level, how long does it take to achieve
when the weak acid employed is acetic acid. 80% conversion at the new enzyme level?

CH3COOH 8. The turnover number of an enzyme is defined

H3O + CH3COO" k
(moles/m3) (moles/m3) (ksee"1) as the maximum number of moles of substrate
reacted per mole of enzyme (or molecules per
0.980 2.69 x 10" 2 100.4 0.707 molecule) per minute under optimum conditions
50.5 0.583 (i.e., saturating substrate concentration, opti-
31.6 0.530 mum pH, etc). If 2 mg/cm 3 of a pure enzyme
12.9 0.473 (50,000 molecular weight, Michaelis constant
Km = 0.03 mole/m3) catalyzes a reaction at a
1,304 3.56 x 10~2 104.5 0.633
78.5 0.558 rate of 2.5 /imoles/m3-ksec when the substrate
53.3 0.490 concentration is 5 x 10" 3 moles/m3, determine
20.4 0.423 the turnover number corresponding to this
definition and the actual number of moles of
3.38 9.27 x 10" 2 102.7 0.433 substrate reacting per minute per mole of
75.0 0.363 enzyme.
40.9 0.278
12.7 0.207
9. In kinetic studies of enzymatic reactions,
4.83 0.132 102.6 0.390 rate data are usually tested to determine if the
87.1 0.363 reaction follows the Michaelis-Menten model
68.3 0.297 of enzyme-substrate interaction. Weetall and
51.2 0.262 Havewala \_Biotechnol. and Bioeng. Symposium
30.3 0.208
3 (241), 1972] have studied the production of
10.3 0.154
dextrose from cornstarch using conventional
244 Liquid Phase Reactions

glucoamylase and an immobilized version there- In both cases the initial substrate concen-
of. Their goal was to obtain the necessary data tration was 0.14 kmole/m 3 . In cases A and B
to be able to design a commercial facility for the Michaelis constants (Km) are reported to be
dextrose production. Their studies were carried 1.15 x 10" 3 and 1.5 x 10" 3 kmoles/m 3 , re-
out in a batch reactor at 60 °C. Compare the spectively. The rate constant fc3 is equal to
data below with that predicted from a Michaelis- 1.25 /mioles/m3-sec-unit in both cases.
Menten model with a rate expression of the If the data are not consistent, provide
form r = fc3(£0)(S)/[Km + (S)] plausible explanations for the discrepancy.
(a) Conventional enzyme (Eo = 11,600 units) 10. Gould has reported the following acidity
constants (in H 2 O at 25 °C) for some substituted
Yield benzene seleninic acids ArSe O 2 H.
Time, t (sec) (mg dextrose produced/cm3)
From Mechanism and
Substituent K x 105
0 12.0 Structure in Organic
900 40.0 Chemistry by E. S.
None 1.6
1800 76.5 Gould. Copyright ©
p-MeO— 0.89
3600 120.0 1959. Used with per-
m-MeO— 2.2
5400 151.2
mission of McGraw-
7200 155.7 Hill Book Company.
m-NO 2 8.5
9000 164.9
p-Br 3.2
p-C6H5O- 1.3
(b) Immobilized enzyme data (Eo = 46,400
(a) Show that the equilibria for the reaction
Time, t (sec) (mg dextrose produced/cm3) ArSeO 2 H + H 2 O ^ ArSeO2~ + H 3 O +
0 18.4 are governed by the Hammett equation and
1,800 200.0 calculate the p value for this series. The
3,600 260.0 dissociation constant for benzoic acid is
5,400 262.0 6.3 x 10" 5 .
7,200 278.0 (b) Calculate the dissociation constant for p-
9,000 310.0 nitrobenzeneseleninic acid and compare it
13,500 316.0
with the observed value of 1.0 x 10~ 4 .
18,900 320.0
24,900 320.0
(c) What does the above data indicate is the
o value for the p-C 6 H 5 Q—substituent?
8 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design
and Ideal Reactor Models
8.0 INTRODUCTION 3. Is a catalyst necessary or desirable? If a
The chemical reactor must be regarded as the catalyst is employed, what are the ramifi-
very heart of a chemical process. It is the piece cations with respect to product distribution,
of equipment in which conversion of feedstock operating conditions, most desirable type
to desired product takes place and is thus the of reactor, process economics, and other
single irreplaceable component of the process. pertinent questions raised below?
Several different factors must be considered in 4. What operating conditions (temperature,
selecting the physical configuration and mode pressure, degree of agitation, etc.) are re-
of operation to be used to accomplish a specified quired for most economic operation?
task. This chapter discusses the fundamental 5. Is it necessary or desirable to add inerts or
principles that the chemical engineer engaged other materials to the feedstock to enhance
in the practice of reactor design utilizes in yields of desired products, to moderate
making these selections. thermal effects, or to prolong the useful life
of any catalysts that may be employed?
8.0.1 The Nature of the Reactor 6. Should the process be continuous or inter-
Design Problem mittent? Would batch or semibatch opera-
tion be advantageous?
The chemical engineer is required to choose
7. What type of reactor best meets the process
the reactor configuration and mode of operation
requirements? Are there advantages asso-
that yields the greatest profit consistent with
ciated with the use of a combination of
market constraints for the raw material and
reactor types, or with multiple reactors in
product costs, capital and operating costs,
parallel or series?
safety considerations, pollution control require-
ments, and esthetic constraints that may be 8. What size and shape reactor(s) should be
imposed by management, society, or labor used?
unions. Usually there are many combinations 9. How are the energy transfer requirements
of operating conditions and reactor size and/or for the process best accomplished? Should
type that will meet the requirements imposed one operate isothermally, adiabatically, or
by nature in terms of the reaction rate expres- in accord with an alternative temperature
sion involved and those imposed by manage- protocol?
ment in terms of the required production 10. Is single pass operation best, or is recycle
capacity. The engineer is thus faced with the needed to achieve the desired degree of
task of maintaining a careful balance between conversion of the raw feedstock?
analytical reasoning expressed in quantitative 11. What facilities are required for catalyst
terms and sound engineering judgment. In an supply, activation, and regeneration?
attempt to maintain this balance, some or all of 12. What are the reactor effluent composition
the following questions must be answered. and conditions? Are any chemical separa-
tion steps or physical operations required
1. What is the composition of the feedstock in order to bring the effluent to a point
and under what conditions is it available? where it is satisfactory for the desired end
Are any purification procedures necessary? use?
2. What is the scale of the process? What 13. Are there any special materials requirements
capacity is required? imposed by the process conditions? Are the

246 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

process fluids corrosive? Are extremely high uses essentially the reverse of the design
temperatures or pressures required? procedures developed later in this chapter
to determine the effective reaction rate from
The remainder of this text attempts to estab-
the pilot plant data. It may be difficult to
lish a rational framework within which many
separate the intrinsic chemical effects from
of these questions can be attacked. We will see
any heat and mass transfer effects in the
that there is often considerable freedom of
analysis of data of this type.
choice available in terms of the type of reactor
3. Operating data from commercial scale reac-
and reaction conditions that will accomplish a
tors. If one's company has access to actual
given task. The development of an optimum
operating data on another commercial in-
processing scheme or even of an optimum
stallation of the same type as that contem-
reactor configuration and mode of operation
plated, it provides the closest approximation
requires a number of complex calculations that
to the conditions likely to be encountered in
often involve iterative numerical calculations.
industrial practice. Such access may result
Consequently machine computation is used
from licensing arrangements or from previous
extensively in industrial situations to simplify
experience within the company. Unfortunate-
the optimization task. Nonetheless, we have
ly, such data are often incomplete or in-
deliberately chosen to present the concepts used
accurate, and the problems of backing the
in reactor design calculations in a framework
intrinsic chemical kinetics out of the mass
that insofar as possible permits analytical solu-
of data may be insurmountable. In such
tions in order to divorce the basic concepts
systems physical limitations on rates of heat
from the mass of detail associated with machine
and mass transfer may disguise the true ki-
netics to a significant degree.
The first stage of a logical design procedure
involves the determination of a reaction rate
In the design of an industrial scale reactor for
expression that is appropriate for the range of
a new process, or an old one that employs a
conditions to be investigated in the design
new catalyst, it is common practice to carry out
analysis. One requires a knowledge of the
both bench and pilot plant studies before
dependence of the rate on composition, tem-
finalizing the design of the commercial scale
perature, fluid velocity, the characteristic di-
reactor. The bench scale studies yield the best
mensions of any heterogeneous phases present,
information about the intrinsic chemical kinetics
and any other process variables that may be
and the associated rate expression. However,
significant. There are several potential sources
when taken alone, they force the chemical
of the experimental data that are essential for
engineer to rely on standard empirical corre-
proper reactor design.
lations and prediction methods in order to
1. Bench scale experiments. The reactors used determine the possible influence of heat and
in these experiments are usually designed to mass transfer processes on the rates that will be
operate at constant temperature, under con- observed in industrial scale equipment. The
ditions that minimize heat and mass transfer pilot scale studies can provide a test of the
limitations on reaction rates. This facilitates applicability of the correlations and an indica-
an accurate evaluation of the intrinsic chem- tion of potential limitations that physical pro-
ical effects. cesses may place on conversion rates. These
2. Pilot plant studies. The reactors used in these pilot plant studies can provide extremely useful
studies are significantly larger than those in information on the temperature distribution in
bench scale laboratory experiments. One the reactor and on contacting patterns when
8.0 Introduction 247

more than a single phase reactant-catalyst operated in semibatch fashion. In this mode the
system is employed. tank is partially filled with reactant(s), and
additional reactants are added progressively
8.0.2 Reactor Types until the desired end composition is achieved.
Alternatively, one may charge the reactants all
In terms of the physical configurations en- at once and continuously remove products as
countered, there are basically only two types of they are formed. In the continuous flow mode
reactors: the tank and the tube. of operation the stirred tank reactor is conti-
The ideal tank reactor is one in which stirring nuously supplied with feed; at the same time an
is so efficient that the contents are always uni- equal volume of reactor contents is discharged
form in composition and temperature through- in order to maintain a constant level in the
out. The simple tank reactor may be operated tank. The composition of the effluent stream is
in a variety of modes: batch, semibatch, and identical with that of the fluid remaining in the
continuous flow. These modes are illustrated tank.
schematically in Figure 8.1. In the simple batch The ideal tubular reactor is one in which
reactor the fluid elements will all have the same elements of the homogeneous fluid reactant
composition, but the composition will be time move through a tube as plugs moving parallel to
dependent. The stirred tank reactor may also be the tube axis. This flow pattern is referred to as

I Batch reactor II Continuous flow

stirred tank reactor

A Intermittant addition B Continuous with respect C Continuous removal

of reactants to one reactant but batch of one product
with respect to another
III Semibatch reactors
Figure 8.1
Types of tank reactors.
248 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

plug flow or piston flow. The velocity profile at materials handling costs involved in filling,
a given cross section is flat and it is assumed emptying, and cleaning of these reactors. While
that there is no axial diffusion or back-mixing batch reactors are being filled, emptied, or
of fluid elements. cleaned, and while the reactor contents are
Batch reactors are often used for liquid phase being heated to the reaction temperature or
reactions, particularly when the required pro- cooled to a point suitable for discharge, batch
duction is small. They are seldom employed on reactors are not producing reaction products.
a commercial scale for gas-phase reactions The sum of the nonproductive periods may
because the quantity of product that can be often be comparable in length to the time
produced in reasonably sized reactors is small. necessary to carry out the reaction. In deter-
Batch reactors are well suited for producing mining long-term production capacities for
small quantities of material or for producing batch reactors, these dead times must be taken
several different products from one piece of into account.
equipment. Consequently they find extensive Continuous flow reactors are almost in-
use in the pharmaceutical and dyestuff industries variably preferred to batch reactors when the
and in the production of certain specialty processing capacity required is large. Although
chemicals where suchflexibilityis desired. When the capital investment requirements will be
rapid fouling is encountered or contamination higher, the operating costs per unit of product
of fermentation cultures is to be avoided, batch will be lower for continuous operation than for
operation is preferable to continuous processing batch reaction. The advantages of continuous
because it facilitates the necessary cleaning and operation are that it:
sanitation procedures.
When the specified production capacities are 1. Facilitates good quality control for the
low, processes based on batch reactors will product through the provision of greater
usually have lower capital investment require- constancy in reaction conditions.
ments than processes calling for continuous 2. Facilitates automatic process control.
operation, so batch reactors are often preferred 3. Minimizes the labor costs per unit of product.
for new and untried processes during the
initial stages of development. As production Often the decision to select a batch or con-
requirements increase in response to market tinuous processing mode involves a determi-
demands, it may become more economic to nation of the relative contributions of capital
shift to continuous processing but, even in these and operating expenses to total process costs
cases, there are many industrial situations where for the proposed level of capacity. As Denbigh
batch operation is preferable. This is particularly (1) points out, what is best for a highly indus-
true when the operating expenses associated trialized country with high labor costs is not
with the reactor are a minor fraction of total necessarily best for a lesser developed country.
product cost. At low production capacities, In many cases selectivity considerations deter-
construction and instrumentation requirements mine the processing mode, particularly when
for batch reactors are usually cheaper than for the reaction under study is accompanied by
continuous process equipment. Moreover, it is undesirable side reactions. The yield of the
generally easier to start up, shut down, and desired product may differ considerably between
control a batch reactor than a comparable batch and continuous operation and between
capacity continuous flow reactor. the two primary types of continuous processes.
The disadvantages associated with the use of When the yield is lower for a continuous
a batch reactor include the high labor and process, this factor may be so important in the
8.0 Introduction 249

overall process economics as to require the use fluid is noncorrosive and readily and safely
of a batch reactor. pumped, it may be preferable to employ an
At this point we wish to turn to a brief dis- external heat exchanger and circulation pump.
cussion of the types of batch and flow reactors Good temperature control can be achieved
used in industrial practice for carrying out using an external reflux condenser for cases
homogeneous fluid phase reactions. Treatment where appreciable vapor is given off. The selec-
of heterogeneous catalytic reactors is deferred tion of either internal or external heat transfer
to Chapter 12. equipment is governed by the required area, the
susceptibility of the heat transfer surface to Batch Reactors (Stirred Tanks). Batch fouling, the temperature and pressure require-
reactors are usually cylindrical tanks and the ments imposed by the heat transfer medium,
orientation of such tanks is usually vertical. and the potential adverse effects that might
Cylindrical vessels are employed because they occur if the process fluid and the heat transfer
are easier to fabricate and clean than other medium come in direct contact through leakage.
geometries and because the construction costs For high-pressure operation, safety considera-
for high-pressure units are considerably less tions are extremely important and care must be
than for alternative configurations. For simple taken to ensure proper mechanical design. Clo-
stirred vertical batch reactors, the depth of sures must be designed to withstand the same
liquid is usually comparable to the diameter of maximum pressure as the rest of the autoclave.
the reactor. For greater liquid height to diameter Various authors have treated the problems in-
ratios more complex agitation equipment is volved in designing medium- and high-pressure
necessary. Agitation can be supplied by stirrer batch reactors (2-4).
blades of various shapes or by forced circulation
with an external or built-in pump. Where more Continuous Flow Reactors—Stirred
gas-liquid interfacial area is required for evap- Tanks. The continuous flow stirred tank re-
oration or gas absorption, or where it is neces- actor is used extensively in chemical process
sary to minimize the hydrostatic head (e.g., to industries. Both single tanks and batteries of
minimize the boiling point rise), horizontal tanks connected in series are used. In many
reactors will be used. The latter orientation may respects the mechanical and heat transfer aspects
also be preferable when the reactor contents are of these reactors closely resemble the stirred
quite viscous or take the form of a slurry. Batch tank batch reactors treated in the previous sub-
reactors may be fabricated from ordinary or section. However, in the present case, one must
stainless steel, but there are often advantages to also provide for continuous addition of re-
using glass or polymer coatings on interior actants and continuous withdrawal of the
surfaces in order to minimize corrosion or product stream.
sanitation problems. It is possible to employ either multiple in-
Because of the large energy effects that often dividual tanks in series or units containing
accompany chemical reaction, it is usually neces- multiple stages within a single shell (see Figure
sary to provide for heat transfer to or from the 8.2). Multiple tanks are more expensive, but
reactor contents. Heating or cooling may be provide more flexibility in use, since they are
accomplished using jacketed walls, internal coils, more readily altered if process requirements
or internal tubes filled with a heat transfer fluid change. In order to minimize pump require-
that is circulated through an external heat ex- ments and maintenance, one often chooses to
changer. Energy may also be supplied by elec- allow for gravity flow between stages. When
trical heating or direct firing. If the process the reactants are of limited miscibility, but differ
250 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models


w L -. Products
L Reactants Products
Reactants 3L
7 /
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8.2
Types of staged reactors, (a) Reactor battery, (b) Vertically staged, (c) Compartmented. (Adapted
from Reaction Kinetics for Chemical Engineers by S. M. Walas. Copyright © 1959. Used with permission
of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)

in density, the vertical staged shell lends itself sure in tanks constructed of inexpensive mate-
to countercurrent operation. This approach is rials such as mild steel.
useful when dealing with reversible reactions In addition to lower construction costs, a
between immiscible fluids. continuous flow stirred tank reactor possesses
For purposes of calculation, each stage in a other advantages relative to a tubular flow
multiple-stage unit is treated as an individual reactor, such as the facilitation of temperature
reactor. The process stream flows from one control. Efficient stirring of the reactor contents
reactor to the next, so that there is essentially insures uniform temperature and the elimination
a step change of composition between successive of local hot spots. The large heat capacity of the
reactors. The step change is a direct consequence reactor contents also acts as a heat sink to
of efficient mixing. Unless the fluid phase is moderate temperature excursions when changes
highly viscous, it is not difficult to approach occur in process conditions. The physical con-
perfect mixing in industrial scale equipment. All figuration of cylindrical tanks provides a large
that is required is that the time necessary to heat transfer area on the external surface of the
distribute an entering element of fluid uniformly tank and permits augmentation of this area
throughout the tank be very small compared to through the use of submerged coils within the
the average residence time in the tank. tank. However, the rate of heat transfer per unit
Because of the dilution that results from the volume of reaction mixture is generally lower in
mixing of entering fluid elements with the re- a conventional stirred tank reactor than in
actor contents, the average reaction rate in a conventional tubular reactors because of the
stirred tank reactor will usually be less than it lower ratio of heat transfer surface area to
would be in a tubular reactor of equal volume volume in the tank reactor. Consequently,
and temperature supplied with an identical feed tubular reactors are preferred for fast reactions
stream. Consequently, in order to achieve the when energy transfer requirements are very
same production capacity and conversion level, large.
a continuous flow stirred tank reactor or even Ease of access to the interior surface of stirred
a battery of several stirred tank reactors must tanks is an additional advantage of this type of
be much larger than a tubular reactor. In many reactor. This consideration is particularly signi-
cases, however, the greater volume requirement ficant in polymerization reactors, where one
is a relatively unimportant economic factor, needs to worry about periodic cleaning of
particularly when one operates at ambient pres- internal surfaces.
8.0 Introduction 251

Selectivity considerations may also dictate The single-jacketed tube reactor is the sim-
the use of stirred tank reactors. They are pre- plest type of tubular reactor to conceptualize
ferred if undesirable side reactions predominate and to fabricate. It may be used only when the
at high reactant concentrations, and they are heat transfer requirements are minimal because
also useful when one desires to "skip" certain of the low surface area to volume ratio charac-
concentration or temperature ranges where by- teristic of these reactors.
product formation may be excessive. When the shell-and-tube configuration is
Stirred tank reactors are employed when it utilized, the reaction may take place on either
is necessary to handle gas bubbles, solids, or a the tube side or the shell side. The shell-and-tube
second liquid suspended in a continuous liquid tubular reactor has a much greater area for
phase. One often finds that the rates of such heat transfer per unit of effective reactor volume
reactions are strongly dependent on the degree than the single-jacketed tube. Consequently, it
of dispersion of the second phase, which in turn may be used for reactions where the energy
depends on the level of agitation. transfer requirements are large. On occasion
Large stirred tank reactors are generally not the reaction zone may be packed with granular
suited for use at high pressures because of solids to promote increased turbulence or better
mechanical strength limitations. They are used contacting of heterogeneous fluid phases or to
mainly for liquid phase reaction systems at low act as a thermal sink to facilitate control of the
or medium pressures when appreciable residence reactor. In many cases energy economies can be
times are required. achieved using countercurrent flow of a hot
product stream to preheat an incoming reactant Continuous Flow Reactors—Tubular stream to the temperature where the reaction
Reactors. The tubular reactor is so named occurs at an appreciable rate. Two commercial
because the physical configuration of the re- scale processes that employ this technique are
actor is normally such that the reaction takes the synthesis of ammonia from its elements and
place within a tube or length of pipe. The the oxidation of sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide.
idealized model of this type of reactor assumes Tubular furnaces are used only when it is
that an entering fluid element moves through the necessary to carry out endothermic reactions at
reactor as a plug of material that completely fairly high temperatures on very large quantities
fills the reactor cross section. Thus the terms of feedstock. Thermal reforming reactions and
piston flow or plug flow reactor (PFR) are often other reactions used to increase the yield of
employed to describe the idealized model. The gasoline from petroleum-based feedstocks are
contents of a given elemental plug are presumed commercial scale processes that employ this
to be uniform in temperature and composition. type of reactor. A tubular furnace is basically
This model may be used to treat both the case a combustion chamber with reactor tubes
where the tube is packed with a solid catalyst mounted on its walls and ceiling. Tube dimen-
(see Section 12.1) and the case where the fluid sions are typically 3 to 6 in. in diameter with
phase alone is present. lengths ranging from 20 to 40 ft. As many as
The majority of tubular reactors may be several hundred tubes may be used, with either
classified in terms of three major categories: series or parallel connections possible depending
1. Single-jacketed tubes. on the required residence time.
2. Shell-and-tube heat exchangers. Because there is no back-mixing of fluid ele-
3. Tube furnaces, in which the tubes are exposed ments along the direction of flow in a tubular
to thermal radiation and heat transfer from reactor, there is a continuous gradient in reactant
combustion gases. concentration in this direction. One does not
252 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

encounter the step changes characteristic of mul- of the reactants is fed. This point is demonstrated
tiple stirred tank reactors. Consequently, for the quite dramatically in Illustration 10.7. This mode
same feed composition and reaction tempera- of operation is also desirable when high reactant
ture, the average reaction rate will generally be concentrations favor the formation of undesir-
significantly higher in a plug flow reactor than it able side products or when one of the reactants
would be in a single stirred tank or a battery of is a gas of limited solubility.
stirred tanks with a total volume equal to that of Another mode of semibatch operation in-
the tubular reactor. The more efficient utilization volves the use of a purge stream to remove con-
of reactor volume is an advantage of the tubular tinuously one or more of the products of a
reactor that permits one to use it in processes reversible reaction. For example, water may be
which demand very large capacity. Because vari- removed in esterification reactions by the use of
ations in temperature and composition may a purge stream or by distillation of the reacting
occur in the axial direction in tubular reactors, mixture. Continuous removal of product(s) in-
these systems may be somewhat more difficult to creases the net reaction rate by slowing down
control than continuous flow stirred tank re- the reverse reaction.
actors. However, the problems are usually not Semibatch or semiflow processes are among
insurmountable, and one can normally obtain the most difficult to analyze from the viewpoint
steady-state operating conditions which give rise of reactor design because one must deal with an
to uniform product quality. open system under nonsteady-state conditions.
Other advantages of the tubular reactor rela- Hence the differential equations governing en-
tive to stirred tanks include suitability for use at ergy and mass conservation are more complex
higher pressures and temperatures, and the fact than they would be for the same reaction carried
that severe energy transfer constraints may be out batchwise or in a continuous flow reactor
readily surmounted using this configuration. The operating at steady state.
tubular reactor is usually employed for liquid
phase reactions when relatively short residence 8.0.3 Fundamental Concepts Used in
times are needed to effect the desired chemical Chemical Reactor Design
transformation. It is the reactor of choice for The bread and butter tools of the practicing
continuous gas phase operations. chemical engineer are the material balance and
the energy balance. In many respects chemical Semibatch or Semiflow Reactors. Semi- reactor design can be regarded as a straight-
batch or semiflow operations usually take place forward application of these fundamental prin-
in a single stirred tank using equipment ex- ciples. This section indicates in general terms
tremely similar to that described for batch opera- how these principles are applied to the various
tions. Figure 8.1 indicates some of the many types of idealized reactor models.
modes in which semibatch reactors may be
operated. Material and Energy Balances in the
One common mode of operation involves Design oj Industrial Reactors. The analysis of
loading some of the reactants into a stirred tank chemical reactors in terms of material and en-
as a single charge and then feeding in the re- ergy balances differs from the analysis of other
maining material gradually. This mode of opera- process equipment in that one must take into
tion is advantageous when large heat effects account the rate at which molecular species are
accompany the reaction. Exothermic reactions converted from one chemical form to another
may be slowed down and temperature control and the rate at which energy is transformed by
maintained by regulating the rate at which one the process. When combined with material and
8.0 Introduction 253

energy balances on the reactor, the reaction rate tinuous flow reactors operating at steady state,
expression provides a means of determining the the accumulation term is omitted. However, for
production rate and the composition of the pro- the analysis of continuous flow reactors under
ducts as functions of time. Both steady-state and transient conditions and for semibatch reactors
time varying situations may be analyzed using it may be necessary to retain all four terms. For
the same fundamental relations. Differences in ideal well-stirred reactors the composition and
the analyses result from the retention of different temperature are uniform throughout the reactor
terms in the basic balance equations. and all volume elements are identical. Hence the
A material balance on a reactant species of material balance may be written over the entire
interest for an element of volume AF can be reactor in these cases. For tubular flow reactors
written as: the composition is not independent of position

Rate of flow Rate of flow /Rate of disappearance

/Rate of accumulation\
of reactant of reactant of reactant by chemical
+ of reactant within the (8.0.1)
into volume out of volume reactions within the
\ volume element /
element element \ volume element

or, in shorter form, and the balance must be written on a differential

Input = output + disappearance by reaction element of reactor volume and then integrated
over the entire reactor using appropriate flow
+ accumulation (8.0.2)
conditions and concentration and temperature
The flow terms represent the convective and profiles. Where nonsteady-state conditions are
diffusive transport of reactant into and out of involved, it will be necessary to integrate over
the volume element. The third term is the pro- time as well as over volume in order to determine
duct of the size of the volume element and the the performance characteristics of the reactor.
reaction rate per unit volume evaluated using Since the rate of a chemical reaction is nor-
the properties appropriate for this element. Note mally strongly temperature dependent, it is es-
that the reaction rate per unit volume is equal to sential to know the temperature at each point in
the intrinsic rate of the chemical reaction only if the reactor in order to be able to utilize equation
the volume element is uniform in temperature 8.0.1 properly. When there are temperature gra-
and concentration (i.e., there are no heat or mass dients within the reactor, it is necessary to utilize
transfer limitations on the rate of conversion of an energy balance in conjunction with the mate-
reactants to products). The final term represents rial balance in order to determine the tempera-
the rate of change in inventory resulting from ture and composition prevailing at each point in
the effects of the other three terms. the reactor at a particular time.
In the analysis of batch reactors the two flow The general energy balance for an element of
terms in equation 8.0.1 are omitted. For con- volume AF over a time At can be written as:

/Energy transferred\ /Energy effects \ /Energy effects \

/Accumulation of \ / from surroundings / associated with I / associated with 1
I energy within the ] to volume element + the entry of — the transfer of (8.0.3)
\ volume element 1 by heat and shaft 1 matter into the I 1 matter out of the I
\work interactions \volume element/ \ volume element /
254 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

For completeness, the terms corresponding to Vocabulary of Terms Used in Reactor
the entry of material to the volume element and Design. There are several terms that will be
exit therefrom must contain, in addition to the used extensively throughout the remainder of
ordinary enthalpy of the material, its kinetic and this text that deserve definition or comment. The
potential energy. However, for virtually all cases concepts involved include steady-state and tran-
of interest in chemical reactor design, only the sient operation, heterogeneous and homoge-
enthalpy term is significant. Since only changes neous reaction systems, adiabatic and isothermal
in internal energy or enthalpy can be evaluated, operation, mean residence time, contacting and
the datum conditions for the first, third, and holding time, and space time and space velocity.
fourth terms must be identical in order to achieve Each of these concepts will be discussed in
an internally consistent equation. Although heat turn.
interactions in chemical reactors are significant, Large-scale industrial reactions are almost in-
shaft work effects are usually negligible. The variably carried out on a continuous basis with
chemical reaction rate does not appear explicitly reactants entering at one end of the reactor net-
in equation 8.0.3, but its effects are implicit in all work and products leaving at the other. Usually
terms except the second. The first, third, and such systems are designed for steady-state opera-
fourth terms reflect differences in temperature tion but, even during the design of such systems,
and/or in composition of the entering and leav- adequate care must be made to provide for the
ing streams. The energy effects associated with transient condition that will invariably be in-
composition changes are a direct reflection of curred during start-up and shut-down periods.
the enthalpy change associated with the reac- By the term steady-state operation we imply that
tion. conditions at any point in the reactor are time-
There are a variety of limiting forms of equa- invariant. Changes in composition occur in the
tion 8.0.3 that are appropriate for use with differ- spatial dimension instead of in a time dimension.
ent types of reactors and different modes of It should be emphasized that operation at
operation. For stirred tanks the reactor contents steady state does not imply equilibrium. The last
are uniform in temperature and composition term is restricted to isolated systems that un-
throughout, and it is possible to write the energy dergo no net change with time. Insofar as the
balance over the entire reactor. In the case of a analysis of continuous flow reactors is con-
batch reactor, only the first two terms need be cerned, the major thrust of this and succeeding
retained. For continuous flow systems operating chapters involves steady-state operation. The
at steady state, the accumulation term disap- basic principles described in the previous sub-
pears. For adiabatic operation in the absence of section remain valid for the analysis of transient
shaft work effects the energy transfer term is systems. However, in most transient cases it is
omitted. For the case of semibatch operation it necessary to resort to numerical solutions in
may be necessary to retain all four terms. For order to predict the response of a continuous
tubular flow reactors neither the composition flow reactor network to changes in operating
nor the temperature need be independent of conditions. Batch reactors are inherently un-
position, and the energy balance must be written steady-state systems, even when the reactor con-
on a differential element of reactor volume. The tents are uniform throughout.
resultant differential equation must then be Both homogeneous and heterogeneous reac-
solved in conjunction with the differential equa- tion systems are frequently encountered in com-
tion describing the material balance on the differ- mercial practice. The term homogeneous reaction
ential element. system is restricted in this text to fluid systems in
8.0 Introduction 255

which the system properties vary continuously Although the concept of "mean residence
from point to point within the reactor. The term time" is easily visualized in terms of the average
embraces both catalytic and noncatalytic reac- time necessary to cover the distance between
tions, but it requires that any catalysts be uni- reactor inlet and outlet, it is not the most funda-
formly dispersed throughout the fluid phase. The mental characteristic time parameter for pur-
term heterogeneous reaction system refers to poses of reactor design. A more useful concept is
systems in which there are two or more phases that of the reactor space time. For continuous
involved in the reaction process, either as re- flow reactors the space time (T) is defined as the
actants or as catalysts. ratio of the reactor volume (VR) to a charac-
Adiabatic operation implies that there is no teristic volumetric flow rate of fluid (Y°).
heat interaction between the reactor contents
and their surroundings. Isothermal operation r = (8.0.4)
implies that the feed stream, the reactor contents,
and the effluent stream are equal in temperature The reactor volume is taken as the volume of the
and have a uniform temperature throughout. reactor physically occupied by the reacting fluids.
The present chapter is devoted to the analysis of It does not include the volume occupied by agita-
such systems. Adiabatic and other forms of non- tion devices, heat exchange equipment, or head-
isothermal systems are treated in Chapter 10. room above liquids. One may arbitrarily select
The terms holding time, contact time, and resi- the temperature, pressure, and even the state of
dence time are often used in discussions of the aggregation (gas or liquid) at which the volumet-
performance of chemical reactors. As employed ric flow rate to the reactor will be measured. For
by reactor designers, these terms are essentially design calculations it is usually convenient to
interchangeable. They refer to the length of time choose the reference conditions as those that
that an element of process fluid spends in the prevail at the the inlet to the reactor. However, it
reactor in question. For a batch reactor it is is easy to convert to any other basis if the
usually assumed that no reaction occurs while pressure-volume-temperature behavior of the
the reaction vessel is being filled or emptied or system is known. Since the reference volumetric
while its contents are brought up to an ignition flow rate is arbitrary, care must be taken to
temperature. The holding time is thus the time specify precisely the reference conditions in
necessary to "cook" the contents to the point order to allow for proper interpretation of the
where the desired degree of conversion is resultant space time. Unless an explicit state-
achieved. The terms "contact time" and "mean ment is made to the contrary, we will choose our
residence time" are used primarily in discussions reference state as that prevailing at the reactor
of continuous flow processes. They represent the inlet and emphasize this choice by the use of the
average length of time that it takes a fluid ele- subscript zero. Henceforth,
ment to travel from the reactor inlet to the re-
actor outlet. For plug flow reactors, all fluid
elements will have the same residence time. T = (8.0.5)
However, for stirred tank reactors or other re-
actors in which mixing effects are significant, where % is the volumetric flow rate at the inlet
there will be a spread of residence times for temperature and pressure and a fraction con-
the different fluid elements. This has important version of zero.
implications for the conversions that will be Using this convention, a space time of 30 min
achieved in such reactors. means that every 30 min one reactor volume of
256 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

feed (measured at inlet conditions) is processed after the nature of the changes occurring within
by the reactor. One reactor volume enters and the reactor is known.
one reactor volume leaves, but this statement The reciprocal of the space time is known as
does not imply that we have simply displaced the the space velocity (S).
original charge from the reactor. Some or all of
the original contents may leave, and some of the 5 = 1= (8.0.6)
fresh charge may leave as well. In the latter T
circumstance the reactor contents become a mix-
ture of the original contents and new material. Like the definition of the space time, the defini-
The space time is not necessarily equal to the tion of the space velocity involves the volumetric
average residence time of an element of fluid in flow rate of the reactant stream measured at
the reactor. Variations in the number of moles some reference condition. A space velocity of
on reaction as well as variations in temperature 10 hr" 1 implies that every hour, 10 reactor
and pressure can cause the volumetric flow rate volumes of feed can be processed.
at arbitrary points in the reactor to differ appre- When dealing with reactions where a liquid
ciably from that corresponding to inlet condi- feed must be vaporized prior to being fed to the
tions. Consequently, even though the reference reactor proper, one must state very clearly
conditions may be taken as those prevailing at whether the space velocity is based on the vol-
the reactor inlet, the space time need not be equal umetric flow rate of the feed as a liquid or as a
to the mean residence time of the fluid. The two gas. Unless an explicit statement to the contrary
quantities are equal only if all of the following is made, the term space velocity in this text will
conditions are met. refer to the ratio of the volumetric flow rate
evaluated at reactor inlet conditions td the reactor
1. Pressure and temperature are constant volume.
throughout the reactor. The term space velocity has somewhat differ-
2. The density of the reaction mixture is inde- ent connotations when dealing with heteroge-
pendent of the extent of reaction. For gas neous catalytic reactors. In this case it denotes
the ratio of the mass flow rate of feed to the mass
phase reactions this requirement implies that
of catalyst used (W).
there can be no change in the number of
moles on reaction. In terms of equation 3.1.45,
we require that 3 = 0. WHSV = (8.0.7)
3. The reference volumetric flow rate is eval-
uated at reactor inlet conditions. where p is the mass density of the feed and
WHSV is termed the weight hourly space velocity.
When the space time and the mean residence Sometimes the term volumetric hourly space
time differ, it is the space time that should be velocity (VHSV) is used to denote the ratio of
regarded as the independent process variable the volumetric flow rate of a gaseous feed to the
that is directly related to the constraints imposed weight of the catalyst bed.
on the system. We will see in Sections 8.2 and 8.3
that it is convenient to express the fundamental
VHSV = (8.08)
design relations for continuous flow reactors in w
terms of this parameter. We will also see that for
these reactors the mean residence time cannot be On other occasions the volume of catalyst in-
considered as an independent variable, but that stead of the mass of catalyst may be used in the
it is a parameter that can be determined only denominator. The units associated with a parti-
8.1 Design Analysis for the Batch Reactor 257

cular space velocity indicate the definition limiting reagent.) Thus,

dN d<t
Rate of a c c u m u l a t i o n = —-^ = vA —-
dr dt
BATCH REACTOR •^ (8-1.2)

Batch reactors are widely used in the chemical

industry for producing materials that are needed where NA0 is number of moles of species A pre-
in limited quantity, particularly in those cases sent when the fraction conversion is zero.
where the processing cost represents only a small The total rate of disappearance of reactant A
fraction of the total value of the product. Since is given by
modern industry stresses the use of continuous Rate of disappearance = ( — rA)VR (8.1.3)
processes because they lend themselves most
readily to mass production, chemical engineers We again emphasize that VR is the volume
may, in some instances, tend to overlook the physically occupied by the reacting fluid. Com-
economic superiority of batch operations. One bining equations 8.1.1 to 8.1.3 gives
should not become so fascinated with the con-
tinuous process, or the more complex and in- (8.1.4)
teresting design analysis associated therewith,
as to lose sight of the economic penalty exacted Rearrangement and integration gives
by this degree of technical sophistication.
The starting point for the development of the - ^ o (8.1.5)
basic design equation for a well-stirred batch
reactor is a material balance involving one of the where fA2 and fAi represent the fraction con-
species participating in the chemical reaction. version at times t2 and tu respectively. This
For convenience we will denote this species as A equation is the most general form of the basic
and we will let (— rA) represent the rate of dis- design relationship for a batch reactor. It is valid
appearance of this species by reaction. For a well- for both isothermal and nonisothermal opera-
stirred reactor the reaction mixture will be tion as well as for both constant volume and
uniform throughout the effective reactor volume, constant pressure operation. Both the reaction
and the material balance may thus be written rate and the reactor volume should be retained
over the entire contents of the reactor. For a inside the integral sign, since either or both may
batch reactor equation 8.0.1 becomes change as the reaction proceeds.

/Rate of accumulation\ /Rate of disappearance of \

of reactant A within = — reactant A within the reactor (8.1.1)
\ the reactor J yby chemical reaction J

The accumulation term is just the time deriva- There are a number of limiting forms of equa-
tive of the number of moles of reactant A con- tion 8.1.5 that should be mentioned briefly. If
tained within the reactor (dNJdt). This term also h =0andfAi = 0,
may be written in terms of either the extent of
reaction (£) or the fraction conversion of the dfA
t = N AO
Jo ( _ A)VR (8.1.6)
limiting reagent (fA). {A is presumed to be the (~r
258 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

If, in addition, the reactor volume (fluid density) The use of equations like this was treated in
is constant, equation 8.1.6 becomes great detail in Chapter 3. There our primary
dfAA _ _ rcAA dCAA objective was the determination of the mathe-
. _ r matical form of the reaction rate expression
° (~rA)~ Jc*o(-rA from data on the extent of reaction or fraction
(8.1.7) conversion versus time. At present our objective
For reactions where the fluid volume varies is just the reverse: to determine the time nec-
linearly with the fraction conversion, as indi- essary to achieve a given degree of conversion
cated by equation 3.1.40, equation 8.1.6 becomes using our knowledge of the mathematical form
of the reaction rate expression and the reaction
t = N
dfA conditions. Although it is often more convenient
'Jo (Z^r SAfA) to work in terms of extent of reaction when
dfA analyzing rate data, it is usually more conve-
= CA (8.1.8) nient to work in terms of fraction conversion in
analyzing design problems. The two concepts
where VR0 is the volume occupied by the reacting are simply related, and the chemical engineer
fluid at zero fraction conversion. This equation should learn to work in terms of either with
would be appropriate for use when low-pressure equal facility.
gas phase reactions involving a change in the The degree of difficulty associated with
number of moles on reaction take place in a evaluating the integral in any of the batch
batch reactor at constant pressure. However, gas reactor design equations (equations 8.1.5 to
phase reactions are rarely carried out batchwise 8.1.10) depends on the composition and tem-
on a commercial scale because the quantity of perature dependence of the reaction rate expres-
product that can be produced in a reasonably sion. For nonisothermal systems an energy
sized reactor is so small. The chief use of batch balance must be employed to relate the system
reactors for gas phase reactions is to obtain the temperature (and through it the reaction rate)
data necessary for the design of continuous flow to the fraction conversion. For isothermal
reactors. systems it is not necessary to utilize an energy
For simple nth-order kinetics where volumet- balance to determine the holding time necessary
ric expansion effects may be significant, equation to achieve a given fraction conversion. One
8.1.8 becomes merely substitutes rate constants evaluated at
t = C AO r
dfA the temperature in question directly into the
rate expression. However, an energy balance
must be used to determine the heat transfer
requirements necessary to maintain isothermal
conditions. The reader should recognize that
(8.1.9) even if a simple closed form relation between
time and fraction conversion cannot be ob-
Equations 8.1.4 to 8.1.8 may also be written tained, it is still possible to evaluate the integral
in terms of the extent of reaction (£) or the graphically or numerically using standard meth-
extent per unit volume (£*). In terms of £ the ods to assure convergence. The latter approach
most general design relation (equation 8.1.5) is invariably necessary when departures from
becomes isothermal conditions are large.
(8.1.10) The following illustrations indicate how the
basic design relations developed above are used
8.1 Design Analysis for the Batch Reactor 259

to answer the two questions with which the Since the reaction takes place at constant
reactor designer is most often faced. volume, the pertinent design equation is equa-
tion 8.1.7.
1. What is the time required for converting a
quantity of material to the desired level under dfB
t = CBO
specified reaction conditions? - fB)(CC0 - fBCB0)
2. What reactor volume is required to achieve
a given production rate? Since the reaction occurs under isothermal
conditions, the rate constant may be taken
outside the integral sign. Integration and sim-
plification then gives
Wassermann (6) has studied the Diels-Alder In
reaction of benzoquinone (B) and cyclopen-
t =
tadiene (C) at 25 °C. k(C{CO CBO)

xo s
CH 9
adduct r = kCBCc

Volume changes on reaction may be neglected. Substitution of numerical values gives

At 25 °C the reaction rate constant is equal to
9.92 x 1(T 3 m3/kmole • sec. If one employs a — 0 QS
well-stirred isothermal batch reactor to carry 0.08 )/0.08\
out this reaction, determine the holding time 1 - 0.95 / I 0.10/
t =
necessary to achieve 95% conversion of the 9.92 x 10"3(0.1 - 0.08)
limiting reagent using initial concentrations of
= 7.91 x 103 sec or 2.20 hr
0.1 and 0.08 kmole/m3 for cyclopentadiene and
benzoquinone, respectively.
The limiting reagent is benzoquinone. The rate
of disappearance of this species can be written
in terms of the initial concentrations and the Zeolites are hydrous aluminosilicates that are
fraction conversion as widely used as catalysts in the chemical process
industry. Zeolite A is usually synthesized in the
-rB = k\_CB0(l - /B)](CC0 - fBCBo) sodium form from aqueous solutions of sodium
260 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

silicate and sodium aluminate. Kerr (7) and determine the time necessary to achieve 98%
Liu (8) have studied an alternative method of conversion of the substrate to zeolite in a
synthesis from amorphous sodium alumino- well-stirred batch reactor. The conditions to
silicate substrate and aqueous sodium hydroxide be considered are isothermal operation at
solution. The reaction (essentially a crystalliza- 100 °C and a hydroxide concentration of
tion or recrystallization process) can be viewed 1.5 kmoles/m3.
as 2. Assuming the reaction conditions noted in

Amorphous solid ^ soluble species

Soluble species + nuclei (or zeolite crystals) *™ zeolite A

Liu's description of the kinetics of the zeolite part 1, determine the reactor size and total
formation process can be formulated in terms weight of charge necessary to produce zeolite
of the following equation. A at an average rate of 2000 kg/day. Only
dCA _ /c2[OH ] XCAQZ ,A^ one reactor is to be used, and it will be
{ necessary to shut down for 1.8 ksec between
~~df ~ k3Cz + (k3 + \)CA ' batches for removal of product, cleaning,
where and start-up. The zeolite to be recycled to
[ O H ] = hydroxide ion concentration the reactor will come from the 2000 kg
(kmoles/m3) produced daily.
Cz = concentration of zeolite crystals Solution
Since the reaction takes place in slurry form,
CA = concentration of amorphous
the reactor volume may be regarded as constant,
substrate (kg/m3)
and equation 8.1.7 is appropriate for use.
and ku k29 and k3 are kinetic constants. Since
the total weight of solids in a batch reactor h= (B)
Jo T~r
must satisfy an overall material balance, we
require that the quantity (CA + Cz) be a con- where the subscript A refers to the amorphous
stant equal to the total weight of the charge substrate.
divided by the effective reactor volume. Note The principles of stoichiometry may be used
that the reaction is catalyzed by the presence to write the reaction rate in terms of the fraction
of product in that the zeolite concentration conversion. The desired conversion level is
appears in the numerator of the rate expression. expressed in terms of the initial substrate level.
Consequently, it is desirable to include some Thus CA0 = 24 kg/m 3 . At any time the instan-
zeolite in the feed to the reactor to enhance the taneous concentration of substrate can be
reaction rate. Reactions of this type are labeled written as
as "autocatalytic." They are treated in more CA = CA0(l - fA) (C)
detail in Section 9.4. while the corresponding concentration of zeolite
At 100 CC the following values of the rate is given by
constants are appropriate for use. Cz = C z o + fACM (D)
fct = 2.36 k2 = 0.625 ksec" 1 k3 = 0.36 The instantaneous reaction rate can be expressed
1. If one utilizes a slurry containing 1 kg/m 3 of in terms of the fraction conversion by combining
zeolite and 24 kg/m 3 of amorphous substrate, equations A, C, and D.
8.2 Design of Tubular Reactors 261

-dCA - fA)(CZ0 + fACA

dt fACA0) k3)CA0(l - fA)

Substitution of numerical values into this relation The weight of amorphous solids per batch
gives must equal the product of the reactor volume
_ (0.625)(1.5)2-36(24)(l - fA)(l + 24/J and the solids concentration. Thus
'A 0.36(1 + 24fA) + (1.36)(24)(1 - fA) 126 kg
= 5.25 m 3 _ ^ 1387 gal
_ (39.05K1 - fA)(l + 24/,) 24 kg/nr
33.0 - 24fA (E) Note that in this case the batch reactor is
Combining equations E and B gives operating in the production mode only two
thirds of the time. This situation is not extra-
(33.0 - 24fA) dfA ordinary and allowances must be made for
t = 24
39.05(1 - / , ) ( ! + 24/,) downtime in order to meet design requirements
This integral may be broken up into terms that
can be evaluated using standard tables.
When there are significant heating and cooling
t = 20.28 Jo 4
p -i — dfA periods associated with the utilization of a
_ L)(\ + 24/J batch reactor, one must take these circumstances
into account in design calculations. If only one
- 14.75 Jop fAdfA
reaction is involved, the holding time computed
(1 - + 24/.) using the methods of this section will be a
or conservative estimate of the length of time the
20.28 1 + 24/A reactor contents should be held at the specified
temperature. However, if undesirable side reac-
1- / J tions take place at temperatures below the
14.75 operating temperature, the magnitude of the
i«n(l +24/J adverse effects must be considered. If they are
significant it may be necessary to resort to
The time required to achieve any desired rapid quenching techniques or to separate pre-
degree of conversion may be calculated from heating of coreactants to the desired tem-
this expression. For fA = 0.98: t = 3.54 ksec = perature.
0.982 hr.
For part 2, for 98% conversion, each batch 8.2 DESIGN OF TUBULAR REACTORS
will require a holding time of 3.54 ksec and a
downtime of 1.80 ksec for emptying, cleaning, Tubular reactors are normally used in the
and start-up. The total time consumed in chemical industry for extremely large-scale
processing one batch is thus 5.34 ksec. In order processes. When filled with solid catalyst parti-
to produce 2000 kg of zeolite A per day we cles, such reactors are referred to as fixed or
require that each batch contain an amount of packed bed reactors. This section treats general
amorphous solids equal to design relationships for tubular reactors in

2000 kg/day (5.34 ksec/batch) kg

(0.98)(percent conversion) x ,_. . . ——
(86.4 ksec/day) = 126 -
262 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

which isothermal homogeneous reactions take in the real world, we should keep in mind that
place. Nonisothermal tubular reactors are the model can only reflect the idealizations
treated in Section 10.4 and packed bed reactors built into it and that deviations from ideal
in Section 12.7. behavior can fall into three categories.

8.2.1 The Plug Flow Reactor (PFR)—Basic 1. There will be velocity gradients in the radial
Assumptions and Design Equations direction so all fluid elements will not have
the same residence time in the reactor.
The simplest model of the behavior of tubular
Under turbulent flow conditions in reactors
reactors is the plug flow model. The essential
with large length to diameter ratios, any
features of this idealized model require that
disparities between observed values and
there be no longitudinal mixing of fluid elements
model predictions arising from this factor
as they move through the reactor and that all
should be small. For short reactors and/or
fluid elements take the same length of time to
laminar flow conditions the disparities can
move from the reactor inlet to the outlet. The
be appreciable. Some of the techniques used
model may also be labeled the slug flow or
in the analysis of isothermal tubular reactors
piston flow model in that it may be convenient
that deviate from plug flow are treated in
to picture the reaction as taking place within
Chapter 11.
differentially thin slugs of fluid that fill the
2. There will be an interchange of material
entire cross section of the tube and that are
between fluid elements at different axial
separated from one another by hypothetical
positions by virtue of ordinary molecular
pistons that prevent axial mixing. These plugs
diffusion and eddy diffusion processes arising
of material move as units through the reactor,
from turbulence and/or the influence of any
and this assumption is conveniently expressed
packing in the bed. Convective mixing
in terms of a requirement that the velocity
arising from thermal gradients in the reac-
profile be flat as one traverses the tube diameter.
tor may also contribute to the exchange of
Each plug of fluid is assumed to be uniform in
matter between different fluid elements.
temperature, composition, and pressure, which
3. There may be radial temperature gradients
is equivalent to assuming that radial mixing is
in the reactor that arise from the interaction
infinitely rapid. However, there may well be
between the energy released by reaction,
variations in composition, temperature, pres-
heat transfer through the walls of the tube,
sure, and fluid velocity as one moves in the
and convective transport of energy. This
longitudinal direction. With respect to these
factor is the greatest potential source of
variations, however, the model requires that
disparities between the predictions of the
mass transport via diffusion or turbulent mixing
model and what is observed for real systems.
processes be negligible and that the plugs of
The deviations are most significant in non-
material not interact with one another except
isothermal packed bed reactors.
for transmission of the hydrodynamic forces
giving rise to the fluid motion. Some of the The tubular flow reactor is a convenient
aforementioned requirements may be removed means of approaching the performance charac-
in more complex mathematical models of teristics of a batch reactor on a continuous
tubular reactors. In the present chapter, how- basis, since the distance-pressure-temperature
ever, we will limit our discussion to the simplest history of the various plugs as they flow through
possible model—the plug flow model. None- the reactor corresponds to the time-pressure-
theless, when we attempt to compare the results temperature protocol that is used in a batch
predicted by the model with what we observe reactor. Although this analogy is often useful,
8.2 Design of Tubular Reactors 263

it may on occasion be misleading. Batch reac-

tors are almost invariably operated under the
constraint of constant volume, whereas in a
tubular flow reactor, each plug of fluid more
nearly approximates constant pressure condi- Figure 8.3
Schematic representation of differential volume
tions. For liquid phase reactions constraints of
element of plug flow reactor.
constant volume and constant pressure may
effectively be satisfied simultaneously, and the
same is true of isothermal gas phase reactions If FA represents the molal flow rate of reactant
that do not involve a change in the number of gas A into the volume element and FA + dFA rep-
phase moles on reaction. However, when there is resents the molal flow rate out of the volume
a change in temperature or in the number of element, equation 8.2.1 becomes
molecules contained within the plug, the volume
of the plug can change by an appreciable
fraction. In order to maintain a constant mass or dFA = rA dVR (8.2.3)
velocity at various points along a uniform tube
At any point the molal flow rate of reactant A
in cases where there is an increase in the number
can be expressed in terms of the fraction con-
of moles on reaction (an increase in plug
version/^ and the molal flow rate corresponding
volume), an increase in the volumetric flow
to zero conversion FA0.
rate must accompany the reaction. Instead of
giving rise to the pressure increase that would FA = FAO(1 - fA) (8.2.4)
take place in a batch reactor, the change in the Differentiating
number of moles on reaction causes the fluid
to accelerate. Thus the residence time of the dFA= -FAOdfA (8.2.5)
plug will be less than that which would have been Combining equations 8.2.3 and 8.2.5 gives
observed if the volume of the plug remained
unchanged. We turn now to the problem of
developing fundamental design relationships FA0
that allow for such effects. which may be integrated over the entire reactor
Consider the segment of tubular reactor volume to give
shown in Figure 8.3. Since the fluid composition
varies with longitudinal position, we must write (8.2.7)
our material balance for a reactant species over
a different element of reactor (dVR). Moreover, This equation is a very useful relation that
since plug flow reactors are operated at steady indicates the reactor size necessary to accom-
state except during start-up and shut-down plish a specified change in the degree of conver-
procedures, the relations of major interest are sion for a fixed molal flow rate. It does require,
those in which the accumulation term is missing however, a knowledge of the relationship be-
from equation 8.0.1. Thus tween the reciprocal rate of reaction and the

Rate of disappearance
/ Rate of flow \ /Rate of flow of \
of reactant by chemical
of reactant into = reactant out of | (8.2.1)
reactions within the
\ volume element / \ volume element /
volume element
264 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

fraction conversion. For nonisothermal systems

this relationship can be quite complex, as we
will see in Chapter 10.
It should be emphasized that for ideal tubular
reactors, it is the total volume per unit of feed
that determines the conversion level achieved.
The ratio of the length of the tube to its diameter
is irrelevant, provided that plug flow is main-
tained and that one uses the same flow rates and
pressure-temperature profiles expressed in terms
of reactor volume elements.
FA0 may also be written as the product of a
volumetric flow rate and a reactant concentra-
tion where both are measured at some reference
temperature and pressure and correspond to
zero fraction conversion. Thus


where we have introduced the space time T.

Combining equations 8.2.8 and 8.2.7 gives fAi
Fraction conversion, fA
T = vlO (8.2.9) Figure 8.4
JffAin (-rA)
Determination of VR/FA0 from plot of reciprocal rate
Reactor inlet conditions are particularly use- versus fraction conversion.
ful as reference conditions for measuring the
input volumetric flow rate in that they not only dCA
give physical meaning to CA0 and i^ but also (8.2.10)
- (~rA)
usually lead to cancellation of CA0 with a similar
(constant density systems only)
term appearing in the reaction rate expression.
If the temperature is constant throughout the For variable density systems it is more conve-
reactor volume, the rate constant k may be re- nient to work in terms of the fraction conversion
moved from the integral and an analytic solution (equation 8.2.9), but for constant density systems
obtained. In more general terms it will be neces- either equation 8.2.9 or equation 8.2.10 is
sary to evaluate the integrals in equations 8.2.7 appropriate.
and 8.2.9 using graphical or numerical methods. For preliminary design calculations involving
Figure 8.4 indicates this schematically. For non- tubular reactors, the usual procedure is to as-
isothermal systems one must employ an energy sume plug flow with constant pressure over the
balance in conjunction with the basic design length of the reactor. However, the above analy-
equation to relate the temperature (and thus the sis is appropriate regardless of whether or not a
temperature dependent terms in the rate expres- pressure drop exists. The pressure enters only
sion) to the fraction conversion. The relations through its influence on the reaction rate term.
are such that exact analytical solutions can For liquid phase reactions the influence of pres-
rarely, if ever, be obtained. (See Chapter 10.) sure variations is usually insignificant but, for
For cases where 3 = 0, equation 8.2.9 can be gas phase reactions or when mixtures of gases
written in terms of concentrations. and liquids are present, the pressure drop across
8.2 Design of Tubular Reactors 265

a given segment of the reactor must be taken into The following set of mechanistic equations is
account in arriving at the reactor volume re- consistent with their experimental results:
quired to accomplish a given task. No new
principles are involved; one merely breaks the A1C13 + M -> A1C13M (fast) (A)
reactor up into a series of segments that can be
assumed to operate at an appropriate average B + A1C13-M k-i OAICI3 (slow) (B)
pressure. The pressure drop across a segment is C-A1C13 -• C + AICI3 (fast) (C)
calculated from the Bernoulli equation using
appropriate empirical relations where necessary where reaction B is the rate limiting step.
to estimate the friction factor, equivalent lengths (A1C13-M) and (C-A1C13) represent complexes
for u-bends or other fittings, and losses asso- formed between the dissolved A1C13 and the
ciated with changes in tube diameter. The basic species in question. The concentration of the
design equation is then applied to each segment first reactive complex is essentially constant as
using the average of the inlet and outlet pressures long as enough methyl acrylate remains in solu-
in the rate expression. One marches through the tion to regenerate (A1C13*M) efficiently. The con-
reactor assuming conversion increments that centration of methyl acrylate in excess of A1C13
are sufficiently small that calculations allowing will not affect the rate of reaction during the
for the pressure drop lead to convergence of the early stages of reaction but, as reaction proceeds
integral. The case study in Section 13.1 indicates and the methyl acrylate concentration drops
one possible approach to this problem. below the initial A1C13 concentration, the
Illustrations 8.3 and 8.4 indicate the applica- amount of complex present is limited by the
tion of the above analysis to isothermal tubular amount of methyl acrylate remaining.
reactors with negligible pressure drop. These investigators report that the second-
order rate constant for reaction B is equal to
ILLUSTRATION 8.3 DETERMINATION OF 1.15 x 10" 3 m3/mole-ksec at 20 °C. Determine
REQUIRED PLUG FLOW REACTOR the volume of plug flow reactor that would be
VOLUME UNDER ISOTHERMAL necessary to achieve 40% conversion of the input
OPERATING CONDITIONS—CONSTANT butadiene assuming isothermal operating condi-
DENSITY CASE tions and a liquid feed rate of 0.500 m 3 /ksec. The
feed composition is as follows.
Inukai and Kojima (9) have studied the alumi-
num chloride catalyzed diene condensation of Butadiene {B) 96.5 moles/m3
butadiene and methyl acrylate in benzene solu- Methyl acrylate (M) 184 moles/m3
tion. The stoichiometry for this Diels-Alder AICI3 6.63 moles/m3
reaction is

CH 2 O
|| o

CH 2 CH 2 CH CH 2
\\ /
CH 2
butadiene (B) methyl acrylate (M) -+ adduct (C)
266 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

Solution the use of a tubular reactor impractical for the

specified operating conditions. For these condi-
The butadiene is the limiting reagent and con-
tions a cascade of stirred tank reactors would be
versions will be expressed in terms of this species.
more appropriate.
Over the composition range of interest there will
always be sufficient methyl acrylate present to tie
up the aluminum chloride. Consequently the ILLUSTRATION 8.4 DETERMINATION OF
concentration of the complex (A1C13-M) will re- REQUIRED PLUG FLOW REACTOR
main constant throughout the length of the VOLUME UNDER ISOTHERMAL
reactor at a value equal to the initial A1C13 con- OPERATING CONDITIONS—VARIABLE
centration. For these conditions the reaction DENSITY CASE
rate expression is the form Ratchford and Fisher (10) have studied the
pyrolysis of methyl acetoxypropionate at tem-
— rB = kCBCAlclyM = kCB (l — (D) peratures near 500 °C and a variety of pressures.


acetic acid methyl acrylate

since the volume change accompanying liquid Below 565 °C the pyrolysis reaction is essen-
phase reactions is negligible. Equation 8.2.9 may tially first order with a rate constant given by
be used as the basic design relationship.
k = 7.8 x l O 9 * " 1 9 2 2 0 ' 7 ^ " 1
- rB° JO 7Z rB) where T is expressed in degrees Kelvin.
If one desires to design a pilot scale tubular
- C
= CBO r-
Jo ,
reactor to operate isothermally at 500 °C, what
length of 6-in. pipe will be required to convert
Since the quantities CA1Cb 0 and k are constant 90% of the raw feedstock to methyl acrylate?
for the conditions cited, equation E may be The feedstock enters at 5 atm at a flow rate of
integrated to give 500 lb/hr. Ideal gas behavior may be assumed.
A 6-in. pipe has an area of 0.0388 ft2 available
for flow. Pressure drop across the reactor may be
1-/* neglected.
T =

Substitution of numerical values gives Solution

From equation 8.2.9 and the fact that the re-
1 - 0.4 action is first order,
T = •= 67.0 k s e c o 18.6 hr
(1.15 x 10"3)(6.63)
From the definition of the space time and the
inlet volumetric flow rate,
T = C AO
K- kC4

VR = xr0 = 67.0(0.500) = 33.5 m 3 For the case where the feed is pure methyl
The space time and reactor volume required
to accomplish the specified conversion in a plug
flow reactor are sufficiently high that they make
8.2 Design of Tubular Reactors 267

Since there is a change in the number of moles of From the definition of the space time,
gaseous species on reaction, the concentration
VR = = (0.193)(29.9) = 5.78 ft3
corresponding to a given fraction conversion is
From geometric considerations the required
1 -h (B) length of 6-in. pipe is equal to (5.78 ft3)/(3.88 x
- Wo
10~ 2 ft 2 )or 149 ft.
Combining equations A and B gives
Illustrations 8.3 and 8.4 indicate how the plug
(\ + fA) dfA flow design equations may be applied to homo-
T =
- fA) geneous fluid phase reactions. We now wish to
consider the form of the plug flow reactor design
Since the reaction takes place isothermally at
equation for heterogeneous catalytic reactions.
500 °C, the reaction rate constant may be moved
For reactions of this type the reaction rate must
outside the integral sign. At this temperature it is
be expressed per unit weight or per unit area of
equal to 0.124 sec" l . Thus
catalyst. Since the two are related through the
specific surface area of the material, we will
develop relations only in terms of the former.
Consider the segment of a tubular reactor shown
Evaluation of the integrals gives in Figure 8.3 in which we now presume that the
differential volume element dVR contains an
0.124i = - - fA) - fA - €n(l - fA) amount of catalyst dW. The rate of disappear-
- fA) - fA ance of reactant A within the differential volume
F o r / , =0.90, element is then equal to { — rAm) dW. A material
balance for steady-state operating conditions
T = [ - 2 £n(l - 0.9) - 0.900]/0.124 = 29.9 sec based on equation 8.2.1 gives
If we had erred and not included the effect of Input Output Disappearance by reaction
volumetric expansion on reaction, we would
FA =FA + dFA + (-rAm)dW
have calculated a space time of 18.6 sec, which
would have been off by 38%, and this error would (8.2.11)
propagate through the remainder of the calcula- Introduction of the fraction conversion through
tions below. equation 8.2.5 leads to the following analog of
If the gas behaves ideally the volumetric flow equation 8.2.7.
rate at the reactor inlet is given by the product
of the molal flow rate [(500/146) lb moles/hr] dfA (8.2.12)
and the molal volume at the pressure and tem- {-rA
perature in question. The latter may be calcu-
In this case the reaction rate will depend not
lated by correcting the standard molal volume
only on the system temperature and pressure but
(359 ft3/lb mole) for variations in temperature
also on the properties of the catalyst. It should be
and pressure between the reactor inlet and stan-
noted that the reaction rate term must include
dard conditions. Hence
the effects of external and intraparticle heat and
mass transfer limitations on the rate. Chapter 12
treats these subjects and indicates how equation
8.2.12 can be used in the analysis of packed bed
= 696 ft3/hr o= ft3/sec reactors.
268 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

8.2.2 Residence Times in Plug space time is the more meaningful for reactor
Flow Reactors design purposes. A knowledge of mean residence
time 1 does not permit us to determine the re-
For plug flow reactors all fluid elements take the
quired reactor volume, but a knowledge of the
same length of time to travel from the reactor
space time i readily leads to this quantity. The
inlet to the reactor outlet. This time is the mean
space time is an independent variable directly
residence time 7.
related to system parameters, whereas the mean
Consider the general case of a reaction ac-
residence time is a dependent variable found by
companied by a volumetric expansion or con-
integration of equation 8.2.17 or by tracer
traction. The time necessary for a plug to travel
studies (see Chapter 11).
from inlet to outlet of a tubular reactor is given
t = (8.2.13)
where V is the volumetric flow rate. This param-
eter can be written in terms of the inlet reference
volumetric flow rate (%), the fraction conver- Consider the plug flow reactor used for the
sion, and the volumetric expansion parameter. pyrolysis of methyl acetoxypropionate in Illus-
TT = ^ ( 1 + dAfA) (8.2.14) tration 8.4.
The increment in reactor volume can be written C 6 H 10 O 4 C2H4O2 C4H6O2
in terms of the fraction conversion using equation A B C
8.2.6. For isothermal operation at 500 °C and 5 atrn,
>dfA it was shown that the space time required to
dVR = (8.2.15)
(~rA) achieve 90% conversion was 29.9 sec. Compare
this value with the mean residence time of the
Combining equations 8.2.13 to 8.2.15 gives
material in the plug flow reactor.
1= (8.2.16) Solution
For first-order kinetics in a system where SA is
which can be rewritten in terms of the inlet
nonzero, the reaction rate expression is of the
reference concentration of the limiting reagent as
dfA (1
1 = CAO (8.2.17) _ -
r kc -M
JfA in
This equation is the basic relation for the mean In the present case 8A = 1. Hence the equation
residence time in a plug flow reactor with arbi- for the mean residence time (equation 8.2.17)
trary reaction kinetics. Note that this expression becomes
differs from that for the space time (equation (*0.9
8.2.9) by the inclusion of the term (1 + SAfA) and _
that this term appears inside the integral sign.
t — Jo kC AO - fA) SAfA)
The two quantities become identical only when
dA is zero (i.e., the fluid density is constant). The Simplification gives
differences between the two characteristic times 0.9
ro.9 dfA -£n(l -fA)
may be quite substantial, as we will see in
Illustration 8.5. Of the two quantities, the reactor r 0
8.3 The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) 269

Substitution of numerical values gives of a reactor network must be proportioned such

1 that equal increments in conversion occur across
t = [ - £ n ( l - 0.9)] - 18.6 sec each leg. For this case, too, the network acts as
0.124 if it were a single plug flow reactor with a volume
This value is considerably less than the reactor equal to the sum of the constituent reactor
space time and differs from it by 38%. volumes. Thus for any series-parallel combina-
tion of plug flow reactors, one can treat the whole
system as a single plug flow reactor with a volume
8.2.3 Series-Parallel Combinations of equal to the total volume of the individual re-
Tubular Reactors actors, provided that the fluid streams are dis-
In order to achieve increases in production tributed in a manner such that streams that
capacity or to obtain higher conversion levels, combine have the same composition. Hence, for
it may be necessary to provide additional reactor any units in parallel, the space times or VR/FA0
volume through the use of various series-parallel must be identical. Other flow distributions would
be less efficient.
combinations of reactors.
Consider j plug flow reactors connected in
series and l e t / i , / 2 , / 3 , . . . / ) , . . . J) represent the 8.3 THE CONTINUOUS FLOW STIRRED
fraction conversion of the limiting reagent, TANK REACTOR (CSTR)
leaving reactors 1, 2, 3 , . . . / , . . . , j . For each of Continuous flow stirred tank reactors are widely
the reactors considered above, the appropriate used in the chemical process industry. Although
design equation is 8.2.7. For reactor j , individual reactors may be used, it is usually
dfA preferable to employ a battery of such reactors
VRi = (8.2.18) connected in series. The effectiveness of such
\-r. batteries depends on the number of reactors
The total reactor volume is obtained by used, the sizes of the component reactors, and
summing the individual reactor volumes. the efficiency of mixing within each stage.

, total - F P2 r J
P ]
~\ (8.2.19)
- A Jj-A~- A)J

From the principles of calculus, the quantity in Continuous flow stirred tank reactors are
brackets can be rewritten as a single integral. normally just what the name implies—tanks into
Hence which reactants flow and from which a product
stream is removed on a continuous basis.
CFSTR, CSTR, C-star, and back-mix reactor
Thus j plug flow reactors in series with a total are only a few of the names applied to the
volume VRtioial give the same conversion as a idealized stirred tank flow reactor. We will use
single reactor of volume T^>total. the letters CSTR as a shorthand notation in this
When plug flow reactors are connected in textbook. The virtues of a stirred tank reactor
parallel, the most efficient utilization of the total lie in its simplicity of construction and the rela-
reactor volume occurs when mixing of streams tive ease with which it may be controlled. These
of differing compositions does not occur. Con- reactors are used primarily for carrying out
sequently the feed rates to different parallel legs liquid phase reactions in the organic chemicals
270 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

industry, particularly for systems that are cha- molecules have short residence times, there is a
racterized by relatively slow reaction rates. If it rapid response at the reactor outlet to changes
is imperative that a gas phase reaction be carried in the reactor feed stream. This characteristic
out under efficient mixing conditions similar to facilitates automatic control of the reactor.
those found in a stirred tank reactor, one may Because the mixing process makes the prop-
employ a tubular reactor containing a recycle erties of the entire reactor contents equal to
loop. At sufficiently high recycle rates, such those of the effluent stream, there will be a step
systems approximate CSTR behavior. This sec- change in fluid composition and temperature at
tion is concerned with the development of design the point where the feedstream enters the reactor.
equations that are appropriate for use with the In the present chapter we will restrict the dis-
idealized stirred tank model. cussion to cases where there is no temperature
change on entrance to the reactor unless other-
8.3.1 Individual Stirred Tank Reactors wise noted. For these isothermal CSTR's the Basic Assumptions and Design Relation- drop in reactant concentration as the fluid
ships. The most important feature of the enters the reactor implies that in the vast
CSTR is its mixing characteristics. The ideal- majority of cases the volume average reaction
ized model of reactor performance presumes rate will be low by comparison to that in an
that the reactor contents are perfectly mixed so isothermal plug flow reactor. Consequently,
that the system properties are uniform through- when both operate at the same temperature, a
out. The effluent composition and temperature CSTR will have to be significantly larger than
are thus identical with those of the reactor con- a PFR in order to effect the same composition
tents. This feature greatly simplifies the analysis change in a given amount of fluid. (Exceptions
of stirred tank reactors vis a vis tubular reactors occur in the case of autocatalytic reactions.)
for both isothermal and nonisothermal opera- However, by using a battery of stirred tanks in
tion. It is not difficult to obtain a good approxi- series, differences in total volume requirements
mation to CSTR behavior, provided that the can be significantly reduced. Moreover, be-
fluid phase is not too viscous. The approxima- cause of the simplicity of their construction,
tion to CSTR behavior is valid if the time stirred tank reactors normally cost much less
necessary to disperse an entering element of per unit of volume than tubular reactors. Thus,
fluid (e.g., a shot of dye or radioactive tracer) in many cases, it is more economic to employ a
uniformly throughout the tank is very much Targe stirred tank reactor or a battery of such
shorter than the average residence time in the reactors than it is to use a tubular reactor. Size
tank. comparisons of these two types can be treated
Unlike the situation in a plug flow reactor, the quantitatively, and we will return to this subject
various fluid elements mix with one another in in Sections and First, however, we
a CSTR. In the limit of perfect mixing, a tracer must develop the basic design equations.
molecule that enters at the reactor inlet has Consider the schematic representation of a
equal probability of being anywhere in the continuous flow stirred tank reactor shown in
vessel after an infinitesimally small time incre- Figure 8.5. The starting point for the develop-
ment. Thus all fluid elements in the reactor have ment of the fundamental design equation is again
equal probability of leaving in the next time a generalized material balance on a reactant
increment. Consequently there will be a broad species. For the steady-state case the accumula-
distribution of residence times for various tracer tion term in equation 8.0.1 is zero. Furthermore,
molecules. The character of the distribution is since conditions are uniform throughout the
discussed in Section 11.1. Because some of the reactor volume, the material balance may be
8.3 The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) 271

Outlet molal flow rate

Fraction conversion of
limiting reagent at outlet
Outlet concentration of
limiting reagent
A out ~ A0 ( t)

A in = l n l e t molal flow rate
[A in = Fraction conversion
of limiting reagent
at inlet
CA in = Inlet concentration
of limiting reagent

Figure 8.5
Schematic representation of CSTR indicating process variables.

written over the entire reactor. Hence,

z /Rate of flow of \ /Rate of disappearance \

/ Rate ofr j aflow of
r N
\ / , . A / f ^ ^ •• l
I = reactant+ out of + of reactant uby reaction (8.3.1)
I reactant into reactor/ » ' ' 'J '
\ reactor \ in the reactor /

In terms of the symbols indicated in Figure 8.5, The last equation may be rewritten in terms
of the fraction conversion as
^ m = FAout + (-rAF)VR (8.3.2)
where we again emphasize that the appropriate ^ o ( l - L m ) = ^ o ( l - L o u t ) + (~rAF)VR
volume is that physically occupied by the re- (8.3.3)
acting fluid. The quantity (— rAF) is the rate of
disappearance of reactant A evaluated at reactor where FA0 is again the molal flow rate corre-
outlet conditions. sponding to zero conversion. Rearrangement
272 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

gives reference volumetric flow rate % and a corre-

JA out JA in sponding concentration {CA0\
F AO (~rAF) }R ut JA in)
Equation 8.3.4 is an extremely useful expression %~ i-rAP)
relating in a simple manner the reactor volume,
In terms of the reactor space time
the molal flow rate at zero conversion, the
change in fraction conversion accomplished
in the reactor, and the reaction rate. A knowl- T =
edge of any three of these quantities permits the (-rAF) ' AF)
fourth to be calculated directly. For reactor (8.3.6)
design purposes the two problems of primary
interest can be readily solved using this equation. This equation differs from that for the plug
flow reactor (8.2.9) in that for a CSTR the rate is
1. The size reactor needed to perform a specified evaluated at effluent conditions and thus appears
task under specified operating conditions outside the integral.
may be determined. It is particularly convenient to choose the
2. For a reactor of a given size one may deter- reference conditions at which the volumetric
mine either the conversion achieved for a flow rate is measured as the temperature and
specified flow rate and temperature or the pressure prevailing at the reactor inlet, because
quantity of material that can be processed to this choice leads to a convenient physical inter-
a given degree of conversion at a specified pretation of the parameters f^ and CA0 and,
temperature. in many cases, one finds that the latter quantity
cancels a similar term appearing in the reaction
Equation 8.3.4 may also be used in the analy- rate expression. Unless otherwise specified, this
sis of kinetic data taken in laboratory scale choice of reference conditions is used throughout
stirred tank reactors. One may directly deter- the remainder of this text. For constant density
mine the reaction rate from a knowledge of the systems and this choice of reference conditions,
reactor volume, flow rate through the reactor, the space time x then becomes numerically equal
and stream compositions. The fact that one may to the average residence time of the fluid in the
determine the rate directly and without integra- reactor.
tion makes stirred tank reactors particularly
Since one is almost always concerned with
attractive for use in studies of reactions with
liquid phase reactions when dealing with stirred
complex rate expressions (e.g., enzymatic or
tank reactors, the assumption of constant fluid
heterogeneous catalytic reactions) or of systems
density is usually appropriate. In this case equa-
in which multiple reactions take place.
tion 8.3.6 can be written as
Equation 8.3.4 is completely general and in-
dependent of whether the reaction occurs at
constant density (5A = 0) and of whether the
^ A in ^A out
feed stream and the reactor contents have iden-
tical temperatures. The effective reactor volume (for constant density systems only)
is independent of the particular geometry giving
rise to this volume. All that is required is that
the contents be well mixed. We now wish to consider some examples that
If the molal flow rate at zero fraction conver- indicate how to employ the above equations in
sion is written in terms of the product of a reactor design analyses.
8.3 The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) 273

ILLUSTRATION 8.6 DETERMINATION OF This volume is appreciably larger than the

REQUIRED CSTR VOLUME UNDER volume of plug flow reactor calculated in Illus-
ISOTHERMAL OPERATING tration 8.3 for the same reaction conditions and
CONDITIONS—LIQUID PHASE REACTION fraction conversion. However, the cost of such a
reactor would be considerably less than the cost
Consider the Diels-Alder reaction between 1,3-
of a tubular reactor of the size determined in
butadiene (B) and methyl acrylate (M) discussed
Illustration 8.3.
in Illustration 8.3.
B + M -> C
8,3.1.2 Mean Residence Time in Stirred Tank
If the operating conditions used in that illustra-
Reactors. Stirred tank reactors differ from plug
tion are again employed, determine the volume flow reactors in that not all fluid elements remain
of a single continuous stirred tank reactor which in the CSTR for the same length of time. The
will give 40% conversion of the butadiene when characteristics of the residence time distribution
the liquid flow rate is 0.500 m 3 /ksec. function are treated in Chapter 11. In this sub-
section we consider only the problem of deter-
mining the average residence time of a fluid
For the conditions cited the reaction rate element in an ideal CSTR. This problem is
expression is of the form considerably simplified by the fact that the fluid
properties are uniform throughout the reactor
-rB = kCB0(\ - / B ) C A l c l 3 i 0 (A) and equal to those prevailing at the exit. Thus
with the mean residence time in an ideal CSTR is
k = 1.15 x 10~ 3 m 3 /mole-ksec given by
CB0 = 96.5 moles/m3 t = (8.3.8)
^AICI3,O = 6-^3 moles/m 3
where the volumetric flow rate is evaluated at
Equation 8.3.6 may be used as the basic design
effluent conditions.
The effluent volumetric flow rate is also given
dfB by
i = (B) % = %(l + SAfAF) (8.3.9)
(-rBF) {-rBF)
where Yo is the volumetric flow rate evaluated
Combining equations A and B gives
at a composition corresponding to zero fraction
CBOIB JB conversion. Combining equations 8.3.8 and 8.3.9
= •
kCB0(l — fB)C A\CI3,O ^(1 — / B
Substitution of numerical values gives t = S
O40 (8.3.10)
(1.15 x 10" 3 )(l - 0.4)(6.63)
Unlike the situation in the PFR, there is always
= 87.4 ksec = 24.3 hr a simple relationship between the mean resi-
dence time and the reactor space time for a
From the definition of the space time and the
CSTR. Since one normally associates a liquid
inlet volumetric flow rate,
feed stream with these reactors, volumetric ex-
VR - T^o - (87.4)(0.500) = 43.7 m 3 pansion effects are usually negligible (SA = 0).
274 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

In this situation the mean residence time and the For most of the commonly encountered types
reactor space time become identical. of reaction rate expressions the rate decreases
monotonically with increasing fraction con- Relative Size Requirements for an In- version. The fact that a step change in composi-
dividual Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor and a tion occurs as a fluid enters an ideal CSTR
Plug Flow Reactor. In the development of the
final reactor design for a proposed production
requirement, the chemical engineer must con-
sider a variety of reactor types and modes of
operation. Several factors must be considered
in the development of the final design, some of Path followed in
which may be only peripherally related to the plug flow reactor

kinetics of the reaction in question. Many of

these factors are implicit in the questions posed
in Section 8.0.1. Since a variety of operating
conditions, modes of operation, and reactor
types can be used to accomplish a specified task, Rate prevailing in
individual CSTR
it is not possible to generate a simple logical
procedure that can be followed to arrive at a
truly optimum design. A knowledge of the per-
formance characteristics of individual ideal re-
Reactant concentration
actors (and combinations thereof) and sound
engineering judgment based on previous design Figure 8.6a
experience are both useful in arriving at a work- Reaction rate versus reactant concentration plot
able design. The nonanalytical reasoning that for typical reactions—single ideal reactors.
must perforce enter into design calculations is
beyond the scope of this textbook. This capa-
bility comes only with the accumulation of
experience and interaction with other individ-
uals who have long been regularly engaged in the Inlet conditions-
practice of reactor design. We can, however,
indicate the quantitative considerations that
have an important bearing on the economics of
the proposed design. The choice of the reactor
Effluent from reactor 1
network employed to carry out the desired con-
version will play an important role in that it will Effluent from
specify the size of the units needed and the distri- reactor 2

bution of products emerging from the reactor. Effluent from

reactor 3
In this section we turn our attention to the
problem of determining relative size require-
ments for a single ideal CSTR and a PFR where
Reactant concentration
both reactors operate isothermally at the same
temperature. The analysis applies to systems in Figure 8.6b
which only one reaction occurs to a significant Reaction rate versus reactant concentration plot
extent. for typical reactions—three reactors in series.
8.3 The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) 275

implies that for these cases the reaction rate will the area under a plot of the reciprocal reaction
be much smaller in this type of reactor than it rate ( — l/rA) versus fraction conversion was
would be in a tubular reactor being used to equal to the ratio VR/FA0 for a plug flow reactor.
accomplish the same composition change. Con- In the case of a CSTR equation 8.3.4 indicates
sequently, the CSTR must be significantly larger that on a similar plot, the quantity VR/FA0 is
than the PFR. These considerations are evident equal to the rectangular area shown in Figure
from a brief consideration of Figure 8.6a. In a 8.7. Thus, the ratio of the rectangular area to the
plug flow reactor one moves from right to left area under the curve is equal to the ratio of
along the rate curve as he or she proceeds from reactor volumes if identical molal flow rates and
inlet to outlet. In a CSTR, on the other hand, conversion increments are employed. For any
the reaction rate is constant throughout the rate expression that decreases monotonically
reactor and equal to that prevailing at the outlet. with increasing fraction conversion, the CSTR
Except in the case of autocatalytic reactions (see will always require a larger reactor volume than
Section 9.4), this rate corresponds to the lowest the corresponding PFR used to accomplish the
point on the PFR rate curve and implies that a same task.
larger volume will be required to accomplish
the same composition change between inlet and
outlet streams. Reciprocal,
rate curve
It is possible to reduce the disparity in reactor
volumes by using several tanks in series so that
one obtains stepwise changes in composition as
one proceeds from tank to tank. This situation is
depicted in Figure 8.6b for the case of three
CSTR's in series. In this case it is readily ap-
parent that each of the CSTR's would have a
larger volume than that of a PFR necessary to
effect the same composition change, so that the
total volume of the three CSTR's would exceed
that of a single PFR used to effect the same
overall change in composition. (We have shown
earlier that the three PFR's in series would be
equivalent to a single PFR with a volume equal
to the sum of those of the individual PFR's.) As
one increases the number of CSTR's in series, J A out

the disparities in total volume become less and, Fraction conversion, fA

in the limit, as the number of CSTR's approaches
infinity the battery will approach PFR behavior. Figure 8.7
For now, however, we wish to limit our con- Reciprocal rate versus fraction conversion plot for
siderations to a comparison of the relative sizes determination of VR/FA0 for CSTR.
of a single CSTR and a PFR under isothermal
operating conditions. If one has a knowledge of the analytical form
In order to be able to compare relative reactor of the reaction rate expression, equations 8.2.7
sizes one needs a knowledge of the form of the and 8.3.4 may be used to determine the relative
reaction rate expression in either graphical or reactor volumes required. In order to indicate
analytical terms. In Section 8.2.1 we showed that the utility of these equations, let us consider the
276 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

general class of reactions that follow simple nth- 3. The higher the order of the reaction, the
order kinetics with n normally lying between greater the ratio of sizes at a fixed conversion
zero and three. Following Levenspiel's analysis level. For zero-order reactions reactor size is
(11), we will presume that the inlet fraction con- independent of reactor type.
version is zero and that the volumetric expansion 4. Variations in fluid density on reaction can
parameter (3A) has some arbitrary value. Thus have significant effects on the size ratio, but
the effects are secondary when compared to
- fA)" the variations in reaction order. For positive
— r4 = (8.3.11)
SAfA)n values of the expansion parameter dA, the
volume ratio is increased, for negative values
For these conditions the general design equation
of SA, the volume ratio decreases. However,
for a plug flow reactor (8.2.7) becomes
the fact that in practice CSTR's are used only
vn 'Mi +sAfA)ndfA for liquid phase reactions makes this point
(8.3.12) academic.

while that for a single CSTR (equation 8.3.4) The larger volume requirement of the CSTR
becomes does not necessarily imply extra capital costs,
especially for reactions that occur at ambient
+ sA/Ay pressure. However, the fact that the required
/csTR kC"A0 \ l - f A CSTR volume increases rapidly at high con-
version levels leads to some interesting optimiza-
Dividing equation 8.3.13 by equation 8.3.12 gives
tion problems in reactor design. The chemical
engineer must find the point at which he obtains
AO /CSTR 1-/4
an economic trade-off between the high fraction
conversion obtained in a large reactor versus the
dAfAy dfA

p - fAr
low conversions in a small reactor. In the first
situation the equipment costs will be high and
(8.3.14) the product separation costs and raw material
costs low; in the second case equipment costs
Levenspiel (11) has evaluated the right side of will be low and the other costs high. The optim-
equation 8.3.14 for various values of n and SA. ization problem may be further complicated by
His results are presented in graphical form in allowing the number of CSTR's employed to
Figure 8.8. For identical feed concentrations vary, as we will see in Section
(CA0) and molal flow rates (FA0) the ordinate of
In Illustrations 8.3 and 8.6 we considered the
the figure indicates the volume ratio required
reactor size requirements for the Diels-Alder
for a specified conversion level.
reaction between 1,4-butadiene and methyl
There are several useful generalizations which acrylate. For the conditions cited the reaction
may be gleaned from a thorough study of may be considered as a pseudo first-order reac-
Figure 8.8. They include the following. tion with 5A = 0. At a fraction conversion of
0.40 the required PFR volume was 33.5 m 3 , while
1. If the reaction order is positive, the CSTR is the required CSTR volume was 43.7 m 3 . The
larger than the PFR at all conversion levels. ratio of these volumes is 1.30. From Figure 8.8
2. The higher the fraction conversion involved, the ratio is seen to be identical with this value.
the greater the disparity between the sizes of Thus this figure or equation 8.3.14 can be used
the CSTR and the PFR. in solving a number of problems involving the
8.3 The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) 277




Figure 8.8
Comparison of performance of single CSTR and plug flow reactor for the
nth-order reactions

A -> products, — rA = KCnA

The ordinate becomes the volume ratio KCSTR/VPFR or the space time ratio
T CSTR /T PFR if the same quantities of identical feed are used. (Adapted from
Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second Edition, by O. Levenspiel. Copyright
© 1972. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.)

comparison of the performance of an individual CSTR Performance Under Nonsteady-

CSTR with that of a plug flow reactor for systems State Conditions. During start-up and shut-
that obey nth-order kinetics. Mixed second- and down periods and during shifts from one steady-
third-order reactions can also be handled in state operating condition to a second, the design
terms of the nth-order model if stoichiometric equations developed in Section are no
ratios of reactants are used. The techniques longer appropriate. In these cases the starting
employed in solving problems using the figure point for the analysis must be the generalized
will be discussed in Section after a corre- material and energy balance equations con-
sponding figure has been developed for use with taining accumulation terms (equations 8.0.1 and
multiple identical CSTR's connected in series. 8.0.3). In order to indicate the general approach
278 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

to the nonsteady-state analysis of reactors, we For liquid phase reactions where SA = 0, the
wish to consider briefly the relations that govern following expression is appropriate.
the transient behavior of an individual CSTR
operating under isothermal conditions. In some Kn
ln ~ ^ t (8-3.19)
cases it is possible to obtain easily analytical dt
solutions describing the approach to the steady
Combining equations 8.3.18 and 8.3.19 gives
state because of the uniform composition of the
reactor contents. This situation is in distinct dCAF ,„
contrast to that prevailing in a plug flow reactor ^ (8.3.20)
where one must invariably resort to numerical
solutions of the transient material balance rela- There are several interesting forms of equation
tions in order to describe the approach to steady- 8.3.20 that correspond to various limiting con-
state conditions. ditions. For example, if both VR and %n are
For nonsteady-state operating conditions the time invariant, we have the situation corre-
generalized material balance on reactant A is as sponding to a shift from one steady-state
follows. operating condition to a second, and the quantity

T r^ . . Disappearance
rsr . .
InputA = Output + u . K
-f Accumulation
by reaction

F = F A- (— r \V (8.3.15)
A in -* A out ' V AF/ R dt

where the reaction rate is evaluated at the con- VRl%n is just the reactor space time T. Hence,
ditions prevailing at the reactor outlet and NA for this case,
is the total number of moles of species A in the C — C
reactor at time t. NA may change as a result of (8.3.21)
changes in the volume occupied by the reacting dt
fluid or as a result of changes in the composition It is readily apparent that equation 8.3.21 re-
of the fluid. Since duces to the basic design equation (equation
8.3.7) when steady-state conditions prevail.
= CAFVR (8.3.16)
Under the presumptions that CA in undergoes a
then step change at time zero and that the system is
isothermal, equation 8.3.21 has been solved for
various reaction rate expressions. In the case of
first-order reactions, solutions are available for
If the molal flow rates are written as the pro- both multiple identical CSTR's in series and in-
duct of a concentration and a volumetric flow dividual CSTR's (12). In the case of a first-order
rate, and if equation 8.3.17 is combined with irreversible reaction in a single CSTR, equation
equation 8.3.15, 8.3.21 becomes
dC AF cA in -kCAF (8.3.22)
dt T T
+ (8.3.18) This equation is an ordinary linear differential
dt dt
8.3 The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) 279

equation with constant coefficients if CA in and counter stepwise variations in temperature as

the rate constant are time independent. In this one moves from one reactor to another in the
case the solution may be obtained by separation cascade.
of variables and integration. Each of the individual CSTR's that make up
the cascade can be analyzed using the techniques
Jc* =J and concepts developed in Section 8.3.1. The
present section indicates how one may mani-
pulate the key relations developed earlier to
where C* is the reactant concentration in -the obtain equations that simplify the analysis of a
tank at time zero. Integration gives cascade of ideal CSTR's.
We begin by indicating a few generalizations
d* _ U + 1-)c* that are relevant to the treatment of batteries
of stirrfed tank reactors. Consider the cascade
of ideal CSTR's shown in Figure 8.10. For any
individual reactor denoted by the subscript i
= t (8.3.24) the basic design equatidn developed earlier as
k + - equation 8.3.4 is appropriate:
or JA out JA in Ji Ji-1
— r AF — rAi
r^% ^ A in
where the subscripts used are as indicated in the
(8.3.25) figure and (— rAi) is the rate of disappearance
where the first term on the right is just the steady- of species A in reactor i. We wish to emphasize
that FA0 is the molal flow rate of reactant A
state effluent concentration.
~under conditions that would correspond to zero
fraction conversion. We should also note that
8.3.2 Stirred Tank Reactors in Series the conditions within any individual reactor
are not influenced by what happens in reactors
In order to reduce the disparities in volume or
downstream. The conditions of the inlet stream
space time requirements between an individual
and tho£e prevailing within the reactor itself
CSTR and a plug flow reactor, batteries or
are the only variables that influence reactor
cascades of stirred tank reactors ard employed.
performance under either steady-state or tran-
These reactor networks consist of a number of
sient conditions.
stirred tank reactors connected in series with
If desired, the last equation can also be
the effluent from one reactor serving as the
written in terms of the reactor space time for
input to the next. Although the concentration
the fth reactor as
is uniform within any one reactor, there is a
progressive decrease in reactant concentration
as ohe moves from the initial tank to the final vRi 3.3.27)
tank in the cascade. In effect one has stepwise — rAi
variations in composition as he moves from one where CA0 is the reactant'concentration corre-
CSTR to another. Figure 8.9 illustrates the sponding to zero conversion at the inlet tem-
stepwise variations typical of reactor cascades' perature and pressure.
for different numbers of CSTR's in series. In the Equations 8.3.26 and 8.3.27 are generally
general nonisothermal case one will also en- applicable to all types of CSTR cascades. If one

T-l ^

fAO fA, fA2 fAZ

Fraction conversion

Figure 8.9
Schematic representation of reciprocal rate curve for cascade of three
arbitrary size CSTR's.

K , T,

Figure 8.10
Notation for a cascade of N CSTR's in series.

8.3 The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) 281

recognizes that the use of such cascades is systems. In this section we presume a knowledge
almost invariably restricted to liquid systems of the reaction rate expression as a function of
and that in such systems density changes the concentration of reactant A, at least in
caused by reaction or thermal effects are usually graphical terms. That is, we presume
quite small, then additional relations or simpli-
fications can be developed from these starting (8.3.30)
equations. In particular this situation implies
that at steady state the volumetric flow rate where g{CA) denotes some arbitrary function.
between stages is substantially constant. It also For present purposes we assume that the CSTR's
implies that for each reactor, Jt = xb and that all operate at the same temperature and that
the following relation between concentration g{CA) is known at this temperature.
and fraction conversion is appropriate: Equation 8.3.29 may be written in the form

(8.3.28) c —
CAi = CAO(1 - ft) W(i- 1) (8.3.31)
where CAi is the concentration of reactant A
leaving the ith reactor. We will make the as- \n graphical terms this equation indicates that
sumption of constant density throughout the a plot of( — rAi) versus CAi is a straight line with
remainder of Section 8.3.2. We should also recall a slope — 1/ij that cuts the abscissa at C^-^.
that the development of equation 8.3.26 pre- An Analysis of the reactor design problem
sumed steady-state operation and thus this involves the simultaneous solution of equation
assumption is also made throughout Sections 8.3.30 and several equations of the form of to equation 8.3.31 (one for each reactor). These
In view of equation 8.3.28 and these assump- equations are the basis for the solution of the
tions, equation 8.3.27 can be rewritten as two types of problems with which the reactor
designer is most often faced in the analysis of
batteries of ideal CSTR's.

1. What is the final effluent composition from

This equation is_the one that is most appropriate a network of such reactors? (We might also
for our use in the next two subsections, in that require the composition of the stream leaving
we will find it convenient to work in terms of each reactor.)
reactant concentrations instead of conversion > 2. What combination of ideal CSTR's is best
levels. suited to achieving a specified conversion?
Each of these problems will be considered in Graphical Approach to the Analysis of turn. Consider the three ideal CSTR's shown in
Batteries of Stirred Tank Reactors Operating at Figure 8.11. The characteristic space times of
Steady State. Even in reaction systems where these reactors may differ widely. Note that the
it is not possible to determine the algebraic form direction of flow is from right to left. The first
of the reaction rate expression, it is often possible step in the analysis requires the preparation of
to obtain kinetic data that permit one to express a plot o»f reaction rate versus reactant concen-
graphically the rate as a function of the concen- tration based on experimental data (i.e., the
tration of one reactant. Laboratory scale CSTR's generation of a graphical representation of
are particularly appropriate for generating this equation 8.3.30). It is presented as curve I in
type of kinetic data for complex reaction Figure 8.11.
282 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

(I) Curve representing kinetic data


Figure 8.11
Plots used in the graphical analysis of cascades of ideal CSTR's.

Now, for the first reactor, equation 8.3.31 through the point where the ordinate is zero
becomes and the abscissa is CA0. However, only the point
CAO CAI of intersection of the straight line with the curve
-r, = ~ (8.3.32) representing equation 8.3.30 has physical mean-
ing. It represents the conditions f hat must
For a specified inlet concentration this equation prevail in the first reactor. Hence the solution
indicates that a plot of —i\ versus CA1 is a to the first part of our problem consists of
straight line with slope (—1/iJ that passes drawing straight line EF through point E with
8.3 The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) 283

slope ( —1/ij). CAl is the point of intersection bination of CSTR's that is best suited to
of this straight line with curve I, as shown in achieving a specified conversion level. We will
Figure 8.11. begin by considering the case of two arbitrary
Now that CA1 is known, it is evident that a size ideal CSTR's in series operating under
similar process can be used to find CA2 because, isothermal conditions and then briefly treat the
in this case, equation 8.3.31 becomes problem of using multiple identical CSTR's in
series. Consider the two cascade configurations
- r 2 = °A1 ~ CA2
(8.3.33) shown in Figure 8.12, taken from Levenspiel (13).
For the first reactor, equation 8.3.26 becomes
Thus we may construct straight line GH in
Figure 8.11, by drawing a line of slope ( — 1/T2) Ji Jo
through the point with an ordinate of zero and AO
an abscissa of CAl. The intersection_of this line while, for the second, it becomes
with curve I gives us the effluent concentration
from the second reactor. This same procedure VR2 f2 ~ h
can be repeated for any other reactors that may FAO (-rA2)
be part of the cascade. The straight line JK was The relations indicated by these two equations
constructed in this fashion for the present case. are shown graphically in Figure 8.12 for two
Let us turn now to the second of the problems alternative configurations. In both cases the
mentioned earlier—determination of the corn- cascade operates between the same initial and


Rectangular area
measures size of
first unit

•Of second unit

Figure 8.12
Graphical representation of variables for two CSTR's. (Adapted from Chemical Reaction
Engineering, Second Edition, by O. Levenspiel. Copyright © 1972. Reprinted by permission
of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.)
284 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

final conversion levels. The same arbitrary reac-

tion rate expression is appropriate in both
instances. As the composition of the effluent
from the first reactor is changed, the relative
size requirements for the two individual reactors
also change, as does the total volume required.
The size ratio is determined by the ratio of the
two shaded areas and the total volume by the
sum of these areas. The total reactor volume is
minimized when rectangle KLMN is made as
large as possible so the problem of selecting the
optimum sizes of the two reactor components
in this sense reduces to that of selecting point
/i so that the area of rectangle KLMN is
maximized. Levenspiel (13) has considered this Fraction conversion
general problem. We need consider only the
Figure 8.13
results of his analysis. Maximization of rectangles applied to find the
For reaction rate expressions oTthe nth-order optimum intermediate conversion and optimum
form it can be shown that there is always one sizes of two CSTR's in series. (Adapted from
and only one point that minimizes the total Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second Edition,
volume when n > 0. This situation is obtained by O. Levenspiel. Copyright © 1972. Reprinted
when the intermediate fraction conversion f1 is by permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.)
selected so that the slope of the curve represen-
ting the reaction rate expression at this con- second-order reaction where 99% conversion
version level is equal to the slope of the diagonal is desired, the minimum total volume required
of rectangle KLMN, as shown in Figure 8.13, is only about 3% less than if equal volume tanks
adopted from Levenspiel. Once this conversion had been used. For 99.9% conversion the
level is known, equations 8.3.34 and 8.3.35 may difference is only about 4%. Generally, the
be used to determine the required reactor sizes. savings associated with this small a reduction
As Levenspiel points out, the optimum size in total volume requirements would scarcely
ratio is generally dependent on the form of the be adequate to cover the extra costs of engineer-
reaction rate expression and on the conversion ing, installing, and maintaining two tanks of
task specified. For first-order kinetics (either different sizes. The argument for uniformity in
irreversible or reversible with first-order kinetics tank sizes becomes even stronger when cascades
in both directions) equal-sized reactors should composed of more than two reactors are consid-
be used. For orders above unity the smaller ered. Consequently, except in those rare cases
reactor should precede the larger; for orders where there are compelling reasons to the
between zero and unity the larger reactor should contrary, the reactor designer tends to employ
precede the smaller. Szepe and Levenspiel (14) multiple identically sized CSTR's in working
have presented charts showing the optimum up design specifications. However, it may be
size ratio for a cascade of two reactors as a advantageous to run the various CSTR's at
function of the conversion level for various different temperatures.
reaction orders. Their results indicate that the For the case of multiple equal-sized reactors
minimum in the total volume requirement is an in series, the problem of determining the reactor
extremely shallow one. For example, for a simple sizes necessary to achieve a specified degree of
8.3 The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) 285

conversion can be solved by a trial and error or, at 25 °C,

procedure. In this case the lines in figures analo- r = 9.92CI + 0.1984CB (A)
gous to Figure 8.11 will all be parallel to one
another. Consequently, one draws a number of where the rate is expressed in kilomoles per cubic
parallel lines equal to the number of CSTR's he meter per kilosecond when concentrations are
or she intends to use, with the first line passing expressed in kilomoles per cubic meter.
through the inlet composition. When the slope Equation A is presented in graphical form as
used provides the necessary match with the curve M in Figure 8.14.
specified final effluent composition, this slope For 87.5% conversion the concentration of
may be used to determine the necessary reactor benzoquinone in the effluent from the last
volume. Illustration 8.7 indicates the use of this reactor in the cascade will be equal to
technique. (1 - 0.875)(0.08) or 0.010 kmole/m 3 .
For the case where the cascade consists of only
ILLUSTRATION 8.7 DETERMINATION OF a single reactor, only a single straight line of
CSTR SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR the form of equation 8.3.31 is involved in the
CASCADES OF VARIOUS S I Z E S - graphical solution. One merely links the point
GRAPHICAL SOLUTION on curve M corresponding to the effluent con-
Consider the Diels-Alder reaction between centration of benzoquinone with the point on
benzoquinone (B) and cyclopentadiene (C), the abscissa corresponding to the feed concen-
which was discussed in Illustration 8.1. tration. The slope of this line is equal to ( — 1/T)
or ( — i^/VR). In the present instance the slope
B + C -+ adduct is equal to
If the reaction occurs in the liquid phase at
25 C, determine the reactor volume require- (2.976 - 0) x 10- 3 /(0.01 - 0.08)
ments for cascades of one and three identical or
-0.0425 ksec" 1
CSTR's. The rate at which liquid feed is supplied
is 0.278 m3/ksec. Use the graphical approach
outlined previously. The following constraints 0.278
yVR 6.54 n r
are applicable. 0.0425 0.0425
r = kCBCc with k = 9.92 m3/kmole-ksec For the case where the cascade consists of
C c o = 0.1 kmole/m 3
CB0 = 0.08 kmole/m 3 three identical reactors in series, a trial and error
approach is necessary to determine the required
Conversion desired—87.5% reactor size. One starts from the inlet concen-
Solution tration and draws a line linking this point on
the abscissa with some point J on curve M. One
The graphical approach requires a plot of reac- then draws a straight line parallel to the first,
tion rate versus the concentration of the limiting but passing through the point on the abscissa
reagent (benzoquinone). In order to prepare this corresponding to the benzoquinone concentra-
plot it is necessary to relate the two reactant tion at pointJ. This straight line intersects curve
concentrations to one another. From the initial M at some point K. One then repeats the pro-
concentrations and the stoichiometric co- cedure by drawing yet another parallel line
efficients, through the point on the abscissa corresponding
Cc = CB + 0.02 to the benzoquinone concentration at K. If the
Thus intersection of this straight line with curve M
r = kCB{CB + 0.02) occurs at a reactant concentration of 0.010
286 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

1 I I I I
- Solution for single CSTR
-Solution for cascade of three CSTR's
~ 100 -

*E 80


£ 40


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09

Benzoquinone concentration (kmoles/m3)

Figure 8.14
Graphical solution for cascade of CSTR's.

kmole/m 3 , our initial choice of slope was correct. quite generally applicable tp the steady-state
If not, one must choose a new point J and repeat analysis of CSTR cascades, it is not highly
the procedure until such agreement is obtained. accurate in numerical terms, particularly when
Figure 8.14 indicates the construction for this the generation of the curve representing the
case. The slopes of the straight lines in this reaction rate expression involves graphical or
figure are equal to (18.2 - 0) x 10" 3/(0.034 _ 0.08) numerical differentiation of rate data. Algebraic
or —0.396 ksec" 1 . Thus the volume of each rhethods are capable of greater accuracy than
individual CSTR is equal to 0.278/0.396 or graphical ones if the functional form and con-
0.70 m 3 . The combined volume of all three stants involved in the reaction rate expression
CSTR's is thus 2.1 m 3 , which is a volume re- are knpwn. In this subsection we will again
duction of more than a factor of three when consider a cascade of CSTR's where the reactor
compared to the single CSTR case. In Section volumes are not necessarily equal Jto one another. we will see that such large volume re- We will again use the nomenclature shown in
ductions are typical of the use of cascades of Figure 8.10 and start from equation 8.3.29,
CSTR's. rearranged as follows.

CAi - (8.3.36) Algebraic Approach tq the Analysis of
Batteries of Stirred Tank Reactors Operating at Starting with the first reactor and using algebraic
Steady State. Although the graphical ap- iteration, we proceed to analyze the cascade for
proach presented in the previous subsection is particular forms of the reaction rate expression.
8.3 The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) 287

For example, in the case of first-order kinetics 8.3.36 as

ii + klCA(ti = CMl-1) (8.3,.37)

-AN =
— ^AO ~~ Z^ (kiTi) 3.3.43)
i= 1
Thus CAV-i)
(8.3..38) which is again appropriate for nonisothermal,
~ 1 + kn
or nonequal volume cases. If the cascade is iso-
thermal and all reactor volumes are equal,
(8.3 .39)
1 + k.r, CAN = CAn - Nkz (8.3.44)
where T is the space time or mean residence time
CAO for an individual CSTR.
CA, =
/C22T 2 k2T2) Consider now the general second-order case
(8.3.40) where equation 8.3.36 becomes
Finally, (8.3.45)
CA(N-l) or

CM =
(1 + + /C2T2) • • • (1 + kNTN) when we have discarded the negative root be-
(8.3.41) cause reactant concentrations cannot be
negative. Thus
These relations are valid regardless of whether
the reactors all operate at the same temperature
or at different temperatures. In the case where (8.3.47)
the cascade is isothermal and all reactors have
the same size, - 1 + yfl
C2 =
(1 + kxf -1+ /l+4/c 2 T 2
where T is the space time for an individual 2k?2<<2
CSTR. (8.3.48)
One may use the same general approach when
the reaction kinetics are other than first-order. and so on. Although a general expression for
However, except in the case of zero-order CAN would be rather complex algebraically,
kinetics, it is not possible to obtain simple closed involving N nested square roots, the solution for
form expressions for CAN, particularly if unequal the isothermal case is readily obtained graph-
reactor volumes are used. However, the numer- ically by the procedure outlined in the previous
ical calculations for other reaction orders are subsection. A number of other graphical solu-
not difficult to make for the relatively small tions have been discussed in the reactor design
number of stages likely to be encountered in literature by various individuals (15-18).
industrial practice. The results for zero-order Illustrations 8.8 and 8.9 indicate how the
kinetics may be determined from equation techniques developed in this and the previous
288 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

section may be used in the design analysis of This value is considerably larger than that
cascades of stirred tank reactors. calculated in Illustration 8.7 for a nonstoichio-
metric feed ratio, thus indicating the potential
ILLUSTRATION 8.8 DETERMINATION OF desirability of using an excess of one reagent
REACTOR SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR A when it appears to be a positive power in the
CASCADE OF CSTR's—ALGEBRAIC rate expression. In any economic analysis of a
APPROACH process, however, the costs of separation and
recovery or disposal of the excess reagent must
Consider the Diels—Alder reaction between be taken into account.
benzoquinone (B) and cyclopentadiene (C), dis-
cussed in Illustrations 8.1 and 8.7. Case II—Two Identical CSTR's in Series
B + C -> adduct In this case it will be necessary to determine the
If one employs a feed containing equimolal con- concentration in the effluent from the first
centrations of reactants, the reaction rate ex- reactor in order to determine the required reactor
pression can be written as size. One way of proceeding is to write the design
equation for each CSTR.
r = kCcCB = kCB
CBO(/BI -0)
Determine the reactor size requirements for (A)
cascades composed of one, two, and three iden-
tical CSTR's. Use an algebraic approach and CB0(/B2 "
assume isothermal operation at 25 °C where the (B)
/cCg O (l —
reaction rate constant is equal to 9.92 m 3 /
kmole-ksec. Reactant concentrations in the feed For identical reactors equations A and B may
are equal to 0.08 kmole/m 3 . The liquid feed rate be combined to give
is equal to 0.278 m3/ksec. The desired degree of
conversion is equal to 87.5%.
(1 - (1 " hl
Solution For fB2 = 0.875,
For the specified degree of conversion the
effluent concentration of benzoquinone must be
(1 - 0.875)2(/*i) = (0.875 - - fB1)2
equal to (1 - O.875)(O.O8) = 0.01 kmole/m 3 . This equation may be solved by trial and error
Case I—Single CSTR or by graphical means to determine the com-
position of the effluent from the first reactor.
In this case equation 8.3.45 can be solved for the Thus fB1 = 0.7251 and CBl = 0.08(1 - 0.7251) =
reactor space time directly. 0.02199 kmole/m 3 . Either equation A or equa-
Q40 ~ CAI tion B may now be used to determine the re-
T =
kC2 quired reactor size. Hence

or (0.278)(0.08)(0.7251)
0.08 - 0.01 VR1 = = 3.36 m 3
9.92(0.08)2(l - 0.7251):
= 70.56 ksec
The total volume of the two reactors is 6.72 m 3 ,
which is considerably less than half that required
VR1 = 70.56(0.278) = 19.6 m 3 if only a single CSTR is employed.
8.3 The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) 289

Case III—Three Identical CSTR's in Series This equation may be solved numerically by trial
and error, recognizing thalfBl must lie between
In this case there are two intermediate unspec-
0 and 0.875. The appropriate value of fB1 is
ified reactant concentrations instead of just the
0.6285. Equation F may now be used to deter-
single intermediate concentration encountered
mine that fB2 = 0.8038. With a knowledge of
in Case II. At least one of these concentrations
these conversions, equation C, D, or E may be
must be determined if one is to be able to ap-
used to determine the required reactor volume.
propriately size the reactors. In principle one
may follow the procedure used in Case II where
the design equations for each CSTR are written 0.278(0.08)(0.6285)
VR1 = ~ = 1.60 m 3
and the reactor space times then equated. This 9.92(0.08)2(l - 0.6285)
procedure gives three equations and three un-
knowns (VR1, fBU and fB2). Thus, for the first The total volume of the cascade is then 3 (1.60)
reactor, or 4.8 m 3 , which is again a significant reduction
in the total volume requirement but not nearly
/-,. as great as that brought about in going from one
kC2B0(l - fBl)2 to two CSTR's in series.
For the second, Obviously this approach is not easily extended
to cascades containing more than three reactors
2- fBl) and, in those cases, an alternative trial and error
- fB2)2 procedure is preferable. One chooses a reactor
volume and then determines the overall fraction
and, for the third, conversion that would be obtained in a cascade
of N reactors. When one's choice of individual
VR3 ^ C BO (0.875 - fB2)
(E) reactor size meets the specified overall degree of
i/- kC2 (\ — 0 RIS}2
conversion, the choice may be regarded as the
Combining equations C and E gives desired solution. This latter approach is readily
amenable to iterative programming techniques
0.875 - fB2 fB1 using a digital computer.
(0.125)2 (1 - far)2
v ~~ /BI)
Combining equations C and D gives
Consider the Diels-Alder reaction between
JBI _ JB2 ~ JBI benzoquinone (B) and cyclopentadiene (C) dis-
(G) cussed earlier in Illustrations 8.1, 8.7, and 8.8.
(1 - fBl)2 " (1 - fBl)2
Now fB2 may be eliminated from the last B + C -> adduct
equation by using equation F. We wish to determine the effect of using a
2 cascade of two CSTR's that differ in size on the
(0.125) / B1
0.875 - -ft Bl volume requirements for the reactor network.
fB (1 - fBl)2 In Illustration 8.8 we saw that for reactors of
(1 - fm)2 (0-125) /fll equal size the total volume requirement was
1 - 0.875 +
(1 - fBi)2 6.72 m3. If the same feed composition and flow
290 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

rate as in the previous illustration are employed Thus,

and if the reactors are operated isothermally
at 25 °C, determine the minimum total volume Ri = 2.77 m 3
required and the manner in which the volume ~ (9.92)(0.08)2(l - 0.702)2
should be distributed between the two reactors. 0.02224(0.875 - 0.702)
An overall conversion of 0.875 is to be achieved. m
(9.92)(0.08)2(l - 0.875)2
Solution and
For the conditions cited the reaction rate ex- + VR2 = 2.77 + 3.88 = 6.65 m 3
pression is of the form
This total differs from that for equal-sized
r = kC2E reactors by only 0.07 m 3 or approximately 1%.
where k = 9.92 m 3 /kmole-ksec. The benefits that would ensue from this small
From the basic design relationship for a change would probably be far outweighed by
CSTR (8.3.4), the disadvantages associated with having re-
actors of different sizes, such as the costs of
Rl ftB\ engineering design, construction, fabrication,
kCB0(l — and inventory of spare parts. In general, the
and economics associated with using reactors of
different sizes are offset by the concomitant dis-
R2 fB2 - ftBl 0.875 - fB1 advantages. For further treatment of the prob-
FB0 2
kC B0(\ - fB2)2
Ul - 0.875)2 lem of optimization of a two-tank CSTR cas-
(B) cade, consult the papers by Crooks (19) and
Denbigh (20).
Thus the total reactor volume in the cascade is
given by

V -4- VV
F Rn
gu rI fm
jB1 '0.875 -
Rl + R2 ~— kC~2 7j 7~x2 Size Comparisons Between Cascades of
Ideal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors and Plug
(Q Flow Reactors. In this section the size require-
It is this sum that we desire to minimize. The ments for CSTR cascades containing different
easiest approach to finding this minimum is to numbers of identical reactors are compared with
plot the quantity in brackets versus fB1. The that for a plug flow reactor used to effect the
minimum in this quantity then gives the mini- same change in composition.
mum total volume, and the value of fB1 asso- One may define a space time for an entire
ciated with the minimum may be used in cascade (ic) in terms of the ratio of the sum of
equations A and B to determine the optimum the component reactor volumes to the inlet
distribution of the total volume between the volumetric flow rate. Hence
two reactors. The minimum occurs when fB1 =
Now vRl
T, = = I T,- (8.3.49)
FBo = CBOro = (0.08)(0.278)
- 0.02224 kmole/ksec If all component reactors have the same volume
8.3 The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) 291

and thus the same space time (T),

Tc = NT (8.3.50) A out

These relations support our earlier assertion

For a first-order reaction, we showed that for that for the same overall conversion the total
a cascade composed of equal-sized reactors, volume of a cascade of CSTR's should approach
equation 8.3.42 governed the effluent composi- the plug flow volume as the number of reactors
tion from the nth reactor. in the cascade is increased.
C4 1 For a finite (low) number of CSTR's in series,
(8.3.51) equation 8.3.52 can be rewritten as
CA0 (1 + kzf
where T is the space time for an individual re-
actor. Combining equations 8.3.50 and 8.3.51
and rearranging gives The ratio of equations 8.3.58 and 8.3.57 gives the
relative total space time requirement for a cas-
(8.3.52) cade of stirred tank reactors vis a vis a plug flow
CAN N reactor.
If the right side of this equation is expanded in L
c for N reactors L
c for N reactors
a binomial series, c
cfor JV=oo ''plug flow

N(N - 1) r o
N - 1
AN 2! CAAN J cascade
N(N - 1)(JV - 2) //cr CA0
^ A out/ plug flow
(8.3.53) (8.3.59)

and if ekXc is expanded in series form, If the effluents from the two streams are to be
identical and if equimolal feed rates and com-
positions are employed, the ratio of space times
2! 3! becomes equal to the ratio of total volume re-
(8.3.54) quirements. Thus, for constant density systems
where CAout = CAN = CAO(1 - fA),
a term by term comparison in the limit as N
approaches infinity indicates that
^ Total, cascade
e < as N -> oo (8.3.55) -fA)
Figure 8.15, reproduced from Levenspiel (21),
as N -> oo (8.3.56) is in essence a plot of this ratio versus the frac-
tion conversion for various values of N, the
This relation is identical with that which number of identical CSTR's employed. The
would be obtained from equation 8.2.10 for a larger the value of N, the smaller the discrepancy
plug flow reactor with first-order kinetics. in reactor volume requirements between the
292 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models


* ' * 0
\ ,

^ •

. > <

AT ^^*****"
^ ^
— ^

— 1

—— - --I -

~N = ^ "o s
0.01 0.1
= C /C
A A0

Figure 8.15
Comparison of performance of a series of N equal-size CSTR reactors with
a plug flow reactor for the first-order reaction

R, = 0

For the same processing rate of identical feed the ordinate measures the
volume ratio VWCSTR -S/^PFR or the space time ratio T WCSTRS /T PFR directly. (Adapted
from Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second Edition, by O. Levenspiel.
Copyright © 1972. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.)

CSTR cascade and a PFR reactor. Note how with the greatest change occurring on addition
rapidly PFR behavior is approached as N in- of a second tank.
creases. Levenspiel has also included lines of Although the major thrust of the material
constant kz on this figure, and these lines may be presented in this subsection has concerned the
useful in solving certain types of design prob- relative size requirements for CSTR cascades
lems, as we will see in Illustration 8.10. and plug flow reactors, the practicing chemical
Levenspiel (22) has prepared a similar plot for engineer will be more concerned with the relative
second-order reactions (Figure 8.16). It is based economics of the two alternative reactor net-
on a generalization of equation 8.3.46 for N work configurations. In this regard it is worth
identical reactors in series and the integral form repeating that the additional capital costs asso-
of the plug flow design equation for second- ciated with the larger volumes of CSTR's are
order kinetics. We again see that increasing the relatively small, particularly when the units are
number of reactors in the cascade causes the designed for operation at atmospheric pressure.
total volume discrepancy between the cascade Consequently, a plot of the total costs associated
and a plug flow reactor to diminish rapidly, with the use of N reactors versus the number N
8.3 The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) 293

X Second—order
xX C\ •


/ i 4>
/ / >

y X
y y

7? . f / X <*>
r /
yt /

— i«

/ x^
• • — I

y>\fN = °° (plug flow) s

0.01 0.1 1.0

Figure 8.16
Comparison of performance of a series of N equal-size CSTR reactors with a
plug flow reactor for elementary second-order reactions

2A -> products
A + B -> products, CA0 = Cfl0

with negligible expansion. For the same processing rate of identical feed the
ordinate gives the volume ratio 1^NCSTRS/^PFR or the space time ratio TNCSTRS^PFR
directly. (Adapted from Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second Edition, by O.
Levenspiel. Copyright 1972. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons,

will usually look something like that shown in the cascade. Consequently, the reactor designer
Figure 8.17. One obtains an economic trade-off must consider cascades containing different
between the costs associated with the high vol- numbers of reactors in the search for an eco-
ume requirements when very few reactors are nomic optimum.
employed and the additional engineering, fabri- The following illustration indicates how Fig-
cation, installation, and maintenance costs ures 8.15 and 8.16 are used in handling simple
incurred by using a larger number of reactors in reactor design calculations.
294 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

1. What degree of conversion can be obtained

in the tubular reactor?
2. What reactor size would be required to
achieve the same conversion if a single ideal
CSTR were employed?
3. What degree of conversion would be obtained
in a single CSTR equal in size to the tubular
4. If two identical ideal CSTR's in series are
employed (each with a volume equal to that
determined in part 2), by how large a factor
can the flow rate of the feedstream be in-
creased while maintaining the conversion
level constant at the value used in parts 1 and
5. If one employs these same two ideal CSTR's
in series and maintains a constant feed rate,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
what conversion is achieved?
Number of tanks
Figure 8.17
Interaction between the cost decline associated For an equimolal feed the reaction rate expres-
with reduced total volume and cost increases sion can be written as
arising from design, construction, installation, and
maintenance of a number of reactors.

A. Conversion for Plug Flow

The reactor space time is given by
T = = 19.80 ksec
Consider the Diels-Alder reaction between ben- Consequently, the characteristic dimensionless
zoquinone (B) and cyclopentadiene (C) discussed rate group for the second-order reaction and
in the last three illustrations. initial conditions is given by
B + C -+ adduct kCB0T = (9.92)(0.1)(19.80) = 19.6
At 25 °C the reaction is first-order in each In Figure 8.16 the line corresponding to plug
reactant with a rate constant of 9.92 m 3 / flow is that where VNCSTR.JVPFK = 1. The inter-
kmole-ksec. A feed stream containing equimolal section of this line and the line for a value of
quantities of B and C (0.1 kmole/m 3 ) is to be kCB0T = 19.6 gives the desired degree of con-
processed at a rate of 0.1111 m3/ksec. A tubular version—95%.
reactor (assume plug flow) with an effective
volume of 2.20 m 3 is to be employed in the B. Size Requirement for CSTR for Identical
processing operation. Processing Task
Use the design charts in Figures 8.8, 8.15, and For the same feed rate and initial concentrations
8.16 to determine the following. the ordinates of Figures 8.8 and 8.16 reduce to
8.3 The Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) 295

the volume ratios for the two reactors. Hence, at E. Increase in Conversion Arising from the Use
the same fB, we see that VCSTR/VPFR = 20. Thus of a Cascade of Two CSTR's at a Specified Feed
K:STR = 20(2.20) = 44 m 3 . Rate
If the feed rate is maintained constant while the
C. Conversion in a CSTR of the Same Size as number of reactors is doubled, the overall space
the Tubular Reactor time for the cascade will double. In the present
For a CSTR equal in volume to the tubular case kCB0TN = 2 = 2(350) = 700. From Figure
8.16, at this value of the dimensionless group
reactor, one moves along a line of constant
and N = 2, it is seen that fB = 0.99.
kCBOr in Figure 8.16 in order to determine the
conversions accomplished in cascades composed
of different numbers of reactors but with the
same overall space time. The intersection of the Analysis of CSTR Cascades under Non-
linefcCfloi = 19.6 and the curve for N = 1 gives steady-State Conditions. In Section the
fs = 0-80. equations relevant to the analysis of the transient
behavior of an individual CSTR were developed
D. Increase in Processing Rate Arising from the and discussed. It is relatively simple to extend the
Use of a Cascade of Two CSTR's at a Specified most general of these relations to the case of mul-
Degree of Conversion tiple CSTR's in series. For example, equations
The values of the group kCBOz that correspond 8.3.15 to 8.3.21 may all be applied to any indi-
to 95% conversion and one or two CSTR's in vidual reactor in the cascade of stirred tank re-
series may be determined from Figure 8.16. They actors, and these relations may be used to
are approximately 350 and 70, respectively. analyze the cascade in stepwise fashion. The
Thus, difference in the analysis for the cascade, how-
ever, arises from the fact that more of the terms
*r = 2 =2 70 in the basic relations are likely to be time variant
- 0.20 when applied to reactors beyond the first. For
(kCB0T)N=i 350
example, even though the feed to the first re-
Since actor may be time invariant during a period of
nonsteady-state behavior in the cascade, the
feed to the second reactor will vary with time as
the first reactor strives to reach its steady-state
condition. Similar considerations apply further
= 2-
TN=1 downstream. However, since there is no effect of
variations downstream on the performance of
then upstream CSTR's, one may start at the reactor
where the disturbance is introduced and work
= 10
o.2O downstream from that point. In our generalized
notation, equation 8.3.20 becomes
Consequently, the processing rate for the cas-
cade will be an order of magnitude greater than -Ai
that for a single CSTR. Note that operation of (8.3.61)
the two reactors in parallel would have merely
doubled the processing capacity. Hence there is where the reaction rate is evaluated at conditions
a very strong case for operating with the units in prevailing in reactor i and where we have pre-
a series configuration. sumed both a constant density system and a
296 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

constant reactor volume. In this case both CAi the limit of zero recycle the system approaches
[and thus (— rAi)~\ and CA{i-1} are generally time plug flow behavior, and at the limit where only
variant quantities. an infinitesimal proportion of net product
For first-order irreversible reactions and iden- stream is produced, the system will approach
tical space times it is possible to obtain closed CSTR behavior. To develop characteristic de-
form solutions to differential equations of the sign equations that describe the performance of
form of 8.3.61. In other cases it is usually neces- recycle reactors, we will follow Levenspiel's
sary to solve the corresponding difference equa- treatment (23). The recycle ratio R is defined as
tions numerically.
/Volume of fluid \
If we were to extend the analysis developed in
returned to the I
equations 8.3.22 to 8.3.25 to the case of just two
\ reactor entrance /
CSTR's in series, the equation we would have to n j
solve to determine the composition of the /Volume of fluid leaving\
effluent from the second reactor would be the [ the system in net
following form of equation 8.3.61. product stream

_ i r cAin + C* - c4 Q A2 (8.3.62)
(it T2 \_kzl + kx, + 1

Mathematically inclined students are encour-

The basic design equation for a plug flow
aged to solve this equation and to move as far
reactor (equation 8.2.7) may be used to describe
downstream as they desire. All students should
the steady-state conversion achieved in the plug
recognize that we have seen equations of this
flow element of the recycle reactor:
mathematical form in Chapter 5.
= /,1 • dfA
8.3.3 Recycle Reactors (~rA)
In cases where one desires to promote back- where FAl represents a hypothetical molal flow
mixing in gaseous systems it may be desirable rate of A corresponding to a stream in which
to use a recycle reactor (Figure 8.18). The need none of the A had reacted, and where fA1 is the
for back-mixing may arise from a desire to fraction of FA1 that has been converted to
enhance reaction selectivity or to moderate products prior to entering the plug flow element.
thermal effects associated with the reaction. It is assumed that no reaction takes place outside
Reaction takes place only within the plug the plug flow element.
flow element of the recycle reactor, and the Material balance considerations indicate that
gross product stream from this element is
= ^ o d + R) (8.3.65)
divided into two portions; one becomes the net
product and the second is mixed with fresh In other words, the molal flow rate of A corre-
feed. The mixture of the fresh feed and recycle sponding to zero fraction conversion at the
stream is then fed to the plug flow element. By inlet to the PFR element is equal to the sum of
varying the relative quantities of the net product the net inlet flow rate and the amount that would
and recycle streams, one is able to obtain have entered if none of the material in the
widely varying performance characteristics. At recycle stream had undergone reaction.
8.4 Combinations of Ideal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors and Plug Flow Reactors 297

= FAO H -fA2)

Figure 8.18
Schematic representation of recycle reactor indicating symbols used in design analysis.

The reactant concentration at the reactor the desired result

inlet is given by the ratio of the molal and R
IAI (8.3.71)
volumetric flow rates at the same spot. There- R + 1
Combining equations 8.3.64,8.3.65, and 8.3.71
A\ A3
(8.3.66) gives
where we have recognized that for a constant i-rA)
pressure system (no pressure drop through the
reactor or recycle return line) there will be no which may be regarded as the fundamental
volume change on mixing. design relationship for a recycle reactor with a
Now, from the definition of the recycle ratio, zero conversion level in the feed stream mixed
with the recycle stream. It is valid for both
sAfA2) (8.3.67) constant and variable density systems.
Examination of the limiting forms of equa-
and tion 8.3.72 for R = 0 and R = oo indicates that
= RFA0(l - fA2) (8.3.68) the recycle reactor can approach either plug
flow or CSTR behavior. For intermediate values
Combining equations 8.3.66 to 8.3.68 and
of the recycle ratio this equation can be inte-
3.1.47 gives
grated if the form of the reaction rate expression
FA0[\ + R(\ - fA2)-] is known.
= cAO

(1 - fA1)(l +R + R 3AfA2) This section indicates a few useful generaliza-

tions that are pertinent in considerations of
= (1 + SAfAl){l + R- fA2R) (8.3.70) isothermal series and parallel combinations of
which can be manipulated algebraically to give ideal plug flow and stirred tank reactors.
298 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

Parallel combinations are governed by the are concerned. Total feed capacity then increases
general principle enunciated in Section 8.2.3. in proportion to the flow rates that can be
handled by the various parallel legs. The com-
For most efficient utilization of the available
ponent reactors of each of the parallel legs can
reactor volume, all parallel streams that meet
then be considered as a series combination of
must have the same composition.
reactors and can be optimized in terms of the
Under these circumstances each parallel leg general principles enunciated below.
may be considered to be operating indepen- Consider the series combination of PFR and
dently insofar as the space time requirements CSTR's shown in Figure 8.19. In terms of the
necessary to effect a given composition change fundamental design equations for these idealized

Figure 8.19a
Series combination of PFR and CSTR's.

/AO fA\ fA2 fAZ

Fraction conversion

Figure 8.19b
Graphical representation of equations 8.4.1 to 8.4.3.
8.5 Comparison of Isothermal Stirred Tank and Plug Flow Reactors 299

reactor types (8.2.7 and 8.3.4), it can be said the arrangement of units depends on the actual
that shape of curve, the conversion level desired, and
Ik.= (*'" Jk. the units available.
FAO J'*° (~rA) (See Section 9 4 for an illustration of this type.)
A 2 - LA\ (8.4.2)
AO — rA3
where the reaction rates in the last two equations Table 8.1 summarizes the fundamental design
are evaluated at the effluent conditions for each relationships for the various types of ideal
reactor and where FA0 is the molal flow rate reactors in terms of equations for reactor space
of reactant A that would correspond to zero times and mean residence times. The equations
conversion. The above relations are depicted in are given in terms of both the general rate
graphical form in Figure 8.19b. If the mathe- expression and Jith-order kinetics.
matical form of the reaction rate expression is If the various expressions are compared, it is
known, these equations can be used to specify evident that for constant density situations
completely the necessary design parameters.
^batch, constant pressure ^batch, constant volume
For optimum utilization of a given set of
= ~tpFR = TPFR (8.5.1)
ideal reactors operating as ari isothermal reac-
tor network, an examination of the l/{ — rA) Moreover, for negligible pressure drop through
versus CA curve is a good way to find the best a plug flow reactor,
arrangement of units. The following general
rules have been enunciated by Levenspiel (24). ^batch, constant pressure ^PFR (o.J.Z)

1. For a reaction whose rate-concentration curve As we stressed earlier, the reactor space time
rises monotonically (any nth-order reaction, is the independent variable at the control of the
n > 0) the reactors should be connected in reactor designer. This parameter is more mean-
series. They should be ordered so as to keep the ingful than the mean residence time in the
concentration of reactant as high as possible if reactor.
the rate-concentration curve is concave (n > 1), If we wish to make size comparisons of batch
and as low as possible if the curve is convex and continuous processing equipment in terms
(n < 1). of space time requirements, we must recognize
that there are nonproductive periods associated
For all reaction orders greater than unity, the with filling, heating, cooling, draining, cleaning,
appropriate order is: plug flow, small CSTR, etc., and that the long-term space time require-
large CSTR. In the case of reaction orders less ment would be given by
than unity, the reverse order should be em-
batch = * + ts (8.5.3)
ployed. For a first-order reaction the conversion
will be independent of the arrangement of the where
various reactors.
ts is the average nonproductive time per
2. For reactions where the rate-concentration batch processed
curve passes through a maximum or minimum t is given by the equations in Table 8.1
300 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

Table 8.1
Summary of Design Equations Given that V = Vo(1 + SA fA)

Measure of General design Design relation

Reactor type capacity relation for -rA = kCAn

I. Batch
A. Holding time

1. Constant volume
(~rA) ~ JA>

2. Constant pressure
•J,7 + kCTa1 - fA)n
B. Equivalent space time x = t + t.

II. Plug flow

A. Mean residence time
dfA t =

B. Space time
dfA = r'1 + ^
i-rA) /cQo'J
fcC".n' J (1a-f
- Ar


A. Mean residence time t =

(-I'AF) (1 + &JAF)
CAQ (i + &jAr
B. Space time
(->-AF) (1 -IAFT

Adapted from Chemical Reaction Engineering, First Edition, by O. Levenspiel. Copyright © 1962. Reprinted by
permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Indicated design relations not recommended for use in reactor analysis.

8.6 SEMIBATCH OR SEMIFLOW It may be desirable to operate in semibatch

REACTORS fashion in order to enhance reaction selectivity
or to control the rate of energy release by
For semibatch or semiflow reactors all four of reaction through manipulation of the rate of
the terms in the basic material and energy addition of one reactant. Other situations in
balance relations (equations 8.0.1 and 8.0.3) can which semibatch operation is employed include
be significant. The feed and effluent streams a variety of biological fermentations where
may enter and leave at different rates so as to various nutrients may be added at predeter-
cause changes in both the composition and mined rates to achieve optimum production
volume of the reaction mixture through their capacity and cases where one reactant is a gas
interaction with the chemical changes brought of limited solubility that can be fed only as fast
about by the reaction. Even in the case where the as it will dissolve.
reactor operates isothermally, numerical meth- Semibatch operations usually employ a single
ods must often be employed to solve the well-stirred tank. In such cases it is possible to
differential performance equations. make the usual assumption that the composition
8.6 Semibatch or Semiflow Reactors 301

and temperature of the fluid are uniform (— rAF) is the reaction rate per unit volume ex-
throughout the tank. pressed in terms of the mass of reactant
For semibatch operation, the term "fraction A disappearing per unit time and eval-
conversion" is somewhat ambiguous for many uated at the conditions prevailing within
of the cases of interest. If reactant is present the reactor
initially in the reactor and is added or removed in subscripts 0 and F indicate input and
feed and effluent streams, the question arises as effluent conditions, respectively
to the proper basis for the definition of / . In If the initial condition of the reactor contents
such cases it is best to work either in terms of the is known and if the feedstream conditions are
weight fraction of a particular component pre- specified, it is possible to solve equation 8.6.1 to
sent in the fluid of interest or in terms of con- determine the effluent composition as a function
centrations when constant density systems are of time. The solution may require the use of
under consideration. In terms of the symbols material balance relations for other species or
shown in Figure 8.20 the fundamental material a total material balance. This is particularly true
balance relation becomes: of variable volume situations where the following
Wo#mo = vvF0mF + {-rAF)VR + T(wFpmVR)
overall material balance equation is often useful.
(8.6.1) <pm0 = O wF H (Pm^R) (8.6.2)
w is the weight fraction reactant By working in terms of total mass, the reaction
Om is the mass flow rate term disappears because the principle of con-
servation of mass must be satisfied.
pm is the mass density of the fluid in the There are a number of specific cases of equa-
reactor tion 8.6.1 that are of potential interest for com-
mercial applications. We wish to consider one
mode of semibatch operation using Illustra-
tion 8.11 in order to indicate the general
$ m f = Outlet mass flow rate principles involved in the analysis of these
wF = Weight fraction of reactamt systems.
A in effluent stream
Kladko (25) has presented a very interesting
case study of a reactor design problem involving
an exothermic isomerization reaction. Although
the reaction in question was well behaved in
laboratory scale apparatus, it behaved quite
differently when first run on a commercial scale
in a batch reactor. The system ran out of control
with the temperature increasing so rapidly that
the batch erupted violently through a safety
VR = Reactor volume valve and vented out over the building area. The
pm = Mass density of fluid
fact that the strong exotherm and its concomitant
effect on the reaction rate could have been pre-
4>m0 = Inlet mass flow rate dicted a priori on the basis of energy balance
w0 = Weight fraction of reactant A in feed stream calculations indicates the necessity of consider-
Figure 8.20
ing thermal effects in reactor design calculations.
Schematic representation of semibatch reactor These effects are the subject of Chapter 10p
indicating process variables. be particularly careful to take them into account
302 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

when moving from bench or pilot scale reactor material sump. The sump not only acts as a
systems to commercial scale equipment. Be- thermal sink for the cold incoming reactant, but
cause of the proprietary nature of the product also dilutes it, thereby reducing the reaction rate
many details of the reaction were omitted. How- and the rate of energy release by reaction.
ever, by making certain assumptions or engi- If the temperature of the reactor contents is
neering estimates regarding heat capacities and maintained constant at 163 °C, determine the
molecular weights, it is possible to generate the total amounts of species A and B in the reactor
necessary input data to permit evaluation of as functions of time when it is loaded according
several alternative reactor designs. Some alter- to the schedule shown below.
natives are considered as illustrative examples
in Chapter 10, and the next illustration indicates Time, t (h) Feed rate of A (lb/hr)
the type of analysis appropriate to isothermal
semibatch operation. 0-3 175
3-6 225
Reagent A undergoes an essentially irreversible 8-11 400
isomerization reaction that obeys first-order 11-12 325
12-13 275
13-14 225
A-+B 14-15 175
Both A and B are liquids at room temperature 15-16 100
and both have extremely high boiling points. 16-17 50
A 1000-gallon, glass-lined kettle is available 17 + 0
for carrying out the reaction. The kettle may be
maintained at essentially isothermal conditions As we will see in Illustration 10.7, this type of
by a heat transfer fluid that circulates through a filling schedule is necessary to avoid dramatic
jacket on its external surface. The heat transfer exotherms that would result from sudden ter-
fluid may be cooled or heated as required by mination of the feed and to ensure that the heat
, circulation through appropriate heat exchangers. transfer capability of the system is not exceeded.
Since the reaction is exothermic, Kladko and his
co-workers (25) wished to consider the possi- Data and permissable assumptions
bility of using cold reactant feed to provide a
heat sink for some of the energy liberated by 1. The reactor contents are perfectly mixed.
reaction. By controlling The rate of addition of 2. The rate expression is first-order in species A.
feed, they could also obtain a measure of control 3. At 163 °C the reaction rate constant is
over the rate of energy release by reaction. Hence 0.8 hr" 1 .
a semibatch mode of operation appeared to be
an attractive alternative. Since cold< incoming
reactant would crack the hot glass liner, they A material balance involving the amount of
considered the possibility of starting with 1500 lb species A contained within the reactor can be
of product B in order to provide a thermal and written as

Input = accumulation + disappearance by reaction

8.6 Semibatch or Semiflow Reactors 303

where nA is the instantaneous number of moles where <$>AQ is the mass rate of flow of species A
of species A contained within the reactor and into the reactor.
V'R is the instantaneous volume occupied by the Equation B may be solved in piecewise fashion
liquid solution. This equation is similar to to determine the mass of species A present in
equation 8.6.1, but it lacks the term correspond- the reactor as a function of time. The solution
ing to the effluent stream and it has been written can be written as
in molal units.
Now, at any time, m
A(t) dmA
r -" A j. ®A() - km,

Thus where one uses a constant value of 0>A0 appro-

knA (A) priate to the time interval in question and mAi
dt is the mass of A in the reactor at the start of the
Equation A can be rewritten in terms of the time interval (time £,).
mass of species A present in the reactor Thus

kmA (B) - In = t - tt

Table 8.1.1
Material Balance Analysis for Illustration 8.11

Fraction of input A
Time, t Total that remains
(hr) mA (lb) mB (lb) mass (lb) unconverted

0 0 1500 1500 0.000

1 120 1555 1675 0.686
2 175 1675 1850 0.500
3 199 1826 2025 0.379
4 244 2006 2250 0.325
5 265 2210 2475 0.272
6 274 2426 2700 0.228
7 312 2663 2975 0.212
8 364 2936 3300 0.202
9 439 3261 3700 0.200
10 473 3627 4100 0.182
11 488 4012 4500 0.163
12 443 4382 4825 0.133
13 388 4712 5100 0.108
14 329 4996 5325 0.086
15 268 5232 5500 0.067
16 189 5411 5600 0.046
17 119 5531 5650 0.029
18 54 5596 5650 0.013
19 24 5626 5650 0.006
20 11 5639 5650 0.003
304 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

Rearranging, 20. Denbigh, K. G., Trans. Ear. Soc, 40 (352), 1944.

21. Levenspiel, O., op. cit., p. 136.
m4 = mAie -*-*«-«>] (C) 22. Levenspiel, O., op. cit., p. 137.
23. Levenspiel, O., op. cit., pp. 144-148.
Using 0.8 hr 1 for k and the values of <$A0 24. Levenspiel, O., op. cit., p. 144.
given in the filling schedule, equation C can be 25. Kladko, M., Chem. Tech., J (141), 1971. Adapted with
solved in piecewise fashion. The mass of B pre- permission from CHEMTECH, the polydisciplinary
sent at time t can be found by a material balance. magazine of the American Chemical Society.

vA0 at — mA
1. Baciocchi et al. [J. Am. Chem. Soc, 87 (3957),
Values of the amounts of A and B present in the
1965] have studied the chlorination of dichloro-
reactor at various times are given in Table 8.1.1.
tetramethylbenzene in acetic acid at 30° C. The
reaction of interest has the following stoichio-
1. Denbigh, K. G., Chemical Reactor Theory, p. 3, Cam- C 6 Me 4 Cl 2 + Cl 2 -> HC1 + C 6 Me 3 (CH 2 Cl)Cl 2
bridge University Press, Cambridge, 1965.
The data below are typical of those recorded in
2. Gooch, D. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 35 (927), 1943.
a well-stirred batch reactor. Initial concentra-
3. Clark, E. L., Golber, P. L., Whitehouse, A. M., and
tions were as follows.
Storch, H. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 39 (1555), 1947.
Cl 2 = 19.2 moles/m 3
4. Moss, F. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 45 (2133), 1953.
5. Walas, S. M., Reaction Kinetics for Chemical Engineers,
C 6 Me 4 Cl 2 - 34.7 moles/m 3
p. 79, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959.
6. Wassermann, A., J. Chem. Soc, 1936 (1028). Time, t (ksec) Fraction Cl 2 reacted
7. Kerr, G. T., J. Phys. Chem., 70 (1047), 1966.
0 0
8. Liu, S., Chem. Eng. 5c/., 24 (57), 1969.
48.4 0.2133
9. Inukai, T., and Kojima, T., J. Org. Chem., 32 (872), 85.1 0.3225
1967. 135.3 0.4426
10. Ratchford, W. P., and Fisher, C. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 37 171.3 0.5195
(382), 1945. 222.9 0.5955
11. Levenspiel, O., Chemical Reaction Engineering, pp. 257.4 0.6365
125 127, Second Edition, Wiley, New York, copyright
© 1972. Used with permission.
12. Mason, D. R., and Piret, E. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 43
(a) What is the order of the reaction and the
(1210), 1951. reaction rate constant?
13. Levenspiel, O., op. cit, pp. 139-143. (b) Determine the plug flow reactor volume
14. Szepe, S., and Levenspiel, O., Ind. Eng. Chem. Process
necessary to achieve 90% conversion of the
Design Develop., 3 (214), 1964. input chlorine using an input volumetric
15. Eldridge, J. M., and Piret, E. L., Chem. Eng. Prog., 46 flow rate of 0.15 m 3 /ksec and the same
(290), 1950. initial concentrations as used in the batch
16. Jones, R. W., Chem. Eng. Prog., 47 (46), 1951. experiments.
17. Weber, A.P., Chem, Eng. Prog., 49 (26), 1953.
18. Jenney, T. M., Chem. Eng., 62 (12), p. 198, 1955. 2. The following data were recorded using a
19. Crooks, W. M., British Chem. Eng., 2 (710), 1966. laboratory scale continuous stirred tank reactor
Problems 305

in which the stoichiometrically observed reac- (a) If the reactor is a CSTR with a volume of
tion was 600 ft3 and 60% of the B is converted to C,
2A -> R + S determine
(1) The space time for the reactor.
Moles A fed/ksec Moles A leaving/ksec (2) The average holding time in the reactor.
(3) The outlet flow rate from the reactor
8.0 0.8 (cubic feet per minute)
36 7.2 (b) If the reactor is a plug flow reactor with a
192 76.8 volume of 600 ft3 and 90% of the B is
converted to C, determine
The effective reactor volume was 1000 cm3. (1) The space velocity in the reactor.
The initial concentration of A was the same in (2) The effluent volumetric flow rate.
all runs and equal to the solubility limit of (3) The rate constant k.
species A in water. No R or S is present in the (4) The average holding time in the reactor.
feed. You have been asked to scale up this
reactor to produce significantly larger quantities 4. A chemical reaction is being studied in a
of R. It has been suggested that you use a laboratory scale steady-state flow system. The re-
tubular flow reactor with an inside diameter of actor is a well-stirred 1000 cm 3 flask containing
2 cm and that your feed be a saturated solution an aqueous solution. The reactor contents
of species A. No R or S is present in the feed. (1000 cm 3 of solution) are uniform throughout.
(a) What is the order of the reaction? The stoichiometric equation and data are given
(b) If you are to process 0.15 mole/sec of input below. What is the expression for the rate of
A to 90% conversion, what length of tubular this reaction? Determine the reaction order and
reactor do you require? The feed concen- the activation energy.
tration of A will be the same as in part (a).
diacetal + H 2 O -» Aldehyde + 2 Alcohol
3. Two gaseous streams are available for use
in carrying out a chemical reaction. The first Concentration
contains pure A and is produced at a rate of of Aldehyde
400 ft3/min. The second contains 50% B (re- Feed Rate Temperature, T in Effluent
mainder is an inert material) and has a flow rate Run (cm3/sec) (°Q (kmoles/m3)
of 200 ft3/min. These streams are mixed instan-
1 0.5 10 0.75
taneously and fed to a flow reactor. Both
2 3.0 10 0.5
streams are at the same temperature (86 °C) and 3 3.0 25 0.75
pressure (1 atm) and these quantities remain
unchanged during the instantaneous mixing
process. The gases behave ideally. A and B Feed concentration of diacetal is 1 kmole/m 3 .
react to form an addition product Note. Data are hypothetical. The reaction may
be assumed to be zero-order in aldehyde and
A + B -> C alcohol, and apparently zero-order in water.
rc = kCACB
5. Roper \Chem. Eng. Sci., 2 (27), 1953] has
The reaction is carried out isothermally in two studied the reaction of chlorine {A) with 2-
flow reactors. Both reactors operate at a con- ethylhexene-1 (B) in carbon tetrachloride solu-
stant total pressure of 1 atm. tion. Solutions of these materials were prepared
306 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

and brought together in a mixing chamber at the (4) n = 1/2 two plug flow reactors
inlet to a tubular flow reactor. The following in parallel
data were reported at 20 °C. The initial concen- (5) n = 1 two plug flow reactors
trations refer to values calculated on the basis of in parallel
perfect mixing. (6) n = 3 two plug flow reactors
in parallel
cA Assume that the exit composition from
(moles/m3) the last reactor remains unchanged in
Run (moles/m3) (moles/m3) at exit T (sec) all cases and that none of the A has been
converted to products prior to entering
1 91 209 23 0.600 the reactor. Do not assume 5 = 0.
2 91 209 32 0.376 Obtain a general solution. In series
3 91 209 45 0.284 operation the small reactor precedes the
4 110 211 34 0.525
large reactor in the sequence.
5 110 211 46 0.324
6 110 211 59 0.232 (b) Repeat part (a) for the case of continuous
stirred tank reactors. Assume that there
is no change in the number of moles on
It has been suggested that the rate expression
for the reaction is of the form 7. Walter [J. Chem. Eng. Data 5 (468), 1960]
r = kCACB has studied the kinetics of ethylene chloride
pyrolysis over a pumice catalyst.
Graphically determine if this expression is
consistent with the above data. If so, what is the C1CH2—CH2C1 -* HC1 + CH 2 =CHC1
reaction rate constant? If not, what do you
recommend? The reactor consists of a cylindrical tube 59 cm
long packed with pumice stone. The catalyst
6. (a) The rate of a chemical reaction is given charge was constant in all of the runs below
by and equal to W. The reactor void volume was
approximately 100 cm3. The reaction is believed
r = kC" where to be first-order in ethylene chloride under the
V dt
conditions of this study and in all cases the feed-
If 90% of the reactant A is converted to stock was pure reactant. Both the reactants and
products in a reactor, and if one obtains the products are gases at the conditions involved.
a second reactor that is one half the size Ideal gases may be assumed. The following data
of the first, determine the increase in were reported at 600°C and one atmosphere.
feed capacity that results from the
following types of operation.
(1) n = 1/2 two plug flow reactors Input flow rate
in series (moles/ksec) Fraction conversion
(2) n = 1 two plug flow reactors 0.86
in series 0.544 0.85
(3) n = 3 two plug flow reactors 0.344 0.94
in series
Problems 307

(a) What is the reaction rate constant at 600 GC 9. The catalytic dehydrochlorination of tetra-
in sec" 1 ? chloroethane has been studied by Shvets,
(b) If the reaction rate constant at 500 °C is Lebedev, and Aver'yanov [Kinetics and Cata-
0.141 sec" 1 , what is the activation energy lysis, 10 (28), 1969].
for the reaction?
C 2 H 2 C1 4 -> C 2 HC1 3 HC1
8. Young and Hammett [J. Am. Chem. Soc,
The reaction is first-order with respect to tetra-
72 (286), 1950] have studied the alkaline bromi-
chloroethane with a rate constant
nation of acetone in a stirred flow reactor
(VR = 118 cm3). The stoichiometric equation k = lO 1 2 *?- 2
for the bromination is usually considered to be:
when T is expressed in degrees Kelvin. During
(CH 3 ) 2 CO 3BrO" - the reaction, small amounts of other products
CHBr 3 CH 3 CO 2 2OH are produced by side reactions. The chlorine
produced by the reaction can serve as a catalyst
and the reaction rate is believed to be propor- poison at concentrations above 150 ppm on a
tional to the concentrations of acetone and mole basis. These investigators have reported
hydroxyl ions and independent of the concen- the following values for the mole ratio of
tration of hypobromite ion. Determine if the chlorine to HC1.
data below are consistent with this rate expres-
sion. If they are, what is the value of the reaction Temperature, T( C C) Ratio
rate constant?
408 1.7 X 10~ 4
440 3.2 x 10" 4
455 4.0 X 10" 4

Inlet hydroxide Inlet acetone Inlet hypobromite Effluent acetone Effluent hydroxide
concentration concentration concentration concentration concentration Total flow
Run (moles/m3) (moles/m3) (moles/m3) (moles/m3) (moles/m3) rate (cm3/ksec)

16 1.930 .593 6.35 0.442 4.259 37.10

17 1.930 L.593 6.35 0.447 4.249 37.17
18 1.665 1.500 6.60 0.184 4.354 19.62
19 1.665 1.500 6.60 0.176 4.370 19.60
20 1.665 1.500 6.60 0.177 4.368 19.65
21 2.410 1.048 8.40 0.206 4.119 28.27
22. 2.410 L.048 8.40 0.208 4.115 28.55
23 2.124 1.599 6.40 0.604 4.129 56.42
24 2.124 1.599 6.40 0.581 4.176 55.20
25 1.980 1.492 6.94 1.028 2.911 169.05
26 1.980 L492 6.94 1.026 2.914 169.77
27 2.666 L.649 5.92 0.909 4.151 125.83
28 2.666 1.649 5.92 0.937 4.095 126.35
308 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

It has been suggested that a pilot plant operation have studied the reaction of ethylene and
to determine the feasibility of developing this chlorine in liquid ethylene dichloride solution
process be carried out in a tubular flow reactor in a CSTR. The stoichiometry of the reaction is
with a volume of 0.15 m 3 . It is suggested that
the reactor operate at 450 °C and 1 atm with a C2H4 + CI2 —> C2H4CI2
feed flow rate of 41.7 moles of pure tetra-
chloroethane per kilosecond. Will the catalyst Equimolar flow rates of ethylene and chlorine
be susceptible to poisoning under these op- were used in the following experiment, which
erating conditions? was carried out at 32 °C.

10. Asmus and Houser [J. Phys. Chem., 73

Effluent chlorine concentration
(2555), 1969] have studied the kinetics of the
Space time (sec) (moles/cm3)
pyrolysis of acetonitrile over the temperature
range from 880 to 960 °C at 101 kPa using a 0 0.0117
stirred flow reactor with helium as a carrier gas. 300 0.0095
They monitored the reaction kinetics by using 600 0.0082
chromatography for quantitative analysis of the 900 0.0072
unreacted acetonitrile. The reactant mixture 1200 0.0065
was sufficiently dilute that volumetric changes 1500 0.0060
accompanying the reaction may be neglected. 1800 0.0057
From the data below determine the apparent
order of the reaction, the reaction rate constant
at 880 and 940 °C, and the activation energy. (a) Determine the overall order of the reaction
Do not assume that the order is an integer. and the reaction rate constant.
(b) Determine the space time necessary for 75%
conversion in a CSTR.
Initial acetonitrile Fraction (c) What would be the conversion in a PFR
concentration Space time acetonitrile
having the space time determined in part b?
(moles/m3) (sec) reacted
In parts (b) and (c) assume that the operating
880° C temperature and the initial concentrations are
0.219 6.7 0.116 the same as in part a.
0.206 13.4 0.171
0.500 12.9 0.182
12. Schultz and Linden {Ind. Eng. Chem. Pro-
0.516 19.2 0.250
cess Design and Development, 1 (111), 1962]
0.832 18.5 0.290
0.822 24.5 0.308
have studied the hydrogenolysis of low mole-
0.820 15.8 0.246 cular weight paraffins in a tubular flow reactor.
940° C The kinetics of the propane reaction may be
0.196 6.3 0.333 assumed to be first-order in propane in the
0.785 5.7 0.404 regime of interest. From the data below deter-
0.196 12.5 0.504 mine the reaction rate constants at the indicated
0.196 18.7 0.574 temperatures and the activation energy of the
0.177 2.6 0.177 reaction.

11. Balasubramanian, Rihani, and Doraiswamy Feed ratio H 2 /C 3 H 8 = 2.0 in all cases
[Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundamentals, 5 (184), 1966] Reactor pressure = 7.0 MPa in all cases
Problems 309

Space Fraction
required for a 50% increase in total pressure is
Temperature, T (°C) time (sec) propane converted 197 sec. The initial pressure is 1 atm. The
reaction is known to be second-order in ace-
538 0 0 taldehyde. You have been asked to determine
42 0.018 the volume of a plug flow reactor necessary to
98 0.037 process 120 liters/min of pure acetaldehyde to
171 0.110 an 80% conversion level. The feed pressure is 1
593 40 0.260 atm. The reaction may be assumed to be
81 0.427 essentially irreversible. The pressure drop along
147 0.635 the length of the plug flow reactor is negligible.

For this problem the stoichiometry of the main 15.* Ratchford and Fisher found that methyl-
reaction may be considered to be of the form acetoxypropionate decomposes on heating to
form acetic acid and methyl acrylate:
H, C,H. CH 4 C2H6
13. Consider the following homogeneous gas CH3COOH + CH 2 =CHCOOCH 3
phase reaction.
The pyrolysis closely approximates a first-order
A + B -• C + D
irreversible reaction with a rate constant given
The reaction is essentially "irreversible," and its by:
rate in a constant volume batch reactor is
given by ic,=7.8xl0*exp^-38'20°N

where T is expressed in degrees Kelvin and R

in calories per gram mole per degree Kelvin.
At the temperature of interest, If a plug flow reactor is used to carry out the
pyrolysis, calculate the volume of pipe necessary
k = 100 m3/kmole-sec
to achieve 85% conversion of the raw material
Compounds A and B are available in the off-gas to products. The raw material enters at a
stream from an absorption column at concen- temperature of 1000°R and a pressure of 5 atm
trations of 20 moles/m3 each. 14 m3/sec of this with a flow rate of 1000 lb/hr.
fluid is to be processed in a long isothermal If three perfectly mixed continuous stirred
tubular reactor. If the reactor may be assumed tank reactors of equal volume were used in
to approximate a plug flow reactor, what series flow instead, what would the required
volume of pipe is required to obtain 80% volume be?
conversion of species Al Note. In both cases ideal gases may be assumed.
In both cases the reaction occurs at constant
14. Consider the homogeneous isothermal gas
phase decomposition of CH3CHO.
CH.CHO -> CH4 CO * Adapted from Chemical Process Principles, Part 3, Kinetics
and Catalysis, by O. A. Hougen and K. M. Watson,
From experiments in a constant volume batch copyright © 1947. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley
reactor at 791 K, it is known that the time and Sons, Inc.
310 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

16. Buckles and McGrew [J. Am. Chem. Soc. where E is the ester produced by the reaction.
88 (15), 1966] have studied the dimerization of The reaction occurs at a constant temperature
phenyl isocyanate in liquid solution in the in an acetone solution of these species. The
presence of a catalyst. extent of reaction is limited by equilibrium
conditions. Neglect the volume change on the
O reaction.
I! The following two data points have been
c reported
2C 6 H 5 NCO ^± C 6 H 5 N NC 6 H 5
kb ^ /
Space velocity Fraction conversion of acid
33 ksec" 1 0.50
phenyl o 67.65 ksec" 1 0.40
isocyanate 1,3 diphenyl 2,4-uretidinedione
(monomer) (dimer) What is the equilibrium degree of conversion?
The forward reaction is third-order (second- 18. Kem Engineer has been asked to scale up
order with respect to monomer and first-order an existing process to obtain an increased pro-
with respect to catalyst). The reverse reaction is duction capacity for compound B. At present
second-order overall (first-order with respect to the process is carried out in two CSTR's in
both catalyst concentration and dimer). The series. The reaction involved has the following
reaction is catalyzed by tributylphosphine at a stoichiometry.
concentration of 0.05 moles/liter.
The following data relative to the reaction at 2A - • B + C (liquid phase reaction)
25 C are available: Unfortunately, the data from which the rate
constants were originally determined have been
Ke = 0.178 lost. Kem believes that he can determine a rate
kf = 1.15 x 10~ 3 Iiters2/mole2-sec constant from measurements on the plant's
EAf = 1.12 kcal/mole present system for manufacturing compound B.
EAb = 11.6 kcal/mole Data
Volume of first CSTR 30 gal
If a monomer solution at a concentration of Volume of second CSTR 40 gal
1 mole/liter is fed to a CSTR at 0 °C, determine Feed to first CSTR pure A
the space time necessary to achieve a conversion Fraction conversion of A in first
corresponding to 90% of the equilibrium value. CSTR 0.60
If the reactor volume is 100 liters, what is the Overall fraction conversion of A
corresponding volumetric flow rate? by the two CSTR's in series 0.80
Volumetric feed rate to first
17. An alcohol A and an acid B are fed to a CSTR 900 gal/hr
CSTR in equimolal proportions. The mechanis- The reaction is known to be second-order in A.
tic and stoichiometric equation for the reaction (a) Is it possible for Kem to determine a rate
is constant for the reaction from these data?
A + + H2O If not, what additional data does he need?
Problems 311

(b) The plant production capacity is to be tripled A + IB ^± C + D

and two CSTR's in series are to be used in
The initial concentrations of A and £ in the
the new layout. The overall conversion of
feedstream are each 10 moles/m 3 . The re-
species A is to remain the same. It has been
mainder of the stream consists of inerts at a
suggested that the 40-gal CSTR be used in
concentration of 30 moles/m3. The reaction is
the new layout as the first tank in series.
reversible and substantial amounts of all species
What will be the size of the second CSTR?
exist at equilibrium under the pressure and tem-
perature conditions employed. The forward re-
19. A combination of two identical CSTR's in action is first-order with respect to A and first-
series is to be used, to prepare a mixture of order with respect to B. At 120 °C the rate
polysulfonated aromatic compounds. The re- constant for the forward reaction is 1.4 m 3 /
action will occur isothermally in the liquid phase mole-ksec. The reverse reaction is first-order in
and may be represented as C, first-order in D, and inverse first-order in B.
The rate constant for the reverse reaction is 0.6
A + S k-X ortho T fct = 0.8 liter/mole-hr
A + S -> meta T k2 = 0.9 liter/mole-hr Determine the reactor volume necessary to
A + S -> para T k3 = 0.3 liter/mole-hr convert 60% of the limiting reagent at a total
input flow rate of 100 liters/hr.
Each of these reactions is first-order in A and
first-order in S. The inlet concentration of A is
22. Korbach and Stewart [Ind. Eng. Chem.
equal to 5 moles/liter. The reactor combination
Fundamentals, 3 (24), 1964] have studied the
is to be operated under conditions such that the
vapor phase hydrogenation of benzene in a batch
fraction conversion of A based on the inlet
recycle reactor.
concentration is 0.4 leaving the first reactor and
0.6 leaving the second reactor.
(a) What should the inlet concentration of S be? (g)
(b) If the reactor volume is 100 liters, how much
A can be processed per hour? Assume that A cyclohexane
is the limiting reagent.
This reference contains data on both the equilib-
rium constant for the reaction and the reaction
20. Acetaldehyde is to be decomposed in a rate.
tubular reactor operating at 520 °C and 101 k Pa.
The reaction stoichiometry is
At— = 1.60 x 10" 3 Kp = 0.0053
CH 3 CHO -> CH 4 + CO
Under these conditions the reaction is known to y = 1.80 x 10" 3 Kp = 0.85
be irreversible with a rate constant of 0.43 m 3 /
kmole-sec. If 0.1 kg/sec of acetaldehyde is fed to where T is measured in degrees Kelvin. The
the reactor, determine the reactor volume neces- rate data below were obtained using a feed
sary to achieve 35% decomposition. ratio of 12 moles of hydrogen to 1 mole of
benzene. The catalyst used was a commercial
21. The following gas phase reaction takes place platinum-alumina material having a surface area
at 120 °C in a tubular reactor. of 500 m 2 /g and a bulk density of 0.79 g/cm3.
312 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

Operating pressure 7 atm 23. An exothermic reaction with the stoichio-

metry A -• IB takes place in organic solution.
Rate at 500 °F Rate at 600 CF It is to be carried out in a cascade of two CSTR's
Benzene (g moles/hr-g (g moles/hr-g in series. In order to equalize the heat load on
conversion catalyst) catalyst)
each of the reactors it will be necessary to operate
0.05 0.185 0.280 them at different temperatures. The reaction
0.10 0.180 0.270 rates in each reactor will be the same, however.
0.20 0.170 0.250 In order to minimize solvent losses by evapora-
0.30 0.160 0.225 tion it will be necessary to operate the second
0.40 0.145 0.200 reactor at 120 °C where the reaction rate con-
0.50 0.130 0.175 stant is equal to 1.5 m3/kmole-ksec. If the effluent
0.60 0.120 0.140 from the second reactor corresponds to 90%
0.70 0.090 0.100 conversion and if the molal feed rate to the
0.80 0.065 0.060 cascade is equal to 28 moles/ksec when the feed
0.85 0.050 0.035
concentration is equal to 1.0 kmole/m 3 , how
0.90 0.035 0.015
large must the reactors be? If the activation
0.95 0.020 0.00
1.00 0.00 0.00 energy for the reaction is 84 kJ/mole, at what
temperature should the first reactor be oper-
You have been asked to design a small pilot
plant facility for the production of cyclohexane 24. The reaction
using some combination of existing tubular B + C
reactors. The reactor descriptions are as follows: is being studied in a continuous stirred tank
reactor with a volume of 0.2 m 3 . The reaction is
Maximum first-ordering with a value of k = 8ksec - 1 .The
Inside operating reactor is presently operating at steady state
Length diameter temperature with a feed concentration of A equal to 1 kmole/
Reactor (ft) (in.) (CF) m 3 and an input volumetric flow rate of 1.6 m 3 /
ksec. The feed concentration is suddenly
A 16 1 600 changed to 2 kmoles/m3, while the contents of
B 4 2 500 the reactor remain at the same temperature. The
reaction takes place in the liquid phase.
(a) Calculate the effluent composition (CA, CB,
If you desire to operate with the same feed ratio
Cc) prior to the sudden change.
and total pressure as Korbach and Stewart
(b) Calculate the new steady-state effluent com-
and if you desire to produce 400 g-moles/hr of
position after the change.
cyclohexane in reactor A, determine the fraction
(c) Derive an equation for the time variation of
of the input benzene that is converted if
the effluent concentration of species A.
(a) Reactor A alone is used at 600 °F.
(d) Calculate the effluent composition 60 sec
(b) Reactors A and B are used in series with A
after the change in the input composition.
first. In this case what is the fraction of the
benzene converted at the outlet of reactor
25. The first-order isomerization of ethylben-
Bl Assume that each reactor operates
zene to the xylenes
isothermally at its maximum operating
temperature. C 2 H 5 C 6 H 5 -> xylenes
Problems 313

has been studied in a tubular flow reactor (inside reactor each minute. The fraction of the inlet A
diameter = 0.1 m) filled with silica-alumina converted to R in the first reactor is such that
catalyst by Hanson and Engel [AIChE /., 13 the effluent from the first reactor leaves at 85 °F.
(260), 1967]. The reaction occurred at 900 °F The temperature of the stream leaving the
and 1 atm with pure ethylbenzene feed. The second reactor is 100 °F.
density of the catalyst was 2.75 g/cm 3 and the The concentration of A in the entrance stream
void fraction was 0.57 (volume of voids/total is 1.5 lb moles/ft3. The following table provides
volume). The catalyst was found to degenerate some information about the temperature depen-
with time, and the first-order rate constant dence of the rate constants k1 and fc_ j .
yaried accordingly. The following data were
obtained. T( F) k{ (ft3/lb mole-min) /<_ l (ft3/lb-mole-min)

Reaction rate constant 70 0.55 ?

Time, t (hr) (liter/hr-g catalyst) 85 2.90 0.078
100 ? 0.625
0 0.185
1 0.161
2 0.147 If each reactor volume is 50 ft3, determine the
4 0.135 composition of the stream leaving each reactor.
6 0.126
10 0.116
27. Hydrodealkylation reactions play impor-
20 0.104 tant roles in several commercial petrochemical
40 0.091 processing schemes. As an example of this type
60 0.083 of reaction, we will consider the following:
100 0.072
Calculate the weight of catalyst and length of
reactor (in meters) required if the feed rate is + CH 4
200 g-moles/hr, the conversion is 20%, and
(a) The catalyst is regenerated every 4 hr. Toluene + hydrogen -• benzene + methane
(b) The catalyst is regenerated every 100 hr.
Hint: The effective rate constant is The rate expression for this reaction is of the
following form under the conditions of interest:

where CT and CHl are the concentration of

toluene and hydrogen, respectively. From data
26. An autocatalytic reaction represented by the
in the literature [Shull and Hixson, Ind. Eng.
mechanistic equations
Chern., Process Design and Development, 5(146),
A + R ^ R + R 1966] it is known that the reaction rate constant
at 1260°F and 800 psig total pressure is 0.316
is being carried out in two identical stirred tanks
ft3/2/lb mole1/2-sec.
operating in series. The reaction is reversible and
You have available in your pilot plant a small
exothermic. The reaction stoichiometry is
recycle reactor whose flow pattern may be
A ^ R represented schematically by the following
225 lb moles of liquid A at 70 °F is fed to the first diagram.
314 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

Recycle reactor with a volume of 0.3 m 3 . If 90% of

the substrate is to be converted to the prod-
Fcesh \ i Product
uct, how large a volumetric flow rate can be
Reactor processed in this reactor when the initial
feed steam
elastase and substrate concentrations are 10
and 100moles/m3, respectively?
The volumetric flow rate of the recycle stream is
many many times those of the fresh feed and 29. In recent years there has been increasing
product streams, and the fresh feed and recycle interest in the possibility of using immobilized
streams are well mixed at the juncture point. If enzymes as catalysts. The process involves at-
one uses a mole ratio of 3.4 hydrogen to 1 taching enzymes to solid supports and packing
toluene in the fresh feed stream, what fraction of the supports in a tube through which liquid
the toluene is converted to benzene under the flows. One proposed application involves the
previously specified conditions? The average conversion of an aqueous solution of lactose into
residence time of a fluid element is 30.1 sec. glucose and galactose, which would permit the
Explicitly state any assumptions that you make. conversion of a waste produced in cheese manu-
In order to obtain a numerical answer, a trial facture to useful by-products. By averaging over
and error solution will be necessary. the void spaces between solid particles and the
particles themselves, it is possible to obtain an
28. Bender and Marshall [J. Am. Chem. Soc, 90 effective rate expression per unit volume of bed,
(201), 1968] have studied the enzymatic hydroly- which can be written as
sis of p-nitrophenyl trimethylacetate by elastase kS
to produce p-nitrophenol. These authors have r =
proposed the following mechanism for this
fci k2
E + S-^ES^E + A for a reaction of the type
S - Px + P2
E = elastase At a given temperature the parameters fc, X M ,
and Kl are constants. KM is known as a Mi-
S = substrate = p-nitrophenyl trimethylacetate
chaelis constant and KY as an inhibition con-
P = product = p-nitrophendl stant. S and Px are the concentrations of
A = trimethylacetic acid reactant S and product P 1? respectively. What
ki = 150 m3/mole-ksec effective space time for a tubular reactor will be
required to obtain 80% conversion of the lactose
at 40 °C where KM = 0.0528M, K, = 0.0054M
(a) Derive an equation for the rate of production and k = 5.53 moles/(liter-min). The initial lac-
of species P in terms of ku k2, Eo (the total tose concentration may be taken as 0.149M.
elastase concentration in its two forms, E and
ES), and S the instantaneous concentration 30.* A plant is producing nitric acid by oxidizing
of substrate. ammonia with air. The gases leaving the oxida-
(b) The Badger Chemical Company is investi- tion unit are cooled to condense out essentially
gating the production of p-nitrophenol by
this process in a continuous stirred tank * Adapted with permission from C. N. Satterfield.
Problems 315

all of the water present. The gases leaving the is homogeneous. The reverse reaction may
cooler pass to a long pipe followed by a series of be neglected.
absorption towers. In these towers further (d) Because of the large percentage of inerts in
oxidation of NO to NO 2 takes place. Of the NO thcfeed stream, the volume change on reac-
present in the gases leaving the cooler, 90% is tion may be neglected. This implies that our
now being oxidized to NO 2 in the oxidizing answer will only be a first approximation to
chamber and absorption towers. the true solution.
It has been suggested that the production (e) It may be assumed that absorption of the
capacity of the plant can be increased by intro- NO 2 by H 2 O in the absorption towers does
ducing additional air into the gases leaving the not affect the oxidation rate.
cooler. Bucky Badger suggests that the decrease (f) The plant capacity is directly proportional
in residence time will be more than compensated to the quantity of NO 2 produced per unit
for by the increased rate of reaction. He proposes time.
that the plant throughput may be increased, (g) The reaction rate at 30 °C is given by:
keeping the conversion of the NO fixed at 90%.
(a) Is it possible to increase the production "CJVO _ iri r
capacity as suggested? ITt ~~ °2
(b) If so, what should be the number of moles of where concentrations are expressed in kilo-
air fed per mole of gas leaving the cooler in moles per cubic meter and where
order to maximize the production capacity?
What is the percent increase in capacity k = 8.0 x 103 m6/kmole2-sec
under these conditions?
(h) Composition of air:
Data and Suggestions N2 79%
The composition of the gases leaving the cooler O2 21%
N2 83.0% (i) Note that the addition of air increases the O 2
concentration, but also adds N 2 as an inert
O2 8.8%
diluent. Thus there will be some optimum
NO 8.2% air feed rate.
(a) Assume that this composition will be un- (j) A useful approach is to set up an expression
for the desired result in terms of the moles of
changed by any change in the plant produc-
air fed per 100 moles of gas leaving the
tion capacity.
(b) For simplification, assume the gas flow ap-
proximates plug flow at a constant tempera-
ture of 30 °C. 31. An addition reaction of the form A + B -•
(c) The oxidation reaction E takes place in the liquid phase in a combina-
tion of two plug flow reactors in series as shown
2NO + O 2 2NO 2 below.

50 Ib moles/hr - A
- > •

A, I% E ^
•^ V ~ 10 ft 3 VR ~ 10 ft 3
50 Ib moles/hr -
Reactor I Reactor II
316 Basic Concepts in Reactor Design and Ideal Reactor Models

The concentrations of species A and B at the reactors be greater than, less than, or equal
inlet to reactor I are both equal to 1.5 lb moles/ to twice the fraction conversion obtained in
ft3. The rate expression for this reaction is given part (a)? Why!
by (c) Would operation of the reactors in parallel
r = kCACB give greater, lower, or the same overall con-
version of A as that obtained in the present
If isothermal operation at 25 °C is assumed, the mode of operation?
value of the rate constant k is 2.0 ft3/lb mole-hr. Consider two conditions:
(a) What fraction of the inlet A is converted to (1) Fifty percent of the A-B mixture is fed to
E in the first reactor? each reactor.
(b) Will the fraction of the inlet A that is con- (2) Sixty percent of the A-B mixture is fed to
verted to E in the series combination of one reactor and 40% to the other.
Selectivity and Optimization

9 Considerations in the Design of

Isothermal Reactors
9.0 INTRODUCTION amount of a specific product that is produced.
When a number of alternative reaction paths
The present chapter extends the treatment of the
are available to a given reactant, yield and con-
basic principles of reactor design to cases where
version may not be simply related.
multiple reactions are present. It will be shown
In order to avoid the possibility of obtaining
that the choice of reactor type can have a strong
yields in excess of 100% it is necessary to employ
influence on product distribution and thereby on
stoichiometric coefficients to normalize one's
the economics of the process being investigated.
calculations properly. It is also necessary to
The material in this chapter is inextricably linked
state whether the yield is computed relative to
to the problem of optimization. Rigorously
the amount of reactant introduced into the
speaking, the choice of optimum reactor con-
system or relative to the amount of reactant
figuration should follow, not precede, investiga-
consumed. For example, for the reaction
tions of the optimum operating conditions for
each configuration. However, as far as selectivity a A + bB -> rR + sS (9.0.1)
considerations are concerned, it is usually
where we take A to be the limiting reagent, the
possible to establish the most suitable reactor
yield of species R (YR) may be defined as
type by using relatively simple arguments based
on a consideration of the various reaction rate
expressions that are involved. (9.0.2)
r(NA0 - NA
For reactor design purposes, the distinction
between a single reaction and multiple reactions where NR and NA are the moles of species R and
is made in terms of the number of extents of A present after reaction and where the subscript
reaction necessary to describe the kinetic be- zero refers to initial conditions. The ratio of the
havior of the system, the former requiring only stoichiometric coefficients is required to give
one reaction progress variable. Because the 100% yield for complete conversion to R.
presence of multiple reactions makes it impos- The concept of yield is useful in determining
sible to characterize the product distribution in the selectivity of a catalyst or of a given reactor
terms of a unique fraction conversion, we will and operating conditions. Different conventions
find it most convenient to work in terms of have been used in assigning numerical values to
species concentrations. Division of one rate selectivity, but one that is often useful is the ratio
expression by another will permit us to eliminate of the amount of the limiting reagent that reacts
the time variable, thus obtaining expressions to give the desired product to the amount that
that are convenient for examining the effect of reacts to give an undesirable product.
changes in process variables on the product There are many industrial situations where
distribution. reactor designers have opted for selective cata-
In discussions of systems in which only a single lysts or reaction conditions even though they
chemical reaction is involved, one may use the lead to low reactivity. Although large reactor
words yield and conversion as complementary volumes are required, the economics of these
terms. However, in dealing with multiple reac- situations are more favorable than those leading
tions, conversion refers to the proportion of a to high reactivity but low selectivity. The latter
reagent that reacts, while yield refers to the situation is characterized by a smaller, cheaper

318 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

reactor, but the raw material and separation It follows that one obtains maximum selecti-
costs necessary to produce a given amount of vity by choosing reaction conditions such that
desired product are unacceptably high. the ratio (rv/rw) always has its highest value. This
The bulk of this chapter is devoted to a dis- ratio is often referred to as the instantaneous
cussion of optimization with regard to selectivity selectivity.
considerations. In the sections that follow we For a specific system at a given temperature,
will take 5 = 0 in order to concentrate on the nature dictates the values of fcl9 fc2, a1? and a 2 .
primary effects and to simplify the discussion. The only factor that the engineer is at liberty to
Consequently, in this chapter, the terms space adjust and control is CA. It may be maintained
time, mean residence time, and holding time may at a high level by using a batch or plug flow
be used interchangeably. reactor, by operating at low conversions, by in-
creasing the pressure in gas phase systems, and
9.1 PARALLEL REACTIONS by avoiding the use of inert diluents in the feed.
Low concentrations of a reactant are achieved
The possibility of a species reacting by parallel
using a CSTR, operating at high conversions,
paths to yield geometric isomers or entirely
lowering the pressure in gaseous systems, and
different products is often responsible for low
adding inerts to the feed stream. Note that in
yields of a desired product. If circumstances are
this case the desire for selectivity works at cross
such that the orders of the desired and unwanted
purposes to the desire for a small reactor size so
reactions are different with respect to one or
that a good design with respect to one constraint
more species, it is possible to promote the desired
may be poor with respect to the other. In this
reaction by an appropriate choice of reactor
situation a detailed economic analysis is neces-
type and reaction conditions.
sary to optimize the design.
Following the treatment of Levenspiel (1) we
Let us now consider the three possible rank-
shall consider a set of parallel reactions in which
ings of the reaction orders in order to determine
only a single reactant species has any influence
when the concentration of species A should be
on the corresponding reaction rate expressions.
kept at high or low values.
A -> V (desired or valuable product)
Case I. at i > a 2
(9.1.1) In this case the order of the desired reaction is
higher than that of the unwanted reaction so the
A -> W (undesired or relatively worthless
product) exponent on the concentration is positive. The
instantaneous selectivity is promoted by employ-
ing high concentrations of reactant. Conse-
The corresponding rate expressions are: quently, batch or plug flow reactors are most
appropriate from a selectivity viewpoint.
<V = (9.1.3) Case II. oe2 > «!
In this situation the order of the unwanted reac-
dCjr tion is greater than that of the desired reaction,
dt so the selectivity is enhanced by using low con-
Elimination of time as a variable between centrations of reactant. A CSTR is appropriate
equations 9.1.3 and 9.1.4 gives from a selectivity standpoint. Unfortunately,
this situation is the one in which the selectivity
Ty dCy liX (aj _ a2 ) considerations work against the desire for a
rw dCw k2 small reactor size.
9.1 Parallel Reactions 319

Case HI. cn1 = a 2 In the case of other parallel reactions with

If the orders of the two parallel reactions are different reaction rate expressions, similar anal-
identical, the selectivity is a constant given by yses can be used to determine the influence of
the ratio of the rate constants various reactant concentrations on the selecti-
vity of a proposed process. Such analyses would
lead to the following generalization, which is
useful in considerations of parallel reactions
The relative product yields in this case are in- where the reactant concentration level influences
sensitive to the type of reactor used, so reactor the product distribution.
volume considerations will govern the choice of High reactant concentrations favor the reaction
reactor type. of higher order, while low reactant concentrations
In all three cases it is possible to influence the favor the reaction of lower order.
product distribution by changing process con-
ditions that bring about changes in the ratio of In cases where the orders of the reactions in
the reaction rate constants. This can be accom- question are the same with respect to a particular
plished by changing the operating temperature reactant, the product distribution is independent
if the activation energies of the two rate constants of the concentration level of that species. It is, of
are different. Use of a catalyst to accelerate the course, possible to have situations in which the
desired reaction and/or an inhibitor to repress selectivity is enhanced by a high concentration
the unwanted reaction are also methods by of one reactant and by a low concentration of a
which the selectivity can be enhanced. The last second reactant. The higher the concentration
approach is often the most effective me^hs of dependence, the more important it is to keep a
controlling the product distribution. The use of particular species at a high or a low value. Figures
catalysts may, however, lead to changes in the 9.1 and 9.2, adapted from Levenspiel (1), indicate
observed reaction order with concomitant impli- some possible modes of contacting in batch and
cations for the type of reactor that is preferred. continuous flow reactors for some common

Desired strategy

CA, CB both high CA, CB both low CA high, CB low

Add A and B Add A and B Start with A,

all at one time slowly; level rises add B slowly
Figure 9.1
Contacting patterns for various combinations of high and low concentration
of reactants in noncontinuous operations (batch reactors). (Adapted from
Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second Edition, by O. Levenspiel. Copy-
right © 1972. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.)
320 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

Desired strategy

CA, CB both high CA, CB both low CA high, CB low

» 3 Plug flow *- Plug flow

*\l /


~1 1/ 1
JA • » /

-4- T
Figure 9.2
Contacting patterns for various combinations of high and low concentration of reactants in
continuous flow operations. (Adapted from Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second Edition,
by O. Levenspiel. Copyright © 1972 Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.)

situations. The most desirable contacting pattern and unity. The overall fractional yield is the
and mode of operation can be determined only average of the instantaneous fractional yield
by considering several alternative processing integrated over the reactor. The proper averaging
modes and the possibility of recycle of reactants, technique depends on the type of reactor em-
either prior to or subsequent to separation of ployed. CSTR's do not present any problems
the products. with respect to the averaging process, because
In order to determine the product distribution the fluid composition is constant throughout
quantitatively, it is necessary to combine material the volume of the reactor. In this case the in-
balance and reaction rate expressions for a given stantaneous and overall yields are identical:
reactor type and contacting pattern. On the
other hand, if the reactor size is desired, alter- (9.1.9)
native design equations reflecting the material
balances must be employed. For these purposes where the rate expressions are evaluated at the
it is appropriate to work in terms of the fractional reactor effluent composition.
yield. This is the ratio of the amount of a product For a plug flow or a batch reactor where the
formed to the amount of reactant consumed. reactant concentration varies with position or
The instantaneous fractional yield of a product V with time, the overall yield can be determined by
(denoted by the symbol y) is defined noting that
dCv cVF- c v o

y = —- (9.1.7) JCA0 Vj
vv dCA
Substitution into the definition for the overall
while the overall fractional yield Y is defined as yield gives
CVF — Cvc
(9.1.8 rA1 dC
CAF ~ ^A(.
Appropriate stoichiometric coefficients are FA°ydCA (9.1.11)
employed to ensure that 3; and Y lie between zero cA0-c AF JC AF
9.1 Parallel Reactions 321

It is possible to extend this treatment to the taneous yield in equations like equation 9.1.11
case of multiple CSTR's operating in series by and then evaluating the integral directly. Un-
adapting the procedure outlined by Denbigh and fortunately, there are many significant industrial
Turner (2). Let (ACA)U (ACA)2, and (ACA)h rep- reactions, particularly heterogeneous catalytic
resent the changes in the concentration of reactions utilizing a complex feed stpck, for
species A that take place in tanks one, two, and which the formal rate expressions have not been
i, respectively. determined. In these cases the concept of instan-
taneous yield can sometimes be quite useful.
(9.1.12) This situation occurs when the instantaneous
yield depends on only a single composition
where (CA)t is the concentration of reactant A in
variable. In such cases y can often be measured
tank i. The associated changes in the concentra-
with far less effort than would be needed to
tions of the valuable product V are given by
determine the formal rate expressions for the
various competing reactions. Plots of the instan-
(9.1.13) taneous yield versus composition may be deter-
mined by carrying out a series of steady-state
where yt is the yield characteristic of the steady- experiments in a CSTR. All runs are carried out
state concentrations prevailing in the fth tank. at the same temperature and catalyst conditions.
This relation follows directly from equation The shape of the curve determines which type
9.1.7 as applied to a finite process taking place of reactor configuration gives rise to the optimum
at constant y. The overall change in the concen- product distribution.
tration of species V is obtained by summing Figure 9.3 contains typical instantaneous yield
over the pertinent number of tanks (n). versus reactant concentration plots and the
shaded areas indicate the composition changes
ACV = CVn - C vo = - £ U-(ACJJ (9.1.14) of the desired product that are effected by vari-
A i = l ous reactor types. From the definition of the
overall yield,
Combination of this result with the definition
of the overall yield given by equation 9.1.8 gives
CVF ~ Cvo = ~ Y(CA0 - CAF) (9.1.16)

Combination of this equation and equation

Y = (9.1.15) 9.1.11 gives
- C AO
This equation is the CSTR cascade analog of CyF-Cy0= -V-^ (9.1.17)
equation 9.1.11 for a PFR. It indicates that the
overall yield is a summation over the instanta- Hence the area under the curve of y versus CA
neous yields weighted by the fraction of the con- multiplied by the ratio of stoichiometric co-
centration change that takes place in each tank. efficients represents the overall change in valu-
For those cases where the rate expressions for able product concentration between the inlet
all reactions taking place in the system under and outlet streams in a plug flow reactor or in
study are known, the use of the instantaneous a batch reactor. For the case of a CSTR the
yield in the above equations does not contribute instantaneous yield is evaluated at the effluent
significantly to understanding the system be- composition, and the corresponding equation is
havior. In such cases it is easier to determine the
overall yield by substituting the appropriate
CVF - Cvo = --yF(CA0 - CAF) (9.1.18)
ratio of reaction rate expressions for the instan-
322 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors



Figure 9.3
Instantaneous yield versus reactant concentration curves and their
relation to overall product concentration changes, (a) plug flow or
batch reactor, (b) CSTR. (c) three CSTR's in series. (Adapted from
Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second Edition, by O. Levenspiel.
Copyright © 1972. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons,

so the pertinent area in this case is the rectangle plug flow or batch reactor. If the instantaneous
shown in Figure 9.3b. For a staged cascade of yield decreases continuously with increasing
stirred tank reactors a similar analysis indicates reactant concentration, the optimum product
that the pertinent area is that given by the sum distribution is achieved using a continuous
of the rectangles corresponding to the individual stirred tank reactor. When maxima or minima
tanks. are observed in the instantaneous yield curve,
The shape of the instantaneous yield curve the desired selectivity is enhanced by the use of
determines the optimum reactor configuration a combination of plug flow and stirred tank
and flow pattern for a particular reaction net- reactors. However, considerations other than
work. For cases where the instantaneous yield selectivity may influence the final choice of
increases continuously with increasing reactant reactor type, especially when the instantaneous
concentration, the optimum reactor configura- yield curve is relatively flat over the reactant
tion from a product selectivity viewpoint is a concentration range of interest.
9.1 Parallel Reactions 323

For cases where there are three or more Solution

reactions acting in parallel, the rate expressions
Equation 9.1.11 is appropriate for determining
may be such that the order of the reaction that
the overall yield in a plug flow reactor.
leads to the desired product lies between the
orders of reactions that lead to undesirable pro-
ducts. In this case the relative significance of the P FR
k AF ^A

competing reactions changes as the reaction

proceeds. Initially the yield is diminished be- where
cause of formation of the by-product created by VA dCB k,C A

the highest-order reaction. This effect decreases y dCA k, cA + 2k2C2A

as the reaction progresses. At high conversions,
on the other hand, the yield is decreased by for- 1
mation of by-products resulting from the low- 2/c
order reaction. In this situation the yield is 1H
optimized by using a stirred tank reactor Thus
followed by a plug flow reactor (3). This pro-
cedure permits one to "skip" the high concen- yJ / 1 dCA
tration range where one of the by-products is
1 cA
Illustration 9.1 indicates how the principles
enunciated above may be used in optimizing the or
yield of a desired product when dealing with 2/c 2
parallel reactions.
In the limit, as CAF approaches zero,

Species A is present in liquid solution at an initial (E)

concentration CA0. It may undergo the reactions W0
indicated by the following mechanistic equa- Now consider the case of a stirred tank
tions: reactor. In this case the overall yield is given by
equation 9.1.9.
i. A -• B (isomerization) r = k1CA
' BF ^AF
ii. 2A -> Products (disproportionation or
dimerization) r = k2CA

Neither B nor the undesirable products are (F)

present in the feedstream. Determine the max- 1 +
imum yields of B that can be obtained in the
limit where the conversion level approaches In the limit as CAF approaches zero, the over-
100% for both a plug flow reactor and a con- all yield approaches unity. If the plug flow and
tinuous flow stirred tank reactor. stirred tank reactors are operated at less than
324 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

complete conversion, the yields at a given con- at which the concentration of a particular inter-
version level can be evaluated from equations D mediate passes through a maximum. If interested
and F if the values of the reaction rate constants in designing a continuous flow process for pro-
and the initial concentration are known. In all ducing this species, the chemical engineer must
cases, however, the yield from the CSTR will make appropriate allowance for the flow con-
exceed that from the PFR. ditions that will prevail within the reactor. That
This illustration has provided us with a con- disparities in reactor configurations can bring
crete example that indicates in quantitative form about wide variations in desired product yields
the validity of the general rule of thumb that we for series reactions is evident from the considera-
have stated for analyzing parallel reactions. High tions in Illustrations 9.2 and 9.3.
concentrations favor the higher-order reaction,
and low concentrations favor the lower-order ILLUSTRATION 9.2 QUANTITATIVE

For the set of first-order consecutive reactions

There are innumerable industrially significant
reactions that involve the formation of a stable
intermediate product that is capable of subse- determine the optimum holding time in a batch
quent reaction to form yet another stable pro- reactor and the optimum space time in a plug
duct. These include condensation polymerization flow reactor in terms of maximizing the con-
reactions, partial oxidation reactions, and reac- centration of the intermediate V. What will the
tions in which it is possible to effect multiple maximum concentration be in each case? It may
substitutions of a particular functional group on be assumed that only species A is present
the parent species. If an intermediate is the initially.
desired product, commercial reactors should be
designed to optimize the production of this
species. This section is devoted to a discussion
of this and related topics for reaction systems in For constant fluid density the design equations
which the reactions may be considered as se- for plug flow and batch reactors are mathe-
quential or consecutive in character. matically identical in form with the space time
For the case where all of the series reactions and the holding time playing comparable roles
obey first-order irreversible kinetics, equations (see Chapter 8). Consequently it is necessary to
5.3.4, 5.3.6, 5.3.9, and 5.3.10 describe the varia- consider only the batch reactor case. The per-
tions of the species concentrations with time in tinent rate equations were solved previously in
an isothermal well-mixed batch reactor. For Section to give the following results.
series reactions where the kinetics do not obey
simple first-order or pseudo first-order kinetics, — £? (A)
the rate expressions can seldom be solved in
closed form, and it is necessary to resort to nu- Cy
merical methods to determine the time de- (B)
pendence of various species concentrations.
Irrespective of the particular reaction rate C\y _ j _ CA c^
expressions involved, there will be a specific time -MO cAO CAO
9.2 Consecutive (Series) Reactions

The time corresponding to maximum yield reactor from the standpoint of maximizing pro-
of V is obtained by differentiating equation B duction of the intermediate. What will be the
with respect to time and setting the derivative effluent concentration of V for this optimum
equal to zero. operating condition? It may be assumed that
species V and W are not present in the


The effluent composition is readily obtained by

writing a material balance on each species and
Hence, for plug flow or a batch reactor, solving the resultant set of equations. Hence,
Input = output + disappearance by reaction

The optimum time is also that at which the

rate of formation of W is most rapid.
Equation B may be rewritten as

Substitution of equation C into equation D gives

an expression for the maximum obtainable con- where the usual significance is attached to each
centration of species V. symbol.

For the conditions cited, this is the maximum From equation A,

possible yield of species V.



For the set of first-order consecutive reactions

considered in Illustration 9.2, determine the
optimum space time in a single stirred tank
326 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

From equations C and E, This relative yield is plotted in Figure 9.4 as a

function of the relative rate constant k2/k1. The
CWF — k2CVF -— = k2CVFx greatest disparity in the yields is achieved when
the rate constants are identical. The more this
ratio departs from unity, the more nearly equal
(F) the yields become. At very high and very low
values of this ratio, the system behaves as if only
The space time corresponding to a maximum a single reaction has any influence on the
concentration of species V is obtained by reactor design. The minimum value of the
differentiating equation E with respect to T and relative yield can be shown to be equal to 0.68.
setting the derivative equal to zero. This is obviously a significant effect that can

dC VF kxx)k2 k2x)k
— Ki ( _
dx + +

Expansion of the products in the numerator

leads to the result that 1.0

optimum (G) • 0.8

Substitution of this result into equation E gives
an expression for the maximum possible effluent 0.6
concentration of the desired species. -4 -3 -2 -1

) iog, o ^

CvFmax Figure 9.4
cA0 r Ai
1 4-
Comparison of maximum yields for series reactions
in stirred tank and plug flow reactors.

(H) strongly influence the overall process economics.
+ T^
Figure 9.4 indicates the range of values of k2/k1
for which yield considerations are significant.
Successive substitution reactions usually have
The ratio of the maximum yield achievable in rate constants that lie near the minimum in the
a CSTR to that which can be obtained in a relative yield curve.
batch reactor is given by the ratio of equation
H to equation E of Illustration 9.2. Hence,
As we noted earlier, there may be heat transfer
y 1 considerations or other factors that dictate the
max,CSTR h \k2Hk2-ki)
max,PFR 1+ use of a CSTR even when the yield consider-
'rJllii ations are unfavorable. In such cases the yield
9.2 Consecutive (Series) Reactions 327

of the desired product may be upped significant- the plug flow or batch reactor requires a lower
ly by using a battery of CSTR's in series. If space or holding time than a CSTR to achieve
desired, one has the additional flexibility granted the maximum concentration of intermediate.
by using tanks with different volumes or tanks The more this ratio departs from unity, the
operating at different temperatures in the pro- greater the difference in space times. This fact
duction line. The relative capacities of the becomes evident on substitution of numerical
various tanks may then be chosen to optimize values into equations C and G of Illustrations
product yield. This problem has been considered 9.2 and 9.3, respectively, or when plots of
previously by Denbigh (4). He has shown that if CV/CAO versus kxz are prepared for various
both reactions are first-order and if isothermal ratios of k2/k1. [See, for example, Levenspiel
conditions prevail, the capacities of all tanks (5).] In general, for series reactions, the maxi-
should be the same. However, if the degradation mum possible yields of intermediates are ob-
reaction is of higher order than that producing tained when fluids of different compositions and
the desired product, the capacities of the tanks at different stages of conversion are not allowed
should become smaller from the first tank to mix.
onward. Conversely, if the degradation reaction Second, it is possible to plot the data in time-
is of lower order, then the capacities of the independent form in order to obtain curves that
tanks should increase from the first tank onward. are useful in the determination of k2/kx in
There are a few other points worthy of note kinetic studies. The experimental points are
that become evident on closer inspection of matched with one of the family of curves on the
the equations developed in Illustrations 9.2 and graph corresponding to the type of reactor
9.3. First, except for the case where k2/k1 = 1, employed in the investigation. Figure 9.5 is an

Cv/CAo curve for —^- = 0.2

Cv/CAo curve for -—- = 1

Cv/CAo curve for -r— = 5


0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

A = 1- (CA/CA0)

Figure 9.5
Dimensionless representation of product distribution from series reactions
A ^ v ^ w (stirred tank reactor).
328 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

example of this type of plot for a continuous the initial A converted. Levenspiel (6) has
stirred tank reactor. prepared such plots, and Figure 9.6 is repro-
For cases where it is possible to readily duced from his textbook. This figure presents
recover unused reactant A from the product the fractional yield of intermediate V as a
mixture for recycle to the reactor inlet, the use function of the ratio of rate constants {k2/k1)
of the definition of yield employed in Illustra- and the fraction A converted. The curves
tions 9.2 and 9.3 is not appropriate. In this indicate that the fractional yield of the inter-
situation, a more appropriate definition is mediate species is always higher in plug flow
than when extensive back-mixing occurs, re-
Cy Cy
y = (9.2.1) gardless of the conversion level. Moreover, the
-AO Cy CW figure has important implications with regard
The equations derived earlier for the effluent to the conversion level of species A for which
concentrations in the PFR and CSTR cases may one should design. If the reaction under consid-
be substituted into equation 9.2.1 to obtain eration has a value of k2/kl that is greater than
numerical values of the fractional yield of the unity, the fractional yield of V drops very
intermediate V as a function of the fraction of rapidly, even at low values of the conversion

t 0.4


Figure 9.6
Comparison of the fractional yields of V in mixed and plug flow
reactors for the consecutive first-order reactions. A ^ V -^ W.
(Adapted from Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second Edition,
by O. Levenspiel. Copyright © 1972. Reprinted by permission of
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.)
9.3 Series-Parallel Reactions 329

of species A. Thus, in order to avoid excessive concentration will shift the location of the
production of the undesirable product W, it is maximum intermediate concentration, and this
necessary to design for a low conversion of A can be used to optimize the product distribution.
per pass and recycle this species after separation
from the product mixture. In such cases the 9.3 SERIES-PARALLEL REACTIONS
load on the separation equipment will be high,
and large quantities of material will have to be Reaction networks that consist of a multiplicity
processed. Consequently, the costs of the sep- of reactions in which steps in series and steps in
aration process will strongly influence the over- parallel are both present are often referred to as
all process economics. As the ratio k2/kl series-parallel reactions. These systems often
decreases below unity, the fractional yield of are characterized by rate expressions that place
intermediate increases at a given conversion conflicting demands on the type of contacting
level. It is evident that at low values of k2/k1, desired, so that it is often impossible to obtain
this yield becomes relatively insensitive to a unique answer to a design problem. In such
fraction conversion until the conversion level cases the practicing chemical engineer must
begins to exceed 80 to 90%. In this situation exercise creativity and judgment in the choice
one should design for relatively high conversion of contacting pattern and reactor type. To
levels. illustrate the type of conflicts involved, one may
Although the bulk of the discussion in this consider the following combination of mecha-
section and the illustrative examples have been nistic equations:
restricted to successive first-order reactions,
concentration versus time curves can be de- A-*V (9.3.1)
veloped for other cases, including those where A + A W2 (9.3.2)
the consecutive reactions differ in order from
one another. For the batch and plug flow cases,
the development requires the simultaneous V is the desired product
solution of the pertinent differential equations. Wx and W2 are undesirable products
In the case of stirred tank reactors an analogous
set of simultaneous algebraic equations are To optimize the production of V, one would be
obtained that will generally be nonlinear. In persuaded by the presence of the consecutive
such cases closed-form solutions are generally reactions to use a plug flow or batch reactor.
not available, and computers must be used to On the other hand, since the parallel reaction
obtain numerical solutions. Fortunately, the leading to W2 is of higher order in reactant A
concentration-time curves are similar in shape than that leading to V, a stirred tank reactor is
to those for first-order reactions, and the rules called for. These conflicting considerations
of thumb enunciated previously for that case imply that there will not be a unique solution
may be regarded as general for all irreversible as to the type of reactor and operating conditions
reactions in series. Little can be said about the to be employed. The answer will depend on the
product distribution curves for reactions other feed concentrations available and the values of
than first order, because they depend on the the pertinent rate constants. To illustrate the
initial reactant concentration. One may con- general principles involved in tackling these
clude, as in the case of parallel reactions, that series-parallel design problems, we will find it
high concentrations of reactant favor the higher- instructive to consider two common classes of
order reaction and low concentrations favor the reactions of this type: multiple substitution
lower-order reaction. Variations in the feed reactions and polymerization reactions.
330 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

9.3.1 Multiple Substitution Reactions B. The vessel becomes progressively richer in

W until all B is consumed. Figure 9.7 is a sche-
Multiple substitution reactions are commonly
matic representation of the various mole num-
encountered in industrial practice. They may be
bers present in the mixing beaker.
represented in general form as:
In mode 2, a quite different situation prevails.
A + B V (9.3.3) When the first increment of B is added slowly to
A, it will react to form V. The V molecules can-
V + B W (9.314)
not react further, since all of the B molecules
This reaction set may be regarded as parallel have been consumed. When the second incre-
reactions with respect to consumption of species ment of B is added, the V molecules formed
B and as a series reaction with respect to species previously will compete with unreacted A mole-
A, V, and W. Common examples include the cules for the B molecules that have been added.
nitration and halogenation of benzene and other Since A is present in large excess during the
organic compounds to form polysubstituted initial stages of the addition process, it will
compounds. To characterize the qualitative be- react with most of the B to form V. The effect,
havior of such systems, it is useful to consider however, is to increase the amount of V to the
reactions 9.3.3 and 9.3.4 as mechanistic equa- point where it competes more successfully for
tions and to analyze the effects of different the B molecules. Eventually one reaches a point
contacting patterns on the yield of species V. We at which enough B will have been added so that
shall follow the treatment of Levenspiel (7). more V will be consumed by reaction 9.3.4 than
If one has two beakers, one containing species is produced by reaction 9.3.3. Beyond this point
A, and the other containing species B, there are the concentration of V continues to diminish.
several ways in which their contents may be When two moles of B have been added per mole
brought together. The mixing modes that rep-
resent limiting conditions are:
1. Add A slowly to B.
2. Add B slowly to A.
3. Mix A and B together rapidly.
By the use of the term slowly, we imply that the
rate of mixing is slow compared to the rates of
the various chemical processes involved.
In mode 1, as the first increment of A is added,
it is rapidly converted to V by reaction with the
B molecules. The V molecules then find them-
selves in the presence of excess B molecules and
thus react further to yield W. The same process Time or moles A added differentially
occurs as subsequent increments of A are sup-
Figure 9.7
plied, the conversion rate being limited by
Schematic representation of product distribution
the rate of addition of A. This mode of mixing
versus time for parallel-series combination of
gives rise to a situation in which one does not reactions—Case I: series component added slow-
ever have significant amounts of V present in ly. (Adapted from Chemical Reaction Engineering,
the vessel to which A is added. A is also absent Second Edition, by O. Levenspiel. Copyright ©
from this vessel as long as any B remains, but 1972. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and
it will be present after complete consumption of Sons, Inc.)
9.3 Series-Parallel Reactions 331

of original A, the concentration of V will reach see that when all the A that will ever be added is
zero, and we will have a solution containing only present in the mixing vessel, as in modes 2 and 3,
W. Figure 9.8 is a schematic representation of appreciable amounts of intermediate V are
the changes which occur. formed. When it is added incrementally, as in
In mode 3, the reaction rate is slow compared mode 1, no appreciable V is formed. Such-be-
to the mixing process, and one has, in effect, a havior is characteristic of reactions in series, as
well-stirred batch reactor. Initially A and B com- noted in Section 9.2. As far as A, V, and W are
bine to form V, which can then compete with concerned, their behavior is analogous to
other A molecules for the B molecules that re-
main. During the early stages the V molecules w (9.3.5)
are at a numerical disadvantage, and more V will From a comparison of the qualitative results
be produced than is consumed. As its concentra- of modes 2 and 3, we see that the concentration
tion rises, V competes more successfully, even- level of B does not have a major influence on the
tually passing through a maximum and declining product distribution and the reaction sequences
thereafter. The general behavior of this mode of involved. (It will, however, influence the overall
mixing in terms of product distribution is quite conversion rate.) This behavior is characteristic
similar to that of mode 2, which was depicted in of parallel reactions of the same order with
Figure 9.8. respect to a particular species. From the view-
point of species B, reactions 9.3.3 and 9.3.4 may
be regarded as

B: (9.3.6)
Levenspiel (8) has discussed these same ex-
amples and has proposed the following very
useful rule.
Series-parallel reactions can be analyzed in terms
of their constituent series reactions and parallel
Time or moles B added differentially reactions in that optimum contacting for favor-
able product distribution is the same as for the
Figure 9.8 constituent reactions.
Schematic representation of product distribution
versus time for parallel-series combination of For the reaction set 9.3.3 and 9.3.4 where V
reactions—Case II: parallel component added is the desired product, the rule indicates that a
slowly. (Adapted from Chemical Reaction Engi- mixture containing A, which has reacted, should
neering, Second Edition, by O. Levenspiel. Copy- not be back-mixed with fresh A, while B may, be
right © 1972. Reprinted by permission of John added in any fashion which is convenient. One
Wiley and Sons, Inc.) must apply the maxim with discretion, however,
and where possible should work out the mathe-
The product distributions shown in Figures matics appropriate to the reaction set involved
9.7 and 9.8 are obviously quite different, so we in order to obtain as much insight as possible
again see that the manner of contacting can into the factors that will influence the product
have significant effects on product yields. We distribution.
332 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

We are now prepared to develop quantitative which gives Cw. A material balance on species
relations for series-parallel reactions of the B gives
multiple substitution type considered above. QBO ~~ CB = (Cv — Cvo) + 2(CW — Cwo)
Case I. Quantitative Treatment for Plug Flow (9.3.12)
or Batch Reactor
and this provides a means of evaluating CB.
The first step in the determination of the product
Case II. Quantitative Treatment of Stirred
distribution for reactions 9.3.3 and 9.3.4 is an
Tank Reactor
evaluation of the instantaneous yield.
vA dCv When reactions 9.3.3 and 9.3.4 take place in a
V— — single continuous stirred tank reactor, the route
to a quantitative relation describing the prod-
dCy uct distribution involves writing the design
dt — k22CCvC
equations for species V and A.
T = (9.3.13)
dt - r4 - rv
(9.3.7) or
Hence, for a plug flow or batch reactor, -AO

dCv k2Cv k\CACB ~k1CACB -\- k2CvCB

- 1 (9.3.8) (9.3.14)
Rearrangement gives
This differential equation can be solved using
an integrating factor approach. The solution
consists of two parts. CA

cAO =—V- (F 1 ) - ^ +^(^ L ) for k2 / k1 (9.3.9)

cAO cAO.

One of the last two equations gives the relation- which is the difference equation analog of
ship between Cv and CA at any time in a plug equation 9.3.8. Equation 9.3.15 may be solved
flbw or batch reactor. The stoichiometry of the for Cv in terms of CA to give
system provides the additional information
necessary to describe completely the system + 1 -
composition. Cy
cA cAO (9.3.16)
A material balance on species A indicates that
- 1
Q 40 = CA Cv + Cw
Equations 9.3.11 and 9.3.12 are also applicable
(9.3.11) to a CSTR reactor, since they represent overall
9.3 Series-Parallel Reactions 333

material balances. They provide the additional consumption of B is independent of the manner
relations necessary to determine the complete in which B is added. It depends only on the total
effluent composition. consumption. If one recognizes that the 45-
It is possible to represent the product distri- degree line would represent complete conver-
butions for both the batch and CSTR cases in sion to the desired product, it is evident that the
the form of time independent plots, as shown in highest fractional yields are obtained at low
Figures 9.9 and 9.10. The plots are prepared using fraction conversions of species A, regardless of
equations 9.3.9 (or 9.3.10), 9.3.11, 9.3.12, and whether k2/k1 is large or small. However, the
9.3.16. As the reaction proceeds, B is consumed, larger the value of k2/ku the faster the fractional
and one moves from left to right along the curve yield of V drops off with increasing conversion
representing the appropriate value of k2/kl. The of A. Thus, if it is possible to remove small
dashed lines of slope 2 on the figures indicate amounts of V cheaply from large volumes of the
the amount of B consumed to reach a particular reaction mixture, the optimum reactor configu-
point on the curve being followed. This value of ration and mode of operation would involve the

V + B —--+ W
Batch or plug flow


0 0.1
V. V.
0.30.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Figure 9.9
Product distribution in batch or plug flow reactors for the indicated reac-
tions (Adapted from Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second Edition, by
O. Levenspiel. Copyright © 1972. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley
and Sons, Inc.)
334 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Figure 9.10
Product distribution in a continuous stirred tank reactor for the indicated
reactions. (Adapted from Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second
Edition, by O. Levenspiel. Copyright © 1972. Reprinted by permission
of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.)

use of a plug flow reactor with low conversions will still be along the same k2/kl line. However,
of A per pass coupled with a separator to remove the starting point will no longer be the point
the product V and to recycle unconverted reac- Cv = 0, CA = CA0, but the intersection of the
tants. The exact conversion level to be employed curve corresponding to the value ofk2/k1 charac-
will depend on an economic analysis of the teristic of the system and a straight line passing
combined reactor-separator system. through the point Cv = CA = 0, with a slope
As Levenspiel points out in his discussion of ( — CV0/CA0). The effect of the presence of inter-
this same reaction network, it is relatively easy mediate V in the feed is to reduce the net
to extend the use of figures like Figure 9.9 (PFR) fractional yield of species V.
to cases in which intermediates may be present Illustration 9.4 indicates how the concepts we
in the feed to the plug flow reactor either by have developed may be used in attempting to
virtue of their presence in a recycle stream or in develop a rational reactor design for carrying
the raw feedstream. The progress of the reaction out multiple substitution reactions.
9.3 Series-Parallel Reactions 335

ILLUSTRATION 9.4 DESIGN above, the product mixtures will contain sub-
CONSIDERATIONS FOR A SPECIFIED stantial amounts of unreacted A and B. It is
PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION thus appropriate to consider the questions of
separation and recycle for each species in turn.
Reactant A
For a set of parallel-series reactions represented HA has significant economic value then it should
y be separated from the reactor effluent stream and
A+B^V n ^kxCACB recycled for subsequent use. Since the conver-
sion level is higher in the plug flow reactor, the
V + £ -i W r2 = k2CvCB recycle rate will be much smaller and the de-
it is desired to operate under conditions such mands on the separation equipment for reclaim-
that the relative yield of V is 75%, based on the ing species A will also be somewhat smaller.
amount of A that reacts. If the reaction rate Even when species A is of relatively little eco-
constants are numerically equal, indicate briefly nomic value, there may be circumstances when
the constraints within which the idealized re- the costs associated with meeting the pollution
actor types must operate. Consider conversion control requirements for the process effluent
levels, mole ratios of the feed, and the possibility will dictate separation and recycle of this reac-
of separation and recycle of reactant or product tant as the most economic alternative.
species. It may be presumed that species A is
the limiting reagent. Reactant B
The product distribution is insensitive to the
Solution concentration of reactant B. If B is cheap and
does not offer a potential pollution problem
Figures 9.9 and 9.10 are useful for determin- downstream, its concentration may be kept at
ing the conversion level at which each type any convenient level. If B is costly or must be
of reactor should be operated. The locus of removed for other reasons, one has the options of
points along which the relative overall yield operating with low B concentrations at high
V is 75% is given by the straight line linking conversions in a relatively large reactor to
the point fA = 0, CV/CAO = 0 to the point produce a product containing very little B, or
fA = 1,CV/CAO = 0.75. Points above this straight of operating at higher B concentrations in a
line will correspond to yields in excess of the smaller reactor with separation and recycle of
minimum specified value of 75%. The point unused B. The specified product distribution
where this straight line intersects the yield curve requires that the mole ratio of V to W be 3:1.
for the specified value of k2/ki (1.0) indicates the To produce 1 mole of W and three of K, one
highest conversion level at which the specified must consume 4 moles of A and 5 moles of B.
product distribution can be achieved. When such The feed ratio employed in an actual situation
a straight line is superimposed on Figure 9.9, it may differ appreciably from 1.25 to enhance the
is found that for a batch or plug flow reactor, the reaction rate or to allow for discarding some A
maximum possible conversion of A that is con- and£.
sistent with the constraint on the product
distribution is fA = 0.42. For a CSTR the cor- Products V and W
responding maximum conversion level may be Separation and recycle of species V or W has
found using Figure 9.10. In this case/^ = 0.25. no merit. Neither product enhances the reac-
At the limiting conversion levels determined tion rate. The low conversion of A that we are
336 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

forced to employ is a consequence of the fact that molecule and as a parallel reaction from the
otherwise there would be insufficient V in the viewpoint of the monomer molecules being
product mixture. consumed. Of course, if polymer molecules can
react with one another,

9.3.2 Polymerization Reactions Pt + Pj--> Pi+j (9.3.18)

Polymerization processes represent an ex- A given sample of polymer is characterized by a

tremely important aspect of the chemical pro- distribution of molecular weights arising from
cessing industry. Since many of the properties of the interaction of the network of reactions shown
polymeric materials are markedly affected by in equation 9.3.17 (and possibly equation 9.3.18),
their average molecular weight and their mo- and the mixing processes taking place in the
lecular weight distribution, the design of reactors reactor in which the polymer sample was pre-
for polymerization processes offers many op- pared.
portunities for the use of the principles presented For idealized reactor types there are two
earlier in this chapter. opposing factors that influence the overall
molecular weight distribution.
Because tubular reactors are generally not
suitable for use in effecting liquid phase or 1. The Concentration History. That is, in a batch
emulsion polymerizations, the principal design reactor the monomer concentration decreases
alternatives reduce to batch reaction or the use continuously whereas in a CSTR it remains
of single or multiple stirred tank reactors for constant.
continuous processing. In tubular reactors, the 2. The Residence Time Distribution. All fluid
velocity profile arising from the high viscosity of elements have the same residence time in a
the solution will imply that fluid elements near batch reactor, but there will be a wide spread
the wall have significantly longer residence times in residence times in a CSTR.
than those at the tube axis. This distribution of
residence times means that the material near In a CSTR the steady-state concentration of
the wall may be polymerized to an excessive monomer is at a lower average value than it
level, perhaps resulting in the precipitation of would be for the same feed conditions if the
polymer and the buildup of solid material on same reaction were carried out batchwise. In
the tube walls, eventually leading to choking or many free radical polymerization reactions,
plugging of the tube. holding the monomer concentration at a con-
stant level has the effect of reducing the variation
If we represent the monomer from which a
in degree of polymerization (or molecular
polymer is formed by M and a polymer consist-
ing of i monomer units by Ph a polymerization
As the residence time of a fluid element
reaction can be written as
lengthens, it is possible for the degree of poly-
M + M -» P 2 merization of the polymer molecules contained
therein to increase. Consequently, any factor
P 2 + M -> P 3
that leads to a spread in residence times of
P 3 + M -» P 4 (9.3.17) individual molecules can increase the spread in
the molecular weight distribution. In a CSTR
P, + M -> P, + some growing polymer molecules leave after a
short residence time so they do not reach a very
This reaction can be regarded as a series reac- large molecular weight. Other molecules remain
tion from the viewpoint of the growing polymer in the reactor for longer than the average
9.4 Reactor Design for Autocatalytic Reactions 337

residence time and consequently will reach a For cases where the growth period is the same
molecular weight greater than the average value. as the residence time in the reactor, as in poly-
Whether the first or the second factor domi- condensation processes, the residence time dis-
nates depends on the type of polymerization tribution is the dominant factor influencing the
process involved. If the period during which molecular weight distribution. In this case one
the polymer molecule is growing is short com- obtains a broader molecular weight distribution
pared to the residence time of the molecule in from a CSTR than from a batch reactor. Figure
the reactor, the first factor dominates. This sit- 9.12 [also taken from Denbigh (11)] indicates
uation holds for many free radical and ionic the type of behavior expected for systems of this
polymerization processes where the reaction type.
intermediates are extremely short-lived. Figure
9.11, taken from Denbigh (10), indicates the 1 1 1 1
types of behavior expected for systems of this

1 1
P£ I Batch

1 11
1 1 1 1 1

c _ J\ I Batch reactor _ \
o 0.8

/ \ II and III Continuous

1 1
1 \ flow reactors
0.7 —I \ —
i i Continuous

CD 0.6
\ 1
S5 ~7 10 20 30 40
0.5 Degree of polymerization, r

> 0.4
4 / \\ni
1 —
Figure 9.12
Molecular weight distribution function for the case
Q. where the length of the growth stage is long
In \W compared to the reactor residence time or for the

case where there are no termination reactions.

c // \ \ (Reprinted with permission from Chemical Reactor
1// \ V

0.2 Theory, by K. G. Denbigh and J. C. R. Turner.

Copyright © 1971 by Cambridge University Press.)
1//\\ \ \n \ XNv
\ 1

o.i Hi/ \ \ \ —
0 f 1 1 ^ H ^ 1 1
100 200 300 400 500
Degree of polymerization, r
Figure 9.11
Molecular weight distribution function for the case 9.4.1 Basic Concepts
where the length of the growth stage is short
compared to the residence time in reactor. (Re- There are many reactions in which the prod-
printed with permission from Chemical Reactor ucts formed can themselves act as catalysts for
Theory, by K. G. Denbigh and J. C. R. Turner. the reaction. Thus there will be a range of com-
Copyright (c) 1971 by Cambridge University Press.) positions for which the reaction rate accelerates
338 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

as the reaction proceeds. This phenomenon is Under normal circumstances, when a material
known as autocatalysis, and reactions of this reacts, its initial rate of disappearance is high, but
type pose some interesting problems in the selec- the rate decreases progressively as the reactant
tion of an optimum reactor configuration. is consumed. In an autocatalytic reaction, on
An autocatalytic reaction is one in which the the other hand, the initial rate is relatively slow,
reaction rate is proportional to a product con- because little or no product is present. The rate
centration raised to a positive exponent. Some increases to a maximum as products are formed
of the first articles in the literature of chemical and then decreases to a low value as reactants
kinetics deal with reactions of this type. For are consumed or equilibrium is achieved. If
example, in 1857, Baeyer (12) reported that the there are no product species present in the initial
reaction of bromine with lactose was autocata- reaction mixture, autocatalytic reactions exhibit
lytic. The hydrolyses of several esters also fit the type of behavior shown in Figure 9.13a. If
into the autocatalytic category, since the acids the product species that is catalytic is present in
formed by reaction give rise to hydrogen ions the original reaction mixture, the type of be-
that serve as catalysts for subsequent reaction. havior that the system will exhibit is shown in
Among the most significant autocatalytic reac- Figure 9.13b.
tions are the fermentation reactions that involve It should be noted that we have not let the
the action of a microorganism on an organic initial rate become zero in Figure 9.13 even when
feedstock. no catalyst is present, because the possibility

Rate Rate

Time, t max
Reactant concentration

Rate Rate

Time, t
Reactant concentration

Figure 9.13
Characteristics of autocatalytic reaction, (a) No products present in
initial reaction mixture, (b) Some product species present in initial
9.4 Reactor Design for Autocatalytic Reactions 339

exists that there may be alternative paths from

reactants to products, only one of which is auto- Addition of suspected
catalytic. The observed rate will be the sum of catalytic agent

the rates for the various paths. Reaction will

proceed by the uncatalyzed path until sufficient
products are produced to render conversion by
this path negligible compared to conversion by
the autocatalytic path. In practice one always
has the possibility of spiking the original mixture
with adequate catalyst but, in many cases, small Time, t
amounts of product species left in the reactor Figure 9.14
from previous runs may suffice to get things Response of autocatalytic system to addition of
going again. For hydrolysis reactions that are catalytic agent.
acid catalyzed, the hydrogen ion concentration
in the feed water may be sufficient to get things While we have taken some liberties with the
started. numerical values that we will subsequently
An experimental test for autocatalysis involves employ, the following set of mechanistic equa-
addition of the suspected autocatalytic species tions has been proposed in an effort to explain
to the reaction mixture. If the material added is the observed autocatalytic kinetic behavior (13).
the responsible agent, one may generally expect
2A -+ B + C (Q
behavior like that shown in Figure 9.14.
Illustration 9.5 indicates one type of rate ex- A + B -X AB (D)
pression and reaction mechanism that may be
2AB ^ 3B + C (E)
associated with an autocatalytic reaction.
where AB is an intermediate complex. Verify
that this mechanism gives rise to autocatalytic
If the following values are assumed for the
reaction rate constants:
When heated above 200 °C, pure 5-methyl-2-
kl = 1.02 m3/kmole-Msec
oxazolidinone decomposes into two products,
CO 2 gas and N-(2-hydroxypropyl) imidaz- k2 = 150 m3/kmole-Msec
olidinone. The reaction stoichiometry is: k3 = 172 m3/kmole-Msec

CH 3 CH 3 XH3
I I (A)
CH 2 C, CH2 C OH
\ / O \ /N

or determine the fraction conversion of A that gives

2A -* B + C rise to the maximum amount of B that can be
where C represents CO 2 . produced in an ideal CSTR with a fixed volume
340 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

VR. No special constraint is to be placed on the The right side of this expression is identical with
volumetric feed rate or the initial concentration the rate of production of species B and C. Hence
of species A. the maximum production rate for a fixed reactor
volume occurs when the reactor contents have
Solution a composition that maximizes the specific reac-
tion rate. Now, in terms of the fraction
The observed rate of reaction is identical with
the rate of formation of species C
(B) = CMfA (L)
r = kM? + k3(AB)2 (F) or,

-rAF = 2 - fA)2 + y CA0(l - fA)(CAOfA) (M)

When the rate has its maximum value

^ = 2[-2/c1( " JA) + y C2M(l - 2fA) I = 0 (N)

The concentration of the reaction inter- Thus

mediate AB may be determined by using the (O)
customary steady-state approximation for inter- or
mediates. k2 - 4/cj
J A max (P)
= k2(A)(B) - 2k3(AB)2 « 0 (G)
dt Substituting appropriate numerical values
150 - 4(1.02)
(AB) = (H) fAm dX =
2k, ' 2(150) - 4(1.02) ~~
Combining equations F and H gives
Illustration 9.5 indicates that one may have
= k1(A) 2
+^- (I) parallel paths leading from reactants to products
and that in the case of an autocatalytic reaction,
one path may be preferred over a second until
Thus the mechanism gives rise to a rate ex-
the product level builds up to a point where the
pression in which species B is responsible for the
second becomes appreciable. In this example,
autocatalytic behavior.
the magnitudes of the rate constants are such
The design equation for a CSTR is
that the vast majority of the reaction occurs by
the autocatalytic path. In cases such as these it
cAO is desirable to use a CSTR or recycle reactor to
T = (j)
— rAF enhance the reaction rate by virtue of the back-
mixing of product species.
which, o n r e a r r a n g e m e n t for t h e case where t h e
feed contains neither B n o r C, becomes An autocatalytic reaction does not necessarily
imply a first-order dependence on the product
AF*R — ^AO^OJA — r AOJA (K) species, or even an integer order with respect to
9.4 Reactor Design for Autocatalytic Reactions 341

this species. In the hydrolysis of an ester formed The maximum rate may be evaluated by com-
from a weak acid, an order approaching one bining equation 9.4.4 or 9.4.5 with equation
half may be observed. 9.4.1.
The key characteristic of all autocatalytic rate
expressions is that plots of the rate versus time 9.4.2 Reactor Design Considerations
are of the general form shown in Figure 9.13.
If converted into plots of fraction conversion Plug flow reactors generally give greater pro-
versus time, these forms give rise to a charac- duction capacities than CSTR's of equal volume
teristic S shape. These plots first rise, showing but, in the case of autocatalytic reactions, this
autoacceleration as the rate increases, then pass generalization is not valid. For this class of
through an inflection point as the rate reaches a reactions back-mixing of reacted material with
maximum, and finally taper off so that the frac- fresh feed is often beneficial in optimizing the
tion conversion approaches unity or its equili- overall reactor design. This mixing can be
brium value as the time approaches infinity. achieved by employing a continuous stirred tank
In the more general case for liquid phase reactor or by recycling the unseparated product
reactions or other cases where S = 0, the auto- mixture. With the CSTR it is possible to operate
catalytic term in the reaction rate expression all the time at the highest reaction rate (i.e., at the
can be written as points in Figure 9.13 labeled C max ). One could
thus require a lower volume than would be re-
= k(C (9.4.1) quired to achieve the same conversion level in
where A and P are reactant and product species, a plug flow reactor, which would operate at an
respectively. The extent of reaction per unit average rate less than the optimum. This mode
volume corresponding to the maximum auto- of operation would require an effluent com-
catalytic rate may be determined by setting the position corresponding to Cmax. If lower con-
derivative equal to zero. versions are desired, the CSTR will still require

dr A
•\CP0 + vPnPp + PPVp(CA0 + vAt*YA(CP0 + = 0


or less volume than a PFR to reach this level.

However, if higher conversions are desired, the
PAVA(CP0 + vPi;*) + PPvP(CA0 + vA£*) = 0 optimum design solution (from the viewpoint of
(9.4.3) minimum total volume) requires the use of a
Solving for the extent of reaction per unit CSTR to reduce the reactant concentration from
volume that gives the maximum reaction rate its initial value to Cmax and then a PFR to further
reduce the reactant concentration to the spec-
P ified level in the ultimate product.
Sax = f° , J* (9.4.4)
VAVP(PA + PP) In cases where unconverted reactants can be
For the case where vA = — 1 and vP = 1 and readily separated from the product stream it may
where no product is present initially, be preferable to use only the CSTR operating
at the maximum rate, regardless of the conver-
Smax sion level desired, because the separated reac-
CA0 PP + PA tants can be recycled. In this case one must
342 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

determine the relative costs of operating in the you maximize the formation of V. In what
separation and recycle mode vis a vis the costs manner would you carry out this experi-
of .utilizing the second stage plug flow reactor ment; that is, how would you mix the re-
and the attendant separation costs necessary to actants and at what rate?
obtain the final product. (b) If you desire to produce V in a flow reactor,
what type of reactor and operating condi-
LITERATURE CITATIONS tions do you recommend?
(c) If the activation energies for the rate con-
1. Levenspiel, O., Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second
Edition, pp. 166-167, Wiley, New York, copyright ©
stants kl9 k2, and k3 are 30, 25 and 25 kJ/
1972. Used with permission. mole, respectively, what additional state-
2. Denbigh, K. G., and Turner, J. C. R., Chemical Reactor ment can you make regarding recommended
Theory, pp. 123-124, Cambridge University Press, operating conditions?
Cambridge, 1971.
3. Trambouze, P. J., and Piret, E. L., AIChE J., 5 (384), 2. Consider the following chlorination of ben-
1959. zene reaction system of elementary reactions.
4. Denbigh, K. G., Chem. Eng. Sci., 77(25), 1961.
C\2 + C 6 H 6 ^ C 6 H 5 C 1 + HC1
5. Levenspiel, O., op. cit., p. 180.
6. Levenspiel, O., op. cit., p. 181. Cl 2 C 6 H 5 C1 ^ C 6 H 4 C1 2 HC1
7. Levenspiel, O., op. cit., pp. 186-192. Assume that chlorination of dichlorobenzene
8. Levenspiel, O., op. cit., p. 189. does not occur to an appreciable extent. Mono-
9. Levenspiel, O., op. cit., pp. 191-192. chlorobenzene is the desired product.
10. Denbigh, K. G., and Turner, J. C. R., op. cit., p. 115. (a) Obtain an equation that relates the concen-
11. Denbigh, K. G., and Turner, J. C. R., op. cit., p. 114. tration of monochlorobenzene to the con-
12. Baeyer, A., Ann. Chem. Pharm., 103 (178), 1857. centration of benzene, assuming that only
13. Walles, W. E., and Platt, A. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., 59 benzene and chlorine are present initially:
(6), p. 41, 1967. (1) ForaCSTR.
(2) For a batch reactor.
PROBLEMS (b) Utilizing this information, for each of the
above cases (1 and 2) in order to minimize
1. Your plant has two liquid streams available the rate of production of dichlorobenzene
containing solutes that are not profitably mar- relative to the rate of production of mono-
ketable at the present time. The first contains chlorobenzene, would you want a high or
solute A, the second solute B. low conversion of benzene? Prove this math-
Two possible reactions may occur between ematically for each of the following cases.
these species. The stoichiometric equations and
rate expressions are given below. kx > k2
k, =k2
A + B -• V (valuable product)
k, < k2
rv = k,CACBC\)2 + k2CACB
A + B —» U (undesired byproduct) (c) For an industrial situation, what other con-
sideration is particularly important in addi-
rv = k3CACB
tion to minimizing the rate of production of
(a) You have two beakers containing samples of undesired products relative to that of the
the two streams and desire to carry out a desired product? Answer this question very
small-scale laboratory experiment in which briefly in a qualitative manner.
Problems 343

3. Species A and B react as follows. the whey. It is believed that if very high tempera-
tures are used for short times, this result can be
A + 2B k-X 2R + S (-rA)i = KCAC\ obtained without degrading the protein of the
whey, which, besides ruining the food value,
A + B^T + U (-rA)2 = k2CACB
gives it a bad taste.
An equimolar mixture of A and B is introduced A PFR has been designed in which steam is
into an infinitely long plug flow reactor (CA0 = injected into the whey as it enters the reactor.
CB0 = 1.0 kmole/m 3 ). The concentration of A After it passes through the PFR, the temperature
in the effluent is 0.1 kmole/m 3 . No B is present in is dropped rapidly to 10 °C, where the rate of
the effluent stream. What conclusions can you degradation is negligible. A holding time of 7 sec
draw concerning the relative magnitudes of k1 is needed to obtain 99.99% spore kill at a tem-
and/c 2 ? perature of 127 CC. For the whey to meet health
and flavor tests, a maximum of 10% degradation
4. The reactions indicated below take place of protein is to be allowed. As a first approxima-
in the liquid phase with the indicated rate tion in your analysis, the reaction is to be treated
expressions. as isothermal at 127 °C.
Another research group has previously con-
ducted tests on the denaturation kinetics and
(ii) 2A -+ C r = k2CA2 k2 = 2 m3/kmole-ksec has reported the data below.
The feed stream consists of A dissolved in a Will the proposed process meet the standards
solvent S such that the initial concentration of A set for protein degradation?
is 2 kmoles/m 3 . If 50% of the A fed to a flow
reactor undergoes reaction, determine the effl- Data
uent composition: Whey contains 1.5 kg/m 3 of lactalbumin and
(a) IfaCSTRisused. 3.0 kg/m 3 of lactoglobulin. At 85 C the follow-
(b) If a PFR is used. ing data are available on the kinetics of protein
degradation, using initial concentrations that
5. Xylene isomerization reactions can be accom- are the same as those in whey.
plished by contacting a hot gas stream with a
solid catalyst. Under these conditions the isom-
Lactalbumin Lactoglobulin
erization reactions may be regarded as reversible
and first-order. Unfortunately, the catalyst also Percent Percent
catalyzes disproportionation reactions. These Time, t residual Time, t residual
reactions may be regarded as essentially second- (sec) protein (sec) protein
order and irreversible. If one desires to achieve
an equilibrium mixture of isomers with minimal 0 100 0 100
material losses due to disproportionation, what 120 82.5 20 83
do you recommend concerning the mode in 250 72.5 35 77
which one should operate a continuous flow 360 65.0 80 67.5
725 47.5 100 58.0
850 42.0 125 54.5
6. A process for ultra-high temperature steriliza- 960 39.0 140 52.5
1075 35.0 160 48.0
tion of whey has been proposed. The purpose of 1200 30 180 44.5
the process is to destroy 99.99% of the spores in
344 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

Over the temperature range of interest, the acti- (2) If the reaction at 2500 °K may be con-
vation energy for the lactalbumin degradation sidered as occurring at constant volume,
reaction is 25.1 kJ/mole while that for the lacto- determine the times corresponding to
globulin degradation reaction is 121 kJ/mole. the two maxima. Note that the time in the
Note that there are problems associated plasma jet will be exceedingly small,
with the determination of time zero for these (c) Roughly what fraction of the methane is
reactions. converted to acetylene at 2500 °K if the
Assume that the orders of both reactions are contact time in a plasma jet is that corre-
integers, although not necessarily the same sponding to the maximum in acetylene
integer. concentration?

7. Gulyaev and Polak [Kinetics and Catalysis, 8. Consider the sequential first-order reactions
fci k2
6 (352), 1965] have studied the kinetics of the A -• V -> W where V is the desired product.
thermal decomposition of methane with a view These liquid phase reactions are to be carried
toward developing a method for the commer- out in a cascade of two equal volume CSTR's in
cial production of acetylene in a plasma jet. The series. If the reactors are to be sized so as to
following differential equations represent the maximize the concentration of species V in the
time dependence of the concentrations of the effluent from the second reactor, determine the
major species of interest. reactor volumes necessary to process 500 gal/hr
d(CR4 of feed containing 6 moles/gal of species A. No
= -MCH4) V or W is present in the feed. What fraction of the
A ends up as VI The rate constants k1 and k2
are both equal to 0.5 hr" 1 .
^ = -/c 3 (C 2 H 4 )
dt 9. A sequential isomerization reaction is be-
d(C2H2) lieved to be characterized by the following mech-
= -/c 4 (C 2 H 2 ) + fc3(C2H4) anistic equations.
A -+ B -> C
(a) Integrate these differential equations to de-
termine the time dependent behavior of each These reactions are being studied in a series
species concentration. Assume that the only combination of two CSTR's. Each of these re-
species present initially is methane and that actors has a volume of 2 liters. Liquid is being
its initial concentration is (CH 4 ) 0 . fed to the first reactor at a rate of 1 liter/min.
(b) (1) Determine the times corresponding to This liquid contains only pure A and the solvent.
maximum concentrations of C 2 H 4 and The inlet concentration of A is 2 g moles/liter.
C 2 H 2 . It may be noted that Under the conditions of operation, k1 = 0.5
min" 1 and k2 = 0.25 min" 1 . Both reactors op-
k3 » fc4 erate at the same temperature.
and that (a) What is the composition of the effluent from
the first reactor? Include all species of
k, = 4.5 x lO 13 *- interest.
k3 = 2.57 x l O V (b) Repeat part (a) for the second reactor.
fe4 = 1.7 x lO 6 *" 1 10. Kostyuk, Belen'ku, and Tezhneva [Kinetics
where T is expressed in degrees Kelvin. and Catalysis, 10 (53), 1969] have studied the
Problems 345

acid catalyzed decomposition of p-diisopropyl-

benzene dihydroperoxide in ethyl acetate solu-
tion. The stoichiometric equations for the two
consecutive reactions that occur are:



CH 3 —C—CH 3

(p-hydroxycumyl hydroperoxide)


CH 3 —C—CH 3 OH
O—OH (hydroquinone)

Both reactions are first-order in catalyst con- 11. Vaidyanathan and Doraiswamy [Chem.
centration and in the reactant involved. If one Eng. ScL, 23 (537), 1966] have studied the cat-
incorporates the catalyst concentration into the alytic partial oxidation of benzene in a composi-
rate constants k1 and k2, the following values tion range where the reactions of interest all
are typical of the results reported by these in- follow pseudo first-order kinetics. The pertinent
vestigators at 40 °C. stoichiometric equations are

^ = 0.95 C 6 H 6 + |O 2 2H 2 O
C 4 H 2 O 3 + 2CO2
kt = 3.6 x 10 sec
C 4 H 2 O 3 4- 3O2 4CO 2 + H 2 O
C6H6 6CO2 + 3H 2 O
Both reactions take place in liquid solution. If
one desires to carry out these reactions in a con-
tinuous stirred tank reactor, determine the space The corresponding rate expressions are
time corresponding to a maximum yield of
p-hydroxycumyl hydroperoxide. If the initial
p-diisopropylbenzene dihydroperoxide concen-
tration is 10 moles/m3, what are the concentra-
tions of the various species in the effluent? r3 = k3PB
346 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

where PB refers to the partial pressure of ben- and

zene and PM to that of maleic anhydride.
M»=M (II)
If one is interested in designing a reactor for
maleic anhydride (C 4 H 2 O 3 ) production, deter-
mine the reactor space time for a PFR that where
maximizes the concentration of this species in Nn is the number of molecules containing n
the effluent. Start by deriving equations for F B , monomer units
P M , and PCOl as functions of the space time. At
M is the molecular weight of the monomer.
350 °C, the values of the rate constants are:
(The summations extend from n = 2 to n .= oo.)
kx = 1.141 x 1(T 3 ]
Keii [Kinetics of Ziegler-Natta Polymerization,
k2 = 2.468 x 10" 3 >g moles/(hr-g catalyst-atm) Kodansha, Tokyo, 1972] has noted that under
fc3 = 0.396 x 10" 3 J steady-state reaction conditions, the number of
polymer molecules with degree of polymeriza-
Under optimum conditions at this temperature, tion n desorbing per unit catalyst surface area in
what fraction of the inlet benzene ends up as unit time may be written as
maleic anhydride? What is the yield of maleic
anhydride based on the amount of benzene r
desorption~ (III)
reacted? Neglect volumetric expansion.
12. The following reaction sequence takes place kd = desorption rate constant (assumed to be
in the liquid phase in a continuous stirred tank independent of n)
reactor. No = number of active sites per unit surface
A -> B + C -* W area
The feed concentration of A is CA0, and the 9n = fraction of the sites covered by a polymer
reactions may be assumed to be irreversible re- with degree of polymerization n
actions proceeding by this mechanism. No 5, C, Reattachment of the n-mer does not occur.
or D are present in the feed. If the input volumet-
If the reaction occurs by the so-called Rideal
ric flow rate is % and the reactor volume is VR,
mechanism the net rate at which a polymer with
derive equations for the effluent concentrations
degree of polymerization n is produced is given
of B, C, and D. If species B is the desired product,
determine the space time that corresponds to
the maximum production of B. KNoPOn-i ~KNoP0n (IV)
where the rate constant for the reaction of gas
13. Ziegler-Natta catalysts are used commer- phase monomer with adsorbed n-mer (fcr) is as-
cially for the production of stereoregular poly- sumed to be independent of n and where P is the
mers, especially isotactic polypropylene and gas phase monomer pressure.
high-density linear polyethylene. The resultant If the rate at which monomer is adsorbed to
polymers have number and weight average initiate polymerization is given by
molecular weights (Mn and M w , respectively)
that are defined as

(i) and if the average rate of polymerization (R) is

Problems 347

taken as the rate of disappearance of monomer (a) Derive equations for the effluent concentra-
tion of each species in terms of the rate
constants kx and klh the reactor volume, the
initial volumetric flow rate, and the initial
show that the average rate of polymerization concentrations of species A and B.
is given by (b) What reactor volume will give the highest
concentration of species C in the effluent
= NokrkaP2(2kd + krP) stream? What will this concentration be?
(krP + kd)(kaP + kd)
The breadth of the molecular weight distribu- 15. An autocatalytic reaction is to be carried out
tion may be measured by the ratio MJMn. Show in aqueous solution in two identical continuous
that this ratio is given by stirred tank reactors operating in series. The
reaction stoichiometry is
- - + \ + A A -> B
w y y
M. while the reaction rate expression is
2+ -
r = kCACB
where If the system is to operate isothermally at 50 °C
where the reaction rate constant is equal to
LP 0.9 m3/kmole-ksec, determine the reactor vol-
ume necessary to achieve an overall fraction
By considering the limits of 1/y as zero and
conversion of 0.80. Species A is to be fed at a
infinity corresponding to infinitely rapid desorp-
rate of 0.3 mole/sec and an initial A concentra-
tion or slow reaction and very slow desorption
tion of 2 kmoles/m3.
or rapid reaction, respectively, show that
16. An autocatalytic reaction represented by the
mechanistic equations
which is a rather narrow molecular weight A + R + R
distribution. is being carried out in two identical stirred tanks
operating in series. The reaction is reversible and
14. The following reactions take place in the exothermic. The reaction stoichiometry is
liquid phase in a continuous stirred tank reactor
operating at steady state. A -• R

A+ B C (I) Two hundred and twenty-five pound moles of

liquid A at 70 °F are fed to the first reactor each
C + A D (II) minute. The fraction of the inlet A converted to R
Under the conditions of operation, reaction I is in the first reactor is such that the effluent from
first-order in species B and is characterized by a the first reactor leaves at 85 °F. The temperature
rate constant equal to 15 ksec"1. Reaction II is of the stream leaving the second reactor is 100 °F.
first-order in species C and is characterized by a The mole density of A in the entrance stream is
rate constant equal to 3 ksec"1. A stream con- 1.5 lb moles/ft3.
taining 2.0 kmoles/m3 of A and 0.5 kmoles/m3 The following table provides some informa-
of B is available at a rate of 0.75 m3/ksec. tion about the temperature dependence of the
348 Selectivity and Optimization Considerations in the Design of Isothermal Reactors

rate constants kx and /c_x in units of cubic feet The reaction rate expression for this stoichio-
per pound mole per minute. metric equation is

r = kCACB
/<- The feed to the CSTR contains a concentration
of A of 2.0 kmoles/m3, while neither species B
70 0.55 ? or C is present in this stream. Both reactors
85 2.90 0.078 operate isothermally at the same temperature.
100 ? 0.625 Steady-state operation may be assumed.
The CSTR and the PFR each have a volume
If the reactor volume is 50 ft3, determine the of 0.1 m 3 . The rate at which A is fed to the first
composition of the stream leaving each reactor. reactor is 150 kmoles/ksec. Note that this is an
autocatalytic reaction in which a product acts
as a catalyst for subsequent reaction.
17. Consider the following combination of
(a) If the fraction conversion leaving the CSTR
reactors. is 0.25, what is the reaction rate constant?
(b) What is the effluent composition from the
second reactor?
(c) It has been suggested that the rate of produc-
tion of species C by this network can be
increased by operating the first reactor at a
CSTR PFR fraction conversion of 0.45. To what value
must the input feed rate of A be changed
under these operating conditions? Will the
It has been suggested that the following liquid rate of production of species C by this com-
phase reaction be carried out in this reactor bination of reactors be increased under these
network. circumstances? The composition of the feed-
A -+ B + C stream is to remain unchanged.
1 f\
Temperature and Energy Effects
in Chemical Reactors
10.0 INTRODUCTION maintain the temperature within at least mod-
The energy changes associated with chemical erate limits. Adiabatic operation is possible only
reactions play an extremely important role in when the concomitant temperatures do not
the design of commercial scale reactors. Even rise so high that the rate becomes excessive or
in those cases where one desires to use a mode drop so low that the rate becomes unpractically
of operation approximating isothermal be- low. This mode of operation is favored when
havior, energy balance considerations are the enthalpy change accompanying the reaction
important in determining the heat transfer re- is small in magnitude, when it is possible to
quirements of the process. In laboratory scale adjust the initial temperature of the reactant
experiments it is relatively easy to maintain mixture to a level where subsequent changes
substantially isothermal conditions because of will not take the mixture out of the workable
the large surface to volume ratio of small equip- range, or when a solvent or other inert materials
ment and because the economic considerations can be added to the reactant mixture to mod-
of the heat transfer process are unimportant. erate temperature changes via sensible or latent
In industrial scale equipment, both physical heat effects. In some cases it is advantageous
limitations on the rate of heat transfer and the to divide the reactor into several stages, each
economics of this process can become quite of which operates adiabatically but between
important, particularly when large enthalpy which heat exchangers are used to heat or cool
changes accompany the reaction. the reactant mixture. In commercial scale equip-
Several factors govern the temperature range ment it is often impractical to try to maintain
in which one may choose to operate a com- truly isothermal conditions, but one can often
mercial reactor. The dependence of the reaction achieve adequate control at a satisfactory level
rate expression on temperature and the position of the reaction rate by exchanging heat with
of chemical equilibrium are two key factors external heat reservoirs.
influencing the choice of temperature level. The For nonisothermal reactors the key questions
temperature dependence of the main reaction that the reactor designer must answer are:
and of important side reactions will govern the (1) How can one relate the temperature of the
selectivity of the conversion. Other properties reacting system to the degree of conversion
of the reaction mixture may also influence the that has been accomplished? and (2) How does
choice of operating temperature through sec- this temperature influence the subsequent per-
ondary considerations. For example, the dew formance of the system? In responding to these
point of a gaseous mixture, the bubble point of questions the chemical engineer must use two
a liquid mixture, the temperature at which a basic tools—the material balance and the en-
liquid separates into two immiscible phases, ergy balance. The bulk of this chapter deals
and the temperature dependence of corrosion with these topics. Some stability and selectivity
reactions all can limit the temperature range considerations are also treated.
within which one might choose to operate. Cat-
alyst activity, selectivity, and deactivation must 10.1 THE ENERGY BALANCE AS APPLIED
also be considered in selecting the operating TO CHEMICAL REACTORS
temperature for catalytic processes. The principle that energy must be conserved
In order to achieve adequate control during has been expressed by innumerable textbook
the operation of a reactor, it is necessary to authors in a number of mathematical forms,
350 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

depending on the particular orientation and work interaction can take place only at those
interests of the individual concerned. One form portions of the system boundary that are im-
that is especially useful for chemical engineering permeable to the flow of matter. For further
applications is the following. discussion of general forms of the energy bal-

vl + 4- — +4- — ZZ (10.1.1)
dt -o-*.+ .i. t + e r
min -
2gc gc °
streams streams

where ance equation as applied to chemical engineering

systems, consult the textbooks by Reynolds (1),
£ sys is the internal energy of a control volume
Smith and Van Ness (2), and Modell and
or fixed region in space that has been
Reid (3).
chosen as the system to be investigated
Equation 10.1.1 represents a very general for-
t is time mulation of the first law of thermodynamics,
Q is the rate at which heat is being transferred which can be readily reduced to a variety of
to the system from the surroundings across simple forms for specific applications under
boundaries that are impermeable to the either steady-state or transient operating con-
flow of matter ditions. For steady-state applications the time
derivative of the system energy is zero. This
Ws is the rate at which shaft work is being done condition is that of greatest interest in the
on the surroundings by the system design of continuous flow reactors. Thus, at
h is the enthalpy per unit mass steady state,

Q-ws= <LZmn mout- m in (10.1.2)

outlet 9c inlet
streams streams

-— is the kinetic energy per unit mass
=E mn (10.1.3)
— Z is the gravitational potential energy per
In most circumstances of interest to the de-
y<-' unit mass
signer of chemical reactors, the kinetic and po-
m is the mass flow rate into or out of the tential energy effects are negligible as is the
system shaft work term. Under these circumstances,
subscripts in and out refer to the conditions 6= I /i in m in (10.1.4)
that prevail at the various points of entry inlet
and exit, respectively.
Recall that the term shaft work refers to me- For the vast majority of situations of interest
chanical forms of energy that are interchanged in the design of industrial scale chemical reac-
between the system and the surroundings by tors, equation 10.1.4 provides an adequate ap-
means of a shaft that protrudes from the equip- proximation to the true situation for continuous
ment and either rotates or reciprocates. A shaft flow reactors operating at steady state. Since
10.2 The Ideal Well-Stirred Batch Reactor 351

the right side of this expression represents the The vast majority of the reactions carried out
difference between the total enthalpy that leaves in industrial scale batch reactors involve reac-
the system in time dt and the total enthalpy tants in condensed phases. Since the specific
that enters during the same time, one often volumes of both liquids and solids are very
sees the statement that small, the difference between internal energy
and enthalpy for these materials is usually
q « AH (10.1.5) negligible. Thus one often sees the statement
where that for batch reactions taking place at constant
q is the amount of heat transferred per unit
Q « AH (10.1.8)
mass of entering material
AH is the difference between the enthalpies per where the A now represents the difference be-
unit mass of the exit and entrance streams tween the final and the initial values of the
enthalpy of the system. For both batch and
It should be emphasized that the enthalpy flow reactors, the enthalpy changes that occur
change includes not only sensible heat effects during the course of the reaction are then im-
but also a heat-of-reaction term and in some portant in determining the heat transfer require-
cases pressure effects. If there are multiple inlet ments of the system under consideration. The
and outlet streams, appropriate averaging tech- methods used in determining the enthalpy
niques must be used to employ this equation. changes that accompany chemical reactions
For batch reactors the appropriate form of were discussed in detail in Section 2.2.
the first law to use is that for closed systems. The rate at which heat is transferred to a
system can be expressed in terms of an overall
(10.1.6) heat transfer coefficient U, the area through
where which the heat exchange occurs and on which
U is based, and the difference between the
A£ total is the change in the total energy of the temperature of the heat source (or sink) Tm,
system and that of the reactor contents T.
Q is the heat transferred from the surround-
Q = UA(Tm - T) (10.1.9)
ings to the system
W is the work done by the system on the This expression may be combined with equa-
surroundings tions 10.1.4 and 10.1.8 in order to analyze the
different situations that may arise in operating
If one again takes note of the fact that work the various types of ideal reactors. These anal-
effects and kinetic and potential energy effects yses are the subject of Sections 10.2 to 10.4.
are usually negligible in chemical reactors,
equation 10.1.6 simplifies to
The key assumption on which the design anal-
AE is the change in the internal energy ysis of a batch reactor is based is that the degree
of the system of agitation is sufficient to ensure that the com-
subscript V is used to indicate that the volume position and temperature of the contents are
is assumed to be substantially con- uniform throughout the reaction vessel. Under
stant these conditions one may write the material
352 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

and energy balances on the entire contents of to liquid phase reactions where the restrictions
the reaction vessel. of constant volume and constant pressure go
If one considers a batch reactor in which the together and to gas phase reactions occurring
chemistry is characterized by a single extent of at constant pressure. We should again emphasize
reaction, the material balance analysis presented that the enthalpy change appearing in equation
in Section 8.1 indicates that the holding time 10.2.4 contains both sensible heat terms and
necessary to change the fraction conversion heat of reaction terms. Consequently, one can
from fA1 to fA2 is given by interpret equation 10.2.4 as implying that

t = JV, (10.2.1) Heat input = change in sensible heat

+ energy consumed by reaction
For operation in a constant pressure non- (10.2.5)
isothermal mode with a gas phase reaction, it is
convenient to approximate the reactor volume or
Q = dT + AHR (10.2.6)
VR = VR0(l +dAfA)~ 1
o where
where the temperature corresponding to a given Cp is an appropriate average heat capacity
fraction conversion (T) and that corresponding per unit mass
to zero conversion (To) are expressed in degrees m is the total mass of the system
absolute. The 3 parameter in this equation
AHR is the enthalpy change per extent of
represents the fractional volume change that
reaction £
would occur under isothermal operating con-
ditions. Combining equations 10.2.1 and 10.2.2 Since enthalpy is a state variable, the integral
leads to the following expression for the holding on the right side of equation 10.2.6 is indepen-
time for nonisothermal gas phase reactions dent of the path of integration, and it is possible
carried out at constant pressure. to rewrite this equation in a variety of forms
that are more convenient for use in reactor
dfA design analyses. One may evaluate this integral
by allowing the reaction to proceed isothermally
+SAfA)[ — at the initial temperature from extent £0 to
(10.2.3) extent ^ and then heating the final product
mixture at constant pressure and composition
In order to be able to evaluate the integrals from the initial temperature to the final tem-
in equations 10.2.1 and 10.2.3, one must know perature.
not only the temperature dependence of the
rate terms but also the relationship between l
Q = AHR mCp dT (10.2.7)
the fraction conversion and the temperature of
the system. where the appropriate average heat capacity to
In Section 10.1 we showed that in industrial use is the mass average based on the composi-
scale batch reactors tion of the final product mixture.
Q = AH (10.2.4) Further modification of these equations is
possible by writing the last integral as
for the vast majority of the cases of interest.
Strictly speaking, equation 10.2.4 applies only
10.2 The Ideal Well-Stirred Batch Reactor 353

where If one recognizes that the first term on the

right is simply the rate at which energy is trans-
the lii are the final mole numbers of the various
formed by reaction (rVR AHR\ the last equation
species present in the reaction mixture
the Cpi are the partial molal heat capacities of
these species _ dT
UA(Tn 1 pi)
The summation is taken over all species
(including inerts) present in the system. For (10.2.12)
gaseous mixtures that follow ideal solution For exothermic reactions AHR is negative, and
behavior the partial molal quantities may be this term will then represent the rate of energy
replaced by the pure component values. release by reaction.
Since the total heat input represents the time In general, when designing a batch reactor, it
integral of the heat transfer rate, it is evident will be necessary to solve simultaneously one
from equations 10.1.9, 10.2.7, and 10.2.8 that form of the material balance equation and one
P UA(T - m T)dt = AHRatTo(£l -£o) form of the energy balance equation (equations
10.2.1 and 10.2.5 or equations derived there-
from). Since the reaction rate depends both on
temperature and extent of reaction, closed form
(10.2.9) solutions can be obtained only when the system
is isothermal. One must normally employ
Since the various mole numbers can be ex-
numerical methods of solution when dealing
pressed in terms of the extent of reaction,
with nonisothermal systems.
equation 10.2.9 expresses the relationship that
For isothermal and adiabatic modes of opera-
must exist between the extent of reaction at time
tion the energy balance equations developed
t and the temperature at that time. In terms of
above will simplify so that the design calcula-
the fraction conversion where the fraction con-
tions are not nearly as tedious as they are for
version at zero time is taken as zero,
the other modes of operation. In the case of
R at T p adiabatic operation the heat transfer rate is
Jo UA{T m- T)dt =

- nAOfA zero, so equation 10.2.10 becomes

a, r 0 Cpi dT (10.2.13)
If the partial molar heat capacities are sub-
where nA0 is the number of moles of the limiting stantially constant over the temperature range
reagent charged to the batch reactor. of interest, this equation may be solved to deter-
On a differential basis, mine the relationship between the temperature
and the fraction conversion.
- T) = nA0 —

where each of the nt in the summation is eval-

where the summation over the mole numbers uated at a fraction conversion equal to fA. When
must now be evaluated at time t. this result is substituted into batch reactor design
354 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

equations, one has an integral expressed in ILLUSTRATION 10.1 DETERMINATION OF

terms of a single variable, which may then be REQUIRED REACTOR VOLUMES FOR
evaluated graphically or numerically. ISOTHERMAL AND ADIABATIC OPERATION
In the case of isothermal operation the mate- IN A BATCH REACTOR
rial and energy balance equations are not
Reagent A undergoes an essentially irreversible
coupled, and design equations like 10.2.1 can be
isomerization reaction that obeys first-order
solved readily, since the reaction rate can be
expressed directly as a function of the fraction
A -+B
conversion. For operation in this mode, an
energy balance can be used to determine how Both A and B are liquids at room temperature
the heat transfer rate should be programmed to and both have extremely high boiling points.
keep the system isothermal. For this case Determine the reactor volumes necessary to
equation 10.2.12 simplifies to the following produce 2 million pounds of B in 7000 hr of
expression for the heat transfer rate operation:
Q = UA(Tm -T) = AHRrVR (10.2.15) 1. If the reactor operates isothermally at 163 °C.
The reaction rate can readily be determined as 2. If the reactor operates adiabatically.
a function of time from the design equation, and Use the data and assumptions listed below.
this in turn can be used to determine how Q
or Tm should be varied to obtain isothermal
operating conditions. Data and Assumptions
Kladko (5) has presented a very interesting Reaction rate expression: r = kCA
case study of-the development of a reactor Rate constant at 163 °C = 0.8 hr~ l
design for an exothermic reaction. When first Activation energy = 28,960 cal/g mole
carried out on a commercial scale in a batch Heat of reaction = — 83 cal/g
reactor, the system exothermed rapidly, and the Molecular weight = 250
system ran out of control. The batch erupted
violently through a safety valve and vented out The heat capacities of species A and B may be
over the building area. The fact that this result assumed to be identical and equal to 0.5 cal/g-°C.
could have been predicted a priori illustrates the Their densities may be assumed to be equal to
necessity of making the types of energy balance 0.9 g/cm3.
calculations described in this chapter when one The times necessary to fill and drain the re-
attempts to move from bench or pilot scale actor may be assumed to be equal to 10 and
reactor systems to commercial scale equipment. 12 min, respectively. It may be assumed that
Because of the proprietary nature of the product, negligible reaction occurs during the 14 min it
many details of the reaction were omitted but, takes to heat the feed from the temperature at
if engineering "guesstimates" of the heat capaci- which it enters the reactor to 163 °C. After 97%
ties and molecular weights are used, it is possible of the A has been isomerized, the hot product
to conduct an engineering analysis of the system mixture is discharged to a cooling tank.
to complement those presented by Kladko for
semibatch operation. We will use his data and
our guesstimates of the system properties as the
basis for several illustrations in the remainder of In a batch reactor maintained at constant vol-
this chapter. ume the holding time is given by equation 8.1.7.
10.2 The Ideal Well-Stirred Batch Reactor 355

^0.97 dfA Thus

t = C A0
JO ~^7A
Q = ( —149.5)(0.8)(1473)
ro.97_ dfA = -176,000 BTU/hr
" Jo kl This is a rather large cooling load for a system
_ f0.97
(*0.97 dfA of this size. Kladko and his co-workers found
(A) it advantageous to go to a semibatch mode of
~ Jc ~ fA)
operation so that incoming cold feed could be
For isothermal operation at 163 °C the rate used to absorb some of the energy released by
constant is equal to 0.8 hr" 1 . reaction and thereby drastically reduce the
Thus cooling requirements for the system. If the cold
feed enters at room temperature it acts as a
heat sink that is capable of absorbing nearly
t = 4.38 hr 80% of the energy released by reaction. This
fact enables one to consider operation in the
The total processing time per batch is the autothermal mode discussed in Section 10.5.
sum of the holding time and the times necessary
to fill, drain, and heat the mixture, or
Table 10.1.1
Data Workup for Illustration 10.1

The total processing time per batch is thus essen-
fA T (from B) k (from C) *U ~ /A) *U " /A)
tially equal to 5 hr. While operating 7000 hr one
will be able to process 7000/5 or 1400 batches. 0.00 436 0.8 0.8 1.250
Each batch must contain 2,000,000/(0.97)(1400), 0.05 444.3 1.49 1.42 0.706
or 1473 lb. Since the liquid has a density 0.10 452.6 2.73 2.46 0.407
of 0.9 g/cm3, the required volume will be 0.15 460.9 4.87 4.14 0.242
1473/(0.9)(62.5), or 26.2 ft3. This volume is 0.20 469.2 8.51 6.81 0.147
equivalent to 196 gal. 0.25 477.5 14.60 10.95 0.091
The maximum heat flux that will have to be 0.30 485.8 24.6 17.2 0.058
0.35 494.1 40.7 26.5 0.037
maintained in order to operate isothermally will
0.40 502.4 66.3 39.8 0.025
be that generated at the start of the reaction. 0.45 510.7 106.1 58.4 0.017
Q = AHRrVR = AHRkCA0VR 0.50 519.0 167.5 83.8 0.012
0.55 527.3 260.6 117.3 0.009
or 0.60 535.6 400.0 160 0.006
Q = AHRknA0 0.65 543.9 605.6 212 0.005
0.70 552.2 905.9 272 0.004
In consistent units 0.75 560.5 1339 335 0.003
0.80 568.8 1957 391 0.003
AH = - 0.85 577.1 2828 424 0.002
g 252 cal lb 0.90 585.4 4045 405 0.002
BTU 0.95 593.7 5729 286 0.003
= -149.5 0.97 597.0 6567 197 0.005
356 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

We now consider operation of the batch If we define Z = l/[/c(l - f A ) \ the holding

reactor under adiabatic conditions. We will time can be represented as
assume that we need not worry about reaching
the boiling point of the liquid and that the rate
of energy release by reaction does not become
sufficiently great that an explosion ensues. and the integral may be evaluated numerically
For adiabatic operation, using Simpson's rule, the trapezoidal rule, or
some other appropriate technique.
AHRfAn AO If one uses the trapezoidal rule for integration,

In the present case, j + Z2 + z,

. - ^ + +
4 3 6
" or

" £(1.250 + 0.003) + 0.706 + 0.407 + 0.242

+ 0.147 + 0.091 + 0.058 + 0.037 + 0.025
t = 0.05 + ^(0.003 + 0.005)0.02
+ 0.017 + 0.012 + 0.009 + 0.006 + 0.005
.+ 0.004 + 0.003 + 0.003 + 0.002 + 0.002

where T is expressed in degrees Kelvin. Note or

that the ultimate temperature rise will be over
t = 0.120 + 8 x 10" 5 = 0.120 hr
160 K.
From the Arrhenius relation,
A close inspection of the data worked up
1 1 above would indicate that the increments in the
fraction conversion have not been chosen small
enough to cause the integral to converge. This
or situation results from the combination of the
28,960 / 1 1
large temperature change that occurs and the
1.987 r f " 436 strong dependence of the rate constant on tem-
Thus, perature. The use of a computer would readily
^014^-14,570/7 permit the choice of smaller increments, and a
k = 2.61 x (Q more accurate result could be thus obtained.
Equations B and C may now be combined with The true answer would be 0.117 hr or 7.02 min.
design equation A to solve for the required The labor necessary to work even a problem as
holding time. simple as this one using a slide rule or a mechani-
The data are worked up in Table 10.1.1 in a cal desk calculator indicates one of the reasons
form suitable for hand calculations, although a why the scientific basis of chemical reactor de-
computerized solution would be more accurate, sign did not develop rapidly until the advent of
particularly with regard to the integration. large-scale computers.
10.3 The Ideal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor 357

The time necessary to accomplish this exo- The material balance on a single CSTR op-
thermic reaction under adiabatic operating con- erating at steady state may be represented by:
ditions is only an extremely small fraction of
= F
iout ~ (10.3.1)
that necessary for isothermal operation. In fact,
the times necessary to fill and drain the reactor where the rate expression is evaluated at the
and to heat it to a temperature where the rate effluent composition and temperature. If only
becomes appreciable will be greater than that one reaction is taking place one may rewrite this
necessary to accomplish the reaction. Thus, equation in terms of the familiar design equation

O\JA out JA in/

T r
60 CSTR — ~~ A

If multiple reactions are taking place and the

While operating 7000 hr one will be able to pro- system cannot be characterized by a single frac-
cess 7000/0.72, or 9722 batches/year. Each batch tion conversion, an equation of the form of
will then contain 2 x 106/0.97(9722), or 212 lb. 10.3.1 will need to be written for each species.
The necessary reactor volume will then be 28 gal. The steady-state form of the energy balance
Under these circumstances the times necessary for a continuous stirred tank reactor is given by
to perform the nonreactive operations would equation 10.1.4.
undoubtedly be somewhat reduced. One should
recognize that these steps will be the bottlenecks Q= I
in this operation. The required reactor size is
definitely on the small side, and it would be
preferable to operate in a larger reactor and
process a smaller number of batches per year It should be emphasized that not all of the in-
with attendant reductions in labor requirements. dividual enthalpy datums may be chosen in-
dependently because of the presence of one or
more reactions.
Since enthalpy changes are path-independent
10.3 THE IDEAL CONTINUOUS STIRRED quantities, one is at liberty to choose a conve-
TANK REACTOR nient path for making the calculation. If we
The ideal continuous stirred tank reactor is the carry out the reaction isothermally at the inlet
easiest type of continuous flow reactor to analyze temperature and then heat the products at con-
in design calculations because the temperature stant composition to the effluent temperature,
and composition of the reactor contents are we find that
homogeneous throughout the reactor volume.
Consequently, material and energy balances can Q = FiF Cpi dT
be written over the entire reactor and the outlet
composition and temperature can be taken as
representative of the reactor contents. In general where the summation involves the outlet molal
the temperatures of the feed and effluent streams flow rates.
will not be equal, and it will be necessary to use From a material balance on reactant A,
both material and energy balances and the Disappearance = input — output
temperature-dependent form of the reaction
rate expression to determine the conditions at -vArVR = FAO(1 - fAin) - FA0{\ - fAout)
which the reactor operates. = FA0(fAout-fAin) (10.3.5)
358 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

Thus, Solution

A _ * AOXJA out JAin) The rate at which A must be processed is equal to

_v 2 x 106 lb
lb + 7000 hr = 295 - - 133,700 g/hr
0.97 hhr
From equation 8.3.38,
c4 (A)
Equation 10.3.6, the reaction rate expression, W out ~
1 + /CT
and the design equation are sufficient to deter-
mine the temperature and composition of the For a single reactor CAout = 0.03C^ in . Thus
fluid leaving the reactor if the heat transfer 1
characteristics of the system are known. If it is 0.03 =
1 + 0.8 T
necessary to know the reactor volume needed
to obtain a specified conversion at a fixed input 1 - 0.03
= 40.4 hr
flow rate and specified heat transfer conditions, (0.03)(0.8)
the energy balance equation can be solved to
determine the temperature of the reactor con- The volumetric feed rate may be determined
tents. When this temperature is substituted into from the production requirements and the den-
the rate expression, one can readily solve the sity of the material.
design equation for the reactor volume. On the 1 gal = gal
other hand, if a reactor of known volume is to be ^ = 1 3 3 ' 7 0 0 S x a9g 3785 cm 3 ' hr
used, a determination of the exit conversion and
temperature will require a simultaneous trial The required reactor volume may now be
and error solution of the energy balance, the rate determined from the space time and the volumet-
expression, and the design equation. ric flow rate.
Illustrations 10.2 and 10.3 show how the prin- VR = Yoz = 39.3(40.4) = 1586 gal
ciples discussed above are applied in the design
The heat transfer in the reactor can be deter-
of a commercial scale reactor.
mined from the energy balance equation (equa-
e= -

Consider the reaction system and production

requirements discussed in Illustration 10.1. Con- Q = 133,700 (0.97) (-83)
sider the possibility of using one or more con- 4- J^ 6 3 133,700(0.5) dT
tinuous stirred tank reactors operating in series.
If each CSTR is to operate at 163 °C and if the Q = -10,764,000 + 9,560,000
feed stream is to consist of pure A entering at
20 °C, determine the reactor volumes and heat = -1,204,000— =c= -4780 ^
transfer requirements for hr hr
1. A single CSTR. Thus, for a single continuous stirred tank
2. Three identical CSTR's in series. reactor, the required reactor volume will be
10.3 The Ideal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor 359

1586 gal and the amount of heat that must be Thus

removed is equal to 4780 BTU/hr.
Now consider the case where there are three 1 -
CSTR's operating in series. 1 + kz
If we denote the composition leaving the nth 0.311
reactor by Cn, it is readily shown that
1 + 0.8(2.77)
cAO (Q = 1 - 0.097 = 0.903
1 + kz
The heat transfer requirements for each
cA (D) reactor may be determined from equations of
1 + kz (1 + kz)2 the form of equation B.
For reactor 1,
cA3 = (E)
1 + kz ~ (1 + /CT)3 Q1 = 133,700(0.689)(-83)
where z is the ratio of the volume of a single 3
(133,700)(0.5) dT
CSTR to the input volumetric flow rate.
For 97% conversion, Q1 = -7,646,000 + 9,560,000
1 Q1 = 1,914,000 cal/hr =c= 7595 BTU/hr
= 0.03 =
CA 0.8T) 3 For reactors 2 and 3, there will not be any
sensible heat effects.
Rearrangement yields 1/(1 + 0.8T) - 0.3107.
Thus, Q2 = 133,700(0.963 - 0.689)(-83)
1 - 0.3107 Q2 = -2,375,000 cal/hr =c= -9424 BTU/hr
T = = 2.77 hr
The required reactor volume per CSTR is
then equal to (39.3 gal/hr)(2.77 hr) = 109 gal. Q3 = 133,700(0.970 - 0.903)(-83)
The fraction conversion in the effluent from Q3 = -743,500 cal/hr =0= -2950 BTU/hr
the first reactor can be determined from
equation C and the definition of the fraction The equipment requirements that we have
conversion. determined are well within the realm of tech-
Since nical feasibility and practicality. The heat trans-
Q fer requirements are easily attained in equip-
C ( \ ~~ JA\) ment of this size. The fact that some of the heat
1 + kz transfer requirements are positive and others
Then negative indicates that one should probably
kz _ 0.8(2.77) consider the possibility of at least partial heat
IAI = 1 + kz ~ F + 0.8(2.77) = 0.689 exchange between incoming cold feed and the
effluent from the second or third reactors. The
From equation D and the definition of the heat transfer calculations show that the sensible
fraction conversion, heat necessary to raise the cold feed to a tem-
perature where the reaction rate is appreciable
CA? —
cAl JAl)
represents a substantial fraction of the energy
1 + kz 1 + kz
released by reaction. These calculations also
= CA0(l - fA2) indicate that it would be advisable to investigate
360 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

the possibility of adiabatic operation in CSTR's pendent quantity given by equation C in

operating in series. Illustration 10.1.

k = 2.61 x io 1 4 e- 1 4 < 5 7 0 / r (B)

The energy balance equation for adiabatic
operation becomes

Consider the possibility of carrying out the 0 = - CpidT

reaction used as the basis for Illustrations 10.1
and 10.2 under adiabatic operating conditions.
How much B will it be possible to produce from where the last term becomes FA0Cp{Toul — To).
2.1 million lb/yr of species A using a pair of Division by FA0 and rearrangement gives
1000-gal CSTR's operating in series? Assume 0.5(Tout - 293)
that you will be able to operate 7000 hr/yr. Use JAI — VA
the data from Illustration 10.2. AH R at To 83
The feed to the first reactor has a temperature Equations A to C must now be solved simul-
of 20 C.
taneously. Combining these equations gives

Solution (D)
The solution to this problem requires a trial
and error iterative procedure. Since both the This equation can be solved for T using a trial
reactor volume and the initial volumetric flow and error procedure. This gives T = 410 °K.
rate are known, the space time per reactor may Thus
be calculated and we may focus our attention
initially on the first reactor.
The volumetric flow rate is equal to

From Illustration 10.2,

2.1 x 106 lb g cm 3 1 gal
x 454 x x —
~ !AX JAI+ kz
7 x 103 hr lb 0.9 g 3785 cm 3 fA2 = 1 -
1 + kz 1 + kz
or 40.0 gal/hr.
This value corresponds to a reactor space
time given by or
0.705 + 25/c
1000 ~ 1 + 25/c
T = = 25 hr
where k is given by equation B.
For a first-order reaction it was shown in The energy balance equation for adiabatic
Illustration 10.2 that operation becomes

kz 25k ^ rAO\JA2 ~~ JAI) ATJ

JA1 (A) U = AHRat To
1 + kz 1 + 25/c

where the rate constant is a temperature de-

10.4 Temperature and Energy Considerations in Tubular Reactors 361

Division by FA0 and combination of the These equations must be solved simultaneously
integrals gives using a knowledge of the temperature depen-
dence of reaction rate expression.
(fA2 - IAI) ^ ^ = L ,dT Note that in the case of the plug flow reactor,
•> 1 1
there may be a variation in the temperature of
or the reactor contents from point to point within
the reactor. This condition is in contrast to the
two ideal reactor cases discussed earlier, where
the temperature of the contents of a single
reactor was assumed to be constant throughout.
. 0,05 The presence of temperature gradients in the
same direction as the flow is by no means con-
trary to the assumption of plug flow. In this
Combining equations B, E, and F gives chapter we will confine our analysis to situations
in which both the temperature and the com-
0.5(T2 - 410)
0.705 position are uniform across the cross section
83 of the reactor. The complications arising from
0.705 + 25(2.61 x the existence of radial temperature gradients
(G) and variations in the composition with radial
1 + 25(2.61 x
position are treated implicitly in conjunction
A trial and error solution gives T2 = 458.5 K with the discussion of the two dimensional
(approximately 186 °C) and fA2 = 0.997. model of fixed bed reactors in Section 12.7. For
With this arrangement one would be able to homogeneous systems the effects are usually
produce in excess of 2 million lb of B annually small.
if side reactions do not occur at this higher If one considers the rate at which heat is
temperature and if the vapor pressure of the being supplied to a differential length of a
solution still lies in a range that does not create tubular reactor, geometric considerations imply
problems. that

10.4 TEMPERATURE AND dQ = U(Tm -T)dA = U(Tm - T)^dVR


This section treats the material and energy where D is the inside diameter of the tubular
balance equations for a plug flow reactor. For reactor.
steady-state operation the energy balance anal- A material balance on this differential reactor
ysis leading to equation 10.1.4 is appropriate. volume yields the following result.

FAodfA = -rAdVR (10.4.4)

6= I inlet
hinmin (10.4.1)
outlet Combining equations 10.4.3 and 10.4.4 gives
streams streams
while the design equation appropriate for these
conditions is dQ = U(Tm - T)^ (10.4.5)

T = (10.4.2)
and the energy balance on this differential
362 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

volume element then becomes

T utofelement T ntoelem m
F ° ' C dT

at To dfA (10.4.6)

where the first summation involves the molal tion is a simple example of a Diels-Alder
flow rates of the various species leaving the reaction.
volume element and the second summation
CH 2 CH 2
involves the molal flow rates entering the volume • / / \

element. The datum for the enthalpy calculations HC CH 2 HC CH 2

has been taken as the temperature prevailing at
the inlet to the reactor. This equation may also
I +11-11 I
be integrated between the reactor inlet and a
\ \ /
point downstream where the fraction conver-
CH 2 CH 2
sion is fA to give If an equimolar mixture of butadiene and

_ 4 dfA FA0 AHRatT

L ~ T )
) out
" S A J (10A7)

The summation involves the effluent molal flow ethylene at 450 °C and 1 atm is fed to a reactor,
rates. This equation and equation 10.4.2 must be determine the space times required to convert
solved simultaneously in order to determine the 10% of the butadiene to cyclohexene for iso-
tubular reactor size and to determine the manner thermal and for adiabatic modes of operation.
in which the heat transfer requirements are to
be met. For either isothermal or adiabatic
operation one of the three terms in equation
10.4.7 will drop out, and the analysis will be Wasserman (6) has reported the following data
much simpler than in the general case. In the for this reaction.
illustrations which follow two examples are
treated in detail to indicate the types of situa- k = io 7 -V27.5oo/jtr Hters/mole-sec
tions that one may encounter in practice and AHR = - 30,000 cal/g mole
to indicate in more detail the nature of the
design calculations. The reverse reaction may be neglected.
The following values of gas phase heat ca-
ILLUSTRATION 10.4 DETERMINATION OF pacities may be assumed to be constant over the
THE VOLUME REQUIREMENTS FOR temperature range of interest.
Butadiene will react with ethylene in the gas CP,C2H4 = 20.2 cal/g mole-°K
phase at temperatures above 500 °C. This reac- Cp,c6Hl0 = 59.5 cal/g mole-°K
10.4 Temperature and Energy Considerations in Tubular Reactors 363

Solution Equation 10.4.7 is appropriate for use if we set

the heat transfer term equal to zero.
From the units on the reaction rate constant, the
reaction is second order. There is a volume
change on reaction and S = —1/2. Thermal ex-
pansion will also occur, so equations 3.1.44 and
3.1.46 must be combined to get the reactant con- (B)
centrations. Since equimolar concentrations of From the reaction stoichiometry and the
reactants are used, the design equation becomes tabulated values of the heat capacities the con-
tributions to the summation may be written as:
T = C.
-JA)2 TO Butadiene
J_A FC^T - T o ) = FA0(l - fA)36.8(T - To)
2 Ethylene
F.C^T - T o ) = FA0(l - fA)20.2(T - T o )
y ) \ 4f,rA

-r(fj' 0/ ^ , 0 ( l - fAf
Ffi^T - T o ) = FAOfA59.5(T - T o )
The initial reactant concentration can be de- or
termined from the ideal gas law
^CpidT = (57.0F^0 + 2.5fAFAO)(T - T o )

RT0 (0.08206)(723) Therefore, substitution of numerical values in

3 equation B and rearrangement gives
= 8.43 x 10~ g moles/liter

For isothermal operation at 450 °C the rate 30,000/4

T = 723 + (Q
constant is equal to 0.156 liters/mole-sec and 57.0 + 2.5/4

T ^—
JA-2 en(l - fA) -
1 "/Jo

T = o = 80.19 sec
0.156(8.43 x 10" 3 )

In the case of adiabatic operation the tern- where T is expressed in degrees Kelvin. At a
perature must be related to the fraction con- fraction conversion of 0.1 the gas temperature
version so that equation A can be integrated. will have risen to 775 °K.
364 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

The design equation then becomes

r o.i / T (1 - fA/2)2 dfA

~~ Jo V723 - fA)2

where T is given by equation C. inside area of the pipe may be taken as 200
Numerical evaluation of this integral gives kcal/(hr-m2-°K). Volumetric expansion effects
T = 47.11 sec. are negligible.
This space time is about 59% of that required Solution
for isothermal operation. This number may be
somewhat low because the reaction is exo- For a plug flow reactor the appropriate design
thermic and the rate of the reverse reaction may equation for the reaction at hand is:
be appreciable at the highest temperatures in- fO-97 dfA _ ™.97 dfA
volved in our calculation. — r>~ JO
We now wish to examine the case where we From equation C of Illustration 10.1,
allow for heat exchange with a substantially k = 2.61 x l O 1 ^ - 1 4 ' 5 7 0 ^ ^ - 1 (B)
constant temperature heat sink (e.g., an evapo- The temperature may be related to the frac-
rating or condensing fluid or a material flowing tion conversion by means of an energy balance
at a velocity such that its temperature change such as equation 10.4.7.

dfA R at T0UA out JAin)

^-y F Fc

over the reactor length is quite small compared In the present case
to the driving force for heat transfer).
U = 200,000 cal/m 2 -hr°K
D = 4(2.54 x 10" 2 ) = 0.1016 m
UNDER NONISOTHERMAL CONDITIONS FA0 = 133,700 g/hr (from Illustration 10.2)
WITH HEAT EXCHANGE Cp = (0.5) cal/g-°K
Consider the reaction used as the basis for To = 436 °K
Illustrations 10.1 to 10.3. Determine the volume
required to produce 2 million lb of B annually
in a plug flow reactor operating under the condi-
tions described below. The reactor is to be Division of equation C by FA0 and insertion of
operated 7000 hr annually with 97% conversion the reaction rate expression and numerical val-
of the A fed to the reactor. The feed enters at ues gives
163 C. The internal pipe diameter is 4 in. and
the piping is arranged so that the effective reactor >fA (2 x 10 5 )(433 - T)4 dfA
volume can be immersed in a heat sink main- Jo (0.1016)/cQ0 (1 - fA)
tained at a constant temperature of 160 °C. The
(0.5) dT - S3fA (D)
overall heat transfer coefficient based on the
10.5 Autothermal Operation of Reactors 365

The initial reactant concentration is equal to This volume corresponds to a reactor length
0.9 g/cm3 or 9 x 105 g/m 3 in units that are of 69.6 ft.
consistent with the other parameters we are The temperature of the reactor contents rises
using. from 436 °K at the inlet to 443.20 °K at a point
Substitution of this value into equation D and corresponding to fA = 0.22 and then drops to a
rearrangement gives temperature of 433.19 °K at the reactor outlet.

(433 - T)(8 x 10s) dfA

(0.1016)^(1 - fA)(9 x 105
T = 436 (E)

Equations A, B, and E provide sufficient infor- The maximum temperature is significantly less
mation to determine the necessary reactor vol- than that which would be obtained by adiabatic
ume. However, they do require an iterative trial operation (597 °K). This fact may be important
and error solution. in design considerations when side reactions
A simple approach to solving this set of equa- have significant reaction rates at high tempera-
tions can be represented as follows. tures. The required reactor volume will be
greater than that for isothermal operation be-
1. Consider increments of reactor-volume corre- cause, under the specified operating conditions,
sponding to increments of fraction conver- once a fraction conversion of 0.63 is obtained,
sion fA1,fA2, • • • ,fAn. the temperature of the reactant mixture drops
2. Guess a temperature corresponding to fA1. below the feed temperature. In practice one
3. Calculate values of the integrand in equation might wish to dispense with all or part of the
E corresponding to conversions zero andfAl. cooling capacity in the later portions of the re-
4. Use the trapezoidal rule to approximate the actor. This technique would have the effect of
integral. reducing the required reactor volume. An alter-
5. Calculate the temperature corresponding to native iteration procedure for handling tubular
fAl and iterate until the calculated and as- reactor analyses involving a heat transfer term
sumed values agree. is employed in the case study in Section 13.1.
6. Repeat the procedure for successive incre-
ments in the fraction conversion.
7. Take the functional relationship between T 10.5 AUTOTHERMAL OPERATION
and fA determined above and use it in con- OF REACTORS
junction with equation A to determine the In the design of processes involving exothermic
required reactor volume. reactions it is generally desirable to use the en-
ergy liberated by reaction at some other point
When this procedure is followed, one finds
in the process or to make it available for use
that the space time corresponding to the op-
elsewhere in the industrial plant. For example,
erating conditions outlined above is equal to
it can be used to preheat the feed components,
4.642 hr. The required reactor volume is then
particularly when the reaction takes place at
equal to
high temperatures and the feed components are
VR = xf0 = 4.642(39.3) - 182.4 gal supplied at much lower temperatures. The term
"autothermal operation" is applied to modes of
or processing in which exothermic reactions are
VR = 24.3 ft3 carried out such that the energy released by
366 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

reaction is fed back to the incoming reactant ments for the various tanks may be of opposite
stream. Use of this term implies that the reactor sign. Some tanks will require a net input of
system is to a large extent self-supporting in thermal energy, while others will need to be
terms of its thermal energy requirements. Con- cooled. It is often useful in such situations to
sequently, it is possible to run at the desired consider the possibility of adiabatic operation
operating temperature without using external of one or more of the tanks in series, remember-
heat sources to preheat the feed. An autothermal ing the constraints that one desires to place on
reaction is akin to the autocatalytic reactions the temperatures of the process streams. An-
discussed in Section 9.4 in the sense that a pro- other means of achieving autothermal operation
duct of the reaction (in this case thermal energy) is to use a network consisting of a stirred tank
serves to enhance the reaction rate. reactor followed by a tubular reactor. This case
Since operation in an autothermal mode im- is considered in Illustration 10.6.
plies a feedback of energy to preheat the feed,
provision must be made for "ignition" of the
reactor in order to attain steady-state operation.
The ordinary gas burner and many other rapid
combustion reactions are examples of autother-
mal reactions in which the reactants are pre-
heated to the reaction temperature by thermal Consider the reaction studied in Illustration
conduction and radiation. (Back diffusion of 10.1. Autothermal operation is to be achieved
free radicals also plays an important role in using a CSTR with an effective volume of 1000 gal
many combustion processes.) followed by a PFR of undetermined volume.
There are several techniques by which the Pure species A enters at a rate of 40.0 gal/hr and
feedback of energy may be accomplished. at a temperature of 20 °C. The overall fraction
conversion is to be 0.97. This flow rate and con-
1. In a semibatch reactor, a cold feed may be version level will suffice to meet the annual pro-
heated by mixing with the reactor contents. duction requirement of 2 million lb of B. Both
This technique is discussed in Illustration the CSTR and the PFR are to be operated
10.7 later in this section. adiabatically. What PFR volume will be re-
2. In reactors operating under continuous flow quired, and what will be the temperature of the
conditions there may be heat exchange be- effluent stream?
tween the effluent stream or the reactor con-
tents and the feed stream. This exchange may Solution
occur in the reactor proper, in heat ex- The analysis of the performance of the CSTR is
changers between various portions of a re- identical with that of the first CSTR considered
actor network, or by various fluid mixing in Illustration 10.3.
processes. In a stirred tank reactor the fresh The space time for the CSTR is
feed is rapidly mixed with the reactor con- 1000
tents to promote energy transfer. Energy - 25 hr
feedback in tubular reactors can be accom-
plished by recycling a fraction of the reactor The fraction conversion at the CSTR exit for
effluent for mixing with the fresh feed. this first-order reaction is given by
kr 25k
In Illustration 10.2 we saw that when one uses
a series of stirred tanks for carrying out an exo-
thermic reaction under isothermal conditions The rate constant is given by
there may be occasions when the heat require- k = 2.61 x i o 1 4 e - 1 4 (B)
10.5 Autothermal Operation of Reactors 367

The energy balance equation for adiabatic or

operation is (-83)
T = 410 (fA - 0.705)
0= -
J '7" out

To C p d T
T = 410 + 166(fA - 0.705) (F)
At the exit from the PFR, the temperature will
or, assuming a constant heat capacity, be 454 °K or 181 °C
Equations B, D, and F may now be solved
P(T0Ut - To) 0.5(Tout - 293)
Xn = (Q simultaneously to determine the required space
AHR 83
at To time in the plug flow reactor.
Equations A to C must now be solved simulta- For the present situation r = 3.72 hr so the
neously using a trial and error iterative proce- required PFR volume is 3.72(40.0) = 148.8 gal
dure. One finds that fA1 = 0.705 and T = or 19.9 ft3.
410 °K. By operating in this mode, the necessity for
These properties are those of the stream en- using heat exchangers is eliminated or mini-
tering the plug flow reactor. The design equation mized. If one regards the exit temperature of
for this reactor is 181 C as excessive, a heat exchanger could be
used between the CSTR and the PFR, or ar-
T = °- 97 dfA ^ 00.97 dfA rangements could be made for internal cooling
~~ JO 705 within the PFR.
- fA fe(l - L )
where k is again given by equation B. In Illustration 10.7 we will consider how to
An energy balance on the PFR operating at meet the vast majority of the heat transfer re-
steady state is given by equation 10.4.6. For quirements for operation of a semibatch reactor
adiabatic operation this equation becomes by a semiautothermal mode of processing. By

^ l e a v i n g PFR ^ e n t e r i n g PF R
0= - AHu at To (E)

Since the heat capacity of the reaction mixture intermittent addition of a cold reactant stream
is given as independent of temperature and com- to the hot contents of a well-stirred semibatch
position, equation E simplifies to reactor, it is possible to maintain the system
temperature within prescribed limits.
' ^p\ l
leaving PFR i
The relationship between the temperature and At the time Kladko's article (5) was prepared,
the fraction conversion at a particular point in market conditions dictated that it would not
the plug flow reactor can be obtained by setting be financially remunerative to develop a con-
IAI = /A and TleavingPFR equal to T. Thus, tinuous process for producing B by the reaction
discussed in Illustration 10.1 and other illustra-
AH, tions in this chapter. Consequently they con-
T = T
ig PFR "
-fA sidered the possibility of using a semibatch
368 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

reactor with continuous addition of cold feed However, for condensed phases, the difference
to maintain the temperature of the reactor between internal energy and enthalpy is usually
contents within prescribed limits. The basic negligible;
problem was considered earlier in Illustration
Q « Hsys - H sys , 0 (A)
8.11. However, in addition to the material
balance aspects of the design, we now wish to The enthalpy difference is given by
consider the heat transfer requirements for
operation in accordance with the filling schedule sys
'° J2O°C
rnB ~ mB0)CdT
outlined earlier. For the conditions indicated in m
Illustration 8.11 (isothermal, 163 GC), determine ~ B,o)
the direction and magnitude of the heat transfer where C is the average heat capacity per unit
requirements. mass and where we have assumed that the
initial material sump (mB0) is at 163 °C.
Equations A and B can be combined with
appropriate numerical values to give
The material balance equations have been solved
Q = (mA + mB - mBO)(0.5)(163 - 20)
earlier with the result that
- 83(/% - mB0)
-k(t-ti) = (mA + mB - mBO)71.5 - S3(mB - mB0)
= rnAie
= 7l.5mA - 11.5(mB - mB0)
mA is the mass of A remaining in the reactor Q is expressed in calories
at time t m is expressed in grams
mAi is the mass of A in the reactor at time tt If m is expressed in pounds and Q in BTU,
<X>A0 is the mass feed rate of A appropriate to
Q = 12SJmA - 20J(mB - mB0)
the time interval between t and tt
The numerical values characterizing mA and
An energy balance on the reactor can be derived mB at various times are obtained as indicated in
from equation 10.1.1 by omission of appropriate Illustration 8.11. They may be used to determine
terms. the net heat required between time zero and
dE, time t. The pertinent data are presented in
? = Q + hinmin
dt Table 10.1.2. It is evident that heat must be
supplied to the reactor during the first several
Multiplying by dt and integrating between time
hours, but the reactor reaches a point beyond
0 and time t gives
which cooling must be supplied.
Instantaneous heat transfer requirements may
be determined by recognizing that the thermal
If the temperature of the inlet stream is taken energy input must be used either to effect a
as the datum temperature for enthalpy and sensible heat change or the reaction. If q is the
internal energy calculations, heat transfer rate,

q = O^o J rQ CdT+ rV'R AHR

where V'R is the liquid phase volume at time t.
10.5 Autothermal Operation of Reactors 369

Since CA = mA/V'R and the reaction obeys In more conventional engineering units,
first-order kinetics,
q = 128.70)^0 - U9.5mA
q = ®AO [' CdT + kmA AHR where
q is now expressed in BTU's per hour
Substitution of numerical values gives
<$)A0 is expressed in pounds per hour
q = $40(0.5X163 - 20) + 0.8m^(-83) mA is expressed in pounds
Calculated values of this quantity are also
where presented in Table 10.1.2.
If one were to operate this semibatch reactor
q is expressed in calories per hour
under a filling schedule, which for the first 11 hr
Q>AQ is expressed in grams per hour is identical to that considered previously, and
mA is expressed in grams then proceed to feed A at the maximum rate
of 400 lb/hr for an additional 2.875 hr, the same
Table 10.1.2 total amount of A would have been introduced
Material and Energy Balance Analysis for to the reactor. However, in this case, the heat
Illustration 10.7 transfer requirements would change drastically.
There would be a strong exotherm beginning
Total at the moment the cold feed is stopped. The
Time, t mass x 10~ 3
Jtal q x 10~ 3 results for this case are presented in Table
(hr) mA (lb) (lb) (BTU) (BTU/hr)fl 10.1.3.
0 0 1500 0 22.52 Table 10. 1.3
1 120 1675 14.31 8.18 Results of Analysis for Abrupt Termination of Feed
2 175 1850 18.90 1.61 at 13.875 hr
1 QQ 1 8 86 S18
Lyy lo.ou J.1O
4 244 2250 20.93 -0.20 Total
5 265 2475 19.41 -2.71 Time, t mass Qtotal X
10 3 q x 10" 3
6 274 2700 16.10 2.65 (hr) mA (lb) (lb) (BTU) (BTU/hr)a
-7 1 £ C\Q A ^A
/ ly ID 16.Uo 4.J4
3 \2.
8 364 3300 17.12 7.98 11 488 4500 10.81 -6.84
9 439 3700 20.05 -0.98 12 494 4900 3.42 -7.55
10 473 4100 16.85 -5.04 13 498 5300 -4.26 -8.03
11 488 4500 10.81 -16.49 13.875 499 5650 -11.35 -59.63
12 443 4825 -2.64 -17.55 14.00 452 5650 -18.38 -54.01
13 388 5100 -16.55 -17.41 14.50 303 5650 -40.64 -36.21
14 329 5325 -30.02 -16.79 15.00 203 5650 -55.58 -24.26
15 268 5500 -42.76 -19.16 15.50 136 5650 -65.59 -16.25
16 189 5600 -56.63 -16.15 16.00 91 5650 -72.31 -10.87
17 119 5650 -68.13 -14.22 17 41 5650 -79.78 -4.90
18 54 5650 -77.84 -6.45 18 18 5650 -83.22 -2.15
19 24 5650 -82.32 -2.87 19 8 5650 -84.71 -0.96
20 11 5650 84.26 1.31
1 T"\£*/-\iic n 1r»n1 a torJ o ft(±r
Instantaneous heat transfer rates are calculated changes are made in the mass flow rates at the times
after changes are made in the mass flow rates at the indicated.
times indicated.
370 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

Consequently, if one desires to minimize the feed rate and feed composition, there are several
possibility that this reaction will run away as a curves that may result, depending on the nature
result of exceeding the capacity of the cooling of the reaction or reactions involved. Figure 10.1
network, it would be advisable to operate in a shows the nature of the curve for the case of a
mode such that the feed rate is gradually simple first-order irreversible reaction. At low
diminished instead of abruptly terminated at a temperatures the reaction rate is negligible, so
high feed flow rate level. very little energy is released. At high tempera-
tures the reaction rate constant is so large that
very little unreacted material remains in the
effluent stream. Consequently, still higher values
of T cannot increase Qg significantly, and the
In Illustrations 10.2 and 10.3 the temperatures curve must approach an asymptote. At inter-
and degrees of conversion leaving stirred tank mediate temperatures one has a competition
reactors were determined by simultaneous solu- between the increase in reaction rate arising
tion of rate, material balance, and energy from the effect of increased temperature and
balance equations. In this section we will see the decrease in the rate arising from depletion
that there may be circumstances when there of the reactants. The equation of the curve is
will be more than one set of operating condi- easily obtained from first principles.
tions that will satisfy these equations. In such
cases questions arise as to the stability of the Qg = rVR AH (10.6.1)
operating points corresponding to these solu-
tions. For the elementary cases that are treated where |A//| is the magnitude of the heat of
in this text, the stability can be readily deter- reaction for the exothermic reaction.
mined on the basis of simple physical arguments.
There are more complex cases in the general
area of reactor stability, however, that require
sophisticated mathematical analysis. Many of
these cases have been treated in the extensive
body of literature that exists on this subject.
Perlmutter (7) has summarized much of this
material in textbook form.
When a reactor is operating at steady state,
the rate of energy release by chemical reaction
must be equal to the sum of the rates of energy
loss by convective flow and heat transfer to the
surroundings. This statement was expressed in
algebraic form in equations 10.3.4 and 10.4.6
for the CSTR and PFR, respectively. It will
serve as the physical basis that we will use to
examine the stability of various operating
Temperature, T
Let Qg represent the rate at which thermal Figure 10.1
energy is released by an exothermic chemical Rate of energy release by reaction versus tem-
reaction in a CSTR. If Qg is plotted versus the perature for an irreversible exothermic reaction
temperature of the reactor contents for a fixed carried out in a CSTR.
10.6 Stable Operating Conditions in Stirred Tank Reactors 371

For a first-order irreversible reaction with

v4 = -1
r = -rA = kCA (10.6.2)
If there is no volume change because of
reaction, the design equation for a CSTR in-
dicates that
Temperature, T
VR CAn ~ -AF
T = (10.6.3)
AF kCA Figure 10.2
Rate of energy release by reaction versus tem-
or perature for a reversible exothermic reaction.
1 + kx
is being lost by heat transfer processes plus the
Combining equations 10.6.1,10.6.2, and 10.6.4 mass flow rate times the gain in sensible heat
gives per unit mass. Thus
9 (10.6.5) Qr = UA(T - Tm - To) (10.6.7)
^ 1 + kt
If k is now written in the Arrhenius form,
Tm is the temperature of the heat transfer
n Ae-E>«TCA0VR\AHR medium (assumed constant)
Om is the mass flow rate
This expression for Qg depends on tempera- C is the average heat capacity per unit mass
ture in the manner shown in Figure 10.1. appropriate to the temperature range in
Other reactions will have somewhat different question
forms for the curve of Qg versus T. For example,
in the case of a reversible exothermic reaction, To is the feed temperature
the equilibrium yield decreases with increasing Equation 10.6.7 can be rewritten as
temperature. Since one cannot expect to exceed
the equilibrium yield within a reactor, the Qr=T(UA + d>mC)-UATm-<t>mCT0 (10.6.8)
fraction conversion obtained at high tempera- to emphasize the fact that Qr will be essentially
tures may be less than a subequilibrium value linear in T if U and C are not strong functions
obtained at lower temperatures. Since the rate of temperature.
of energy release by reaction depends only on At steady state the rate of transformation of
the fraction conversion attained and not on the energy by reaction must be equal to the rate of
position of equilibrium, the value of Qg will thermal energy loss. This implies that the inter-
thus be lower at the higher temperature than section^) of the curves given by equations 10.6.6
it was at a lower temperature. Figure 10.2 in- and 10.6.8 will represent the solution(s) of the
dicates the general shape of a Qg versus T plot combined material and energy balance equa-
for a reversible exothermic reaction. For other tions. The positions at which the intersections
reaction networks, different shaped plots of Qg occur depend on the variables appearing on the
versus T will exist. right side of equations 10.6.6 and 10.6.8. Figure
The rate at which energy is removed from 10.3 depicts some of the situations that may be
the system (Qr) is equal to the rate at which it encountered.
372 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

This conclusion is in agreement with observa-

tions of the performance of stirred tank reactors.
Nonetheless, it is the situation where the inter-
i section occurs at an intermediate value of the
conversion (or of Qg) that is of greatest interest
from a stability analysis viewpoint.
If the Qr curve is given by the straight line
numbered 2, it is evident that there are three
points of intersection with the thermal energy
generation curve. This case could be achieved
by reducing the cooling capacity employed in
the first case, or by dropping the feed tempera-
ture and/or increasing the cooling capacity em-
ployed in case 3.
Temperature, T Of the three operating conditions indicated
in Figure 10.3, only two (a and c) are stable;
Figure 10.3 the third (b) is unstable. The stability of the
Energy release and energy loss curves for an
points can be examined in terms of the slopes
irreversible reaction in a flow reactor.
of the Qg and Qr curves at the point in question.
When operating at point c, if a small positive
temperature fluctuation occurred, one would
If the rate of energy removal is represented by move into a region where the rate of energy loss
line 1 in Figure 10.3, the reaction mixture is is greater than the rate of release of energy by
cooled to such an extent that steady-state chemical reaction. Consequently, the system will
operation is possible only at a very low degree suffer a net loss of thermal energy and cool
of conversion and a very low temperature. If down until it returns to point c. On the other
the variables influencing the Qg and Qr curves hand, if there were a negative temperature
are examined, one sees that this type of steady fluctuation, one would move to a region where
state is favored by: more energy is transformed by reaction than is
lost by heat transfer and convective flow. There
1. Low magnitudes of the heat of reaction. would be a net gain of energy, and the system
2. Large values of the UA product. temperature would rise until point c was again
3. Low values of Tm or T o . reached. Because departures from this point
4. Low feed rates (%). lead to conditions tending to restore the system
5. Long residence times (VR/f^). to the original point, c represents a stable
6. Small rate constants. operating condition. By the same reasoning it
can be shown that point a and the intersections
If Qr is represented by line 3, substantially of curves 1 and 3 with the Qg curve are stable
complete conversion is achieved. This type of operating points.
steady state is favored by conditions that are However, the characteristics of point b with
opposite to those enumerated above. regard to temperature fluctuations are quite
Because of the sigmoid shape of the thermal different. At this point the slope of the energy
energy generation curve, intersections at high or release curve is greater than the slope of the
very low degrees of conversion are more prob- energy loss curve. If a small positive temperature
able than intersections at intermediate levels. fluctuation were to occur, one would be in a
10.6 Stable Operating Conditions in Stirred Tank Reactors 373

region where thermal energy would be released operating conditions, as do points a and c.
faster than it could be dissipated. This would Point b, however, is unstable. Also note that a
cause the system to increase further in tempera- relatively small slope for the heat loss curve will
ture. The temperature deviation would continue give rise to a high reaction temperature and low
to be amplified until the reactor arrived at yield. If the cooling capacity is increased one
point c, the upper stable operating point. A moves from line 4' to line 3' and achieves a
negative temperature fluctuation would also be higher degree of conversion for this equilibrium
amplified, the system losing energy faster than reaction. The highest yield evidently corres-
it is generated by the reaction. In this case the ponds to using an energy loss curve that inter-
temperature drops until the lower stable oper- sects the energy release curve near or at its
ating point is attained. This situation corres- peak. However, because of the shape of the
ponds to extinguishing the reaction. Because of curve it may be very difficult from a process
the nature of its response to deviations in tem- control viewpoint to operate at this condition.
perature, point b is referred to as an unstable Increases in the cooling rate can increase the
operating point. slope of the energy loss curve, possibly leading
To operate at a point like c on curve 2 in to extinction of the reaction. This situation can
Figure 10.3, one must provide a means of by- be visualized by rotating line 2' to the left about
passing or circumventing the lower stable state a its intersection on the T axis.
and the unstable state b. This may be accom- The problem of ignition and extinction of
plished by temporarily preheating the feed, op- reactions is basic to that of controlling the
erating at a reduced flow rate, or reducing the process. It is interesting to consider this problem
capacity of the cooling system. These procedures in terms of the variables used in the earlier
will permit one to move to the right of point b discussion of stability. When multiple steady-
and "ignite" the reaction. state solutions exist, the transitions between the
These stability considerations are not limited various stable operating points are essentially
to first-order irreversible reactions. Figure 10.4 discontinuous, and hysteresis effects can be ob-
depicts the Qg and Qr curves for a reversible served in these situations.
exothermic reaction. The intersections of the Consider the energy release and energy loss
Qg curve and lines 3' and 4' represent stable curves shown in Figure 10.5. These curves cor-
respond to three different operating conditions
where one would be varying either the tempera-
ture of the feed stream, To, or the temperature
of the medium to which heat is being transferred,
Tm. The intercepts on the temperature axis cor-
responding to the three cases are Tr, T" and
T". We will assume that all other operating
variables are held constant. When the T inter-
cept is V, the reactor may operate in a stable
mode at point A. However, if the cooling rate
s is increased (by decreasing Tm) or if the tem-
perature of the feed stream drops, curve Q'r will
Temperature, T
move to the left and the reaction will be extin-
Figure 10.4 guished. Consequently, point A represents a
Energy release and energy loss curves for revers- critical extinction point. For combustion re-
ible exothermic reaction in a CSTR. actions the temperature at this point may be
374 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

minimum ignition temperature and to the criti-

cal extinction point (e.g., at T"), ignition can
occur only if the unstable operating point C can
be bypassed.
We should note that hysteresis effects could
be observed in situations like those depicted in
Figure 10.5. Suppose the temperature of the
feed stream is such that the temperature inter-
cept moves from slightly below T' to slightly
above T". Assuming that all other independent
variables are held constant, the temperature of
the reactor contents will rise slowly, because the
conversion levels achieved will be those cor-
responding to the lowest stationary state condi-
tion. Once intercept T'" is exceeded, however,
T" T" autoignition will occur and the temperature of
Temperature, T the reactor contents will increase very markedly.
Figure 10.5 The conversion level now will be significantly
Influence of operating conditions on ignition and higher than it was previously. If the temperature
extinction of reactions. of the feed stream is now reduced so that the
temperature intercept moves to the left of T"\
the temperature of the reactor contents will
referred to as a minimum combustion temperature. diminish slowly moving along the Qg curve. The
This temperature cannot be regarded as having reactor will continue to operate at a high con-
an absolute value characteristic of the reaction. version level corresponding to the upper steady
It depends on the various factors that influence state. Eventually the temperature intercept will
the relative positions of the Qr and Qg curves and drop below T' and the reaction will be extin-
their point of tangency. The heat transfer coeffi- guished. The temperature of the reactor contents
cient, reactant feed composition, volumetric flow and the fraction conversion will then drop to
rate, physical properties of the reactants, and low levels. Figure 10.6 illustrates the hysteresis
characteristic properties of the reaction all in- phenomenon involved.
fluence the absolute value of this point. Ignition and extinction phenomena can be
The tangent indicated at point B also repre- examined with respect to each of the various
sents a critical reaction condition, but of a parameters of the system using the general
somewhat different type. In this case the reactor approach outlined above. It should be noted that
temperature corresponding to point B represents in these analyses and in the discussion above,
the minimum temperature at which autoignition one is restricted to changes that occur so slowly
will occur. In this sense it can be regarded as a that the corresponding changes in reactor con-
minimum ignition temperature. Like the critical ditions can be regarded as a series of pseudo
extinction point, this temperature should not be stationary states. It is instructive to consider the
regarded as an absolute value but as a function effects of opening and closing the valve on a
of various operating parameters. propane torch or of varying the gas flow rate
If the temperature intercept of the energy loss to a Bunsen burner in terms of the material we
curve lies between those corresponding to the have presented in this section. The basic problem
10.7 Selection of Optimum Reactor Temperature Profiles . . . Thermodynamic and Selectivity Considerations 375

progression is chosen as that which minimizes

the required reactor volume for a given fraction
conversion and feed rate. For multiple reactions
optimization involves manipulation of the tem-
perature to obtain a favorable product distribu-
10.7.1 Optimum Temperature Schedules

In order to minimize the required reactor

volume for a given type of reactor and level of
conversion, one must always operate with the
reactor at a temperature where the rate is a
maximum. For irreversible reactions the reac-
tion rate always increases with increasing tem-
perature, so the highest rate occurs at the highest
permissible temperature. This temperature may
be selected on the basis of constraints established
by the materials of construction, phase changes,
Extinction Minimum ignition
or side reactions that become important at high
temperature temperature temperatures. For reversible reactions that are
Temperature intercept endothermic the same considerations apply,
Figure 10.6
since both the reaction rate and the equilibrium
Ignition and extinction hysteresis effects in CSTR. yield increase with increasing temperature.
For reversible exothermic reactions the situa-
tion is more complicated, because kinetic and
of obtaining a stable flame can be analyzed, in
thermodynamic considerations work against
terms of the concepts developed above, even
one another when the temperajture is raised.
though other phenomena are undoubtedly of
The rates of the forward and reverse reactions
both increase with increasing temperature, but
the latter increases faster than the former. There-
fore, the equilibrium yield or maximum at-
tainable conversion decreases with increasing
temperature. Because of this, it is advisable to
use a high temperature when the system is far
This section treats the selection of optimum from equilibrium to take advantage of the in-
temperature progressions for systems in which fluence of temperature on the forward reaction
multiple (reactions can occur. In a batch reactor rate. Whten equilibrium is approached, the tem-
this progression is the time schedule that the perature should be lowered in order to shift thf
temperature should follow as a function of equilibriumVeld to a higher value. The' optimum
reactant conversion. In a tubular reactor it is temperature sequence is then one that starts out
the profile along the length of the reactor. In a high and decreases with increasing conversion.
series of stirred tank reactors it is the change in For a single plug flow reactor optimum con-
temperature from stage to stage. For a single ditions for adiabatic operation arq obtained by
reversible reaction the optimum temperature varying the feed temperature so that the Average
376 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

reaction rate has the highest possible value. For temperature profile is one where the temperature
endothermic reactions this implies the maximum falls with increasing conversion. Severe heat
possible feed temperature. For exothermic re- transfer requirements may be needed to make
actions this means that the exit temperature the actual temperature profile approach the
should lie below that corresponding to equili- desired ideal. Two ways in which this may be
brium at the desired fraction conversion and achieved ar£ indicated in Figure 10.7. The case
above that correspondiilg to the maximum rate of internal heat exchange between the reaction
at this conversion. A trial and error procedure mixture and the feed stream has been discussed
can locate an exit temperature within this range by Van Heerden (8) and Kramers and Wester-
that corresponds to the minimum reactor vol- terp (9). The other alternative is to use staged
lume. For a CSTR the reactor effluent tempera- operations with interstage cooling between
ture should be that which gives a maximum adiabatic sections. This case has also been
rate at the desired conversion level. The inlet treated by Kramers and Westerterp (9). For
temperature may be adjusted to give this endothermic reactions, multiple stages with re-
effluent condition when the reactor is operated heating between stages are commonly used to
adiabatically. keep the temperature from dropping too far.
For an exothermic reaction, adiabatic opera- Illustration 10.8 indicates how one determines
tion gives an increase in temperature with the optimum temperature at which a single
increasing conversion. However, the optimum CSTR should be operated.
Heat out Heat out Heat out

Very 1 A A A
Hot Warm
hot <yJlMJ

• Warm products Hot

Adiabatic reactors feed

-Cold feed

Optimum temperature progression

Reaction and cooling

Heating of feed

Distance Distance
(a) (b)
Figure 10.7
Techniques for approaching optimum temperature profiles for exothermic reaction, (a) Adiabatic operation
of reactors with interstage cooling, {b) Countercurrent heat exchange. (Adapted from Chemical Reaction
Engineering, Second Edition, by O. Levenspiel. Copyright ® 1972. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley
and Sons, Inc.)
10.7 Selection of Optimum Reactor Temperature Profiles . . . Thermodynamic and Selectivity Considerations 377


[k, -
The following reversible reaction takes place in
However, from the Arrhenius relation,
dink dk kEA
where both the forward and the reverse reaction or RT2
dT RT2 dT
obey first-order kinetics. The rate constants may
be written in the Arrhenius form as: Thus the optimum temperature will be that at

k2 = A2e~E2/RT
RT2 Jc
Determine the minimum reactor volume that or
will be required to obtain a fraction conversion <! E 2 ( fc
fc if the feed is pure C and if the input volumetric k2 E , \\ - fc
flow rate is %,. What will be the temperature
Substituting the Arrhenius form of the reac-
of the effluent stream?
tion rate constants,

Solution E2( fc
E , 11 - fe
For this CSTR the appropriate design equation
is One can then solve for the optimum tempera-
v Crci dfc c f
T =
VR coj o Jc _CCOJC ( A ) Ji M OJE2A2( fc
-rt CF — r.
— rCF — k2CBF (B)
F r o m stoichiometric considerations Rln E2A2 fc RlnP
l - fc
CCF = C c o ( l - fc) (Q
At this temperature
__ ^ O-Ei/(£2-£i)
Combining equations A to D gives
fc fc k2 = AJ
r0 M I - /,) - hf *i - fc{kt + k2) Thus the minimum reactor volume is given by
In order to minimize the required reactor
volume one may set the temperature derivative VR =
of VR equal to zero. 'Xi - fc) -
378 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

10.7.2 The Influence of Selectivity High temperatures favor the reaction with the
Considerations on the Choice of higher activation energy and lower temperatures
Reactor Operating Temperatures favor that with the lower activation energy.
When multiple reactions arfc possible, certain of For the parallel reactions in equation 10.7.1
the products have greater economic value than one may use this general rule to select the follpw-
others, and one must select the type of reactor ing operating conditions as optimum from a
and the operating conditions so as to optimize selectivity viewpoint when the reactor operates
the product distribution and yield. In this sub- isothermally.
section we examine how the temperature can
If E1 > E2, use a high temperature.
be manipulated with these ends in mind. In our
If E2 ^> Eu use a low temperature.
treatment we will ignore the effect of concentra-
tion levels on the product distribution by as- On the other hand, if it is possible to use a
suming that the concentration dependence of temperature progression scheme and if one de-
the rate expressions for the competing reactions sires to obtain the maximum amount of the
is the same in all cases. The concentration effects desired product per unit time per unit reactor
were treated in detail in Chapter 9. volume, somewhat different considerations are
Consider the following simple parallel applicable. If Ex > E2, one should use a high
reactions. temperature throughout, but if E2 > Eu the
temperature should increase with time in a batch
D (desired product)
reactor or with distance from the reactor inlet in
a plug flow reactor. It is best to use a low tem-
A + B (10.7.1) perature initially in order to favor conversion
to the desired product. In the final stages of the
(undesired product) reaction a higher temperature is more desirable
in order to raise the reaction rate, which has
It is evident that fallen off because of depletion of reactants. Even
dD though this temperature increases the produc-
(10.7.2) tion of the undesirable product, more of the
desired product is formed than would otherwise
If reaction 1 is to be enhanced and reaction 2 be the case. Thus one obtains a maximum
depressed, the ratio of the rate constants must production capacity for the desired product.
be made as large as possible. This ratio may be Now consider the basic series reaction scheme
written in the Arrhenius form as k2
D -4U (10.7.4)
where species D is the desired product. In this
case the desired product distribution is favored
when the ratio of the rate constants (k1/k2) is
It changes with temperature in a manner that mad£ very large Therefore?, for operation at a
depends on whether E1 is greater than or less single temperature, one should use a high tem-
than E2. When the temperature increases, the perature if El > E2 and a low temperature if
ratio increases if Ex > E2 and decreases if E2 > E2 > Ex. On the other hand, if a temperature
Ex. Consequently, the reaction having the larger progression is to be employed, the relative mag-
activation energy is the one that is most sensitive nitudes of the activation energies determine
to variations in temperature. The following gen- whether the initial temperature should be greater
eral rule is appropriate to competing reactions. than or less than the final temperature. For
10.7 Selection of Optimum Reactor Temperature Profiles .. . Thermodynamic and Selectivity Considerations 379

example, if E2 > El9 the temperature should space time or reactor holding time should be
start out high to accelerate the first reaction and used. Levenspiel (12) gives the following example
thus obtain a large output from a given reactor of a situation of this type:
volume. However, the temperature should be
progressively reduced as species D accumulates R T (desired)
in order to take advantage of the fact that the
undesirable side reaction D -+ U slows down U W
faster with decreasing temperature than does the
useful reaction. The problem of selecting an where
optimum temperature schedule has been treated Ei >E2
by Bilous and Amundson (10).
For series-parallel combinations of reactions £4 > £3
a number of possible situations can arise. Two E5 > E6
general guidelines are useful to keep in mind (11). The optimum temperature progression to use
First, if one has two undesirable products being in this sequence is a high temperature to start
formed in parallel with a desired species or with followed by lower temperatures where the con-
an intermediate product that can subsequently centration of species R is high and then in-
react to form the desired species creasing temperatures when the concentration
of species S becomes appreciable. Levenspiel (13)
has summarized the results of several analyses
(10.7.5) of the optimum temperature level and progres-
sion to be used for several general reaction
Although a determination of the operating
there are three significant orderings of the activa- temperature that produces the most favorable
tion energies. The type of temperature to use for product distribution is important in working up
each of these cases is given below: a reactor design for a reaction scheme involving
1. Ei > E2 and E± > £ 3 ; use high temperature. multiple reactions, other considerations may be
2. Ei < E2 and £ x < E3; use low temperature. equally important from a design viewpoint.
3. Ei > E2 and Ex < E3 or £ x < E2 and Et > Optimization of the reactor economics requires
E3; use intermediate temperature. a favorable product distribution, high conver-
sions, and low capital costs. If the most favorable
In case 3 an intermediate temperature will give product distribution is obtained at low tempera-
the most favorable product distribution. If Ex > tures, very little of any product will be formed.
E2andEi < E3, one can show that the optimum In this case it will be more economical to use an
temperature is given by intermediate temperature, because the adverse
effects of a change in the product distribution
E3 -E2 will be more than offset by the increase in re-
T = (10.7.6)
action rate and conversion. This will have the
!i - E2J A2 effect of increasing the production capacity of a
given reactor. In the case where the most favor-
A second generalization is applicable to steps able product distribution is favored by operation
occurring in series. If an early step requires a at high temperatures, the highest permissible
high temperature and a subsequent step is temperature should be used, because the reac-
favored by a low temperature, then a tempera- tion rates will be high and the requisite reactor
ture sequence that decreases with increasing size small.
380 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

LITERATURE CITATIONS of multiple substitution products, an ethylene/

1. W. C. Reynolds, Thermodynamics, McGraw-Hill, New
chlorine feed ratio of 50:1 will also be used.
York, 1965. The following values of the pseudo first-order
2. Smith, J. M., and Van Ness, H. C , Introduction to rate constant k1 have been reported by Subbotin,
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Third Edition, Antonov, and Etlis [Kinetics and Catalysis, 7
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975. (183), 1966].
3. Modell, M., and Reid, R. C , Thermodynamics and its
Applications, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,
1974. Temperature, T (C) 320 340 360 380
4. Adlington, D. G., "Reactor Design," in Chemical Engi- Msec"1) 2.23 6.73 14.3 32.6
neering Practice, Volume 8, Chemical Kinetics, p. 181,
edited by H. W. Cremer, Butterworths, London, 1965.
For your preliminary considerations, assume
5. Kladko, M., Chemical Technology, 1 (141), 1971.
that the following values of product and reactant
6. Wasserman, A., Diels-Alder Reactions, pp. 42, 50, and
52, Elsevier, London, 1965.
heat capacities are constant over the tempera-
ture range of interest.
7. Perlmutter, D. D., Stability of Chemical Reactors,
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1971.
8. Van Heerden, C , Ind. Eng. Chem., 45 (1242), 1953. Cp (cal/g mole-°K)
9. Kramers, H., and Westerterp, K. R., Elements of
Chemical Reactor Design and Operation, pp. 124-128, Ethylene 17.10
Academic Press, New York, 1963. Chlorine 8.74
10. Bilous, O., and Amundson, N. R., Chem. Eng. Sci., 5 HC1 7.07
(81, 115), 1956. Vinyl chloride 10.01
11. Levenspiel, O., Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second
Edition, p. 239, Wiley, New York, copyright © 1972. The standard enthalpy change for the reaction
Used with permission.
at 25 °C may be taken as — 23 kcal/g mole.
12. Ibid., p. 240. (a) Calculate the space time necessary to obtain
13. Ibid., p. 241. 50% conversion of the chlorine in a PFR if
the reactor is maintained isothermal at
(b) Calculate the space time necessary to obtain
1. Your design group has been asked to con- 50% conversion of the chlorine in a PFR if
sider certain aspects of the preliminary design the feed enters at 320 °C and the reactor is
of a reactor for the production of vinyl chloride operated adiabatically.
by reacting chlorine with ethylene. The reactor is to be designed to operate at 1 atm.
Deviations from ideal gas behavior may be
C 2 H 4 + Cl2 ^ C 2 H 3 C1 + HC1
neglected. Note that while the volume changes
hi order to minimize the production of the associated with changes in mole numbers are
undesirable addition product negligible, you may wish to consider the effect
of thermal expansion.
C2H4 + Cl2 —>• C 2 H 4 C1 2
2. Acetic anhydride reacts with ethanol to form
it is suggested that the reaction be carried out ethyl acetate according to the reaction
in the temperature range 320 to 380 °C. The
effect of the addition reaction is negligible in (CH 3 CO) 2 O 2C 2 H 5 OH ->
this range. In order to minimize the formation 2CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 H2O
Problems 381

In ethanol this reaction proceeds stepwise.

(CH3CO)2O + C 2 H 5 OH -+ Pure phosphine is to be admitted to a con-
CH 3 COOH + CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 stant volume batch reactor and allowed to
CH 3 COOH + C 2 H 5 OH -+ undergo decomposition according to the above
reaction. If pure phosphine enters at 672 °C and
H 2 O 4- CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 the initial pressure is 1 atm, determine the times
Since the second reaction rate constant is orders necessary to decompose 20% of the original
of magnitude greater than the first at tempera- phosphine for both isothermal and adiabatic
tures near room temperature, the first reaction operation.
may be regarded as the rate controlling step. The rate constant for this first-order reaction
Since ethanol is used as the solvent, the reaction is given in the International Critical Tables as
will follow pseudo first-order kinetics. The rate
18 963
of this liquid phase reaction can be expressed as log k = — + 2 log T + 12.130 (I)
r= 6 x 106e-**51fTCACB
where the temperature is expressed in degrees
where T is temperature in degrees Kelvin, and Kelvin and the time in seconds.
where A and B refer to anhydride and alcohol, The standard enthalpy change for the gaseous
respectively. The concentrations are expressed reaction at 25 °C is approximately 5665 cal/g
in kilomoles per cubic meter, and the rate in mole.
kilomoles per cubic meter per second. On the The following values may be used for the
basis of the data presented below, determine molal heat capacities (at constant pressure) of
the times necessary to achieve 20% decomposi- the species involved in the reaction.
tion of a 1 molal anhydride solution by iso-
thermal operation at 20 °C and by adiabatic P4(0) Cp = 5.90 + 0.0096T
operation starting from the same temperature. PH3(#) Cp = 6.70 + 0.0063 T
H2(g) Cp ~ 7.20
Compound (kJ/mole) (kJ/mole) where
T is expressed in degrees Kelvin
Acetic anhydride (/) -509.65 -649.50
Ethanol (*f) -174.81 -277.77 Cp is expressed in calories per gram mole per
Ethyl acetate (*f) -318.60 -463.47 degree Kelvin
Water (S) -237.30 -285.98
For temperatures from 800 to 1000 °K the
following values may be used to represent
The density of ethanol at 20 °C is 0.789 g/cm3, average Cp values.
and its heat capacity is 2.85 J/g°K. These prop-
erties may be assumed to be constant over the P4fo) Cp = 14.5
temperature range of interest. The solution is PH3(<7) Cp = 12.4
so dilute that one may assume that its property
values are essentially equal to those of pure
ethanol. Batch reactor operation is assumed. 4. Consider the reaction used as the basis for
Illustrations 10.1 to 10.3. Determine the volume
3. The decomposition of phosphine is a first- that would be required to produce 2 million lb
order reaction that proceeds according to the of B annually in a plug flow reactor operating
following stoichiometric equation. isothermally at 163 °C. Assume that 97% of the
382 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical

A fed to the reactor is to be converted to B and Additional data:

that the reactor can be operated for 7000 hr AHR = —69 kJ/mole for the reaction as written.
annually. Determine the manner in which the The variation of this quantity with
heat transfer requirement is distributed along temperature may be neglected.
the length of the reactor (i.e., what fraction of U = 68 J/ksec-cm2-°K in each reactor.
the heat evolved must be removed in the first
10% of the reactor length, the second 10%, the 6. Consider the sequential first-order reactions
third 10%, etc.?). fci k2
A -• V -> W where V is the desired product.
5. A reactor designer proposes to carry out a These liquid phase reactions are to be carried
reaction with the stoichiometry out in a cascade consisting of two equal-volume
CSTR's in series. The reactors are operated at
A + B ^ C the same temperature and so as to maximize the
concentration Of species V in the effluent from
in the liquid phase in two ideal CSTR's operating the second reactor. When the feed rate is
in series. Since species B is very expensive, the 0.5 m 3 /ksec and the rate constants are each
designer has chosen the reaction conditions so equal to 0.125 ksec" 1 , the volume of an in-
that a vast excess of species A will be present dividual reactor that gives rise to the maximum
and the rate expression becomes pseudo first- is equal to 2 m 3 . Both reactors will operate at
order in species B. the same temperature (93 °C).
a. If the fluid density is equal to 0.95 g/cm3, the
r = kCB heat capacity of the fluid is equal to 3 J/g °K,
and the first reactor operates adiabatically,
The reaction is exothermic, and temperature
determine the temperature at which the feed
control in both reactors is to be accomplished
must enter. The feed contains 1.5 kmoles/m 3
by heat exchange with water boiling at 1 atm
of reactant A.
(T = 100 °C). The contents of the first reactor
b. At what rate must thermal energy be removed
will be at 106 °C; those of the second reactor
(or supplied) in order to maintain the second
will be at 117 °C. At these temperatures the
reactor at 93 °C?
values of the apparent rate constant are:
AH! = - 6 0 k J / m o l e
T = 117 °C k = 2.79 ksec" 1 AH 2 = 20 kJ/mole
T = 106 °C k = 0.93 ksec" 1

For the proposed design the reactor volumes 7. The hydrogenation of cottonseed oil pro-
are both 0.8 m 3 , the input volumetric flow rate ceeds by the following irreversible steps.
is 1.10 m 3 /ksec, and the overall fraction con-
version of the initial B is to be 0.80. Since the
reaction is carried out in dilute liquid solution,
the effective heat capacity of the liquid mixture
is substantially unaffected by the reaction and
may be regarded as a constant that is equal to
3.47 J/cm3-°K. If the initial concentration of
species B is 5.6 kmole/m 3 and the feed stream
enters at 70 °C, determine the required heat A: Linoleic acid C: Iso-oleic acid
transfer area for each reactor. B: ds-oleic acid D: Stearic acid
Problems 383

Relative activation energies have been estimated will operate isothermally, but each will operate
by comparison with similar reactions: at a different temperature. You have been asked
to design a reactor capable of processing feed at
Reaction EA 1.7 m3/sec.
The following additional data are available.
1 Low
2 High Specific heats Inerts
3 Low (J/mole -°K) 62.8 75.4 125.6 75.4
4 High Species concentrations A B C Inerts
5 High (kmole/m3)
Feed 3.0 3.0 0.0 32.0
In a batch reactor at 100 °C operated for a short Effluent from 0.3 5.7 2.7 32.0
time, 90 mole percent A remains unreacted, 6.2% second reactor
forms B, and 3.8% forms C.
(a) It is desired to produce compound C. You Feed temperature = 330 °K
are determining the optimum temperature
— - 70,000 J/mole for the reaction as
for operating a CSTR. Assuming all reac-
written (at 330 °K)
tions are first-order, explain the fact that two
optimum temperatures are found. Reactor operating temperatures: First — 330 °K,
Second - 3 5 8 °K
Activation energy = 108.4 kJ/mole
At33O°K,/c - 33Oksec- 1
(a) What is the volume of each CSTR?
(b) How much thermal energy must be removed
in each reactor if the system is to operate
in the fashion described above? Be very care-
ful to write the energy balance for the second
reactor in the appropriate form.
Temperature, T
9. The liquid phase reaction A -• B is to be
carried out in a plug flow tubular reactor at a
(b) If B is desired, is it better to operate at low constant pressure of 202.6 kPa. The feed is
or high temperature? Why? 600 kmoles/ksec of pure A with an inlet tem-
(c) Assume that reactions 4 and 5 have the same perature of 200 °C. Pure A has a specific volume
value of EA. Which is larger, fc4 or k5 ? Why? of 0.056 m 3 /kmole. The heat of reaction at
200 °C is —15 kJ/mole. The molar specific heats
8. The decomposition reaction A —• B + C oc- of A and B are both 42 J/mole-°K. The reaction
curs in the liquid phase. It has been suggested rate constant in this range is given by the
that your company produce C from a stream expression
containing equimolar concentrations of A and fc = 110 + 0.8(7 - 200)
B by using two continuous stirred tank reactors
in series. Both reactors have the same volume.
The reaction is first-order with respect to A and T is measured in degrees Celsius
zero-order with respect to B and C. Each reactor k has the units ksec~*
384 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

The reactor would be run adiabatically, but reactor each minute. The temperature of the
the maximum reaction temperature allowable is pure A stream is 70 °F. The fraction of the A
400 °C, since above this temperature undesirable converted to R in the CSTR is 0.4, and the
by-products are formed. Calculate the minimum temperature of the effluent from the CSTR is
reactor volume required to obtain 80% con- 100 °F. The mole density of pure liquid A is
version of A. What must the heat transfer rate 1.5 lb moles/ft3. The following table gives the
be in the cooling section of the reactor? temperature dependence of the rate constants
kx and k-v

- Adiabatic - -Cooling-
i 400°C maximum
/ r — ^ 200° C 400° C D = 5 cm
Q Pure A I I (80% conversion)

10. Consider the following reactions that take Temperature,

place in parallel. T( C F) (ft3/lb mole-min) (ft3/lb mole-min)

70 0.55 0.010
75 0.93 0.020
80 1.67 0.040
85 2.90 0.078
90 5.0 0.156
95 8.65 0.312
100 15.0 0.625
where E1 > E2 and E1 < E3. What tempera-
ture will give the maximum yield of species D?
Heat capacity of pure A = 25 Btu/lb mole-°R
11. An autocatalytic reaction of the type Heat capacity of pure R = 30 Btu/lb mole-°R
A + R ^± R + R AHR = -10,000 Btu/lb mole R formed for the
isothermal reaction at 70 °F
is being carried out in the combination of re-
actors shown below. (a) Determine the CSTR volume.
(b) Determine the heat transfer rate (and direc-
tion) in the first reactor.
Pure A
(c) The plug flow reactor is to be operated iso-
thermally at 100 °F. The PFR effluent con-
version of the A fed to the CSTR is to be
90%. Determine the heat transfer require-
Ideal ments for the PFR and the necessary reactor
plug flow reactor volume.

The reaction is reversible and exothermic. The 12. A tubular reactor is being used to investigate
reaction stoichiometry is A -> R. One hundred an endothermic isomerization reaction that may
pound moles of pure liquid A are fed to the be represented schematically as A -> B.
Problems 385

The following data are applicable. The standard enthalpy change for this reaction
AHR = 46,500 J/mole A reacted at 30 °C at 200 °C is —126 kJ/mole for the reaction as
written. Each CSTR has a volume of 0.2 m 3 . The
CP,A = Cp,B = 100 J/mole-°K
feed rate is 66 cm3/sec. The following data on
Reactor diameter = 50 cm average heat capacities are available.
Pressure = 203 kPa (may be considered con-
stant over the length of the reactor)
Species Heat capacity (J/mole -CK)
Feed: Pure A at a rate of 12.6 moles/sec
A 54.4
Initial temperature = 320 °C B 71.1
If electrical heating is applied along the length C 96.3
of the reactor to provide energy at a constant D 29.2
rate of 575 J/sec-cm of reactor length and this S 41.9
input is evenly distributed along the length of
reactor, determine the temperature profile in the
reactor. Heat losses from the reactor are negli- At 500 °C the second-order rate constant is
gible. The experimental data on the concentra- 1.7 m3/kmole-ksec. Determine:
tion profile are as follows. (a) The composition of the effluent from the
first reactor.
Distance from inlet (m) Fraction A converted (b) If the heat transfer rate in the first reactor
is —1.05 kJ/sec, what is the temperature of
0 0 the effluent from the first reactor?
0.85 0.1 (c) What is the reaction rate constant at this
1.74 0.2 temperature?
3.05 0.3
4.27 0.4
6.10 0.5 14. An irreversible liquid phase dimerization
reaction of the type
13. The reaction A + B -> C + D takes place
2M -* D
in the two ideal CSTR's operating in series
shown below. The reaction is first-order with follows second-order kinetics. You have been
respect to both A and B. Temperatures and asked to estimate the fraction of the monomer
concentrations of the species of interest are as that can be converted to dimer in an existing
indicated. S denotes the solvent. continuous stirred tank reactor facility designed

Feed 1 1 /
CA0 = 0.6 kmole/m3 | /

CBO = 1-1 _/
CC0 = 0.0
Cm = 0.0 ^ Tfinal = 500° C
x — ?
Cso = 20 c= ? CAF = 0.1 kmole/m3
7in = 200° C CBF = 0.6
C CF = 0.5
CDF = 0.5
CSF = 20
386 Temperature and Energy Effects in Chemical Reactors

for adiabatic operation. The reactor volume is (f) In order to maximize production of B when
0.4 m 3 and the available input volumetric flow x = 480 sec, what inlet temperature should
rate is 1.3 m 3 /ksec of pure monomer. Additional be specified?
data are given below.
Inlet temperature = 312 °K 16. A dissociation reaction of the type A -•
Standard enthalpy change on reaction at B + C is being studied in a pilot plant reactor
300 °K - - 4 2 kJ/mole D formed having a volume of 0.5 m 3 . The reaction involves
Liquid heat capacity = 2.0 J/cm 3 o K ideal gases with the following heat capacities.
Monomer feed concentration = 16 kmoles/m 3 CpA= 160J/mole°K
Thermal expansion effects may be neglected. CpJS= 120J/mole-°K
k = 2.70 x 10 9 ^- 1 2 ' 1 8 5 / T rn 3 /mole-ksecforTin CpC= 120J/mole-°K
degrees Kelvin
Pure A is charged to the reactor at 400 kPa and
330 °K. The reaction is first-order in species A.
15. Consider a CSTR that is used to carry out a
The variation of the reaction rate constant withv
reversible isomerization reaction of the type
temperature is given below.

Temperature, T (°K) Mksec"1)

where both the forward and reverse reactions
are first-order. 330 0.330
Data: 340 0.462
Feed is pure species A 350 0.641
360 0.902
CpA = 1255 J/mole°K 370 1.27
CpB = 1172J/mole°K 380 1.98
kf = 8.83 x 1 0 4 g - 6 2 9 0 / r s e c - 1
kr = 4.17 x l O 1 5 * - 1 4 9 4 7 ^ ^ - 1 The standard heat of reaction is — 11.63 kJ/mole.
Determine the times necessary to achieve 90%
where T is given in degrees Kelvin conversion in a constant volume batch reactor
(a) Is the reaction exothermic or endothermic? under adiabatic conditions and under isother-
What is the standard enthalpy change for mal conditions.
the reaction?
(b) What is the equilibrium fraction conversion
at340°K? 17. Keairns and Manning [AIChE J., 15 (660),
(c) What conversion is achieved if T = 480 sec 1969] have used the reaction between sodium
and the reactor temperature is 340 °K? thiosulfate and hydrogen peroxide in a well-
(d) For T = 480 sec, sketch the curve of fraction stirred flow reactor to check a computer simula-
conversion versus reactor temperature over tion of adiabatic CSTR operation. Data on their
experimental conditions and the reaction para-
the range 320 to 370 °K.
meters are listed below. The reaction may be
(e) Derive the equation for the curve describing
considered second-order in sodium thiosulfate.
the energy balance on the CSTR for adia-
batic operation. Substitute variables into
this expression to obtain a relation between N a 2 S 2 O 3 + 2 H 2 O 2 -> Products
A + IB -» Products
Problems 387

AH°R = - 5 4 8 kJ/mole at 25 °C Data:

k = 6.853 x 1011^"£/jRT(m3/mole-ksec) Wasserman (Diels-Alder Reactions, pp. 42, 50,
and 52, Elsevier, London, 1965) has reported the
£ - 76.480 kJ/mole
following values of the reaction rate expression
Qo = 0.204 kmole/m 3 and heat of reaction for reaction conditions
C B0 - 0.408 kmole/m 3 similar to those to be used in the proposed
Solution feed rate: 14.2 cm 3 /sec design analysis. This expression is valid over the
range from 8 to 50 °C.
Inlet feed temperature: 25 °C
Reactor volume: 2790 cm 3 AHR = -72.8kJ/mole
The heat capacity of the inlet and outlet streams
may be assumed to be 4.2 J/cm3-°K. The reaction A = 10 65 m 3 /kmole-sec
may be treated as irreversible. If the reactor is E = 48.5 kJ/mole
assumed to operate adiabatically, determine the
Cc = cyclopentadiene concentration
temperature of the effluent and the fraction
CB = benzoquinone concentration (kmoles/m3)

The density and heat capacity of the solution

18. The following Diels-Alder reaction takes may be assumed to be constant and essentially
place in benzene solution. equal to the property values for pure benzene.

I C H 2 ||

cyclopentadiene benzoquinone 5-8-endo methylene-

5-8-9-10 tetrahydro-a-

Two feed streams each containing one of the benzene = 1-75 J/g-°K
reactants at a concentration of 0.2 kmoles/m 3 of
PBenzene = 880 kg/m 3
benzene and each at 25 °C are to be rapidly
mixed and fed to a tubular reactor. The reverse reaction and side reactions may
If the flow rate of each feed stream is 0.139 be neglected.
m 3 /ksec and if 50% conversion is to be achieved, Note that on mixing the reactant concentra-
determine the reactor volumes required for iso- tions will drop to half those prevailing before
thermal operation and for adiabatic operation. mixing.
11 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions
11.0 INTRODUCTION nonideal flow systems in terms of data that are
easily obtained experimentally. From measure-
The flow patterns in real reactors do not con-
ments on the feed and effluent streams, one may
form exactly to those postulated for ideal plug
develop parameters that can be used to charac-
flow and continuous stirred tank reactors. None-
terize the magnitude of system nonidealities and
theless, the conversions achieved in many real
to serve as input to more complex models of
reactors so closely approximate those predicted
reactor behavior than ideal CSTR's and PFR's.
on the basis of the idealized models that the
We will begin by indicating how such measure-
design equations for these reactors can be used
ments can be used to determine the residence
with negligible error. In other cases significant
time distribution function for a reactor, and then
differences are noted between observed and
treat three different mathematical models that
predicted results. These differences may arise
permit estimation of the conversion that will be
from a number of sources—from channeling of
attained. Throughout this chapter we will re-
fluid as it moves through the reaction vessel,
strict our discussion to systems in which a single
from longitudinal mixing caused by vortices and
reaction takes place in a homogeneous isother-
turbulence, from the presence of stagnant re-
mal reactor. Volume changes on reaction are
gions within the reactor, from bypassing or
also assumed to be negligible (3 ~ 0). These
short-circuiting of portions of a packed reactor
restrictions will permit us to focus our attention
bed, from the failure of impellers or other mix-
on the nonideal flow conditions.
ing devices to provide perfect mixing, etc. In
this chapter we hope to establish a rational basis
for examining quantitatively and qualitatively 11.1 THE RESIDENCE TIME
the effect of departures from idealized flow DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION dF(t)
behavior on the performance of a reactor. Read
this chapter with a view toward developing a Except for the case of an ideal plug flow reactor,
"seat of the pants" feeling for the magnitude of different fluid elements will take different lengths
deviations from ideal flow conditions in various of time to flow through a chemical reactor. In
types of reactors so that you will know when order to be able to predict the behavior of a
these effects can be neglected and when they given piece of equipment as a chemical reactor,
must be treated by the techniques developed in one must be able to determine how long differ-
this chapter. ent fluid elements remain in the reactor. One
In principle, if the temperatures, velocities, does this by measuring the response of the
flow patterns, and local rates of mixing of every effluent stream to changes in the concentration
element of fluid in a reactor were known, and of inert species in the feed stream—the so-called
if the differential material and energy balances stimulus-response technique. In this section we
could be integrated over the reactor volume, one will discuss the analytical form in which the
could obtain an exact solution for the composi- distribution of residence times is cast, derive
tion of the effluent stream and thus the degree relationships of this type for various reactor
of conversion that takes place in the reactor. models, and illustrate how experimental data
However, most of this information is lacking are treated in order to determine the distribution
for the reactors used in laboratory or commer- function.
cial practice. Consequently, it has been necessary The mathematical relations expressing the
to develop approximate methods for treating different amounts of time that fluid elements
11.1 The Residence Time Distribution Function dF{i) 389

spend in a given reactor may be cast in a variety

of forms. [For example, see Levenspiel (1-3)
and Himmelblau and Bischoff (4)]. This text-
book utilizes the F(t) curve, as defined by
Danckwerts (5) for this purpose. For a con-
tinuous flow system F(t) is the volume fraction
of the fluid at the outlet that has remained in
the system for a time less than t. In other words,
if we were to assign "ages" to the different fluid F(t)
elements leaving the system, F(t) would be the
volume fraction of the outlet stream having an
age less than t. For constant density systems,
volume fractions are identical with weight frac- o.o
tions, and F(t) is also the weight fraction of the
Time, t
effluent with an age less than t. In accordance
with this definition of the F(t) curve, the prob- Figure 11.1
ability that an element of volume entering the Determination of average residence time from
system at time t = 0 has left it within a period residence time distribution function.
of time t is just equal to F(t). The probability
that it is still in the reactor and will leave at a t = 1 must be equal to the unshaded area to the
time later than Ms [1 - F(t)]. left of 1.
It will always take some finite time for a
fluid element to traverse the system, so F(t) — 0 11.1.1 Experimental Determination of
at t = 0. Likewise, none of the material can Residence Time Distribution Functions
remain in the flow reactor indefinitely, so F(t) = In order to be able to make use of the residence
1.0 at t = oo. Figure 11.1 indicates these limiting time distribution function in the analysis of a
values for an arbitrary F(t) curve. given reactor network, one must be able to
Since F(t + (it) represents the volume fraction determine the function experimentally. This is
of the fluid having a residence time less than done by changing some property of the fluid
t + dt, and F(t) represents that having a resi- entering the network as a function of time and
dence time less than t, the differential of F(t), then noting the resultant response of the effluent
dF(t\ will be the volume fraction of the effluent stream. The method most commonly employed
stream having a residence time between t and is to change the concentration of one of the
t + dt. Hence dF(t) is known as the residence nonreactive components of the feed stream. This
time distribution function. From the principles tracer component is generally chosen on the
of probability the average residence time (7) of basis of the convenience and accuracy with
a fluid element is given by which it may be measured. The properties that
are most often used for monitoring the con-
t = < » • ' • ' > centration of these tracers are electrical conduc-
or tivity, absorbance, and emission of ft and y rays.
In choosing the tracer care must also be taken
to ensure that portions of it do not disappear
during the course of the experimental measure-
Consequently the shaded area in Figure 11.1 ment (e.g., by selective adsorption on the walls
is equal toT and the shaded area to the right of of the reaction vessel or on heterogeneous
390 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

catalysts present in the reactor, by settling out The interpretation of the F(t) curve as the
or being filtered out as it moves through the probability that a fluid element entering the
reactor, or by chemical reaction in the case of reactor at time zero has left by time t may be
nonradioactive tracers). used to indicate how the curve may be generated
There are three general stimulus techniques from experimental data. Let us consider the case
commonly used in theoretical and experimental where at time zero one makes a step change in
analyses of reactor networks in order to charac- the weight fraction tracer in the feed stream
terize their dynamic behavior. from WQ to w'o . A generalized stimulus-response
curve for this system is shown in Figure 11.2.
1. A step function change in which the input
concentration is changed from one steady-
state level to another.
2. A pulse input in which a relatively small
amount of tracer is injected into the feed
stream in the shortest possible time. w0 fw
t E
3. A sinusoidal input. The frequency of the 1
sinusoidal variation is changed and the /Response
steady-state response of the effluent at differ-
ent input frequencies is determined, thus w0
generating a frequency-response diagram for
the system.
Time, t
The time variations of the effluent tracer con-
Figure 11.2
centration in response to step and pulse inputs Generalized response of an arbitrary reactor to a
and the frequency-response diagram all contain step change in input tracer concentration.
essentially the same information. In principle,
any one can be mathematically transformed into At time t the fraction of the effluent fluid
the other two. However, since it is easier experi- characterized by an age less than t (and thus
mentally to effect a change in input tracer con- with a composition WQ ) is just equal to F(t).
centration that approximates a step change or At the same time, the fraction of the effluent
an impulse function, and since the measure- characterized by an age greater than t (with the
ments associated with sinusoidal variations are original inlet composition WQ) is equal to
much more time consuming and require special 1 — F(t). The time dependence of the weight
equipment, the latter are used much less often fraction tracer in the effluent (wE) is then given
in simple reactor studies. Even in the first two by
cases, one can obtain good experimental results
only if the average residence time in the system w£(£) = wZF(t) + wo [1 " F{t)] (11.1-3)
is relatively long. Thus
Kramers and Alberda (6) have discussed the
manner in which sinusoidal variations are F(f) = (11.1.4)
analyzed, but we will discuss only the first two
types of stimuli. They are sufficient for the and we see that in general F(t) would give the
analysis of the majority of situations that will relative response of the system to a step function
be encountered by the chemical engineer en- input.
gaged in the practice of designing chemical Now consider the case where the input to the
reactors. system is a pulse of tracer. The amount of tracer
11.1 The Residence Time Distribution Function dF(t) 391

leaving in a time increment dt is wE<bm dt where Determine the average residence time of the
<J>m is the mass flow rate. For constant density fluid and the F(t) curve for this system.
systems mass and volume fractions are identical
and the basic definition of F(i) indicates that Solution

dt wv<J> dt For a constant density system concentrations

h m
F(t) = Jo (11.1.5) are directly proportional to weight fractions.
m7 Thus equation 11.1.5 becomes
where we have identified the term in the de-
nominator as the total mass of tracer recovered F(t) =
from a pulse input. Differentiation of equation
11.1.5 gives
where CE is the tracer concentration in the
(11.1.6) effluent.
dt w£<Dm dt mT One must replace the integrals by finite sums
in order to be able to make use of the data
For linear systems the relative response to a given.
pulse input is equal to the derivative of the rela-
tive response to a step input. Illustration 11.1
indicates how the response of a reactor network
to a pulse input can be used to generate an F(t)
The data are reported at evenly spaced time
increments, and the mass flow rate is invariant
for steady-state operation. Thus

A slug of dye is placed in the feed stream to a

stirred reaction vessel operating at steady state.
The dye concentration in the effluent stream was
monitored as a function of time to generate the
data in the table below. Time is measured
The average residence time is given by equa-
relative to that at which the dye was injected.
tion 11.1.2. Combining this equation with
equations 11.1.5 and 11.1.6 gives
Time, / (sec) Tracer concentration (g/m3)
0 0.0
120 6.5
240 12.5
360 12.5 In terms of the data and the aforementioned
480 10.0 assumptions this equation becomes
600 5.0
720 2.5
t = 00
840 1.0
960 0.0
1080 0.0 t= 00

I C,
392 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

Table 11.1.1
Data Workup for Illustration 11.1

Time, t (sec) Q ( g ;/m )
0 F(t) tCE (g • sec/m3) t2CE (g • sec2/m3)

0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0
120 6.5 6.5 0.13 780 93,600
240 12.5 19.0 0.38 3000 720,000
360 12.5 31.5 0.63 4500 1,620,000
480 10.0 41.5 0.83 4800 2,304,000
600 5.0 46.5 0.93 3000 1,800,000
720 2.5 49.0 0.98 1800 1,296,000
840 1.0 50.0 1.00 840 705,600
960 0.0 50.0 1.00 0 0
1080 0.0 50.0 1.00 0 0

icE = 50.0
YtCE = 18,720

Table 11.I.I contains a workup of the data The plug flow reactor has a flat velocity profile
in terms of the above analysis. In the more and no longitudinal mixing. These idealizations
general case one should be sure to use appro- imply that all fluid elements leaving the reactor
priate averaging techniques or graphical inte- have the same age (I). The F(t) function for this
gration to determine both F(t) and 7. When system must then be
there is an abundance of data, plot it, draw a F(t) = 0 for 0 < t <1
smooth curve, and integrate graphically instead (1LL7)
of using the strictly numerical procedure em- F(t) = 1.0 for t > l
ployed above. The responses of this system to ideal step and
On the basis of the tabular entries pulse inputs are shown in Figure 11.3. Because
the flow patterns in real tubular reactors will
- > 720 always involve some axial mixing and boundary
layer flow near the walls of the vessels, they will
distort the response curves for the ideal plug
11.1.2 F(t) Curves for Ideal Flow Patterns flow reactor. Consequently, the responses of a
real tubular reactor to these inputs may look
For a few highly idealized systems, the residence like those shown in Figure 11.3.
time distribution function can be determined a The next case to be considered is the ideal
priori without the need for experimental work. continuous stirred tank reactor. The key to the
These systems include our two idealized flow derivation of the F(i) curve for this type of re-
reactors—the plug flow reactor and the con- actor is the realization that the assumption of
tinuous stirred tank reactor—and the tubular perfect mixing implies that upon entry in the
laminar flow reactor. The F(t) and response reactor an element of volume can instanta-
curves for each of these three types of well- neously appear in any portion of the reactor.
characterized flow patterns will be developed Therefore its past or its future history cannot be
in turn. derived from its position. Furthermore, the prob-
11.1 The Residence Time Distribution Function dF{t) 393

0 0 t 0 T
Time, t Time, t Time, t

Input signal Response of plug flow reactor Response of real tubular reactor


Time, t Time, t Time, t

Figure 11.3
Response of ideal plug flow reactor and real tubular reactor to step and impulse inputs.

ability that it will leave the system by some where

future time will be independent of its past history.
p is the fluid density
These statements require that the probability
that a fluid element will remain in the system 1 is the mean residence time
longer than a time (t1 + r2) be the product of Combining equations 11.1.9 and 11.1.10 gives
the two independent probabilities that it will re-
main in longer than times rx and r2, respectively. (iiin)
F(t + Ar) - F(t) F(t) ^ =
- F(tx + t2) = [1 - - F(t2)-]
(11.1.8) Dividing by At and taking the limit as Ar
approaches zero,
If we now replace t1 by t and consider the case
where we let t2 become quite small (Ar):
1-F(t + At) = [1 - dt

(11.1.9) The solution to this differential equation

subject to the boundary condition that F(t) = 0
For a perfectly mixed reactor, all fluid ele-
at r = 0 is:
ments have an equal chance of leaving the re-
actor, so that for a small time increment Ar, the F(t) = 1 - e -tit (11.1.13)
probability that a given fluid element will leave
is just the ratio of the mass of fluid leaving to the This same result can also be obtained by
total mass contained within the reactor. considering the response of the effluent com-
position from a CSTR to a step function change
in input concentration and using equation
F(At) = = =; (
11.1.4 to determine F(r).
394 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

The relative response of a single CSTR to an These fractions may lead to an irregular re-
ideal pulse input may be obtained by taking the sponse curve. This effect cannot be described
time derivative of equation 11.1.13. quantitatively for a general system, since it will
dF{t) e~t/T depend on the relative orientations of the inlet
(11.1.14) and outlet with respect to the impellers and any
baffles present in the system. Examples of
From this equation it is evident that there is possible response curves are shown in Figure
a wide distribution of residence times in a 11.5. The effluent response will also be strongly
stirred tank reactor. dependent on the mixing time. The approx-
The responses of a single ideal stirred tank imation of an actual stirred tank reactor by an
reactor to ideal step and pulse inputs are shown ideal CSTR improves as the ratio of the mean
in Figure 11.4. Note that any change in the residence time to the mixing time increases.
reactor inlet stream shows up immediately at For most design purposes a ratio greater than
the reactor outlet in these systems. This fact is 10 gives a very good approximation [7].
used to advantage in the design of automatic The final idealized flow situation that we will
control systems for stirred tank reactors. consider is laminar flow in a tubular reactor in
The performance of the stirred tank flow the absence of either radial or longitudinal
reactors that are encountered in industrial diffusion. The velocity profile in such a reactor
practice may differ significantly from the ideal is given by
case discussed above. The feed stream entering
the stirred region will not be instantaneously u =u (11.1.15)
dispersed and mixed with the entire contents of °
the vessel. The mixing process will require a for 0 < r < R
finite amount of time in order to produce a
microscopically homogeneous solution, so there where
will be a time lag between the change in the u0 is the centerline velocity
input stream and the change in the character- r is the distance from the centerline
istics of the effluent stream. Moreover, a fraction of the pipe
of the feed stream may pass through the reactor
outlet without undergoing complete mixing. R is the inside radius of the pipe

> 0.632 (W+O -

0 T 0 T
Time, t Time, t
Response to step change Response to pulse input

Figure 11.4
Response of ideal continuous stirred tank reactor to step and pulse
11.1 The Residence Time Distribution Function dF(t) 395


0 I 0 t
Time, t Time, t
Response to pulse input
Response to step change

Figure 11.5
Response of real stirred tank reactor to step and pulse inputs.

The average velocity with which a' fluid It leaves at a time tmin given by
element moves is given by
_ L _T
" = y (11.1.16) u0 2
Since u varies with r, the residence times of the
various fluid elements will also vary with r. The F(t) = 0 for t<- (11.1.21)
time that it will take a fluid element to traverse
the reactor is given by The fraction of the volumetric flow rate that
takes place in the region bounded by r = 0 and
r = r will be equal to F(t) where t is equal to
"»!'-(« the time necessary for a fluid element to traverse
the reactor length at a given r (equation 11.1.17).
where L is the length of the reactor. Thus

Volumetric flow rate between r = 0 and r = r

Total volumetric flow rate

The average residence time t is or

u(r)2nr dr
_ 2L F(t) = (11.1.23)
+ (11.1.18)
u(r)2nr dr

Combining equations 11.1.17 and 11.1.18 gives Combining equations 11.1.15 and 11.1.23 and
simplifying gives

r dr
F(t) = (11.1.24)
The fluid at the centerline is moving the
Jo r dr
fastest so this material will be the first to leave.
396 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

Integration gives 11.1.3 Models for Nonideal Flow Situations

Different reactor networks can give rise to

4R2 the same residence time distribution function.
F(t) = For example, a CSTR characterized by a space
time Tj followed by a PFR characterized by a
space time T 2 has an F(t) curve that is identical
(11.1.25) to that of these two reactors operated in the
reverse order. Consequently, the F(t) curve
From equation 11.1.19,
alone is not sufficient, in general, to permit one
to determine the conversion in a nonideal
(11.1.26) reactor. As a result, several mathematical models
of reactor performance have been developed to
Substituting this result into equation 11.1.25 provide estimates of the conversion levels in
yields, for t > 7/2, nonideal reactors. These models vary in their
degree of complexity and range of applicability.
In this textbook we will confine the discussion
to models in which a single parameter is used
to characterize the nonideal flow pattern. Mul-
(11.1.27) tiparameter models have been developed for
handling more complex situations (e.g., that
The F(t) curve for a laminar flow tubular which prevails in a fluidized bed reactor), but
reactor with no diffusion is shown in Figure 11.6. these are beyond the scope of this textbook.
Curves for the two other types of idealized flow [See Levenspiel (2) and Himmelblau and
patterns are shown for comparison. Bischoff(4).]






0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Dimensionless time, t/t

Figure 11.6
F(t) curves for reactors with idealized flow patterns.
11.1 The Residence Time Distribution Function dF(t) 397

It is convenient to classify deviations from that the fluid velocity and reactant concentra-
ideal flow conditions into two categories. tion are constant across the tube diameter. The
magnitude of the dispersion is assumed to be
1. Different fluid elements may move through
independent of position within the vessel, so
the reactor at different velocities. The ele-
there will be no stagnant regions and no by-
ments remain segregated1 as they move
passing or short-circuiting of fluid in the model
through the reactor.
reactor. By changing the magnitude of the
2. Fluid elements with different ages may mix
dispersion parameter, one may vary the per-
on a microscopic scale. However, the mixing
formance of the reactor from that of plug flow
does not occur to the extent that it does in
{Q)L = 0) to that of a single continuous stirred
an ideal CSTR.
tank reactor {Q)L = oo).
These two types of deviations occur simul- The axial dispersion parameter &L is a term
taneously in actual reactors, but the mathe- that accounts for mixing both by molecular
matical models we will develop assume that the diffusion processes and by turbulent eddies and
residence time distribution function may be vortices. Since these two types of phenomena
attributed to one or the other of these flow are to be characterized by a single parameter,
situations. The first class of nonideal flow con- and since we force the model to fit the form of
ditions leads to the segregated flow model of Fick's law of diffusion, Q)L should be regarded
reactor performance. This model may be used as an effective dispersion coefficient having the
with the residence time distribution function to units of an ordinary molecular diffusivity
predict accurately conversion levels for first- (Iength2/time). However, it is significantly
order reactions that occur isothermally. (See greater in magnitude because of turbulence
Section 11.2.1.) The second class may be modeled effects.
in several ways, depending on the additional The response of the axial dispersion model
assumptions one is willing to make concerning to step or pulse tracer inputs can be determined
the nature of the mixing processes. Once these by writing a material balance over a short
assumptions are made the parameters of the tubular segment and then solving the resultant
mathematical model can be determined from differential equations. A transient material bal-
the F(i) curve. The remainder of this section is ance on a cylindrical element of length AZ gives

%- + uc)nR2\ At + nR2 AZAC (11.1.28)

' oZ ) _\Z + AZ
Input Output Accumulation

devoted to a discussion of the interpretation of where the input and output terms allow for
response data in terms of two of these mixing both dispersive and convective transport.
models. Dividing by the cross-sectional area, At, and
AZ, and taking the limit as the last two param- The Axial Dispersion Model. The
eters approach zero gives
axial dispersion model is often used to describe
the behavior of tubular reactors. This model 8C
characterizes mass transport in the axial direc- (11.1.29)
tion in terms of an effective or apparent longi-
tudinal diffusivity Q)h that is superimposed on The initial and boundary conditions that
the plug flow velocity. The model also assumes apply to this equation depend on whether one
398 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

1.0 c

I / j T ^ ^ ^ ~^t = °' 0 2 5

0.8 — 0.001—-

0.6 — if/^1^ °25 -

0.4 —

0.2 —

n 1.0
Dimensionless time, t/T*
1.5 2.0

Figure 11.7
Residence time distribution curves for dispersion model.

is dealing with a pulse or step input and the equation 11.1.29 are:
characteristics of the system at the tracer in-
jection and monitoring stations. At each of f Co for Z > 0 at t = 0
C = (11.1.30)
these points the tubular reactor is characterized $ for Z < 0 at t = 0
as "closed" or "open," depending on whether
or not plug flow into or out of the test section Co at Z = - oo for t > 0
C = (11.1.31)
is assumed. A closed boundary is one at which Co at Z = + oo for t > 0
there is plug flow outside of the test section; an
open boundary is one at which the same dis- where C o and CQ are the tracer concentrations
persion parameter characterizes the flow condi- before and after the step change, respectively.
tions within and adjacent to the test section. In this case a closed form solution is possible
There are then four different possible sets of with
boundary conditions on equation 11.1.29, de- C - Co
pending on whether a completely open or (11.1.32)
completely closed vessel, a closed-open vessel,
or an open-closed vessel is assumed. Different where the term in parentheses is the argument
solutions will be obtained for different boundary of the error function.*
conditions. Fortunately, for small values of the The relative response at the end of a tubular
dispersion parameter, the differences between reactor of length L is identical with the F(t)
the various solutions will be small.
If we now consider a step change in tracer * The error function is tabulated in most handbooks of
concentration in the feed to an "open" tube that mathematical tables. It is useful to note that erf( — x) =
can be regarded as extending to infinity in both — erf(x) and that
directions from the injection point, the appro- 2 rx y
erf x = — e dy
priate initial and boundary conditions on JnJo
11.1 The Residence Time Distribution Function dF(t) 399

curve at Z = L. If we define r* = L/u, At Z - L,

- erf - /— -t (11.1.35)

(11.1.33) For constant density systems the variable t*

This equation is plotted in Figure 11.7 for L V
different values of the parameter Q)LjuL. When T= = (1LL36)
this parameter is zero, there is no axial disper-
sion, and the reactor acts as a plug flow reactor.
* 7 it
and the previous equation becomes



The response in this case is shown in Figure It should be noted that an overall material
11.7 to be the expected step-function response. balance requires that all the tracer pass the
At the other extreme, a value of SJJUL equal monitoring station.
to infinity corresponds to an ideal stirred tank
reactor. CL(t)rodt = mT (11.1.38)
In the case where one injects a perfect pulse
of tracer Levenspiel and Smith (8) have shown Combining equations 11.1.36 to 11.1.38 gives

CL(t) 1
0 CL(t)d(t/V (t/1*)

that the solution to equation 11.1.29 is If the right side of this equation is plotted
versus dimensionless time for various values of
c = the group Q)JuL (the reciprocal Peclet number),
the types of curves shown in Figure 11.8 are
where obtained. The skewness of the curve increases
with SiJuL and, for small values of this param-
mT is the amount of tracer injected in eter, the shape approaches that of a normal
consistent units error curve. In physical terms this implies
L and VR are the length and volume of the test that when @L/uL is small, the shape of the
section, respectively axial concentration profile does not change
400 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

rPlug flow, {2>L/uL) = 0


1.8 —

1.6 —
^-[9L/uL) = 0.002 (small dispersion)

1.4 —

1.2 —

1.0 — \(Q>L/uL) = 0.02 (intermediate dispersion)

0.8 —


0.6 —
Ni [@L/uL) = 0.2
\\^*~ (large dispersion)
0.4 —
\ X. {2>r/uL)= 2.0
\ ^ v / " ^ (large dispersion)

0.0 V I X^ i i
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Dimensionless time, t/1*

Figure 11.8
Effluent response curves for perfect impulse injection of tracer (axial
dispersion model). (Adapted from Chemical Reaction Engineering,
Second Edition, by O. Levenspiel. Copyright © 1972. Reprinted by
permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.)

appreciably in the time interval required for the time at which the maximum tracer concentra-
fluid to pass the monitoring station. However, tion is observed at the monitoring station. The
when @L/uL is of order 0.01 or greater, the shape result is
changes significantly in this time interval.
Differentiation of the last equation with -l-r) (H.1.40)
respect to (t/1*) can be used to determine the T
11.1 The Residence Time Distribution Function dF(i) 401

or versus time on probability paper will be linear.

Since the dispersion parameter is related to the
variance of the curve (see below), it is a simple
matter to use this plot to determine 3)L. For a
Inspection of equation 11.1.40 indicates that normal error curve, one standard deviation on
the time at which the maximum concentration either side of the mean comprises 68% of the
is reached must lie between zero and 7* and total area under the curve. Thus the 16th and
that for very small values of @L/uL the maxi- 84th percentile points on the F curve are two
mum is very close toT*. standard deviations apart, and £84% — t16% =
Equations 11.1.33 and 11.1.39 provide the 2(jf. Using relations developed below for small
basis for several methods of estimating disper-
sion parameters. Tracer experiments are used 1
in the absence of chemical reactions to deter- 2 (11.1.43)
uL 2 7*)
mine the dispersion parameter Q)L\ this value
is then employed in a material balance for a Alternative methods of estimating Q>L are
reactive component to predict the reactor ef- based on the response of the reactor to an ideal
fluent composition. We will now indicate some pulse input. For example, equation 11.1.39 may
methods that can be used to estimate the dis- be used to calculate the mean residence time
persion parameter from tracer measurements. and its variance. Levenspiel and Bischoff (9)
The simplest method of estimating Q)L from indicate that for the boundary conditions cited,
experimental tracer data is based on an evalua-
tion of the slope of the F(t) curve at t =7*. If 22>L
7 =7*( 1 (11.1.44)
we evaluate the derivative of equation 11.1.33 uL ~uL
at this point,
r ciF(t) i
(11.1.42) ^2 R
|_</(f/T*)J (1/T . )=1 ' at = (7
\_uL i£i I {lu-45)
This approach to determining suffers For other boundary conditions or for im-
from several disadvantages. perfect pulse injections, modifications must be
1. Taking the derivative of experimental data made in these expressions. For example, for a
is usually a rather inaccurate procedure. closed vessel, Levenspiel and Bischoff (9) in-
2. Only a small portion of the available data dicate that
(i.e., that near t = 7*) is used in this method. 7=7* (11.1.46)
3. Equation 11.1.33 is strictly applicable only and
to an ideal step change stimulus and the
boundary conditions cited. The plant or
laboratory situation may not correspond to
these assumptions. (11.1.47)
For small values of the dispersion param- For the case where [Q)LjuV) is small (say less
eter one may take advantage of the fact that than 0.01) the various expressions for of
equation 11.1.37 takes the shape of a normal become
error curve. This implies that for a step function
input a plot of (C - Co)/(C£ - Q ) or F(t)
402 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

This approximation is valid to within 5% at this where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the up-
limit. Since the axial dispersion term itself may stream and downstream locations, respectively.
be viewed as a perturbation or correction term This equation reflects the fact that variances
for real tubular reactors, errors of this magni- are additive for flow through independent ves-
tude in Q)L lead to relatively minor errors in the sels or regions. This property implies that the
conversion predicted by the model. variance of the residence time distribution can
In principle any of the equations 11.1.40, be determined for any region if the variances
11.1.44, 11.1.45, 11.1.47, or 11.1.48 could be used of the inlet and effluent streams are known. In
to determine the dispersion parameter. How- similar fashion mean residence times are addi-
ever, both equations 11.1.40 and 11.1.44 require tive; thus, for the test section,
that one accurately determine a small difference
^test M (11.1.50)
in large numbers to evaluate Q}LjuL. Hence
equations 11.1.45 and 11.1.47 are preferred for The aforementioned investigators (10-12)
evaluation of SfJuL for open and closed vessels, have derived equations relating the measured
respectively. For small @L/uL, equation 11.1.48 mean residence times and variances to the
is appropriate. Peclet number or dispersion parameter for the
The discussion thus far presumes that a test section. For the case where the conditions
perfect pulse or step input is employed when, at both monitoring probes correspond to a
in fact, such inputs can only be approximated. doubly infinite pipe, it can be shown that
In the case of pulse inputs one is also faced
with two conflicting constraints in attempting Acx2 = (11.1.51)
to generate a perfect pulse or delta function.
Since a finite amount of tracer cannot be in- If the measuring points are chosen far enough
jected in zero time, as much material should be away from the ends of the test vessel so that end
injected in as short a time as possible in order effects are negligible, this expression may be
to approximate a delta function. However, the used with confidence. Bischoff and Levenspiel
injection process should not disturb the system (12) have presented design charts that permit
significantly. This latter requirement implies one to locate monitoring stations so as to avoid
that the tracer should be injected very slowly. end effects. For example, in a packed bed re-
Fortunately, these difficulties may be circum- actor with a tube to pellet diameter ratio of 15,
vented by using the imperfect pulse method de- where the packed bed is followed by an open
scribed by Aris (10), Bischoff (11), and Bischoff tube, at least 8 pellet diameters are required
and Levenspiel (12). The technique involves between the measurement point and the open
monitoring the concentration at two points in tube if errors below 1% are to be obtained.
the test section instead of at a single point. In addition to the aforementioned slope and
It does not matter where the injection point is variance methods for estimating the dispersion
located, provided that it is upstream of the two parameter, it is possible to use transfer functions
monitoring stations. Any type of imperfect in the analysis of residence time distribution
pulse input may be employed. The variances of curves. This approach reduces the error in the
the concentration-time curves at the two moni- variance approach that arises from the "tails"
toring stations are determined and their dif- of the concentration versus time curves. These
ference is taken. tails contribute significantly to the variance and
can be responsible for significant errors in the
= o\ - o\ (11.1.49) determination of £^L.
11.1 The Residence Time Distribution Function dF(t) 403

A linear system may be described by a transfer Rearrangement of this equation gives

function F(/>)\
1 ft
c2(V) - 5 (1U.57)
Numerical values of F(/0 may be calculated
from the experimental data for arbitrary values
Jo 2«A of / using equation 11.1.54. One takes these
values and prepares a plot of the left side of equa-
CAt)e /r
dt fccMdt tion 11.1.57 versus //{£n[l/F(/>)]} 2 for test
/ data. This procedure should give a straight line of
(11.1.52) slope7* and intercept ( — QtJuL). Hopkins et al.
where Cx(t) and C2(t) are the tracer concentra- (15) have shown that some discretion must be
tions (as functions of time) at the upstream and used in selecting the "arbitrary" / values in
downstream monitoring stations, respectively. order to minimize the error involved in deter-
Material balance considerations indicate that mining SiJuL. Low values of the group (/?*)
lead to large errors in Q)LjuL because the transfer
J j 0 C2(t) dt = Jo°° Cx(t) dt (11.1.53) function is relatively insensitive to variations in
(QiJuL) at low (ft*). Large values of the group
(ft*) are also disadvantageous because of the
effect of the exponential (<?~/r) on the individual
values of the integrands in equation 11.1.54. The
weighting factor (e~/Jt) minimizes the influence
The material balance characterizing the axial of the tail, but emphasizes the values of C(t) at
dispersion model is equation 11.1.29, which can short times when concentration fluctuations
be rewritten as may be important. Hopkins et al. (15) recom-
c2C (11L551 mend that values of (ft*) between 2 and 5 be

uLj d(Z/L)2 ' -©f"° used when dealing with flow through packed
In addition to the three methods described
above, nonlinear regression methods or other
L is the distance between monitoring stations
transform approaches may be used to determine
L/u is again defined as 7* the dispersion parameter. For a more complete
For a section of a continuous system where treatment of the use of transform methods,
end effects are negligible several investiga- consult the articles by Hopkins et al. (15) and
tors (e.g., 13-14) have shown that the transform Ostergaard and Michelsen (14).
of this equation with respect to time leads to Illustration 11.2 indicates the use of the slope
the following expression. and variance methods for evaluating 3)JuL.

In Illustration 11.1 we considered the response

(11.1.56) of an arbitrary reactor to a pulse input and used
404 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

this data to determine the average residence time to a pulse, the variance in t is given by
and the F(t) curve. If the pulse is assumed to
be perfect, what value of(@JuL) gives a reason- dt
able fit of the experimental data? Use the slope dt
and variance methods to evaluate this param- dF(t)
eter. Jo dt
Solution — - dt - I2
Jo V- dt
First consider the slope method for determining
2JuL. From a plot of the F(t) curve the value If steady-state operation, invariant mass flow,
of dF(t)/dt at t = 1 = 374.4 sec or 0.3744 ksec and evenly spaced time increments are assumed,
is equal to 2.17 ksec" 1 . From equation 11.1.42, as in Illustration 11.1, this equation may be
written as
VdF(t) t =00

l = 0.3744(2.17)
I <2cE -i 2
2 t= 0

Thus I cE
= 0.121
uL From the data in Table 11.I.I it is evident that

1 /O + 93,600 + 720,000 + 1,620,000 + 2,304,000

- (374.4)2
" 5O0\ + 1,800,000 + 1,296,000 + 705,600 + 0

The F(t) curve corresponding to this value of or = 30,609 sec2

the reactor dispersion parameter may be de-
In order to proceed from this point to a
termined using equation 11.1.33.
determination of the reactor dispersion param-
Now consider the determination of this
eter one must know something about the
parameter using the variance of the response to
experimental setup. If we consider an open
a pulse input. The variance measures the spread
vessel, equation 11.1.45 indicates that
of the distribution about the mean. For a
continuous distribution it is defined as
(x - fi)2f(x) dx Since no information regarding L/u or VR/Y0
a = is provided, we assume as a first approximation
that7* = 7 = 374.4 sec. Thus
30,609 = (374.4)2(2)
fj. is the mean
x is the property being investigated
f(x) dx is the distribution function = 0.1092
In terms of the present problem for the response Solving for 2>JuL gives 0.0822.
11.1 The Residence Time Distribution Function dF(t) 405

A more refined value may be obtained using Since the total average residence time in the
equation 11.1.44 to determine 7*. actual reactor (7) is given by
7 374.4 T/
r = = 321.5 t = (11.1.60)
1 + 2(0.0822)
equation 11.1.59 may be rewritten as
As a second approximation,
f + f" = ^ p (11.1.61)
= 0.1481
uL (321.5)2(2) If we are determining the response of the
series of stirred tank reactors to a step change
or in inlet tracer concentration from 0 to CQ at
— = 0.104 time zero, the initial condition for this differ-
ential equation is
Subsequent iterations lead to the conclusion
that 9JuL = 0.113. This result differs from Cn = 0 for t=0 and n>0
that obtained by the slope approach by 7%. The solution to this equation may be obtained
Note that if one has a value for VR/% as in the using the integrating factor approach to give
normal situation, the iterative procedure is un-
necessary. However, in this case equation 11.1.44 Cn = e~nt/r (11.1.62)
should not be used to determine @L/uL, because
significant errors may be involved in accurately The integral may be evaluated for each stage
determining a small difference in large numbers. of the reactor network in turn. For the first
stage, Cn^1 = Co, so that The Stirred Tanks in Series Model tC

= e-t/f[ ^Leiltdt (11.1.63)
Another model that is frequently used to sim- Jo t
ulate the behavior of actual reactor networks is or
a cascade of ideal stirred tank reactors oper- = e-"T(e'IT - 1) = 1 - e-"T (11.1.64)
ating in series. The actual reactor is replaced by
n identical stirred tank reactors whose total when there is just one stage.
volume is the same as that of the actual reactor. If there are n reactors in s e r i e s ^ reactor = ~i/n
VR = nVCSTR (11.1.58) and

One determines the value of n that gives the ^ = 1 - e~m/f (H.1.65)

best fit of the response curve of the actual
reactor by the response curve of the model. where 7 is the mean residence time for the entire
Consequently, it is necessary to develop an network.
analytical expression for the latter. For the nth Equations 11.1.62 and 11.1.64 may be com-
stirred tank reactor in the series the time- bined to obtain the equation for the tracer
dependent form of the material balance equa- concentration in the effluent from the second
tion becomes (in the absence of reaction) reactor when two reactors comprise the network.
-^ (11.1.59) C7 = e~2t/T —e )e2t/t dt

Input Output Accumulation (11.1.66)

406 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions


e2tlT - 1) dt =

• " - • - I -'-«-"(>+.*7: (11.1.67)

where t is the mean residence time for the two reactor cascade.
One may proceed stepwise in this fashion to develop a general recursion formula for the
concentration leaving reactor) in an n reactor cascade.

,-ntll nt nt nt nt:

The response curve for the network as a whole is obtained by setting ./equal to n in equation 11.1.68.
Note t h a t ! is given by equation 11.1.60.

1 nt

Note that in this case the right side of equation 11.1.68 is zero for t = 0 and unity for t = oo. Figure
11.9 contains several F(t) curves for various values of n. As n increases, the spread in residence time
decreases. In the limit, as n approaches infinity the F(t) curve approaches that for an ideal plug flow
reactor. If the residence time distribution function given by 11.1.69 is differentiated, one obtains an

0.75 -

0.25 —

0.5 1 1.5 2.0 2.5

Dimensionless time, t/I

Figure 11.9
Residence time distribution curves for the n-CSTR model.
11.1 The Residence Time Distribution Function dF(t) 407

equation for the slope of the curve from An alternative to the slope approach to
which n may be determined by comparison determining the appropriate value of n for use
with the experimental F{t) curve. in model calculations is based on a determina-
tion of the variance of the response of the actual

W "^[ 1 + T + ^[T]a + "'-+ ( ^ [ T r
ntlT (11.1.70)
(n - 2)!

or reactor to a pulse input. For linear systems this

is equivalent to determining the variance of the
dF(t) nt
(11.1.71) derivative of the F(t) curve. The response of the
series of reactors to a pulse input is given by
At (t/t) = 1, the slope is equal to equation 11.1.71. The variance of this expression
is given by its second moment.
dF(t)~] nne~n n"
- 1)! n\
*™ = Jo T
For n > 5 we may use Stirling's approxima- (11.1.75)
tion and retain an accuracy of 2%.
n\ ^ n"e~nJ27zn (11.1.73) Evaluation of this integral leads to the sur-
prisingly simple result that
Combination of equations 11.1.72 and 11.1.73
gives (11.1.76)
[dF(t) Thus
^ /— forrc > 5 (11.1.74)
l f =
= ^ (11.1.77)
Approximate values of the slope at t/t — 1
for n < 5 are: and by determining the variance of the response
of a system to a pulse input, one may obtain
n 1 2 3 4 5 an estimate of n for use in subsequent reactor
Slope 0.368 0.541 0.672 0.781 0.877 design calculations.
The model suffers from the fact that it allows For cases where two monitoring stations are
only integer values of n and that it may not be used, equation 11.1.49 is applicable, and
possible to obtain a match of the residence time
distribution function at both high and low values (11.1.78)
of F(t) with the same value of n. Buffham and Ct)2
Gibilaro (16) have generalized the model to where) is now the equivalent number of stirred
include noninteger values of n. The technique tanks between the two stations.
outlined by these individuals is particularly Illustration 11.3 indicates how n may be
useful in obtaining better fits of the data for determined by each of the two methods dis-
cases where n is less than 5. cussed above.
408 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

ILLUSTRATION 11.3 USE OF actors with nonideal flow patterns. As indicated

EXPERIMENTAL RESPONSE DATA TO earlier, there are two types of limiting processes
DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF STIRRED that can lead to a distribution of residence times
TANK REACTORS IN SERIES within a reactor network.
Use the data of Illustration 11.1 for the response 1. A flow pattern in which the various fluid
of a reactor network to a pulse input to deter- elements follow different paths without mu-
mine the number of identical stirred tank reac- tual mixing on a microscopic scale. An
tors in series that gives a reasonable fit of the example of this case is laminar flow.
experimental data. Use both the slope and 2. Mixing of fluid elements having different ages.
variance methods described above. Microscopic mixing produced by eddy diffu-
sion effects is an example of this case.
Since these two types of processes have drasti-
From a plot of the data for Illustration 11.1, cally different effects on the conversion levels
achieved in chemical reactions, they provide the
3744(2.17) = 0.81 basis for the development of mathematical
ld(t/t)]m =1 I ddt \ models that can be used to provide approximate
From the tabulated values of the slope at the limits within which one can expect actual
point where t/1 = 1, it is evident that n must lie isothermal reactors to perform. In the develop-
between 4 and 5. ment of these models we will define a segregated
The variance approach may also be used to system as one in which the first effect is entirely
determine n. From Illustration 11.2 the variance responsible for the spread in residence times.
of the response data based on dimensionless When the distribution of residence times is
time is 30609/(374.4)2, or 0.218. From equation established by the second effect, we will refer
11.1.76 it is evident that n is 4.59. Thus the results to the system as mixed. In practice one en-
of the two approaches are consistent. However, a counters various combinations of these two
comparison oftheF(r) curves for n = 4 and ft = limiting effects.
5 with the experimental data indicates that these We can characterize the mixed systems most
approaches do not provide very good represen- easily in terms of the longitudinal dispersion
tations of the data. For the reactor network in model or in terms of the cascade of stirred tank
question it is difficult to model the residence reactors model. The maximum amount of
time distribution function in terms of a single mixing occurs for the cases where Q)L = oo or
parameter. This is one of the potential difficulties n = 1. In general, for reaction orders greater
inherent in using such simple models of reactor than unity, these models place a lower limit on
behavior. For more advanced methods of the conversion that will be obtained in an
modeling residence time effects, consult the actual reactor. The applications of these models
review article by Levenspiel and Bischoff (3) and are treated in Sections 11.2.2 and 11.2.3.
textbooks written by these authors (2, 4). In the segregated flow model the contents
of the volume elements of the fluid do not mix
with one another as they move through the
reactor. Each element may be considered as a
small closed system that moves through the
The present section indicates how tracer resi- reactor. The different systems spend varying
dence time data may be used to predict the amounts of time in the reactor, giving rise to
conversion levels that will be obtained in re- the measured residence time distribution func-
11.2 Conversion Levels in Nonideal Flow Reactors 409

tion. The closest approximation to this condition S: No mixing of the contents of the elements
that one can encounter in engineering practice as they move through the reactor (complete
is a laminar flow reactor in which molecular segregation).
diffusion in both longitudinal and radial direc- M: Complete mixing of the contents immedi-
tions is negligible. Another real-life situation in ately on entrance followed by flow through
which a segregated flow pattern is largely the reactor in the completely mixed state.
responsible for the spread in residence times is
If we assume a rate expression of the form
one in which there is some short-circuiting or
bypassing of portions of the reactor volume as r = kCn (11.2.1)
the fluid moves through the reactor. The by-
the total conversion rates under the two lim-
passed regions may be considered as "dead"
iting circumstances outlined above are given by
spaces that contribute to the^ total reactor
volume but that do not contribute to the overall Rs = Vk(C1 + C\) (11.2.2)
conversion rate in proportion to their volume. and
Since they are not effectively purged by the
prevailing flow pattern, they often contain fluid (11.2.3)
in which the reaction has gone substantially to
completion. It should be evident that this For a differential reactor and the same resi-
situation should be avoided in the proper dence time the ratio of these rates will be equal
design of chemical reactors. In general, for to the ratio of the conversion levels attained.
reaction orders greater than unity, the segre-
gated flow model places an upper limit on the C,
conversion that will be obtained in an actual fu 2 -
reactor. For a first-order reaction occurring
isothermally, the model can be used to predict
accurately the conversion that will be attained
C\ + C\ C2
in a real reactor whose F(t) curve is known. (11.2.5)
The details of the analysis are discussed in
Section 11.2.1. unless n = 1 or n = 0, these are the only cases
In general, the larger the range of the distri- for which the two extreme situations will con-
bution of residence times, the greater the verge to the same limit. In these cases the fraction
discrepancy between the conversion levels pre- conversion will be the same whether or not fluid
dicted on the basis of the segregated flow model elements having different reactant concentra-
and those predicted by the various mixing tions remain segregated or are mixed prior to or
models. For narrow distribution functions the during the reaction.
conversions predicted by both models will be For reaction orders greater than unity the
in good agreement with one another. segregated flow model will predict a higher con-
To illustrate the nature of the limits that the version level than the various mixing models.
segregated flow and mixing models place on the For reaction orders less than unity the mixing
expected conversion level, it is useful to examine models will predict higher conversion levels than
what happens to two elements of fluid that have the segregated flow model. The magnitude of the
the same volume V9 but that contain different differences for representative cases are shown in
reactant concentrations C1 and C 2 . We may Illustrations 11.5 to 11.7. The following illustra-
imagine two extreme limits on the amount of tion shows that for the first-order case, reactor
mixing that may occur. combinations involving different mixing patterns
410 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

but the same residence time distribution function Solving for fA2
will give rise to the same predicted conversion.
REACTION Consider the alternative arrangement
The F(t) curve for a system consisting of a plug
flow reactor followed by a continuous stirred
tank reactor is identical to that of a system in
which the CSTR precedes the PFR. Show that
the overall fraction conversions obtained in these
two combinations are identical for the case of an where fAl and/^ 2 are the conversions at the out-
irreversible first-order reaction. Assume isother- let of the CSTR and the PFR, respectively.
mal operation. From the design equation for the CSTR,

T =
IA l
Let TP and TC represent the space times of the - fxi) HI - fAAl)
plug flow reactor and the continuous stirred
tank reactor respectively. Consider the following
reactor combination (A)

From the design equation for the PFR,

_ r r/'Ai dfA

J/AX KCA0(l - JA)

where fAi andfA2 are the conversions at the out- Integration gives
let of the first and second reactors, respectively.
From the design equation for a PFR,
dfA or
T = CA0 [Ul (B)
p AV j 0 - fA)
Combining equations (A) and (B) and rearrang-
Integration gives ing gives
kzp = - £ n ( l -fA1) e~kZp _ 1 + /CTC - e~kTp
or =
" /CT C /CT C
f — 1 p-kip
This relation is identical to that obtained for
From the design equation for a CSTR, the first arrangement. This illustration provides
an example of the general principle that for ir-
reversible first-order reactions carried out iso-
T, =
- fA2) - fA2) thermally, all reactor combinations having the
11.2 Conversion Levels in Nonideal Flow Reactors 411

same residence time distribution function give ILLUSTRATION 11.5 USE OF THE
rise to the same overall conversion. SEGREGATED FLOW MODEL TO
You should repeat the analysis for a second- DETERMINE THE CONVERSION LEVEL
order reaction to verify that for other reaction OBTAINED IN A NON-IDEAL FLOW
orders the overall conversion will depend on REACTOR
whether the PFR precedes the CSTR or vice Use the F(t) curve generated in Illustration 11.1
versa. to determine the fraction conversion that will be
achieved in the reactor if it is used to carry out
a first-order reaction with a rate constant equal
11.2.1 The Segregated Flow Model
to 3.33 x 10" 3 sec" 1 . Base the calculations on
The basic premise of the segregated flow model the segregated flow model.
is that the various fluid elements move through
the reactor at different speeds without mixing Solution
with one another. Consequently, each little fluid
Equation 11.2.7 is the key equation to the solu-
element will behave as if it were a batch reactor
tion of this problem.
operating at constant pressure. The conversions
attained within the various fluid elements will
</A> = j™°o° fA(t) dF(t) (A)
be equal to those in batch reactors with holding
times equal to the residence times of the different
For a first-order reaction,
fluid elements. The average conversion level in
the effluent is then given by

/Fraction conversion expressed as /Fraction of the fluid elements having\

\JA? — (11.2.6)
\ a f unc tion of residence time I residence times between t and t + dt)

where the summation extends over all possible so that equation A becomes
residence times. In terms of an integral
)= 1.0 <fA> = l-
</.> = j ; fA(t)dF(t) (11.2.7) ^ dt

An alternative interpretation of the segregated Substituting equation 11.1.6 into this relation
flow model that leads to precisely the same result gives
involves replacing the actual reactor by a num-
ber of plug flow reactors in parallel so that the f= O
combination will give rise to the F(t) curve ob-
served experimentally. Under these conditions
the degree of conversion in a fraction of the If we assume a constant density system and a
effluent stream dF(i) is equal to that which would constant mass flow rate and replace the integrals
occur in an ideal PFR with a residence time t. by finite sums, we have
When the different streams are recombined at
the outlet, the average conversion level is again £ (e-ktwE At)
given by equations 11.2.6 and 11.2.7. In order to
indicate how one makes use of these relations,
wE At
consider Illustration 11.5.
412 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

If we now replace the mass fractions by con- obtained above with those that will be obtained
centrations and note that our data are recorded in Illustrations 11.6 and 11.7.
at evenly spaced time increments,
For systems with a wide distribution of resi-
I dence times, the degree of conversion can be
<fA> = 1 - calculated accurately only in the case of a first-
order reaction. However, if it is possible to
estimate in some rough fashion the extents to
The data are worked up below. which mixing and segregation effects contribute
to the observed residence time distribution, one
can bracket the actual performance of the reactor
Time, t (sec) Q CEe~kl with the solutions obtained from the completely
0 0.0 1.00 0.0
segregated flow model and those obtained from
120 6.5 0.670 4.36 models consisting of various combinations of
240 12.5 0.449 5.61 ideal reactors. It is an extremely rare situation in
360 12.5 0.301 3.76 which one knows the flow pattern in the reactor
480 10.0 0.202 2.02 sufficiently well that an exact calculation of the
600 5.0 0.135 0.68 conversion can be performed. Instead, one must
720 2.5 0.091 0.23 be satisfied with bracketing the solution in terms
840 1.0 0.061 0.06 of models based on segregated flow and various
960 0.0 — 0.0 mixing effects. Two commonly used mixing
1080 0.0 — 0.0 models are described in the next two sections.
YfiE = 50.0 = 16.72
11.2.2 The Longitudinal Dispersion Model
Thus in the Presence of Chemical Reaction

/f \ 1 16.72 In Section we considered the longi-

50.00 tudinal dispersion model for flow in tubular
reactors and indicated how one may employ
= 0.666 tracer measurements to determine the magnitude
As an alternative to this numerical procedure, of the dispersion parameter used in the model.
graphical integration of the terms in equation B In this section we will consider the problem of
could be employed. determining the conversion that will be attained
Since the reaction under consideration is a when the model reactor operates at steady state.
first-order reaction, this result should be in good We will proceed by writing a material balance
agreement with the conversions predicted on on a reactant species A using a tubular reactor.
the basis of various mixing models. That this is The mass balance over a reactor element of
true can be seen from a comparison of the result length AZ becomes:

— A + (-rA)nR2 AZ (11.2.8)
'dZ+ ) Output Disappearance
Input by reaction
11.2 Conversion Levels in Nonideal Flow Reactors 413

where we have taken into account the fact that conversions and large S!L/uL significantly larger
material enters and leaves the volume element reactors are required than would be predicted
by bulk flow and by longitudinal dispersion. If by a plug flow analysis. However, at large SiJuL,
we divide by AZ and take the limit as AZ ap- . the dispersion model may well be inappropriate
proaches zero, equation 11.2.8 becomes for use. Consequently, only the lower segment
of Figure 11.10 is of general utility for design
d2CA calculations.
2 .—±+rA = 0 (11.2.9)
Iz Numerical solutions to equation 11.2.9 have
been obtained for reaction orders other than
Note the similarities and differences between unity. Figure 11.11 summarizes the results ob-
this equation and the time-dependent equation tained by Levenspiel and Bischoff (18) for
used to evaluate the dispersion parameter second-order kinetics. Like the chart for first-
(equation 11.1.29). order kinetics, it is most appropriate for use
For a first-order irreversible reaction equation when the dimensionless dispersion group is
11.2.9 becomes small. Fan and Bailie (19) have solved the equa-
d2CA tions for quarter-order, half-order, second-order,
- kCA = 0 (11.2.10) and third-order kinetics. Others have used per-
dZ2 dZ
turbation methods to arrive at analogous results
Wehner and Wilhelm (17) have obtained an for the dispersion model (e.g. 20,21).
analytical solution to this equation for the case There are several closed form approximate
where 8A = 0. The solution is valid both when solutions to both the general and first-order
one has plug flow and when one has dispersion forms of the dispersion equations (11.2.9 and
in the regions adjacent to the test section. 11.2.10). For example, Levenspiel and Bischoff

- 1 f ~ - (11.2.11)
cM~ ~d
where (2, 3, 4) indicate that for small dispersion num-
bers (SiJuL) equation 11.2.11 can be rewritten
in the following form if one expands the ex-
ponentials and drops higher-order terms.
Levenspiel and Bischoff (18) have compared
this solution with that for the plug flow case. CAO

= 1 - fA = e~kx = e~kLlu (11.2.13) = -kx + ( / C T ) 2 - ^ (11.2.14)
They determined the ratio of the dispersion or, using equation 11.2.13 for the same reactor
reactor volume to the plug flow reactor volume space time and the same reactor volume,
necessary to accomplish the same degree of con-
version for several values of the dimensionless In fC^cdispersionN| = (kr)2 ^ (11.2.15)
dispersion parameter 2JuL. Figure 11.10 sum- V ^piug / uL
marizes their results. It is evident that for high This equation indicates that the conversion in
414 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

i i 11 1 I M I II

First order

y-j^l = 0 (plug flow)
1/ I II I I II
0.01 0.1
= C /C
A A0

Figure 11.10
Comparison of real and plug flow reactors for the first-order reaction A ->
products, assuming negligible expansion (SA = 0). (Adapted from Chemical
Reaction Engineering, Second Edition, by O. Levenspiel. Copyright © 1972.
Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.)

the dispersion reactor will always be less than where rA exit and rA0 are the rates at the exit a n d
that in the plug flow reactor (C^ dispersion > C/lplug). entrance of a plug flow reactor with the same
For the case where one fixes the effluent com- space time as the dispersion (real) reactor.
position instead of the reactor size, equations The influence of dispersion on the yield of an
11.2.13 and 11.2.14 can be manipulated to show intermediate produced in a series reaction has
that, for small also been studied. When Q)JuL is less than 0.05,
Tichacek's results (22) indicate that the frac-
-^dispersion ^dispersion 4 °^L tional decrease in the maximum a m o u n t of
— — — 1 ——
^ plugflow *pp lugflow intermediate formed relative to plug flow con-
(for same conversion) (11.2.16) ditions is approximated by Q}L/uL itself. Results
obtained at higher dispersion numbers are
Levenspiel and Bischoff (3) have used a deri- given in the original article.
vation by Pasquon and Dente (20) to obtain an Douglas and Bischoff (23) have considered the
expression that gives an approximate solution influence of volumetric expansion effects on the
to 11.2.9 for small Q)LjuL and arbitrary kinetics. yields obtained with dispersion.

CA dispersion
A plug S)' r -" ta (7f (11.2.17)
11.2 Conversion Levels in Nonideal Flow Reactors 415


\ ZA = °° {mixed now) id ore

0 = < 000

/ " \
/ X 10


.2 it
\ \200 (L ines of const ant volij m e
or holdin 3 time)
/ s
\ >J 00
/ /
s^ ' \
/ •

/^ '—«,
• * ^ , / /
X V,
\ 20

> >3
\ "

/ 4 > ^
—7 » —

/ 0.06 25 / N
= 0 (plug flov /) 7 •

—— ss
0.01 0.1

Figure 11.11
Comparison of real and plug flow reactors for the second-order reactions

A +B products, CA0 = CB

2A products

assuming negligible expansion (SA = 0). (Adapted from Chemical Reaction

Engineering, Second Edition, by O. Levenspiel. Copyright © 1972. Reprinted
by permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.)

Illustration 11.6 indicates how the longitudinal 11.1. Assume that the value of the first-order
dispersion model may be used to predict reactor rate constant is 3.33 x 10" 3 sec" 1 .
ILLUSTRATION 11.6 USE OF THE Equation 11.2.11 is applicable in this case. Using
DISPERSION MODEL TO DETERMINE THE the results obtained in Illustrations 11.1 and 11.2,
NONIDEAL FLOW REACTOR p = [1 + 4(3.33 x l(T3)(0.113)(374.4)]1/2
= 1.25
Use the dispersion parameter determined in
Illustration 11.2 to predict the conversion that where we have used the value of @L/uL deter-
will be attained in the reactor of Illustration mined by the variance approach.
416 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

From equation 11.2.11,

CA 4(1.25)e 1/2(0 - 113)

= 0.327
C i.25)V- 2 5 / 2 ( 0 - 1 1 3 ) - (1 - 1.25) 2 6'- 1 - 25/2(0 - 113)

Thus where
fA = 1 - 0.327 = 0.673
T = (11.2.20)
This result compares to a value of 0.666 pre-
dicted on the basis of the segregated flow model. The final effluent concentration is related to
Excellent agreement should be obtained for the the inlet concentration in the following manner.
first-order case if the dispersion parameter gives
a good fit of the experimental F(t) curve. Agree- r^
ment for reaction orders other than unity will
not be nearly as good.
where/, is the fraction conversion leaving tank n.
11.2.3 Determination of Conversion
The use of the reactor cascade model to esti-
Levels Based on the Cascade of Stirred
mate the conversion level attained in a first-
Tank Reactors Model
order reaction is discussed in Illustration 11.7.
In Section we considered a model of
reactor performance in which the actual reactor ILLUSTRATION 11.7 USE OF THE CASCADE
is simulated by a cascade of equal-sized con- OF STIRRED TANK REACTORS MODEL TO
tinuous stirred tank reactors operating in series. PREDICT REACTOR PERFORMANCE
We indicated how the residence time distribution
Use the model based on a cascade of stirred tank
function can be used to determine the number of
tanks that best model the tracer measurement reactors to predict the conversion that will be
data. Once this parameter has been determined, attained in the reactor of Illustration 11.1. As-
the techniques discussed in Section 8.3.2 can be sume that the value of the first-order rate con-
used to determine the effluent conversion level. stant is 3.33 10" 3 sec" 1 .
If the case of an irreversible first-order reac-
tion is considered, a material balance on the nth Solution
CSTR gives In Illustration 11.1 we found! or T to be 374.4
sec, while in Illustration 11.3 we determined that
the value of n must lie between 4 and 5. From
equation 11.2.21, with n = 4,
Input Output Disappearance
by reaction 1
where / = 1 " 3.33 x 10"3(374.4)
VR is the volume of the actual reactor
VR/n is the volume of the CSTR used in the model = 1 - 0.337 = 0.662
Equations of this form were treated in Section For a constant density system, For n = 5, / = 0.671, and for n = 4.59, / =
Cn = (11.2.19) All these values are close to those predicted
by the segregated flow and dispersion models.
Literature Citations 417

11.3 GENERAL COMMENTS AND the reactor size may have to be increased to a
RULES OF THUMB value appreciably greater than that required by
In the previous section we indicated how various plug flow conditions. The additional volume
mathematical models may be used to simulate requirements may be determined using the mod-
the performance of a reactor in which the flow els outlined previously.
patterns do not fit the ideal CSTR or PFR condi- Note that even though various flow models
tions. The models treated represent only a small will often predict conversion levels that are
fraction of the large number that have been within a few percent of one another, one must be
proposed by various authors. However, they are extremely careful in the overall design calcula-
among the simplest and most widely used mod- tions, particularly if the conversion level is high.
els, and they permit one to bracket the expected If an ideal plug flow reactor gives a conversion
performance of an isothermal reactor. However, of 98% and proper accounting for nonideal flow
small variations in temperature can lead to much conditions by various models gives a range of
more significant changes in the reactor perfor- conversion levels from 95 to 97%, the magnitude
mance than do reasonably large deviations inflow of subsequent separation problems will vary
patterns from idealized conditions. Because the widely depending on the model chosen. For
rate constant depends exponentially on tempera- example, if product specifications call for a purity
ture, uncertainties in this parameter can lead to of 99% or better, the required separations would
design uncertainties that will make any quantita- be quite different. In the ideal case one would
tive analysis of performance in terms of the have to reduce the impurity level from 2% to 1%;
residence time distribution function little more in the nonideal flow model it would have to be
than an academic exercise. Nonetheless, there reduced from 5% to 1%. The costs of the equip-
are many situations where such analyses are ment necessary to accomplish this task would
useful. vary greatly, depending on the input impurity
Denbigh (24) has provided a set of generaliza- level. Of course, it is only fair to point out that
tions that are useful in deciding when the con- any other sources of error in the conversion
versions attained in tubular reactors will deviate estimate (e.g., temperature variations) would
significantly from those predicted on the basis of have the same effect.
the plug flow model. For laminar flow, molecular The dispersion and stirred tank models of
diffusion in the longitudinal direction will not reactor behavior are in essence single parameter
appreciably affect reactor performance if the models. The literature contains an abundance of
reactor length is much greater than its diameter. more complex multiparameter models. For an
Molecular diffusion in the radial direction tends introduction to such models, consult the review
to destroy any concentration gradients that have article by Levenspiel and Bischoff (3) and the
been established and thus serves to offset devia- texts by these individuals (2, 4). The texts also
tions resulting from the velocity profile. In other contain discussions of the means by which resi-
words, it works in favor of the idealized assump- dence time distribution curves may be used
tions instead of against them. For turbulent to diagnose the presence of flow maldistribu-
flow, eddy diffusion is the dominant mode of tion and stagnant region effects in operating
dispersion, and it can significantly affect reactor equipment.
performance. A crude generalization that is valid
for simple reactions is that if the Reynolds num- LITERATURE CITATIONS
ber is greater than 104 and if the L/D ratio of the 1. Levenspiel, O., Chemical Reaction Engineering, First
reactor is at least 50, deviations from plug flow Edition, pp. 244-53, Wiley, New York, 1962.
because of longitudinal dispersion may be ne- 2. Levenspiel, O., Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second
glected. However, if these criteria are not met, Edition, pp. 253-314, Wiley, New York, 1972.
418 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

3. Levenspiel, O., and Bischoff, K. B., Adv. Chem. Eng., kg/m3 of NaCl, which does not appear to affect
4(95), 1963. the reactor performance or to be at all involved
4. Himmelblau, D. M., and Bischoff, K. B., Process Anal- in the reaction under study. Your assistant re-
ysis and Simulation, pp. 59-86, Wiley, New York, 1968.
commends that you carry out a residence time
5. Danckwerts, P. V., Chem. Eng. Sci., 2 (1), 1953. distribution study by making a step change in
6. Kramers, H., and Alberda, G., Chem. Eng. Sci., 2 (173), the inlet NaCl concentration and then observing
the effluent concentration of NaCl as a function
7. Kramers, H., and Westerterp, K. R., Elements of of time. The data below were reported for this
Chemical Reactor Design and Operation, Academic
Press, New York, 1963.
experiment. Use the data given to prepare an
F(t) curve and to determine the average residence
8. Levenspiel, O., and Smith, W. K., Chem. Eng. Sci., 6
(227), 1957. time in the reactor network.
9. Levenspiel, O., and Bischoff, K. B., op. cit, p. 112.
10. Aris, R., Chem. Eng. Sci., 9 (266), 1959. Effluent
11. Bischoff, K. B., Chem. Eng. Sci., 72(69), 1960. concentration
12. Bischoff, K. B., and Levenspiel, O., Chem. Eng. Sci., Time (kg/m3)
77(245), 1962.
13. Mixon, F. O., Whitaker, D. R., and Orcutt, J. C , 8:00 p.m. 1.0
AIChEJ., 13(21), 1967. 8:01 1.0
8:02 1.0
14. Qstergaard, K., and Michelsen, M. L., Can. J. Chem.
Eng., 47 (107), 1969. 8:03 1.0
15. Hopkins, M. J., Sheppard, A. J., and Eisenklam, P., 8:04 1.0
Chem. Eng. Sci., 24 (1131), 1969. 8:05 1.0
16. Buffham, B. A., and Gibilaro, L. G., AIChE J., 14 8:06 1.0
(805), 1968. 8:07 1.2
17. Wehner, J. F., and Wilhelm, R. H., Chem. Eng. Sci., 6
8:08 1.4
(89), 1959.
8:09 1.6
8:10 1.8
18. Levenspiel, O., and Bischoff, K. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 51
(1431), 1959.
8:11 2.0
8:12 2.2
19. Fan, L. T., and Bailie, R. C , Chem. Eng. Sci., 13 (63),
8:13 2.4
8:14 2.6
20. Pasquon, I., and Dente, M., J. Catalysis, 1 (508), 1962. 8:15 2.8
21. Burghardt, A., and Zaleski, T., Chem. Eng. Sci., 23 8:16 3.0
(575), 1968. 8:17 3.0
22. Tichacek, L. J., AIChEJ., 9 (394), 1963. 8:18 3.0
23. Douglas, J. M., and Bischoff, K. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 8:19 3.0
Process Design Develop., 3 (130), 1964. 8:20 3.0
24. Denbigh, K. G., Chemical Reactor Theory, pp. 50-51, 9:00 3.0
Cambridge University Press, London, 1965.

PROBLEMS 2. Tajbl, Simons, and Carberry {Ind. Eng. Chem.

Fundamentals, 5 (171), 1966] have developed a
1. You have been asked to carry out a residence stirred tank reactor for studies of catalytic re-
time distribution study on a reactor network actions. Baskets containing catalyst pellets are
that has evolved over the years by adding what- mounted on a drive shaft that can be rotated at
ever size and type of reactor was available at the different speeds. The unit is designed for contin-
moment. The feed stream presently contains 1 uous flow operation. In order to determine if
Problems 419

the performance of the unit approximated that 3. The residence time distribution for a con-
of an ideal continuous stirred tank reactor, these tinuous stirred tank reactor may be represented
investigators carried out a series of tracer experi- in terms of the F(t) curve as
ments at different agitator speeds and different F(t) = 1 - e'tlx or 1 - e~tlT
volumetric flow rates. The response of a non-
where the mean residence time 1 and the space
reacting system to a pulse input of helium in-
time T are identical when there is no volume
jected into a steadily flowing air stream was used
change on reaction. Show that the fraction con-
to characterize the reactor. The data are nor-
version in a CSTR calculated for a first-order
malized by assuming that the concentration of
reaction on the basis of the design equations will
the effluent at time zero is equal to the total mass
be identical with that predicted by the segregated
of tracer injected divided by the effective volume
flow model and the above F(t) curve. If k = 3.0
of the reactor. On the basis of the two sets of data
ksec" 1 , the reactor volume is 1.2 m 3 , and the
presented below, does the reactor appear to be a
feed rate is 4.0 m 3 /ksec, what will this conversion
good approximation to an ideal CSTR? Be sure
to use all the data in your analysis.
4. The following data have been reported as a
result of an effort to determine the distribution
Run 1 of residence times in a packed bed reactor. Use
Volumetric flow rate: 6.25 cmVsec these data to generate an F(t) curve and to deter-
Agitator speed: 1290 rpm mine the average residence time in the reactor.
A pulse of tracer is fed to the reactor at time
where C o is the zero.
normalizing concentration tjx
Time, t Effluent tracer
0.85 0.13 (sec) level (g/m3)
0.72 0.30
0.51 0.65 0 0.0
0.37 0.95 48 0.0
0.275 1.25 96 0.0
0.215 1.55 144 0.1
0.16 1.85 192 5.0
240 10.0
288 8.0
336 4.0
Run II 384 0.0
Volumetric flow rate: 10.6 cmVsec 432 0.0
Agitator speed: 630 rpm
If one desires to utilize this reactor to carry
c effluent /c 0 t/x
out a first-order isomerization reaction of the
0.80 0.20 type A -• R, and if the rate constant for the
0.65 0.40 reaction is 7.5 ksec" 1 , determine the average
0.49 0.70 conversion that one expects in this reactor. Com-
0.34 1.10 pare this value with those one would obtain in an
0.26 1.25 ideal PFR and in an ideal CSTR having the
0.19 1.63 same average residence time as our actual
0.14 2.05 reactor.
420 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

5. The following results were reported from the after the change. It may be assumed that the
operation of a flow reactor in which the reaction total mass flow rate (Om) remains substantially
A -> B was taking place. The reaction is first-
order, irreversible with k1 = 0.0433 sec" l. Pure 8. Levenspiel and Smith [Chem. Eng. Sci., 6
A enters the reactor. The exit stream consists of (227), 1957] have reported the data below for a
\0%A and 90% B. residence time experiment involving a length of
2.85 cm diameter pyrex tubing. A volume of
Time, / (sec) KMnO 4 solution that would fill 2.54 cm of the
tube was rapidly injected into a water stream
24 0.00 with a linear velocity of 35.7 cm/sec. A photo-
30 0.01 electric cell 2.74 m downstream from the injec-
45 0.15 tion point is used to monitor the local KMnO 4
54 0.40 concentration. Use slope, variance, and maxi-
60 0.50
mum concentration approaches to determine
66 0.60
the dispersion parameter. What is the mean
90 0.80
180 0.95 residence time of the fluid?
360 1.00
KMnO 4 concentration
Time, t (sec) (arbitrary units)
(a) Determine t, the average residence time for
this system. 0 0
(b) If the same conversion is to be obtained in an 2 11
ideal plug flow reactor, what is the corre- 4 53
sponding value of T? 6 64
(c) What is the value of 7 for a CSTR for the 8 58
same conversion? 10 48
(d) Comment on your results for parts (a), (b), 12 39
and (c). 14 29
16 22
18 16
6. The F(t) curve for a system consisting of a 11
plug flow reactor followed by a continuous 22 9
stirred tank reactor is identical to that of a 24 7
system in which the CSTR precedes the PFR. 26 5
Show that the overall fraction conversions ob- 28 4
tained in these two combinations are different 30 2
when the reactions are other than first-order. 32 2
Derive appropriate expressions for the case of 34 2
second-order irreversible reactions and indicate 36 1
how the reactors should be ordered so as to 38 1
40 1
maximize the conversion achieved.
42 1
7. Derive the F(t) curve for a CSTR by con-
sidering its response to a step change in the input 9. Bucky Badger has been investigating the resi-
tracer concentration. Let WQ and H?Q represent dence time characteristics of a reactor that he
the weight fraction tracer in the feed before and plans to use for pilot plant work. He suggests
Problems 421

that the F(t) curve can be approximated by the 11. In an effort to determine the cause of low
following relation. yields from a reactor network, your technicians
F(t) = 0 0 < t < 0.4 have carried out some tracer studies in which
F{t) = 1 - g-i-25<i-o.4) > 0.4
4.000 kg of an inert material are quickly injected
at the feed port. The tracer levels leaving the
where all times are measured in kiloseconds. reactor at various times after injection were as
(a) Calculate the average residence time in the follows.
(b) If Bucky uses this reactor to carry out a first- Time, t (sec) Tracer concentration (kg/m3)
order reaction of the type A -> P, calculate
the fraction conversion expected for iso- 12 1.960
24 1.930
thermal operation with a reaction rate con-
120 1.642
stant equal to 0.8 ksec~ *. Use the segregated
240 1.344
flow model. 600 0.736
(c) Calculate the overall conversion expected 1200 0.268
for this reaction in a reactor network con- 2400 0.034
sisting of a PFR with a space time of 0.4 ksec 3600 0.004
and a CSTR with a space time of 0.8 ksec.
Consider the case where the PFR is first as At any time the reactor contains 2 m 3 of fluid.
well as the case where it is second. The feed and effluent rates remain constant at
3.3 m3/ksec. Does the response of the system
10. Use the F(t) curve for two identical CSTR's
approximate that of any simple ideal reactor?
in series and the segregated flow model to predict
What conversion level is expected if the reaction
the conversion achieved for a first-order reaction
has a first-order rate constant of 15 sec" ll
with k = 0.4 ksec" *. The space time for an in-
dividual reactor is 0.9 ksec. Check your results 12. Hopkins and co-workers [Chem. Eng. Set,
using an analysis for two CSTR's in series. 24 (1131), 1969] have indicated that the data in



1 :1
/ %I
Output curve commences
\ < 62.5 sec after input

h/ <1
S 60
o Input
\ ^ Output

I x-


4X x X

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Chart length, in. 1 in. = 12.5 sec
Figure 11P.1
Tracer response curve. Reprinted from M. J. Hopkins, A. J.
Sheppard and P. Eisenklam, Chem. Eng. Sci., 24 (1131), 1969.
Used with permission of Pergamon Press, Ltd.
422 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

Figure 11 P.I can be used to determine the di- reaction involved is

mensionless dispersion parmeter (@L/uL) for a 2A ^ B + C
system of interest. Use the transfer function
with kl = 5.0 m3/kmole-ksec.
method to evaluate the mean residence time and
(@JuL) for a system subjected to the arbitrary 14.(a) The following data have been reported as
input shown in the figure. Note that the output a result of an effort to determine the distri-
response has been shifted 62.5 sec to the left. bution of residence times in a packed bed
Response values for the input and output reactor. Use these data to generate an F(t)
streams were as follows. curve and to determine the average resi-
dence time in the reactor.
A pulse of tracer is fed to the reactor at
Input Measurement Output Measurement time zero.
Response Response Time, t Effluent tracer
Time (arbitrary Time (arbitrary (min) concentration
(sec) units) (sec) units)
0 0.0
0 0 0 0 4 3.0
12.5 10.7 50 0 8 5.0
25.0 40.0 62.5 0 12 5.0
37.5 88.0 75. 4.0 16 4.0
50.0 126.0 87.5 10.2 20 2.0
61.0 133.3 100.0 22.5 24 1.0
75.0 126.0 112.5 50.0 28 0.0
85.6 104.3 123.5 75.5 32 0.0
100.0 80.0 137.5 99.8
111.0 63.6 148.1 110.0
125.0 46.3 162.5 110.0 (b) If one desires to utilize this reactor to carry
134.7 36.0 171.1 103.8 out a first-order isomerization reaction of
150.0 25.0 187.5 85.0 the type
160.3 18.7 197.2 70.9 A -+ K,
175.0 13.3 212.5 58.0 and if the rate constant for the reaction is
186.1 10.7 222.8 45.0 0.045 min" 1 , determine the average con-
200 6.7 237.5 32.5 version that one expects in this reactor.
212.5 4.7 248.6 24.0
(c) For the residence time distribution of part
225 2.7 262.5 16.0
(a), what value of Q)JuL gives an adequate
236.4 0.8 275 12.0
250 0.0 287.5 8.7 fit of the dispersion model to the data?
298.9 6.7 (d) What integer value of n gives the most
312.5 5.2 accurate fit of the data in part (a) when we
325.0 3.8 have n equal volume CSTR's in series?
What conversion is expected on the basis
of this model?
13. Calculate the volumes of a plug flow reactor (e) It has been proposed that we model the
and a laminar flow reactor required to process residence time distribution by an ideal
0.5 m 3 /ksec of feed containing 1.0 kmole/m 3 of CSTR followed by a PFR. The volumetric
species A to 95% conversion. The liquid phase flow rate and combined volumes of the
Problems 423

two reactors will be the same as in part (a) (a) Assuming ideal pulse injection determine
What ratio of reactor volumes gives a (1) The F(t) curve for overall residence times
good representation of the F(t) curve? for both cases.
What conversion is expected on the basis (2) The F(t) curve for the contact time
of this model? Comment on the suitability distribution.
of the model. (3) The effective dispersion parameter for
(f) Prepare a table summarizing the fraction the inert gas case (<3JuL).
conversions predicted by the various (b) For a first-order irreversible isomerization
models. reaction (A -> R)withk = 0.45 sec" 1 , deter-
In parts (c), (d), and (e) draw the F(t) curves pre- mine the conversions predicted using the
dicted on the basis of the various models so that following reactor models.
they may be compared with the experimental (1) Plug flow with T =1 for reactive gas
data. experiment and with T = average con-
tact time.
15. When catalytic reactions are carried out in a
(2) CSTR with T = 1 for reactive gas experi-
fluidized bed reactor, one may observe conver-
ment and with T = average contact time.
sions lower than those predicted by either PFR
(3) Segregated flow with reactive gas resi-
or CSTR models. Such observations are often
dence time curve.
attributed to gas bypassing by bubbles that do
(4) Segregated flow with reactive gas contact
not efficiently contact the catalyst. Iwasaki et al.
time curve.
[Kagaku Kogaku,4 (170), 1966] have described
It is assumed that the reactive gas A has
a method for measuring the distribution of times
adsorption characteristics similar to those
that reactive gases are in contact with the solid.
of the gas used in the pulse experiment.
The technique is based on pulse injections of two
gases, one of which is adsorbed by the solid and
the second of which is not adsorbed. Typical
16. The techniques that we have developed in
data are given in the table below.
this chapter for the analysis of residence time
distribution functions can be used in analyzing
Time, t (sec) Concentration (arbitrary units) flow conditions in a stream or river where one
wishes to determine the dispersion of pollutants
Inert gas Adsorbed gas
from a given source. The following data are
0.0 0.0 0.0 taken from a USGS survey of the South Platte
0.8 0.0 0.0 River [R. E. Glover, "Dispersion of Dissolved
1.6 0.0 0.0 or Suspended Materials in Flowing Streams,"
2.4 0.01 0.01 Geological Survey Professional Paper 433-B
3.2 5.0 5.0 (1964)].
4.0 10.0 7.5 Average flow rate: 554 ft3/sec
4.8 8.0 8.5 Length of reach: 19,900 ft
5.6 4.0 8.0 Naturally occurring concentration of K + in the
6.4 0.0 6.5 stream: 8.2 mg/liter
7.2 0.0 4.0
At time zero, 1000 lb of K 2 CO 3 are dumped
8.0 0.0 2.0
into the upstream end of the reach. Periodically
8.8 0.0 1.0
9.6 0.0 0.0 samples were taken at the downstream end of
the reach and analyzed for K + ions with the
424 Deviations from Ideal Flow Conditions

results tabulated below: (d) An organic species A is a potential pollutant

that is present in the waste stream from a
Time, t (min) K + at downstream end (g/m3) factory that empties into the upper end of
the reach. The mixing cup average con-
0 8.2 centration of A at the upper end of the reach
60 8.2 is 100 mg/liter. It is converted to a product
75 8.2 that is harmless by a first-order reaction in
90 8.2 solution. What fraction of the initial con-
105 8.4 centration of species A is present at the
120 9.6
downstream end of the reach? The effective
130 13.6
132.5 14.8
rate constant at the stream temperature is
134 14.8 equal to 0.01 min"*. Use the segregated flow
138 14.6 model for this calculation.
142.5 13.2 (e) Based on the F(t) curve, what is the apparent
150 12.8 axial diffusion coefficient of the tracer if one
165 10.0 assumes that the stream approximates a
180 9.2 nonideal plug flow reactor with axial diffu-
195 8.2 sion? The effective length of the reach is
210 8.2 19,900 ft.
oo 8.2 (f) Based on the model of part (e), and using the
axial diffusion coefficient calculated therein,
(a) Calculate the fraction of the tracer that was will the average concentration of A present
recovered. at the downstream end of the reach be
(b) Basing your calculations on the amount of greater than, less than, or equal to that
tracer recovered, compute the F(t) curve. predicted in part (d)?
(c) Compute the average residence time 7 and
prepare a plot of F(t) versus tft.
12 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous
Catalytic Reactions
12.0 INTRODUCTION 12.1.1 Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors
in which the Motion of the Catalyst
Heterogeneous catalytic reactors are the most
Particles Relative to One Another
important single class of reactors utilized by the
Is Insignificant
chemical industry. Whether their importance is
measured by the wholesale value of the goods Fixed Bed Reactors. In its most basic
produced, the processing capacity, or the overall form, a fixed bed reactor consists of a cylindrical
investment in the reactors and associated tube filled with catalyst pellets. Reactants flow
peripheral equipment, there is no doubt as to through the catalyst bed and are converted into
the prime economic role that reactors of this products. Fixed bed reactors are often referred
type play in modern technological society. This to as packed bed reactors. They may be regarded
chapter examines a number of subjects that as the workhorse of the chemical industry with
must be considered in the design of hetero- respect to the number of reactors employed and
geneous catalytic reactors. Particular emphasis the economic value of the materials produced.
is placed on the concept of catalyst effectiveness Ammonia synthesis, sulfuric acid production
factors and the implications of heat and mass (by oxidation of SO 2 to SO 3 ), and nitric acid
transfer processes for fixed bed reactor design. production (by ammonia oxidation) are only a
few of the extremely high tonnage processes
that make extensive use of various forms of
12.1 COMMERCIALLY SIGNIFICANT packed bed reactors.
The catalyst constituting the fixed bed will
CATALYTIC REACTORS generally be employed in one of the following
The types of reactors used in industry for configurations:
carrying out heterogeneous catalytic reactions 1. A single large bed.
may be classified in terms of a relatively small 2. Multiple horizontal beds supported on trays
number of categories. One simple means of arranged in a vertical stack.
classification is in terms of the relative motion 3. Multiple parallel packed tubes in a single
of the catalyst particles, or lack thereof. We shell.
consider: 4. Multiple beds each in their own shell.

1. Reactors in which the solid catalyst particles The use of multiple catalyst sections usually
remain in a fixed position relative to one arises because of the need to maintain adequate
another (fixed bed, trickle bed, and moving temperature control within the system. Other
bed reactors). constraints leading to the use of multiple beds
2. Reactors in which the particles are suspended include those of pressure drop or adequate fluid
in a fluid and are constantly moving about distribution. In addition to the shell and tube
(fluidized bed and slurry reactors). configuration, some of the possibilities for heat
transfer to or from fixed bed reactors include
In the sections that follow, each of these the use of internal heat exchangers, annular
reactor classes is discussed in more detail, with cooling spaces or cooling thimbles, and cir-
particular emphasis on fixed and fluidized bed culation of a portion of the reacting gases
reactors. through an external heat exchanger.

426 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

The packing itself may consist of spherical, types. One of its prime attributes is its simplicity,
cylindrical, or randomly shaped pellets, wire with the attendant consequences of low costs
screens or gauzes, crushed particles, or a variety for construction, operation, and maintenance
of other physical configurations. The particles relative to moving bed or fluidized bed opera-
usually are 0.25 to 1.0 cm in diameter. The tion. It requires a minimum of auxiliary equip-
structure of the catalyst pellets is such that the ment, and is particularly appropriate for use in
internal surface area far exceeds the superficial small commercial units when investments of
(external) surface area, so that the contact area large sums for control, catalyst handling, and
is, in principle, independent of pellet size. To supporting facilities would be economically
make effective use of the internal surface area, prohibitive. Another major advantage of this
one must use a pellet size that minimizes mode of operation is implicit in the use of the
diffusional resistance within the catalyst pellet term "fixed bed reactor"; i.e., there are no
but that also gives rise to an appropriate pressure problems in separating the catalyst from the
drop across the catalyst bed. Some considera- reactor effluent stream. (In many fluidized bed
tions which are important in the handling and systems, catalyst recovery can be quite trouble-
use of catalysts for fixed bed operation in some and require substantial equipment costs.)
industrial situations are discussed in the Catalyst Another important attribute of fixed bed re-
Handbook (1). actors is the wide variation in space times at
The most commonly used direction of re- which they can be operated. This flexibility is
actant flow is downward through the bed. This extremely important in situations where one is
approach gives a stable bed that will not fluidize, likely to encounter wide variations in the
dance, or lift out of the reactor. This approach quantity or quality of the feedstock to be pro-
minimizes catalyst attrition and potential en- cessed. For extremely high temperature or high
trainment of catalyst fines. When processing pressure reactions employing solid catalysts,
conditions are such that the reactor is subjected economic considerations usually dictate that the
to wide variations in feed flow rates or when process becomes commercially viable only when
the feed is a dense fluid, it is imperative that the a fixed bed reactor is employed.
flow direction be downward. The attendant There are some cases where the disadvantages
disadvantages of downward flow are the ten- of fixed bed operation prevent the use of such
dency of the bed to compress itself and the reactors. Heat transfer to or from a large fixed
gravitation of catalyst fines (resulting from bed of catalyst often represents a significant
attrition) down through the bed. Both phe- problem. In some cases it is possible to circum-
nomena may lead to increased pressure drop vent this potential difficulty by appropriate
and channeling or maldistribution of the flow. variations in the physical configuration of the
Upflow has the advantage of lifting catalyst catalyst bed (e.g., using a shell and tube arrange-
fines or fragmented particles from the bed ment). There are also a variety of operating
thereby avoiding channeling and blockage of techniques that can be used to facilitate control
the bed. However, this mode of operation is over the bed temperature. These include the use
disadvantageous because it may lead to un- of inert diluents in the feed stream to moderate
stable beds at high flow rates. It leads to dancing the temperature changes, and the use of the
in a pulsating flow that causes catalyst abrasion "cold shot" or gas bypass technique in which a
and, in unusual circumstances, may lead to fresh cold reactant stream is mixed with a hot
fluidization. stream that has undergone partial reaction.
A fixed bed reactor has many unique and Recycle of a product stream and partial tem-
valuable advantages relative to other reactor porary poisoning of the catalyst are two other
12.1 Commercially Significant Types of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors 427

expedients that can be used to help regulate the rapid, costs associated with the catalyst re-
temperature in fixed bed reactors. generation or replacement step may render the
The problem of heat transfer is a difficult one entire process unattractive from a commercial
because the rate of energy release or consump- standpoint. The effective catalyst life necessary
tion along the length of the reactor is not uni- to render the process economic for fixed bed
form. The major share of the reaction takes operation depends on the details of the process
place near the reactor inlet. In an exothermic under study, but if the lifetime is not at least
reaction, the rate will be relatively large near several months, the costs of the shutdowns will
the inlet because of high reactant concentration^. normally be exorbitant. In situ regeneration
If the rate of energy release is greater than the offers a possible way around this difficulty, but
rate at which heat can be transferred to a coolant if continuous operation is to be maintained, the
fluid, the reacting fluid will continue to heat up, use of in situ regeneration requires two or more
leading to an even faster reaction rate. This reactors in parallel with concomitant higher
phenomenon continues as the mixture moves capital costs. The most successful fixed bed
down the tube, until the decline in reactant operations are those where the catalyst activity
concentration has a larger effect on the rate than does not decline markedly over long time
the temperature increase. The net result is that periods. A technique that occasionally can be
for exothermic reactions one often observes a used to prolong the time between regenerations
maximum in a plot of temperature versus reactor and shutdowns is the use of catalyst beds that
length. are longer than are required to accomplish the
The maintenance of uniform flow distribution desired degree of conversion. If the required bed
in fixed bed reactors is frequently a problem. depth is relatively short, doubling or tripling
Maldistribution leads to an excessive spread in the depth of the catalyst packing will greatly
the distribution of residence times with adverse prolong the time that the unit can remain on
effects on the reactor performance, particularly stream. When the unit is first brought on stream,
when consecutive reactions are involved. It may the desired conversion will be accomplished in
aggravate problems of hot-spot formation and the first portion of the bed. As the catalyst
lead to regions of the reactor where undesired activity declines, the portion of the bed in which
reactions predominate. Disintegration or attri- the bulk of the reaction is accomplished will
tion of the catalyst may lead to or may aggravate move down the bed until, finally, insufficient
flow distribution problems. catalyst activity remains to accomplish the
Another disadvantage of fixed bed reactors is required degree of conversion. Unfortunately,
associated with the fact that the minimum pellet this approach can be used only with certain
size that can be used is restricted by the per- reactions, the most common example being the
missible pressure drop through the bed. Thus ammonia synthesis reaction.
if the reaction is potentially subject to diffusional
limitations within the catalyst pore structure, Trickle Bed Reactors (2). A trickle bed
it may not be possible to fully utilize all the reactor utilizes a fixed bed over which liquid
catalyst area (see Section 12.3). The smaller the flows without filling the void spaces between
pellet, the more efficiently the internal area is particles. The liquid usually flows downward
used, but the greater the pressure drop. under the influence of gravity, while the gas
One of the major disadvantages of fixed bed flows upward or downward through the void
operation is that catalyst regeneration or re- spaces amid the catalyst pellets and the liquid
placement is relatively difficult to accomplish. holdup. Generally cocurrent downward flow of
If the catalyst deactivation rate is sufficiently liquid and gas is preferred because it facilitates
428 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

a uniform distribution of the liquid across the of these topics outlined in Sections 12.3 and 12.4
catalyst bed and permits the employment of are in general applicable to trickle bed reactors,
higher liquid flow rates before encountering analyses specific to such reactors have been
flooding constraints. reviewed by Satterfield (2).
The primary uses of trickle bed reactors are
for hydrodesulfurization, hydrocracking, and Moving Bed Reactors. In moving bed
hydrotreating of various high-boiling petroleum reactors, a fluid phase passes upward through
fractions. The direct and capital costs are signi- a packed bed of catalyst pellets. Solid is fed to
ficantly less for trickle bed operation than for the top of the bed, moves downward under the
an equivalent hydrodesulfurization unit oper- influence of gravity in a manner approximating
ating entirely in the vapor phase. The use of plug flow, and is removed from the bottom. The
this reactor type makes it possible to process catalyst pellets are then transferred to the top
feedstocks with such high boiling points that of the reactor in external equipment by pneuma-
straight vapor phase operation would lead to tic or mechanical means in continuous fashion.
excessive undesirable side reactions. During the period when the catalyst pellets
In spite of the fact that trickle bed reactors are not in the reactor proper, they may be re-
often approach plug flow behavior, the use of a generated or reconditioned in an auxiliary
liquid phase in the feed introduces several facility.
complications in the design analysis. The nature It is necessary to design special control valves
and extent of the liquid distribution within the to provide proper solids flow and to maintain
catalyst bed vary drastically with changes in the close control over the solids level within the
liquid and vapor flow rates, the properties of the reactor. Moreover, care must be taken in the
reaction mixture (especially its viscosity and design of these reactors to prevent bypassing of
wetting characteristics), and the design of the the bed by the fluid reactant stream, and to
reactor (especially the liquid distribution sys- ensure good distribution of the solids at all
tem). As the liquid distribution changes, there are levels. These potential difficulties indicate why
concomitant changes in the contacting efficien- these types of reactors are less frequently used
cies between the liquid, vapor, and catalyst. than fixed or fluidized bed reactors. When
Usually, gaseous reactants must first be ab- catalyst decay is slow, so that fixed bed opera-
sorbed and transported across a thin liquid film tion is satisfactory with infrequent shutdown for
to the exterior of the catalyst pellet. They must catalyst regeneration, moving bed operation
then be subsequently transported through liquid does not offer a viable alternative. In catalytic
filled pores to sites in the catalyst interior. By cracking where catalyst deactivation is so rapid
using a low ratio of liquid to catalyst in the that fixed beds must be regenerated after only
reactor, one is able to minimize the extent of a few minutes of time on stream, the disadvan-
the homogeneous reaction. However, a balance tages of these reactors are obvious. Either
must be struck for highly exothermic reactions, moving bed operation or fluidized bed opera-
since the energy released by reaction may be tion is imperative in such cases. The primary
sufficient to volatilize the liquid in substantial disadvantage of moving bed operation vis a vis
portions of the bed. In such cases, portions of fluidized bed operation is in its reduced capa-
the bed will not be wetted, and there will be bility to facilitate heat transfer in either the
poor contacting between liquid and catalyst. reactor proper or the regeneration unit. This
One often finds that either external or intra- reduced capability makes it difficult to achieve
particle mass transfer effects are significant in the control of the catalyst temperature necessary
reactors of this type. Although the treatments to prevent high temperature deactivation pro-
12.1 Commercially Significant Types of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors 429

cesses. In instances where catalyst deactivation Typically the catalyst particles used in fluid-
is not rapid but is still appreciable and can be ized bed operations have dimensions in the
circumvented by intermittent regeneration, range of 10 to 300 microns. For optimum
moving bed operation may offer advantages fluidization, it is important to employ the proper
over using several fixed bed reactors in parallel. particle size distribution. Beds of large uni-
The economics are dependent on the deactiva- formly sized solids often fluidize poorly with
tion rate and other process details, and no bumping, slugging, and spouting, which can
general rule of thumb is appropriate. cause serious structural damage in large beds.
The catalyst in moving bed operations usually In such cases the quality of the fluidization
has an important role as a heat carrying medium. can frequently be drastically improved by adding
The energy released by carbon burnoff in small amounts of fines. Fine particles with a
exothermic regeneration reactions can be used wide size distribution will remain fluidized over
to supply some of the energy requirements of a wide range of gas flow rates, permitting
endothermic cracking reactions with attendant flexible operation with relatively large beds.
overall energy savings. Commercial scale fluidized bed reactors may
be extremely large pieces of equipment. Diam-
12.1.2 Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors eters of 10 to 30 ft are not unusual for catalytic
in which there is Significant Motion of the cracking units. Typically, height to diameter
Catalyst Particles Relative to One Another ratios of 2:1 or greater are employed. Large
systems are required in part to accommodate Fluidized Bed Reactors. A fluidized heat transfer equipment, cyclone separators,
bed reactor is one in which relatively small and other internal equipment.
particles of catalyst are suspended by the Several advantages are associated with the
upward motion of the reacting fluid. In virtually use of fluidized bed reactors. A remarkably uni-
all industrial applications the fluid is a gas which form temperature can be maintained throughout
flows upward through the solid particles at a the catalyst bed. This property is a consequence
rate which is sufficient to lift them from a of the high degree of turbulence within the bed,
supporting grid, but which is not so large as to the high heat capacity of the solid catalyst
carry them out of the reactor or to prevent them comprising the bed relative to the gas contained
from falling back into the fluidized phase above therein, and the extremely high interfacial area
its free surface. The particles are in constant for heat transfer between the solid and the gas
motion within a relatively confined region of phase. These factors facilitate control over the
space, and extensive mixing occurs in both the temperature of the reactor and its contents.
radial and longitudinal directions of the bed. This in turn enhances the selectivity that can
Fluidized bed reactors were first employed be achieved and permits very large-scale
on a large scale for the catalytic cracking of operations.
petroleum fractions, but in recent years they The primary advantage of fluidized bed
have been employed for an increasingly large reactors, however, is that they permit conti-
variety of reactions, both catalytic and non- nuous, automatically controlled operations
catalytic. The catalytic reactions include the using reactant-catalyst systems that require
partial oxidation of naphthalene to phthalic an- catalyst regeneration at very frequent intervals.
hydride and the formation of acrylonitrile from Fluidized bed operation permits one to easily
propylene, ammonia, and air. The noncatalytic add or remove the catalyst from the reactor or
applications include the roasting of ores and the regenerator. Regeneration can be accom-
he fluorination of uranium oxide. plished by any convenient procedure, but the
430 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

use of fluidized bed regeneration permits con- In spite of the drawbacks enumerated above,
tinuous operation and is usually most economi- fluidized bed reactors have a number of com-
cal. Furthermore, the circulation of solids pelling advantages, as we have noted previously.
between two fluidized beds makes it possible By proper design it is possible to overcome
to transport large quantities of energy between their deficiencies so that their advantages pre-
the reactor and the regenerator. This feature is dominate. This book does not discuss in detail
particularly useful in catalytic cracking reac- the manner in which this problem can be solved,
tions where the exothermic regeneration reac- although the design considerations outlined in
tion can be used thereby to supply some of the subsequent sections of this chapter are quite
energy requirements for the endothermic crack- pertinent. For detailed treatments of fluidized
ing reaction. bed reactor design, consult the excellent refer-
Still another advantage of fluidized bed ence works by Kunii and Levenspiel (3) and by
operation is that it leads to more efficient Davidson and Harrison (4).
contacting of gas and solid than many com-
petitive reactor designs. Because the catalyst Slurry Reactors. Slurry reactors are
particles employed in fluidized beds have very
commonly used in situations where it is neces-
small dimensions, one is much less likely to
sary to contact a liquid reactant or a solution
encounter mass transfer limitations on reaction
containing the reactant with a solid catalyst. To
rates in these systems than in fixed bed systems.
facilitate mass transfer and effective catalyst
Disadvantages are also associated with flu-
utilization, the catalyst is usually suspended in
idized bed reactors. They cannot be used with
powdered or in granular form. This type of
catalyst solids that will not flow freely or that
reactor has been used where one of the reactants
have a tendency to agglomerate. Attrition of
is normally a gas at the reaction conditions and
the solids also causes some loss of material as
the second reactant is a liquid, e.g., in the hydro-
fines, which are blown out of the reactor.
genation of various oils. The reactant gas is
Extensive solids collection systems including
bubbled through the liquid, dissolves, and then
cyclone separators and electrostatic precipi-
diffuses to the catalyst surface. Obviously mass
tation must often be provided to minimize
transfer limitations can be quite significant in
catalyst losses and contamination of the en-
those instances where three phases (the solid
vironment. Another disadvantage of fluidized
catalyst, and the liquid and gaseous reactants)
bed operation is that it leads to a larger pressure
are present and necessary to proceed rapidly
drop than fixed bed operation with concomitant
from reactants to products.
higher operating costs. Erosion of pipes and
Satterfield (5) has discussed several advan-
reactor internals via abrasion by the particles
tages of slurry reactors relative to other modes
can occur. In general, operating and mainte-
of operation. They include the following.
nance costs will be relatively high for this mode
of operation compared with similar scale 1. A well-agitated slurry may be kept at a
operations with other reactor types. Fluidized uniform temperature throughout, eliminating
bed operations also have the disadvantage that "hot" spots that have adverse effects on
the fluid flow deviates markedly from plug catalyst selectivity.
flow, and the bypassing of solids by bubbles 2. The high heat capacity associated with the
can lead to inefficient contacting. This problem large mass of liquid facilitates control of the
is particularly significant when dealing with reactor and provides a safety factor for
systems in which high conversions are desired. exothermic reactions that might lead to
It can be circumvented to some extent by using thermal explosions or other "runaway"
multiple beds in series or internal staging. events.
12.2 Mass Transport Processes within Porous Catalysts 431

3. Since liquid phase heat transfer coefficients column with various stages placed above one
are large, heat recovery is practical with another in a single shell. Since a single slurry
these systems. reactor has a residence time distribution ap-
4. The small particles used in slurry reactors proximating a CSTR, the last mode of construc-
may make it possible to obtain much higher tion gives an easy means of obtaining stagewise
rates of reaction per unit weight of catalyst behavior and more efficient utilization of the
than would be achieved with the larger pellets reactor volume.
that would be required in trickle bed reactors. For more detailed treatments of slurry re-
This situation occurs when the trickle bed actors, see the texts of Satterfield (5) and Smith
pellets are characterized by low effectiveness (6).
factors (see Section 12.3).
5. Continuous regeneration of the catalyst can
be obtained by continuously removing a
fraction of the slurry from which the catalyst
is then separated, regenerated and returned Heterogeneous catalysis involves an interaction
to the reactor. between a solid substrate and reactant molecules
6. Since fine catalyst particles are desired, the in a fluid phase. This interaction occurs at the
costs associated with the pelleting process interface between the two phases, and efficient
are avoided, and it becomes possible to use utilization of the catalyst requires that the sur-
catalysts that are difficult or impossible to face area per unit weight of catalyst be as large
pelletize. as possible. For commercial applications, this
requirement implies that the catalyst should be
A major deterrent to the adoption of con- porous with a large internal surface area. Typical
tinuous slurry reactors is the fact that published industrial catalysts have specific surface areas
data are often inadequate for design purposes. ranging from 1 to 1000 m 2 /g. With the exception
Solubilization and mass transfer processes may of the use of wire gauzes for high temperature
influence observed conversion rates and these oxidation processes (e.g., NH 3 or SO 2 oxida-
factors may introduce design uncertainties. One tion), nonporous catalysts have not been used
also has the problems of developing mechanical extensively in commercial applications. For
designs that will not plug up, and of selecting porous catalysts the superficial external surface
carrier liquids in which the reactants are soluble of the catalyst will normally represent only an
yet which remain stable at elevated temperatures insignificant fraction of the total surface area.
in contact with reactants, products, and the A spherical catalyst pellet with a diameter of
catalyst. A further disadvantage of the slurry 0.5 cm weighing 0.1 g would have a geometric
reactor is that the ratio of liquid to catalyst is surface area of only 7.8 x 10" 5 m 2 . If it had
much greater than in a trickle bed reactor. a modest specific surface area of 10 m 2 /g, the
Hence, the relative rates of undesirable homo- internal surface area would be 1 m2. Hence,
geneous liquid phase reactions will be greater even a thin outer shell of the catalyst, which is
in the slurry reactor, with a potential adverse only 0.05 cm deep, would have a surface area
effect on the process selectivity. associated with it that would be orders of
Slurry reactors may take on several physical magnitude greater than the external surface
forms: they may be simple stirred autoclaves; area. Consequently, to obtain high specific
they may be simple vessels fitted with an external activities, it is necessary to use highly porous
pump to recirculate the liquid and suspended catalysts in industrial situations.
solids through an external heat exchanger; or It requires only an extremely limited knowl-
they may resemble a bubble-tray rectifying edge of fluid flow processes to recognize that the
432 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

pressure drop through an ordinary catalyst bed Unfortunately, it is not possible to obtain
is not sufficient to force any perceptible amount effective diffusivities merely by correcting bulk
of fluid through the very small pores of catalyst phase diffusivities for the reduction in cross-
particles that are required to obtain surface sectional area due to the solid phase. Two
areas of 1 to 1000 m 2 /g. If reactants are to come primary factors render this simple approach
in contact with the interior surface of catalyst invalid:
particles, they must do so by diffusion. If one
1. The geometry of the pore structure makes it
has a fast reaction and relatively long catalyst
impossible to determine accurately the effec-
pores, reactant molecules will be converted to
tive length of the diffusion path. Interconnec-
products before they have time to diffuse very
tions within the pore structure, the tortuous
far into the pore structure. In this case, the
character of individual pores, and variations
interior of the particle will be filled primarily
in cross-sectional area along the pore length
with product molecules, and only the outer
all contribute to the difficulty of the task.
peripheral layer of the catalyst pellet will be
2. One or more of several different mechanisms
fully effective in promoting reaction. Section 12.3
may be responsible for the mass transfer
discusses the problem of determining what
process. These include ordinary bulk diffu-
fraction of the total catalyst surface area is
sion, Knudsen diffusion, surface diffusion,
used effectively in promoting chemical reaction
and bulk flow. For the majority of the
and the implications of this situation for chemi-
catalysts and conditions used in industrial
cal reactor design. In the most general case, the
practice, the only significant mechanisms are
problem involves a complex interaction between
bulk diffusion and Knudsen diffusion. The
chemical reaction, diffusive mass transfer, and
relative importance of these two processes
heat transfer processes.
depends on the relative values of the mean
One must understand the physical mecha-
free path and the pore dimensions.
nisms by which mass transfer takes place in
catalyst pores to comprehend the development Ordinary or bulk diffusion is primarily respon-
of mathematical models that can be used in sible for molecular transport when the mean free
engineering design calculations to estimate what path of a molecule is small compared with the
fraction of the catalyst surface is effective in diameter of the pore. At 1 atm the mean free
promoting reaction. There are several factors path of typical gaseous species is of the order
that complicate efforts to analyze mass transfer of 10~ 5 cm or 103 A. In pores larger than
within such systems. They include the facts that 10" 4 cm the mean free path is much smaller
(1) the pore geometry is extremely complex, and than the pore dimension, and collisions with
not subject to realistic modeling in terms of a other gas phase molecules will occur much more
small number of parameters, and that (2) differ- often than collisions with the pore walls. Under
ent molecular phenomena are responsible for these circumstances the effective diffusivity will
the mass transfer. Consequently, it is often useful be independent of the pore diameter and, within
to characterize the mass transfer process in a given catalyst pore, ordinary bulk diffusion
terms of an ''effective diffusivity" i.e., a transport coefficients may be used in Fick's first law to
coefficient that pertains to a porous material in evaluate the rate of mass transfer and the con-
which the calculations are based on total area centration profile in the pore. In industrial
(void plus solid) normal to the direction of practice there are three general classes of reac-
transport. For example, in a spherical catalyst tion conditions for which the bulk value of the
pellet, the appropriate area to use in charac- diffusion coefficient is appropriate. For all
terizing diffusion in the radial direction is 4nr2. catalysts these include liquid phase reactions
12.2 Mass Transport Processes within Porous Catalysts 433

and very high pressure reactions where the T is the absolute temperature
fluid density approaches the critical density of M is the molecular weight
the material. The third class is made up of low-
AC is the concentration difference over
pressure, gas phase reactions that take place on
catalysts with very large pores, say greater than the length of the pore
5000 A in diameter. When bulk diffusion is AX is the pore length
operative, a number of correlations may be
Since n72 is the cross-sectional area for flow,
used to estimate the ordinary molecular dif-
and the term under the radical is the average
fusivity in the absence of experimental data.
molecular velocity (U), equation 12.2.1 can be
Reid and Sherwood (7) have summarized them
written in the form of Fick's first law as
in convenient form.
Knudsen diffusion will be the dominant mecha-
nism of mass transfer whenever the mean free (12.2.2)
path between collisions is large compared with
the pore diameter. This situation prevails when where the Knudsen diffusivity DK is defined as
the gas density is low or when the pore dimen-
sions are very small. It is not observed with
DK = -1
liquids. The molecules hitting the walls are
momentarily adsorbed and then are given off
in random directions (diffusely reflected). After The Knudsen diffusivity is thus directly pro-
a collision with the pore wall, the molecule will portional to the pore radius (7).
usually fly to another spot on the wall before Equation 12.2.3 is often written in cgs units as
having a collision with a second gas phase
molecule. Many collisions with the walls will DK = 9.7 x 10 3 r J— (12.2.4)
take place for each collision between gas phase
molecules. The molecule moves down the
catalyst pore by a series of random flights,
interrupted by collisions with the pore walls. DK is expressed in square centimeters per second
The gas flux is reduced by the wall "resistance." 7 is expressed in centimeters
This causes a delay because of the finite time
T is expressed in degrees Kelvin
the molecules are adsorbed and because, after
a collision, the molecule is just as apt to reverse The symbols refer to a single component. Since
its direction as it is to continue along its original molecular collisions are rare events in Knudsen
path. If the equation for the gas flow in a straight flow, flow and diffusion are synonymous and
circular pore for the case of Knudsen flow is each component of a mixture behaves as if it
analyzed according to the principles of the alone were present. Numerical values of the
kinetic theory of gases, it can be shown that the Knudsen diffusivity for molecules of ordinary
molar flow rate (F) can be written as weight at ordinary temperatures range from
0.01 cm2/sec for pores with a radius of 10 A up to
F = (n72)~7 (12.2.1) about 10 cm2/sec for pores with 10,000 A radii.
By comparing the relative magnitude of the
where mean free path (/.) and the pore diameter (27), it
is possible to determine whether bulk diffusion
r is the pore radius or Knudsen diffusion may be regarded as negli-
R is the gas constant gible. Using the principles of the kinetic theory
434 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

of gases, it can be shown that this ratio is equal equation 12.2.6 reduces to
to the ratio of the bulk diffusivity (DAB) to the
Knudsen diffusivity. (12.2.8)
l/DK + l/DA
DAB Equimolar counterdiffusion takes place in cata-
27 DK lyst pores when a reaction with a stoichiometry
of the form A -+ B occurs under steady-state
Obviously, there will be a range of pressures conditions.
or molecular concentrations over which the In the case of nonequimolal counterdiffusion,
transition from ordinary molecular diffusion to equation 12.2.6 suffers from the serious dis-
Knudsen diffusion takes place. Within this re- advantage that the combined diffusivity is a
gion both processes contribute to the mass trans- function of the gas composition in the pore.
port, and it is appropriate to utilize a combined This functional dependence carries over to the
diffusivity (i^c). For species A the correct form effective diffusivity in porous catalysts (see be-
for the combined diffusivity is the following. low), and makes it difficult to integrate the com-
bined diffusion and transport equations. As
(12.2.6) Smith (12) points out, the variation of 2C with
composition ( l y is not usually strong, and it has
been an almost universal practice to use a com-
position independent form of Q)c (12.2.8) in as-
YA is the mole fraction of species A in the gas sessing the importance of intrapellet diffusion.
phase In fact, the concept of a single effective diffusivity
loses its engineering utility if the dependence on
DAB is the bulk diffusivity in a binary gaseous
composition must be retained.
mixture of A and B,
Whether Knudsen or bulk diffusion domi-
a is given by nates the mass transport process depends on the
relative magnitudes of the two terms in the de-
a = 1+ ^ (12.2.7) nominator of equation 12.2.6. The ratio of the
two diffusivity parameters is obviously impor-
where NA and NB are the molar fluxes of A tant in establishing these magnitudes. In this
and B relative to a fixed coordinate system. regard, it is worth noting that DK is proportional
The combined diffusivity is, of course, defined to the pore diameter and independent of pressure
as the ratio of the molar flux to the concentration whereas DAB is independent of pore size and
gradient, irrespective of the mechanism of trans- inversely proportional to the pressure. Conse-
port. The above equation was derived by sepa- quently, the higher the pressure and the larger
rate groups working independently (8-10). It the pore, the more likely it is that ordinary bulk
is important to recognize that the molar fluxes diffusion will dominate.
(Nt) are defined with respect to a fixed catalyst Surface diffusion is yet another mechanism
pellet rather than to a plane of no net transport. that is often invoked to explain mass transport
Only when there is equimolar counterdiffusion, in porous catalysts. An adsorbed species may be
do the two types of flux definitions become transported either by desorption into the gas
equivalent. For a more detailed discussion of phase or by migration to an adjacent site on the
this point, the interested readers should consult surface. It is this latter phenomenon that is
Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot (11). When there is referred to as surface diffusion. This phenome-
equimolal counterdiffusion NB = —NA and non is poorly understood and the rate of mass
12.2 Mass Transport Processes within Porous Catalysts 435

transfer by this process cannot be predicted with be identical with the volume fraction solids
any degree of accuracy. The interested student [(1 — Ep) where ep is the porosity of the pellet].
should refer to the discussion of Satterfield (13) Similarly, the fraction of the cross section area
and review articles on this subject (14-16). through which mass transfer can take place is
Bulk or forced flow of the Hagan-Poiseuille identical with the void fraction sp. Consequently,
type does not in general contribute significantly our first step in obtaining an effective diffusivity
to the mass transport process in porous catalysts. will be to multiply our combined diffusivity by
For fast reactions where there is a change in the ep, since the area available for mass transport
number of moles on reaction, significant pres- has been reduced by this factor from the gross
sure differentials can arise between the interior area of a cross section normal to the flow. The
and the exterior of the catalyst pellets. This second step requires recognition that the length
phenomenon occurs because there is insufficient of the diffusion path that the molecules must
driving force for effective mass transfer by forced traverse in real pores will be greater than that
flow. Molecular diffusion occurs much more of a straight line linking the origin and termina-
rapidly than forced flow in most porous catalysts. tion of the diffusion path. In addition, the
Our discussion of the various types of diffu- avenues through which diffusion proceeds are
sion has presumed that they take place in a well- irregular in shape and vary in cross section.
characterized pore structure, that is, straight Since the constrictions offer resistances to diffu-
cylindrical pores. However, the catalysts used in sion that are not offset by enlargements, both of
industry have extremely complex structures with these factors cause the flux to be less than it
interconnecting pores, tortuous pores, and wide would be in a straight cylindrical pore of the
variations in pore diameter as one moves along same length and mean radius. Consequently, if
the length of the pore. Consequently, we need to we introduce a length factor L' and a shape factor
convert the combined diffusivities that are ap- Sf (both of which are greater than unity) to allow
propriate for Knudsen and/or bulk diffusion for these effects, the relation between the effective
into effective diffusivities, which are required for diffusivity and the combined diffusivity may be
use in systems of unspecified pore geometry. written as
These effective diffusivities can be calculated if
we presume some sort of a realistic model for the ®eff = 1^7 = ™ (12.2.9)
geometry of the pore structure. The test of the
model is, of course, whether or not it predicts where the tortuosity factor T' is used to replace
results that are in accord with what is observed the factor L'S", since it is virtually impossible to
in the laboratory or the plant. The preferred separate these factors for most real porous sys-
method of obtaining an effective diffusivity for tems. For accurate work this parameter, or ^ e f f
design calculations involves measurement of itself, must be determined experimentally. There
this property. It should be noted, however, that have been several attempts to relate U and/or S'
the values obtained should be interpreted with to other readily measured properties of catalyst
care. We briefly discuss both the calculational pellets, but they are of limited applicability. The
and the experimental routes to effective diffusivi- combined factor T' has been measured for a
ties in the paragraphs below. variety of commercial catalysts. Tortuosity fac-
If the pores of a catalyst pellet are randomly tors from slightly more than one to greater than
oriented, geometric considerations require that ten have been reported (17). Values of 3 to 7 are
if one takes an arbitrary cross section of the easily reconciled with physical reality by mul-
porous mass, the fraction of the area occupied tiplying together physically reasonable values
by the solid material will be a constant that will of L and S'.
436 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

In the above discussion, we have presumed rate of efflux of this component into a second
that the tortuosity factor T' is characteristic of component. Although somewhat simpler experi-
the pore structure but not of the diffusing mole- mentally, this efflux method has the disadvan-
cules. However, when the size of the diffusing tage that adsorption-desorption effects on the
molecule begins to approach the dimensions surface can conceivably complicate the results
of the pore, one expects the solid to exert a for high surface area materials. Since it is not a
retarding influence on the flux and this effect steady-state experiment, the equations for non-
may also be incorporated in the tortuosity steady-state diffusion must be used in inter-
factor. This situation is likely to be significant preting data. For gases and typical catalyst
in dealing with catalysis by zeolites (molecular pellets, the time frame of the experiment is so
sieves). short that it is difficult to obtain accurate diffu-
Because a priori estimates of effective diffu- sivity values. Consequently, the technique is
sivities are not adequate for accurate design largely restricted to liquids or to very finely
calculations and recourse must be made to ex- porous solids, which give rise to very low effec-
perimental methods to evaluate these para- tive diffusivities (e.g., zeolites).
meters, a few comments on the techniques used Barrer (19) has developed another widely used
in these studies are in order. Since catalytic nonsteady-state technique for measuring effec-
reactors are normally operated at steady state tive diffusivities in porous catalysts. In this
and nearly constant pressure, effective diffu- approach, an apparatus configuration similar to
sivities are often measured under these con- the steady-state apparatus is used. One side of
straints. The most commonly used apparatus the pellet is first evacuated and then the increase
for measuring counterdiffusion rates was first in the downstream pressure is recorded as a
described by Wicke and Kallenbach (18). It function of time, the upstream pressure being
involves sealing off the sides of a cylindrical held constant. The pressure drop across the
pellet and flowing two different pure gases over pellet during the experiment is also held rela-
the two flat faces. The rate of steady-state diffu- tively constant. There is a time lag before a
sion through the pellet is determined by analyz- steady-state flux develops, and effective diffusion
ing each of the two pure streams for contamina- coefficients can be determined from either the
tion by the other component. One difficulty with transient or steady-state data. For the transient
this approach is that since it measures diffusion analysis, one must allow for accumulation or
through the pellet, it ignores dead-end pores, depletion of material by adsorption if this occurs.
which may contribute to reaction and which are The following illustration indicates how the
included in a measured pore-size distribution. It concepts we have developed thus far in this
can be used over a wide range of pressures but chapter can be used in determining effective
cannot be readily adapted to temperatures much diffusivities for use in the analyses we will de-
above ambient. The principles of kinetic theory velop in subsequent sections.
can be used to calculate effective diffusivities for
both species from measurements on only one of
the two gas fluxes. In practice, however, mea-
surements of both fluxes are desirable to facili-
tate the detection of leaks in the apparatus and
of the presence of surface diffusion. The cumene (isopropyl benzene) cracking re-
A second approach to measuring effective action is often used as a model reaction for
diffusivities involves filling the pore structure determining the relative activities of cracking
with one component and then measuring the catalysts.
12.2 Mass Transport Processes within Porous Catalysts 437

CH, CH 3

This reaction takes place on silica-alumina cat- In terms of the indicated property values,
alysts in the temperature range from 300 to
600 °C. It is a clean reaction with negligible pro-
duction of by-products.
For the purposes of this illustrative example,
we wish to calculate the combined and effective
diffusivities of cumene in a mixture of benzene
and cumene at 1 atm total pressure and 510 °C
within the pores of a typical TCC (Thermofor
Catalytic Cracking) catalyst bead. For our pre- = 2.61 nm = 26.1 A
sent purposes, the approximation to the com- and
bined diffusivity given by equation 12.2.8 will be
sufficient because we will see that the Knudsen DK = 9.7 x 103(2.61 x 10"
diffusion term is the dominant factor in deter-
mining the combined diffusivity. = 6.46 x 10" 3 cm2/sec
Additional information. The following property
Substitution of the numerical values for the bulk
values are associated with the TCC beads:
and Knudsen diffusion coefficients into equation
12.2.8 gives
sp = 0.51
1 1 1
equivalent particle diameter = 0.43 cm = 154.8 + 6.67
(6.46 x 10" 3 ) 0.150
density of an individual particle pp = 1.14 g/cm3
A narrow pore-size distribution and a tort- or
uosity factor of three may be assumed. Using Q)c = 6.19 x 10" 3 cm2/sec
the methods suggested by Reid and Sherwood
(7), the ordinary molecular diffusivity DAB is From the magnitudes of the diffusion coefficients,
found to be 0.150 cm2/sec. it is evident that under the conditions cited the
majority of the mass transport will occur by
Knudsen diffusion. Equation 12.2.9 and the
The Knudsen diffusion coefficient may be eval- tabulated values of the porosity and tortuosity
uated from equation 12.2.4 if the catalyst prop- may be used to determine the effective diffusivity.
erty values are used to estimate the average pore
(6.19 x 10"3)(0.51)
radius. From equation C of Illustration 6.2,
_ 2K
= 1.05 x 10" 3 cm2/sec
438 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

12.3 DIFFUSION AND REACTION IN achieving the necessary mass transfer rate.
POROUS CATALYSTS Assuming that the catalyst particle is isothermal,
the average reaction rate under these conditions
When diffusion and reaction occur simulta- will, in general, be less than that which would
neously within a porous solid structure, con- prevail if there were no mass transfer limitations.
centration gradients of reactant and product In this case, one does not measure true intrinsic
species are established. If the various diffusional kinetics. In this section we examine the general
processes discussed in the previous section are problem of determining what fraction of the
rapid compared with the chemical reaction rate, catalyst surface area is effective when reaction
the entire accessible internal surface of the and intraparticle mass transfer effects interact.
catalyst will be effective in promoting reaction Our objective is to develop expressions for the
because the reactant molecules will spread rate of reaction averaged over the entire catalyst
essentially uniformly throughout the pore struc- particle, but expressed in terms of the tempera-
ture, before they have time to react. Here only ture and concentrations prevailing at its exterior
a small concentration gradient will exist between surface.
the exterior and interior of the particle, and Quantitative analytical treatments of the
there will be diffusive fluxes of reactant mole- effects of mass transfer and reaction within a
cules in and product molecules out that suffice porous structure were apparently first carried
to balance the reaction rate within the particle. out by Thiele (20) in the United States, Dam-
In this case, we measure true intrinsic kinetics. kohler (21) in Germany, and Zeldovitch (22) in
On the other hand, if the catalyst is very active, Russia, all working independently and reporting
many reactant molecules will have been con- their results between 1937 and 1939. Since these
verted to products before they have had time to early publications, a number of different re-
diffuse very far into the pore structure. There search groups have extended and further de-
will be steep concentration gradients of both veloped the analysis. Of particular note are the
reactant and product species near the periphery efforts of Wheeler (23-24), Weisz (25-28), Wicke
of the particle. Within the central core of the (29-32), and Aris (33-36). In recent years, several
particle, the reactant concentrations will be very individuals have also extended the treatment to
low and their gradients will be small. In the core include enzyrties immobilized in porous media
the product concentrations will be high. Vir- or within permselective membranes. The im-
tually the entire reaction will take place within portant consequence of these analyses is the
a thin shell on the periphery of the particle. In development of a technique that can be used to
this case the internal surface area is not used analyze quantitatively the factors that determine
effectively. Still, under steady-state operating the effectiveness with which the surface area of
conditions, diffusion of reactants in and pro- a porous catalyst is used. For this purpose we
ducts out must balance the rate of reaction define an effectiveness factor rj for a catalyst
within the pore. Here, however, it is large peri- particle as

actual rate for the entire catalyst particle

rj = (12.3.1)
rate evaluated at exterior surface conditions

pheral concentration gradients rather than high Hence the effectiveness factor is the ratio of the
diffusivities that are mainly responsible for actual reaction rate to that which would be
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 439

observed if the total surface area throughout I I

the catalyst interior were exposed to a fluid of
the same composition and temperature as that External
found at the outside surface of the particle. By
the proper choice of experimental conditions,
the intrinsic chemical reaction rate expression
x = 0 x + Ax
can be determined. These conditions require the
elimination of both external and intraparticle Figure 12.1
mass transfer resistances. Once the intrinsic Schematic representation of straight cylindrical cat-
chemical kinetics have been determined, the alyst pore.
problem that we are addressing reduces to one
of evaluating the effectiveness factor rj. The
general approach to analyzing this problem which we write a mass balance. If the catalyst
involves the development and solution of dif- pellet is assumed to contain np identical pores
ferential equations for simultaneous reaction of this type, the analysis in Illustration 6.2 indi-
and diffusion within a catalyst particle. In the cates that the model parameters 7, L, and np (the
case of nonisothermal catalyst pellets, we also number of pores per catalyst particle) can be
require an additional differential equation for related to experimentally measurable properties
the energy transport within the particle. as follows.
r = (12.3.2)
12.3.1 Effectiveness Factors for
Isothermal Catalyst Pellets
This section is concerned with analyses of simul- (12.3.3)
taneous reaction and mass transfer within
porous catalysts under isothermal conditions. a — — ^— (12.3.4)
Several factors that influence the final equation AnVl
for the catalyst effectiveness factor are discussed where
in the various subsections. The factors considered
include different mathematical models of the Vq is the void volume per gram of catalyst
catalyst pore structure, the gross catalyst geo- Sg is the surface area per gram of catalyst
metry (i.e., its apparent shape), and the rate Vp is the gross volume of the catalyst particle
expression for the surface reaction. Sx is the gross exterior surface area of the particle
(geometric area) The Effectiveness Factor for a Straight
sp is the catalyst porosity
Cylindrical Catalyst Pore: First-Order Reaction.
To illustrate the basic features of an analysis for For a surface reaction that is first-order in gas
catalyst effectiveness factors, we consider the phase reactant concentration, the rate per unit
problem of a first-order reaction taking place surface area may be written as
on the surface of a straight cylindrical catalyst
r = k'[C (12.3.5)
pore. It is assumed that there is no change in the
number of moles of gas phase species during where C refers to the reactant concentration, the
reaction (d = 0). Figure 12.1 indicates the geo- subscript 1 indicates that the reaction is first
metric parameters characterizing the cylindrical order, and the superscript " emphasizes that the
pore and the differential element of length over reaction rate is expressed per unit surface area.
440 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

If a material balance is written over the dif- so that equation 12.3.10 may be rewritten as
ferential element of pore length shown in Figure
12.1, one finds that at steady state: d2C
= h2TC (12.3.12)
Input = output + disappearance by reaction
The solution to this equation may be written in
Try I - 3)c —— = wr ' - c the form
dx L x+Ax
+ (2n7 Ax)(k';C) (12.3.6) c 0 cos:
where we have used the symbol Q)c to emphasize
the fact that the diffusive flux may represent a which describes the concentration profile along
combination of Knudsen and ordinary mole- the length of the pore. While this equation is not
cular diffusion and where we have assumed that our ultimate goal, a brief digression to examine a
the stoichiometric coefficient of the reactant for possible physical interpretation of the square of
which we are writing the material balance is — 1. the Thiele modulus may shed some light on the
Dividing through by Ax, taking the limit as discussion that follows.
Ax goes to zero, and rearranging gives Equation 12.3.11 may be rewritten as

d2C 2k'jC (2nrL)k'{C0

c (12.3.7) (12.3.14)
dx2 r 2
(nr )
This second-order differential equation is
subject to the boundary conditions:
The numerator of the right side of this equa-
C = Co at x = 0 (12.3.8) tion is equal to the chemical reaction rate that
would prevail if there were no diffusional limita-
= 0 at x = I (12.3.9) tions on the reaction rate. In this situation, the
~dx reactant concentration is uniform throughout
the pore and equal to its value at the pore mouth.
The second boundary condition meets the re-
The denominator may be regarded as the prod-
quirement that there be no flow of matter out of
uct of a hypothetical diffusive flux and a cross-
the closed end of the pore.
sectional area for flow. The hypothetical flux
Equation 12.3.7 may be rewritten as
corresponds to the case where there is a linear
d2C 2k'[L: concentration gradient over the pore length
C (12.3.10) equal to Co/L. The Thiele modulus is thus
characteristic of the ratio of an intrinsic reaction
The term in brackets is a dimensionless group rate in the absence of mass transfer limitations
that plays a key role in determining the limita- to the rate of diffusion into the pore under
tions that intraparticle diffusion places on specified conditions.
observed reaction rates and the effectiveness Now at steady state, the observed rate of
with which the catalyst surface area is utilized. reaction within the pore just balances the rate
We define the Thiele modulus hT as of diffusion of reactant into the pore

2k'[L2 (dC
(12.3.11) c I 7 I nr2 (12.3.15)
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 441

From equation 12.3.13, the concentration The approximation is quite good for many
gradient at the pore mouth is found to be engineering purposes, particularly when one

dx j L Q>
cosh hT
< sinh hT d )\\( hA
hT Co sinh hr
L cosh hT

According to this model, the reaction rate that recognizes the disparity between the physical
would be observed within the catalyst pore is reality represented by a real porous catalyst and
given by a combination of equations 12.3.15 the assumptions implied by the model.
and 12.3.16. The effectiveness factor for a single pore is
identical with that for the particle as a whole.
rpore = ^ ^ ^ t a n h / , r (12.3.17)
Thus the reaction rate per unit mass of catalyst
can be written as
If there were no limitations placed on the
reaction rate by intraparticle diffusion (i.e., if r
mass — (12.3.22)
the reactant concentration were C o throughout
the pore), the reaction rate would be given by
r ideal = 2n7Lk';C0 (12.3.18)
From the definition of the effectiveness factor
and equations 12.3.17 and 12.3.18,

nr — = — tanh hT
ideal 2nrLk'[C0

hT tanh h7 (12.3.19)

Equation 12.3.11 indicates that the term in

parentheses is just l/hT. Hence
tanh hT
Figure 12.2 is a plot of the effectiveness factor
rj versus the Thiele modulus hT. For low values
2 3 4 4.5
of hT (slow reaction, rapid diffusion), the effec- Thiele modulus, hT
tiveness factor approaches unity. For values of
Figure 12.2
the Thiele modulus above 2.0, tanh hT ~ 1 and Plot of effectiveness factor versus Thiele modulus
the effectiveness factor may be approximated by for first-order reaction.
1 1
(12.3.21) h. T = Lr / •=—
442 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

In the laboratory, the measured rate constant they must have a means of evaluating the effec-
for the first-order reaction would have to equal tiveness factor for the catalyst particles they
the product r\k'{ if this constant were expressed plan to use in their reactor. There are two basic
per unit area of catalyst. This relationship then routes to the evaluation of rj, and each is dis-
gives us an alternative interpretation of the cussed in turn.
effectiveness factor in terms of our model The first method of determining rj is based on
k" equation 12.3.23. It requires experimental data
1 measured (12.3.23) on the rate constants (or the reaction rate at
n= k"
similar external concentrations) as a function of
'M intrinsic
It is the ratio of the measured rate constant to the gross particle size of the catalyst. Experi-
the intrinsic chemical rate constant. ments are carried out using smaller and smaller
The Thiele modulus may be written in terms particles obtained by grinding or crushing the
of measurable quantities using equations 12.3.2 large particles that are intended for use in the
and 12.3.3: commercial scale reactor. When a size regime
IW; where the rate constant is independent of
hT = L
particle size is reached, we are measuring the
true or intrinsic rate constant, and this parameter
(12.3.24) gives us the denominator of equation 12.3.23.
The numerator is, of course, the rate constant
For hT > 2 the observed reaction rate can be measured for the particle size one intends to use
approximated by combining equations 12.3.21, in the reactor. This method requires rate mea-
12.3.22, and 12.3.24: surements on at least two different size catalysts,
and preferably more.
A second approach to determiningy\ requires
rate measurements on only a single size of
catalyst but it requires that we know Vp, Sx, Vg,
(12.3.25) Sg and that we know or can estimate Q)c. From
a single rate experiment, we can obtain k'[ or its
There are two points worth noting relative to equivalent k'[Sg. Then there are alternative
equation 12.3.25. First, the ratio of the external means of solving equations 12.3.11, 12.3.20, and
surface area Sx to the gross geometric volume of 12.3.23 for rj in terms of the input parameters.
a catalyst particle is inversely proportional to a A simple trial and error technique consists of
characteristic dimension of the particle. For the following steps.
geometrically similar particles, this fact implies
that the observed rate per unit mass of catalyst 1. Assume a value for rj.
• will be inversely proportional to the particle 2. Calculate hT from equation 12.3.20 or read
size. Second, the observed rate will be propor- the value of this parameter from the curve in
tional to the square root of the true rate constant. Figure 12,2.
Consequently, over the temperature range where 3. Calculate the intrinsic rate constant from the
intraparticle mass transfer strongly influences input parameters, using equation 12.3.24.
the reaction rate, the apparent activation energy 4. Compare the measured rate constant k![ with
for the reaction will be approximately one half the product of the assumed Y\ and the intrinsic
the true activation energy for the surface reaction. rate constant determined in step 3. If the two
If reactor designers desire to make use of the are equal, the assumption in step 1 was
analysis developed thus far in this subsection, correct; if they are unequal, one assumes a new
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 443

value of r\ and iterates until consistent results relatively clean reaction that can be used as a
are obtained. measure of the relative activities of different
cracking catalysts. Some of the data on this re-
A variation on the second approach involves
action have been obtained using integral flow
a somewhat different manner of combining the
reactors. For this type of reactor, the variation
equations used in the trial and error procedure.
of conversion with reactor space time is rela-
From equation 12.3.11,
tively insensitive to variations in the form of the
(12.3.26) reaction rate expression at degrees of conversion
that are far from equilibrium. Consequently,
data on these systems are often reported in
and, from equations 12.3.23 and 12.3.20,
terms of a simple first-order reaction rate con-
i,, ^ 1 measured stant, assuming that the volume change accom-
tanh hT panying the reaction is negligible. An expression
that is often used to determine this constant is
Combining equations 12.3.26 and 12.3.27 gives
W dfA
K measured = M t a n h hT) (12.3.28) " Jo f - r . J ~ Jo0 kC, 0 (l - fA
-«n(l -/A
which can be written in terms of experimentally kC AO
measurable variables using equations 12.3.2 and
12.3.3: where W is the weight of catalyst employed and
the reaction rate constant is expressed per unit
= hT(tHTih hT) (12-3.29) weight of catalyst. (The basic equation was de-
rived earlier as equation 8.2.12.) If the data of
This equation can be solved for hT, and equation Corrigan and his co-workers (37) are expressed
12.3.20 may then be used to determine the in these terms, at 510 °C the apparent rate con-
effectiveness factor. stant is approximately 0.716 cm3/sec-g catalyst)
The equations for effectiveness factors that we as determined from Figure 6 of the reference
have developed in this subsection are strictly cited. If the catalyst employed in this study has
applicable only to reactions that are first-order the properties enumerated below, determine the
in the fluid phase concentration of a reactant effectiveness factor for the catalyst. The value of
whose stoichiometric coefficient is unity. They the combined diffusivity from Illustration 12.1
further require that no change in the number of may be used in your analysis.
moles take place on reaction and that the pellet
Data on Catalyst Properties
be isothermal. The following illustration indi- (Silica-alumina)
cates how this idealized cylindrical pore model
is used to obtain catalyst effectiveness factors. Equivalent diameter 0.43 cm
Particle density 1.14 g/cm3
ILLUSTRATION 12.2 DETERMINATION OF Specific surface area 342 m2/g
THE CUMENE CRACKING REACTION Void volume per gram 0.447 cm3/g

The cumene cracking reaction has been studied Since we are given the apparent rate constant
by a number of investigators because it is a rather than the true rate constant, a trial and
444 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

error solution will be required. Either of the failure to allow for the change in the number of
approaches described above may be used, but moles on reaction, and the possibility that the
we will employ equation 12.3.29. Since our ap- pellets cannot be maintained in an isothermal
parent rate constant is expressed per unit weight condition for this endothermic reaction (see Sec-
of catalyst rather than per unit surface area, the tion 12.3.2). The discrepancy indicates the ne-
first step involves multiplying both sides of this cessity for good experimental data as input to
equation by 5 reactor design calculations for heterogeneous
catalytic reactions. Model predictions will not
K measured^ = M ^ n l l hT reflect the real world if the assumptions on which
they are based are in error. For best results, one
where the left side is equal to 0.716 cm3/(sec-g should use experimental data taken under condi-
catalyst). The equivalent radius of the catalyst tions approximating the proposed industrial
particles is 0.215 cm. Hence application.

Vp = I = |7r(0.215)3 = 0.0416 cm 3 The Effectiveness Factor for a Straight
and Cylindrical Pore: Second- and Zero-Order
Reactions. This section indicates the predic-
Sx = 4nR2 = 4TT(0.215) 2 = 0.581 cm2
tions of the straight cylindrical pore model for
Thus isothermal reactions that are zero- and second-

(0.447)(0.581)2(6.19 x 10 - 3 V
0.716 = /iT(tanh hT)
_ (0.0416)2

or order in the gas phase concentration of reactant.

hT tanh hT = 1.327 Equimolal counterdiffusion is assumed (8A = 0).
For a second-order reaction, a material bal-
The transcendental equation for hT may be
ance on a differential element of pore length
solved to give hT = 1.47. Equation 12.3.20 then
leads to the following differential equation
gives rj = (tanh 1.47)/1.47 = 0.61.
This value is considerably higher than the 9 *£-** (12.3.30)
experimental value (0.17) obtained from rate dx2 r
measurements on different size particles, but
several factors may be invoked to explain the where we have used the subscript 2 to indicate
inconsistency. There will be a distribution of that we are dealing with a second-order rate
both pore radii and pore lengths present in the constant. This equation is subject to the bound-
actual catalyst rather than uniquely specified ary conditions given by equations 12.3.8 and
values. Alumina catalysts often have a bimodal 12.3.9.
pore-size distribution. Our estimate of an ap- In dimensionless form, this equation can be
parent first-order rate constant using the method written as
outlined above will be somewhat in error. The d2(C/C0) 2k'±C0L2 fC\2 = h2{^
catalyst surface may not be equally active d(x/L)2 13C \C0J
throughout if selective deactivation has taken
place and the peripheral region is less active than (12.3.31)
the catalyst core. Other sources of error are the where the Thiele modulus for the second-order
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 445

reaction (h2) is defined as The reaction rate within the pore is equal to
the rate of diffusion into the pore as indicated
h7 = I (12.3.32) by equation 12.3.15. Thus

This equation can be solved exactly in terms

of elliptic integrals, but this solution is somewhat
complex. However, by a slight modification of (12.3.38)
the boundary condition at the end of the pore, it where the term in braces arises from the deriva-
is possible to obtain a good engineering approxi- tive of the concentration evaluated at the pore
mation that is useful for fast reactions. In this mouth.
approximation, we replace the boundary condi- In the absence of diffusional limitations,
tion at the end of the pore by
r ideal = 2nJLk'2fCl (12.3.39)
C = CL at x = L (12.3.33)
The effectiveness factor is given by the ratio of
To evaluate the effectiveness factor we require equation 12.3.38 to equation 12.3.39.
only the derivative of the concentration at the
pore mouth. This parameter may be obtained by
multiplying both sides of equation 12.3.31 by
2L 2 /c' 2 'C 0 V 3
d(C/Cp) d (C/C0) = 1 d _ p/(C/C 0 )l If we make use of equation 12.3.32, the last
d(x/L) [[d(x/L)Y
] 2 d(x/L) LI d(x/L) JJ equation becomes

(12.3.34) This relation is an exact consequence of the
differential equation 12.3.30, but it suffers from
Integration gives
the disadvantage that it contains an unknown
rd(c/co)j parameter, C L , the reactant concentration at the
L d(x/L) J hl(C/C0)3 end of the pore. However, for even moderately
2 3 l fast reactions we can say that CL is significantly
less than C o and, because of the nature of the
function under the radical sign, it is a very good
where Cx is a constant of integration. approximation to say that
At x/L = 1 the first derivative must be zero,
1 0.8165
and C/CQ must be CJC0. Hence r\ ^ for h? > 2.5
d(x/L) •m-m
L\Co/ \ c o /(12.3.36) Curve B of Figure 12.3 [adopted from Wheeler

(38)] represents the dependence of the effective-

or ness factor on Thiele modulus for second-order
kinetics. Values of r\ for first-order and zero-
_dc_c0 /2r/cy /cLyi order kinetics in straight cylindrical pores are
~ ^ ~ T V3LW " W J shown as curves A and C, respectively. Each
(12.3.37) curve is plotted versus its appropriate modulus.
446 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

i i form of the appropriate differential equation is
d2(C/C0) 2L2K
2 = hi (12.3.43)
0.8 —
— \ \ \ c d(x/L) 13)CC o

| -
\\ V \ V >
— Zero order
subject to the boundary conditions of equations
12.3.8 and 12.3.9. The parameter /c'o' is the zero-
order rate constant based on unit surface area
of the catalyst and h0 is the Thiele modulus for
I 0.4 the zero-order reaction.
— First o r d e r - ^ S ^
The solution to equation 12.3.43 can be
I Second order —^ written as
0.2 —
Single pore model ^ - \ \ ^ \ I (12-3.44)
I l i
1 2 3 4 5 The reactant concentration C will be greater
Thiele modulus, ht than zero throughout the entire length of the
pore provided that h0 < yfl. In this case the
Figure 12.3 effectiveness factor will be unity because the
Plots of effectiveness factors versus corresponding reaction rate is independent of concentration.
Thiele moduli for zero-, first-, and second-order For values of h0 > >/2, equation 12.3.44 would
kinetics based on straight cylindrical pore model.
call for negative values of the reactant concen-
For large h~ values of r\ are as follows:
tration at large values of x/L, a situation that
l2k'0'L2 is clearly impossible. Hence the boundary con-
Zero-order r\ =
ditions on equation 12.3.43 must be changed
so that both the reactant concentration and
First-order r\ = — its gradient become zero at a point in the pore
h that we label with a coordinate xc. In this
/2/3 situation, the concentration profile becomes
Second-order t) =
C = 0 for x (12.3.45)
[From A. Wheeler, Adv. Catalysis, 3 (249), 1951.
Copyright (c) 1951. Used with permission of Aca-
demic Press.] Co L^l 2 \Lj2,
Notice that in the region of fast chemical re- (12.3.46)
action, the effectiveness factor becomes inversely
where xc can be determined from the point at
proportional to the modulus h2. Since h2 is
proportional to the square root of the external which dC/dx = 0; that is,
surface concentration, these two fundamental
relations require that for second-order kinetics, for h0 (12.3.47)
the fraction of the catalyst surface that is effective
will increase as one moves downstream in an Thus, for h0 > y/2, the effectiveness factor is
isothermal packed bed reactor. given by
As Figure 12.3 indicates, it is also possible to
obtain an analytical solution in terms of the 2nrLk0 L n0
straight cylindrical pore model for the case of
a zero-order reaction. Here the dimensionless This function is plotted as curve C in Figure 12.3.
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 447

123.13 The Effectiveness Factor Analysis in

Terms of Effective Diffusivities: First-Order
Reactions on Spherical Pellets. Useful expres-
sions for catalyst effectiveness factors may also
be developed in terms of the concept of effective
diffusivities. This approach permits one to write
an expression for the mass transfer within the
pellet in terms of a form of Fick's first law based
on the superficial cross-sectional area of a
porous medium. We thereby circumvent the
necessity of developing a detailed mathematical
model of the pore geometry and size distribu-
tion. This subsection is devoted to an analysis
of simultaneous mass transfer and chemical
Figure 12.4
reaction in porous catalyst pellets in terms of Schematic diagram of porous spherical catalyst
the effective diffusivity. In order to use the pellet.
analysis with confidence, the effective diffusivity
should be determined experimentally, since it
and write a material balance on this differential
is difficult to obtain accurate estimates of this
element. Reactants are transported into and
parameter on an a priori basis.
out of the annular shell by diffusion and are
Consider the spherical catalyst pellet of
consumed within it by reaction. For a surface
radius R shown in Figure 12.4. The effective
reaction that is first-order in the gas phase
diffusivity approach presumes that diffusion of
reactant concentration, the reaction rate within
all types can be represented in terms of Fick's
the differential volume element can be written as
first law and an overall effective diffusion coeffi-
cient that can be taken as a constant. That is, r = k';PpSg(4nr2 Ar)C (12.3.50)
the appropriate flux representation is
where pp is the apparent density of the catalyst
dC particle (mass per total particle volume) and
Nr = - (12.3.49)
Anr2 Ar is the differential volume element.
Notice that the group k'{ppSg may be regarded
where Nr is the diffusive flux outward in the as an apparent first-order rate constant per
radial direction. As before, we will assume unit volume of catalyst pellet.
steady-state reaction conditions, a simple ir- Assuming that the stoichiometric coefficient
reversible first-order reaction with S = 0, and of the reactant is — 1 and that there is no change
an isothermal pellet. We will focus our attention in the number of moles on reaction, the material
on the spherical shell of porous material con- balance on the volume element at steady state
tained within the region between r and r + Ar can be written as:

(Rate of input by diffusion at r + Ar) = (rate of efflux by diffusion at r)

+ (rate of disappearance by chemical reaction)

4nr: = 47tr2 ®eff — + k';PpSgC4nr2 Ar (12.3.51)

448 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

The differential equation governing simulta- new variable z defined such that C = z/r. This
neous chemical reaction and diffusion then substitution converts equation 12.3.57 to
*.2o? dC
\ _ k';PpSgCr2 = 0 (12.3.52) dr2
This equation is of the same form as equation
If the effective diffusivity is assumed to be a 12.3.10 and the solution can be expressed in
constant, equation 12.3.52 can be written as terms of exponential functions as
z = Cr = (12.3.59)
dr2 r dr ®pff
where the constants of integration Cx and C 2
The boundary conditions for this differential can be evaluated from the boundary conditions.
equation require that: At r = 0, the fact that dC/dr = 0 implies that
1. At r = R = C0 (12.3.54) C, = -C2 (12.3.60)
Equation 12.3.59 can thus be rewritten in
2. At r = 0 (12.3.55) terms of hyperbolic functions as

The first condition requires that the reactant (12.3.61)

concentration at the external surface of the R
catalyst be fixed. The second condition implies Use of the boundary condition at the external
that there can be no diffusive flux through the surface of the spherical pellet (r = R) leads to
center of the pellet, since this is a point of the following expression for the concentration
symmetry. profile in the spherical pellet.
It is convenient to define a new Thiele-type
modulus (j)s for this spherically symmetric
problem as*
= fi „ reaction)
lh'!n S Co r sinh(0s)
Figure 12.5 contains a series of curves repre-
Combining equations 12.3.53 and 12.3.56 gives senting the concentration profile in the spherical
2 +
pellet for different values of the Thiele modulus
dlQ r dr
2dC 0 S . For small values of 0 5 , (say less than 0.5)
— C (12.3.57)
The conventional approach to solving this the concentration profile is relatively flat and
linear differential equation is to introduce a the reactant concentration is reasonably uni-
form. For large values of 0 S (say greater than 5),
the reaction is rapid relative to diffusion and
* We would be remiss if we did not indicate that some
authors have defined yet another Thiele-type modulus
the reactant concentration at the center of the
{(f)fs) for this problem as <fa's = cps/3 and they have developed catalyst pellet is less than 7% of that at the
their analysis according to this parameter. In using plots external surface. Notice that in all cases the
of Y\ versus 0 S , one must be careful to determine which of concentration gradient approaches zero at the
the two alternative definitions has been adopted for <fis.
center of the pellet.
Otherwise his value for Y\ may be considerably in error. A
variety of other symbols for dimensionless groups akin to We now wish to evaluate the total reaction
the Thiele modulus have been employed by different rate for the entire catalyst pellet. This quantity
authors. may be obtained by writing an expression for
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 449

Combining equations 12.3.63 and 12.3.65

Rate = (12.3.66)
tanh(</>s • <t>>\
If the entire active surface of the spherical pellet
were exposed to reactant at a concentration C o ,
the rate corresponding to this condition would
be given by
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Dimensionless radial position, r/R Rate for C = Co throughout pellet
Figure 12.5
= Pi , - nR3sgkf;c0 (12.3.67)
Dimensionless plot of reactant concentration ver-
sus distance from center of pellet.
The effectiveness factor is then given by the ratio
of equation 12.3.66 to 12.3.67:
the reaction rate in the spherical annulus of 1 1
Figure 12.4 in terms of the local reactant con-
centration as given by equation 12.3.62, and PpR tanh(0J
then integrating this expression over the entire
sphere. However, a simpler procedure involves _£[_£__£] 1 1 (12.3.68)

recognizing that the overall rate of reaction where we have used the defining equation for
within the spherical pellet must be equal to the cf)s (12.3.56). For large values of 0 S , the hyperbolic
rate of mass transfer into the pellet at steady tangent approaches unity and the effectiveness
state. factor approaches 3/0 s . Figure 12.6 is a plot of
Rate = 4nR2@eH (~ ) (12.3.63) the function described by equation 12.3.68. It
\drJr = R is appropriate for an isothermal first-order
where we have eliminated the negative sign on irreversible reaction in a sphere. At low values
the derivative, because we are interested in the of </>s, the effectiveness factor approaches unity.
flux into the pellet. Illustration 12.3 indicates the use of the
The concentration gradient at the exterior effective diffusivity approach for estimating
surface can be obtained by differentiating catalyst effectiveness factors when this param-
equation 12.3.62 with respect to r eter is determined experimentally or may be

cosh (t>s -
dC \ K
sinh(0s) sinh(</>s)


and evaluating the derivative at the surface.
Use the effective diffusivity approach to evaluate
R the effectiveness factor for the silica-alumina
(12.3.65) catalyst pellets considered in Illustration 12.2.
450 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

\ or
fcltruA = 4.081
\ The measured value of k'{Sg is 0.716 cm3/(sec-#
, 0.8 catalyst) and the ratio of this value to k'[ true S 3
should be equal to our assumed value for the
\ effectiveness factor, if our assumption was cor-
rect. The actual ratio is 0.175, which is at
0.6 \
\ variance with the assumed value. Hence we pick
\ a new value of rj and repeat the procedure until
agreement is obtained. This iterative approach
produces an effectiveness factor of 0.238, which
I °- \ s
corresponds to a <j)s value of 11.5. This result
differs from the experimental value (0.17) and
that calculated by the cylindrical pore model
(0.61). In the above calculations, an experimental
value of ®eff was not available and this cir-
cumstance is largely responsible for the dis-
crepancy. If the combined diffusivity determined
0.0 in Illustration 12.1 is converted to an effective
15 18
diffusivity using equation 12.2.9, the value used
above corresponds to a tortuosity factor of 2.6.
If we had employed Q)c from Illustration 12.1
Figure 12.6 and a tortuosity factor of unity to calculate
Effectiveness factor plot for spherical catalyst ^ e f f , we would have determined that rj = 0.65,
particles based on effective diffusivities (first-order which is consistent with the value obtained from
the straight cylindrical pore model in Illustra-
tion 12.2.
Assume that the effective diffusivity for cumene
in these particles is equal to 1.2 x 10~ 3 cm2/sec,
which is a typical value for silica-alumina TCC
123.14 The Effectiveness Factor Analysis in
beads (39).
Terms of Effective Diffusivities: Extension to
Reactions Other than First-Order and Various
Catalyst Geometries. The analysis developed
The trial and error procedure outlined in in Section may be extended in relatively
Section is quite general if appropriate simple straightforward fashion to other integer-
modification is made for the use of 0S values order rate expressions and to other catalyst
and effective diffusivities. Thus we will start by geometries such as flat plates and cylinders.
assuming that Y\ = 0.20. From Figure 12.6, we Some of the key results from such extensions
find that 4>s = 13.4. are treated briefly below.
Substitution of numerical values into the For a zero-order chemical reaction, an analy-
defining equation for 0S (12.3.56) gives sis similar to that employed in Section
indicates that
1.2 x 10 - 3 r\ = 1 for <£so < (12.3.69)
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 451

and (j)s0. For purposes of comparison, plots are also

presented for first- and second-order reactions
in terms of the appropriate moduli.
The analysis of simultaneous diffusion and
chemical reaction in porous catalysts in terms
= 1 - 1 - for > yfi (12.3.70) of effective diffusivities is readily extended to
geometries other than a sphere. Consider a flat
where </>sO = (12.3.71) plate of porous catalyst in contact with a re-
actant on one side, but sealed with an imper-
and where rc is the radius at which the reactant meable material along the edges and on the side
concentration goes to zero. This radius may be opposite the reactant. If we assume simple
determined from the constraints that both the power law kinetics, a reaction in which there is
reactant concentration and its gradient go to no change in the number of moles on reaction,
zero at the critical radius. rc is a root of the and an isothermal flat plate, a simple material
equation balance on a differential thickness of the plate
leads to the following differential equation
2\R R
"i n, = PPSgKCn (12.3.73)
where (j)20 > 6 and rc < R. dx
Figure 12.7 adapted from Satterfield (40) where n is the reaction order and x is the distance
contains a plot of the effectiveness factor for a in from the open side. It is also assumed that
zero-order reaction versus the Thiele modulus the effective diffusivity is constant throughout
the porous material. The boundary conditions
for the physical situation described above re-
0.8 quire that at x = 0, C = C o and at x = L (the
_- 0.6 plate thickness), dC/dx = 0.
The analyses of simultaneous reaction and
£ 0.4
mass transfer in this geometry are similar
Sphere, zero order mathematically to those of the straight cylindri-
S 0.2 _ Sphere, first order cal pore model considered previously, because
Sphere, second order • both are essentally one-dimensional models. In
J I I I I the general case, the Thiele modulus for semi-
1 4 6 8 10 20 40 infinite, flat-plate problems becomes
Thiele modulus, 0S

Figure 12.7 </>Ln = (12.3.74)

Effectiveness factor plot for nth-order kinetics—
spherical catalyst particles and the equations developed earlier for r\ in
Z e r o - o r d e r <|>$0 = R\fk'o~Sgpp/S>enCo terms of the moduli h0, hu and h2 can be used to
First-order <|>s1 = R^k"Sg~f>p/2$^ estimate rj for flat-plate geometries, merely by
Second-order <|>s2 = Ryfk72SgppC0/@eii replacing hn by 0 L n .
Reprinted from Mass Transfer in Heterogeneous Analyses have been carried out for a variety
Catalysis by C. N. Satterfield with permission of of other catalyst geometries including among
The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. Copyright © others, porous rods of infinite length (or with
1970 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. sealed ends), a porous rod with open ends, and
452 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

the case of gases contacting the inside of a diffusion and chemical reaction in porous
porous annulus. Refer to Satterfield (41) and catalysts of different geometries. For discussion
Aris (35) for additional discussion along these of the asymptotic solution approach to catalyst
lines and the pertinent references. However, we effectiveness factors, see the texts of Aris (36,
should point out that Luss and Amundson (42) 43) and Petersen (44).
have demonstrated that for simple first-order
isothermal reactions, the spherical particle has Isothermal Effectiveness Factors—Mis-
the lowest effectiveness factor for all possible
cellaneous Considerations.
shapes having the same volume. This demon-
stration is largely due to the fact that the sphere Implications of Nonequimolal Coun-
has the lowest possible external surface/volume ter-diffusion for Effectiveness Factors. When
ratio. One is tempted to conclude that catalyst there is a change in the number of gas phase
particles should be fabricated in shapes other species on reaction, there has to be at steady state
than spheres to minimize intraparticle diffu- a net molar flux either into or out of a porous
sional limitations on the reaction rate. However, catalyst. When bulk diffusion is responsible for
in practice, such other considerations as the all or even a reasonably significant fraction of
resultant pressure drop across a packed bed, the the total mass transfer, the pressure gradient
flow distribution through the bed, and the ease through the pellet will usually be negligible, but
of manufacture weigh heavily in determining the the increase in the number of moles on reaction
particular geometric shape in which the catalyst makes it more difficult for reactants to diffuse
will be employed. into the catalyst, thereby decreasing the effective-
For spherical pellets, for semi-infinite slabs, ness factor. A decrease in the number of moles
and for infinite cylinders at sufficiently large facilitates diffusion of reactants into the pellet
values of the Thiele modulus (/>, the effectiveness relative to the equimolal counterdiffusion case,
factor becomes inversely proportional to the thereby increasing the catalyst effectiveness
modulus with the constant of proportionality factor. While we have previously neglected
depending on the gross catalyst geometry and consideration of these phenomena, we now wish
the order of the reaction. Under these conditions, to briefly consider the influence of changes in
the reactant concentrations rapidly approach the number of gas phase species during reaction
zero as one penetrates into the catalyst, and it on catalyst effectiveness factors. Treatments of
is only the outer periphery of the catalyst that is this subject date back to the classic paper of
effective in promoting reaction. This region is Thiele (20), but the most comprehensive general
very thin when 0 is large and, in many respects, treatment is that of Weekman and Goring (45),
it may be regarded as a semi-infinite flat plate who analyzed isothermal zero-, first-, and
with a thickness Vp/Sx, irrespective of the true second-order reactions in porous spherical
catalyst geometry. This limiting condition gives catalysts at constant total pressure. They de-
rise to the so-called "asymptotic forms" of the scribed the response of the effectiveness factor
relation between the effectiveness factor and the to changes in the number of moles on reaction
Thiele modulus, in which the inverse propor- in terms of a volume change modulus 0, and
tionality noted above is observed. This approach the conventional Thiele modulus <fis. The volume
is extremely appealing from the viewpoint of change modulus is defined as
the mathematician, because it emphasizes the
0 = (£yt)Y (12.3.75)
mathematical similarity of the differential
equations and their corresponding boundary where the sum of the stoichiometric coefficients
conditions when one analyzes simultaneous is the increase in the number of moles on re-
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 453

action and Y is the mole fraction reactant at mole fraction at the external surface of the
the external surface of the catalyst. Their results catalyst, one expects the influence of 9 to be
were summarized in the form of plots of the most significant near the inlet to a plug flow
ratio of the effectiveness factor for the volume reactor vis a vis its effects at other points along
change case (nf) to that for no volume change the reactor length. Moreover, the effect should
(rj) versus the volume change modulus 9 at be small in cases where the reactants are highly
various values of the Thiele modulus <ps. diluted by the presence of inerts. This approach
Figure 12.8 is a reproduction of their curves for has also been extended to nonisothermal systems
first-order reactions. The more significant the (46).
departures of 9 and (/>s from zero, the greater
the departure of the ratio (rj'/rj) from unity. The Implications of the Effectiveness Fac-
departure of (rj'/rj) from unity also becomes more tor Concept for Kinetic Parameters Measured
significant as the order of the reaction increases, in the Laboratory. It is useful at this point to
but the effect is relatively small compared to discuss the effects of intraparticle diffusion on
the effects of variations in 9 or variations in <fis the kinetic parameters that are observed ex-
at low values of 4>s. Since the volume change perimentally. Unless we are aware that intra-
modulus is directly proportional to the reactant particle diffusion may obscure or disguise the

First—order reactions — spherical particles


1.5 1— L^10

1.3 \\

\ \



— ——
— 0

i —• —
— I—
— — .




= = » — m
• -

0.8 ' —• ^ .
— —
- " . -2.0
0.7 §5 ^


-1 1
Volume change modulus,

Figure 12.8
Effectiveness factor ratios for first-order kinetics on spherical catalyst pellets.

factor in the presence of volume change

[(*• factor in absence of volume change

From V. W. Weekman and R. L. Goring, J. Catalysis, 4 (260), 1965. Copy-

right c 1965. Used with permission of Academic Press.]
454 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

true intrinsic chemical kinetics, we may draw raised to the nth power, it can be said that
incorrect conclusions regarding the order and
temperature dependence of the intrinsic chemi- rr -Cn cr ° — r<" +] (12.3.78)
cal reaction. If one is interested in the funda-
mental nature of the chemical reaction, it is Thus a zero-order reaction appears to be 1/2
important to employ experimental conditions order and a second-order reaction appears to
that eliminate the influence of both external be 3/2 order when dealing with a fast reaction
and intraparticle mass transfer processes on taking place in porous catalyst pellets. First-
the observed rate. From the viewpoint of the order reactions do not appear to undergo a shift
chemical engineer engaged in the practice of in reaction order in going from high to low
reactor design, it is even more important to effectiveness factors. These statements presume
recognize that in dealing with pelletized hetero- that the combined diffusivity lies in the Knudsen
geneous catalysts, the apparent kinetics may range, so that this parameter is pressure in-
differ appreciably from the true intrinsic kinetics. dependent.
If we consider a reaction with intrinsic kinetics If the dominant mode of transport within the
of simple nth order form that takes place within catalyst pores is ordinary molecular diffusion,
the pores of a catalyst pellet, the observed rate the analysis becomes somewhat more complex.
of reaction per unit mass of catalyst may be The ordinary molecular diffusivity is inversely
written as proportional to the pressure so that in this case
(12.3.76) h or (f""M 1 / 2 • P 1 / 2 (\11 79^1

where C o is the reactant concentration in the If the reactant is by far the dominant species,
gas phase. If we adopt the straight cylindrical equation 12.3.79 can be written as
pore model and write a material balance over
a differential element of pore length, we find (C0RT)1/2 or (12.3.80)
that for nth-order kinetics, the analog of
equations 12.3.10, 12.3.31, and 12.3.43 becomes and, in the limit of low effectiveness factors, the
rate will be of the form
d2(C/C0) 2/c;T2 C
d(x/L)2 (12.3.81)
so that here one would again observe discre-
KCoJ pancies between the observed and true orders
(12.3.77) of the reaction.
In a similar fashion, it is easily shown that
where the square of the generalized Thiele the apparent activation energy of the reaction
modulus (the quantity in brackets) is propor- may differ appreciably from the intrinsic activa-
tional to the external concentration of reactant tion energy of the chemical reaction. The ap-
raised to the power (n — 1). parent rate constant is equal to the product of
In the limit of low effectiveness factors where n the effectiveness factor and the true rate constant
becomes inversely proportional to the Thiele and, in the limit of low effectiveness factors, it
modulus, the apparent order of the reaction may can be said that
differ from the true order. In this case, since the
rate is proportional to the product of the effec- k or true
tiveness factor and the external concentration ^apparent ^~ i
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 455

In terms of the generalized Thiele modulus of higher temperatures one is much more likely
equation 12.3.77, the last equation becomes to observe such limitations. In the regime where
catalyst effectiveness factors become small one
k cr will observe an activation energy that is given
^apparent "-
by equation 12.3.85. A typical Arrhenius plot
for the range of temperatures where this change
takes place will resemble the one shown in
where we have retained only the temperature
Figure 12.9.
dependent terms from the Thiele modulus.
If the combined diffusivity is written as
®c = Ae~Ed^ion/RT (12.3.84) T
At high temperatures the slope
(where A is a temperature independent quantity), will be approximately 1/2 the _
slope observed at low
the Arrhenius relation can be used with equa- temperature (77 « 1)
tions 12.3.83 and 12.3.84 to show that

^apparent = ~ (^diffusion + ^true) (12.3.85)

If ordinary molecular diffusion is the domi-

nant mass transfer process, the kinetic theory of
At low temperatures
gases indicates that the diffusivity is propor-
V =1
tional to T 3 / 2 and it is easily shown that

diffusion = — (12.3.86)
The high temperature activation
If Knudsen diffusion dominates, — energy is approximately half that
observed at low temperatures
^diffusion = ~y (12.3.87) I I I
Reciprocal temperature, 1/T
Under normal circumstances the true activation
Figure 12.9
energy term in equation 12.3.85 will far exceed
Schematic representation of shift in activation
the diffusional activation term calculated from energy when intraparticle mass transfer effects
either equation 12.3.86 or equation 12.3.87 and, become significant.
to a good approximation, it may be said that
in the limit of low effectiveness factors Effectiveness Factors for Hougen-
-^apparent ^ ~ (IZJ.OOl Watson Rate Expressions. The discussion thus
far and the vast majority of the literature dealing
At low temperatures diffusion will be rapid with effectiveness factors for porous catalysts
compared to chemical reaction and diffusional are based on the assumption of an integer-
limitations on the reaction rate will not be power reaction rate expression (i.e., zero-, first-,
observed. In this temperature regime, one will or second-order kinetics). In Chapter 6, how-
observe the intrinsic activation energy of the ever, we stressed the fact that heterogeneous
reaction. However, since chemical reaction rates catalytic reactions are more often characterized
increase much more rapidly with increasing by more complex rate expressions of the
temperature than do diffusional processes, at Hougen-Watson type. Over a narrow range of
456 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

reactant concentrations, it is often possible to sumes the reactions to be irreversible. However,

approximate Hougen-Watson kinetics by an in some cases it is possible to extend the analysis
integer power relation. However, if the diffu- to certain reversible reactions. First-order re-
sional limitations within a porous catalyst pellet versible reactions have been treated for various
are important (i.e., the effectiveness factor is low), catalyst geometries.
there may be a significant gradient in reactant For flat-plate geometry wherQ only one side
concentration across the pellet. The reactant of the plate is exposed to reactant gases, one
partial pressure will vary from its value at the may proceed as in previous subsections to show
exterior surface to a value approaching zero at that for mechanistic equations of the form
the center of the pellet. In this case, the range
of partial pressures can be quite significant and (12.3.89)
it is not really appropriate to use the approxi-
the effectiveness factor is given by
mate integer degenerate forms of the Hougen-
Watson rate expressions. Several analyses of tanh </>L,rev
this problem have appeared in the literature, r\ = (12.3.90)
dating back to a study by Chu and Hougen (47). where
The procedure for determining catalyst ef-
fectiveness factors for generalized Hougen- 0L,rev = L I (12.3.91)
Watson rate expressions is basically the same
as the one for integer-power rate expressions. In terms of the equilibrium constant for the
One sets up and solves the differential equation reaction, the Thiele modulus becomes
for simultaneous diffusion and reaction inside
the catalyst pellet. However, unlike the iso-
thermal integer rate law cases, it is not possible
to obtain closed form solutions for these rate
expressions, and recourse must be made to Since the factor (K + 1)/X is always greater
numerical solutions or various approxima- than unity, 0 L r e v will always be greater (and n
tions that simplify the mathematical treatment. less) than the corresponding Thiele modulus for
Roberts and Satterfield (48-51) have developed the forward reaction alone, other conditions
a generalized method for predicting catalyst remaining constant.
effectiveness factors for reactions that are first- Analysis of the same reaction carried out
or second-order in the fraction of the surface using spherical catalyst pellets leads to similar
covered by reactant species. Their approach results and conclusions, since the first-order
allows for inhibition by both reactant and pro- rate constant is again replaced by the group
duct species. They found that under certain k'&K + 1)/K.
isothermal conditions, it is possible for the
effectiveness factor to exceed unity. Consult the 12.3.2 The Consequences of Intraparticle
references listed above for the generalized charts Temperature Gradients For Catalyst
and procedural details necessary to employ Effectiveness Factors
their numerical solutions. Some reversible first-
When catalytic reaction rates become very large,
order reactions of the Hougen-Watson form
it is possible that the energy generated (or
have also been treated in the literature (52).
consumed) by reaction cannot be dissipated Effectiveness Factors for Reversible (or supplied) at a rate that is sufficient to keep
Reactions. The vast majority of the literature the entire catalyst pellet at the same temperature
dealing with catalyst effectiveness factors pre- as the surrounding fluid. Temperature gradients
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 457

may exist within the particle itself or within the The heat transfer path through the solid phase
boundary layer separating the particle from the offers considerable thermal resistance for many
bulk fluid. The presence of such gradients can porous materials, particularly if the pellet is
have significant consequences for reactor design formed by tableting of microporous particles.
calculations. This section treats the influence of Such pellets may be regarded as an assembly of
intraparticle temperature gradients in terms of particles that contact one another at only a
their influence on catalyst effectiveness factors. relatively small number of points that act as
This influence is most significant in cases where regions of high thermal resistance.
highly exothermic reactions are carried out on An approximate relationship that is some-
catalyst pellets that have low effective thermal times useful in predicting effective thermal
conductivities. If catalyst effectiveness factors conductivities is the geometric average value
are defined in terms of the ratio of the observed discussed by Woodside and Messmer (53).
rate to a rate evaluated assuming that the reac-
tant concentration and the temperature at the (12.3.94)
pore mouths prevail throughout the pellet, it - ^
is possible to observe values of this parameter where kf and ks are the thermal conductivities
in excess of unity. When the catalyst interior is of the bulk fluid and solid, respectively, and sp
hotter than the peripheral regions, the increase is the porosity of the pellet.
in temperature as one moves inward may more In spite of the difficulties of predicting fceff
than offset the decline in reactant concentrations on an a priori basis, it is still possible to choose
so that one obtains faster local rates of reaction a value that is reasonably correct because the
in the interior than in the peripheral regions. possible range of values is roughly only 0.1
to 0.4 BTU/(hr-ft-°F) or 1.6 to 6.4 x 10~ 3
J/(sec-cm-°C). Typically, the thermal conduc- Effective Thermal Conductivities of Po-
tivity of reactant gases at room temperature
rous Catalysts. The effective thermal conduc-
will range from 8 to 24 x 10" 5 J/(sec-cm-°C),
tivity of a porous catalyst plays a key role in
and these values are an order of magnitude less
determining whether or not appreciable tem-
than those of most porous catalysts under
perature gradients will exist within a given cata-
vacuum. Consequently, in this case the bulk of
lyst pellet. By the term "effective thermal
the energy transport will occur through the
conductivity", we imply that it is a parameter
solid phase. On the other hand, for liquids, the
characteristic of the porous solid structure that
thermal conductivity will be an order of magni-
is based on the gross geometric area of the
tude greater and, when the catalyst pores are
pellet perpendicular to the direction of heat
filled with liquid, both phases will make signifi-
transfer. For example, if one considers the
cant contributions to the heat transfer process.
radial heat flux in a spherical pellet one can
Butt (54) has developed a useful model for the
say that
thermal conductivity of porous catalysts that
dT has shown good agreement with experimental
qr = -4nr2kleff (12.3.93)
dr data.
where qr is the rate of heat transfer in the radial
direction and fceff is the effective thermal Effectiveness Factors for Nonisother-
conductivity. mal Catalyst Pellets. Here we indicate how
The effective thermal conductivities of com- previous effectiveness factor analyses may be
mon commercial porous catalysts are quite low extended to situations where the pellet is not
and fall within a surprisingly narrow range. isothermal. Consider the case of a spherical
458 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

pellet within which a catalytic reaction is taking ment that the rate of mass transport equal the
place. If we examine an infinitesimally thin reaction rate.
spherical shell with internal radius r similar to The maximum temperature difference be-
that shown in Figure 12.4 and write a steady- tween the center of the pellet and the external
state energy balance over the interior core of the surface (Tc — T o ) occurs when the reactant
pellet, it is obvious that the heat flow outward by concentration vanishes at r = 0.
conduction across the sphere of radius r must
be equal to the energy released by reaction (T c - T 0 ) max = -
within the central core. The latter quantity is
just the product of the reaction rate and (minus)
the enthalpy change accompanying the reaction Evaluation of the maximum temperature dif-
(AH). Hence ference provides a useful criterion for deter-
mining if departures from isothermal behavior
are significant. Substitution of the following
-47rr2fceff — = -AHM (12.3.95) property values into the above relation leads
to a temperature difference of 200 °C between
where & is the reaction rate in the interior core. the center of the pellet and the exterior surface.
Since the reaction rate within the core must
also be equal to the rate of transfer of reactant AH = - 80,000 J/mole
into the core by diffusion, the previous equation ®eff = 10" 1 cm2/sec
may also be written as
Co = 4 x 10" 5 moles/cm3 (1 atm)
dC Kti = 16 x 10~ 4 J/(cm-sec-°C) (alumina)
-4nr2kcn = ~AH
~dr ~dr
Obviously, if the reactant concentration does
(12.3.96) not go to zero at the center, the temperature
difference will be less but, in many cases, it will
Negative signs are required on the right sides
still be quite large. Large values of this tempera-
of the last two equations so that for exothermic
ture difference can lead to effectiveness factors
reactions, the temperature will be hotter in the
for exothermic reactions that are considerably
core than at the periphery. Integration of the
in excess of unity.
last equation between radius r and the gross
In Section it was shown that for a
pellet radius R gives
first-order reaction of the type A -> B, a material
*eff(r - T o ) = Aif®eff(C - Co) (12.3.97) balance on the infinitesimally thin spherical shell
of Figure 12.4 lea^s to the following differential
where T o and C o are the temperature and reac- equation.
tant concentration at the external surface of the
pellet. Rearrangement gives d2C 2 dC

T - T0 = - Co) (12.3.98) with boundary conditions

This equation is a general result first derived C = Co at r = R

by Damkohler (55). It is applicable for any and
form of the reaction rate expression since this dC
quantity was eliminated through the require- Tr = 0 atr =
.12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 459

At steady state, an energy balance on this same used throughout this chapter. It is important to
volume element gives remember that here the effectiveness factor is
defined as the ratio of the actual rate to the one
Output — input = energy released by reaction
that would occur if all portions of the interior
(by conduction)
of the pellet were exposed to reactant at the same

-47rr 2 £ eff — ) = -4nr2 Ar{k'{CSgPp)AH (12.3.102)
MY Jr + Ar

Rearranging and taking the limit as Ar -> 0 concentration and the same temperature as exist
gives at the outside surface of the pellet.
Regardless of the approach used to generate
d (^ dT\ M2 KjCS9pp AH Q3)
values of the effectiveness factor, this parameter
dr = r can be expressed in terms of three dimensionless
or groups.
d2T 2dT k';CSgppAH
(12.3.104) I A Thiele type modulus.
dr r dr /c eff

The boundary conditions on the last equation (12.3.106)

require that
T=T0 at r = R where the reaction rate constant is evaluated
and at the external surface temperature.

— = 0 at r = 0 (12.3.105) II An Arrhenius number.

Since the reaction rate constant appearing in y = (12.3.107)
equations 12.3.100 and 12.3.104 depends ex-
ponentially on temperature, these equations are where Rg is the gas constant and E the intrinsic
coupled in a nonlinear fashion and cannot be activation energy of the reaction.
considered independently.
Exact analytical solutions of the coupled Ill An energy generation function
equations for simultaneous mass transfer, heat
transfer, and chemical reaction cannot be (12.3.108)
obtained. However, various authors have em-
ployed linear approximations (56-57), perturba- where /? is positive for an exothermic reaction.
tion techniques (58), or asymptotic approaches The parameter y reflects the sensitivity of the
(59) to obtain approximate analytical solutions chemical reaction rate to temperature variations.
to these equations. Numerical solutions have The parameter /? represents the ratio of the
also been obtained (60-61). Once the solution maximum temperature difference that can exist
for the concentration profile has been deter- within the particle (equation 12.3.99) to the
mined, equation 12.3.98 may be used to deter- external surface temperature. For isothermal
mine the temperature profile. The effectiveness pellets, j? may be regarded as zero (fceff = oo).
factor may also be determined from the con- Weisz and Hicks (61) have summarized their
centration profile, using the approach we have numerical solutions for first-order irreversible
460 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

reactions on spherical catalyst pellets in terms in the nonisothermal shell of catalyst at its
of four figures in which rj is plotted versus 4>s. periphery.
Each figure represents a fixed Arrhenius number The shapes of the curves in Figure 12.10 that
and contains a series of curves for values of the correspond to highly exothermic reactions are
heat generation parameter ranging from —0.8 such that a single value of <ps may give rise to
to +0.8. Figure 12.10 is adapted from their as many as three values of rj at fixed values of
work and represents an Arrhenius number that y and /?. These three values correspond to three
corresponds to a set of variables that may different sets of circumstances in which the rate
typically be encountered in industrial practice of energy release by reaction equals the rate of
(i.e., E = 28,000 cal/g mole; T = 700 °K). Their heat removal. In many respects the situation is
original article also contains curves for Arrhe- similar to the problem of stability for a CSTR
nius numbers of 10, 30, and 40. treated in Section 10.6. The intermediate value
Inspection of Figure 12.10 indicates that for of r\ for given values of <ps, y and fi corresponds
exothermic reactions (/? > 0), the effectiveness to unstable conditions. The high and low values
factor can exceed unity by a considerable of r\ represent stable conditions and both can
amount. This situation occurs when circum- be realized in practice. Which condition will
stances are such that the increase in rate caused prevail in the real world depends on the direc-
by the increase in temperature as one moves tion from which the steady-state condition is
toward the center of the pellet more than offsets approached. The highest value of rj corresponds
the drop in reactant concentration accom- to a steep temperature profile in the pellet, and
panying the movement. The overall rate of physical transfer processes limit the overall re-
reaction is therefore greater than it would be action rate. The lowest value of rj will be close
if the same temperature and reactant concentra- to unity and, in this case, the temperature
tion prevailed throughout the catalyst pellet. gradients within the pellet will be quite small. In
While values of r\ that exceed unity imply the last instance the overall rate is controlled by
efficient catalyst utilization, there may be con- the rate of the chemical reaction on the catalyst
comitant disadvantages. The large temperature surface.
increase at the center of the pellet may hasten We would be remiss in our obligations if we
catalyst deactivation processes in the interior did not point out that the regions of multiple
core, or it may lead to adverse effects on catalyst solutions are seldom encountered in industrial
selectivity if the activation energies of reactions practice, because of the large values of fi and y
leading to undesired products are greater than required to enter this regime. The conditions
that of the reaction of interest. under which a unique steady state will occur
The numerical solutions indicate that under have been described in a number of publica-
conditions where r\ » 1, there is a large tem- tions, and the interested student should consult
perature gradient at the periphery of the pellet, the literature for additional details. It should
but the gradient flattens out considerably as one also be stressed that it is possible to obtain
approaches the center of the pellet. For fast effectiveness factors greatly exceeding unity at
exothermic reactions (large 0S, /? > 0), the relatively low values of the Thiele modulus. An
interior of the pellet will be at a relatively uni- analysis that presumed isothermal operation
form high temperature, but there will be a fairly would indicate that the effectiveness factor
sharp decrease in temperature as one nears the would be close to unity at the low moduli
exterior surface. In this regime rj becomes in- involved. Consequently, failure to allow for
versely proportional to cj)s, as in the isothermal temperature gradients within the catalyst pellet
case, and the bulk of the reaction takes place could lead to major errors.
500 1000

Figure 12.10
Effectiveness factor chart for first-order reaction in spherical pellets for
y = 20. [From P. B. Weisz and J. S. Hicks, Chemical Engineering Science,
17 (265), 1962. Copyright c 1962. Reprinted with permission of Pergamon

462 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

Under isothermal conditions, we have seen pellets, made by compressing these particles in
that the apparent activation energy of the reac- a steel mold. They also measured the tempera-
tion is approximately one half the intrinsic ture difference between the center of the pellet
value when rj is sufficiently low. When r\ exceeds and the external surface.
unity, an opposite effect occurs (i.e., the apparent The reactor feed mixture was "prepared so as
activation energy will exceed the true activation to contain less than 17% ethylene (remainder
energy). hydrogen) so that the change in total moles
Consideration of Figure 12.10 indicates that within the catalyst pore structure would be
for endothermic reactions (/? < 0), nonisother- small. This reduced the variation in total pres-
mal conditions do not have as significant an sure and its effect on the reaction rate, so as to
effect on rj as they do for exothermic cases. For permit comparison of experiment results with
endothermic reactions, rj is always less than theoretical predictions [e.g., those of Weisz and
unity and the temperature within the catalyst Hicks (61)]. Since the numerical solutions to the
interior is less than that at the exterior surface. nonisothermal catalyst problem also presumed
Both concentration and temperature decrease first-order kinetics, they determined the Thiele
as one moves radially inward. A good approxi- modulus by forcing the observed rate to fit this
mation for the effectiveness factor can be ob- form even though they recognized that a
tained by considering only the temperature Hougen-Watson type rate expression would
gradient through the pellet and neglecting con- have been more appropriate. Hence their Thiele
centration gradients, even when they are appre- modulus was defined as
ciable. This approach has been described by
Maymo, Cunningham, and Smith (62). (A)
The following illustration indicates how ex-
perimental and calculated values of catalyst where ^ m was the reaction rate per unit weight
effectiveness factors may be determined for a of catalyst for very small catalyst particles, and
specific case. C o was the reactant concentration at the external
surface of the pellet.
Using this definition of the Thiele modulus,
the reaction rate measurements for finely divided
catalyst particles noted below, and the addi-
tional property values cited below, determine
the effectiveness factor for 0.5 in. spherical
Cunningham et al (63) have studied the rate of catalyst pellets fabricated from these particles.
hydrogenation of ethylene at 1 atm on a copper- Comment on the reasons for the discrepancy
magnesium oxide catalyst. They used flow between the calculated value of rj and the ratio
reactors to study the reaction kinetics over both of the observed rate for 0.5 in. pellets to that for
finely divided catalyst particles and spherical fine particles.

Data for Illustration 12.4

Particle size - 1 0 0 + 150 Tyler mesh

Pellet size 0.5 in. diameter =c= 1.27 cm
Effective diffusivity for ethylene
in pellet (estimated) 3.0 x 10" 2 cm 2 /sec
Effective thermal conductivity
of pellets (measured) 3.5 x 10- 4 cal/(cm-sec-°C)
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 463

Pellet density 1.16 g/cm3

Void volume gram 0.236 cm 3 /g
Specific surface area 90 m 2 /g
Enthalpy change for reaction - 32,700 cal/mole
Temperature 80 °C
Total pressure 1 atm
Activation energy for reaction
based on small particle rate
measurements 17,800 cal/mole
Measured rate for small
particles (extrapolated) 8 x 10 ~ 7 moles/(sec-g catalyst)
Measured rate for 0.5 in.
pellets 1.8 x 10" 6 moles/(sec-g catalyst)

Solution lyst effectiveness factor will be approximately

1.0. This figure corresponds to y = 20, but con-
The Arrhenius number is given by equation
sideration of the curve for y = 30 in the original
article leads to the same conclusion.
E 17,800 On the basis of the experimental measure-
y = RT = 25.4
g 0 (1.987)(353) ments,
The heat generation function can be determined 1.8 x I P " 6
from equation 12.3.108. =
* 8 x 10- 7 = Z25

The value calculated above is at variance with

the value listed in Table 3 of reference 63,
The external ethylene surface concentration because the individuals cited used /? = 0.27
at 80 °C, 1 atm and an ethylene mole fraction of based on a calculation in which the total gas
0.17 may be estimated using the ideal gas law as phase concentration was used. Consequently,
5.87 x 10~ 6 moles/cm3. Hence they predicted an effectiveness factor of 20.
There are several factors that may be invoked
(32,700)(3.0 x 10 - 2 \ to explain the discrepancy between predicted
(5.87 x 10" 6 ) = 0.047
(3.5 x KT4)(353) and measured results, but the discrepancy high-
lights the necessity for good pilot plant scale data
This value of/? corresponds to a maximum tem- to properly design these types of reactors. Ob-
perature difference between the center and the viously, the reaction does not involve simple
surface of the pellet of 16.2 GC. Measured values first-order kinetics or equimolal counterdiffu-
of this difference for this catalyst were 14 to sion. The fact that the catalyst activity varies
15 °C, as reported by the authors. significantly with time on-stream and some car-
The pseudo Thiele modulus may be calculated bon deposition is observed indicates that per-
from equation A. haps the coke residues within the catalyst may
have effects like those to be discussed in Section
x 10~7) 12.3.3. Consult the original article for further
•-¥ (5.87 x 10~6)(3.0 x 10~ 2 )
= 1.46
discussion of the nonisothermal catalyst pellet
From Figure 12.10 it is estimated that the cata-
464 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

12.3.3 The Influence of Catalyst Poisoning This situation is termed "pore-mouth" poisoning.
Processes on Catalyst Effectiveness Factors As poisoning proceeds the inactive shell thickens
and, under extreme conditions, the rate of the
In the design of commercial scale heterogeneous catalytic reaction may become limited by the
catalytic reactors, the activity of the catalyst will rate of diffusion past the poisoned pore mouths.
almost invariably change with time. We now The apparent activation energy of the reaction
wish to focus our attention on the implications under these extreme conditions will be typical of
of poisoning reactions for efficient use of cata- the temperature dependence of diffusion coeffi-
lyst surface areas. Since reactant molecules must cients. If the catalyst and reaction conditions in
interact with unpoisoned catalyst sites before question are characterized by a low effectiveness
reaction can occur, the poisoning process may factor, one may find that poisoning only a small
have two effects on the reaction rate one fraction of the surface gives rise to a dispropor-
observes. tionate drop in activity. In a sense one observes
1. It always decreases the total number of cata- a form of selective poisoning.
lytic sites or the fraction of the total surface The two limiting cases for the distribution of
area that has the capability of promoting deactivated catalyst sites are representative of
reaction. some of the situations that can be encountered
2. It may increase the average distance a re- in industrial practice. The formation of coke
actant molecule must diffuse through the pore deposits on some relatively inactive cracking
structure before undergoing reaction. catalysts would be expected to occur uniformly
throughout the catalyst pore structure. In other
The poisoning reaction must be viewed like situations the coke may deposit as a peripheral
any other chemical interaction between a gas shell that thickens with time on-stream. Poi-
phase reactant and the solid surface. The manner soning by trace constituents of the feed stream
in which the poisoned sites are distributed often falls in the pore-mouth category.
throughout the pore structure is a direct conse- By analyzing both of the limiting situations
quence of the relative values of the rate at which described above, Wheeler (64-65) was able to
the poison diffuses into the pore and the rate at show that the interaction of the poisoning pro-
which the poisoning reaction takes place. The cess with the influence of intraparticle diffusion
problem of determining this distribution is the on the rates of the primary and poisoning reac-
same as the more general problem we have been tions can lead to a variety of interesting relations
analyzing in the last several subsections: "What between observed catalytic activity and the frac-
do the concentration profiles of reactant and tion of surface poisoned. Each of the limiting
product species look like for a given catalyst cases is analyzed below in terms of the mathe-
particle?" If the poisoning reaction is slow rela- matical model set forth by Wheeler. In both cases
tive to diffusion of the poison, the poisonous the reaction is presumed to proceed isothermally
reactants will be distributed uniformly through- in a manner that is first-order in the gas phase
out the porous catalyst and we will have homo- concentration of reactant. For convenience, the
geneous poisoning of the catalyst. This situation straight cylindrical pore model of the catalyst is
obviously corresponds to that in which the effec- used, but the qualitative results may be re-
tiveness factor for the poisoning reaction is garded as essentially independent of the model
essentially unity. On the other hand if the poi- employed.
soning reaction is rapid relative to diffusion of
the poison, the other periphery of the catalyst 1233.1 Uniform Distribution of Activity Loss.
particle will be completely poisoned before the If the species giving rise to the poisoning reaction
interior core suffers significant activity losses. must make several collisions with the catalyst
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 465

surface before adsorption can occur, then these becomes

molecules will have a chance to diffuse deep into
the catalyst pore structure before chemisorbing M l - a)
on the surface. Here deactivation of the catalyst
will occur uniformly throughout the pore struc-
ture (homogeneous poisoning). If we denote the
fraction of the surface that is poisoned by a, the
fraction that is intrinsically capable of promoting
reaction is equal to (1 — a). The reaction rate
When the Thiele modulus for the unpoisoned
per unit surface area will then be k'{(\ — a)C.
pore is small (i.e., the surface is completely avail-
A material balance over a differential element
able), the hyperbolic tangent terms become equal
of pore length leads to the following analog of
to their arguments and J^ is given by
equation 12.3.10.
= 1- a for smallfc r (12.3.115)
d2C 2kf;(l - a)
C (12.3.109) This relation is plotted as curve A in Figure 12.11
and represents the "classical case" of nonselec-
The appropriate Thiele modulus for use with tive poisoning in which the apparent fraction of
this differential equation is the activity remaining is equal to the fraction of
the surface remaining unpoisoned. This same
(12.3.110) result is evident from equation 12.3.112 by re-
= _ a)
cognizing that both effectiveness factors are
unity for this situation.
where On the other hand, when the Thiele modulus
hT is the Thiele modulus for the unpoisoned case for the unpoisoned reaction is very large, both
hyperbolic tangents in equation 12.3.114 become
hp is the Thiele modulus for the poisoned case
equal to unity and J^ is given by
Following the procedure used in Section for the first-order case, it is readily shown 3F = y/l — oe for very large hT (12.3.116)
that the effectiveness factor for the poisoned This relation is plotted as curve B in Figure 12.11.
surface is given by Smith (66) has shown that the same limiting
tanh hn forms for 3F are observed using the concept of
H poisoned (12.3.111) effective diffusivities and spherical catalyst pel-
lets. Curve B indicates that, for fast reactions on
The ratio (J^) of the reaction rate for the poi- catalyst surfaces where the poisoned sites are
soned pore to that for the unpoisoned pore is uniformly distributed over the pore surface, the
given by apparent activity of the catalyst declines much
less rapidly than for the case where catalyst
effectiveness factors approach unity. Under these
^unpoisoned^l^O circumstances, the catalyst effectiveness factors
are considerably less than unity, and the effects
or, using equations 12.3.111 and 12.3.20,
of the portion of the poison adsorbed near the
closed end of the pore are not as apparent as in
= /tanhVj M l - «)
ytanh h
(123113) the earlier case for small hT. With poisoning, the
Thiele modulus hp decreases, and the reaction
Using equation 12.3.110, the last equation merely penetrates deeper into the pore.
466 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

no catalytic activity, while a region of length

[(1 — a)L] will be catalytically active. Figure
12.12 illustrates this situation. The reactant con-
centration at the pore mouth is C o , and that at
x = aL is Cc (an unknown).

Poisoned _ Clean surface

pore mouth
C = Cc

x = 0 x = L

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 12.12
Fraction poisoned, a Schematic representation of the preferential ad-
sorption of poison near the mouth of a pore.
Figure 12.11 [From A. Wheeler, Adv. Catalysis, 3 (249), 1951.
Poisoning curves for porous catalysts. Curve A is Used with permission of Academic Press.]
for a porous catalyst with hT very small and poison
distributed homogeneously. Curve 8 is for large
hT with the poison distributed homogeneously. Under steady-state conditions, the reaction
Curves C and D correspond to preferential adsorp- rate is equal to the rate of diffusion of reactant
tion of poison near the pore mouths. For curve C, through the poisoned region. The latter may be
hT = 5, and for curve D, hT = 20. written as
Rate of diffusion = -n72@c Pore-Mouth or "Selective" Poisoning.
Since many metallic catalysts have high adsorp- p - Ct
tion affinities, we often find that certain poison = nl2i
molecules are adsorbed in an immobile form
after only a very few collisions with the catalyst
surface. In this situation, the outer periphery of where the concentration derivative may be re-
the catalyst particle will be completely poisoned placed by a linear gradient in the case of a
while the inner shell will be completely free of straight cylindrical pore. The rate of reaction in
poison. The thickness of the poisoned shell the unpoisoned segment of the pore can be
grows with prolonged exposure to poison mole- written as the product of an effectiveness factor
cules until the pellet is completely deactivated. for a pore of length [(1 — a)L] exposed to a
During the poisoning process, the boundary be- reactant concentration Cc at its mouth, and the
tween active and deactivated regions is relatively rate of reaction within such a pore, assuming
sharp. that the reactant concentration is Cc throughout
If a fraction a of the total catalyst surface has the pore length. Thus, for a first-order reaction,
been deactivated by poison, the pore-mouth poi-
Rate of reaction within the pore
soning model assumes that a cylindrical region
of length (aL) nearest the pore mouth will have - f]2nTil - (x)Lk'{Cc (12.3.118)
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 467

where rj can be determined from equations tanh [(1 - a)hT~\yl2k'[r@>ciirC0

12.3.11 and 12.3.20 to be r poisoned
1 + ochT t a n h [(1 - a)/7 T ]
tanh (1 - a)
r\ = (12.3.119)
For an unpoisoned pore, a = 0 and the rate is
given by

Thus the rate of reaction within the poisoned

Unpoisoned = (tanh hT)y/2k'{73>cnTC0 (12.3.123)
pore can be written as

2bh'| The fraction of the surface that is then apparently

(1 - a) — ~ 2TT7(1 - a)Ifc'_Cc available for reaction is given by the ratio of the
poisoned rate to the unpoisoned rate.
(1 " «)
tt poisoned

oisoned = tanh[(l - 0L)hT~\yf2kl^f3fcnrCc

Combination of equations 12.3.122, 12.3.123
(12.3.120) and 12.3.123a leads to the desired result.

tanh [(1 - a)/i r ] 1

tanh (hT) 1 + <xhT tanh [(1 - a)/zr]

where hT is the Thiele modulus for the unpoi- In order to demonstrate the selective effect of
soned reaction. pore-mouth poisoning, it is instructive to con-
The unknown concentration Cc can be elimi- sider the two limiting cases of reaction conditions
nated between equations 12.3.117 and 12.3.120 corresponding to large and small values of the
to give Thiele modulus for the poisoned reaction. For
the case of active catalysts with small pores, the
arguments of all the hyperbolic tangent terms in
C = equation 12.3.124 will become unity and
1 + tanh [(1 - a)/iT]aL j - ^
[for M l - a) > 2] (12.3.125)
1 + (xhT tanh [(1 - a)/zT]
This equation indicates that a small amount of
(12.3.121) poisoned surface can lead to a sharp decline in
apparent activity. For example, if only 10% of
The reaction rate within the pore may now be the catalyst surface has been deactivated in the
obtained by combining equations 12.3.120 and case where the Thiele modulus for the unpoi-
12.3.121. soned reaction is 40, !F = 0.200 so that the
468 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

apparent activity has dropped by some 80%. In penetrating. In instances where hT(\ — a) is
this situation, both the primary reaction and the large (say greater than 6) and a is appreciable
poisoning reaction try to take place on the same (say between 0.2 and 0.8), we find that the de-
surface near the pore mouth. As this region is activated portion of the pore represents by far
poisoned, the reactants are forced to diffuse the major portion of the depth to which reactants
further into the pore before encountering a cata- are capable of penetrating in appreciable con-
lytically active surface. This has a concomitant centrations. In this case the overall reaction rate
strong adverse effect on the observed reaction becomes limited by the rate of diffusion through
rate. Curve D in Figure 12.11 is representative the poisoned region, and the activation energy
of this type of behavior. will reflect the temperature dependence of the
Now consider the other extreme condition combined diffusivity, i.e., it will be a kilocalorie
where diffusion is rapid relative to chemical or so. Thus as the temperature increases, there
reaction [i.e., hT(l — a) is small]. In this situa- is a transition from the activation energy of the
tion the effectiveness factor will approach unity intrinsic chemical reaction to an activation
for both the poisoned and unpoisoned reactions, energy approaching zero.
and we must retain the hyperbolic tangent terms
in equation 12.3.124 to properly evaluate # \ 12.3.4 The Influence of Intraparticle Mass
Curve C in Figure 12.11 is calculated for a value Transfer Limitations on Catalyst Selectivity
of/?T = 5. It is apparent that in this instance the
The present section deals with the influence of
activity decline is not nearly as sharp at low
intraparticle mass transfer processes on catalyst
values of a as it was at the other extreme, but it is
selectivity following the basic pattern established
obviously more than a linear effect. The reason
by Wheeler (64, 65) in his classic papers.
for this result is that the regions of the catalyst
pore exposed to the highest reactant concentra- Independent Parallel Reactions of Dif-
tions do not contribute proportionately to the
ferent Species on the Same Catalyst. One often
overall reaction rate because they have suffered
requires a catalyst that promotes the reactions
a disproportionate loss of activity when pore-
of one component of a feedstock but does not
mouth poisoning takes place.
promote the reactions of other constituents of
For situations where the reaction is very slow
the mixture. For example, one might desire to
relative to diffusion, the effectiveness factor for
dehydrogenate six-membered rings, but not five-
the poisoned catalyst will be unity, and the ap-
membered rings. This type of selectivity behav-
parent activation energy of the reaction will be
ior may be represented by mechanistic equations
the true activation energy for the intrinsic
of the form
chemical reaction. As the temperature increases,
however, the reaction rate increases much faster A k-X U + V (12.3.126)
than the diffusion rate and one may enter a
regime where hT(l — a) is larger than 2, so the X k-X W + Z (12.3.127)
apparent activation energy will drop to that
given by equation 12.3.85 (approximately half The corresponding rate equations for constant
the value for the intrinsic reaction). As the volume systems can be written as
temperature increases further, the Thiele mod-
ulus \_hT(l — a)] continues to increase with a _ ^ = -ktf^A) (12.3.128)
concomitant decrease in the effectiveness with
which the catalyst surface area is used and in the d(X)
= -k2rj2{X) (12.3.129)
depth to which the reactants are capable of dt
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 469

where the effective rate constants are k1r]1 and rate constants (e.g., when the larger molecule is
k2rj2, respectively. the more reactive), then the selectivity ratio will
The selectivity of the catalyst performance can decline as the effectiveness factors decrease.
be described by the ratio of equations 12.3.128 However, if the more reactive species also has a
and 12.3.129. higher effective diffusivity, it is possible to obtain
an enhanced selectivity for the porous catalyst.
d(A) =
(12.3.130) This situation may readily occur in dealing with
d(X) k2ri2(X) molecular sieve catalysts in which certain reac-
tants can be essentially excluded from the catalyt-
For an isothermal system separation of variables
ically active regions by virtue of their molecular
and integration gives
size or shape.

(12.3.131) Independent Parallel Reactions of the

Same Species. Independent parallel reactions
or of the same species may be represented in
- fA) = - fx) (12.3.132) stoichiometric form as

where fA and fx are the fraction conversions of

A and X, respectively. The relative conversions (12.3.135)
are dependent only on the ratio,of the apparent
rate constants, and this group may be defined as >W
the selectivity S:
These are the types of reactions discussed in
Section 9.1, and that discussion is relevant to our
present considerations. A selective catalyst will
be one that will promote one of these reactions
When the effectiveness factors for both reac- relative to the other.
tions approach unity, the selectivity for two If the two competing reactions have the same
independent simultaneous reactions is the ratio concentration dependence, then the catalyst
of the two intrinsic reaction-rate constants. pore structure does not influence the selectivity
However, at low values of both effectiveness because at each point within the pore structure
factors, the selectivity of a porous catalyst may the two reactions will proceed at the same
be greater than or less than that for a plane- relative rate, independent of the reactant con-
catalyst surface. For a porous spherical catalyst centration. However, if the two competing
at large values of the Thiele modulus 4>s, the reactions differ in the concentration dependence
effectiveness factor becomes inversely propor- of their rate expressions, the pore structure may
tional to (j)s, as indicated by equation 12.3.68. have a significant effect on the product distri-
In this situation, equation 12.3.133 becomes bution. For example, if V is formed by a first-
order reaction and W by a second-order reac-
l <t>s,2 tion, the observed yield of V will increase as the
catalyst effectiveness factor decreases. At low
effectiveness factors there will be a significant
where we have used the definition of (fis given gradient in the reactant concentration as one
by equation 12.3.56. If the ratio of the effective moves radially inward. The lower reactant con-
diffusivities is less than the ratio of the intrinsic centration within the pore structure would then
470 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

favor the lower-order reaction. For the case cited Figure 12.13 contains a plot of the yield of the
above, the yield of V relative to W will increase. intermediate V as a function of the fraction A
When the desired reaction is of lower order than reacted for a value of k1/k2 equal to 5. In this
the undesired reaction, catalyst properties that case, we see that the maximum yield of V based
lead to low effectiveness factors give a higher on the initial concentration of A is equal to
selectivity than those that lead to an effectiveness 66.9%.
factor of unity. If the desired product is formed When consecutive reactions take place within
by the higher-order reaction, we should mini- a porous catalyst, the concentrations of A and
mize the concentration gradient in the pellet V within the pellet will be significantly different
and thus should use catalysts with effectiveness from those prevailing at the external surface.
factors approaching unity. The intermediate V molecules formed within the
pore structure have a high probability of reacting
123A3 Consecutive Reactions Where an Inter- further before they can diffuse out of the pore.
mediate Is the Desired Product. Consecutive
reactions in which an intermediate species (V) is
the desired product are often represented as a
series of pseudo first-order reactions

Ak-Xv%W (12.3.136)
Good yields of the desired product can be ob-
tained only when k1 > k2. Among the indus-
trially significant reactions of this type are those
involving partial oxidation and multiple sub-
stitution. Reactions represented by equation
12.3.136 were discussed in detail in Section 9.2,
and that material is also pertinent here.
For a catalyst-reactant system in which the
effectiveness factors for the first and second
reactions both approach unity, the analysis pre-
sented in Sections 9.2 and 9.3 is appropriate. If
yields are based on the initial concentration of
reactant A and if no V or W is present in the Figure 12.13
original feed, equations 9.3.9 and 9.3.10 can be Yield of intermediate versus fraction conversion
rearranged to express the yield of V as a function for k"lk'z = 5. Upper curve: r\ = 1 ; lower curve:
of the fraction A reacted: x\ < 0.3.

(1 - - 1] for k2 * /M (12.3.137)


=(l~ fA) for k2 = (12.3.138)

12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 471

Consequently, catalysts with narrow pores 123.139 gives

should give lower yields of V than those with
large pores. d2Cv 2 k'jCAgcosh{hT(l - x/L)}
The concentration profile of reactant A within ^v~dx -jr2% cosh hT
the cylindrical pore is the same as that which (12.3.140)
prevails in the absence of the second reaction
and is given by equation 12.3.13. The fact that V where CAg is the gas phase concentration of
is a potentially reactive intermediate in no way reactant A at the pore mouth, and
influences the rate of reaction of A. The con-
centration of V within the pore under steady- hT = (12.3.141)
state operating conditions is governed by an
equation obtained in a manner similar to that (2A is the combined diffusivity of species A.)
used to arrive at equation 12.3.7, but in this case, Equation 12.3.140 can be rewritten in dimen-
the right side must allow for both the production sionless form as

d2(Cv/CAg) 2k'2L2 Cv 2k'[L2 cosh [hT(l - x/L)]

d(x/L)2 T@v cosh hT

d\Cv/CAg) =
d(x/L)2 CA cosh

and disappearance of V by surface reactions. The boundary conditions on this second-order

Hence differential equation are:

= \ (k'iCv - k'[CA) (12.3.139) Atx = 0 Cv = CVg (12.3.144)

where Cv and CA are the concentrations of V Atx = L = 0 (12.3.145)
and A respectivejy, at a distance x from the pore
mouth, and Q)v represents the combined diffusi- The solution to equation 12.3.143 may be
vity for species V. This ^equation indicates that obtained by taking the sum of the homogeneous
at steady state the rate of diffusive flow into the and particular solutions and evaluating the con-
pore must equal the net rate pf reaction within stants of integration. It may be written in the
the pore. Combination of equations 12.3.13 and following form.

K cosh
(1 - x/L) J|) cosh [Ml -
1 +
CVg h \
- 1 cosh ( hT
1 cosh hT
*V /
472 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

The rate of production of V within a single pore must be equal to the net rate of diffusion out of the


Evaluation of the derivative and substitution of this result into equation 12.3.147 gives



hT tanh hT (12.3.148)
- 1

The relative rate at which the external gas phase concentrations change is given by the ratio of the rate
at which V is produced within a pore (12.3.148) to the rate at which A is consumed within a pore

C Vg
cA - 1
dC Vg (121149)
- 1
tanh hT w
This equation gives the differential yield of V for a porous catalyst at a point in a reactor. For equal
combined diffusivities and the case where hT approaches zero (no diffusional limitations on the reaction
rate), this equation^ reduces to equation 9.3.8, since the ratio of the hyperbolic tangent terms becomes
•s/kf2@A/k'i@v. As hT increases from about 0.3 to about 2.0, the selectivity of the catalyst falls off con-
tinuously. The selectivity remains essentially constant when both hyperbolic tangent terms approach
unity. This situation corresponds t6 low effectiveness factors and, in tnis case, equation 12.3.149

- 1 - 1
12.3 Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts 473

dC A(l
Simplification gives

This equation may be solved using an integrating factor approach to determine the absolute yield of
V as a function of the fraction A reacted in an isothermal reactor. For the case where no V or W
are present in the original gas stream, integration gives:

1 1 -

where CA0 is the concentration of reactant at the entrance to the catalytic reactor and CAg is the local
gas phase concentration. This equation gives the yield of V based on the initial reactant concentration.
As a function of the fraction conversion of A

[(1 - / - fA)
-11 -

The lower curve in Figure 12.13 is a plot of the yield of V versus the fraction conversion of species
A for @)v = 2A, k'{/kf2 = 5, and low effectiveness factors for the first reaction. In general, for the low
effectiveness factor regime and comparable combined diffusivities, the maximum yield of an inter-
mediate in a series of consecutive reactions will only be abouOhalf that achieved when the effectiveness
factor approaches unity (64). At effectiveness factors below 0.3, the observed Selectivity is nearly
independent of the Thiele modulus and the effectiveness factor. The major decline in selectivity takes
pla'ce as the effectiveness factor drops from unity to 0.3. If one is interested in the mtermediate produced
by series reactjans, and the reactions in question are being carried out on catalyst pellets characterized
by an effectiveness factor for the initial reaction that lies between 0.3 and 1, it is possible to increase the
yield of this intermediate by going to smaller catalyst pellets orvby altering the pore structure so as to
increase the effective diffusivity. However, if the effectiveness factor lies well below 0.3, it is necessary
to go to very large reductions in pellet size or a much more open pore structure to bring about a
significant improvement in selectivity.
Wheeler's classic analysis (64, 65) has also been extended to nonisothermal situations (67-70).
474 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

Generally, under either isothermal or noniso- this transport process and its implications for
thermal conditions, intrapartiole diffusional lim- chemical reactor design.
itations are undesirable because they reduce the In trying to analyze the flow fields within a
selectivity below that which can be achieved in heterogeneous catalytic reactor, we encounter
their absence. The exception to this generaliza- an extremely complex problem, regardless of
tion is a set of encjothermic reactions that take whether we consider a fixed bed, a trickle bed, a
place in nonisothermal pellets where the second fluidized bed, or any other commonly used in-
reaction has an activation energy that is greater dustrial configuration. We oan, in principle, set
than that of the first. up differential equations for the conservation of
The problem treated in Section 13.2 indicates' mass, momentum, and energy that take into
how the concepts discussed above can be applied account the chemical reaction at the fluid-solid
to a practical problem. interface. Appropriate equations are needed
both for processes taking place external to the
catalyst particle and for those occurring within
the particle. The sets of equations are coupled
through the conditions at the exterior surface of
the particle, and here one must match the local
When a solid acts as a catalyst for a reaction, fluxes of energy and chemical species as well as
reactant molecules are converted into product the local temperatures and compositions. Al-
molecules at the fluid-solid interface. To use the though these equations are readily written, no
catalyst efficiently, we must ensure that fresh completely general method of solution exists.
reactant molecules are supplied and product Sometimes it is possible to obtain analytical
molecules removed continuously. Otherwise, solutions by making appropriate assumptions
chemical equilibrium would be established in the so as to simplify the problem. While the as-
fluid adjacent to the surface, and the desired sumptions are in many cases inconsistent with
reaction would proceed no further. Ordinarily, physical reality as expressed by the situations
supply and removal of the species in question normally encountered in industrial practice, the
depend on two physical rate processes in series. predictions of conversion may well be within the
These processes involve mass transfer between accuracy of the kinetic information. Some of
the bulk fluid and the external surface of the these analytical approaches are described in the
catalyst and transport from the external surface text by Petersen (71) and interested students
to the internal surfaces of the solid. The concept should consult this source. There are several
of effectiveness factors developed in Section 12.3 intrinsic problems and/or limitations with such
permits one to average the reaction rate over the analyses, particularly when one attempts to em-
pore structure to obtain an expression for the ploy conventional film theory. We shall find it to
rate in terms of the reactant concentrations and be more convenient to utilize average mass trans-
temperatures prevailing at the exterior surface fer coefficients in our analyses and to make use
of the catalyst. In some instances, the external of the semiempirical correlations of these param-
surface concentrations do not differ appreciably eters that have been developed over the years.
from those prevailing in the bulk fluid. In other
cases, a significant concentration difference
12.4.1 External Mass Transfer in Packed
arises as a consequence of physical limitations on
the rate at which reactant molecules can be Bed Reactors
transported from the bulk fluid to the exterior The velocity patterns within a fixed bed reactor
surface of the catalyst particle. Here, we discuss reflect the interactions between fluid elements
12.4 Mass Transfer between the Bulk Fluid and External Surfaces of Solid Catalysts 475

flowing over different particles, variations in the In gas phase systems, it is convenient to define a
available cross section for flow, the intrinsic mass transfer coefficient based on a partial pres-
physical properties of the fluid, and the average sure driving force {kG) as
rate at which the fluid is supplied. The problems
of analyzing the various physical transport pro- *G=,O '" (12A2)
cesses in a fixed bed reactor are thus extremely i,ES

complex. The conventional engineering ap- where PiB and PiES are the partial pressures of
proach to analyzing sudh systems involves the species i in theiWk and at the surface, respec-
definition of average heat and mass transfer tively. If the gas behaves ideally, then
coefficients for the bed. Such coefficients are
presumed to apply to the entire external surface kc = kGRJ (12.4.3)
of a given catalyst particle, even though experi- where Rg is the gas constant.
mental studies have shown that this situation To explore further the usages of these and
does not correspond to physical reality. This other mass transfer coefficients, consult stan-
assumption is sometimes stated by saying th&t dard references on mass transfer (72, 73) or
the surface k uniformly accessible. It implies that transport phenomena (74).
the equations describing the transport processes Dimensional analysis of the variables charac-
can be treated as unidimensional. teristic of mass transfer under flow conditions
The errors that result from the use of aver- suggests that the following dimensionless groups
age transport coefficients are not particularly are appropriate for correlating mass transfer
serious. The correlations that are normally data.
employed to predict these parameters are them- DnG
selves determined from experimental data on Reynolds number = NRe = (12.4.4)
packed beds. Therefore, the applications of the
correlations and the data on which they are based
correspond to similar physical configurations. Schmidt number = NSc = — (12.4.5)
Depending on the driving force we choose to
employ in our analysis, there are several defini- kj)n
Sherwood number = N*h = (12.4.6)
tions of mass transfer coefficients that may be
considered appropriate for use. If we consider an where
arbitrary interface between a fluid and the exter-
nal surface of a catalyst particle, we might choose Dp is the equivalent diameter of the catalyst
to define a mass transfer coefficient based on a particle
concentration driving force (kc) as G is the mass velocity based on the total (super-
ficial) cross-sectional area of the reactor
(12.4.1) ja is the fluid viscosity
p is the fluid density
where 2) is the molecular diffusivity of the species being
Jt is the molar flux of species i to- transferred in the system of interest
ward the surface relative to the The Sherwood number is also known as the
molar average velocity Nusselt number for mass transfer. Notice that
CiB and CiES are the concentrations of species i the diameter of the catalyst pellet is used in the
in the bulk and at the surface, Reynolds and Sherwood numbers as the charac-
respectively. teristic length dimension of the system. For flow
476 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

through packed beds, the transition between Some of the more useful relations are summa-
laminar and turbulent flow occurs at a Reynolds rized in Table 12.1.
number of approximately 40. At high Reynolds numbers the correlations
The equivalent particle diameter appearing in for liquids and gases are quite similar, but axial
these dimensionless groups is the diameter of a mixing becomes increasingly significant in gases
sphere having the same external surface area as at low Reynolds numbers. The values ofjD pre-
the particle in question. Thus for a cylinder of dicted by equations 12.4.10 and 12.4.11 differ at
length Lc and radius rc, the equivalent particle most by 15% for 55 < Re < 1500, but for low
diameter is given by Reyno'kis numbers jD for liquids will be less than
jD for gases. These equations apply to packed
D V beds in which a single fluid fills the voids be-
- ^ I = 2nrcLc + 2nr? (12.4.7) tween particles. The problem of predicting ap-
propriate mass transfer coefficients in trickle bed
or reactors is much more complex, and it is beyond
Dp = y/2rcLc + 2r2 (12.4.8)
the scope of this text. For an introduction to the
The most convenient mathematical form for problems involved, consult Satterfield's mono-
correlating mass transfer data is in terms of the graph (80). For other catalyst geometries (e.g.,
well-known Chilton-Colburn (75, 76) jD factor. woven screens) or flow conditions (e.g., pulsatile
flow), jD factors are available and may be ob-
(12.4.9) tained from the current literature or standard
handbooks. In addition, it is possible to estimate
mass transfer coefficients using data on heat
The functional dependence of jD on Reynolds
transfer coefficients, since the jD factor is equal
number has been the subject of study by many
to an analogous factor (jH) defined for the corre-
investigators [e.g., Thodos and his co-workers
lation of heat transfer data (see Section 12.5).
(77, 78), and Wilson and Geankoplis (79)]. A
variety of equations have been proposed as
12.4.2 External Mass Transfer in
convenient representations of the experimental
Fluidized Bed Reactors
data. Many of these correlations also employ the
bed porosity (sB) as an additional correlating Since the catalysts employed in fluidized bed
parameter. This porosity is the ratio of the void reactors have characteristic dimensions in the
volume between pellets to the total bed volume. 10 to 300 micron range, the external surface
Table 12.1
Correlations for Mass Transfer Factors (jD) in Packed Beds

Range of NRe and/or sB Equation

Fluid Reference where applicable Correlation number

Gas Petrovic and Thodos (78) 3 < NRe < 2000 £
BJD ^r0.359 12.4.10

55 < NRe < 1500 6.250

Liquids Wilson and Geankoplis (79) 12.4.11

0.001^ < NRe < 55 8
BJD N2,3
12.4 Mass Transfer between the Bulk Fluid and External Surfaces of Solid Catalysts 477

Table 12.2
Correlations for Mass and Heat Transfer Factors in Fluidized Beds

Range of variables Equation

Reference where applicable Correlation number

Chuetal. (81) 1 < N'Rc < 30 JD = 12.4.13

4 12.4.14
30 < N'Rc < 10 JD =
Riccette and 100 < N'Re < 7000 . 1
Thodos (82) JD (NRe) 0A0
- 1.5 12.4.15

Sen Gupta 0.300

and Thodos (83) 12.4.16
\ MJ
Dfi (\ 1 A 1 1\

G = superficial mass velocity based on total cross-sectional area

sB = void fraction of bed arising from spaces between particles
Ap = surface area of a single particle
\\f = area availability factor (1.0 for spheres and 1.16 for cylinders in
fluidized beds)

area per unit weight of catalyst is significantly in fluidized beds, see the text of Kunii and
greater than that employed in fixed bed reactors. Levenspiel (84) and the review by Beek (85).
This fact ensures that even in relatively low
density fluidized beds, overall mass transfer rates
12.4.3 Implications of External Mass
will be high compared to those in fixed beds.
Transfer Processes for Reactor
The large extent of turbulent mixing within such
Design Calculations
systems also serves to enhance the mass transfer
coefficient, but it is the high external surface to The only instances in which external mass trans-
volume ratio that is most significant in ensuring fer processes can influence observed conversion
rapid mass transfer. rates are those in which the intrinsic rate of the
Table 12.2 summarizes the more useful cor- chemical reaction is so rapid that an appreciable
relations for jD and jH that have been proposed concentration gradient is established between
by various investigators. The indicated cor- the external surface of the catalyst and the bulk
relations are quite consistent with one another fluid. The rate at which mass transfer to the
in the regions where they overlap. Although the external catalyst surface takes place is greater
mass transfer coefficients determined from these than the rate of molecular diffusion for a given
correlations are not particularly large, they concentration or partial pressure driving force,
lead to high mass transfer rates when they are since turbulent mixing or eddy diffusion pro-
multiplied by the external surface area of the bed. cesses will supplement ordinary molecular diffu-
For more detailed treatments of mass transfer sion. Consequently, for porous catalysts one
478 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Rea

does not encounter external mass transfer limita- Under steady-state operating conditions, the
tions, except in those circumstances where intra- observed reaction rate must be exactly counter-
particle diffusional limitations are also present. balanced by the rate at which reactants are
In the presence of intraparticle mass transfer supplied to the exterior surface of the particle.
limitations, the rate per particle is expressed in On a unit mass basis, the latter rate can be
terms of the species concentrations prevailing written as
at the exterior of the catalyst. However, when
external mass transfer limitations are also
present, these concentrations will differ from where
those prevailing in the bulk. Since bulk con-
PAB and PAtES are the reactant concentrations
centrations are what one measures in the
in the bulk fluid and at the
laboratory, exterior surface concentrations must
external surface of the catalyst,
be eliminated to express the observed conversion
rate in terms of measurable concentrations. In
the paragraphs that follow, the manner in kG is the mass transfer coefficient
which one eliminates surface concentrations in appropriate units
is indicated in some detail for a specific case. am is the external surface area per
Consider an irreversible reaction of the form unit mass of catalyst.
B (12.4.18) In this equation the entire exterior surface of
that takes place on a solid catalyst surface. For the catalyst is assumed to be uniformly acces-
the moment, we shall presume that the intrinsic sible. Because equimolar counterdiffusion takes
chemical reaction rate follows an arbitrary place for stoichiometry of the form of equation
kinetic expression with a functional form 12.4.18, there is no net molar transport normal
to the surface. Hence there is no convective
rm = O(species concentrations, temperature) transport contribution to equation 12.4.21. Let
(12.4.19) us now consider two limiting conditions for
steady-state operation. First, suppose that the
where the rate is expressed per unit mass of
intrinsic reaction as modified by intraparticle
catalyst. If we take intraparticle mass transfer
diffusion effects is extremely rapid. In this case
limitations into account, the previous relation
PAES will approach zero, and equation 12.4.21
may be written as
indicates that the observed rate per unit mass
rm = n ^'(species concentrations, temperature) of catalyst becomes
(12.4.20) rm = kGamPAB (12.4.22)
where the new function O' must be expressed in The reaction will then appear to follow first-
terms of the temperature and species concentra- order kinetics, regardless of the functional form
tions prevailing at the exterior surface of the of the intrinsic rate expression and of the effec-
catalyst pellet. For reactions that obey rate tiveness factor. This first-order dependence is
expressions that differ from simple first-order characteristic of reactions that are mass transfer
kinetics, rj itself depends on the species concen- limited. The term "diffusion controlled" is often
trations, and the apparent order of the reaction applied to reactions that occur under these
observed in the laboratory may differ from the conditions.
intrinsic order, as we have noted previously in Now consider the other extreme where the
Section external mass transfer rate is sufficiently rapid
12.4 Mass Transfer between the Bulk Fluid and External Surfaces of Solid Catalysts 479

to ensure that PAtES approaches PAB. In this The exterior surface concentration is then
case, the concentration dependence of the reac- given by
tion is given by equation 12.4.20. The apparent
orders of the reaction will be given by the
functional form of r\<&'. One may or may not kGam + rjk['rueSg
observe first-order kinetics. The apparent order
will depend on the interaction of the intrinsic (12.4.27)
surface reaction and intraparticle diffusion
1+ kaam
To illustrate the masking effects that arise
With respect to the bulk concentration, the
from intraparticle and external mass transfer
observed rate per unit weight of catalyst then
effects, consider a surface reaction whose intrin-
sic kinetics are second-order in species A. For
this rate expression, equation 12.4.20 can be
written as V —
rm = *lkintrinsicP A (12.4.23) 1+ kGam
In the limit of low effectiveness factors where
r\ is proportional to (l//i), equation 12.3.78 indi- (12.4.28)
cates that the observed rate becomes
^observed 1 A (12.4.24)
when the dominant mode of transport is The apparent rate constant per unit mass that
Knudsen diffusion. one would observe in the laboratory would
therefore obey the following relation.
Equations 12.4.22 and 12.4.24 indicate that
the observed reaction order will differ from the 1 1 1
intrinsic reaction order in the presence of intra- (12.4.29)
particle and/or external mass transfer limita-
tions. To avoid drawing erroneous conclusions When kGam is very large compared to rjk[frueSg,
about intrinsic reaction kinetics, we must be the exterior surface concentration is not appre-
careful to either eliminate these limitations by ciably different from the bulk fluid concentra-
proper choice of experimental conditions or to tion, and the apparent rate constant is equal to
properly take them into account in our data rfk[frueSg, which reflects the interaction of the
analysis. intrinsic chemical reaction and intraparticle
Let us now consider how the external surface diffusion processes. When kGam is very small in
concentrations can be eliminated when our comparison with r]k['rueSg, the exterior surface
reaction follows simple irreversible first-order concentration will be significantly less than the
kinetics. In this instance equation 12.4.20 be- bulk fluid value, and the apparent rate constant
comes becomes equal to kGam.
rm = VKUAJPA.ES (12.4.25) The above discussion indicates an approach
At steady state, this rate is balanced by the mass that may be used in deriving an expression for
transfer rate (equation 12.4.21). the reaction rate in terms of the physical and
chemical parameters of the system. However,
for most practical catalyst systems, it will not
(12.4.26) be possible to arrive at closed-form expressions
480 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

for the reaction rate per unit mass of catalyst. O2 = 0.900 cm2/sec
Consequently, this approach is of extremely 2
SO2 = 0.602 cm /sec
limited utility for reactor design purposes. The
SO3 = 0.515 cm 2 /sec
most common approach to the analysis of 2
external mass transfer limitations in hetero- SO2 = 0.598 cm /sec

geneous catalytic reactors is usually couched in so3 = 0.471 cm 2 /sec

terms of calculations of the difference in reactant so3 = 0-303 cm 2 /sec
concentrations between the bulk fluid and the
exterior surface. The following illustration indi-
cates the manner in which we calculate such Solution
For a differential reactor, the change in com-
position across the reactor will be very small,
and the bulk fluid composition may be estimated
from the inlet molal flow rates. Assuming that
the inlet air is 79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, the
calculations below indicate the bulk fluid mole
Olson, Schuler, and Smith (86) have studied the fractions and partial pressures of the various
catalytic oxidation of sulfur dioxide in a differen- components of the reaction mixture.
tial fixed bed reactor.
3>so2 = = 0.0652
SO, | O 2 -> SO 3 0.0475 + 0.681

The catalyst employed consisted of platinum 790

so22 =
= (0.0652)
deposited on the external surface of 1/8 x 1/8 in. 760
cylindrical alumina pellets. The data below were
obtained in run C-127S. Determine the com- = 0.0678 atm
position at the exterior surface of the catalyst. 0.21(0.681)
= 0.1963
0.0475 + 0.681
Temperature = 458 °C p = (0.1963) ( ^ ) = O- 2040 atm
Pressure = 790 mm Hg \760y
Superficial mass velocity = 245 lb/(hr-ft2)
SO 2 feed rate = 0.0475 g mole/min
Air feed rate = 0.681 g mole/min (0.0475 + 0.681)
Reaction rate = 0.0940 g mole SO 3 produced/
(hr-g catalyst) PNa = (0.7385) C^j = 0.7677 atm
External surface area/mass catalyst = 5.12 ft2/lb
Viscosity of the reaction mixture = 0.032 cp The average molecular weight of the mixture
Pellet density = 112.8 lb/ft3 = 1.81 g/cm3 is then
Bed porosity (estimated) = 0.40
The methods outlined in Reid and Sherwood M = 0.0652(64) + (0.1963)(32) + 0.7385(28)
(87) have been used to estimate the diffusivities = 31.1 g/mole
characteristic of binary mixtures of the various
components of the fluid in the reactor. The diffusivity of species A in a gas mixture is
12.4 Mass Transfer between the Bulk Fluid and External Surfaces of Solid Catalysts 481

given by Similarly, we find the following values for

the diffusivities of the other species in the reac-
tion mixture.
1 - VA
^ O 2 _ m = 0.502 cm2/sec
^ N 2 _ m = 1.818 cm2/sec
i N ^so 3 -m = 0.484 cm2/sec
where the Nt are the molar fluxes, ratios of The ideal gas law may be used to determine
which can be determined from the reaction stoi- the molar density of the reaction mixture.
chiometry. 2Am is the pseudo binary diffusivity
of component A in the mixture, and @Aj is the )
diffusivity characteristic of a binary mixture of 9 = RT 16OJ
species A and j . 82.06(731)
Equation A may now be used to determine = 1.73 x 10" 5 g moles/cm 3
the diffusivity of sulfur dioxide in the gas
Since the molecular weight of the mixture
mixture. The flux ratios may be determined
is 31.1, the corresponding mass density is
from the reaction stoichiometry.
(1.73 x 10~5) x (31.1) or 5.39 x 10" 4 g/cm 3 .
Schmidt numbers may now be calculated for
each component.

5.39 x 10~4®ilf
I 0.594

- yso2(Q) + ySo3 -

^so2-so2 SO2-SO3

so 2 -o 2

Substitution of numerical values (ySO3 ~ 0)


1 -
- 0.564 cm2/sec
0.1963 -
0.7385 0.06521
0.598 0.602 + 0.303
482 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

Thus At steady state, the rate of mass transfer must

equal the reaction rate. Hence,
U 8
= reaction rate/mass catalyst
0 594 (C)
= 1-05
where am is the external area per unit mass of
catalyst, and Nt the molar flux of species i to
(NSJN2 = = 0.327 the external surface of the catalyst. Since there
is a change in the number of moles on reaction,
we do not have equimolal counterdiffusion, and
~ = 1-23 the flux of species i relative to a fixed coordinate
system becomes
The particle diameter to be employed in the
mass transfer calculations is that of a sphere
with the same area as that of the pellets. From - cit ES)
equation 12.4.8 with rc = 1/16 and Lc = 1/8,
where the subscripts B and ES refer to bulk
Dp = V (T6)(i) + 2(-h? = 0-153 in. o 0.389 cm and external surface values, respectively, and
where the summation involves all c components
The superficial mass velocity can be expressed of the mixture. The various fluxes are related
in cgs units as by the reaction stoichiometry, and it becomes

245 1b lhr 454 g ft2 m.

G = -r—^
hrft 2 X
" 3600 sec x
" lb x 144 in.2 12.54 cm
= 3.33 x 10"2g/cm2-sec

The Reynolds number in consistent units is convenient to write the last equation as
N _£A_'"~
DpG _ (O.389)(3.33 x 1O~2)
Re = 41
~T~ " 3.2 x 10" 4

The j factor correlations in Table 12.1 may

now be used to determine j D . At the Reynolds where the term in the denominator represents
number in question, equation 12.4.10 is ap- the drift factor commonly encountered in mass
propriate. transfer calculations. Now
0.357 0.357
JD = = 0.235
(0.40)(41) 0 3 5 9
From the definition of the mass transfer
7-factor, KICUB - citES)
JV, = (D)
K,i = j(NsS JD (B) 1 - ^
12.4 Mass Transfer between the Bulk Fluid and External Surfaces of Solid Catalysts 483

Combining equations C and D gives without significant error. Hence

(cUB - citES) = - - ^ - ( i - - (E)


which, with equation B, gives so2 0.0099 0.0652 0.0553

N2 -0.0017 0.7385 0.7402
V o2 0.0045 0.1963 0.1918
L -0.0114 -0.00 0.0114
In consistent units
The difference in mole fractions is most
0.0940 g mole SO 3 produced hr
significant in the case of SO 2 where this differ-
g catalyst — hr 3600 sec ence is 15% of the bulk phase level. This result
g moles indicates that external mass transfer limitations
= 2.61 x 10 - 5 are indeed significant, and that this difference
sec — g catalyst
should be taken into account in the analysis of
kinetic data from this system. Note that there is
a difference in nitrogen concentration between
the bulk fluid and the external surface because
= 10.48 cm 2 /g catalyst
there is a change in the number of moles on
Hence reaction, and there is a net molar flux toward

2.61 x 10"5(5.39 x 10" i

f Vi
(10.48)(0.235)(3.33 x
7 2/3
^F-[ -v,
= -1.72 x 10~ (IVSc) + {yi/2vi)'] g moles/cm3

From the ideal gas law, the catalyst surface. Hence one must establish
a concentration difference for nitrogen, so that
yp total
the backward diffusion of nitrogen exactly
Q = counterbalances the convective transport to the
catalyst surface. We should also indicate that

V.ES = -(S2.06K731)
VI,ES 790/760

= -9.93 x 1 0 - 3 ( N S c ) 2 / 3 ( v ; + ^

Substitution of the previously calculated the mole fractions at the external surface sum to
Schmidt numbers and composition values, and qnly 0.9987. In large measure this discrepancy
an appropriate average value for yt permits one arises because we have used feed composition
to determine the difference in mole fractions. values in our calculations rather than local
In the present instance, we may use yiB values average bulk fluid compositions.
484 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

We would be remiss if we did not indicate much greater than the decrease encountered
that a significant temperature difference also when intraparticle diffusion processes limit the
exists between the bulk fluid and the external catalytic reaction rate.
surface. This AT has a far greater effect on the
observed rate than does the SO 2 concentration 12.5 HEAT TRANSFER BETWEEN THE
difference. Illustration 12.6 indicates how the BULK FLUID AND EXTERNAL SURFACES
temperature difference may be calculated. OF SOLID CATALYSTS
In view of the fact that our results are reason-
ably sensitive to the estimate of the bed poro- The energy effects that accompany chemical
sity used in the analysis, these results are not reactions can lead to significant temperature
bad. If one had employed a value of 0.3 or 0.5 differences between a bulk fluid and the external
rather than 0.4 for sB, jD would change signif- surface of a catalyst on which reaction is taking
icantly and this would have a major influence place. At steady state, the rate of energy release
on the calculated concentration (or mole frac- (or consumption) by reaction must equal the
tion) differences. Unfortunately, bed porosity rate at which heat is transferred to the fluid.
data were not noted in the article cited. In an The temperature gradient necessary to sustain
experimental program being conducted as an the heat transfer may be appreciable, even in
aspect of a reactor design, this parameter could situations where concentration differences be-
easily be determined. tween the bulk fluid and the external catalyst
surface are negligibly small. Consequently, these
temperature differences can act to obscure the
Yoshida, Ramaswami, and Hougen (88) have reaction kinetics in many more situations than
developed a nomograph that in essence is based can the mass transfer effects previously dis-
on the procedure employed in the last example. cussed. In laboratory studies aimed at a deter-
Although it employs a jD correlation that pre- mination of the rate expression for the intrinsic
dates those given in Table 12.1 and thus is less chemical reaction, external gradients in tem-
accurate, it eliminates many of the detailed cal- perature and concentration can be made
culations involved in determining when signifi- negligible by operating under the following
cant external concentration differences exist. For constraints.
all practical purposes, the results obtained by
1. Using a reactant stream that is diluted with
using the nomograph are indistinguishable from
inerts to reduce the reaction rate so that the
those obtained using the procedure employed in
energy evolved per unit volume is greatly
Illustration 12.5.
reduced below that encountered in the ab-
Before terminating the discussion of external
sence of inerts.
mass transfer limitations on catalytic reaction
2. Employing high mass velocities to minimize
rates, we should note that in the regime where
resistances to heat and mass transfer.
external mass transfer processes limit the reac-
tion rate, the apparent activation energy of the In such studies one may also eliminate intra-
reaction will be quite different from the intrinsic particle gradients of temperature and composi-
activation energy of the catalytic reaction. In the tion by using very fine catalyst particles or by
limit of complete external mass transfer control, confining the catalytic species to the exterior
the apparent activation energy of the reaction surface of a nonporous or impervious pellet.
becomes equal to that of the mass transfer coeffi- Unfortunately, the conditions that are optimum
cient, typically a kilocalorie or so per gram mole. for the elucidation of the intrinsic chemical
This decrease in activation energy is obviously kinetics are often inappropriate for use in
12.5 Heat Transfer between the Bulk Fluid and External Surfaces of Solid Catalysts 485

commercial scale reactors, and the design bers where both transfer coefficients are small,
engineer must be able to take into account both it is quite possible for substantial temperature
exterior and intraparticle gradients in concen- differences to exist between the bulk fluid and
tration and temperature. We discuss here the the external surface, even when the corres-
methods used to evaluate exterior temperature ponding concentration differences are small and
gradients in both fixed and fluidized bed re- when intraparticle concentration and tempera-
actors. ture gradients are negligible (rj ^ 1). The major
Heat transfer between a fluid and a catalyst resistance to heat transfer is the laminar film
particle occurs primarily through the same adjacent to the solid surface rather than the
combination of molecular and convective pro- pellet itself.
cesses that are responsible for mass transfer in Experimental data on heat transfer in fixed
such systems. At sufficiently high temperatures, and fluidized bed reactors are correlated in
one must also allow for radiation contributions terms of a j factor for heat transfer.
to the energy transfer processes within the
reactor. Radiation effects are not considered in (12.5..)
the correlations discussed below. They are not
significant at temperatures below 400 °C for where
packed bed reactors comprised of pellets with
[i is the fluid viscosity
characteristic dimensions of less than 1/4 in. (89).
At higher temperatures, they may be included Cp is the constant pressure heat capacity per
in an energy balance on a segment of the reactor unit mass of fluid
if appropriate view factors and other geometric K is the thermal conductivity of the fluid
considerations are specified. For present pur- h is the heat transfer coefficient between the
poses, however, their inclusion would greatly catalyst particle and the bulk fluid
complicate the analysis that follows, without
JVPr is the Prandtl number
shedding additional light on the fundamental
principles involved. The functional dependence of jH on Reynolds
The approach we use in analyzing the heat number has been the subject of study by many
exchange between a solid catalyst particle and investigators, and a variety of equations have
the surrounding fluid to determine if a significant been proposed for correlation of the available
temperature difference exists is in many respects data for fixed bed (77, 88) and fluidized bed re-
quite similar to that employed in the analysis actors (81-83). Boundary layer theory indicates
of mass transfer in Section 12.4. Both analyses that the Chilton-Colburn analogy, jH = j D ,
are based largely on the Chilton-Colburn represents an asymptotic solution for forced con-
analogies for the corresponding transport pro- vection in three-dimensional flows in any ge-
cesses. However, our earlier comment that ometry, provided that the Peclet number is large
external mass transfer limitations are less (90). [The Peclet number for mass transfer is the
significant than intraparticle limitations cannot product of the Reynolds and Schmidt numbers
be generalized to the heat transfer process. At (DpG/2p\ while the Peclet number for heat
high Reynolds numbers, the heat transfer co- transfer is the product of the Reynolds and
efficients, like the mass transfer coefficients, will Prandtl numbers (DPGCP/K).~] The relation^ =
be large and the corresponding temperature jH agrees well with experimental data for many
and concentration differences between the bulk flow geometries. Although the literature correla-
fluid and the exterior surface of the catalyst tions frequently indicate that the ratio jH/jD is
will be small. However, at low Reynolds num- slightly greater than unity for flow through
486 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

packed beds (e.g., 79), the deviations are usually rate at which thermal energy is exchanged be-
small. They may be explained by the fact that tween the fluid and the solid catalyst.
measured rates of vaporization or sublimation
r m (-AH) - ham(TES - TB) (12.5.4)
cancel out of the expression for the ratio jH/jD
when one attempts to calculate these parameters Noting that rAm = vArm, equations 12.5.3 and
from conventional experimental data. The devia- 12.5.4 may be combined to give
tion from unity then merely reflects an average of
,B - CA,ES)am(-AH)
values determined from a large number of = haJTES - TB)
readings with a particular humidity chart (91).
For most purposes, the correlations for jD
presented in Tables 12.1 and 12.2 also suffice for (12.5.5)
estimating jH. There is, however, one additional
correlation for fluidized beds that is worth or
noting. On the basis of data for the fluidization kCtA(AH){CAtB -
of 20 to 40 mesh silica and alumina gel particles
in air at Reynolds number values (DpG/fi) ranging h [ v A - yA 2 . v.
from 9 to 55, Kettenring et al. (92) suggest that
If the expressions for h and kcA, derived from
hDn equations 12.5.1 and 12.4.9, are substituted into
= O.O135(NRe)1 (12.5.2)
the last equation, we find that

(CAtB -
ES (12.5.7)
1 -

Notice, however, that none of these correlations The temperature difference is thus directly
are appropriate for use when radiation makes a proportional to the heat of reaction per mole
significant contribution to the heat transfer of diffusing species and to the difference in con-
process. centration between the bulk fluid and the ex-
At steady state, the rate at which reactants are terior surface of the solid. If we recognize that
supplied to the external surface of the catalyst jD ~ jH from the Chilton-Colburn relation, and
by mass transfer must be equal to the rate at that the ratio of Prandtl and Schmidt numbers
which they are consumed by the catalytic reac- is close to unity for many simple gas mixtures,
tion. Per unit mass of catalyst, the rate of dis- the previous relation may be approximated as
appearance of species A is then given by
\ (CAtB - CAtES)
A,m ~

(for gases) (12.5.8)

where the term in brackets is the drift factor. The Thus if the method developed in Section 12.4
rate of reaction multiplied by the energy release is used to evaluate the concentration difference,
per unit extent of reaction must also equal the this equation may be used to determine an
12.5 Heat Transfer between the Bulk Fluid and External Surfaces of Solid Catalysts 487

approximate value for the temperature differ- for heat transfer coefficients. Hence
ence. (In many cases the drift factor term in
brackets is essentially unity.) TEss ~TB =
^ (12.5.11)
E rlClm
In the limit where the external surface con-
centration becomes very small compared to the which may also be written in terms of the jH
bulk fluid concentration, we obtain the maxi- factor as
mum temperature difference.
*• FS •/ R — (12.5.12)
(for gases) Yoshida, Ramaswami, and Hougen (88) have
1 also developed nomographs for the solution of
- yA I (vj/vA)
.7=1 (12.5.9) equation 12.5.12. Illustration 12.6 indicates an
analytical approach by which the temperature
In many cases of interest, the maximum tem- difference can be evaluated using the correla-
perature difference will be over 100 °C, and tions given in Tables 12.1 and 12.2.
values of this magnitude have been observed
experimentally for several catalytic reactions. ILLUSTRATION 12.6 HEAT TRANSFER IN
Combination of equations 12.5.8 and 12.5.9 A FIXED BED REACTOR—TEMPERATURE
T ES T — I 1 _ cA max (12.5.10)
In Illustration 12.5, we considered the problem
cA of estimating the concentration differences that
Because of the large magnitude of AT max , it is exist between the bulk fluid and a catalyst used
quite possible that significant temperature dif- for the oxidation of sulfur dioxide. If the reported
ferences will exist, even when the ratio CA ES/CA B temperature is that of the bulk fluid, determine
is close to unity. For example, if the exterior the external surface temperature corresponding
surface concentration is 95% of the bulk fluid to the conditions cited. Additional useful data
level and the adiabatic temperature rise for the are:

Heat of reaction evaluated for the temperature range of interest = —96.95 kJ/mole
Heat capacity (Cp) of the reaction mixture = 1.07 J/g-°K
Thermal conductivity of the reaction mixture = 3.70 x 10~ 4 J/(cm-sec-°K)

reaction is 300 C equation 12.5.10 indicates Solution

that the catalyst surface is 15 C hotter than The data on the thermal conductivity and the
the bulk fluid. This difference would be suffi- heat capacity permit us to calculate the Prandtl
cient to lead to a significant enhancement in the number for the conditions of interest.
reaction rate relative to bulk fluid conditions.
Another approach to estimating the tempera-
ture difference involves the solution of equation
12.5.4 for the temperature difference using mea- (1.07J/g-°K)(3.2 x 10~4g/cm-sec)
sured reaction rates and empirical correlations 3.70 x 10" 4 J/cm-sec-°K
488 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

or products in the presence of heat and mass trans-

fer limitations. We shall find this term con-
NPr = 0.93
venient for use throughout the remainder of this
For the conditions cited, it was shown that chapter. Global rate expressions then include
jD was 0.235 and, by the Chilton-Colburn ana- both external heat and mass transfer effects on
logy,^ = 0.235. From the definition of the heat the reaction rate, and the efficiency with which
transfer factor j H , it follows that the internal surface area of a porous catalyst is
used. Here we indicate how to employ the con-
h=jHCpG(NPry213 cepts developed in Sections 12.3 to 12.5 to arrive
at global rate expressions.
h = (0.235)(1.07)(3.33 x 10~ 2 )(0.93)" 2/3 In Section 6.3 we indicated that a catalytic
= 8.79 x 10~ 3 J/cm2-sec-°K reaction taking place on the surface of a porous
solid involves the following sequence of physical
At steady state, equation 12.5.11 must be and chemical processes.
satisfied. Thus
1. Mass transfer of reactants from the bulk fluid
(2.61 x 10"5)(96,950)
-* FS: * R — - 27.5 °C to the gross exterior surface of the catalyst
(8.79 x 10"3)(10.48) particle.
or 2. Transport of reactants by diffusion from the
TES = 21.5 C + 458 - 486 CC exterior surface into the pores of the catalyst.
Thus, for this reaction, a substantial tempera- 3. Chemisorption of one or more reactant
ture difference exists between the solid surface species.
and the bulk fluid. It has a far greater influence 4. Reaction on the surface.
on the observed rate than the corresponding 5. Desorption of products.
concentration difference. Differences of this 6. Transport of products by diffusion from the
magnitude can clearly lead to complications in interior pores to the gross external surface of
the analysis of data obtained in laboratory scale the catalyst.
reactors. If such differences will exist at the 7. Mass transfer of products from the external
operating conditions to be employed in a com- surface to the bulk fluid.
mercial scale reactor, the design engineer must At steady state, the rates of each of the in-
be sure to take them into account in his analysis. dividual steps will be the same, and this equality
is used to develop an expression for the global
reaction rate in terms of bulk-fluid properties.
Actually, we have already employed a relation
The rates at which chemical transformations of this sort in the development of equation
take place are in some circumstances strongly 12.4.28 where we examined the influence of
influenced by mass and heat transfer processes external mass transfer limitations on observed
(see Sections 12.3 to 12.5). In the design of hetero- reaction rates. Generally, we must worry not
geneous catalytic reactors, it is essential to only about concentration differences between
utilize a rate expression that takes into account the bulk fluid and the external surface of the
the influence of physical transport processes on catalyst, but also about temperature differences
the rate at which reactants are converted to between these points and intraparticle gradients
products. Smith (93) has popularized the use of in temperature and composition.
the term global reaction rate to characterize the In laboratory experiments carried out to
overall rate of transformation of reactants to obtain rate data for subsequent design calcula-
12.6 "Global" Reaction Rates 489

tions, we normally try to operate under con- global rate that is useful for design purposes, one
ditions that minimize the effects of heat and mass must combine the intrinsic chemical reaction
transfer on conversion rates so as to facilitate rate,expression with expressions for heat and
the extraction of the rate expression for the mass transfer rates corresponding to industrial
intrinsic chemical reaction from the observed operating conditions. As a general rule, the
reaction rate (the global rate). We use very fine global rate reduces to the intrinsic expression
particles and high fluid velocities to minimize evaluated at bulk fluid properties when one of
these limitations so that differences in composi- the chemical steps at the catalyst surface is slow.
tion and temperature between the bulk fluid However, if economic considerations require
and the fluid within the pore structure of the the use of fluid velocities or catalyst pellet sizes
catalyst are insignificant. In the absence of such that differ from those employed in the laboratory,
differences, the global reaction rate corresponds the global rate may be quite different from the
to the intrinsic reaction rate, evaluated at the intrinsic rate at bulk fluid conditions. In such
bulk fluid composition and temperature. When cases the reaction may be mass or heat transfer
such differences are significant, the global rate limited, or controlled by pore diffusion pro-
may be appreciably higher or appreciably lower cesses. Figure 12.14 indicates some of the reac-
than the intrinsic rate corresponding to bulk tant concentration profiles that may result from
fluid properties. control by various steps in the sequence enu-
Laboratory reactors and industrial scale merated earlier. In commercial scale fixed bed
equipment are seldom operated under similar reactors, external resistances to mass transfer are
flow and heat transfer conditions. To obtain a usually small compared to the intraparticle

Catalyst pore

Figure 12.14
Schematic representation of reactant concentration profiles in various
global rate regimes. I: External mass transfer limits rate. II: Pore dif-
fusion limits rate. Ill: Both mass transfer effects are present. IV: Mass
transfer has no influence on rate.
490 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

resistance for normal operating conditions.

However, we have seen earlier that significant ex- r,= (12.6.1)
ternal temperature differences can exist even
when the external concentration difference is
small. In fact, for gaseous reactants the external where the massjransfer coefficient (fcc) is that for
temperature difference will probably be much species A.
greater than any intraparticle differences. The reaction rate averaged over the catalyst
Let us now turn our attention to the problem pellet can be expressed in terms of the effective-
of determining the global reaction rate at some ness factor r\ as
arbitrary point in a heterogeneous catalytic
rm = , T ES) (12.6.2)
reactor from a knowledge of the following
parameters. where the functional form of x¥m is presumed to
be known. The subscript m is employed to em-
1. The intrinsic rate expression. phasize the fact that ^ ( C ^ , TES) is the reaction
2. The properties of the bulk fluid for the region rate per unit mass of catalyst in the absence of
in question (temperature and composition). intraparticle diffusional limitations. To deter-
3. The flow conditions (mass velocity, reactor mine a global rate expression from equations
diameter, etc.). 12.6.1 and 12.6.2 we also need to know the de-
4. The heat of reaction at the bulk fluid tem- pendence of r\ on the Thiele modulus <fis, the
perature. definition of the Thiele modulus for the intrinsic
5. The physical properties of the fluid (Schmidt reaction kinetiGS involved, the Arrhenius number
and Prandtl numbers, heat capacity, etc.). y (12.3.107) and the energy generation function
6. The shape and size of the catalyst. P (12.3.108). In order to relate bulk fluid and
7. The physical properties of the catalyst (specific external surface temperatures, equations 12.5.4
surface area, porosity, effective thermal con- and 12.5.5 are employed
ductivity, effective diffusivity, pellet density,
etc.). rm(-AH) = ham(TES - TB) (12.6.3)
8. The porosity of the bed (eB). or, using equation 12.6.1,
Values of all of these parameters must be kam(CA,B - CA,ES)(-AH)
= - TB
available or estimated if we are to determine the
global reaction rate. Some of these quantities
can be evaluated from standard handbooks of
physical property data, or generalized correla- (12.6.4)
tions such as those compiled by Reid and Equations 12.6.2 to 12.6.4 and the relation
Sherwood (87). Others can be determined only between r\, (j)s, y, and P are sufficient to calculate
by experimental measurements on the specific the global rate at specified values of TB and CB.
reactant/catalyst system under consideration. Unfortunately, information on the last relation
Determination of the global reaction rate that is rather limited. The curves presented in Figure
applies to a given segment of reactor volume 12.10 and reference 61 give the desired relation
involves the use of equations developed earlier. for first-order kinetics, but numerical solutions
The rate of mass transfer to the external for other reaction orders are not available to this
surface of the catalyst is given by equation E extent; we will presume that numerical solutions
of Illustration 12.5. may be generated if needed for design purposes.
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 491

For isothermal systems, it is occasionally pos- ployed much more widely in the chemical indus-
sible to eliminate the external surface concentra- try than any other basic reactor type. This
tions between equations 12.6.1 and 12.6.2 and section indicates in some detail the procedures
arrive at a global rate expression involving only involved in the design of a tubular fixed bed
bulk fluid compositions (e.g., equation 12.4.28 reactor. This task involves the use of global rate
was derived in this manrler). In general, however, information obtained through the techniques
closed form solutions cannot be achieved and developed earlier to predict the composition of
an iterative trial and error procedure must be the effluent from a reactor for a given set of
employed to determine the; global rate. One pos- design parameters.
sible approach is summarized below. The desigri 4>roblem can be approached at
1. Use the j factor correlations of Section 12.4 to various levels of sophistication using different
determine appropriate heat and mass transfer mathematical models of the packed bed. In cases
coefficients. of industrial interest, it is not possible to obtain
2. Assume a value for TES. closed form analytical solutions for any but the
3. Determine CES from 12.6.4. simplest of models under isothermal operating
4. From the effectiveness factor relation, deter- conditions. However, numerical procedures can
mine ri(TES, CES). be employed to predict effluent compositions on
5. Calculate the reaction rate per unit mass using the basis of the various models. In the subsec-
equation 12.6.2. (This implies a knowledge of tions that follow, we shall consider first the
the intrinsic rate expression.) fundamental equations that must be obeyed by
6. Determine TES from equation 12.6.3 using all packed bed reactors under various energy
the reaction rate determined in step 5. transfer constraints, and then discuss some of the
7. Compare the initial guess of TES with the simplest models of reactor behavior. These dis-
calculated value and iterate until agreement cussions are limited to pseudo steady-state op-
is reached. erating conditions (i.e., the catalyst activity is
8. Substitution of the final values of TES and/or presumed to be essentially constant for times
CES into any of the various equations for rm that are long compared to the fluid residence
gives the global rate. time in the reactor).
Models of fixed bed'reactors can be catego-
This procedure obviously requires machine rized in a couple of ways. One basis lies in the
computation capability if it is to employed in number of spatial coordinates employed in the
reactor design calculations. Fortunately, there equations used to describe the model. One-
are many reactions for which the global rate dimensional models take into account variations
reduces to the intrinsic rate, which avoids the in composition and temperature along the length
necessity for calculations of this type. On the of the reactor, while two-dimensional models
other hand, several high tonnage processes (e.g., also allow for variations in these properties in
SO 2 oxidation) are influenced by heat and mass the radial direction. A second basis for cate-
transfer effects and one must be fully cognizant gorizing reactor models lies in the manner in
of their implications for design purposes. which one envisions the reaction as being dis-
tributed throughout the catalyst bed. In this
sense, the models are viewed as either pseudo
Fixed or packed bed reactors have many advan- homogeneous or heterogeneous. For the pseudo
tages relative to other types of heterogeneous homogeneous models, one envisions the reac-
catalytic reactors and, consequently, are em- tions as taking place throughout the reactor
492 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

volume, and not as localized at the catalyst sur- in words. Unfortunately, this solution is not so
face. The rate expressions for use with these easily expressed in the quantitative terms the
models are obtained by taking the product of engineer needs to prepare equipment specifica-
the global reaction rate per unit mass of catalyst tions and cost estimates. In principle, the solution
and the bulk density (pB) of the catalyst (i.e., the involves the use of a heterogeneous reaction rate
total mass of catalyst divided by the total volume expression in a set of material balance equations
of the reactor). for various chemical species and a correspond-
ing conservation equation for energy. The resul-
= rmpB (12.7.1)
tant differential equations and the attendant
The units of rv are moles converted/(volume- boundary conditions are then evaluated over the
time), and rv is identical with the rates employed catalyst bed to determine the conditions at the
in homogeneous reactor design. Consequently, reactor outlet. Before discussing these equations
the design equations developed earlier for homo- in detail, however, we consider briefly a few
geneous reactors can be employed in these terms subjects that are relevant to the general problem
to obtain estimates of fixed bed reactor per- of fixed bed reactor design. These include pres-
formance. Two-dimensional, pseudo homoge- sure drop, dispersion, and heat transfer in fixed
neous models can also be developed to allow for beds.
radial dispersion of mass and energy.
Heterogeneous models of fixed bed reactors Pressure Drop in Fixed Bed Reactors.
explicitly account for the presence of the solid In order to simplify a reactor design analysis, we
catalyst by writing material and energy balance often assume that the pressure drop across a
equations for both the solid phase and the fluid reactor is negligible and has little influence on
phase. Several types of heterogeneous models reactor size requirements. However, there are
can be employed, depending on the complica- some situations in reactor design where it is
tions one is willing to introduce. The basic important to consider the implications of pres-
heterogeneous model considers only transport sure drop, particularly when dealing with the
by plug flow, but differentiates between bulk flow of compressible fluids through a fixed or
fluid properties and those prevailing at the exter- fluidized bed reactor. Because of its significance
nal surface of the catalyst pellet. Models may ip. a wide variety of chemical engineering opera-
also be developed that allow for intraparticle tions, flow through packed beds has been studied
gradients and for radial variations in system by many investigators through the years. The
properties. The necessity for using a heteroge- most useful approaches to predicting pressure
neous model can be circumvented through the drop through packed beds are those based on
use of global rate expressions in terms of rv in empirical correlations for the friction factor
the corresponding pseudo homogeneous models (/ M ), defined in the following manner.
described in Section 12.7.2. I have chosen to
- &L 4/ M
utilize this approach for the level of this text. (12.7.2)
[See Froment (94, 95) for critical reviews of
several heterogeneous models.] where
L is the length of the packed column
12.7.1 General Considerations p is the fluid density
Prediction of the performance of a fixed bed v0 is the superficial velocity (the average linear
reactor under specified operating conditions is velocity the fluid would have in the absence
a problem whose solution is readily expressed of packing)
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 493

D* is the equivalent particle diameter defined as outlet densities. This approximation is useful in
computer-aided design problems.
D*=- Dispersion in Packed Bed Reactors.
where In Chapter 11, we indicated that deviations from
plug flow behavior could be quantified in terms
av is the area per unit volume of an individual of a dispersion parameter that lumped together
particle the effects of molecular diffusion and eddy dif-
& represents the combined effects of static fusivity. A similar dispersion parameter is useji
pressure (P) and gravitational force and is to characterize transport in the radial direction,
defined as and these two parameters can be used to describe
radial and axial transport of matter in packed
g> = p + pgz (12.7.3)
bed reactors. In packed beds, the dispersion
where z is the distance upward (as opposed to results not only from ordinary molecular dif-
gravity) from a chosen reference plane. fusion and the turbulence that exists in the
Subscripts 0 and L refer to inlet and outlet &> absence of packing, but also from lateral de-
values, respectively. flections and mixing arising from the presence
Several correlating equations for the friction of the catalyst pellets. These effects are the domi-
factor have been proposed for both the laminar nant contributors to radial transport at the
and turbulent flow regimes, and plots of fM (or Reynolds numbers normally employed in com-
functions thereof) versus Reynolds number are mercial reactors.
frequently presented in standard fluid flow or If there is no correlation between the direc-
chemical engineering handbooks (e.g., 96, 97). tions in which a given fluid molecule is deflected
Perhaps the most useful of the correlations is at successive layers of pellets, the radial distance
that represented by the Ergun equation (98) through which the molecule is transported as it

D* 150(1 - eB)
2 + 1.75 (12.7.4)

where each term in parentheses is a dimension- moves longitudinally through the bed can be
less group. At high Reynolds numbers, the first described using Einstein's random walk ap-
term on the right drops out, and we obtain the proach. Each deflection will be comparable in
Burke-Plummer equation for the turbulent flow magnitude to the characteristic dimensions of
regime. Similarly, at low Reynolds numbers, the the pellet. If a large number of molecules are
second term drops out, and the Ergun equation considered, the effect is that of radial diffusion
reduces to the Blake-Kozeny relation for the characterized by an apparent diffusion coeffi-
laminar flow regime. cient in the radial direction that is given by (99):
Notice that the superficial mass velocity G is
constant throughout the bed, but that p will vary uzDp
for compressible fluids. When the pressure drop 11.2
is small compared with the absolute pressure,
equation 12.7.4 may be used for gases by em- where uz is the superficial velocity in the axial
ploying the arithmetic average of the inlet and direction. For gases, the magnitude of 2)R is
494 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

usually much greater than the molecular diffu- mated that the longitudinal Peclet number
sion coefficient. This disparity is even greater for should have a value of approximately 2. Experi-
liquids. The dimensionless group uzDp/@R is mental results indicate that for gases N Pe z is
known as the Peclet number for radial transport. equal to two for modified Reynolds numbers
(DpGjjX) above 10. For liquids, the longitudinal
iVp c , EE ^ (12.7.6) Peclet number is less, particularly at low Rey-
nolds numbers.
At high Reynolds numbers where molecular It should be emphasized that uz is the apparent
diffusion effects are negligible, experimental evi- superficial velocity in the longitudinal direction
dence confirms the general validity of equation (i.e., it is based on total area, voids plus solid).
12.7.5. Figure 12.15. indicates how the Peclet Similarly, in packed beds both S)L and 2)R are
number for radial mixing varies with the fluid normally based on total cross section.
Reynolds number. Above a Reynolds number of The extent to which longitudinal dispersion
40, the radial Peclet number is approximately 10. must be taken into account depends on the ratio
The Peclet number for axial dispersion is de- of the reactor length to the size of the particles.
fined in a manner similar to the radial parameter If the ratio is 100 or more, as is the usual case in
commercial reactors, the effect of longitudinal
dispersion is negligible in comparison with mass
Nft,z = ^ (12.7.7) transport due to bulk flow. Only in very short
reactors at high conversions and low velocities
where 3)L is the longitudinal dispersion param- is the effect significant. In such cases, however,
eter. Using a mathematical model that regards dispersion models of the reactor would not be
the interstices in the packing as a series of mixing realistic, and channeling and nonuniform flow
chambers, Aris and Amundson (101) have esti- distribution effects would be significant.

20 I I I I 1 i
' 1'
• • Berna -d and Wi helm

4" 10 —Kr—• •*?— f

r • Fahien
^ - — " ^
^ 8
6 •
5 Tube size Particle size
in. in.
i 4 V 8 0.46
ft 2 5/32
A 2 0.36
* 3 5/32
A 3 0.36
-»- 4 5/32
-O 4 0.30
i 111
10 20 40 60 100 200 400 600 1000 2000
Modified reynolds number, DpG/n

Figure 12.15
Correlation of average Peclet number with Reynolds number and the ratio
of particle to tube diameter (DPIDT). {From Chemical Engineering Kinetics
by J. M. Smith. Copyright c 1970. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill
Book Company.]
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 495

12.7.13 Heat Transfer in Fixed Bed Reactors. ratios of the coefficient in the packed bed to that
In reactor design, it is important to be able to in the empty tube. Typical ratios range from 5 to
describe in quantitative terms the heat transfer 7.8, depending on the ratio of the pellet diameter
processes taking place within the reactor. In the to the tube diameter. Jakob (102) has proposed
design of homogeneous reactors, one normally the following correlation for wall heat transfer
assumes that radial mixing is sufficiently rapid coefficients as a generalization of an earlier
that all the resistance to energy transfer is con- correlation by Colburn (103):
centrated at the wall, and that the heat transfer 0.83
can be described by a single heat transfer T _ r*pOA
NPr (12.7.9)
coefficient. However, in fixed bed reactors, the
catalyst pellets inhibit radial mixing of the fluid, where
and significant gradients in temperature can
exist in both the radial and axial directions. DT is the tube diameter in feet
Here, we treat heat transfer between the con- Dp is the particle diameter in feet
taining wall of the reactor and its contents and / * is a coefficient given by Figure 12.16 with Dp
heat transfer within the packed bed. The latter in inches and DT in feet
process is described in terms of an effective
Kg is the thermal conductivity of the fluid in
thermal conductivity that lumps together contri-
BTU's per hour-foot-degree Fahrenheit
butions from a number of heat transfer mech-
anisms. Both this parameter and the wall hw is the wall heat transfer coefficient in BTU's
heat transfer coefficient can be estimated on the per hour-square foot-degree Fahrenheit
basis of correlations that summarize extensive \x is the fluid viscosity in pounds mass per hour
experimentation in this area. per foot Heat Transfer to the Containing Wall G is the superficial mass velocity in pounds
Heat transfer between the container wall and the mass per hour per square foot
reactor contents enters into the design analysis This correlation indicates that the ratio of the
as a boundary condition on the differential or fixed bed coefficient to the empty tube coefficient
difference equation describing energy conserva- goes through a maximum, as Dp/Dr is varied.
tion. If the heat flux through the reactor wall is
designated as qw, the heat transfer coefficient at
the wall is denned as

K, = (12.7.8)
1 1
W ~ B
Tw is the wall surface temperature
TB is the mean temperature of the bulk fluid in 0.3
the volume element at the axial position in
Figure 12.16
Normally, such heat transfer coefficients for Coefficient f* for use in equation 12.7.9. (From
packed beds are significantly greater than those Heat Transfer by M. Jakob. Copyright © 1957.
for empty tubes at the same gas flow rate. Early Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons,
reports of such data were usually reported as Inc.)
496 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

Other useful correlations of heat transfer co- homogeneous body through which heat is trans-
efficients in packed beds have been proposed. ferred by conduction. Consider the volume
Among these is a simple relation of Calderbank element shown in Figure 12.17. It consists of a
and Pogorski (104) cylindrical shell of radius R, thickness AR, and
length Az, which is concentric with the tube axis.
(12.7,«) If an energy balance is written for the volume
element, the following input terms are necessary:
where the symbols have their usual significance. Input of energy by convective transport in the
Leva (105) has also proposed two correlations axial direction
for heating:
2nR(AR)puzCJT - T0)\zAt
hw = 0.813 °- 90

for ^ < 0.35 (12.7.11)

= 0.125-
2 = 0
for 0.35 < - ^ < 0.6 (12.7.12)
and one for cooling.
0 10
- Energy Transfer Within a Packed Bed.

Energy transfer within packed beds is an ex-
tremely complex process because it involves
multiple mechanisms within a complex geo-
metric structure. It may involve conduction
through the pellets, conduction between pellets
at points in contact, conduction through the
fluid, radiation, turbulent transport by eddy
diffusion processes, and conventional convective
transport. These mechanisms combine and
interact in a complex fashion to produce the
observed energy transfer phenomena. Conse- %= L
quently, reactor designers find it convenient to
use effective thermal conductivities (/c*), which
Figure 12.17
encompass all contributions to the transport of
Annular ring over which energy balance is made.
thermal energy except convection by plug flow. (From Transport Phenomena by R. B. Bird, W. E.
These transport coefficients are employed in Stewart, and E. N. Lightfoot. Copyright c 196Q.
pseudo homogeneous models of packed bed Reprinted with permission of John Wiley and Sons,
reactors that picture the reactor contents as a Inc.)
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 497

Input of thermal energy by effective radial con- and let Cp refer to the heat capacity of the gas
duction at temperature T.
Similar terms exist for output of thermal
At energy by these mechanisms. In addition to the
input and output terms, we also need terms for
Input of thermal energy by effective longitudinal the generation of thermal energy by chemical
conduction reaction

- * - * ? • At
and the accumulation of energy within the
where To is the datum temperature for enthalpy volume element

calculations, Cp is an appropriate average heat where rv is the pseudo homogeneous reaction

capacity between the datum temperature and the rate per unit volume (solid plus fluid), AH is the
temperature in question for the gaseous mixture, enthalpy change for reaction at the indicated
uz is the superficial velocity in the z-direction conditions, and the term in brackets is an effec-
corresponding to the point (R, z), p is the fluid tive mean heat capacity per unit volume. The
density, K% and K* are the effective thermal con- porosity in the last term represents the ratio of
ductivities in the radial and axial directions the sum of external and intraparticle void
respectively, and At is a short time increment. volumes to the total volume. The quantity AT
For convenience, we shall choose T o to be close represents the temperature change occurring
to T so that we may employ a constant pressure within the volume element in time At.
heat capacity value corresponding to tempera- A typical balance equation can then be written
ture T. Thus we may delete the average symbol as:

Input 2nR(AR)puzCp(T - To% At - K12UR{AZ) At - K*2nR(AR) At
+ generation + rv( - AH)2nR(AR)(Az)(At)
= output = 2nR(AR)puzCp(T - T0)\z + Az At - K*2TLR(AZ) — At
cR R + AR

+ accumulation
498 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

Division by 2n(AR)(Az)(At) and rearrangement gives:

A T - T0)\z-puzCpR(T ^ T0)\z.
gas + U ~ ^To ) 1 R R r (
At —

\ C l\ IR + AR R
+ AR

• R (8T\
- + Az
and in the limit, as the various deltas approach zero,

+ (1 - arotai T = Rrv(-AH) - R~(puzCpT)

ct cz

The effective thermal conductivities in the c2T 1 dT

axial and radial directions depend on such — (puzCpT) = rv(-AH) +

variables as temperature, gas flow rate, the ther-

mal conductivities of the gas and solid phases,
particle diameter and porosity, packing geome- This equation may be used as an appropriate
try, and the emissivity of the solid. In general, form of the law of energy conservation in various
K% should depend on radial position, but this pseudo homogeneous models of fixed bed re-
effect is almost always neglected. Moreover, actors. Radial transport by effective thermal
transport of energy in the direction of flow by conduction is an essential element of two-
convective flow is normally so much greater dimensional reactor models but, for one-dimen-
than the effective thermal conduction that the sional models, the last term must be replaced
last term in (12.7.16) is virtually always neglected. by one involving heat losses to the walls.
It is significant only in very short beds at low The last equation has been used by numerous
velocities. These assumptions lead to the fol- investigators to evaluate effective thermal con-
lowing energy balance equation for pseudo ductivities from experimental data. Figure 12.18
homogeneous models of fixed bed reactors. reproduced from Froment (94) indicates the

+ (1 - &ro«ai)(pCp)soIid] -^ = rv(-AH) - ~ (puzCpT) + /c* I ^ + - —j (12.7.17)

For steady-state operation, the time deriva- range of effective thermal conductivities typical
tive vanishes and we have the form that is of of various Reynolds numbers. The data pre-
greatest interest for purposes of this text. sented are most appropriate for use at tempera-
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 499

I I fluid, the effects of transport by turbulent motion
of fluid eddies, the effects of radiation transport
through the void spaces, and the effects of con-
duction through the solid. The last term lumps
1.50 — —

4 together a number of effects associated with
energy transfer from one pellet to adjacent
/ /
pellets by radiation, point contacts, and con-
1.00 — vective transport to and from the fluid. The
numerical constant in the radiation term implies
that British Engineering Units (with time in
V hours) must be used for the various parameters
0.50 — and, in particular, the bed temperature T must
be expressed in degrees Rankine.
V Most of the available data have been recorded
0 i I under conditions such that only the terms for
200 400 600 800 eddy transport and conduction through the
DpG/fi solid are significant. Equation 12.7.19 requires
Figure 12.18
that K* increase with particle diameter, mass
Heat transfer in packed beds. Effective thermal velocity, and the conductivity of the solid. It is
conductivity as a function of Reynolds number. consistent with data for low conductivity solids,
Curve 1 : Coberly and Marshall. Curve 2: Campbell but some discrepancies arise for very high
and Huntington. Curve 3: Calderbank and Pogorski. conductivity solids (108). At Reynolds numbers
Curve 4: Kwong and Smith. Curve 5: Kunii and greater than 40, the contribution of the molecu-
Smith. (From G. F. Froment, "Chemical Reaction lar conduction term is negligible.
Engineering," Adv. Chem. Ser., 109, 1970.) The parameter h', which combines several
effects, must be at least as large as the convective
tures below 300 °C where radiation heat transfer heat transfer coefficient (/ic), calculated from the
is negligible. jH factor correlations discussed in Section 12.5.
Argo and Smith (106, 107) have presented a It is given by an expression of the following
detailed discussion of heat transfer in packed form
beds and have proposed the following relation h! = hc + hR + hp (12.7.20)
for the effective thermal conductivity in packed where hR and hp represent the contributions of
beds: radiation between particles and conduction for
pellets in contact. These quantities can be
100z estimated as:

- sB) (12.7.19) 2 - a 1004

2KS + h'Dp
where o is the emissivity of the solid, Kg and and
KS are the thermal conductivities of fluid and
pellet, respectively, and h! is a heat transfer KP (12.7.22)
coefficient that characterizes the thermal inter-
action between adjacent particles. The terms on wnere
the right of equation 12.7.19 represent, in order,
log K. = -1.76 + 0.0129— (12.7.23)
the effects of molecular conduction through the
500 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

in which KS is the thermal conductivity of the NRe = 41

bulk solid. Equations 12.7.20 to 12.7.23 consti- JD = 0.235
tute a transcendental relation for h! that can be
Cp = 1.07 J/g-°K = 0.255 BTU/(lb°R)
solved by trial and error procedures. Again
because of the numerical constant in the radia- N Pr = 0.92
tion equation, we must employ British Engi- hc = 8.79 x 10" 3 J/(cm2-sec-°K)
neering Units (with time in hours) in these
relations. Additional Data
Illustration 12.7 indicates how to estimate an DT = 1.770 in. = 0.1475 ft
effective thermal conductivity for use with two-
a = 0.65
dimensional, pseudo homogeneous packed bed
models. KS = 1.8 BTU/(hr-ft-°F)

Equations 12.7.20 to 12.7.23 may be used to
evaluate the parameter h'. We begin by con-
verting the convective heat transfer coefficient
In Illustrations 12.5 and 12.6, some data on the hc, determined in Illustration 12.6, to British
catalytic oxidation of SO 2 were used to deter- Engineering Units.
mine composition and temperature differences hc = 8.79 x 10" 3 J/cm2-sec-°K
between the bulk fluid and the fluid at the pellet-
gas interface. Use the data and results of these =c= 15.56 BTU/ft2-hr-°R
illustrations and the new data given below to From equation 12.7.20 it is evident that W must
predict the effective thermal conductivity of the be at least as large as hc, and this fact provides
bed. a useful starting point for solving these tran-
scendental equations. We begin by assuming
Data and Results from Illustrations 12.5 and that h' = 35 BTU/(hr-ft2-°R). From equation
12.6 12.7.23,
T = 458 °C - 731 K = 1316 °R . o g K p = -1.76 +0.0129 »
P = 790 mm Hg
G= 245 lb/hr-ft2 = 3.33 x 10" 2 g/sec-cm2 or
KP = 0.0199
Kg = 3.70 x 10" 4 J/(cm-sec-°K)
From equation 12.7.22,
= 0.0214 BTU/(hr-ft°F)
_ 2(1.8) + 35(0.01276)
= 0.032 cp (0.0199)
~~ (0.01276X1.8)
Pp = 1.81 g/cm3
= 0.40 = 3.51 BTU/(hr-ft2-°R)

P = 0.389 cm = 1.276 x 10" 2 ft From equation 12.7.21,

2(1.8) + 35(0.01276) / 4(0.65) (1316)3

hR = (0.01276)(0.173)
(0.01276)(1.8) V2 ~ °- 6 5 (100)4
- 17.07 BTU/hr-ft2-°R
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 501

From equation 12.7.20, such values in design calculations, one should

examine the sensitivity of the results to varia-
W = 15.56 + 3.51 + 17.07
tions in parameters that are characterized by
= 36.14 BTU/(hr-ft2-°F) such large uncertainties.
Since the relations for hR and hp are not very
sensitive to the value of hf, we need not iterate
12.7.2 Pseudo Homogeneous* Models of
again and we can use the above value for sub-
Packed Bed Reactors
sequent purposes.
The radial Peclet number may now be esti- Pseudo homogeneous models of fixed bed
mated using Figure 12.15 at N Re = 41, reactors are widely employed in reactor design
calculations. Such models assume that the fluid
= 9 1 + 19.4 within the volume element associated with a
single catalyst pellet or group of pellets can be
/0.01276V"] _ characterized by a given bulk temperature,
= 9 1 + 19.4 10.3 pressure, and composition and that these quan-
V 0.1475/
tities vary continuously with position in the
We now have numerical values for all of the reactor. In most industrial scale equipment, the
quantities appearing in equation 12.7.19. How- reactor volume is so large compared to the
ever, consistent units must be employed and, volume of an individual pellet and the fraction
because of the 0.173 factor appearing in the of the void volume associated therewith that the
radiation term, British Engineering Units are assumption of continuity is reasonable.
appropriate. The various terms in this equation Pseudo homogeneous models require global
may be evaluated as follows: rate expressions of the type discussed in Section

Kg = 0.0214 BTU/(hr-ft-°F)
DpCpG _ (1.276 x 10"2)(0.255)(245)
= 0.1935 BTU/(hr-ft-°F)
4(0.65) (1316)3
D,(0.173) 4 (1.276 x 10~2)(0.173)
2 - a 100 2 - 0.65 (100)4
= 0.0969 BTU/(hr-ft-°F)
- eB)h'KsDp _ (1 - 0.40)(36.1)(1.8)(1.276 x 10~2)
= 0.1225 BTU/(hr-ft-°F)
2KS + h'Dp 2(1.8) + (36.1)(1.276 x 10~2)

Thus 12.6, and the analysis that follows presumes that

such expressions are available. To solve the
K* = 0.40[0.0214 + 0.1935 0.0969] + 0.1225
differential equations representing material and
= 0.247 BTU/(hr-ft-°F) energy balances, we use appropriate global rate
The result is the average effective thermal con- expressions and boundary conditions to gen-
ductivity of the bed. The reader should be aware, erate relations between the effluent conditions
however, that the correlation employed is prob- * The term pseudo homogeneous model has been popu-
ably only good to 10 to 20% at best. In using larized by Froment (94, 95).
502 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

(composition and temperature) and the reactor diameter, the adiabatic model may provide
volume. Usually, it is necessary to transform a good representation of actual operating
the coupled differential equations into differ- experience.
ence equations and to use numerical methods However, the most complex analysis is that
to solve the transformed equations. The con- in which heat transfer through the reactor walls
ventional approach to this problem involves is taken into account. This type of operation
the use of a stepwise procedure in which one must be employed when it is necessary to supply
starts at the reactor inlet and marches longitu- or remove energy from the system so as to
dinally through the reactor in appropriate moderate the temperature excursions that would
volume increments. One-dimensional or two- otherwise follow. It is frequently employed in
dimensional models may be employed de- industrial reactors and, to model such systems,
pending on the degree of sophistication desired, one must often resort to two-dimensional
the cost constraints on computer aided design, models of the reactor that allow the concentra-
and the level of approximation required. Either tion and temperature to vary in both the radial
model can be handled by modern computing and axial directions. In the analysis of such
machines, but the one-dimensional model is systems, we make incremental calculations
used most often in preliminary design calcula- across the diameter of a given longitudinal
tions because it provides a good approximation segment of the packed bed reactor, and then
to the desired result with limited consumption proceed to repeat the process for successive
of computer time, and it can be used to deter- longitudinal increments.
mine the effect of changes in design parameters The various energy transfer constraints enter
and operating conditions on effluent conditions into the analysis primarily as boundary condi-
(see Section The two-dimensional tions on the difference equations, and we now
model is more complex, but provides essential turn to the generation of the differential equa-
information about radial temperature profiles tions on which the difference equations are
within the bed. Such information is particularly based. Since the equations for the one-dimen-
useful in evaluating the potential for catalyst sional model are readily obtained by omitting
deactivation or in dealing with systems in which or modifying terms in the expressions for the
selectivity considerations are significant (see two-dimensional model, we begin by deriving
Section the material balance equations for the latter.
The computational effort required to carry For purposes of simplification, it is assumed
out the design analysis is determined mainly by that only one independent reaction occurs with-
the magnitude and spatial distribution of the in the system of interest. In cases where multiple
temperature variations that are taken into reactions are present, one merely adds an ap-
account. The maximum temperature difference propriate term for each additional independent
between the inlet and outlet of the reactor occurs reaction.
when the reactor operates adiabatically. In this Consider the element of reactor volume
case, heat transfer to the reactor wall is neglected shown in Figure 12.17. The cylindrical shell is
so there is no temperature variation in the radial concentric with the cylinder axis, about which
direction. However, the temperature does vary there is general symmetry. A material balance
in the axial direction, so the material and energy on the volume element requires consideration
balance equations are coupled through the de- of several terms. The amount of a particular
pendence of the reaction rate on temperature. species A that enters the volume element during
If the reactor is well insulated, and/or of large a time increment At consists of material entering
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 503

by longitudinal bulk flow, the total area (void plus solid) normal to the
direction of transport. These parameters are
those involved in the definition and discussion
material entering as a consequence of axial of the Peclet numbers presented in Section
The amount of A that leaves the volume
element during the time increment At consists
1 7 > I (At) of three similar terms. The amount of A that
and material entering by radial dispersion, accumulates within the volume element during
time At is (ACA)2nR(AR)(Az\ and the amount
of A that is generated by chemical reaction with-
in the volume element is vArv2nR(AR)(Az)(At),
where rv is the reaction rate expressed in pseudo
where &>L and Q)R are effective dispersion param- homogeneous form [i.e., the number of moles
eters that lump together molecular diffusion transformed per unit time per unit of total
and eddy diffusion arising from turbulence and reactor volume (voids plus solid)].
packing effects. As used in the pseudo homo- The various terms may be combined in a
geneous models, both diffusivities are based on generalized material balance to give:

Input ®h2%R(AR) \-^A\

At - @R2nR(Az) (—^
) At
V / Jz L \ ^ /J
+ generation + vArv2nR(AR)(Az)(At)

= output [C>z27cR(AK)]z + Az At - I ^ L At

- \sR2nR{Az) (^A] At
+ accumulation +(ACA)2nR(AR)(Az) (12.7.24)

Division by 2n{AR)(Az){At) and rearrangement gives:


+ v4r,,R = R
AR Az Af
504 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

and, in the limit, as Az, AJR, and At, all approach zero

where we have presumed that Q)L and the tube diameter are constant over the length of the reactor, and
that 3)R is constant over the reactor diameter. It is necessary to retain uz within the partial derivative
to cover those cases where there is a change in fluid density on reaction. When there is an increase or
decrease in the number of moles on reaction, or a change in fluid temperature or pressure, the velocity
component in the longitudinal direction will vary along the length of the reactor. For gas phase
reactions, the effect can be quite significant.
The last equation can be rewritten as

C { dC

At steady state, the right side vanishes, and one obtains an equation that describes in pseudo homo-
geneous fashion the concentration profile in the reactor.

For isothermal systems this equation, together with an appropriate expression for rv, is sufficient to
predict the concentration profiles through the reactor. For nonisothermal systems, this equation is
coupled to an energy balance equation (e.g., the steady-state form of equation 12.7.16) by the depen-
dence of the reaction rate on temperature.

•* 1 •* [(§£)+J (is)] - 1 (""-c'T) -(AHK - ° (12J 29)

Equations 12.7.28 and 12.7.29 provide a two-dimensional pseudo homogeneous model of a fixed bed
reactor. The one-dimensional model is obtained by omitting the radial dispersion terms in the mass
balance equation and replacing the radial heat transfer term by one that accounts for thermal losses
through the tube wall. Thus the material balance becomes

i ^ - ^ 1 ^ +^ =0 (12.7.30)

The corresponding energy conservation equation is

tj^-GYz {C T)
" ~ 4~ hJT ~ TJ
" rv(AH)
=° (12.7.31)
where Tw is the tube wall temperature.
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 505

The boundary conditions that govern both exceeds 30, a plug flow model of the velocity
the one- and two-dimensional models are profile provides a good representation of the
usually stated in the following manner. actual profile across the central core of the
tubular reactor. Departures from the average
velocity are significant only in the thin annular
region near the tube walls. In single tube
commercial-scale reactors this criterion is usu-
(12.7.34) ally met [e.g., if the pellets have a characteristic
at R = 0 for all z dimension of 0.6 cm ( ~ l / 4 in.), the required
tube diameter is only 18 cm ( ^ 7 in.)]. However,
(12.7.35) in the multitube reactors required to meet the
large heat transfer requirements of very rapid
= 0 at R = Ro for all z (12.7.36) highly exothermic reactions, the assumption of
dR a relatively flat velocity profile is not a good

(uzCA0)\z = 0- = - + (uzCA)\z = 0+ at z = 0 for all R (12.7.37)

In the formulation of the boundary condi- one. Such systems are difficult to model in
tions, it is presumed that there is no dispersion mathematical terms. In order to generate the
in the feed line and that the entering fluid is necessary data for the design of such reactors,
uniform in temperature and composition. In the practicing engineer frequently has to resort
addition to the above boundary conditions, it is to pilot scale reactors that consist of one or
also necessary to formulate appropriate equa- more tubes of the same diameter and length as
tions to express the energy transfer constraints those to be employed in the commercial-scale
imposed on the system (e.g., adiabatic, iso- multitube reactor.
thermal, or nonisothermal-nonadiabatic opera- We turn now from a discussion of general
tion). For the one-dimensional models, bound- principles to specific models of reactor behavior.
ary conditions 12.7.34 and 12.7.35 hold for all
R, and not just at R — 0. The One-Dimensional Pseudo Homo-
When the velocity uz varies with radial posi- geneous Model of Fixed Bed Reactors. The
tion, equation 12.7.28 must be solved by a design of tubular fixed bed catalytic reactors
stepwise numerical procedure. Experimental has generally been based on a one-dimensional
evidence indicates that the axial velocity does model that assumes that species concentrations
indeed vary with radial position in fixed bed and fluid temperature vary only in the axial
reactors. The velocity profile is relatively flat in direction. Heat transfer between the reacting
the center of the tube. As one moves radially fluid and the reactor walls is considered by
outward, the velocity increases gradually until presuming that all of the resistance is contained
a maximum is reached at a point about one within a very thin boundary layer next to the
pellet diameter from the tube wall. It then falls wall and by using a heat transfer coefficient
rapidly, until it reaches zero at the wall. If the based on the temperature difference between
ratio of the tube diameter to the pellet diameter the fluid and the wall. Per unit area of the tube
506 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

wall, the heat flow rate from the reactor con- and that
tents to the wall is then hw(T — Tw). The cor-
relations for hw presented in Section 12.7.1*3 V = (12.7.41)
may be used to evaluate this parameter.
The one-dimensional model is advantageous equation 12.7.39 can be written as
because it provides a rapid means of (1) ob-
taining an estimate of the reactor size necessary
to achieve a given conversion, and (2) examining
the influence of several design variables on the Now dFA = —FA0 dfA, so the previous equa-
behavior of the reactor. Unfortunately, the tion can be written as
model provides no information concerning the
possibility of achieving an excessive temperature VR_= C djA
at the center of the tube that may be markedly (12.7.43)
FA0 * ~rAe
different from the mean temperature at the same
longitudinal position. Such temperatures may which is identical with the equation for an ideal
be unacceptable for reasons of reactor stability, plug-flow reactor, derived as equation 8.2.7. If
process selectivity, or catalyst deactivatioit. To both sides of this relation are multiplied by the
ensure that such excessive temperatures are not bulk density of the catalyst, we again generate
achieved along the reactor axis, one should equation 8.2.12.
determine if they are present -using a two-
dimensional model to analyze those sets of PBVR W _ CPHJ/A _ f dfA (12.7.44)
operating conditions that the one-dimensional AO AO
model indicates are promising. The two-dimen-
sional model is discussed in Section The general energy balance for the one-
The equation describing trie steady-state ma- dimensional, packed bed reactor cannot be
terial balance for tubular packed bed reactors obtained by omitting the^ radial derivatives of
can be obtained from the more general relation the temperature in equation 12.7.29, because
(12.7.28) by omitting the terms corresponding these terms ultimately lead to heat transfer
toradial transport of matter. Hence the material through the walls of the reactor. They can be
balance relation becomes omitted only for adiabatic operation. In the
-general... case of a one-dimensional model, the
d2cA d(cAuz) rate of heat loss through the wall must be
_2 + v rv = 0 (12.7.38) considered. For a differential length of reactor
dz dz
(Az), this loss is given by
Further simplification of the material balance
hwnDT(T -TJ(Az)
equation occurs if the axial dispersion term is
neglected. In this case,
DT is the tube diameter
d(CAut) T w is the local wall temperature
- v/,, = 0 (12.7.39)
hw is a wall heat transfer coefficient which can
be evaluated from the empirical correlations
If one recognizes that
presented in Section 12'.
r An energy balance over the differential length
of reactor for steady-state operating conditions
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 507

is then given by:

Input by convection Transformation by reaction Input by conduction

C (T - T 0 ) z +
P y rv(-AH) Az +
4 / ^p

Output by convection Losses through wall Output by conduction

CP(T - T o ) hwnDT(T - Tw) Az - (12.7.45)

dz \Z

which leads to the following differential equation.

~ - Tw) = rv(-AH) (12.7.46)

This equation can also be rewritten in terms of the superficial mass velocity G, which does not vary
along the length of the reactor.

IK* ( j^hw(T - TJ = rv(-AH) (12.7.47)
Tz\KL\dz dz

As indicated earlier, the axial conduction are coupled through the dependence of the
term is almost always negligible compared to reaction rate on temperature. However, for
the convective enthalpy transport term. There- isothermal operation, the equations are not
fore, equation 12.7.47 is usually simplified to coupled, and dT/dz becomes zero. For adiabatic
give operation, the heat losses through the wall are
negligible, and the energy balance becomes
hw(T - Tw) = rv(-AH)
(12.7.48) G-(CpT) = rv(-AH) (adiabatic case)
Equations 12.7.48 and 12.7.39 provide the
simplest one-dimensional mathematical model Depending on the operational constraints,
of tubular fixed bed reactor behavior. They one of the two equations 12.7.48 or 12.7.49 or
neglect longitudinal dispersion of both matter the choice of isothermal behavior must be used,
and energy and, in essence, are completely together with the general material balance
equivalent to the plug flow model for homo- relation (equation 12.7.39), to determine the
geneous reactors that was examined in some composition and temperature profiles along
detail in Chapters 8 to 10. Various simplifi- the length of the reactor.
cations in these equations will occur for different In many instances, the pressure drop through
constraints on the energy transfer to or from the the reactor will be relatively small so that we
reactor. Normally, equations 12.7.48 and 12.7.39 may employ a mean value for the total pressure
508 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

in our calculations. However, the Ergun equa- energy and matter. The dispersion that repre-
tion presented in Section may be used, sents the combined effects of molecular diffusion,
if necessary, to evaluate the pressure at various normal fluid turbulence, and the influence of
points in the bed. Solutions of the appropriate the packing is accounted for by superimposing
material and energy balance equations for this "effective" heat and mass transfer terms on the
simplified one-dimensional model can be ob- plug-flow equations. Because of the assumptions
tained by straightforward numerical procedures involved in the definitions of the effective
employing digital computation to solve the thermal conductivity and dispersion terms, they
corresponding difference equations. While the implicitly contain the effect of radial velocity
correspondence of these solutions to the behav- profiles within the tubes. Normally, one uses
ior of actual reactors must be viewed as only an values averaged over the tube diameter, as
approximation, this model provides a means of expressed by Peclet numbers for heat and mass
simulating the steady-state response of the transfer. However, the velocity profile is not
system under investigation to changes in various considered explicitly. For design purposes, we
process parameters at minimum cost in com- take the longitudinal Peclet number based on a
puter time and programming effort. The sim- pellet diameter, to be approximately 2. Effective
ulations enable us to answer questions such as: thermal conductivities may be estimated using
the method described in Section
1. What tube length will be required to achieve
In many respects, the solutions to equations
a given conversion?
12.7.38 and 12.7.47 do not provide sufficient
2. What will be the corresponding effluent
additional information to warrant their use in
design calculations. It has been clearly dem-
3. What does the longitudinal temperature
onstrated that for the fluid velocities used in
profile look like for given inlet temperatures
industrial practice, the influence of axial dis-
and/or wall temperature profiles? Are the
persion of both heat and mass on the conversion
hot spots excessive for reasons of selectivity,
achieved is negligible provided that the packing
catalyst deactivation, etc?
depth is in excess of 100 pellet diameters (109).
4. How do changes in the tube diameter in-
Such shallow beds are only employed as the
fluence the design calculations?
first stage of multibed adiabatic reactors. There is
5. How do changes in catalyst pellet size affect some question as to whether or not such short
system behavior? beds can be adequately described by an effective
6. How can one avoid excessive sensitivity of transport model. Thus for most preliminary de-
the performance to changes in process param- sign calculations, the simplified one-dimensional
eters? model discussed earlier is preferred. The dis-
The last question pertains to the problem of crepancies between model simulations and
parametric sensitivity. There is extensive liter- actual reactor behavior are not resolved by the
ature dealing with this topic, but it is beyond inclusion of longitudinal dispersion terms. Their
the scope of this book. effects are small compared to the influence of
A more general one-dimensional model of radial gradients in temperature and composi-
tubular, packed bed reactors is contained within tion. Consequently, for more accurate simula-
equations 12.7.38 and 12.7.47. These equations tions, we employ a two-dimensional model
include all of the elements of the simple model (Section
discussed above and, in addition, account for Nevertheless, one feature of the one-dimen-
the longitudinal dispersion of both thermal sional model containing dispersion terms is of
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 509

considerable interest. These terms increase the The following illustrations indicate the man-
order of the partial differential equations and, ner in which the one-dimensional model is
under certain conditions, lead to nonuniqueness employed in reactor design analyses.
of the steady-state profile through the reactor
(110). For certain ranges of operating conditions
and parameter values, three or more steady- ILLUSTRATION 12.8 PRODUCTION OF
state profiles can be obtained for the same feed SULFUR TRIOXIDE IN AN ADIABATIC
conditions. The two outlying steady-state pro- FIXED BED REACTOR
files will be stable (at least to small perturba-
tions), while the intermediate one will be Industrial scale production of sulfuric acid is
unstable. The profile generated as a solution to dependent on the oxidation of sulfur dioxide to
equations 12.7.38 and 12.7.47 will depend on the sulfur trioxide in fixed bed catalytic reactors.
initial guesses of T and C involved in the trial
and error solution. so2 so,
In physical terms, this assessment means Through the years, several catalyst formulations
that the steady state that would be achieved in have been employed, but one of the traditional
a real reactor will depend on the initial profile catalytic agents has been vanadium pentoxide.
in the reactor. For all situations where the Calderbank (114) has indicated that for a
initial values differ from the feed conditions, catalyst consisting of V2O5 supported on silica
we must solve the time dependent differential gel, the kinetic data are represented by a rate
equations describing the reactor to determine expression of the form
which profile will prevail. In order to determine
if such computations are necessary, one must
know whether or not multiple steady states are pl/2 (A)
possible. Several criteria that permit us to make so 2
this decision on an a priori basis have been that may be regarded as a degenerate form of
discussed by various authors (111-113). For typical Hougen-Watson kinetics. The rate con-
details of these analyses, consult the indicated stants are given by
references. For present purposes we are inter-
ested only in the general conclusions derived 31,000
£n fcx = 12.07 - (B)
from such studies. The range within which such RT
multiple steady states are possible is very and
narrow, and such conditions are rarely en- 53,600
In k7 = 22.75 - (Q
countered in either laboratory or industrial RT
scale reactors. They are most likely to be
realized for highly exothermic reactions carried
out in extremely short beds under adiabatic T is expressed in degrees Kelvin
operating conditions. The length of virtually
R is expressed in calories per mole-degree
all industrial scale reactors precludes the ne-
cessity of including longitudinal dispersion terms
in a one-dimensional model of reactor behavior kx is expressed in moles per second-gram of
and of worrying about their implications for catalyst-atmosphere 3/2
multiple steady states. The effects of radial k2 is expressed in moles per second-gram of
gradients are much more likely to be significant. catalyst-atmosphere
510 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

For our present purposes, the global rate expres- Notes

sion may be presumed to be identical with that The first-stage effluent temperature has been
of equation A. limited to 560 °C in order to prevent excessive
The reaction is highly exothermic and must catalyst activity losses. The heat of reaction
be regarded as reversible. Consequently, al- data is slightly inconsistent with the reported
though high temperatures enhance the initial activation energies, but use of this expression
rate, they limit the conversion that can be demonstrates the ease with which temperature
achieved. This limitation can be circumvented dependent properties may be incorporated in
by cooling a hot effluent to a temperature where the one-dimensional model.
the equilibrium is more favorable, and then
contacting this stream with additional catalyst. Solution
Determine the catalyst requirements for a two-
Since the reaction rate per unit mass of catalyst
stage adiabatic fixed bed reactor with interstage
and the reaction rate per unit volume of bed
cooling. Specified production requirements are
are simply related by the bulk density of the
50tonsofH 2 SO 4 /day.
catalyst, the procedures employed in Illustration
Additional Data and Specifications 10.4 can easily be adopted in solving this
problem. However, we wish to indicate a
Feed composition (mole percent) slightly different approach that is appropriate
for use in hand calculations. By virtue of the
so 2 8.0
arguments presented earlier, longitudinal dis-
o2 13.0
persion of energy and matter are presumed to
N2 79.0
be negligible compared to convective transport.
Total pressure 1 atm The appropriate equations for the one-dimen-
First-stage inlet temperature 370 °C sional, plug flow model, assuming adiabatic
First-stage effluent temperature 560 °C operation, are then equation 12.7.49 for the
Second-stage inlet temperature 370 °C energy balance
Overall conversion of SO 2 99%
Heat capacities (calories per gram mole-degree GJ-z(CpT) = rv(-AH) = rmpB(-AH) (D)
N2 6.42 + 1.34 x 10" 3 T and equation 12.7.39 for the material balance.
O2 6.74 + 1.64 x 10~ 3 7
502 9.52 + 3.64 x 10~ 3 T — (CAuz) = vArv = vArmpB (E)
503 12.13 + 8.12 x 10" 3 T
where Since there is a change in the number of moles
on reaction, the volumetric expansion parameter
T is expressed in degrees Kelvin d will be nonzero. Consequently,
Heat of reaction at temperature T(kilocalories
per gram mole) = -24.60 + 1.99 x 10" 3 T uz = wo(l + Sf)
for T in degrees Kelvin. To
Bulk density of catalyst = 0.6 g/cm
Reactor diameter = 6 ft = cAO
(1 + Sf) T
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 511


^riCAuz) = ~ [CAOuo(l - = -CAOuo (%- (F)

cz cz \ cz
Combining equations E and F and recognizing that vA = — 1 gives
CAOuo fdf\
Jm (G)
PB \dz)

The partial pressures of the various species are numerically equal to their mole fractions since the
total pressure is one atmosphere. These mole fractions can be expressed in terms of a single reaction
progress variable-the degree of conversion-as indicated in the following mole table.

Moles at a fraction Mole fraction at fraction

Initial moles conversion / conversion /

SO 2 8.0 8.0(1 - / ) 8.0(1 - /)/(100 - 4.0/)

N2 79.0 79.0 (79.0)/(100 - 4.0/)

o2 13.0 13.0 -
(13.0 - 4.0/)/(100 - 4.0/)

so3 0.0 8.0/ 8.0//(100 - 4.0/)

Total 100.0 100 - 4.0/ 1.000

In terms of the fraction conversion, the catalytic reaction rate expression then becomes

r(8.0)(l - /)"| /13.0 - 4.0/ _ 8.0/ 13.0 - 4.0A1/2

- fc,2
*' [_100 - 4.0/J VlOO - 4.0/J ~ * VlOO - 4.0/^100 - 4.0//
[8.0(1 - / )
[100 - 4.0/

The mass velocity G will be constant over the reactor length, and this quantity may be determined
from the specified production rate and the reactor dimensions. To produce 50 tons/day of 100%
H 2 SO 4 , the number of pound moles of SO2 that must be oxidized per second is:

tons day hr 2000 lb lb moles H 2 SO 4 _, lb moles

50 -day - x 3600 sec x ton x 98 lb H2SO4 = 1.18 x 10
— x ^24^hr sec
512 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

For 99% conversion of the SO 2 , the inlet molal flow rate must be

1.18 x 1(T 2
= 0.149 lb moles/sec
The average molecular weight of the inlet gas is (0.08)(64) + 0.13(32) + 0.79(28) = 31.4. The mass
velocity G is then (0.149)(31.4)/[TI(6) 2 /4] = 0.165 Ib/(ft2-sec).
We now wish to examine the heat capacity per unit mass to determine if it varies significantly with
conversion. At the inlet conditions, the molal heat capacity of the gaseous feed will be equal to ^(y f C pi ).
Hence at / = 0, with Cp in units of calories per gram degree Kelvin and T in degrees Kelvin.

_ 0.79(6.42 + 1.34 x 10~ 3 T) + 0.08(9.52 + 3.64 3 3

_ _ x 10" T) + 0.13(6.74 + 1.64 x 10~ T)

= 0.214 + 4.98 x 10" 5 T (I)

If complete conversion were to take place ( / = 1), the heat capacity of the effluent mixture could
be evaluated with the aid of the mole table on page 511.

_ jf(6.42 + 1.34 x 1(T 3 T) + ^(6.74 + 1.64 x 1 0 ' 3 T ) + &(12.13 + 8.12 x 1(T 3 T)

= 0.212 + 5.91 x 10~ 5 7 (J)

Equations I and J indicate that for the temperature range of interest (640 to 830 °K), the heat capacity
per unit mass is substantially independent of the conversion level. Furthermore, the temperature
dependent contribution to the heat capacity will not vary much over the temperature range involved.
Hence without introducing errors comparable to those inherent in the use of a one-dimensional model,
we may take the heat capacity as constant at 0.250 cal/g-°K or 0.250 BTU/(lb-°F).
Combining equations G and D indicates that

GCp~ = (-AH)CAOuofz

where we have used our assumption that Cp is a constant. Integration of this equation between the
reactor inlet and location z gives

GCp(T - T o ) = (-AH)CAOuo(f - f0) (K)

The product CAOuo is just the molal mass velocity of reactant A, which is equal to

0 08(
- ° 2 1 4 9 ) = 4.22 x 1 0 - l b moles/ft^-sec

Substitution of numerical values in equation K gives

0.165(0.250)1.8(7 - T o ) = 103(24.60 - 1.99 x 1 0 ' 3 T ) I — J (4.22 x 1 0 ' 4 ) ( / - f0) (L)

where the factor 1.8 is necessary to convert T in degrees Kelvin to consistent units.
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 513

Hence the relation between the temperature and the fraction conversion at any point in the adiabatic
reactor is given by
T - To = (251.9 - 0.0204T)(/- / 0 )
T=T0 +251.9(/ - /Q)
1 + 0.0204(/ - /„) '
Equations G and H may be combined to give
CAOuo df fci^OKl - /)]1/2(13.0 - 4.0/) M8.O/M13.O - 4
-°/) 1/2
3/2 1/2 (N)
pB dz (100 - 4.0/) [8.0(1 - / ) ] ( 1 0 0 - 4.0/)

Appropriate numerical values for use in this equation are

CAOuo = 4.22 x 10~ 4 lbmoles/(ft 2 -sec)
pB = 0.60 g/cm3 =c= 37.4 lb/ft3

k I2.O7,-3..OOO,I.T f moles o L 7 4 6 x 10 5 e«r »* moles

g catalyst atm 3/2 sec ' lb catalyst atm 3/2 sec
8 moles _ Q _„ ^ n / D T lb moles
g catalyst atm-sec ' lb catalyst atm-sec
Substituting numerical values and writing equation N in terms of finite increments gives
A/ _ 4.38 x 1010(1 - / ) 1 / 2 ( 1 3 - 4/) 1.9 x 10 15 /(13 - 4/) 1 / 2 , ,
A~z ~ ^31,000/(1.9877)^00 _ 4 /)3/2 ^53,600/(1.987T)(1 _ f^ll^QQ _ 4f)

Equations M and O may now be solved numerically to determine the bed depth corresponding to a
given conversion.
If we rewrite equation O as
Az = j5(Afl (P)
(100 - 4/)

4.38 x 10">(l - /()11 0/ 20( 1- 43 / )-1 / 24f)e-"-oo°n.™T L 9 0x 1Qi5/(11

3 / 2_
(1-/) e

the coefficient /? may be evaluated at the beginning and the end of the conversion increment, and an
average value employed to determine Az.
At the inlet to the first reactor/ = 0 and To = 370 °C = 643.16 °K. Hence
^o — (438 x io 1 0 )(13)e~ 3 1 ' 0 0 0 / ( 1 ' 9 8 7 ) ( 6 4 3 1 6 ) =
If we chose our first conversion increment as A/ = / i — f0 = 0.05, equation M indicates that
643.16 + 251.9(0.05)
- (0.0204X0.05)
514 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

[100 - 4(0.05)]
Pi = 10 1/2 - 40.2
4.38 x 10 (1 - 0.05) [13 - 4(0.05)] 1.90 x 1015(0.05)[13 - 4(0.05)]11/2
1/2 31 000/(1 987)(65509)
[100 - 4(o.05)] e ' - ~ (1 - 0.05) 1/2 e 5

= zx - 0 =

zl = 2.51 ft
Proceeding to the next increment for A/again equal to 0.05, we find f2 = 0.10 and
„. 643.16 + 251.9(0.10) = m m ^

[100 - 4(0.1)]
= 27.4
4.38 x 10 10 (l - 0.1)1/2[13 - 4(0.1)] _ 1.90 x 1015(0.1)[13 - 4(0.1)] 1/2
PlOO — 4 ( 0 1 ) ] 1 / 2 e
31 00
' °/<1-987)(666.99) "~ /j Q j_ e53'600/(1'987)(666"99)

Hence This equation and equation O suffice to deter-

mine the temperature and conversion profiles
A, - z 2 - = 1.69 ft. in the second stage of the reactor. The results of
these calculations are also summarized in Table
12.1.1. From the table, it is evident that the bulk
of the catalyst (77%) must be present in the
z7 = 2.51 + 1.69 = 4.20 ft. second stage. Furthermore, a substantial frac-
tion (27%) of the total is required merely to go
The above procedure may be repeated to from 95 to 99% conversion. Notice that the
determine the depth of catalyst necessary to catalyst requirements for the second stage can-
achieve a given conversion level. Table 12.1.1 not be significantly reduced by changing the
summarizes the results of such calculations. second stage inlet temperature. The effluent
Notice that if the first stage effluent is to be kept conditions are approaching the equilibrium con-
below 560 °C, equation M indicates that the ditions for 99% conversion (T = 691 °K), and
conversion leaving this stage will be 0.81. this restraint is largely responsible for the larger
A similar procedure can be used to analyze the catalyst depth requirement in the second stage.
second stage of the reactor network. In this case, Thermodynamic equilibrium does not limit the
equation M becomes conversion in the first reactor, but catalyst de-
activation processes do. We could, of course,
643.16 + 251.9(/ - 0.81) consider the possibility of using a third stage to
T =
1 + 0.0204(/ - 0.81) reduce catalyst requirements, but we would have
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 515

Table 12.1.1
Temperature and Conversion Profiles for Packed Bed Reactor Network

Stage 1 Stage 2

Catalyst Catalyst
depth depth
SA Temperature, T(°K) (ft) IA Temperature, T(°K) (ft)

0 643 0 0.81 643 0

0.05 655 2.51 0.83 648 3.36
0.10 667 4.20 0.85 653 6.37
0.15 679 5.36 0.87 657 9.12
0.20 691 6.17 0.89 662 11.65
0.25 703 6.74 0.91 667 14.05
0.30 714 7.15 0.93 672 16.39
0.35 726 7.45 0.95 676 18.81
0.40 738 7.68 0.97 681 21.68
0.45 750 7.85 0.98 684 23.65
0.50 761 7.98 0.985 685 25.11
0.55 773 8.09 0.9875 685 26.21
0.60 785 8.18 0.99 686 28.76
0.65 796 8.25
0.70 808 8.32
0.75 820 8.38
0.80 831 8.46
0.81 '833 8.48

to be willing to incur the associated capital Before proceeding to the next illustration, it is
charges. instructive to see if our assumption of constant
The total weight of catalyst required is given total pressure was indeed appropriate. If one
by the product of the bulk density and the total assumes 1/4 in. spherical pellets, a nominal gas
reactor volume viscosity of 0.09 lb/hr-ft and a bed porosity of
0.4, the Reynolds number of the gas is given by
Weight of catalyst - 37.4 ^ - ( 8 . 4 8 + 28.76)
- 39,400 lb or 19.7 tons
In practice, one could oversize both stages (0.09)
and operate with reduced inlet temperatures that = 137.5
could subsequently be raised as catalyst deacti-
vation proceeds. From equation 12.7.4,

150(1 - 0.4)
+ 1.75 = 2.40
1 - £, 1315
516 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

where Indeed, it may be prohibitively expensive to

PM accomplish large reductions in thermal energy
9 = = 3.6 x 10 - lb/ft3 losses beyond a certain point, because of the
0.73(670)(1.8) material and labor costs involved.
Hence Repeat the analysis of Illustration 12.8, as-

37.24 (Q-165)2 lb m
0.4 1 3.6 x 10" 2 ft-sec 2
4 V12
lb,, lb f sec 2 ft2
= 3.05 x 104
ft-sec2 32.2 lbm-ft 144 in.2
= 6.57 psi

This pressure drop is a significant fraction of the suming that the heat transfer to the surroundings
total pressure. Consequently, the analysis should can be characterized by an overall heat transfer
be repeated, breaking up the reactor into seg- coefficient based on the temperature difference
ments that could be treated as having a constant between the reactor contents and ambient con-
average pressure. As an alternative, we could ditions (70 °F). When based on the inside area
go to larger diameter, shorter beds of catalyst to of the reactor tube, the heat transfer coefficient
reduce the pressure drop, while maintaining the has a numerical value of 1.2 BTU/(hr-ft2-°F) or
same conversion according to the one-dimen- 6.0 x 10~4(BTU/sec-ft2-°K). The second-stage
sional homogeneous model. For example, by inlet temperature may be taken as 410 °C
going to a nine foot diameter bed, the total bed instead of 370 °C, as in Illustration 12.8.
length could be reduced from 37.24 to 16.6 ft and
the pressure drop to 0.7 psi. Total catalyst re- Solution
quirements would be unchanged. Such trade-offs
The finite difference form of the material balance
indicate why large diameter beds with small
equation developed in Illustration 12.8 (equa-
length-to-diameter ratios are often employed in
tion P) is again applicable:
catalytic reactors. Section 13.1 indicates how
to treat the pressure variation along the length Az = j8A/ (A)
of a tubular reactor. where

1 4.38 X - 4/^-31,000/1.9877 _ 4 yy/2 g -53,600/1.987T

3/2 1/2
(100 - 4/) (1 - /) (100 - 4/)

ILLUSTRATION 12.9 PRODUCTION OF However, the energy balance equation appro-

SULFUR TRIOXIDE IN A FIXED BED priate for use in this illustration differs from that
REACTOR WITH THERMAL LOSSES employed in the previous case because thermal
losses through the reactor walls must be ac-
While adiabatic operation may be approached counted for. It will be of the same general form
by the use of efficient insulation techniques, heat as equation 12.7.48, but with the wall heat trans-
losses from insulated reactors can be appreciable. fer coefficient replaced by an overall heat
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 517

transfer coefficient (^ll) and with a corresponding However, solution of the difference equations
change made in the temperature driving force. requires a knowledge of the temperature at the
end of the conversion increment. Consequently,
- T ambient ) = (-AH)rv a trial and error procedure is indicated. One
assumes a value for the temperature at the end
The right side of this equation can be rewritten of the increment, computes Az from equation A,
in terms of the fraction conversion, using equa- and checks the temperature assumption using
tions E and G of Illustration 12.8. equation B. Under normal circumstances, the

~ ^ambient) = rmpB(-AH) = ( - AH)CA0U0 —
dz' CZ

Substitution of appropriate numerical values gives

(0.165)(0.250)(1.8)^ + 7(6.0 x 10" 4 )(T - 294.27)

dz 6
= 103(24.60 - 1.99 x 10- 3 T)( (4.22 x

where thermal loss term will be small compared to the

T is measured in degrees Kelvin heat of reaction term and we may obtain a rea-
z is measured in feet sonable first estimate of AT by neglecting the
thermal loss term. From the previous illustra-
Evaluation of the numerical constants gives tion, we shall use T x = 655.09 °K as our first
dT = (251.9 - 0.0204T) df estimate of the temperature at the end of the
first conversion increment (A/ = 0.05). We will
- 5.387 x 10" 3 (T - 294.27) dz
indicate the calculations for the first two con-
or, in finite difference form, version increments in some detail. From Illus-
tration 12.8, jS0 = 60.2, f}x = 40.2, and Az =
AT = (251.9 - 0.0204T)A/
2.51 ft, for an assumed temperature of 655.09 °K
- 5.387 x 10" 3 (T - 294.27) Az (B) (AT = 11.93 °K). Substitution of these values in
Equations A and B may now be solved to deter- equation B gives

655.09 + 643.16
AT = 251.9 - 0.0204

= 7.13 °K
(0.05) - 5.387 x - 294.27 j (2.51)

mine the temperature and conversion profiles Thus

for the reactor. As before, one may begin by
choosing a small increment in the conversion. T, = 643.16 + 7.13 = 650.29 °K
518 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

Since the preliminary estimate of AT is some- Thus

what larger than the value calculated from
T2 = 649.97 + 7.69 = 657.66 °K
equation B, we should iterate using the last value
of T1 as our initial estimate. For a temperature A second iteration using this temperature as an
of 650.29, initial guess gives
P, = 47.9 T2 = 657.69 °K and Az = 2.17 ft.
Thus from equation A, In the above manner, we may proceed down-
'60.2 + 47.9 stream in the reactor until we either reach the
Az = (0.05) = 2.70 ft desired conversion level, run into thermody-
namic limitations on the reaction rate, or exceed
and, from equation B, the effluent temperature constraint (see Table

AT =[ 2 51.9-0.0204 (0.05)

- 5.387 x 10-3 - 2 9 4 . 2 7 | (2.70)

= 6.81 °K

orTx = 649.97 GK, which is in better agreement 12.1.2). In the present case, thermodynamic con-
with the initial estimate of the temperature. To straints on the rate indicate that the first stage
achieve the desired degree of agreement, one may effluent should correspond to a conversion in the
iterate as often as necessary. vicinity of 0.87 and an effluent temperature near
For the second conversion increment (A/ = 824.4 °K. Beyond this point, the system is so
0.05, / = 0.10), we will assume T = 657 °K close to thermodynamic equilibrium that sub-
(AT - 7.03 °K). Here, stantial increments in the reactor length do not
produce noticeable increments in the conversion.
jS2 = 39.0 Here, one may employ a higher temperature
for the second-stage feed and still achieve the
and, from equation A, desired conversion level. The conversion and
temperature profiles as calculated from equa-
'48.5 + 39.0 tions A and B are given in Table 12.1.2.
Az = (0.05) = 2.19 ft
The total weight of catalyst required is equal to

where a revised value of px corresponding to 37.4 h*(6)2(12.14 + 13.45) = 27,060 lb

649.97 °K has been employed.
From equation B, =c= 13.53 tons

657 + *
AT 2 = 251.9 - 0.0204 (0.05)

[( 6 5 7 + 2 6 4 9-- 9)7 )-294.27],

- 5.387 x HT 3 1 (657 + 649 9r
_ 294.27 I (2.19)

= 7.69 K
12.7 Design of Fixed Bed Reactors 519

Table 12.1.2
Conversion and Temperature Profiles for Packed Bed Reactor of Illustration 12.9

First stage Second stage

/ Temperature, T(°K) z(ft) / Temperature, T(°K) -(ft)

0.00 643.16 0 0.87 683.16 0

0.05 650.0 2.70 0.89 685.6 1.12
0.10 657.7 4.87 0.91 687.9 2.29
0.15 666.3 6.55 0.93 689.9 3.56
0.20 675.6 7.84 0.95 691.5 5.04
0.25 685.5 8.81 0.97 691.8 7.12
0.30 695.8 9.54 0.98 690.6 8.81
0.35 706.5 10.09 0.985 688.8 10.22
0.40 717.4 10.50 0.9875 686.9 11.36
0.45 728.6 10.81 0.99 683.1 13.45
0.50 739.8 11.05
0.55 751.2 11.24
0.60 762.7 11.39
0.65 774.2 11.51
0.70 785.7 11.62
0.75 797.2 11.72
0.80 808.7 11.82
0.85 820.0 11.97
0.86 822.3 12.02
0.87 824.4 12.14

This value is considerably less than that ob- The Two-Dimensional, Pseudo Homo-
tained for pure adiabatic operation (19.7 tons). geneous Model of Fixed Bed Reactors. Two-
The heat losses tend to partially remove thermo- dimensional models permit more realistic simu-
dynamic constraints on the reaction rate and lation of fixed bed reactor behavior than the
permit a closer approach to the optimum tem- one-dimensional models discussed previously.
perature profile corresponding to minimum Experimental measurements indicate that the
catalyst requirements. fluid temperature and composition are not uni-
A few words concerning the results of our form across a section of the tube normal to the
analyses in Illustrations 12.8 and 12.9 are in flow. The one-dimensional models discussed
order. Obviously, better estimates of the catalyst earlier neglect the radial resistance to heat and
requirements could be obtained by using smaller mass transfer and thus predict uniform tem-
conversion increments. We have not attempted perature and composition for each longitudinal
to fully optimize the reactor stages in terms of position. This assumption is obviously a vast
catalyst minimization. Furthermore, we have oversimplification when reactions with large
again neglected pressure drop in each stage. heat effects are considered. Whenever there is
Further calculations would remedy each of the extensive heat exchange between the packed bed
aforementioned shortcomings of the analysis. reactor and its surroundings, one requires at
They are readily accomplished with the aid of least a two-dimensional model to simulate the
machine computation. reactor performance. In such cases, the design
engineer requires a model that predicts the de-
520 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

tailed temperature and composition patterns in ding difference equations. As boundary condi-
the reactor to be able to avoid hot spots along the tions, one needs to know the temperature and
reactor axis when they would be detrimental for composition profile across the tube diameter at
reasons of selectivity, catalyst deactivation, etc. the reactor inlet. In addition, the solution must
A complete two-dimensional model would satisfy the requirements that
account for the radial distribution of velocity,
for the radial concentration and temperature 8CA
^ = 0 at R = 0 for all z (12.7.51)
gradients in terms of Peclet numbers that them- cR
selves varied with radial location, and for axial
dispersion of heat and mass. With machine com- = 0 at R = Ofor all z (12.7.52)
putation, such considerations may be handled ~d~R
if the cost in computer time and programming (for reasons of symmetry) and that
effort can be withstood. However, the most sig-
nificant aspects of two-dimensional models can
be demonstrated by considering simple two- —~ = 0 at R = ^ = Ro (tube wall)
<m 2
dimensional models. Such models assume that
the mass velocity G and the radial Peclet num-
bers for heat and mass transfer are constant since the tube is not permeable to the fluid. The
across the tube diameter and that the effective boundary condition at the wall on the energy
thermal conductivity and effective dispersion conservation equation can be framed as a re-
contributions to longitudinal transport of energy quirement that the heat flux at the wall be of the
and mass are insignificant (compared to the con- following form:
vective transport terms). The appropriate mate-
rial and energy balance equations that provide Q= ~KR
a two-dimensional description of the reactor
performance at steady state have been derived (12.7.54)
earlier in discussing general aspects of heat trans-
fer and of mass conservation in packed beds.
They are equation 12.7.18 Tw is the inside wall surface temperature
. d(CpT) TRo is the temperature of the surrounding fluid
+ rv(AH) = 0 hw is a heat transfer coefficient
cz dR2
(12.7.18) This approach in essence assumes a temperature
discontinuity at the wall. Alternative methods
for energy conservation and a simplified form
of formulating this constraint have also been
of equation 12.7.28
proposed (94, 95, 115), together with empirical
1 dCAl d(CAu: methods of evaluating the heat transfer coeffi-
+ vArv = 0 cients introduced by each method.
3R2 R dR J cz
Various numerical procedures may be em-
ployed to solve the difference equations corre-
for mass conservation. sponding to equations 12.7.18 and 12.7.50 Many
These coupled partial differential equations sophisticated numerical procedures may be em-
can be solved for the temperature and composi- ployed, but they are more properly treated in
tion at any point in the catalyst bed by using textbooks dealing with numerical methods or
numerical procedures to solve the correspon- more advanced texts in chemical reactor design.
12.8 Design of Fluidized Bed Catalytic Reactors 521

For a general introduction to some of the tech- extent of this interchange between the gas bub-
niques employed to solve difference equations of bles and the remainder of the bed has obvious
the types encountered in chemical engineering, implications with respect to the degree of con-
consult the text by Lapidus (116). Detailed version that can be expected in a fluidized bed
numerical examples of one method of numerical reactor. The bubbles are essentially empty, al-
solution to the two-dimensional reactor problem though from time to time a quantity of particles
are contained in the texts of Smith (117) and may rain through the bubble from the roof. In
Jensen and Jeffreys (118). some cases, this movement may cause the bubble
to split. The lowest third of a sphere enclosing
the bubble contains a wake of particles that
travel upward with the bubble. Solid particles
also move in streamlines around each rising bub-
The design of a commercial scale fluidized bed ble, so that a spout of material is also drawn up
reactor for a new process is in many respects one behind the bubble. The solids moving upward
of the most challenging technical assignments in the wake behind the bubble and in the spout
that a practicing chemical engineer can be as- below provide rapid mixing of solids from bot-
signed. Even a superficial study of an operating tom to top.
unit reveals its intrinsic complexity. It is obvious These factors combine to make it extremely
that such systems pose tremendous analytical difficult not only to develop predictive analytical
problems for someone trying to develop realistic models of the performance of such systems, but
mathematical models of the interactions be- also to scale up experimental data from labora-
tween the chemical reaction phenomena and the tory operations, particularly when the commer-
various physical transport processes that occur cial scale equipment may contain baffles, heat
in these reactors. Not only do we have to worry exchangers and other internal fixtures within
about the possibilities of intraparticle and exter- the bed. Some useful models have been devel-
nal mass and heat transfer limitations of the oped for fluidized beds, but the design of indus-
types discussed previously, but we must also be trial scale reactors is generally dominated by
concerned with the complexity of the fluid-solid empirical correlations and component designs
contacting process and the manner in which the that have proven useful in past generations of
gas and solid catalyst are distributed throughout equipment. This feature is particularly true of the
the reactor. equipment used for distribution of the incoming
Within a fluidized bed, low density regions or gas. This component has a marked effect on the
"gas bubbles" are formed at apparently unpre- solids recirculation pattern and on potential
dictable rates. These bubbles may subsequently channeling through the bed.
coalesce, split, or grow, perhaps even to the The velocity at which gas flows through the
extent that their size approaches the physical dense phase corresponds approximately to the
dimensions of the reactor. Indeed, in some cases velocity that produces incipient fluidization. The
it is necessary to provide for reactor internals to bubbles rise, however, at a rate that is nearly an
limit bubble size and the problems of slugging, order of magnitude greater than the minimum
poor contacting, and mechanical vibration, fluidization velocity. In effect, then, as a con-
which become serious when the bubbles become sequence of the movement of solids within the
too large. Experimental studies clearly demon- bed and the interchange of fluid between the
strate that there is significant movement of gas bubbles and the dense regions of the bed, there
from the high density regions through the bub- are wide disparities in the residence times of
bles and back to the high density regions. The various fluid elements within the reactor and in
522 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

the times that the fluid elements are effectively ficient to permit a prediction of degrees of con-
in contact with the catalyst particles. version, since there is not an equal distribution
From the standpoint of attempting to develop of catalyst between the bubble and dense phases.
mathematical models for the simulation of It is the presence of bubbles and their effect on
fluidized bed reactors, one must determine if the gas/solid contacting and mixing that lies at the
phenomena mentioned above and other aspects root of the problem and that causes the discrep-
of the behavior of fluidized beds can be described ancy between the residence time distribution
in terms of a relatively small number of para- (easily measured) and the contact time distribu-
meters. In particular, those aspects of the be- tion (not easily measured).
havior of fluidized beds that have a significant Because of the inadequacies of the aforemen-
influence on the conversion achieved must be tioned models, a number of papers in the 1950s
adequately characterized by the model if it is to and 1960s developed alternative mathematical
be useful for purposes of reactor design. Many descriptions of fluidized beds that explicitly di-
models, especially if they are sufficiently com- vided the reactor contents into two phases, a
plex and contain many "constants," can describe bubble phase and an emulsion or dense phase.
a given set of data equally well. However, if the The bubble or lean phase is presumed to be
models are to be useful for design purposes, it essentially free of solids so that little, if any,
should be possible to determine the parameters reaction occurs in this portion of the bed. Re-
appearing therein from simple laboratory experi- action takes place within the dense phase, where
ments or from correlations of experimental data. virtually all of the solid catalyst particles are
Indeed, the utility of the model is judged by the found. This phase may also be referred to as a
success obtained when extrapolating data from particulate phase, an interstitial phase, or an
one set of experimental reaction conditions emulsion phase by various authors. Figure 12.19
(usually bench or pilot scale experiments) to is a schematic representation of two phase mod-
predict the behavior of a large-scale unit. els of fluidized beds. Some models also define a
The physical situation in a fluidized bed reac- cloud phase as the region of space surrounding
tor is obviously too complicated to be modeled the bubble that acts as a source and a sink for gas
by an ideal plug flow reactor or an ideal stirred exchange with the bubble.
tank reactor although, under certain conditions, On the basis of different assumptions about
either of these ideal models may provide a fair the nature of the fluid and solid flow within each
representation of the behavior of a fluidized bed phase and between phases as well as about the
reactor. In other cases, the behavior of the system extent of mixing within each phase, it is possible
can be characterized as plug flow modified by to develop many different mathematical models
longitudinal dispersion, and the unidimensional of the two phase type. Pyle (119), Rowe (120),
pseudo homogeneous model (Section and Grace (121) have critically reviewed models
can be employed to describe the fluidized bed of these types. Treatment of these models is
reactor. As an alternative, a cascade of CSTR's clearly beyond the scope of this text. In many
(Section may be used to model the cases insufficient data exist to provide critical
fluidized bed reactor. Unfortunately, none of tests of model validity. This situation is especially
these models provides an adequate representa- true of large scale reactors that are the systems
tion of reaction behavior in fluidized beds, par- of greatest interest from industry's point of view.
ticularly when there is appreciable bubble The student should understand, however, that
formation within the bed. This situation arises there is an ongoing effort to develop mathe-
mainly because a knowledge of the residence matical models of fluidized bed reactors that
time distribution of the gas in the bed is insuf- will be useful for design purposes. Our current
Literature Citations 523

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Wake 6. Smith, J. M., Chemical Engineering Kinetics, Second
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Reaction in Permeable Catalysts, Volumes I and II, 64. Wheeler, A., Adv. Catalysis, 3 (249), copyright © 1951.
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1975. Used with permission of A. Wheeler and Academic
37. Corrigan, T. E., Garver, J. C , Rase, H. F., and Kirk, Press.
R. S., Chem. Eng. Prog., 49 (603), 1953.
65. Wheeler, A., Catalysis, 2 (105), edited by P. H.Emmett,
38. Wheeler, A., op. cit., p. 136, 1955. Reinhold, New York, 1955. Adapted from the contri-
39. Satterfield, C. N., op. cit., p. 152, 1970. bution of A. Wheeler to Catalysis, 2, edited by P. H.
Emmett. Copyright © 1955 by Litton Educational
40. Satterfield, C. N., op. cit., p. 134, 1970.
Publishing, Inc. Adaptation with permission of Van
41. Satterfield, C. N., op. cit., pp. 135-138, 1970. Nostrand Reinhold Company.
42. Luss, D., and Amundson, N. R., AIChEJ., 13 (759), 66. Smith, J. M., op. cit., pp. 457-462.
67. Carberry, J. J., Chem. Eng. Sci., 77(675), 1962.
43. Aris, R., Introduction to the Analysis of Chemical
68. Ostergaard, K., Ada, Chem. Scand., 15 (2037), 1961.
Reactors, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1965.
69. Butt, J. B., Chem. Eng. Sci., 21 (275), 1966.
44. Petersen, E. E., Chemical Reaction Analysis, p. 64,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1965. 70. Hutchings, J., and Carberry, J. J., AIChE J., 12 (20),
45. Weekman, V. W., Jr., and Goring, R. L., J. Catalysis, 1966.
4(260), 1965. 71. Petersen, E. E., Chemical Reaction Analysis, pp. 129-
164, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1965.
46. Weekman, V. W., Jr., J. Catalysis, 5 (44), 1966.
47. Chu, C , and Hougen, O. A., Chem. Eng. Sci., 77(167), 72. Treybal, R. E., Mass Transfer Operations, Second
1962. Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968.

48. Roberts, G. W., and Satterfield, C. N., Ind. Eng. 73. McCabe, W. L., and Smith, J. C , Unit Operations of
Chem., Fundamentals, 4 (288), 1965. Chemical Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967.
49. Roberts, G. W., and Satterfield, C. N., Ind. Eng. 74. Bird, R. B., Stewart, W. E., and Lightfoot, E. N.,
Chem., Fundamentals, 5 (317), 1966. Transport Phenomena, Wiley, New York, 1960.
50. Knudsen, C. W., Roberts, G. W., and Satterfield, 75. Chilton, T. H., and Colburn, A. P., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26
C. N., Ind. Eng. Chem., Fundamentals, 5 (325), 1966. (1183), 1934.
51. Satterfield, C. N., op. cit., pp. 176-200, 1970. 76. Colburn, A. P., Trans. AIChE, 29 (174), 1933.
52. Kao, H. S-P., and Satterfield, C. N., Ind. Eng. Chem., 77. Acetis, J. and Thodos, G., Ind. Eng. Chem., 52 (1003),
Fundamentals, 7(664), 1968. 1960.
53. Woodside, W., and Messmer, J. H., J. Appl. Phys., 32 78. Petrovic, L. J., and Thodos, G., Ind. Eng. Chem.,
(1688), 1961. Fundamentals, 7(274), 1968.
54. Butt, J. B., AIChEJ., 11 (106), 1965. 79. Wilson, E. J., and Geankoplis, C. J., Ind. Eng. Chem.,
55. Damkohler, G., Z. Phys. Chem., A193 (16), 1943. Fundamentals, 5 (9), 1966.
Problems 525

80. Satterfield, C. N., Mass Transfer in Heterogeneous 104. Calderbank, P. H., and Pogorski, L. A., Trans. Inst.
Catalysis, pp. 79-97, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1970. Chem. Engrs. (London) 35 (195), 1957.
81. Chu, J. C, Kalil, J., and Wetteroth, W.A., Chem. Eng. 105. Leva, M., Ind. Eng. Chem., 42 (2498), 1950.
Prog.,49{\4\), 1953. 106. Argo, W. B., and Smith, J. M., Chem. Eng. Prog., 49
82. Riccetti, R. E., and Thodos, G., AIChE J., 7 (442), (443), 1953.
1961. 107. Smith, J. M., loc. cit., pp. 513-522.
83. Sen Gupta, A., and Thodos, G., Chem. Eng. Prog., 58 108. Beek, J., Adv. Chem. Eng., 3, pp. 229-230, 1962.
(7), p. 58, 1962.
109. Carberry, J. J., Wendel, M., AIChE J., 9 (132), 1963.
84. Kunii, D., and Levenspiel, O., loc. cit., Chapter 7.
110. Raymond, L. R., Amundson, N. R., Can. J. Chem.
85. Beek, W. J., "Mass Transfer in Fluidized Beds," in Eng.,42(\73), 1964.
Fluidization by J. F. Davidson and D. Harrison,
Academic Press, New York, 1971. 111. Luss, D., Amundson, N. R., Chem. Eng. Sci., 22 (253),
86. Olson, R. W., Schuler, R. W., and Smith, J. M., Chem.
Eng. Prog., 46 (614), 1950. 112. Luss, D., Chem. Eng. Sci., 23 (1249), 1968.

87. Reid, R. C , and Sherwood, T. K., The Properties of 113. Hlavacek, V., Hofmann, H., Chem. Eng. Sci., 25
Gases and Liquids, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, pp. 173, 187, 1970.
New York, 1966. 114. Calderbank, P. H., Chem. Eng. Prog., 49 (585), 1953.
88. Yoshida, F., Ramaswami, D., and Hougen, O. A., 115. Froment, G. F., Ind. Eng. Chem., 59 (18), 1967.
AIChE J., 8 {5), 1962.
116. Lapidus, L., Digital Computation for Chemical Engi-
89. Argo, W. B., and Smith, J. M., Chem. Eng. Prog., neers, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960.
49(1443), 1953. 117. Smith, J. M., op. cit., pp. 536-547.
90. Stewart, W. E., AIChE J., 9 (528), 1963.
118. Jenson, V. G., and Jeffreys, G. V., Mathematical
91. Sherwood, T. K., Trans. AIChE, 39 (583), 1943. Methods in Chemical Engineering, pp. 412-428, Aca-
92. Kettenring, K. N., Manderfield, E. L., and Smith, demic Press, New York, 1963.
J. M., Chem. Eng. Prog., 46 (139), 1950. 119. Pyle, D. L., in "Chemical Reaction Engineering,"
93. Smith, J. M., loc. cit., Chapters 10-12. ACS Adv. Chem. Series, 109, p. 106, 1972.
94. Froment, G. F., "Analysis and Design of Fixed Bed 120. Rowe, P. N., Fifth European Symposium on Chemical
Catalytic Reactors," in Chemical Reaction Engineering, Reaction Engineering, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1972.
Adv. Chem. Series, 109 (1), American Chemical
121. Grace, J. R., AIChE Symposium Series, 67 (116),
Society, Washington, D.C., 1972.
p. 159, 1971.
95. Froment, G. F., Fifth European Symposium on
122. Kunii, D., and Levenspiel, O., Fluidization Engineer-
Chemical Reaction Engineering, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
ing, Wiley, New York, 1969.
123. Davidson, J. F., and Harrison, D., Fluidized Particles,
96. Bird, R. B., Stewart, W. E., and Lightfoot, E. N.,
Cambridge University Press, London, 1963.
Transport Phenomena, Wiley, New York, 1960.
97. Perry, R. H., and Chilton, C. H., Chemical Engineer's
Handbook, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, PROBLEMS
98. Ergun, S., Chem. Eng. Prog., 48 (93), 1952. 1. Thiophene (C 4 H 4 S) is representative of the
99. Wehner, J. F., and Wilhelm, R. H., Chem. Eng. Sci., organic sulfur compounds that are hydro-
6(89), 1956. genated in the commercial hydrtodesulfurization
100. Smith, J. M., loc. cit., p. 504. of petroleum naphtha. Estimate both the com-
101. Aris, R., and Amundson, N. R., AIChE J., 3 (280), bined and effective diffusivities for thiophene in
1957. hydrogen at 660 °K and 3.04 MPa in a catalyst
102. Jakob, M., Heat Transfer, p. 553, Wiley, New York, with a BET surface area of 168 m 2 /g, a porosity
1957. of 0.40, and an apparent pellet density of
103. Colburn, A. P., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23 (910), 1931. 1.40 g/cm3. A narrow pore sized distribution
526 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

and a tortuosity factor of 2.5 may be assumed.

Time, t (min) Pressure (cm Hg)
The following Lennard-Jones parameters for
thiophene and hydrogen may be useful in your 0 61.00
estimate of the ordinary molecular diffusivity. 20 61.10
40 61.21
60 61.32
o-(nm) s/kB (CK) 80 61.43
100 61.55
Thiophene 0.562 454
Hydrogen 0.2827 59.7

For our purposes, the pellet may be consid-

Use your best judgment in estimating the ered as cylindrical with a diameter of 1/8 in.
binary molecular diffusivity. However, it may be and a length of 0.12 cm. Its porosity is 0.464
assumed that we are still in the region where the and the specific surface area is 243 m 2 /g.
binary molecular diffusivity is inversely pro- What is the effective diffusivity of the hydro-
portional to the pressure. gen under these conditions?
It may be assumed that the accumulation of
2. Villet and Wilhelm [Ind. Eng. Chem., 55(837), hydrogen within the pellet is negligible and that
1961] have studied the Knudsen diffusion of it may be treated as being in a quasi-steady-state
hydrogen in porous silica-alumina cracking condition. The finite difference form of Fick's
catalyst pellets. They used apparatus of the type first law may be used to determine the flow rate
depicted in Figure 12P.1. of hydrogen through the pellet. The diffusion
constant appearing in this equation may be
considered as an effective Knudsen diffusion

Catalyst 3. The ortho-para conversion of molecular

pellet "N
hydrogen is catalyzed by NiO. A supported
catalyst is available with a specific surface area
w, Constant
of 305 m 2 /g and a void volume of 0.484 cm 3 /g.
container A spherical catalyst pellet has an apparent
(500 cm3)
density of 1.33 g/cm3 and a diameter of 0.5 cm.
If the system is not far from equilibrium, an
Figure 12P.1 apparent first-order rate constant (fcr) can be
Schematic diagram of diffusivity measurement defined in the following manner.
Rate of approach to equilibrium = kr(C — Ceq)

The entire apparatus was immersed in a When the hydrogen pressure is 1 atm, and the
constant temperature bath at 25 °C. The up- temperature is 77 °K, the experimentally ob-
stream hydrogen pressure was maintained con- served (apparent) rate constant is 0.159 cm 3 /
stant at 77.00 cm Hg. The time variation of the sec-g catalyst. Determine the mean pore radius,
pressure in the constant volume container is the effective diffusivity of hydrogen, and the
given in the next column. catalyst effectiveness factor.
Problems 527

4. A catalyst for cracking cumene is available centrations that the reaction may be regarded
commercially in the form of 0.35 cm diameter as pseudo first-order in both directions.
pellets. These pellets have a specific surface area Determine the effectiveness factor for the ion
of 420 m 2 /g and a void volume of 0.42 cm 3 /g. If exchange resin at 85 °C, assuming that the
the apparent first-order rate constant for this reaction is reversible even though the authors
reaction is 1.49 cm3/sec-g catalyst at 412 °C, presumed the reaction to be irreversible in
determine the effectiveness factor of the catalyst. reporting their data. They note that at 100 °C
the equilibrium for the reaction corresponds to
5. Barnett et al. [AIChE J., 7 (211), 1961] have a conversion greater than 94%. If the equilibrium
studied the catalytic dehydrogenation of cyclo- constant for the reaction is expressed as the
hexane to benzene over a platinum-on-alumina ratio of the £-butanol concentration to the
catalyst. A 4 to 1 mole ratio of hydrogen to isobutylene concentration and corrected for the
cyclohexane was used to minimize carbon temperature change in going from 100 °C to
formation on the catalyst. Studies were made 85 °C, a value of 16.6 may be considered appro-
in an isothermal, continuous flow reactor. The priate for use.
results of one run on 0.32 cm diameter catalyst The ion exchange particles may be regarded
pellets are given below. as isothermal, and the effective diffusivity of
Temperature, 705 °K isobutylene within the particles may be taken
Pressure, 1.480 MPa as 2.0 x 10~ 5 cm2/sec. The resin particles may
H 2 feed rate, 8 moles/ksec be considered as spheres with radii equal to
Cyclohexane feed rate, 2 moles/ksec 0.0213 cm. The density of the swollen resin is
Conversion of cyclohexane, 15.5% assumed to be equal to 1.0 g/cm3.
Quantity of catalyst, 10.4 g Rate measurements on these particles indicate
Catalyst Properties: that at 85 °C the rate is equal to 1.11 x 10" 2
Pore volume, 0.48 cm 3 /g moles/ksec-g catalyst, when the conversion
Surface area, 240 m 2 /g achieved is only 3.9%. From thermodynamic
Pellet density, 1.332 g/cm3 equilibrium data contained within the article,
Pellet porosity, 0.59 cm 3 voids/cm3 it is estimated that under these conditions, the
isobutylene concentration in the reactor at the
If the effectiveness factor of the catalyst is exterior surface of the resin may be taken as
known to be 0.42, estimate the tortuosity factor (0.961)(1.72 x 10" 5 ) moles/cm3.
of the catalyst assuming that the reaction obeys
first-order kinetics and that Knudsen diffusion 7. A well-insulated pilot scale packed bed
is the dominant mode of molecular transport. reactor (5 m long by 5 cm diameter) is being
used to carry out an irreversible reaction of the
6. Gupta and Douglas [AIChE J., 13 (883), type
1967] have studied the catalytic hydration of M + N -+ R + S
isobutylene to f-butanol, using a cation ex-
All species are gases at the conditions of interest.
change resin catalyst in a stirred tank reactor.
The reaction is quite exothermic (AH =
—120 kJ/mole). Side reactions are unimportant.
(CH- 3 ) 2 C=CH 2 + H 2 O ±^ (CH 3 ) 3 COH There are two different catalyst manufacturers
whose products are being considered for use in
The water is present in such large excess a commercial scale reactor facility. Both pro-
relative to the isobutylene and t-butanol con- ducts are 3.2 mm diameter spherical pellets that
528 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

are believed to be essentially the same in to 475 C, both catalysts show little loss of
chemical composition. activity with time onstream and both catalysts
The pilot plant results indicate that the de- give essentially the same yield. (It is, however,
activation characteristics of the two catalysts significantly lower than the yield obtained
are somewhat different. The same gas pressure, with the 550 °C feed temperature.) The deactiva-
feed composition, and molal feed rate are tion behavior of both catalysts is very repro-
employed in all cases. If the inlet temperature ducible.
is 550 °C, the behavior indicated in Figure 12P.2 (a) How do you interpret these data?
is observed. If the feed temperature is reduced (b) What modifications in the manufacturing or
operating conditions do you suggest to
obtain improved performance from catalyst
100 A1

8. Barnett, Weaver, and Gilkeson [AIChE J.,

7 (211), 1961] have studied the dehydrogenation
of cyclohexane to benzene over a platinum on
alumina pelleted catalyst. Using a 4:1 feed
ratio of hydrogen to cyclohexane and an oper-
ating pressure of 200 psig, these individuals
50 _L studied the effects of particle size and poisoning
10 20 30 40 on the observed reaction rate. The reaction
Time on stream (days) follows first-order kinetics over the temperature
Figure 12P.2 range from 640 to 910 °F. Arrhenius plots of
Catalyst deactivation curves. their data are shown in Figure 12P.3. For the

o 1/8 in. pellets

a 30-40 mesh fines
v 40-60 mesh fines

0.70 0.74 0.78 0.82 0.86 0.90
103/T, °r1

Figure 12P.3
Arrhenius plots for poisoned and unpoisoned catalysts. [From
AlChE J., 7 (211), 1961. Used with permission.]
Problems 529

poisoned catalyst, it is estimated that the competive reactions may be written as

fraction that is poisoned (a) is 0.78. This catalyst
was used in runs 41 to 45 for which the following C2H2 H2 C2H4 (desired)
additional data are available. C2H4 H, C2H6 (undesired)

(Poisoned rate) The intrinsic rate expressions for these reac-

Thiele modulus
tions are both first-order in hydrogen and zero-
Run for unpoisoned reaction (Unpoisoned rate)
order in acetylene or ethylene. If there are
45 0.77 0.22 diffusional limitations on the acetylene hydro-
44 1.78 0.26 genation reaction, the acetylene concentration
41 4.24 0.214 will go to zero at some point within the core of
42 4.40 0.210 the catalyst pellet. Beyond this point within the
43 6.95 0.153 central core of the catalyst, the undesired
hydrogenation of ethylene takes place to the ex-
clusion of the acetylene hydrogenation reaction.
What is your interpretation of these data?
(a) In the light of the above facts, what do the
Do the data indicate whether homogeneous
principles enunciated in this chapter have
or pore-mouth poisoning takes place?
to say about the manner in which the
Catalyst Properties:
reactor should be operated and the manner
Vg = 0.48 cm 3 /g in which the catalyst should be fabricated?
Sg = 204 m 2 /g (b) It is often observed that the catalysts used
for this purpose in commercial installations
Average pore radius = 47 A do not achieve maximum selectivity until
Pellet density pp = 1.332 g/cm 3 they have been on stream for several days.
Skeletal density = 3.25 g/cm 3 How do you explain this observation?
Pellet porosity zp = 0.59
Tortuosity factor = 8 10. Cunningham, Carberry, and Smith [AIChE
J., 11 (636), 1965] have studied the catalytic
9. Before ethylene feedstocks produced by ther- hydrogenation of ethylene over a copper-
mal cracking can be used chemically for most magnesium oxide catalyst.
applications, it is necessary to remove the traces
of acetylene present in such streams. This C 2 H 4 + H 2 —• C 2 H 6
purification can be accomplished by selective AH298 = - 32,700 cal/g mole
hydrogenation of acetylene to ethylene. The
process involves adding sufficient hydrogen to In order to minimize the complications arising
the feedstock so that the mole ratio of hydrogen from a change in the total moles within the
to acetylene exceeds unity. Using a palladium- catalyst particles, they restricted their studies to
on-alumina catalyst under typical reaction con- feeds containing less than 17% ethylene. They
ditions (25 atm, 50 to 200 C), it is possible to used continuous flow reactors operating at
achieve extremely high selectivity for the ace- steady state to obtain the data reported on page
tylene hydrogenation reaction. As long as 530. The pressure was one atmosphere. Two
acetylene is present, it is selectively adsorbed forms of catalyst were used in their studies.
and hydrogenated. However, once it disappears, 1. Granular particles (100 to 150 Tyler mesh—
hydrogenation of ethylene takes place. The equivalent diameter = 0.13 mm).
530 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

2. Spherical pellets (1.27 cm diameter) fabricated Note. Engineering estimates of property values
by compressing unreduced granular particles have been used, where necessary, to fill out the
in a steel mold. data.
Pellets of three different densities were studied.
They were obtained by varying the quantity of 11. It is instructive to consider the relative
particles and the pressure used in the molding rates of mass transfer in fixed and fluidized bed
process. Pertinent physical property data for reactors. The rapid rate in the fluidized bed is
the various forms of catalyst used in these due not so much to the high mass transfer
studies are summarized below. coefficients involved, but to the very large

Apparent density
of particle or Equivalent K
Catalyst pellet (g/cm3) diameter (m2/g) (cm3/g) fi

particles 2.14 0.13 mm 90 0.18 0.38
Pellet A 1.16 1.28 cm 90 0.46 0.53
Pellet B 0.92 1.27 cm 90 0.73 0.77
Pellet C 0.72 1.27 cm 90 1.17 0.84
totai refers to the ratio of the void volume within and between pellets to the total

Reaction rate data were reported as a function exterior surface area per unit volume of reactor.
of temperature and are shown in Figure 12P.4. If one assigns the weight of catalyst per unit
Although the form of the intrinsic rate equation volume of reactor the symbol pB, the rate of
for ethylene hydrogenation for this specific mass transfer to the external surface per unit
catalyst is not known, one might anticipate an reactor volume is given by
equation of the form
?MT = kmaJCB - CES)pB = kmav{CB - CES)
r =
where we have assumed equimolar counter-
diffusion^ = 0) in order to simplify the analysis.
on the basis of other studies of the catalytic The product ampB represents the external surface
hydrogenation of ethylene. What is your inter- area of catalyst per unit volume of bed (av).
pretation of the data shown in Figure 12P.4? For spherical pellets of radius R, this area is
If it is possible to back up your arguments using given by
semiquantitative arguments, do so using rough
numbers. / / multiple interpretations are possible, OmPB =
state them. In the low temperature region the
intrinsic activation energy based on the particle where pp is the apparent density of a catalyst
data is 17.8 kcal/g mole, but at high temperatures pellet. The ratio of the catalyst density within
the apparent activation energy drops to 11.800 the entire bed to that of a single pellet is equal
kcal/g mole. to the ratio of the volume occupied by the
Problems 531

Particles Pellets
Vb = 0.13-0.15
04 ft B
^^Particle curve o 0.08 D 0.723
o\ <> 0.11 -a- 0.714
°- 0.16 0s)
0 -o 0.16 <> [• 0.952
* 0.068 -O-J
in- 5 u
9 0.049 6 1190

9 1.160
—k -Pellet curves -

I •

in- 6
1 rX_ I*
1 1


Pellet B

\\ i-r


\ ^
2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60
1000/7, °K~1
Figure 12P.4
Arrhenius plots for particles and pellets. {yb = ethylene mole fraction)
[From AlChE J., 11 (636), 1965. Used with permission.]

pellets themselves to the entire bed volume. typical property values to determine the relative
In terms of the external void fraction of the bed rates of mass transfer in these systems. Mass
(sB), the volume fraction occupied by the pellets velocities for fixed and fluidized beds may be
is equal to 1 — £B. Hence taken as 0.15 and 0.03 g/(cm2-sec), respectively.
Bed void fractions may be taken as 0.30 and
^ = 1- g
0.80 for the fixed and fluidized beds, respective-
Hence ly. The corresponding catalyst sizes may be
taken as 0.5 cm and 0.0063 cm (250 mesh).
= _3 6(1 - eB) These numbers are chosen so as to favor fixed
bed mass transfer. The reacting fluid may be
regarded as a gas with a viscosity of 3.30 x
Combining equations A and B gives
_ 6fcw(l - eB) (n
MT — ^ \^B ^ES) (Q 12.* The data on page 532 were obtained by
Karpenko in an unpublished study described by
Assuming the same concentration driving
force in both fixed and fluidized beds, use * Adapted with permission from C. N. Satterfield
532 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

Rylander in Catalytic Hydrogenation Over 13. Zajcew [J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc, 57(11), 1960]
Platinum Metals (p. 39, Academic Press, New has studied the hydrogenation of fatty oils for
York, 1967). Nitrobenzene in ethanol was shortening stock using a palladium catalyst. The
hydrogenated at room temperature and 1 atm experiments were carried out in a 1-gal hydro-
over various amounts of 5% Pd on carbon. genator provided with mechanical agitation, a
Four loading levels of catalyst were used. At gas dispersing system, and heating and cooling
each level, the reduction was carried out in two capability. Hydrogen gas is fed in at the reactor
different types of batch reactor. bottom and is rapidly consumed. Figure 12P.5
1. An equipoise shaker that gives very vigorous indicates the time necessary to achieve a speci-
agitation. fied conversion as a function of catalyst loading
2. A flask stirred by a rotating magnetic bar level. Note that semilog coordinates are em-
that gives relatively poor agitation. ployed. The table below reformulates these data
Each reduction proceeded at nearly constant in terms of the number of iodine units of
rate until the nitrobenzene was nearly exhausted. reduction per minute per 1% of catalyst.

Hydro^*en uptake (cm3/sec)

Supported Total Per mg Pd

catalyst Palladium
(nig) (mg) Shaker Stirrer Shaker Stirrer

52 2.6 0.042 0.042 0.016 0.016

105 5.2 0.72 0.52 0.138 0.100
210 10.5 1.97 0.92 0.187 0.088
420 21.0 2.57 0.92 0.122 0.044

What is your interpretation of the above data? Rate/% of catalyst

Conditions: 0.02 18
Temperature — 185°C 0.01 40
Pressure - Atmospheric 0.005 72
H 2 Flow-- 4 liters/min
216 - 0.0025 130
Agitation - 620 rpm

•I! 144
122 A Catalyst - 0.5% Pd on carbon 0.00125

100 ! "i! T
i i
i i
1 What is your interpretation of these data?
i i i i 1 1
14.* Price and Schiewetz \_Ind Eng. Chem.
!o o
; 49 (807), 1957] have studied the catalytic liquid
Pd in oil phase hydrogenation of cyclohexene in a lab-
Figure 12P.5
oratory scale semibatch reactor. A supported
Hydrogenation rate as a function of catalyst con- platinum catalyst was suspended in a cyclo-
centration. [Adapted from M. Zajcew, J. Am. Oil hexene solution of the reactant by mechanical
Chem. Soc, 37 (11), 1960. Used by permission of
American Oil Chemists Society.] * Adapted with permission from C. N. Satterfield
Problems 533

agitation of the solution. Hydrogen was bubbled At 25 °C the equilibrium constant for the
through the solution continuously. The reactor reaction
is described in their words in the next paragraph.
'The reactor consisted of a 1-liter three-
necked Morton flask. This flask has four equally
spaced perpendicular indentations about its
periphery and a concave bottom, which aid the is 2 x 108. Consequently, the reaction may be
action of the agitator. A four-bladed stirrer regarded as irreversible. These investigators
driven by a variable-speed motor extended into reported the data indicated on Figures 12P.6 to
the flask through a packing gland in the center 12P.11. Provide an interpretation of each figure
neck. Tubes were sealed into one side neck for individually and then an overall analysis of the
hydrogen delivery, sample withdrawal, and a factors that govern the rate of this reaction.
thermocouple well. An ice water condenser on Where multiple interpretations of an individual
the exit neck minimized solvent escape by figure are possible, indicate them. Notice that in
entrainment or vaporization. Hydrogen was Figure 12P.11, the apparent activation energies
dispersed into the reacting solution by a 20 mm determined from the slopes of the solid lines are
sintered-glass tube extending to the bottom of 4.80 and 12.8 kcal/g mole at 1300 and 2500 rpm,
the flask. The entire assembly was immersed in respectively.
a constant temperature bath maintained at
* This material and the figures on pages 533-536 are
±0.1 °C. However, because of the exothermic reprinted, with permission, from R. H. Price and R. B.
nature of the reaction, a temperature rise of 1 Schiewtz, Ind. Eng. Chem., 49 (807), 1957. Copyright © by
to 2 °C occurred in the reactor.* the American Chemical Society.

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Time, (sec)

Figure 12P.6
Typical concentration-time relationship for experimental runs. Tem-
perature, 26°C; pressure, 746 mm of mercury; hydrogen flow, 30.7 x
10 5 mole/sec; catalyst weight, 0.975 g; stirrer speed, 1100 rpm;
slope, 13.7 x 1 0 5 mole/liter/sec.
534 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

25 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 23 -

21 -

o 19


1 1 . 11

•S 1 7 -
1 1

15 -

13 . . 1 1 , . . 1 11 1 . 1 1 , , , 1 1 1 1 I 1 . . . . 1-
500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850
Absolute pressure (mm mercury)

Figure 12P.7
Effect of pressure on rate of reaction. Temperature, 25-26 °C; hydro-
gen flow, 27.6 x 10 5 mole/sec; catalyst weight, 0.976 g; stirrer
speed, 1500 rpm.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Weight of catalyst (g)

Figure 12P.8
Effect of catalyst weight on rate of reaction. Temperature, 25 °C;
pressure, 748 mm of mercury; hydrogen flow, 31.3 x 10 5 mole/sec;
stirrer speed, 1000 rpm.
30 - I ' I • I • I • I • I • I '

I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Flow rate [(moles/sec) X 10 4 ]

Figure 12P.9
Effect of hydrogen flow rate on rate of reaction. Temperature, 2 5 -
26 °C; pressure, O = 534 mm and # = 741 mm of mercury; catalyst
weight, 0.974 g; stirrer speed, 1500 rpm.

45 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 i 1 1 ' 1 i •

r *—
40 -

< ^
30 -
IS 25 - -

o 20 -

o 15-

10 - /

5 -
• i 1 , 1 1 1 I 1 . i i i i 1 1 I
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600
Stirrer speed (rpm)

Figure 12P.10
Effect of stirring on rate of reaction. Temperature, 25-27 °C; pressure, 746 mm
of mercury; hydrogen flow, O = 29.6 x 10~5 and • = 81.5 x 10~5 mole/sec;
catalyst weight, 0.976 g.

536 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

316 320 324 328 332 336 340 344 348 352 356

Figure 12P.11
Evaluation of apparent energies of activation. O = 1300 rpm and # = 2500

15. Vanadium pentoxide may be used as a at 649 °F. The reaction rate expression pertinent
catalyst for the oxidation of sulfur dioxide to to these experimental conditions is believed to be
sulfur trioxide. of the form:

so2 so3 r =
In a series of laboratory scale experiments,
streams of oxygen and sulfur dioxide were fed The following data have been reported by
at different rates to a differential reactor con- Mathur and Thodos [Chem. Eng. ScL, 21 (1191),
taining 2.372 g of catalyst. The data below were 1966] and are sufficient for an initial rate
recorded under essentially isothermal conditions analysis of this heterogeneous catalytic process.

Mass velocities Initial rate

Inlet (lb moles/hr-ft2) Percent (lb moles
pressure conversion SO 2 converted/
(atm) SO 2 o2 of SO 2 hr-lb catalyst)

2.36 1.83 1.90 4.22 0.053

3.72 2.59 2.90 3.6 0.064
5.08 3.03 3.88 3.43 0.0717
5.76 3.24 4.26 3.10 0.0692
7.12 4.87 4.96 1.91 0.0642
Problems 537

(a) Determine the constants k and KSOr the thermal effects accompanying the reaction.
(b) If pure SO 2 and O 2 are both fed to a reactor Consider inlet temperatures from 350 to 480 °F
at flow rates of 100 lb moles/hr, how many and N 2 /C 2 H 4 ratios from 0 to 5.0.
pounds of catalyst will be required for 20% Your analysis will be governed by the
conversion? The initial feed pressure is following constraints.
1 atm. Assume that the aforementioned rate (a) If the temperature at any point in the
expression is valid over the range of vari- reactor exceeds 550 °F, the conditions will be
ables concerned. The reactor may be as- inappropriate in that explosions may occur
sumed to operate isothermally at 649 °F. in this regime.
Set up the integral, but do not attempt to (b) If the temperature decreases as one moves
evaluate it. Make sure that all terms under down the reactor, the reaction must be
the integral are expressed in terms of a regarded as self-extinguishing.
single variable. (c) If the pressure drop exceeds 14 atm, the
calculations must be terminated.
16. Wan [Ind. Eng. Chem., 45 (234), 1953] has Determine the range of satisfactory perfor-
studied the partial oxidation of ethylene to mance and the resultant yields for various
ethylene oxide. reactor lengths for the following operating
C2H4 C2H4O
1. Inlet gas pressure = 1 5 atm.
The catalyst consists of silver supported on 2. Inlet C 2 H 4 /O 2 ratio (moles) = 4 : 1 .
alumina and, while it is reasonably specific, 3. Superficial mass velocity = 8000 lb/hr-ft2.
appreciable amounts of CO 2 and H 2 O are also 4. Bulk density of catalyst = 83.5 lb/ft3.
formed. Over the range of interest, the yield of External heat and mass transfer effects are to
ethylene oxide is relatively constant so that for be neglected in your analysis, but you should
present purposes, we may regard the reaction estimate the potential magnitudes of these
stoichiometry as effects.

C 2 H 4 + 1.5O2 -+
Not many problems dealing with the various
0.6C 2 H 4 O + 0.8CO 2 + 0.8H 2 O
fixed bed reactor models are set forth above,
The rate of reaction may be expressed as because I feel that the best means of demon-
strating the features thereof is through case
r = 1.17 x lO6 studies. I find that the principles involved are
where the partial pressures are expressed in clarified by realistic examples involving the
atmospheres design of commercial scale reactors using
machine computation where appropriate. Two
T is expressed in degrees Kelvin brief examples that involve studies of specific
r is expressed in pound moles per pound of process variables are considered in Chapter 13.
catalyst per hour One could employ studies of the effects of other
If 1/8 in. catalyst pellets are packed in 1 in. ID process variables on the reactor performance as
tubes, which in turn are immersed in a liquid additional problems or else state the assignment
bath that maintains the tube walls at 300 °F, in more general terms, as in the problem below.
consider the effects of varying the feed tempera- Space limitations preclude setting forth many
ture and of diluting the feed with N 2 to moderate such problems, but the book Catalytic Processes
538 Reactor Design for Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

and Proven Catalysts, by C. L. Thomas, and the 2. Equilibrium yields of butadiene are rela-
descriptions of new and current catalyst tech- tively low. For example, the yield is 35% at
nology that appear frequently in Hydrocarbon 930 °F and 71% at 1110 CF when using a hydro-
Processing provide appropriate starting points carbon feed partial pressure of 0.1 atm.
for the acquisition of the necessary data for In recent years, considerable research effort
problem formulation. Old issues of Industrial has been invested in trying to develop an
and Engineering Chemistry and the more recent oxidative process to accomplish the desired
quarterlies evolving therefrom are also good transformation. Several catalyst formulations
sources of essential data on catalyst activity. with good selectivities for the desired reaction
The literature of various catalyst manufacturers have been developed, and you are asked to
provides information on the physical properties determine the desirability of using one of these
of general catalyst types when such information formulations in a fixed bed reactor configura-
is not included with the activity data. As tion. Several advantages are claimed for the
stated, the problems normally require literature oxidative processes:
searches, and the students usually find tt\at 1. The constraint of thermodynamic equilib-
information necessary to complete the design is rium for the butene dehydrogenation reaction
often missing and must be estimated using is effectively removed since hydrogen is con-
good engineering judgment. verted to water by oxidation. Equilibrium yields
then approach 100% over the complete tempera-
17. Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Butene to ture and partial pressure range of interest.
Butadiene 2. Selectivities are high, typically in excess of
UW Chemical Corporation 90%.
Madison, Wisconsin 3. Longer times on-stream are facilitated by
To: Student Team "Blue" the presence of oxygen in the feed. It inhibits
From: Big Red, Group Leader carbon buildup on the catalyst, thereby per-
Re: Butadiene production mitting one to operate for months without
A proposed expansion of the company's regeneration.
styrene-butadiene rubber production will re- 4. Input energy requirements for the process
quire an additional 10,000 tons/year of buta- are significantly reduced since the energy re-
diene as a raw material. leased by the exothermic oxidation reactions
For many years, butadiene has been manu- serves as a driving force for the endothermic
factured by dehydrogenating butene or butane dehydrogenation reaction.
over a catalyst at appropriate combinations of For preliminary discussions of the proposed
temperature and pressure. It is customary to expansion program, it is desirable to determine
dilute the butene feed with steam (10-20 moles the basic equipment requirements, although a
H 2 O/mole butene) to stabilize the temperature detailed economic evaluation is not essential.
during the endothermic reaction and to help An article by Sterrett and Mcllvried [Ind. Eng.
shift the equilibrium conversion in the desired Chem., Process Des. Develop., 13 (54), 1974]
direction by reducing the partial pressures of describes the use of a ferrite catalyst for the
hydrogen and butadiene. The current processes desired application. It contains kinetic data
suffer from two major disadvantages. for this catalyst and several references to other
1. Catalyst on-stream periods are short, since oxidative dehydrogenation catalysts. Select a
coke builds up rapidly on the catalyst. Hence promising catalyst material and prepare a
catalyst regeneration must take place at frequent reactor design proposal using a fixed bed
intervals. configuration. You are asked to consider factors
Problems 539

such as: 5. Volume requirements for different reactor

1. The desirability of adding steam to the feed network configurations.
stream to moderate temperature excursions. 6. Effect of catalyst pellet size on reactor
2. The optimum steam/butene ratio in the volume and pumping cost requirements.
feed for operation as a single adiabatic reactor. 7. Interstage heat transfer requirements for
3. The desirability of using several adiabatic different reactor network configurations.
reactors in series with steam injection between 8. Concentration profiles for a given reactor
stages. network.
4. Temperature profiles and the possibility 9. Other factors you deem pertinent.
of hot spots within a given reactor network
13 Illustrative Problems in
Reactor Design
13.0 INTRODUCTION Re: Proposed Production of Ethylene by Py-
rolysis of Propane
This chapter contains a discussion of two inter-
mediate level problems in chemical reactor A proposed expansion of the corporation's
design that indicate how the principles devel- polyethylene production capacity will require
oped in previous chapters are applied in making additional ethylene monomer as a feedstock. It
preliminary design calculations for industrial is suggested that the ethylene be produced by
scale units. The problems considered are the the pyrolysis of a propane stream that is avail-
thermal cracking of propane in a tubular re- able at axrate of 7000 lb/hr.
actor and the production of phthalic anhydride The production of ethylene from light alkanes
in a fixed bed catalytic reactor. Space limitations involves two steps: conversion of the charge by
preclude detailed case studies of these problems. pyrolysis and separation of the ethylene from a
In such studies one would systematically vary complex product mixture. As normally practiced
all relevant process parameters to arrive at an in the petroleum and petrochemicals industry,
optimum reactor design. However, sufficient pyrolysis or thermal cracking is not a process
detail is provided within the illustrative prob- that is readily characterized by simple stoi-
lems to indicate the basic principles involved chiometry. However, there is a wealth of data
and to make it easy to extend the analysis to available on these homogeneous gas phase
studies of other process variables. The condi- decomposition reactions that is adequate for
tions employed in these problems are not preliminary design purposes. At the present
necessarily those used in current industrial stage of management's discussions of the expan-
practice, since the data are based on literature sion program, a detailed economic analysis is
values that date back some years. not essential, but it is necessary to determine
the basic equipment requirements. You are to
13.1 PYROLYSIS OF A carry out the necessary engineering analysis and
PROPANE FEEDSTOCK come up with a reactor design analysis that will
meet corporate requirements.
This problem indicates the considerations that The most common type of commercial pyroly-
enter into the design of a tubular reactor for an sis equipment is the direct fired tubular heater in
endothermic reaction. The necessity of supplying which the reacting material flows through
thermal energy to the reactor contents at an several tubes connected in series. The tubes
elevated temperature implies that the heat trans- receive thermal energy by being immersed in an
fer considerations will be particularly important oil or gas furnace. The pyrolysis products are
in determining the longitudinal temperature cooled rapidly after leaving the furnace and
profile of the reacting fluid. This problem is enter the separation train. Constraints on
based on an article by Fair and Rase (1). materials of construction limit the maximum
13.1.1 Charge to Design Engineer and temperature of the tubes to 1500 °F. Thus the
Pertinent Data effluent from the tubes should be restricted to
temperatures of 1475 °F or less. You may pre-
To: Kem Inguneer sume that all reactor tubes and return bends
From: Barney Boss are exposed to a thermal flux of 10,000 BTU/

13.1 Pyrolysis of a Propane Feedstock 541

(hr-ft2 of external tube surface). You may also Rase (1) were particularly useful in arriving at
assume that the feed enters the reactor at 1100° F the numbers cited below.
and 60 psia. In order to maintain flow through
the downstream separation train the reactor Reaction Stoichiometry and Thermodynamic
effluent cannot be at a pressure lower than Data. The product distribution for a propane
25 psia. Propane conversion should be in the charge is shown in Figure 13.1. The reaction is
neighborhood of 85%. You are asked to prepare not clean even at low conversions. At higher
a preliminary reactor design for this system. Use conversions secondary reactions of the primary
the data tabulated below to determine length products become more and more significant.
requirements and general suitability for 2, 4, However, it is reasonable to assume that the
and 6 in. nominal pipe sizes (schedule 40). original reactants continue to decompose along
the path of the original mechanism, and first-
Data Summary. There is an extensive litera- order kinetics is observed to quite high conver-
ture dealing with hydrocarbon pyrolysis reac- sions. In the presence of established information
tions. The articles by Schutt (2) and Fair and on the product distribution as the conversion

-CH 4

+_, o
"x a

"8g 40 -


20 I—

10 —

20 40 50 60 70 80 90
Percent conversion of propane

Figure 13.1
Product distribution for propane pyrolysis. [From Schutt, Chemical
Engineering Progress, 50 (415), 1954. Used with permission.]
542 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design

increases, the establishment of rate expressions pressed in degrees Kelvin and in calories per
for the secondary and tertiary reactions is not gram mole degree Kelvin.
essential from the standpoint of reactor design.
For present purposes we may consider the re- Viscosity Data. Our physical properties expert
action stoichiometry to be given by indicates that the following expression provides
a good representation of the mixture viscosity
C 3 H 8 -> 0.300C 3 H 6 + 0.065C2H6 0.6675C2H4
data over the temperature, pressure, and com-
+ 0.635CH4 + 0.300H2 (13.1.1) position range of interest.
The volumetric expansion parameter S may thus //(centipoise) =
be taken as 0.9675. The product distribution 10"4(2.37 + 0.708/-0.411/ 2 )T 2 / 3
will vary somewhat with temperature, but the
stoichiometry indicated above is sufficient for
preliminary design purposes. (We should also where
indicate that if one's primary goal is the produc-
/ is the fraction propane converted
tion of ethylene, the obvious thing to do is to
recycle the propylene and ethane and any un- T is expressed in degrees Kelvin
reacted propane after separation from the lighter [Note. Kinetic theory predicts that ft should be
components. In such cases the reactor feed proportional to T 1/2 , but the T 2 / 3 dependence
would consist of a mixture of propane, propyl- provides a better fit of the results calculated
ene, and ethane, and the design analysis that from methods outlined in Reid and Sherwood
we will present would have to be modified. For (3).]
our purposes, however, the use of a mixed feed
would involve significantly more computation 13.1.2 Reactor Design Analysis
without serving sufficient educational purpose.)
The following heat capacity data may be A preliminary design analysis for the proposed
employed for the temperature range of interest. reactor may be carried out in terms of the plug
(Temperatures must be expressed in degrees flow model for a nonisothermal system. If the
Kelvin.) At 1100 °F the standard heat of reac- flow conditions lie in the turbulent regime, the
tion is equal to 21.960 kcal/g mole. assumption of linear velocity profiles will be
reasonable and it will be appropriate to neglect
radial variations in velocity, temperature, and
Heat capacity
Compound Cp (cal/g mole-°K)
composition. These assumptions are in essence
the same as those employed in Section 10.4, and
C3H8 21.14 + 0.020567 (13.1.2) the discussion contained therein will be the
C3H6 17.88 + 0.016457 (13.1.3) basis for the development of our numerical
C2H6 13.34 + 0.015897 (13.1.4) results. However, we have added the additional
C2H4 12.29 + 0.010227 (13.1.5) complication of varying the pressure along the
CH 4 6.98 + 0.010127 (13.1.6) length of the reactor. This aspect of the problem
H2 6.42 + 0.000827 (13.1.7) is taken into account by breaking the reactor
up into a number of segments, each of which is
Kinetic Data. The pyrolysis reaction obeys considered to operate at a constant pressure.
first-order kinetics with a rate constant equal to In order to characterize the flow regime and
3.98 x l O 1 2 * - 5 9 ' 1 0 0 ^ 7 ^ - 1 , where T is ex- thereby justify the plug flow assumption, it is
13.1 Pyrolysis of a Propane Feedstock 543

appropriate to calculate the Reynolds number It is convenient to write the first-order reac-
tion rate expression as
where D is the tube diameter.
where CA0 is the propane concentration at zero
fraction conversion and the reactor inlet tem-
7000 8913 perature (T o ), and inlet pressure (P o ). (See
2 (13.1.10)
nD D2 equation 3.1.44.) Ideal gas behavior has been
assumed, but this is quite appropriate for these
nonpolar gases at the high temperatures and
where low pressures of interest.
Equations 13.1.13 and 13.1.14 may be com-
D is measured in feet
bined to give
G is measured in pounds mass per hour per
square foot VR (Vou. (1 +dAfA)TPodfA
% ' J/in k(l - fA)T0P
(13.1.11) (1 + SAfA)TP0 dfA
j/in /c(l - fA)T0P
where ji must be expressed in pounds mass per In order to determine the required reactor
foot per hour. volume one must relate the temperature (and
At the reactor inlet (1100 °F or 866.49 °K) thus k) and the local pressure P to the fraction
conversion using an energy balance and con-
\i = 2.15 x 10" 2 cp =o= 5.21 x 10" 2 lbm/(ft-hr)
ventional fluid flow equations.
Thus For thermal cracking units, the majority of
the required energy input is supplied by radiant
8913 1.71 x 105 heat transfer in a furnace. In such cases one finds
5.21 x 10" 2 D D it convenient to express the rate at which thermal
energy is supplied to the reactor as the product
Since all of the tube diameters of interest are of an energy flux and the external surface area
less than 1 ft, it is evident that in all three cases of the tube. If we represent the flux by q and a
the flow will be highly turbulent and assumption segment of the reactor length by AL, then the
of plug flow conditions will be quite appropriate. total rate at which thermal energy is supplied
For steady-state operation of a plug flow (SQ) is given by
reactor the basic design equation (equation 8.2.9)
3Q = qnD0 AL (13.1.17)
can be written as
where Do is the outside diameter of the pipe.
o Ul dfA This expression may be substituted for the left
= C (13.1.13)
-rA side of equation 10.4.6 to give the following
representation of an energy balance on a differ-
where A refers to propane. ential element of reactor length.
544 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design


Material k* ft
Drc wn tubing Smooth
Wrc>ught iron, stee I 0.00015
Gal vanized iron 0.0005
Cast iro n 0.0008
Cor lcret e 0.01-(1.00 1
0.1 \

).004 )o: c.00 1
0.01 \ / ^0.
£f^0.00 oeJ 0. 300^
— 9
_ _ ./ / /
! ^

Smooth -
1s — a
• • •• • m m
••» • m
0.00001 •••

c .00005^ % 1 0002

102 10 3 10 4 105
I1 106
D.C)0 )1 I I

Reynolds number N R e

Figure 13.2
Friction-factor chart. (From Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering by W. L. McCabe and J. C. Smith.
Copyright c 1967. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)

Table 13.1
Potential Range of Viscosities and Friction Factors

Temperature 1100 °F (866 °K) Temperature 1500 F(1089 K)

/ 0 / = 0.8 / = 0 / = 0.8

Viscosity (cp) 2.15 x 10" 2 2.43 x 10" 2 2.51 x 10" 2 2.83 x 10" 2

N Re for 2-in. pipe 9.94 x 105 8.80 x 105 8.52 x 105 7.56 x 105
f"* for 2-in. pipe 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0051
N Re for 4-in. pipe 5.11 x 105 4.52 x 105 4.37 x 105 3.88 x 105
for 4-in. pipe 0.0043 0.0044 0.0044 0.0045
rN for 6-in. pipe
Re 3.39 x 105 3.00 x 105 2.90 x 105 2.57 x 105
P* for 6-in. pipe 0.0042 0.0044 0.0044 0.0045
13.1 Pyrolysis of a Propane Feedstock 545

Input by heat transfer = sensible heat change + heat of reaction

1 onl - fAin)
qnD0 AL = ^ J ^ ' " Cpi d ^ ' ™ Cpi


where the first summation involves the molal of the tabular entries indicates that the friction
flow rates of the various species leaving the factor does not vary much with either tempera-
volume element and the second involves the ture or fraction conversion and that an assump-
molal flow rates of the various species entering tion of constant / * for a given pipe size would
the volume element. The datum for the enthalpy be entirely appropriate. We will u s e / * = 0.0050
calculations has been taken as the reactor inlet for the 2-in. pipe and / * = 0.0044 for the 4-
temperature. and 6-in. pipes. Since the fluid density varies
The pressure drop through a tubular reactor along the length of the reactor as the pressure
of length AL may be expressed in terms of the and the temperature change, the local density
friction factor / * as must be used in equation 13.1.19 to evaluate the
2/* A L Q 2 ) pressure drop over the length segment.
(13.1.19) Equations 13.1.16, 13.1.18, and 13.1.19 must
P be solved simultaneously in order to determine
where p is the mass density of the fluid and the the required reactor length for the various pipe
gc factor is introduced in order to make the sizes. We now wish to rewrite these equations in
units consistent. forms that are appropriate for solution using a
The friction factor may be calculated from a finite difference approach. In the present case
knowledge of the fluid Reynolds number using we will find it convenient to consider the reactor
the chart shown as Figure 13.2. Table 13.1 indi- as consisting of a series of elements of length
cates the friction factors that correspond to zero AL and employ these equations by incrementing
and 80% conversion for the three pipe sizes of the length. The following mole table may be
interest at two temperature levels. Examination prepared using stoichiometric principles.

Species molal flow rate

C3H8 (1 " JA)FA0 (21.14 + 0.02056T)(l - fA)FA0

C3H6 0.30OfAFAO (5.36 + 0.00494r)/A0
C2H6 0.065fAFAO (0.87 + 0.00l03T)fAFAO
C2H4 0.6675fAFAO (8.20 + 0.006827)/^^
CH 4 0.635fAFAO (4.43 + 0.00643T)LF^ 0
H2 0.300fAFAO (1.93 + 0.00025T)X,Fj4O
Total (1 + 0.9675fA)FAO [(21.14 + 0.02056T) - X,(0.35 + 0.00109T)]F^0
546 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design

Now, if we let
Lout = Lin + L (13.1.20)
the energy balance (equation 13.1.18) can be written as

qnD0AL = FA0 fT°ut(21.14 + 0.02056T) dT - FA0{fAin + AfA) f 7 ° ut (0.35 + 0.00109T) dT


- FA0 ( (21.14 + 0.02056T) dT - FA0(fA in) J T Q (0.35 + 0.00109T) dT

L ° J

_F ^^AfA (13.1.21)
Since AHRaiTo = 21,960 cal/g mole and the stoichiometric coefficient vA = - 1 , the last equation
can be written as

^ ° = fTom (21.14 + 0.02056T) dT - fAin fT°ut(0.35 + 0.00109T) dT
FAQ JTin jTi"

+ AfA I 21,960 - JTT°ut(0.35 + 0.001097) dT (13.1.22)

where one may recognize the term in brackets as the heat of reaction at the temperature of the fluid
leaving the length element. In this equation the units of T must be degrees Kelvin, and each term
must have the units of calories per gram mole.

FA0 = 7
°^(Q954) = 7.208 x 104 g moles/hr

q = 104 x 252 = 2.52 x 106 cal/hr-ft2
Thus, if Do is measured in inches and AL in feet,

FA0 7.208 x 104 \l2j ^ ^ ° g mole

With T o = 866.49 °K (1100 °F), equation 13.1.22 becomes
9.153DO AL = 21.14(Tout - Tin) + 0.01028(To2ut - Tfn)
- /4, n [0.35(T out - T ta ) + 5.45 x 10"4(To2ut - Tfnj]
+ A/tpl.960 - 0.35(Tout - 866.49) - 5.45 x l O ^ T i , - 866.492)] (13.1.23)
9.153DO AL = 21.14(Tout - Tln) + 0.01028(To2ut - T?n)
- L i n [0.35(T o u t - TJ + 5.45 x 10-4(To2m - T2,)]
+ A/^22,672 - 0.35Tout - 5.45 x 10- 4 T o 2 ut ] (13.1.24)
13.1 Pyrolysis of a Propane Feedstock 547

In order to provide a periodic check on the where P is measured in pounds per square inch
energy balance equation, one may use the form (absolute). Thus
of equation 13.1.18, which results from integra-
tion between the reactor inlet and a distance L (1 + 0.9615fA)TdfA
downstream where the fraction conversion is 0
1.040 x
J A out •
R a t TQJA out

Changes in the linear velocity arise from

variations in the molal volume of the reacting
fluid. Hence
where the Ft are the molal flow rates at L.
Use of the mole table employed previously u = uo(l (13.1.31)
and of appropriate numerical values gives

9A53DOL = 21.147 + 0.01028T2 - 26,036 - 0.35/^7

- 5.45 x \0~*T2fA + 22,672/4 (13.1.26)

This equation permits one to check the results where u0 is given by

after using equation 13.1.24 for several incre-
\r0 4(12.30)
ments to make sure that round-off errors are not u0 =
propagating to an excessive degree. n[
The volumetric flow rate of propane at the nt
reactor inlet is given by the product of the molal 2.255 x 10 3
flow rate, the molal volume of the gas at standard (13.1.32)
conditions, and the pressure and temperature
correction factors implied by the ideal gas law. where
D is measured in inches
SC rp p (13.1.27) u0 is expressed in feet per second
where the subscript sc denotes a standard con-
dition property. 2.255 x 103(60) 7
Hence D2(866.49) ( 1 + A

= 1.562 x 1 0 2 ( 1 + 5 A/A)
D 2 ~ (13.1.33)

= 4.43 x 10 4 ft 3 /hrol2.30ft 3 /sec (13.1.28) where

Combining equations 13.1.16 and 13.1.28 and T is measured in degrees Kelvin

inserting appropriate conversion factors to let P is measured in pounds per square inch
us measure D in inches and L in feet gives (absolute)

4(144)(12.30) -st 3.98 x
(1 + 0.9675/4)7(14.7) dfA
548 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design

The mass density p may be determined from Inspection of this equation indicates that the
the ideal gas law. pressure drop will be quite sensitive to the pipe
diameter employed. To minimize the pressure
P - drop, large tubes are desired, but the larger the
where pipe, the lower the heat transfer area per unit
M = 2>M,. (13.1.35) volume. The three specified pipe sizes have been
The various mole fractions may be determined chosen to illustrate the optimization problem.
from the ratio of individual effluent flow rates We are now prepared to carry out the calcula-
to the total effluent flow rate. (The necessary tions for a single length of each of these pipe
data was tabulated previously for use in analysis sizes. For hand calculations we have the neces-
of the heat capacity terms.) Thus sary relations in equations 13.1.24, 13.1.29, and

(1 - /4)(44.09) + (0.300/^(42.08) + (0.065)^(30.07)

M =
+ 0.6675/4(28.05) + 0.635/4(16.04) + 0.300/4(2.016)
(1 + 0.9675L
44.09 + 2.12 x l
1 + 0.9675/4

or within the accuracy of the data. 13.1.39. One manner in which we may proceed
44.09 for each size diameter is as follows.
M = (13.1.37)
1 + 0.9675/4 A. Choose a length increment AL.
Hence B. Assume a gas temperature at a distance L
P(44.09) from the reactor inlet and calculate an
9 = average gas temperature for the increment.
C. Assume an average gas pressure for the
2.283P increment.
( 1 1 U 8 )
(1 + 0.9675fA)T D. Determine the increment in the fraction
Combination of equations 13.1.19, 13.1.33, conversion within the length element by
and 13.1.38 and conversion of AP to pounds using a finite difference form of equation
per square inch gives 13.1.30.

0.9675/*) 7 l 2
2.283P2/* AL 1.562 x 10
AP =

= 2.883 x (13.1.39)
13.1 Pyrolysis of a Propane Feedstock 549

AfA = 1.040 x l O111^- 5 9 , 1 0 0 / 1 . 9 8 7 7 (13.1.40)

(1 + 0.9675/JT^

and iterating as necessary using an average

value of fA characteristic of the length
E. Check the assumed temperature using equa-
tion 13.1.24 to see if the same value of AfA
is obtained as in part D.
F. Check the assumed pressure using equation

The smaller the length element chosen, the

more accurate the results will be, but more work
will be involved. In the present case a length
increment of 20 ft will be employed for each
pipe size. Detailed calculations for the first few
segments of a nominal 4-in. pipe size are carried
out below. Table 13.2 summarizes the results
of the calculations for the 4-in. pipe size. Figure
13.3 indicates the temperature and pressure
profiles for this reactor.

First Increment.
A. Length = 20 ft.
B. Assume Tl = 885 °K 800
Tav = (866.49 + 885)/2 = 875.75 °K 100 200 300 400 500 600
Distance from inlet (ft)
C. Assume P av = 59.9 psia.
D. Use fA = 0 in equation 13.1.40 as a first Figure 13.3
estimate of an average value. Then, for a 4- Temperature and pressure profiles for pyrolysis
in. pipe with D = 4.026 in. reactor.

_ 1.040 x l o i V 5 9 ' 1 0 0 ^ 1 - 9 8 7 * 8 7 5 - 7 5 ^ ! - 0.00)59.9(4.026)2(20)

A 41 r
^ ~ [1 + 0.9675(0.00)]875.75

E. From equation 13.1.24, with fAin = 0.00 and Do = 4.500.

_ 9.153(4.500)(20) - 21.14(885 - 866.49) - 0.01028[(885)2 - (866.49)2]

Al =
' 22,672 - 0.35(885) - 5.45 x 10"4(885)2
= 4.522 x 10 - 3
550 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design

Table 13.2
Summary of Stepwise Calculations for 4-in. Pipe Pyrolysis Reactor

Distance at inlet Average Average" Effluent
Increment from inlet to element AT temperature pressure APa fraction
number (ft) (°K) (°K) (°K) (psia) (psia) A/ x 103 conversion

1 20 866.49 18.75 875.87 59.82 0.352 4.1 0.004

2 40 885.24 16.57 893.53 59.47 0.363 7.7 0.012
3 60 901.81 13.63 908.62 59.10 0.376 12.9 0.025
4 80 915.44 10.35 920.62 58.72 0.389 18.7 0.043
5 100 925.79 7.42 929.50 58.32 0.403 24.0 0.067
6 120 933.21 5.27 935.85 57.91 0.418 28.0 0.095
7 140 938.48 3.91 940.44 57.48 0.435 30.4 0.126
8 160 942.39 3.17 943.98 57.04 0.452 31.8 0.158
9 180 945.56 2.78 946.95 56.58 0.469 32.6 0.190
10 200 948.34 2.59 949.64 56.10 0.488 32.9 0.223
11 220 950.94 2.53 952.21 55.60 0.506 33.0 0.256
12 240 953.47 2.52 954.73 55.09 0.526 33.1 0.289
13 260 955.99 2.55 957.27 54.55 0.546 33.0 0.322
14 280 958.54 2.60 959.84 53.99 0.566 32.9 0.355
15 300 961.14 2.66 962.47 53.42 0.588 32.8 0.388
16 320 963.82 2.73 965.19 52.82 0.610 32.7 0.421
17 340 966.55 2.82 967.96 52.20 0.633 32.5 0.453
18 360 969.37 2.92 970.83 51.55 0.657 32.3 0.485
19 380 972.29 3.03 973.81 50.89 0.682 32.1 0.518
20 400 975.32 3.17 976.91 50.19 0.708 31.9 0.549
21 420 978.49 3.31 980.15 49.47 0.736 31.6 0.581
22 440 981.80 3.45 983.53 48.72 0.764 31.4 0.613
23 460 985.25 3.64 987.07 47.94 0.794 31.0 0.644
24 480 988.89 3.84 990.81 47.13 0.826 30.7 0.674
25 500 992.73 4.07 994.77 46.28 0.860 30.2 0.704
26 520 996.80 4.33 998.97 45.40 0.896 29.7 0.734
27 540 1001.13 4.63 1003.45 44.49 0.933 29.2 0.763
28 560 1005.76 4.99 1008.26 43.54 0.974 28.5 0.792
29 580 1010.75 5.40 1013.45 42.54 1.017 27.7 0.820
30 600 1016.15 5.89 1019.05 41.50 1.064 26.8 0.846
31 620 1022.04 6.47 1025.28 40.41 1.115 25.7 0.872
Where two columns appear to be inconsistent, round-off errors are responsible for the numerical discrepancies.
13.1 Pyrolysis of a Propane Feedstock 551

This result is not consistent with that obtained above, and a second iteration will be in order.
Examination of equations 13.1.40 and 13.1.24 indicates that the assumed temperature will have to
be increased to bring the two calculated values of AfA1 closer together. Since AfAl = fAl — 0.000,
we may use the preliminary estimates of AfA to calculate average values of fA in equation 13.1.40
(Xi.av — 2 x 10~3). First, however, we must check the assumed pressure using equation 13.1.39
w i t h / * = 0.0044.
AP - ( 2 - 883 x
1Q-3)]875.75(2O) _
10)(0-0044)[l + 0.9675(2 x 1Q)]875.75(2O)

Thus, P av = 60 - — - = 59.82.

For the second trial we may use our estimates of fA1 and P av as input and increase our assumed
value of Tl to 885.24 K.
B. Tav = (866.49 + 885.24)/2 = 875.865
D. From equation 13.1.40,
_ 1.040 x IO 1 V 5 9 ' 1 0 0 / [ ( 1 - 9 8 7 ) ( 8 7 5 - 8 6 5 ) 1 [l - 2.0 x 10-3](59.82)(4.026)2(20) _3
'A1 =
[1 + 0.9675(2.0 x 10"3)]875.865 = 4A 4
° * 10

E. From equation 13.1.24,

_ (9.153)(4.500)(20) - 21.14(885.24 - 866.49) - 0.01028[(885.24)2 - (866.49)2]
A1 =
' 22,672 - 0.35(885.24) - 5.45 x 10"4(885.24)2
= 4.092 x 10"
The two calculated values of AfA1 are in sufficient agreement that we may presume that our assumed
temperature is correct if our pressure drop calculations are also consistent with our assumed pressure.
F. From equation 13.1.39,
_ (2.883 x 102)(0.0044)[l + 0.9675(2.0 x 10"3)](875.865)(20)
~~ (4.026)559.82 ~ '
P out = 60 - 0.352 = 59.65
Average = 60 - 0.352/2 = 59.82 psia,
which is a consistent result. The pressure drop is relatively insensitive to changes in assumed properties;
this fact should be used in making the estimates of the pressure as one moves down the reactor.

Second Increment.
A. Length = 20 ft.
B. Assume T2 = 901.81 °K
Tav = (885.24 + 901.81)/2 = 893.525 °K
C. Assume P av = 59.82 - 0.35 = 59.47 psia.
D. Use fA = 0.008 as a first estimate of the average fraction conversion for the second increment in
552 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design

equation 13.1.40. Thus

1.040 x I O 1 1 ^ 5 9 ' 1 0 0 ^ 9 8 7 * 8 9 3 - 5 2 5 ^ ! _ 0.008)(59.47)(4.026)2(20)

A/42 = = 7.72 x 10~ 3
[1 + 0.9675(0.008)]893.525

112 x 10~3
/^average = 4-10 X 10" + ~ = 7.46 X 10~ 3

which is quite consistent with our first estimate considering the insensitivity of AfA2 to small pertur-
bations in the average fraction conversion for the increment.

E. From equation 13.1.24, v?ithfAin = 4.10 x 10~ 3 ,

9.153(4.500)(20) - 21.14(901.81 - 885.24) - 0.01028[(901.81)2 - (885.24)2]

+ (4.10 x 10~3){0.35(901.81 - 885.24) + 5.45 x 10"4[(901.81)2 - (885.24)2]}
22,672 - 0.35(901.81) - 5.45 x 10"4(901.81)2

A/42 = 7.72 x 10 - 3
so our assumed temperature is consistent thus far.
F. From equation 13.1.39,

2.883 x 102(0.0044)[l + 0.9675(7.46 x 10"3)](893.525)(20)

AP = = 0.363 psia
P av = 59.65 - — — - 59.47 psia

which is also consistent.

Therefore, periodically for error and to ensure that the ac-

cumulation of round-off error is not excessive.
T2 = 901.81 °K
No problems of this type were encountered.
p2 = 59.65 - 0.36 = 59.29 psia This design meets the specifications with regard
f2 = 4.10 x 10" 3 + 7.72 x 10" 3 to the maximum permissible temperature and
= 11.82 x 10~ 3 the required outlet pressure.
One may now proceed in the same fashion to
One could iterate using these values as initial determine the temperature, pressure, and frac-
estimates of the properties, but the results would tion conversion profiles for the 2-in. and 6-in.
not change within the accuracy of the other pipes. For the former case D = 2.067 in. and
parameters employed. Do = 2.375 in.; for the latter D = 6.065 in. and
One may proceed downstream in similar Do = 6.625 in. The results for the 6-in. case are
fashion. The results of such calculations are summarized in Table 13.3. For this case the
summarized in Table 13.2. It is advisable to use pressure drop is minimal and the effluent tem-
an equation like 13.1.26 to check the calculations perature is below the stated limit. For the 2-in.
13.1 Pyrolysis of a Propane Feedstock 553

Table 13.3
Summary of Stepwise Calculations for 6-in. Pipe Pyrolysis Reactor

Distance at inlet Average Average Effluent
Increment from inlet to element AT temperature pressure AP fraction
number (ft) (°K) (CK) (CK) (psia) psia A / x 103 conversion

1 20 866.49 25.09 879.04 59.98 0.046 10.44 0.010

2 40 891.58 18.29 900.73 59.93 0.047 22.26 0.033
3 60 909.87 11.12 915.43 59.88 0.050 35.13 0.068
4 80 920.99 6.38 924.18 59.83 0.052 43.75 0.112
5 100 927.37 4.26 929.50 59.78 0.054 47.64 0.159
6 120 931.63 3.47 933.37 59.72 0.057 49.10 0.208
7 140 935.10 3.26 936.73 59.66 0.059 49.49 0.258
8 160 938.36 3.25 939.99 59.60 0.062 49.51 0.307
9 180 941.61 3.33 943.28 59.54 0.065 49.39 0.357
10 200 944.94 3.44 946.66 59.47 0.067 49.19 0.406
11 220 948.38 3.59 950.18 59.41 0.070 48.93 0.455
12 240 951.97 3.77 953.86 59.33 0.073 48.61 0.503
13 260 955.74 3.99 957.74 59.26 0.075 48.21 0.552
14 280 959.73 4.25 961.86 59.18 0.078 47.74 0.599
15 300 963.98 4.57 966.27 59.10 0.081 47.15 0.647
16 320 968.55 4.97 971.04 59.02 0.084 46.43 0.693
17 340 973.52 5.47 976.26 58.93 0.087 45.53 0.738
18 360 978.99 6.09 982.04 58.85 0.090 44.38 0.783
19 380 985.08 6.90 988.53 58.75 0.092 42.87 0.826
20 400 991.98 7.98 995.97 58.66 0.095 40.88 0.867

Where two columns appear to be inconsistent, round-off errors are responsible for the numerical discrepancy.

reactor the pressure drop exceeds the stated Table 13.4

limit in the first 60 ft of reactor length. The Summary of Design Parameters for 4 and 6-in.
conversion achieved therein is less than 1%. The Pipe Pyrolysis Reactors
pressure drop problem could be circumvented
Parameter 4-in. reactor 6-in. reactor
by using many short tubes in parallel with much
lower velocities within a given tube, but we will Length (ft) 620 400
not consider this option. Only the 4-in. and Internal volume (ft3) 54.8 80.3
6-in. reactors will be considered further. Table Weight of pipes (lb) 6690 7588
13.4 summarizes some key parameter values for Pressure drop (psi) 19.59 1.34
these two reactors. Effluent temperature (°K) 1028.51 999.96
Both pipe sizes give reactors that are satis- Effluent temperature (CF) 1391.6 1340.2
factory from the standpoint of pressure drop Effluent conversion 0.872 0.867
and effluent temperature. Although the 4-in. Reactor space time (sec) 4.46 6.53
reactor must be longer to achieve the desired
conversion, it requires significantly less volume, much less heat transfer surface per unit of reactor
and this is an important consideration in the volume; this fact implies that a proportionately
design of a pyrolysis furnace. The 6-in. pipe has larger volume will be required. On the basis of
554 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design

these considerations, the 4-in. pipe size is to be For a discussion of modern methods of olefin
preferred. It represents an engineering com- manufacture by pyrolysis, consult the paper by
promise between the high surface area/volume Ennis and co-workers (5).
ratio characteristic of small pipe sizes and the
low pressure drop associated with large pipe
The length of the reactor is comparable in VIA THE CATALYTIC OXIDATION OF
magnitude to that of units that have been em- NAPHTHALENE IN A FIXED BED REACTOR
ployed commercially, and it is smaller than
many. If desired, the other process parameters This problem treats some aspects of the design
could be changed, reducing the required length of a fixed bed reactor for a case where selectivity
somewhat (e.g., one could design the furnace to and safety considerations are very important.
give a somewhat higher heat flux, operate at a
different inlet pressure, or use parallel combina- 13.2.1 Charge to Design Engineer:
tions of reactors). The calculational technique
used in generating the numbers in Tables 13.2 To: Kem Inguneer
to 13.4 may be used to accomplish the necessary From: Barney Boss
calculations. The equations are readily adapt- Re: Design Specifications for Phthalic Anhydride
able to machine computation and the latter Production in a Fixed Bed Reactor
route is preferable to hand calculations in A proposed expansion of the corporation's vinyl
seeking an overall optimum design. Figure 13.4 plastics operation will require a commitment by
is a flow diagram for a program that could be the company to produce its own plasticizer.
used in machine computations to determine Our long range planning group has suggested
composition and temperature profiles from that 6 million pounds per year of new phthalic
equations 13.1.40, 13.1.24, and 13.1.39. For anhydride capacity would meet our internal
machine computation one could use signifi- needs and projected increases in demand from
cantly smaller length increments than those em- current customers.
ployed in the numerical calculations of this Either naphthalene or ortho-xylene is an
section. The accuracy of the results could acceptable starting material for partial oxida-
thereby be improved. Nonetheless, the numbers tion to phthalic anhydride, but current raw
presented in Tables 13.2 and 13.3 provide good materials costs favor the former as a starting
estimates of the required lengths of 4- and 6-in. material. Both fixed and fluidized bed processes
pipe. One must recognize that the pressure drop have been used on a commercial scale, but you
that would be associated with U-bends in the are to focus your attention on the former.
piping has not been taken into account. Greater Figure 13.5 is a schematic flow diagram of the
improvements in accuracy can be achieved by proposed process. Most research groups that
allowing for this factor in the hand calculations have studied the catalytic oxidation of naph-
than can be achieved by going to shorter-length thalene over vanadium pentoxide agree that the
segments in the machine computations. principal reactions are

maleic anhydride
naphthalene ^ (13.2.1)
CO 2 , H 2 O

phthalic anhydride''

Read data, specify design

parameters, etc.

, T,P
for this

Decrease size of increment.

Disregard all calculations
for A/, AT, AP. L =



Figure 13.4
Generalized flow sheet for simulation of pyrolysis reactor by machine com-

556 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design

Steam Steam
Heat transfer oil Water
Naphthalene Condensate Waste heat
Air boiler

phthalic (maleic, benzoic,
anhydride toluic acids)

Figure 13.5
Schematic diagram of phthalic anhydride production process. (Adapted from P. Ellwood, Chemical Engineer-
ing, June 2, 1969, pp. 81-82. Used with permission of Chemical Engineering.)

However, in order to design a reactor for immersed in a liquid heat transfer medium to
phthalic anhydride production, the reaction rate , give the desired results. A thorough analysis
constants for the temperature range of interest will require a study of the effects of tube diameter
are such that the following simplified set of on system performance but, for preliminary de-
reactions has been suggested as appropriate sign calculations, 2-in. diameter tubes are to be
(6, 7). employed. Cracking reactions begin to be sig-
naphthalene -• phthalic anhydride -> CO 2 , H 2 O nificant at about 673 °K, and the system should
not have any hot spots that exceed this tem-
(13.2.2) perature.^
The reactions are highly exothermic and very The necessity of avoiding potentially explo-
rapid. Consequently conventional practice in sive conditions requires that the mole percent
the design of fixed1 bed reactors for phthalic naphthalene in the feed be kept below 1%. It is
anhydride production has been based on the suggested that preliminary design calculations
use of multitube reactors to ensure good heat be based on a feed composition of 0.75 mole
transfer and good temperature control. These percent naphthalene (remainder air).
are required to ensure good selectivity. Often a Most commercial multitube reactors provide
thousand or more small diameter tubes may be the necessary cooling capacity through the use
13.2 Phthalic Anhydride Production Via the Catalytic Oxidation of Naphthalene in a Fixed Bed Reactor 557

of a molten salt that circulates around the throughout the reactor length at the feed tem-
reactor tubes and then to an external heat ex- perature. Determine the required reactor length
changer that can be used for the generation of and temperature and composition profiles for
high-pressure steam. It may be assumed that each case. Obviously there will be a trade-off
proper heat transfer equipment is available such between the number of tubes employed and the
that there is no substantial increment in the required reactor length. For present purposes
temperature of the heat transfer medium across assume that 1000 schedule 40, 2-in. stainless
the reactor. steel tubes will be used to handle 6 million lb/yr
It is known that high mass velocities are to of naphthalene feed. Use a one-dimensional
be employed within the reactor tubes to mini- model of the fixed bed reactor. The calculations
mize heat and mass transfer limitations on the should be terminated when one exceeds 99%
catalytic reaction rates. It is also known that conversion, when the pressure drops below
the effectiveness factors for the catalysts com- 1 atm, or when the temperature at any point in
monly employed often differ appreciably from the reactor exceeds 673 °K.
Your assignment is to use the data and as- Data Summary and Permissable Assumptions.
sumptions listed below to prepare a preliminary There are a number of groups that have at-
reactor design in which particular emphasis is tempted to simulate fixed bed performance for
placed on the variation of the maximum yield of this reaction system (7-9). Many of the data
phthalic anhydride with feed temperature. below have been taken from these sources.
The reactor inlet pressure may be taken as
25 psia. Consider feed temperatures of 630, 640, Reaction Stoichiometry and Thermodynamic
650, and 660° K. In each case assume that the Data. The stoichiometry of the reactions of
heat transfer medium maintains the tube walls interest may be represented as:

+ 4.5O2 O + 2CO 2 + 2H 2 O (13.2.3)

C 1 0 H 8 + 4.5O2 - ^ C 8 H 4 O 3 + 2CO 2 + 2H 2 O (13.2.3)

O + 7.5O2 -^-> 8CO 2 + 2H 2 O (13.2.4)

C8H4O3 7.5O2 8CO 2 + 2H 2 O (13.2.4)
558 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design

The second of these reactions may not go to Under these conditions the mole fraction
completion, and the incomplete combustion oxygen will drop from 0.2084 to 0.1636, which
may yield maleic anhydride, benzoic acid, CO, represents a decrease of 21.5% or a variation
or other compounds as by-products. of ± 12.1%. At lower conversions the difference
There is considerable variation in the heat will be even less substantial.
of reaction data employed in different articles Because the feed is primarily air and because
in the literature that deals with this reaction. substantial amounts of N 2 and O 2 are present
Cited values differ by more than an order of in the effluent stream, we will assume that the
magnitude. If we utilize heat of combustion heat capacity of the reactant mixture may be
data for naphthalene and phthalic anhydride taken as that of air at 630° K (0.255 cal/g-°K).
and correct for the fact that water will be a gas The variations of the heat capacity with tem-
instead of a liquid at the conditions of interest, perature and pressure may be neglected.
we find that for the first reaction (equation The Prandtl number of the fluid may be
13.2.3) the standard enthalpy change will be taken as 0.79.
approximately — 429 kcal/g mole; for the second
reaction it will be approximately — 760 kcal/g Kinetic Data and Catalyst Data. The simpli-
mole. These values will be used as appropriate fied reactions indicated by equation 13.2.2 may
for the temperature range of interest. Any be assumed on the basis of arguments set forth
variation of these parameters with temperature by DeMaria et al. (8). For the catalyst employed
may be neglected. by this research group, pseudo first-order ki-
For the case where the inlet naphthalene netics are followed by each of the two reactions,
concentration is below the explosion limit and with
where one is successful in producing phthalic
anhydride in commercial yields, the mole frac- k, = 5.74 x I 0 1 3 6 ' - 3 8 ' 0 0 0 / K r s e c - 1 (13.2.5)
tion oxygen in the reactant gases remains rela-
tively constant. This point is readily seen by k2 = 2.19 (13.2.6)
the construction of a mole table for a feed
containing 0.75% naphthalene, of which 80% where T is expressed in degrees Kelvin and R
reacts to give phthalic anhydride and the re- in calories per gram mole-degree Kelvin. Both
mainder goes to CO 2 . reactions may be regarded as irreversible.

Basis: 100 moles of feed

Feed moles Effluent

and/or mole Effluent Mole
Species percent Moles percent

Naphthalene 0.75 0 0
Nitrogen 0.79(99.25) = 78.41 78.41 78.53
Phthalic anhydride 0 0.8(0.75) = 0.60 0.60
CO 2 0 2(0.8)(0.75) + 10(0.2)(0.75) = 2.70 2.70
H2O 0 2(0.8)(0.75) + 4(0.2)(0.75) = 1.80 1.80
Oxygen 0.21(99.25) = 20.84 20.84 - |(0.60) - 2.70 - 1(1.80) = 16.34 16.36
Total 100.0 99.85 99.85 99.99
13.2 Phthalk Anhydride Production Via the Catalytic Oxidation of Naphthalene in a Fixed Bed Reactor 559

The units on the rate constants reported by The overall heat transfer coefficient for ther-
DeMaria et al. indicate that they are based on mal energy exchange between the tube wall and
pseudo homogeneous rate expressions (i.e., the the reacting fluid may be taken as 1.0 x
product of a catalyst bulk density and a reaction 10~ 3 cal/cm2-sec-°K. The effective thermal con-
rate per unit mass of catalyst). It may be assumed ductivity of the catalyst pellets may be taken as
that these relations pertain to the intrinsic equal to 6.5 x 10~ 4 cal/(sec-cm-°C).
reaction kinetics in the absence of any heat or
mass transfer limitations.
13.2.2 Solution
The catalyst consists of V 2 O 5 supported on
silica gel with K 2 SO 4 and other promoters also The design of a fixed bed reactor for phthalic
present. The physical property values tabulated anhydride production in terms of a one-dimen-
below are typical of the low or intermediate sional model involves only the integration of a
surface area supports that one might expect to set of ordinary differential equations. In the
use in this application. DeMaria et al. (8) did general case for the consecutive reactions of
not report data of these types for their catalyst. interest, the reaction selectivity will depend on
several process variables. A thorough design
Pellet shape—spherical analysis would require an investigation of the
Pellet diameter = 0.318 cm effects of variations in inlet temperature, coolant
Vg = 0.26 cm 3 /g temperature, tube diameter, catalyst pellet size,
mass velocity through the tubes as influenced
Sg = 80 m 2 /g by the number of tubes, system pressure, and
Bulk density = 0.84 g/cm3 the feed composition on the variation of com-
Skeletal density = 2.2 g/cm 3 position and temperature with bed length. One
Bed porosity BB = 0.40 should also investigate the sensitivity of the
results to uncertainties in the wall heat transfer
Pellet porosity £p = 0.364 coefficient, reaction activation energies, etc. For
this highly exothermic reaction, an investigation
One need not worry about the problem of
of a two-dimensional model of the reactor
catalyst deactivation for this reaction. Many
would also be appropriate. We will restrict our
process descriptions quote lifetimes of 3 years
discussion to variations of the reactor inlet
or more.
temperature for the case where the coolant is
maintained at this temperature. Space limita-
Transport Properties. Because the feed is pri- tions preclude our study of the influence of other
marily air and because substantial amounts of variables, but the method discussed below can
N 2 and O 2 are present in the effluent stream, be used to determine the one-dimensional model
we will assume that the fluid viscosity is that predictions of reactor performance for varia-
of air for purposes of pressure drop calculations. tions in other process parameters.
For the temperature range of interest, the fluid One of the first things that should be done
viscosity may be taken as equal to 320 micro- in the analysis is to determine if pressure varia-
poise. The pressure range of interest does not tions along the length of a reasonable-size
extend to levels where variations of viscosity reactor will be significant for the specified
with pressure need be considered. The effective operating conditions. This will require a knowl-
diffusivities of naphthalene and phthalic anhy- edge of the superficial mass velocity through the
dride in the catalyst pellet may be evaluated tubes. This quantity may be calculated from
using the techniques developed in Section 12.2. the tube dimensions and the inlet flow rate and
560 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design

composition. The molal flow rate of naphthalene

is equal to

m o l e s
6,000,000^ x 4 5 4 1 x -?L- x ** x^ _ x | _ _ = 0.6740^^

Per tube the molal flow rate of naphthalene is The fluid density at inlet conditions may be
then 6.740 x 10 ~ 4 g moles/sec. The total inlet calculated from the ideal gas law
molal flow rate is equal to 0.6740/0.0075, or
89.86 g moles/sec. The average molecular weight 9 = (13.2.9)
of the feed is given by

M = Y*iMi = (0.0075)(128.16) + (0.2084)(32.00) + 0.7841(28.00) = 29.58 (13.2.7)

The total mass flow rate is then 29.58(89.86) = If we consider the case where T — 630 °K, then
2658 g/sec or 2.658 kg/sec. For 1000 tubes in 25
parallel the available cross section for flow is
given by 14.696/
I (29.58)
9 = - 9.73 x 10- 4 g/cm 3
- 23.30 f t 2 ^ 2.165 m 2 (13.2.10)
Since G = up, the fluid velocity at inlet condi-
tions is then
The mass velocity is then 2.658/2.165 or
1.228 kg/m2-sec or 0.1228 g/cm2-sec. G 0.1228
The modified Reynolds number based on the u =— = r r = 126 cm/sec =c= 1.26 m/sec
p 9.73 x 10
catalyst pellet diameter of 1/8 in. or 0.318 cm (13.2.11)
is then
The pressure drop through the packed bed
reactor is governed by the Ergun equation dis-
M cussed earlier as equation 12.7.4.

(0.318 cm)(0.1228 g cm~2-sec~ 150(1 -eB)

+ 1.75
320 x 10~ 6 gcm" 1 -sec" 1 G2 \LJ\l-sBJ (D*G/fi)
= 122 (13.2.8)
which can be written in differential form as
which indicates that the flow regime is some-
what beyond the point where it undergoes a _d^ G2 (1 - eB) ri50(l - eB)+ x? 5

transition from laminar to turbulent conditions JL D*p £B3 |_ (D*G/JJ)

(NRe = 40). (13.2.13)
13.2 Phthalic Anhydride Production Via the Catalytic Oxidation of Naphthalene in a Fixed Bed Reactor 561

The density may be eliminated using equation in the single pore model of a catalyst particle.
13.2.9 to give The Knudsen diffusivity is given by equation
d& = G2RT(1 ~ eB) riSO(l -aB) 1
dL D*PM sB3 |_ (D*G/fi) ' J DK = 9.7 x 103r /— (13.2.17)
(13.2.14) 2V
where r = —- for the cylindrical pore model.
Substitution of numerical values gives

(0.1228)2(8.31 x 107)T(l - 0.4) [150(1 - 0.4)

+ 1.75 (13.2.15)
dL (0.318)P(29.58)(0.4)3 122
= 3.107 x 1 0 6 -

where Thus
0* and P are expressed in dynes per square
centimeter r = = 6.5 x 1 0 " 7 c m ^ 6 5 A ^ 6 . 5 n m
80 x 10
L is expressed in centimeters (13.2.18)
T is expressed in degrees Kelvin. and
The inlet pressure of 25 psia corresponds to
1.724 x 106 dynes/cm2. Thus, when the inlet DK = 9.7 x 103(6.5 x
temperature is 630 °K, the pressure gradient at
the start of the bed is equal to (13.2.19)

(3.107 x 106)(630)/(1.724 x 106) At the reactor inlet where T = 630° K,

or 1135 dynes/cm . In more conventional engi-
neering units this is equivalent to 0.502 psi/ft or DK = (9.7 x 103)(6.5 x 10" 7
3.42 x 10" 2 atm/ft. The magnitude of this
parameter and the range of other process vari- = 1.40 x 10" 2 cm 2 /sec
ables indicates that we will be restricted to
relatively short reactors. This in turn implies For naphthalene in air the ordinary molecular
that we may neglect hydrostatic head effects diffusivity may be evaluated using a pseudo
for this gaseous system and equate 0* with P. binary approach and the methods outlined in
Hence, Reid and Sherwood (10). For an inlet tempera-
dP T ture of 630 °K and an inlet pressure of 25 psia,
-— = 3.107 x 1 0 6 - (13.2.16) the result is

At this point it is instructive to consider the DAB = 0.0680 cm2/sec (13.2.21)

possible presence of intraparticle and external The combined diffusivity is given by equation
mass and heat transfer limitations using the 12.2.8:
methods developed in Chapter 12. In order to
evaluate the catalyst effectiveness factor we first 1
need to know the combined diffusivity for use V»K + V»A DA DK
562 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design

Thus exothermic, and it is desirable to evaluate the en-

ergy generation function /? of equation 12.3.108
0.0680(1.40 x
to determine if the pellet conditions depart sub-
0.0680 + 1.40 stantially from isothermality.
The average pore length is given by equation (13.2.30)
12.3.3 as
To employ this relation one needs to estimate
a tortuosity factor in order to convert the com-
= Dp/6 = 0.318/6 = 0.053 cm bined diffusivity to an effective diffusivity by
equation 12.2.9. If we assume a value of 3, then
(13.2.24) @cep (0.0116)(0.364)
The reaction rate constants were reported on
an effective volume basis. To convert to a unit
= 1.41 x 10" 3 cm7sec (13.2.31)
surface area basis, the following relation must
be employed. and, for the first reaction in the sequence at the
kv = k"SgpB (13.2.25) reactor inlet, where C o = Y0(p/M),

9.73 x 1(T
( + 429,000)(1.41 x 10" )(0.0075)V 29.58
= 3.64 x 10" 4 (13.2.32)
(6.5 x l(T 4 )(630)

Thus This parameter is also equal to the ratio of the

maximum possible temperature difference be-
5.74 x
tween the center of the pellet and the external
(80 x 104)(0.84) surface to the external surface temperature. Thus
= 8.54 X 10V38,000/(1.987T) (13.2.26)
AT max = 630(3.64 x 10~4) = 0.23 °K
At an inlet temperature of 630 °K, (13.2.33)
k'{ = 5.60 x 10" 6 cm/sec (13.2.27) The magnitude of this parameter indicates that
From equation 12.3.11, at 630 °K, we may neglect temperature variations within
the pellet and use the isothermal effectiveness
12 2(5.60 x 10~6)(0.053)2
(13.2.28) factor relation in our analysis.
(6.5 x 10"7)(0.0116)
tanh hT
or (13.2.34)
hT = 2.04 (13.2.29) n=
From Figure 12.2 it is evident that the catalyst The astute reader will note that we have cal-
effectiveness factor for isothermal operation will culated jS on the assumption that only the first
be approximately 0.47. At higher temperatures reaction in the sequence is significant. One could
the effectiveness factor will be smaller because modify the analysis by employing an effective
the rate constant will increase more rapidly with AH that incorporated the energy release by the
temperature than will the combined diffusivity. second reaction in the sequence. This would have
However, the reactions in question are quite the effect of increasing AT max somewhat but, if
13.2 Phthalic Anhydride Production Via the Catalytic Oxidation of Naphthalene in a Fixed Bed Reactor 563

phthalic anhydride is the dominant product transfer coefficient between the catalyst surface
species and yields are in excess of 70%, the as- and the bulk fluid is given by
sumption of an isothermal pellet is a good one.
hP = j H (13.2.39)
Furthermore, /? will diminish as one moves
through the reactor, since C o will decrease as one or
proceeds downstream. In any event we will pre- hP = (0.159(0.255)(0.1228)(0.79)~2/3
sume throughout the remainder of our analysis = 5.83 x 10~ 3 cal/(cm 2 -sec-°K)
that the pellets are isothermal.
Since our calculations indicate that intra-
particle mass transfer limitations are significant, At steady state the rate of mass transfer must
we must now consider the possibility that tem- equal the reaction rate and, if one neglects the
perature and concentration differences will exist change in the number of moles on reaction, the
between the bulk fluid and the external surface drift factor may be taken as unity. Thus
of the catalyst. Appropriate mass and heat trans-
fer coefficients must therefore be determined. KACUES ~ Q> m = vtrm (13.2.41)
At the Reynolds number of interest, equation where am is the gross external surface area of the
12.4.10 indicates that catalyst pellets per unit mass. Now for spherical
pellets with a pellet porosity of 0.364 and a
0.357 0.357
JH = JD = = 0.159 skeletal density of 2.2.
0.4(122) 0 3 5 9
(13.2.35) nDl 6

The Schmidt and Prandtl numbers must be Pskeletal(l ~

evaluated in order to be able to determine con-
centration and temperature differences between (13.2.42)
the bulk fluid and the external surface of the Thus
catalyst. The Schmidt number for naphthalene
in the mixture may be evaluated using the = 13 48
ordinary molecular diffusivity employed earlier, 2.2(0.318)(l - 0.364)
the viscosity of the mixture, and the fluid density. (13.2.43)
320 x 10" The reaction rate per unit mass at the reactor
= 4.84
AB (9.73 x 10~4)(0.068) inlet is given by
ni r
(13.2.36) (13.2.44)
From the definition of the mass transfer factor
Thus, for naphthalene with vt = - 1 ,

~ (13.2.37) K,N(CN,B — CN,Es)amPB = ^ I ^ V E S (13.2.45)

0.1228 2 3
CNB rjk1 + kCfNampB
Q_, 1n ^)(4.84)- ' (0.l59)
At the reactor inlet
y. ID X J. \J J
k, = 5.74 x i o 1 3 e - 3 8 ' 0 0 0 / ( 1 - 9 8 7 ) ( 6 3 0 )
= 7.02 cm/sec (13.2.38)
= 3.76 s e c " J
From the definition of the jH factor the heat
564 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design

Thus The corresponding temperature difference is

V,£S 7.02(13.48)(0.84) 7.02(-429,000)(5.37 x 10" 9 )
(0.47X3.76) + (7.02)(l 3.48)(0.84) TES -
5.83 x 1 0 ~ 3 ( - l )
79 5 2.77 °K (13.2.51)
- 0.978
1.77 + 79.5 (13.2.47)
This estimate of the temperature difference
This ratio is sufficiently large that we may call
might be expected to be somewhat on the low
it unity for purposes of determining the required
side in that it is based on the enthalpy change for
reactor size. The errors associated with assuming
just the first reaction in the sequence and does
that for the cases of interest there will not be
not include the effect of the energy released by
significant differences between bulk fluid and
further oxidation of phthalic anhydride to CO 2
external surface concentrations will be small
and H 2 O. On the other hand, it is evaluated at
compared to other sources of error, particularly
the reactor inlet where the reactant concentra-
the errors inherent in the use of a one-dimen-
tion is highest, so that in this sense it represents
sional model.
a quasimaximum value. The magnitude of the
Now let us consider the possibility that there
effect is such that it is debatable as to whether or
will be a significant temperature difference be-
not one should retain it for purposes of the de-
tween the bulk fluid and the external surface of
sign analysis. For the naphthalene oxidation re-
the catalyst pellet. Equation 12.5.6 indicates that
action at approximately 630 K a two degree
the temperature and concentration gradients
temperature difference corresponds to a differ-
external to the particle are related as follows :
ence in rate constants of about 10%. For the
B ~ CN ES) phthalic anhydride reaction the effect gives only
about a 5% difference. We have previously de-
veloped the relations by which such temperature
gradients may be determined and used in a reac-
tor design analysis. However, the inclusion of
where the lower term in parentheses is the drift such effects clearly increases the labor involved
factor. For present purposes it may be taken as in the design analysis; for purposes of preparing
unity. a preliminary estimate of the effects of variations
Now the bulk fluid naphthalene concentra- in the fluid inlet temperature on temperature
tion at the reactor inlet is given by and conversion profiles, it is appropriate to
(9.73 x 10~4) neglect temperature differences between the bulk
^N,B = ~jf = (0.0075) fluid and the catalyst surface. In a more refined
analysis, perhaps with a two-dimensional model,
= 2.47 x " 7 g moles/cm3 the temperature difference should be taken into
(13.2.49) account.
The concentration difference is then In summary, our analysis indicates that intra-
particle temperature gradients and external con-
centration gradients are clearly negligible while
intraparticle concentration gradients are clearly
= 2.47 x 10~ 7 (1 - 0.978) significant. External temperature gradients do
exist, but they are small.
= 5.37 x 10" 9 g moles/cm3 If we consider a differential length element of
(13.2.50) our packed bed reactor (AX) and neglect the
13.2 Phthalic Anhydride Production Via the Catalytic Oxidation of Naphthalene in a Fixed Bed Reactor 565

axial dispersion term, a material balance on naphthalene gives the following expression.

-AFN = nk,CN (~ ) AX (13.2.52)


FN0 AfN = AXCN0 ~ /w)av (13.2.53)

av 0

where we have recognized that changes in system pressure and temperature influence the reactant
concentration through equation 3.1.44. We have, however, assumed that since the reactants are so
dilute, the volume expansion parameter 3 may be taken as approximately zero. Thus


At any time the naphthalene concentration is



ACN = A fc (13.2.56)

Equation 12.3.149 relates the cnanges in phthalic anhydride and naphthalene concentrations in
the gas phase

ACN 3N V PA tanh hT
- 1 - 1

where CPA and CN are the local concentrations of phthalic anhydride and naphthalene, respectively.
The diffusivity parameters take into account both knudsen diffusion and ordinary molecular diffusion.
The inlet naphthalene concentration can be determined from the ideal gas law

yN0P0 0.0075 V14.696/ (1.555 x 10" 4 )

g moles/cm3 (13.2.58)
RT0 82.06 T o
566 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design

and equations 13.2.56 and 13.2.57 then permit one to determine the naphthalene and phthalic anhydride
concentrations at all points in the reactor by stepwise integration processes.
In order to use these equations, however, the local temperatures and pressures must be known.
Equation 13.2.16 can be used to evaluate the latter parameter, while an energy balance on the reacting
fluid gives the temperature. If the temperature difference between the bulk fluid and the external
surface of the catalyst pellets is neglected for the reasons noted earlier, the energy balance on the
reacting fluid can be written as:

Sensible heat change = energy gain by heat transfer through walls

+ energy effect accompanying reaction

Cpm(Tout - Tin) = hwnD(AX)(Tw - T.J - pB {^-\ AX(rlm AH, + r2m AH2)


where rlm and r2m are the rates of reactions 1 and 2 per unit mass of catalyst.
The rate of the first reaction is readily calculated from simple material balance considerations on
our differential length element

FN = (FN + AFN) + rlmpB ^ - AX (13.2.60)

-AFN FN0(AfN) / n , , n

Now, at any point in the reactor,

"Qv ~rlm r


r l w AH, + r2mAH2 = rml \AH, + (l

= rnl I (AH{ + AH2) + AH2d^\ (13.2.64)

Combining equations 13.2.59, 13.2.61 and 13.2.64 gives

C,;m(Toul - Tln) = hwnDAX(Tw - TJ - F^AMAH, + AH2)

13.2 Phthalic Anhydride Production Via the Catalytic Oxidation of Naphthalene in a Fixed Bed Reactor 567

Equations 13.2.16, 13.2.54, 13.2.56, 13.2.57, machine computation, but it is a straightforward

and 13.2.65 constitute the set of relations that programming problem that can be handled by
must be satisfied simultaneously within the vol- most students with some experience in this area.
ume element. One manner in which these equa- If differences in temperature between the bulk
tions may be employed in stepwise fashion to fluid and the external surface of the catalyst
determine temperature and concentration pro- were considered, the programming task would
files is as follows. be somewhat more difficult, but it still would
be within the capabilities of many chemical
1. Calculate the average pressure characteristic engineering undergraduates.
of the length increment using the pressure The types of results that will be achieved are
drop equation 13.2.16 and property values shown in Figures 13.6 and 13.7.
characteristic of the previous length incre- Figure 13.6 indicates that very large tempera-
ment. This parameter is relatively insensitive ture gradients exist near the beginning of the
to the slight changes in fluid temperature bed and that the higher the inlet temperature,
and pressure expected for normal operating the greater the difference between this tempera-
conditions. ture and the maximum temperature achieved
2. Assume a temperature characteristic of the in the bed. Catalyst effectiveness factor profiles
fluid leaving the volume element. mirror the temperature profiles in an opposite
3. Calculate an average temperature for the
volume element.
4. Determine the effectiveness factor for the 680

first reaction based on the average tempera-

5. Calculate the increment in the fraction naph-
thalene consumed using equation 13.2.54.
6. Calculate the changes in naphthalene and
phthalic anhydride concentrations using
equations 13.2.56 and 13.2.57.
7. Determine the temperature of the fluid
leaving the volume element using the overall
energy balance (13.2.65) and compare this
result with the initial assumption.
8. Iterate as necessary until satisfactory agree-
ment is obtained.
During the course of these calculations it is
obviously necessary to employ property values
characteristic of the volume element in question.
Rate constants are extremely sensitive to tem- To = 63CTK

perature variations; diffusivities will vary as

T 1 / 2 or T 3/2 , depending on whether Knudsen or 630 I I I I I I I I
ordinary bulk diffusion dominates. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Numerical values may be substituted into the Reactor length (m)

equations indicated in order to determine Figure 13.6

temperature and composition profiles along the Temperature profiles for various inlet temperatures
length of the reactor. Obviously this is a task for (wall temperature = inlet temperature).
568 Illustrative Problems in Reactor Design

2.5 feed composition, number of tubes, etc., on the

yields obtained and the optimum reactor length.
One could also take into account temperature
differences between the bulk fluid and the
external surface of the catalyst or could employ
a more sophisticated two-dimensional model of
the reactor. What is most significant about the
results of such calculations is not the absolute
value of the numbers resulting from such
analyses, but the steady-state response of the
reactor to changes in process parameters. They
permit one to study the relative influence on
conversion and yield of variations in negotiable
parameters such as feed temperature, pellet
size, tube diameter, and Reynolds number, and
thereby suggest to the reactor analyst measures
that can be taken to enhance reactor perfor-
Froment (9) and Carberry and White (7) have
demonstrated that for the reactions in question
the results obtained are sensitive to variations
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 in the wall heat transfer coefficient, reaction
Reactor length (m)
activation energies, and feed composition. Con-
Figure 13.7 sequently, one must regard the absolute numbers
Phthalic anhydride concentration profile for two obtained from these analyses as suspect and
wall temperatures. must provide adequate safety factors in the
design. The presence of both heat and mass
sense. The highest effectiveness factors are transfer limitations on reaction rates introduces
observed at the lowest temperatures and vice significant possibilities for error into the analy-
versa. For the conditions cited the effectiveness sis, because the heat and mass transfer coeffi-
factors are all significantly less than unity, cients, effective diffusivities, and thermal con-
indicating the significance of intraparticle mass ductivities are seldom known with a high degree
transfer limitations on observed conversion of accuracy. Indeed, in systems such as this
rates. there is no substitute for experimental data
The yields predicted by the equations given (perhaps of the single tube type) to facilitate the
above are considerably higher than would be design procedure.
expected in commercial reactors because of the I have found the above problem useful as the
simplifications we have made in the reaction basis for a case study in a graduate course in
kinetics. In industrial practice one expects chemical reactor design. The students (alone or
yields to be around 0.85 lb phthalic anhydride/lb in groups) carry out systematic studies of
naphthalene fed. Typical reactor lengths for changes in process variables and in the physical
commercial scale facilities are about 5 m. configuration of the reactor. Their results serve
One could employ the techniques used in this as a framework for class discussions of the
example to investigate the effects of changes in trade-offs one must make in attempting to
tube diameter, catalyst pellet size, inlet pressure, develop a quasi-optimum reactor design.
Literature Citations 569

LITERATURE CITATIONS 5. Ennis, B. P., Boyd, H. B., and Orriss, R., Chemtech, 5
(693), 1975.
1. Fair, J. R., and Rase, H. F., Chem. Eng. Prog., 50 r , ,
415' ' 6. Westerterp, K. R., Chem. Eng. Sci., 77(423), 1962.
1 h
7. Carberry, J. J., and White, D., bid. Eng. Chem., 67(7),
2. Schutt, H. C , Chem. Eng. Prog., 43 (103), 1947. p 27, 1969.
3. Reid, R. C , and Sherwood, T. K., The Properties of 8 DeMaria, R., Longfield, J. E., and Butler, G., Ind.
Gases and Liquids, Second Edition, Chapter 9, McGraw- £nc, Chem 53(259) 1961
Hill, New York, 1966. 9 Froment> Q p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ pp x%_^

4. McCabe, W. L., and Smith, J. C , Unit Operations of 1957

ChemicalEnqineerinq, p. 105, McGraw-Hill, New York,
y y F
1%7 ' 1 0 . Reid, R. C. and Sherwood, T. K., op. cit.

A Thermochemical Data
The data in this appendix have been compiled College Station, Texas (Loose-leaf data sheets,
from a number of sources. Nearly all of the extant, 1977).
critical property data are taken from Appendix 2. Zwolinski, B. J., et al., "Selected Values of
A of The Properties of Gases and Liquids, Second Properties of Chemical Compounds," Ther-
Edition, by R. C. Reid and T. K. Sherwood, modynamics Research Center Data Project,
copyright © 1966, McGraw-Hill Book Com- Thermodynamics Research Center, Texas
pany. They are used with the permission of A & M University, College Station, Texas
McGraw-Hill Book Company. Most of the (Loose-Leaf data sheets, extant, 1977).
thermochemical data (AG°, A/f °, and S°) were
They are used with permission of the Thermo-
obtained from the following sources.
dynamics Research Center. Other sources used
1. Zwolinski, B. J., et al., "Selected Values of include the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,
Properties of Hydrocarbons and Related 57th edition, edited by R. C. Weast, CRC Press,
Compounds," American Petroleum Institute Cleveland, 1974; and Lange's Handbook of
Research Project 44, Thermodynamics Re- Chemistry, 11th edition, edited by J. A. Dean,
search Center, Texas A & M University, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1973.

° 2 5CC
State of Molecular AG?, 2 5 . C A///,25 C entropy Tc Pc
Compound aggregation weight kcal/g-mole kcal/g-mole cal/g-mole-°K °K Atm

Elementary gases
Hydrogen Gas 2.016 0 0 31.211 33.3 12.80
Oxygen Gas 32.000 0 0 49.003 154.8 50.1
Nitrogen Gas 28.016 0 0 45.767 126.2 33.5
Fluorine Gas 38.00 0 0 48.6 144. 55.
Chlorine Gas 70.91 0 0 53.286 417. 76.1
Bromine Liquid 159.83 0 0 36.4 584. 102.
Iodine Crystal 253.82 0 0 27.9 785. 116.
Methane Gas 16.04 - 12.140 - 17.889 44.50 190.7 45.8
Ethane Gas 30.07 - 7.860 - 20.236 54.85 305.4 48.2
Propane Gas 44.09 - 5.614 - 24.820 64.51 369.9 42.0
^-Butane Gas 58.12 - 4.10 - 30.15 74.12 425.2 37.5
Isobutane Gas 58.12 - 5.00 - 32.15 70.42 408.1 36.0
rc-Pentane Gas 72.15 - 2.00 - 35.00 83.40 469.5 33.3
2-Methylbutane Gas 72.15 - 3.50 - 36.92 82.12 460.4 32.9
Neopentane Gas 72.15 - 3.64 - 39.67 73.23 433.8 31.6
ft-Hexane Gas 86.17 - 0.07 - 39.96 92.83 507.3 29.9
2-Methylpentane Gas 86.17 - 1.20 - 41.66 90.95 496.5 30.0
3-Methylpentane Gas 86.17 - 0.51 - 41.02 90.77 504.7 30.8

Appendix A Thermochemical Data 571

State of Molecular AG? i25 . c AH?, 25 c entropy T1
Compound aggregation weight kcal/g-mole kcal/g-mole cal/g-mole-cK °K Atm

Ethylene Gas 28.05 16.282 12.496 52.45 283.1 50.5
Propene Gas 42.08 14.990 4.879 63.80 365.1 45.4
1-Butene Gas 56.10 17.09 - 0.03 73.04 419.6 39.7
ds-2-Butene Gas 56.10 15.74 - 1.67 71.90 434.6 40.5
trans-2-Butene Gas 56.10 15.05 - 2.67 70.86 428.6 41.5
Isobutylene Gas 56.10 13.88 - 4.04 70.17 419.7 39.5
1-Pentene Gas 70.13 18.96 - 5.00 82.65 464.8 39.9
ds-2-Pentene Gas 70.13 17.17 - 6.71 82.76 475.6 40.4
trans-2-Pentene Gas 70.13 16.76 - 7.59 81.36 475.6 40.4
3-Methyl-l-butene Gas 70.13 17.87 - 6.92 79.70 464.8 33.9
2-Methyl-2-butene Gas 70.13 14.26 - 10.17 80.92 470. 34.
1-Hexene Gas 84.16 20.94 - 9.96 91.93 504.0 31.1°
1-Octene Gas 112.21 24.96 - 19.82 110.55 578. 25.5*
Cyclopentene Gas 68.11 26.48 7.87 69.23 506.1 47.2°
Propadiene Gas 40.06 48.37 45.92 58.30 393.3 43.6fl
1,3-Butadiene Gas 54.09 36.43 26.75 66.62 425. 42.7
Acetylene Gas 26.04 50.000 54.194 47.997 309.5 61.6
Propyne Gas 40.06 46.313 44.319 59.30 401. 52.8
Ethylacetylene Gas 54.09 48.30 39.48 69.51 463.7 37.5°
Dimethylacetylene Gas 54.09 44.32 34.97 67.71 488.7 37.5°
Cyclopentane Gas 70.13 9.29 - 18.41 70.00 511.8 44.6
Methylcyclopentane Gas 84.16 8.55 - 25.50 81.24 532.7 37.4
Ethylcyclopentane Gas 98.18 10.66 - 30.37 90.42 569.5 33.5
Cyclohexane Gas 84.16 7.60 - 29.43 71.28 553.2 40.
Methylcyclohexane Gas 98.18 6.52 - 36.99 82.06 572.1 34.3
Benzene Gas 78.11 30.989 19.820 64.34 562.1 48.6
Toluene Gas 92.13 29.228 11.950 76.42 592.0 41.6
o-Xylene Gas 106.16 29.177 4.540 84.31 631.6 35.7
m-Xylene Gas 106.16 28.405 4.120 85.49 616.8 34.7
p-Xylene Gas 106.16 28.952 4.290 84.23 618.8 33.9
Ethylbenzene Gas 106.16 31.208 7.120 86.15 617.1 36.9
Methyl alcohol Gas 32.04 - 38.81 - 48.05 57.29 513.2 78.5
Liquid - 39.85 - 57.11 30.4
Ethyl alcohol Gas 46.07 - 40.13 - 56.03 67.54 516.3 63.0
Liquid - 41.65 - 66.20 38.53

State of Molecular AG°- 7 V C A / / / . 2 5-C entropy Tc Pc
Compound aggregation weight kcal/g-mole kcal/g-mole cal/g-mole-GK C
K Atm

n-Propyl alcohol Gas 60.09 - 38.75 - 61.33 77.70 536.7 51.0

Liquid - 40.94 - 72.66 47.0
Isopropyl alcohol Gas 60.09 - 41.44 - 65.08 74.1 508.2 47.0
Liquid - 43.10 - 75.98 43.15
n-Butyl alcohol Gas 74.12 - 36.11 - 65.65 86.92 563.0 43.6
Liquid - 39.00 - 78.18 54.5
sec-Butyl alcohol Gas 74.12 - 42.33 - 70.00 85.8 536.0 41.4
Liquid - 40.12 - 81.86 53.4
tert-Butyl alcohol Gas 74.12 - 42.45 - 74.68 77.92 506.2 39.2
Isobutyl alcohol Gas 74.12 - 40.12 - 70.00 85.8 547.7 42.4
Liquid - 42.33 - 81.06 53.4
Phenol Gas 94.11 - 7.61 - 22.98 75.43 694.3 60.5
Liquid - 12.17 - 39.44 34.9
Dimethylether Gas 46.07 - 26.96 - 43.99 63.74 400.1 52.6
Diethylether Liquid 74.12 - 29.32 - 66.83 60.2 465.8 35.6
Isopropylether Gas 102.17 - 28.5 - 76.24 91.2 500.1 28.4
Liquid - 30.09 - 84.00 70.4
Acetone Gas 58.08 - 36.50 - 51.79 509.1 47.
Liquid - 37.22 - 59.32
Formaldehyde Gas 30.03 - 27 - 28 52.26
Acetaldehyde Gas 44.05 - 30.81 - 39.72 59.8 461. 54.7*
Organic Acids
Acetic acid Liquid 60.05 - 93.8 -116.4 38.2 594.8 57.1
Gas - 91.24 -104.72
Acetic anhydride Gas 102.09 -119.29 -148.82 569.2 46.2
Liquid -121.75 -155.16
Propionic acid Gas 74.08 - 88.27 -108.75 612.7 53.0
Liquid - 91.65 -121.7
Methyl formate Gas 60.05 - 71.37 - 83.7 29 487.2 59.2
Liquid - 71.53 - 90.60
Ethyl acetate Gas 88.10 - 74.93 -102.02 523.3 37.8
Liquid - 76.11 -110.72
Ethyl propionate Gas 102.13 - 77.37 -112.36 546.1 33.0
Liquid - 79.16 -122.16
Nitrogen compounds
Ammonia Gas 17.03 - 3.94 - 11.02 45.97 405.6 112.5
Cyanogen Gas 52.02 70.81 73.60 57.86 400. 60.0
Hydrogen cyanide Gas 27.03 28.7 31.2 48.23 456.7 48.9
Methyl amine Gas 31.06 + 6.6 - 6.7 57.73 430.2 73.1

^25 C
State of Molecular AG°, 2 5 . C AH
f,25C entropy Tc Pc
Compound aggregation weight kcal/g-mole kcal/g-mole cal/g-mole-°K °K Atm

Dimethyl amine Gas 45.08 16.35 - 4.41 65.24 437.8 52.4

Ethyl amine Gas 45.08 10.01 - 12.24 456.5 55.5
Propyl amine Gas 59.11 14.38 - 16.45 497 46.8
Nitro methane Liquid 61.04 - 2.26 - 21.28 41.1 588. 62.3
Sulfur compounds
Sulfur Crystal 32.06 0 0 7.62 1313. 116.
Carbonyl sulfide Gas 60.07 - 40.85 - 33.83 378. 65.
Carbon disulfide Gas 76.13 15.55 27.55 56.84 552. 78.
Liquid 15.2 21.0 36.10
Hydrogen sulfide Gas 34.08 - 7.892 - 4.815 49.15 373.6 88.9
Dimethyl sulfide Gas 62.13 3.7 - 6.9 68.28 503.1 54.6
Methyl mercaptan Gas 48.10 - 2.23 - 5.34 60.90 470. 71.4
Inorganic halides
Hydrogen fluoride Gas 20.01 - 64.7 - 64.2 41.47 461. 64 + 4
Hydrogen chloride Gas 36.49 - 22.769 - 22.063 44.617 324.6 82.1
Hydrogen bromide Gas 80.92 - 12.72 - 8.66 47.437 363.2 84.5
Hydrogen iodide Gas 127.93 0.31 6.20 49.314 424.2 81.9
Organic halides
Methyl chloride Gas 50.49 - 14.0 - 19.6 55.97 416.3 65.9
Methyl bromide Gas 94.95 - 6.2 - 8.5 58.74 467.2 83.4fl
Methyl iodide Gas 141.95 5.3 4.9 60.85 528. 72.7"
Methylene chloride Gas 89.94 - 14. - 21. 64.68 510. 60.
Chloroform Gas 119.39 - 16. - 24. 70.86 536.6 54.
Liquid - 17.1 - 31.5 48.5
Carbon tetrachloride Gas 153.84 - 15.3 - 25.50 73.95 556.4 45.0
Liquid - 16.4 - 33.3 51.25
Ethyl chloride Gas 64.52 - 12.7 - 25.1 65.90 460.4 52.0
1,2-Dichloroethane Liquid 98.97 - 19.2 - 39.7 49.84 561.
Carbon dioxide Gas 44.01 - 94.2598 - 94.0518 51.061 304.2 72.9
Carbon monoxide pas 28.01 - 32.8077 - 26.4157 47.300 133. 34.5
Ethylene oxide Gas 44.05 - 2.79 - 12.19 58.1 468. 71.0
Citrous oxide Gas 44.02 24.76 19.49 52.58 309.7 71.7
ISjitric oxide Gas 30.01 20.719 21.600 50.339 180. 64.
Nitrogen dioxide Gas 46.01 12.390 8.091 57.47 431. 100.
Sulfur-dioxide Gas 64.06 - 71.79 - 70.96 59.40 430.7 77.7
Sulfur trioxide Gas 80.06 - 88.52 - 94.45 61.24 491.4 81.4
Water Gas 18.02 - 54.6351 - 57.7979 45.106 647. 218.3
Liquid - 56.6899 - 68.3174 16.716
Calculated by Lydersen's Critical Property Method. Reid and Sherwood, The Properties of Gases and Liquids,
Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1966, Table 2-1, p. 9.

Generalized Fugacity
B Coefficients of Pure Gases and
Liquids (Z c = 0.27)
Reduced pressure, Pr

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 20 30 40 50


1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 20 30 40 50

Reduced pressure, Pr

(Reprinted from Chemical Process Principles Charts, Third Edition, by O. A. Hougen, K. M. Watson, and R. A.
Ragatz. Copyright 1964. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.)


Meaning ratio of reaction rate for poisoned
a activity catalyst to that for unpoisoned catalyst
a external (superficial) surface area G Gibbs free energy
A pre-exponential factor in rate constant G mass velocity
At representative chemical species h specific enthalpy
C concentration convective heat transfer coefficient
CAi concentration of rectant A at time tt
Thiele modulus for ith order reaction
or in effluent from reactor i
C* reactant concentration at time zero in
K Thiele modulus for poisoned catalyst
hT Thiele modulus
a CSTR operating under transient JD Chilton-Colburn factor defined by
conditions equation 12.4.9
Cp constant pressure heat capacity JH Chilton-Colburn factor defined by
D diameter equation 12.5.1
D dielectric constant Molar flux of species i relative to the
DAB bulk diffusivity molar average velocity
DK Knudsen diffusivity k reaction rate constant
3) dispersion or diffusivity parameter k thermal conductivity
@Am pseudo-binary diffusivity of species A kB Boltzmann constant
in a multicomponent gas mixture K mass transfer coefficient
<3)c combined diffusivity thermal conductivity of bulk fluid
E energy or activation energy mass transfer coefficient defined by
Ec relative kinetic energy directed along equation 12.4.2
the line of centers in a collision (on a rate constant for acid catalyzed
per mole basis) reaction
^Diffusion activation energy for diffusion defined mass transfer coefficient
by equation 12.3.84 rate constant in infinitely dilute solu-
Eo energy increase accompanying reac- tion or for uncatalyzed reaction
tion at absolute zero rate constant for base catalyzed
Eo initial enzyme concentration reaction
/ fraction conversion k pseudo rate constant for desorption
/? fugacity of pure species i at pressure P process
fi fugacity of species i as it exists in the K equilibrium constant
reaction mixture K Michaelis constant
fM friction factor equilibrium constant for reaction ex-
(f/P)i fugacity coefficient for species i pressed in terms of activities
F molal flow rate adsorption equilibrium constant
F'A hypothetical molal flow rate of species equilibrium constant expressed in
A corresponding to a stream in which terms of partial pressures
none of the A has reacted equilibrium constant for surface reac-
F(t) function used in characterization of tion expressed in terms of the frac-
fluid residence times (see Section 11.1) tional surface coverages 6t

576 Appendix C Nomenclature

dissociation constant for water Q rate at which thermal energy is re-

L reactor length leased by an exothermic chemical
L average pore length reacti6n
se average chain length Qr rate at which energy is removed from
I parameter involved in definition of a system
termolecular collisions Q heat transfer rate from surroundings
m mass to system
m overall order of the reaction r radius
mT mass of tracer injected as a pulse input r reaction rate
m mass flow rate -rA rate of disappearance of species A
M molecular weight -rAi rate of disappearance of species A in
n number of stirred tank reactors in a CSTR i
cascade rt rate of appearance of species i
n number of permissible adsorption rv reaction rate employed in pseudo
layers homogeneous models of packed bed
n reaction order reactors (See Section 12.7.2.)
i moles of species i rv reaction rate in a constant volume
n\ number density of molecules of species system
i rxy interatomic separation distance be-
np number of pores per catalyst particle tween atoms x and y
N molar flux 7 average pore radius
N number of CSTR reactors in cascade R gas constant
Nt number of moles of species i contained R radius
within a reactor R recycle ratio defined by equation
No Avogadro's number 8.3.63
NPe Peclet number S number of squared terms contributing
Nr diffusive flux in radial direction to the activation energy of a reaction
Reynolds number S selectivity
NSc Schmidt number s space velocity
NSh Sherwood number s surface area
P pressure sg specific surface area of catalyst
Pc critical pressure So initial substrate concentration
Po saturation pressure or pressure at sx gross geometric surface area of cata-
reactor inlet lyst pellet
Ps steric probability factor t time
0> parameter defined by equation 12.7.3 h time for a given fraction conversion
/; transfer function variable (equation U time at which reactant concentration
11.1.52) CAi is measured
q charge on an electron ts shutdown time in batch reactor
q energy parameter defined by equation 1 average residence time
4.1.37 t* relaxation time defined by equation
q heat transfer rate 5.1.51
q heat flux 7* ratio of reactor length to average
Q heat transferred from surroundings to linear velocity
system T temperature (absolute)
Q partition function Tc temperature at center of catalyst pellet
Appendx C Nomenclature 577

or critical temperature a dimensionless concentration variable

Tm temperature of heat source or sink defined in Section 5.4.2
u linear velocity a area covered per adsorbed molecule
U overall heat transfer coefficient a fraction of catalyst surface which is
V volume of gas adsorbed poisoned
vm volume of gas adsorbed in a monolayer P dimensionless concentration variable
~v average molecular velocity for competitive consecutive reactions
V* velocity with which activated com- (defined by equation 5.4.18)
plexes move from left to right across p energy generation function defined by
the transition state equation 12.3.108
V velocity of an enzymatic reaction Pi order of the reaction with respect to
V volume species /
Vq void volume per gram of catalyst y activity coefficient
vp gross geometric volume of catalyst y Arrhenius number defined by equa-
pellet tion 12.3.107
VR reactor volume dA volumetric expansion parameter de-
V volume of solid catalyst fined by equation 3.1.41
-r volumetric flow rate s* reaction progress variable for con-
% volumetric flow rate at inlet of reactor secutive reactions (defined by equation
network 5.3.15)
w weight fraction 5* characteristic length dimension of the
W weight of solid catalyst transition state
W work done by system on surroundings A Time separating rate measurements
ws rate at which shaft work is done by (see Sections and
system A£ t o t a l change in total energy
X distance from pore mouth AG Gibbs free energy change
X normalized pressure (P/Po) AH enthalpy change
xc distance from pore mouth at which AS entropy change
reactant concentration vanishes A£* deviation from equilibrium conditions
y instantaneous fractional yield defined defined by equation 5.1.45
by equation 9.1.7 sB bed porosity
y mole fraction £c relative kinetic energy directed along
Y yield the line of centers in a collision
YR overall fractional yield of species R 8
P porosity of pellet or particle
defined by equation 9.0.2 fi
Total total porosity of packed bed
z distance from tubular reactor inlet n catalyst effectiveness factor
zAB bimolecular collision frequency for fraction of catalyst surface covered by
molecules A and B species i
ZABC termolecular collision frequency ov fraction of surface sites that are vacant
zt number (and sign) of charges on the K conductivity
ion i K ratio of rate constants for consecutive
reactions defined by equation 5.3.13
k generalized physical property
Greek Symbols k mean free path
(X branching coefficient in chain reaction \i viscosity
mechanism \X ionic strength
578 Appendix C Nomenclature

Mi chemical potential of species i Subscripts

VAB reduced mass defined by equation A generalized chemical species A
4.3.3 B bulk fluid property
V stoichiometric coefficient e equilibrium
extent of reaction eff effective
extent of reaction per unit volume in E effluent stream property or equili-
constant volume systems brium property
n i
this symbol indicates a product of the
/ terms that follow
external surface of catalyst pellet
refers to reactions involving for-
P density mation of a compound from its
PlJ bulk density of catalyst elements
Pi Hammett reaction constant f refers to forward reaction
cr surface site F property evaluated at final or effluent
a emissivity of solid conditions
or. hard sphere diameter for molecule i g gas
0". Hammett substituent constant i refers to species i, reaction i, or reactor
o- A B effective hard sphere diameter for i in a CSTR network
bimolecular collision (equation in refers to inlet stream property
4.3.2) lim refers to limiting reagent
variance of residence time distribution L property value at end of catalyst pore
curve defined in Illustration 11.2 or in longitudinal direction
summation of the terms that follow m property value per unit mass of
T reactor space time catalyst
Tc space time for a cascade of CSTR max maximum or extremum value
reactors MT mass transfer
T£ space time for reactor i n property value leaving reactor n
TN proportionality constant introduced out refers to outlet stream property
in equation 7.4.14 P pellet or particle value
space time for a plug flow reactor PE pseudo equilibrium
T1/2 reaction half life r refers to reverse reaction
T' tortuosity factor R reaction or property value in radial
T* dimensionless time variable for com- direction
petitive consecutive reactions (defined RLS rate limiting step
by equation 5.4.18) S solid
(/> parameter defined by equation 5.4.13 SS steady state
concentration dependent portion of sys system
reaction rate expression (see equation T tube
3.0.13) V property value per unit volume of
4>Ln Thiele modulus defined by equation catalyst bed
12.3.74 w wall
(fis Thiele modulus defined by equation z property value in longitudinal di-
12.3.56 rection
(J) mass flow rate 0 property value at time zero, reactor
<A(Q) function defined by equations 3.3.17 inlet, or at mouth of catalyst pore
and 3.3.18 on value at infinite time
Appendix C Nomenclature 579

Superscript '" per unit volume of solid catalyst

0 refers to variables associated with ^ refers to variable associated with
standard states of materials transition state
per unit surface area A average property value
Name Index
Acetis, J., 524 Burk,R. E., 71, 205-206 Douglas, W. J. M.,527
Adlington, D. G., 380 Burke, S. P., 493 Dowden,D. A., 212
Alberda,G., 390,418 Burkhart, M. J., 74 Dullien, F. A. L.,523
Albright, L. F., 165 Burkus, J., 158, 160 Dvorko,G. F., 67
Amis, E. S., 219, 239, 240 Burton, M., 119 Dyashkovskii, F. S., 67
Amundson, N. R., 379-380, 452, 494, Butler, G., 569
524-525 Butt, J. B., 203-204,457,524 Eadie,G., 229-230
Anderson, J. R., 203 Eckert, C. A., 220, 240
Anderson, R. B., 37,87, 119 Calderbank, P. H., 496, 499, 509, 525 Eckert, C. F., 158, 160
Antonov, V. N., 380 Caldwell, B. P., 164 Edwards, J. O., 84, 86, 119, 240-241
Argo,W. B., 499, 525 Callear, A. B., 124 Einstein, A., 96,493
Aris, R., 16, 19, 402, 438, 452, 494, Campbell, T. M., 499 Eisenklam,P.,418,421
524-525 Carberry, J. J., 418, 524-525, 529, Eldib, I. A., 165
Ashmore, P. G., 222, 240 568-569 Eldridge, J.M., 304
Askey,P. J., 51,65 Carlton,H. H., 213 Ellwood, P., 556
Asmus, T. W., 308 Chambers, R. P., 180,203 Emanuel', N. M., 160-161
Aver'yanov, V. A., 307 Chawla, N. K., 68 Emmett,P. H., 119, 177-178,
Chen, D., 242 203-204,524
Chilton.C. H., 180,525 Emond,H. H., 160
Baciocchi, E., 69, 304 Chilton, T. H., 476, 485-486, 524 Engel, A. J., 313
Baeyer, A., 338, 342 Christiansen, J. A., 92, 119 Ennis, B. P., 554, 569
Bailie, R. C, 413, 418 Chu,C.,456,524 Ergun,S.,493,525,560
Balaceanu, J. C, 65 Chu, J.C.,477,525 Eschard, F., 65
Balasubramanian, S. N., 308 Ciapetta,F. G.,58,65,203 Etlis, V. S., 380
Bamford, C. H.,65, 105, 118 Clark, D., 219, 240 Evans, M. G., 115, 120
Baral, L. L., 203 Clark, E. L., 304 Evans, R. B., Ill, 523
parnett, L. G., 527-528 Cleland,W. W.,232,240 Eyring, H., 112, 115, 118, 120
Barrer, R. M., 436, 523 Coberly,C. A., 499
Basolo, F., 124,240 Colburn, A. P., 476, 485, 495, 524-525 Fair, J. R., 540-541, 569
Baughn, E. C.,242 Collier, C. H., 203 Fan, L. T., 413, 418
Beek, J., 524-525 Cooke, H. G., Jr.,74 Field, G. J., 523
Beek,W. J.,477,525 Corrigan, T. E., 208, 443, 524 Fischer, E., 227
Belen'ku, M. S., 344 Coull, J.,204 Fisher, C. H., 226, 304,309
Bell, F., 241 Coussemant, F., 65 Ford, R. A., 241
Bell, R. P., 222, 240, 242 Cranston, R.W., 195, 203 Franck, J., 217,240
Bender, M. L., 222, 227, 240, 314 Cremer, H. W., 19,380 Freiss, S. L., 37,65,87, 119
Benson, S. W., 9, 64, 66, 118-120, Crooks, W. M., 290, 304 Froment, G. F., 492, 498-499, 501,
155,160 Cunningham, R. A., 462, 524, 529 525,568-569
Berzelius, J. J., 168 Cunningham, R. E., 462, 524 Frost, A. A., 72, 119, 154, 156,
Bilous,O., 379-380 158-160,222,240
Biordi, J. C.,61,65 Dacey, J. R., 523 Fuguitt, R. E., 163
Bird, R.B., 434, 496, 523-525 Dainton, F. S., 119
Bischoff, K. B., 389, 396, 401-402, Damkohler, G., 438, 458, 523-524 Gardiner, W.C., Jr., 118, 120
408,413-414,417-418 Danckwerts, P. V., 389,418 Garratt, A. P., 124
Bjerrum,N., 218 Daniels, F., 71, 118, 121 Garver, J.C.,524
Blake, F. E., 493 Dauerman, L., 66 Geankoplis, C. J.,476,524
Bliss, H., 207 Davidson, J. F., 430, 523-525 Gesser, H. D., 160
Bodenstein, M., 79, 92, 119 Day,J. P., 124 Gibilaro, L. G.,407,418
Bond, A. C, 122 Dean, J. A., 570 Gilkeson, M. M., 528
Boudart, M., 26, 65, 119, 180,203 Debande, G., 164 Giraud, A., 65
Boyd, H. B.,569 Debye, P., 217-218, 226, 240 Glasstone, S., 118, 120
Brewer, L., 19 Dec, J., 74 Glover, R. E., 423
Bridger,G. W.,212 De Donder, Th., 2, 4 Golber, P. L., 304
Brittan, M. I., 207 Defay, R., 19 Golden, S., 119
Brpnsted, J. N., 218, 221, 242 DeMaria, R., 558-559, 569 Goldfinger,P., 119
Brotz,W.,524 Deming, L. S., 173,203 Gooch, D. B., 304
Brown, D. E., 241 Deming,W. E., 173,203 Goodman, D. R., 523
Brown, H. C, 241 Denbigh, K. G., 19, 88, 119, 137, 160 Gordon, A. J., 241
Brunauer, S., 172-173,177-178,203-204 248,290,304,321,327,337 Goring, R. L., 452-453, 524
Buckles, R. E., 310 342,417-418 Gould, E. S., 119,244
Buffham,B. A.,407,418 Dente, M., 414, 418 Gould, R. F., 240
Bunker, D. L., 119 Dickson,P. F., 69 Gowenlock, B. G., 37,87, 119
Bunnet, J. F., 34,50,65 Dillon, R.T., 50-51, 65 Grace, J. R., 522, 525
Burghardt, A.,418 Doraiswamy, L. K., 308, 345 Greene, E. F., 119
Burk, D., 229-230 Douglas, J.M., 414, 418 Grieger, R. A., 162
582 Name index
Grunwald, E., 240-241 Johnston, H. S., 118-120 Linden, H. R., 308
Guggenheim, E. A., 57-59, 65, 119, 242 Jones, M. M., 240 Lineweaver, H., 229-230
Guldberg, C. M., 136, 160 Jones, R.W., 304 Liu, S., 260, 304
Gulyaev,G. V.,344 Jost,W., 119 Livingston, R . , 5 3 , 65
Gupta, V. P., 527 Jung, G., 119 Longfield, J. E., 569
Jungers, J . C . , 6 5 , 132, 160 Lowry,T:M.,221
Haensel, V.,203 Luss, D., 452, 524-525
Hagan,G.,435 Kalil,J.,525
Haldane, J. B. S., 231 Kallenbach, R., 436, 523-524 McCabe, W. L., 524, 544, 569
Hammes, G. G., 87, 119 Kao,H. S-P.,524 McClure, W. R., 164
Hammett, L. P.. 236-239, 241, 244, 307 Karpenko, I., 531 McCracken, D. J., 69
Hanes, C. S., 229-230 Kaufler, F., 155, 160 McDaniel, D. H.,241
Hansel, M. J., 162 Kauzmann,W., 119 McGrew, L. A., 310
Hanson, K. L., 313 Keairns, D. L., 386 Mcllvried, H. G.,538
Hansson, J., 240-241 Keii,T., 346 Manderfield, E. L.,525
Harned, H. S., 217, 240 Kennard, E. H., 119 Manning, F. S., 386
Harrison, D., 430, 523, 525 Kerr,G. T.,260, 304 Mardaleishvilli, R. E., 206
Havel, S., 121 Kettenring, K. N.,486,525 Margerison, D., 53, 55, 65
Havewala, N. B., 243 Khan, M. M. T., 121 Marshall, T. H., 314
Hawkins, J. E., 163 Kilpatrick,M.,58,65 Marshall, W. R., 499
Hedden,K.,524 Kindler, K., 239 Martell, A. E., 121
Heinola,M., 163 King,E. L.,86, 119 Marvel, C. S., 74
Hellin,M.,65, 132, 160 Kirk, R. S., 524 Mason, D. R., 304
Helm,C. D.,203 Kirkpatrick, S. D., 180 Mason, E. A., 523
Herzfeld, K. F., 92, 98-102, 119 Kistiakowsky,G. B., 161 Mathur,G. P.,210,536
Hicks, J. S., 459, 461-462, 523-524 Kittrell, J. R . , 5 5 , 6 5 Maxted, E. B., 204
Hill,C. G., Jr., 204 Kladko, M., 301-302, 304, 354-355, Maymo, J. A., 462, 524
Hilsenrath, T.,9 367,380 Melville, H. W., 37,87, 119
Himmelblau, D. M., 389, 396, 418 Klingelhoefer, W. C , 126 Menten, M. L., 229, 240, 243-244
Hine, J. S., 222, 237-238, 240-241 Knorre, D. G., 160-161 Messmer, J . H . , 4 5 7 , 5 2 4
Hinshelwood, C. N., 5 1 , 65, 7 1 , 111, Knudsen,C. W.,524 Metzner, A. B., 524
120, 182,205-206 Knudsen, M., 432-435 Mezaki, R., 65
Hinton, J. F., 219, 239-240 Kojima,T.,265,304 Michaelis, L., 229, 240, 243-244
Hirschfelder, J., 89, 119 Kondratiev, V. N., 119 Michelsen,M. L., 403, 418
Hixson, A. N.,313 Korbach, P. F., 311-312 Minkoff,G. J., 105
Hlavacek, V.,525 Kostyuk, N. G., 344 Mixon, F. O.,418
Hofmann,H.,525 Kozeny, J.,493 Modell, M., 19, 23, 350, 380
Hofstee, B. H. J., 229-230 Kramers, H., 376, 380, 390, 418 Moelwyn-Hughes, E. A., 65-66, 119, 240
Hopkins, M.J., 403, 418, 421 Kunii, D., 430, 477, 499, 523, 525 Mohammed, A., 86, 119
Horman, I., 73 Kwong, S. S.,499 Moore, W. J., 119
Hougen, O. A., 19, 178, 182-183, Morris, J. C , 119
186-192,203,207-211,309, Laidler, K. J., 103, 104, 118-120, Mosely,R. B., 241
455-456, 484, 487, 509, 524-525, 218-219,222,240,242 Moss, F. D., 304
574 LangmuirJ., 172-177,182-184,203-204
Houser, T. J., 120, 308 Lapidus, L., 521, 525 Natta,G.,346
Huang, I., 66 Lebedev, N. N., 307 Newman, M. S.,241
Huckel, E., 217-218, 226, 240 Lee, B. M. H., 120 Newton, T. W., 74
Huntington, R. L.,499 Leffier,J. E., 241 Neyens, A., 44, 65
Hutchings, J., 524 Le Prince, P., 65 Niclause,M., 119
Huybrechts, G., 164 Letort, M., 119 North, A. M., 216, 240
Leva, M., 496, 525 Nusselt, W.,475,485
Inkley,F. A., 195,203 Levenspiel, O., 32,65,276-277, 283-284,
Innes,W. B., 204 291-293,296,299-300, 304, Occam, W., 90
Inukai,T.,265,304 318-320, 322, 327-328, 330-331, Ogg, R. A.,82, 119
Iwasaki, M., 423 333-334, 342, 376, 379-380, 389, Oldenburg, C. C , 189, 203, 209
396, 399-402,408,413-415, Olson, R. W., 480, 525
Jaffe, H. H.,241 417-418,420,430,477,523,525 Orcutt, J. C.,418
Jakob, M., 495, 525 Lewis, E. S., 3 7 , 6 5 , 8 7 , 119 Orriss, R.,569
Janz,G. J.,9 Lewis, G. N., 19 0stergaard,K.,4O3,418,524
Jeffreys, G. V., 521,525 Liang, S. C , 204 Owen, B. B., 218, 240
Jencks, W. P., 227, 240 Liebhafsky, H. A., 86, 119 Oxley,J.H.,213
Jenney,T. M., 304 Lightfoot, E. N., 434, 496, 523-525 Oxon, B. A., 523
Jenson, V. G., 521, 525 Limido,G. E., 65
Johnson, C. D., 239, 241 Lind,S. C.,92, 119 Pannetier, G., 73, 148, 150, 160
Johnston, E. H., 118 Lindemann, F. A., 110-111, 119,228 Parker, A. J.. 240
Name index 583
Pasquon, I., 414, 418 Schmidt, E., 475, 481, 485 Turner, J.C.R., 321,337,342
Pearson, R. G., 72, 119, 124, 154, Schrader,G. L., Jr., 204 Tuulmets, A. V., 73
156, 160,222,240 Schrauzer,G. N., 240
Pease, R. N., 201, 204 Schuler, R. W.,480,525 Vaidyanathan, K., 345
Pelzer, H., 115, 120 Schultz,E. B., 308 Van Heerden, C, 376,380
Perlmutter, D. D., 370, 380 Schutt, H. C, 541, 569 Van Ness, H. C, 350,380
Perry, R. H., 180,525 Schwemer, W. C, 156, 158-160 Villet, R. H.,526
Petersen,E. E., 452, 474, 524 Scott, C. B., 240-241
Peterson. T. I., 55, 65 Scott, D. S.,523 Waage, P., 136, 160
Petrovic, L. J.,476,524 Semenov, N. N., 89, 105, 119 Walas, S. M., 250, 304
Pigford,R. L.,524 Sen Gupta, A., 477, 525 Walker, C. A., 207
Pinsky,M. L., 122 Sheppard, A. J., 418, 421 Wall, F. T., 19
Piret, E. L., 304, 342 Sherwood, T. K., 9, 433, 437, 475, Wall, L. A., 119
Pitzer, K.S., 19 480,490,523,525,542,561, Walles,W. E., 342
Plank, C. J., 203 569-570,573 Walter, C. R., 307
Platt, A. E., 342 Shilov, A. E.,67 Wan, S., 537
Plowman, K. M., 230, 240 Shilov, E. A., 67 Washburn, E. W., 9
Plummer,W. B.,493 Shull, S. E.,313 Wassermann, A., 259, 304, 362, 380, 387
Pogorski, L. A., 496, 499, 525 Shvets, V. F., 307 Watkins, S. B., 19
Poiseuille, J. L.,435 Simons, J. B.,418 Watson, C. C, 65
Polak,L. S.,344 Sin-Chou,H., 206 Watson, G. M., 523
Polanyi, M., 92, 115, 119-120 Sinke,G. C, 9 Watson, K. M., 19, 178, 182-183,
Prater, C. D.,524 Skrabal, A., 223, 240 187-192,203,207-211,309,
Present, R. D., 119 Slater, N. B., 120 455-456,509,574
Price, R. H., 532-533 Smith, J.C., 524, 544, 569 Watts, H., 523
Prigogine, I., 19 Smith, J. M., 171, 350, 380, 399, 418, Wayne, R. P., 78, 87, 118-120, 219, 240
Prince, A. J., 137, 160 420,431,434,462,465,480, Weast, R. C.,570
Pyle, D. L., 522, 525 488, 494, 499, 521, 523-525, 529 Weaver, R. E. C.,528
Smith, W.K., 399, 418, 420 Webb, G., 203
Rabinowitch,E.,217,240 Smith, W. R., 161 Weber, A. P., 304
Ragatz, R. A., 19,574 Smorodinskaya, Zh. Ya., 206 Weekman, V. W., Jr., 452-453, 524
Ramaswami, D., 484, 487, 525 Souchay,P.,73, 148, 150, 160 Weetball, H. 243
Randall, M., 19 Sterrett, J. S., 538 Wehner,J. F.,413,418,525
Rase, H. F., 189,203,209,524, Stewart, W. E., 311-312,434,496, Weissberger, A., 37, 65, 87, 119
540-541,569 523-525 Weisz, P. B., 438, 459, 461-462, 523-524
Ratchford, W. P., 266, 304, 309 Storch, H. H., 304 Weller,K. R.,523
Raymond, L. R., 525 Strauss, M. J., 73 Wells, P. R., 241
Regna, P. P., 164 Strickland-Constable, R. F., 17, 19 Wendel, M.,525
Reid, R. C, 9, 19, 23, 350, 380, 433, Stull, D. R.,9 Westerterp, K. R., 376, 380, 418, 569
437,480,490,523,525,542, Sturtevant, J. M., 65 Wetteroth, W. A., 525
561,569-570,573 Subbotin, A. I., 380 Wheeler, A., 438, 445-446, 464, 466,
Restelli, E. F.,204 Svirbley,W. J.,69 468,473,523-524
Reynolds, O., 475, 476, 482, 485 Swain, C. G., 154-155, 160, 240-241 Whitaker,D. R.,418
Reynolds, W. C, 350, 380 Szepe,S.,284, 304 White, D., 568-569
Riccetti, R. E., 477, 525 Whitehouse, A. M., 304
Rice, F. O., 98-102, 119 Taft, R. W., Jr., 240-241 Wicke, E., 436, 438, 523
Rideal, E. K., 185,346 Tajbl, D. G.,418 Wigner, E., 115, 120
Rihani, D. N., 308 Taylor, H. S., 174, 201, 203-204 Wilhelm, R. R, 413, 418, 525-526
Roberts, G.W., 456, 524 Teller, E., 173, 177-178, 203-204 Wilson, E. J.,476,524
Rodebush,W. H., 126 Tezhneva, I. M., 344 Winstein, S., 240-241
Roper, G. H., 305 Thiele, E. W., 438, 440-442, 444, 448, Wood, W.C., 240
Roseveare, W. E., 65 451-456,459,462-463,465, Woodside,W.,457,524
Ross, J., 119 467-469,473,523 Wynne-Jones, W. F. K., 120
Rossini, F. D., 9 Thodos, G., 210, 476-477, 524-525, 536
Roth,J.F.,69 Thomas, C. L., 203,538 Yang,K., 186,188,203,210
Rothfeld, L. B., 196,203,523 Thomas, J. M., 194,203 Yoshida, F., 484, 487, 525
Rowe, P. N., 522, 525 Thomas, W. J., 194,203
Thompson, H.W., 124 Young, H. H., 307
Rylander,P. N.,532 Thomson, S. J., 203
Tichacek, L. J., 414, 418 •Zajcew,M.,532
Satterfield, C. N., 314,428,430-431, Tinkler, J. D.,524 Zaleski, T.,418
435, 451-452, 456, 476, 523-525, Tipper, C. F. H., 65, 105, 118 Zeldovitch, Ya. B.,438,523
531-532 Tolman, R. C, 88, 109, 119 Zemany,P. D., 119
Schiewetz, D. B., 532-533 Trambouze, P. J., 342 Ziegler, K.,346
Schilson, R. E.,524 Treacy, J. C, 121 Ziman, R. A., 162
Schmid,G. H., 163 Treybal, R. E.,524 Zwolinski, B. J., 570
Subject Index
Absolute entropy data, 570-573 phases), 15 see also Experimentation
Absolute reaction rate theory, see equilibrium constant and, 9,10 Arrhenius number, 459
Transition state theory fugacity and, 11 Arrhenius plot, 62
Absolute specificity, 227 Activity coefficients of ions, 217-218, Arsenious acid, oxidation of, 85-86
Absorbance, 74 225-226 Ascorbic acid, oxidation of, 121
Acetaldehyde, decomposition, 161, Adiabatic operation, batch Autocatalytic reactions, 260, 337-342
309,311 reactor, 353-357 Autothermal reactors, 365-370
oxidation, 121 CSTR, 366, 376 Average residence time, 389
Acetic acid, from methylacetoxy- CSTR's in series, 360-361 Axial dispersion, 262, 494
propionate, 266-269 definition, 255 Axial dispersion model, 397-405
reaction with cyclohexanol, 69 fixed bed reactor, 502, 507, 510-516
Acetic anhydride, reaction with limitations on, 349
ethanol, 380-381 plug flow reactor, 362-364, 366-367, Back-mix reactor, see CSTR
Acetone, bromination, 307 375-376 Base catalysis, see Acid-base catalysis
decomposition, 123 Adsorption, 169-178, 202 Batch reactor, adiabatic operation,
hydrogenation of, 19 activated chemisorption, 170-171 353-357
reaction with diborane, 68 activation energy for, 170 advantages and disadvantages, 248
Acetonitrile pyrolysis, 308 bonding forces, 172 agitation, 249
Acetylation of benzyl chloride, 66-67 chemical, 169-172, 178 assumptions for design
Acetylene, hydrogenation, 529 coverage, 171-172 analysis, 351-352
from methane, 344 definition, 169 configuration, 247, 249
production, 19, 21 dissociative, 169-170, 176-177, 183, constant pressure, 258, 352
Acid-base catalysis, 220-226 186,188-191 design analysis for, 257-261
form of rate constant, 221 enthalpy effect, 172, 174 design equations, 257-258
general acid, 222 equilibrium constant for, 175,183,192 energy balance, 258, 351-354
general base, 222 extent of, 171-172 heat transfer in, 249
specific acid, 221-224 heterogeneous catalysis and, 172 high pressure, 249
specific base, 221-224 hydrogen'on zinc oxide, 204 material balance, 257
weak acid, 224-226 isotherms, 172-178 nonisothermal, 351-357
weak base, 224-226 measurement of, 170 nonproductive periods, 248, 261
Acids, see Acid-base catalysis measurement of surface areas by, 175 physical characteristics, 249
Acrolein, reaction with monolayer, 171-172, 175 size comparisons of, 299
butadiene, 148-150 nitrogen on silica gel, 204 uses, 248
Activated adsorption, see Adsorption, nonactivated chemisorption, 170 Battery of CSTR's see CSTR's in series
chemical physical, 169-172 Bed porosity, 476
Activated chemisorption, 170-171 pyridine on silica gel, 204-205 Bench scale experiments, 246
Activated complex, 112, 115-116 rate of, 170, 172 Benzene, chlorination, 342
Activated complex theory, see desorption, 170 from cumene, 437
Transition state theory reversibility, 171-172 hydrogenation, 311-312
Activated molecules, 110 specificity, 171 nitration, 147-148
Activation energy, apparent, temperature effect, 170-172 partial oxidation, 345-346
454-455,462 see also Adsorption isotherm Benzhydryl bromide hydrolysis, 72-73
bond strengths and estimation of, 89 Adsorption equilibrium constant, 175, Benzoquinone, reaction with
catalyst geometry and, 442 183,192 cyclopentadiene, 259, 285,
collision theory, 107 Adsorption isotherm, BET, 175, 204 288-290,294-295,387
defining equation, 26, 62 types, 1-72-173 Benzoyl chloride, methanolysis of, 61-62
determination of, 62-63 see also BET adsorption isotherm; Benzyl alcohol, reaction with
for diffusion, 455 Langmuir adsorption isotherm chlorophenylsilane, 165
effectiveness factors and measurements Adsorption term, 186, 188 Benzyl chloride, acetylation, 66-67
of, 454-455,462 Advancement, see Extent of reaction reaction with nitric acid, 147-148
external mass transfer and, 484 Aging of catalysts, 202 BET adsorption isotherm, 175, 177-178,
for heterogeneous catalytic Agitation, 249 192,204
reactions, 183-184 Algebraic analysis of CSTR Bimodal pore size distribution, 196, 200
for pore-mouth poisoned catalysts, 468 cascade, 286-290 Bimolecular reaction, 77, 84
precision of, 65 Aluminum chloride, 265-266 Binder, catalyst, 197, 200
requirement for reaction, 107 Amine complex, t^romination, 68 Blake-Kozeny equation, 493
shifts at low effectiveness Ammonia, decomposition, 205-207 Bodenstein approximation, see Steady
factor, 454-455 oxidation, 122, 167, 314-315, 431 state approximation
thermodynamic limitations on, 138 synthesis, 19, 167 Bond energies, and mechanisms,
transition state theory, 112, 115-117 Analysis of kinetic results, see 84, 94-95
Activation volume, 220 Data analysis Boundary conditions, cylindrical pore
Active center, 91. See also Intermediates Analytical errors, 64 model, 440
Active site, enzyme, 227 Analytical methods, chemical, 38, 64 dispersion model, 398
Activity (thermodynamic), definition, 5 criteria for use in kinetic studies, 38 effective diffusivity model, 448
effect of pressure on (for condensed physical, 39-40 nonisothermal catalyst pellet, 458-459
Subject index 585
pseudo homogeneous model, 505 geometry and effect on rate, 442 monoxide, 123
two dimensional model, 520 handling of solid catalysts, 426 with ethylene, 380
Branched chain reactions, 92, 102-105 impregnation, 198-200 with hydrogen, 126
Bromination, of acetone, 307 impurities, 198 Chlorophenylsilane, reaction with benzyl
of hydrated amine complex, 68 industrial, 196-201 alcohol, 165
of m-xylene, 44-46 influence on equilibrium Closed boundary, 398
Bromine, reaction with hydrogen, 91-95 composition, 168 Closed sequence reactions, see Chain
reaction with lactose, 338 lifetime, 197 reactions
Bromonitrocamphor mutarotation, 161 loss of activity on poisoning, 464-468 Coefficients, see Stoichiometric
Bromphenol blue, reaction with mechanical properties, 197, 199-200 coefficients
hydroxide ion, 242 in packed bed reactors, 426 Collision frequency, bimolecular,
Br^nsted acidity, 221 pelleted, 196,200 106,108
Br^nsted-Bjerrum equation, 218 physical characterization of, 192-196 termolecular, 109
Bulk density, 492 poisoning, 168, 174, 197, 201-203 Collision theory, 105-112
Bulk diffusion, 432-433 pore size distribution, 195-196 accuracy of, 108-109, 233
Burke-Plummer equation, 493 pore structure, 195 bimolecular collision frequency, 106
Butadiene, from butene, 22, 538-539 porosity, 193-194,431 effectiveness of collisions for reaction,
reaction, with acrolein, 148-150 preparation, 198-201 106-107, 109
with ethylene, 362-364 promoter, 197-198,201 energy requirement for reaction,
with methyl acrylate, 265-266, 273 reaction rate expressions, see Surface 107,109,111
Butanol, from isobutene, 527 reaction for liquid solutions, 216-217
reaction with 2,6-tolylene regeneration, 427 rate expression, 107-109
diisocyanate, 158-160 selectivity, 168, 202-203 steric factor, 106-107
Butene, dehydrogenation, 22, 538-539 shape, 197, 199-200 termolecular collision frequency, 109
isomerization, 20 size, 199-200 Combinations of reactors, 297-299
d-s-Butyl a-chloroacrylate stabilizer, 197-198,201 Combined diffusivity, 434-437
polymerization, 74 support, 197-201 Comparative rate studies, 147-148
Butyraldehyde, reaction with hydrogen surface area, 200-201 Competitive-consecutive reactions,
cyanide, 69 void volume, 193-194 156-160. See also Series-parallel
Catalytic force, 168 reactions
Cage effect, 216-217 Catalytic oxidation of naphthalene, 554, Competitive inhibition, 232
Calorimetry, 73 556-568 Competitive reactions, see Parallel
Capillary condensation, 195 Catalytic processes, 167 reactions
Carberry reactor, 418-419 CFSTR, see CSTR Computers, see Machine computation
Carbon dioxide, reaction with Chain carrier, 91-92 Concentration difference, bulk fluid-
hydrogen, 208 Chain length, 91, 100 catalyst surface, 474-484, 563-564
Carbon monoxide, oxidation, 207-208 Chain reactions, 90-105 Concentration profile, catalyst pore, 440
reaction with chlorine, 123 branched chain, 92, 102-105 spherical pellet, 448-449
Carrier, catalyst, 197-201 characteristics of, 96-97 Concurrent reactions, see Parallel
Cascade of stirred tank reactors, see explosions, 102-105 reactions
CSTR's in series hydrogen plus bromine, 91-95 Conductivity measurements, 61-62
Case studies, 537-538 identification of, 96-97 Consecutive reactions, batch reactor
Catalysis, see Acid-base catalysis; inhibitors, 168 analysis, 324-325
Catalyst; Enzyme catalysis; ozone decomposition, 97 CSTR analysis, 325-326
Heterogeneous catalysis; and Rice-Herzfeld mechanisms, 98-102 data interpretation for, 153-155
Homogeneous catalysis straight chain, 92 design strategy for, 324-329
Catalyst, activation, 199 Chemical adsorption, see Adsorption, diffusion limited, 470-474, 554,
activity, 196 chemical 556-568
aging, 202 Chemical analysis, see Anyalytical effectiveness factors and, 470-474
binder, 197,202 methods first-order, 150-152
carrier, 197-201 Chemical kinetics, comparison with intraparticle mass transfer effects,
changes in activity, 201-203 thermodynamics, 1 470-474
commercial, 196-201 definition, 1 mathematical characterization of,
deactivation, 168, 197, 201-203 see also Reaction rate 150-153
definition, 168,220 Chemical potential, 5-6 maximum concentration of
diluent, 200 Chemical shift, 72-73 intermediate, 151-152, 324-329
drying, 199 Chemisorption, see Adsorption, chemical other than first order, 152-153
dual function, 200 Chilton-Colburn relation, 476, plug flow reactor analysis, 324-325
effectiveness, 180-181, 432. see also 485-486,488 temperature effect, 378-379
Effectiveness factor Chlorination, benzene, 342 see also Series-parallel reactions
extender, 197, 200 dichlorotetramethylbenzene, 304 Contact catalysis, see Heterogeneous
fabrication, 197-201 ethylene, 308 catalysis
formulation, 196-201 2-ethylhexene-l, 305-306 Contact time, 255
fouling, 197,200, 202-203 substituted benzenes, 69 Contact time measurements, 423
geometry, 197, 199 Chlorine, reaction, with carbon Continuous flow reactors, advantages,
586 Subject index
248. See also CSTR; Fixed bed 297-299 plug flow reactor, 263-265
reactor; Fluidized bed reactor; graphical analysis, 281-286 recycle reactor, 297
Moving bed reactor; Plug flow heat transfer requirements, 359 Design strategy, autocatalytic reactions,
reactor; Slurry reactor; and Trickle minimization of cascade volume, 337-342
bed reactor 283-284, 289-290 parallel reactions, 318-324
Continuous flow stirred tank reactor, nonsteady state analysis, 295-296 series-parallel reactions, 329-337
see CSTR order of tank sizes, 327 series reactions, 324-329
Continuous flow tubular reactor, see overall yield in, 321 Desorption, see Adsorption
Plug flow reactor relative costs, 292-294 Desorption isotherm method for pore
Continuous stirred tank reactor, size comparison with plug flow size distribution, 195
see CSTR reactor, 290-295 Detailed balancing, 88
Control of reactors, 373 Cumene cracking, 208, 436-437, 443, Deviations from ideal flow conditions,
Convergence, 356 449,527 388-417
Conversion, by dispersion Curvature of data plots, 49-50 Dextrose production, 243-244
model, 413-416 Cyclohexadiene, reaction with dF(t), 388-408. See also F(t) curve
by segregated flow model, 411-412 propylene, 164-165 Diazobenzene chloride decomposition,
by stirred tanks in series model, 416 Cyclohexane, dehydrogenation, 527-529 74-75
and yield, 317 Cyclohexanol, reaction with Diborane, reaction with acetone, 68
see also Extent of reaction; Fraction acetic acid, 69 Dichlorotetramethylbenzene,
conversion Cyclohexene, from ethylene and chlorination, 69, 304
Conversion rate, 25, 26. See also butadiene, 362 Diels-Alder reaction, 148-150, 164-165,
Reaction rate hydrogenation, 532-536 259,265,273,285,288-290,
Cottonseed oil, hydrogenation, reaction with hydrogen iodide, 67 294-295,362,387
165-166,382-383 Cyclopentadiene, reaction with Diethylsulfate, reaction with sulfuric
Cracking catalyst, 436-437, 443, 449 benzoquinone, 259, 285, 288-290, acid, 132-134
Cracking reactions, 167, 202-203, 294-295,387 Differential methods, for consecutive
208,527 Cylindrical pore model, 194, 439-446, reactions, 153
Critical pressure data, 570-573 454? 464-468, 470-474. See also initial rate studies, 46-47, 131
Critical temperature data, 570-573 Effectiveness factor least squares approach, 42
C-star, see CSTR manipulation of concentration-time
CSTR, adiabatic operation, 360-361, data, 41,43
366,376 Data, sources of thermochemical data, 9 procedure, 41-43
advantages and disadvantages, 250-251 thermochemical, 570-573 reversible reactions, 131-132
assumptions, 270, 392 Data analysis, enzyme kinetics, 229-231 stoichiometric feed ratio, 42
design of, 269-300 surface reactions, 190-192 use of, 44-46
individual, 270-272, 357-361 see also Differential methods; see also Data analysis
design equation, 272 Experimentation \and Integral Differential yield of intermediate,
dilution effect on rate, 250 methods diffusional limitations on, 470-474
energy balance, 357-361 Deactivation, catalyst, 168,197,201-203 Diffusion, bulk, 432-433
F(t) curve, 392-394 enzyme, 232-233 in heterogeneous catalysts,
heat transfer in, 250 Debye-Huckel theory, 217-218, 226 178-181,196
material balance, 270-272, 278 Decomposition, acetaldehyde, 309, 311 influence on rate, see
mixing in, 250, 270 methane, 344 Effectiveness factor
multiple CSTR cascade, see CSTR's 5-methyl-2-oxazolidinone, 339-340 Knudsen, 433-435, 526
in series phosphine, 381 ordinary, 432-433
nonisothermal, 357-361 see also Pyrolysis across poisoned pore mouth, 466
nonsteady state analysis, 277-279 Dehydration, propanol, 7 pore geometry and, 435
optimum temperature for reversible Dehydrochlorination of in porous catalysts, 432-437
reaction, 377 tetrachloroethane, 307 and reaction in porous catalysts,
physical configuration, 247, 249-250 Dehydrogenation, butene, 22, 162 438-474, see also Effectiveness
relative volumetric efficiency, 270 cyclohexane, 527-529 factor
residence time, 273-274 ethane, 19-21 surface, 434-435
response to pulse input, 394 ethylbenzene, 167 see also Diffusivity
response to step input, 394 Depolymerization of dimeric Diffusion controlled reaction, 478
size requirements relative to plug dihydroxyacetone, 243 Diffusivity, bulk, 432-434
flow reactor, 274-277 Design chart, comparison of CSTR combined, 434-437, 440
space time, 272 cascade volume and plug flow effective, 434-436
stability analysis, 370-375 reactor volume, 292-293 Knudsen, 433-435, 437
use in rate studies, 272 comparison of single CSTR and plug pseudo binary, 481
volume requirements, 250 flow reactor volumes, 277 see also Diffusion
CSTR's in series, 279-296 dispersion model, 414-415 Dihydroxyacetone, depolymerization
algebraic analysis, 286-290 series-parallel reactions, 333-334 of, 243
argument for equal size reactors, Design equations, batch reactor, 257-258 Diisopropylbenzene dihydroperoxide,
284,290 comparison of, 299-300 decomposition, 345
combination with plug flow reactors, CSTR, 272 Dilatometry, 58-59, 73-74
Subject index 587
Dimerization ofphenyl isocyanate, 310 second-order, 446, 451 175,183,192
Dimethylamine transmethylation, spherical catalyst, 450-451 estimates of 233,235
204-206 zero-order, 446, 451 heterogeneous reactions, 15
Dimethylether, pyrolysis, 68 Einstein's law of photochemical pressure effect, 10-11
Dinitrobenzenesulfenyl chloride, reaction equivalence, 96 relation to, species activities, 10
with phenylpropyne, 163 Electrical measurements in rate standard Gibbs free energy
Disguised kinetics, 453-455, 478-480 studies, 40 change, 9-10
Dispersion, in fixed beds, 493-494 Electromeric effects, 235 temperature effect, 10, 13
Dispersion model, 397-405, 412-416 Electron donor substituents, 239 Equilibrium yield, calculation of,
assumptions, 397 Electron withdrawal, 239 11-14,17-18
F(t) curve, 398-399 Electrostatic effects, 216-219 effect of, catalysts, 15
material balance, 397-398 Elementary reaction, see Mechanistic excess reactants, 15
response, to pulse input, 399-400 equation inerts, 15
to step input, 398-399 Elimination of time as an independent pressure, 14
Dispersion parameter, definition, 397 variable, 139, 141, 143-145, 149, temperature, 14
estimation of, 401-405 153,157 Equivalent particle diameter, 476
Dissociative adsorption, see Adsorption, Endothermic reaction, definition, 7 Ergun equation, 493
dissociative effectiveness factor for, 462 Ethane, dehydrogenation, 19, 21
Drift factor, 482, 487 Energized molecules, 110-111 Ethanol, via hydration of ethylene, 12-14
Driving force term, 186, 188 Energy of activation, see Activation reaction with acetic anhydride, 380-381
Drying of catalysts, 199 energy Ethyl acetate, from acetic anhydride and
Dual function catalyst, 200 Energy balance, batch reactor, 351-357 ethanol, 380-381
CSTR, 357-361 Ethyl bromide decomposition, 120
fixed bed reactor, 496-498, Ethyl iodide, reaction with ethyl
Eadie plot, 229-230 506-507,566 lithium, 67
Effective diffusivity, definition, 432, general, 253-254, 349-351 Ethyl lithium, reaction with ethyl
434-436, 447 plug flow reactor, 361-365, 543, iodide, 67
effectiveness factor and, 447-452 545-547 Ethyl magnesium bromide, reaction with
Effective thermal conductivity, porous catalyst, 458 pinacolin, 73
catalyst, 457 semibatch reactor, 368-369 Ethyl nitrate pyrolysis, 120
fixed bed reactor, 496-501 stability analysis and, 370-374 Ethylbenzene isomerization, 312-313
Effectiveness factor, 438-463 steady-state, 350 Ethylene, chlorination of, 308
asymptotic forms, 452 tubular reactor, 361-365 from ethane, 21
cylindrical pore model, 194, 439-446, Energy generation function, 459 hydration of, 12-14
454, 464-468, 470-474 Energy loss curves, 371-374 hydrogenation, 462-463, 529
definition, 438-439, 459 Energy release by reaction, 370-374 oxidation, 537
determination of, 442-444 Energy requirement for reaction, 107, to acetaldehyde, 169
effective diffusivity model, 447-452, 109,111 via propane pyrolysis, 540-555
457-459 Enthalpy, of activation, 117-118 reaction, with butadiene, 362-364
endothermic reactions, 462 of adsorption, 169-170, 172, 174, 183 with chlorine, 380
exothermic reactions, 460-462 of formation, 7-8 Ethylene bromide, reaction with
first-order reaction, 439-444, 447-449, of formation data, 570-573 potassium iodide, 50
456, 459-461, 464-468, 470-474 of reaction, 8-9 Ethylene chloride pyrolysis, 306-307
flat plate, 451,456 standard enthalpy change, 6-9 Ethylene oxide, decomposition, 68
greater than unity, 460 Entropy, of activation, 117-118 hydration, 73-74
Hougen-Watson kinetics, 455-456 standard entropy change, 6 Ethylhexene chlorination, 305-306
interpretation of, 438, 442 Enzyme catalysis, 226-233 Excess concentration technique, 59-61,
isothermal catalyst, 439-456 data analysis, 229-231 132, 146, 156
multiple steady states, 460 deactivation of enzyme, 232-233 Exothermic reaction, definition, 7
naphthalene oxidation, 561-563 environmental effects, 232 energy release curve, 370-371, 373
nonequimolal counterdiffusion, Haldane relation, 231 reversible, 375-377
452-453 inhibition effects, 231 Experimentation, effective diffusivity
nonjsothermal pellet, 453, 456-463 mechanisms, 228-229, 231-232 determination, 436
pellet geometry and, 451-452 rate expressions for, 228-229, 231 F(t) curve determination, 389-392
poisoned catalyst, 464-468 reversible reactions, 229, 231 isolation method, 59-60
pore model, 439-446, 454, 464-468, specificity, 227 planning for, 35-36, 54
470-474 temperature effect, 232 precautions, 34-40
reversible reaction, 456 Enzyme kinetics, see Enzyme catalysis residence time determination, 389-392
second-order reaction, 444-446 Equilibrium, criteria for chemical techniques and apparatus, 37-40
selectivity considerations, 468-474 reaction, 5, 9 temperature control, 35
shifts in reaction order, 453-454 standard states for calculation of, 6 tests for mass transfer limitations,
zero-order reaction, 445-446, 450-451 Equilibrium approximation, 79-81, 83 178-181
Effectiveness factor plot, first-order Equilibrium composition, see void volume determination, 193-194
reaction, 441, 446, 450-451 Equilibrium yield see also Data analysis
nonequimolal counterdiffusion, 453 Equilibrium constant, for adsorption, Explosion limits, 104-105
588 Subject index
Explosions, 102-105 packing, 426 Glucose, mutarotation, 242
Extender, catalyst, 197, 200 phthalic anhydride production, 554, Graphical analysis of CSTR cascade,
Extent of reaction, concept, 2-3 556-568 281-286
fraction conversion and, 3 pressure drop, 427, 492-493, 515-516, Graphical determination of V^/F^Q^
per unit volume, 24 560-561 264, 275
External mass transfer, 474-484 pseudo homogeneous models, 501-521, Group contributions, 234-235
External surface concentrations, 559-568 Group specificity, 227
elimiation of, 478-484 stability analysis, 509 Guggenheim's method of data
estimation of, 480-484 thermal losses, 516-519 analysis, 57-59
Extinction temperature, 373-375 two dimensional model, 491, 496-500,
Eyring's theory, see Transition state 502-505,519-521 Haldane relation, 231
theory velocity profile, 505 Half-life method of data analysis, 55-57
see also Trickle bed reactor Hammett equation, 236-239, 244
F(t) curve, 388-417 Flow, in fluidized beds, 521-522 Hammett substituent constants, 236-239
CSTR, 392-394 models, see Models, nonideal flow Hanes plot, 229-230
definition, 389 through packed beds, 426-427, 492-494 Hard sphere theory, see Collision theory
determination of, 389-392 Fluidized bed reactor, advantages, Heat of adsorption, 169-170
dispersion model, 398-399 429-430 Heat of formation, 7,8,570-573
laminar flow reactor, 394-396 description, 429-430 Heat of reaction, 8, 9
plug flow reactor, 392 design, 521-523 Heat transfer, batch reactor, 249,
probabilistic interpretation, 389-390 disadvantages, 430 351-352,354-355
stirred tanks in series model, 406-407 heat transfer correlation, 486 bulk fluid to external catalyst surface,
tubular reactor, 392-393 mass transfer in, 476, 530-531 484-488
Families of reactions, 89-90 models, 522-523 to containing wall, 495-496
Fatty oils, hydrogenation, 532 uses, 429 CSTR, 357-359
Fick's first law, 432-433, 447, 526 Fluorine, reaction with fixed bed reactor, 425-427, 495-502,
First law of thermodynamics, see Energy perfluorobutene-2, 122 506,516-520
balance Formation, heat of, 7-8, 570-573 limitations on rate, 488-491
First-order reactions, consecutive, Fouling of catalysts, 197, 202-203 plug flow reactor, 361, 364-365
150-152 Fraction conversion, definition, 3 in porous catalyst, 457
in CSTR, 371 relation to extent of reaction, 3 semibatch reactor, 367-370
in CSTR cascade, 287, 291-292 Fractional life method of data Heat transfer coefficient, definition, 351
effectiveness factor, 439-444, 447-449, analysis, 55-57 particle-bulk fluid, 475, 485-486
453,456,458-463 Fractional-order reactions, 31, 86, 97 Helium-mercury method for void volume
examples, 28 Franck-Rabinowitch effect, 217 determination, 193
Guggenheim's method for data Free energy, see Gibbs free energy Heterogeneous catalysis, 168-169,
analysis, 57-59 Freeenergy diagram for reaction, 112-113 178-203
mathematics of, 28 Free energy of activation, 117, 233 diffusion and, 178-181. See also
parallel, 139-142 rate constants and, 234 Effectiveness factor
precision of rate constants, 63 Free energy relations, 233-240 mass transfer and, 178-181
reversible, 127-129, 131 Free radical, mechanism, 87 rate expressions, 178-192
surface reaction, 183-184 polymerization, 124-125 rate limiting step, 178-181
Fixed bed reactor, adiabatic operation, recombination, 217 steps in process, 178
502,507,510-516 see also Chain reactions; Intermediates See also Surface reaction
advantages of, 426 Frequency factor, 26 Heterogeneous model of fixed bed
catalyst regeneration, 427 Frequency response diagram, 390 reactor, 491-492
configurations, 425 Friction factor, 492-493, 544-545 Heterogeneous reaction,
control of bed temperature, 425-427 Fugacity, 11, 13 thermodynamics of, 15
description, 425-427 Fugacity coefficient chart, 574 Heterogeneous reaction system, 255
design of, 491-521 Hexaphenylethane decomposition, 66
disadvantages of, 426 Gel formation in catalyst preparation, High pressure batch reactor, 249
dispersion in, 493-494 198 Hirschfelder rules, 89
energy balance, 496-498, 506-507, 566 Gibbs free energy, calculation of standard Hofstee plot, 229-230
flow in, 426-427, 492-494 free energy change, 7-9, 12-13 Holding time, 255
heat transfer in, 426, 495-502, 506, equilibrium constant and, 9, 13 Homogeneous catalysis, 168-169,
516-520 equilibrium criteria and, 9 220-233. See also Acid-base
homogeneous models, 501-521 of formation, 7-8, 570-573 catalysis; Enzyme catalysis
mass transfer in, 474-476, 480-484, pressure effect, 8-9 Homogeneous model, see Pseudo
530-531 standard change on reaction, 6, 9 homogeneous model
material balance, 502-504, 506 temperature effect, 8 Homogeneous reaction system, 254-255
models, 491-492,496-521 see also Chemical potential Hougen-Watson kinetics, effectiveness
multiple steady states, 508-509 Global reaction rate, 488-492 factor for, 455-456
one dimensional model, 491, 498, 502, Glucoamylase use in dextrose rate expressions for, 182-192
504-519,559-568 production, 243-244 Hydration, ethylene oxide, 73-74
Subject index 589
isobutene, 58-59,527 Instantaneous fractional yield, 320-322 Hougen-Watson models and, 182
Hydrodealkylation, 313-314 Integral methods, fractional life multicomponent, 175-176
Hydrodesulfuiization, 428, 525 methods, 55-57 single component, 174-175
Hydrogen, adsorption on zinc oxide, 204 general procedure, 48 Langmuir-Hinshelwood rate expression,
reaction, with bromine, 91-95 graphical procedure, 48-49 see Hougen-Watson kinetics
with carbon dioxide, 208 Guggenheim's method, 57-59 Law of definite proportions, 3
with chlorine, 126 numberical procedures, 53-55 Least squares analysis, 42, 55, 191
with nitric oxide, 81-82 reversible reactions, 132 Lewis and Randall rule, 11
Hydrogen cyanide, reaction with use of, 50-53, 58-59, 132-134 Limitations on rate, mass transfer, 474-484
propionaldehyde, 69 see also Data analysis; Experimentation Limiting forms of rate expression, 478-480
Hydrogen iodide, reaction with Integration, numerical, 356 Limiting reagent, 3
cyclohexene, 67 Interaction energies, 234-235 Lindemann mechanism, 110-111, 228
Hydrogen ion, 221-226 Intermediates, 77-78, 84-87, 215, Linear free energy relations, 233-240
Hydrogen peroxide, oxidation of iodide 220,227 Linearity of data, 36, 49
ions, 241 Intermittant addition of reactants, 247 Lineweaver-Burk plot, 229-230
reaction with sodium thiosulfate, 386 Intermolecular forces, 169, 177, 216 Linoleic acid, 165-166, 382
Hydrogenation, acetone, 19 Interpretation of kinetic data, see Data Liquid distribution in trickle bed reactor,
acetylene, 529 analysis 428
benzene, 311-312 Interstage cooling, 376 Lock and key hypothesis, 227
cottonseed oil, 165-166, 382-383 Intraparticle heat and mass transfer, see Long chain approximation, 96, 99
cyclohexene, 532-536 Effectiveness factor Long interval method, 53-54
edible oils, 167 Intrinsic rate, 26, 439 Longitudinal dispersion, 494
ethylene, 462-463,529 Iodide ion, oxidation by hydrogen Longitudinal dispersion model,
fats, 167 peroxide, 241 see Dispersion model
fatty oils, 532 Ionic strength, 218-219, 224-226 Longitudinal Peclet number, 494
linoleic acid, 165-166 Ionization constants, 236-237
nitrobenzene, 532 Irreversible reaction, definition, 3 Machine computation, 246, 289, 502,
propionaldehyde, 189-190, 209 Isobutene, hydration of, 58-59, 527 508,519-521,537,554,567
Hydrogenolysis of propane, 308-309 Isolation method, 59-60 Maleic anhydride, from benzene, 345-346
Hydrolysis, benzhydryl bromide, 72-73 Isomerization, ethylbenzene, 312-313 Mass balance, see Material balance
catalytic, 221 xylene, 343 Mass transfer, bulk fluid to catalyst
ethyl esters, 239 Isopropanol, via hydrogenation of surface, 178-181,474-484
p-nitrophenyl trimethylacetate, 314 acetone, 19 comparison of fixed and fluidized bed,
Hydroquinone, 345 Isopropyl benzene, see Cumene cracking 530-531
Hydroxide ion, as catalyst, 221-224 Isothermal operation, definition, 255 fixed bed reactor, 563
reaction, with bromphenol blue, 242 Isotropic substitution, 87-88 intraparticle, 178-181, 431-437. See
with nitrourethane ion, 241 also Diffusion
Hydroxybutyric acid, conversion to j Factor, heat transfer, 476-477, limitations on rate, 179-181, 246,
lactone, 160-161 485-487,563 474-484, 488-491. See also
Hydroxycumyl hydroperoxide, 345 mass transfer, 476-477, 482, 563 Effectiveness factor
Hysteresis and stability analysis, 374-375 Joule-Thompson expansion, 23 in porous catalysts, 179-181, 431-437
Mass transfer coefficient, 475, 482
Ideal reactors, see Batch reactor; CSTR; Ketopolyhydroxy acids, conversion to Material balance, batch reactor, 257
and Plug flow reactor ascorbic acids, 164 CSTR, 270-272, 278
Ignition of reaction, 373-375 Kinetic expression, see Rate expression fixed bed reactor, 502-504, 506, 565
Imidazole, reaction with Kinetic term 186, 188 general, 252-253
metmyoglobin, 162 Kinetic theory of gases, see Collision plug flow reactor, 263
Immobilized enzymes, 314 theory semibatch reactor, 301
Imperfect pulse method to get dispersion Kinetics, see Chemical kinetics; Reaction Mathematical characterization of rate
parameter, 402 rate expressions, consecutive, 150-153
Impregnation of catalysts, 198-200 Knudsen diffusion, 178, 433-435, irreversible, 28-33
Impulse input, 390-392, 394 437,526 parallel; 138-146
Impurity effects, 35 reversible, 127-131,134-136
Independent reactions, determination Laboratory studies, see Experimentation Maximization of autocatalytic rate, 341
of, 16-17 Lactalbumin degradation, 343 Maximum concentration of intermediate,
Induction period, 96, 102 Lactoglobulin degradation, 343 series-parallel reaction, 330-331
Inductive effects, 235 Lactose, conversion, 314 series reaction, 324-326
Inhibition, enzyme, 231-232 reaction with bromine, 338 Maximum yield of intermediate,
Inhibitors, 26, 96, 102, 168, 183, 201 Laminar flow reactor, 394-396, 409 diffusional limitations on, 470-474
Initial conditions, dispersion model, 398 Langmuir adsorption isotherm, Mean residence time, 255. See also
Initial rate studies, 46-47, 131, 190-191, 173-177, 204, 228-229 Residence time
205-206,210,228 assumptions, 173-174 Mechanism, 76-105
Initiation reaction, 91, 96 derivation of, 174-177 alternatives for same reaction, 81-82,
Initiators, 96, 102 dissociative adsorption, 176-177 85-86
590 Subject index
criteria for testing, 80 Naphthalene oxidation, 554, 556-568 inverse, 85-8"6
definition, 1, 76 Neptunium (IV), reaction with vanadium mechanism and, 85-86
derivation of rate expression from, 79-83 (ID, 74 molecularity and, 77
determination of, 78-79, 81-83, 86-90 Nickel tetracarbonyl, decomposition, negative, 85-86
enzyme catalysis, 228 124,213-214 noninteger, 31, 86
guidelines for determination of, 84-86 Nitric acid, from ammonia oxidation, properties, 27,
heterogeneous catalysis, see Surface 314-315 pseudo, 27,59-60
reaction Nitric oxide, reactionwith hydrogen, 81-82 shifts, at low effectiveness factor,
reversible reactions and, 84-85 oxidation, 121 453-454
Rice-Herzfeld, 98-102 Nitrobenzene, hydrogenation, 532 under mass transfer control, 478-480
steps in, 77 Nitroethane, reaction with pyridine, 72 stoichiometric coefficients and, 27,86
see also Chain reactions: Free radical Nitrogen, adsorption on silica gel, 204 thermodynamic consistency and,
Mechanistic equation, 77 Nitrogen dioxide, 21, 137-138 136-138
Mercury penetration method, 195 Nitrogen pentoxide decomposition, Ortho-para hydorgen conversion, 526
Methane decomposition, 344 activation energy, 66, 71 Overall fractional yield, 320
Methanol, synthesis, 22 half-life, 71 Oxidation, acetaldehyde, 121
Methanolysis of benzoyl chloride, 61-62 kinetics, 71-72 ammonia, 122, 314-315,431
Methylacetoxypropionate pyrolysis, mechanism, 80-83 ascorbic acid, 121
266-269, 309 rate constants, 66 benzene, 345-346
Methyl acrylate, from methylacetoxy- Nitrogen tetraoxide, 21, 137-138 carbon monoxide, 207-208
propionate, 266-269, 309 Nitrophenyl trimethylacetate, ethylene, 169,537
reaction with butadiene, 265-266, 273 hydrolysis, 314 iodide ion, 241
Methyl methacrylate polymerization, Nitrourethane ion, reaction with naphtalene, 554, 556-568
125 hydroxide ion, 241 nitric oxide, 121
Methyl-2-oxazolidinone decomposition, Nitrous oxide decomposition, 71, 126 sulphur dioxide, 21, 167, 210, 212-213,
339-340 NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), 72 431, 480, 500, 509-519, 536-537
Metmyoglobin reaction with imidazole, Nonactivated chemisorption, 170 Oxidative dehydrogenation of butene,
162 Noncompetitive inhibition, 232 538-539
Michaelis constant, 229, 243-244 Nonequimolar conterdiffusion, 482-483 Ozone decomposition, 97-98, 123-124
Michaelis-Menten equation, 228-229, effectiveness factors and, 452-453
243-244 Nonideal reactors, conversion in, 408-416 Packed bed reactor, see Fixed bed reactor
Microscopic reversibility, 84-85,88-89,168 Nonisothermal effectiveness factors, Parallel combinations of reactors, 269, 298
Minimization of CSTR cascade volume, 456-463 Parallel reactions, 138-150
283-284, 289-290 Nonisothermal reactors, 349 competitive, 144-150
Minimum combustion temperature, Nonproductive periods in batch reactor, design strategy for, 318-324
373-375 299 determination of rate expressions for,
Minimum ignition temperature, 374-375 Nonsteady state analysis, CSTR, 277-279 143-150
Mixed flow models, 397-409 CSTR cascade, 295-296 effectiveness factors and, 468-470
Mixing, characteristics of stirred tank, 270 Numerical procedures, data analysis, 53-55 elimination of time as a variable, 318
effect on product yields, 330-331 use of, 58-59 first-order, 139
Models, fixed bed reactor, 491-492,496-521 Nusselt number, 475 general order, 142-144
fluidized bed reactor, 522-523 irreversible, 139-140, 142-144
nonideal flow, 396-408 Occam's razor, 90 mathematical characterization of,
pore structure, 194-195 Oleic acid, 382 138-146
Molecular diffusion, see Diffusion One dimensional model of fixed bed operating conditions for selectivity,
Molecular weight distribution, 336-337, reactor, 491, 498,502, 504-519, 318-319
346 559-568 reversible, 140-141
Molecularity, 77, 84 Open boundary, 398 simple, 139-143
Montmorillonite catalyst, 204 Open sequence reactions, 90 single reactant, 318-320
Moving bed reactor, 428-429 Opposing reactions see Reversible reaction temperature effect, 378
Multiple CSTR's, see CSTR's in series Optical rotation, 74, 161 Partial oxidation, see Oxidation
Multiple reactions, see Competitive- Optimization, intermediate concentration, Particle diameter, equivalent, 476
consecutive reactions; Consecutive 324-326 Particle size, effect on rate, 442
reactions. Multiple substitution size ratio for two reactor cascade, Partition functions, 116-117
reactions; Parallel reactions; Series- 283-284, 289-290 Peclet number, 399, 485, 494. see also
parallel reactions; and temperature profile, see Temperature Dispersion parameter
Simultaneous reactions profile Pelleted catalysts, 196, 200
Multiple steady states, 372-374, 509 Order, see also First-order reactions; Perfluorobutene-2, reaction with fluorine,
Multiple substitution reactions, 330-336. Second-order reactions 122
see also Competitive-consecutive changes in, 86, 110-111 pH, effect on rate, 222-226, 232-233
reactions; Series-parallel reactions definition, 26-27 Phenylacetate saponification, 70
Multitube reactors, 556 fractional, 31, 86 Phynyl isocyanate dimerization, 310
Mutarotation of glucose, 242 heterogeneous catalytic reactions, 182 Phenylpropyne, reaction with dinitro-
Subject index 591
benzenesulfenyl chloride, 163 effect of geometry on diffusion, 435 design, 245-246, 259, 272, 281, 294
Philosopher's Stone, 167 Pore geometry, 432
Phosgene production, 123 Pore model, effectiveness factor, 439-446 Radial dispersion, 493-494
Phosphine decomposition, 381 454 Radial Peclet number, 494
Photochemical equivalence, 96 Pore-mouth poisoning, 464, 466-468 Radial temperature gradient, 262
Phthalic anhydride production, 554, Pore size distribution, 195-196, 200 Radical, see Free radical
556-568 Porosity, catalyst pellet, 193, 194 Raman spectra, 204-205
Physical adsorption, see Adsorption, packed bed, 476 Rate, see Reaction rate
physical total, 497 Rate constant, for acid-base catalysis,
Physical characterization of catalysts, Potassium iodide, reaction with ethylene 221,223-226
192-196 bromide, 50 definition, 27
Physical methods in experimental studies, Potential energy surface, 112-115 estimates of, 233, 235
38-40 Prandtl number, 485-487, 563 precision of, 63-65
Physical property measurements, extent Precipitation, in catalyst preparation, 198 prediction of, 233-240
of reaction and, 60-62, 130 Precision of kinetic data, 63-65 relation to equilibrium constant,
use in data analysis, 60-62, 71-75, 130, Preexponential factor, defining equation, 136-138
132 26 temperature dependence, 26, 62-63
Pilot plant reactors, 246 Pressure, effect, on rate, 190-191 units, 27
Pinacolin, reaction with ethyl magnesium on reactions in liquids, 219-220 Rate controlling step, see Rate limiting
bromide, 73 Pressure drop, fixed bed reactor, 492-493, step
Pinene isomerization, 163 515-516,560-561 Rate determining step, see Rate limiting
Piston flow reactor, see Plug flow reactor tubular reactor, 264-265,542,545,548 step
Plug flow reactor, adiabatic operation, Pressure measurements, in rate studies, Rate equation, see Rate expression
362-364, 366-367, 375-376 39, 51-53. See also Physical Rate expression, adsorption limiting,
advantages, 252 property measurements 187-191
assumptions, 251, 262-264, 361, 417 Pressurized batch reactor, 249 adsorption term, 186-188
axial transport, 262 Primary salt effect, 218, 225 degeneration of form, 42, 59-60,
combinations with CSTR's, 297-299 Principle of microscopic reversibility, 190-191
design, 261-269, 361-365 84-85,88-89, 168 desorption limiting, 188, 191
design equations, 263-265 Probability, F(t) curve and, 389-390, 393 determination of, see Data analysis
energy balance, 361-365, 543, 545-547 method to evaluate dispersion driving force term, 186, 188
F(t) curve, 392-393 parameter, 401-402 enzyme catalysis, 228-229
heat transfer, 251, 361-362, 364-365 Product distribution, see Selectivity form, 26
heterogeneous catalytic reactor, Promoter, catalyst, 197-198, 201 heterogeneous catalytic reactions,
see Fixed bed reactor Propagation reactions, 91-92, 96 178-192
idealizations, 262 Propane, hydrogenolysis, 308-309 Hougen-Watson, 182-192
material balance, 263 pyrolysis case study, 540-555 integrated forms of, 28-31
nonisothermal, 362-365 Propanol, dehydration of, 7 kinetic term, 186-188
physical configuration, 247, 251 Propionaldehyde, hydrogenation, 189, 209 Langmuir-Hinshelwood, 182. See also
pressure drop in, 264-265,542,545,548 Propylene, from cumene, 437 Hougen-Watson kinetics
radial temperature gradients, 262 reaction with cyclohexadiene, 164-165 limiting forms of, 478-480
residence time, 268-269 Protein degradation, 343 reversible reaction, 26
series-parallel combinations, 269 Proton, 221 sources of data for, 246
size comparison, with CSTR cascade, Pseudo homogeneous model, 491, thermodynamic consistency, 136-138
290-295 496-521,559-568 use in design calculations, 246
with single CSTR, 274-277 Pulse input, 390 Yang-Hougen form, 186-188
space time, 264 response of dispersion model, 399-400 see also Mathematical characterization
validity of assumptions, 417 Purification of reagents, 34-35 of rate expressions
velocity gradients, 262 Pyridine, adsorption on silica gel, 204-205 Rate limiting step, 79-80,84-85,178-181
Poisoning of catalysts, 168,174,197,201-203 reaction with nitroethane, 72 heterogeneous catalysis and, 178-181
effectiveness factors and, 464-468 Pyrolysis, acetone, 123 Reaction coordinate, 112, 113, 115
homogeneous, 464-466 acetonitrile, 308 Reaction mechanism, see Mechanism
nonselective, 464-466 dimethylether, 68 Reaction order, see Order
pore-mouth, 464, 466-468 ethyl nitrate, 120 Reaction progress variable, 154. See also
selective, 464, 466-468 ethylene chloride, 306-307 Extent of reaction; Fraction
uniform, 464-466 mechanisms, 98 conversion
Polar effects, 235 methylacetoxypropionate, 266-269, 309 Reaction rate, in constant volume
Polar substituent constants, 235-236 propane, 540-555 systems, 24-25
Polymerization, 124-125, 167-168, see also Decomposition definition, 24-25
336-337,346 effect, of pH, 222-226
Pore, average length, 194 Quantum yield, 96-97 of temperature, 26
average radius, 194 Quenching, 38 in heterogeneous systems, 25
characteristic dimensions, 437, 439 Questions to be answered in reactor intrinsic, 26, 439
592 Subject index
pseudo homogeneous, 497, 503 secondary, 225-226 290-295
time dependence, 26 Saponification of phenylacetate, 70 Skeletal density, 193
units, 24 Schmidt number, 475,481,485-486,563 Slope method, to get dispersion
variables influencing, 25-26 Secondary salt effect, 225-226 parameter, 401,404
see also Rate expression Second-order reactions, classes, 29 to get number of stirred tanks in
Reaction rate constant, see Rate competitive-consecutive, 156-160 series, 407-408
constant in CSTR cascade, 287, 292-293 Slug flow reactor, 262. See also Plug
Reaction specificity, 277 effectiveness factor, 444-446 flow reactor
Reaction step, see Mechanistic equation examples, 29-30 Slurry reactor, 430-431
Reactor, networks, 297-299 mathematical characterization, 28-29 Sodium phenolate, reaction with
types, 247-252 reversible, 129-134 phenylacetate, 70
see also Batch reactor; CSTR; surface reactions, 184-186 Sodium thiosulfate, reaction with
Fixed bed reactor; Fluidized bed Segregated flow model, 397, 408-409, hydrogen peroxide, 386
reactor; Moving bed reactor; 411-412 Solid catalyzed reactions, see
Plug flow reactor; Semibatch Selective poisoning, 464, 466-468 Heterogeneous catalysis
reactor; Slurry reactor; Trickle Selectivity, catalyst, 168 Solvent effects, chemical, 215
bed reactor definition, 317 physical, 215-216
Reciprocal plot, 229, 232 instantaneous, 318 Space time, CSTR, 272
Recombination of free redicals, 217 intraparticle mass transfer and, 468-474 CSTR cascade, 290-291
Recycle ratio, 296 poisons, 202-203 definition, 255-256
Recycle reactors, 296-297 temperature profiles for, 378-379 mean residence time and, 256
Reference state for design calculations, 255 see also Consecutive reactions; plug flow reactor, 265
Reforming reaction, 21-22, 251 Parallel reactions, and Series- Space velocity, 256-257
Regeneration, in fluidized bed reactors, parallel reactions Specific acid catalysis, 221-224
429-430 Seleninic acids, 244 Specific base catalysis, 221-224
Relative rate constants, for consecutive Semibatch reactor, 247, 252, 300-304 Specificity, enzyme, 227
reactions, 153-155 energy balance, 368-369 reaction, see Selectivity
Relative rate studies, parallel reactions, material balance, 301 Spectroscopy in kinetic studies,
147-148 quasiautothermal operation, 367-370 39-40, 72-74
Relaxation technique, 134-136 uses, 300 Squared terms, 111-112
Relaxation time, 134-135 Semiflow reactor, see Semibatch reactor Stability analysis, CSTR, 372-373
Reproducibility of data, 36-37 Sensible heat effects in batch reactors, fixed bed reactor, 509
Residence time, average, 255, 389, 391-392 352-353 Stability poison, 203
CSTR, 270, 273-274 Series combinations of plug flow reactors, Stabilizer, catalyst, 197-198, 201
effect on polymer molecular weight, 269, 298-299 Stable operating conditions, 370-375
336-337 Series-parallel reactions, batch reactor Standard energy changes, see Enthalpy;
experimental determination of, 389-392 analysis, 332 Gibbs free energy
plug flow reactor, 268-269 CSTR analysis, 332-334 Standard reaction conditions, 6
Residence time distribution function, design strategy for, 329-337 Standard states, conventional, 5-6
388-408. See also F(t) curve plug flow reactor analysis, 332 relation to pressure effects for
Resistance measurements to monitor temperature effect, 379 reactions, 8
reaction, 72 see also Competitive-consecutive Stationary state approximation, see
Resonance effects, 235 reactions Steady state approximation
Reversible reaction, 127-138 Series reactions, see Consecutive reactions Steady state approximation (for
definition, 4 Shaft work, 350 intermediates), 79, 82-83, 92-93,
determination of rate expression, Shell and tube reactors, 251 96-98, 100-101, 103-104, 110, 228
131-134 Sherwood number, 475 Steady state operation, 254
effectiveness factor, 456 Short interval method, 53-54 Stearic acid, 382
energy release curve, 371, 373 Silica-alumina catalyst, 437,443,449-450 Step function input, 390, 393
exothermic, 375-377 Silica gel, adsorption of nitrogen, 204 response of, dispersion model, 398-399
mathematical characterization, 127-131 adsorption of pyridine, 204-205 stirred tanks in series model, 405-406
opposing first-order reactions, 127-129, Simple reaction, see Mechanistic equation Steps in heterogeneous catalysis, 178-181
134-135 Simultaneous reactions, equilibrium Stereochemical specificity, 227
parallel, 140-142 treatment of, 16-18 Stereochemistry, 88
relaxation techniques and, 134-136 number of independent, 16-17 Stereoregular polymers, 346
second-order, 129-136 see also Consecutive reactions; Steric effects, 235
Reynolds, number, 180, 475-476, 482, Parallel reactions; and Series- Steric factor, 106-107, 109, 112, 118
485,494,543,560 parallel reactions Sterilization of whey, 343
Rhinoceros, 192 Single substrate reactions, 227-231 Stilbene isomerization, 161
Rice-Herzfeld mechanisms, 98-102 Sinusoidal input, 390 Stimulus-response technique, 388-391
Rideal mechanism, 185 Size comparisons, batch reactor, 299 Stirred tank reactor, 247
CSTR and plug flow reactor, 274-277 tracer response curves, 394-395
Salt effect, primary, 218, 225 CSTR cascade and plug flow reactor, see also Batch reactor; CTSR; and
Subject index 593
Semibatch reactor catalyst exterior, 484-488, 564 enthalpy of activation, 117-118
Stirred tanks in series model, 405-408, within catalyst pellet, 458, 460 entropy of activation, 117-118
416-417 Temperature gradient, radial, 262. See equilibrium hypothesis, 112, 115-117
conversion, 416-417 also Temperature difference; free energy of activation, 117
determination of model parameter, Temperature profile linear free energy relations and, 233
407-408 Temperature profile, minimization of potential energy surface, 112-115
F(t) curves, 406-407 reactor volume and, 375-377 pressure effect and, 219
response to step input, 405-406 naphthalene oxidation, 567 rate constant, 116-117
Stoichiometric coefficients, convention selectivity considerations, 378-379 reaction coordinate, 112-113, 115
for, 2 thermodynamic considerations, reaction mechanism, 115
definition, 2 375-377 reaction rate, 116
matrix of, 17 Termination reactions, 91-92, 96, 104 thermodynamic functions, 117-118
Stoichiometric feed ratio, effect on form Termolecular reactions, 109 Trickle bed reactor, 427-428. See also
of rate expression, 42, 50, 132, Tests, for autocatalytic behavior, 339 Fixed bed reactor
146,190 for mass transfer limitations, 178-181 Trifluorochloroethylene dimerization, 71
Stoikinetic equation, see Mechanistic Tetraborane decomposition, 122 Tube furnaces, 251
equation Tetrachloroethane dehydrochlorination, Tubular reactor, F(t) curve, 392-393.
Structure, and mechanism, 84, 87-88 307 See also Plug flow reactor
Substituent constants, 236-239 Tetraethyl lead, 168 Turnover number, 226, 243
Substituent groups, effect on rate Theory of absolute reaction rates, see Two dimensional model, 491, 496-500,
constants, 234-240 Transition state theory 502-505,519-521,568
Substrate, definition, 220 Thermal conductivity, fixed bed, 496-501 Two phase model, 522-523
Successive reactions, see Consecutive porous catalyst, 457
reactions Thermochemical data, 570-573 Uncompetitive inhibition, 232
Sulfur dioxide, oxidation, 21, 167, 210, Thermodynamic consistency, 136-138 Uniformly accessible surface, 475
212-213, 431, 480, 500, 509-519, Thermodynamics, comparison with Unimolecular reactions, 109-112
536-537 chemical kinetics, 1, 5 Unstable operating point, 372-373
Sulfuric acid, reaction with diethyl limits imposed by, 1-2, 136-137
sulfate, 132-134 Vanadium (II), reaction with neptunium
of reactions, 5-19
Support, catalyst, 197-201 see also Energy balance; Enthalpy; (IV), 74
Surface area, catalyst, 200-201 Entropy; Equilibrium constant; Vanadium pentoxide, 536, 554, 559
measurement, 175, 177-178, 192 and Equilibrium yield Variable volume systems, mathematics
Surface concentrations, 182 Thiele modulus, flat plate geometry, 451 of, 31-33
Surface diffusion, 434-435 first-order reaction, 440, 442, 448, Variance method, to evaluate dispersion
Surface reaction, adsorption controlling, 456,459 parameter, 401-402, 404
187-191 interpretation of, 440 to evaluate number of stirred tanks,
adsorption equilibrium, 182-187 poisoned catalyst, 465 407-408
bimolecular, 184-186 reversible reaction, 456 Velocity, effect on conversion in
data interpretation, 190-192 second-order reaction, 444-445 heterogeneous catalysis, 179-180,
desorption limiting, 188, 191 zero-order reaction, 446 205
first-order, 183-184 Thiophene, 525 Velocity profile, fixed bed reactor, 505
Hougen-Watson models, 182-192 Third-order reactions, classes, 30 tubular reactor, 262
limiting forms, 183-185, 191 examples, 30 Vinyl chloride production, 380
molecules on different types of sites, mathematical characterization of, 30 Vinyl phenylbutyrate polymerization, 66
184-185 Time ratio method, competitive- Void volume, catalyst, 193-194
nonequilibrium adsorption, 182, consecutive reactions, 156-160 Volume change modulus, 452-453
187-190 consecutive reactions, 154-155 Volume of activation, 220
rate expressions for, 183-192 Toluene hydrodealkylation, 313-314 Volume of reactor, 255
rate maxima, 184 2, 6-Tolylene diisocyanate, reaction with Volumetric expansion parameter,
Rideal mechanism, 185 butanol, 158-160 calculation, 32
second-order, 184-186 Tortuosity factor, 435 definition, 32
temperature dependence, 183-184 Total porosity, 497 relation to species concentrations, 33
vacant sites involved in, 185-186 Tracer, 389-390 Volumetric hourly space velocity, 256
Transfer function method to evaluate Wacker process, 169
Taft equation, 240 dispersion parameter, 402-403 Water gas shift, 21, 208
Tank reactor, 247 Transient analysis of CSTR behavior, Weak acid catalysis, 224-226
Tank sizes, ordering in CSTR 277-279 Weak base catalysis, 224-226
cascade, 327 Transient operation, 254 Weight hourly space velocity, 256
Temperature, effect, on enzyme Transition state, 112, 114 Whey sterilization, 343
reactions, 232 Transition state theory, 112-118
on rate constant, 62-63 activation energy, 115 Xylene, bromination, 44-46
on surface reactions, 183-184 basic hypothesis, 112 from ethylbenzene, 312-313
Temperature difference, bulk fluid- collision theory and, 112, 117-118 isomerization, 343
594 Subject index

Yang-Hougen form of rate expression,

Yield, batch reactor, 320
comparison for CSTR and plug flow
reactor, 327-329
concentration-yield curves, 321-322
conversion and, 317
CSTR, 320, 323-324
CSTR cascade, 321
effects of manner of mixing, 330-331
instantaneous fractional, 320
optimization, 322, 324-329
overall fractional, 320
plug flow reactor, 320, 323
see also Selectivity
Zeolite A production, 259-261
Zeolites, 436
Zero-order reaction, in CSTR
cascade, 287
effectiveness factor, 445-446, 450-451
Ziegler-Natta catalysis, 346
Zinc oxide, adsorption of hydrogen 204

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