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● Terminologies

Peace Education – process of acquiring the values, knowledge, and developing the attitudes, skills,
and behaviours to live harmoniously with oneself, with others, and with the natural environment.

Peace Building – refers generally to the long-term period of building peaceful communities, a
desirable goal

People – important factor for building the culture of peace; educating people toward becoming
peace agents is a central task of peace building

Executive Order 570 – signed in September 2006; and EO of the President Institionalization of Peace
Education in Basic Education; July 2008 – Integration of Peace Education in the curriculum in
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

5 Spheres of Peace: (PEPSI)

1) Personal,

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2) Ecological,
3) Political,

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4) Social,
5) Institutional

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Peace – absence of death and destruction as a result of war and physical and direct violence; both
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the absence of personal/direct violence and the presence of social justice

Peace Education – transformative; cultivates the knowledge behaviours that either created or

exacerbated violent conflict; it seeks building awareness and understanding developing concern,
challenging personal and social that will enable to create conditions and systems that actualize
aC s
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non-violence, justice, environment care and other peace values; learning processed in peace
education. I holistic; address cognitive, affective, and active dimensions of the learner.

Armed conflicts – Major rebel groups

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Other forms of violence: Socio-cultural, Structural, and Ecological

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Theme 1. Upholding Human Dignity – center of values system;

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Human dignity – fundamental innate worth if the person; a principle that is now universally

accepted but has not taken root in the action practices of many governments, communities, and
other non-state factors

Theme 2. Challenging Prejudice and Building Tolerance

Goldon Allport(1958) – “humans have prosperity towards prejudice”

Prejudice – negative attitude’/feelings towards others without basis

Types of prejudice:
o Racism
o Sexism
o Heterosexism

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o Classicism
o Linguicism
o Ageism
o Lookism
o Religious Intolerance

Stereotypes – negative opinion to others based on incomplete knowledge

Discrimination – negative action to a specific social group that is manifested thru avoidance,
aversion, or even violence

Theme 3. Promoting Non-Violence

Non-violence – refusal to do harm to others; life is scared; we all have the potential to change

Why non-violence?

o Both ethical and moral choice

o Destruction is not a human law

er as
o Practical choice

o It works!

eH w
Possible causes of war:

o Territorial Disputes
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o Lack of differences
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o Ideological or power struggles
o History of colonialism and the process of decolonization

o Competition of resources
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Theme 4. Challenging the War System

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Theme 5. Sharing the Earth’s Resources

Structural violence – highly uneven distribution of wealth and resources

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Hunger and poverty are the symptoms of this violence

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Theme 6. Resolving and Transforming Conflicts

Conflicts – “confictus” (latin) which means striking together with force

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Options in dealing with conflict:


o Avoidance or withdrawal
o Aggression
o Accommodation
o Compromise
o Collaboration

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