Module 5 Lesson 1 Properties of Normal Distribution

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Module 5: Normal

Lesson 1: Properties of Normal
Roldan C. Bangalan
 1. Which is not a property of the
standard normal distribution?
 A. It’s bell-shaped.
 B. It’s uniform.
 C. It’s unimodal.
 D. It’s symmetric about the mean.
 2. Illustrate a normal distribution with a
mean of 80 and a standard deviation of
 3. For the standard normal distribution,
the area to the right of z = 2.1 is
 A. 0.9821
 B. 0.4561
 C. 0.0358
 D. 0.0179
 4. The length of human pregnancies
from conception to birth varies according
to a distribution that is approximately
normal with mean 266 days and
standard deviation 16 days. What is the
z-score for 250 days?
 a. 1.5
 b. 1
 c. -1
 d. 0
 5. The IQ of 300 students in a certain
school is approximately normally
distributed with a mean of 100 and
standard deviation of 15. What is the
probability that a randomly selected
student will have an IQ of 115 and
 A. 0.1587
 B. 0.3413
 C. 0.5
 D. 0.8413
What’s the

What’s the
 60 to 100
beats per
normal minute
What’s the

height of a
Vital signs

 Vital signs reflect essential body functions, including your

heartbeat, breathing rate, temperature, and blood
pressure. Your health care provider may watch, measure, or
monitor your vital signs to check your level of physical
 Normal vital signs change with age, sex, weight, exercise
capability, and overall health.
 Normal vital sign ranges for the average healthy adult
while resting are:
 Blood pressure: 90/60 mm/Hg to 120/80 mm/Hg
 Breathing: 12 to 18 breaths per minute
 Pulse: 60 to 100 beats per minute
 Temperature: (36.5°C to 37.3°C)/(37°C)
What is NORMAL?
 usual or ordinary : not strange
 mentally and physically healthy
 according with, constituting, or not
deviating from a norm, rule, or principle
 conforming to a type, standard, or
regular pattern
Distribution of Correct Answers of 19
Students who Participated in a Math Contest
(School A)
Number of Correct Frequency
1 1
2 2
3 4
4 5
5 4
6 2
7 1
N = 19
Distribution of Correct Answers of 19
Students who Participated in a Math Contest
(School B)
Number of Correct Frequency
1 0
2 0
3 1
4 2
5 4
6 9
7 3
N = 19
Distribution of Correct Answers of 19
Students who Participated in a Math Contest
(School C)
Number of Correct Frequency
1 3
2 9
3 4
4 2
5 1
6 0
7 0
N = 19
LC: illustrates a normal random variable and its characteristics

Normal Distribution
 Normal distribution is a distribution with
a bell-shaped appearance.
 In a normal distribution,
the mean = median = mode
LC: illustrates a normal random variable and its characteristics

Properties of Normal Curve

 Mean = Median = Mode

 It is symmetrical about the mean.
 The tails or ends are asymptotic relative
to the horizontal axis.
 The total area under the normal curve is
equal to 1 or 100%.
 The normal curve area may be
subdivided into standard deviations, at
least 3 units to the left and 3 units to
the right of the vertical line.
LC: illustrates a normal random variable and its characteristics

Normal Distribution
 This distribution is also known
as a bell curve or a Gaussian
distribution, named for the
German mathematician Carl
Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855),
 who derived its equation.
The probability density function of
the normal distribution is defined as:
 Skewness refers to the degree of
symmetry or asymmetry of a

Negatively Skewed Positively Skewed


 A
  distribution is 
 A
  distribution is
skewed to the left if skewed to the right
the mean is less if the mean is
than its median. The greater than its
bulk of the median. The bulk
distribution is on the of the distribution
right. This is is on the left. This
otherwise known as is otherwise known
negatively skewed. as positively
 (Mean Median) skewed.
 (Mean Median)
Pearson’s coefficient of
SK =

 The values of SK fall between -3 and 3.

 A value of SK which is closer to zero
indicates that the distribution of the data
is symmetric.
 Determining normality (draw histograms,
stem-and-leaf plot, SK, Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test)
LC: illustrates a normal random variable and its characteristics

Standard Normal Distribution

 Standard Normal distribution is a

distribution with a mean of zero and a
standard deviation of one.
 (Graph of standard normal distribution)
THE 68–95–99.7 RULE
 In the Normal distribution with mean μ
and standard deviation σ:
• Approximately 68% of the
observations fall within 1σ of the
mean μ.
• Approximately 95% of the
observations fall within 2σ of μ.
• Approximately 99.7% of the
observations fall within 3σ of μ.
THE 68–95–99.7 RULE
THE 68–95–99.7 RULE
 A normally distributed random variable
has a mean of 200 and standard
deviation of 15. Find:
 the range of scores that lie within 1
standard deviation from the mean.
 The lowest value which lies at least two
standard deviations above the mean.
 The highest value which falls at least
three standard deviations from the
THE 68–95–99.7 RULE
 The length of human pregnancies from
conception to birth varies according to a
distribution that is approximately
normal with mean 266 days and
standard deviation 16 days.
 Use the 68–95–99.7 rule, between what
values do the lengths of the middle 95%
of all pregnancies fall?
LC: construct a normal curve

 Assume that 68% of Grade 11 students
have heights between 1.5 and 1.7m and
the data are normally distributed.
 Find the mean.
 Compute the standard deviation.

  = 1.6
= 0.1
LC: construct a normal curve

 Assume that 68% of Grade 11 students
have heights between 1.5 and 1.7m and
the data are
 Construct the normal curve of the
normal distribution.

x 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9

y 0.044 0.539 2.419 3.989 2.419 0.539 0.044
3 9 7 4 7 9 3
LC: construct a normal curve


x 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9

y 0.044 0.539 2.419 3.989 2.419 0.539 0.044
3 9 7 4 7 9 3
LC: construct a normal curve

 Find the mean and standard deviation of
the normal distribution where 99.7% of
the values fall between 52 and 82.
Construct the normal curve.
Chebyshev’s theorem
 Chebyshev’s theorem, developed by the
Russian mathematician Chebyshev
(1821–1894), specifies the proportions of
the spread in terms of the standard
Chebyshev’s theorem
 The mean of a distribution is 20 and the
standard deviation is 2. At least what
percentage of the values will fall
between 10 and 30? Use Chebyshev’s

�� %
Chebyshev’s theorem
 The average number of calories in a
regular size bagel is 240. If the standard
deviation is 38 calories, find the range in
which at least 75% of the data will lie.
Use Chebyshev’s theorem.

Thank you!

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