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Name: Shaina Mae R. Macapillar Date Submitted: December 18, 2021

Year and Section:BECED 1A Professor: Mr. Fernando Alarcon Jr.,LPT


Globalization refers to the acceleration of human movements and exchanges of beings,

commodities, technology, and cultural traditions to the world. Globalization is a multidimensional
collection of social processes build, increase, expand, and strengthen global social
interconnectedness and interactions, but also instilling in them an increasing awareness of the
growing bond between the global and the local, as well as its potentialities are being realized, and
advantages are being gained; it can help the whole planet. According to Bauman 2003,
"globalization is not important, but most important," and according to arrow 1996, globalization
indicates what we term "global age," which means different viewpoints or perspectives, and
definitions "global age" also development. For example, back then a courting a woman was done by
serenade, giving flowers with love letters, and today it is done digitally and face to face, and As a
result, the love letters develop into digital messages, that's what we call the global age.

I include the quote "there is no permanent," which emphasizes that there is no certainty in life
because everything changes, as well as the global age. As Professor Alarcon said, "you may define
globalization today, but tomorrow it will be a different definition due to the global age." There are
several definitions of globalization, based on Metaphors Globalization, including solid and liquid.
The epochs of globalization signify the origin thing and concepts established by experts, which are
the existing studies, existing definitions, and the things that led the path to know the meaning of
globalization today. The liquid is the spatial and temporal changes are continuous implies broad
and may follow obtainable.

One of the effects of globalization is that it promotes and increases interactions between different
regions and populations around the globe. It is also the emergence of a complex web of
interconnectedness that entails that our lives are increasingly shaped by events that occur, and
that decisions are made thousands of miles away. Many people nowadays are citizens of the world.
The central feature of globalization is therefore that geographical distances are declining in
importance and territorial boundaries are becoming less significant. The world is essentially
becoming a ‘global village’. By no means does globalization imply that the ‘local’ and the ‘national’
are subordinate to the ‘global’, rather it highlights the deepening as well as broadening of the
process of integration between the three, which is essentially the essence of the word ‘Glocal’. This
connection is multidimensional and top-down; it is the formation of a single global system that
imprints itself on all regions of the globe or the world
GE111 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/SecondTriSem/2021-2022 1


GE111 The Contemporary World /Alarcon/SecondTriSem/2021-2022 2

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