Personal Riches Profile

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Personal “Riches” Profile


The Personal “Riches” Profile is designed to help you better understand how the results from your Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment can be used to leverage your natural preferences into becoming a successful investor.
While any type can become a successful investor, each type brings with it its own set of strengths and developmental
opportunities. This guide can help you make the most of your psychological type and investments.

Using the personality description found in your personal MBTI Profile, find the corresponding section on the pages be-
low. Take time to read the descriptions from both your MBTI Profile and the Personal “Riches” Profile. From there, begin
incorporating the descriptions and suggestions you feel are most relevant to your current investing activities and where
you desire to go.

As you become more familiar with your type and natural preferences, you’ll also begin to see the type of those you inter-
act within your investing. This will help you understand how to work with others and increase the effectiveness of your
investing relationships.

Many investors and business owners have been able to accelerate their success by understanding and acting upon
their natural gifts while recognizing and addressing potential blind spots. We feel you’ll be able to do the same.

Type Description: ISTJ

FAMOUS ISTJ’s: Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon; Ingvar Kamprad, Founder of IKEA; Peter Thiel, Co-Founder of Paypal;
Morgan Freeman, Actor; Elizabeth II, Queen of England; Natalie Portman, Actress; Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. President

• Once you have learned and practiced something, you do it better than almost
anyone does. In this regard, consider developing a niche for your business. As
you develop your knowledge and skills around this niche, others will see you as
an industry expert.
• Past experiences help you make decisions in the present. Consider keeping a
journal to help organize and clarify these experiences.
• You may get too wrapped up in the details that you lose sight of the big picture.
When involved in the day-to-day aspects of the business, do not get so buried
ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP in the details that you forget the overall goals you are trying to reach.
• Being flexible in negotiations can often be a developmental need for you.
Instead, identify a small number of non-negotiable points for yourself and then
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ seek to understand better the perspectives and needs of the other party.
• Leverage the strengths of your managerial team and/or employees. You may
have a preference to do everything yourself. If you are not careful, you could
easily become a bottleneck to the growth and expansion of your business.

Personal “Riches” Profile

Type Description: ISTP

FAMOUS ISTP’s: Jack Dorsey, Founder of Twitter; Steve Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple; Michael Jordan, Entrepreneur and
Sports Athlete; Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense; Clint Eastwood, Actor; Simon Cowell, Television Personality;
Anna Kendrick, Actress; Harrison Ford, Actor

• Working with ambiguity is not a natural preference for you. Since there are no
ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ guarantees in business, brainstorm possible outcomes for partnerships, prod-
uct launches, etc. and create a detailed plan to help bring about the desired
end in mind.
• One of your strengths is the ability to get through “red tape” to accomplish what
others may deem impossible. Finding solutions where others see none is the
hallmark of a successful entrepreneur. Learn to leverage this strength.
• Your desire to move things forward may lead to decisions that overlook estab-
ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP lished methods. Be sure to balance expediency with effectiveness. As you grow
your business, you may want to establish certain policies and procedures so
you do not overlook essential information or bypass key people.
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ • You have the ability to analyze large amounts of data and identify opportunities.
When you are evaluating opportunities focus on dissecting the numbers.

Type Description: ESTP

FAMOUS ESTP’s: John F. Kennedy, U.S. President; Donald Trump, U.S. President and Entrepreneur; L. Ron Hubbard,
Entrepreneur & Founder of Scientology; Stephen R. Covey, Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People; Ernest
Hemingway, Author; Meryl Streep, Actress; Jack Nicholson, Actor; Ben Affleck, Actor; Madonna, Singer; Taylor Swift,
Singer-songwriter; Harry Houdini, Escape Artist; Michael J. Fox, Actor

• You learn best through doing. When starting out, seek ways you can roll up
ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ your sleeves and get involved with minimal risk while learning the ropes. For
example, a budding restaurateur may want to test market demand by selling
his dishes at a booth during a weekend farmer’s market as opposed to starting
things by opening a full-scale restaurant with all the associated overhead.
• At times, you may be insensitive to the emotional needs of others. Be careful
not to damage partnerships and/or potential deals by not taking into consider-
ation the impact of your words and actions on others.
• Overly structured plans and deadlines may be a source of stress for you. When
building a team look for an individual that can manage the details while free-
ing you up to focus on the opportunity of the moment. For example, you may
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ want to consider hiring an office manager as opposed to managing the details
• You prefer talking and associating with people who have similar interests.
Consider joining the local chamber of commerce. Doing so will allow you to
interact with those who have experience with questions you are facing and help
energize you.

Personal “Riches” Profile

Type Description: ESTJ

FAMOUS ESTJ’s: Martha Stewart, Business Magnate; Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motors; Tory Burch, Fashion De-
signer; Hilary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State; George W. Bush, U.S. President; Michelle Obama, U.S. First Lady; Bill O’Reilly,
Political Commentator; Dr. Phil, Psychologist and Talk Show Host; Condoleezza Rice, U.S. Secretary of State

• You thrive when you receive rewards for achieving goals. Set aggressive goals
ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ for your business and when you achieve those goals, reward yourself and your
employees appropriately.
• Making collaborative decisions may be a skill you need to develop. When
ISTP ISFP INFP INTP working on an issue with the business, be sure to ask for input from partners,
managers, and/or employees. Use your staff to help define the problem and
brainstorm possible solutions.
• Because you may tend to make hasty decisions, allow yourself time to “cool
off” before making an important decision.
• You are most productive when your environment provides structure, stability,
and predictability. Because you are your own “boss,” you will need to create this
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ environment yourself since you cannot rely on others to do it for you. Schedule
blocks of time to work “in the business” as well as time to work “on the busi-
ness.” For example, you could schedule one afternoon of the week to focus
on your marketing efforts as well as a defined time to handle email and return
phone calls.

Type Description: ISFJ

FAMOUS ISFJ’s: Cher Wang, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder and Chairperson of HTC Corporation; Kanye West, Musician
and Entrepreneur; Kim Kardashian, Television Personality and Entrepreneur; Jimmy Carter, U.S. President; Kate Middle-
ton, U.K. Royal; Prince Charles, U.K. Royal; Tiger Woods, Golf Champion; Mitt Romney, U.S. Governor and Presidential
Candidate; Gwyneth Paltrow, Actress

• Because you are uncomfortable with confrontation, you often accommodate

ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ others. While this in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing, you need to be
aware of this trait so when negotiating or putting together deals, you do not sell
yourself short all in the name of “keeping the peace.”

ISTP ISFP INFP INTP • You possess the ability to set up effective procedures. In the role of an entre-
preneur/business owner, this will allow you to establish guidelines and repeat-
able processes that will in turn allow you to let the business “run” while you
are away. This will be paramount in helping you maintain a sense of work/life
• When setting goals, you may gravitate toward setting traditional goals. When
you are setting goals for the business, take time to consider longer-term goals
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ (i.e. five or ten years from now). Give yourself permission to create a plan to be
more successful than you have ever imagined.
• When you become overwhelmed, you may become pessimistic and have
forebodings about the future. When the business or projects do not develop as
planned, take a step back to look at the bigger picture. How does what you are
doing fit in with your overall business plan? Discuss your situation with people
you trust who are able to help you see what the facts of a situation mean in a
larger context.

Personal “Riches” Profile

Type Description: ISFP

FAMOUS ISFP’s: Beyoncé Knowles, Musician, Entrepreneur and Co-founder of House of Deréon; Paris Hilton, Celebrity
and Entrepreneur; Steven Spielberg, Filmmaker; Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, U.S. First Lady; Jonathan Ive, Lead Designer
at Apple; Michael Jackson, Singer-songwriter; Prince, Singer-songwriter; Paul McCartney, Singer-songwriter; Lady Gaga,
Singer-songwriter; Audrey Hepburn, Actress; Elizabeth Taylor, Actress; Princess Diana, U.K. Royal; David Beckham, Soccer
Player; Sofia Coppola, Filmmaker and Fashion Icon

• ISFPs typically enjoy hands-on, practical work with a tangible outcome. You
ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ may want to involve yourself in the front line aspects of the business. Working
directly with customers to help them solve their problems through using your
product may be more rewarding than being behind the scenes. Delegate the
“paperwork” to your staff.
• You are attuned to the feelings and needs of others and are flexible in respond-
ing to them. This will be a huge asset in working creatively with business part-
ners and customers looking for help. Your ability to create a “win” for all parties
ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP involved will help you become successful in your business and establish your
reputation as someone who can be trusted.
• You may have the tendency to observe and support rather than organize situ-
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ ations. Keep in mind that with YOUR business, people will be looking to you to
make decisions and take the lead. Use your observational skills to identify op-
portunities and then push yourself to organize the situation to make it happen.
• Loyalty to others is important to you. However, as you work with your staff and
grow the business, be careful that you don’t let loyalty keep you holding on to
employees that no longer meet the needs of the organization. Conversely, be
watchful for those who possess the skills and abilities that can help take your
business to the next level. Your predisposition to loyalty will help forge relation-
ships with people that will pay dividends.

Type Description: ESFP

FAMOUS ESFP’s: Larry Ellison, Founder of Oracle; Hugh Hefner, Founder of Playboy magazine; Richard Branson,
Founder of Virgin Group; Mark Cuban, Businessman and Investor; Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks; Bill Clinton, U.S.
President; Ronald Reagan, U.S. President

• You enjoy working with others to make things happen. Consider collaborating
ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ with others that have a similar vision as you do.
• Learning a new skill comes best to you when you experience it with other
people. To that end, network and find people who have done what you want to
ISTP ISFP INFP INTP do and been where you want to be. Look to build a mentoring relationship with
these people. This will provide you the learning along with the personal interac-
tion that suits your type best.
• ESFPs tend to be accepting of others in spite of their flaws. Because of this,
watch out for underperforming employees or partners that you may be hang-
ing on to despite their performance. Keeping in mind the phrase, “it’s nothing
personal, it’s just business” will definitely have application here.
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ • You have the ability to be adaptable and improvisational when the situation calls
for it. Negotiating and proposing unique and creative ways to get the deal done
should be a strong suit for you today and more so as you gain experience.
• You may have difficulty setting and sticking to firm positions or limits. Consider
setting up written “rules” that you will adhere to and enlist the help of someone
to help hold you accountable.

Personal “Riches” Profile

Type Description: ESFJ

FAMOUS ESFJ’s: Sofía Vergara, Actress and Entrepreneur; Sam Walton, Founder of Walmart; Andrew Carnegie, In-
dustrialist; Barbara Walters, Talk Show Host and Author; Regis Philbin, Talk Show Host; Sarah Palin, U.S. Governor and Vice
Presidential Candidate; Céline Dion, Singer

• Being appreciated for what you contribute may be important to you. As an en-
ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ trepreneur, involving your business in “giving back” to the community can be a
worthwhile endeavor that will not only satisfy the want for appreciation, but will
be a good way to build name recognition for your business.
• You thrive in environments that have structure and procedures that support at-
taining goals. Forecasting is a discipline that attempts to create some structure
to the seemingly random future. Consider supporting your forecasts with spe-
cific daily and weekly actions and metrics that will help you reach the business’s
• You may have the developmental need of being more professional in your inter-
actions with others. Most people in business put tasks before people and prefer
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ logical arguments. When you are working with potential partners or negotiating
deals, get right down to business and practice being concise and to the point in
your communications.
• ESFJs like to base decisions on experience. Because of this, you should not be
afraid to try new things and learn from mistakes. Building a wealth of first-hand
experience will help your decision making process and allow you to feel more
comfortable with the decisions you do make.

Type Description: INFJ

FAMOUS INFJ’s: Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President; Agatha Christie, Author; Leo Tolstoy, Author War and Peace; Al
Pacino, Actor; Michelle Pfeiffer, Actress

• You have a gift for intuitively recognizing complex meaning in relationships. For
this reason, take time to research and analyze business opportunities. Whether
it is pouring over your company’s financial statements or dissecting the details
of a deal, you will see connections that appear obvious to you, but may have
been missed by others.
ISTP ISFP INFP INTP • When under great stress, you may become obsessed with data that you prob-
ably would not even consider under conditions that were more favorable. You
may let perfectionism override common sense, too. If a stressful situation is
ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP causing you to delay your decision, just remember to trust you intuition.
• When confronting a problem, your first thought is usually not to ask for help.
Successful entrepreneurs are individuals who have learned to leverage all of
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ their available resources. This includes the time, expertise, and help of others. If
you can develop the habit of asking yourself, “Who do I know that could help?”
whenever faced with an obstacle, you will see your stress levels go down and
your success go up.
• When setting business goals, you prefer to have multiple long-term, idealistic
goals along with an action plan on how to reach them. Because of your type,
you may have trouble capitalizing on unexpected opportunities that present
themselves as you are pursuing your defined goals. Be as aware of the journey
as you are of the destination and you may accomplish more than you originally
thought possible.

Personal “Riches” Profile

Type Description: INFP

FAMOUS INFP’s: Susan Wojcicki, Entrepreneur / CEO of YouTube; J.K. Rowling, Author of the Harry Potter series; A.A.
Milne, Author of Winnie The Pooh; Johnny Depp, Actor; John Lennon, Singer-songwriter; C.S. Lewis, Author of The Chronicles
of Narnia

• INFPs are adaptable and flexible. This will serve as an asset for you as business
ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ grows. Where others may be tempted to throw in the towel, you have the ability
to stick with a project and make it work.
• INFPs are capable of great concentration and output when fully engaged in a
ISTP ISFP INFP INTP project. Because of this, pursue a business and opportunities that excite you. If
an opportunity has little meaning for you—regardless of the potential—you may
find it difficult to remain committed to it.
• When presented with opportunities for your business, you may struggle with
balancing making a decision with the desire to know “all the facts”. Remember,
sometimes locking up a deal is more important than analyzing every aspect
of it. If you feel you suffer from analysis-paralysis, consider setting a decision
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ deadline for yourself. Allocate enough time for yourself to gather the neces-
sary information and process, but do not spend more time than is necessary
crunching the numbers repeatedly for multiple scenarios.
• Because of their idealistic nature, some INFPs may find it difficult to be realis-
tic. Learn to temper your idealism with realism by using and monitoring key-
performance indicators (KPIs). By analyzing and reflecting on the facts of your
company’s performance, your estimation of what is truly possible in a given
situation will be grounded in reality.

Type Description: ENFP

FAMOUS ENFP’s: Walt Disney, Founder of the Walt Disney Company; Arianna Huffington, Editor-in-Chief of The Huffing-
ton Post; Ellen DeGeneres, Talk Show Host and Entrepreneur; Oliver Stone, Filmmaker; Katie Couric, Journalist

• Accomplishing what others think as impossible through innovation and re-

ISTJ ISTJ INFJ INTJ sourcefulness is one of the hallmarks of an ENFP. Because of this, do not shy
away from business opportunities that people say, “can’t be done.” They are
operating from a mindset of what has been done before. Use your ability to
deviate from the norm to make things happen. Remember most breakthroughs
ISTP ISFP INFP INTP have come because of a break from traditional thinking.
• Successful entrepreneurs, regardless of the business, know how to sell. Your
enthusiasm, flexibility, persuasiveness, and verbal fluency will help you in selling
ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP what is important to you.
• ENFPs hate routine, schedules, and structure. This may be in part why you
have a desire to become your own boss. However, keep in mind the need for
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ routine, schedules, and structure in attaining your goals. Oftentimes, starting
and growing a successful business is a numbers game. If you cannot discipline
yourself enough to do consistently the necessary tasks that support your goals,
you may find it difficult to be successful.
• Speaking of due diligence, some ENFPs struggle with thoroughly evaluating the
merits and costs of opportunities. If you have this developmental need, consid-
er using your values, logic, and experiences to evaluate an opportunity to see if
it makes sense within the context of your overall business plan.

Personal “Riches” Profile

Type Description: ENFJ

FAMOUS ENFJ’s: Oprah Winfrey, Talk Show Host; Sheryl Sandberg, Executive at Facebook and Author of Lean In;
Martin Luther King, Jr., U.S. Civil Rights Activist; Joe Biden, U.S. Vice President

• Friendly persuasion comes naturally for you and you are able to build consen-
sus among parties whose interests are quite diverse. Because of this talent, you
should take the lead when negotiating transactions and business deals. Your
empathy for other parties will allow you to create agreements that will help you
seal the deal.
ISTP ISFP INFP INTP • As an ENFJ, you tend to put people over schedules and rules. While this will
help build loyalty among those you lead, you need to watch out for those that
may take advantage of your compassion. In business, delays can often mean
ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP lost dollars. Seek to balance the needs of those who work for you and your
need to turn a profit.
• Personal values are extremely important to you. Because of this, you may
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ make decisions too quickly based primarily on your values and without taking in
enough information or considering other factors. Successful entrepreneurs are
able to stand apart from the situation and evaluate the facts of a deal. Consider
talking through an opportunity with someone with a more analytical set of eyes
who can help you see things differently.
• Learning from mistakes is how entrepreneurs make better decisions the next
time around. However, ENFJs can often take feedback as a personal criticism.
Work to separate the performance of the business from your personal identity.
While you are ultimately responsible for the success of your company, your
personal worth does not depend on the bottom line.

Type Description: INTJ

FAMOUS INTJ’s: Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook; Elon Musk, Founder of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, Co-founder of
PayPal; Jay-Z, Entertainer and Entrepreneur; James Cameron, Filmmaker; Arnold Schwarzenegger, U.S. Governor and Actor

• INTJs quickly see patterns in external events. Because of this, you may have a
ISTJ ISTJ INFJ INTJ leg up on the competition when it comes to analyzing markets. Your ability to
synthesize the theoretical and abstract into a general structure will help you cre-
ate strategies to reach your business goals.

ISTP ISFP INFP INTP • Dull routine has the ability to smother your creativity. While there is something
to be said for establishing a niche for your business, opportunities that present
a little variety will help keep you energized and excited. Any problem where the
solution requires out-of-the-box thinking will allow you to be the most productive.
• INTJs have great vision, but may struggle with adding the details to that vision.
As a result, you should consult with your staff members who are responsible
for the “who, what, when, why, and how” regarding costs and resources. Doing
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ so will help create a true picture of an opportunity and allow you to make an
informed decision.
• You expect competency from yourself and others. Because you hold yourself to
a high standard, sometimes you may feel that others do not “measure up.” This
can become a problem if it translates into doing everything yourself because no
one can do it exactly how you want it. Successful entrepreneurs have learned
the art of delegating to others. At first, you may need to mentor those you work
with, but as they understand your expectations, you will find more freedom to
pursue those aspects of the business that will truly benefit from your commit-
ment to excellence.

Personal “Riches” Profile

Type Description: INTP

FAMOUS INTP’s: Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia; Paul Allen, Co-Founder of Microsoft; Larry Page, Co-Founder of
Google; Sergey Brin, Co-Founder of Google; Tina Fey, Comedic Writer and Actress

• INTPs are typically more interested in ideas than social interactions. Because
ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ of this reluctance to network, you may be missing opportunities along with the
chance to learn from others’ successes and mistakes. Set goals for yourself to
get out and network with other entrepreneurs.

ISTP ISFP INFP INTP • When projects do not play out as anticipated, you should take time to look for
opportunities that may lie in the losses. Perhaps you will have found a new
partner, created a company policy to protect against losses, or see new busi-
ness opportunities in a different light. Either way, your ability to bring understand-
ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP ing to underlying problems will aid you in your decisions.
• INTPs approach most everything with skepticism and are objectively critical.
While this can protect you from pursuing a bad deal, it may also keep you pursu-
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ ing any deal since all deals contain some element of risk. Take time to focus on
logical, intellectual insights on how to mitigate risk with a given opportunity.
• You may be thinking about becoming an entrepreneur so you can be your
own boss and have more autonomy in your life. While the desire for increased
autonomy can provide significant motivation for you, be sure to recognize that
becoming a business owner brings with it its own set of commitments and work-
loads. This is not stated to dissuade you, but to heighten your awareness.

Type Description: ENTP

FAMOUS ENTP’s: Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple; Thomas Edison, American Inventor and Businessman;
Karl Lagerfeld, Fashion Designer; Barack Obama, U.S. President; Martin Scorsese, Filmmaker

• ENTPs are commonly referred to as the “entrepreneurial leader.” You provide

ISTJ ISTJ INFJ INTJ enthusiasm, energy, and thrust to getting projects started. You thrive in environ-
ments where risk taking is rewarded. Even when confronted with the face of
disaster, you still see opportunities. All of these preferences will help you to be
successful in building a business.
• For you, routine often equals boredom. This need for variety can often lead you
to jump from project to project with very little accomplished on any of them. As
such, seek accountability partners in your life. Individuals that will hold your feet
ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP to the fire will help you to see your ideas put into practice and thereby reap the
rewards of your hard work.
• ENTPs are good at reading other people. Trust this skill when negotiating deals
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ to help create win-win situations for you and the other concerned
• As you are building a business, be mindful of those that work for you. You may
have the tendency of overcommitting the time and resources available to you.
In addition, you may struggle with acknowledging the contributions of others
to the success of the business. If you are not mindful of these two items, it can
easily add up to a situation where top employees are overused, under-appreci-
ated, and out the door.

Personal “Riches” Profile

Type Description: ENTJ

FAMOUS ENTJ’s: Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft; Jack Welch, retired CEO of General Electric and Management
Theorist; Warren Buffett, American Business Magnate; David Letterman, Talk Show Host; Adele, Singer-songwriter

• You are a natural leader. You present your ideas forcefully and are adept at plan-
ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ ning for the future needs. Because of these skills, you are someone who can
present a business plan to potential financiers and expect a large degree
of success.

ISTP ISFP INFP INTP • You tend to think in terms of processes and bringing all the elements that bear
on a situation together. This systemic thinking will help you build your business
around a repeatable process. Buying a franchise or franchising your existing
business model may be a path to success for you.
• If working with a partner, be sure to adopt a more collaborative leadership style.
Challenging people’s statements often energizes you. You do not do this to be
confrontational, but because you believe doing so will result in mutual learning
ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ as both positions are defended. While this behavior has its benefits, it can also
overpower people at times and create discord in your partnership.
• ENTJs enjoy long-term planning and goal setting. However, they may have dif-
ficulty incorporating milestones into their overall plans. When defining desired
criteria for a business venture, be sure to set dates for evaluating plans—using
specific metrics—to see if they still match reality and then adjust accordingly.

NOTE: The personality types of celebrities listed above are for entertainment purposes only. Research
based on interviews and biographies of the celebrities was used to reach conclusions for their preferences.


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