Breast and Nipple Play

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Have you ever given the woman you

love a nipple orgasm?
If not, you’re both missing out! Nipple
play is one of the BEST ways of helping
the woman in your life experience the
orgasm of her dreams!

Nipple play will make her open her

heart to you and can help her
experience one – or multiple –
orgasms that she’ll never forget! If you
truly care about your girl and want to
learn how to give her experience of
her life, this guide is for you!

Think that the only way to satisfy your

woman was through intercourse, or

through her clitoris? Think again. With

nipple play, you can take your woman

on an incredible sexual journey that

will leave her breathless.

Playing with your woman’s breasts

and nipples in just the right way can
get her dripping wet with excitement;
it can make her tremble, writhe and
moan with pleasure, and even reach
the Big O! So, if you want your woman
to become ADDICTED to you and keep
coming back you again and again for
more, read on…

By the end of this guide, you will know

how to:
 Show your woman how much you
care about her by learning the
secrets of nipple play!
 Make her surrender to you with
intense nipple orgasms.
 Easily turn a breast massage into a
full-body female orgasm.

 Get her wet with passion even if

she’s not in the mood for sex.

In this guide, we’ll be discussing:

 Why Nipple Play?
 What is a Nipple Orgasm?
 Breast Anatomy
 How to Give Your Woman a
Nipple Orgasm
 The Top 5 Best Sex Positions for
Nipple Play
 Exploring Her Nipples Through
 To Bite or Not to Bite?
 Combos That Will Drive Her Wild!
 Hot & Cold Play
 Best Sex Toys for Nipple Play
 Conclusion


Nipple play is the art of caressing,
kissing, licking, and stimulating your
partner’s breasts and nipples lovingly.
Nipple play is GREAT for foreplay and
can turn up the heat in any sexual

If you become skilled at nipple play, it

unlocks an entirely new world of
passion that your woman has likely
never experienced before. With
practice, you’ll be able to make the
woman in your life SCREAM and BEG
you for more until she explodes with
pleasure! Following the techniques
described in this guide can even help
your woman experience a NIPPLE

You see, unlike vaginal or clitoral

stimulation, nipple play can create an

entirely unique type of intense orgasm

that she’ll never forget. A word of
caution though; nipple play may make
your woman sexually addicted to you,
so don’t say we didn’t warn you!


What if we told you it was possible to
help your woman orgasm WITHOUT
touching her vagina or even her

Sounds impossible, right? Well,

prepare to be amazed because this
guide will show you EXACTLY how to
stimulate your woman’s nipples until
she reaches the Big O! As one of her
most powerful erogenous zones, your
woman’s nipples can be fondled and
stimulated until she sees stars – if you
know what you’re doing.

What does a nipple orgasm feel

like? Nipple orgasms are generally
less intense and shorter than orgasms
from clitoral stimulation. But they are
incredibly pleasurable, and, as they
take longer to achieve, can result in a
sharper feeling!

You’ll KNOW how much she’s

enjoying it when she starts
THRASHING around with pleasure!

Following my advice, you will be

able to see your woman:
 Tremble and wet her panties in
 Moan with pleasure and BEG you
not to stop!
 Writhe and groan in ecstasy as she
approaches that Big O!

The reason that few guys have heard of
a nipple orgasm is that they have
never really looked at nipples too
closely… You’re probably aware that
nipples come in many shapes and
sizes, but apart from their basic
function during breastfeeding, what
else is there to know?

There are three main ‘zones’ on a

woman’s body that you should know
about if you want to master nipple
1. The nipple
2. The areola (the area of pigmented
skin surrounding each nipple)
3. The breast
Knowing a little about each of these
zones will help you learn how to best
to touch and stimulate them during
nipple play!


Nipples aren’t just for breastfeeding;

they are actually islands of sexual
pleasure packed full of nerves.
Nipples are connected to a woman’s
entire breast and chest area and can
deliver amazing sexual pleasure. They
definitely deserve to be on your erotic

So why is nipple stimulation

erotogenic? It has long been known
that nipple stimulation, as in breast-
feeding, releases the love hormone

But more recent data suggests that

nipple nerves may actually be linked
directly to the brain. A 2011 study by

psychologists at Rutgers University

discovered that nipple stimulation
actually ‘lights up’ the same area of a
woman’s brain as cervix, clitoris and
vagina stimulation does!

When female volunteers were asked

to lie inside a magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) scanner and
rhythmically tap on their nipples,
scientists noticed that the nipple
stimulation activated the same brain
areas as genital stimulation.

Unfortunately, nipple play isn’t for

everyone. Some women LOVE having
their nipples stimulated, while others
won’t want your fingers (or anything
else!) anywhere near them!

That’s why it’s helpful to know about

the areola and breast; even if your
woman isn’t into her nipples being
touched directly, you can still fondle
and stimulate her in other ways to
excite the same nerve endings.
Always ask first (“Are there any parts
of your body you don’t love being
touched?”) before you experiment
with nipple play with your woman.


Some guys think that nipple play is all

about kissing, sucking, flicking or
teasing a woman’s nipples – but when
it comes to EXCITING your woman and

getting her WET, the areola is ground


This unique circular area of pigmented

skin around your woman’s nipples is
highly sensitive. Kissing and stroking
in this area AROUND the nipple can
send your woman over the edge. This
technique of approaching from the
outside towards the center is known as
‘edging’ and it’s one of the best ways
of enhancing the pleasure your woman
gets from nipple play.

Edging is the sexual equivalent of

‘Good things come to those who wait’.
You can use this technique during
foreplay, while masturbating, or
during oral sex as a way of building
anticipating and increasing the power
of orgasms.


Caressing and stroking your woman’s

breasts is an incredibly tender act and

definitely belongs on the menu during

any nipple play session. Breast
stimulation isn’t just great for women
who don’t like their nipples touched;
the breast is connected to the areolae
and nipples so it is great for indirect


Nipple orgasms are incredibly rare
and special – many women are
unaware that they can even orgasm
this way! As nipples have fewer nerve
endings than the clitoris, it may take
your woman longer to orgasm through
nipple stimulation.

It depends on how relaxed and turned

on she feels. If you want to help your
woman feel the earth move during

nipple play and orgasm, you’ll need to

help her become incredibly relaxed.

Here’s what to do:

 Create a relaxing and
comfortable atmosphere
Choose your favorite make-out spot
and use soft music, candles, and
aromatherapy to create just the right

 Give her an erotic massage

Sit down and ask her to sit on your lap
or sit next to you. Start giving her a
shoulder massage and make it erotic
by focusing on her erogenous zones
like the back and sides of her neck.

Most women LOVE the nape of their

neck being caressed. An erotic

massage will get her body and her

mind perfectly in the mood to crave
more and more from you!

 Introduce massage oil

Nipple play is 100 times better if you
use massage oil! A water-based
lubricant works well too.

While giving your woman a shoulder

and neck massage, you can introduce
a soothing massage oil to help build
her arousal levels. Slowly undo her top
and bra and move to her breasts.

She’ll love it as you stroke, massage

and caress her breasts. Using edging
technique, start from the outside and
slowly move your way in. Ask her to
tell you what feels good and let you

know if anything feels tender or


 Use nipple arousal gel

For top results, we suggest using a
special nipple arousal gel on her
nipples and areola. This unique gel
creates an amazing warming and
cooling sensation that will totally rock
her world! Gently stroke, flick and
caress her areolas and nipples until
they are firm and erect.

 Use touch your lips and mouth

For some women, edging into her
nipples using just your fingers can be
enough to trigger a nipple orgasm! For
others, the loving touch of your lips
and mouth may be what sends them
over the edge. We’ll show you the

exact techniques to use later on in this


 Introduce sex toys

Sex toys are the fastest route to nipple
play nirvana! We’ll share an amazing
variety of the best nipple play sex toys
later on in this guide that will help you
buzz, tingle, and excite your woman’s
nipples in ways she never thought


If you want to unlock your woman’s
desire and make her extremely
aroused, finding the PERFECT position
is half the challenge. Here are the top
five best sex positions for nipple play
that will help your woman relax until
she EXPLODES with pleasure.

The Lap Dance

The Lap Dance is an incredible
position for nipple play. It’s extremely
relaxing and puts your hands in just
the right spots!

Sit on a chair, a sofa, or on the edge of
the bed and ask your woman to sit on
your lap. She can support herself by
leaning back into you and steadying
herself with her hands on your thighs.
You can easily remove her top and bra
from this position and reach around to
fondle her nipples.

If this position causes discomfort, she
can sit next to you and lean back
across your torso.

Lying next to your partner is one of the
most loving, gentle and relaxing
positions for exploring nipple play!

Lie next to your woman on a sofa or a
bed and snuggle in behind her. As she
rolls onto her side, you can rest your
knee on her leg and reach around to
fondle her breasts and nipples. As you
snuggle into her neck, you can kiss,

lick and stroke the back of her neck –

an incredibly powerful erogenous
zone that she’ll absolutely love!

The Inquisitor
When it comes to nipple play, the
more relaxed your woman is, the
better the time she’ll have! If you’re
looking for ways to make her REALLY
relaxed, few positions work better
than the standard eating-her-out
position, i.e. The Inquisitor.

She lies on her back on the bed and
spreads her legs. You lie on your front
with your face between her legs and

start kissing and nibbling your way

from her inner thigh to her genitals. As
you eat her out and stimulate her
clitoris, you should be able to reach up
to fondle and stimulate her breasts and
nipples with one or both of your hands.

Some women love nipple play when
they are sitting…on your face! The
Emmanuel is great for some hot and
heavy action that’s sure to delight!

The Emmanuel is obstinately an oral
sex position but it works wonders for
nipple play too! You lie on the sofa, the

bed or even the floor and she straddle

your face. As you lavish her inner
thigh, vagina, and clitoris with kisses,
nibbles and licks, you can reach up to
fondle her breast and nipples with
your hands.

The Goddess is just the Emmanuel but
with her facing the other way – for
some women, it’s the IDEAL way to
relax enough to experience a nipple

As with The Emmanuel, you lie down
and she straddles your face. You can

let your tongue work its magic on her

clitoris and keep your hands free to
fondle, stroke and excite her breasts
and nipples.


Regardless of which position you
choose to try nipple play, plain, old-
fashioned touching is still the surest
route to a NIPPLE ORGASM for most
women. When it comes to technique,
nipple play is a lot like clitoral
stimulation. The lighter and more
delicately you touch your woman’s
nipples, the STRONGER her reaction
will be!

Here are 10 sure-fire ways to ignite a

fire in her breasts and make her
MOAN with delight.

Breast massage
Massaging your woman’s breast with
oil or a lubricant is all but
GUARANTEED to drive her wild.

Try this:
Cup her breasts on your hands and
knead with your fingers and thumb in
small circular motions. This gets the
blood flowing to her nipples and really
gets her excited about what you have
in store for her next! Always use an
edging technique and massage the
outside first before gently working
your way in.

Stroking her areola

Lightly stroking your woman’s areola

is one of more AMAZING things you
can do during nipple play! Almost all
women respond very favorably to this
sensation but it’s also good for women
who don’t like their nipples being
touched directly.

For added excitement, try using a

piece of smooth cloth like silk over
your partners’ nipples and then gently
stroking her areola through the cloth.

This will feel amazing!


Squeezing her nipples

If your woman likes her nipples being
touched, gently squeezing them will
make her crazy about you!

There’s a fine line between squeezing

and pinching, so always go softly first
and gauge her response. Keep asking
her questions about what feels good
and adjust your touch accordingly.

Nipple flicking
If you want to make your woman go
weak at the knees, mastering the art of
the nipple flick should be your top
priority! Start by gently cupping her
breasts in your hands and then use

your index fingers to lightly flick back

and forth across her nipples.

This is MUCH easier if you’re using

massage oil or nipple arousal gel as
you can make your fingers ‘dance’
across her nipples while barely
touching them! As you build up speed,
she’ll likely start SQUIRMING with
pleasure and may even yell at you to
keep going when you stop!

Twisting her nipples

If you want to naturally raise her levels
of dopamine (aka the pleasure
hormone) during nipple play, try
gently twisting her nipples. Twisting is

one move that definitely BELONGS on

your repertoire!

Some women lose their minds when

their nipples are softly twisted! This
action not only excites the nerve
endings in the nipple itself; it also pulls
the entire areola tight and creates a
wonderful sensation that your woman
will adore!

Feather play
To send your woman’s passion into
overdrive, feather play is where it’s at!
Feathers are erotic, seductive AND
sultry! They let you tickle and tease
her breasts and nipples and take them

on a pleasure journey they won’t soon


Feathers are also perfect if you want to

start exploring the kinkier side of your
relationship as they are a little bit
naughty without being daunting. You
can use birds’ feathers (ostrich
feathers work great) or you can buy
naughty feather ticklers for some
discrete fun!

Gently stroking around her nipples

and flicking across the tops will feel


As nipple play progresses from

touching to more intimate foreplay,
your lips and tongue open up a
universe of pleasure and possibilities!

To make your woman WET with

anticipation and satisfy her deepest
primal desires, try kissing all around
her breasts, areola and nipples. You
can kiss gently with closed lips at first
and then progress to more intense,
open-mouthed kisses later on.

Few women can resist a few well-

placed kisses directly on their nipples!

Edging with your tongue

If you’re aiming to give your woman a

nipple orgasm, think of your tongue as
your sidekick! Licking around her
breasts and areola in small circular
motions will drive her insane! Use the
edging technique to slowly work your
way in from the outside until you are
directly stimulating her nipples.

Tongue flicking
Tongue flicking calls for you to use a
similar flicking motion that you’d use

on her clitoris when you go down on

her. You can try flicking your tongue
across one of her nipples in multiple
directions until you find her sweet
spot. As every woman is different, we
can’t tell you exactly where the perfect
spot it, but we KNOW you’ll have fun
finding out!


Trust us guys: your woman’s nipples

will respond VERY WELL to sucking! In
fact, suction is one of the best ways to
release the love hormone oxytocin,
and when that happens, sparks are
sure to fly! After kissing and licking
her breasts, try giving her nipples

several gentle sucks to make her see



Lightly biting or nibbling the nipples

can be a natural extension of kissing
and may be exactly what your woman
likes. But, in our experience, it’s NOT
the best approach for giving maximum
pleasure through her breasts.

Erotic nipple play is all about creating

a relaxed feeling that helps her
unwind and maybe even orgasm. For
most women, biting won’t be on the
cards. But every woman is different so

the key is knowing where to draw the


ALWAYS ask your woman for

permission before trying to gently bite
her nipples and don’t let yourself get
carried away! We suggest you
practice light nibbling first by
tenderly holding your woman’s
nipples between your teeth without
applying any pressure.

See how she responds before you start

taking things further!


If you want to give your woman the
climax she deserves and make her
become emotionally attached to you,

the secret lies in combining various

moves that will drive her WILD!

Combinations can help spike her

oxytocin levels (aka ‘the love
hormone’) and are an important
strategy for helping your woman
achieve a nipple orgasm. As any
woman who has mastered the art of
giving herself a nipple orgasm will
attest to, you can’t simply do ONE
THING and expect results!

You have to stimulate the breasts and

nipples in a variety of ways, and at a
variety of speeds, until you find the
perfect groove.

The following combos can make your

woman become ADDICTED to you!

 Kiss her passionately while

flicking her nipples with your
 Massage one of her breasts while
sucking and licking her other
 Flick one of her nipples with your
tongue while gently twisting and
squeezing her other with your
 Kiss and nibble her erogenous
zones (her inner thighs or the
nape of her neck) while stroking
her nipples.
Linking and combining moves will
help you become a sexually confident
guy that your woman is just naturally
attracted to.


If you want to turn up the kink and turn
your woman in a ball of feminine

energy, hot and cold play is for you.

Your woman’s nipples are HIGHLY
RESPONSIVE to both heat and cold, so
hot and cold play is where it’s at!

As we discussed earlier, nipple

arousal gel is really erotic because it
gives amazing warming and cooling
sensations. But to take your woman’s
pleasure to the next level, here are
some easy sex tricks that will make her
satisfaction levels skyrocket!

Hot play
Your women will love it if you treat her
breasts and nipples to some soothing
hot play.

Here’s how:
Sip a warm drink to give yourself
pleasantly warm breath and then blow
over her nipples. For most women,
warm air will send quivers of
excitement racing through her body!

Hold a warm drink in your mouth and

then suck her nipples. This creates a
seal that lets the liquid come into
contact with her skin without spilling.
The unique ‘deep heat’ sensation will
make her nipples stand to attention
like nothing else!

Cold play
To give her breasts and nipples a
unique ‘chilly’ sensation, try these
simple techniques:

Hold an ice cube in your mouth and

lightly blow cool air all over her
nipples and breasts; she’ll go WILD!
Hold the ice cube between your teeth
and lightly run it over her breasts and
nipples to gently shock her body to
attention. This will cause her
dopamine levels to spike and send her
arousal levels through the roof!

To deepen the sensation, blow cool air

over her nipples. This will give her
mind-blowing tingles that coarse
through her entire body! Alternating
between hot and cold is EXTREMELY
AROUSING and one of the best ways to
stimulate your woman towards a
NIPPLE ORGASM! Try it and see!


If you follow the ideas in this guide, we
GUARANTEE that you’ll be able to
help your woman achieve a nipple
orgasm that will leave her breathless
and BEGGING you for more!

But what if you want your woman to

become ADDICTED to you? What if
you want her to practically BEG you to
go harder, longer and stronger?

For that, you need some sex toys! We’ll

show you the BEST sex toys for nipple
play that will turn your woman into a

The best sex toys for nipple play are:

 Nipple stimulators

 Nipple vibrators
 Nipple Clamps
 Nipple suction cups and pumps
There are literally THOUSANDS of
products in each of these categories
but don’t worry, we’ll show you the
ones that work and get results!

Before we get into the details, we

appreciate that sex toys may not be
part of your usual bedtime routine.
You may be wondering; “How can I
introduce sex toys to my woman?”
That’s a fair question; not every girl is
going to be up for trying the toys on
our list!

Here are some suggestions for getting


 Talk to her
If you frame it right, and explain that
you bought something that may help
her orgasm, most women will be quite
open to trying!

 Watch an erotic movie

A less direct way is to suggest
watching an adult film that contains
nipple play and features the type of
sex toy that you want to use. She’ll
probably get the idea soon enough
and you’ll feel much more comfortable
sharing the toy with her.

 Surprise her
Variety is the spice of life, so you can
always whip the toy out WHILE things
are getting hot and heavy! Here’s our
rundown on the best nipple play sex
toys you can buy right now!

Nipple stimulators

While we’re confident that this guide

WILL help you become a master of
nipple play, we recognize that you’re
just one guy with one tongue, one
mouth, and two hands: There’s only so
much you can do!

To make your woman WET with

pleasure and turn any nipple play
session into a guaranteed full-body
orgasmic experience for her, nipple
stimulators are hands down the best
sex toy you could ask for. These
sucking, swirling, fun-sized marvels
will deliver MAXIMUM pleasure to

your woman’s nipples and leave her

GASPING with excitement!

So, when should you use nipple

stimulators? Nipple stimulators work
best with PLENTY of lube and should
only be introduced AFTER you’ve
fondled, stroked, licked and kissed
her nipples until they are THROBBING
and erect.

When your woman is super turned-on

and begging you not to stop, THEN you
can introduce the simulator! Turn it on,
gently place it over one of her nipples,
and get ready to see her dissolve into
your arms!

With the stimulator working it’s magic

on one of her breasts, lavish your full
focus on her other. Try simultaneously

flicking her swollen nipple with your

tongue AND index finger until she
GASPS for more!

Nipple vibrators

Whether or not she knows it yet, your

woman’s nipples will absolutely LOVE
some good vibes just as much as her
clitoris does! To drive her CRAZY with
sensations, this small, discreet finger-
mounted nipple vibrator is your new
best friend.

The silicone brush tips will make her

nipples POP with excitement! You can
run it around her breasts, her areolas,

and her nipples for a sexual journey

she won’t forget in a hurry!

As great as the finger vibe is, the truth

is that almost ANY vibrator will work
WONDERS on her nipples, be it a
bullet vibe, a rabbit, or a wand

Try using the edging technique: Start
by gently tracing the tip of the vibe
over her breasts. Slowly work your
way in towards her areola and finally
apply the tip directly to her nipples –
she’ll adore it!

Combined with lube or nipple gel, a

vibe can be enough to send your
woman over the EDGE! There are also
nipple vibrators that work with remote

controls – or even via apps – letting

you remotely control the vibrations!

To make your woman SCREAM your

name and BEG you not to stop, try
combining one of these nipple vibes
with some good old-fashioned
cunnilingus! Place your chosen vibe
on her nipples and get her to sit on
your face (i.e. The Emmanuel or The
Goddess). As you eat out her pussy
and lick her clit, you can use your free
hand to switch up the vibe intensity
and send the vibrations PULSING
through her body.

Nipple Clamps
Earlier we shared with you our nipple
squeezing technique that can unlock
your woman’s sexual desire for you,
even when she’s not in the mood for
sex! Well, what if we told you there’s a

toy that can help you squeeze HARDER

and for LONGER while leaving your
hands completely free?

Sound crazy?

Let me introduce you to nipple clamps!

Although they may be too ’50 Shades
of Grey’ for some people’s liking,
nipple clamps are incredible for
nipple play!

In fact, the smallest and most discreet

type of clamp isn’t really a clamp at all
– nipple balls are two magnet beads
that you can put each side of your

woman’s nipple and let magnetic

attraction squeeze the nipple gently.

Not only do these tiny wonders leave

your hands free, but they also create
an AMAZING sensation can you can
COMBINE with other moves.

For example, with nipple balls you

 Lick her nipple with your tongue
for a MIND-BLOWING sensation.
 Flick her erect nipple with your
fingers and/or tongue, for 10X the
 Use a vibrator to make her breasts
PULSATE with delight.
If these cute little magnet clamps
aren’t your jam, you also can buy
discreet nipple clamps that look more
like jewelry that something Christian

Grey would keep in his bondage

room. You can gently adjust the
tightness until they’re just right and
leave them there while you focus on
other areas.

Stuck for ideas?

Here are some things to try while she’s

wearing a nipple clamp:
 Massage her breasts while
passionately kissing her neck.
 Place the tip of a vibrator ON the
clamp to send tingles throughout
her breast!
 Use some of the breath play
techniques we shared earlier,
such as breathing ice-cold air
over her nipple!
Of course, if you want to turn up the
KINK and send your woman over the

edge, BDSM-style clamps with chains

are worth a look!

Nipple clamps and chains

Nipple clamps and chains are a little

more daunting than other types of
clamps but are perfect for when
you’ve built up confidence with using
nipple clamps. Nipple clamps on their
own are great, we’re not saying

But when you combine nipple clamps

with a chain, you unlock a WORLD of
possibilities! A smooth, sexy chain can

help unlock your woman’s deepest


Chain clamps over her nipples can

let you:
 Gently tug and pull the chain to
show her you’re in charge and let
her know she can relax.
 Put the chain in between her teeth
so that she can control the tension
and sensations.
 Use a pair of safe Velcro cuffs to
bring her hands together (we
recommend the front, not behind
her back, for safety reasons). This
is a safe way to discover an
entirely new, kinky sensation!
But what if you want to turn her
pleasure dial to MAX?

I got you covered with these BDSM-

inspired hanging weights! Weights
can be attached to nipple clamps or
hung from a chain between two
clamps. They create an intense pulling
sensation that can drive your woman
WILD with delight!

A word of warning though: Unlike

other sex toys on our list, clamps and
weights can be painful. Never apply a
painful amount of weight and always
keep talking to your woman while you
explore. Have a safe word or gesture
that she can use just in case the feeling
becomes too intense.

With hanging weights you can:

 Adjust the weight until it feels just

 Lift the weight to relieve tension

and then let it down again (be
careful not to drop it!)
Lastly, if our ideas so far seem too
vanilla, there are always electro
clamps to take her pleasure levels to
the stratosphere! Electro clamps are a
unique way to give your woman
intense tingles and shocks. They
certainly aren’t everyone’s cup of tea,
but they will take her on a sensual
journey unlike any other.

Electro clamps are small clamps that

are connected to a battery-powered
control unit. You can select a variety of
sensations such as ‘tingle’, ‘pulse’ and
‘random’ and set the power setting.
While the tingles aren’t lethal, they can
be painful – almost like a kind of

As with the nipple clamp weight, you

must ALWAYS set a safe word or
gesture before playing and you MUST
respect your partner’s boundaries.

Nipple pumps and cups

If you’re looking to take your nipple

play sessions to new heights, nipple
pumps and cups are an awesome
option! Vibrating nipple pumps create
an intense vacuum around your
woman’s nipples and can tingle her
towards the Big O!

Nipple pumps are discreet and help

keep your hands free to explore her

other erogenous zones. When

combined with kissing and massage,
pumps can send your woman to the

To create an even more intense

stimulation, these BDSM-style pumps
are worth a look. They fit snugly
around her nipples and can be
adjusted until you reach the maximum

Lastly, and not for the faint of heart,

electro nipple cups deliver a tingling
sensation to the breasts similar to the
electro nipple clamps we discussed
above. But be warned: the
combination of sucking and throbbing
can be too much for some women!

If you’ve never given your woman a
nipple orgasm, what are you waiting

My step-by-step guide provides you

with all the techniques you could ask
for that will help your woman achieve
the Big O! From massage to fondling,
stroking, licking and even nibbling,
we’ve covered it all in this handy
guide to giving your woman pleasure
through her nipples.

As a final word of caution though; I

have covered EVERYTHING in this
guide but we aren’t suggesting you try
it all!

The SECRET to giving your woman

pleasure through her nipples is to help

her discover what makes her tick.

What drives her CRAZY? And what
could she do without?

Whether you’re shooting for a nipple

orgasm, or simply want to up your
foreplay game, nipple play can unlock
a whole new world of pleasure. So,
take things slow, help her relax and
you never know where things may

Good luck! And let me know in my

private message if you have any
questions or comments!




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