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Module: Business Practice Explored

Code: BSS005-1


Grade (in number):
Grade (in words):
Student: NGUYEN VAN THANH TRUNG ………………..
Student ID: 2145519143 Examiner 1
(Signature & Full name)
Cohort: K59BF-B
Semester: I
Examiner 2
Academic year: 2021-2022 (Signature & Full name)
Head teacher: Tran Quoc Trung ………………..

Submission date: 28th December 2021

Student’s signature:
Ho Chi Minh City, December 2021
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Module: Business Practice Explored

Code: BSS005-1


Student’s fullname: NGUYEN VAN THANH

Student ID: 2145519143
Cohort: K59BFB
Semester: I Academic year: 2021-2022
Lecturer: Tran Quoc Trung
Except where reference is made in the text of the end-module assignment, this
assignment contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in
part from an assignment which I have submitted or qualified for or been awarded
another degree or diploma.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgements in the
end-module assignment.

This end-module assignment has not been submitted for the eveluation of
any other modules or the award of any degree or diploma in other tertiary

Ho Chi Minh City, Decmeber 28th, 2021

(signature and fullname)

Nguyen Van Thanh Trung

Table of Contents
STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP.................................................................3
I. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................5
II. Body..........................................................................................................5
III. Conclusion................................................................................................8
IV. References.................................................................................................9

Not only did I have time to relax after the stressful university entrance exam, but I also
had time to mentally prepare for the university environment. As a student, the acquisition of
knowledge is inevitable, but it is not sufficient to simply study theory without any self-reflection.
Using Gibbs' "Cycle of Reflection" model from his 1988 book "Learning by Doing" will help me
reflect on the process of learning Business Practice Explored. Furthermore, by using this model,
I have gained a more detailed understanding of my current and non-existent knowledge skills,
from which I will be able to develop plans to not only improve but also develop those skills. To
better understand how I reflect myself after the course, we will proceed to the 6 stages of the
reflection cycle.

II. Body

1. Description
It is inevitable that I have gained a great deal of knowledge from having taken 8 Business
Practice Explored, the 5th of 7 subjects that I have taken since becoming a freshman. My
understanding has grown over eight lessons, from soft skills like communication and teamwork
to marketing skills like analysis and segmentation. Although the amount of knowledge I need to
absorb is very large, I am not only not overwhelmed but also have a lot of knowledge and
experience imparted by the lecturers and reporters, especially about flexibility & adaptability
( one of seven skills employer looks for), teamwork, reflecting on myself, and PESTLE analysis.

2. Feelings
Before beginning this course, and especially after completing the previous one, I thought
it would be quite interesting because the name of the subject made me think about how to work
in a company. When first learning about the first lessons, this is just an introduction to the seven
skills that employers look for in candidates. Although all seven skills are important, I have a
strong memory of adaptability and flexibility as the keys to overcoming challenges and growing.
I don't just memorize each of those skills when teamwork is also necessary skills which is a
ability to bind an organization to get things done quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, Pestle is
one of the skills that I value highly because it will help me analyze the market if I decide to start
a business or invest. Let me save the best for last with the reflection cycle which I am most
impressed with, especially given that this report is based on it.

3. Evaluation
The new skill sets I haven't mentioned are undeniably valuable because they will help me
advance in my career. However, it is not only knowledge that must be acquired or not, but also
experience. I can't say whether the learning experience was entirely positive or negative because
nothing in life is perfect. On the one hand, in order to retain a certain amount of knowledge for
yourself, you must have more positive experiences than negative, such as the fact that the
lecturers teach very actively and have a wealth of experience. When accompanying the lesson,
especially the case studies will help to create a non-dry atmosphere. On the other hand, there will
be negative experiences mixed in with positive experiences, such as teachers who teach too
much, resulting in boring classes, and online learning that makes it difficult for me to focus on
the lecture.
4. Analysis
When it comes to this section of the report, I will start by analyzing the negative
experiences so that I can understand why I feel this way after the sessions. The point to mention
is online learning; this may or may not be a point worth mentioning depending on the epidemic
situation, but I mention it anyway to better analyze the causes. Online learning is difficult to
describe because it has been affected by the epidemic, and as a result, everyone has had to
develop a new habit of working online; additionally, online learning becomes more boring when
students and lecturers are not available. the ability to interact face-to-face while only seeing each
other on-screen (if both parties have cameras on). Meanwhile, whether one's own learning is
good or bad, it cannot be blamed on the situation when all that is required is the will and
determination to do so. In this situation, the Gibbs reflection cycle is an excellent tool for me to
reflect on each session so that I can retain more of the knowledge.

5. Conclusion
As a result of the class, I became aware of areas in which I need to improve, such as
teamwork and pestle analysis. Of course, theory and practice are not the same. When practicing,
I may have to encounter problems that cannot be explained in theory but I must rely on my own
experience to solve those problems. The theory, on the other hand, will be a useful tool for
practice, and the skills learned from books will be the key to putting theory into practice.
I learned more about the skills that employers value, such as teamwork, flexibility &
adaptability, or self-reflection, and marketing skill as PESTLE analysis, from the lessons.
Another point worth noting is that I have used several abilities in group projects in class or when
participating in team activities. Finally, I want to improve the skills I already have while also
developing the ones I don't have. For example, in the next group activity, I will place a greater
emphasis on the skills that need to be developed. Then, during the exercise, I'll talk with my
coworkers about how I can improve my performance in those areas.

6. Action plan
Any knowledge, not just the knowledge mentioned in the article, is also equipment for
embarking on the experimental journey. Making an implementation plan is critical after you have
reflected on yourself after being taught skills, knowledge, and experience from the teaching
profession. The first skill I learned from Mr. Trung is the ability to adapt and be flexible; I can
learn new things and change old habits, and as a result, I will always have to be proactive, even
in the tiniest detail. The plan for implementing not only this skill but also the teamwork skill will
be simple because I will use it now as I adjust to a new environment and new friends. Teamwork
skills will go hand in hand with adaptability and flexibility skills because these two skills will
complement each other as I participate in team activities or projects both inside and outside of
the classroom. The third and most important skill, in my opinion, is self-reflection. I plan to use
this skill more frequently in the near future, specifically beginning next month when I begin my
program with more in-depth industry knowledge. Finally, starting in 2022, I will most likely
need to improve my market analysis skills (PESTLE analysis) through exercises on market
analysis from the perspective of corporations. as large as Vinamilk, Unilever, Samsung, and so
on..... After graduation, I will not only have a university degree but also market analysis skills,
which will be a valuable asset to me as I pursue entrepreneurship.
III. Conclusion
To draw the conclusion, the knowledge and exercises not only helped me better
understand the theory, but the teachers also gave me a broader perspective on business and the
market. The cycle of reflection deserves a prominent place in my studies and research because
important things are frequently repeated. In addition, I was able to reflect on the skills taught in
the lectures and identify my own strengths and weaknesses in order to find ways to improve.
Then I can make short- and long-term plans to improve and develop those skills in preparation
for my future career path. Finally, I'd like to thank the lecturers for the information they shared.
IV. References
1. Reflective Cycle Gibbs (1988)

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