Checklist To Set Up Your Book Like A Boss Page

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Checklist for


Book Like A Boss

1. Profile Details

A. First name and Last Name

Initial Set Up B. Title (Minimum 50 Characters)

C. About me section

D. Sidebar (at tag line or more info)

E. Time Zone

F. Currency

G. Locale (This affects the language and format

of the dates and times that appear on your
booking page)

H. Zip Code

I. Public Email Address

J. Cell Number

K. Booking Email Notice recipients (If you would

like additional team members or others to
receive booking notification emails please
enter them here, one email per line up to a
maximum of 5)

L. Social Media Links. For the following social

media links please enter the full address e.g.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, You
Tube, Your Website, Pinterest, Reddit.

2. Profile Photos and Cover Photos

A. Accepted file types JPEG, PNG, BMP and GIF

B. Cover Photo for the background; Max file size

3MB. Photo needs to be at least 1950px wide
x 350px high.

C. Profile Photo The photo needs to be at least

200px wide x 200px high

3. Gallery

A. 10 images will be displayed on your profile

page. Thumbnails will enlarge once clicked on.
Accepted file types: JPEG, PNG, BMP and GIF.
Max file size: 3MB.

4. Page Fonts and customized texts

B. Page Font and four custom values. (Colors)

(More can be added if needed)

C. Conformation Email Message (When a person

books you, the message that they will receive.

D. Rescheduled email message

E. Rescheduled requested email message

F. Reminder email message

G. Canceled email message (Optionally add

a custom message to all canceled booking
confirmation emails.)

H. Pending email message (Optionally add a

custom message to all pending booking
confirmation emails)

I. Offline payment message

5. Testimonials

A. Use full names, proper titles, and photos of

your clients for optimal effect.

6. FAQs

A. Try and cover as many of the questions you

think will be asked of you in the future.


A. You will need to do this yourself. Very simple

process we can guide you through if needed.

8. Synchronizing calendars

A. The next step are Bookings and

synchronizing calendars which you will need
to manage yourself. There are tutorials on
line, for this.

B. Booking Schedules

C. Setting up and synchronizing calendars

9. Appointments

A. Here is where we set up your appointment

only calendar. The difference between this
and packages is that this is for bookings that
don’t have any money being exchanged.

Perfect for setting up meetings, product

IT Consulting demos, and more! Will need a “Product
60 min
Demo”. Then choose the duration of your
demo. So if 30 minutes is the perfect amount
of time choose 30 minutes. You can then
Training session put in more text such as specifics like “Super
120 min
pumped to give you an online demo of our
product, please when making the booking
attach your Skype ID.”

Create as many appointment options as

you need and you can also drag and drop
to put them in the order you want them to
be listed. Please provide a picture for each

10. Products and Services (Package)

A. A ‘package’ can be a service like logo design,

massage, consulting, or dog walking where
you offer customers the ability to book you
for either a specified or unspecified amount
of time, a physical product like a book, DVD,
or t-shirt that you will ship to your customers,
or a digital product like an mp3, e-book, or
video download that you will send to your
customers via email.

Package is what you are offering in exchange

for a fee. Put any important details into the
description area such as location (ie. your
office, his home, or via Skype), if the customer
needs to bring anything (ie. a math book), or
any other information that may be needed to
make the booking a smooth experience.

Please provide a picture for each package.

11. Events

A. A ‘One Time Event’ is perfect for creating

webinars, one day meet-up, and other group
events that has a specific date and time to it.
Will need the event and date to start.

12. Pages

A. Create unlimited pages that are text only.

These pages are perfect for creating a Terms
& Conditions Page, a Privacy Policy Page, a
Thank You Page or any other pages you want
to create that are text based.

13. Coupons

A. Create coupons that your customers can use

to receive a discount when ordering one of
your products or services. A section will be
added to your booking form so customers
can apply a coupon to their order so long
as the product or service being purchased is
eligible for a coupon that is valid at the time
of purchase.

14. Embeds

(This is above the scope of setting up Book Like

A Boss Pages).

Embeds that can be placed on other websites.

Configuration options include setting colors,
fonts, and which appointments and/or packages
should be included in the embed

15. Payment settings

A. Book Like Boss integrates with PayPal, Stripe,

and Square. You will do this yourself. It is a
very simple process.

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