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Cambridge University Press

978-0-521-17762-7 - Kid’s Box American English Student’s Book 1

Caroline Nixon and Michael Tomlinson
Table of Contents
More information

Unit Key l ngu ge Key voc bul ry
Hi, I’m … , Goodbye, What’s red, yellow, pink, green, orange,
1 Hi! your name? How old are you? purple, blue, monster, rainbow,
page 2 What color’s (the crayon)? It’s and, dark, light, staring, spying,
(red), numbers 1–10 Sid snake
Making friends
Is this a (pen)? Yes / No, Who’s table, book, chair, eraser, pen,
2 My school that? Who’s he/she? How old are pencil, your, puppet, monkey,
page 10 you? How old is he/she? He/She mouse, bookcase, pencil case,
is (7). How are you? I’m fine, hooks, recycling bin, Michael
thank you. monkey

3 Favorite toys
What’s your favorite toy? My
favorite toy is … , in, on, under,
car, ball, doll, computer, bike,
train, black, brown, white, gray,
page 16 next to, Where’s your … ? Is turtle, two, toys, bookcase, pencil
your (bag) under your (chair)? case, hook, recycling bin, Tommy
Two and two is four. turtle
Keeping the classroom clean

4 My family
Who’s that? We’re (young). family, mother, father, brother,
sister, grandmother, grandfather,
page 24 box, old, young, ugly, beautiful,
happy, sad, Bertie bat

Review Units 1–4 Our world page 30

5 Our pets
They’re (ugly/big), plurals
Animal care
cat, dog, fish, horse, mouse, bird,
(red) and (blue), long, short, big,
page 32 small, clean, dirty, mice, swim,
fly, walk, run, Penny penguin

6 My face
Do you have (a small mouth)?
Yes, (I do). No, (I don’t). I have
face, ear, eye, mouth, nose,
teeth/tooth, hair, head, shoulders,
page 40 (purple hair). We have (six knees, toes, body, Henry horse,
dirty ears). Herbert hamster
They have (big mouths). They don’t crocodile, elephant, hippo, giraffe,
7 Wild animals have (tails). Do they have (long snake, tiger, animal, arm, leg,
page 46 legs)? How many (teeth) do they tail, foot/feet, hand, fur, scales,
have? feathers, skin, forest, river, trees,
Save the Earth Cassandra cat

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-17762-7 - Kid’s Box American English Student’s Book 1
Caroline Nixon and Michael Tomlinson
Table of Contents
More information

Unit Key l ngu ge Key voc bul ry

8 He/She has … , He/She doesn’t jacket, shoes, skirt, socks,
My clothes have … (pair of) pants, T-shirt, Daisy dog
page 54

Review Units 5–8 Our world page 60

I/You/She/He can/can’t … What play soccer, play basketball, play

9 Fun time! can you do? Can you (fish)? I tennis, play the guitar, swim,
page 62 need a ball to play … ride a bike, play the piano, ride
Clothes we wear a horse, sing, fish, drive a car,
school, park, sneakers, shirt, hat,
bathing suit, pajamas, Freddy frog
present progressive for present bus, truck, motorcycle, helicopter,
0 At the actions: What are you doing? I’m plane, boat, amusement park,
amusement park
(flying). Nancy night owl
page 70

present progressive for present bathroom, bedroom, dining room,

Our house actions: What’s he/she doing? hallway, kitchen, living room,
page 76 What are they doing? He’s/She’s house, eat fish, watch TV, take
(listening to music). They’re (sitting a bath, Gertie goat, backyard,
on the couch). Is he/she (reading)? grapes, wood, metal, plastic,
Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t. glass, TV, lamp, window, door,
Spelling of present progressive, closet
e.g. coloring, playing
Keeping your room clean

2 Party time!
I like (cake), I don’t like (chocolate). food, a/an, apple, banana, burger,
Do you like (snakes)? Yes, I do. ice cream, some cake, make a
page 84 No, I don’t. cake, chocolate, fish, party time,
Larry llama, or

Review Units 9–12 Our world page 90

Say it with me page 92

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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