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Course: Business Communication and Leadership

Individual assignment

1. Mention any nonverbal communication which could be important in the following

situations: i. When you are speaking on the phone ii. When you are attending an

interview iii. When you are participating in a meeting

2. Explain the importance of each of the following in planning business messages: i.

Purpose ii. Audience iii. Structure iv. Style

3. Explain the importance of communication in an organization.

4. Discuss the types of business report writing

5. Describe the directions and network patterns of formal communication.

6. Explain informal communication and state its advantages and disadvantages.

7. Identify barriers to organizational communication.

8. Define types of interview, questionnaire, observation, diary, logbook, FGD in

collecting data.

9. Discuss data, information, knowledge and wisdom.

10. What is a meeting? a. Outline any four purposes of meetings b. Give any four

benefits of meetings c. Explain the documents associated with meetings. d. Describe

the roles of the following in relation to meetings: i. Chairperson ii. Secretary iii.


11. What is internet? a. Why was the development of the telephone so important for

current information technology? b. Explain briefly how facsimile transmission works.

c. List any three benefits and three drawbacks of ‘electronic mail’ d. What are

teleconferences used for? e. Explain the importance of IT in today’s communication

12. Briefly discuss theories of leadership

13. Explain the styles of leadership

14. What are the differences among management, leadership and administration?


1. i. When you are speaking on the phone

 Put a smile in your voice.

 React like it's your best friend on the phone.
 Start smiling before you answer the telephone.
 Think of every call as a welcome break.
 Sit up straight with both feet on the floor.
 Don't slouch.
 Treat callers with respect.
 Focus on what you can do.

ii. When you are attending an interview

1. Make eye contact with the interviewer for a few seconds at a time.
2. Smile and nod (at appropriate times) when the interviewer is talking, but, don’t overdo it.
Don’t laugh unless the interviewer does first.
3. Be polite and keep an even tone to your speech. Don’t be too loud or too quiet.
4. Don’t slouch.
5. Do relax and lean forward a little towards the interviewer so you appear interested and
6. Don’t lean back. You will look too casual and relaxed.
7. Keep your feet on the floor and your back against the lower back of the chair.
8. Pay attention, be attentive and interested.
9. Listen, Don’t interrupt.
10. Stay calm. Even if you had a bad experience at a previous position or were fired, keep
your emotions to yourself and do not show anger or frown.
11. Not sure what to do with your hands? Hold a pen and your notepad or rest an arm on the
chair or on your lap, so you look comfortable. Don’t let your arms fly around the room
when you’re making a point.
iii. Tips to Improve Nonverbal Communication at Meetings
1. Eye contact. Making eye contact with others is another way to show conviction when
you speak. ...
2. Tone. Your tone of voice can give away how you are feeling. ...
3. Posture. Your posture also says a lot about how you are feeling. ...
4. Gestures. ...
5. Appearance.

2. Importance of purpose

I. Informing colleagues, line managers or subordinates about something:

II. Responding to a previous communication
III. Obtaining a decision or requesting action
IV. Trying to raise awareness in the media
V. Persuading customers to buy or
VI. Stimulating some other response such as ringing a customer for more information

Importance of audience
Audience’ refers to the recipients of the message. Whatever is said or written must
therefore, take into account the needs of the audience including:
 Who they are
 What they need to know
 Their level of knowledge
 Their circumstances of the communication
 What will most appeal to or motivate them

Importance of structure
In business communication, the structure of the message refers to the organization of
Therefore, effective communication depends on which aspects of the message the sender
would want to emphasise. Nevertheless, every message should have an introduction, a
body and a conclusion/summary.
Importance of style

Style is about using the best words in the best order. When planning a business message
you should decide on the words to be used in order to convey the intended meaning. The
choice of words determines the way the message is understood, this is called the tone

3. Explain the importance of communication in an organization.

Employee Trust from Effective Communication

Clear, open, effective communication can create a sense of transparency in your

organization, which builds trust between levels of employees. Open communication
can reduce feelings of uncertainty and cluelessness about the state of the company,
which makes for a more-positive work environment and staff who feel secure and
Effective communication is essential to building relationships between staff members and
between levels of employees, both on a professional and social level. When relationships
are strong, employees are better able to trust one another and work together more

In an organization, confusion and ambiguity can create negative feelings and a tense
atmosphere. By making roles and responsibilities clear to everyone on staff, you can give
your employees the information they need to get their jobs done; this is particularly
important when your employees are dispersed or come from different backgrounds.
Communication reduces misunderstandings and cuts the costs associated with mistakes.


Effective communication can help your employees collaborate effectively, which will make
for a more-productive team overall. When you have multiple departments who are working
on different facets of the same project, communication can streamline the process and
improve the end result. When your staff talks openly to each other, they can communicate
potential issues, requirements and feedback that can make the result stronger.
Communication can ensure that everyone is on the same page and prevent problems down
the road.
 increase productivity, anticipate problems, make decisions, coordinate workflow,
supervise others, develop relationships and better understanding in the workplace in
 communication in general is significant source in managing and leading
organizations, opportunity to involve and motivate people to common goals

Below are some of the most common types of reports that business owners usually find
most useful.
 Annual Report. ...
 Sales and Revenue Report. ...
 Inventory Report. ...
 Marketing Report. ...
 Website Traffic Report/Social Media Report

Advantages of Informal Communication

Informal communication is free from maintaining rules and regulations, procedures and
others. Such communication bears low cost than formal communication. Although informal
communication does not follow any set rules or principle but it offers some advantages which
are as follows:

1. Alternative System: There are some messages which cannot be sent through formal way
and therefore requires some alternative. Such alternative can be informal communication. 

2. Interpretation: Message sent to subordinates requires explanation or interpretation and

informal communication is the valuable means here. 

3. To Present Grievances: Employees can't make any complaints to superiors through

formal communication. But informal communication gives the employees a better
opportunity to raise their complaints, grievances or claim. Sometimes, in this way, as an
informal communication system, grapevine affects much. 

4. Increase Efficiency: Employees can freely exchange their opinions in terms of informal

communication. They can ask any question without any hesitation. Thus a cordial
communication environment is created to increase the efficiency of employees. 

5. Improving Relations: Any created between management and the labor can be settled
through informal communication. Co-operation and co-ordination can be established through
harmonious relationship between management and labor. Such relationship is only possible
through informal communication.

6. Providing Recommendations: Subordinates feel free to provide management with their

suggestions and recommendations on different job related issues like work methods,
procedures and conditions etc.
7. Measuring Reaction: Before releasing any new information, management wants to know
the reaction of employees. In such a case, informal communication can be valuable in
measuring the reaction of employees before any information is conveyed through formal

8. Solution to Problems: With the help of informal communication, the management is able

to know problems, conflicts and complaints and the like. Therefore management can take
necessary action timely and effectively.

Disadvantages of Informal Communication

Although informal communication creates so many advantages but they are not free from
drawbacks or limitations. Some significant demerits or disadvantages of informal
communication system are as follows:

1. Distortion: Informal communication networks do not follow any set of rules, definite

liners or ways. So it can transmit any kind of information to any person without any respect
or fear. It may spread wrong or distorted news which may sometimes prove harmful even to
the employees. So, it is the one of most considerable disadvantages of informal

2. Lack of Secrecy: In informal communication, everybody can freely interact as there are no
restrictions or rules. Any secret matter is likely to be flashed without any problem or
hesitation. This may cause a huge damage to any organization.


Communication is critical to the success of any organization. And yet many struggle to grow
because they don’t have good structures in place for communication. This can lead to
frequent miscommunications and breakdowns in processes. The management needs to
understand the importance of communication and integrate various strategies into their
organizations to overcome organisational barriers of communication.
Here are the common examples of organizational barriers seen in organizations:

This kind of organizational barrier includes all the physical obstacles that might affect an
organization’s ability to communicate with its employees, customers or suppliers. It could
even affect communication between employees too. This might be because of a noisy
workplace, technological troubles, climatic factors that prevent communication or even a
pandemic that stops people commuting to and from work.
This type of organizational barrier is perhaps the most common, particularly as businesses
grow. Poor communication among teams can be caused by a breakdown in working
relationships and can hamper a project. Some kinds of communication barriers occur
occasionally, while others are more chronic. When a project is on a tight deadline,
communication can suffer. This is also paradoxically when good communication matters the

These types of organizational barriers can occur among employees who don’t understand

each other’s culture or background. With organizations becoming more global, these kinds of
barriers have become more common. Therefore, it’s important to make employees understand
one another. It can help to have uniform values that are adopted across an organization’s
locations. It’s also important for organizations to provide training for their employees so they
know how to work well as part of a team, regardless of the background of its members.

Poor communication skills cause these types of hurdles among managers. This can be a
big organizational barrier to communication, as teams try hard to achieve their goals. It may
block them from reaching their targets because of the lack of motivation or understanding
within the workforce. Therefore, it’s important to make sure everyone has enough knowledge
and experience to make decisions.

Sometimes, the lack of communication skills is a symptom of a deeper leadership problem. A

lack of confidence among employees might cause it. When the team doesn’t trust the boss, its
members may hesitate to speak freely, as they do not feel comfortable. For individuals to
perform at their best, they need to feel secure. It’s important for organizations to resolve
these examples of organisational barriers by encouraging everyone to work well together. 

The pandemic forced the world into remote work mode almost overnight. While it has
allowed us all to continue work through multiple lockdowns, it has also brought along with it
some unique challenges. Listening is more difficult when we’ve been saturated with Zoom
calls all day. Even our ability to concentrate diminishes with the number of meetings
increasing in a remote environment. It’s important to understand how these issues affect us.
Only then can we overcome these examples of organizational barriers to communication.
Organizational barriers to communication can be temporary or caused by deep-seated issues
in a business. If they aren’t addressed in a timely manner, they can stand in the way of growth
of both the business as well as the individual. 
Different types of interviews

Interviews can be of different types, formal, informal, panel, or telephone. Being prepared for
an interview as a designer or creative?

Take a look at these different types of interviews and make sure that you are ready to be
ready later.

1. Telephone interview

There are different types of interviews and the different skills needed to tackle them. The
telephone interview is one of them. Often companies request an initial telephone interview by
inviting you to interview an interviewer in front of the candidate. One advantage of this is
that you can have your notes in front of you.
You have to prepare as much as you need to face interviews, and remember that your first
impression is very important. Some people meet the person better than the phone, so be
assured that you speak at a good pace and try to answer all the questions asked.

Telephone interviews are extremely valuable because they speed up the interview process and
waste time when your weak candidates will already be cooling.

Ask for a phone interview? A call is a first-round screening to see if you are eligible for a
full-time interview, so it’s a duplicate key. Some adjustments for the phone format areas you
want to just fix as a person’s interview.

2. Personal (face-to-face) interview

There are different types of interviews and the different skills needed to tackle them. A
personal interview is one of them. This can be a meeting between you and one member or
even two members. The face-to-face interview can take your time as well as your candidate,
so as soon as they discuss it quickly, both of you will benefit before the meeting.

Personal, face-to-face interviews are the most popular and effective size evaluations so far to
explain different types of interviews.

If you allow you to be close and personal with each candidate, it is much more effective than
any other interview format to monitor their physical language.

Think about it: Do you find it easier to phone someone or to have a relationship with

If this is a suitable interview for you when there is no long list of candidates for your visit,
you are comfortable with the interview process; and you have already completed an initial
interview stage, through telephone or video.

3. Structural interview

A structured interview is usually formal and organized and can include many interviews,
which is usually referred to as a panel interview, with an interviewer whose more structured
style is generally known as the “icebreaker” question. Before asking more serious questions
the icebreaker was used to relax you.

The discussion about the weather is likely to be used in traffic on the way to your office.

Later, you can talk about interviewing the company and location for a few minutes. During
this time, interviews can describe daily job responsibilities and visits to general companies.
Then he can ask for a series of questions about your past education, co-curriculum, and work

Structural interviews tend to follow the formal procedure; the Interview follows a
predetermined agenda or question.
Finally, you can ask in the interview that you have any questions about it. You should always
have several questions ready. This kind of interview and formal form of an interview.

4. Unstructured Interview

What is the name of an unstructured interview? The only form of an interview that you
provide. Basically, interviews are eager to hear from you, so you might ask a variety of
different open questions.

You will get an unstructured interview to be spontaneous and short formal than a structured
interview. You can be designed to express your questions about your hobbies, what you do
on weekends, or other casual questions to make it easy for you to express.

Many students like this muscle back style of interview, but you have to be cautious.
Occasionally the employers deliberately take this casual deficiency so that you feel
comfortable enough to release your guard and probably disclose something that you do not
usually do.

If you find yourself in an unsecured interview, be friendly, but keep your professionalism.
Remember that you are pleased to showcase your best asset and employer that you are the
most qualified candidate for the job Casual conversation is acceptable, and it can set a
positive voice for the interview, but do not forget to bring the conversation to your skills and

5. Assessment of Interview

Assessment “days” can be used to evaluate the broader group of interviews at the same time,
for a range of different skills.

Annual interviews to review the progress of interviews are called evaluation interviews.
Naturally, it is happening between parents and subordinates. The main purpose of this
interview is to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the workers.

Generally among graduate employers, they are a great way to evaluate candidates in more
detail for a long time to discuss the various types of interviews.

If you are interviewing a large group and your offices are only small, but it is a good idea to
search the local assessment center to organize the day for you.

This is a suitable interview when certain skills are essential for successful completion; those
who are recruiting graduates have no previous work experience; and If you want to quickly
evaluate a large number of candidates in a team environment.

Most evaluations take place throughout the day.

They are usually used as the first recruitment step, to find superstars candidates in large
crowds, or as a single step, with a scheduled appointment at a given time, which means that
the whole process is completed in one day.

Assessment interviews are so effective, because they give more time to evaluate different
skills, so make sure that you take advantage of it.

Case Studies Candidates (individually or as part of a group) analyze some information and
draw different decisions from them.

Combined work- ask for a problem or brain teaser coats and groups to work together,
presenting their strategies and outcomes at the end of the task. Activities. Set up tasks for
your candidates, for example, ‘Sell this pen to me. Presentation. Candidates planning a
presentation plan on a topic that they are passionate about, your choice, or something related
to art.

Personal interview. If it is at the final stage of the interview, try to fit in specific interviews at
the scheduled time (if not already operated). Social events Candidates putting a social event
just like a party dinner, lunch, party, or activity day will be able to showcase their teamwork
and interpersonal skills. Psychometric examination. See this article for more insight into the
pros and cons of psychometric testing.

6. Panel interview

This interview involved many people sitting on a panel with the chairman as one. This type
of interview is popular in the public sector, one of the different types of job interviews.

Panel interviews are separate, the same as a face-to-face interview, but the same with two or
more interviews in the room.

The main advantage of a panel interview is that it abandons a personal favor that can be
reduced in the assessment process.


Diaries, journals and logs are records of events and processes that occur over time. Not only
do they record events and processes, they are also useful for recording problems that arise

A diary study is a research method used to collect qualitative data about user behaviors,
activities, and experiences over time. In a diary study, data is self-reported by participants
longitudinally — that is, over an extended period of time that can range from a few days to
even a month or longer.
What is log book

It is a record of your experiment (like a journal) that is kept in a composition notebook.
A composition notebook does not have pages that can be torn out. Everything written in the
logbook stays.

Generally, there are three types of logbooks:

 Equipment Logbooks - Kept near an asset and used for a particular equipment, such
as a crane or an elevator.
 Site Logbooks - Kept in a control room or head office and applyi for the overall site.
 Personnel Logbooks - Kept with a staff member.
g with peoples' feelings and thoughts about what transpired.

What is data information knowledge and wisdom?

The DIKW Pyramid represents the relationships between data, information, knowledge and
wisdom. Each building block is a step towards a higher level - first comes data, then is
information, next is knowledge and finally comes wisdom. Each step answers different
questions about the initial data and adds value to it. The more we enrich our data with
meaning and context, the more knowledge and insights we get out of it so we can take better,
informed and data-based decisions.

Data is a collection of facts in a raw or unorganized form such as numbers or characters.

For example, 12012012 is just a sequence of numbers without apparent importance. But if we

view it in the context of ‘this is a date’, we can easily recognize 12th of January, 2012. By
adding context and value to the numbers, they now have more meaning. In this way, we have
transformed the raw sequence of numbers into information.

Information is data that has been “cleaned” of errors and further processed in a way that
makes it easier to measure, visualize and analyse for a specific purpose. By asking relevant
questions about ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’, etc., we can derive valuable information
from the data and make it more useful for us. But when we get to the question of ‘how’, this
is what makes the leap from information to knowledge.
How” is the information, derived from the collected data, relevant to our goals? “How” are
the pieces of this information connected to other pieces to add more meaning and value? And,
maybe most importantly, “how” can we apply the information to achieve our goal?

When we don’t just view information as a description of collected facts, but also understand
how to apply it to achieve our goals, we turn it into knowledge. This knowledge is often the
edge that enterprises have over their competitors. But only when we use the knowledge and
insights gained from the information to take proactive decisions, we can say that we have
reached the final – ‘wisdom’ – step of the Knowledge Pyramid. Wisdom is the top of the
DIKW hierarchy and to get there, we must answer questions such as ‘why do something’ and
‘what is best’. In other words, wisdom is knowledge applied in action. We can also say that,
if data and information are like a look back to the past, knowledge and wisdom are associated
with what we do now and what we want to achieve in the future.

What is meeting and its purposes?

A meeting is a gathering which brings together a number of people within a system with a
definite communication purpose. It is a coming together of (generally) three or more people
to exchange information in a planned manner and discuss issues set out before them to arrive
at decisions, solve problems, etc.

Purposes of meetings are:-

1. Giving information:
 To hear a statement of policy;
 To receive instructions, to learn about new procedures;
 To brief a group of subordinates;
2. Obtaining information or ideas:
 To hear subordinates views on a problem;
 To find out what happened;
 To investigate a situation;
 To obtain information.
3. Progressing or coordinating activities of individuals or departments:
 To discuss what action is needed;
 To coordinate the work of different sections or departments.
4. Resolving a problem:
 To overcome an obstacle to the implementation of a plan;
 To discover what the problem is;
 To motivate members of staff in order to get them committed

Benefits of meetings

A meeting can be beneficial in the following ways:

A. Communication and personal contact:-A meeting helps people to get to know one
another. In fact, establishing good personal relationships is important in organizational

B. Motivation and satisfaction: - When members participate in a meeting decisions may

improve individual motivation.

C. Representation:-Meetings enable the various different interests in a decision to be

represented as ‘equals’.

D. Participative problem-solving: - Members feel that a meeting gives them an opportunity to

contribute to a decision.

Documents associated with meeting

The most essential documents needed to be prepared in connection with meeting are Notice,
Agenda and Minutes. Of these, Notice and Agenda are prepared before the meeting and
Minutes is prepared after the completion of meeting.

Notice Calling the Meeting: when a meeting is to be conducted, a notice is required to be

sent to all the members. A Notice is an intimation about the conduction of the meeting.
Generally, it is typed or printed on the organizations’ letterhead and issued under proper
authority. Notice of the meeting must include the name of the organization, Day, date, and
time, Place of the meeting, Purpose of the meeting and, if possible, the Agenda and date of
circulation and conveners’/ secretary’s signature

Agenda: Agenda means things to be done. It is also called as business or order of business to
be discussed during the meeting. It should covers:-Reading and approval of minutes of the
last meet, Matters arising out of previous meet’s minutes, Apologies from absent members,
Date of next meeting, Vote of thanks to the chairman.

Minutes: refers to a record of the decisions taken at a formal meeting. Once minutes are
approved and signed, it can be even accepted by the court of law as evidence of the
proceedings of meeting. the main objective of minutes is to record, concisely and accurately,
the essential work done at a meeting. The minutes of companies and statutory bodies are
written in formal style. It should contain the following details:-the name of the organization,
Day, date, time and place Names of chairperson and secretary, names of the members absent.

Role of chairperson and participants in a meeting

The chairperson is responsible for setting the agenda of the meeting and ensuring that the
participants stick to this agenda. The chairperson must also make sure that participants obey
the conventions of meeting and monitoring the progress of the actions agreed at the meeting

They must make sure that all of the participants of the meeting are treated fairly and equally.
The Role of the Chairperson. In a more formal meeting, the chairperson will outline the
purpose of the meeting and remind members why they are there. The chair controls the
meeting. All remarks are addressed through the chair.

What is the role of secretary in a meeting?

Some duties of secretary are: - Obtain the material for the meeting from previous minutes or
new sources, drafting the agenda to a logical order of priorities, Agree with the chairperson
on the draft, Circulating the notice of the meeting the agenda and any other related
documents, Preparing the venue of the meeting Take notes on the agreements made, Assist
the chairperson by providing the necessary information

The Secretary provides items for the agenda as appropriate and informs all the members well
in advance about the meeting. Further, the minutes of the previous meeting are read, and if
they are approved, the signature of the Chairperson is obtained on them.

What is the role of a participant/members in a meeting?

Inform the secretary/chairperson about items for the agenda, Read all the papers received and
if necessary prepare their own supporting papers, Attend on time, Make disciplined
contributions, Take note of decisions and actions required, Read and verify minutes, Carry
out any actions required and if necessary

Participants are the extensions of the leader in many ways; they should contribute as much as
possible to the agenda items, create a comfortable environment for others to share their ideas,
and keep track of the allotted time so the meeting can end promptly.
12. What is an internet?

Computers nowadays are complex; there are a lot of different components inside them, and
they all serve different purposes. When computers work together, they are said to be in a
network. When the networks are also lined up they establish the internet.The Internet is a vast
network that connects computers all over the world. Through the Internet, people can share
information and communicate from anywhere with an Internet connection

Why was the development of the telephone so important for current information

The mobile phone is a great invention. The most important advantage of cell phones is
that they can be used almost everywhere without cables or electricity. By using a mobile
phone, you can communicate with anyone whenever you want and wherever you are.

 Mobile services have great potential for development in reaching socially and geographically
isolated people. The benefits for developing countries are major in, but not limited to, the
agricultural, health and financial sector.

Mobile services generate most impact when context-adjusted content is created and when
their continued existence is financially independent through sustainable business models. – A
major challenge to overcome is creating a supportive policy environment in which mobile
services can reach their full potential. The quickest way to get out of poverty right now is to
have one mobile telephone. Farmers checking the weather forecast, health workers receiving
advice on the best treatment methods or factory employees transferring their salary to their
families at home: All of it can be done with a feature phone
The opportunities of mobile services, such as M-Pesa, offer many chances for development in
general as well as in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals.

1. Production and profitability of farmers can be advanced through mobile services

2. Mobile services can support emergency communication and (in)formal medical advice to
remote areas with a lack of health care facilities. (Good Health and Well-Being).
3. Lastly, economic growth and resilience of infrastructure can be catalysed through provision
of data connectivity and financial inclusion (, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure).

What is facsimile transmission and how it works.

A facsimile, more commonly referred to as a fax, is the transmission of a document or image

from one place to another electronically. The document to be sent is scanned and sent over a
telephone or Internet connection. A combined scanner and transmitter is usually known as a
fax machine. it is an international system of transmitting a written, printed, or pictorial
document over the telephone system by scanning it photo electrically and reproducing the
image after transmission Often shortened to: fax

Advantages and Disadvantages of using Email

Using e-mail for inter-organizational communication offers the several benefits including:

 Faster than post.

 Cheaper than post.
 Efficient: can send message to thousands of recipients simultaneously.
 Electronic reach or read receipt can be obtained.
 More secure messages due to use of passwords.

Disadvantages of Email

However, using e-mail for inter-organizational communication offers the several drawbacks
including the following:

 It requires computer literacy.

 If telecommunication systems fail, there will be no communication.
 It can be a source of Viruses.
 Initial costs of setting up the system can be high.
What is Teleconferencing used for

Teleconferencing is a technology that allows people in different locations to participate in a

conference over a telephone line or using e-mail group communication software.

Teleconferencing has many uses:- Teleconferencing is essentially a means for

communication and training. It can be used for information dissemination, guidance in
response to policy, consultations with experts, focused group discussions, interviews, etc. The
most important advantage of teleconferencing is time-saving. With tele conferencing, it is
possible to hold meetings on a very short notice. In addition, there is no time spent traveling
to the venue of a meeting as all meetings are held through machines or Internet.

Why do we need information technology?

With improvements in information technology, globalization has increased. The world is brought
closer, and the world’s economy is quickly becoming a single interdependent system. Information can
be shared quickly and easily from all over the glob, and barriers of linguistic and geographic
boundaries can be torn down as people share ideas and information with each other.

We need information technology in today’s world to establish faster communication,

maintain electronic storage and provide protection to records. In a simple way, IT makes a
system of electronic storage to provide protection to company’s records. Customer demands
for secured maintenance files and all is made possible by IT.

With the Information technology, communication between people has become cheaper, easier and
faster than ever before. Texting, video calling, sending e-mails are so easy nowadays. There are so
many apps available online to provide these services.

With the advancement of information technology, the education field has transformed its outlook
and has adopted a modern way of teaching and learning. Teaching on the blackboard is now an old
thing. Teachers and institutions are using modern gadgets to teach their students. A computer with
an internet connection helps students to learn new things and understand the topics easily and

In the technology world, with information technology, the drawback of time and distance in
business activities has been removed. Now, buying and selling are too easy. Customers can buy
online from their locals and international vendors as well.

Information technology helps patients as well. They can now connect with physicians and take
advice online. Also, there are many virtual healthcare applications available to provide guidance.
Electronic health records and tele-medicines are delivering efficient and quality health to patients.

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