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Reinforced Plastics  Volume 60, Number 5  September/October 2016 www.reinforcedplastics.


Now is the time to make the change from

metal to composites in naval shipbuilding
Django Mathijsen

For shipbuilding, fiber reinforced plastics have clear advantages over metals, especially in military ships.
Still, the navies of the world have not massively changed over to composites yet. There is a sense of
urgency though, especially in Dutch and Scandinavian shipbuilders, that now is the time to really make
that change happen. We talked to experts from Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding in Vlissingen, the
Netherlands, and learned about the advantages of composites, but also about the challenges that have to
be overcome.

The Damen group has a long history producing ships in compo- have a composites shipyard in Antalya, Turkey, producing light,
sites, going back as far as the 1960s. In the early 1980s for example fast ships of up to 25 m in length. ‘‘These are mostly interceptors:
they were already producing fast, light composites vessels. ‘‘But fast little boats which are carried on board of the mother ship for
then aluminum enabled cheaper production, so Damen turned giving chase,’’ says Laurent Morel, technical specialist composite
completely to aluminum,’’ Joep Broekhuijsen says. He is the structures at Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding. ‘‘We are produc-
general coordinator research and development at Damen Schelde ing a series of seventy of them in a factory-like way at a rate of
Naval Shipbuilding ( in Vlissingen, the about one a week. We also have two water buses in production
Netherlands (Fig. 1). there: catamarans for passenger transport. And in all our crew
Since the turn of the century however, the Damen group is suppliers and offshore supply boats for example, the whole super-
investing heavily in composites again. And since a few years, they structure is already made from composites.’’
Damen builds a whole range of ships. And they have the
ambition to go larger with composites ships. ‘‘We have a 45 m
design on the drawing board and we want to go to 75 m within 5
years,’’ says Morel (Fig. 2).
Damen uses thermoset resins and they try to stay with glass fiber
as much as possible. ‘‘In smaller ships we do use hybrids with
aramid and carbon fibers,’’ Morel adds. ‘‘The 11 m long interceptors
are made of carbon fiber. The waterbuses are glass fiber. And we are
working on a 45 m long carbon fiber ferry. That structure is more
critical. Most composite ships are not engineered for strength but
frequency. Depending on the ship’s type you sometimes have to go
to a different material to achieve that frequency. The ship’s propel-
ler excites the structure, so the structure has to have a different
frequency, preferably above the propeller’s frequency.’’
A Damen interceptor flying over the waves: light and fast, thanks to
composites. Extra advantages for composites in the military
Of course the most obvious advantage when changing from steel
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FEATURE Reinforced Plastics  Volume 60, Number 5  September/October 2016

The Alkmaar-class MCMV’s, like this Zr. Ms. Urk, developed from 1974, has
FIGURE 2 been in service in the Dutch navy since 1983. Its 52 m long, glass fiber
reinforced polyester hull was quite revolutionary at the time. Which
Molding a composites hull.
concept is going to replace it?

to reduce fuel or carry more payload. ‘‘In commercial ships it turns Mine countermeasures vessels
out the best strategy is to take more payload because then you earn Damen is conducting a lot of research into the next generation
back your investment more quickly,’’ Morel says. ‘‘In cruise ships of MCMV’s. For that, composites vessels of up to 75 m long are
payback times of two to three years are achievable. In general, being considered. ‘‘That is a rather large composites platform,’’
ships have a life expectancy of 25–30 years.’’ So the life cycle and Broekhuijsen says. ‘‘Something that has not been done very
running cost of a composites ship are lower than that of a steel often yet.’’
ship, also because it requires less maintenance. Unfortunately, that But the defense organization has not ordered those new
does not work as a selling point yet as Morel explains: ‘‘The client MCMV’s yet. They are dragging their feet because there are two
has two separate budgets: one for purchase and a different one for different strategies in dealing with mines. The defense community
maintenance.’’ So the client will generally decide which ship to has not decided on a clear preference yet.
buy, still based on purchase cost, not on life cycle cost. The first strategy is to have an MCMV with a low magnetic
The lighter weight of a composites superstructure can also lead signature (i.e.: a ship made from composites) that can detect mines
to a lower center of gravity for the ship, increasing its stability, before they detect it. Also, the instruments on board have to be
meaning: reducing the risk of the vessel capsizing. But according to made of nonmagnetic materials or locally equipped with a
Morel the main reason for going back to composites for these ships degaussing system, so you can get close to the mines without
below 25 m in length is because they are now cheaper to produce triggering them.
than aluminum ones: ‘‘That is because they were reengineered to The other strategy is to have an ordinary, steel mother ship that
enable modular design and series production. We can now for always stays outside the minefield area and sends in small un-
example put together different superstructures with the same manned vessels to track the mines down. Those unmanned vessels
molds.’’ are planned to be 10–20 m long and made of composites. They will
For military applications a ship or superstructure made of have to carry quite a lot of payload in systems for charting the
composites has the additional advantage of a lower signature, as minefield.
for example a lower radar cross-section. This is especially the case if ‘‘The defense community is waiting to see how fast the devel-
you compare it to a lightweight metal structure. A metal ship’s opment of those unmanned systems will be,’’ Broekhuijsen says.
radar cross-section can be lowered by giving it a clever shape with ‘‘So the cost-performance comparison is very difficult to make at
flat, angled surfaces, but according to Broekhuijsen that is not so the moment. We want to be able to make a good comparison and
easy: ‘‘If you want to build in aluminum or thin steel, the welding support the defense organization as soon as the request comes, so
processes will lead to warping, leaving the ship less esthetic and we can show them which manufacturing techniques and materials
also more visible on radar.’’ are worthwhile.’’ It is also not clear if it will truly be possible to
Last but not least, the underwater magnetic signature of a ship guarantee that a mother ship in service will be able to stay clear of
made of composites is lower, which is especially worthwhile for the minefield under all circumstances. ‘‘We try to be ready for both
mine countermeasure vessels (MCMV’s). MCMV’s are larger than strategies,’’ Morel says. ‘‘But for me the challenge is clear: the
25 m. And the Dutch navy is supposed to be replacing their purchase cost for the composites vessel has to be at least as low as
MCMV’s soon. ‘‘That is currently a main focus of ours,’’ says the cost for the steel hull version. That is the only way to stop the
Broekhuijsen. ‘‘Can we scale up the manufacturing technology debate.’’
of those small composites boats so we can build larger platforms if The loads that navy ships have to be able to withstand are of a
the demand comes from the Dutch defense organization?’’ different order than those in commercial ships. MCMV’s for
(Fig. 3). example have to be able to take an unintentional mine detonation.

Reinforced Plastics  Volume 60, Number 5  September/October 2016 FEATURE

confused with the fictional Star Trek hero James T. Kirk). Pundits
have also been joking that the ‘‘1000’’ in the Zumwalt’s name
probably stands for the number of bolts used. Yes, it may look
funny for such a futuristic looking vessel to use so many bolts, but
Morel points out a caveat: ‘‘You have to differentiate operational
and military loads. For operational loads, like wave loads, a bonded
joint is more than strong enough. Military loads however are a
different matter, especially the inside blast scenario: the detona-
tion of a missile inside the structure. For that we may have to revert
to using bolts. That is currently being researched. And that may be
the reason why the Americans used bolts instead of adhesive
bonds: because they probably had weapon-induced loads in their
design requirements. In explosions we are talking about strain

rates a thousand times greater than in operational loads. That
requires a different approach: you have to put the structure into a
membrane state, not a bending state. Compare it to a soap bubble:
that is uniformly loaded in tension, enabling a lightweight struc-
ture to take heavy loads. We have already made a composites blast
Demolding a composites hull.
bulkhead that can take an anti-ship missile. Geometrically it is just
a flat sandwich plate, but you have to tinker with the fiber
The Netherlands even requires that their MCMV’s can survive orientations and joints to push the loads into the right direction.
multiple detonations before having to limp back to port for inspec- After the blast you can see that soap bubble shape in it. The most
tion. ‘‘Tearing is detrimental to a ship’s hull,’’ Broekhuijsen says. crucial part to get right is the joints, because the bulkhead covers
‘‘The trick is to prevent a real tear from forming, taking away the multiple decks.’’ (
watertight integrity. Steel can be deformed very much before it activities/activities-search/vulnerability-reduction-technologies-
tears. With composites you will see damage in the form of delami- for-large-maritime-composite-structures-(convince)). They are
nation, absorbing a lot of energy as well. But you also want a ship to cooperating with TNO structural dynamics, who have a big knowl-
be able to take an explosion at a greater distance a number of times edge base on weapon-induced effects.
without receiving damage forcing you to return to port. So you Many materials are sensitive to strain rate: if you deform them
have to be able to take a few shock loads without delamination, quickly they have a different elasticity and a different strain at
staying inside elastic parameters in both steel and composites’’. break. That is important to take into account if you are making a
Tests with explosives were performed at TNO (the Netherlands structure that has to withstand highly dynamic loads. In compo-
organization for applied scientific research) in Rijswijk, the sites that behavior depends on the specific material combination
Netherlands, on sandwiches, and laminates with and without used.
stiffeners. So using adhesives instead of bolts saves weight and cost if you
are joining materials that cannot be welded. ‘‘In fact, we also use
Rivets, bolts or adhesives? adhesives quite a lot in our conventional metal process – where
For joining parts, in all composites ships as well as in ships with we basically weld everything we can – in the outfitting stage,’’
steel hulls and composite superstructures, Damen prefers to use
adhesives as Broekhuijsen explains: ‘‘Welding is of course not
possible for joining composites to steel and that is the technology
we now use a lot. Rivets are an outdated technology in our field.
And we scarcely use bolts, because that is a heavyweight and labor
intensive solution. Using bolts in a composites superstructure
would be detrimental to the weight reduction you hope to achieve.
The bolts would be in the order of 20% of the weight of the
composites superstructure.’’ (Fig. 4).
The Americans have recently tried bolting up a composites
superstructure: the USS Zumwalt DDG-1000 is a futuristic looking,
180 m long, guided missile destroyer, designed specifically to have
an ultralow radar cross section. ‘‘According to a press release they
had to add an extra radar reflector in ordinary training operations
because otherwise it would lead to collisions with other ships,’’
Broekhuijsen says. But three rows of bolts were used in the super-
structure, adding weight and cost. The plan to build 32 of these
Damen made these GFRP air ducts for air-conditioning and heating on the
Zumwalt class destroyers was scrapped, limiting the production superstructure of the Karel Doorman, a 205 m long support ship of the
run to only 3. As if to add to its futuristic feel, the name of the first Dutch Navy. The ducts were added because the original air intakes were
captain assigned to the Zumwalt was James A. Kirk (not to be too close to the exhaust.

FEATURE Reinforced Plastics  Volume 60, Number 5  September/October 2016

Broekhuijsen adds. ‘‘Because after you have painted and rust the essential characteristics. As a result we will get a test matrix that
proofed the ship, there are sometimes changes to the design we can give to different suppliers. It is their task to fill the test
requiring an extra base to be fixed somewhere. Then adhesive matrix with results and quote a price. Then we can select which
bonding is worthwhile. Because if you were to weld it, you would one is the best for our application. Part of that matrix is already
have to remove the paint and rust protection of the panel and you available, but it will be extended and refined. We just started the
would burn the paint on the back of the panel, all requiring durability research project with the Delft University of Technolo-
expensive repair work.’’ gy. We expect to need three to four years before the whole matrix is
Plastic parts are also bonded to metal in the outfitting stage. In finalized.’’
most cases those bonds do not have to take out high loads, so then ‘‘We developed the composites to steel bond in a European
the part can simply be bonded on top of the paint. ‘‘If a bond is project together with a Swedish ship yard,’’ Morel adds. ‘‘The
required to the primary ship’s structure, the paint would be the Swedish yard is already applying it on naval ships, because naval
weakest link,’’ Broekhuijsen says. ‘‘So then we do remove the paint ships do not need a classification approval. But Damen prefers to
and bond directly to the metal itself.’’ (Fig. 5). have commercial approval even for its military vessels. The biggest

challenge is to get the simulations and models approved, especial-

Bonding metal and plastics ly the FEM models of the adhesive which has to operate in a
Damen uses adhesive bonds to join the whole top superstructure temperature range of 65 to +80 8C. Ships have to be able to sail
to the bottom hull for example in those 25 m long ships. Doing worldwide, from the arctic to the tropics. To be able to guarantee to
that in larger ships, like the MCMV’s, poses one big challenge. the certification bureau and the governing bodies that the adhe-
‘‘Like in the aircraft industry, if the vehicle becomes larger, the sive bond can stand up to that with models and simulations is the
requirements are stricter because more people will get on board most difficult thing to realize. We know that it works perfectly: it
and the safety and environmental risks are greater,’’ Broekhuijsen has been tried and tested. But we cannot prove it yet. We are now
explains. ‘‘So then, a classification bureau defining the require- in a project with a dozen partners, led by TNO. It is set to take two
ments has to scrutinize the whole structure. For the small ships we years and should result in a classification approval for us. There are
can bond the superstructures without classification approval. But Ph.D. students looking at things like pre-treatment to get a good
for the larger ships we have to convince a lot of institutions that bond, the corrosion behavior of steel, and the degradation behav-
the bond is durable. We have to show its safety in case of fire. And ior of the adhesive bond during operational life.’’
we have to make a risk assessment of what can happen and what Damen is involved in numerous projects with partners like
the options are to reduce those risks.’’ TNO, Heerema, Delft University, the University of Cambridge,
Damen is running a number of research projects to take stock of and others: from fundamental research projects (investigating the
all those risks and their mitigation solutions. ‘‘Not a lot is known durability of bonded joints as well as its dynamic behavior) to joint
yet about the aging behavior of a bond in the maritime environ- industry projects to be able to transfer results to pragmatic design
ment,’’ says Broekhuijsen. ‘‘In aerospace, bonding is applied as models for bonding in real world applications.
well, but we are faced with totally different circumstances in use
and in processing of the adhesive. Our environment during bond- Biggest challenge in full composite MCMV’s
ing cannot be as well controlled as in aerospace production. We Morel explains that the biggest challenge in developing large
have a large hall which is usually not heated. And we produce all composites vessels, like the new generation of MCMV’s, is to
around the world. In Indonesia the humidity is higher than in the get a flag state approval on equivalent fire safety: ‘‘Regulation
Netherlands. And the circumstances change every season. So they considers steel to be a noncombustible and composites a combus-
are more difficult to control, and more to the point: we do not tible material. That perception alone already makes it necessary for
want to control them too much, because then the cost of produc- us to cover all our bases, although in most situations a composites
tion would be too high. So we are looking for adhesives which are ship turns out to be safer in a fire than a steel ship. A composites
more tolerant, also in regards to the thickness of the bond. Not structure conducts heat badly, making it inherently safer in a small
only are the bond lines thicker in shipbuilding than in aerospace, fire. In a bigger fire a ship has to stay structurally load-carrying for
the build tolerances are higher as well. We are busy researching the 60 min. That is a different ballgame than in other sectors, like
impact of all those factors and how we can control and mitigate aviation or rail transport.’’
them in the most efficient way. And we are researching how we can Out at sea, it can take a lot of time for help to arrive or for the
monitor the bond in service, so we also have the risk control ship to reach the nearest port. And things are even worse for
option of being able to intervene if we find an anomaly before the military ships. Commercial ships can be evacuated in a dangerous
bond fails.’’ situation. ‘‘In the military that is not an option,’’ Morel says. ‘‘You
They used to cooperate closely with an adhesives manufacturer have to stay on board and continue fighting. Depending on the
for this but Broekhuijsen explains that they found that to be too amount of damage a certain amount of functionality has to
restrictive: ‘‘It limited our choice of adhesive too much. There are remain. In a bullet hit, everything has to keep functioning. In
many different types of adhesives on the market. Many of them the heaviest hit you still have to guarantee enough evacuation
already have an approval for maritime applications. We want to time. But there are situations where a ship will burn for days and
have the freedom to choose from all available options. So now we the crew stays on board to continue fighting. And in the military
are following a different strategy: we are defining the essential we have to face heavier fires: hydrocarbon fires, for example due to
parameters for the adhesive in our specific application. And we are a helicopter crash or an un-exploded missile. So the temperatures
also determining the tests required to prove that the adhesive has can be higher in navy ships.’’

Reinforced Plastics  Volume 60, Number 5  September/October 2016 FEATURE

There are various ways to implement fire safety. Fire insulation

is probably the easiest, but it comes with a weight and cost penalty.
Having said that: steel has to be insulated as well: ‘‘It does not
burn, but it conducts heat very well,’’ Morel explains. ‘‘So if you
have a fire somewhere on board a steel ship which is not insulated,
the whole steel structure could get searing hot very quickly.
Composites do not have that problem.’’ You can also apply
intumescent paint: that will swell up when it is exposed to heat,
creating a protective barrier on the laminate.
And it is possible to use special resins and fibers like for example
basalt and phenol in the laminate itself. ‘‘Although we have
experience with them we do not prefer that,’’ Morel says. ‘‘A ship
has to perform more tasks than resist fire. And phenol for example

works well in a fire, providing you can produce it completely water
free, which is very difficult to do. If only a little bit of water is left
inside the resin, it will evaporate in a fire, causing the laminate to
An important breakthrough for naval composites: a fiber glass reinforced
burst apart after which it will still catch on fire.’’
polymer blast bulkhead.
Damen applies a balanced solution in which a number of these
techniques are used. And the firefighting system architecture is
used in the risk assessment as well. Nobody has been able to get a We see disruptive technology coming. I see composites super-
risk assessment for a composites ship, with fire safety equivalent to structures in America, India, Singapore, Russia, and Italy: every-
a steel ship, approved yet. But Damen has been cooperating body is working on them. We try not to copy what everyone else is
internationally on these fire analyses for six years. ‘‘We have doing. That would be pointless. We are trying to go one step
now finished that risk assessment and should be able to get the further and be disruptive ourselves: with automated, large scale
first stamp of approval from a flag state this year or next year,’’ production. Nobody is working on 75 m long composites ships
Morel says. yet.’’
Morel is confident that composites will make the breakthrough
Comparable purchase cost in shipbuilding: ‘‘We now have composite structures that can stop
Damen is also cooperating in projects to get the cost of large the same weapon effects as steel structures: they can contain the
composites ships down to the level of steel ships. ‘‘In the whole internal detonation of an anti-ship missile. That took twenty years
composites community even state of the art production methods to develop and is an enormous step forwards. This is one of the last
are too labor intensive,’’ Morel explains. ‘‘That labor component chances to make composites happen. And not just in my sector.
has to be reduced. So we are looking at automated techniques Thirty years ago we all thought that composites were going to
where possible. We pull out all the stops in order to cut production explode. Ten years ago again. We are one of the few ship yards
costs.’’ He is confident that it is possible to get the cost of large substantially investing in them. But we feel we are almost there. So
composites ships down to the level of steel ships: ‘‘Providing you we are pressing on.’’ (Fig. 6).
also use the inherent function integration advantages of compo- E-LASS (, the European network for lightweight
sites,’’ he adds. ‘‘Composites do not corrode, allowing you to applications at sea, is a free network stimulating lightweighting at
reduce the amount of paint you have to apply. And you can for sea. It shares knowledge and lobbies to the International Maritime
example use their higher thermal insulation to scale back the Organization and other institutions (for example, with this state-
heating and ventilation system. If you do all that, I’m convinced ment on the use of fiber reinforced plastics for shipbuilding: http://
that it is possible to produce a composites ship for the same price as
a steel one. We are assessing all the structural properties of com- 20for%20IMO%20FRP%20work.pdf). There are 240 companies
posites versus steel: very basic stuff but it has to be done meticu- and institutions from 28 countries involved in it, spanning the
lously before you can use it in your system design.’’ whole sector: universities, material suppliers, classification
Morel explains that there are two ways of designing a ship: bureaus, experts in composites fire safety, shipbuilders. . . ‘‘Every-
‘‘Prescriptively, so following the regulations. Or you can follow one can apply,’’ Morel says. ‘‘It started four years ago as a European
first principles and then prove that your innovation is safe. That network and we want to keep it European. But we also have
requires a lot of homework, because the sector is very conservative Japanese, Australians and Americans coming to our conferences
and the material properties are very different, statically as well as now. Other continents are looking at Europe because Europe is
dynamically. But it is the only way to use the material optimally. ahead and E-LASS represents that.’’


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