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Internship Report

Maaz Bin Saeed


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I have taken efforts in this internship. However, it
would not have been possible without the kind support
and help of many individuals. I would like to extend
my sincere thanks to all of them.

I am highly indebted to Mr. Muhammad Abbas for his

guidance and constant supervision as well as for
providing necessary information regarding the
internship & also for his support in completing the

I would like to express my gratitude towards my

parents & member of Adgroup for their kind co-
operation and encouragement which help me in
completion of this internship.

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks

to industry persons for giving me such attention and

My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague

in helping me develop this report and people who have
willingly helped me out with their abilities.

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Letter of Remittance

September 7th, 2011

Nadeem Akhtar

Lecturer, GBS
GIFT University, Gujranwala


I want to submit my final report after completion of

my internship. I am submitting this report as a part of
course requirement of my bachelor degree program.
This report is going to provide valuable information
about the organization and my experience during the
tenures as an internee in this organization.

Therefore, I need your kind attention to assess my

report considering the limitations of the study.

Your kind suggestion will persuade me to perform

better analysis work in future.
Yours sincerely,

Maaz Bin Saeed


3| P a g e
Introduction ...................................5

History of Advertisement ...................................13

Advertising in Pakistan ...................................15

Advertising Agencies ...................................17

Business Volume ...................................20

Number of Employees ...................................20

Services Offered by Adgroup ...................................21

Main Offices ...................................22

Organizational Structure ...................................22

Major Competitors of the Organization ...................................23

Success and Failure of Different Products ...................................24

Overview of the department(s) ...................................24

Employees working in the Department ...................................24

Functions and Operations ...................................24

Short-falls/Weaknesses ...................................26

Responsibilities as a Student Intern ...................................27

How internship Experience Impacts My Career...............................29

Conclusions & Recommendations …................................30

Appendixes ...................................31

Some Print Advertisements by Adgroup ...................................33

4| P a g e
Advertising is a persuasive communication attempt to change or
reinforce ones‟ prior altitude that is predictable of future
behavior. It is a paid form of a non personal message
communicated through the various media by industry, business
firms, nonprofit organizations, government organizations or

Advertising is informational and is designed to influence the

purchasing behavior and/or thought patterns of the audience.
Advertising is a marketing tool and may be used in combination
with other marketing tools, such as sales promotions, personal
selling tactics, or publicity. Advertising is a medium meant to
propagate ideas to people using any means of communication.
Liberalization has empowered advertising and has completely
changed our advertising scenario. The major areas touched by
advertising are FMCG‟s, food markets, cosmetics etc.

Advertising is like the two sides of a coin, Sometimes it may

seem that advertisements send out the wrong message or impel
people to buy certain products. On the other hand, ad vertising
can be perceived as a means to sell a product or a service which
can improve by competition.

Today, advertising is booming. With the growing markets and

competition, it has become an essential tool to reach the target
market as well as the target audience.

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Advertisers in Pakistan have reached maximum percentage of the population using television as
a media device, and the rest of the population is reached via radio. Our media, however, favors
newspapers, magazines, television, radio, billboards and business publications to convey
messages about various products. It is the advertising agencies‟ advertisements which portray
ideas to the audience agencies that compete to be ranked as the best. The leading advertising
agencies have successfully made a mark in the Pakistani market. (Appendix A)

Advertising is used to publicize a product, service, or idea. Many types of advertising are
available for the purpose of building brand awareness and increasing product sales. Advertising
is present in almost all aspects of our daily life.

Before deciding what types of advertising are best, it is important for a company to define the
audience they want to target. The specific group which a product is marketed towards is their
target audience. Demographic information such as age, gender, education, and income level
helps define a target audience. Placing your message in advertising venues focusing on this
group, or demographic, is called target marketing and is essential to effective advertising.

Print mediums like magazines, brochures, and newspapers allow the marketer‟s message to reach
their target audience on the page. Magazines include articles and images intended to attract a
specific type of consumer. Magazine publishers have extensive demo graphic information on
their readers, allowing marketers to tailor advertising to speak specifically to their potential

Broadcast advertising includes TV, radio, and Internet messages. Traditional forms of these
types of advertisements are commercials shown during a television programs or between a drama
and movie. Product placement type of advertising is a less obvious way to promote products.
With product placement types of advertising, companies pay to have their product used by a
character in the program. When you see someone in a TV show or movie using a specific brand,
this is product placement, or covert advertising.

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One of the first instances binging product placement to the public‟s attention was in 1982 when
the movie E.T. was released. In this movie, characters are seen eating Reese‟s Pieces candy.
Sales of Reese‟s Pieces increased substantially as a result of their visibility in this incredibly
popular movie, generating publicity about the effectiveness of this type of advertising.

Internet promotion is one of the newer types of advertising and can be accomplished in a number
of ways. Flash advertising refers to messages that jump onto your computer screen and often
move around. They can be hard to close and are annoying, but effective at gaining your attention.
Pop up and scrolling ads are other examples at these types of advertising, Pay per click
advertising refers to marketers paying to have their web pages placed high on search engine
results pages. These are also called sponsored links.

Outdoor advertising utilizes billboards and signage. These types of advertising include using cars
with promotional messages on them, or large signs placed on the sides of buses. They can also be
signs on scoreboards or in stadiums drawing the attention of large crowds and television
coverage at sporting events.

The advertising agencies are ranked in order of their creativity as well as the expertise to deliver
the content and message to the clientele. There are many parameters on which they are graded
and these are just a few.

Most important among them being the manufacturing, trading and service firms, non-profit
institutions and the government agencies. Advertising can also be classified according to types.
The principal means of classification are:

 By geographical spread, such as national, regional and local

 By target group, such as consumer advertising. Industrial advertising or trade advertising

By type of impact such as:

I. Primary demand or selective demand advertising

II. Direct or indirect action advertising

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The bases of classification, however, can be diverse, as will be evident from below-

National Advertising

Some manufacturers may think that their target is the entire country. „They select media with‟ a
countryside base. Generally large, established firms belong to this category.

Small firms may like to restrict the business to provincial or regional level. Some firms first
localize their marketing efforts and once success has been achieved, they spread out to wider
horizons. Sometimes large firms may also go in for local advertising. e.g. when they undertake
pre-testing of a product especially consumer products in selected areas before embarking
promotional campaign on a national level.
Global Advertising

Multinational firms treat the world as their market. Firms such as National, IBM or Sony or
Toyota advertise globally.

Target Group: It is on the basis of target groups aimed at, it can further be divided into sub
category as:

Consumer Advertising
A very substantial portion of total advertising is directed to buyers of consumer products who
purchase them either for their own use or for their household‟s. The fact that buyers of consumer
items are generally very large and are widely distributed over a large geographical area enhances
the importance of advertising as a marketing tool. The preponderance of such advertising can be
seen by looking into at random any general print media, such as newspapers and magazines etc.
These advertisements are intended to promote sale of the advertised products by appealing
directly to the buyers/consumers. Such advertising is called consumer advertising. Another name
for this is brand advertising, which focuses on the development of a long-term brand identity and
image. It tries to develop a distinctive brand image for a product.

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Industrial Advertising
Industrial advertising on the other hand refers to those advertisements which are issued by the
manufacturers/distributers to the buyers of industrial products. This category would include
machinery and equipment, industrial intermediates, parts and components, etc. Because of the
unique characteristics of industrial buying decision process, the importance of industrial
advertising is comparatively lower than that of consumer advertising.

Trade Advertising
Advertisements, which are directed by the r manufacturers to the distribution channel numbers,
such as wholesalers or retailers, arc called trade advertising.

The objective of such advertising is to promote sales by motivating the distribution channel
members to stock more or to attract new retail outlets.

Professional Advertising
There are certain products for which the consumers themselves are not responsible for the buying
choice. The classic examples are pharmaceuticals where the decision is made by doctors while
the consumers are the patient.

Almost similar situation exists in the field of construction where architects, civil engineers and
contractors are the decision- makers. Firms operating in such market segments, therefore, have to
direct their advertising to these decision makers, who are professional people. Such advertising is
called professional advertising.

By Type of Impact
On the basis of impact, advertising can be primary advertising for generic products such as tea,
coffee, paints etc. These are unbranded products. At Later stages, these commodities are branded
and specific brands are promoted. They are called selective advertising. Direct action advertising
expects immediate response from the buyers such as soliciting orders through direct mail. Mostly
advertising is indirect action advertising which makes the consumers favorably inclined towards
the product so that they can later on buy these products in future.

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Public Relations Advertising (PRA)
Organizations these days are concerned with the type of image they project. They have to
communicate their objectives to the general public. They also have to intake the public
understanding, what their activities are. Public relations, in short, try to build rapport with
various constituents of public such as employees, customers, local authorities, pressure groups,
vendors, shareholders, government and public at large. Public relations advertising help to
maintain this relationship. Its main objective is to build a good corporate image. It deals with
issues rather than products and services. PR advertising is done by both business and non-
business organizations. It represents management and communicates its policies, problems and
performances to the public.

Public Service Adverting (PSA)

It is also institutional advertising, which seeks to promote important social issues. It is created to
promote greater awareness of public causes. The examples of such social issues, which have
been promoted, are handicapped children and their help, female feticide, national integration,
flood donation, AIDS etc. Public Service Advertising is also known by various other names such
as Public Awareness Advertising, Social Service Advertising and Social Awareness (SA)

Finally it is Political Advertising As most of the political advertising is directed to public, it

comes under the category of public relations advertising.

Political Advertising
It is created either by political parties or candidates. Mostly we come across such advertising at
the time of elections. Election advertising either lists the achievements of the party of candidate
or propagates their ideological basis. Sometimes, they are provocative too. Such advertising may
become comparative, where the weaknesses of the opposition are highlighted to show their party
or candidate in favorable light.

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Financial Advertising
When public limited companies invite the general public to subscribe to the share capital of the
company, it is called financial advertising. In a broader sense, it includes all advertising by
financial industry such as banks, car loan companies, insurance companies, non-banking
financial companies etc. It also includes image building corporate advertising prior to an issue
or-otherwise. Mega- issues are promoted even on TV. Issue advertisements are also put on
hoardings. Financial advertising motivates the public to invest, educate the public on various
aspects of the issue, works in favor of the broker/underwriters, and builds a good corporate
image. Financial advertising still remains prosaic. In order to become successful, it should be
more imaginative and distinctive.

Directory Advertising
Another type of advertising is called directory because people refer to it to find out how to buy a
product or service. The best-known form of directory advertising is the Yellow Pages, although
many different kinds of directories perform the same function. Classified Ads can also be
considered as directory advertising.

Direct-Response Advertising
Direct-response advertising can use any advertising medium, including direct mail, but the
message is different from that of national and retail advertising in that it tries to stimulate a sale
directly. The consumer can respond by telephone or mail, and the product is delivered directly to
the consumer by mail or some other carrier.

Business-to-Business Advertising
Business-to-business advertising includes messages directed at retailers, wholesalers, and
distributors, as well as industrial purchasers and professionals such as lawyers and physicians.
Advertisers place most business advertising in business publications or professional journals.
Many businesses never have the need to deal with the public at all. For these businesses,
advertising in the newspaper, radio or TV would be a waste of time and money. You will find
these companies using direct mail or placing ads in trade magazines.

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Institutional Advertising
Institutional advertising is also called corporate advertising. These messages focus on
establishing a corporate Identity or winning the public to the organization‟s point of view.

Interactive Advertising
Interactive advertising is delivered to individual consumers who have access to a computer and
the internet. Advertisements are delivered via Web pages, banner ads, and so forth. In this
instance, the consumer can respond to the ad, modify it, expand it, or ignore it.

Co-Op Advertising
Co-op advertising is one of the best ways to advertise for a small business. In this type of
advertising the manufacturer absorbs a portion of the cost and can also supply all the artwork for
the ads. The type of message and your target market will often dictate which type of advertising
to use. Some companies will use more than one. Some will use several depending on the
situation. Let‟s also keep in mind the pros and cons of advertising. There are two basic
advantages to advertising. One, it‟s the best way to get a message out about a new or existing
Product or service. Two, it can actually lower the cost of a product to the consumer by increasing
sales which can result in reduced production costs. The bad side of advertising is that it can
create an artificial need for unnecessary products and services. The point is to keep an eye on the
message you want your target market to receive. If you can, test some of the types of advertising
with various offers and messages. It‟s better to find that works for you and work it.

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History of Advertisement
Advertising goes back to the very beginnings of recorded history. Archaeologists
working in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea have dug up signs announcing various
events and offers. An early form of advertising was the town crier. Another early advertising
form was the mark that trades people placed on their goods, such as pottery. As the person‟s
reputation spread by word of mouth, buyers began to look for his special mark, just as
trademarks and brand names are used today. As production became more centralized and
markets became more distant, the mark became more important. The turning point in the history
of advertising came in the year 1450 when Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press.
Advertising no longer had to produce extra copies of a sign by hand. The first printed
advertisement in the English language appeared in 1478. In 1622, advertising got a big boost
with the launching of the first English newspaper, The Weekly News. Advertising had its
greatest growth in the United States. Ben Franklin has been called the father of American
advertising because his Gazette first published in 1729, had the largest circulation and
advertising volume of any paper in colonial America. The invention of radio and, later, television
created two more amazing media for the spread of advertising. Advertising as a discrete form is
generally agreed to have begun with newspapers, in the seventeenth century, which included line
or classified advertising. Simple descriptions, plus prices of products served their purpose until
the late nineteenth century when technological advances meant that illustrations could be added
to advertising and color was also an option.

An early advertising success story is that of Pears Soap. Thomas Barratt married into the famous
soap making family and realized that they needed to be more aggressive about pushing their
products if they were to survive. He is often referred to as the father of modern advertising.

However, it was not until the emergence of advertising agencies in the latter part of the
nineteenth century that advertising became a hilly fledged institution, with its own ways o f
working, and with its own creative values. These agencies were a response to an increasingly
crowded marketplace, where manufacturers were realizing that promotion of their products is
vital if they were to survive. They sold themselves as experts in communication to their clients
who were then left to get on with the business of manufacturing.
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World War I saw some important advances in advertising as governments on all sides used ads
as propaganda. The British used advertising as propaganda to convince its own citizens to fight,
and also to persuade the Americans to join. No less a political commentator than Hitler
concluded that Germany lost the war because it lost the propaganda battle: he did not make the
same mistake when it was his turn. One of the other consequences of World War I was the
increased mechanization of industry, and hence increased costs which had to be paid for
somehow: hence the desire to create need in the consumer which begins to dominate advertising
from the I920s onward.

Advertising quickly took advantage of the new mass media of the first part of the twentieth
century, using cinema, and to a much greater extent, radio, to transmit commercial messages.
This was beginning to show signs of working effectively in the 1920s but the Wall St crash put
an end to widespread affluence, and the Great Depression and World War II meant that it was
not really until the l950s that consumers had enough disposable income to really respond to the
need creation message of advertisers.

The 1950s not only brought postwar affluence to the average citizen but whole new glut of
material goods for which need had to be created. Not least of these was the television set. In
America it quickly became the hottest consumer property, no home could he without one. And
where the sets went, the advertisers followed, spilling fantasies about better living through
buying across the hearthrug in millions of American homes. The UK and Europe, with
government controlled broadcasting, were a decade or so behind America in a llowing
commercial TV stations to take to the air, and still have tighter controls on sponsorship and the
amount of editorial control advertisers can have in a program. Unhappy with the ethical
compromise of the single-sponsor show, NBC executive Sylvester Weaver came up with the idea
of selling not whole shows to advertisers, but separate, small blocks of broadcast time (or spots).
Several different advertisers could buy time within one show, and therefore the content of the
show would move out of the control of a single advertiser rather like a print magazine. This
became known as the magazine concept, or participation advertising, as it allowed a whole
variety of advertisers to access the audience of a single TV show. Thus the commercial break as
we know it was born.

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Advertising in Pakistan
The Pakistani advertising industry is talking business today. It has evolved from being a
small-scale business to a full- fledged industry. It has emerged as one of the major industries and
tertiary sectors and has broadened its horizons be it the creative aspect, the capital employed or
the number of personnel involved. Pakistani advertising industry in very little time has carved a
niche for itself and placed itself on the global map.

Advertising in Pakistan is a highly competitive business. Today with the increasing consumer
awareness no business can survive for long without advertising. With growing business
competition it has become necessary to ensure right media mix to each target audience. Today,
advertising agencies are precisely taking care of consumer needs and provide creative designs
with concept & ideas.

Advertisers in Pakistan reach about 56 percent of the population through television, and almost
the entire population through radio. Certain televised programs enjoy a viewership of more than
10 million. The Pakistani viewership exhibits brand name recognition of both foreign and
domestic products and services.
With value added information such as television rating points, audience profiles, and opinion
polls available to marketers, the sophistication of advertising in Pakistan is at par with world
standards. The leading advertising agencies, all have a major presence in the Pakistani market.

The major Pakistani advertising media are newspapers, magazines, television and radio, business
publications and billboards.

Advertising on the Internet is the most cost-effective way of reaching customers all over the
world including ones own country. Pakistani advertising agencies need to wake up to the
challenges posed by global economic trends and emerging interactive technologies like the
Internet. Pakistani companies need to pay attention to characteristics of the new economy like
open standards, digitalization, and volatility, as Internet-based communication offers tremendous
new opportunities for Pakistani companies via media convergence and re- intermediation. This
also requires Pakistani advertising agencies to pay attention to the importance of online market
research, since new media like the Net are bound to affec t people‟s perceptions of advertising.

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The challenge for Pakistani advertising agencies in the coming years is to be able to target the
rural market as well as the sophisticated urban market that may have Internet access.

Pakistani advertising industry with an estimated value of Rs 3, 2000 Million has made jaws drop
and set eyeballs gazing with some astonishing pieces of work that it has given in the recent past.
The creative minds that the Pakistani advertising industry incorporates have come up with some
mind- blowing concepts and work that can he termed as masterpieces in the field of advertising.

Advertising agencies in the country too have taken a leap. They have come a long way from
being small and medium sized industries to becoming well known brands in the business.The
share of advertising business in Pakistani economy is on a boom and the market is on a
continuous trail of expansion. With the market gaining grounds Pakistani advertising has every
reason to celebrate. Businesses are looking up to advertising as a tool to cash in on profitable
business opportunities. Growth in business has lead to a consecutive boom in the advertising
industry as well.

The Pakistani advertising today handles both national and international projects. This is
primarily because of the reason that the industry offers a host of functions to its clients that
include everything from start to finish that include client servicing, media planning, media
buying, creative conceptualization, pre and post campaign analysis, market research, marketing,
branding, and public relation services.

Keeping in mind the current pace at which the Pakistani advertising industry is moving the
industry is expected to witness a major boom in the times ahead. If the experts are to be believed
then the industry in the coming times will form a major contribution to the GDP. With all this
there is definitely no looking back for the Pakistani advertising industry that is all set to win
accolades from the world over.

As far as Pakistani market is concerned:

 Internet advertising contributes only 1 .8 % of the country‟s total advertising spend.

 Internet medium is set to witness 230 percent growth in last three years.

For every hundred rupees spent by advertisers, Rs 91 is spent on television and the print media
while the outdoor media accounts for Rs 5. The rest is divided between cinemas, radio and the

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Advertising Agencies
Another external factor involves the agencies that facilitate advertising and provide the means to
advertise. From a situation analysis viewpoint, the advertiser basically needs to know what kind
of facilitating agencies exist and the nature of the services they can provide. From a planning
viewpoint, much local advertising, for example, is done without the services of an advertis ing
agency or a research supplier. A national advertiser, on the other hand, may have under contract
many different agencies and research suppliers, each serving one or more brands in a product
line made up of several products.

An advertising agency or ad agency is a service business dedicated to creating, planning and

handling advertising (and sometimes other forms of promotion) for its clients. An ad agency is
independent from the client and provides an outside point of view to the effort of selling the
clients products or services. An agency can also handle overall marketing and branding strategies
and sales promotions for its clients.

Typical ad agency clients include businesses and corporations, non-profit organizations and
government agencies. Agencies may be hired to produce an advertising campaign. Many
advertising decisions involve choices among facilitating agency alternatives. What advertising
agency should be chosen? What media should be used? What copy-testing supplier will be best
for our particular situation? Concerning the question for agency selection, “people factor” tends
to dominate in agency selection. Characteristics such as the quality of personnel, reputation,
integrity, mutual understanding, interpersonal compatibility, and synergism were very important.

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Company Introduction
“We believe in the possibilities.”
Adgroup is a full service Advertising and public relations agency founded by late I.H
Burney in 1966 with workstations in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Muzaffarabad
(AJK). Adgroup nurtures the vision of its clients by supplying the necessary passion for
innovative thinking, the talent for expressing ideas, and the powers of execution to translate that
vision into a project representative of customer‟s needs. We aim for the seed of the vision to take
root, deep in the target audience‟s imagination, grow long and high into a familiar brand
presence, and bear real fruit in real time.

Adgroup is enviably well connected in international advertising circles and publishing and
broadcasting bigwigs like International Herald Tribune, New York Times, Washington Post and
CNN etc.

Their work is as diverse in scope and magnitude as the clientele they keep. They are offering any
combination of services for assignments ranging from one-time promotional campaign for
special occasions to long-term, multi-phase efforts to overhaul corporate, public and private
identity. As a multi- media agency they deal in all advertising media - print, electronic, direct
mail, outdoors and web. Moreover, they also offer high caliber professional public relations
services, specialized in arranging press conferences, seminars and symposia, establishing a direct
link between client and the target market. They have specialized media monitoring, which allows
to keep a watch on what competitors are doing and also to keep tabs on the most optimal
strategies to position company brands and advertising.

Adgroup is an entity made up of highly efficient and expert Human Resource comprising of
qualified designers and equipped with latest technologies and studios which add to their skills.
Its full-service team philosophy allows them to efficiently and powerfully shares ideas, resources
and assets: delivering cohesive marketing and communications solutions – on time, and in

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Rewards Earned

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Business Volume

I could not get the financial data of the organization for the year but I managed to calculate the
round figures of total revenue that organization generated during these 6 weeks (19th July to
30th August).

As the bills for payments are regularly generated, and a copy of each bill is kept in office
records, I noted all the figures of all the bills that were forwarded during the span .I found out
that amount was about Rs 16.237 million.

So I believe that would be enough to figure out the annual revenues of the organization.

Number of Employees

Total number of employees working at all the four Adgroup offices are about 96 to 100
individuals (excluding other low rank workers like office boys , genitors e tc), and moreover an
office has just started working in Peshawar that would add up about 13 employees till the end of
this month. So that will make of total 114 full-time employees.

Adgroup also outsources its jobs on regular bases and works in collaboration with other
companies on large projects.

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Services Offered by Adgroup

Adgroup is a full-service advertising agency with print, web, digital and audio/visual
capabilities. Whenever possible, it sees the projects from concept and design development
through production and post-production, but also readily provides any combination of services
and production phases.

Below are provided the lists of their professional services and technological capabilities.

Campaign Development Production Media Services

Print Advertising Film Production Media Planning,
Outdoor Advertising Animation Buying & Relations
Point of Sale Graphic Design Publication Design
Packaging Design TV and Radio Productions Media Briefings
In-Store Displays (Jingles, Spots, Programs) Media Monitoring

Public Relations
Direct Communications Indirect Communications
Interviews, Talk shows Editorial Print & Broadcast
Information Leaflets, Videos, CDs Endorsement of Celebrities‟ opinion makers,
Sampling and Disbursements professional bodies
Exhibitions and Events Sponsorships

Relationship Marketing Event Management Research

Government Relations Seminars Focus Groups
Web Designing & Conferences Surveys
Services Workshops Communication
Product Launches Arts
Road Shows Research
Training Programs
Press Conferences

21 | P a g e
Main Offices
Since 1966, Adgroup had four full- fledged working offices in Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore and
Muzaffarabad and now recently an office has been established in Peshawar. That will soon be
working on its full potential.

Organizational Structure

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Major Competitors of the Organization

Currently there are about 97 registered ad agencies working in Pakistan and they could all be
considered as competitors of Adgroup. As the working ground of this organization is very vast
and is spread in all the five provinces so it faces competition with almost all of the other ad
companies. But here I would like to mention a few very close competitors that company faces
most frequently:

 Inte rflow (Pvt.) Limited.

 Message Communication (Pvt.) Limited.
 Adarts (Pvt.) Limited.
 Midas (Pvt.) Limited.
 Orient Communications (Pvt.) Ltd
 Paragon International (Pvt.) Limited.
 Synergy Adve rtising (Pvt.) Limited.
 Time & Space Media (Pvt.) Limited.
 Adreach Advertising
 LOWE & Rauf (Pvt.) Limited.
 Orient advertising (Pvt.) Limited.
 Channel 7 Communications (Pvt.) Limited.
 Creative Junction (Pvt.) Limited.
 Eiman (Pvt.) Limited

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Success and Failure of Different Products of the Organization
Adgroup is a service agency, mostly working as an intermediary between the client and the
actual advertiser. The services they are offering to the public are more like what are in demand.
So there are no such factors like „Failing‟ products or services for Adgroup.

But, if we see on the facts, Adgroup does fails sometimes in satisfying its clients, sometimes due
to delays in workings, other times by not providing satisfying results to its clients. So I would
say that failure of a service or product is not the question here, the real question here is that
whether Adgroup succeeds in satisfying its customers or not. The answer is „Yes, most of the

Overview of the Department(s)

Number of employees working in the Department

Currently fifteen full- time employees are working at Adgroup Lahore. As I worked in all the
three departments, so I would mention all of them along with their designations.

Uswah Aftab Resident Director

Zafar Iqbal Finance & Media Manager
Muhammad Arshad Subhani Art Director
Arif Jamil Art Director
Arfa Mirza Creative Manager
Jalal Najamuddin Client Services Manager
Rashid Waheed Client Services Manager
Ryaz Ur Rehman Visualiser
Rafique Ahmed Designer
Saher Jabeen Designer
M Abbas Malik Media Manager
Yasir Rafique Asst. Media Manager
Ahmed Rana Copy Writer
Ishfaaq Dispatch Rider
Shakeel Office Boy

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Functions and Operations

Client Services Department

The client services department is actually the link between the agency and clients. Depending
upon the size of the account and its advertising budget one or two client services executives
serve as liaison to the client. The client services executive‟s job requires high degree of
diplomacy and tact as misunderstanding may lead to loss of a client. The client services
executive is mainly responsible to gain knowledge about the client‟s business, profit goals,
marketing problems and advertising objectives.
The client services executive is responsible for getting approved the media schedules, budgets
and rough ads or story boards from the client. The next task is to make sure that the media and
art\creative department personals produce the advertising to the client‟s satisfaction. The biggest
role of the account executive is keeping the agency ahead of the client through follow-up and

Media Department

The responsibility of the media department is to develop a media plan to reach the target
audience effectively in a cost effective manner. The staff analyses, selects and contracts for
media time or space that will be used to deliver the ad message. This is one of the most important
decisions since a significantly large part of the client‟s money is spent on the media time and/or
space. The media department has acquired increasing importance in an agency‟s business these
days as large advertisers seem to be more inclined to consolidate media buying with one or few
agencies thereby saving money and improving media efficiency. Like government departments
work on yearly contract bases in this regard.

Art\Creative Department

To a large extent, the success of the Adgroup depends upon its art\creative department, which is
responsible for the creation and execution of the advertisements. The creative specialists are
known as copywriters. They are the ones who conceive ideas for the ads and write the head lines,
subheads and the body of ads. They are also involved in deciding the basic theme of the

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advertising campaign, and often they do prepare the rough layout of the print ad or the
commercial story board.

Creation of an ad is the responsibility of the copywriters and the art department decides how the
ad should look.

The TV commercial are casted and recorded in Zodiac Studio in Islamabad office, it is then sent
here in Lahore office for further rendering and finishing.


During my stay there I noticed a few shortfalls in their departments that I would like to mention

Lack of team work among employees in the departments and between the departments :
Some individuals have issues working with each other and that sometimes causes de lays
in operations.

Mismanagement in work assignment: Some individuals are assigned more work than
others and that causes dissatisfaction among employees.

Timing is an important issue there. The official timing is 9 to 5 but some employees have
to work late hours to even 11:00pm. And for that reason these employees come late the
next morning that causes delays in operations.

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Responsibilities as a Student Intern


I was not assigned a particular job through all 6 weeks. I was given specific tasks on daily
bases that I had to finish in a day or two. But most of the work I did in first five weeks
was client service and media related that mainly included:

 Producing media release letters for different agencies

 Making phone calls to print and electronic media agencies
 Handling clients, receiving orders, acquiring related information and forwarding it
to concerned department/person
 Reviewing\Proofreading of media

Then in sixth week I worked in Art and Creative Department where I performed along
with the team in producing two TV ads and some print ads.


These six weeks have been a very good learning experience. Being a student I had no
previous experience so this was the first time I was exposed to the real work atmosphere.
The biggest thing that I've learned is that communication is everything. There is likely
someone at the company that knows the answer to your question or can point you in the
right direction if you just ask. I'm normally a shy person, but I forced myself to ask
questions right from the beginning.

Being a part Adgroup, I learnt the organizational structure, work culture, the functions of
an ad agency, their way of doing things, handling pressure, working on deadlines etc. I've
learned that you need to be able to multi- task with multiple projects and ideas in order to
get more than one thing accomplished at a time. For myself and career path I was shown
a wide range of things that I could be a part of and work in. It opened my eyes to very
different areas of work.

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It was great experience watching the staff doing their work, lending hand with them and
finally I also understood the whole process of making ads.

The richest experience I got was through the working on the media plans for PIE and
MCB-Lite. During the projects I learnt the whole process with the help of my supervisor
and the Resident Director. The whole process step by step was effectively reinforced in
me. My marketing skills were polished to great extent by working on these projects.

With respect to these projects and this internship I learned how to implement my
knowledge in to practical use.

Problems Encountered

There were no such problems I faced besides getting familiar with new people and new
environment. It was difficult for me to adjust myself in complete ly new environment.
Secondly, the job itself was difficult, meeting new people, working with the team,
meeting with clients, etc. I am confident that I tackled with these problems successfully.

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How internship Experience Impacts My Career

The internship at Adgroup exceeded all my expectations. It gave me a unique chance to really
get to know the practical aspects of media and advertising. It is also a great opportunity to learn
and become comfortable with actual market.

From day one I was given challenging tasks and I got the opportunity to assist in a variety of
interesting things. Contrary to what may be the practice in other firms, at Adgroup I was given
the opportunity to learn variety of things, ranging from basics to more major aspects, for
example, I drafted documents for the clients, assisted in deals and had direct client contact. The
exposure to media and public relations system, combined with the opportunity to further develop
my public skills, made the internship an invaluable experie nce.

By entrusting me with challenging and responsible tasks Mr. Abbas not only offered me the
unique chance to get an insight into the system, he also gave me the feeling of being a fully
integrated part of his media firm. Throughout the whole internship the mentoring of Mr. Abbas
exceeded all my expectations. He not only showed me what it is like to work in such settings
and to do extremely well. He also taught me an impressive lesson on life, ambition and
discipline. A lesson that I will always take advantage from in my further career.

I had a lot of independence which has helped me build my confidence, whilst always knowing
that I could get the support and help of my superiors and colleagues when needed. I also
improved my communication skills by dealing with a variety of people on different matters. At
the end of every work day I would leave the office with a great sense of accomplishment and all
the more knowledge. The internship was an interesting, challenging and rewarding time that I
will always remember. It was a much appreciated experience for me and has been of huge
importance for my personal development.

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Conclusions & Recommendations for Improvement


 Communication between agencies and other groups is not sufficiently regular, extensive,
or collaborative.

 The evaluation criteria and bonus distribution systems are uncertain.

 No proper hiring system exists in the agency.

 The development of human resources in the agency, sometimes does not receive explicit
emphasis or visibility.

 Fewer opportunities for employees to communicate with management.


 First off all they need to increase their workforce as employees face workloads.
 Some arrangements should be made to manage use of office resources like printers,
scanners etc. As they are not on networks it causes bottle necks.
 Employees and management should strive to communicate more effectively with each
other so as to improve agencies progress.
 Management should seek to demonstrate more clearly to employees how they can
manage and run smooth the operations.
 Evaluation criteria, especially for lower ranks, should be clarified to keep the ways of
progress clear and visible. It will increase the motivation level.
 Clients should be provided more clarity and consistency in their expectations of agency
that are trying to approach for business.
 Proper and more transparent record system should be introduced, especially for finances.

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Top 15 advertisement companies in Pakistan and their major clients.
(Appendix A)
 Advertising Companies Major Clients
 Orient McCann Habib Bank Limited
 Synergy Advertising Mobilink
 JWT Alfalah, Asiatic Bank
 Interflow Communications Samsung
 Manhattan Pakistan New Allied Electronics
 Evernew Entertainment Pakistan Tobacco Company
 The Circuit Muslim Commercial Bank
 Manhattan International PIA
 Midas Indus Motor Company
 Spectrum Communications United Bank Limited
 Prestige Communications PTCL
 Publicis Pakistan Sui Northern Gas Pipelines
 Manhattan Communications Citibank
 Argus Advertising Sony Pakistan
 Maxim Advertising Union Bank

List of Clients (Appendix B)

Public Sector Construction & Real Estate

AJK Council Bandar Raya Developments Berhad (BRBD)
Central Directorate of National Savings Energy & Exploration
Directorate of M alaria Control, M inistry of Health Hycarbex American Energy Inc.
Education Sector Reform Assisatnce Programme Oil & Gas Development Corporation Limited (OGDCL)
Election Commission of Pakistan OM V

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Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA)
Federal Government Employees Housing Foundation Events & Media
Higher Education Commission (HEC) Acision
Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) Bobby Khan Holdings
Karachi Port Trust (KPT) DELL
M inistry of Environment FBR
M inistry of Health M etro Cash & Carry
M inistry of Information M obizone
M inistry of Parliamentary Affairs Voice of America
M inistry of Textile Industry Nortel
National Logistics Corporatoin (NLC) Financial Sector
National Nutrition Programme Dawood Islamic Bank
National Programme for Family Planning & Primary JS Bank
Health Care
National Programme for Prevention & Control of SM E Bank Limited
National Programme M anager EPI/CDD Cell NIH Saudi Pak Industrial & Agriculture Investment Co.
National Reconstruction Bureau (NRB) State Life Insurance Corporation
National T.B. Control Program (NTP) Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited (ZTBL)
National Wheat Flour Fortification project Health & Hospitals
Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) Shifa International Hospital
Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation NGOs & Associations
Pakistan Housing Authority (PHA) Pakistan Red Crescent Society
Pakistan International Airlines Corporation (PIA) Plan International
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) Tameer-e-M illat Foundation
Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) Telecom & IT
Press Information Department (PID) Huawei Technologies Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd
Prime M inister‟s Secretariat (PM S) Dell
Privatisation Commission Comsats Internet services
State Engineering Corporation Ltd. M icrsoft
Women Health Project, M oH Acision
Education Nortel Networks
Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU)
Askari College for Boys
Comsats Institute of Information Technology
International Islamic University (IIU)
Sargodhian Spirit Trust (SST)
Shifa College of M edicine

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Some Print Advertisements by Adgroup.

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