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Assignment No. 02 Total Marks: 20

SEMESTER Fall 2021
Due Date: 24-12-2021
CS403- Database Management System

Question Statement:


Suppose you are required to model “Rent a vehicle” system for an organization to get complete understanding of the domain.
System’s requirements in textual format are given below in paragraphs.
Registered customers can rent out a vehicle for their common use. By using this system, customer will also be able to know about
different types of vehicles (cars, loaders, motorcycles, auto Rickshaw, van, bus, truck etc) available for rent at organization store.
Customers can view available vehicles under vehicle categories without registration, but only register customers can send a booking
request for an available vehicle with or without a driver (its user choice to rent a vehicle with or without driver). After getting
confirmation from the manager, customers will fill a rental agreement form which has all necessary details (duration of hire, fuel detail,
rental fee, The purpose of renting, return date, description of the rented vehicle, etc), he/she can select payment method via cash or online.
Customers can view discounts/feedback, they may also be able to post reviews/feedback.
The manager can add drivers, vehicle categories (transporter, non-transporter) and vehicle details (cars, loaders, motorcycles, van etc),
update vehicle and driver status as available or not available. He/She can view booking requests, confirm/ reject booking requests, view
payment details. He/she can view feedback/ reviews and also add offers/discounts for their regular Customer.
In above given scenario some entities have common attributes:
 Users (Customers, driver, manager).
 Vehicle categories (transporter, non-transporter).
 Vehicle details (cars, loaders, motorcycles, van etc) have some common attributes.

Entities, attributes and primary keys:

Entities Attributes Primary Keys

Customer Customer_Id, Name, Address, Contact_No, Customer_Id

Gender, Email, Pasword
Manager Mang_Id, Name, Address, Contact_No, Age Mang_Id
Vehicle Ve_cat_Id, Ve_type, Ve_cat_Id
Vehicle Veh_Id,Veh_reg_No, Model, Name, Veh_Id
Meter_reading, Veh_capacity, status
Booking Bk_Id, Bk_Date, Drive_option Bk_Id
Agreement Agre_Id, Duration, Fuel, Rent_fee, Agre_Id
Driver Driver_Id, Name, Address, Contact_No, Driver_Id
Status, license_No
Payment Pay_Id, Total_Amount, pay_status, pay_date, Pay_Id
Discount_amount, Total_payable 
Review/feedback Feedback_Id, Feedback_desc Feedback_Id
Discount/offers Discount_Id, User_type, Disc_percent Discount_Id

You’re required to perform the following tasks.

a) Draw the Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram (EERD) by considering above given scenario and table. You
are required to identify and draw super types and sub types properly. Draw relationship cardinalities in
alphabetical notation.
 User
o Customer
o Manager
o Driver
 Vehicles
o Cars
o Loader
o Motorcycle
o Van

b) Perform the Cartesian product (Booking X Feedback) on the following relations:

Bk_Id Bk_Date Driver_option
BK001 01/09/2020 Yes
BK002 20/08/2021 Yes
BK003 12/10/2021 No
BK004 01/11/2021 Yes
Feedback_Id Feedback_desc
Fd001 Good
Fd002 Nice
Fd003 Bad

Bk_Id Bk_Date Driver_option Feedback_Id Feedback_desc

BK001 01/09/2020 Yes Fd001 Good
BK001 01/09/2020 Yes Fd002 Nice
BK001 01/09/2020 Yes Fd003 Bad
BK002 20/08/2021 Yes Fd001 Good
BK002 20/08/2021 Yes Fd002 Nice
BK002 20/08/2021 Yes Fd003 Bad
BK003 12/10/2021 No Fd001 Good
BK003 12/10/2021 No Fd002 Nice
BK003 12/10/2021 No Fd003 Bad
BK004 01/11/2021 Yes Fd001 Good
BK004 01/11/2021 Yes Fd002 Nice
BK004 01/11/2021 Yes Fd003 Bad

Note: Identify and draw super types and sub types properly, from marking point of view i dentification of
super type and sub type have 15%to 20% ratio.


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