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Sunday, Part 4

Persuasion Mastery Systems courses may contain viewpoints that may be considered
controversial by certain audiences. It is intended as a guide to help people win with
words and succeed in all walks of life using persuasion language, techniques, and skills.

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Ross: This is very good. Give me your answer. I want to read your diary.

Participant: “I understand that making the best choice for you supplies you with
time to increase your productivity. I think it will be extremely exciting
to incorporate that into whatever agreement we come up with.”

Ross: Wow. Fantastic. I’m going to steal that. That was really, really,
really good. Are you ready to hear mine? This applies anytime you
hear, “We already have a/an _____.”

“Of course you do, or you wouldn’t be here in this business that you
want to grow and prosper beyond today. So why not give me a
minute to show yourself what might be even more in line with that.”
And draw a line to yourself.

What am I doing there? “Of course you do or you wouldn’t be in this

business.” It’s a truism. If they didn’t have a supplier, they wouldn’t
be in business. Can they argue with that? No.

“Of course you do or you wouldn’t be in this business that you want
to grow and prosper.” Of course they want to grow and prosper.
What does “beyond today” do? It’s setting a bigger frame than the
momentary decision.

“So why not give me a minute to show yourself what might be even
more in line with that.” Then draw a line to yourself.

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 4
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Participant: What’s the “show yourself”? Why is the I-you switch effective there?

Ross: Because it’s confusing.

Participant: Confusion. That’s what you’re doing there. What does the
confusion do in that moment? Why is that powerful?

Ross: If I said, “So why not give me a minute to show you,” that’s
grammatically correct. To say, “Why not give me a minute to show
yourself,” that’s grammatically incorrect and it creates a little bit of a

Participant: It also makes me recoil. One of the things that’s confusing is

“Showing myself?” Nobody wants to show themselves.

Ross: It’s not a recoiling.

Participant: But it’s my emotion. It’s like another “Oooh.” It quickens you.

Ross: That’s fine.

Participant: That’s what I’m saying. That is what I think is actually the most
powerful part of “show yourself.”

Ross: That’s true. But I’m not going to show myself to you.

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 4
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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“Why not give me a minute to show yourself what might be even
more in line with that.” And draw a line to yourself.

Listen to this one. This one is really good. “You certainly don’t need
to convince me you’re a decisive person who makes the best
choices that are the best for that time.” What am I implying?

Participant: Those were decisions of the past and that you have to be dynamic
in making decisions for the future.

Ross: I’m giving him something to live up to. I’m saying, “You’re a decisive
person. Decisive people don’t stick with a decision just because it
has worked in the past.” I’m implying that.

Participant: It’s also a compliment.

Participant: Also, you’re not saying that they were wrong or they are wrong.
You’re giving them permission to be...

Ross: I’m not saying you were wrong in doing it. I’m saying ,”Wow, that
was the best choice. Fantastic. Now here’s an opportunity to make
an even better choice.” “You certainly don’t need to convince me.”
That’s changing the whole meaning of it.

“I already have a supplier. I want you to know that I have until you
believe that I’m a good chooser.” It’s shifting the power frame in a
Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 4
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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“You certainly don’t need to convince me you’re a decisive person
who makes the absolute best choices that are absolutely the best
for that time. So why not decide to hear me out and show how a
newer choice can keep on proving that 100% track record?” How
do you like that one?

Participant: I kind of feel like it has to be read more slowly and unpack it. It’s a
lot. It’s very dense. It’s almost too confusing.

Ross: “You certainly don’t need to convince me you’re a decisive person

who makes the absolute best choices that are the absolute best for
that time. So why not decide to hear me out and show how a newer
choice can keep on proving that 100% track record?”

You’re giving them a real high mark to live up to.

Participant: You’re also stuffing it with a bunch of really good aspirational things
that no one can say no to. What are things people going to say no
to? Cookies, apple pie, Chevrolet in all that stuff. But then in the
middle of all that you’re being very deferential as well. You’re
exalting them and lifting them up in the way you do this. You’re
reframing it bigger and putting them higher up as you do it.

Ross: Correct.

Participant: Why would you put the confusion in there?

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 4
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Ross: It’s not important for me to ask yourself what is it that you really
want to learn from asking that question.

Participant: It does stop you up.

Ross: It stops just for a second. And then, because you don’t like the
discomfort of it when you come back out, you come back out more

Participant: Here’s the other thing that I’ve noticed about that particular one. It
was three really good things. The absolute best, the absolutely
best, etc. It was like all the stuff you were hearing was good stuff,
and then you were confused. You’re like, “Well, shit, it was all good
stuff. All right, I’ll just do it.” That’s what was going on for me. “But
everything I heard was pretty positive, so I’ll just go with it. It
sounds good.” That’s what it is.

Participant: Is part of it when the person refocuses their attentionB

Ross: They briefly go in a trance and come back out. And when they
come back out, they’re a lot more compliant and willing to accept
what you say as being true.

Participant: You’re fractionating them.

Ross: You’re fractionating them. You’re using the “F” word.

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 4
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Participant: What does that mean, fractionating them?

Ross: In classical hypnosis, if I were to say, “Go deep in trance and keep
going deeper, deeperBdeeper, deeper, deeper,” there’s only so
deep you can go before you can’t go any deeper. So if I bring you
out and then put you back in, each time you go back in, you’d go
back in a little bit more willing, a little bit more able, a little bit more

Here’s another one. I like this one. “You know, my mother used to
say what comes along first doesn’t always come along for the best,
but what comes along for the best will always guarantee you come
in first. So let’s have a look for a minute or two and see how this
can make sense for you.” Let’s parse that one out.

What am I doing when I say, “You know, my mother always used to

sayB” A pattern called quotes. I’m quoting my mother.

Then I’m going to use a truism. “What comes along first doesn’t
always come along for the best.” Who can argue with that? It’s a

“But what comes along for the best will always guarantee you
always come in first.” We’re using the metaphor of coming in first as
if it’s a race.

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 4
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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“So let’s look for a minute or two and see how this can make sense
(cents).” What am I saying sense or cents?

Can you see how this is a lot more fun than if I started out at the
beginning of the course going through phonetic ambiguities.
Come/cum, below/blow, sense/cents. If I wanted to teach you that
small bat shit boring level, I’d be asleep and you’d be asleep. You’d
be at a Tad James seminar.

“So let’s have a look for a minute or two and see how this can make
sense (cents?) for you.”

Listen to this: “Are you saying it would take too much focus and
effort to choose something new, even if it worked better and added
more to your bottom line?”

Now listen to this next bit: “Just looking at you tells me that can’t be

Participant: Oh, you rescued them right at the end.

Ross: That’s right. We’re going to parse this one out. That’s really
devilish, isn’t it?

Participant: Because you’re playing with them.

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 4
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Ross: The more you think about it, the more you can see how we could
add to each other’s bottom line immensely. I’m serious.

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 4
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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