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Fort Lanes Sed Motes Primary Learning Outcomes 2021/2022 earning Outcomes [Unit] Content | Strategies Actives Fvaluation [ Evidences oor ny tcl ea hres he + Solve some proms on tn ‘Apponimaigioe nee |* | sammie ora sims adi | | « Approximating |« Dicusion | nme Aprosining 0 + Sst dina od men desi y fae | ee | Cece ore esos check Mi ina | finite |S eSptan | «Pups practice some sctitis |, CHE, |-Deinisavisonopninty3— Grouping Aetvtycrdso ce = Deducesubsetsof He set ofmatal EZ | ” tual etine which natu number, [* OF seared rombers E24 numbers + Individual Activity Dedoce = + Represent natural umbersonthe EB Representing Subsetsofthesetofatural | S@860"s. | preparation rambo Tine 24 natal umbers + Onl | Recognize the possibility ofcanying <2 tumbers onthe | * Discusion J» Grouping Activity casio re |*FOUOW WE cons cut the operations on N 4 Tmber ine | Lecture |” range mur numbers, che 1 Carey ot te operations on N. BZ | sAdiiwonor | + Explain |e fadiiduat actin Recognize | O*stwent /* Cheek = Recounize the properties ofthe rata + Cooperative |" the properties of the operations 7 Forma Langue Sch athena 5 Primary Learning Outcomes 2021/2022 Tearning Outcomes [Unit] Content | Strategies ‘Activities Evaluation | Evidences operation on N Toners Tearing | oO revrmance | puns /* Represent the fractions using the ‘© Subtraction of | « Individual |« Pairs Activity Use concrete \# Informal inaterals and diagrams natural Teaming |" mata odscover Je scnottess [mem + Seve poems relied oh coment numbers train | mathematical paters of this unit ‘*Mutiplication | storming vidual Activity writes the |« Observation |* Student + Conmect among the domi of ofnatial |e Soving | atsolue value achievement tnthemat, knowledge of te eves, numbers probens ai Actbiy solving the | cards |e Ress ofthe Subjects and oer fils + Devison of operons inl et + Commune ol writen sing sata | Grouping Activity solving cara Symbols words nd mathemati somber Spero in dire forms expressions wher sens + Pais Actin ses the exer in (¢ Use mathematical knowledge to solve ‘properties of operations to the classroom formal an informal stations tov and + Use concrete tera o discover ‘Grouping Activ saving sry homework pnthematial pats robes. oe + Casa sings ot of satis fr cramp: estimation, ments pertrmance sin en an opr, and asator Bd mathematical reson tough anihmeal stators + Build mathematical sense rated tothe $ysem of tubers nd operations. Fs dette autos Onl eCheck represen and ole snp Ins os ‘mathematical statements z |. questions and Incase competion ptemsty Bg « Discusion | pairs Activity soving preparation seavsngthereltonbeween tte EB G SAlmper” | + Lectre | equtons J+ Fotow up [+ Onl ‘components ofthe pattern Beics ae + Explain | Grouping Activity solving questions -Useconceemateraltodicover 4 MH | Cooperative | siatonsand msquanisin. | onsudent |e Check intemal pares - Ieaine ‘ory peeens cs |. Working mahematally using lot of + Invi rerrmance strategies, for example: drawing, using Jearnins _*Divide the pupils into small Pupils Mathemates$* Primary Formal Language Schon Learning Outcomes 2021/2022 Tearning Outcomes Unit] Content | Strategies Activities Evaluation | Evidences males ‘Bran | WoupsoF wo pupils andask Je Schoo! tests Informal 1 Use the drawing to represent the Storming | each of them 1 solve some servation relation among te variables, ‘Solving | exeriss then each ofthem |x observation |, Sree "= Connect among the mathematical problems | corects to the other. Knowledge levels, subjects and other ads a filed + Results ofthe ‘+ Communicate oa, writen using monthly tess symbols, words relations and | Solving mathematical expressions with other jah students + Use mathematical knowledge to solve ‘he choeroom formal and informal stations. and homework. '« Use concrete material odiseover the rules of patterns, «Activites '« Working mathematically using alt of strategies for example: drawing, using materials ' Build mathematical reasoning through algebraic situations. + Deduce the benefits of studying of relations. for example the equations. [= Use ay fom the ongin to determing [Salve some problems onthe Js Oral = Check the postion of number par b distance between wo dstinet = + aleulatetedistnceBetweentwo | pins ona horizontal oF estos. a issnct pins onahorzntal or |= | *Grenhing, ‘erica number : rena vettal aunber, za] pm + Discussion | « Pupils practice some activites |e Follow up |* OF + Recoanize a geometric tansarmation |= | REWER, + Lecture | "in groups tothe concep of auestons. '* Recognize the concept ofrefiection | E | “OOM | «Explain | reflection onstudent |e Check ive problem related tothe content of | © + Cooperative | » Solving individual exereises teooklets thisunt z Teaming | on geomet paterns performance. | ei (* Connect among the mathematical 3. | Individual | # Divide the pupils into small bee : knowledge levels, subjects and other | Hearing | groups of wo pupils and ask |x School ets. |* Informe fields = Brain | each them 0 solve some Formal Language Schon MathematsS* Primary Learning Outcomes 2021/2022 Tearning Outcomes Unit] Content | Strategies ‘Activities Evaluation | Bvidences "= Communicate ora, writen using ‘storming | exes then each of em |e Observation > Student symbals, words and mathematical ‘Solving | comes tothe ater achievement expressions with ether todents probiens | + Pupils ptice some activites | cas |, ewe rage «Use mathematical knowledge to solve in groups to ecoanizea formal an informal situations. aeometnie tanformation nontly et + Use conerete materi odncover Solving sometri paters evercses in 1 Working mathematically using lot of the classroom states, fr example draving using and rae homework + Bui geometric reasoning through ie oo + Activites = Using computer to draw the gues. = Dedoce the benefits of studying of seam [Basis pach be crams + Solve some problems on Arc Cece one = ofa tangle | Onl tea Sivonen pobensiniadnesee | & oPisls pestce wm mvs | ae memwenensoftepemcerofenmcne | in groups to ecognzeon Area | questions, |, PP |- Uaccoeree meat odsomerttentear | | * nvestigating fs rhombus “ Safeco cle § |“ cxcumierence «Solving individ exercises |e Fallow up| sions | sn tp en B | eAreaota |» Discusion | ” on Area ofa square «Check creas tected tsdameer | “|” angle, + Lecture | «Divide the pupils into small | onstudent |” pooklets J Esme tcieumtroceortesmet® | |S Areaota |< Explain |” group of mo pps and sk =a | Sie orcicmiremeottepeise | ‘= | _parllogiam |+ Cooperative | tacharthem solve some | perfomance | FS a E | -Aresota Teaming. | exercises then ech of them > tna + Dede eatonin even he S|" ombus Individual | caret othe oe 1+ School texts | observation fence oft cs | weer Ncamang | « Solve vone petson the ae + gmt sss © lees ‘Brin |” concept ofarea 's Observation |” sehievement Craeens ftps cen 2 |. Desist nt ayn : sorming + Pople ome actin | + Results of the eee «Solving |” ingroup to Detxehe cond + Rewari hope mate a probiens | son tereen only es Cormier eth meunret e “Smtr oft olan + Solving Formal Laneae Sea Mthemas *Pimay Learning Outcomes 2021/2022 Tearning Outcomes [Unit] Content | Strategies ‘Activites Evaluation | Evidences rane Toner Solving inva cxereiesn | tee te te proenic tee exerts on eluting the clsstoom Swat may gee ae pe [+ Calculate the area ofthe triangle given the ——— and ice shad a homework: | Setwtcratemiioge + Activities + Cate eon gente ice gst + Cac ct eg gente | Commins on tn wg eto, i athens tne se ema ‘dk sn ac me > Collet an orgie da I Check npn de dt wine + ont teacher sbogam and frequency polsgon |Z craton J Rowen canvsngapecin, | Teng avesions |, (e Read, interpret and report data 2 ng (+ Oral > Useaspreadseet (Exec io geneme | | ouanzne |. Fotowap | stestons eae |e + Discusion | Growoing Activity cards to eee + Cheosetedestgaph forage — |g | “Revenge rece | deine diterentrsouses of | onset {pokes Pee | Representing aan Jointed pupils. (* Use the data to describe specific 5 a 1B | Cooperative |* Individual Activity organize | perfirmance. E | aaabynie | Setming | daa + toma pwoblem or station = leaning |-Using computer organize eda | & | chi | « untidul [Undid Actin rea! and Js schoo ess. | observation | Deducethebencisofstdyingot | 2 | *Rebngant |” taming | analyze graph student statisies B | Wmerwretng | « Brain Jo Bars Acti write reports |e opseration |” achievement ls Build the sills of statistical sense 3 orming | Hom resus a Soe the problems relied wcllesting | + Soluine cards. Solve the ing robiens ‘monthly tests sotving 1+ Work and think together to solve Mathemates$* Primary Formal Language Schon Learning Outcomes 2021/2022 Learning Outcomes Unit] Content | Strategies Activities Evaluation | Evidences ‘oblens. everiss in| '« Communicate mathematically: orally, the elasstoom ‘wniten and using the diagrams. a homework. '« Discover the connections between the statisties and other domains of mathematic, '+ Develop the skills of mathematical Activites ‘Teaches! Senior teacher Super visor Principal

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