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Ex:1pg /12

a)Look at the pictures and name the shops.

b)Which of the items in the list can you gat at each place? Make sentences as in the example.

cholates, television,silevrn ring, haircut, sifa, cereal, tulips, sweets, tablets, lettuce, aspirin, red roses,
oranges, diomond earrings, steak, manicure, washing-up liquid, sauges

2.lettuce, oranges

3.silver ring, diamond earrings

4.tulips, red roses

5. haircut, manicure

6.chocolates, cereal, sweets,lettuce, oranges, steak, washing-up liquid,sausages

7.televison,silver ring, sofa,diamond earrings

8.steak, sausages

9.tablets, aspirin

2. You can get lettuce and some oranges at agreengrocer's

3. You can get a silver ring and a pair of diamondearrings at a jeweller's

4. You can get tulips and red roses at a flower stall

5. You can get a haircut and a manicure at a hairbeauty salon

6. You can get chocolates, cereal, sweets, lettuce,oranges, steak, washing-up liquid and sausagesat a

7. You can get a television, a silver ring, (diamondearrings) and a sofa at a department store.

8. You can get steak and sausages at a butcher's.

9. You can get tablets and aspirin at a chemist's.

Ex:2pg /12

Match the clothes in the list to the people in the pictures, and fill in the table. Then, talk about what
each person is wering.
socks, shoes, skirt, jeans, tie, jumper, shirt, jacket, hat, trousers, blouse.

Jill socks shoes, skirt, blouse, jaket

Matt shoes, tie, shirt, jacket, trousers

Michelle jeans, jumper, shirt, shoes, jacket, hat

jill is wearing socks, shoes, a skirt, a blouse, and aSusan is tall and thin. She's got lorlg

straight fair jacke

Matt is wearing shoes, a tie, a shirt, a jacket andtrousers

Michelle is wearing jeans, a jumper, a shirt, shoes,a jacket and a hat


Fill in the correct prepozition.

of, on, to, at, with, in, for, along


Look at the pictures below , then use the prompts to make short dialogues, as in the example.

2 SA: Excuse me. How much are thesesunglasses?SB: They're


3 SA: Excuse me. How much is this bicycle?SB: It's


4 SA: Excuse me. How much is this umbrella?SB:


£15.5 SA: Excuse me. How much are these flowers?SB: They're C7.6 SA: Excuse me. How much is this
briefcase?SB: It's


Complete the dialogues below with sentences from the list.

a)1 Certainly. How much would you like?

2 Two loaves, please.

b)1 I think a chocolate one will be fine.

2Would you like anything written on it?


Read the letter and tick the objects that are in Mr Clrke s briefcase, then match the headings to the

items to be ticked: C, D, B

description of lost item-Para 2

reason for writing-Para1

description of contents -Para 3

how to contact the owner- Para 4

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