Ultrasound-Assisted Creep Deformation of Metals: Andrew Rusinko, Ali H. Alhilfi

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APTEFF, 52, 1-273 (2021) UDC: 669-1:621.9.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/APT2152265R BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2021) 52, 265-273
Original scientific paper


Andrew Rusinko1*, Ali H. Alhilfi2

Obuda University, Nepszinhaz St. 8, Budapest, Hungary, H-1081
Misan University, Amarah, Maysan, Iraq

Received: 15 September 2021 Revised: 09 October 2021 Accepted: 11 October 2021

This paper aims to develop a mathematical model to calculate the creep deformation of metals in
the ultrasonic field. Experimental data recording that acoustic energy leads to an increase of primary
and secondary creep has become the impetus for this research. The model is constructed in terms of
the synthetic theory of irrecoverable deformation. To catch the phenomena caused by sonication, we
introduce a new term reflecting the nucleation and development of the crystalline grid's defects in the
ultrasonic field. By inserting this term into the basic relationships of the synthetic theory that define
the deformation state of the material, we have derived the formulae describing the development of
time-dependent deformation coupled with ultrasound. As a result, since the analytic solutions fit good
the experimental data, we have elaborated an analytical instrument to predict the increase in the
creep deformation of metals due to acoustic energy.

Keywords: ultrasonic softening, creep deformation, synthetic theory


Since the thirty years of the last century, ultrasonic technology has been widely applied
in biomedicine, chemistry and chemical engineering, and the metallurgical industry. Due to
the high efficiency and simple adaptation of acoustic energy, ultrasonic vibration is a pro-
mising assistant technology to improve the microforming processes, for example, decrea-
sing friction, enhancing surface finishing, and reducing forming load/stress.
Researchers record the following phenomena related to the deformational properties of
metals in the ultrasonic field:
i. Sonication of annealed materials increases their yield strength; this phenomenon is
termed ultrasonic hardening (1, 2).
ii. Deforming materials under simultaneous unidirectional and ultrasonic load; nume-
rous researchers record a drastic decrease in the stress needed to produce the same
deformation compared to static loading – ultrasonic softening (3-6).
iii. With the ultrasound-assisted creep deformation, the ultrasonic softening manifests
itself in increasing both primary and secondary portions of creep deformation (2,
Despite abundant experimental and theoretical research on ultrasonic technology, the ul-
trasound mechanism is still controversial and requires further investigation. It can be sum-
marized as:
i. A stress superimposition mechanism proposed by Malygin (8) implies that ultraso-
nic waves activate anchored dislocations hardened under ordinary deformation.

* Corresponding author: Andrew Rusinko, Obuda University, Nepszinhaz St. 8, Budapest, Hungary, H-1081,
e-mail: ruszinko.endre@bgk.uni-obuda.hu

APTEFF, 52, 1-273 (2021) UDC: 669-1:621.9.048
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/APT2152265R BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2021) 52, 265-273
Original scientific paper

However, according to Daud et al. (6), one should avoid the simple addition of
unidirectional and oscillatory stresses.
ii. Deshpande et al. (3) draw an analogy between the effects of hot deformation and
ultrasound action. They indicate microstructure evolution similar to that when
thermal energy is replaced with ultrasonic energy. As a result, numerous investi-
gators suggest that ultrasonic vibration induces sufficient heat input to the sample
to soften the microstructure (3, 5).
iii. The investigations upon the effect of ultrasound on creep in copper and germa-
nium found that the acceleration in creep rate is attributable to the nucleation of
vacancy-type point defects (2).
Based on the preceding, we explain the creep's increase in the acoustic field by the com-
bined action of the factors proposed above, namely (i) the activation of blocked and hinde-
red dislocation via the inflow of ultrasound-nucleated-vacancies, (ii) sonication boosts slips
in the active slip systems and involve new ones, and (iii) ultrasound softens the material,
similarly to heat energy.
The present work aims to model how ultrasonic vibration affects the creep deformation
of metals. For a mathematical apparatus describing phenomena of ultrasound-assisted
creep, we take the Synthetic theory of irrecoverable deformation, which turns out to be an
effective tool for modeling various problems related to the deformation coupled with acous-
tic energy (1).
The first steps towards modeling the creep superimposed by ultrasonic vibration were
taken in work (9), where we considered the primary creep of metals alone. Here we expand
the results obtained in (9) to describe the whole ultrasound-assisted creep diagram. There-
fore our goal is to complete the formation of a mathematical model that covers both pri-
mary and secondary creep of metals in the presence of ultrasound. Based on the experi-
mental results explaining the physical nature of ultrasound impact upon the microstructural
state of sonicated material, we introduce an average measure of crystalline grid's defects
induced by acoustic energy into the relationships of the synthetic theory governing the
deformation state of the material. As a result, we derive relationships to calculate both pri-
mary and secondary creep in the ultrasonic field.


The synthetic theory (10) incorporates the Budiansky slip concept and the Sanders flow
theory. This theory, being two-level, determines an inelastic deformation at a point of de-
formed material (macrolevel) as a sum of plastic shifts developed in active slip systems

∭ , 1,2,3 [1]

In the formula above, ek are strain deviator vector components in the Ilyushin three-
dimensional deviatoric subspace S3 ; ϕN - plastic strain intensity, which is treated as an ave-
rage measure of plastic deformation within one slip system whose orientation is given by
unit vector components Nk ; dV symbolizes an elementary set of slip systems involved in

APTEFF, 52, 1-273 (2021) UDC: 669-1:621.9.048
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/APT2152265R BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2021) 52, 265-273
Original scientific paper

plastic flows. To provide a physical sense to our manipulations, we relate the ϕN to an

average measure of the carriers of plastic/creep deformations, defects of the crystalline grid
(dislocations, twins, point defects), as:

, [2]

where ψN defect intensity, t time; K is a function of the acting stress and temperature (10).
The defect intensity is defined as:

∙ for planes reached by : ∙

0 for planes not reached by : ∙

where HN is the plane distance in the direction . In the formula [3], IN is a rate-integral
∙ , [4]
Where B and p are model constants. The rate-integral increases during active loading ( >
0) and decreases as = 0, i.e., in the course of primary creep. The condition IN → 0 symbo-
lizes the transition to the secondary creep.
Since Rusinko's papers (1) mainly focused on ultrasound-assisted plastic deformation,
where the second term on the right-hand side in [2] was ignored, special attention must be
paid to how this equation works in its full form.
Consider the case of uniaxial tension when the stress vector components are (S1, 0,0),
S1= 2⁄3 , Eq [3] takes the following form (10):

Ω 1 , [5]

where Ω sin cos , ,

. [6]

The incremental form of [5] is:

Δ 2 Δ Δ Ω . [7]

Here we use symbol Δ to distinguish the increments due to the acting stress and time
from d in integral [1]. Eq. [2] gives:

Δ 2 Δ Δ Ω 1 Δ [8]

Simple manipulations lead to:

Δ Δ 1 1 Δ . [9]

APTEFF, 52, 1-273 (2021) UDC: 669-1:621.9.048
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/APT2152265R BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2021) 52, 265-273
Original scientific paper

Integration in [1] with [9] gives the irrecoverable strain vector increment as:

Δ ∭ Δ 1 1 Δ Ω cos ΔΦ ΦΔ , [10]

, Φ 2√1 5 √1 3 ln . [11]

Finally, creep deformation in uniaxial tension is:

Φ Φ , [12]

where tS the instant of the start of plastic deformation. To model the creep deformation
alone (εC), we subtract from the formula above the value of plastic deformation:

Φ Φ Φ , [13]

where bM is from [6] at the end of active loading, t = tM. We can write the formula above as:

Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ , [14]

where fraction SP/S1 is obtained from b as I → 0, i.e., it corresponds to the secondary creep.
So, we decompose the creep deformation on two portions, primary and secondary:

Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ , [15]

where ̃ is the moment of the transition to the stationary creep. Since the active loading and
primary creep accounts for a small portion of the whole duration of creep experiments, we
simplify the above equation as follows:

Φ Φ Φ . [16]

As seen from formulae [16], it is the function that determines the secondary creep
rate (10). Although generally, K is defined as a function of stress and temperature, it is
enough to take it as a constant when modeling creep diagrams at a given value of stress and
By utilizing formulae [16] and [11], we plot the strain~time diagram for aluminum at
tensile stress σ = 10 MPa (line 1 in Figure 1) with the following set of model parameters:
σP = 5 Mpa, B = 2.31 × 10-1, p = 2.5 × 10-4s-1, K = 1.0 × 10-5, and r = 1.0 ×103 MPa2. As
seen in Figure 1, the analytical result demonstrates good agreement with the experimental
one. At the same time, ultrasound-assisted creep shows significantly greater values than
those obtained in the ordinary case (compare curves 1 and 2-4 from Figure 1). It is this fact
that motivates us to the extension of the synthetic theory considered below.
APTEFF, 52, 1-273 (2021) UDC: 669-1:621.9.048
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/APT2152265R BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2021) 52, 265-273
Original scientific paper



To extend the synthetic theory for the case of ultrasound-assisted creep, we enter time-
dependent and time-independent terms reflecting the influence of ultrasound upon the pri-
mary and secondary creep, respectively. Firstly, we add to the defects nucleated due to the
static load the defects induced by acoustic energy:

. [17]

We define as:
∙ , , [18]

where is ultrasound-induced defect intensity proposed by Rusinko as (1):

1 . [19]

In the formula above, is an oscillating stress amplitude, and is a unit vector indi-
cating the vibration mode (longitudinal, torsional, etc.). For longitudinal sonication, the
vector has 1,0,0 coordinates in S3. A1, A2, w are model constants to be chosen to fit the
theoretical results to experimental ones. The scalar product in formulae [18] clearly indi-
cates that the ultrasound effect depends on the slip system orientation.
The term UC from Eq. [17]-[19] symbolizes the change in the defect structure of the
deformed material caused by the nucleation and development of the ultrasound-induced
defects. To avoid misunderstanding that the increasing number of defects would harden the
material, we address Kulemin's explanation: "When external loading couples with ultraso-
nic irradiation, both hardening and softening occur. The softening, however, is more inten-
sive, and we observe the phenomenon of acoustic softening" (2). Therefore, Eq. [17] is
dual; on the one hand, the ultrasound defects harden the material, but, on the other hand,
they become centers of softening processes.
We substantiate the composition of as follows. The power function in Eq.
[19] reflects numerous studies on zinc, cadmium, aluminum, copper, and steel (2-8, 11, 12).
They report that the number of ultrasound-induced defects and, therefore, the magnitude of
ultrasonic softening depends on the ultrasonic energy/oscillating stress amplitude. Further,
the function 1 governs the evolution of the softening effect in time. As tends
to zero, stabilizes at a constant value, reflecting the well-known fact that the number of
ultrasound defects increases with time and then reaches a plateau.
Our next step is to increase the function which is responsible for the steady-state
creep. We propose to introduce a linear term of oscillating stress amplitude:

. [20]

Therefore, we enhance the in a way similar to [19] but without a time-dependent

portion, since the function reflects the effect of ultrasound upon the steady-state creep.

APTEFF, 52, 1-273 (2021) UDC: 669-1:621.9.048
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/APT2152265R BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2021) 52, 265-273
Original scientific paper


If to do similar manipulations as in Eq. [5]-[16] with the defect intensity given by Eq.
[17]-[19] and from Eq. [20], we arrive at the following result:

Φ Φ Φ , [21]


corresponds to the start of creep deformation, which is supposed to be 0:

. [23]

The value of for the steady steady-state creep is obtained from [4.2] as the expo-
nential functions tend to zero:


Comparing Eq. [22] to [6], it is easy to conclude that and thus due to
the terms reflecting the action of ultrasound. This inequality holds for both the time-depen-
dent and linear portions of the creep. The appearance of the term 1 in the
denominator of Eq. [22] means that the acoustic energy coupled with the unidirectional
loading manifests itself in:
i. the intensification of plastic flow within the active slip systems;
ii. the increase of the number of active slip systems.


This point aims in terms of the synthetic theory to plot ultrasound-assisted strain~time
curves for aluminum and compare the model results to experimental observations. The
experiments (2) were conducted in two regimes: (i) ordinary creep under the action of tensi-
le stress 10 MPa and (ii) simultaneous action of tensile stress 10 MPa and longitudi-
nal oscillating stress of various amplitudes: 0.6 MPa, 1.3 MPa, and
2.0 Mpa (Fig. 1).
By formulae [20]-[22] with model constants A1 1.28 MPa1‐A2 , A2 2.0, A3 1.5 10‐5
MPa s ‐1 , and w 2.1 10‐3 s ‐1 we plot analytical creep diagrams in the presence of ultra-
sound; they demonstrate good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results.
It must be stressed that the model constants used for Line 1 in Fig. 1 remain actual here as

APTEFF, 52, 1-273 (2021) UDC: 669-1:621.9.048
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/APT2152265R BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2021) 52, 265-273
Original scientific paper

Figure 1. Creep diagrams of aluminum in uniaxial tension (σ=10 MPa, T=40 ),

1 – ordinary creep, 2-4 ultrasound-assisted creep with oscillating stress amplitudes of
0.6 MPa (2), 1.3 MPa (3), and 2.0 MPa (4); ● – experiment (2).

A question may arise as to whether the term in Eq. [21] is needed to model the
ultrasound-assisted secondary creep because the term leads to the increase of Φ as
well. To answer this question, let us plot strain~time diagrams via formulae [20]-[22] at
0 (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Creep diagrams plotted via the model relationships at 0

(nomenclature is the same as in Fig. 1)

APTEFF, 52, 1-273 (2021) UDC: 669-1:621.9.048
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/APT2152265R BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2021) 52, 265-273
Original scientific paper

As one can see, the result is unsatisfactory; the linear portion's slope increase is much
less than that from the experiment. Therefore, the addition of to , which is respon-
sible for the growth of secondary creep rate in the ultrasonic field, is vital. In confirmation,
Fig. 3 shows the deformations' linear portions at various values of oscillating stress ampli-
tudes. It is pretty clear that the ignoring of results in a small increase in the slope angle,
while the lines with 0 show much greater angle increments.

Figure 3. Linear portions from Eq. [21] at amplitudes 0.6 MPa (1), 1.3 MPa
(2), and 2.0 MPa (3); circle-dotted line – ordinary creep ( 0).

Summarizing, formulae [20]-[22] correctly predict the increase in both portions of creep
coupled with ultrasound, primary and secondary (compare line 1 for ordinary creep to lines
2-4 obtained for creep in the acoustic field). The analysis of the non-linear and linear por-
tions of creep deformation from Figs. 2 and 3 substantiates that the presentation of function
in the form of Eq. [20] is vital.


Here, we developed a mathematical model to calculate the creep deformation of metals

coupled with ultrasonic energy. The model based on the Synthetic theory of irrecoverable
deformation catches the increase in the primary creep and steady-state creep rate caused by
the ultrasound imposed on the static load. All this was made possible by introducing a term
accounting for the nucleation and development of the ultrasound-induced defects. We de-
fine their time-dependent behavior relying on experimental observations on the kinetics of
APTEFF, 52, 1-273 (2021) UDC: 669-1:621.9.048
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/APT2152265R BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2021) 52, 265-273
Original scientific paper

the increase in crystalline grid defects caused by sonication. By inserting the ultrasound
defect intensity into the synthetic theory's constitutive equation governing the material's
deformation state, we derived the relationships relating deformation in both stages of creep
to the amplitude of oscillating stresses. As a result, we plotted strain~time diagrams for alu-
minum creep in uniaxial tension under the simultaneous action of unidirectional stress and
oscillating stress of various amplitudes. The model results show good agreement with expe-
rimental data, making it possible to utilize the synthetic theory as a reliable mathematical
apparatus to predict metals' ultrasound-assisted creep deformation.
Since ultrasonic vibrations is an effective mechanism to enhance the performance of
metal forming, for example, achieving increased production speeds, less tool wear, reduced
forming forces, and better surface finish, understanding processes in ultrasound-assisted
inelastic deformations –plastic and/or creep –and ability to model them is of inevitable and
crucial importance.


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