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Freshman Humanities
Geography Pre-Assessment

Name:_________________________________________ Date:___________ Period:_______

Part I: Map Identifications

Each country or geographic feature has been labeled on the map. Label all of the countries, regions and features below
on the maps provided on the corresponding answer sheet. Below is a word bank, with many geographic features you will know
by the end of this term. Feel free to label anything on your map not listed below, as well, as it will give me a better idea of what
you already know.

World Map Europe

- Atlantic Ocean - United Kingdom
- Pacific Ocean - Portugal
- Arctic Ocean - Spain
- Indian Ocean - France
- North America - Germany
- South America - Italy
- Asia - Greece
- Africa - Poland
- Europe - Sweden
- Australia -Alps (Draw ^^^ and Label)
- Lines of Latitude
- Lines of Longitude
- Equator North America
- Prime Meridian - Canada
- Tropic of Cancer - United States
- Tropic of Capricorn - Mexico
- Cuba
- Haiti
Africa - Dominican Republic
- Egypt - Panama
- South Africa - Nicaragua
- Somalia - Mississippi River (Draw and Label)
- Sudan - Rocky Mountains (Draw and Label)
- Algeria - Rio Grande River (Label – Already Drawn)
- Morocco
- Democratic Republic of the Congo Asia
- Madagascar - China
- Nile River (Draw+ Label) - Japan
- North/South Korea
South America - India
- Brazil - Saudi Arabia
- Argentina - Iraq
- Chile - Iran
- Venezuela - Afghanistan
- Peru - Russia
- Colombia - Yellow River (Draw and Label)
- Amazon River (Draw and Label) - Indus River (Draw and Label)
- Andes Mountains (Draw ^^^ and Label) - Himalayan Mountains (Draw ^^^ and Label
- Ural Mountains (Draw ^^^ and Label)
Part II: Multiple Choice

Please indicate your answer on the Answer Key provided.

1. Which geographic factor has often made Korea a key region for those seeking to control East Asia?
(1) long coastline (3) mountains
(2) location (4) climate

2. A geographic similarity between Italy and India is that both of these countries are located
(1) on peninsulas
(2) on archipelagos
(3) between two oceans
(4) south of the equator

3. Which geographic feature is being described in these statements?

• Separated the cultures of Europe and Asia
• Hindered, but did not prevent, invaders from entering India
• Terraced to increase food production in South America

(1) river valleys (3) mountains

(2) steppes (4) tundra

4. Which geographic factor directly influenced the early interactions between China and Korea?
(1) location (3) arid climate
(2) monsoons (4) tropical savannas

5. One reason that many historians study geography is to

(1) help predict changes in government
(2) show connections between people and places
(3) tell when events took place
(4) explore the value systems of early people

6. To which country do all of these geographic statements apply?

• The east is bordered by the Yellow Sea.
• The population is concentrated along the coast and in the river valleys.
• Mountains, plateaus, and deserts dominate the western region.

To which country do all of these geographic statements apply?

(1) England (3) Nicaragua
(2) China (4) Philippines

7. Which continent’s economic and political development has been influenced by the Andes Mountains and
the Amazon River?
(1) Asia (3) Europe
(2) Africa (4) South America

8. Which feature would most likely be shown on a physical map?

(1) population density (3) climate
(2) vegetation zones (4) mountain ranges
Height above sea level
Distance from the equator
Amount of rainfall
Average daily temperature

Which aspect of geography is most influenced by these factors?

(1) natural boundaries
(2) climate
(3) topography
(4) mineral resources

Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

I. ______________________________
A. Seafood makes up a large part of the Filipino diet.
B. Africans built hydroelectric plants along the Zambezi River.
C. The majority of Russians live west of the Ural Mountains.
D. The most densely populated area
of India is the Ganges River Valley.

(1) Rivers Are Barriers to Interdependence

(2) Economic Issues Influence National Goals
(3) Geography Affects Human Behavior
(4) Governments Control the Actions of Citizens

• Siberian Plain
• Sahara Desert
• Amazon Basin
• Mongolian Steppes

One characteristic common to these areas is that they all:

(1) have a low population density
(2) are located between major river valleys
(3) are major religious centers
(4) have large areas of valuable farmland

12. Throughout history, people have lived on savannas, in deserts, in mountains, along river valleys, along
coastlines, and on islands. This statement demonstrates that people
(1) adapt their surroundings
(2) develop a common language
(3) organize similar forms of government
(4) prefer to live in isolated areas

• Oceans are an important source of food in Japan.
• Terrace farming is used in many parts of China.
• Irrigation systems are widely used in India.

Which conclusion can best be drawn from these statements?

(1) Many civilizations use irrigation to improve crop production.
(2) People adapt to meet the challenges of their geography.
(3) Fish provide adequate protein for the Japanese.
(4) Most nations are dependent on the same food source.

• The fertile soil of river valleys allowed early civilizations to develop and flourish.
• In the 1500s and 1600s, control of the Strait of Malacca determined who traded in the Spice Islands.
• Because Japan is an island that is mostly mountainous, people live in densely populated areas along the

Which conclusion is best supported by these statements?

(1) Major urban centers are found only along rivers.
(2) The geography of a nation or region influences its development.
(3) Without mountains and rivers, people cannot develop a culture.
(4) The spread of new ideas is discouraged by trade and conquest.

15. Which geographic feature had the greatest influence on the development of ancient civilizations?
(1) dense forests (3) smooth coastlines
(2) mountain passes (4) river valleys

16. Which geographic factor had the greatest influence on the early history of South Asia and China?
(1) river valleys (3) vast coastlines
(2) island locations (4) tropical rain forests

17. Which feature would most often be shown on a political map?

(1) topography (3) capital cities
(2) type of climate (4) elevation

18. The geographic isolation of a society most often leads to the

(1) development of trade
(2) strengthening of traditional culture
(3) promotion of cultural diffusion
(4) growth of international alliances

19. One reason the Euphrates, Indus, Nile, and Tigris valleys became centers of early civilization is that
these valleys had
(1) borders and elevations that were easy to defend
(2) rich deposits of coal and iron ores
(3) the means for irrigation and transportation
(4) locations in regions of moderate climate and abundant rainfall

20. When studying ancient civilizations, a geographer would be most interested in looking at
(1) language as a form of expression
(2) family structure
(3) climatic influences on food production
(4) standards for leadership

Answer Key:

1____________ (2)

2____________ (1)

3____________ (3)

4____________ (1)

5____________ (2)

6____________ (2)

7____________ (4)

8____________ (4)

9____________ (2)

10___________ (3)

11___________ (1)

12___________ (1)
13___________ (2)

14___________ (2)

15___________ (4)

16___________ (3)

17___________ (3)

18___________ (2)

19___________ (3)

20___________ (3)

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