Mapa Natal Site Holanda em Ingles

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Sun in Leo

You are outgoing, overflowing, and generous. Always the leader, if not the centre of
any group, you seldom fail to exhibit strong emotions. You are proud of yourself and of
your accomplishments. Dramatic and just plain happy to be here, you are warm of heart,
gregarious, outspoken, and independent.
Sun in 9th House
You are direct and candid and tend to brush past appearances and settle on the truth
within. Ideas – philosophy and religion – are what life is all about. You may travel,
counsel, and be a teacher to others.
Moon in Aquarius
You are inspired, for humanity is your family and you are seldom bound by tradition or
domestic ties. The big picture is what counts most with you, and large-scale movements
and group work are the idea. You seldom find personalities interesting and are
democratic in the real sense of the word. You are an altruist and love freedom.
Moon in 2nd House
Good things (the support you need) always seem to come to you. Friends, co-workers,
and plain old lucky circumstances offer encouragement and backing. You often get
what you need, when you need it.
Mercury in Virgo
You have a fine mind and a great appetite for detail. You appreciate minute differences
and distinctions. A craftsman with an innate critical sense, you are always full of
suggestions. Your careful, conservative mind wants to salvage every last thing. You
possess a love for detail and trivia. Quick-minded.
Mercury in 10th House
When it comes to business and career, you have a mind that just can't help but taking
care of business. Your thoughts and ideas are nothing if not practical, and your clear-
sightedness makes some form of management or supervision almost unavoidable.
Venus in Virgo
Finely wrought or over wrought? You have a fine sense of appreciation and are
attentive. You love to help out and take care of others, expressing a first-rate sense of
compassion. You possess an almost infinite ability to respond to the needs and demands
of others. Fragile, refined, you are perhaps too prudish.
Venus in 10th House
You love large-scale organisation, and career or business will always be close to your
heart. Your sense of discrimination when it comes to practical issues is excellent, and
you value clear-headedness in others. You like to work.
Mars in Gemini
You have an inner need for communication of all kinds and may have too many irons in
the fire at times. You can be all over the place, always trying to make one more
connection. Speaking and writing are naturals. You have a need for lots of variety, a
change of pace. Arguments. Mental energy.
Mars in 6th House
You are motivated when it comes to matters of care and service – taking care of details.
You are up for any task that requires conservation – separating the wheat from the chaff.
An urge to salvage everything.
Jupiter in Aries
You could pursue a career as a leader or pioneer. You tend to be the one who takes the
initiative and are courageous and often fearless to the point of being foolish. Success for
you in most things is second nature. Always "walking point," you tend to be a loner, a
warrior. Confident, single-minded, you are sometimes rash but are always direct –
straight out.
Jupiter in 5th House
You could be successful working with creativity and self-expression through the arts
and theatre, in sports, or with the ultimate self-expression, children. You may find
yourself a guide and teacher to others when it comes to these matters.
Saturn in Cancer
You could have difficulty in letting go and feeling life, preferring instead to think about
it rather than do it. Afraid of the sense world, you avoid plunging in and fear being
caught or tied down. "To be or not to be..." is your question. There is a need to accept
responsibility and limitations, as well as home, family, children, and such.
Saturn in 8th House
You can be demanding when it comes to what is essential or central to a situation. You
are exacting when it comes to getting down to the nitty-gritty. This is excellent for
business or quality control. You like nothing but the best.
Uranus in Libra
You can find new ways to relate and may be innovative in marriage and social
conventions. Tolerant and accepting of differences, you have good insights into all
social values. Independent. You like to facilitate, compromise, and otherwise show your
breadth of scope – like a coat of many colors.
Uranus in 11th House
You may enjoy eccentric or unconventional friends, and groups with some kind of
humanitarian flavour will appeal. You have original ideas when it comes to community,
making our collective dreams into a reality.
Neptune in Sagittarius
Idealism is an innate talent, and you are in love with grand gestures and long thoughts.
Religion, politics and philosophy are natural. The world traveler. You enjoy fair, just,
frank, and broad-minded persons. You are gregarious and sports-minded. You dare to
dream big. You like new philosophies, long novels.

Neptune in 12th House

You have high ideals and a vision of unity and togetherness that allows you to be long-
suffering and put up with a lot. You tend to be self-sacrificing, understanding, and
always interested in whatever is psychological, mystical, and the like.
Pluto in Libra
Change and inner growth tend to come through relationships, both friends and lovers.
Marriage or union (yoga) will be intense and not at all superficial. You get to the heart
of a relationship each and every time.
Pluto in 11th House
Your burning zeal for the ideal world and your need to be part of a group of like-minded
souls are major factors in your makeup. You learn and grow through your efforts to help
others and to make your inner vision into a reality.
North Lunar Node in Scorpio, South Node in Taurus.
You consciously or subconsciously want to be tested. You want to experience the
highest and lowest phases of existence in order to get in touch with your deepest
emotions and learn to balance them. You want a crash course in living and
North Lunar Node in 12th House, South Node in 6th House.
Eradicate self-pity. Recognise that an inferiority complex is often a warped superiority
complex. Examine your motives for working and serving. Learn to externalise your
anger in an appropriate way.
Chiron in 5th House
Seeking appropriate methods of self-expression.
Ceres in 6th House
Fulfilling your needs through engaging in the day-to-day activities of maintaining the
efficient functioning of your family. There is a strong service aspect here especially in
the areas of nutrution and health. A parent who works or has values of the work ethic, is
also symbolised by this position.
Pallas in 5th House
You combine precision in mental exercises with self-confidence in creative activities.
You enjoy working with the public but are
very sensitive to your surroundings. Inspirational and creative outlets are important for
your emotional well-being. You enjoy chess and bridge more than golf or swim meets,
as a rule.
Juno in 8th House
You thrive on the intensity of experiences in your relationships. Partners may put each
other through continual changes and transformations. The most important relationship
interactions will concern mutual finances and possessions, as well as the issues of trust,
power and sexuality.
Vesta in 4th House
Denotes dedication to family and home. You may experience deprivations or
curtailment of personal freedoms because of family obligations. An efficient approach
to your domestic needs is suggested.
Part of Fortune in 4th House
Communication through relationships will bring the greatest fulfilment. You seek to be
understood by others with great earnestness. Language and the use of words are
important, you try to understand how others think and see developing a greater
perspective in your own thinking. There is a constant quest to refine the perceptions and
great joy in teaching others how to do the same. You love to share ideas – it gives a
sense of growth and security. You
learn to understand that society needs your ideas and the better your can express ideas in
a purely impersonal way, the more acceptance you will earn.

Sagittarius Ascendant
A Sagittarius Ascendant endows you with optimism, enthusiasm for life, good humour
and tolerance for others. You have an honourable, open-minded, generous, kind,
sympathetic, truthful and just disposition. With a sound sense of dignity you ensure
neatness, orderliness and precision both in person and surroundings. You do not tolerate
any breach of etiquette and insist on correctness for any social occasion. You have a
versatile mind with the natural ability for higher learning – particularly in subjects such
as philosophy, sociology, religion, theology or law. You are a lover of freedom and
independence; restless for activity – out-door sports, exercises and travel are important
to your well-being. On occasion, you can be somewhat impulsive, fiery and a little
harsh and abrupt with people, but usually only when offended. Qualities lacking to
some degree, which may be found in your partner are versatility of mind and a non-
conformist/non-dogmatic approach to life.
2nd House Cusp in Capricorn
You are practical, responsible, and ambitious concerning money. You do not spend it
foolishly or capriciously. You feel it should be used for things that have lasting value,
and you are often quite frugal.
3rd House Cusp in Aquarius
You are progressive in thought, insisting that ideas have a practical function based on
values that have stood the test of time. You think in humanitarian terms. Unusual and
peculiar relationships exist with brothers, sisters and neighbors.
4th House Cusp in Aquarius
The home environment is unusual and distinctive. As a rule, there is something out of
the ordinary about your home, familie, or both. Rather than going to visit your friends,
you like to have your friends come to them.
5th House Cusp in Aries
You expend much energy in creative activity. You originate numerous concepts. In the
realm of love and romance, you are passionate and aggressive. You like sports,
especially combat such as boxing, wrestling, and football. You are dominating in your
relationships with children, yet at the same time you may be generous.
6th House Cusp in Taurus
Your work is practical, but you enjoy projects you consider beautiful and artistic. You
will work hard only if you can see a monetary gain from your efforts. Your health is
generally robust, providing you do not overeat or become self-indulgent in any way.
7th House Cusp in Gemini
Frequently, there is more than one marriage or partnership, since you often have your
eyes on greener fields. Even though you are primarily loners, you attract people who are
intelligent and versatile, and who can aid them in practical ways. You are astute and
intelligent in public relations. However, you often prefer that your Partners represent
them and your ideas.
8th House Cusp in Cancer
You are intensely emotional regarding your own deaths. It is imperative to them to be
remembered fondly after you die.
9th House Cusp in Leo
You may not want fame, but your subconscious minds as well as your philosophy are
somehow geared to attaining it and to achieving positions of importance in your
respective fields of endeavor.
You take long journeys, either physically or mentally. Your eyes are always on distant

Leo Midheaven
This placing indicates that in order to succeed in your social position in the world you
will have to gain knowledge and expertise associated with the proper use of personal
power, creative self-expression and control of the ego. You need the kind of work that
puts you before the public (such as acting), but you can also do well in investments.
Recognition is more important to you than money, as you need the approval of others.
You will succeed best in positions of leadership, and to fulfill a wish to leave the world
with a lasting legacy. Your profession may deal with investments in lands and property,
stockbroking, or speculative ventures relating to art, music, schools, places of
11th House Cusp in Libra
You often obtain your goals by surrounding yourself with unusual, attractive, artistic,
and gracious friends who are stable and prosperous. You are likely to marry a friend, a
partner's friend, or a friend of long standing.
12th House Cusp in Scorpio
Your hidden support is your resourcefulness. You are able to perceive as valuable things
that others have overlooked. You also know how to cultivate hidden talents in others.
Your downfall can be caused by secret resentments and concealed love affairs.
Sun Trine Jupiter
Being successful in life is easy, for you have a built-in sense of how to approach and
unravel even the most difficult problems. You have an instinct for justice and the law,
and you always know how to approach a problem from just the right angle. This ability
makes you a natural counselor or guide for others, in particular regarding vocational
matters. Working with and helping older persons is also suggested.
Sun Semisextile Saturn
There is a real love of science and natural laws. You are a hard and tireless worker, with
absolute determination and the ability to accomplish great projects with ease. You are
fiercely loyal to your friends. Also, very integral... perhaps too sober.
Sun Sextile Uranus
Breakthrough flashes of insight with tremendous originality and independence are
typical. A natural sense of invention and a love of all things electrical and of
communication in general. A born traveler, not afraid to be alone. You go your own

Moon Trine Mars

You find it easy to work with other people and tend to pour a lot of energy into those
around you. Your home and surroundings reflect this. When it comes to teaching or
coaching younger people, you are a natural, always able to motivate and inspire others.
With your powerful spirit, you enjoy your strong emotions and have an active social life
as well.
Mercury Conjunct Venus
You have a love affair going with the mind and you value all of its offspring: words,
ideas, thoughts, and such. And you love to talk. In particular you appreciate good
conversation, and you feel that stimulating mental adventures (either alone or with
others) are among the most exciting experiences life offers. You have a built-in sense of
discrimination when it comes to the intellect – all mental activities.
Venus Square Mars
What you don't love is the parade of emotions – directness from others. What you do
love and appreciate may not be as clear to you as what you do not love. You are
troubled by all that gets too pushy, physical, and gushy. About this you are clear.
Sports, ordeals of bravery, and all that is too physical is objectionable. Given the world
as it is and your predisposition, a certain amount of emotional tension is unavoidable.
Venus Square Neptune
Your value system has little room for the mystical, much less whatever the psychics are
talking about. When these things crop up, you cut them off early on. Your position is
simple: dreams, images, spiritual thoughts, and what-not are just not your cup of tea.
You don't care for them. And yet, this whole subject fascinates you. There is a siren-like
quality to all of this, calling and luring you. Sooner or later, this must be worked
Venus Semisextile Pluto
An almost reckless faith in the life process. A natural revolutionary and supporter of
change. Fervent feelings for others and deep running emotions mark all relationships.
Great personal intensity, even power. Love animals, children, and change.
Jupiter Square Saturn
You have real difficulties when it comes to matters of self-discipline. Your career
suffers due to your lack of training and education. You go against authority, clashing
with it rather than finding a way to work with and learn from it. You end up taking an
unplanned course of action that lacks any organization and seldom holds up for long.
Taking the easy way out can be very painful. You come back to square one again and

Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Neptune

Your goals and ideals are often in contrast to the actual decisions you make, in
particular those regarding career. Your tendency to head in directions that are less than
ideal, that don't fit your own dreams and self-image, causes tension.
Saturn Square Uranus
You have trouble controlling yourself and tend to fluctuate between uninspired routine
and crazy binges. Your sense of responsibility and the way you go about organizing
your life seem like a prison sentence. You rule out any possibility of change, all
spontaneity. You get so set in your ways that you can't help but revolt and break out.
Your flings have a total lack of caution. When they die down, you find yourself seeking
refuge in the same old routine, and we begin again.
Neptune Sextile Pluto
A searing vision that cuts through what passes for conventional religion. A vision of the
endless process of life ever being born afresh. Great acceptance and faith in the natural
process and next generation. Love of children and animals.

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