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TAHUN AKADEMIK 2020 – 2021


NIM : 1032181032

Mata Kuliah/Smt.: Bahasa Inggris (Semester 6) Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 19 April 2021 Dosen : Dra.
Mutmainatul Mardiyah, MPd Waktu : 100 menit Bobot SKS : 2 sks Sifat : Tutup buku

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∙ What Postpartum Nurses Do

∙ The Education Requirements for Postpartum Nurses
∙ Becoming a Postpartum Nurse
∙ Any Certifications or Credentials Needed
∙ What Is a Postpartum Nurse?
∙ Where Postpartum Nurses Work
Match the PARAGRAPH HEADINGS above to the following paragraphs:

Paragraph 1: What Postpartum Nurses Do

The postpartum or mother-baby nurse is tasked with caring for both mother and newborn baby once a
birth has taken place. This nurse utilizes a strong set of skills to recognize and act upon postpartum
emergencies for both patients. The postpartum nurse appreciates a busy working environment and the
challenge of quickly detecting complications from childbirth. A large part of this nurse's job is teaching
new mothers how to properly care for herself as well as her newborn after the delivery. Lactation nurses
are often postpartum nurses who have become certified.

Paragraph 2: Becoming a Postpartum Nurse

After the nursing student graduates school and becomes licensed as an RN, he/she is then able to apply
for a postpartum nursing position. Working in this specialized area is usually available to new graduate
RNs but will require training after hire. This is usually accomplished through didactic, or textbook,
learning, as well as working closely with a preceptor to learn how to critically think like a postpartum
nurse should. Experienced nurses can also make the switch into postpartum by applying to a hospital or
Birthing Center's listing. At most facilities, at least 1 year of bedside experience is required.

Often, nurses who wish to work in labor/delivery are required to start in postpartum before they are
eligible to apply.

Paragraph 3: The Education Requirements for Postpartum Nurses

Both ADN and BSN educated nurses are eligible to apply for postpartum nursing positions at most
hospitals. Some hospitals require RNs to hold a BSN degree or higher.

Postpartum nurses are required to have an RN license from the state in which he/she will practice
nursing. The RN license can be applied for after meeting the State Board of Nursing's requirements,
which consist of earning at least an ADN from an accredited nursing school and passing the NCLEX-RN.

Paragraph 4: Any Certifications or Credentials Needed

A few certifications are available for postpartum nurses. First, the Electronic Fetal Monitoring
certification is a requirement at many hospitals.

The other main certification is the Maternal Newborn Nursing (RNC-MNN). This certification
demonstrates expertise and dedication to the specialty. While not required to be hired into the position,
this certification is often required by hospitals after some years of employment. It requires 24-months of
employment in the specialty
Paragraph 5: Where Postpartum Nurses Work

The postpartum nurse works primarily in the postpartum or maternity unit of a hospital. They can also
work in birthing centers, which have grown in popularity in recent years. Other places that employ
postpartum nurses include clinics and private practices. Postpartum nurses work closely with other
medical professionals, including OB-GYN doctors, labor and delivery specialty nurses, nursery nurses,
lactation consultants, and more.

Paragraph 6: What Is a Postpartum Nurse?

Postpartum nurses provide important physical and emotional care and recovery for both the new mom
and the newborn baby following a delivery. They are trained to educate the new mother and watch for
signs of postpartum depression, and may work in tandem with a lactation consultant to assist with
breastfeeding. A large part of their role is providing support for the mother in any way that's needed.


Read attentively the following text, then answer briefly the questions following. SCORE 35

The human heart is about the size of a clenched fist. It is located under the breastbone between the
lungs (just left of center), and it is made up of four chambers. Blood flows through these chambers in a
pattern that supplies all parts of the body with oxygenated blood and returns blood to the lungs for re

There are two types of blood vessels: arteries and veins. Arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart
and are elastic, which enables them to withstand the pressure of blood being pumped with great force.
Veins carry blood back to the heart. By the same time blood reaches the veins, blood pressure has
dropped. Veins are not elastic, but have small valves that keep the de-oxygenated blood from flowing
backwards. When kept healthy and strong, the body's network of veins and arteries should work as
efficiently in an older body as a younger one.

The body's ingenious design means skin, muscle and a sturdy ribcage protect the heart from injury. The
real risk to the health of our heart comes not from injury, but from failing to take proper care of this vital
organ. However, maintaining a healthy heart is relatively simple, and it is never too late to start.

The first question is: Do you smoke? If you do, the first step is to quit. Even occasional smoking has been
proven to be detrimental to the health of your heart. Regular exercise is essential to help maintain
weight and keep the heart strong. It is, after all, a muscle. It is also important to limit fats in the diet,
particularly animal fats derived from meat and full-fat dairy foods.

Enjoying health to a ripe old age is common in many Mediterranean communities where diet is based on
olive oil, vegetables, fish, nuts, fruits, grains and pulses. Many doctors and naturopaths believe that it is
the low levels of cholesterol that make the Mediterranean diet an excellent model for those wishing to
maintain their cardiovascular health.

Keep your heart strong with exercise. It has proven that exercise is extremely important for the
maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular system. In addition to keeping the heart itself strong, exercise
helps maintain a healthy weight, which reduces pressure on the heart. You don't need to become a gym
junkie. A brisk 30-minute walk at least three times a week can make a huge difference to your health.

Supplement CoQ10 occurs naturally in the body and levels decline with age. A CoQ10 supplement assists
in maintaining a healthy heart, in particular the function of the heart muscle. It has also been shown to
reduce oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

1. What are the function of arteries

Answer : Arteries function carry oxygenated blood from the heart and are elastic, which
enables them to withstand the pressure of blood being pumped with great force.
2. What are the function of vein?

Answer : Veins function is to carry blood back to the heart

3. In what way is the heart well-protected?

Answer : Keep your heart strong with exercise. It has proven that exercise is extremely
important for the maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular system. In addition to keeping
the heart itself strong, exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, which reduces pressure
on the heart. You don't need to become a gym junkie. A brisk 30-minute walk at least
three times a week can make a huge difference to your health
4. What is the 'real risk' the heart faces?

Answer : The real risk to the health of our heart comes not from injury, but from failing
to take proper care of this vital organ
5. Explain what is meant by 'occasional smoking'.

Answer : smoking a small amount is like smoking once a day

6. How does it affect the heart?

Answer : smoking can make the chemicals in them stick to artery walls. This condition clogs
the arteries that carry blood to the heart and can cause a heart attack
7. Give two examples of the importance of exercise to the heart.
Answer : reduce the risk of heart failure and help with stress management

Read attentively a dialogue between a nurse named Gary and his colleague named Brad, the complete
the gaps with the words or phrases provided. SCORE 35

-------- medical -------- pre-operation care ----- symptoms ------ 3-day workshop ------ complications ------
some supplies ------- tough ------ washing and dressing --------- self-administer medications ------ filling out

Gary: Oh, hello Brad. I didn’t know you were working a morning shift today too.

Brad: Hi Gary, yes, I’ve just finished, and I am glad the work’s over. It’s been rather a ( 1 ) Tough day in
my ward. How was it in yours?

G: Same. But we can’t expect it to be easy, can we?

B: You’ve got a point there. So what did you do today?

G: Well I arrived earlier than usually and the nurses from night shift were still ( 2 ) Selft Administer
Medication the reports, so I waited at the reception and chatted to Jackie, do you know her?

B: She’s new, isn’t she? I haven’t met her yet as last week I attended a ( 3 ) filling out on pharmacology
and I think she started then.

G: Oh yes, the workshop. Anyway, when my shift began, I had to provide some hands-on care to the
older patients in my ward. You know, some of them have problems ( 4 ) complications

B: I know what you mean, I do it from time to time only as there are fewer elder patients in my ward
than in yours. Our boss always says we should proceed in such a way so as to keep their dignity intact.

G: That’s indeed very important to make them feel safe and comfortable. Afterwards, I dressed some
minor wounds of a patient after a traffic accident and later on had to provide ( 5 ) Medical to another
patient who was about to undergo appendectomy. It was also my task to obtain informed consent from
her regarding anaesthesia, which I found rather challenging as I had difficulties in developing rapport
with this particular lady.

B: Were successful with the consent?

G: Yes, I was, and the patient has already undergone surgery. If there are no ( 6 ) symptoms she will be
discharged in two days.

B: Do you have any special procedures regarding the convalescents in your ward?
G: Hmm, let me think. Oh yes, we need to instruct them how to ( 7 ) some supplies after they return
home. Moreover the supervisor of our ward pays special attention to the provision of emotional
support, especially in cases when recovery is going to require patient’s determination and may be

B: Right. What was the second half of your day like?

G: Well, it was much less busy I must say. There was just one more patient who had reported to the A&E
department himself but was later transferred to our ward. I only needed to evaluate his ( 8 ) pre-
operation care and devise a sound treatment plan. Finally I filled in some documents as we have to keep
records about every patient’s condition. Ok, enough about me! How was your working day?

B: Well, my day was completely different than yours, as instead of working with patients, I had to do
some work which is more technical than ( 9 ) washing and dressing

G: Technical? What exactly do you mean?

B: Well, the supervisory nurse ordered me to carry out routine maintenance of the equipment in our

ward. G: Maintenance? What kind of maintenance can you do on a stethoscope?

B: Ha ha ha, very funny. Try carrying out maintenance on a pump or a drainage system and then we will
talk. It’s absolutely essential to do it in order to ensure smooth operation of the equipment and I am sure
it is also routinely done in your ward. Anyway, it took me almost three hours to complete. Afterwards I
went through our inventory and realized we were about to run out of ( 10 ) 3-day workshop for
example bandage, disinfectant and such, so I placed an order at a wholesaler.

G: Well, that doesn’t sound too bad! Anyway, it was really nice meeting you Brad. Have a good evening
and see you tomorrow.

B: Yes, see you!


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