Situation Response What Kind of Response? Assertive Response

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What kind of

Situation Response Assertive Response

1. You’re finding it difficult I’m pretty useless at getting passive I would like to hear your
to start a project. You going. I can never see how thoughts
say to a colleague: to start.
2. A colleague hears you Well, I’ve dealt with that sort passive Thank you
handling an awkward of thing before – I didn’t
situation. Afterwards really do anything.
she praises the way you
handled it. You say:
3. Your boss asks you for a Assertive I’m late already, and I have
lift home. It’s I’m late already, and I have an engagement tonight. But
inconvenient for you as an engagement tonight. I if it helps I can drop you off
you are late already and won’t be able to take you at a bus stop
it would take you out of home, but if it helps I can
your way. You say: drop you off at a bus stop

4. Your boss asks what The stupid man doesn’t Aggressive We need to position the
went wrong with a lost know what he wants. I told product properly
order from a customer. him what he should have,
You say: but he wouldn’t listen,
5. A proposal has been It might be alright, I suppose, Passive
made to install a new if that’s what you think is aggressive
piece of equipment, best.
which you don’t think is
right for the job. You
6. A colleague has I like the work plan you Assertive
produced a work plan produced. I think my
for his department. department could benefit
You’d like his help with from a similar approach.
one for your Will you spend half an hour
department. You say: with me, so that I can see
how you developed it?
7. A colleague agreed to George, I understood you Assertive
come to a meeting but were coming to the meeting.
failed to turn up. I would have liked to have
Afterwards, you ring him had your contribution. What
and say: happened?

8. You sat in on a My goodness, that was good. Passive

presentation given by I could never have put it over
one of your staff. You so well.
feel it was highly
successful. You say:
9. The date is being fixed 'Well alright, as it seems Passive
for a meeting; it is to be OK for everyone
convenient for else.'
everyone except you.
10. A member of your 'I hope you don't think I'm Passive
team has asked for being mean, but the
time off to visit a sick Process Manager won't
relative at a time like you taking time off at
when the department the moment. I'm very
is particularly busy. sorry.'
11. Your boss asks you to 'I'm really busy this week Aggressive
attend a meeting. The with schedules. I don't
last time you went it think I'll have time to go.'
wasn't relevant to your
department so you
don't want to go.
12. Your boss has sent out 'I'm not happy with the Slightly
a memo saying that new arrangement. The Aggressive
no customer visits are way I see it, it takes away
to be made without my professional
his agreement. judgement. I'd like to
discuss this with you.'

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