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The little


the little a handsome a sea

mermaid prince witch

voice palace sky

seashore to be broken to save


to hide to shout to kill


Task 1. Complete the song with the following words:

human them truth marry bless goodbye

I wish I could have ___________legs.

I wish I could be one of ___________.
I wish tell the ___________.
I wish I could ___________the prince.
If I can’t … if I can’t…. if I can’t …
If I can’t I would _________ my dear prince and I would say ___________.
Task 2. Complete the sentences with the correct words:
1. Deep inside the sea there lived a little m_________.
2. In the s____ the sparking lights were bright.
3. The lady took the prince to his p______.
4. The mermaid visited the s___ w_____.
5. The mermaid promised to give the witch her voice.
6. If you don’t marry the prince, you will become b________ at the s________
7. I can't k____ the prince.

Task 3. Who said this?

Mermaid Prince Sea Witch sisters

1. “Oh no he is in danger.” ___________
2. “Thank you for saving my life.” ___________
3. “I want human legs can you help me.” ___________
4. “Sure I can if you'll give me your voice.” ___________
5. “You look familiar do I know you.” ___________
6. “I'm going to marry this lady once she saved my life.” ___________
7. “I can't kill the prince I would rather die.” ___________
8. “Kill the prince and save your life.” ___________
9. “Don't forget if you don't marry the prince you will become bubbles.”
10. “How handsome he is.” ___________

Task 4. Put the sentences in the correct order.

Suddenly a big storm came up and the ship was broken down.
She was so excited to see a big ship.
She was a princess who loved to see the outside world.
The mermaid hid herself behind the rock.
The mermaid visited the sea witch.
She took him to the seashore.
The mermaid wanted to say something but her voice was totally gone.
The next day the mermaid blessed the princes wedding.
In his palace the mermaid was happy for a while.
Task 5. Give the short answers to the questions.
1.Did the little mermaid like to see the outside world? ___________
2. Was she scared to see a big ship? ___________
3. Did the young lady save the prince? ___________
4.Did the sea witch take the little mermaid’s eyes? ___________
5. Did the mermaid kill the prince? ___________
6. Did the witch become bubbles? ___________
7. Was the little mermaid happy in the palace for a while? ___________

Task 6. Rewrite these sentences using the construction I wish.

1. I want to have human legs. __________________________________
2. I want to be one of them. ___________________________________
3. I want to speak. ___________________________________________
4. I want to marry the prince. __________________________________

Task 7. Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous Tense.

1. The little mermaid ______________ (look) at the fantastic ship.
2. People in the ship ______________(sing) and dancing.
3. A prince ______________(play) with a funny dog.
4. The prince______________ (die) in the sea after the storm.
5. Her sisters ______________(call) the mermaid from the sea.
6. He ______________(sleep) peacefully.

The End
Grammar block
Past Continuous (прошедшее длительное)
Употребляется, когда мы говорим о действии, которое совершалось в
конкретный момент в прошлом, и длилось какой-то промежуток

Показатели этого времени:

• at that time yesterday (в то время вчера);
• at 5 o'clock yesterday (вчера в 5 часов);
• those days ( в те дни);
• from 1 till 4 o'clock yesterday (вчера с часу до 4 часов) и т.д.

Схемы образования
Утвердительное предложение
+ П. + was / were + V ing

I, he, she, it we, you, they

People were dancing on the ship.- Люди танцевали на корабле.

Отрицательное предложение

- П. + was / were + not + V ing

The sisters were not shouting for the prince. Сестры не звали принца.
Вопросительное предложение

? Was/Were + П.+ V ing ?

Was the prince dying in the sea after the storm? Yes, he was. No he wasn’t. Принц
погибал в море после шторма?


I wish в настоящем времени

Глагол to wish значит “желать, хотеть”, но предложения с I wish часто
переводят как “Мне жаль, что…”.

• “I wish I could walk.” said the little mermaid. “Жаль, что я не хожу”,
сказала русалочка. (Как бы я хотела ходить)
При чем тут “жаль”? Дело в том, что такие предложения выражают не просто
пожелания, а именно пожелания с оттенком сожаления о том, что
желаемое не соответствует реальности (в настоящем времени), не
сбылось (в прошедшем) или не сбудется (в будущем), т.е. выражают
чувство, знакомое каждому человеку: сожаление о чем-то не сделанном, не
сбывшемся, не осуществившемся, не реализованном.
Для настоящего времени мы можем использовать следующую конструкцию:

I wish + Past Simple

Past Simple используется для состояний.

I wish I were a millionaire! – Как бы я хотел быть миллионером!

То есть человек хочет в настоящем быть миллионером, но не является им.

Форма were предпочтительна для всех лиц.

Также возможно использование времени Past Continuous

I wish + Past Continuous

Past Continuous используется для действий.

I wish I was lying on the beach now. – Как бы я хотел сейчас лежать на
Task 1. Complete the song with the following words:
I wish I could have human legs.
I wish I could be one of them.
I wish tell the truth.
I wish I could marry the prince.
If I can’t … if I can’t… if I can’t …
If I can’t I would bless my dear prince and I would say goodbye.

Task 2. Complete the sentences with the correct words:

1. Deep inside the sea there lived a little mermaid.
2. In the sky the sparking lights were bright.
3. The lady took the prince to his palace.
4. The mermaid visited the sea witch.
5. The mermaid promised to give the witch her voice.
6. If you don’t marry the prince, you will become bubbles at the seashore
7. I can't kill the prince.

Task 3. Who said this?

1. “Oh no he is in danger.” Mermaid
2. “Thank you for saving my life.” Prince
3. “I want human legs can you help me.” Mermaid
4. “Sure I can if you'll give me your voice.” Sea Witch
5. “You look familiar do I know you.” Prince
6. “I'm going to marry this lady once she saved my life.” Prince
7. “I can't kill the prince I would rather die.” Mermaid
8. “Kill the prince and save your life.” Sisters
9. “Don't forget if you don't marry the prince you will become bubbles.” Sea
10. “How handsome he is.” Mermaid

Task 4. Put the sentences in the correct order.

3 Suddenly a big storm came up and the ship was broken down.
2 She was so excited to see a big ship.
1 She was a princess who loved to see the outside world.
5 The mermaid hid herself behind the rock.
6 The mermaid visited the sea witch.
4 She took him to the seashore.
7 The mermaid wanted to say something but her voice was totally gone.
9 The next day the mermaid blessed the princes wedding.
8 In his palace the mermaid was happy for a while.

Task 5. Give the short answers to the questions.

1.Did the little mermaid like to see the outside world? Yes, she did.
2. Was she scared to see a big ship? No, she wasn’t.
3. Did the young lady save the prince? No, she didn’t.
4.Did the sea witch take the little mermaid’s eyes? No, she didn’t.
5. Did the mermaid kill the prince? No, she didn’t.
6. Did the witch become bubbles? No, she didn’t.
7. Was the little mermaid happy in the palace for a while? Yes, she was.
Task 5. Rewrite these sentences using the construction I wish.
1. I want to have human legs. I wish I had human legs.
2. I want to be one of them. I wish I could be/were one of them.
3. I want to speak. I wish I could speak.
4. I want to marry the prince. I wish I could marry/married the prince.

Task 7. Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous Tense.

1. The little mermaid was looking at the fantastic ship.
2. People in the ship were singing and dancing.
3. A prince was playing with a funny dog.
4. The prince was dying in the sea after the storm.
5. Her sisters were calling the mermaid from the sea.
6. He was sleeping peacefully.

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