SE Project Presentation

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~Kamaljeet Mahey

❖ The project, Hotel Management System is a web-based application that allows the hotel
manager to handle all hotel activities online.
❖ The website is aimed at facilitating the prompt, accurate and easy management of a hotel
❖ Interactive GUI and the ability to manage various hotel bookings and rooms make this system
very flexible and convenient.
❖ Interactive GUI and the ability to manage various hotel bookings and rooms make this system
very flexible and convenient.
❖ Hotel management project provides room booking, staff management and other necessary hotel
management features. The system allows the manager to post available rooms in the system.
❖ Customers can view and book room online. Admin has the power of either
approving or disapproving the customer’s booking request.
❖ This is a website for managing the general managing of a hotel like booking,
billing, etc.
❖ The purpose of this document is to collect, analyze and define the need and
features of the hotel management system.
Project Features
● Managing bookings

Hotel management system should help you efficiently and effectively manage your bookings. Neither you,
nor your staff, should be tasked with manually inputting bookings and managing those across all your
distribution channels. A property management system should automate the booking process for you,
allowing you to escape the back office and focus more on interacting with your guests.

● Search
This function allows the booking agent to search for rooms that are available.
● Selection
This function allows a particular train to be selected from the displayed list.
● Cancellation
The system also allows the customer to cancel an existing reservation.
● Holiday Packages
The system also allows the passenger to book a holiday package.
● Payment
It asks the customer to enter the various credit card details of the person making
the reservation. For example, credit card type, credit card number, etc
● Manage Guest (Add, Update Guest)
● Manage Room Details (Add, Update, Delete)
● Manage Staff (Add, Update, Delete, View)
● Set Rates
● The system enables easy and fast access to the guest files.
● The system provides better data management facilities.
● Easy update of the guest records

● The hotel will incur an extra cost on the electricity and internet bills due to computerization of the
hotel management.
● The hotel will be required to train its employees on how to manage the system

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