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I lfJW pr(>plP in
h ·g -p~o~~ -re j h
cope with stre 8~ 8
l Clara Amfo ------::
I feel stressed when I feel unprepared. .
to research th ings meticulously, so if so ike
1. s coming
. on my rad 10' sh ow, or I'm hostinll'l eon e
something on TV, I need to have all the g
as soon as possible. I fl don't, I feel veryll'laterial
,. l an)(,o
When I'm stresse d ,or onger periods, I stutte Us.
a lot, my skin goes to hell and my short-tern, r
memory becomes laughable.
When it comes to cou ntering stress, I've re .
the necessity of physical activity. I really fe~ 'led
the difference in my mood when I take the ti
. . rne
to go boxing, d o strength trammg, or just grab
Jame s Haskell, rugby player my trainers for a run. I started running in 2015
because I had FOMO from my mates who were
in a running club. I hated it at first, then after
a You are going to read an article about how people in different
training for my first half-marathon, I began
jobs deal with feelings of stress. Look at the photos and ... depending on it as my stress relief. I've also
1 d iscuss what aspects of t heir jobs p robably lead to stress. become much stricter with my bedtime. Getting
2 decide who you think would say: eight hours definitely makes me less anxious
A 'Being approachable and understanding the team is key.' throughout the day. Corny as it sounds, the
B ' I take the time to go boxing, do strength tra ining, or just best advice I'd give is the same advice friends
grab my tra iners for a run .' have given to me - 'this too shall pass'. Feeling
stressed and anxious can be frustrating and
C 'Writing, in particular, keeping a da ily diary, can be very
crippling, but it can't last for ever.
D ' I use carefully chosen playlists to regulate my mood .'
Henry Marsh
b Read the article and check your answers to a. As a neurosurgeon, I was in a state of mild
chronic anxiety all the time. Surgery is intensely
c Scan the article again and answer t he questions with CA, HM, stressful - not so much the actual operating as
JH, or AH. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. having to deal with patients and their families
Who feels or felt stressed ... ? afterwards, when things have gone badly. I never
resented the anxiety, as I never doubted the value
1 just after an important event, but accepts t hat it is inevitable
and importance of my work, and it seemed (and
2 just before an important event and has sought help to deal with it
still seems) an appropriate price to pay for the
3 if they haven't done enough research beforehand and d isplays privilege of being a surgeon.
physical symptoms
4 when things aren 't happen ing on time and tends to react by not It helped to remind myself that I had been
speaking through similar crises before and survived, even
if the poor patient hadn't. Physical exercise has
Who does these things to relieve stress?
always been extremely important for me; there
5 does physical activity 9 listens to music are few problems that are not helped by a long
6 gives his I her employees 10 takes time to th ink about walk or run, and I still try to run every day. a'1so
responsibility things find that writing, in particular, keeping a dail}
7 has an early night 11 talks to people diary, can be very therapeutic.
8 imag ines what's go ing to 12 writes things down ll· only
happen Talking to colleagues can be helpfu I as we :
· fieels ]Ike
they can properly understand w h at 1t
d Look at the high lig hted phrases related to stress. With a when a patient comes to harm. 0 ver f1me• Jgot
. ly
partner, try to paraphrase what they mean. better at being open about my problems. It is on
human to make mistakes. My advice? Ask fore
Whose advice to combat stress do you think is the most help. Have good colleagues. Be a good colleagu
helpful? What do you normally do to combat stress? in return.
., 6 GRAMMAR prepositions and sentence patterns
a Without looking back at the article in 5, complete some
yto ma1'. age pre-m~t ch perf~rmancc anxiety extracts with prepositions.
'th visuahzatwns . II Im worned about a
ecific tackle, I imagine it going amazingly, I hated it 1 first, then 2_ _ _ _ trai ning J_ _ __
d really feel every sensation of that great
my first haif:marathon, I began depending it as my
ckJe. It makes a big difference. stress relief.
e learned through working with a sports Over time, I got better 5_ _ _ _ being open 6_ _ _ _ my
sycbologist that music is also a really powerful
ol. I use carefully chosen playlists to regulate problems.
y mood - whether that's to try and pump When I have a million things going 7_ _ _ _ my head, writing
yself up and feel like a million dollars before notes a_ _ _ _ the most important things can help stop my
roatch, or to try and wind down when I'm mind 9_ _ _ _ racing.
periencing stress relating to injury. Being
jured is a very specific kind of stress. One of When it comes 10_ _ _ _ bigger problems, you shouldn't jump
e roost anxious periods of my career was in 11 _ _ _ _ straight away. If the situation allows, then sleep
017, when I had toe surgery and wasn't sure 12_ _ _ _ it, or think 13 what's bothering you.
d ever be able to play rugby again.
run a couple of businesses outside of rugby,
d time management can be another source
b 0 p.182 Grammar Bank SA
f stress. When I have a million things going
rough my head, writing notes of the most
jJ)lportant things can help stop my mind 7 SPEAKING
from racing. An important lesson has been a Look at some things that often make people feel stressed.
remembering to only worry about what you Mark each one from 1 to 5 (1 = it doesn't stress me out at
can control. You can't control other people, or
all, 5 = it stresses me out a lot).
situations that are out of your hands; you can
only control your response.
It's the little things that stress you out ...
Angela Hartnett Stress is usually associated with major Life events, Like losing
When I'm feeling stressed in the kitchen, I can your job or getting divorced, but it can often be the Little things
get quite quiet and irritable. If food isn't going that really stress you out. I
Mt beil18 ~ble to
out quickly enough, or something goes wrong, pkonil18 ctMtomer

I've learned to stop and take five minutes. It's be-il18 l<1te. Juul somethil18
luivi11& to meet service 3ettif13
important to address smaller issues as they arise; ridicu.lotM work or fa r sometki11j,
dealing with the situation as calmly as possible stu.dy d~dli,u, or peo ple, be.i fij i11, re.ply
means that it doesn't spiral out of control. be.i11& l<1te. tr"1fu
When it comes to bigger problems, you bu.ilders,
tke i,iteri1d or
shouldn't jump in straight away. If the situation ,u,, or people. beil18 S>i.rrO>i.~ed
dlgit<tl de.vicu 11,/Jt
allows, then sleep on it, or think about what's by mus ~t

l worl<.i118 f~m ily ~kil18 too sluiril18 tkeir

bothering you. Things can look easier the next kome or i11, yo>i.r
day. Emails really up my anxiety levels, so I
always pick up the phone or speak to someone scrollil18 thro 119 h I
.}' tryil18 to
face to face ifl can. soci~l medi~ be.il18 bomb~rded J> W1M.ltit~sk p>i.ttil18 thil18S off
Years ago, when I was at the Connaught, With. 11))11,-StOp . wJ,,,e,11, tkey r~lly
stressed, and quite new to being a head chef, 3ro1A.p cluits • nud doil18
Richard Corrigan told me one of the most
important things is to get to know your team.
They might travel for two hours each day, or

tki>tk.il18 ~bo>i.t
have other things going on outside of work, w~tckil18 yorA.r
mo,u,y yo>i. spel'tt
c and as an employer, being approachable and J~VO>i.rite te.<111'1-
011, somethil18 yorA.
understanding the team is key. At the same pl~y
didit re.<1lly ,u,ed
time, I've learned to try and guide people, but
also to let them deal with things themselves -
c I don't want to be like a kindergarten teacher.
E That balance is important. b Compare your marks with a partner and focus on any to which
g you h~ve given 4 or 5. Explain why they are stressful for you
i Glossary and give examples. What other 'little things' stress you out?

- the Connaught a famous London hotel
Richard Corrigan a well-known chef (0 Go online to review the lesson )

prepositions and sentence pat terns

prepositions in relative clauses and questions prepositional phrases
1 Wh o should I spe a k to? Wh at a re yo u sa vin g up for? I am wri t ing in re sp o nse t o / in co nn e ct ion with your
The girl I sa t next to at school was fro m Au stra lia. adve rt ise ment fo r a tea che r.
The house he lives in was built in th e 1930s. 2 No o ne a p a rt fr o m I other than Lau ra took a gap year af
2 To whom should I speak? leaving school. te,
The house in which he lives was built in the 1930s. 3 Wit h rega rd t o I As fo r tra nspo rt, we will ne ed to hir
4 They bought a plot of lan d w ith a view to I wit h the e_ a ca,.
1 In informal speech and writing, we normally put prepositions: aun of
building a hou se .
• at the end of questions (using who rather than whom) . She chose her words carefully, for fea r of offend ing him
• at the end of defining relative clauses (commonly, without the 5 O n top of / In additi o n t o the e xpense, we don't have ·
relative pronoun). for a new sofa . room
2 In formal style, we put prepositions before whom or which . • The following prepositional phrases are followed by a noun or
noun phrase:
prepositions after adjectives and verbs
1 connection in connection with, in response to, with reference
1 I'm not us ed to getting up so early. to, with regard to
When you reach 65, you are eligible for a bus pass. 2 exception apart from, except (for), other than, with the
He is incapable of looking after himself. exception of
Are you upset about your exam results? 3 introducing a topic as for, as regards, with reference to, with
2 I look forward to hearing from you. regard to, with respect to
I hope you succeed in persuading her to come. 4 purpose in the hope of, with the aim of, with the intention of,
3 Sorry, I mistook you for someone else. with a view to, for fear of
The company provided the staff with the equipment they 5 addition along with, as well as, in addition to, on top of
The school prides itself on its academic record . sentence patterns with nouns

1 Adjective + preposition: 1 I have no intention of getting a car.
We were on the point of leaving when the doorbell ra ng.
(un)accustomed addicted allergic committed He takes no interest whatsoever in his child ren.
devoted entitled equivalent (un)faithful identical 2 I had no reason to mistrust him.
inferior linked preferable (un)related resigned I'm afraid I have no alternative but t o refuse your
(in)sensitive superior used application . .
eligible famous (un)fit notorious prepared I+for You are under no obligation to buy the product, should 1t
prove unsatisfactory.

(un)qualified ready (un)suitable
They are within their rights to ask you to leave.
afraid - appreciative ashamed (u ~ ~e (i n_Jcapable ~-of ·
conscious critical devoid terrified t ired (in)tolerant 1 Verb + noun + preposition + noun (phrase):
angr; annoyed anxious apprehinsive excited I + ab'out
be take
nervous upset have
• Many of these are past participles used adjectivally, e.g. no objection to in danger of pride/ pleasure/ 1
satisfaction in
devoted, resigned, annoyed. no I every intention at risk of
an / no interest in
of ' on th~ ve rge / bri nk/
2 Verb + preposition: point of advantage of
no hesitation in
in the process/ mid dl e of account of
consent look ! orwar<j_ _:>.!?_ject
contribute / + to no memory of
· r __s_u_c_c;;;;e;;;;;e...d':----'/_±_£n_ in need of issue with
confide engage invest
resu It spec1a 1ze __ no hope of
agree count decide depen d e Ia b ora t e insist rely / + on_
2 Verb + noun + to + infinitive:
abstain I + from
consist / + of the capacity p use / point+
the / no right of I in
What's the use I
3 Verb + noun I pronoun + preposition: have no / every reason . ?
the / no opportunity/ chan_ce
point of trying.
blame excuse forg ive mistake I + '!'r no alternative I choice + ~ ut
to There's no use I
point in trying.
discourage dissuade prevent prohibit + from
I accuse remind + sb I sth I. + of be under pressure
d;:ia=r=g=e= p::;r;::o::;v::;;id;,;e==========;::_;::;::[ j + with within one's rights
I comJ=!liment congratulate I
.,,IIII +~
pride (oneself)

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