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Chapter I

A. Background

In making theory of thesis or research report its not a simple thing. The writer
should make it based on the concept of the observation an testing. Theory should
represent about the body of the report or thesis. There are some kind of theory and
some source that writer can use to make a theory. But unfortunally not al people
understand about the definition of theory.

B. Research problem
a. What is theory ?
b. What is the funtion of theory ?
c. What can a sources that can be use in making theory?

C. Purpose
a. To introduce what is the definition of theory
b. To introduce what is function of theory
c. To give an example what it the sources of theory
Chapter II

A. Definition

The word “theory” means a number of different things, depending on the context. .In
the maths and sciences, for example, a theory is a tested and testable concept which is used to
explain an occurrence. For students of the arts, “theory” refers to the non-practical aspect of
their work, while laypeople refer to unproven ideas and speculation as theories. The
multitude of meanings for this word can get confusing, but the intent is usually clear from the
context; a mathematical paper talking about a theory, for example, is probably referring to a
theory in the scientific sense. In English, the word dates back to 1592, when it was used to
mean a concept or scheme. By the 1630s,scientists had co-opted the word, using it to describe
an explanation or thought which was based on observation and testing. “To theorize” also
emerged at around the same time. In the sciences, theories are created after observation and
testing. They are designed to rationally and clearly explain a phenomenon. For example,
Isaac Newton came up with a theory about gravity in the 17th century, and the theory proved
to be both testable and correct. Scientific theories are not quite the same thing as facts, but
they are often very similar; scientists usually test their theories extensively before airing
them, looking for obvious problems which could cause the theory to be challenged.

While literary theory has always implied or directly expressed a conception of the
world outside the text, in the twentieth century three movements—”Marxist theory” of the
Frankfurt School, “Feminism,” and “Postmodernism”—have opened the field of literary
studies into a broader area of inquiry. Marxist approaches to literature require an
understanding of the primary economic and social bases of culture since Marxist aesthetic
theory sees the work of art as a product, directly or indirectly, of the base structure of society.
Feminist thought and practice analyzes the production of literature and literary representation
within the framework that includes all social and cultural formations as they pertain to the
role of women in history. Postmodern thought consists of both aesthetic and epistemological
strands. Postmodernism in art has included a move toward non-referential, non-linear,
abstract forms; a heightened degree of self- referentiality; and the collapse of categories and
conventions that had traditionally governed art. Postmodern thought has led to the serious
questioning of the so-called metanarratives of history, science, philosophy, and economic and
sexual reproduction. Under postmodernity, all knowledge comes to be seen as “constructed”
within historical self-contained systems of understanding. Marxist, feminist, and postmodern
thought have brought about the incorporation of all human discourses (that is, interlocking
fields of language and knowledge) as a subject matter for analysis by the literary theorist.
Using the various poststructuralist and postmodern theories that often draw on disciplines
other than the literary—linguistic, anthropological, psychoanalytic, and philosophical—for
their primary insights, literary theory has become an interdisciplinary body of cultural theory.
Taking as its premise that human societies and knowledge consist of texts in one form or
another, cultural theory (for better or worse) is now applied to the varieties of texts,
ambitiously undertaking to become the preeminent model of inquiry into the human

`Literary theory is a site of theories: some theories, like “Queer Theory,” are “in;”
other literary theories, like “Deconstruction,” are “out” but continue to exert an influence on
the field. “Traditional literary criticism,” “New Criticism,” and “Structuralism” are alike in
that they held to the view that the study of literature has an objective body of knowledge
under its scrutiny. The other schools of literary theory, to varying degrees, embrace a
postmodern view of language and reality that calls into serious question the objective referent
of literary studies. The following categories are certainly not exhaustive, nor are they
mutually exclusive, but they represent the major trends in literary theory of this century.

B. Function of theory

A literature review is an account of what has been published on a topic by accredited

scholars and researchers. but more often it is part of the introduction to an essay, research
report, or thesis. In writing the literature review, the purpose is to convey to the reader what
knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic, and what their strengths and
weaknesses are. As a piece of writing, the literature review must be defined by a guiding
concept for example research objective, the problem or issue are discussing, or the
argumentative thesis). It is not just a descriptive list of the material available, or a set of
summaries Besides enlarging knowledge about the topic, writing a literature review gain and
demonstrate skills in two areas 1. information seeking: the ability to scan the literature
efficiently, using manual or computerized methods, to identify a set of useful articles and
books 2. critical appraisal: the ability to apply principles of analysis to identify unbiased and
valid studies. A literature review must do these things 1. be organized around and related
directly to the thesis or research question that it developing 2. synthesize results into a
summary of what is and is not known 3. identify areas of controversy in the literature 4.
formulate questions that need further research.

In mathematics, theories are bodies of knowledge about specific types of

mathematics. Mathematicians use things like set theory in the course of their work.
Theoretical mathematics can get quite complex and abstract, making it sometimes difficult
for laypeople to understand, but it helps to explain everything from the movement of crowds
to the origins of the universe. In the arts, many artists refer to their non-practical work as
theoretical. For example, a musician who plays the tuba would consider the study of music
history, the math of music, and other related material “theory.” Art criticism is also a field of
theory, since critics discuss artwork, rather than actively producing it, and through their
discussions, they contribute to the overall field of art theory. For laypeople, a theory is simply
an idea. Some people use “theory” like “hypothesis,” positing an idea which needs to be
tested. At other times, an idea may be dismissed as “just a theory,” with the implication that it
cannot be proven and it is only a rough idea, not a firm fact or opinion.

C. Type of Sources

Theory is not only a statement or sentence. In making theory we need:

1. observation

2. testing

To making theory we should combine both of them. And we can get information from:

1. Book
2. Journal of the scientist
3. Do an experiment
Chapter III

A. Conclusion

Theory is an sentence or statement which describe about the material in thesis or

research report. Theory have some function which is:

1. to convey to the reader what knowledge and ideas have been established
on a topic, and what their strengths and weaknesses are
2. to identify a set of useful articles and books
3. to identify unbiased and valid studies

theory is the combination of observation and testing we can get information from book,
journal of the scientist, and experiment.

B. Sugestion

Before making theory writer should do an observation and testing, and also should get
reference from the expert to support the validity of the theory.

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