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PURE Saisie ct oi WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION® BASIC ADVENTURE GAME Example Game Characters & Manager Trial, Error and the Pretty Boy are character examples used throughout this book. Most examples will refer to one of the characters below so be ready to flip back to these examples at all times. i i B8Sssasss— NGGSERBSo= RSSEERKSSE RBBZBRBRER i Level Lamy {stun Points 225 158 106 52 Weight Modifier: Lit: 10 Stun: 402 Maximum: Stamina: 85 Aerial: 90 [Finishing Maneuver: Boston Crab Stung Koweheg Poo ng Aleong {stun: Boston Crab: 306 x2 Pus Tia's Power Bonus Pus Tra's Weight Modifier Stun [character's Accessory tem: Level thoy Brute Strength 40 36 32 28 Technical Ability 30 27 24 21 Brawing 50 45 40 35 Maral Arts 50-45 40 35 ‘Aerial Tactics §— 25 23 2018 Perception 45-42-9832 ‘Stamina 2 2 18 Constitution 5045. 4035 Business Skill 40 96 92.28 PowerBows 0 0 0 Movement eceteea{ Recovery gs 44 stun: ‘Abdominal Splash: 208 x 2 lis Emrors Weight Modier Stun CCharacter's Accessory tem: Coin Ral Hi Use Choke Hide Gost 608" Yes $10 ‘plus Error's Power Bonus plus he sting manewer's Sun ‘None Disadvantages: Personal Vendetta ig Fan View: Viiain Fan Support: 65,000, Level wees [Brute Strength 0 7 Mat [Technical Abiity 0 0 0 0 Brawiing 5045 40 Martial Arts 0000 ‘Aerial Tactics 8 2 28 Perception SB 2 Bs [Stamina 2 0 8 [Constitution 3 2 28 25 [Business Skit 045 0 5 Power Bonus ooo0 Movement Big 8 8 Recovery Siause! 2 Hhevel Lumw [Stun Points 150143 111 63 Weight Modifier: Lit: +35. Stun: +12 Maximum: Stamina: 70-Aerial: 70 ‘plus the Prety Boy's Power Bonus (tte shatters) ‘Spray: does 106 stun and binds opponent for 206 tums |Charactor's Accessory tem #2: Coin Rott Mi Use Chie Hie Gast ee Yes $10 “Pus he Pret Boy's Power Bonus ‘plus the striking maneuver’s Stun |Advantages: Contacts |Disadvantages: Apatetc Poor Loser WHIT PUBLICATIONS INC., PRESENTS: ® THE WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION® BA Wy R r By M. David Clark Edited by Jeff Amett, Midge Bacon. Bill Littlepage & Chris Wilkey ‘Typeset & Cover Design by Ken Whitman Photos supplied by TitanSports, Inc. Title Belt Ilustrations by B. Nelson Baggett DEDICATION “This book is dedicated to all my lille Dave-A- Maniacs and the following special people without whose support this could have never been possible. Larry and Barbara Brashear Jimmy and Barbara Clark ‘My brother, sisters and their families The men and women of the United States Navy and Marine Corps PLAY TESTERS. Soot Ludwig ‘The Natural Radney Gold Mike Matin Foyd “The Basher Brooks ‘Shally Meadows Achy Brey Christy Morgan Morgan “The Masle™ Jon Munger “Lite Boy” John Dughaney David Nobles "The Boston Briser Ron Raley "The Wario” soe Rone = Thay cal me Joe Carles Rose nd Korat Kfsten Raymer Fomine Feline “The World Wrestling Federation® Adventure Game” was designed for entertainment purposes only. This text serves only as the {or this adventure game of tactical simulation and role-playing and is in no way intended as an instruction manwal. of any ‘wrestling or any other topic. Jogo and all distinctive names and likenesses used herein are trademarks of TianSports, Inc. ‘are copyright by Whit Publications, Inc. No part of this game may be reproduced in the written consent of Whit Publications. Inc. rm: {IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ‘cuaren one Siete Ee ies Ee eanaone iisuiaay ee ey Bree sts asetioces a core Serene ers paral ee ‘Chamero: cuazacrer cENeRATON ‘Me oats win creatine cuseac tes Ie cranacreRsnett Euacactenconcer Sens seo anak VALE RFEEE AND ANWOINCERCACHAOUGS Vwrestersincs. rast wor ‘eau re CATACTENS WE CAS Daren ne chatacTens WECM DETEIMNNS WEIS BONIS AND WEGHT DEADVANIAGES | BREOResereuegwsy yasseeeReee eeeseeetcene EReeE EES Ey MlEbar Se iets Wis Aoi Seti Won OBOE ‘uae wave BAING PON. aaaassss CHAPTER 1 WELCOME TO THE WORLD WRESTLING FED! felcome, You have just purchased a betier n ringside seat forall the action and adven- © that Is the World Wrestling Federation. With S book, you have the ability to role-play such ats as Lex Luger, Randy Savage, the Under er of to ereate your own World Wrestling eration superstar. The choice is yours. You ‘earn all about creating your own characters, ng the game system, playing the character. fe wrestling combat, finishing maneuvers. nagers, referees, announcers, broadcastjour sis, match sheets, money. using foreign ob: s.rating points, the wrestling rulebook, basic {eam wrestling and maneuver definitions, fst, here is a little history on the game is game was designed out of my love for fessional wrestling, Ihave been watching and nding matches since 1971. In 1986 I was ‘2 US. Marine Corps field operation Palms, California. | was a hospital the Srd Battalion, Tenth Marines N.C. We were required to Seedeeert for field training, INTRODUCTION Occasionally we had time on our hands betwee missions, so I created a rough version of thi ‘game to pass the time. It was an instant succes: and I found myself running it often. ‘The next few years I continued to develop an expand the game. | enrolled in college at Murra State University. A few students and I would ge together once or twice a month and wrestle Mai Eventmatches, We created characters with name ke the Dogs of War, Wol’s Bane (mine), Famin and the most popular wrestler ever created, Floy “The Basher” Brooks. The next thing I knew, were wrestling up to four times or more a weel This is probably the most play tested game 1 role-playing game history. This game went be yond my original plans and worked out bette than I anticipated. I believe wrestling fans wi enjoy it for the wrestling action and that vetera role-players will play it for the tactical combat. simply hope you enjoy it Good luck and ever forward. M. David Clark, CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION _TO PARENTS: ‘Over the years, some role-playing games have re- ceived a bad reputation. Those few games have dealt ‘with occult subject matter and have nothing (o fo with the World Wrestling Federation Adventure Game. I have developed an attack/counter attack system that allows Players to out-maneuver other Players. Players do not kill their opponents. They pin them, knock them out or make them submit, This game 1s probably less violent than today’s video games. Tn this game, a character cannot die. A character does not take physical damage until he is in the negative numbers, and by that time he has usually been pinned. The characters in this game take stun, which you may relate to as dizziness. ‘We ininoway encourage the Players to attempt these ‘wrestling maneuvers themselves, ‘My final note to you is that this game is good clean fun, and [invite you to give it a try. See ifyou can pin. your kid. ____ WHATS ROLE-PLAYING? _ ——————— ‘Acentral feature of the World Wrestling Federa- tion Adventure Game is role-playing. Role-playing fs the process by which a Player controls the actions of a character (In this case a wrestler, manager, valet, referee or announcer) he has ere~ ated, The Player then uses dice to determine the results of a character’s actions. The character does not need to be anything like the Player. The char- acter can be whatever the Player wants, good or bad. However, the Player makes al ofthe decisions for his character. These decisions, combined with the game rules, allow the character toact and react to the other characters and situations. ‘The majority ofthe people involved during agame are Players. Each will control a minimum of one and up to three characters at a time, Only one person, however, will assume the task of the Ref feree, The Referce supervises the game to ensure that the rules are followed and a fair decision is rendered. He has the final say in a decision or with the Fans, It in no way attempt the wrestling = WHO WINS? ‘Some games that involve role-playing have cam- paigns that take days, weeks and even months to Complete. In the World Wrestling Federation Adven- ture Game, a character can continue on or retire any time he wants. You may picture winning as gaining the World Title, Others may consider it seeing how Jong they can hold the title or how many times they canwinit. The choice is yours. You set your own limits and stop when you want. The main idea is to have fun, playing the game. ___[TISJUSTAGAME __ ‘Remember that this is just a game. Itis designed for you to have fun and nothing else. Do not take it too ‘Seriously or you will become upset and take it person- ally when your character is beaten. That ruins the ‘game for everyone and serves no purpose other than to upset yoursell. ____WHATYOU CANDO WITH THIS GAME Wa You CAN DO WITH THIS GAME Sa Ea ines es seem, pubs weaho nay er ae ee Feediarat Seip sa Cea peat eee een epi ety Fuji. HOW TOUSE THIS BOOK _ Fars Geseay eS ANTES ee aa ese mesg ae alee game. If you have the patience and desire, you will become a master of the World Wrestling Federation: ees le i ere i Foe you practice, the better you become. Ae ee ee ay section then try it out before moving on, Once you feel ready, climb in the ring and get set to sweat! ABRIEF OVERVIEW OF _—_ TELEVISED PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING _ ‘Along time ago, the sport of televised professional ‘wrestling came to life. Good men gathered to test their powerand know-how against the best athletes in the world. The concept of the World Title came next. It of the best of the best, and men ‘Then the dark clouds gathered. ‘As the sport grew and money became more impor- tant than prestige, some wrestlers found that acheap | shot here or a steel chair there could increase their wealth more quickly than relying solely on their | abilities. Men began using all types of underhanded tacties to gain that extra measure of wealth. Profes- sional became a series of grudge matches and bloody bravils. With so much chaos, themenwho promoted the matches began formulating a strict set ofrules and fining systems. The bad wrestlers became determined to find other ways to obtain their wealth, ‘Some going so far as to eliminate the competition with brutal sneak attacks. ‘As the years continued, good wrestlers found that the people who attended the matches were very supportive oftheir causes. These wrestlers developed a special relationship with the fans and no longer felt they were fighting just for victories. Good wrestiers ‘were now fighting for their supporters and the integ, Tily ofthe sport. They began developing alter egos to make the sport more fin for the fans to watch. Bad wrestlers became jealous of the good characters relationship with the fans and developed alter egos of their own to insult the fans. When the two combat- ants stepped inthe ring, t didnt matter ifeither was , * We , dressed as a chicken. If a wrestler had the ability to take the other wrestler out, that was what mattered. Now it has come down to you and this game What type of wrestler will your character be in the fans'eyes? Abackstabbing cheat who cannot winwith hhis own abilities, or a man of honor and dignity who fights for what is right and just? The choice is yours. ——__ASPECIAL NOTE. Professional wrestlers are the Roman gladiators of the mode age. When you play the character of a wrestler, you need to remember that they are fighting for a reason. ‘Aheroic wrestler fights for the good of the common ‘man, They are the force of good that counteracts the forces ofevil. They want the fans’ respect and support. ‘Without it, they are worthless. (On the other hand, a bad wrestler cares nothing ‘about the fans or the sport. They are in wrestling for the money and will do whatever is necessary to keep the dollars coming in. WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION” BASIC: difficult in reading. There is no intention of sex: discrimination here. There are many great female ‘wrestlers whom I would not want after me! PRE: AND POST-MATCH EVENTS _ Tn order to keep the game as realistic as possible, 1 highly recommend that a neutral person conduct interviews with the bad characters first and then the ‘good ones. Afler the match, only the winners get an interview unless the match ended controversially. Be sure and role-play those characters. WRESTLING AND THE HUMAN BODY __ ‘The human body can do many amazing things. To be able to list all of the maneuvers that itis eapable of doing is practically impossible. To keep the game as simple and realistic as possible, I have included the most commonly used and dynamic maneuvers in as accurate a manner as possible without bogging you down with hundreds of rules. Too much detail would ruin this game, Wrestlers seem to create new wrestling moves every day, so the chances of having all the maneuvers are: slim, But when the number of new maneuvers in- crease significantly, an additional supplement will be released, MATERIALS NEEDED TO PLAY___ To play this game you will need the following items: 1. The World Wrestling Federation Adventure Game Manual (this book) 2. Two 10-sided dice (210) 3. Aminimum of two six-sided dice (2D6), but if you have more, it will be a benefit. ‘A pencil (no ink pens, there will be erasing) Wrestling Character Sheet Maneuver Charts, ‘A Match Sheet ‘The character sheets, maneuver charts and match sheets are all located in this book. = ROLLING THE DICE Sea ‘The only dice needed for the World Wrestling Fed- ration Adventure Game are two 10-sided dice (from here on they will be referred to as D10 or D100) and Spin oo te ‘will be referred to as D6). Some wrestling ‘will do up to five and six D6 of stun so you: ‘A.D100 is a roll of the dice from 1-100. To roll a D100, take 2D10 and choose one of the D10s to represent the tens number and the other D10 to ‘represent the ones number. Roll the tens dice first to {get the tens number (0-0, 1=10, 220, 3=30, 4=40, 5-50, 6-60, 770, 8-80, or 9=90). Now roll the other Di0 toget the ones number (1=1, 2=2, 3-9, 4=4, 5=5, 6-6, 7=7, 8-8, 9=9 and 0=0 or 100, see below). Now take the tens number and place it with the ones ‘number, and that is your die rol. 41:Trolla 5 on the tens die. Next, !roll ‘a9ontheones die, putthemtogetherandthaverolled 459. Example #2: olla 00on the tens die and a3 on the ones die, I put them together and I have rolled 03. Note: 00 loes not equal 0 in this game. 00 equals 100, Tn some instances you will be required to add or ‘subtract fromyour rolls, These times willbe explained when they are needed ——______ TERMINOLOGY _ “There are many terms in wrestling with which you may not be familiar. If there is any confusion, I have listed many terms and their definitions in the back of this manual for your convenience. THE TRIAL AND ERROR CHARACTERS. ‘This game comes with character sheets located on the inside covers of this book. These are the charac- tersused in the examples throughout the book. It will bbe much easler to refer to the characters’ altributes listed when learning to play. Inorder to make these characters seem a bit more Lifelike, I have written a brief history of their experi- ‘ences together. ‘Their Story: ‘Trial and Error were wrestling teammatesin college. ‘The two always supported each other and became like brothers. After college the two friends decided to take their considerable wrestling skills to the World Wres- ting Federation. ‘They entered the ranks in singles competition, facing many tough opponents. Trial had much suc~ the singles ranks, but Error found the compe- hater toovercome, Disgusted, Brorwas eave professional wrestling, eamed of Error’s intentions, Trial sug- team wrestling to help get Error's ‘career going. The two grapplers teamed for overayyear and were considered one of the World Wrestling Federation’ best tag teams. During amateh with the ‘oriental team of Chop Chop, Error was hurt and put out of action. “Trial retumed to the singles ranks, Then something. ‘unexpected happened. Trial was informed he would be receiving a World Tite match against the eurrent champion the following month. Shortly afterward, Error was released from the hospital and was eager to get back the ring and face Chop Chop. ‘al said he needed to wrestle compett- {ors similar to the World Champion to prepare for his title match. The World Champion was a Technical wrestler, and Chop Chop were Martial Artists. Infuriated, Error went after Chop Chop by himselt but found that every time he got one in the ring, the other was not far behind. Error tried other partners, but they could not seem to get the Job done. Error decided to try Trial again. Trial promised him they would handle Chop Chop after his title match. Wo days before Trial's World Title match, he had just defeated one of the toughest grapplers in the World Wrestling Federation and was considerably ‘weakened. Trial stood up to receive the cheers of the fans. The fans’ cheers got louder, but he did not know. why. Then it hit him. The steel chair came out of nowhere and crashed onto his back, knocking Trial to the mat. Trial managed to roll over to see who was attacking him. It was Error. That was the last thing al saw before he was rendered unconscious. Trialawoke ina hospital bed. Hewas informedofthe situation and realized he could not defeat the World Champion if he was not at 100 percent. Trial had to surrender his title match. ‘Trial watched the videotape of the attack. The fans thought Error was coming to congratulate his former partner. Error picked up a chair at ringside and pummeled him. ‘The World Wrestling Federation president sus- pended and fined Error for the attack. Trial called the president and told him he waived the fines and the suspension, He wanted Error in the ring, While Trial recovered, Error went on a rampage in the World Wrestling Federation. He became one of the ‘most hated men in wrestling. He also acquired the services of one of the most notorious managers in wrestling today, the Pretty Boy. The Pretty Boy had a reputation for outside interference and is the for some of Error’s victories. ‘Today its one month later, and the two: square off. The bell rings and., a

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