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Sons Uusrsa ea NU eT ‘A SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM CAPCOM ‘hark yeu for selecting Street Fightor™ Il TURBO, the iatest 2s tion ic CAPCOM Arcade Sovioe. Following euch hts as Final Fight ord Street Fighter™ Il, Street Fighter™ Il: TURBO Continues the raion of action packed Games forthe Supe: Nintendo, Entertanment Stem, ‘Street Fighter™ Il; TURBO features 20 Megs of state-of the-art high resoluton graphics ard steren scund. We at CAPCOM are proud te bring you tie excng new action ta your ideo game lorary. eae Mec cael ee WaT: LEAs READ THEENCLOSED CONSUMER H-THATON AND PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET CAREFULLY BEFORE USING YOUR. ‘SUPER NINTENDO: HARDWARE SYSTEM OR GAME PAK. TABLE OF CONTENTS ——$—— A Special Message from Capcom 2 Getting Started 4 Controting your Fighter 5 ‘The Tournament Begins 10 Using the V.S. Battle Using the Option Mode 12 ‘The World Warriors 14 Warranty information 28 GETING STARTED — ENE ALLE DELETE LET OTS 1. Check the poner snitch on your Super Nintendo System, Make sure itis OFF before inserting or renewing the game pak 2, Insert your Street Fighter Il: Turbo game pek into your Super Nintendo System and turn the power ON. 3, When the tle screen appears, press the START button and the following three options wil appear: TURBO Used to play Street Fighter Il with TURBO ‘les and moves, Set the game speed for the TUREO game by pressing the contral pad lot Or Fight to select from 0-4 stars. Four stara ie tho fastest moving game while a game with ne stars will nove at normel speed. Used to play Street Fightor Il with Champlon Edition rules and moves. OPTION Used to change various options in the game, Move the merker nest to the type of game you wish to play and press the START Lutton. (For an oxplanation of the OPTION modi Using The Option Mode in this manual.) 4. Tho roxt coroon has two optione: GAME START and V.S. MODE. Use tho control pad to move the marker next to GAME START and press the START button, For an explanation ofthe V.S. Batlla, plaase read Using tho VSS. Batilo section in thie menuel. ) 5. Once you begin the gamo, you wil be acked to eeloct your ‘character. Prose the contrcl pad in eny direction to highight the character you wish to use and press ony button. 6. Tocond the game at any timo, simply tur the power OFF on your Super Nintendo System and eject your cartidge, a NORMAL please read the GONTROLUNG Your FIGHTER Basie Moverents ‘The cont-ols for STREET FIGHTER Ils TURBO tako full ‘edvantece of the capablites of the CAPCOM FIGHTER POWER STICK and the Super Nintendo controller. The dagram below hows the aight base control pad postions that are used in the game Dates —| ) = Fem Deferne rect rine Coxe Important Note: The dizgram shows the control pad positions fora player facing to the rghit. The controls are Feversed when facing to the left FORWARD Used to walk forward FORWARD FLIP Used to iump forward, JUMP Used to jump atreight up BACKWARD FLIP BACK DEFENSE Used to jump boctanard. Used to block high attacks by Your opponent, DEFENSIVE CROUCH ——_Ucod to block low attacks by your opponent. cROUCH Used to crouch or duck OFFENSIVE CROUCH Used to make low attacks a Conmrowunig Your FIGHTER CONT. _ LLL LET OTERO OTE Punretés an Kices: There are throe bavie punches in STREET FIGHTER Il: TURBO TYPE OF PUNCH DESCRIPTION Light Punch Press the ¥ button AB) The jab (5 very quick, but does litle camage Medium Punch Press the X button, (STRONG) The strong punch does a fair “amount of damage Hard Punch Prose the L button (FIERCE? The fierce punch doos a large amount of damage, but is slow: There are three basic kicks in STREET FIGHTER I: TURBO: TYPE OF KICK DESCRIPTION Light Kick Press the B bution (sHORD The short kick is very quick, but doce vary litle damage. Medium Kick ross the A button (FORWARD) The fonwerd kick ie strong and is Paty quiok. Hard Kick ress the R button (ROUNDHOUSE) Thie roundhouee kiok fe powerful, but very slow. a ConmrouniG Your AiGHTER CONT. —$—$——— TT Important Note: The buticn configuration can be changed by plating tho OPTION modb on th tile ooreen or by hosing ddonn the SELECT button ater you Frich a match. Plaace road Using the Option Mode fr more formation pe fumds Lutes CONTROUUING YOUR FIGHTER. CONT. ALLL TT Chose Arracs lose attacks are special techniques which can only he used ‘when two fighters are right next to aach other. Thase tachniquas fall into two besic categories: THROWS and HOLDS, THROWS allow you to greb an opponent and toss them across the room, Some fighters can even do throws in mid-air For Example: [ts possible for Ayu to grab Ken and throw him ver his shoulder. To de the Shoulder Throw, Ryu must push forward against Ken and then ‘you must push the Hard Punch Fierce) button ‘on your contre! pad HOLDS allow you to grab an opponent and then hit or bt them again and again Fer Example: It is possible for Blanka to bite Guile on the hhoad. Te do the Heed Bite, Blanke muet push forward againet Gule and thon you muct puch the Hard Punch Perce) button on your control pad. Practice with your favorite character to discover which throws or braids he or she has. CONTIROLUNIG YOUR. FIGHTER CONT. TT Specia. Moves Each character has developed his or her own special moves for se in combet. All the special moves for each character are Ast edin The World Warriors eecton of ths manual. There are also doszriptions toling you how to do those spocial moves. Below is an example of the diagram for Chun Li's Fireball. The arrows in the diagram indicate the necescery movements on the control pad. Please refer to the movement diagram on page If you are unsure af what the arrows meen. Example: Chun Li'e Frebell Using the control pad, prose =+14» none continuous ‘motion and press ny punch button. (Using the control pa, press (back defense), (defensive crouch) Cerouch), (affenave erouch), forward) in one continuous motion ‘and prose any punch button) Special moves are very dificult to leam, 20 keep practicing them until you get it ight. Tue Tournament Becns nie “Twelve fighters from ecrass the globe have came together to face one another to soe which of thom has the strengta, skil and ‘courage to be crowned champion. Each fighter has mastered different okils andl special moves, but it wil take more than brut strength to defeat the others and earn the tile of Grend Master. Choose GAME START on the thle soreen and you wil be able to select yur champion for the tournamant. As the tournament kegins, your fighter will ‘rave the globe to most ono of tho twelve other challengers, Gf. friend wishes to challenge you during the tournament, he ‘can press the START Lutton on bis controle te interrupt your ‘ame \Whon the match bogine, you must ues your punches, kicks and pediel moves to knock your opponent fat on his back. Each ‘me you Hit him, his energy meter wil decreage. Once your Copporents ereray meter i totally re, he'll be Gov for the ‘count, Win two Out of three rounds and you wil be declared the ‘yanner and earn the right to face the next challenger. Using THe V.S. Bate Move $$ The V.S. Battle alows tvo players to have @ STREET FIGHTER Il competition. When the title seraen appears. push the ceentrel pad UP ar DOWN to move the pointer next to V.S. BATTLE and proce the START button. When the next screen eopears, each player chooses the cheracter they wish to use end presses any button to Continue to the next screen, (On the next screen, there are two options, HANDICAP end STAGE SELECT. Player One can press the SELECT bution to highlight either the HANDICAP or STAGE SELECT option HANDICAP * When the HANDICAP option is hightghted, both playars can press left or right on the ‘contrat pad to increase or decrease the amount of stars. The number of stars Showing determines the amcunt of damage applayer's punches and tecks will do. The higher the number of stars, the greater the ‘amount of demage the punches and kicks wll do, Tis option allows two players of diferent skil lpvels to have an even match STAGE SELECT When the STAGE SELECT option is high lighted, Player One can select the location df the maton by pressing the control pad in any drection. This option allows you to ‘aciect the location of your fight ‘itor all the choices have boen made, Player One can begin the match by pressing the START button. a Us1g THe Option Move | ARRAN AER 12 Option Mode allows you to change certain aspects of the ame. When the ttle screen appears, push the contra! pad UP Br DOWN ta move the marker next to OPTION and press the START button Whon tho next soveen appears, push tha ean, tral pad UP or DOWN to highlight the option you wish to change. DIFFICULTY TIME LIMIT CONFIGURE Thio option changes the dioulty of the computer opponent. Push the control pad left or right to highlight the number of stars. The more sters you highlight, the more aiffcult the opponents wil be to defeat This option alows you to turn an or off the Time Limt. Push the conteol pad ieft or right to highlight ether YES or NO. Ifyou Select YES, the fighters will have 99 sec. onde to knook each other out. Ifyou elect NO, the fight will continue untl one player 'e knocked out Thie option allows you to change the button configuration for your fighter's punches and kicks. Highlight the punch or kick you wish (o change and then press the butten you wish to use for that punch or kick Ifyou are using # CAPCOM FIGHTER, POWER STICK, simply highlight SET and press any button. The game will automat aly configure the buttons to the optimum vonliguration. a Using THE OPTION MODE CONT. ——$—$——— ‘STEREO ‘This option allows you to switch between STERED or MONAURAL sound. Press the contral pad lat o right to highight your choice. MUSIC TEST This option allows you to hear the various piooee of music usad in the game, Proce the A. B, ¥ end X buttons to change the music. Press the button to hear the S.E. TEST ‘This option allows you to hear the various sound effects used in the game. Press the A.B. ¥ and X butions to change the effect. Press the R button to hear the sound effect To leave the OPTION MODE with your new settings, simply press the START bution on your control pad Height, 5'10" Weight: 150 Ibs. Blood Type: O Nationality: Jepanese Fighting Style: Shotokan Karate ‘Astctant of Shotokan school of karat, Ryu has developed toa ppre warer He hes dewotedhs entre fe to the pericetion oF ns feyning sits and has forsaken averytnng else n hse. Ry has no home. no fiends and no famly. stead he wench the globe seek- tng 10 tes Ns sks aganss other fers. Probably the strongest al erourd fighter, yu claimed the tile of «grand chempion aff he nertow dofeat of Sagat. Cool and Caloueting, Ryu very patentin combat. Avaye secking to ‘m@imizo Ho abt, Ryu haa improved the gpa of hie frobal ‘nd uses it to pound his opponents into @ comer. ‘Specen Moves Fireball ~ By summoning al o his . ‘il and channeling it teough his hands, yu can emate an energy wave or HA.OO.KEN". This Hue, geming al = cf energy peace towards any opponent ‘and delvers quite an impact. S Using the contolpeel press y= in ove continuous motion and press any punch button. Moke sure you press the punch butter es ‘yeu reach the end of the contiot pad motion. yf ! Dragon Punch - Usrg tho encent word, "SHO-RYU-KEN", Ryu can call forth tho powor othe Dragon ard chan ‘pol #through his uppercut. As he eeps Into the ar, Ryu and the power of his Dragon Punch ae unmatched Using the convaipad prose »¥% In one contnuétis motion and press any punch button. Make cure you press the punch button a= ‘you reach the end ofthe central pad motion Hurricane Kick —As he spins into the ir Ryu can surnimon the power of hur caneby saying “TATSUMAKISENFU- < KAKU". Using the hurricane’s srengih ‘oli and accelerate his spin, Fyuscen ‘Pow aven execute the hurricane ck wrila in mid-air, Using the controled press 4 in one contincess motion and press any kick button. Make sure you press the Kick button i you reach the end of the cartrcl pad motan, Todo the Hurcane Kick n mobair jump into the ar and then quickly do the move as described above se Edmond Honda Date of Birth: 1-3-1960 ht: 62" Nationality: Japanese Fighting Style: Sumo 1 Edmond Hora has been trained since birth to take his place as the greatest sumo wrastler to ever stop into the ring. Unan roceing the tile of "Yokozuna” or grand champion, Honda ‘Was shocked to learn that the rest cf the world dd not consider Sumo wrestling a true sport. Outraged, he has vowed to prove that Sumo wrestlers ere the greatest fighters in the wort a ‘Acti discipinaron, Honds guides his puis with a stem hana. He undoretands that only through hard work and dedication can ‘one reach a goal. Quick and axtramely powerful, Honda's great- tect advantege ie his ize. Ho loves to use his new Sumo Smash to fatten unsuspecting opponents Sreciat Moves: Hurcrod Hend Slap ~ Through youre tain Honus hos Soon ale sud Trtee ery ie tinea. ses sé nowy move so quicky they are merely a RA Bla Uahg he Fated Hand Sop Za Honda cor move forerd ike acta oe are cee : Sa Prase any punch button repeatedly. F< Tue Wortp Warriors CORT. ————— ‘Sumo Head Butt — Using his great lg Strongth and the traditional sumo = ‘grunt, Honda can propel imeelfhoad frst ito < his epponent. ere Using the control pad. press = and hold it for2 seconds. Then simultaneously press » and push any punci button ‘Sumo Smash - Using ho goat log strength and the wadonl caro grat, Hone can now lep high rt the ar and se tremendous weight lo Maen an oppcnent Using the control pad, press 1 and held it for 2 seconds Thon sinuktanecusly press 4 ard push any kick button. Blanka Dato of Birth: 2.12.1066 Jungle \Very lie ie known about this bizar fighter from the junglos of Brazil, For years, the natives have reported cecing a half man, ha-beast roaming the rain forests. But, ithas only within the ast year, tat the beast named Blanke appeared in the cities of Brazil and challenged any fighter who would dare oppose him, Normally passive and docile, when enraged Blanka attacks tke ‘an uncaged arial Blanka uses his speed and agity to inflct ‘maximum damage on his opponents He often uses his claws ‘and razor sharp teath to shred his opponent into small pieces. Specw. Moves Electricity - Using 2 tectnique he Teomed from electric ele, Blanka can ‘channel up to 1,000 vats through his oki, ‘Azyone vio iiss to grab him during this tine isin fora shocking discovery. Press any purch button repeatedly, yf Tue Wortp WARRIORS CONT. Rolling Attack —Roling hinsefinioa bal, Blanka can fainch himself he 2 humen projsctia. Blerka's raling attack ccaninfiet 2 huge amount of damage on an ‘opponent. Using the control pad, press ~ and hold it for 2 seconds. Then sinulianeously press » and push ary punch button, Vertical ling Attck -Felrg hin eater td Satacnlec aoe Cal ail Wider deecnlin ar By Son ois rit i roel a Using the control pad, press 1 and hold 1 fer 2 seconds. Then simultaneously press 4 and push any kick bution. Dato of Birth: 12.23:1060 Height: 6'1" Weight: 191 Ibs. Blood Type: Nationality: American Fighting Style: Special Forces ‘An exmember of an alte Spacial Forces team, Guile and his co. pilot Charlo were captured during 2 mission in Thailand six yeare go. After many months af imprsonmert, he and Chatie man, aged ta escape fram their jungle prison, During the partous Wak te chvlzation, Charlie died ard Guile has been consumed ty vengeance ever since. Gila's calm and emotionless exterior hides rage inside. Driven, by bie need for revenga, ha wal lat nathing standin his way. Using a unique blond of Special Forcos training and street fight. ing shils, Gull ie a foree to be reckoned mith Srécia. Moves ‘Sonic Boom — By whpping his hands ‘and arme through the a, Gull is ale to reate a kuret of oxorgy called the Sonic Boom. This energy burst oped towards ‘an opponent and momenta stuns ery cone itits, Using the control pad, press «and hold it for 2 seconds. Than simultaneously press» and push any punch button. iF Tee Wortd WARRIORS CORT. Fach Wek _Sintrn he Sonor Gaobaessootscueranararary an Errhasoheteaiaotoar Siederdllles Tiemeee ocr s, carota cies arnt drag toonenetolah Seiwa Using the control pad. press ¥ and hold it for 2 seconds. Then simuitancously press 4 and push any kick button simultencously A disciple of the Shoickan school of karate, Ken is anatural athlete Unfortunately, Ker's natural fighting skil has fueled his giant ego and thes constanly reminding his opbonenis that hes the greatest ight er of alltime. For the pest year, Ken hes let his sklls deteriorate end has spent most ofhis time on the beach with his giFiond. Oniy a chellenge from his old traning pertner, Ryu, bes rekndied his ighting pit and caused him to ty and perfect hie Dragon Punch and Huricane kc. Brash ard arrogant, Ken loves to show off during aight. Alter knocking his cpponent sersseless with the speed of his Humane Kick, Kea loves to frish them off with his improved Dragon Punch, SpéciaL Moves Fireball - By summoning all of his wall and charneing it through hsshends, Ken can, Create an anergy wave or "HADO.KEN” This blue. glowing bal of energy speeds towards any opponent znd delivers quite en Inpect. Creatng a frebal dans most of Ken's eneruy and i takes him few sec- nds to recover afer summoning one. Fighting Style: Shotokan Karate é Using the control pad, press ya» in one continuous motion land press any punch button. Make sure you press the punch: button as you reach ihe end of the control pad motion, a pet Wortp WARRIORS CONT. ‘Dragon Punch — Using the ancient ‘werd, “SHO-RYULKEN”, Kon can call ferth the power ofthe Dragon and chan- nalit trough hia upporeut. Kon's ‘mproved Oragon Punch sacrifices poner for increased rence, but the punch sil remains the most devastating moveln his arsenal Using the control pad, ppress =¥4 in one continuous motion and prose any punch button. Mako sure you proce the punch button as you each the end of the contro! pad motion, Hurricane Kick — Ashe spins ito the air, Ken can sutrenon the power ofa hur Cane by saying “TATSUMAKISEN-PU- gee KVAKU". Usirg the great speedottne bhureane to lit and acceler his spi, Kon en now execute @ Hurricane Kick in ida. Using the control pad, press yi one continuous motion ‘and press any Mek button. Make sure you press the kick button ‘as you reach the end of the control pad rotor. = = To do the Hurricane Kick in midrair,jump into the air and then quickly do the move as described above, yf Chun Li Date of Birth: 3-1-1968. Hoight: 5'8" Weight: (She won't tell) Blood Type: A Nationality: Chinese Fighting Style: Kung Fu LUnike many of the other contestants, Chun Li has nat enterad the tournament for personal gloy. Instead, she has baon secratly raclang the movements of an nteiational smuggling ‘operation kraw as Shadowioo The tral has lead hee to the tour rnament and she now beleves that one of the Grand Masters may have been responsible for the death of her fether. ‘Stunned by har good looks, opponents often underestimate (Chun Li's abitty and find themselves Fattenca by a few wall placed kicks. Chun Li's quest for justice guides her Ife, but at heart she is stila young gri who yearns 10 ive anormal life, Speci Moves Lightning Kick — Years of training hao alewed Chun Lito develop a series of powerful icks which surke so quickly that all hats visible isthe blue blur of her ‘mong feet & Praee any kick button repeatady. a Whirlwind Kick - Defying areviy, ‘Chun Li fips upside devin and spins around ike atop. Using her powerfullegs to ther end keep her soft, Chun Licen now exenute the Whitind Kein mid ar Using the control pad, press ¥ and holit for 1 second. Then simuitaneously press 1 end push any kick button, . i Todo the Whidnind Kick n mid-air janp into thea ak then aquchly do the move as desorbed above Fireball By topping her Ch, Cun fa leored culeash nor own vorsiono Re, S the ictal, Notontaing totam power mee aE) cr speed of Ken or Ryu's frebal, Chun gw U'sversion ofthe frebal stil packs punch f Using the control pad, press <7 none continuous ‘motion and preze ary punch button, Make sure you press the ‘punch button as you reach the end of tho control pad mation, yf Date of Height: 7° Weight: 256 Ibe. Blood Type: A Nationality: Rus: Fighting Style: Wrestling 1956 Xe Mery believe that Zangief entered the tournament out of his fieree respect for his country. but they are only partaly correct, Zangiet loves his country. but fie loves to stomp on his oppo: nents even more. What else would you expect frem a man who wresties bears for fun? Good natured. with a graat sense of humor. Zangef loves 10 ‘ight. He left the Russian Wresting Federation because of the lank of comperton and now seeks sultable opponents viheraver he can fied theen, Totally fearless, Zangief is more than wing to walk ito @ punch as tong as he can grab his opponent and crve them into pavement with hig Sonning Pile Driver Specian Moves Spinning Clothesline ~ Spnning around wth his arms held out Stretched, te Spinning Clothesine wil knock senestess anyone whe wanders wot Press any two punch buttons simultenecusly a Tue Wortp WARRIORS CONT. $$ Turbo Spinning Clothesline ~ ‘Spinning around! with his arms held cut- ‘stretched, the Turbo Spnning Chothestine £: ‘docentt last as long as the Spinring Ccthesine, butt movon alot quicker. And it also prevents Zongief from being hit below the belt Press any two kick bustons simultaneously. Spinning Pile Driver — ‘itor grabbing hie opponent and fipping them upside down, Zangiefleepe into the ai. Spmirg around lke atop, Zarcick ‘hen dil rs opponent head fst nto pavement as they land, Prose the control pad in 2 360 degree rotation and press any ‘punob button. Mako eure you press the punch button as you ‘each the end of the contral pad motion. The 360 degree rota tion on the control pad must be done very quickly or Zengiet will n0t do the move. Tue Wortp WARRIORS CONT. 41-22-1982 Height: 5°10" Weight: 107 1 Netionality: Indian Fighting Style: Yooa Over the course of his life, Dhalsim hes sought to unify his med, body and soul through the discipline of Yoga, Now. as he nears, his Goal, Dhalsim must test himself and his sklls before he can tise to @-highe state of consciousness, By conticiing his mind and body, Dhalsim is able to extend his arms and legs great distances. However, Dhalsin’s oreatest shils his patience. He knows that he does not stend a chance ina slugging match. Instead, he concentrates on using bi unique abilities to keep his enemies at a distance and to slowiy wear them dav, Whle Dhalsim will do everything necessary to win, be will never hur ks opponent more then necessery, nor wil he ever take another fighters fe. Sreciat Hoves Yoga Fire - tapping myteat onorpies from doop vin al Dhalsim can opt forth aba fom that neerates ying touches, Using the conrrolpad. press 4» in one continuous mation ‘and press any punch button. Make sure you press the punch button ae you resch the end of the contra! pad motion. a Tue Wortp WARRIORS CONT. ‘Yoga Flame — Used for dose ‘attacks, Dhalsim can tap mystical enerules o spew forth a cloud of ferme. Using the control pac, press «14» in one continuous motion ‘and press any punch buiton, Make sure you press the punch button as you reach the end of the control pad motion. ‘Yoga Teleport Noi ily sasfed with his mastery of Yous, Dhslsim's atest ‘medizatons have anckoned in him the ‘ability 0 teleport himeclf chert distances, ‘Able to do tis t wil, Dhelsim often ‘appears in Front ofan opponent one moment and bshind Fim the noxt. To appear in front of your opponent: Using the controled press <1» in one caninuciss motion and press al three punch bultons ora three eck buttons. Make sure ‘you press the buttons ae you reach the end of the coniro| pat ‘motion Pressing the punch buttons wil olgport you elose to your apparent, While using the ack buttons vil teleport you tutor away, To appear behind your opponent: Usng the contro/ped. press »¥* in one contiucus motion and press all three puch burtons or al thes kick butions. Make sure "you press the buttons as you reach the end ofthe control ped ‘metion Preseing the punch buttons wel teleport you elese to your appa- nent. while using the kick buttons wil teleport you furthar away. a Tue Wortp WARRIORS CONT. ——$—$—— Balrog Date of Birth: 9.4.1968 Height: 6's" Woight: 252 Ibe. Blood Type: A Nationality: America Fighting Style: Boxing ‘A former heavyweight champion, Balrog was barred from pr0- Feecional boxing aftor he ignorad the rules ofthe ring. Wild and ‘aggressive, Bakrog now mekes a living brawling on the stroote ‘of Las Veges and occasionally picks up a buck as hired muecle for M. Bison. Subscribing fo the theory thet whoever hts the hardest wins, Balrog is all brann and very Ite brain. While he can easly ba coutemarted, few fighters have his strength and tenacity. Speci. Moves: Turn Punch — Turing his back to hie ‘epponent fora moment, Balrog il sprint fornerd and omaoh hie opponent with a singe devestatng blow. Press and hold all punch buttons oral kick buttons for 2 ‘seconds and thon release. o> Tue Wortp WARRIORS CONT. ——$—$— Dash Punch — Turing his back tos = ‘opponent fora mement, Bakog wil sprint ‘onward ard smash his opponent witha lightning qui punch — Using the control pad, press = and hold it for2 seconds. Then simultaneously press» and push any punch or kick but- ton. Punch buttons wil cause a straight punch and kick buttons will cause an uppercut punch, Tue Wortp WARRIORS CONT. vega Dato of Birth: 1-27-1967 9 Height: 6'0” Weight: 208 I Blood Type: O Nationality: Spanish Fighting Style: Spanish Ninjitsu eu (OF noble blood, Vaga has successfully blended the Japanese art of Nirjteu with tho ako he loomed a2 a matador. The reault ie ‘ beautiful and deadly ballet which has eamed Vege the nick: name of the "Spanish Ninja.” Vain andl egotistical, Vega lives by the philosophy that beauty is atenath Despising anything valy, Vege viens himself as "per fect” and uses « mesk to prevent is face from becoming scarred n battle Used by M. Bison primanly as an assassin ‘Vega often dispatches his opponents using his Caw. Species Moves: (Claw Dive - Using his claw to scele a wall, Vaga climbs to the cciing ard thon jumpe and ddesoonde on hie opponentin a deadly version of a swan div. : Using the controlpad. press ¥ and halt for2 seconds, Then simultaneously press 4 and push any kick button. While 1 mé.ai push the control pad toward your eppenent and prose any punch button. Ff Tue Wortp WARRIORS CONT. ‘Wall Leap — Jumping and rebounding of aside wal, Vege descondo cn hie ‘opporent and qucky does a quick ar sup. Using the control pad, press ¥ and holt for 2 saconds. Thon simultaneously preee 4 and push any kick button. While in mid-air push the control pad tovtrd your opponent and prose ‘any punch button ‘Claw Roll - Whie standing, Vega wi ‘often execute a quick forward rel and take 2 quick stab at en opponent a Using the control pad, ores + and hold it for2 seconds. Then simultaneously press» and push any punch button Tue Wortp WARRIORS CONT. $$ Sagat Date of Birth: 7-2-1055 Height: 7°4” Weight: 283 Ibs. Blood Type: vA Nationality: Thal ay Fighting Style: Muay Thai Once called “King of the Strost Fighters”, Saget reigned supreme unti his narrow defeat at the hands of Ryu. Humileted at his loss, he now plans to regein the tile at any cost. Saget's Muay Thai fighting style is thought to be the most powerfulin the world. With the exception of M. Bison, no other fighter comes close to his overall fghting ability. At heart an honorable man, Sagat Is tortured by his loss to Ayu and will side with anyone wo wil give him the chance or experience needed to regain the tite Sreown Moves Tiger Uppercut After his oes to Ryu, SSegat destlod the only way te counter the Dregon Punch wes to erate one of his own. Leaping higfinto the aires he tiers the neds, “Tiger Uppercut” ‘Saget and his uppercut are vtuelly vrstoppbie. Using the control pad. press 14 in.ene continuous motion and press any punch button. Make sure you press the punch button as you reach the end of the control ped mation. yi Toe Worip WARRIORS CONT. ‘Tiger Knee — Using hs powerful and snowy loge, Sagat quick logpe forwaré ‘vor his opponent's low attack ancl knocks them aerseless wih his krees. Using the contro! pad, press 14¢ inane continuous motion ‘and press any Kick button. Make sure you press the kick button ‘as you reach the end ofthe control pad mation Tiger Shot — To ccurter the poner of Py’ frebal, Saget has developed aproctil known as Ther Shots. Abie 1 throw these powertii frojectles ether high o° ex, ‘Sagat can rfict damage on ‘opponents or effentvely nogate other prejectics. Using the control pad, press Yr in one continuous motion ‘and press ery punch or kick button, Using a Punch Button wil tinrow a high Tiger Shot. ville pressing a kick button vail throw a ow Tiger Shot. Make sure you press the punch button as you reach the ead of the control pad motion. Weight: 254 Ibs. Blood Type: A Nationality: Unknown Fighting Stylo: Unknown Never has @ men been mere cloaked in secrecy than M. Bison Ever sinoe he emerged to leed the international crimirel organization Shadowoo, the world has been awed by the ineredibie power at his command Seen as the master of ev), Bison rules over his empire vith an iron fet. Praferring to let his underings do most of the dirty Work, Bison only unleashes his powerful psyche ably when absolutely necozeary. Unmetched in his power and agility, M, Bicon reigne euprome as tho greatest Street Fighter in the word Speoin Moves Peycho Crusher By chemneing hie 1p3/thle energy through his body, Bison is ‘abe to levilete and surround himself wath ‘a pewerful faring aura. Spinning head first toward his wetim, M. Bean's Psycho ‘Crasher wilgeta his opponent in psychic flame and infiot hoawy damage. Using the contro! pad, press = and hold'it for 2 seconds. Then simultaneously press» and push eny punch button y > Tue Wortp WARRIORS CONT. ‘Scissor Kick ~Lungng feet frst this 4 ‘opponent, Bison sails aver low attacks ‘ ‘with two devastating kicks which wil put bis opponent flat on their back Using the control pac. press = end holdt for 2 seconds. Then simultaneously press» and push ary kick bution. Head Stomp - Using his poychio ablity tolaunch himoo into the a, Bison wil ‘stomp on the head of hie opponent nd then dive tonerd his opponent with @ ‘second cushing blo. Using the control pad, press ¥ and hold it for 2 seconds Then simultaneously press 4 and push ary kiok button. Alltor executing tho stomp, press tho cortrel pad towards your ‘opponent end press ary punch button. (WARRANTY INFORMATION $$ CAPCOM US.A., Ine. (Capeom”) warrants to the origina oneumer that this Capeom Game Pak ("PAK") shal be free from defects in metorial and workmanship for a period of 99 days from date of purchase, [Fe defect covared by this warranty ecurs during this 90-day warranty period, Capcom wil repair or replace the PAK, at its option, free of charve. To recelve this warranty service: 1, DONOT retum your defective Game Pek to the retailer 2. Notify the Capcom Consumer Service Department of the [problem requiringwarranty service by caling (4080727-04c0, ‘Our Conaumer Service Dapartment iain oporation trom 8.00, AM. to 5:00 P.M, Paoifis Time. Monday through Friday. 4. Ifthe Capcom service technician ie unablo to eolve the problem by phone, he will provide you with a return Authorization number. Smply record this number on the outside packaging of your defective PAK, and retum your PAK freight prepaid, at your risk of damage. together with your eales slp or similar proof-of-purchase within the 90-day ‘warranty peried to: CAPCOM U.S.A., Inc. Coneumer Service Deprtmant 3903 Scot! Boevard Santa Clara, CA 95054 “This warranty shall not apply the Pak has been damaged by rnogligonce, accident, unreesonable use, modfeation, tampering, cr by other causes urvelated to the defective materiale or workmanship. y= (WARRANTY INFORMATION CONT. | SAGA RETELI ALATEST TORI Repairs after expiration of warranty: Ifthe PAK devalope a problem ater the 90 dey warranty period, you may contact the Cepcom Consumer Service Department at the phone number noted previous. Ifthe Capoom service technician is unable to solve the problem by phone, he may provide you with a Return Authorization aumber. You may then record thie number on the outside packagng of the Defective PAK and return the dofestive PAK irsight prepaid to Capeorn, ‘onslosing a chock er money order for $16.00 payable to CAPCOMUS.A., Inc. Capcom mill atts option, subject to the: ccondltions above, repair the PAK or replace it with a new or repalted PAK, I replacement PAKS are not avallabe, the defer: /e PAK vill ba returned and the $15.00 paymant refunded WARRANTY LIMITATIONS: ANY APPLICABLE IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE HEREBY LIMITED TO NNETY DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH HEREIN, INNO EVENT. SHALL CAPCOM BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, The provisions of this werranty ae valid inthe United States only: Some states do not alow Imitators on now long an implied warrenty lasts or exclusions of coneequentil o- incidental damages, 20 the above linietone and exclusions may not apply fo you. This waranty gives you spectic legal rights, ‘and you may have other rights nbich vay from state to sit a Cees Een) Enters weed Cee eee oy Piet

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