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earn A SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM CAPCOM, Thank you for seeing Super Street Fighter IT the laces edition (o ‘CAPCOM'S library of Sueet Fighter tes, Following ihe success of the original Street Fighter Il Super Street Fighter [I continucs ‘our tradition of hard-hitting action for yout Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Street Fighter 11 fcanres 32 meaabis of colorful stte-of- the-ar high resolution graphics and sere9 sound. We at CAPCOM fate proud to bring you this exciing new edilon wo yout Yideo ‘ame library. Yours truly. Hein thoes Joseph Morici Senor Vie Pst INFORMATION & PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET CAREFULLY BEFORE WARNING: PLEASE MEAD THE ENCLOSED CONSUMER | USING YOUR NINTENDO" HAROWARE SYSTEM OF GAME Pai CAPCOM USA. he Ws Osenua Paty Saray Calne latte af Contents A Special Message fam Capcom. Satety Precautions Geting Stated. Controlling your Fignter ‘The Toumainentt Champions. ‘The Supe Batle Mode The VS. Baile, Th Group Baile Mode The Tournament Battle Mode ‘The'Tine Challenge Mode The Option Mode Tho New Challengers os ‘Warranty Inferation ‘Street Fighter's Notes 1B “u 16 Safety Precautions Follow these suzgestons io keep your Super Street Fighter ‘game pak in perfect operating consiin. |. DO NOT subject your Game Pak wo extreme temperatures, sither hot or Sold, Always store iat room temperature, DO NOT touch the terminal connectors on your Gare Pak, ‘Keep it cleat and dastfree by almays siorig tin its protective plasie sieeve, 5. QO NOT try to crsassemole yen Ose Pak DO NOT let your Game Pak dome in contact with thine, solvents, benzene, sleohel, or sn other strong cleaning agents thar can damage it Gelting Stanted ‘Chcck the poner swiicl on your Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Make sure tis OFF before inseating or removing the Game Pak. Inger. your Super Street Fighter 1 Game Pak iio your Supe Nantendo System and naen the power ON, When te tls sorcon appoar. pross the START button and the the words CAME START will appese. Press LEFT or RIGUT ‘on your contel pad to set dhe TURBO speed setting. Thee stars 's the fates: Turbo moe, while zee stars inlicate the norma) atcade speed. ‘Afr you have set the speed setung. press the START ution ‘The next seren isthe main game selection screen, Here you can cheoss from: SUPER BATTLE VS. BATTLE. GROUP BATTLE MODE TOURNAMENT BATTLE TIME CHALLENGE ‘OPTION ‘Use the control pad «move the marker resto SUPER BATTLE ane press the START baton. For-a description of exch of the othet game modes, please ‘fer to the descriptions printed later i this mis Getting Started oe | Contuotiing Your q tighter 2, Pres the contol pad in any dieciion to bighishy acer you Wish to use and press any button, ‘The diggram below shows the eight basic contol pal positions that ace sed in the gore, 6 To end the gerne at say time, simply tum the power OFF on Your Super Nintendo System anc eject your ean. | IMPORTANT NOTE ‘The diagram shows the control pad postions jor a player facing so the right, The controls are reversed when facing to the lef Coutretiing Your Fighters, cone PUNCH AND KICK BUTTONS Bach of the characters in Super Street Fighter II use three base piches and three basic kicks, Thoy are listed balow: Light Punch lab) Presse ¥ buvon. The jb is very ‘quick, bat does tale damage Medium Punch (Strong) Press tne X button Te song punch dost a fair vont of damage Hard Punch (Pieree) ross the L button. The fierce puch does a large amount of damage, nat isto. Light Kiek (Short) Press the B duutou The shor ick every quick, bur does very tinke damage Medium Kick (Forward) Press the A buttonThe forcard Nick ssrong and is fairly quich. ‘Hard Kick (Hard) ress the R button.This roundouse ‘Mok is powerful, bur ver slow Controtiing Your Fighter, pend Hara Puen IMPORTANT NOTR: “The button configuration can he changed by selecting the OPTION made on the tite screen or by holding down the SELECT button during the V.S. soreen or after you fish a match, Pease read Using ‘the Option Mode for moze information. - Contnottin go Your Fighters con THROWS AND HOLDS ach fighter is Super Steet Fighter It has a namber of diferent throws and holds. These throws and hoks ean only be done when the tno fighter ere within “Grabbing Range." The Grabbing ange for each charavies is diferent, but most throws ang holds are done ‘won two Fighter are right aextto cach otber. ‘TAROWS allow you to grab an opponent and toss them across the roam, Some fighiers can even do sows in thir. or Beample: 11. possible for Ryu grab Ken and theow him ‘ver ins shoulder. To do the Shonller Throw, Rye ‘must puch forward agains) Ken and then pou must push the Harel Punch (Pierce) button on your ‘omnro! pad. HOLDS allow you to gra an opponent and then hit or bite thew again and again, For Example: Its possible for Blanka to bite Guile on the head, Ta do the Head Bite, Blanka mast push forward against Gudle are then you must push the Hard Purch (Pierce) bacon on your control pad Practice with your favorite character to discover whieh itiows far holds they have and how to use hem (a your aavantage, Cantnotiing Your Fagalers cont HOWTO DO SPECIAL MOVES ‘Each character bas developed his orher own special moves fbr use in combat, All the special moves for each character ae listed in Tae New Warnors section ofthis mana), There are also descriptions telling you hov' to do these special meves, ‘Special Moves are very hurd t learn, it may tke weeks before ‘you can do them every time, Keep practicing thera util you et them cht Below isan example of the Giagram or Chun Lis Kioken Fireball, “The arrows in he diagram indicate the necessary mavements on the ‘control pad, Please refer tothe movement diaaram oa page * if you are unsure of what the arrows mean. For Example. Chun Ls Kivken Fireball. Using the contol edd press « and hold itfor 2 seconds. Then simultaneously press » ind pash any punch buster Using the contrel pad, press (back defense) and hold for 2 seconds, Then simultancously press (forward) and push any push ton, The lournament of Champions FG face ith ere ae a mre the call Canny, Fe Long. Dee Jay ane T. Hawk all havetheir ovmseasons fir ertenng the toumament ant ea wilt pohady Sani te way! ‘Choose SUPER BATTLE on he nian gare oleton mon ar yet be sbleto elect your charter fr the oarament. As thoteumarert begis. ‘et fighter will uavel tho globe te meet one of tie sixteen ober hers ‘When thomatch bosin, you mst wo all of ycurighting sills wo deen your ‘pponci. Each ime you hi kik or dzow your opponent hsenerzy mer Wwilldectease Oncehis enc ees tol 1 "ll be hncekex ot anc ‘ou willbe declared dhe wine. Win owo out of Ure rounds eu you car he Tight fice te nox challenger on your w/t your Fcethe awesome ight ‘of M Bisco The Super battle Itede In he SUPER BATILE sode, you willeoose a fighter and autempt« defeat al the oder challengers (o eam the i co face M, Bison and the oes Grand Masers. Ir yu succeed; you wil S26 sory ending for your character Which will ompR his or her quest tor the ehamniensip, The SUPER BATTLE Mode does allow a second playe te join ln and fight against you t any timo. The second player oust bit the START button on their contoller and aftr a moment the game will reium to the character selection sereen and allow. the player to choose bl character lhe U3: Eatt(e. Mode. The V.S. Baul allows two players to baile hecd-tehcad ina veries of matches. When the tie screen appeat, push the canto) pad UP b: DOWN 10 eve the poiuer nex! (0 V.8. BATTLE and press ite START bution. When the next sereen appears, each player chouses the character thay wish 10 use andl presses any button fo continue 10 the next screen, (On the next screen, there are Wo options: HANDICAP and STAGE, SELECT. Player One oan press the SELECT button to highlight either the HANDICAP os STAGE SELECT option HANDICAP — Whea the HANDICAP option is highlighted, bah layers can press lef or right onthe control pad to S01 heir ATTACK LEVEL. The numberof stars showing deeamines the amnint of damage player's punches and Licks wll do. The higher the number ‘of srs, the greater the amount of damage the Punches ard kicks will do. This option allows ovo players of eifferent skill Ievels eo lave an even siatch, the U5. Battle Mode, im ‘When ihe STAGE SELECT option is highlighted, Player One ean select the location af the mate by pressing the ‘contol pa left or right. This eption allows ‘you to select the location of your Hight Aor all the choices have been nade, Player One can begin the ‘natch by pressing te START butter. lhe Groupe Battte Utode ‘The Croup Batlle mode allows iyo players to have he Street ‘Fghter characters team up apains! each other in a Sees oF fight ‘Choose the GROUP BATTLE option onthe main screen and press the STARE button. When there screen appears, Press the con) pid up or down to sole! the tournament rules yon ave going to se ‘and press the START baiton. MATCH PLAY In this moo, to playors must selec the sare number of choractss, Each player selects ons to cjght characiers nd then! loeginy a match in which the fist characte from one player's ‘ea bats the first character ftom the other player's team. After the much is Finished, he second character fom each eam vill batle each osher, This wil coneinae until al the marches have been completed, NATION mode each player chooses up to eight characters (Payers do sot needy chaos the sate numberof chucacters) Ih playet wins | match he can Coniinue w use te character unui he is defeated ‘The firs player to tose li his characters, Joses the match ‘On the neat sercen players will select the numberof characters they will use, (Ifyou are playing an elimination mach, each player will settheir own numberof characters) Press the contro pad up ‘dow to increase or decrease the nummberof characters. Aft you ‘inished, press the START button to proceed fo the nex! sersen ‘When the nest screen appeats, both players can solec their | characters using their contol pads, Player 1 wal sclect character ‘ist and then Player 2. Use the contol pad to highligh a characer anc press any button co coake the selection, After both players ave chosen all their characters, the HANDICAP and STAGE SEL ECT soreon will automatically sppear. Use the control pat to make your selections just asin the V.S. BATTLE ‘moc and press the START button tp begin be tourtament. The Tournament Battte Mode. Jo the TOURNAMENT BATTLE, upto eight players can ‘compete forthe Steet Fighter Championship. fer you select TOURNAMENT BATTLE fiom the main screen, the first player ‘ean solect his charactor. After this has been done, the second player ean choose his character. When everyone has selected their character, highligh, END and press the START button Lar you don’t have eight people t Play with, the computer Wil Automatically pick other fighlers a canto ter in bate ageint you) ‘When the tournament begins each player will be essigned a prctiminary mach, Before each mate, you il beable to select the attack level of your character, just asin the VS, Mode. After You hae done tis, press START und the match will bein, ach matel is only { round. Ifyon Tose, you will ight te fase Df the other matches to decide your final ranking, If you win, you will advance to the semi-finals nd he one step cls 16 the championship. the lime Chattenge Mode The TIME CHALLENGE tess your speed and quickness as you + ry to knock out a computer opponent inthe fastest time possible Alter you select TIME CHALLENGE, you will need t choose ‘your character and press the START bution. After you have “elected your character, choose the 2P character forthe cornpuler 16 control and press the START button, ‘When the bande bexits, you ave 1 Round to knock out your ‘opponent as quickly 2s pessibe, If you succeed in breaking the CAPCOM secords, you yall ear the right to eter Your mits 4s one ofthe greatest street fighters tthe world! The COpgtion Mode ‘The Option Mode allows you t change certain aspees ofthe game, ‘When the tite screen appears. push the conirn) pad UF of DOWN {fo move the mucker rex! o OPTION ara press the START button ‘When the next screen appears, push the control pad UP o DOWN. ‘e highlight tho option you wish to change, DIFFICULTY This option changes the difficulty ofthe computer ‘opponett. Push the con pad left or right i> highlight the auraber of sats, The more siars you highlight, the more difficult he opponents will beta defeat TIME LIME ‘This option allows youto turn on or of the Time Limit, Push the edntrol pad left or right 1o highlight cither YES or NO. Ifyou select YES, the fighters ‘yl hays 99 seconds to knock cach other oat. IF ‘you select NO, the fight ill continue until ene player is knocked ou, CONFIGURE ‘This option alows you to change the button configuration for your fighters punches and kicks. “ighight tho pach o kick you wish to change ‘are thon pest the button you svish to use for ta punch or kick, I'you are using a CAPCOM FIGHTER POWER ‘STICK, simply highlight SET and press any button. The gare will automatically conn gure the buttons tothe optim conTiguration, The Option Mode, cant STEREO This option allows you to switch between STEREO. for MONAURAL sound, Press she contro} pad eft ‘right to highlight your choice ‘To Ieave the OPTION MODE with your new settings, simply press tho START baiton on your control pad, ’ The Hew Chattengert FEI LONG Date of Bieth: | 4.23-1969 Height: se Weight: 132 Ibs, Blood Type: 0 Alter seoing his ist martial ats movie at an early age, Foi Long dedicated himself to learning the art of Kung Fu. When be was younger, he decamed of beconting a movie ste, but now be follows ‘a ciferent path. Honor and discipline ere now his only focus and he thas entered dhe tournament io es himself an his sills agains he greatest wattors in de world, SPECIAL MOVES, Rekha Kea Me Using the control pad, press V4 in one ee euntimos onion ana press any punch ‘uon. Make sure you press the punch ‘uton as you reach the end ofthe eprtrl pad mopion. This move can be done 3 tine in.a rom for extra damage. Using me Control pad. préss <0 in one continues metion and press any tick hutton. Make sure you press the kick Ibetton as you reach the end 2f he ‘control pad motion caMMy Dateof Birth: 1-6-1974 © Height: ap 2 Meats 10th. ft coe B Currently an agent of British Inelligence, Cammy was found suffering toxal memory loss neara British Military installation. ‘Taken ia by British Intelligenée, Cammy underwent Special Fences traning and quickly ne to the head of the class. Now ‘working undercover in the World Warrior tournament, Carniny ‘is about 1p lear the rut about her Staring past SPECIAL MOVES Trent Kick Ft co pa ps = ioe He sentcss nostnond ne otek, Sf ‘button. Make sure you press the puch 6 set en at pe adc i ced x x Plnion The Mew Chattengers, oie ‘Using the cour pad. press v4 in one continuons mation andi press any tick button. Make sure you press the kick ‘ution as you reach the end of the control pad motion. sing the contr pad, press <® none ‘antinenasmtiom ar press any punch hutar, Moke sure sou press the punch ‘ution as you reach rhe ond of the centro pad moion ‘The Hew THUNDER HAWK Date ot Bie: 7-21-1959 eign: rr Weight: 357 Ihe. Blood Type: 0. Alte ls homeland was taken from tion by Shadowlaw, 7, Hawk ‘and his family were moved vo Mexico, Now. he has Yowed regain the homeland and destroy Biscn, Using his huge size and [oxerful Native American nresting lechnigues, T. Hawk has ‘advanced tothe Weld Warrior tournament and has set his sights ‘on desinoying Bison. SPECIAL MOYES. ‘The Hawk Using the control pad. while a dar ee press all thee puoich butions ee moe Using the Conirol pud press © ¥ Sin one ‘continuons motion and press why paach ‘buron. Make sure you prets she ptch loutan as vou reach the end ofthe ‘antral pad moon. Using te coniro} pad, quick press 369 degree on the control pad und press ary burch butan. Make sure you press the ppurch button as you reach the ond of the control pad motion: The Hew Py cond Using te Comiro! pu, press ~ for 2 Seconds and then press » and simutiane~ Wei Sues ye Pa Male ee Bete Padre puch orton gerean the end of the control pad motion. ‘Trained as a Kickboxcr in Jamaica, Des Jay's frst love isis music. (Overthe years, Dee Jay has even integrated the bea of his music into his fighting style, Togcte his music and his kickboxing have, ‘Tormed s unique syle which Dee Jay thinks will lead him 0 the top ff the charts and to the top of the World Warrier Tournament Using the control pad. press ~ for 2 seconds and then press » and simultane ously press any kick buon repeatedly Make sure you press the kick button as you reach SPECIAL MOVES the end of the conrel pad motion. Hyper Fist sing the control pa. press Vor 2 Seconds ond then press 4 and simudiane- ‘uly prest repeatedly an plrnch button ‘Make sure you press the puch bution {5 yu reach the end of the control ‘pad mition The Hew Challengers, cont % RYU Date of Birth: 7-21-1964 sib 150 ths, Vet tuseatypes So. ‘A student ofthe Shotokan school oF karate, Ryu has developed into 1 pure warrior, He-has devoted his entue life co the perfection ef his Fighting skills and has forsaken evervihing ele i his i Ry fs ne home. no friends sod no family, Fnstead, he wanders the globe seeking lo lest his skills against other Fane, SPECIAL MOVES Fireball Using the come pa. press Y4" inone continnous motion wd pres any pur bouton. Mae sure you pres ihe pues ‘button as you reach the ond of the ‘control pod motion The Hew CRATENGERS; cont Red (Sean) Fireball Using the conwrol pad, press =p 74 in ‘one continuous metion ard press any ‘bunch bation, Mike sure you press the ‘putch bution as vou reac the end of the ‘ontrl pad motion. Dragon Punch Using the coniral pad, press = 9's in one ‘continous motion and press any punch Duiton, Make sure you press de puch Dutton as you reach the end of he ‘eon pad onion, Using the contol pad. press yin one ‘continucis motien and press ary kick Tuscon. Make sure you pres the dick but- on as vou reach the end of de consrot ‘pad mone. To do the Hurricane Kick in mid-air. jump int she aie act then quickly do the move as described above. The Hew CRAMENGERY; cot a EDMOND HONDA. Date of Births 11-1960 Tight Weight: Blo Types & mond Honda hs been isin sine birth to take is pce at tne aratest sumo rates evee sop int he ng. Upon receiving the tle of “¥ekozana" or stand champion, Honda was shocked re Tear that crest ofthe werd id ot consider Suro wreatling a ‘lve sport Outraged. he has Yowed to prove tat Sumno wrestlers ae the great Fightin the ward ‘SPECIAL MOVES: Hundred Hand Slap. 12 Using se contro press any punch amon repeatedly. Sumo Smash Using te Control pad, press ~ ane hold it Jor 2 seconds. Then sinultaneousiy press m ‘and push ny punch bution Using the conirot pad, press y and hold i¢ for 2 reconds. Then sinutaneousiy press & ‘and push any tok button The Hew BERL, cant \ BLANKA Date of Birth: 2-12-1966 Height: os Weight: 218 Ibs, Blood Type: ‘Very litle is known about tis bizare fiber fromthe jungles ‘of Brazil For yeurs, dhe nailves have reported seeing a half-man. hnalf-bease roar ie rn ress, But, thas only wit the ast year, tha ihe beast named Blanka appeared in the etis oF Bra] and challenged any fighter who wold dare oppose him. SPECIAL MOVES Electricity Using the comrol press any punch button repeatedly. Yhe Hew Challengers; cont Using the vore‘ol pad, press = and hold it ‘for 2 second’ Pen simulianevusly press » ‘an push any puch ution Vertical Rolling Attack ‘sing the comirol press ¥ Jor 2 seconds and then prass a and simultaneously press «and press any kick buon 2 Using the contol pad, press « ae hold it & “for seconds. Then simaltanccusly press = ‘and push any ck baton lhe Hew GEMS, eink GUILE Date of Birth: 12-23-1960 or 191 tbs Blood Type: 0 ‘An et-member ofan elite Special Forces team, Guile and his ‘co-plet Charlie Neve captured during & mission in Thain hx Yyearsago. After many months oF imprisonment, he and Charlie ‘managed to escape from ther junale prison. During the perilous trek to civilization, Charlie died and Guile has been consumed by vengeance ever since. SPECIAL MOVES sing te control pad press + and bold t for? seconds, Then simalcneoh press x ‘and push any puroh baton, The Hew ChAMERGERS; cont Fash Kick < it cabelas» ao = Sor 2 seconds. Then simultaneously press i Ps ‘and push any Kick baton vimuiane ously, The Hew Challengers, ee KEN Date of Beth: 2-14-1965 510 169 Ibs. Blood Type: B A disciple ofthe Shovokan school of Karate, Ken is natural athe Unfortunately, Ken's natura fighting skill as fueled his giant ego an he is constanily reminding his opponens that e is the preatest, fighler of alltime, Over the past few years Kon has let hie sills deteriorate and has spent mest of his time on the beach with his friend. Only a challenze from his old taining partner, Ry, ‘as rekindled his fighting spirit and caused him to uy and perfec his Dragon Purieh and Hurricane bi SPECIAL MOVES Fireball ‘, {sing che control pat press y3* tone \ ‘continuous motion and press ery punch luton. Make sure yon press the porch ‘raton as yeu reach the end of the ‘coniral pad motion. The Hew ChatlengerS, cont Dragon Punch Using the vont pa, press w ys in one ‘ution Make ure sou press the punch ution a you reach he end af the control pad matien, (you use the HARD punch burton when doing the Draxon Punch, Ken will do the FLAMING Dragon Panel! Hurricane Kick Using the contrel ped, presey-« 1h one antimeus motion cd press any Hck - = button. Make sure you press the kick 2 Duman as you reac che end of te control pad mation. To do the Hurricane Kickin midair. jump into the ar and then Guickly do the move as described above ‘continuous mosion and press any’ pure Yéie Hew ChAlMlenGerh; cont CHUN LE © Date of Birth: 3.1-1968, 8° (She won't tell) Blood Type: A Unlike any of the piter contestas, Chun Litas not entered ‘he tournament for persoral glory. Instead, she has been secrelly tracking the movements of an iniernatioral smupzling bperatinn Know as Shadovslan. "he tail has Jaad her tothe tournament and she now believes that ate ofthe Grand Masters may have been responsible forthe death of hor father: SPECIAL MOVES Lightning Wek Using the control press any kick burton repeatedly The Hew ChAWENGERS, cant Whiclwind Kick oe sing the control pad, press y and hold ‘ for! second Then simudianevusly press 4 te ‘an psh any Kick bution. sc To do a high Whislsind Kick, press ¥ and, old itfor I second. Then press « cand ‘push any bck hoaion, Toning is eiieal ‘chen doing chis move! ‘Kioken (Fireball) © on pithy prc aston The Hew ChatlenGers; cant go) 7ANctEr Date o Birth: 621-1986 Yaak? Welt: 256th ieed typel = A (hod autre, will a great cnscof humor, Zangief lores to fight Hole the Russian Wresig Federation because ofthe lak of competition and ow seeks stab cpporenss whecever he ean find her. Totaly etl, angles more than willing tp walk HU a punch as ang ashe cap grb Is pponen! ene deve temo pavement wih hk Spinning Pale Drive. ‘Wht else would you espect fom amin who wets hears for fun? SPECIAL MOVES Spinning Clothesline Using the control pul press any obo ich ‘usrons sinuiteneousty, {ising the control pad press any wo kick Iutions siruitanconehy lhe Hew CRAMERGERS, cant Spinning Pile Driver = Pres fe conto! poli 6D degree rorton cand pres any parc baton, Make sare you rescthe pow baton as you reach he end of the convo ped men The 300 degree rota ion the control pad rast be done x2) guickiyer Zongief wll nt do the move. Press the coro pad 30 degree ronan ‘ana press any tick ution. Mae sure you press the Hk bute as yu reach the endo hee trol pad motion, The 30 degree rotor on the contro pad must be dont vers quickly or angie wil ct. do the move Pros te contol pad tna 360 degree raion ‘nu press any parc baton, Moke sure wu _presthe punch baron os yo reach the end ‘ofthe contro pad motion The 300 degree ‘roition onthe como pad must be done very ‘quicly or Zangief will nor do he move: Thismeve cur only be done when ange far ava fon Ns oppenont The Hew CRAMENGERS, cont DHALSIM Date of Birth: 11-22-1952 Height: sy Weights U7 is, Blood Type: O- Nationality: Indian Fighting Style: Yoga (Over the eourse of his life, Dhslsioy has sought 1 wail his mind, body avid soul tough the diseiptine of Yora. Now. as he nears his ‘goal Dhalsim muses himself and Skil before he ea ese «@ 4 higher stae of consciousness, SPECIAL MOVES ‘Youa Fire Using she comol pal press wae ix one ‘continuous motion and press any punch futon. Make sure yaw press the punch ‘buiton as yom reach ihe end of the ‘ontrol pad mtion oe The Hew ERBAMERGERE, cont Vora Flame: sip cig eter gree vero e" hb nts nin edn OO cen uae cotyanprentactaucn eee So oe ‘Youa Teleport sine the control pau, press 9% or = VS none continuous marlon ane press all Shree punch butions or al three kick Iurtons: Moke sure jou press the buen r «as you reach the end ofthe control pod motion The Hew ChAMENGENS, cont BALROG Date of Hicth: 9-4-1968 Height ost Weight: 252 Ibs. Blood Type: A A former beayy weight champion: Balrog was bared from professionel boxing after he igapred the rues ofthe sing, Wild and aggressive, Baliog now makes a living ay an enforcer for ‘Shadowlavr. Once thought to he somewhat weak in his fighting iit, Balrog bas lead some neW moves to keep him cn top SPECIAL MOVES: Turn Punch Using the control pad. press and hold aft ich buttons or all Kick buttons for2 seconds and then release, The lew CHATENGEMS cnt Shoulder Butt Dash Pach At Using the control pad, press and old alt tree pach button or all ree Kick bu: tans Then release. The power ofthe punch Isdetermined hy how long the bustons are Invi before releasing Using the wntrol pad, pres ¥ for2 seconds and then press na sinultane- ‘ovsly pressany punch bution Using the control pad. press and hold t for 2 secends. Then simultaneously press» lad push cows punch o7 Rick button Punch buttons will cause a straight punch and: ick Buttons will cause aa uppercut punch The Hew Challenger’ con os VEGA Date of Birth: 1-27-1967 Height: ow Weight: 208 hs. Blood Type: 0 Sy (Of noble blood, Vege has successfully blended the Japanese art Do Ninjtsu with the skills he leaned as 2 matador. The result 2 beautifu) and deadly ballet which has earned Vega the nickle fae “Spanish Ninja." Vain and egotistical, Yega lives hy the philosophy that beauty is strength and uses a mask o prevent Nis heutifl fae From hecoming seared in hale SPECIAL MOVES: Claw Dive. Using the consrotpad, aress:¥ and hoi ‘tor 2 seconds, Then simultancenes'y ‘press x and push any kick button. Wile ws in mid-of push the control pad ‘toward your apponens and press ‘ny pc But the Hew. ChAMENGERS, cant ‘Wall Leap * Using ie control pu, press. ¥ and hold x ‘for 2 seconds, Then simultaneously press & cal ‘and push cay bck button. While in mid-air igh the conrol ped up ard press any fh uch button Claw Ratt = sine the control pul, press = und hoi ‘for 2 seconds. Then strultaneousty press» Pp ‘and push any punch buston Clay Theist Using the controtpaad. press ¥ for els Eats ant inenen a ‘Simultaneous press any punch burton. Back Flip Press all tree punch buttons simultaneousty for a double back fi. ress ol sree kick butions sinlianeously for a single back fl. tie He Yhe Hew he pene one CHAMERGERS; cont @ ; i SAGAT Tiger Knee w Using the contcel pad pieos 1. intone Date of Birth: 7-2-1055 Continuous moron aid press ay hick Height: Ta ition Make sre sou press the te Weight: 283 Ibs Auton a yn reach the end of the Uh main 0 abrlpal ten Once called “King ofthe Suet Fighters", Sagat reigned supreme Unt het nao detest at the hands of Ky, Humbe at is Loss, he now plans to regan te ttle at ay cost With the excepion of ‘Tiger Shot M, Bison, no ater fight comes closet his overall fighting ability, ey a ‘continous moxion and press any punch ‘or kick baton. Using a Punch Button ‘wil shrow a high Tiger Shot, while pres: ing a kick buton will row a low Tiger Shot Mae sure you press the punch Tatton as you reach the end of the Using the control par, press =» in one Ton ee hon. ‘comimuous motion and press any punch button. Make sure you press the puch burton as you reuch the end of the ‘ania pad ition SP CIAL MOVES ‘Tiger Uppercut The: Hew. Challengers, cant M. BISON Date of Birth: Unknown sr 254 Ibs. A te Never has a man been more cloaked in seerey that M. Bison, Ever ‘Since he emerged to lead the international criminal organization ‘Shadlowtay the world has been awed by he incredible power a his ‘command, Unmatched in his power and agility, M. Bison reigns supreme as ihe greatest Street Fighter inthe world SPECIAL MOVES Poyeho Crusher = tising the control pad press ard helt Se FerZ cw. Then rane pres poe and push any punch baton Ye Hew Challenger, cont ‘Scissor Kick Flying Psyeho Fist Using the coniol pad, press = ara hold ‘for? seconds. Then iraalcaneously press = ‘and push any bck baton Using she control paa, press ¥ and hold itfor 2 seconds. Then simulianeously ress & and push any tick bution. After executing the stomp, press the control pad towards your opponent ana press ‘any punch button Using the controtpad, press ¥ for 2 seconds ard then press 4 and sinultane- ‘ously press any punch button. Warranty AFCOM USA, ro Ceapon) marine sora erunar ati opm ‘513 sys tam Steet pres alot evra by sway aor Isidore te Sent mp mtr 1 Roving conse See pao pot aig ware ‘ent yen noe Sto, Gu Consors Soves Depa Noon Sommafat Soorin tose tne Money Roop oes [Meat wes ma nolo tne he pe yom Nl sexs yu waren Rarer note! 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