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Organic Geochemistry 35 (2004) 1039–1052

Organic geochemistry and organic petrology of a

potential source rock of early Eocene age in the
Beaufort–Mackenzie Basin
L.R. Snowdon *, L.D. Stasiuk, R. Robinson, J. Dixon, J. Dietrich, D.H. McNeil
Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology, Geological Survey of Canada, 3303-33 Street N.W Calgary, AB, Canada T2L 2A7

Received 6 December 2003; accepted 26 April 2004

(returned to author for revision 2 February 2004)
Available online 20 July 2004


The biological marker compounds 17a(H) and 17b(H), 23,28-bisnorlupane have been identified in a coaly interval at
about 3300–3320 m depth within the lower Taglu Sequence (early Eocene) in the Immiugak A-06 well in the Beaufort–
Mackenzie Basin. These biomarkers were previously only known to occur in the lower part of the Richards Formation
and were thus used to infer that the Richards was the source for most of the Tertiary oils and condensates in the basin.
The discovery of bisnorlupanes in older, much more organic-rich rocks indicates that the previous oil–source rock
correlations may not have been correct and that the coals in the lower Taglu Sequence are likely the dominant effective
source rock, especially for the Paleocene and early Eocene reservoirs in the southern part of the Mackenzie Delta.
Petrographic and Rock–Eval analyses indicate that the lower Taglu Sequence coaly section should be mainly a source
for gas, but with some potential to expel liquids. The level of thermal maturity inferred from Rock–Eval Tmax (432–438
°C, equivalent to about 0.65–0.75% Ro vitrinite) is slightly higher than that inferred from the measured reflectance,
fluorescence and foraminiferal colouration index which all indicate that the maturity at 3300 m is about 0.60–0.65% Ro
vitrinite equivalent at the Gulf et al. Immiugak A-06 well site.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction character of Tertiary potential source rocks as a func-

tion of depositional environment and compared and
Many previous organic geochemistry studies in the contrasted those results with similar data from various
Beaufort–Mackenzie Basin (BMB) have considered crude oil samples. Lane and Jackson (1980) used
source rock–oil systems. Initial studies by Burns et al. chemical data and geological arguments to determine
(1975), Powell and Snowdon (1975), Snowdon and that two source rocks, one Cretaceous (Smoking Hills/
Powell (1979) focussed on various chemical properties of Boundary Creek formations) and one Tertiary gave rise
crude oil samples and using these properties to assign to two groups of hydrocarbons. The Cretaceous system
the oils into various categories including biodegraded was confirmed and additional details on Tertiary source
versus non-biodegraded and different genetic groups or rocks and reservoirs were provided in a series of publi-
families. Snowdon (1978) investigated the chemical cations based on work done by the Geological Survey of
Canada largely in the late 1970s and early 1980s (Gun-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-403-292-7035/+1-403-284- ther, 1976a,b; Snowdon, 1980a,b, 1984, 1987, 1988,
3500; fax: +1-403-292-5377. 1990a,b, 1991; Snowdon and Powell, 1982; Powell et al.,
E-mail addresses:, snowdon_re- 1982; Dixon et al., 1985, 1992; Brooks, 1986a,b, Dietrich (L.R. Snowdon). et al., 1989a,b; Issler and Snowdon, 1990). A summary

0146-6380/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1040 L.R. Snowdon et al. / Organic Geochemistry 35 (2004) 1039–1052

of this work was published in a Geological Atlas of the Richards Sequence, see Fig. 2), specifically in the Unark
Beaufort–Mackenzie Area (Dixon, 1996). L-24 well (Fig. 1), was used by Brooks to make an oil–
The discoveries at Parsons/Siku/Kamik (Fig. 1) were source correlation with this unit. This correlation
considered by Langhus (1980) to belong to a separate seemed to be very strong because of the high concen-
source rock–oil system derived from the Jurassic Husky tration of the bisnorlupane compounds despite the ra-
Formation. Although limited data were presented to ther poor source potential displayed by most of the
support this interpretation, very little, if any, additional samples in the Richards Formation (Snowdon, 1984).
work has been published on these deposits. Subsequent work by Curiale (1991) confirmed the
Two papers by Brooks (1986a,b) allowed for the presence of bisnorlupanes in a number of oils. However,
identification of two different source rock–oil systems in he also noted that a number of oils in the south-central
the Tertiary. One of these was represented by oils from part of the delta, in Moose Channel and Reindeer se-
the Adlartok P-09 discovery well in the offshore in the quence reservoirs (Niglintgak and Kumak discoveries)
western part of the Delta (Fig. 1), while the other Ter- had strong affinities with the Adlartok oil and he con-
tiary oils were interpreted to have been derived from a cluded that these oils were probably derived at least in
portion of the Eocene Richards Formation. This oil– part from a Paleocene source.
source rock correlation was based on the presence of key During the ongoing research efforts designed to refine
biomarker compounds used to differentiate sources of our knowledge of the western part of the Mackenzie
the western Delta area from other Tertiary discoveries. Delta, routine analysis and characterization of petro-
The presence of 23,28-bisnorlupane in relatively high leum source potential has been carried out using Rock–
concentrations in the lower portion of the Eocene Eval/TOC pyrolysis. These new data indicated the
Richards Formation (approximately equivalent to the presence of an organic rich zone at 3300 m (TOC up to

1420 128

1410 129

1380 1350 132


Beaufort Sea 710

Gas well
Oil well
Oil and gas well
Dry and abandoned

700 700

Adlartok P-09 Unark L-24

Immiugak A-06
ry to

Yukon Terri


690 690

Yukon Territory

680 680

0 0
141 129


Fig. 1. Map of the Beaufort–Mackenzie Basin showing location of the Immiugak A-06 well along with other borehole locations.
L.R. Snowdon et al. / Organic Geochemistry 35 (2004) 1039–1052 1041

TOC- and coal-enriched intervals were recognized vi-

AGE (Basin-wide) (Delta only)
sually and by Rock–Eval analysis between 3240 and
3350 m (Table 1). On petrophysical logs, the coals show

Holo. Recent
Shallow Bay up as low velocity, high resistivity units up to a few
Herschel Is
Pleist. meters thick about 1600 m below the well defined base
Mio. Plio.

Late Early Late E M Late E L

Iperk of the Eocene Richards Sequence which occurs at 1683

m. Initial interpretation based on petrophysical logs
Akpak and seismic profiles indicated that the TOC-rich units
Mackenzie Bay Mackenzie Bay occur within either the Aklak or the Taglu sequences.
Subsequent biostratigraphic analysis using benthic fo-

Kugmallit raminifera data indicated that the TOC-rich unit occurs


within the Taglu Sequence and is likely of Early Eocene

age. This was based on the occurrence of Early Eocene
Richards Richards benthic foraminifera immediately underlying the coaly

unit. The benthic foraminifera occur from 3300 m to


Taglu the well’s total depth at 3800 m. The most distinctive

Reindeer species in the assemblage is Caronia gallagheri McNeil
Early Late Early

Aklak which has been documented previously in the Taglu

Aklak Sequence in the Natsek E-56 and Natiak O-44 wells

Moose Ministicoog Mbr (McNeil, 1989, 1997). At the Natsek E-56 location,
Channel C. gallagheri ( ¼ Verneuilina sp. 2700 of McNeil, in
Fish River
Tent Island Dietrich et al., 1989a,b) occurs in Early Eocene marine
Maast. strata of the lower Taglu Sequence directly and un-

Mason R.
Camp. conformably overlying Late Paleocene to earliest Early
Smoking Smoking
Sant. Hills Hills Eocene coaly strata of the Aklak Sequence (Dietrich
Con. et al., 1989a). C. gallagheri also occurs in the Natiak
Turon. Boundary Boundary O-44 well (McNeil, 1997) from 3265 to 3412 m, above
Creek Creek coaly strata of the Aklak Sequence and below possible
turbidite sands of the Taglu Sequence. To the southeast
Fig. 2. Stratigraphic chart showing both formation and se- of Immiugak A-06, the C. gallagheri biozone also oc-
quence names for the Beaufort–Mackenzie area. curs in the Adgo F-28 well from 2652 to 2743 m, below
coaly strata of the Taglu Sequence (McNeil, unpub-
16%) in the Immiugak A-06 well (Fig. 1) with results lished data).
somewhat different from those previously measured us- Biostratigraphic evidence consistently indicates that
ing older instrumentation. More detailed analyses were the C. gallagheri biozone and the bisnorlupane bio-
carried out in order to investigate this unit as a potential marker unit at Immiugak A-06 occur in the Early Eo-
source for the Adlartok discovery and possibly other cene lower Taglu Sequence. It should be noted that the
discoveries (Niglintgak, Kumak, Taglu) in lower Ter- geochemically unique oils (lacking bisnorlupane bio-
tiary reservoirs. Seismic correlation and petrophysical markers) from Adlartok P-09 occur in the Aklak Se-
log character indicate that these Immiugak A-06 sam- quence, dated biostratigraphically as Middle to Late
ples represent thick coal deposits below the Eocene Paleocene by association with the widespread benthic
Richards Sequence. Identification of such a source rock foraminiferal Reticulophragmium boreale Zone.
would result in a reduction of exploration risk through In addition to the biostratigraphic analysis, aggluti-
the development of improved models of the oil–source nated benthic foraminifera in the Immiugak A-06
rock systems, particularly in the south and western borehole were analyzed as indices of thermal maturity
portions of the Mackenzie Delta where the post- following the FCI (Foraminiferal Colouration Index)
Paleocene cover is thinner than in the central and east- technique outlined by McNeil et al. (1996). McNeil et al.
ern parts of the Delta. (1996) found that colouration in the organic cement of
agglutinated foraminifera changed progressively with
increasing temperature in Beaufort Sea boreholes. At
2. Methods and analytical results 3467 m in the Immiugak A-06 borehole, FCI is 6.6. At
present, there are insufficient experimental and empirical
2.1. Samples, stratigraphy, and biostratigraphy data to categorically correlate FCI with %VRo, but if
the FCI and %VRo data from Amauligak J-44 (McNeil
Drill cuttings from depths of 3000–3500 m from the et al., 1996) are used for general comparison, then FCI
Immiugak A-06 borehole (Fig. 1) were analyzed and 6.6 corresponds 0.6–0.65% vitrinite reflectance.
1042 L.R. Snowdon et al. / Organic Geochemistry 35 (2004) 1039–1052

Table 1
Rock–Eval/TOC data for Immiugak A-06 drill cuttings over the interval from 3000 through 3500 m generated using a Rock–Eval 6
(maximum oxidation temperature of 800 °C) and older data generated using a Rock–Eval II/TOC (maximum oxidation temperature of
600 °C)
Depth Qty Tmax S1 (mg HC/ S2 (mg HC/ S3 (mg CO2 / PI (S1/ TOC HI (mg HC/ OI (mg CO2 /g
(m) (mg) (°C) g rock) g rock) g rock) (S1+S2)) (%) g TOC) TOC)
Rock–Eval 6 analyses with oxidation to 800 °C
3000 20.0 433 0.15 0.68 4.95 0.18 1.18 58 419
3020 20.4 431 0.08 0.38 2.66 0.17 0.71 55 375
3040 20.0 429 0.09 0.59 1.33 0.11 0.85 89 156
3060 20.1 429 0.13 0.72 1.85 0.15 1.19 61 155
3080 20.1 430 0.16 0.69 1.78 0.19 1.12 62 159
3100 20.2 431 0.19 0.63 3.23 0.23 1.07 59 302
3120 20.2 428 0.16 0.67 1.60 0.20 1.18 57 136
3140 20.9 430 0.19 0.94 1.77 0.15 1.25 86 142
3160 20.5 425 0.14 0.62 1.54 0.15 0.91 89 169
3180 20.4 431 0.15 0.66 2.33 0.18 1.05 65 222
3200 20.8 431 0.11 0.70 2.22 0.14 1.18 59 188
3220 20.4 425 0.13 0.68 1.92 0.15 1.00 75 192
3240 20.3 429 0.61 6.51 2.30 0.09 5.34 123 43
3260 20.0 428 0.78 8.28 2.47 0.09 6.05 138 41
3280 20.1 429 0.70 5.04 4.96 0.12 4.70 108 106
3300 20.3 422 4.24 35.95 4.61 0.10 24.23 150 19
3310 20.2 419 4.62 50.35 2.33 0.08 21.31 238 11
3320 20.5 418 3.78 38.13 4.05 0.09 19.00 202 21
3340 20.5 428 1.18 8.19 3.34 0.13 6.16 134 54
3360 20.2 433 0.32 1.62 3.35 0.16 2.07 81 162
3380 20.5 436 0.44 2.23 3.22 0.16 2.49 92 129
3400 20.8 432 0.31 1.68 3.69 0.16 1.88 91 196
3420 20.4 436 0.18 0.88 1.62 0.17 1.26 71 129
3440 20.4 434 0.16 0.76 1.91 0.17 1.25 62 153
3460 20.7 425 0.14 0.66 1.84 0.16 0.85 84 216
3480 20.3 436 0.13 0.66 1.38 0.16 1.27 52 109
3500 20.8 436 0.14 0.74 2.32 0.16 1.26 59 184
Rock–Eval II analyses with oxidation to 600 °C
3000 – 437 0.18 0.66 3.83 0.21 1.14 57 335
3010 432 0.18 0.69 2.34 0.21 1.16 59 201
3020 553 0.09 0.76 2.56 0.11 0.57 133 449
3030 433 0.12 0.57 1.75 0.17 1.00 57 175
3040 575 0.12 1.20 1.53 0.09 0.73 164 209
3050 432 0.15 0.47 2.31 0.24 0.96 48 240
3060 433 0.18 0.85 2.28 0.17 1.15 73 198
3070 435 0.20 0.88 2.01 0.19 1.16 75 173
3080 441 0.18 0.88 1.74 0.17 1.12 78 155
3090 435 0.18 0.69 1.83 0.21 1.13 61 161
3100 438 0.21 0.63 2.67 0.25 0.98 64 272
3110 438 0.15 0.71 1.23 0.17 1.08 65 113
3120 435 0.20 0.74 1.78 0.21 1.13 65 157
3130 437 0.24 1.30 1.36 0.16 1.51 86 90
3140 432 0.23 1.66 1.65 0.12 1.26 131 130
3150 573 0.27 1.68 1.46 0.14 1.10 152 132
3160 585 0.22 1.43 1.53 0.13 0.95 150 161
3170 434 0.22 1.82 1.61 0.11 1.35 134 119
3180 436 0.21 0.79 1.97 0.21 1.09 72 180
3190 437 0.16 0.65 2.27 0.20 1.00 65 227
3200 434 0.16 1.05 1.95 0.13 1.18 88 165
3210 432 0.18 0.95 2.34 0.16 0.93 102 251
3220 431 0.22 1.24 1.87 0.15 1.03 120 181
3230 435 0.34 2.66 1.99 0.11 2.22 119 89
3240 432 0.81 9.58 2.09 0.08 5.64 169 37
L.R. Snowdon et al. / Organic Geochemistry 35 (2004) 1039–1052 1043

Table 1 (continued)
Depth Qty Tmax S1 (mg HC/ S2 (mg HC/ S3 (mg CO2 / PI (S1/ TOC HI (mg HC/ OI (mg CO2 /g
(m) (mg) (°C) g rock) g rock) g rock) (S1+S2)) (%) g TOC) TOC)
3250 429 0.90 11.65 1.7 0.07 6.22 187 27
3260 428 0.97 11.28 1.91 0.08 6.25 180 30
3270 433 0.36 2.66 2.18 0.12 2.51 105 86
3280 435 0.73 4.74 3.7 0.13 4.24 111 87
3290 431 0.73 6.91 2.08 0.10 4.53 152 45
3300 428 5.06 48.03 4 0.10 14.92 321 26
3310 422 5.30 59.02 1.62 0.08 12.96 455 12
3320 421 4.72 49.24 2.91 0.09 16.13 305 18
3330 429 1.64 13.95 2.01 0.11 7.24 192 27
3340 430 1.47 12.70 2.7 0.10 6.89 184 39
3350 433 1.00 5.69 2.7 0.15 3.46 164 78
3360 433 0.39 2.10 2.07 0.16 2.09 100 99
3370 436 0.40 2.29 1.88 0.15 2.38 96 78
3380 437 0.48 2.40 2.12 0.17 2.38 100 89
3390 433 0.47 2.62 1.51 0.15 2.49 105 60
3400 437 0.39 1.93 2.43 0.17 1.85 104 131
3410 438 0.29 1.27 2.09 0.19 1.40 90 149
3420 438 0.22 0.79 1.36 0.22 1.15 68 118
3430 436 0.33 1.04 1.99 0.24 1.46 71 136
3440 439 0.21 1.09 1.66 0.16 1.25 87 132
3450 439 0.18 1.14 1.22 0.14 1.36 83 89
3460 521 0.21 1.20 1.93 0.15 0.72 166 268
3470 565 0.20 1.23 1.72 0.14 1.05 117 163
3480 438 0.27 1.23 1.57 0.18 1.40 87 112
3490 437 0.18 1.19 1.99 0.13 1.33 89 149
3500 439 0.16 0.83 2.03 0.16 1.23 67 165
A sample weight of 100  2 mg was used for all samples but these sample weights were not preserved with the archived data.

2.2. Organic geochemistry enes; Table 2) using open column chromatography and a
series of elution solvents of increasing polarity.
Rock–Eval/TOC analyses were carried out on 100 Subsequent analysis of the hydrocarbon fractions
mg aliquots of washed cuttings samples on a 10 m was done using gas chromatography (GC); (Fig. 3) and
spacing from the Immiugak A-06 well (Table 1, lower GC-selected ion mass spectrometry (GC–MS, Fig. 4).
section). The original analyses had been carried out us- Additional analyses of the saturated hydrocarbon frac-
ing a Rock–Eval II/TOC instrument in which the sample tion were carried out using GC-full scan mass spec-
is pyrolyzed to 600 °C and then oxidized at the same trometry to try to identify the unusual, high intensity
temperature of 600 °C. Analyses of a few of the high peaks in both the gas chromatograms (Fig. 3) and the
TOC samples using a newly acquired Rock–Eval 6 in- mass chromatograms (Fig. 4). This technique collects a
strument in which the oxidation oven was programmed full mass spectrum (Fig. 5) at a rate of about one per
to ramp temperature between 400 and 800 °C yielded second through the GC run and thus provides complete
higher TOC estimates. However, the continuous CO2 electron impact fragmentation data for each of the GC
and CO traces available from this instrument indicated peaks. GC analysis was carried out using a Varian 3400
that the oxidation was still not complete even at the high GC equipped with a DB-1 column (30 m  0.25 mm ID)
temperature. A re-analysis of smaller samples (about 20 with a 0.25 lm coating thickness. GC–MS analyses were
mg) with the same oxidation temperature maximum of done on a Micromass Autospec mass spectrometer
800 °C yielded even higher TOC contents (Table 1, up- coupled to a HP 6890 GC equipped with a DB-5MS
per section). For all the Rock–Eval analyses, the S2 column (30 m  0.32 mm ID) with a 0.25 lm coating.
pyrolysis response was essentially similar.
Selected samples with high TOC contents and high 2.3. Organic petrology
HI values were extracted using a Soxhlet extractor and
azeotropic solvent system (chloroform:methanol, 87:13). Further characterization of the lower part of the
The extracted bitumen was fractionated into saturates, Taglu Sequence was carried out on four samples (3240,
aromatics and polar compounds (NSOs and asphalt- 3300, 3310 and 3320 m) using organic petrographic
1044 L.R. Snowdon et al. / Organic Geochemistry 35 (2004) 1039–1052

Table 2
Soxhlet extract and column chromatography fractionation data for selected samples of drill cuttings for Immiugak A-06
Depth (m) TOC (%) Extract yield (mg/g TOC) Hydrocarbon yield (mg/g TOC) HC (%) Sat/arom pr/ph
3240 12.19 52.2 11.8 22.6 0.56 3.8
3300 31.47 123.7 21.7 17.5 0.26 7.7
3310 21.43 85.1 19.2 22.6 0.20 6.4
3320 16.60 121.0 40.9 33.8 0.27 4.3
‘‘Yield’’ parameters are normalized to TOC. Sat/arom is the ratio of saturated/aromatic hydrocarbons. pr/ph is the peak area ratio
of pristane/phytane.

#X09407 Immiugak A-06 3240m #X09406 Immiugak A-06 3310m

C 21
C 23

C 25
C 27

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65

#X09405 Immiugak A-06 3300m #X09404 Immiugak A-06 3320m


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Retention time (minutes) Retention time (minutes)

Fig. 3. GC traces of saturate fraction of extracts. The large peak eluting near n-C29 at about 38 min is interpreted to be 17b(H)-23,28-
bisnorlupane on the basis of its chromatographic elution time and mass spectrum (Fig. 5). Additional peaks eluting near n-C19 to n-C20
have been identified as tricyclic diterpanes derived from plant resins.

techniques in order to help identify the organic matter A Zeiss Axioplan II microscope equipped with white
type, thermal maturity and probable depositional envi- and UV light sources, AxioVision camera-image capture
ronment of the coal-enriched units. Samples were pre- system, photometer and grating monochromator was
pared for incident light microscopy by hand-picking and used for imaging and fluorescence microspectrometry of
then placing coaly cuttings particles (5–10 mm diam- liptinite and hydrocarbon fluid inclusions (hcfi) in the
eter) into a 2.5 cm diameter Teflon mold (3 cm deep) and samples. An epiplan-neofluor 40x water immersion ob-
impregnating with epoxy. After hardening, the sample jective (NA ¼ 0.95), ultraviolet G 365 nm excitation fil-
was ground using carborundum grits of decreasing ter, 395 nm beam splitter and 420 nm barrier filter (HBO
coarseness, and then finally polished using slurries of 100 W Hg UV-light source) was used. Zeiss Lambda
alumina (0.3 lm and then 0.05 lm) and isopropyl Scan software was used to record, correct and average
alcohol. spectra. A black body curve was used to correct spectra
L.R. Snowdon et al. / Organic Geochemistry 35 (2004) 1039–1052 1045

X09407 Immiugak A-06 3240m X09407 Immiugak A-06 3240m X09407 Immiugak A-06 3240m
Detector Response

m/z = 177 m/z = 191 m/z = 217

X09406 Immiugak A-06 3310m X09406 Immiugak A-06 3310m X09406 Immiugak A-06 3310m
Detector Response

m/z = 177 m/z = 191 m/z = 217

Retention time Retention time Retention time

Fig. 4. Selected ion monitoring mass chromatograms of saturated hydrocarbon fraction of extracts showing distributions of terpanes
(m=z ¼ 177 and 191) and steranes (m=z ¼ 217). The tricyclic diterpane peaks are the early eluting compounds visible in the m=z ¼ 191
trace and the large peak near the centre of the trace is 17b(H), 23,28-bisnorlupane (peak D). Mass spectra of lettered peaks are shown
in Fig. 5.

for background (i.e., spectral characteristics of the light This analytical error in the denominator of the HI pa-
source, optical imaging system, photomultiplier and rameter leads to estimates of HI that are too high. When
monochromator). A standard tungsten lamp (3100 K) the Rock–Eval 6 instrument was operated to 650 °C
was used as a reference radiator during background (both for pyrolysis and oxidation stages), the estimated
correction. The system was standardized with fluoresc- TOC contents were higher than for those of the
ing Plexiglas standards (kmax ¼ 504, 580 and 604 nm). Rock–Eval II/TOC machine. However, the Rock–Eval 6
Photochemical alteration of the ‘‘well-sealed’’ hcfi did instrument provides a continuous trace of the concen-
not occur during spectral scanning. Two spectral pa- trations of CO and CO2 and it was apparent that when
rameters best characterize the fluorescence properties of the ballistic cool down of the oxidation oven began, the
liptinite macerals and hcfi: (i) Lambda max evolution of CO2 , and hence the oxidation, was not
(kmax ¼ wavelength of maximum emission intensity in complete. A subsequent analysis of a smaller aliquot
nm) and (ii) R=G quotient (Q ¼ intensity650 nm /intensi- (20 mg rather than 100 mg) of sample with the oxi-
ty500 nm ). A Leitz MPV II microscope with white and UV dation temperature extended to 800 °C yielded signifi-
light sources was used for evaluating per cent reflectance cantly higher TOC contents and commensurately lower
in oil (% Ro) of vitrinite and for point count maceral HI values (Table 1). These last TOC estimates (up to
analysis. Glass standards (0.495%, 1.025% and 1.82% 24%) are considered to be correct because the CO and
Ro) were used for calibrating the microphotometric CO2 traces had returned to close to baseline before the
system. end of the oxidation step.
The Tmax values for Rock–Eval II and 6 are within the
same general thermal maturity range, although Tmax
3. Discussion values from the Rock–Eval 6 (418–436 °C) are slightly
lower than those noted in the initial Rock–Eval II/TOC
3.1. Organic geochemistry analysis (421–439 °C). Smaller sample sizes commonly
yield higher Tmax values in a Rock–Eval II instrument,
Different TOC and Hydrogen Index values were but this weight dependence is not observed in Rock–
produced by the Rock–Eval II (with TOC module) and Eval 6 instruments. The observed trend between the two
Rock Eval 6 pyrolysis systems. The initial Rock–Eval II/ machines is the reverse of that expected for different
TOC high Hydrogen Indices (>300 mg HC/g TOC) were weights on a Rock–Eval II, and thus the different Tmax
determined to be incorrect. The high HI values result ranges in the data from the two machines are not likely
from the incomplete oxidation of the coals at 600 °C. due to the differences in sample weight. A more likely
1046 L.R. Snowdon et al. / Organic Geochemistry 35 (2004) 1039–1052

100 100

(A) 90 (B)
aX09406 Im
miugak A-06 3310m X09406 Immiugak A-06 3310m
80 Scan 137 80 Scan 178

70 70
Detector Response

60 60

50 50
40 40

30 30

20 20
10 10 276
247 262
0 0
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320
100 100
(C) 177 (D)
90 X09406 Immiugak A-06 3310m 90 X09406 Immiugak A-06 3310m
Scan 641 Scan 652
80 80

70 70
Detector Response

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 192 20

10 369 10 369
341 341 385
0 0
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420
Mass Mass

Fig. 5. Background subtracted mass spectra of selected chromatographic peaks marked in Fig. 4. Note the – 29 ion (loss of ethyl side
chain) in A and – 43 (loss of isopropyl side chain) in B–D. Also note the intensity of m=z ¼ 177 and m=z ¼ 192 relative to m=z ¼ 191 in
C and D, both characteristic of lupanes.

source of error would simply be temperature calibration source potential. Note that the TOC contents reported
on one or both of the machines. Both data sets clearly in Tables 1 and 2 for a given depth are highly variable
show significant Tmax suppression (Snowdon, 1995) for and this reflects the heterogeneity among separate
the coal-rich samples (3240–3350 m) relative to the aliquots of the cuttings samples. That is, any given ali-
surrounding rocks (Table 1). The level of thermal ma- quot of material selected from the bulk sample may
turity may be inferred by interpolating the Tmax values contain highly variable proportions of coal particles
from the trend in the results from the intervals sur- relative to the sandstone, shale and siltstone particles
rounding the organic rich intervals. These data suggest that comprise the majority of the cuttings samples.
that the maturity at about 3300 m depth in the Immiu- The pristane/phytane ratios of 3.8–7.7 (Table 2,
gak A-06 well are about the equivalent of 0.7% vitrinite Fig. 3) are also consistent with marginal thermal matu-
reflectance. This level of maturity is slightly higher than rity for terrestrial organic matter, as is the predominance
that inferred from the actual measured vitrinite reflec- of odd/even carbon numbered normal alkanes over the
tance and from the fluorescence and the foraminiferal C21 –C29 range (Fig. 3).
colouration data discussed below. The mass chromatograms (Fig. 4) indicate the pres-
The carbon-normalized total solvent extract yield ence of significant amounts of tricyclic diterpanes in the
ranges from 52.2–123.7 mg extract/g TOC (Table 2). saturate fraction. These compounds have the C-ring
Hydrocarbons comprise about 18–34% of the total ex- alkyl group attached at the 13 position and are derived
tracts (11.8–40.9 mg HC/g TOC). The data for both of from plant resins. They are distinguished from the tri-
these parameters are consistent with marginal thermal cyclic terpanes (cheilanthanes) which range from C19 to
maturity. These values fall below the empirical ‘‘poten- C45 (Peters and Moldowan, 1993, p. 143) with the alkyl
tial source’’ limit of Powell (1978), with only the deepest group attached to the C-ring at the 14 position. Two C19
of the samples falling within the category of ‘‘marginal’’ and two C20 tricyclic diterpenoid hydrocarbons have
L.R. Snowdon et al. / Organic Geochemistry 35 (2004) 1039–1052 1047

been tentatively identified based upon comparison of oils does not provide any constraint on whether the
mass spectra and other published data (Livsey et al., source is the Richards Formation or older Eocene coals.
1984; Noble et al., 1986). The two C19 tricyclic terpanes Indeed, the attribution of significant source potential
are 4b(H), 19-norisopimarane (the largest peak in the to the Richards Formation has always been enigmatic in
mass chromatogram of m=z ¼ 177 for the sample from so far as the TOC content was lower than most source
3240 m) and fichtelite. Both have the molecular ion at rocks (typically about 1.5%, rarely more than 2%), and
m=z ¼ 262 indicating C19 tricyclic compounds and the stratigraphic position of this unit, above the Paleo-
m=z ¼ 109 from rupture of the B ring. Norisopimarane cene and earliest Eocene reservoirs in the southern
has a significant m=z ¼ 233 ion from the loss of an ethyl portion of the Delta area, added constraints to the
group, whilst fichtelite has m=z ¼ 219 from the loss of an generation and migration history of this basin. If,
isopropyl group. The two C20 tricyclic diterpenoids are however, the coals in the Immiugak A-06 well represent
thought to be pimarane (or isopimarane) and abietane. a significant source rock for many of the Tertiary dis-
Both have a m=z ¼ 276 molecular ion indicating C20 coveries, then the apparent discontinuity between the
tricyclic compounds, and a dominant ion at m=z ¼ 163 size and number of the oil and gas discoveries and the
ion from the rupture of the A ring. Pimarane has a marginal source rock quality of the Richards Formation
significant ion at m=z ¼ 247 ion from the loss of an ethyl is no longer an issue. Furthermore, Taglu and Aklak
group and abietane has an ion at m=z ¼ 233 from the sands act as reservoirs and thus migration should not be
loss of an isopropyl group. Other diterpenoids are as much of a limiting factor in the effectiveness of an
present, but are in insufficient quantities for identifica- Eocene-sourced petroleum system.
tion based on mass spectra. Because the organic matter content in the coals is
While the early eluting diterpane peak is also present very high and the level of thermal maturity for the lower
in significant amounts in samples from 3300 to 3320 m, Taglu Sequence would be expected to be somewhat
the m=z ¼ 177 mass chromatograms of these latter three higher than the Richards Formation by virtue of its
samples are dominated by a pair of peaks inferred to be lower stratigraphic position, the source potential for the
17a(H)- and 17b(H), 23,28-bisnorlupane (Figs. 4 and 5). coaly section in this unit must be considered as probably
This compound is also the largest peak in the saturate being much higher than that of the Richards Formation
fraction gas chromatograms (Fig. 3). Identification of which has typical TOC contents of about 1.5%. This is
the lupane compounds was similarly based on frag- especially true for the older Tertiary reservoir units in
mentation patterns (Fig. 5) and comparison with liter- the Reindeer and Moose Channel formations. The rel-
ature results (Rullk€otter et al., 1982; Brooks, 1986a,b; ative organic matter contents and maturity of lower
Curiale, 1991; Nytoft et al., 2002). Key fragments in- Taglu Sequence and Richards Formation also suggest
clude the ion at m=z ¼ 177 which is significantly higher that the former must now also be considered as a po-
than that at m=z ¼ 191 and the high abundence of the tential source for many of the Tertiary discoveries. The
ion m=z ¼ 192 relative to that of m=z ¼ 191. The oc- lower Taglu Sequence must also be considered as a po-
currence of very large concentrations of 23,28-bis- tential source for reservoirs in the Kugmallit Formation,
norlupanes in samples that are stratigraphically older, above the Richards Sequence, given that vertical
and structurally deeper, than the Richards Formation is migration has been documented in the Beaufort–
highly significant for the interpretation of the source Mackenzie Basin (Snowdon, 1988). Clearly, additional
rock-reservoir systems in the Beaufort–Mackenzie Ba- work will have to be done to determine whether the
sin. Previously, Brooks (1986a,b) inferred that the bisnorlupane-bearing lower Taglu Sequence and Rich-
Richards Formation (Eocene) was the most likely source ards Formation can be chemically differentiated.
for almost all of the Tertiary oil and gas discoveries in The picture is further complicated by the observa-
the basin because this rather unusual biomarker com- tions made on the Immiugak A-06 sample from 3240 m.
pound was present in many of the discoveries but was This sample, from only 60 m above the bisnorlupane
only observed over a restricted stratigraphic interval bearing coals, is also relatively organic rich (>5% TOC)
within the Richards Formation. Curiale (1991) also used and probably represents a ‘‘coaly’’ interval, that is, one
Brooks’s results to infer an Eocene source for the hy- in which the coaly material is dispersed or occurs in thin
drocarbons in the Kugmallit and Richards formations beds that are not well resolved by the petrophysical
and the presence of 28,30-bisnorhopane and/or oleanane logging tools. The cuttings samples analyzed in this
to indicate a Paleocene source for the crude oil in the study contain discrete coaly particles, but because of the
Reindeer and Moose Channel formations. The results mechanical mixing of rock material during drilling and
from the Immiugak A-06 well clearly demonstrate that recovery, any given sample of cuttings represents an
the same bisnorlupane compounds are also present in average of the rock material over some unknown ver-
high concentrations within at least one of the coaly in- tical interval. Regardless of this limitation, it is quite
tervals in the lower Taglu Sequence. It would now ap- clear that organic-rich, coaly intervals close to, but
pear that the presence or absence of bisnorlupanes in above, 3300 m in the Immiugak A-06 well do not
1048 L.R. Snowdon et al. / Organic Geochemistry 35 (2004) 1039–1052

contain significant amounts of the bisnorlupane com- Table 4

pounds. Thus it is possible that the character of the Petrographic maceral and mineral analysis for coal particles
biomarker patterns observed in any given petroleum only in cuttings samples from 3240 to 3300 m depth in Gulf et al.
sample may be controlled by precisely which coaly in- 3240 m 3300 m
terval was most effective in expelling hydrocarbons. Depth (%) Depth (%)
Thus far, the bisnorlupanes have only been observed Vitrinite group
within the lower Taglu Sequence for a single well and Vitrinite A – high fluorescence 5.4 8.0
over a restricted stratigraphic interval within that well. Vitrinite A – low fluorescence 32.8 39.8
Until a significant number of additional samples are Vitrinite B – high fluorescence 6.0 4.6
systematically investigated, no definitive interpretations Vitrinite B – low fluorescence 22.0 20.6
or conclusions regarding the real effectiveness of this
Inertinite group
and other potential Paleocene and early Eocene sources Inertinite 2.5 3.0
can be made.
Liptinite group
3.2. Organic petrology Sporinite 5.5 5.6
Resinite 5.0 5.3
Cutinite 2.3 2.5
The four coal-dominated drill cuttings samples from
Exsudatinite 1.5 1.0
3240, 3300, 3310 and 3320 m depth in the Immiugak A- Matrix bituminite 2.5 2.0
06 well contain similar maceral and mineral components
(Tables 3 and 4). High and low intensity fluorescing Mineral
telovitrinite is the dominant component in both samples Pyrite 13.5 5.6
Fe-oxides 1.0 2.0
(66–70%) (Fig. 6), whereas liptinites account for about
15% of the samples. The liptinites primarily consist of Immiugak A-06. Percentages are based on 200 and 300
sporinite, resinite and cutinite macerals (Fig. 6); however point counts, respectively.
minor quantities of exudatinite (i.e., solid bitumen) are
also present, mainly occurring within microfractures in
vitrinite (Fig. 6). One significant difference among the hibit mainly a yellow fluorescence and have kmax and Q
samples is that the 3310 m sample contains shale parti- values (Table 3) generally correlative with an API
cles that are enriched in lipto-detrinite and Botryococ- gravity of 30–35 (Stasiuk and Snowdon, 1997).
cus-like, degraded alginite, and this could account for The maceral assemblage (i.e., high in liptinite; highly
higher HI. Inertinite macerals are present in only very gelified fluorescing vitrinite, very low in inertinite) in the
minor quantities ( 6 3%). Mineral matter is relatively coals is characteristic of peat deposition under the in-
abundant in the coal and consists almost exclusively of fluence of a high water table, and in some cases also
pyrite (Fig. 6). Habits and forms of pyrite are variable marine-influenced coastal deposition (Taylor et al.,
include cryptocrystalline, framboidal, massive (including 1998). The abundance of early organic replacive, bio-
infilling microfractures in vitrinite), euhedral and re- genic framboids, and late euhedral to massive diagenetic
placive of organic matter. One and two phase hydro- sulfides in the coals is also consistent with a marine-
carbon fluid inclusions which occur in cements in fine- influenced peat palaeodepositional environment, or, at
grained sandstone cuttings (also enriched in terrestrial least the effects of dissolved sulfate (i.e., sea water/fluids)
organic matter) were noted in association with the coal from a marine transgression over the peat deposit
cuttings (Fig. 6). The crude oils in these inclusions ex- shortly after its formation.

Table 3
Optical analysis for cuttings from Immiugak A-06
Depth (m) Vitrinite % Ro kmax (nm) sporinite Q – sporinite kmax (nm) crude oil Q – crude oil
3300.0 0.53 (pop 1) 590 1.1 540 0.65
3300.0 0.61 (pop 2)
3310.0 0.51 (pop 1) 585 0.86 –
3310.0 0.59 (pop 2)
3320.0 0.52 (pop 1) 590 0.95 –
3320.0 0.59 (pop 2)
3240.0 0.53 (pop 1) 590 1.0 510 0.47
3240.0 0.61 (pop 2) – – –
Vitrinite % Ro values were measured on two populations (see text).
For explanation of fluorescence data (kmax and Q) for sporinite and crude oil inclusions see methodology and discussion in text.
L.R. Snowdon et al. / Organic Geochemistry 35 (2004) 1039–1052 1049

Fig. 6. Digital images of maceral (organic) and mineral components in coals from the Immiugak A-06 well at 3240 and 3300 m depth.
Image (a) was captured using a water immersion objective, plane polarized white incident light (ppl). Images (b)–(h) were taken under
water immersion, fluorescent light. (a) Highly gelified, sulphide-rich collovitrinite; ppl. (b) Fluorescing vitrinite showing exceptional
preservation of wood cellular structure possibly related to secondary cell wall thickening phenomenon. (c) Abundant resinite and
exsudatinite associated with telovitrinite and cutinite. (d) Massive resinite. (e) Sporinite-enriched detrovitrinite (old term desmocoll-
inite). (f) and (g) Cutinite-enriched vitrinite associated with fluorinite variety of resinite and fracture-filling exudatinite. (h) Fluorescing
crude oil inclusions in microfractures in sandstones associated with coal cuttings.
1050 L.R. Snowdon et al. / Organic Geochemistry 35 (2004) 1039–1052

The telovitrinite in the coals from the Immiugak A- that the resin macerals have been at least somewhat ef-
06 well is characterized by two distinct populations fective in generating liquid hydrocarbon compounds.
based on reflectance (% Ro) and relative fluorescence
intensity during UV exposure (qualitative observation).
The first population has a mean of 0.51–0.53% Ro 4. Conclusions
(Table 3) and relatively high fluorescence intensity. The
second has a higher mean % Ro of 0.59–0.61 (Table 3) Early Eocene coal-rich samples from 3300 to 3320 m
and distinctly lower fluorescence intensity. Fluorescence in the Immiugak A-06 well contain large amounts of the
microspectrometry of sporinite (including pollen) mac- biological markers 17a(H)- and 17b(H), 23,28-bisnorlu-
erals within the coals yields maximum emission wave- pane. These compounds were previously known only in
lengths and Q ratios of 585–590 nm and 0.86–1.1 nm, the lower part of the Eocene Richards Formation in this
respectively, are generally consistent with telovitrinite % basin and as such were considered to be a strong indicator
Ro values on the order of 0.60–0.65 (Ottenjann et al., correlating many of the Tertiary oils and condensates to a
1975; van Gijzel, 1981). Defining a thermal maturity/ Richards Formation source rock. The discovery of large
coalification level based on vitrinite reflectance alone for concentrations of bisnorlupanes within at least some of
coals characterized by highly variable telovitrinite re- the coals in the lower Taglu Sequence suggests that this
flectance with high vitrinite fluorescence, high resinite/ older unit may well be a contributing, or even dominant,
liptinite content and high sulfur contents is often mis- source of much of the Tertiary hydrocarbons in the
leading/problematic because the telovitrinite reflectance Beaufort–Mackenzie Basin.
is commonly suppressed (e.g., Hutton and Cook, 1980; From an analytical standpoint, it may also be con-
Wilkins et al., 1992), i.e., a lower level of thermal ma- cluded that great care must be taken when interpreting
turity is indicated. However, the level of thermal ma- high Hydrogen Index values in rocks rich in coal be-
turity inferred from both the measured vitrinite cause of the potential for incomplete oxidation of these
reflectance and fluorescence properties is consistent with samples in a Rock–Eval II/TOC instrument. Incomplete
that inferred by the foraminiferal colouration index oxidation in a Rock–Eval 6 instrument is easily detected
(FCI, McNeil et al., 1996) at about 0.6–0.65% vitrinite by the failure of the CO and CO2 traces to return to
reflectance. baseline before the start of the ballistic cooling of the
The overall geochemical and petrological observa- oxidation oven.
tions for the studied intervals of the Immiugak A-06 well A combination of the high liptinite content observed
suggest that they should have some potential for gen- during petrological point counting and Rock–Eval Hy-
erating and expelling liquid hydrocarbons despite being drogen Index values in excess of 200 mg HC/g TOC
coaly and hence primarily a source for gas. The liptinite indicate that the coal-rich interval studied in the Immi-
content of these coals is quite high (about 15%) and the ugak A-06 well would be expected to be dominantly a
vitrinite is generally fluorescent, indicating some liquid gas source but with the potential for the generation and
generation potential. Similarly, the Rock–Eval Hydro- expulsion of some liquid hydrocarbons.
gen Index parameter exceeds 200 mg HC/g TOC for two
out of seven samples within the coal seams at about 3300 Acknowledgements
m depth. These observations then lead to the prediction
that the potential source rocks studied would be ex- Superb technical assistance was provided by Sneh
pected to produce mainly gas by virtue of their high Achal, Marina Milovic, and Kim Dunn. Funding for this
content of terrestrial organic matter dominated by vitr- research was provided by Anadarko Petroleum, BPA-
inite, but they would also be expected to generate, and moco, Burlington Energy, Chevron-Texaco, Conoco-
probably to expel, some amount of liquid hydrocarbons Phillips, Devon Energy, EnCana, PetroCanada, and
as oil. If the gas to oil ratio were high enough for the gas Shell Canada. Critical reviews by Volker Dieckmann and
to accommodate all of the liquids, then, by definition Nigel Mills provided helpful comments to improve the
these liquids would be present in the form of condensate. manuscript and are gratefully acknowledged. This is
If the reactive portion of the liptinites at low levels of Geological Survey of Canada contribution 2003-181.
thermal stress were resins, the expected liquid product
would tend to be dominated by two and three ring sat- Associate Editor – Rolando di Primio
urated and aromatic compounds. The saturate fraction
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